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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1911)
Tin: BEE: OMAHA, BATURDAT. fAY 6. 1911. 1! ) GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Weather in Worthweit Promises to Be Ball Factor. ASH CORff GROWS STRONGER ;ed Advance Over Mmr Deliveries I Expected Shipper, la Omaha "art RK i.Im far the Ntiik, r. OMAHA. May 8. 1911.' .y.T. weather n ,h. ,., h-.n, ,h. t(ve i-V. " ,n ,n northwest In the ac !... nr ,n t st Hie moment. I! JI amounts to in apprehension only. ir.V, om'. ITever. It will likely 9 inr ;,v.;" n Increasingly bullish lac- ( h. "J!" th seeding hardiv completed In X ii, bu" ,h murket on drouth talk. 1 at I?.! T. ' ,n stronger position than 'I "ji, " 'on and Is exp-eted to 4 I v7" Im'?'""''..10." """d Premium over May de aood'i0n i'1: "x-1 hlppT repon trff . r.u,wl ami higher l.ut 's-ilertoday, bulla were In supreme con t h u ,he 'vance i well sustained. ' had a sharp advance, samples selling jfrjc higher. rtnand for corn la steady and ur-.i-' ' receipt, keep higher with a i?V 'Ipping demand decreasing stocks u?" "heat receipts wen 3.15.000 bu. "no shipments were jR,nno bu., against re- IVLEJ"" of J17'0"0 bu.,-and ship ments of 666.000 bu. Primary corn rerelpta were 426.000 bu. ni shipments were n.nm bu.. kgalnat re oP last year of 261,0n0 bu. and ship ments of 361.000 bu. Clears nces were 62.0O8 bu. of corn, 10 0") f' oats and wheat and folur equal to 11,000 bu. Liverpool cloned mfcid higher on wheat fcnd d higher on corn. The following caih sales were reported: W MEAT No. hard. 1 car. 1V; No. t rird 1 car. 91c; No. 1 hard. 1 car. 90e; o. I hard. 1 car, 0c; No. 4 hard, 1 car, r-6jc. CORN No. I white. 2 cars. 60c; No. I car"' w,c: No. 3 yellow. 1 ears, 60c; No I yellow. 1 car. Roe; No. 8 color. 1 car. 4;c; No. 2 mixed. 2 cars. 50c; No. 2 ' 'ar. 4fc; No. I mixed, 4 cam, Nt; No. I mixed, t eara, 49(c; no grade, 1 car. 4Rc. T("-No. 2 white. 2 earn, 81'4c; No. I yellow, t car, 31Hc: no grade. 2 cara, Jose. Oasaha lash Prlrea. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 1fiic: No. S hard. rVu5c; No. 4 hard. WfTKi4o'. No. t aprlng. MinV4C; No. 4 aprlng. i"fr96Vtc: No. 2 durum, RMmVie; No. t durum, s74g90Hc. CORN-No. 2 white. 49S,7i"'0c; No. 8 white, 4lSfrrOc; No. 4, 4fMf'V; No. 2 color, Vtt 4Ni; No. 2 yellow. 49TiWV)c: No. 3 yellow, 'v,1ftOe; No. 4 yellow, 4!?r49V4c; No. 2. 4!H ; No. 2. WQWic; So. 4, 48'B49Sc; no grade,. HfW'ke. OAT.S No. 2 white. t,fiXl-: atandard, Sl'itfSllnc; No. 2 white, 2U4ig.1U4c; No. 4 white, aiifMe: No. 2 yellow, 81tr31Hc; No. 4 yellow, 21ff3lK!. J BARt.ET No 2, W92c; No. 4. 090c; No. 1 ford, 76Wc; rejected. 6nfrc. RTE-No. 2, fSSSc; No. 2. 870UO. Carl Aelia. t Wheat. Corn. Oatn. Chicago 40 221 1J0 Minneapolis 14 Omaha 29 85 22 luiluth 10 CHICAUO OK A IN AD PROVISIONS Feat area of the Trading; and loala I'rlcea on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, May 5 Slgna of rain over the dry belt northwest helped turn wheat prices downward today. The close waa Irregular, varying from S under last night to 7c ahove. Corn finished c up to "r4CV,o off, oate without change and hog products 7Vsc lower to 6c advance. I he Idea that a break of the drouth was at hand came through dispatches from various points In South Dakota. Theae telegrams reported the weather rloudv and indicating a supply of n olsture soon. At the same time millers' advices told of an improvement during April In every Impor tant winter crop state. The Ohio official fig urea made the condition there 87 per cent, against 24 a month ago and M a year hack. All day. too, purchases wera on foot to bring cash wheat here from un usual sources, but In season to be avail able for' delivery on May contracts. Borne of the larger longs here put ail futures on ale in consequence and there waa a de cided reaction from earlier high prices. An eaay ton prevailed at the dose. The day'a lange for July . & from-MVftftftTka to Wc, with last sales at the first named level, a net losa of . With planting conditions fine and the trade expecting liberal receipts In tha near future, corn suffered a backset. July fluctuated -between I2c and 63fcu, closing easy at the last named figures, a net gain of a shade. Cash grades were firm. No. 2 yellow finished at UMaixc. Excellent weather tor the growing crop had a bearish effect on the market for oats. High and low points for tha July option were 22c and t2Vc. with the close 32S,c, Jolt the same at last night. Heaviness was the rule In provisions. In the end pork waa 7Ho lower to 6c up and othef products either unchanged or averag ing Ptifc decline. l'rlces in Chicago, furnlahed by the Up dike 'Ira In company. Telephone Douglas 2472, 708 Brandels building, Omaha: S:2733;:3 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Trading A8umei No Well Defined hing at h rli. 1 .?,; short rlesrs. IS Ha. on, j unc hanged, boxed, extia hori lii.TTV,. clear I rib tl.J7'; short cleats. l..S-'. ., UVK-lliiihi. st l tK. lni'lrHf. SKaily: chickens, lie; spring. t in k . M'r'Jl.i'iC, ducks. 14c, ee. fc HI ciesmerv, l.Vi;ic. lA.ij.-lligliei-, at lAc Receipts. Shipments. f lm r. hhl. T 7") V heat, b l S;.ii S3 0 i Coin, bu ;! Oats, bu SJ.IW iT.OW AKW 1 OR K UF.y Kit A L M Alt KKT Oaolatlnaa ml the liar on Vartaaa C'emmodltlea. NEW YORK. Mav 6-KI)tR-Flrm; Sluing palenta. t4.ft.vti.VM; wlnt"r straights. t-l.i'it.Oii: winter patents. tlOKnli; fprlng clears. t::.7f'&4 10; extra No. 1 winter. I3..W fr oO; extra No. I winter, H l.'fi.1 ii; Kan W"1 straights. 24 1Mi4 M Rye flout, firm; Hlr tO Kllfd UAlHdJMk- oh.ilee In fatiev $4, .-.V ' CORNMKAI Firm; fine white and vet low, tl liKi.1.20; coarse. 1 H"al li, kiln drifd. WHEAT Spot market ensv; No. 2 red. W'tc, elevator, and 97V. f- o. b , afloat; No. 1 northern Iniluth. tl T. f. o. to.. afloat Futures market was firm nt the start on the cables, continued dry weather in the northwest and coverlna hut eased off under liquidation due to favurahle crop novices ana a poor casn anil export de mand. cloMlng Vai,c net lower. May closed .at 9i",c; July, ic; September, CORN Spot market firm; export new, No. 2. W)c, nominal, f. o. b., aflost. Futures market was firmer on covering, due to reports of a better cash demand, closing at unchanged to lc net advance. Mav closed St tile: July, 80c. OATS Rpol market firm; standard white, 40c; No. 2. 4'4c; No. 2. 3!'c; No. 4. 3S'c. Futures market was without transactions, closing- nominal. MAY Firm; prime, $1.35; No. 1, tl.2MJ : No. t. ti l.-ai.a; No. 8. tl 00. MIDKS-Steady; Central America, 30c; Bo gota. 22 Vc. LEATHER Steady; hemlock firsts, 23'f as.-; Beeoncis, jjiSic; thirds, lS&'JOc; re jects. 14'alTic. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; mess, $17.75 618.10; fall. tix.fva 30.00; short clears. 116 50 IH.Oo. Beef, steady; mefs. tlS.OWi'U 50; fam ily, tl4.5(2j 15.(1(1; beef hams, t2fi.we&a 00. Oit meats. Hteady; pickled bellies. tll.0CKI3 00; pickled hams. 11.2.Vt 12.00. Lard, steady; middle west prime. tx.OiVnK.iS; refined, firm; continent, IS.wi; Bouth America, 29.6(1; com poliml. , .!. ,(n ;..H7Vj TALIXW Dull; prime city, hogsheads, 15-16c; country, EU6'iic. RI.'TTER Steady; creairery extras, 2Hc. EOGS Firm, fresh gathered selected ex tras. lM,4i20c; firsts, 17&18c; seconds, Wtf lCic; fresh gathered dirltles, No 1, 151, tlo4c: No. 2. l4VSI5c; poor to fair. LIOO Ur; fresh gathtrcd checks, good to prime, "Wk-; we item gathered white. lsfllS.-. POI LTRY Alive, ateady; western spring chickens, jwc: fowls, 14'c; turkeys. 13; dressed, steady; western fowls, 14al5c; turkeys, l.'ifolfic. Trend During Day. SELLING PRESSURE IS ABSENT parera ot larllaed to Fellorr Mar ket on Adraare aad Prices Klaeta ate Wlthla Comparatively Narrow ftanae. Articles ! Open.l High. I Low. Close. Tea y. Wheat I Mav...7HW! Ju1y...! X Sept. Corn May... July... Wept... Oats- May 68WN trJ July... Ktfi 'pi...fiiv Pofk- M?y... July... May... July... Sept... Julf., 8t. w nA i M I 8T?4 87VtfSMHS I 15 I 14 W 14 42-Vtl I 00 U 63 64 63 834 24 22H tt I 64 R3H I. k ft I7H.W 1 60 16 70 14 M 14 4.'H I 00 10 T HHa is a 14 82HI 14 W T M t 00 tlO 7 3S T 7 77HI 424 ID IV 14 86 14 42SI t4 tosvj S 1 72H 7 S IN 16 W 1 14 2H 14 46 7 M4 I OA 7 124 7 4 7 80 Cash Quotations were as follows: riO'lvKirm- winter patents, 8&SMH40' etralg'hta. $.1,6044-20; spring straights, $4 li,; spring patents, best hard, higher, held, M.iV.a4.76: bakers. U 204.40. KYB-No. 2, BARLEY Peed or mixing, 6&tic; fair to Ctmlee maltlrg. $1 0?1J'1.1J. Skiua-Tlmothy. $1100. Clover, U.XkJ PR(VlrTION-Porli. mesa, per bbl.. $!5.7N3t6 rVi. Lard, per M0 Ihs , $7 92 W Hhort rtl, sides ( loose I. $7 267.rr! Short dear aides (boxed), ts.3&26. Total clearances or wheat and flour were equal to lll.OuO bu. Exports for the week, aa shown by Uradstreet's. were equal to I. M4.0W bu. Primary receipts were 8.tY0OO bu., compared with 2)70"0 bu, the corre sponding day a year ago. . Eatiumled receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 66 rare; corn, 'Ui oars; oats, 17 ears: hogs. II. ono head. Chicago Cash Prieee-Wheat: No. i red WfiV. No. t red, Ne. t hard. M re s nara, kxui,c. r.e. t northern spring, ti.fft9i.Oo: No. 2 northern spring II O. jl.04; No 8 spring. JticUU.OO Corn No. I cash. 6641 KHo; No. 8 cash. tlMVc; . (J. 1 wniie, oivrco. rvo. s wnrte, S4c' No. 2 yellow, 6n6c; No. 2 yellow, MVS 6."c. Oata: No. 2 caab. 3Jc; No. white. 5iS4c; No. 4 white, ',cl3Ve; standard tiM.-iHp. 19310; BUTfER Steady i creamerlea. VXW.8 Kecelpta, 20 MS rases Market steady; at mark, eases Included, Uwo; tusta. HVto; prime flrsis. Ito, iHEbae-SieeJy; daisies. HVe; twins. llHCi U; Young Americas, 13Uci long horns. llc. POTAlt)lD Firm: cholcs te fancy, fra 62c; fair to good, 6ni8c. POULTRY Lire, steady; turkeys. Ho; fowls. 14c VEAL Steady; 60 to Mb. weights. o; 0 to 66-lb weights, 6'S7Hc; 66 to 110-16. weighla, 7'So. . U-cclpts loday Wheat. 40 cars; eon, J21 c4rs; oata, 1M cars, ttimated tomorrow heat. 6( cars; eorn, 2-t cars; oata. 127 7 Lea la Oeaeral Market. T. LOUIS. Mar t. WHE1AT Futures, weak; May. 2o; July, I'ash. higher: track. No. 2 red, NW;o; Ne. t hard, 4cC tl 00. COflRN Higher; May. M: Julv, 62a. Cash, higher: track. No. 2. 64Mlic; No. t white. 6vtjte. OAT8-Hither; May. tt'ec; July. 82Wic. Caah, steady; track. No. t. He; No. 2 wluie. 84', (tJl,e. FliOTTR rirm; red winter patents. $4 50 4 70; extra fancy and straight. tlOs-fH it), hard winter clears, llsAo 16. KBBIk Tlwothv. t6-0ui440i CUR.NMKAL-41H RRAN vtuktl; sacked, east track. $1,189 HAT 4treog; timothy, letTClc; prairie. tit VX16.M t'KoviSIONts Pork, unchanged; Job- Mln. fall kv. 40 .00 Clear W .(10 Clear ? .00 Clear 40 .us Clouily 40 .(0 Clear 3i .00 Clear 44 . 00 Cloudy 36 ,0U Clear 84 .00 Cloudy 40 .00 Cloudy 44 .00 Cloud v 3H .00 Cloudy 4:i .00 Clear 36 .10 Clear 44 .00 Clear 42 .0l Clear 84 .00 Clear 3rt .( Clear 3S .00 CL-ar 40 .00 Clear Cora and Wheat Reglos Bnlletln. Record for ths twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m. Friday, May 6, 1911: OMAHA UiSTUMJT. Tumiv Raln- eistions Max. Ashland, Neb 65 Auburn. Neb 6f Columbus. Neb... till Culoertson, Nell.. 48 Fairhury, Nels.. 64 Full mont, Nr .. 1 (Jr. Island. . u.. 60 Hiirtingtjn, Neo. 08 Hasilngs, Neb.... 68 Holdrege. Neb... 6i No. Platte. Neb. 46 j Onkd.ilo. Neb 65 Orraha. Neb Hi Trkamah, Neb... 64 j Valentine, Neb.. 48 e 1 (S. , . rw Ca'ioli, la 68 Ciarmda, la 60 Ribley. Ia 6S tiloux City. la... 61 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. or District. elation.. Columbus. 0 17 - Ixiulsvllle, Ky 20 JndianaDolis. Ind.. 11 Chicago. Ill it M. Loula, Mo 22 D'S Moines, la.... 17 Kat sas City, Mo.. 21 Omaha. Neb 21 Temperatures continue throughout the corn and wheat legion, but fiosts and frees ng temperatures are again reported In the northern portions of Onlo, Indiana, Illinois and the lake region. Heavy frost occurred at one and light frosts at three stations In the les Moines district. Light showers occurred In southern Ne braska and Kansas. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 6. WH KAT May, Kc bid; July, 834,c bid; September, 8St,c. sellers; cash. -Ho higher; No. 2 hard, l$ 8c; No. 8, 871sjc; No. 2 red, 828Sc; No. 3 red, R8i91c. TVIRV VI - r .".liy -..11 . T. . 1 .. tew a 60Vc, sellers; September, 60ti60c bid; ', ntric nigner; o. 1 mixed, f2'86ac; No. 3, 62&i2Hc; No. 2 white, 62Vrr4V; No. 3, 62tYiViC. OAT tttead tn ILn hlvher- Mn rkl. t3e'36c; No. 2 mixed, 20S31c. r v 1 r. o. s, isyqsc. HAY Steady; choice timothy, lla.tOQl6.00; Choice prairie. tl2.60(S'13.00. BUTTKR Creamery. 21c; firsts, 18c; sec onds, 16c; packing stock, 13o. EGGS Extras, ITHc; firsts, 16c; seconds, 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu.....'. 81.U00 72,mo Com, bu. 18.4XM) BS.ono Oats, bu 12,000 6,000 Temp Rain Mas. Mln. fall 00 84 .00 66 38 .0 t4 34 .00 '8 84 .00 66 40 .00 I 38 .0) ! .40 0 88 . .00 to rla alow.y Market. Minneapolis Ora MINNEAPOLIS. May t WHEAT May, WSc: July. SOAio: Hentember. MUtkfl. Cash. No. 1 hard. 1.01i; No. 1 northern. t1.W410m: No. 2 northern, 7VtrWic; No. 8. 83Uitr8Ho. CORN-No. I yellow, 62e. . OATS No. I White, IlVii&32c RYE No. 2, tl.08. BRAN 821 6OST22.00. FLOUR First patents, 14.70fr6.00: second patents, 4.0(y4 9: first clears, t3.20ti3.6u; second clears, t2.20fi2.26. l.lTerpool Grata Market. I.IVERPOOU May 6. WHEAT Spot dull; No. t red western winter, no stock; futures strong: firsts, 6a lld; July, 7a; October, 6s 10S. CORN Spot firm; new American mixed, 4s Hd; old American mixed, 6s 8Wd; new American kiln dried, 6e Id: futures firm; July. 4s d; September, 4s 10d. Mllwaakee Grata Market. Mn,WAT'Kr.B. Msr I. WHKAT No 1 northern, $1 ftfcSl.06: No. t northern, $1.08'& 1.04; May. 7c: July, 8R'4,c. I OATS Standard. $4,13lV BARLEY Malting, tl 021.11 N Peerta Market. PEORIA, May .-CORN-Higher; No. t mixed or better, all colors. 64 c; No. 4 mixed. 63Hc; sample, 60c. OAT8 Higher; No 3 white. 83,ffWtc standard. 8,'tic; No. t white, 83'ic; No. 4 white. $2o. nalatfe Grata Market. ItlM.CTH. May 6. WHEAT No. 1 north ern. 11.014: No. 2 northern, SStyg v ; May II 004.O. bid: July, tl 01. bid; September, 4Wc. nominal. OAT8-82HO. Cettea Market. NEW YORK. May 6 COTTOV-Ppot closed oulet. 10 points higher: middling up lands. 18 4iic; middling gulf, 15.70c; sales l.'ll bales. ST. IJITS. May t COTTON Steady; mlddlinc. 16'c: sales. 7 bales; receipts. 314 bales; shipments, 1.024 bales; stock 16 680 bales. New York Cottoa market aa furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York Cottoa exchange, 316 South Sixteenth straat Month. I Open t Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y. May.. July.. Aug... Oct... 15 21 16 23 14 67 12 87 It 28 I 16 1.1 I 16 37 14 40 I 16 17 15 29 14 87 I 14 63 I 14 M 12 01 I 12 D6 I 12 $9 LIVERPOOL, Mav 6-The following are the we kly exton s'atlst o: In porL-, kinds. Ib.iM) tales: .1111 oris. Auieiltan. 11 M0; stock all kinds. rAio: stock. Ameri can. 637 000: American, forwarded. 65 no Total exports, lie (00. laaaarts aad Experts. NEW YORK. May 6. Imports of mer chandise and drv goods at the port of New York for the week ending April 26 were valued at tl8.6J.329. Imports of specie for the port of Ne York for the week ending today were $J13fll silver and $1A78 gold. Exports of spva-ie fnn the port of New York for the week weie $XC 340 silver and $34,676 gold. NEW TORK. May R -Trading In stocks assumed no well defined trend today and ,ine market was hesitating with seveial dlvetse movements. There was an sbsenc? of sustained selling pressure which unset prices yest-rdav and the short Intcrei-t . sermed to he more concerned about cover ing. The result wss a keen demand at th" lower levels established ysterday and at the opening stocss were quicMv forced up 'o s point whicn showed a sus a-tlal recove y. Buyers were not Incll ei to follow the market on the advance and triers a-cord-ingly fluctuated within a o-.mpsratlvely nar-ow rante. Changea on the day as a rule wer- inlmpor ant. Although tradln? In I onds fell buck from yesterday's large flguna the murket whs setlxe and prices In some Issues made fti'thci advances , Amalgnmated copper was the strong feature of the late part of the session. A factor contributory to the strength of this issue was the statement made on the authority of a representative of the Gug genheim Interests that the demand for copper abroad was excellent. Rank exehanaes hla week again make an unsatisfactory comparison, the total at the l-adlng cities of the country showing a loss of more than 12 per cent from the cor responding Wrek of !!10. The bond market was firm. Total sales, par value. t4.34ft,on. Cnlted States bonds were unchanged on call. ' Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: tales. Hlrk Itnm. Cles. siun-cusimer pM , AmslgsmatiMl Copper Amerlfn Atricultural .... American Beet Suxar Amsrlran fan American C a F Amarlcan tton Oil , Amerlr-an H. V L. pfd.... Am. Ire Sernrltlea American l.lnMed American !.ncomntlrs American S. tk R Am. 8 A R. pfd Am. tM Fnundriea Am. Sugar Refining American T. a T American Tobaeetj pfrt American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchison Atchln pfd Atlantic (,'oaat l.lne Baldmnre A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Vnadlan Pacific dentral leather Central Ialher pfd (Vnlral of New Jersey (lieaapeake Ohio (hliaso ar Akon Chicago O. W., new C. O W. pfd Chicago A N. W C.. M. Bt. P a. :. C. St. L tVilorado P. ft r Colorado ft Southern Consolidated Gas Corn Prodiieta Delaware Hudson Denver at R. O I), ft R. O. pfd txstlllera gecuritlea Krl. Erls lat pfd F.rls Id pfd General F.lectrle llreat Northern pfd Ureal Son ire m Ore rtfa... Illlnola Ontral Inlerborough Met Int. Met pfd Internal Innal Harvester ... Int. Marine pfd international Paoer International Pump Iowa (n(ral Kansas City Southern K. C So. pfd Laclede (las loulavllla ft N'aahvllle Minn, ft 8t Louis M., St. P. ft 8. 8. M M., K. ft T M . K. ft T. pfd MlMourl Pacific National Blarult National Lead N". R. R. of M. Id pfd ... Naw Ysrk Csntrsl N. T., O. ft W Norfolk ft Waatarn North Amarloan Northarn Pactfle Pacific Mall Pennarlranls, ei-dlr ...... People' a Oaa P., C C. ft 8t. L Plttahurg Coal Preaaed Btasl Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steal Spring. ...... Reading Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock Inland Co. pfd 81. I. ft 8. F. 14 ptd St. Louta 8. W St. U 8. W. pfd Sloaa-Shsffleld 8. ft I Southern Pacific Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tenneaae Copper Texas ft Pacific T., 8t. L. ft W T., Bt. I ft W. pfd l:nlon Pacific Vnlon Pacific pfd.. Vnlted States Realty Untied Htatss Ruhber Vnlted States Steel I'. S. Steal pfd l:tah Copper Va.-Cr. Chemical, ex-die. Wabaan Wabaab pfd .SVavtam Maryland Westlnxhouee Elect rto Weatern I'nloo Wheeling ft U 8) Lehigh Valley steady and from t to V higher than yesterday's New York closing I ondon rlraing s:ok quottlons: Centela. mnner si 14, t.nutitriHa ft Nans ..1M So ac.nunt t', Vo.. Kan Tetaa . US Amal. (Vpper h'i N T Oetral . . !"' o.-"nda 7 Nortel C Western. ie Alrh'aen ll'. pfd P dc pfd .. 104 Ontario ft Weittrn.. 4."a Palilmnra ft ohlo. l'w pennivlanla si V Canadian Pa'ttlc Jtc Hand Mines T l heapelie A nhie . st ficadmx T t hi. Oreat Weals 51 fmllhern llallwar .. J thl. Mil. ft St. P 1-3V do Pfd . . IS Snuihem Faclfto . SH I "lis Taciflc . . a: do p'd . tCH V. S Steal .... . 4i do pfd . 19 Ttanaah . V 0 Ptd .141' steady at n .131 . 77i, .m 2-11 per re peer Ienver ft Rle G . de pfd Krl do ltt pfd do td pfd Grand Tmnk Illinois i antral . . SII.VKR-Har, ounce MONEY l'iftl per cent Tne rate of d rcount In the open market for sh irt and th ee months' bin is 2 3-16 per ten.. HE PORT (IF THE CLKAHl.tU HOI SE Transactions of the Associated Baaks for the Week, NEW YORK. May 6 -Bradstrect a bank clearings report for the week ending May 4 shows an usrirrrUMte nf t:l :9 1" ism lasaltiHt t'.7,Xi,:t;4,0ii0 lsst week and $.1,765.- los.iaaj in tne corresponding week last year. The following Is a list of the cities: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET a- I?; Pal I7t4 17 17 . 1.000 tl 62 US 74 . 10.700 4 47 4714 600 101 10l" J0SJ r.2 . 1.500 11 67 (7 ti 100 13 IJ MS ! IO0 IS M 3 snn 7Ni 74 74H ire 1 105 w 500 4.1 '4 45 40 S00 1! 117 11714 . I ll 1401 US' lSt 400 ssi esi, as :oo m tt ;t S7 S74 S7l . I. son loo'j nw, ios us) 10.144 ios4 103 1311, 400 106 106 104S 31 '4 . 6.100 7!Ui 7K -SS . 14.400 134 13 I.14V, i)I7Vi 271 2:14 M H sv I7 . 1.104 11114 044 -KOI 0 300 lt 111, 21' 400 146 14 1441 . 1.300 1201 110 4 30 100 M S3 si . 1.200 14 144 4 144 I 14 100 170' 170H 1!! 284 00 (5 U 34-4 , 1.400 3IS 40' 30 MO 4Si, 4Si 43 100 S7 37 37 300 1K7U, If. 7 . l.HOO 13714 12t 1KII 100 0t 0 an 13744, . 2.100 191 13 1314 . 3. M0 33i S3 M'S . 7.300 1294, 12444 1-'' I"i 10 40 i 1.600 1i, ( 14 106 34 34"4 344 7H an ins, 1M14 0fi4' 104 141 14644 144 926 133 tot 12 24 s:T4 41 . 1.404 494 49 4i 1,(00 133 131 13t 100 6Ii 32 (2 300 3!4 32 3244 400 107 106 IOH'4 300 43 4'.' 43 304 101 106 104 73 . . MOO 124 124 124 00 34 24 24 . 4.100 122 122 12: 100 100 104 104 , . . 44 104 M4 '30 20 1 3 140 32 . 61.400 1M 134 1M 1.(00 11 11 4044 44 1.200 30 30 10 200 43 . 42 42 100 41 41 40 10 44 4 . 1.40 116 11444 114 40 27 17 17 400 44 44 64 100 l; . 37 34 24 100 19 19 1 f 43 44 44 14.400 179 177 177 300 fa, 94 34 400 74 73 7o 900 41 41 4 41.400 71 TP 74 404 119 119 111 tOO 44 46 41 1. 100 (2 41 91 200 is II 100 31 M 34 40 64 64 44 41 7.400 73 14 14 4.30 175 174 174 127 000 shares. CITIES. Clearings. Inc. I Dec. I .$2.0O5.N0.nonj 17.; I 1. 1.3. .... 11.4V. 15.7;. 4.61. 8.6 . 13.81 2b'.6' 12.2 IP. 6 ia.11 6.9. 11.2 6.9 6.6 "i'.Q "i'.'o "it 'ii'.i ik.i 13.8 7.6 10.1 . 3.3 4.0 22. 47.3;, ....I 1.91. 13. 6.. 1.6.. 6.3!.. 36.4 ii'.k 6.6'.. 23.01.. .41.. .07 U.O 'svt 14.7 10.9 16.2 16.8 39.3 13.9;.... 8.2 12.41.. 15.0 . 11.4 2.2 New York Money Market. NEW YORK, May 6. MONEY On Call, steady at 2fc! per cent; ruling rate. 144 per cent: closing bid, Z' per cent: offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, firm; sixty days, 1, per cent; ninety days, 3tTt Per cent; six months. 3tiJ per cent. PRIM K MERCANTILE PAPER-3HG4 8TKRL1NO FXXCHANOE Steady, with actual bualnesa In bankers' bills at $4.6460 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8645 for de mand; commercial bills, It.oJC. SILVER Bar, 63(4c; Mexican dollars. 46c. BONDS Uovernmer t, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on -oonda today were si follows: u. s. rat. is, rag. Int. M. M. 4s.. 4o eoupoa 101 sjapea 4s . .. 0. S. Is. rss 101 e. i, do eoupoa 101 k r. si. ie a. O. s. 4a. rag U4 . - tmh 4. 4o eoupoa ..111 1- 4V N. aal. 4s... 44 44 94 73 44 4 4 17 77 Armour Jr. Co. 4Ss.. 93 Al. hlaon sn. 4a. , do oe. 4 da cv. 4a A C. L IK 4a. Bal. . Ohio 4s.. do Is do S. W. 3a. Brook. Tr. cv. 4i On. of Os. la... ( as. Laether 4 ('. of N. J. a A. i. 1J K T. 1st Am. A(. ta 101 e. .rr. n. w m. a J w "' W V f sii. .. 93 . " '1 -ao sen aa. 33 , . 10BL. 1 n. at ti. 111 w .. 45 TV. 1st e. 4s.. 91 .. M 4s e. 4a 104 .. 42 Ne. Paclrla 4 100 .. 91 o 7 .. 44 O. a U rfflf. 4s 14 ..loll Fenn. e. 1916. . 97 . . 99 da eon. 4s 103 ..121 Reading gen. 4s 7 l-hee. ft Ohio 4s..l t U 4V 4 F f. 4a 12 da raf. as 44 00 enn. 4a 3S .'.hlcaao a, A. Is. 4 L W. a. 4a.. 7 C, B. 4s . j. 4s.... 4 1st gold 4a 91 do gan. 4s. 97 A. L. 4a I1 a M. . P. g 4e 93 to. Pu. col. 4 42 O R. I. A P. S. .. 14 4o CT. 4s 174, da rff. 4a. 19 4o let rat. 4a 94 O1I0. Ind. 4a.......... 71 Be. Railway as. 104 Hole Mid. 4s 43 do gas. 4a 79 O 6 I r. 4 s. 4s. 9 I'nlos Paelfle 4s 101 D. aV H e. 4s S9 Is 103 L. at R. O. 4a 91 1st raf. 4s.... 47 do raf. la 91 s. fUibksr 4. ...104 nistlllars' I 77 I B. stsel 3d is.. Brla p. 1. 4a 4 V.-Cr. ("hem. a do fan. 4a 7 Wabash 1st a do cv. 4a, see. A... 74 ao 1st ex. 4s. do sartae B 13 Wastara 314. 4s... Ces. Elee. e. 6a..... 134 c Else. e. 4s 111. Can. let est. 4a.. 7 Wis. nsturml 4a .. Int. Mat. 4a. BI4. Oflan4V 19 Mo. Pa, st. 6a.. ..10 ..101 ..10 .. .. 4a .. 43 .. 43 .. 3 New York Cark Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan aV Bryan, members New York block exchsnge. IIS Koutb (sixteenth street: Asier. Tobaees . Bay Stat IM . Butt Cualltlas l a.-tus t'klna PaiU-rtalr Elr I'entraJ .... Kir es Ulrous Balaiont Grease tTaaaaea inaplrstl Lsraa .437 Nerad tas 14 . 34 Naekoua 71 . 11 Ne.sda l ies 14 . 14 041 Coppar 1 . 14 Rawkid Coalltlea .. 4 . 1 Bar Central 1 l it . 6 Swift r(. ( isitA . 14 leers -ReeearS (...I43 . 4 Su partes at Plttsberg 14 . 4 Trinity Copper 4 . 4 I'nliad Opawr 14 . 1 N-mk lk . 4 I.eadea C'leelasT Sleeks. IiNDON. May f. Amerirsn securities opened steady and about unchanged today. During the first hour prices advanced oa light covering. At noon the market was New York Chicago ., roston hlladelphla 8t. Ixniis Kansas I'lty Pittsburg Pan Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis Cleveland New Orleans Detroit OMAHA Iis Angeles Ioulsvllle Milwaukee Heattle ft. Paul Atlanta Portland, Ore Buffalo Denver Indianapolis Providence Richmond .. Washington 8t. Joseph Kort Worth Memphis Salt Lake City Columbus Albany Tacoma Savannah Spokane Toledo Hartford Rochester Des Moines Nashville Duluth Wichita Peoria Norfolk Oakland Hioux t.'ity New Haven Grand Rapids Fcranton Birmingham Jacksonville. Fla.. Oklahoma City Syracuse Augusta, Ga Worcester Evansvllle f-'prlngf leld, Mass. Dayton Portland. Me Wheeling Little Rock Charleston Knoxvllle Chattanooga Lincoln Davenport Wilmington Mobile Wllkesbarre Kalamazoo Sacramento Topeka Cedar Rapids Macon Fall River Youngstown New Bedford Pprlngfleld. Ill Fort Wayne Canton Sioux Falls Akron Helena Columbia, 8. C... Lexington Fargo Erie Rockford Quincy Hloominglon Chester, Pa Springfield, O South Bend, Ind... Lowell Jackson, Miss Blnghamton Decatur Mansfield Fremont Vlcksburg Jacksonville, 111... York. Pa Waterloo, Ia Houston Galveston ' Not Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. Local seearltles. Quotations furnished by Burns, Blinker at Co.. 449 Near Omaha National bank building: 3('2.4MI.04 ljn.ZlS.UISJ,.. 17fl.4fAnoj.. 71!.3!7.0ni.. 4H.IM.0"0 VK.KtU.CHM! . . 60 6i5.OfO ST.M'S.oH 24,K.J.(i10 2O.nN6.0O l.3.'a1,0UO In. .'HI. (Ml 19.73.0m 15.074,000 2d.4OS.t0ii n.i'3.ooi 13.211.0i Ni 10.234.000 ll.S17.("li ll,678.imnt;.ui0 10.8rt2.(Oi, 8.69N.0OO 8 4,i.(0; , S bU.IVn), 7.7W,(iOl S. 103.0110; 6 421.0ia B. 321.01X1! 6.3X2.0U0: 5.4J42.tXXi . . 6.614.01(1;.. 6 49.1,0101.. 4 229.0 Oj. 5.n70.0ifti 4.105.0001. 4.6fi6.(t 6.00'J.(IOii 6,06a,0H0 6,0M,Ori0i 4.M4.010 2.65.onn. 2:tr,.4soj 3.i:.oon 8,h4.0n( 8.3n7.f.OH 2J(S0.(Kt. 3.(WO,000 2,7.noi. 2.89X000 . 2.8:.(SiOl 3.063.000 2.141,0isi! 2.846. 00O 1.8n7.010i 2.1Fi6.)0. 2.5(Vo.0(S 2,238.000 . 1.21 1.000 2.077.000 . 1,907.0110 2.0.11 .000 1 1. 609,000 1,TS7.(sX 1, 626.OI0 1.77S,0X 1.676,000; 1 400.000 1 1,817,000 1.406.000' 764.r 1,692.000 1.734.O0O l.oOO.OXt 2.972.000 1.071,000 1.074.000 1.062.0001 1.044.0001 1.068,0110 1.125.000 1.136.0ISJ 762.4XXM 882.000 974.000 783.000 311.000J 851.000! 6M.0I0! 767.01 Ol 6.18.000 694.000 nOO.0001 . 678.0001 M6.00O 484.000 . 661.000 878.000!. 871.000. 362,000'. 268.000'. 4fi4,00v. 1,O63,0O0 . l.otSt.OOOI. 20.843,000 . 14.B96.O0O t.S ... LSI 22.21. i.2i. 18.1 16.1 .6 14.1 6.8 "26.'7 "V3 9.2 1.6 9.8 . 13.8 ..... 4.0 . 8.3 26.0 26.2 19.6 190.2! 2.9 37.0! 12.1 12.6 29.1 'i.-7 6.6 25'. 7 t.8 11.8 12.3 3.6 8.1 6.7 21.1 16.4 .7 9 9 16.6 26.6 1.0 4.4 4.1 25.6 23.9 Baeraer municipal 6s Olumbla Fir Celarado Tel. Co. 7 par cast.... Chicago tuilaray la. irrT , City at Omaka 4. 1441 , Cudahy racklof 4s, 1134 Dearer Oaa Ilea, aa, 1344..., East St. Leu la ak Suk. 6a. 1331 Falrmaat CresBiary 1st g. 6 par east 49 Palnnost Oaamarf pre, t par oant.. n low r art land Csssaat 4s K. C, M. 4V O. 4a, 1341 , Kansas City R. 4s L. 6a. Ult. Omaha Water ta. 1344 , Ossaka at C. B St. Hr. as, 1444 Omaha C. B. St. 8y. pfd 4a Osnahs as C B. st- fty., ens Ooaahs aV C. B. It. 4) B , Omaha Oaa ta, 1417 , Portlsad O. 4s C. 4s. 1444 , Trl-Cttr R. as L, 1431 , srtrt ak Ce.. 4S, 1414 , Seattle Bleoirla 4a. ItU Bid. A sired. 14 , 304) 14 (4 44 4Mt 44 !4 tt 41 4a 4 H4 . 4716 . 44 . 4116 14t 64 44 10S4 44 " n 14 144 ' N T6 3 47 U 47 44 64 34 4 141 3 Beetea Btoeks aad Beads. B08TON, May 5.-Closlni' Quotation stocss were as lounwa: Allonae 44 lTohawk Amal. Oopper 43 Nevada Con A. Z. L A g t4 Nlplatdng Mine .. Arisen Ora. ltt North Bull Atlantla 4 North I .eke . arc I. M. lt Old Dominion Butt dhalttlos 1 oareola Cel. A Arlioss 61 sparrott (. at C... CaJ. Hacl 43S Qulnoy 11 shannon 41 Superior 16 Superior R. M. . .... 44t Superior aV T. C... .... Tamarark .... 42 V. S. 8 R. at.. .. 6 1-14 do Bfd lei Royal Copper.. 13 Via One Kerr Lake 4w I lab tapper Ot.... lk Cepper Ml W inona .-. L Salle Copper 34 Wolverine Miami Oppr 4 Bid. Cn(enntal tapper Haas C. C. East Bull O. 34 . .. FVtnklln Olreui Con Grantor Cob. Greene Oaaanea S on . 31 . 13 . 10 . 4' . 3 .140 " . 44 . 16 . 41 . 4 . 14 . 34 . 14 . 44 . 14 . 44 41 .104 New YerW Mtalas; stocks. NEW TORK, Msy 6 Closing quotations on mining stocks weret Alio toe ei.ittl Chief . Cera. Tunnl stock... 36 Meiicas do bonds 16 Ontari On. Oal 4 V 134 Opblr Mora Bllrar 36 wandard Iras Silver It yellow Jacket Ladvlll Ca. 14 Ul tared. . 6 too .114 .13 .14 . 44 Bask Clearlagis. OMAHA. Mav 6 Rank cleerine. . day were 32.i27.928 .64 and for the rnrr.. spondtnc date last year I2.7K0.774.I7. Metal Market. . . , w. ,.ar.AL4.-7 lannara copper, dull; epot and futures, 11.6(ail70 London market firm: snnl 11?. u. .. tures. OA 10s. Locally, Uk'e. $12.37Vfi;l2 50 electrolytic $12 12 Vri 12.25; casting, U 87Vl i. w. ,m, iirm; spot and futures. 341 no 42 00. l.ea1 dull: UlultlUl 1 i-.Z. .. f4S5, tast St. Ixuls. Ixindun. 12 lVs 6d pelter. dull; 65 4086.46. New York; to 30ti 6 .. East Ht. luls. Indon. 14 6a. acri mony, dull: I'riekBAn's So JVkA sa v quiet. "- bT. 1X1UIS, May .-METAIA-Tad. duU at I4.S7H. Spelter, quiet, at 36 27W. ttrr Goads Market. NEW TORK Mav I.rmT finfmjTi,. Cotton goods market hoIHe eteail m-l.s. - very light trade passing in sample's. Yams are quiet. Jobbers say trxde is light and verv email miIam mm kina w.. tellers when anything Is done. Wools are eaaier, with a better movement reported. Cattle Receipt Light tnd Little Change in Frices. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE LOWER Stronarr Prices Paid for the Iletter Grades of Sheep and l.atnhs, While the Trade Is Fairly AetlTe. POt'TH OMAHA. May b. 1311. Receipts were: Cattle. Off cmi .;,vtilv 2 7n Official Tuesday 4.5" Official Wednesday 2M Official Thurs.lsv 4 0M Estimated Frld.iv 642 lloss Sheep. 3 rt.'S 9.0.M 17.216 n.R.'.l 7.600 61.216 6.9. 62 9V4 60.S16 4J.XK4 U'S .4;s 9. t; 6.7i6 1..V 2n..Vs 36.242 8I.26 2.74l 111 ;3,7n five days this week.. 17. 203 feme days last week. Heme davs t weeks ago. .20 46 Same days 3 weeks ago..17.79 Ssme davs 4 weeks ago.. 14. 440 " ' ' 1 . ''".-. Iflni 1 FBI .... 1 'Wl 1 t -. 1 - ' ' " The fnllowln; table snowa the receipts of rsttle. hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to data as compared wltn last year: iu. 110 Inc. Cattle 3o8.746 348.7S4 M Hogs 911 tiSS 74H. 12.tK Sl eep k; bi!.!7 92.0. The following table shows the isnge of prices on hogs at Pouih Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dstea Tl9lT.ljro.ll9ciuil907.llJ19 A pril T(lVtT9 Oil 96! "j mT 881 341 6 14 April 23.. 6 814b i 06 1 08! 6 281 I 4 2o 16 April 29.. 74 I t 12 7 61 I 341 3& April SO.. 141 g Mr 6 4f. 6 W 1 4B V I May May May May ..... n .. Receipts and dlsosition of live stock st the 1'nlon Stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. yes terdsy: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. U r s. 54 ; t M :?4 . . 4 an so 3 se lie 3 an ... 3 " ... 3 en 4 . 14 . SI 76 t'.e t .rr 4 t 4 I" 3 TS 4 in I 74 6 U 6 291 ' a . a .mi , r II e ve. I IK 1(1 I is .m o "s 2..-I 6 74 ! S 01, 5 341 6 2t 6 271 6 1." I... 6 624,1 8 941 7 011 ! 6 28 8 27 6 19 4... 6 61V 9 001 T 04! S 261 25. 6 211 6 25 8... 8 tWSI 9 19 7 00 6 3t 15i 6 30 C. M. St. r... w abash Miss.. ml Pacific. I'nlon Pacific. N. V'.. east. N. W.. wesi... tt. P.. M. o.. . ro- , . . B. A Q., west... 1. i. t j'., tttSt. H. I. ei P.. west. t entral Ilnnuis Total receipts. . 1 3 2 32 i 41 7 1 20 .i 1 1 lit Slli:EP There wss not niiirh xolume tn shcrp and Isinb trsde this morning and B'tiiaitv paid, showed a little Im prot enent over nice of yeeterdav. Ahint einht doubles of stock arrived, including choice wooled lamb, shorn Isnibs snd shorn ewe. As conipsrcd with eslerday the general market ruled qnotshlv strong. Mexican lambs In fleee brought the high est price noied In many da a. H jn. and shorn westerns moved around 14 75. of ferings of mutton sheep were even more limited then lamb shipments, but one con signment of shorn ewes changed Imnds at II tV The wether and yearling branches of the market were practically barren. Pally receipts this week give a total of shout ?7,00o head, well tip to a seasonable average Lamhs made up the hulk, a condition of long stsndlng. snd shorn snd wooled strings were about evenly divided Ruslness In various classes of sheep on itirwl days was hardly large enough to properly try out the scale of values. I'eniand lately has had a much better edge than lat week and the entire trade la closing strong to unevenly higher. Good lambs, both wooled and shorn, claim the long end of any advance, present prices appearing. l."w:&c above quotations a week sgo. Sheep of all kinds range from strong to possibly 15c higher in snots for the week. These margins fall to do full Jus tice to conditions, hotverer. as Improvement Is best reflected by more active Inquiry. (quotations. Wooled: Fprlng lambs, t-YOOtf 9.0; .Mexhsn lamhs. 3.V8.Vit1.2n: western lambs. 85.2TflS.s; yearlings ft 4ifM.90; weth ers. 14. IOtj4.H0; ewes. 3.6(t.3K. Quotations. Shorn: Mexican lambs. I4.7MI 6.10: western lamhs. 84.3.'; heavy lambs. 4 16154.40: yearlings. $3.8iVjK35; wethers. $3.75 415, ewes. 33 4O-g400. Representative sales. No. Av. TV. 5f4 Mexican lambs 81 6 20 M2 western shorn lamsb 85 4 75 20 western shorn lambs, culls.. 6 3 25 317 western shorn lamba 81 4 50 JOi western Khorn lamhs 82 4 50 H"i western ewes, shorn 109 8 85 8 00 50 Omaha Packing Co.. riwitt find Company. Cudahy Packing Co. .r111011r At Co Murphy J. li. Root & Co .1. H. Bulla Mcc'ieary Catey... S. Wertlielmer Cther buyers D1SPUS1T ION. Cattle. 11'UfS. Sheep. ....168 lflK ....2o:t ....110 7SH I.ikH 1,740 SN4 12 3 1 10 74 7.7u4 1. Totals 6'( CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning were very light as usual on a Kriday. and as a matter of fact, there were hardly enough cattle of any one kind In sight to eslly make a market. The trade waa In ahout the same condition as usual on a Friday, there being an entire absence of any new or especially interesting features. What few beef steers there were in sight were Ktr.ctally disposed of by 10 o'clock in the, although the trade was at no time active. Prices paid were. In the main, steady with yesterday, there npt being enough change to quote. The better xrades of cows and heifers were in fair demand and they also sold at steady prices. Inferior kinds were a little slow and the market was dull and weak on that kind. There were no stockers and feeders In . any consequence tnd not enough nli nr that line to really make a market. lor the week litht and handy-weight beeves and ths best heavies are around 10c higher then at last week's close, with other grades about steady. Cows and heif ers are fully steady for the week, with good light heifers possibly a litis stronger. Bulls have not shown much change and they are at least steady and possibly strong In spots. Stockers and feeders have been In light supply and light de mand, with prices anywhere from weak to lottfllSo lower. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers. 85.7006.00: fair to good beef steers. eJ.4O4(b.r"0; common to fair beef steers, $6 00 (15.40; good to choice cows and heifers, 34.75 tj5.50; fair to good cows and heifers, 4.20if 4.76; common to fair cows and heifers, 82.76 IS 4.25; good to choice stockers and feeders, e6.4fty5.bO; fair to good stockers and feeders, i.2&5.40; common to fair stockers and feeders. J4.26--g5.26; stock heifers, 4.265.0ti; veal calves, HMx3.2&; bulls, stags, etc., 13.71 4J4.UO. Representative sales: BHKl' STEERS. rr. Ne. At. Pt. 6 44 31 1131 6 70 6 44 14 ll8 7 6 70 6 44 26 1U43 4 74 4 66 31 1310 4 76 6 ti 14 1073 6 76 6 44 37 1277 4 44 4 44 14 1470 4 30 6 44 14 1334 4 3d 4 44 11 111! 3 30 6 spring lambs CHIC AGO I.1VK STOCK MAR KKT Cattle Strong Hosja Weak Sheep and l.amba Steady. CHICAGO, Mav 5. CATTLE Receipts. 1.5UO head. Market atronit. Peeves. I.VOOrr 6 1"; Texas steera. 31.60'u j 50; western steers. M SOfuo.W; stockers and feeders, It.OKtT.Vto; cows and heifers. ty.4O(ii5.ti0; calves. 84.50 tl .60. IK HIS -Receipts. 20,000 head. Market Weak. Light. 85.sVnfisi.nO; mixed, lYnVutl.Oo; heavy. $."; rough. Jo.5iwof6.6o; good to choice heavy, 35 Vfii.85; pigs, 85.506,96; bulk of sales, 35.S0tit6.95. SHEEP AND LAMPS -Receipts, 5.000 head. Market firm. Native, 3:i 0O64.6ij; western. 8:l.2,"fr4 65; yearling. 84 4flrUf.40; na tive lambs, 34.25ft(40; western lambs, 81.75 4(6 60. M. Louis Live Slock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mav 6. -CATTLK Receipts. 9n0 head, including 100 Texans. Market steady. Native shipping and export steers. e5.75fi.SO; dressed beef snd butcher steers, e40ii.50; steers under I.OiO lbs., 85.00rr18.26: stockers and feeders, 3.004c5.55; cows and heifers, 33.5i(JS.26; canners, J-OOtiCUo; bulls, 83.75iio.nO; calves, 8i.Oi?r.60. Texas and In dian steers, 84.50Jit(.15; cows and heifers. t3.50ifi5.50. HtxiS Receipts. 10.500 head. Market 5c lower. Pigs and lights, 3.VOXHH.00 : packers. t." 756.90; butchers and best heavy, t-'-SuK1 o.w. SHEEP AND LAM FIB Receipts, 200 nead. Market steady. Natives. 81.75i5M.S5: Jambs, 85.76cY(6.25; culls snd bucks, 83 OO'oG.&l); ulnnL e-i wv,. o vrt ..... r, , i n, fwiq.vv. Ne. 14.,. 7... t4... 18.., 20... 33... 11... to... 11... Av. 476 1044 107 1133 1021 1044 123 11 Mi 1143 STEERS, 8 413 777 121 HKIKEKB AND t'UWS. I 14 10 4 00 10 4 U 14 HEIFERS. 6 00 1...,. 6 16 BULLS. 4 1 4 84 1 4U 1 4 46 CALVES. .1400 . 476 146 ISO 1.14 154 4 8 4 34 6 14 4 14 4 !5 4 36 4 16 14 48 4 44 16 334 ( to 11 411 4 40 II lit m 10 777 6 26 10 usa t 74 4 121 6 M 4 Tot 4 74 COW (4. 1 734 I 16 10 1113 4 44 1 1124 4 00 10 1184 4 73 1 1203 4 tt It 1U3 4 00 HEIFERS, t 624 6 00 ' I..., 600 6 14 13 431 1 110 1 884 1 120 1444 8 474 4 74 1. 1 430 4 40 1., 1 360 4 74 I., t 100 6 00 1. HOGS Trade In hogs acted saggy this morning, but wss fairly resistant early. Some business was done during opening rounds at figures generally steady, but demand proved dull and the market grad ually weakened, closing a nickel lower. Cost of loads gathered In larger droves averaged within this margin spread. Supplies were normal for a Friday, amounting to fully 7,000 head with assort ment of weights and quality much the same as recently. Packers furnished main out let for offerings, but speculative orders were also presented with some frequency. Almost 10 per cent of receipts moved through channels other than local" packing. Clearance was drag try but decreased shipments made It possible to empty most of the pens In very good season. Long strings ranged from 86.65 to 85 65, good butchers selling srotind 1680. Rest bacon animals made a )5.75 top, a price that was also yesterday's high limit. For the five dsys this week receipts give a total that Is much smaller than the heavy five-day supply last week, aa well as much larger than receipts of the same period lsst year. Present prices show de clines of 10-20c from those of last week s close. Representative sales: Ne. 43..., 43..., 44 .. 4k... 44..., 46..., 43... 42... 61.... 43..., 43... 30..., 31..., 42..., 40.... it..., 4..., 44 ... 40 ... 43..., 40... 44..., ta..., 43 .. 48.... 44..., 41.... 48 ... , 44.... 74..., 44... 44..., 46... 44.... 44.... 71.... 14..., 44.... 44.... II.... 8J ... 10. ... 14.... It ... 33 ... .... 64.... 44 ... 47.... 44.... It ... 43.... A. ,.404 .811 ,.3s8 ..811 .881 .Ml ..ltt ..313 ..308 33 ,.871 ..3H4 , .300 ..m ..3.4 .301 ,.373 .31 ,324 ,.S02 . .Sat ,.tt4 ,.Vi ..301 ,.33 ;4 . ,371 28 ..324 , t!3 1.4 ,.8'4 ..374 I .10 .411 ,144 ,474 .M .171 24T tr.8 .14 .374 M8 .344 lit IH lit 841 .174 Sk. Pr. 4 44 6 40 4 40 4 44 6 30 6 66 6 (& 6 tt 6 66 4 tt 4 44 6 64 4 tt 4 6i 4 44 6 44 4 45 4 44 4 a 4 44 4 43 4 44 4 ti 6 66 6 64 6 tt 6 44 4 44 4 41i 4 474 6 47w 6 67V, 6 47V 4 47 4 4 4 40 4 40 6 40 6 44 4 4 4 40 4 4 4 0 4 44 6 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 44 4 40 4 4 4 44 So. 44.. 44.. 41... 71... 14... 41... 14... 44... 4.1... 47... 44... tt... 17... 44... 44... 47... 14... 18... 74... 44... 41... 47... 4... 41... 46... 11... 71... 40... 11... 41... 44... 4... 74... 11-. 84 .. Ae. IM 17 tl 4 2r4 if.4 t 21 344 343 343 .14 44 -K4 164 r. 6 44 4 40 4 40 4 60 4 40 120 I 40 40 6 04 40 6 40 104 4 40 ... 4 40 44 4 40 4 44 .11 ..367 .244 ..34 ..227 ..34 ..260 .330 ..234 .124 .247 ..240 ..131 .333 ..117 .114 ..336 ..130 ..114 ..281 . U4 ..124 .141 .22 . 121 .137 ..37 ..lit 341 ..! .Jit .147 .124 .-234 .146 .141 . 124 ia ..121 144 SO 44 40 44) til 12 4 41V 4 48v t 42V 6 44 4 34 4 46 6 44 4 4i 6 44 4 46 1 44 4 44 4 44 6 44 4 44 4 44 6 (6 SO U IH I u 4 6 . . 6 44 44 4 44 ... 4 34 ... 6 46 ... 4 44 ... 4 44 . . 6 44 44 4 43 .6 4 146 4 44 ... 4 44 44 4 47V, ... 4 74 ... 6 14 . . 4 7 tot 6 1 ... 6 16 46 6 74 Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Mav 5 CATTLE Receipts. 500 head, no southerns: market stendy; dressed beef and export steers, 35.75ftiii.2ii: fair to good, 3.Y2686.70; western steers, 34.75ti'6.M; stockers and feeders, 84.7.rrfffi.RO; southern steers, 84 2.Vor6.7S; south ern cows, 83.256i4.75: native cows, 33.0O7f6.25; native heifers, 34.5i&6.00; bulls, 34.Otrn5.0O; calves. 34.fl((4S.75. HOOS Receipts, 8.800 head: market 10c lower; bulk of sales. 35.75'rT5.8.": hesvv, 85.7Mi4t.80: packers and butchers, tiJiygfloo; lights, 3S.SWiY87'i. SHEEP AND LAM R- Receipts, 8 001 hesd: market steady; Texss wethers. 34.10; lamhs, 85.OOrfis3.10: yearling. 34.500525; ewes. 33.50a4.Z5: stockers auid feeders 13.00 I&3.75. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. May 8. CATTLE Receipts, 600 head. Matket steady: steers, 34.50rft6OO; cows and heifers, 83 5$i5 76; calves, tiOOigi 6.00, HOGS-Recelpts, 8.000 head. Market Bo lower, top, 35.90; bulk of sales, 36.70rtt6 85. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpts. 1.000 head. Market strong to lOo higher; lambs, 66.0CS6..20. Stock la Sight. T?e,.elr.4e rf llte lnL -. . . 41 - . ...... v , u . i , i,q sivv 4i rnui- pal western markets yesterday: fettle Hnvs Ck.n ctouin umtni 0"0 v . t St. Joseph..! 500 (,0u0 Kansas City 500 8.800 Bt. Louis (mo 10 KitA Chicago 1,500 20,000 Totals. ...8.300 61.900 10,700 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. BUTTKR Creamery. No. I delivered te the retail trade in 1-lb. cartona, 24c; No. 2, in 80-lb. tubs. 22c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons, 22c; packing stock, solid pack, 13c; dairy, in 00-lb. tuba. ItQltlc; market changes ovary Tuesday CHEESE Twins. 14Viffloc; young Ameri cas, 174j'17Mic; daisies, 16c; triplets. 16'c; llmberger. 18c; No. 1 brick, lb!; Imported 6 wise. 82c; dotcesUo Swiss, 32c; block at wise. Wo. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 1 lbs, 86.08 per dos. ; hens. 16o; cocks, lisc; ducks, too; geeue. ltc; turkeys. Sue; pigeon per dos.. 61.20; homer squabs, per dos., 84.06; fancy squabs, per dos., 83.60; No 1. per dos., 13.00 Alive: Broilers, 860, IH U 1)4 lbs., and IS to lbs., 80o; smooth legs. 14a: bens. 12c; stags, loo; old roosters, fee; old ducks, full feathered, Utto; geeee. full feathered, 6c; turkeys, llo; guinea fowls, too each; pigeons, per dos.. 90o; homers, fer dos., 13.00; squabs. No. 1, per dos.. 1.20;. No. t, per dos., o0o: cap una, ever I lbs.. !4c; old turkeys '4. BEEF CUTfl-Rlbs: No. 1 13c; No. 3 Utv; No. 3. 11c. Loins: No. 17 HVko; No t. 12c; No. 8, 120. Chucks: No. 1, 7Vc; No! 1. 7Vc; No. 3. 71c. Round: No. 1, 80; No. I. 9'ic.; No. 8, 9iC. Plats: No. L 8Vkc; No. f, 6Si; No. 8. 6c. KI8H (all frosenl-Plckerel. c; white, loo; pike, ltc; trout, 11c; large crapples. 620o; Spanish mackerel. 19c; eel. 18a; haddock. 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, 16c; roe shad, tl each; shad roe. per pair, too; frog legs, per dos., S5c; salmon, 10c; halibut, 7o; herring. 7c. FRUITS Apples, Kansas pippin and Jonathans. 4 tier, per box, 32 50: Kansas Ganos, per box, 32 50. Bananas, fancy se lect, per bunch, 83.2602.60; Jumbo, bunch. 83.753.76. lates, Anchor brand, new, 80 1-lb. pkgs. in boxss, per box, 82.00; bulk la 70-lb. boxes, per lb., Hc.jTgs. Turkish 7-crown, per lb., 16c; 6-crown, per ll ito-4-crown. per lb., 13c. Orape fruit, Florida. 64-64-80 sixes, per box, 85.00; 86-44J sixes, per box, 84 25 Lemons, Llmonelra brsnd, extra fancy. 800-360 stzns, per box. 85.00; fancy. 300-360 sixes, per box. 84 60; 240 else. 600 per box less. Oranges, Camelia Redlands navels all sixes, per box. 83.25ig3.76; fancy navels' 80-96-126 sizes. 33.UO; 160 and smaller sizes ta 26 0-3.50; California Jaffa oranges. 150 and larger sizes, per box, 83 00; 176 and smsller sizes, pe' . M-2. Plnespples, 14-80-34 sizes, per erate, 34.76. Strawberries. Louisi ana, per 24-pint case. 31-7&C2.00; Arksnsas per :i-onsn case, j.w. VEGETABLES Beans, string snd wax, per hsmper, 33.50. Beets, per bu., 76c Cab baee. New York, per lb.. IVc: Paiirnrni. new. per lb., t't-o. Carrots, per lb., 2c. Cu cumbers, hot house, m and t dos. in box per dos.. 82 00. Egg plant, fancy Florida' per dos., 31-60. Oarllo, extra fancy, white, per lb.. 15c. lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dox., 4io. Onions. Texas Bermuds. white per crate, 82 36; yellow, per crate, 32 00! Onion sets, white, per bu., 32 lbs.. 3175 yellow, per bu.. 22 lbs.. 3100; red. per bu.' t2 lbs., tl 26. Psrsley. fsncy southern, per doz. bunches. 50c. Parsnips, per lb.. 2c Potatoes, Iowa and Wisconsin, whits stock per bu., a6$0c; Colorado, per bu., tl 00; new stock, per lb., 6e; per hamper. 82 78 Rutabagas, per lb.. le. Tomatoes. Florida er -ua. trevsr, imitj, ao.w; cnOlCS, 82 60 'urnlps, per bu-. 76c. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds, soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lo leas Brazil nuts, per lb., 12c; In sack lota, lc leas. Cocoanuts. per sack. 86 00: nee rin. 75c. Filberts, per lb. ltc; In sack lots, le leas. Hickorynuts, large, per lb.. 6c; small per lb.. 6c. Peanuts, roasted, per lb. 8c' rsw, per lb., 6Vc. Pecans, large, per lb' 16c; In sack lots, lo less. Walnuts, black per lb., 2"c; California, per lb.. lo; In sack lots le less. Cider. New Tork. Mott's per tbl., 878. Honey, fiew. U frsmes. 83 78. agar Market. NEW TORK, May 6 -SCOAR-Steady ; Muscovado, 89 test. 8 30c: centrifugal, 96 test. 8 60c: molasses sugar, 89 test, 3 05c refined, stesdy. ' Oraaea Hay Market. ST. ITTIS. May 8 XOOL 1' territory and western mediums. 16g'17c; fins uiouiuijis, aqioc, line, iiQiJc, DUN'S REYIEW OF TRADE Brighter Outlook for Wheat Crop Makes Better Feeling. VOLUME OF TRADE IS STILL SLOW Fantlamental tendltlnas Are Favor able. Rat Fnterprlses await fl e saeval af 1'arertalatlea aad Mare Faith ta Fetere. NEW TORK. Mat 6.-Dun KexHsw t Trade tomorrow will ssy: The brighter outlook for the wheat crop Is responsible for a better feeling In busi ness, l.ut the volume of trade, while neiessarlly large. Is nrvertheleea slow, hatting and without etrthuslnsm Tskn In the aggregate, especially In Iron anil steil and dr gotijs, consuriiptlon Is below pn.fliiclng capacliv and concessions In irtt-es fall tc produce aeilvltv. Kunilamenlal conditions ate favorabltv but enterprise continues to wait for the removal f uncertainties and for that leidershlp which Is born of faith In Ilia future. The export trade la more vigor ous than the domestic, because manufac turers, no Icrger finding the home "mar ket Mifflclent. see seeking outlets abroad. Ueneral dullness prevails In the piw iron market and advances from llttsburg In dicate new business In finished lines snd on smaller scale. Railroad buying continues spasmodic and one mill has closed down for Mav, but In the structural division conditions are mere satisfactory. Curtailment Is the order In cotton good. while woolens are affected by tariff agita tion. The shoe trsde Is fair, but pot up to hlah-WHler mark. The mall order houses comnlaln of reduced orders. The retail trade does not hold the Improvement re sulting from better weather. RHADTREET' REVIEW OK TRADE Trade aad lstdastry Remalas qalet vrlth Less Activity. NEW YORK. Msy 6.-Bradstreet's to morrow win say: Trade and Industry remains quiet with less activity than last week. Cool weather with frosts, rains or snow north, enst and west, and excessive moisture south, have made for quiet In retail lines and retarded t top growth or preparation. Reorder business In wearing arpsrel shd spring goods has been checked by back ward retail demand, while futures are affected by crop and tariff uncertainties. Lowered prices for manufactured goods have evoked some response, but not enough to remove the Impression that stocks at larger than anticipated. Industry has been tiiilctrr. notably In building, bemuse of sporadic strikes. Still May 1 lias brought less than expected disturbances. Iron and steel have been quieter with a slowing down of output. More furnaces will be blown out next week. Business failures tn the Culled States for the week ending May 4 were 231 against 240 last week. Business failures in Canada for the week number twenty-six with twenty-six last week and eighteen in the corresponding week of last year. Wheat Including flour, exports from the United States and Canada for the week ending Mav 4 aggregate 1.944.327 bushels against 1. 6 last week and 1.854.070 this vv eek last year. Corn exports for the week are 275 0"0 bushels against 733,667 last week and S5.973 In 1910. toffee Market. NEW YORK. May ( 'OFFICE Futures closed quiet, net 2 points higher to 3 points lower; May, 10.ic; July, 10.49c : August. lu.39i'.; September, 10.25c. Spot coffee, quiet. No. 7 Rio. Iliac; No. 4 Santos. 12c. Mild, dtil; Cordova. 13fi15c. COST OF SICKNESS ENORMOUS Hnadreds af Millions Lost Anaaalljr by America a 0Vae Earners. Notwithstanding the great advances made tn preventive medtolne and sanitary science. It Is likely that most peoplo still regard sickness as a visitation of Provi dence and something to be endured rather than to be oured. Informed persons, of course, know that typhoid and other dis eases' can be prevented by sanitation, and effective work Is being tjone In this way against the great white plague Itself, but few are aware of the tremendous money loss annually through preventable disease. The indefatigable Uermans have the problem reduced statistically to fractions of lives and to "pfennlge," and a be ginning has been made In America In the work of collecting Information to indicate the exact extent and character of the problem to be dealt with. A hypothesis warranted by European experience Is that in an Industrial population of the age of 15 and over, with two males for one fe male, there will be fifty caaes of disabil ity per annum for each 100 persons em ployed. Of these fifty caaes five will re sult from accidents. Reduced to other terms, this means, spproxlmately, 1,000 days per annum of disability, or ten days per employe. The 5lty of Leipzig has for many years collected disability statistics, and these show further that the number of days of sickness per employe Increases with ago. For ages under IS the average disability Is about six days, and this In creases to 8.6 per days at ages 35-39, twenty-one days at ages 90-64 and forty days at ages over 76. A conservative estimate of the wags esrners tn America In 1910, 15 years of age and over of both sexes, is 36.000,000, and of this number at least 40 per cent may be assumed to experience during the year some disability from sickness or ac- . cident which will prevent the unfortunate from working. This means that during each year there will be 18,400.000 cases of disability. The German statistics show an average period of disability of 8.8 days and In view of the poorer sanitary con ditions In this country It Is perfectly safe to assume that average In America. This would give us, on the basis of 13,490,000 disabled,' approximately 24,760,000 days lost annually by American wage earners. Es timating the average wage at 81. f0 per day, we have a direct loss In wages of approximately 8428,000,000 annually. Another loss to be taken into considera tion Is what the sick ones must psy for medicine and a physician's attendance, and this could hardiy be less than 31 per day. This means over t4, 000,000 annually. Still another loss, based on the assumption that sickness will rsduce the value of output st least 50 cents per day, Is over tl 43.O0O.tVsj annually. Adding the three losses to gether we have an annuel drsin on in dustry from sickness of over iWOO.OOO.OOO. If the humanitarian aspect of the ques tion does not command the co-operation of all enlightened people In reducing the amount of preventable sickness, certainly ths economic loss should be Impressive. Loulsvllla Courier-Journal. The Pessimistic Pabllaher. The magazine publisher sighed. "There is no doubt that the world Is steadily getting worse and worse." he said. "Why. where did you find that Idea?1 the bystsnder Inquired. "In my own magazine." the publisher replied. "It is the essential thought of a new series that costs me a great deal of money. Everybody should read It." "I will look It up," said the courteous bystander. "Price 15 cents st sll news stands," said the publisher mournfully. And he moodily strode swsy. Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Bachelor's Bef lestloa. When a girl says she'll ask her mother she already has. An awful lot of enthusiasm Is wasted hating people who don t t are whether you do or not. Hardly anything ran make such a fool of a man as side whlskeis for him to be proud of. The msn who has been msrrled fifty years is willing to let bis wife do the bosst Ing about It. No matter how much monev a msn is glsd to Inherit from those ahead of him he Is never willing to have It Inherited from him by those behind him. New York Press.