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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1911)
"I I i l-T U A TT'l TAI AH ATKA1 111 I JX Y7M A Y iT1 : i i" Rourkes Drop Notch; Pirates Move Into Second Place; Athletics Blank Senators 2 ' J i i i i i n v .J ! I 5 1 i ! i :( I i ROURKES LOSE; UMP MOBBED Putrid Decision, of Kneeland Make Him Fair Mark. KING AND ANDERSON FINED Tm Player l.aM OK far Haaalaa; Oat rinltkmril 1 aaoaafar Of. flclal Paar Gasae ( Ball la Prfiritri. Fifteen him off Keeley and ths abla ltnc of t'mplra Kneeland savs the ctiampw the third and last came of the series hy a 1.1 to 4 score. Kneeland m the whole show at the same and m I ha recipient of two well delivered blom on the Jaw, two dozen lemon, ennrs and cushion", for rotten decisions, and was escorted from the ground by three blue coat. It all hnn In the fourth Inning, when Keeley hart landed safely on firnt after 'lit. Anderson came to bat and. aent the ball to deep center, goinn all around the circuit and sliding; for the pun. He had crossed the platter with half hla body when he was lagged by Miller and Kneeland railed him out. Anderson Jumped to hla feet and struck the ump. on the Jaw. J Kneeland attempted to defend himself and) King rushed from the bench and landed I another hook on the same spot. Hushing out on the field the team mates of the two enraged men stopped what would have been a grand battle.. King and Anderson were both tent from the field and fined 110 with a three-day layoff. Kneeland'a Work Peor, Kneeland got In the poor nraee of the fana on Monday, when he made a couple of poor decisions. His work kept getting worse during the week and the fana and Omaha players wera getting worked up to a fighting point. All through the game the umpire was Jeered at by the fans, but hla decision In the fourth capped the climax and bedlam broke loose. For a while it looked as If the bleacher crowd would pour out on the field. In the beginning of the ninth Inning. Kneeland made a poor decision at second base and was showered with two dosen lemons from the bleachers. Cookies and eggs also rained down upon him and be was kept dodging the missiles throughout the entire last Inning. Immediately after tha game he made a rush for the grand stand and attempted to make his getaway, but he was assaulted with cushions, stale eggs and the like. One fan, wtlh indignation written all over his face, rushed up to the handler of the Indicator and was about to swing on him when the police Interfered. i Officers escorted Kneeland out of the tands and Into a waiting automobile, In Ik In he was conveyed to his hotel. Dur ing the disturbance In the grandstand some one telephoned to police headquarters for mora policemen and by the time the umpire was out of the way a large part of the police force was at the park. Uaiae la I n tate-estlna. Except for the umpire the game was un interesting. Omaha got ten hits and made sight errors, while the Champs made five more hits and only made two errors. Keeley pitched good ball until the eighth, Inning, when five hits and two errors gave the Champs six runs. Had Anderson's run counted In the fourth Inning, the score would . have been tied. The Rourkes left last night for a trip around the circuit and will be gone for eighteen days, the longest trip to be made by any team during the season. Fifteen games will be played while away and a good line on the team will be had by that time. Denver, St. Joseph, Lincoln, Topeka and Wichita will be played by the Rourkes while on the trip. Bloux City opened the first Inning with four runs. Andreas drew a pass and took third on Kane's wild throw to third, and came home when Agnew threw poorly to first to catch Stem, who was safe. Hart man landed safely on first on Kane's error. Both men scored when Neighbors doubled to light, who also scored on Breen's hit to left. Aatersea lilts Hard. Omaha came back with one run. Ander son tripled to the center fence and came home on King's hit past Vyscocll. in the second Inning Graham singled to right and cored on Kneaves' triple to center. Kneaves scored on Keeley hit to center. The Champa opened the second with Vyscocll hitting safely for one to center, took second on Bchlpke's error and went to third oa Stem's hit past Scblpke. He cored on a sacrifice fly to Anderson by Hartman. In the fourth Inning Keeley singled to right and went home on Anderson's hit to the center field fence for three bases. Anderson beat the ball to the pan, but was called out by Kneeland. Bloux City scored in the seventh. Wag ner singled to left and took second on Rellly' grounder to Kane. He scored on Breen hit to left. Breen circled the bases on Kneaves' error of Miller's liner, tfc a saps Giism Hits. Six runs were batted In by the Champs In the eighth. Andrea singled to left and stole second, but was caught stealing third. fctem aingled past third. Hartman took first on a fielder's choice. Neighbor! aingled to right and scored with Hartman on Wagner's triple. Wagner scored when Bchoonover dropped Rellly's fly. Rellly went to second, stols third and scored on Breen's sacrifice fly to Durbln. Miller got - first on Pick s failure to catch his fly and went to second on the play. He scored on Melter's hit to left. Score: OMAHA. AB. R, H. O. A. K H. I 0 O. 10 Anderson, rf... Schoonover. rf Schipk. 3b.... King, cf I'urbln, cf Kane, lb Pickering. If... Graham, lb.... Kneaves. ss... Agnew, e Keeley, p Totals 34 4 10 37 IS SIOUX CITY. AB. R. H. CX A. Andreas. 2b ftem. lb Hartman, tb Neighbors, rf.... Wagner, cf Rmlly, s Breen, If Miller, c Vyscocll, p Metier, p 1 I 11 Totals Omaha Runs Hits Blou City- 13 is n v 110 I t 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 1 0 0-4 1 0-10 Huns 4 10 4 Hits I 1 I 0 0-13 J 14 Three-base hits. Kneavea. Kara. Ander son !., wanner. Two-base hit: Neighbors Pesaed balls: Agnew. tfcises on balls: Hy Keeley, i. Hits: Off Keeley, )n; tff Vys cocll. t; off Melter. 3. ft ruck out: By Keeley. t: by Mriter. J Hit by pitched ball: Breen. Left on bases- Omaha. 4; moux illy, a olen bases: Ksne. Keeley, Hellly. Miller. Neighbors. lime: 1 Umpire: Kneeland. Attendance: 3.VJ0, Kalee e)f the tiiai, Andersen made two beautiful triples be fcre being relieved from duty. Pickering made a beautiful catch of Miller s fly In the third Inning when the Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct ' Bloux City.. lo i .lf Wichita .... 4 Lincoln .... 7 4 ., Cms ha 8 0 .671; I enver . . . . 4 b .Me; Kt. Joseph.. 7 .tvi Topeka S Dea Moines. 2 U .14.1. AM tic- AB8 N. W.l Pet. Mlnnesp'lls.l 6 .1X1 Columbus ..0 1 .o'JS Kan. City. .10 0 -bM Milwaukee. .11 10 .J4 Ht. Paul t .61 Louisville .. 11 - . NAT L, LEAGC WL. K. Pet. .:m .W7 .Mi .611 .:im ..1M .'.T8 .231 K. Phils 14 I I'lttsburg New YoikV.ll Chicago 11 Cincinnati .. t 6 7 8 Boston .. Brooklyn Ht. Louis 7 1 1.1 I 10 AMER, LKAUL" W.L. Pet. Detroit 17 2 Boston 10 s .W"S .( .few . .412 .!. .223 hlrsgo ..... Phils New York.., W ashtngton Cleveland ... St. Louis..., 8 s 8 7 l'l 7 1.1 4 14 Toledo I II .S Indianapolis 0 15 .2b4 1 rale.rilas'1 Hraalts. WEBTERN LEAGUE. Bloux City, U; Omaha. 4. l)es Moines i, Bt. Joseph, 8. Topeka, 0; Lincoln, 2. Denver, ; Wl. hita, 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE New York, ; Boston, 6. Brooklyn, 6: Philadelphia, 0. t. Ixiuls, 1; Pittsburg, 2. Cincinnati, 18; Chicago, S. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Philadelphia, ; Waahlngton. 0. Boston. 14; New York, 6. Chicago, 2; Cleveland, 1. AMHitlCAN ASSOCIATION, Columbus, 12; Ht. Paul, S. louisvllle, 6; Minneapolis, 8. Indianapolis. 1; Kansas City, 8. Toledo, e, Milwaukee, 3. Games Today. Western league Omaha at Bt. Joseph, Topeka at Ii ver, Lincoln at Wichita, Des Moines at Biuux City. national uesgvie ,ew iorx at woston, Brooklyn at Philadelphia, St. Louis at Pittsburg, Cincinnati at Chicago. American League Detroit at Bt. Louts, Chlcsgo at Cleveland. Philadelphia at Washington, Bouton at New York. American Association Columbus at rt. Paul, Jjouisvllle at Minneapolis. Indianapo lis at Kansas City, Toledo at Milwaukee. same fly would have meant a run or possi bly two. Joe Kneaves was there with the stick also. He batted in a run on a triple to center and scored later. Schoonover and Durbin were sent Into the game to fill up the empty space left by Anderson and King. In the eighth Inning Kane hit the center field fence for three banes. It looked like a real home run fur awhile. ' It was ladles' day for fair. The grand- stsnd was a mass of picture hats and the noise was all feminine during the game. Sieve Melter pitched some classy ball for the Champs sfter relieving Vyscocll. Two hits and no runs were all he gave in five innings. Keelev Ditched a aood came until the fatal eighth, when the support back of him weakened, causing his own downfall. He got two hits also. The women were there with the hisses when Kneeland k was given the warm re- ceptlon In the fourth inning and kept it up until the end of the ninth. Anderson and King left the grounds amid the cheers of the 2.500 fans assembled much dltrerent than Kneeland a retire ment from the same field. Stem made a sensational catch of Arnew'a foul in the seventh inning. He almost crawled Into the right wing of the grandstand to pull It down, but he got it. LINCOLN TAKES LAST OK SERIES Topeka Defeated la Tight Battle, Two to Nothing;. LINCOLN. Neb., May 6. In ft tight battle between pitchers today, Lincoln took the final game trom Topeka by the score of 2 to 0. Both teams played a sharp fielding game, the locals without a semblance of an error. Bom of tha stops and throws of the Antelopes bordered on the sensa tional. Score: LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A. E Cole. cf.... Gaxnler. sa ..4 1 1 .. 8 .. 4 Cobb. rf.... McCormlck. If 2 irnelaub. 2b 3 rrhomas. lb 3 Cockman, 8b I Btratton, c 3 Fox. p Totals ... 28 2 TOPEKA. AB. R. ( 27 13 H. O. A. E. 2 11 0 6 24 11 2 Lincoln 10000100 I fTopeka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Runs batted In: McCormlck. Double play: Gagnler to Unglaud to Thomas; Cockman to Unglaub to Thomas. Stolen Oases: uagnier, cjodo, twnmill, moure mi. o.-,! L.U . r:,ntl.r Mi'nrftllolc TVim- iuuv in.. . n .... - . - - - saon. Lef on bases: Lincoln, 4; Topeka, 8. Struck out. Bv Fox, X; by Buchanan. I. Bases on balls: Off Fox, 4. Time: 1:40. Umpire: enoemaaer. T. JOSEPH DEFEATS DES MOINES Visitor Lose the Game by the Score f Elsht t Two. ST. JOSEPH. May Malcihan'B steady pitching and St Joseph's fast fielding were responsible for Des Moines' defeat today, Score: I DES MOINES. AB. R. H. O. A. E Curtis, If Colllgan, s Mattick, cf Dwyer, lb Korea, 3b Decamp, rf Bmtth. 5b Lynch, o Herche, p 13 Totals .".33 I I ST. JOSEPH. 34 10 AB. R. If. O. A. McChesney, cf. Kelly, rf Powell. If Rellly. 2b Borton, lb Meinke, ss Hamilton, 3b... Oossett. C Malchan, p 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 11 Totals 3 IS 37 18 1 Dea Moines 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 Bt. Joseph 0 2 0 1 0 3 3 1 Sacrifice hit: Malchan. Stolen bases: Powell, Borton (3), Melnke. Two-bsseh Its: Hamilton. Borton . Struck out: By Mal chan, 3; by Herche, 1. Bases on balls: off Malchan, R. Double play: Melnke, un assisted. Time: l.tO, Umpire: Haskell. Permits to smoke are now being lasuea. See your dealer. PROTEST AGAINST J5UNDAY GAMES' IN LINCOLN Preacher Asks Ceeaty Attorney te Interfere, bat He Drliaee I Ires Warraats Are Sworn Oat. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. May .-( Special V Rev. C. M. Shepherd, pastor of a local Methodist church and state temperance worker, called at the county attorney' of fice this morning In an attempt to secure the arrest of such base ball players as per sisted In breaking the law relating to the playing of that game upon Sunday. County Attorney Strode refused to prosecute the case. Itasmuch as there waa no complaint filed. It la said outside of the radicals, there Is tittle danger of the matter de veloping further than the position as sumed this morning. The local Western league team has been-, playing Sunday games at Capital Beach, outside the city limit and will continue to do so. Hafford, 2b 4 0 Rlckert. If 3 0 Toinason, cf. 3 0 Whitney, lb 4 0 Mopke, sa 4 0 Moore, 2b 8 4 Crompton, rf 2 0 Hawklrs c 2 0 Buchanan, p 3 0 Totals 23 REDS TROUNCE THE CUBS Cincinnati Outplays Chicago in Third Game of Series. FINAL SCORE IS THIRTEEN TO TWO ftherkard'a Home Hen, Following bean's Slale, Saves I. era I Trass From Shot Oat Hohlltsel Also Gels Foar-Rnaaer. CH1CAOO. May B. fielding and opportu Poor pitching, ragged no hitting gave Cln- clnnatl the third gar Chicago here today, home run following the local team from ne of the series with IS to 2. Sheckard's Khean's single saved a shutout. Score: chicaoo. 1 r.h n.A g CINCINNATI. 8 HOAR tteacher. If.. 4 0 I A till, Jb 4 I 4 4 Batft. rf 1 0 ft Hoblltictl, lb. I 1 Mttrhell, rf. I I 1 A Reck, rf t ( Orant, lb ... 4 111 Downer, as. . 4 4 t 1 0 Clarke, a.... 4 Kevfe, p 2 4 4 8 Shmn. tb. ... 4 4 1 If.. 4 4 0 14 Hofm.n. rf.. 14 14 4 Ralrr. lb 4 1 1 Srhulte, rf ... I 4 1 8 KinVrmui. lb 4 4 4 1 I Tinker, 4 1 4 I 4 Kilns, e 4 4 4 1 1 Griffin, .... 4 4 4 4 Foin. p.... 1 4 4 f 4 Reslbuh, p. I 0 4 1 ToUU. , .. 14 V 1 Doyle 1 4 4 4 ToUls it t n IB 14 Batted for Reulbach In ninth. Cblcago 0 000200002 Cincinnati 3 0 4 6 1 1 0 0 013 Two-base hits: Sheen, Downey, Baler. Home runs: Hoblltxel. Sheckard. Hits: Off Griffin. 1 In one Inning: off Fosen, 3 In one and two-thirds Innings: off Reul- oncn. s in six and one-third Innings. Sac rifice hits: Hoblltsel, Keefe. Stolen bsses: Bescher, Bates. Double plays: Tinker, unassisted: Downey to Eftan to Hobllt xel; Kgan to Hoblltxel. Left on bases: Chicago 8, Cincinnati 1. Bases on balls: Off Orlffin 4, off Keefe 4, off Foxen 8. off Reulbach 4. Struck out: By Orlffin 1. by Keefe 5, by Reulbach 8. Time of game: Two hours. Umpires: -Rigler and Fln neran. Pirates Win Close One, PITTSBURG, May 6-In a splendidly contested game today Pittsburg defeated St. Louis, 2 to 1. The pitchers, both youngsters, acquitted themselves well with the St. Liouls lad leading. Score: PITTHBl'RO. BT. LOUS. B.H.O.A B. B.H.O.A.E. Brrn. lb.... 4 4 1 4 4 Hustlni. tb.. 4 4 14 4 Luih. cf.... 4 111 0 Bills. If I 4 4 0 S Clarke. If.... 8 0 14 1 Mowrty. lb.. 10 114 Wagner, aa... I lis 0 Konatchy, lb I 111 1 0 Millar, tb....l 14 1 4 Erana. rf....4 18 4 4 Hunter, lb... t 4 4 1 Braanahaa, a 4 1 I I 4 Wilson, rf... 110 4 Oakee, cf....4 110 4 Olbaon, a.... I 4 4 4 4 Hauaer, aa... 4 1110 Nasle, p I 0 1 1 0 Steel, p 4 1 1 I 4 Totala II I 27 10 1 ToUla II 10 84 IT 4 Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Three-base hit: Wilson. Sacrifice hits: Hunter, Konetchy. Double plays: Wig ner, Miller and Hunter; Nagle and Wag ner; Bresnahan and Hugglns. First base on balls: Of Nagle. 2; off Steele, 2. Struck out: By Nagle, 9; by Hteele, 8. Wild pitch: Steele. Left on bases: Pittsburg, 8; H. Louis. 8. Time of game: one hour and forty-five minutes. Umpires: Bren nan and O Day. Giants Lose to Boston. BOSTON, May S.-Boston waa on the long end today, winning from New York In the ninth Inning, 6 to S. With two out Ames lost control and forced In two runs, tying the score. Wlltse, who replaced him, allowed a single which drove In the win ning run. Score: BOSTON. NEW TORK. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Clark, If.... 1 0 0 4 4 Payor, rf... 4 4 4 0 0 Tenney, lb... 1 0 10 1 0 Doyle, lb.... 4 1 I 4 0 Harms. a...4 111 I gnodaraaa. ef 4 4 8 4 0 Ingertoa. tb. 4 14 11 Murray, If... 10 4 10 Millar, rf....l 111 0 Merkle, lb... I 1140 Millar, rf.... I I 1 1 0 Bridwall, aa. I 0 1 4 1 Good, of.... 4 4 14 Devlin, lb... 4 4 0 0 4 Sweeney, lb. 4 4 11 4 Wllaon, .... 4 1110 Kartdea, c. 4 I 4 1 0 Amaa, p I 0 0 1 0 Matters, p... I 14 1 4 Wilts, p.... 4 4 0 0 0 ttpratt 11000 Collin 4 0 0 0 0 Total. .it rtt u i Total 14 T IT W 1 Two out when winning run waa scored. Batted for Mattern in ninth. - Han for Tenney In ninth. Boston , 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 86 New York.. 0 3000 .0 200-6 Two-base hits: Devore (2), Wilson. Three base hit: Doyle. Hits: Off Ames, In eight and two-thirds innings; off Wlltse, 1. Sacrifice hit: Doyle. Stolen baaes: Ten ney, Miller, Clarke. Double plays: Bridwell to Doyle to Merkle (2), Murray to Merkle. Left on bases: Boston, 9; New York, 4. Base on balls: Off Mattern, 4; off Ames, 10; off Wlltse, 1. Struck out: By Msttern, 1; by Ames, 6. Time: 1:64. Umpires: Klem and Doyle. Phillies Are lent Oat. PHILADELPHIA, May S.-rUooklyn shut out Philadelphia today, I to 0. Schults, formerly of the University of Pennsyl vania, mad hi National league debut and wa hit hard. Score: BROOKLYN. ' PHILADBLPUIA. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.C. Tool?, H...4 1 4 Welch' oa. rf I I I 1 I Daubert. lb.. 4 I 14 4 4 Knab. lb.... 4 4 111 Wheat, If.... 4 4 1 4 0 Lobrt, lb... 4 14 4 4 Huiomat. lb. t I 4 T I Megee, If.... 14 10 0 Merars. cf... I 114 C Pukirt, of... I 1110 Oulos. rf .l 1 1 i Luderua, lb.. I 4 4 4 4 glm'rowB, lb I I 1 I 1 Daoiaa, ... 1114 Barf a, .... 4 4 1 4 0 Dooln. 114 10 Barger, p.... 4 101 4 Sckults, p... 1 4 0 1 4 Totals, U II It 14 1. Totals I I 17 14 1 Brooklyn 0 0 0 8 0 1 1 0 0 i Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 Two bae hit: Lobert- Home run: Zim merman, Daubert. Baae on balls: Off Barger, 1; off Schult. 6. struck out: By Barger, 1; by Schults, 3. Time: 1:30. Um pire: Eason and Johnston. Permit to amok are now beln; issued. See your dealer. DELINQUENTS CANNOT VOTE Kafcreeaaeat f Rales la Athletic Board Eleetloa Will Create Big Shakeap. LINCOLN. Neb., May 5. (Special.) De linquency will out a figure In the athletic board election next Tuesday Inasmuch as a large number of the students are de linquent In certain studies and are conse quently Ineligible. Tb rulvs of the board require that every voter be carrying at least twelve hour of work In the state university and to have passed In at least twelve hour the suc ceeding semester. In making out the list of student eligible to vote It was found that the list disqualified because of de linquency In scholarship wa much larger than had boon anticipated. The delin quency exist among aome of the most prominent men and aa they were taking an active lntereat in the election the rule may result in tb ahakeup on next Tues day. , la I MOW YktL TrVOftrV l l Ifftne bulla. TO fn. ' -tvr Mo cottrx , , y Court House and City Hall Crews to Clash on Base Ball Field Offices of Government Will Turn Out Competing Teams to Struggle for the Laurel. Battles of the past pale to a small de gree of nothingness before the coming con test on the baseball diamond between the Cliffdwellers of Douglas County court house end the Foraetusnots. of the city hall. The youngsters of the two forts will do the actual playing on the Miller Park field at the opening Saturday, but all the old heads will be on hand to root. Both teams will be a little short on team work, but as Pa Rourke has often In the past remarked, "it Is headwork that wins ball games." and listen to the heal? work of these two staffs. Following Is the lineup. The ump is unknown. Korgetuanota Allen Connell Lacy Faber Price tampan Henderson..., Pavellck Cotton Mortality Lemish Davis Lceder Cliffdwellers Iirrow Palmer , Klebba W. P. Lynch ....Westergnrd(c) Mahoney Bunbltid Tracy Reschuh ... First ....Second ....Short ... Third . ...Right ....Left . ....Center ...Catch ....Catch ...Pitch . ....Pitch ....Pitch ...Pitch "Y" BASE BALL TEAM PLAYS SIGNAL CORPS name Schednled for This Afternoon t the "Y" Online Park. Baseball for the Young Men's Christian association team for 1911. will start this afternoon when the association team and Fort Omaha squad play their Initial game at the Young Men's Christian association park. The eoldler hoys have been putting; In dally practice bitween drill hours and are reputed to hava a speedy lineup in wait for the "Y" tenm. Rothery, Lewis. I.ongnecker, Soderherg, Cohn, Avery, Wirt and Wilson of the last year's squad will be In line this year and besides these Falconer, the former Holly player; Rathka, from the 1910 Benson Eagles; Dolphin, ex-Happy Hollower, and Lowell, an ex-state league pitcher, will play with the "Y" nine. The Young Men's Christian association team has a partial schedule under way for game with the Diet club, Happy Hollow, Field club. Rod and Gun club, and other of the local amateur teams. The lineup: Dolphin. Catch Pilch First . Second... Short , murd.... I..Left Center... RlKht .... Woldt .. Jackson Sippl .. Onstott Robinson Tompkins ... Wllsev Holt .. Perceil wirt Maxwell... Soderberg. Avery Iewls Cohn Falconer.., Parrish.... JAPANESE BASE BALLISTS MAKE A SHORT CALL riERE I.lttle Brawn Brothers of the Orient Pass Th roach on Way to Chlraa-o Game. Brown of skin and small In stature, but every inch of them ball players, the Wa eda university of Japan base ball team passed through Omaha Thursday afternoon on It wy to Chlcngo for a eerie of games with the University of Chicago. Sixteen players. In charge of Prof. Ta klso Takuslgl, head of the English depart ment of the university, and "Pat" Page of the University of Chicago were In the special car on the Burlington train to the Windy city. On the return to Japan, In late July or early August, the Waseda team expect to meet one of the Omaha amateur teams and arrangement will probably be made by Marager Page with the Triumphs, Hollys. Townwnds, Farrells, or some other Omaha team In regard to a game. The Waseda tram was to play Crelghton, but the deal fell through. Saturday the Japanese nine meets Chi cago, and ha games with Chlcsgo again June 3 and 17. Tha Waaeda schedule also provides for games with Monmouth, Knox, Northwestern, Ames, Iowa University, Wisconsin, Illinois, Btlolt. Indiana, Pur due and Minnesota. CREIGHTON TO PLAY CLUB MEN Rod and Gaa Clab Team to Play-on Crelghton Field Satarday Afternoon. Saturday afternoon on Crelghton field Creighton university boys will 'Tine up agalns the Rod and Gun club team. Crelgh ton will oppose them with a somewhat re organized bunch. Owing to the close of medics, from which the team waa mainly composed, the team ha undergone a few changes. Instead of this proving a re verse. It has been considerably bolstered, for soma very good material ha been un covered, axd the Rod and Oun club. will probably face Crelghton In its full strength. J. Kelly. Hronek. Miller, Humbach and Paul Kelly, the latter two mainstay on the mound, have been retained. Ray Burn, son of Farmer Burns, will fill In at short, and the outer garden is much faster In the possession of Riley, Howard and Daley. The Rod and Gun club Is undoubtedly the fastest amateur Saturday team and I composed of several tried and true vet erans. The Infield . Is chiefly made up from ths strong Stars aggregation. Gam will start about 3:15. The lineup follow: CREIGHTON. Petition. Miller Catch... Rusfcum First. . ., GUN CLl-B. Dow Prentiss McNally .... Kennedy ,.. Dougherty ... Van Cleve Welch Reinschrelber Fletcher Atkins J. Kelly Seoond.. Burns. ... fcChort..., ...Third... ...Left ..Center.. ... Right... ...Pitch..., ...Pitch..., Hronek Riley Howard.... Daley P. Kelly... H.6nibach.. Yarlc Ha ta Ready Cash. YORK. Neb., May S. (Special.) The busi ness men and citizens of York have Just finished raising 34,000 for ths York State league, baae ball team, 31.500 for the Tins ley Hay Tool Manufacturing company a concern that moved from Iowa here, and are now raising 115.000 to build a gymnas ium for York college. The United Com mercial club will raise a fund of 310.000 to be used In promoting the city of York. Athletle Meet at Caasarldge Today. CAMBRIDGE. Neb.. Msv 6-Speolal-The Southwest Nebraska fiild meet wi:i be hell at Cambridge on raturday. May 8. This meet will be the big athletic event of the season and manv of the high cheol of this section of Nebraska will hi In attendance. The medal for the high point man and silver cup for the winning team were won by Cambridge Isat year, snd the team this year, under the train ing of Superintendent A. J. Dunlap, whi Is one of Nebraska's beat athlete, promises even a better record than that of last year. lewa Teaaa Still Vhaatlac IOWA CITY, la., May . (Special Tele gram.) Tost City High school rifle team shot 1.73 lo a match against Harvard Mill- SOX BEAT NAPMWO TO ONE Payne Knocks Out Home Run with Score Tied. GAME IS WON IN TH ESEVENTH I.aad eesrri Tbree-Baie Hit l.aage f.ets Twn-Banf r Two olra RaDca Kaar Bases an ' Balls. CLEVELAND, Msy B.-Chlrsgo defeated Clevelsnd today, I to 1. With the score a tie In the seventh, head for a home CHICAOO. Payne hit over Jackson's run. Score: rl.RVBI. I.ANP. n.H.o it I Crane, if. . F HO II bunt. 3 4 0 Hr. lb... I Mrlntym. cf. 4 1 rtouirherlT, If 4 1 nndle. rf. ... I I Tannehlll, ul I Cnlllna. lb... I 4 1 Otpnn. . . 4 Jarhon. cf. A l M. In . . 4 F.aalri l. rf ftorall. In., Turner, lb. . 4 Tand, 0 4 Weat. s 4 Birm'ham . 1 t Pavne, , c 1 Sullivan, Lnse, p 4 I 1 ToUl 14 4 I 1 Totala. II 4 n u i Batted for Olson In ninth. Cleveland 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-3 Two-base hit: Inge. Three-base hit: Ijtnd. Home run: Payne. Stolen bases: Jackson. Zelder. Paaea on balls: Off West. 3; off Ijtngn, 1. Struck out: By West, 3; by Lange. . Wild pitch: Inge. Left on Dases: Cleveland. 8: Chicago, 4. Time: 1:40 . Umpires: O'Loughlln and Dlneen. Boston Ontplay New York. NEW YORK, May i Boston outplayed New York In every way today and won, 14 to a The locals drove Frank Smith to cover, but were helpless before Hall, who struck out the side In the fifth inning. Score: BOSTON. NEW YOTlK. H H O A K B.H.O.A K Hooper, rf... l 4 4 1 4 Elliott. rf..,4 0 4 0 0 L.U'rdner, Jt 4 11 0 Danlela, cf . 4 114 9 Hpeaker, of..l 110 I (liana, tb 4 1 11 0 1 lwla, If 1114 0 Harttell, lb.. 4 1 0 I 0 tnsle, lb.... 4 1111 Yr. If I 114 0 Verkea, . . 4 I I 1 1 I (ITda r, lb I I 1 I o willlami. lb. I 1 10 0 0 Johnaon. aa.. I 14 4 0 N'n'malier, 4 I I 4 0 weenr. a.. I 1 I I F. Smith, p. 0 4 4 I 4 Walih. e 1 0 1 0 0 nan, p I 0 I 0 Brocket!, p A blot, p.... .1 4 0 0 0 .10 0 10 lou.1 if 15 IT II I - Totala 17 11 17 17 1 Boston 0 0 4 6 0 1 0 2 314 New York 0 1 32000004 First on errors: Boston, 1; New York. 1. Two-base hits: F. Gardner, Johnson, Yerkes, Chase. Three-base hits: Sweeney, Lewis. Home run: L. Gardner. Sacrifice hits: Johnson, Hall, Ntinamaker, Hooper. Stolen bases: L. Gardner (T), Lewis (2). Left on bases: Boston. 8; New York, lrt. Bases on balls: Off Btockett, 6; off F. Smith, 3; off Hall, 1; off Abies, 2. Struck out: By Brockett, 1; bv F. Smith. 1; by Hall, 7; by Abies, 3. Wild pitches: Abies, 1; F. Smith. 2. Passed ball: Nunamaker. Hits: Off F. Hmlth, in two and a third Innings; off Hall. In fix and two-thirds Innings; off Brockett. 8 In four innings; off Abies, 7 In five innings.. Time: 1:58. Umpires:, Egan and Evans. Athletics Pound (Hey. WASHINGTON, May 5.-Phlladelphia batted Otey off the rubber today, hitting him hard snd defated Washington taa ly, S to 0. Score: PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON. B H.O.A.R B.H.O.A E Hoian, If... Oldrlng, cf.. .611 0 Milan, rf.... 1 I 1 4 0 114 1 0 Conroy. If... I 114 0 Colllna, Sb.. 4 Baker, Sb ... 4 Davla. lb ... 1 Murphy, rf.. 1 0 110 Lellvelt, rf.. 4 4 4 4 0 10 10 Elberfeld, lb I I 1 1 I 0 0 M. Urlde. aa. 4 0 4 1 0 1 0 110 0 BoaVarlot. lb 4 1 4 4 0 Nclnnei. aa. I I & 1 1 fun'sham. 2b 4 0 1 1 Thomas, o... 4 14 10 Alnimlth, e.. I 0 4 1 0 Plank, p I 0 0 I 0 Olcr, p 10 4 10 (Jroom, p.... 1 1 4 0 4 Total M 11 17 10 1 Schaefr ....11 0 4 Total 11 Im I Batted for Otey in third. Philadelphia 10401003 0-8 Washington 00000000 0-0 Two-base hits: Murphy, Baker. Three base bits: Mclnnee, Thomas, Murphy, old ring. Hits: Oft Otey, 6 in three Innings. Baaes on balls: Off Otey, 8; off Groom, 8; off Plank, U. Struck out: By Otey, 2; by Plank, 6. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Con nolly and Mullln. Permits to smoke are now being Issued. See your dealer. DENVER WINS FROM WICHITA HarrU Effective Grlssllea Hit Jack son When Needed. WICHITA. May fc-Pitcher Harris was effective this morning and Denver had no trouble hitting Jackson In a way that gave them the game, 6 to 2. Score: DENVER, AB. R. H. 0 0 O. A, E. IJoyd, 2b Gilmore, cf Wcidensaul, If, Qulllln. 3b Undsay, lb.... Coffev, ss Caealdy, rf McMurray, o... Harris, p., 6 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 Total 35 10 27 10 WICHITA. AB. R. H. Mlddleton, cf.... Berger, Balden. If Koerner, lb Hughes, 2b lavls, rf Schmid. 3b fehaw, c Jackson, p rJlln. p Totals 80 3 6 37 la 1 Denver 1 0 1 0 1 0 8 0 04 Wicnlta 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Runs batted In: Gilmore, Weldensaul, Qulllln, Lindsay, Coffey, Koerner 2. Stolen bases: Mlddleton, cjuillln, Lindsay, Ccffey. -Hacriflce lilt: Weldensaul. Home runs: Koerner, Gilmore. Qulllln. Two base hita: Gilmore t2. Lindsay 121, Cof fey. Double plays. Hughe to Berger to Koerner; Harris to Lindsay. Hits: Off jHCkeon, 10 in six and two-thirds Innings. Struck out. Bv Jackson, 3; hy Ellis, 3; by Harris, 3. Base on balls: Oft Jackson, i; olt Harris, 2. Wild piches: Jackson, Ellis. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Clar. Permit to smoke are now being Issued. See your dealer. Th ree-I l.ragae Reaalt. WATER1XX). la., May !.--Waterloo won th opening game of the Three-I league seaeon today, defeating Dubuque. All bus iness house closed for the afternoon. R.H E. Dubuque 3 3 2 Waterloo '. 6 4 t Batteries. Rogge and Kreitz; Stowers and Harrington. DAVENPORT, la.. May 6. Rock Island defeated Davenport in the opening game. Lakaff allowed five hits, but kept them so scattered that Davenport was shut out. R H B. Davenport 0 i 2 Rock Island 30 Batteries: Nelson and O'Leary; Lakaff and Custer. Coleridge Girls Wla. RANDOLPH, Neb., May a (Special 1 The Randolph High school won another event in the preliminaries for the final track meet to be held in Coleridge, when the girls basket ball team defeated the Bloomfleld team by the score of 19 to here today. The supposedly unbeatable BUsomfleld team was outplayed at every stage of the game. Referee: Backmeyer. Umpire: Hambiln. l.ak City Defeats Rockwell City. LAKE CITY, la.. May Q.-SpclaI ) The Rockwell City baae ball nine invaded the Lake flty camp Thursdsy snd wss beaten by the score of 13 to 4. It was a good game, tn hough there was a number of errors on both den. Butteries' Lake Citv. Wilklns. Ba'ron and Orenford; Rock weil City, Mile and Knapn. Open Bensoa Park. The Benson Eagles will open the season at their park Sunday with the Updike. There will also be a gsme between the J. S. Cross and Long A Voase. First gsme called at 3 o'clock. The Eagles will play the first game. Ladle, ao need ta warry skest year day alnarr aaw. Read Tha Be Market Shopper aa page 8. Gotch and Russian , Are Again at Odds Two Big Men Disagree on Division of Money, Yet Fani Are Hopeful. Frsnk Gotch and George llsckensch mldt are again st odds concerning the match proposed for Ijbnr day at the White Sox ball park In Chicago. Gotch demands fao.OOO, an allowance of I1.M0 lor training expenses, snd a 50 per cent Interest In th moving picture. He has t..en offered 320.000 fist for hi share, but declares It Is not enough. The two grapplers will undoubtly get to gether Ihor day as th Empire Athletic club of Chicago has made them an offer for that date. But In the meantime th wrestling fans are kept on the fence for fear the deal will fall through. Gotch ad mits he received only s.000 of the money the time he won the championship and declares he will be the on to dictate th terms of the proposed match. Jack Curley, manager for Hackenschmldt, has taken the occasion again to voic his opinion that the champion I afraid of th Russian L,lon, but he still believes he can get the two Into the ring. Hackenschmldt stated In Omaha shortly before he left for Europe that even If no arrangement were made before his return h would be back next winter trying for a go for th cham pionship. BIRD-HEN' TO" ATTACK FORTS Aviators Will Engage in War Prac tices Here Next Week. WILL DROP BOMBS IN CITY "hana Attack Will Be Made oa Forts Crook and Omaha hy Vane, Mmon, Rrae Harrier and Others. Fort Omaha and Fort (took are to be attacked Tuesday or Wednesday. When the big aviation meet, starting Monday, gets well undor way the bird men propose to send a pair of fleet aeroplanes to the posts, and bombs Just like those used In actual warfare, except that they Contain only small percussion caps, will b dropped to the parade grounds. Similar bomb will be dropped on several of the streets of Omaha and the aviators propose to have a set of tickets in esch bomb, the tickets to be good for admis sion to the aviation grounds. Preparations for the meet are proceeding with vigor and the first flight will be at I o'clock Monday aftera nnn Tha snji 1 train carrying the party of aviators and meir machines will arrive from 8t. Joseph in the mornlnr nn4 -ii. the hangar will be opened to th public. orcneeira wui be present at the grounds all week to furnish in.t..4 of the usual band. The five bird men are now in St. Joseph and are making thrilling flight each dy. Manager C. L. Young, the youngest avia tion manager In the business, will accom pany, them here. These a,. h..,- formed In many American cities, having oeen orougnt Here to attend the interna tional meet at Belmont Park In New York, where they took some of th first prises. New Orleans, Ban Antonio, Houston, Hutchinson, Denver and other cities h.v. seen them. For a mammoth attendance at th bit meet and th big auto race June S to t th Speedway association I going to bend all it efforts this vnr Elmwood park now, and at th end of th ine mere win be a ticket offlc. A ticket to the aero meet entitle th holder to ad mittance and Facilities-, such ms auto trucks and vrv conveyance that can be rented, will be pro- viaea Dy the Speedway. ' If these first two meets go off well the Omaha Motor club and the Omaha Speed way association Intend to book several more big event during the summer and fall, In addition to th big uaUonal circuit event In auto racing in July. Ladles, read The Be Market Shop per. Yaa won't fall to find sasae. thlaa; yaa waat. Oa page 8. A Bachelor' Reflection. Hinra w4a nan 1 1 . .7- V t"""u 10 oeueve in fhllr?? can you e"Pct of th rest of It seems a If the more people need ancestors the more they can brae about Ihniui thaw JklA U . ,r T "VI j1 . seiaryjiis 'wire tell her friend he doe, he'd drop dead from the shock of the surprise. WJien a man asks a girl to marry him she is so surprised because she has talked T' v. .... ' . . .diva in., 1 , 1 11 a m woman ran aomire a man more for than remembering what she wore the night he tried to kiss her several years ago before she would let him. There's hardly anything a married wo man can be more deceptive about than the " a-..w av, mm alio auuuja un en- Vied. tlll. .1 I L . . . . . im,, at Kin na a uiaji 10 oinner ner mother's only Idea seems to be to make him ashamed of himself for not being In the family. Wnat a man likes mora than anvthlng else Is to talk about the constitution, lii.ii wnrii iiw nnu w a 11111,11 aDUUl It he thinks congress can amend It. New York Presa. Men who set the pace are now wearing tnese low crown wide brim derbies. Next season the other fellows will catch oh why not get yours now Black i? the correct color. McKibhin linfs MILLERS' HITS ARE TIMELY i Colonels Defeated by Score of Eight to Six, CLYMER BREAKS LEAGUE RECORD Hits felr for the Twenty. Third Caasecatlve r.ame Stanley He rare Home llaa W llllams Three-ltanaer. M!NNFPOI.lS. Msy S Tlmetv h ttln won for M n n rpoll s Indsy, 8 to 8. ' m broke an Anrm asocl uln record h n e tw.ntv-thlrd eon ci- he hit tafely i'-.;- ih tlve game Score: MINSK IPOt.tS fcol.lSVII.I.F n H OA B H O A Ovmeiv rf. .. t 1 A U?1lT. Hmtarfl. I Unipl. Hayrtn. -f lb Sh.. rf .. inn. ib 4 Oanih If . I William. Jb 4 rtoMfna. rf. 1 Kllllfar. aa.. I Frrt. Jb ... 4 Itowaon, r... 4 Altrrok. p.... 4 It I no I 13 1 Sian-b rr. th I 1 I Klih If ... . 4 I 0 R'umiuer. an 4 I OreiHo-ff. c . 4 1 0 Nawtftn. a. .. I f.tndaman, pi 1 Hti(hee .... I Toun II I n 7 Totala IT II S4 II 8 Kurhes batted for l.lrdsn an In ninth. Minneapolis . 1 0 0 4 i 0 1 0 Lon'sv lle 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 1- Two-base hits: Ktllifler. Lennox. Three base hit: Wl Hams. Home run. Stnnl-v. Sacrifice Mts: Rodman (2). louble plsv'a Klll-fler to Williams to Oil; Kfrrls to Williams to Gill. Left on bases: M nneifo I a. 4; Loulsvile. ,. Hits: (iff Neto.t, 7 in four and two-thirds Inning: off Lndsmnn. 1! In .four and in-ih.rd innings. Hnnes on bal's: tiff AlficK, I; off Newton. 1 Struck out: Hy Ait 00k. I; by Newton 4- bv Lndaman, S If t bv pitched bsll: 1'v New. ton, Kllllf er. rime: 1:. Umpires: Ha eg and i:dd nger. ( olumbas Hunches Hits. ST. PAUL, May 6. Columbus bunched hits with bs,aes on balls and St. Taul's etrors and easily took the first gsme of the series by a cor of IS to 8. Score: OOWMsrs. ST. PAI L. B.H.O.A K 8 H O A K O'Rourk. f b I Hlnrhm.n, If I onaaiton, rf Down, lb... e a Jon, cf I 0 ) tl j 0 0 IXIfh nt. rf I I I 1 1 Mrt'nrnVk, a I i t 1 1 0 Kllr, c 4 I IH I t 1 0 It.lFlnn, If.. 4 1 t 0 4 2 Aufrry. In .. 8881 (I 0 Hnr, tb.. 4 1 tl 1 1 1 Hiiwall. lb... 1 0 1 I I l O'Tonl, p... 4 0 0 4 1 0 II rrrln. lb . 4 Mahllns. m. 4 11 Iklwell, rf ... 41 Arhnsa.t, .. I Lelbhardt, p. 4 I 0 Total M ll IT 17 4 Total 17 IS'Si II t Arbogast hit by batted ball. Columbus 1 1 0 0 0 18 1 4-12 Paul ....0 8 I 0 0 0 0 1 0- Two-base hits: Kelly. Songalton. Home runs: Howard, Autrey, Mcformlck. Stolen Perrlng, Kelly, ruiston, O'Rourke. Rases on halls: Off O'Tooln, 8. Struck out: By OToole, 18: by Llebhsrdt, 8. Passed ball: Kelly. Wild nltch: O'Toole. Rnorl- flce hits: Howell. Autrey, Powns. Lleb hardt. Sacrifice fly: Htncr.msn. Left on bases: St. Paul, t: Columbus. 11 Time! iMn. Umpires: Bier halter and Weddlge. &onrte t3ran6. ffltothflf FOB YOUNG MEN and Men Who Stay Younff It is worth a young man's while to get a Suit that will last two Springs in-7 stead of one Tht la the point to carry away with you. If your ault will last two aeagoni Instead of one your cloth ing bills will ba reduced one-half, and that cer tainly la worth while. We give attention to every Suit we buy for wearing qualities, as well as for style Prices no higher; selection more careful, that's all. $15.00 and Up VOLLMER'S Evport Clothe- Fitter. 107 Kouth 16th Street. Trou8er Sale Saturday only, $4 Ones at $2.50 SSSSOStSBmmml "YALE" Soft Ctllar far Ml Finely finished. Fits perfect, ly. Durable. Size. 12 to M. One of the many ilylei of Corliss -Coon 1Tq? Collars CariiM. Cee C, Afsatrt. Trey. N. T. 'later I f i ! i i m f i J n. I IX!