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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1911)
he Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTION PAGES 13 TO 24 Tbe Bfe aims to print a paper that appeals to the intelligence, not to an appetite for icandal and lematiom. VOL. XLNO. 276. OMAHA, SATt'HDAV MOKMNtJ, MAY fi, 1!M1. SIM1LK 0)PY TWO (KNTS. Fine Worsted of $20 Grade at $14.75 Jiy a ppfcial arrangement with the manufacturer, we were able to arrange for this lot of suits, with materials that usually go. into $20.00 suits and tailoring up to the Ben nett's standard Boys1 Clothing Special AIT Wool Suits with "Knlcker" panta and a wide variety of patterns to elect from. 14.50 grade-, Satutday, at B3.60 These have an extra pair -f Pants Pee our Implex Suit for boys, they're tnc leM suits made, guaranteed to give lierfect satisfaction, and huve an extra pair of Knickerbocker Pan,"j remarkable values, at Is and '8 ?or the little tots we hava Russian Blouse Suite and Norfolk Suits and Top ruts In pretty patterns, at. from 98.50 to 99 I 100 Top Coats in Tan Covert and Hod Flannelslze from I to years. I choto, Saturday, at 91.98 J Time for Lighter Underwear Theae for Man at tl.OO Made to our order, they're 11.60 Sea Island Union rtulta. are perfectly made of fine materials, Saturday at 91 Men's ISe Fine Balbtiggan Underwear, Saturday, at. per garment 85e Men's New Spring Shirts with soft or stiff collars, 11.60 Shirts, Saturday. St. only , . H Men's 60c Pure Silk Hose with linen heels and toe," special .at B9o Mens 60c Suspenders, made of extra fine webbing, Saturday choke, at . .990 Men's 60c Silk four-in-hand Ties, no bar stripe pattern, extra special, at.. 890 John B. Stetson Wants Every Han to know that Bennett'a are showing every new hat that be makes, Soft Hat or Stiff Hats, black, tan, gray or blues; every one Is here. To say this to a man who knows hats we've clinched a new friend. The country's full of John B. Stetson's friends. So let us show you wherein John B. Stetson 'a Hats are superior, at. . . -$3.50 to $5.00 Bennett's Special 'London" Blocks Sell at . .$2.0O and 83. OO Just here, are some Smart New Caps for Men and Boys, at 50 & 75 House Furnishings for Saturday 'Lawn l(owers, good Quality, 11-lnch size, at , 98-98 Other worth up to ., ,....815 Guaranteed Garden Hose, at, per foot lOo Tekko Cold Water Kalaomlna, at. per package 8 So 26 per cent discount on all ranges. , Ready Mixed House and Floor Paint, per gallon 81.70 LlHk's Iouble Roasters, at 91.39 Fish Hooka, per doxen So 'Furnished Fish Lines, ot Be Air Rifles, good quality. Saturday, at 69o Croquet Seta up from 78o Hammocks of all kinds now nn display and sale. Drugs and Toilets Below Prices 76o Pompelan Massage Cream. ..9o 60c gilllman's Freckle Cream 390 25o Jergen's Bensoln Cream 19o 60c Palmollve Crin 89o 25c Sanltol Tooth Powder. ....... loo f,0c pebeeco Tooth Pasta 39o "5e Tetlow'e Gossamer Powder... ISO Williams' Mention's and Colgate's Taloum for ! 1NSURRECT0S RECRUIT HERE Emiii&riet Are Diicoverei Shipping -fen to the South. BUT THEM TICKETS TO EL PASO . M.B M Pretext te Officers teat Meat Are Betas; "bjlxed to la. Oklakona Maar Hat Brra Boot. Insurrerte emissaries, supposedly enlist Ing troops for service tn the Mexican troubles were discovered at work In Omaha Friday., A Mexican, giving his name as F.nrico Pad Ho, and who admits that be has lust arrived here from the seat of the troubles on the border, has been hanging around I'nlon station thia week, and nn several occaHinna has put alleged "friends" , ef his aboard trains fur Oklahoma. - Inquiry Into his business by Officer Mans field revealed the fart that he was sending off Ms "frlenda" to ranchra In the south, and as he was in no way troublesome and hcemed to hare business at the station he has worked undisturbed. "Yes, I have just come from the border' anewered Fadiio, In answer to a question, "but I think that the fighting Is nearly over. I am going east tonight. My part ner arrived yesterday and we go to Chi cago." Padrto talks very poor English and at any reference to his being still one of the tnsurrectos pretend not to understand, lie declares that hla father was five years ago a wealthy rancher In Mexico, but that be baa been cheated out ot huge estates by grafting officials and other sharpers. The Mexican admits that he saw some of the flgbling on the border, but could not be made to understand when It was Inquired wlUch side, he aaa on. The thing that first placed him In a suspicious atti tude waa that he bought all tickets for the mm he shipped out and that one of them I nut tad of having a ticket to Oklahoma, a he declared all had, was bound for El I'aao, Tel. Retrial of the men be sent off were American and others could have been Mexican from their appearance. Ladles, aoilre the law prlewe seals aae arrorerlee la The Bee Mar ket 8heBacr ea a 8. ' tgmmSMMBBWJJVnr--' iexesiiiiiiiiiajxriisiaa ...... ... mmmmamamwama&BamB Suits for Men To the man seeking; wonomy, this la an un eqnaled opportunity. These suite are of fine orated, rheriots and raBBlmere, and all cut over thla season's patterns. The shades are those asked for this season by particular men. Our Showing oi Men's Serge Suits is the Largest in Omaha Note the Sale The style given these nulls are English, coronation Inspired sua a classy lot of suits thoy are. Hen who want suit that have all the earmarks of customed tailored milt are selecting; these. The Individuality t assured by Bennett's method of selecting Us new spring stock. Bee these worth 111. 129. 2t.6fl and ?26 00. Saturday. one day enly, choice, at 913-50. 915.00 and 980.00 Tor Tounr Men Bts oar Bnihmon Cloths M 97.B0 and 916.00 Men's Mew Spring- Weight Pant In all the new epnng styles and shades for Doth men sna young men. Tiiere arc gray, tan, browna and blue serges t aa.oo to $5.00 Cravenetta and Pllp-on Ralnooats, Automobile. Khaki fonts sid Norfolk Ktyle Suits ere carried here In a wonderful assortment, at from 5 to Sao 60o Isabel's Fare Powder. .890 PHOTO BUT PL II . 7 tubes M. G. Developer 35e H pound Acid Hypo lao 4x5 Glasa Trays lao Let us finish your pictures. No where In Omaha will you find the results so satisiaciory. Taft Designates ' Mr. Wickersham to Speak at Congress Sug-geits that He Might Come to Omaha to Attend the National Prison Congress. George Wickersham, attorney general of the United State, has been designated by President Taft to deliver an address In Omaha next October before the National Prison eongrees, which oonvenes here. William C Davidson, superintendent of schools and chairman of the committee of 108 to provide entertainment and arrange the program, extended an Invitation te President Taft to deliver an address. Mr. Davidson received a telegram from the president Friday morning declining the Invitation because of other engagement. President Taft stated that It would be im possible for htm to visit Omaha at thai time and suggested that Mr. Wickersham come In his stead. Mr. Davidson bas extended an Invitation to the attorney general to come, leaving the date and subject at the option of Mr. Wickersham. BIG GALA DAY PLANS FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Vaadevllle aae Minstrel Show Part ef the Pregrsai for the Kveat fal Dar. Great preparations are being made at the university of Omaha for the first an nual University GeJa Day. The affair will be held on May 19th with afternoon and evening performances. A temporary stage will be erected under the large trees on the campus and the main features will be per. formed here. The side shows will have booths In the gymnasium which will be sufficiently completed by that time to do so. The central attraction of tbe whole af fair will be the vaudeville show. Each class and organisation tn the school will furnish one turn for the program. The senior claas has provided for a pair of ne gro comedians as Its share. The Junior rlass will Introduce for the first time to an American audience, the eminent Pro Beaoett'. Fh.fetta Chocolates Saturday at 89o Instead of 60c pound. The Iniest Buttercup wale of the season SeiiitUay 40c ll le price, extia special, st 840 rrm Waters, nsiorted flavors, Saturday Instead of 40.- tor 99o I ' "v W mi9.V,' fW is - mil' M M U I M i B 1 -1 lo BARGAIN 1.200 pairs There are It.insiu.i tent Colts, the greatest opportunity in the world for working men and young boys, to save from $1.00 to $1.50 on their sum mer shoes. Now men just tome in and see these suors if you don't like tbem there is no harm done, but tor stjle. fit and wear, Saturday these boat em all at only $1.08 See the New White Shoes for Indies We're showing every conceivable style and last, from the spring heels to" the French heels, narrow toe to the wide mannish toe and our prices are attractive too some are $3.00, others cost as much as $5.00. Ilia; Ilargalnn in Misses' Shoes Saturday will by Saturday nigbt. Big 49 Cent BOOK Saturday Hooks by all of the greatest and authors are here. Two isles great stock of books that were published to sell at $1.50; Saturday a big sale, at Kers's a Tew of the Titles Comrades hv Dixon: Peter, by llopklnson Smith; Husband of Kdlth, by Geor-re Burr Mo Cutcheon: A Ladder of Swords, by Parker; Klucade'a Mattery, by Cable; Kins; of Arcadia, by Francis Lvnde: Spit II of Prison, by Htckens: Lady Without Jewels, bv Arthur 'Joort rlcli; Martin Kden. by Jack London: Happv Hawkins, hv Alex ander YVaion' set in Silver, by Williamson; ronlnton. bv W'ln fcton ChurrhM; Open House. Stuff of a Man by Ratherine K. ltlake: When a Man Marries: Kingdom of Slender Sworders, by Ilall.e K. Rivers; The Music Master, by Klein. f $1.50 Corsets that $10 Models, Saturday 87c These Just came In, and are made of Tine Coutll and Batiste, with nonnistable boning, and equipped with double hose supporters and trimmed with Val Lace of a dainty variety; all sires, either low bust and both hip models; $1.50 Bennett'sOmaha's Greatest Food Supply StoreBetter Quality, Lower Prices and Trading Stamps PBX9K TBCrEVAB&XS ABTC PKUIT9J At Smallest Prtoea Saturday. Large Fancy Lemons, dozen 800 Fancy New Potatoes, per lb Bo Asparagus, large bunch Saturday. .. .Bo Home Grown Spinach, per pkg 10c Fancy large Cucumbers, 6 for Boa Home Grown Onions, 6 bunches for... Bo Fanpy Rhubarb, I bunches for Bo Fancy Colorado Potatoes. Saturday, at, per bushel 90o BUTTXB AID BOO BAX.B PBIDAT Bennett's Capitol Creamery Butter, comes in full weight pound bricks, at, at, only 85o Fresh Country Eggs, each tested, at, per dozen ISC 10 lbs Oranulated Sugar 91.00 Bennett's Excelsior Flour 91.80 And 60 Stamps Bennett's beat Coffee, lb 35o And 20 Stamps. Bennett's Beat Coffee, .1 lbs for.. .. 91 And t0 Stamps Teas, assorted, per pound 980 And Q Stamps fessor Phaker, known as the "Worlds greatest hypnotist." , "The Horse Shoe Indies' Minstrel company," which has Just completed a successful tour of Al giers, has been secured by the sophomore class. The freshman rlass thus far have been reticent of divulging Its plans, but It Is bound to be a live wire. The Utopian Literary society will present a farce en titled "the Burglar." The Athletic asso ciation Is now receiving applications for entrance Into the track-meet which It will hold. Tbe faculty has been asked to fur nlsh an act, but It Is not known whether they will be able to do so. In addition to the vaudeville show, there will be a number of side shows. Tbe com mittee In charge announces there will be some surprises in store for those who at tend. The proceeds from the entertain ment will be used for the benefit of athletics. Young Woman Walks in Sleep, Rides Down Town in Blue Pyjamas Sadie Allen Appears as Somnambulist She Rides Car Into Heart of City. Clad In dainty blue pyjamas and wearing the thoughtful air of the somnambulist Miss Sadie Allen stepped on an eaatbnund Harney car at Thirty-third and Parker streets Thursday night and rode Into town. "Fare, please " said the conductor, paus ing In wonderment. He was a bit In doubt. What with chorus girls In hsrem skirts and memories ot fantasies of female garb ha was uncertain. "Fare." Thia time more sharply. But she did not answer. Then the ronductorman, L- Whitney, leaned ever and peered Into the girl's face. She did not see htm. With eyes wide open she was fast asleep. At Sixteenth and Harney streets Whitney succeeded In leading the young woman from the car. It waa after midnight and the streets were deierted She was led to the lichllts hetel, where, with the asslatance of a physician, she was awakened. Mls Alien was taken to her home In a taxi-cab. Enter The Bae'e Beofclovers' Contest I lll llllllllllli mi II II 1 1 llllll II II imeaiiauisismiss s .JY I ETTiafTTl I 1 I K ,-iZm M aula Vast iurtJmU your trading at llennett's- Omaha's Great est N. & II. Trading Stamp Store. SALE LlW SHOES of Women's Oxfords and Pumps In ers, also In velvets. A manufacturer's factory lot nil hlirli Rratle kooIs and well known brands I rem $;t.o to $.()) era den, at Men's Oxford Sale Saturday, 7 to in p. m 250 pairs and they are the best .$3.00 shoes, made, Just the thing, for a man who wants a good, strong, serviceable pair of oxfords, that will wear all summer and hold Uielr shape. Button and Winner, all sires, all See them 011 the bargain squarei ALE best known filled with 49c Imitate high or 87c values, at. Tea Sifting, per lb.., lBo And 20 6tamps B. C Baking Powder. 6-lh. can for... 91 And 100 Stamps STBUP SAXiB. New South Syrup, 10-lb. can, regularly 60c, special, at BOo SPfi 8 lbs. Japanese Bice S5o ror Maple Butter, oan. ut MBO And 20 Stamps. 80c can Old Mission Ripe Olives ...ISo Bennett's Capitol Oats and Wheat. 2-lb. package for lOo And 10 Stamps Walker's Chill Con I'arne, can lOo And 6 Stamps Walker's Hot Tamales. per can.. . . ,'.10o And 6 Stamps Vegetable and Flower Seeds, two pack ages for Bo DONAHUE IS FOR REGULATION Will Appear Before the Committee of the Whole Monday. WILL URGE THE ORDINANCES Wants Beth the Pool Hall and the Daace Hall Ordinance Passed as Reqnested by the Ceas mrrclal Clab. Chief of Police Donahue will go before the committee of the Whole of th city council Monday afternoon and urge the members to pass the pool hall and dance hall ordinances. Chief Donahue unhesitatingly declares that the council should pass the ordinance regulating pool halls, as drafted by, the Commercial club. "The only objection raised to this measure is the provision which requires proprietors to put a bond of $300." said th chief. "I don't see hoe- any one can oppose such a provision. If a proprietor Intends to re spect the regulations, he will not find fault with the requirement, for In no case can he forfeit his bond' unless he is twice convicted. "Both the pool hall and the dance hall ordinances should be passed. In my opin ion, two greater evils than these do not exist. The pool hall harbors one set of petty criminal while the dance halls pro. vide loafing places for young boys and girls, who should he at home in bed. I shall ask the council to pas both or dinances," TROOPER ANNEXES SOME COINS Rifles the Pockets of Hla ew Made Friend, tVh Ha a Bar Collect toa. Trooper George Edwards, Company F, Fifteenth cavalry, came to town the other day to spend hla money. He spent It. I4tte Thursday night, rad and penniless, he accosted Harry Rapenlnn of 21"1 Harney street. Harry ti ok hlra home for the night and Introduced him to F.d Shuttlenworth. another rormer In the place. Shuttlesworth had just returned from South America and carried a good many foreign eolne. Trooper George ooveted the same and late last night when he thought Shuttlesworth safe la the land ef dreams he appropriated the i'V, j $1.25 anJ Koses Sat urday $1.50 49c Nearly all shades, fresh cut Saturday. 7 6c and $1.10 Fresh Carnations. in deep red, pink and white; extra large size. Special, per (io.en, at . . -35 all loath. 111 irvui" $1.98 widths nlth.-. ,.na or hlseks This Is -600 pairs must go prices say they 2,000 Pieces of Cut Star Glassware Saturday to Go at Half Price We purchased this great lot of High Grade Glass ware from the Fostoria Glass Company, Mannffsodle, W. Va., at just Half the Regular Cost. Every piece is perfect and cut in the beautiful star pattern. Note these prices and hurry to Bennett's early Saturday morning sure. 14.60 Sherbert Glasses, at. doxen .18-85 16.00 Claret Glaasea, at. doxen .... 8.90 13.00 Sugar and Creamer, at set 98o 18 00 Hollow Stein Champagne Oobuls, at. per dozen S3. 65 11.00 Vinegar and OH bottle, at BOo 12.00 Jugs, different shapes, at $1 12.60 Water bottles, cut neck 11.85 13.60 Dozen Table Tumbler, dui... 91.85 15.00 8-ox. Tumblers, Saturday, dox...B2 15 00 Creme de Menthe Olassea. at. per doxen 98.50 $5.50 Cocktail Glasses, per dozen .$8.70 6..o Nappies, 4 ox. alze 330 Saturday Gloves Cut Their , Prices Away Down One lot of ladles 2-clasp Kid Gloves In White, Black, Tan Krown and other shades, sizes 6, 6, 6V. , 7, " and 8. Many are mussed, others have been soiled In trying on and some have been mended. Saturday val ues from tl.OO, 11.35 to 11.60; your choloe 49o Ladles' Pure Mllanatse Silk nlovee, 1 (-button lengths, double tine. In white, black, tans and browns, all sizes from 6 to 7H, $1 values, at 490 L.idlea' Short and Long Lisle Gloves, In all colors and sizes, worth Me Saturday, at " 89o Cheese, full cream, per pound BOo And 10 Stamps Cheese. Virginia Swiss, lb 85o And 10 Stamna Columbia Milk, 8 large cons for 85o nnieu grange, jemun. per lt loo 3 1 i c lor Taa lla.H.n CM nn. . i. . . . . . cdqi o i . IB. mw T. rogan Crackers, per can .860 Ana zn stamps OX-AM 8AI,B. Burnham's Tarpon Bay Clams, two can 100 Halliard Olive OH, small bottle 80 Ana iu o Lain on Van Houten's expert demonstrator Is now serving their delicious cocoa with whipped cream. 1 lb. can and 20 stamps 7So T t I f nniiiwl fan a n. in . . . a n Quarter ponnd can and 6 stainpa! ! ! ! !s4o Snlder's Camup, pint bottle B3o And 10 Stamps Snlder'a Pork and Beans, large can..80o And 20 Stamps York Violet To! let Soap. I cakes for 8A0 . And 10 Stamps. I?, brs Bennett e Bargain Soap for. 85o Fluted Cocoanut Bars and Fruit Wafers coins and a few I'nii a,.,.. -,n ,. longing to Shuttlesworth. flhuttleaworth says he saw the whole performance, which he reported to the police. Emergency Officer Ijihey arrested Edwards In a sa loon at Thirteenth and Douglas. Some of the coins were found on him. Miss Johnson Chosen to Principalship of Omaha Girls' School Denrer Teacher Will Succeed Miss Edith Marsden aa Head of Brownell Hall. Miss Euphemla Johnson, now a special lecturer at Wolfe hall, Denver. Cola, has accepted the position of principal of Brownell Hall and will come to Omaha May 20 to consult with the retiring princi pal. Miss Edith Marsden, and get In touch with her new work. The new principal Is particularly well equipped for her new duties, as she knows from experience the eastern and western educational methoda She Is a graduate of Radcllffe college, and has done post graduate work at Columbia university. For several years she was supervisor of studies st All Saints school, the diocesan school at Sioux Falls. 8. D., and is now connected with the diocesan school of Colorado. In Denver Miss Johnson I also active In set tlement work and Is the manager of a neighborhood settlement house. She Is the daughter of the late William Allen John son, who for years was a professor at Berkeley Divinity school, Mlddletown, Conn. Miss Marsden, whom Miss Johnson suc ceeds, will complete the year's work st the hall and then leave for Washington. D. C. where she has taken a position at the National Park academy. The commencement, week of Brownell Hall begins Sunday. June 4, with the bac calaureate sermon, which Bishop Williams will deliver Sunday. June 4, at St. Mathlaa. The diplomas will be awarded st the com mencement exercises which are held at the church Tuesday morning. June t. Dean Tancock will deliver the addresa. Bi.y a Bo klo er' T.tle Catulogue of 5,(100 titles and solve puxxle pictures In Book levers' contest. 16 cents; by mail, 30 oenU. Sp ring Suits omy for Women 12.) Fine Suitf, superbly tailored and perfect down to the last detajl of line and finish; these are from our Hig Iurchaso of The Famous Hyman Cohn's Hand Tailored Suits They are smartly tailored, beautifully lined and show every lateRt conceit of the season In colors, roll shawl collars of satin, youth con ferring satin collars and the severe, mannish revers. The shades of the suits are tans, navy, brown, grny and Rome come with the pretty hairline stripe: serges and mannish worsteds control the fabrics. PRICKS (to Hand In Hand With Kconomy $45.00 Suits for $35.00 $40.00 Suits for 9 29. 50 $35.00 Suits for 925.00 $30.00 Suits for $10.50 Free During This Sale One Beautiful $.YOO Mescaline Petticoat to match jour suit with c n suit purchase of $19.50 or more. All Suit Alterations Fre also during this sale. YIm. A. Rogers Silverware Sale Sat urday at Nearly Half Price This event promises the biggest values ever known in the Silver Plated Ware Business. Every piece is beauti fully finished and beautiful in design. YVm. A. Rogers Goods are known for his superior quality and workmanship. Note carefully the prices quoted below and If you need silverware for your self or for presents, come Saturday. Remember every piece Is guaranteed for 20 years wear In ordinary family use. Three pat terns to select from Grape, Carnation and Greylock. Rogers Tea Spoons, set of II, worth II for 890 Rogers leeert Spoons, set of I. worth worth 61.75. for 1.1 Rogers Tshle Spoons, set of I, wrth $2.00 for 1.S9 Rogers Iiutter Knives. Sugar Spoons, Pickle Forks .each worth 76c, st only Roger's Coffee Spoons, set of 6. worth II. 25. lor 790 Rogers' Baby Spooos 6i(c values 8Uo Rogers' Cold Meat Forks 11.00 values for 490 Rogers' Berry Spoons. 1 values 680 Rogers Orange Spoons, set of I, 12.60 values. Saturday, at $1.39 C knives and forks with fancy handle. Grape, Carnation and Grey lock patterns, $5 values, Saturday, at S8.9S CHESTS Any Pattern It knives, 6 forks, 6 teaspoons. Table Spoons, 1 Butter Knife. 1 Sugar Shell, total 28 pieces. In fine oak meat, iiz.&u values, ror putur- day, only. . . . .88.60 l 100 Olrls Jackets In plain colore and mix tures, alxes t to 11 years, all new spring garments. Worth 16.00, Saturday bargain 91.89 actuUa Petticoats At 11,00, ' In six new styles, -some are trim med with lace, others are embroidered and some have deep lawn flounce with tucks and hemstitching. See them at .... 91.00 Hosiery Specials Saturday Ladies' and Children's Fast Blac per pair Sample line of Ladles' plain an 10. lac lace arades. Saturday, I pairs for. 89c Silk Hose in black and prettf llg f Ribbons and Veilings One lot of wide width Ribbons In all shades, all pure Silk Taffetas. Saturday, at. yard 10e One lot of Mess Veilings In all shades, worth 26c, Saturday, at, per yard..... lOe Bulbs and Plants That Are Guarantaed Bridal Wreath, 1-year-old, 76c valuea for 36o; Japanese Qulnoe, !6o val ues for 18c; Iris (Flag Lily) only tc; Large Canna Bulbs, each, 6c Fire Escapes Must Connect With Halls Fire Warden Says it Will Not Do Simply to Connect Through Room Windows. Hotels and lodging houses which are equipped with fir escapes that do not open from halls are bains; Investigated by Kd Morris, city fire warden. Id many in stances tbe fire esoapee are reached through some room, says Morris, which does not ooroply with the spirit ef ths law providing for fir escapes. To eliminate these practice, which Mor ris characterize as criminal negligence, Ihe fire warden held a conference with the officials of the building Inapector's de partment Friday morning and requested their co-operation. Morris suggested that In the future the building Infcpectnr refuse to approve plans for hotels or lodging houses that fall to provide fire escapes opening from the hall. IHck f.rotte of the department .promised to aid Morris In every way possible. "I have been conducting a quiet investi gation on my own account," said Morris A perfect condition of the skin exists as long; as the blood Is normal, but when it becomes contaminated with humors and acids its supply of nutritive properties is greatly lessened, and it becomes a sharp, acrid fluid which diseases inatead of preserving the natural health and texture of the skin. Then come Skin Diseases; the character of the eruption depending upon the nature of the humor with which the blood is infected. If there is an excess of acid in the circulation the trouble is characterized by itching and burning eruptions. Other impurities produce watery blisters, rashes, etc., commonly known as Eczema, Tetter or Salt Rheum, while still other morbid matters in the circulation cause Acne, pimples and like troubles. It is right and proper to get what relief one may from the application of washes, salves, etc., but such treatment should not be depended on alone to produce a cure only a thorough purification of the blood can accomplish this. S. S. S. cures Skin Diseases of every character and kind, because it purifies the blood! It goes down into the circulation and removra the humors and acids, builds up the weak, acrid blood, and completely cures all skin affections. Book on fckia Diseases and any medical advice free. S. S. S. is for sale at drug stores THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA. CA. ' Econ Same as -above In Moire Chest, 111 value for $5.98 We have also Included In this great sale: i 17.60 Sterling Silver Tea Spoons, set of I, at S.50 $1.25 Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons, choice, at 69e 76c Sterling 8llver Souvenir Spoons, choice, at 4eo Black Liwn Waists, 91.856 beautiful new styles, some have high neck and long sleeves, other low neck and short sleeves, ex cellent values .91.09 Hosiery, all sixes, 20o values, Saturday. liuo Hosiery, black and all . oolora, 60c ::::::::::::::boJ ht shades, at, per pair . - - - mcKweai ior Saturday Lace and Embroidered Sailor Col lars, at, from BOo to 98.50 Lace and Embroidered Dutch Col lars, a beautiful assortment, at, from 850 to 93. ft Beautiful Oriental Coat Sets, Sat urday, at 98o te 98.89 Lace Yokes, worth up te 11.60, Sat urday, big special, at ....fee Linen Collars, sll size ........ loo Friday - morning. "In many Instances I have discovered hotels and lodging- houses equipped with fire escapee that open from soma window.. In my opinion these are not much better than no tire escape for the reason that nine tlmee eut of ten the doors to the room are locked. This condi tion spplles more to the older hotels than, to those erected in later years. But many new flats and tenements are being built with the fire escapes craning from a win dow. "We can handle new buildings all right. The building Inspector will refuse te ap prove such plana Now we are going- after the old hotels and foroe them to put ea new esoapea This applies to pubUo build. Ings aa well. "As soon as Ixtuls Guy, deputy state labor commissioner, returns to th etty J will ask his co-operation. I do not know whether Ouye takes ths view that I do. but I shall ask him to work with me tn this matter." Bnllelaa- Permit. A M. Raugh. 2428 Msnderaon, frame garage. IV); Mary V. Wear. 407 South Twenty-ninth, frame dwelling, 2,6n0; James Halarka. 2216 South Fourteenth, altera tions. V,n0; Delia Ford. 4711 North Thirtieth, frame dwelling. lU.OOO; Mary K. Donahne. 2CIJ-16 Dodge, brick dwelling, 14.000; Julius Ran, 1230-32 Charles, brick store, 2 bf; Baker Stone, nw North Twenty-third, addition to shop, J:). CURES sian DISEASES