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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1911)
" VOltUl.t, MUillltAl, Mi b, l'JLl. IX'tmtTMt ', BRANDEIS STORES SPECIAL Basement Millinery Section Handrails of the new novelty bunds for trimmlni. A Rfput variety, each..f)8g Straw Braid of nil kindg for making; summer hata. per bolt, at 23 SPECIAL In Basement Section Women Trimmed Hafs in tbe latent sprint" and earir n turner styles, all new and necorr.trii mo'leK A won derful variety, Saturday, at May Sale of "W aist THOUSANDS Or THE CLEVEREST NEW STYLES IN WAISTS AT WONDERFUL BARGAINS 81.50 - $2.50 US - ii i am i i ii I mi ---'i f -flW "h,A rJA Jliifjl V) A You can come to Brandeis Stores Saturday and select the waists you will need this season from the greatest lots ever assem bled for special sale. The prices will mean a remarkable saving to you. We have prepared for this Annual May Sale for months and have seized opportunities to buy several sample lines and surplus stocks at unusual concessions. WOMEN'S WOMEN'S WOMEN'S Smart Waists at 98c Hundreds of fine lingerie and tail ored waists, in the cleverest new styles, also a number of very classy voiles and marquisettes, worth . as high ns $2.00. May Sale Price go at 8c Stunning Waists at $1.39 Handsome new models in tailored linen and fine lingerie fabrics, as well as the popular new voile and marquisette waists. Styles include new models in Dutch necks or high necks, short or long sleeves worth up to 13.00, at ass Elegant Waists at $1.95 Beautiful new styles in sheer or heavier fabrics for 1911, finest of lawns and linens, smart lingerie waists, worth as high as $4.00. May Sale Price at Beautiful Waists at $2.50 Here are the most elegant tail ored lawn and linen and the most elaborate exclusive styles in lingerie waists, worth as high ns $5.00, May Sale Price, at ' y v V a. I 1A tA'VJ $2.50 Silk, Net and Lace Waists at $1.98 Here are the most exquisite dress waists in white and ecru, beautiful silk waists In delicate evening shades, lace and net waists in the newest ideas, mes- saiines, tattetes, chitron, etc. gk Alany samples and odd single pattern waists, worth up to $5.00, at J8 Special in Basement Pretty Waists at 50c-69c Just 300 dozen pretty lingerie and tailored waists assembled made to sell regularly from ll'to S t.50 each. Some are even better, but being slightly soiled from sample use we of fer them Saturday 50c and 69c CANDY SPECIALS POMEIAN ROOM Chocolate Fompelen Bitter Sweets, assorted flavor, Vanilla. Vanilla Nut, Maple. Pineapple and Maraschino ' cherry, at, per lb 99o I.iellrloua Maple Confection, Maple Caramel Glace, Maple J item. Maple Coconut Kisses. IMHple Fenoche. at, lb.... BOO Special. Fresh Coconut Block, at, per lb ISO Kuchard'a Swiss Milk Chooo late, at. . , . . .One-Ha-lf Frioe Rc rakea. 1 for Bo 10c cakes, at Bo I Re cakes, t for ISO BRANDEIS STORES Great Sale Women's Suits at V1 Many Actually Worth up to $23.00. We bought 375 fine tailored suits from a Philadelphia manufacturer at a price that represented merely a fraction of their value. These are stunning tailored suits ' in a ' ' great variety of fine materials, j scres of the newer medelt, spe cially adapted for summer wear, wrth lip to $25, at . . . . SATURDAY SALE CUT FLOWERS , Beautiful Carnations-- In all colors, per dozen, at. . . O VC Roses Long stems and fresh cut, A per dozen, at. . . 4VC Special Sale, Men's Douglas $4.00 Shoes, at $2.00- H T4 71 TTriTP STORES B YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE Any Trimmed Hat In Our Entire Millinery Department THAT HAS BEEN PRICED AT $10.00 OR MORE At Just Half Price This is the one season offer that Omiylui woinon are all waiting for. Choose any hat in our millinery depart ment that has been selling at $10.00 or more, and p:i i exactly One Half Regular Price All The $50.00 Hats At $25.00 All The $35.00 Hats At $17.50 All The $25 00 Hats At $12.50 All The $20.00 Hats At $10.00 All The $15.00 Hats At $7.50 All The $10 00 Hats At $5.00 A I- Great Sale of Fine Untrimmed Leghorn Hats 11 i e a i i i ..... iiiuuNtuus tn uiose stunning ami practical l.egliom JIats that will be more t?Cf popular than ever this season, in all the newest and most up-to-date shapes. flOlJwU large, medium and small effects. High quality Leghorn Braid, all readv to trim. Positively worth as high as $7.50. On immense bargain table on our'sec oud floor Your choice, at TOOTH 10c Williams Shaving Soap, at Cc , .VV..tX'kvI BRA NDEIS RED CROSS DRUG SALE The first Saturday of each month we hold our great Red Cross I)rugRale, and will sell hun dreds of necessary sundries and drugs at astonishing reductions. Saturday bargains will be more amazing than ever. $2.25 Combination, St.SS $1.26 Ice Bags 06c $1.60 Cloth Covered Bags, at yi.19 supplies; $1.00 Ruby Lamp ....Btc 2-oz. Graduates Sc 16c Acid Hypo 10c 1-lb. Hypo Be 6x7 Plate Holders. .. .9c 35c Drying Racks . ...DSc We do developing and finishing for atnatuers, we get your work out promptly and satisfactory. Our prices are right RKXALL. Rexal! Red Cedar Flakes, at ia. Itexall Hair Tonic at ROc and 91.00 Rcxall Blood Tonic, at 50c MMK. YALE'S ARTICLES. 60c Hair Tonic 4Bc $1.00 Complexion Tablets, at hc 60c Massage Cream .. .4r $1.00 Blood Tonic ....80c 25c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder, at 14c 25c S a n 1 1 o 1 Tooth Paste, at 14c 25c S a n 1 1 o 1 Face Cream, at 14c 75c Pompelan Massage 5c 25c Lilac Talcum c 26c Colgate's Tooth Pow der, at 15c Pond's Vanishing Cream, at 23c 26c Dr. Mlrridor's Cream, at 18c 60o Mogda Cream . . . .20c 26c Rosaline, at 18c PERFVME SECTION. 60c Java Rice Powder, B6c 60c Satinet Powder.. 14c $1.00 Plvers' Powder, .'sfVc 60c Pozzonl Powder, 28c 60c White Rose Extracts, per oe itHc 50c Violet Toilet Water, at 29c 25c Massatta Talcum, 13c 25c Bottle Perox ide of Hydrogen, at g 5 Cakes Ivory Soap, at. . . . lc 1-lb. 20 Mule Team Borax, Oc 15c Liquozone Soap, at Be $1.00 Genuine Ideal Hair Brush, at 70c 75c Genuine Ideal Brush, at 15c Chamois, at Oc 1-qt. Thermos Bottle, 93.00 1-pt. Thermos Bottle, 92.00 1-lb 20 Mule Team Borax, at , Oc 2 5c Rhinola Outfits, at 10c Large Moth Bags fl5c SOAPS. ' 25c Packer's Tar 15c 10c Palm Olive . .8c Harmony Rose, 3 for.. 25a 25c Woodbury's Soap.. 18c PHOTO DEPT. This $3.75 Seneca Junior Camera, 3x',4, either film or prate, special Sat urday, at 81.08 if.60 Heneoa Camera, 4x5; a complete developing outfit, worth $1.50: $9.00 value, at 81.98 Rl'BRER GOODS. 76c Rubber Gloves . . . .40e 75c, 2-quart Fountain Syringe, at ........ . Oc $1.00 3-quart Water Bot tles, at fiOc $1.76 Fountain Syringe, at ..91.30 BR. ANJ DEIS STORES, OMAHA MANUFACTURERS TO EXHIBIT Association Discusses Project for a , ''Made in Omaha" Show. DATE IS YET TO BE SELECTED F.srnlrt Committee Mt Deride Time far llolalns DlnpUy Stron Report lor Similar Exposi tion In len Molnea. Preliminary arrmmrmpnta looking toward a hit exhibit of Omaha made goods were mario Friday at the noun luncheon of the Mnnufarturers' HorltWn. A irreat deal of the time wan arient on a dUcuffslon of the moat likely datea fur auch a ahow. Pome aiiRireatf-d I -and show week, and an equal number believed that H ahould be held during Ak-Sar Hn week. It was decided In the end to refer the matter to the board of director to be threahed over! It was aured that auch an exhibit would be given ome time during the present ear. Much enthusiasm was created bv Fdwln T. 8obe, who gave an account of a rlmtlar exhibit In Des Moines recently. One phase of thle show which attracted wide attention was a premium scheme in bought the greatest variety of home made whtoh prises were offered to people who goods during a certain period. Trlses f.f gold were offered and the whole affalf i very successful In every way. The premium plan will no doubt ba adopted by the Omaha manufacturers. J ,M. Glllan, manager of the Omaha Audi torium, waa present at the meeting, offer ing to lend his ajinlstanoe toward makln the coming show a success. He also made ' a brief report on the results of the Des Moines exhibit, hi-h i derlnred to be one of the greatest things ever exploited In that lows, city. The Des Moines show lasted a week, during which time there waa an at tendance of H.000. The exhibit waa auch a success that every foot of space has al ready been reserved for ths next annual exhibit. Lieut. Tom Hayes to Drill the Policemen Omaha's Finest to Be Taught to "Front" by a Veteran of the War. Under the direction of lieutenant Thomas Hayea, patrolmen of the Omaha police force, wll! begin drilling next Monday tikirnlng for the ' municipal parade which will ba held on May Jo. Chief of Police Donahue Issued orders Friday morning directing all officers to report for drill -duty. The men will be drilled In two shifts, according to the plans of the chief. The first and third details will be drilled In the morning between 7 and 7:10 o'clock, while the second detail will practice from I to 1:3 o clock In the afternoon. AU details will conduct their maneuvers on F.'eventh street between Hodge street and Capitol avenue. Protest Against Base Ball Playing in the Public Parks Park Board Hat Received Numerous Complaints from, All Sections of the City. Complaints against boys and young men. who have been transgressing on the park ings of the city, poured Into the office of the board of park commissioners Friday morning. The protestors stipulate that the parka and even private property la being disfigured to auch an extent that unless the practice Is stopped, the grass will be wholly destroyed. The park board has spent money and devoted much time to make the parkings beautiful. Throughout the city, stands of gra'S have been obtained after much ef fort. Now the lads are undoing the work of years. Ball playing on the parkings and on the lota Is the greatest evil, say the protestors, though In many Instances, citizens have worn paths by their constant tramping to avoid the long way round. Moat of the complaints received Friday morning came from the north or south parts of the city. "The park board will take some action at Its next meeting to atop the evil," said Mrs. C. D. C. Jewett, secretary. "I have ecelved a dozen protests this morning. nless the practice Is discontinued, trans, pressors will be arrested and fined. "We have spent considerable money to pet the parkings In a presentable condition. Now that we have Improved them to such an extent that they are really beautiful, we do not propose to have a lot of boys undo the work of years." Meaty ear galas to meats arro rtrlti (a 1 bo let Market tbeeoer Village of Ralston Has Poison Epidemic Industrial Community it Wrought Up Over the Work of an Unidenti fied Person. Ralston trembles In the fear of a poison epidemic. Nineteen valuable dogs have been mys teriously killed within a week. Several families have sold oft their stock in the fear that the animals will fall prey to the poisoner. . Call on the office of ths sheriff for help was made Fiiday by Charles Woodruff, an employe of an automobile plant at Ral ston. The citizens of the little Industrial vil lage are enraged over the wholesale poi soning of their animals. A watch Is being kept by an amateur vigilance ' committee. A deputy sheriff will be sent to Ralston to Investigate. R. M Moore, of Ralston, reported to the sheriff later thst his dog. a highly-prized family pet. had aloo been poisoned. Mr. Mettdowa. proprietor of the hotel there, complains that a large number of his chickens have been poisoned. Tbe residents think that soma miscreant baa scattered poisoned bread In wholesale quantities over tbe Iowa. EMPLOYERS INSURE SELVES Plan Which May Be Adopted in Omaha Became of Baite. SAY THEY PAY TOO HIGH RATES Rome Ma? Their Roto Has Been Almost Doobled! Darin the Last Tear Statistics Are Being- Gathered. Pronounced increases In the rates for employers' liability Insurance have been brought to the serious attention of the Omaha Manufacturers' association, and at the noon luncheon held Friday at the Com mercial club several proposed plana of re sisting the advances In premiums were suggested. One plan, which seemed to meet with hearty approval from some. Is to form a mutual Insurance company composed of employing manufacturers of Omaha. It 'is believed that lower rates could be se cured In this way than through the old line companies. One manufacturer declared that since the first of the year the premium on lia bility Insurance carried by him had doubled, but this Is not an ordinary case. The general Increase Is said to be from 10 to It per cent. The cause of the in crease Is said to He In the adverse de cisions against employers in favor of the laboring man. Action waa not taken on the matter, but arrangements were made to get statistics to be submitted at the next meeting, and on these statistics will be baaed the future action of the association in the matter of liability insurance. Aim Jesse Lee Gets Into Court, but Fails to. Get Usual Sentence Grand Juror Called Up to Antwer to Charg-et of Vagrancy Again Discharged. Jesse Lee. variously known to the nolle as "tag" and "p.d.." the vernacular for un- ornamental Intoxication, erstwhile grand iuror, got Into police court for the 'steenth time Friday morning. He asked for mercy and got it. Lee urged on the court the fact that b. had served 311 days In tail laat year anrl eighty out of the young yar now paasing. He waa discharged. ' The prisoner at bar made caoltal of the i i . .... s inai nn iisa peen eaJlea for service on the grand Jury. Another complication in the case arose Friday when It developed that another le, John A., had also been called for ser vice on the Jury. The second Mr. Insists, with perfect propriety, that he is not a customer of Judge Crawford's court. Moat roes Is Pulaow to the dyspeptic. Electrte Bitters cure dys pepsia, liver and kidney complaints and debility. JTlce luc Sold by Ueatoa Drug Co. Country Club Acres This cut represents the acreage of the old South Omaha Country Club platted in small tracts which are placed on sale Saturday aft ernoon at 2 P. M., May 6th, 1911. Sale at popular prices will continue from day to day un til all tracts are sold. Come and look it over TODAY. Take interurban car at 24th and N Sts., and gt off at Club Grounds Depot. Our salesmen will be there to meet you. t O'HEIL'S Real Estate and Insurance Agency Sole Agents "Tl m I m c 7n I I 25 r V " i -m yy c r-y5L-a-- & h 19 j i nx 10 5 - X 20 t $ r V w 22 A II .' W Jy ' 1 k & XN I , VV c"'!" i p J "'"----"-- - -iMWat, rrin-jriiiT.'if--r ' r aTli Hi-rr--" alfi im m tM"ii iMaf riwtf" i-aMfc tm t rTT nata.- rt' '7gii ifWi-j i itn. ajitaBaas-aaMnsBl mmmmmmmmw PUFFING ENGINES MUST GO Klertrle l.oroinotlt es for Handling, Freight on City Lines and Terminals. A sperlal type of elwtir - locomotive has been perfected for handling freight on rlty lines and at city terminal.". The nervire lo he performed Includes the collection of freight from terminals and docks, where tha grades are both short and sharp, sad the transportation of the goods over lines used for passenger t-rrvtre which cannot be used for freight car storage. As this locomotive mux combine high power mlth speed, the motdrs Installed are rated to develop 22T, horsepower each which Is more than Is requited ordinarily for emilchlng service. The dnljfn In general appearance Is the same ss the regular switching electric locomotive with a central cab ami sloping end comiartmenta. The main operating cab of this new gen eral electric type of locomotive Is In the center of the platform, with auxiliary eml compartments and side platforms extend. out towards the end of the locomotive. I this ai r-.tngenient ghir.K the operator an extended view In a!l lh ectloi.H from Ms! seat. Four motors are employed to fur-I nlsli a tiacthe effort of T...' pn,ju4a at -t , sed of oeven miles sn hour, ehich 1" ' fuffl' int to haul a ;.''-Km train up a 2 I The control whl-h is of the multlple-unH type Is detrstided by the service conditions, wlu' h reulre lilgh spend for level work. Three-speed control has been employed on lot otnotlvea for heavy railroad service, hat .1 l.H- neer liecn generally required for t-ki im loadH. per cent grade, or along a level track at a maximum speed of thirty miles an hour. Ilooklu err. Attention. 5et a Bee cat a ague of 10 book titles It will help solve pussle pictures. On sale at Be office, a cents, mail. 10 cents. i