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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1911)
Omaha Daily Bee Women Best Buyers The, jmper that i read by women bringi beit rtturni to ftdyertisert WEATILER FORECAST. Kor NbrHttki - Fair and warmer. For Iowa Fair and !mor. I- s 1 VOL. XL-XO. 242. OMAHA, TUESDAY MOWXIXU, MA1.VU 1'S, Iflll-TWHIA'K PAUKS. SINGLE CO FY TWO CENTS. ... HE t SUSPECTS FREED IN MURDER CASE Police Turn Attention to Other Clnei jn Endeavor to Ban Down Ami aim Who Killed Colin. nJIlAS MEN ABE IDENTIFIED Their Alibi Proven by Miaaonri Pa . cifio BaiLroad Employea. REVOLVES 13 ONLY CLUE LEFT Description Given by Dead Man'a " Ig Not Satiafaotory. "CASE fflTLL BEMAIN9 MTST, faana U Blmar Mi at Leml n Shop 1 sura Eoerrr ! ftf Mas Vat MUrait Hf TotMn mora than tha old revolver cast tjnda br tha MaThwayinan who murdered fUrmmn B. Cohn la loft aa a olue upon whlo3 tha polloa oaa wot, tha two sua- ( (veota, John XeaJiy and Jlonry Mlcnery tiartiia boon released from ouatody last eraiitnc at : o'clock. Tbey war Identified by Conductor A- W. Itafeot and Braianiaa Kaalar of tha Mls onr Pacffio, who daotarad that Leahy ajyl anarnatT wero tha two persons who boarded tKRlr train for Fort Crook Wore thai hour ct the murdar, Saturday night. Immediately atar they oaraa In from tbctr ton Uat avwnlnt; tha railroad men waoa to tba polloa atatton. "They look Ilka) tha two mam," said conductor Baker. Brakanaan aKaler waa mora poaitrve. "I am anra thai they are tha men who left tba train a Tort Crook. I remember dis tinctly tha ana of than had a light hat and wnraj oorduroy trousers. Tha conduc tor nad, told mo that thary wera two paa atiaTera for Fort Crook. I am aura those ar tha) two man." XinmadlaXatr after the Identification of tha two auapaota by tha train orow rela ttraa of Jahr war notified. Tha result la not a aarprta to tha polloa, who have ttaM from tha Brat axamteattlon of tha men that they war bmooant of any oonnaotlon With, tha tnnrdor. Oauaa "till a, Mystery. TheKfnlaaaa of Itaatiy and Mlgnary Isaa-ss th oaa aa maoh a mystery aa mr. " taottvea UaJoney and Van Duaan sat bos aU day Monday running down possi ble otuaa. It waa reported that Randall Brawn of 101 South Tbirty-aeoond avenue. bad aaan two auaptoioua characters in tha nsia-hborhood of tha Cohn residence. Upon loTaatlcatloa tt turned out that Mr. Brown bad. aaan a younar man leaving tha home of a family wbara ba bad been vl siting. Aifrwi Cratsh, another rasldont of tha vicinity, was aiao mentioned aa having seen two man prowling about tha Cohn boma. Mr. Crelgh whan questioned upon tha matter, told tha detectives that ba bad aan a suspicious character near the corner af Twanty-aeventh and Farnam streets tha poltoa do sot attach' any hnportanoe to this statement. They say that tba plane mentioned wan too far removed from the cana of tha orlma. Tha only olua that remains Is the cheap revolver with which tha killing was dona A search of pawnshops will be made In the hope of tracing the owner of tha weapon. When tha prisoners had been Identified by the train a row as passengers of Bat urday night a look of relief passed over their faces. That the men wera under tevero strain waa apparent from tha mo ment they were captured. A number of people called to aee them at the station, l-oahy, who Is of a good family In Julian, lad a visitor Monday afternoon In the per on of John Oulbrrtson, an old-time resl Jent of Peru, who said that he had known I-eahy from boyhood and that tha only trouble that l-eahy had ever been In was an occasional spree. Iahy also has rela tives In Omaha. 'errk of Pa oth shops. In Investigation of the case the police at a proceeding on the assumption that the shooting was the bunKlln work of a hold-up man. Bcauae the revolver Is not of tba type used by pxrsons experienced In the use or reliable firearms, the police think It fair to assume that It was pur chased at a second hand shop by a "down and out" bandit for the use of one Job. Search la being made of all the pawn snopa and second-hand stores. The Indrntl- ficatlon of the purchaser of the gun will n Interest in ltl.'hop and for a while he ba a difficult task. The revolver Is of ati was a trusted employe of Maloney's whole extremely cheap and common pattern of sale cluur factory, liinliop, however, de- nicn mere are hundreds In every city. The fact that It was loaded with cartridges (Continued on Second Page) THE WEATHER For Nebraska -P artner. For Iowa Warmer. aiilPbers' H thirty-six- hour shipments north- and east for tern r'""" ui ia io a aiiove sero; went for b to X above; aouth for temperature close to freealng. Tfiuprralan- Ht Omaha Vesirrday. Hours, a a. in. a m 7 a. in X a in ! a. iii ! a m 11 a in 12 m... De. 1 P in.. '- p in. . I p in. . t P in. . 'i p m i P in 7 P. I., t P ill . . 44 j 4-1 t oiupj. j-ul. . I.ucal Hrroril. 1911 V.'b) 1S. i I 7 46 37 i Highest tLxlay 1 .oveat today Mean tei'iorature I're. ipltation 'I uii.oi ur ui.J si :i prut.ipiiaii,,u oH ai i - urn from the n.irmal Nurr-.s1 tt npcrai ure Dedelency tji duv Tola) etctrs xincu Mar. h 1 I l"H. p-t . (.!! ,oll . mi lr Deficiency tur lim d .el indi ;o Inch 14 Im li 1 14 In hes In h I re.'ipltatlcn .n March 1 I'?!. -tmy since Mai-h 1 . 1 'e.'ii lancy t .r. peroei l'i;o , Dwflcle-icy cor. p rlnl l't. . stail'in-Aiate of VN'eattier. Teniperatnri" l:ain- P ui. llix'l fill he)enr. viouuy 41 ;.4 L;iiport. cler :io I'uaivr, cieur 1m-s Moines clear ; tndtr now North Plane, cl iu ly M vn aha. ciear 4 Pueblo, parilv loudv ft,' Kepld I'liy. cloitdv it palt lke i'itv. eloudv... nh eanla Ke. cloudy ;,4 eherldan. cloudy M SI. .in Oty, arily cloudy .14 Valentine, partly cloudy . 414 b4 Vi M 4o 4S 1 inda atos ir, t or prei Ipltatlon. I.. A KI.. 1h i Fore, aster (cm- tm 1 " 3,000 A reward of t2.K will be paid for Information leading; to the arrest and con viction of the murderer who killed Heiman H t'ohn, Saturday nicht. March 2. If mora than one deserving claimant, the reward will be equitably divided be tween them. Thla reward Ik offered at the solicitation of The Bee by the follow lnc business firms contributing In eual amounts. The Bn Publishing Company 11 MMIer. Stewart & Heaton l') A I. Root, Incorporated 1'"' Carpenter Paper Co !' Tha Omaha National bank l' Nebraska Telephone Co 1 Hayden proa 1 M. K. Smith Co 100 Thomaa Kllpatrlck 1 Omaha Kleetrlc Ltaiit and Power First National bank li company 1ii Merchants National bank I'1 Hyrne-Hnmmer Co Ki Omaha Gas Co 1 I'axton GallaKher Co 1i Ralph Kitchen 1"0 Meti Brothers , 1 I'nlted States National bank I Orchard Wtlhelm Tha Bennett Co V) $1,000 Additional Reward Is offered by Arthur, above. NEEB MERCHANT OF OMAHA TJBDEBED SUNDAY MORNING a 0 Joax v. HERMAN B. COHN. Small Twister Wrecks Buildings at Kearney School Industrial Institution Suffers by High Wind, New Brick Barn Being Partially Demolished. KKARNET. Neb., March 27. (Special Telegram.) The new brick barn at the State Industrial school, which was com pleted at a cost of If., 000 a short time aito. was bsdly damaged late yesterday after noon, when a twister wrecked eighteen foot of tha north and. The roof was blown off. The twelve-Inch brick wall at the north end wall oontalnlng Jfi.oes bricks', "was hulf wrecked' 'and. : nearly ten tons of brick and cement was thrown Inside tha building above twenty-three head of horses. Six feet of hay put In the barn Friday broke the force of the falling con crete and the Joists In the floor held, al though some double 2x12 boards were cracked and splintered. A new chicken house and a hayrack In the path of the wind were wrecked. The barn waa exceptionally well built and the twister cut It stralRht down through the roof and wall and not a shingle waa lifted beyond the eighteen-foot line. Dynamiter Suspect Is Weak Character Council Bluffs Police Identify Him Yesterday as a Petty Thief from Iowa. Oeorge lllxhop. held as a suspicious char acter with a possible connection with the dynamiting of tl.e court house, has been Identified by the Council muffs police. The Iowa officers who callod to see Illshop are positive thut he has bn aricsted by them many times fur pet 111 larc.uny. HlMhop catnr to Council HlufTs many years ni:o us a wa!f. Mayor Mulont-y took veloped a (liMlnclltiatlon for honest work and took to pilfering for a living, lie lx a weuk-wlileii character and the Council j Uluffa police are -certain that he would i never be entrusted with such a piece of I work as the dynamiting of the court house. Monday afternoon lie was "mugged the Omaha police, who will hold him for some time. Acting upon an order Issued by John l-l user, county building architect, the v ol Kim n on the new ci,;i t limine bean Monday morning to clear away the debris fn ni the scene of the explo&ion lam week, ill hope that the police nilaht be able to liiuie some cine the wnckaije had been left intact. Monday morning Miss i! -len Sl uluir. of mutiancr lure for t'uldwell Drake, i , niiactors. had receded no udilillonal In clination fioin the i iiiUHl o;r., e i,( ilt! f u m or from cm iter of ill con'iaiuirs pir-l so, ally. ! .r fooa ri lb" iVbrl" I.-, tie: red away' Mr. latcnaei Impi s lo ilefniuly estimate' lie ikmase I'.um to liu tllffcieui ion-, li at lur.s. ( The a'Uhorli lew j-a" thtv do not consider! il of i-' uli c e i i :i' ut lot at tiie cause I of the double explosion here when tln-i-e la I e i MMiy I. tile ilfoit being made at Hie: ( o i l-ions iliint to find the perpetrators of tl.r I wo dee. is j in connection w .lh th? il n iMiitini.' ..f thei y iu.1 l.oui-e the peib e bae started on a ?-' rev, Irall that leads to Des Mol :es It Is! .-1llnon tliat three uspi.iois; men! h to k ibe train fur Di s l-.nes rise tit after I ilw explosion. Donahue and j I't tiil l. n bo hi- v.orK.p the iuw, aje L' lill. i1 the'r I-ff oits I.) I... a-e tin three I n.e:i. J A rewaid of t.H) ru barns ner the j I of tl e dv l am t. i. The it-ulia Iiu.l- nesy Mens a.-so. lata n W1 dec ,ii 1 to offer i .'.V 0 for the ar est ai.d conviction of the' I' end t he H mrd of r.Jnty fom-I !'. isiuiifia ' si. . fr.rf.i n r' v ul Soman Hurl in Itauaivay, t'ODY, o.. Ma -ill "I.-iSiw Ial (-Mr,. ( ID. H. Wilson had a narrow e.icip. -r I death tolav a'hen ber team ran awa from Rhe ' rrceled a broken arm. sprained snkle and many aerl-ma cms and bruises! She is In a l.sal bor-plial. but lll icnir' i Reward Hint I and Hugo Rrandeis upon the same conditions as DEMOCRAT HORDE SEEK1NG0FFICES Washington Mecca for Faithful of All Degrees Who Are Reaching Out After Pie. FIFTY MEN AFTER EACH PLACE Members Will Have Job of Session Satisfying Applicants. CONGRESSMEN BACK FROM ZONE Party Returns Full of Praise for Work of Officials. PANAMA AT LAST IS HEALTHFUL Aaaorancrs filvfs that niK nifeh Will lie Completed Accord I no; to K.stl mates of F.nalneers Order Affects Irrlsatlon Project. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. March 17. (Special Tele., gram.) The democrats who are to take over control of the house of representatives next Tuesday when the Sixty-second con gress meets In extraordinary session are now almost beginning to wish that the tide of political fortune had not turned their way last November. To the house of representatives falls a vast amount of patronage and to fix that up Is causing the leaders much more trouble than the make up of committees and other kindred subjects looking tore organlzatlon. A democratic battle axe will aennrnte a great number of republicans from Jobs I built up through what was called the "hog combine." some sixteen years ago. It looks easy at first thought, but when ona figures that there are at least twenty faithful, dyed-in-the-wool democrats who have hungered for the fruits of the "pie counter' for esch position. It Is no easy matter to satisfy their gnawlngs. Next Tuesday some But) republicans will probably ba forcei! I'o walk the plank! i Democrats Jefferson, Jackson. Tiryan and Champ Clark, democrats are going to get Jobs or know the reason why. The trouble Is that every office-seeker In the country whose politics Is on straight and who has the fare to Washington Intends to be here In person. "Heaven knows what we are going to do," said a member today. "You can make the rounds of the boarding houses and hotels and 1 venture that there already are three applicants here for every position. "There will be several thousand seekers after the mere 5I0 Jobs before the caucus next Saturday. Fifty are coming from my district. I'll be lucky to place three of them. Members Hack from I'anamn. Ilepre.-'pntatlvt-s Murke and Martin of South liakota. who were with the con gressionul party which left New York March 7 for a pleasure trip of Inspection of the I'arania canal upon the steamer Colon, arrived In New York Saturday aft ernoon and are now in Washington. Representative Martin was accompanied by Mrs. Martin. The party consisted of Senator Bradley of Kentucky, Senator Warren of Wyoming. Representatives Neeilhani and Knowland of California, Martin an. I Taylor of Colo rado. Steenerson of Minnesota. Iangeley, Thomas and House of Kentucky, norland of Missouri. Iiurki and Martin of South 1'akota. (ludfter of North Carolina. How land of Olilo. Mcliuire of Oklahoma. Smith of .Micblsan. Morrison of Indiana nnri AJondell of Wyoming. Nearly all of the r.inKressional party were accompanied by their wives. and many of them by other members of theli families. Representative Burke today said that too much credit could not he accorded j " ""'kis. i . v ii o nas na'i (Continued on Second I'age.) General Carter and His Staff 'K 4''-" V f..-: At i , .. r.T - v -iO r? . ' -'..A " t IT- FIRST PICTFRF. MAI" K OF THE COMMANDKK AND HIS AIDKS AT S V A NTi ) X H ) --Copyright, 1;1. bv George Grantham Ham. From l-ft to Right Lieutenant Colonel Rees. Malor Hell. Lieutenant Colonel McCarthy. Captain Grav. Colonel Mills. LI -ii- enant Garey, General Carter. .Maj. r Pi an. Major Rolfe. Colonel Ladi!. Lbut nant 'olonel 'iterllngbam. Major Li arned. Mjjir lines i IcwTHtaL Zn you nve r -aw Os v jr-Sss I some thin c. 1 S "only about Lr rrr I Till. Trie Dt I tCT 0W TDINKLLJ Tw evL5tJ TkN I w.i the. 7. A v. Krom the Hloux City Journal, MADERO IS ENTHUSIASTIC Insurrecto President Believes Battle is Nearly Won. REFORMS INSTEAD OF PROMISES F1brlna; Wlll-,JoVvl 'iljBtJVtMaa Has Been Heplaerl eufterlnw Anoni the Noncomlm tan ts Along the llorllrr. MEXICO CITY. March 27. President Diaz' cabinet was officially announced to day as forecasted. Coslo Is named min ister of war. The post of minister of the Interior Is not filled. The Inaugural cere monies will occur tomorrow. KIj PASO, Tex.. March 27. Couriers who i left Madero's camp several days aso when the Insurrecto leader was about sixty miles north of Chihuahua reported to the Junta here today that Madero was enthusiastic over the condition of the Insurrecto'. At that time Madero had not beard of the resignation of the lilaz cabinet. The couriers reported, however, that Madero had repeated his declaration that the In surrection would not cease until Diaz had been replaced and reforms had been accom pushed rather than promised. From the interior ot northern Mexico come repdrts that suffering among the non combantants Is growing worse. The order of the Insurrectos that no food shall be taken Into the small towns from the sur rounding country Is working a hardship on the people who are held practically under siege. I'nited Stana District Attorney Wise and counsel for the Duveens, it was statcj .ater. have reached a compromise agree ment for the settlement of the govern ment's civil suit for Ki.oiiO.OU) against the .11 ni of Duveen brothers. According to the reported terms of the settlement the Duvet ns deposited SI.UN.Md) with the I'nlted Statta treasurer In fu'l discharge of all claims against the firm l'cr duties alleged to have b en underpaid In importation of objects of art. . It was understood this afternorn 1 hie IContlnued on Kecond Page.) x v . ',iT s - . ; t u y -l .v.".. .-V ' :. ... . J-A r ' . .. r a - ' ' 't.V Something to Live For Physician and Four Children Burned to Death at Aurora, Mo. Dr. D. E. Morris Saves Wife and One Danghter and is Suffocated Trying- to Reach the Others. AI ROItA, Mo March ST. Pr. D. K Morris, a prominent physician, and his four children were burned to death early today In a fire that destroyed the Morris home, three miles southeast of here. Members of the family were asleep on the second floor of the house. When awakened the flames were about them. Finding escape cit off. iJr. Morris threw a bed mattress out of the window to the ground. Lowering his wife and 7-: ear-old daughter I , ,,.. ,ho llhi,la rushed Into an j a(,j1nlnK rom to awakfn the four other children. He never returned, were found in the ruins. The b idles H0PI INDIANS W0Ul.J BE FREE thief iclls I'rrsialcnt Ills Want While Men to Tliem lolie. People Let WASHINGTON, .March C hief uke - ! oina. a nun, up looKing nuie nopi I Indian from the Miui reservation In Ari zona, dud In the trappings of Ills tribe. ! and stubbornly protesting against the march of civilization, appeared at the Whits House today and made u plea to President Taft on behalf of himself and several hundred of his fellow tribesmen to be left alone. The ngr-il little Indians spiech was In terpreted to the president aa follows: "Oh Great White ' Father, my people want to live as In the "ays of old before the pale face took from us Hie hind that was ours. We don't want schoolH. We want to be let alone to live as e wish, to roam free without the whlti man always there to tell us wont we can iu anil wnai i ' cannot do. I Yukeoma s beady little black eyes were ! "'cr than ever when he left the White j House for the president toid him that the schools could not lie ulMjIlshed. on the Border ' . .-". t.a . ' ' FIRE PROBE T0GET RESULTS Evidence of Negligence Will Result in Prosecutions. CIGARET BELIEVED THE CAUSE Fir Marebal Kara. Fire IJr I II U I nkaown la Factory and Three Hoars Are Reqolred to F.rupty Balldlna. NKW YORK, March 27. Fixing the blame for the loss of 1 bodlea In the Washington Square fire of Paturday. drew to a focus today the energies of the dis trict attorney's staff, the fire marshal, the coroner, the slate labor department and Rorough President McAneny of Manhat tan. Douens of Investigators collected available Information. Grand Jurymen (turned personal probers and an additional grand Jury In a formal resolution, pre sented to the court of general sessions, offend their aid to the district attorney and declared that some one should be pros ecuted for the disaster. What the probers found-evidence that doom at exits swung Inward, the crumpled fire escape In the airshaft, the one fire ra- ;c:ipe blocked by Iron shutters when opened, :an ernpty water tank on the roof and ihe , a(.tlt(, prevalent among cutters of light lug cigarettes a few minutes before quit ting time all this and what Is yet to be ferreted out, will be placed speedily before the grand Jury for action, District At torney Whitman announced. Tenement Owners I p. The tenement house department sum i. loned owners of half a dozen faulty struc tures to police court us a preliminary step to a far reaching Investigation of tene ments One man was held for violating the law and other cases, it was announced, will be pressed tomorrow. Fire Marshal Heers summoned the pro prietors of the Triangle Waist company and several employea to testify at a pub lic investigation, largely to Inquire Into the truth of reports that doors leading to fire exits were blocked. "So far as 1 can discover." he said, "there never has been a fire drill In this fac tory, in my opinion il would take 700 girls (three hours to reach the street by the one fire escape. Nine-tenths of the employea cannot speak Kngllsh, yet I could not find a Hii'n in Yiddish or Italian pointing out the fire exits." tlararette Asserted I a use. Tiie fire marshal said he was convinced that a cigarette lit by a cutter and thrown in a luap of clippings had started the fire. A relief fund for the sufferers is headed by a I'l.tKJO donation from Andrew Carnegie. The Frilled Hebrew Charities, the Austrian Hebrew Free Hurlul association and other organizations came to the fore with aid. Thirty-three bodies, most of them shorn of all semblance of human forms. He un identified tonight at the Charities Pier morgue Twelve persons, most of them glils In their tuns, are fighting for life In hohpltal. Half a hundred funeral trains trailed through the East Hide and the Italian district near the factory today and as many more are scheduled for tomorrow. The unidentified will be buried in a sin gle grave, but will be held as long as pos sible to give relatives and fritnds an op portunity to claim them. Final figures place the death list at 141, as announced last night, of these :ej bodies were taken from the scene of the disaster and eight drd In hospitals The list will be sweded. surgeons say. by utiieis. who, UII livlna. have no chance to recover. NO STATUE F0HBEN BUTLER I'uiuuilllee ut lla Mate Senate Re ports Asulntt Proposed pproprla t iuu. IK'.-TON. Mass. March ;T -A propo slt.on ti erect a statue of General IV r .ifciiiiti liiiller. former governor of Va.s,ii huseil received a setback In the Mabsacbusetis legislature todav. The wcs hi.iI means romnilUee reported "ought not to ass" on the hill appropriating iTi.t foi i. Maine of the general. EACH HOUSE HAS A riUMAHY BILL Senate Passes Cordeal Measure, While Lower Body Recommends Gus-tafson-Evans Plan. FIRST PROVIDES PARTY COUNCILS Modelled Upon New York System for Nominations. SECOND WILL PERMIT FUSION Closed Primary, but - Changed to Allow This Practice. WAR ON MEDICAL APPROPRIATION Lincoln Physicians TVolna" rtmnil to Prevent FstakHshnien t of Med ical Department la Omaha. From a Staff Correspondent ) MNTOI.N. March . -(Special.)-Roth the senate and house put approval upon a new primary law today. Tha senate passed the Cordeal bill and the house put on third reading the Gustsfson-Evana closed primary act The Cordeal bill pro vides for a system of nominations by party councils. The councils are to be made up from regulars of each party named In primaries. The bill Is to a car tain extent modelled on the New Tork primary system. In the house there waa a fight made for opening the primaries and Quackenbuah argued for some time for an amendment to the Gustafson-Rvans bill which would completely change Its character and allow a voter a vote in any primary without de claring his party offlllatlon. When tha amendment was put to a vote, however, It met with no support and only two 4r three viva voce votes were cast for It. Mouse Permits Fsilon. An amendment, permitting fusion, was passed by a very slight margin with tha republicans ncalnst and the democrats In favor Fvans. although a republican, had conrentrd to Introduce the matter to amend m that any candidate might have his name ion t lie ballot any number of times If proper filings had been made. The vote waa 4)0 !to rs- and only three democrats. MsKlsslck. Mr.trau Hnd l.lndsev, were counted against it or, the standing vote. There was another i debate started upon the question after It wa.4 settled, but no motion to reconsider Gi rdes amended the bill to insert tha war made. registration Inws, ns thev now are, and tha amendment went through. The law allows an unregistered voter to swear out an af fidavit with the city clerk and ba given a certificate permitting Hint to vote. After the Quackenbush amendment mak ing the primaries open bad been defeated, the house agreed to recommend the bill for third rending, unanimously. MkM Sessions MrsMn. j Hcgular sessions were beRun tV th house tonight and will 'probably beheld , during 'th rest of the week. The hduse has not' I yet agreed upon a dste for final adjourn I ment and Is trying to get as much done aa .possible before It must come to the reali zation that the time Is up. Wednesday will be the. sixtieth day, when pay will stop. Flaht Medical Appropriation, A desperate effort Is being made by Din er. In doctors, Lincoln newspapers and Lin coln business men to bring about a recon sideration for- the appropriation for $100,000. for the university medical department at Or.. aha. Lincoln newspapers are printing letters against the proposition from local physicians and the natural rivalry between allopathic practicloners and homeopaths Is being stirred up because the Omaha In stitution is allopathic. The adverse feeling of Crelghton univer sity interests Is also being played upon. As yet no effort has been made, but at the session tonight there was a last chanco for reconsideration. No Raise for Deputies. The governor's veto today prevented tha bill raising the pay for deputy county at torneys In Omaha from becoming; a law and the house haa made no effort to pass It over his disapproval. Tha bill. H. R. No. 17. was Introduced by Morlarty, rala Ing the pay of four deputlea to a minimum of 2.000 and a maximum of $! 600. At pres ent they receive but 11,600 as a maximum. The governor in his veto states tha raise would call for unnecessary expenditures and that taxes In Douglaa county ara al ready very high. The measaga waa aa follows: "1 withhold my official signature from 11. R. No. 17, because It provides for aa unnecessary expendltura In tha county at torney's office In Douglaa county. Tha first deputy should get, in my opinion, two thousand flvo-hundred ($2,600.00) dollars, as he puts In his entire time. And If thla measure made a provision for tha raise In his salary alone. I would fladij approve the bill. But In the case of tha three other deputies' who hava prlvata offices and their official positions not interfering with their prlvata practice, It flours to FarrclT's Fine Syrup Free Today Sec if your name ap pears in The Bee's want Ads. today of fering Farrcll's Syrup free. You don't have to advertise lo get it. Find ywur'namc and the tift is yours. The Hrc is also giv ing away today: O'Brien's Delicious Candy. Updike'ri Famous Flour. American Theater Tickets. Hvnl Xurserv (Miorrv Trees.