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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1911)
"if the omatta sundat bee: march ion. 11 V-" REAL ESTATE riTY rnorF.nTY for alk (Continued ) r CASH REQUIRED. 114 N. nl Ave . ; Urn" mt fi online; two nt r.-t room for another house; new tionon. n rooms, nil mol rn, with hard maple, floor. P.tso. c ash required. 2?22 P. Slst ht , larxe lot. east front, onlv one block pouth )f Hansom Park; house has . rooms; nil i-iortern and nearly new. DUNDEE HUM K. R-rnom all modern house, finished In oak ami harrt pine; only 2 blocks from Dundee cur: house tullt In 1910; only $1,000 cash re quired. $:l AVt $i.w required. S-rnorn. all modern house In north part of ntj-f only H block from car line; this Is bargain. . INVESTMENTS? We have some of th bent Investment In Omaha in brick flat and apartment and frame house. Can show you a large Hat of these. All price. BUTTON REALTY CO . !M lrandela Hid. Tel. Doug. 1670. "WANTED A HOME I have a few thousand dollars that I would like to invest In a home in gome desirable section of the cty. 6 to 9 rooms; must be modern, In good condition and reasonable. Will deal -n-lth OWNEKS ONLY Agents need not reply. Give loca tion, full particulars. Trice and terms in first letter. .Address L 907, Eee. West Farnam Cottage We have Just listed a five-room cottage, modern, except furnace, located on lKug la street; nice east front lot, terraced and odded. If Interested, call ua up and we will arrange to show It to you. Payne & Slater Co. Pole Agent. 61R Omaha Nat'l Bank Bids. SNAFS TWO (food houses, on lot 40x140; walking distance; for a quick sale, $1,750. Thre "houses, In good repair; on a lot K2i xUT; walking distance and close to tar; rental, $42. For a quick sale, H.IM. Owner wanta offer. SILAS JOB BINS, 111 S. inth St., Rooms 20 and 22. Phlne Douglas 2812 or Ind. A-2X42, SNAPS SNAPS $1,G00 4t-room house, good location wcat side, near car. $2,100 5-room house, largo lot, north 17th Pt., near Kountxe r-iace. $.1,0 !1ew (4-roont West Farnam home, all modern; the biggest bargain In this location. A BARGAIN. WANT an offer on 8-room, all modern Kountxe1 Ploee home; hot water heat. A BlU SNAP. MENGEUOHT &CO.. 6o5 N. Y. Life. Doug. 3102 or A-3.14M. 10VNTOW Northwest corner 1.1th and Burt, 66x132, on which there are five cottages, renting for $780 per annum. Price only $12,000. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entira Sd Floor Wure ltlk., 8. E. Cor. Mth and Farnam St., Telephones: Douglas 1781; A11S8. BETTER THAN LAST WEEK Just think of It: An $-room, modern house, finished In oak; cemented basement under whole house; hot water heat, with gaa and eleotrlo light in every room; only years old and In the very pink of condi tion, for $2,6u0. Then, besides, the above baa one o ft he finest 10x14 open-air sleeping rooms In Omaha. J. P. JACKHON. Itill Frederick St. Phono Douglas 4S33. . FIELD CLUB W offer for the first time two of the finest homes In that district! containing $ rooms each; hot water heat. W. FARNAM SMITH 4 CO., . 1320 Farnam 8t. hones Douglas 1064. Independent A-10C4. FINE make me finer with house; lot 1F. block 6. West Cuming (frontage 60) $050. Beck, owner, 1315 Charlotte, Kansas City, Mo. FOR BALK Two lota, 1U14. oa aaiits 4 Ui BMJur Vlnioa; ali special Laxus pais. Will U one pieuo or divide. WbliM to sell al aecraxic. Aip4 at szt Souts iXtt street. TWO building lot 9. W. corner 23d and J ark son t?t., South Omaha. PY OWNER. 2 modern cottages; $3,800; walking distance. Douglas b2s3. 7-ROOM house, modern except heat; a bargain if sold soon. Corner ilim and Fort St: Call and look it over. Phone Web ster 3877. WEST SIDE SACRIFICE Do you want to buy a splendid 7-room house. In walking distance, for $1.0u less than Its value? Strictly modem, in firt- clasa condition.' Full south front lot. Price $4.-iJ. CbII at our office and we will take you out Monday. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entire Sd Floor Ware 1J ock. South east Cor. loth A.- Farnam Sts. Telephones: Douglas I7M; A 118 Vfll? i T V 1708-1710 Dorca St., s-rooru oiv nnuii niodern, except furnaos. (-room with gaa and water, lot 66xlW fu FOR SALE By owner le.ivlng town, good -room home; modern; a bargain. See It at UU So.' 21st Bt You can save money by ordering your ABSTRACTS 0 TITLE from HERBERT H. NEALE. now at Its) fi. V. Life llldg. JA year la ths buslnesa $3,W WILL BUY 3-ROOM HOUSE Oood repair, iaved street, cement walk, niodern except heat. Call and see. 27U Hamilton St. UUY of owner, (-room houan, strictly niodern; full baenient: one acre ground; 3 block from car; new biillillnK: large floored attic. Will A. Ford, $-1 N. iUh Ave. Tel. Harney $7 IOWA people living on the farm are frequent visitors to the American theater. If Mo Mckee. Mi Taylor Mt., will bring thl ad to Tho bee and Identify himself b will receive an order for two seals at the American theater. FINE BUILDING LOT8 Three flue east front lots In Dundee at 4!Hh and Burt r-t Bee our in on the lots tioKing sixe aiiu price oi eacn lot. tTlce given includes grading rear end down to level with rront. PEVA REAL ESTATE CO. Red 2XM. So Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg Home For Sale 7 rooms besides reception hall and bath, first floor finished In quarter-sawed oak, full basement, furnace heal; tSO bid cittern connected with laundry; earn front;- nicely lixaied. paved atreet all around, within nalking ditianre. Built by owner tor three villi ago. K,lJU. Address owner, K Be. $3.600-Preferred live wholesale prort', per cent guaranteed: 4 years; no tases. D. C. Patterson. ltC'J Farnam. LIMITED number of relinquishments available under Laramie. Wyo., Irrigation project, Jxnl to $l.wi) r half section, tstch contracts award.-.!, fine land and situated I along I-rml A llahn'i Peak railroad, 4 which la already built and In operation, v Knul J. I'opclar. Loyal Hotel, Omaha. Hoi I.EVAHI) PARK bunaalows, two of them, but different; $ rooms, all modem, i'K finiiihed, Junt completed. Tlia bet-t ar lanitvd and most nitty lookers 4111 and 4ii.t v 1Mb, bt. Choice for $.!): $-m cash ill bamtl either. . K llivm today. D. b. Uiier, iraldence phone Harney Hi. REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPRRTY FOR AI.B (Continued J for sale fir owner. Fix. rortm. modern, except heat to highest bidder. 4144 Ersklne St. BY OWN Fit-Seven-room, modern houss. 2Mh and Plnkney; Jut completed. Web. 71. . o 2 ana isat I nana. C. Fred Ilarrlaon and Geo. rental bargains. l Om ACKKAGR FOR SALE. Buy Acreage Property Now Is the Time To Do It Remember It la the earlv bird that catches the worm. The lucky one i the one who gets there flrct.. A great many bargains In Suburban Acreage Property. Accumulate over winter to be snapped up on the approach of spring- If you are looking for such property, come In and aee us tomorrow. Don't put It off from day to day. we have what you want, why not see us first. i O'NEIL PEAL ESTATE & INS. AGENCY, 10O5 Farnam Street. Telephone, Tyler 1024. Ind. A. $31$. 2i or 5 Acres Just to suit you. Nearly all In in bearing fruit; good 8-room house, furnace heat; barn and chlken house. Owner moving to California. Posses sion April 1st. Here Is the chance of your life. See It and the owner at 4123 N. 24th St., four blocks from Ames Ave. car line. Take a car ride and see this today. J. W. Kasp Co., G89 Brandeis Bldg. Improved 10 Acres Near Florence Improvements and raw land (bought four Vfara ago) stand owner over $3,800. but must sacrifice for cash. Make us an offer at once. BIGCIFJT SNAP IN ACREAGE and f rbt'RUAN PROPERTY in this vicin ity. For terms see THE WOOD-KEHM CO.. .r,7 Brandeis Bldg. Douglaa 2.105.' WILL NOT LAST LONG Good, productive, 10 acres; level, near good small town, 17 miles of Omaha; handy to depot and high school of twelve grades; a mighty good market for your produce. It is Improved with a 6-room house. De ride bath room: good cellar (bricked), ce ment walk, wood house 10-14. barn lx20 and other small building. There are 40 fruit tree, mainly apple, and plenty of grape: also a few shade trees around the house. A person can make more money off of this twenty acres than on a great number or larger farms. The price is $150 per acre. It is worth It, too. ORIN S. MERRILL CO.. 1213-1214 City National Bank Building. 1 acre, 4Tth and Saratoga 7W I acre, 6l'd near Leavenworth S.V) I acre, 44th and Pierce 1.000 acres. 42d and Fort $.onO I acres. Florence, near car 2,000 i acres, Florence, on car, paved 4,000 1 40 acres, near Macadam..... t.5"0l VA lots near car. $1M to 300 PATTERSON, Patterson Block. ACREAGE FOR RENT. TWENTY acre near Elmwood park. THE BYRON REED CO.. Phones Doug. 297 or A-3NS4. 212 P. 17th. REAL ESTATE FA RBI AND HANCH LAJfD POR SALB Arkauaaa. Western Arkansas Fruit and Farm Land Bargains Apples took first premium wherever ex hibited last full. You do not have to lrrl- Is flne. Good towns and a good class of cltlxens. Ask for particulars and lists. W. W. MITCHELL, Bosrd of Trade Bldg.. Omt-ha. Neb. t ARKANSAS BARGAINS For sale fine farm and timber lands, ths choicest part of Arkansas on the K. C. 8o. Ry., for home, speculation or Investment, $6 to $15 an acre. xour money should double quickly. A. Campbell & Co., m 8. La Salle St., Chicago. - $10 ACRES, rich, dark, sandy loam lands; timbered: on railroad; no rock; no over flow; one mile town; $4 acre. Robert Sessions, Wlnthrop, Ark. t'a. Canada Farm LANDS Nowhere else In the great northwest 1 ths prospect so good for Investment In fsrm lands as n the beautiful Nechaco and Sunny Fraser Valleys of British Col- i umbla. No other part of the country of fers anytning to tne investor in isrm tanas outside of th great northwest. That I why ths tld of Immigration Is westward Instead of eastward. Come in and let us show you the grandest opportunity ever offered for doubling your money svery year for the next five year. A new de scriptive circular right oft ths press will bs sent free upon request.' Grand Trunk Pacific Land Co., tOt-812 Nsw York Life Bldg.. Omaha, or O. J. McManus & Co., Belling A cents Council Bluff, Iowa. Canadian Farm Lands TO CLONK AN ESTATE 4,000 acres of the finest agri cultural land in the Canadian Northwest close to railways ojen prairie. For particulars apply to the Colonial Assurance Company Mclntyre Blk.t Winnipeg, Man.' FIFTEEN THOUSAND acres rholce western Canada litmla for sal rn bloc. On Uraiid lrunk 1 acme in Saskatchewan. For price and terms apply th MscDougall rieany to., t.:fcn biock. Winnipeg California. FRUIT, alfalfa, stork or poultry Ideal Irrlsated California farms selected by our experts treasonable prices, easy terms Crops should soon tnesu psyments. Writs I .and Bureau, ban trancisco Call, Han r ranclsco, t-ai." REAL ESTATE FARM AD HAXC'IS LAND FOR SALB 4 aUforn CALIFORNIA. California land for wealth. California fruit for health. California for comfort $ day In the year. No (now, no bllssard. no thunderstorm, no hlirh winds; fresh vegetable every day n 4ha (Mr; strawberries ripen every momh - Tne nd climate provide per- feet conditions for raising oranges, figs, English, walnuts, almonds, grapes, prunes. peaches and all deciduous fruit. All kinds of vegetables and alfalfa. Have vou Mooned to th nk of California S Wonderful growth? 1 it not worth while to Investlaate? Think of a perfect climate I the awakening commerce of the Orient the ran J ma canal. We are offering Sacramento valley land at $-i per acre. Make this place your home. rite for booklets. TROWHHUKIE-UOLSTER COM PAN! . MtS-10 City Natl. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Colorado. FOR 8AI.B Br contracting for 4.4uO acre of fine laying prairie land In Lincoln county, Colo.. 1 have succeeded in getting an exceptionally low price, and am willing to let a part of It go AT tmh, wijl.b.- SALE PRICK. Am unable to handle it alone and hence make this exceptional offer. Thl is In the Hugo and 1,1 mnn country, where there are doiens of actual farmers now on their land and ma King Dig success of the ordinary farming out there. 1 will alve vou the names and addresses of at least fifteen good farmers on all side of this tract whom you can reler to re gal ding their Bucces In farming and what tho land is bringing them. You cannot buy their land at less $25 per aore, anni not fur Mv wholesale price on this tract is $9.25 per acre so low It looks poor. By quick action you can have part of It at that price. Take your choice If you wish. It all lay alike and ! per cent can be cultivated. I expect to list my share for resale at the prevailing price 01 15 per acre for small unlmpioved farms out there Write me lor runner information. Address Box tin. Cedar Rapids, la. $19 ONLY from Omaha to the Costilla Irrigated Lands In the Sunny Ban Luis Valley, Southern Colorado, on TUESDAY, APRIL 4, fRleener from Denver to the Costilla Landa and return, and hotel accommoda- tion tnciuded). These fertile Irrigated lands, raising Im mense yields of alfalfa, all small giains. field peas, sugar beets, potatoes, are amo. with perpetual water rights, at $60 to $66 Per ..c. VERY AITKAt llVIi icivnio. Not An Acre Over Six Miles Prom Railway Towns Keedlnir ia now beinK done on the Cos tilla lands. It's balmy, mild and spring like there now. tjome witn us ana see iur yourself. just write or pnone mi imc. SIIEDD INVESTMENT COMPANY, Fifth Floor. Ramge Bldg.. Omaha, Neo. Fhonea Bell, 42i4 Douglas; Auto. A -3203 Florida, SOUTH FLORIDA Colony estabilBnea: large settlement; Individual aeeae; co operative price; co-opermnvw uwrcuuiD.,,, townslte profits for Improvements. Addi tions open. Industrial college.. Ruokln College. Ruskln. Fla, FLORIDA, rnw ratit Florida land at wholesale. Wa have several choice tracts suiUtble for colonisation purposes. Writs us. Watson 4k Helgen Land Co.. Jacksonville. Fla- PALM BEACH COUNTY FARMS . . now $250; $10 down. $10 monthly; price will be raised soon; save money uy uujihi uuw, best soli, best climate, best location In Florida. .Palm Beach Investment Co.. N. T. Ufa Bldg.. Kansas city, mo. FLORIDA Writs ins for descriptions of bargains in good, tltle-perieci nono farms; slas. price, terms ts suit yourself. t. W. Durham, Hanaersoo, jna, Florida Our next excursion to Rlvervlew Farms will be April 4; round trip from Omaha, $42. We refund railroad fare to an pur chasers of 40 acres and over. Your opportunity; don't miss It; we want I you to personally investigate; It's our cheapest and the best way to advertise. Think of It, lands at only a fraction of their real value on which you can produce crops raised in the north and many un- known to the northern farmer; three crops la year are raised; every day In ths year is a cultivating day. Ws offer our land In tract of 40 aor" nd Up ftt 130 t0 W "r acre; 10 per cent cash; balance 50 cents ,cr, pcP montn. Wrlte or can an(j I see us, Benson 8c Carmichael $12 Paxton Block. FLORIDAr-A STORY OF SEVEN FRUIT FARMERS: How 'poor men actually went about It to get farms. What they did first year, see on year, etc. How success came. Details on how to build a home, what crops to raise, all about markets, schools, uood roads, health, hunting, fishing, social pleas ure. Complete nook FREE. Write AR CADIA GROVtlS, Dept. 105. CHICAGO. Idaho. Pingree, Idaho There's room for Investor, business man. merchant, lawyer, artisan, laborer In this new wonder country of Idaho. Write right now for full Information, free booklets. Address, Pingree Townslte Company .James F. Burton, Secretary, First National Bank Bldg., Odgen. Utah. Farms Pay You can sursly plant 15 trees to ths acre the trees will bear eight boxes of com mwrclal apples to each tree. At the lowest market valuation they are worth a dollar a box, and that Is $600 per acre net from a 6-acre farm ou the United htates (Jovern- mant Minidoka Project. Wrlto for my free booklet today. C. A. JOHNSON, Atty at Law, Burley, Idaho. BEFORE BUTINO LAND INVESTIGATE IDAHO. THE WONDER OF THE WEST." A stats where the United Htatea govern ment ha spent million of dollar In re claiming laud, and whan there I still large tracts with futures. We will give you Information worth whlis If you will drop u a card. Address. Ths Idaho Real Estats A Investment Co., Oakley, Cassia County, Idaho. ARE you prepared to grssp YOl'R otnior- tunltyT You don't know when It's coming. but when It does sou have to grasp It; hold fast to it, and ride It to a Uarrlson finish. Write right now for the opportunities I have for young men, and old, too, to make big money eslly. FRANK RIBLETT. ALBION. lIAHO. FTjR HAIJQ Choice unimproved farm and orchard land; $41 to $! per acre. Soil, climate Ideal. Write Hygert-Fullerton Land Co., Gooding, Idaho. REAL ESTATE FARM AM) HAMH 1,A.U FOR 8AI.B Idaho Coattnaea. ) Farm Lands in Idaho Double In Price What 1 th use of slaving away your life on the farm landa of the middle writ, with their minimum of production and their maximum of labor? Vou can MAKE TWICE A3 ML'CH IN IDAHO AT HA1.K THE l,ABOR. Bend for the monthly price list of good farm buy. IT 18 MADE TO GIVE FREE TO YOU. Ripley Brothers (Formerly of Omaha.) FILER, TWIN FALI-8 COUNTY, IDAHO. 7 Money Net 7 Money earns MORE money In Cassia county, Idaho, than in any other western State. YOU CAN 1HJCHI,K YOUR MONEY IN IDAHO. Cassia, the RICH Erf f COUNTY IN THE STATE, invites you to come. Write a postal card today. WRITE RIGHT NOW. For FREE booklets, letter of general Information, photographs and lints of op portunities, address F. E. ORI3Wol,D. secretary. Burley Commercial club,, Burley, Idaho. O. A. AX LINE, secretary Albion Com mercial club, Albion, Idaho. W. J. M ITCH ELI,, secretary Oakley Commercial club, Oakley, Idaho. v 7 NET VJo Seven Per Cent Net The South Side project of the Gray act consists of 240.0UO acres. There's room for 24.0UO farmers. THREE Hl'NDRWD AND SEVENTY-TWO SQUARE MILES of farm lands, all of It being poopud as fast aa they learn of It. They need money t.r trees, seed. Implements, to build their homes. This is VOl'K opportunity. We can double your money and net you 7 per cent on every dollar one or many you let us have. Write for the free booklet right now. Learn of this wonder country of the continent, being peopled by frugal folk. Address BUHL INVESTMENT COM PANY. BUHL, IDAHO. DO IT NOW. Today. Iowa. SOME BARGAINS 100 acres. M In cultivation, balance In timber. Oood Klberta peach orchard, $00 trees; good apple orchard, Jonlthan and Wine bap; now In bearing. Also a good family orchard of peachea, apples and cherries. Uood bouse, barn, outbuildings, cistern and good drilled well and pond. This Is b splendid fruit and dairy proposi tion, s tones from Kosnaonong;, tt per acre. Another ISO acrea t"A miles from Koshkonong, $$ acrea in cultivation, house, barn and good cistern; a few fruit trees. Splendid partnership well In line can get good water u to u leet. uooa irui ana agricultural proposition. $20 per acre. Another 120 acrea ( miles from Koshkononr. risht In the great fruit district. 60 acres In cul tivation; family orchard of peaches, apples, pears and cherries; alao plum orcnaru. House, barn and other outbuildings. Bal ance not In cultivation, but in very good timber, $30 per acre. J. COCKBURNt & SON, M-1&-1 Manhattan Bldg.. Das Molnsa A SNAP Only drus: store in a Urv town (after July 1) of 100; reason, sickness; stock about hiui; wiu pay tor itsaii nrst year must bs cash. C. Moody. Ionia, la. MONET-MAKINQ summer resort I tsl. with $9 acrss of ground: hotel alons cost over siuv.uuo; very nnely furnished acd Is clear. Dakota land preferred. Finely Improved Mexico rubber and oat. fee plantation, valued at $80.uuu; ciear and pays dividends on $200,000; good property nwa. o ot, wintersst. is. . Want Mercnandise Stock $10,000 to $12,000 for 120 aoraa well- Improved corn land, only $ miles from bpu-it Lake, county seat Dickinson county. Inu. L' tin . - n .. . . .u Address H. k. Mills at Co.'. Spirit Lax,' la! APPLE orchards and poultry farms not far from Des Moines, near Colfax Inter urban, wuiiara (Jaaebeer, Altoona, la. FOR SALE OR EXCHAJMOflV-FIn ma. acre farm In Pooahontas county, Iowa, H4 miiea irvm luwu, x aim is a tirst-clas farm, all tiled; has good linnrovimuiu Price. $110 per acre; mortgage s,0uu, $ or It year uine; win taae in.uuo in good, olear property and $6,000 In cash on this farm. Your property must actually be worth the money, or no use to monkey with It. This Is ths cash prlos on ths farm. It ia no old trading farm, so the property you offer must be gilt-edrfto. We don't handle anv. thing but first-class deals, and this la ons oi tneiu. Buomit your proposition. Wood ard Lud Company, Oowrte. la. "WANTED Everybody to know that the American theater la the place to spend pleasant evening. If W. H. Firelro. 21S4 oprague Bt., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for two seats to the American theater. Kansas, BARGAIN IN A KANSAS HOME. $30 seres; S-room bouss and outbuildings; well and windmill; u0 aorss cultivated; M acres In wheat; fenced; smooth, rich solL all tillable. Prlos, li par acre; terms. Landgrat e Parby, Garden City, Kan. ONE-TENTH CASH. BALANCE EASY. Fine lota tu Plains. $1$ to to itO; most rapid growth, population should double In a year; electrlo light, telephones, modern Improvements; main line railway; get ia en ground floor and profit In sdvanoe; send tor plat. John W, Ka-uabiuaa, Plains. FOR BALE 18$ aore wheat, corn or alfalfa land in Harper county, Kansas, half mile from town; If sold soon. $4,000. Hugh Conner, Hutchinson, Kan. KANSAS farm ranch, l.soo acree; 0 acres In cultivation; wood pasture; all un der fenca snd cross-fence; niodern 11 -room house; first-class Improvements; running wster and timber; air power, investi gate about tins farm. v Hall Bldg., Kaa. sas City. Mo. WELL Improved farm ot 21$ acrss In Lyon county, Kan. btx miles from Ad mire. Will sell cheap It taken by March IS. Address Lock Bos sot. Oregory. U TWO KANSAS BARGAINS. 160 acres, Harvey county, f miles to ton; well Improved; house, barn, orchard, fenced, etc.; 1U0 acrea In cultivation; all tillable; $7.s00. luO acres, Reno county; sll tillable; fenced, 75 acres In cultivation; 4 lullea te town. Price, $S,M4. Charles Peterson, Hutchison. Kan. THE farmer's or Investor's opvrtunlty, $20 acres level Stantoa oounty, Kau.. land, veil located, lis per acre; $u per acre down, balance In seim-auuual payments ot $1 per acre. Interest, 6 per celiu c'tias- E. HoIfii-J-a. Syracuse. Kan. WHY GO TO THC LRI BELT when you can buy lust as cheep where we have plenty of ruin? 30 A., 1 mile from a town of M, only 1 miles from balina; early all good plow land, part CO jd alfalfa land; all fenced and well and mill; tins location, ill". $S per A. The e'enuai Kansas Real Estats Co., Sallna, Kan. FOR KALE Ten to fifteen thuuxaud acres In blunt on t'ouniy. Kur.u. v isn to hear from colonisation agents. Write for price, hherman S llllams, Syracuse, Kan. DOUBLE your money quick on Invest ment In plain town lota. Price $1160 up. Kesy term. Free literature. John W. Baughman, Plaina, Kan. WE PAY $M A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs to Introducs poultry com pound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dpt. 76, Parsons, Kan. REAL ESTATE "ARM Al HaNCM !.! FOrtSAI.E IContlnued ) loal.laaa. KOU SAIJC lO.imu-ucre tract alluvial land, southwest l,oiiisinna. Can he re claimed under new drainaKe law nnd oid for $75 per acre and upwatds. Richest soli in tne world. Low price for quick fale Address Charles M. Norero, Room 70u, 10S Dearborn St., Chicago. , Mlanesola. FOR MAPS AND VALUAPtB IN FOR MA TION IN REGARD TO NORTHWEST ERN MINNESOTA LAND. -THE UND THAT UROW8 FLAX," WRITE TO KENNFDY LAND. LOAN AND HkAU l CO.. KENNKUr. MINN. TWO SNAPS. 430 at tea land one mile from depot at Pt. James, Watonwan county. Minn. Good buildlnu. Can all be cultivated. Will take I'M acrea North Dakota land nt right value, II Mai cash; balance long time al ( per cent. $70 per acre. For Kale 111 acre all under cultivation tne mile from city .tmits of St Peter, linn., ri building. M) per acre. UOREHART A ATCHISON, alankato, Minn. ISLE Harbor farm for sale. A "00 acre Stock farm located H mile from town oa souto shore of Mills Lacs lake. Mill Lac county, Minnesota. In the land of th big red clover. Also 1,230 acres unimproved timber and meadow land. Write Dr. E L. Hawes, Mankato, Minn. SAFE CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT. $12,000 buy an excellent Improved farm of $20 acres, tour miles from good town In Marshall county. Minnesota, the heart of the Red River valley. There are 2so acre under cultivation, remaining 40 acres all tillable. Good six-room house, frame barn, granary, poultry house, well and fenced pasture. Improvements cost $2,200. Terms: $3U0 cash, balance $1,0K) a year. One-half Of 1911 crop Roes to purchaser. sh.ouo buys anothei rood Quarter, same locality; every acre tillable. About 140 acres will be In crop and purchaser gets one half of this. No buildings; soil perfect; terms, $1,0U0 cash; balance In annual pay ments. Be vera I farms, no better than mine, have been sold In this locality re cently at $"0 an acre. Come up and eee. A. O. OLESON. Owner, 327 Palace Building, Minneapolis, Minn. BIGGEST bargain In Minnesota ISO acres, cultivated; all fenced; good build ings. Red river valley, near Crookston; rented; only $6,200, with 10 cow. Konkle, ewner. Lumber Exchange Mlnneapous, Minn. WHEN they come from Minnesota they see the American performers. If A. J. Morton. 3018 Ames Ave., will bring this ad to The Bee within .three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for two seats at the American. Missouri. COLONIZATION proposition: 16.000 acres: best colonisation prot ection In south Mis souri; 2 miles to railroad, $,400-aore im proved stock ranch, all under fence; other tracts. Writ for prices. 8. a Whltlock, birch Tree Mo. OZAltK BARGAINS 880 acres Improved, l't miles to railroad town; good water and grass; a nup at $4.f0 per acre. 4,000 acres, unimproved, 7 miles from good rullroad town; fine water and grass; excellent proposition for sheep rancii. $6.00 per acre. 4.eT0 acres timber land, only 7 miles to railroad; estimated to cut 8,000,000 ft. of good saw timber; land lie almost In a solid body. The best timber proposition In southern Missouri today. HAWKEY B LAND AND ORCHARD CO., 200 Brandeis Theater- tW ACRES. $1,860. 140 a. DougKs Co.. Mo.. bO a. consider able valley land, cultivated, 190 acrea Um ber; good spring water, om orchard, I- room houae, large new frame barn, other outbuilding. Terms. Writs for lists, HaUey ft bpurlock. Ava, Mo. 160 a,, lares S-room house, large barn HsOO. 160 a. adjoining th above, 4-room bouse, new barn z&x. will sou together or separata. 1W a. near Aulvills, large house and barn, a model country home; price $100 per acre; cash or term. Walt C. Chiles. UlgglnsvUls. Mo. FOR BALE 180 acres 4 miles from Leb anon, on purtlo road; lies good; 90 In cul tivation; rest timber;, fair Improvements; good well snd spring; fenced and cross fenced; orchard; near school on publia road; R. F. D. and telephone; price fcie per aero. F. R- Currle, Lebanon, Mo. FOR SALE Mo-acre stock and grain farm; 600 acrss In cultivation; $00 acres valley and bottom land; all rich soil. Two sets of improvements; $15 per acre; easy terma Large list of Improved farms In twenty counties, southern Missouri. Ozark Realty Co., '$ CoUge aVi,. Springfield. Mo. Meatana. BUSINESS men of Glendtve, Mont., hav oraanlzed for ths purpose or giving re liable information concerning lands In taatern Montana The members of th undersigned company have resided In eastern Montana for M years and tnor and know every foot of Its landa Thsy are merchants and business men who want settlers and your trads and cannot afford to mislead. Notwithstanding last year s drouth Montana was ons oi the fw alalia that raised ordinary crops In Ula Hsvs several thousand acres for sale at reasonable prices. Homesteads located. Write us. Gate City Land company, Oleudlvs, Mont. Nebraska. FOR SALE. ARNOLD REALTY CO.. Fullerton. Nab. FOR SALE Small farm, block from depot and 80 miles from Omaha. Inquire Oscrgs Oruah. 14u 8. Mth. Tsl. Doug. ottl. Close to the Greatest Stock and Grain Markets of the Country and Within 135 Miles of Omaha We are offering 1,120 acres of land at $15 per acre, located In the rain belt of East ern Nebraska. Is well covered with blue stem grass and will grow- allalra, clover or bluegresft. This tract Is in a good coin district and Is priced right for quick sale. W. J. Dennody Investment Co., 1614 City Nat. Bank Bid-., Omaha, Neb. WANTED relinquishments. C. J. Canaa. lsBO-ACRU ranch for sals, $ per acre, two-thirds cash, remainder fivs years. $ per eestt interest; all feaoed, good Improve, ments. For particulars writs Frank bchula, Norfolk. Neb. FOR bargains In cheap western lands often oheap; M0 aoras relinquishments. Ad ax J. C. Berslna. Whitman. Neo. BIHL) cherr yUee are ready ti plant now. If Oeo. E. lauter, 3o Ohio tit, will bring thla ad to The Bee within three day he will receive an order for a 60o cherry tree. NEBRASKA farmers enjoy an evening at the American theater. If B. A. McUer molt, 204 South UOUi bt., will bring this ad to The IVe within three day and identify himself, he will receive an order for two seat to the American theater. W0-ACRE FARM IN KIMBALL COUNXY FOR $640 CASH. You ran have your choice of OA) acres, In section traota for $11 per acre; $1 per aire cash, $1 per acre In one year, and the balance in ten years witn Interest at $ pei cent. No trsde. Write or call on W. T. xofng. Jr., County surveyor of Kimball county. Kimball, Neb. C. J. Canan Real Estate and Exchange. Two Nebraska Farm Bargains ' TJO acre. $00 acre splendid farm land, balance used for hay and pasture; excel lent improvements. A spltndid farm tor riiln and stock. Pries very low$.li an acre. Jju-acre Hall county farm; one of th finest Improved farms in ths county: every foot of it good land; 9o acres alfalfa- To close an et.ta.te, $su an acre; easy terms. V. W. MITCHELL, Hoard of Trads Bldg.. Omaha, Neb FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment, 0 acres, in rloott's Bluff county; land Irri tated last year; a snap. Addres Owner, lLA F bt., Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska farms. Nebraska ranches. Colorado Irrigated farm. Colorado dry farming. Texas Lands. South Dakota land. Florida lands. BUTTON REALTY CO, IH Brsats Bidg, 'Photis Doug. 1670 REAL ESTATE FARM Al HA.NCIt l.AM FOR 91. B .Nebraska Cob tinned. 45 Bushel Wheat Land at $27 an Acre Buy Land Where it Rains We own and control over Jn.OoO sere of Cheyenne county. Nebraska, choicest farm lands now on the market. The hewt crop producing county In the state for twelve rais. Alfalfa I a leading crop. Write today for our free literature. Live agents wanted everywhere. FCNDINOSLAND INVESTMENT COM PANY. SIDNEY. NEB. IF one wishes an enjoyshl evening go to the American theater, if L. Anderson, ?-18 Maple tit., will bring this sd to The llee within three days and identify himself he will receive an order for two seats to the American theater. New Mesieu. AN OPPORTUNITY. You can maks 800 per cent profit In five years on Colefat county. N. M., Irrigated fruit land. You run no risk whatever Bold In five-acre tracts, and cultivated for five years by expert fruit grower. Writs for special information. This Is an abso lutely safe Investment that w.H net you big profits. McNeal, K14-1& Finance BlU. Kansas City, No. North Carolina. WANTED Men to become independent farmers In the "Nation's Harden Spot" of eastern North Carolina. Write lor club plan, telllnK how to secure flee farm. Curollna '1 rucking Development Co, oil Southern Bldg., Wilmington, N. C North Dakota. WRITE right now for pamphlet. "HaN crops In North Dakota." Five-year, ( per cent mortgage notes for sale, i arms cash or crop payment, btate Bank of Verona, verona. N. u. BOLICITOR8 WANTED. I own and control about $.0uw acres et tholes fsrm tsnds In Burleigh and Kidder Co., No. Dak., and want $0 good representa tives, others need not apply. Best of rsf. rencea W. K. Runey, Land le vestments, Bismaroa. i. u. NORTH DAKOTA 'LANDS Have a limited smount of choice firm land far sals on crop payments furnishing seed for ma ror particulars writs Frank U Kellogg, Jamestown. N. Li. Oklahoma. $40 ACRES Canadian bottom land: 121 asres In cultivation; all second bottom, un excelled lor corn and alfalta; la acre in Bermuda grass; ba.anos pasture and soon Umber; two sets of Improvements; fins barn; outhouses and orchard; U miles from National stock yards, Oklahoma City; 7 nillss to a good town; price $36 per acre; tasy terms. Campbell, Bynura A Giles Campbell Bidg., Oklahoma City, Ok!. FOR BALK in Knabet Co.. 190 acres ot blsck chocolats land, $ mile south ol billing. Ok!.. In ths Antsious vsller. J sldos hedge and 1 sids wns, with L'o acre broke oat and the balance In pasturs iota orchard and garden; I-room house, plas tered, papereu, cellar underncatu; an is good sbsps; baru, 24x31 room for Jo too ef bay, room lor 7 horses; crib, tool shes and bay tors, complete; 1 good granaries with driveway tarouga center, will aoid LooO bushels of aiain. these oulldinas an J all ether buildlne ar painted aod tu good shape; 1,000 locui posts. w Iruli thrsea i wells, i cistern, pieuty or water. This is a level larm and uo wast ianu oa iti fines a be bouabt la dowa. W la five vu.. i rcMonauie iuie4, a. as naBsaHsn. tuiunaa. uai- EASTERN OKLAHOMA, rnd for prices and dssoiiDtiuns of hrm. Ira Btoui, Gushing, Okia. Orefos, FARM LANDS. FOR RAI.tC $0,000 acrea en new Una Oraaea Trunk railway, $ per aore, u.w per acre sash. balsnos ten years i per cent. OREGON LAND at TITLE CO.. Portland.-. ADVANTAGES OF OliEGON 100-page book gives amount of rovern nitnt land open to homestead. In each county In the states of Oregon and Wash ington and description ot same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oreaon In colors, 21x23, showing R. R. In opsratlou, ono showing ail proposed R, R. anu electric lines, incluuing eastern and central Oregon 2oo each, or tne three doc. Map ot Wash ington in colors, 21x28, 20c. NIMMO, KUNEY & CO., Hamilton Bldg. - Portland, Ore. COMINO to Oregon? Want to exenaugu unbeatable winters lor flowers, and torriu suiiiiueis lor Ucligiutul weatiierY want to locate Id a aeiigntiui part of tne beau tiful WUliamette Valley tnat has never ceen advertised and has not been boomea Y men arop a postal, but do it quick, to John 11. Hanog, Aumsvllle, Ore., Mgr. west btayton commercial club. Soath Dakota. EASTERN south Dakota farm. The garden spot of tns stata. Prices M to tw an aci . w rue iur luaps, lists, ic tiouut St Mai tin. Watsrtown. Is. U. QUARTER section; (our miles ts Estelllne; rolling; good sou: small stable; wen. no neuss, ior utca sale. riea sonable terma Owner. W. E. Dugger, Esteiiine, o. u. THE LAMU OF ALFALFA At $U te ItO per acre. A lew noinestead reiluuulsti ments at V.'Jt to $2,000. Yields $Sv per acre without irrigatioii. - Adores Waiter a lisyues, Oelrlubs. a, U. , buO-ACKE farm, nine miles from Onida, fenced, fin buildings, good wsil so ft. vu acies under plow. il ei acre, terius. t ley wood u Nolbon, Oulda. s. U. luo ACRES. mils from Hot BDrinxs. 8. D . loo acres tillable, an fenced, siuait house, $ acrea broke; lul per acre, ebiriey Lna co.. aui oprmgs, . FOR BALE Three choice lmDroved farms, 160, 240 and KO acres In Turner county, Bourn uaaoia, at sue to J per acre, easy teruia, liaslltt s Land Agency, Marion, b. D. IMPROVED xarms and wild un Roberts oounty, Mouth Dakota Prices lik to $ psr acre. Writs to John A. Munro ct Co., WUmet, Roberts Count, noutil vaaoisu wo Al'itKH. isir unprovsmenta. mit.a from station, loo acres tillable, trout ireuna ana wnwrj sis aero, easy terms. oene suurone neaiiy ve., stslls sourcba Texas. STOP, READ. THINK $00 seres, rich black hog wallow land 17 miles west of Houston. $ miles from miMvun ur. onir tos. ueaLitirui r.rm us acres, t miles Houston, thoroushl drained, on graded road; not an aors ot poor tana in it, SMI. Largs tracts for col onlsatlon. L. H. Ballsy. $01 Bias Bids, nuuaiun. Acaas. tit ACRES Brasos bottom) railroad sta tion on lana; Ub: terms. o0 acres flue blac prairie; depot three miUs; VZ per aore leiuis Auuiees ti.e ukiivl, Ui 0. a. i ton. Houston. Tsx. FOR SALE 1,700-acrs farm about 7 miles from Beaumont, Tex. Situated on navigable stream. Has a fine Irrigating plant, 4 miles of canal and laterals; all fenced; good buildings. All In cultivation with rice. Will raise 00 bu. per acre. Is fine oisnse. fig snd truck land. Will sell for $.17 bo per Him, nii-iuuiiiM unaaiing piani. i errna itandall Silverman, Beaumont, Tex. FAN PATHlCIO CO. J. 100 acres near Jdem tn on 710 acrss near tMem t -4 l 1.700 acres near Taft , $Jal l.suO acres near Taft , $js(M J. 1 COOK CO, Bmtoa. Tsxaa TEXAS KATSUMAA Ths largest Oram orchard now growing In the Texas gulf coaul 2b0 acres just outside Houston city liuil is. Bearing fruit In three yeara. Sell ing In C and 10-acre groves under four-year guaranteed development contract. Monthly payment If desired Send $c postage for beautiful booklet, 'TNSIIU ORCHARDS." C. F. Wiuicomb Co., hales Mgrs., 1.03 Carter Bldg., Houston, Tex WHEN answering sd vsrttsemeiits found In flie Want Ad columns, pleas msoiiou Th Bee. REAL ESTATE ' FARM AND HANCH L.AMJ KOU A I Teiaa - oattnaed. THE TKXA REALTY JOUHNAU Houston. Tex . Is an Illustrated mssnnlne, telling all about Texas; many opcnlns offered homeseekera and Investors; three months' subscription and mnp of Texas. !i!c; we are publishers, not land dealei lint. The Farmer Finds His Best Opportunities In the New West Ogden, Utah, the Oaleway to the New West, a land of sjniost fabulous wealth, most of which is undeveloped, offers a SURE CASH market to every farmer who cultivates his soli with even the least de gree of Intelligence. Here, as elsewhere, a man must work for what he gets, but he fcet more or less work; realizes a better price from the meni who work In shops, factories; for railroads and stores. Osdcii Is the NATURAL market place for thous ands of dollars worth of farm produce cvtry month. A PAID OFFICIAL Is employed by The ueoer t'lun to give villi exact and truth- mi information, ton can writs for this Ir formation and you will writ If you TO- knew what's good for you. Address DA Y, right now. TUH SKCHKTAIiV The Weber Club OGDEX, UTAH. The Farmers' Splen did, Chance Murray, Utah, offers a oillck cash tuar- et for everything that can be raised on the fertile lands surrounding this city. A ready market for grains, hay, fruit, truck and garden stuff. There has been a teater growth of the city than of the alley surrounding. Fsctorles of sll sort ffer to the farmer an IMMEDIATE CASH MARKET for his produce and Salt Iiko City, a metropolis, only twenty minutes way by trolley. Please wrlto the secre tary. The Murray Commercial Club, Murray, Utah. I WRITE TO WILLIAMS BROS., real estate. Murray, Utah, for full, complete. reliable Information concerning this city. Busy factories, farm lands, town lots that may be bought tor less than their value. A HE A FEW OF THE OPPORTUNITIES WK CAN TELL YOU OF. Write today. You ARE Coming to Utnh Then YOU MUST ASK US where and in what section you had better settle. PLANT TREES THAT WILL GROW; WHERE they wUl row. Our NURSERY BUSINESS puts ua In touch. LETTER OP INFORMATION FREE. Davie County Nurseries, Roy, near Ogden, Utah. 1NVEST0K8 Csn you find a better opportunity to Ket In on the ground floor of a growing sec tion oi the richest section In the west. Write mo today. 1 keep you posted and WILL GUARANTEE 8 NET. GEO. J. KELLY, Ogden Btate Bank Bldg.. A FORTUNE In farm lands In Utah. Write Fillmore Fruit and Oraln Lands Company, 210 Judge IBdg., Bait Lake City, utan. FORTUNES In fruit and alfalfa In one of Utah's fertile mountain valleys. Free sublrrlgatlon. Thl ad Is paid for by work Ingmen, not land dealers, w ho have bought lands, the mutual object being to boost and settle the entire valley. Choicest land 4 miles from station ran be purchased fur $15 per acre; easy terms. Answer today. Ad dress N v26. Bee. Wasblaatoa. OWN a bearing orchard In famous east ern Washington fruit belt; Irrigated; half usual cost, lxiw prices; easy terms; three railroads; school on land. Moses Ijiks Iand and Irrigation Co.. M6 Leary Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. FIVE and ten-aore tracts; 4-year-old trees; will bear th,la season. $400 per acre. One-third cash, balance 1 and 2 years, 7 per cent. T. M. Cooper, Realty Bldg., Spo kane, Wash. W$eoMSla. FOR SALE Farm $60 seres grain and toek adjoining Incorporated town; pasture sxtsndlng to river. Boms gooa oaa, tim ber. For particulars adursas Charles AI)M. Lynxviue, v EIGHTY acres, Burnett county, Wis consin; tt cultivated; good building; mower and raka Village 1 miles. $i,7os; Part time. A. ti. Kibbs, Nw Kiohiuoad. Wis. Wrouisi. FOR BALK $,! acres, iarsml Co., Wyo, In ths Golden i rsirie emu let, ail fenced; sevsrsl iiunUred acrea under cultivation, alocked witu nu and cattle at present; will sell witn rsncn; will divide and sxeuaugs foe astern seb. or Iowa fauna 4. T. BELL, OWNER, Cheyenne. Wyo. MUcsllaaross. LIFETIME opportunities along our line. California said Oregon. Forming, fruit, stockgrowlng, dairying, homestead. Free booklet. L. F. Curtis, Com'r., N. C. O. Ry., Reno. Nsv. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfer for March 25, fur nished by the Midland Ouarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam street. Telephone Douglas ; Patrick Mct.'onnell tu Joseph Sowa. lot 1, block 31.7, South Omuha $2,7i0 Joseph Bowa and Wife to Joseph I'reiobor and Rosle, S'. lot 1, block S57. South Omaha 1,3 George F. Uiliuore and wife to Wil liam Mason, lot 14, replat, Radford Heights $75 Hastings at. Heydsn to Burton W. Goodrich. e40 ft. of lot $, block 19, Central Park 1W Girl Drops Name Into River and Weds Finder Courtship Begun Under Romantic Cir cum$tancei Znd$ in Marriage at Independence, Mo. INDEPENDENCE. Mo.. March 26.-A romanra which began tn a botll led to day to a justice court here where Thomas C. Caldwell, Justice of ths peace, per formed the marriage ceremony for Grace Stafford, IS years old of Hardin, Mo., and Edward Tillman, 2s years old. of Mexico, Mo. "Two years ago," said Tillman, "Mis Stafford placed her nam and address in a bottl and threw It Into th Missouri liver at Missouri City. It floated down to Glaaglow, Mo., where It was my aood fortune to find It. I wrote, Grace answered, letter I asked her and she said yes. Wsr w not Intended for each) etherT" -