Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 9, Image 17

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Tools and Mechanical Ability the
First Requisites.
"nmr 4t rrhnnllmc that the Owner
(an tf Pnlntrra nn Ibr " a r
to Da It Tklnm to
A a Rnneral proposition, ovorliaulInK a
lar In a nuall private enrage la, portiaps,
hfl attrmpfd only hen the equipment
f it th purpose Ix ample. NevrrtheleM, the
nwnr who jKiFPsei mechanical discretion,
and hiiM Bores to the aid of an out-
fchop for speolnl John, ran often do
wonders with very meiigf-r facilities The
acronii an in(f hntiaratifia, token t.y the
writer clurlivK the pr.ires of overhauling
his car lnit sptinir, will sjfrzrt aorne of
the i.umeroUM posslhllltlep; and the aub
1 'lnel notes indicate roiiKhly the limitation
within which Rood rtuli may be expected.
Aside from tho tmiiil tool-ky, the fol
lowinK fhi'p outfit Is necessary. Itench and
Iron vise, nolderlnif Iron and torch, anvil
or aiibatltut. props for axles, hack-saw,
benr h or breabt drill (preferably both),
brace and bits, and small tools aa needed.
f'ertaln work, mioh aj" pulling off and
preysltn on rears, Rrindinn Journal!, true,
and the making of upeclal parts, which
cannot be furnished by the manufacturer,
must necersarlly bo done In a good marhlna
aliop. laually the part requiring machine
trentnient. can be boxed separately anil
ent to the shop. Certain other work.
conspicuously the roflttlnfc of the main and
crank-pin bearlns. la quite beyond the
kill of the amateur and should not, be
attempted. If the engine bearings need to
be overhauled the ear must be taken bodily
to the shop.
To overhaul the transmission properly
the body must bo removed. If there Is
not room to set It aside, it may bo drawn
back on the chauls frame and blocked up
at front and back aa shown In one of the
protographs. The same procedure Is useful
when the car li to be painted at home.
The. first step In overhauling after wash
Ins the car la to strip It of lamps, fenders,
generators, tlrc-lrons, bonnet and radiator,
et. In order to give easy access to the
parts. In some rases 'It la desirable to take
off the mar wheels also, and this Is the
only way to get at certain types of rear
liroaduay cloak
Jenr In tip.
The barber sin p another source of big:
money to the hotel proprietors In one
hold as Huh as 1".'"X a ear Is paid.
Thevaht privilege In some hotels Is val
ued at H.P a year.
l'or por-tal can Mands al'Oiii l'ourtccrith
st'iet ami Hxtli avenue 1:5 and I-'' a week
nie paid. Kot lona so a real estate
broker offered the manag r of Keith fc
Fro tor's Fourteenth street theater Jl ') a
month for the souvenir card stand In t'.ie
front of their theater. It measures IxJ feet
and Is movable. The manager told the
broker tl at be as very well satisfied with
the rent he was already yetting for the
but the shrinkage of : stand.
In the bote's postcard and news stand
privilege are worth 13.000 a year.
It has been estimated that at least S3.W0.
"00 a year Is paid In New York for prlvl-leR'-s
of the kinds mentioned above, "yes,"
said a man well acquainted with this form
of business, '$:! .OuO.O) Is a safe estimate,
hut It Is by no means a close one. I believe
f.".ini, would be nearer the mark and the
sum is lncreasinir every year." Now York
Begin with simple I'arts.
It la well for the amateur to begin with
the rimplest parts, which la usually the
brakes. If the latter are so worn that
there la little adjustment left, the shoes
or linings must be replaced. In any. case,
they must bo adjusted bo that they will
work without dragging and without need
less play. If they rattle, owing to wear,
this Is a good time to cure the noise.
The universal Jolnta of a abaft-driven car
should be examined fer wear, and to de
termine whether there la apy liability of
the pivot pin In the Joints working loose.
It la frequently possible to Improve the uni
versal Jolnta of the old cars by supplying
better means of lubrication; for Instance,
by drilling and tapping the cross for a
sn all greaso cup or for Inserting the noaxle
of a grease gun. -
An amateur. If ho Knows liow to handle
tools and hoa due regard for mechanical
fits, clearances and alignments, can take
the transmission geara from the gear case
and replace worn gears with new when
ever bolts are sufficient to hold them.
lYess fits, aa above mentioned, are a shop
Job. Unless the gear shaft a run in high
grade ball or roller bearings. It la quite
probable that after 6,000 or 10,000 miles
something will have to bo done to the
-bearings. If the latter are of the plain
bushed type the owner can refit them hlin
aelf, should he know how. The principal
points are as follows: fce fleet that the
shafts ure not sprung and that their Jour
nals aro true and smooth -(having been re
ground If necessary); replace worn solid
bushings with new ones (these must be
bored specially to fit the Journals If the
latter have been reduced by grinding), re
place-worn thrust washer as needed;-refit
split bearings by lining up the worn half
With shellacked paper and scraping it till
the shuft is a true fit and Just touches the
unworn hulf when tho bearing cap Is
bolted on. The object of shellacking the
paper lining under the bushing Is to cause
It to adhere to the bushing. The latter
also must be riveted solidly to the case
with brass rivets, otherwise It will loosen
up and hummer thj paper under It Into
riagments. When the Job Is finished the
ilium of tho cap mum bear on shims of
suitable thickness to give tho shaft a run
ning fit without shake. Tho pressure of
tho nuts comes on tho ulitnm, not on the
Special Tools for Ncraplna.
Scraping Is dono with social tools for
that purpose, kept sharp by frequent ap
plication to an ollhtoue. The Journal Is first
smeared with ted lead mixed with oil. The
bushing and bearing cap are bolted down
and the shuft l.i turned In the bearing so
thut the red lead will Indicate the spots
of contact with the bushing. The high upots
ro scraped and the process Is repeated
until a uniform bearing Is secured. 1'ractl
tally there will be a slight wearing down
of high spots In the first fifty miles of
i u n nl hk, and to ullow for this tho beailng
Is made very slightly tiKht (just t-nough no
that on turning the shaft one. can detect
that It Is not perfectly frei I, nitii oil Is
fed liberally at first. If the bearing li' set
up more than just porceplibly snug It will
proliubly cut. It is u kooiI plun to rnli the
surface of refitted boshing lightly v.'ith
graphite before assembling. In addlllov, to
anua;!i:g oil on the Jcuinali.
If tho cur hiin side chains Me h? el gear
In the ti .in-mlyslon case mu;;t ce restored
to their original alignment. If, on refitting
on, sl'ult slants a little too high or I i.i
low ut one end, even the matter of a few
hundredth if an Inch, tho teeth of the
bevel gears will not make true contact over
their entire width. One .may test with a
tilp of paper. Inserted fiit at t!ie large
un.l then at the sm:ill end of the teeth,
whether or not perfect contact is made
iMirn toe Rears arc rotated In their working
d le.-tlon.
Hy Jacking up one r. ar wheel, setting the
iieais in mesh and rotating the free wheel,
one i an Judge how much h oneness there
ii" in the differential and transmission gen
erally, if the differential Is under suspicion
It I- well to tako It out. us the small pinions
lend to w ear some" hat rapidly on tho
sj hler wbli li Miippo't them. If ttie differ
ential In taken u art t are must be used
t replace everything correctly. Including
the thrust waslera tack of the bevel i in
lor.s; also to m.ike sure that the bolts hold-
tmuhle can be corrected by loa'ing the
Btcerins-oilumn to the footboard, dash
board, or some part of the frame.
In an old ar the steering-knuckles are
quite likely to be loos" on their pivot bolt.
To correi t this properly Is a shop Job.
A multiple disk clutch of the metal-t'-rnetal
type rarely rei lire more than clean
ing with kerosene. If of the diy-plate typ
it facings, leather or asbestos, may need
to be replaced. A cone clutch occasionally
needs a new leather facing. To Kpply this
properly the old leather should be used as
a pattern, and the new leather cut half an
Inch short, soaked thoroughly In water,
marked for the rivet-holes, and riveted on
before It has time to drv. This Job calls
for some dexterity
the leather Insures a good fit. Leather
belting of good quality and of thickness
equal to the original thickness of the old
leather Is suitable for the purpose, but
chiome-tanned leather Is the best. Ordi
narily belting should he thoroughly soaked
In neafs-foot oil after the water has dried
As above mentioned, the amavnir Is ad
vised not to attempt overhauling the motor
Itself other than to replace worn valve
lifters, regrind valves, and scrape the
piston-head. One of the curved scraper
lies on top of the cylinders, together with
the battery-lamp used for exploration. An
Improvised wire guard protects the lamp
from breakage. The dentist's mirror also
shown is occasionally useful In detecting
stray fragments of carbon w hich have been
loond by the acrapcr, bnt not dragged
Tnnlnt the Auxiliaries.
The auxiliaries of the motor, such aa the
water-pump, piping, radiator, and ignition
apparatus, como ' within the amateur's
scope. Rubber. IvoFe frequently rots inside
and fragments become detached which may
lodge In the hose or In some constricted
portion of tho circulating system, thereby
obstructing the flow. If the engine heats
this Is one of the first things to look for.
Another possibility In case of overheating
I that the radiator may be clogged. Only
the softest water obtainable Is desirable
for use In the radiator, and frequently a
clogged radiator may be gradually cleaned
by washing It out once a week and refilling
with clean rain-water. Occasionally the
stuffing-bog of the pump needs to be re
packed. For this purpose cotton wicking
with flake graphite thoroughly worked Into
It is good.
Another thing which may need attention
Is outside oll-plpes, a' these sometimes
spring leak at the Joints and require to
be patched up with solder.
Overhauling the ignition system Is a sub
ject In Itself. As regarda the battery, timer
and wiring, the best rule Is to keep things
mechanically shipshape. A worn-out timer.
wobbling or making poor contact, will hurt
the running of any engine, and loose wires
with ragged Insulation are as bad or worse.
While the car Is being overhauled, It Is a
good plan to examine the tires and vul
canize gashes which reach the fabric by
means of the portable vulcanlzers sold for
this purpose. Where electric current Is
available, the electric type of vulcanlzer
Is preferable, but small steam vulcanlzers
can be used. Harper's Weekly.
moms take In t w? If you watch him you will d.soover ( will hw unable t tell, before the next
' he usually takes up some other man s j election, w hether they should have their
meas'irrm nt when tie undertake me pants cut lor penesmanism or rtorsroai
layinir out of that particular gaiment on occupation. Turn which way we may, we
which lie nuts your name. I are confronted with the same situation
H iving selected from th mass or paper
on his dsk a set of figures which suit
him. he go, s behind bis counter, yawns,
looks in the glass, smooths down his hair,
hunt for the place where he lift hi
cigar, and at last picks up a thing which
look like n board rule with a curve In
the corner like a hockey stick. If you
nre not watching him he will probaoiy cm iollgrl n Everybody's Magazine.
your pants by ear ana will noi nomer m
use this Implement; but If you Insist upon
Inspection he'll make pretense of scientific
. .,.., hn reiki nature
use 101, ,n,,.... .. ,, - Specimen of Intensive Farming;
or purpose no human being knows, or " ... .....
.. , Nebraska Landed In Offl-
1 he government at Washington remains
callous, concerning Itself rather with the
conservation of our other natural re
sources. Yet In what department of our
life doe a greater need for conservation
exist today? What great leader will arise
to explain how pant can be made which
shall not bag at the knees? F.merson
tin's land, and bo took the curvr out of
It. thereby gaining an acre of good, tillable
land that he had not been able to previ
ously to utilise. He works hi twenty
acres pretty constantly on the same rlan
that the funnels In Switzerland work their
hiiiy l.ttle fa: ins. end be Is getting good
results. There nre many American farm
ers who own much bigger farm and a'e
not doing so well from a revenue stand
point. Some of them scarcely would think
it possible to make a living on a twenty
ncro tract of lnnd. Nevertheless, the men
who are cultivating the small fa:ms for all
they are worth are the men who are doing
the most to keep the world from "going
supperless to bed." Louisville Courier-
Hollow Mockery of the Tailor's
System of Measurement lloldlr
When a tailor puts yon on the measur
ing box, with a man guarding the door
so that you can t get away, and another
man making a book on the game, he reels
off something like this, as he goes about
you with his measuring tape: "13211
IS 8 4 1 11 40 dee, you're beginning to
get a front, ain't you? 6H 17 side and
two hips, Jlmmle 3.'l' i Can you come
In tomorrow or Friday? 19 ti House or a
flat, did ycu say ? 2S Custom of the house
to have a deposit on all orders 16 What
was that last, JJmmle, did I say? Oh,
make It 23 In the middle What did you
say your name was. Mister?"
Now, nobody can make any combination
of the foregoing figures which will spell
anything like a dacent pair of pants. l!ut
the tailor cares nothing whatever about
the figures which he calls out to Jimmle,
and indeed muke no reference to them
In his later operations. He knows the
pants won't fit, onyhow, so what's the
What the tailor I thinking of, a he i
beirlns to moke chalk marks on a piece of
blue paper, using this rule as a straight
edge, Is the "joy ride" he Is going to have
with Marie In his new auto that evening.
It makes no difference to him whether the
chalk slips or not. nor Is It Important bow
far along this or that angle he allow the
straight or curved line to run. He knows
they are not going to fit. anyhow, so why
should he bother about It overmuch? The
only hope you can possibly have, mean
time. Is the one raised In your bosom when
the tailor, from behind his counter, looks
up and says, "Jimmle, why In the world
didn't you mark the name on this gent's
pants? Oh, well, never mind."
The tailor goes on, making several cut
little pictures on the blue paper by aid of
this curved thing, which has numbers scat-
, tered along It hero and there. He draws
In several isosceles triangles, converging
at more or less the same point, but, not
liking the looks of these, he rubs out some
of the lines and tries over again. Then
he forget which ones lie rubbed out. It
make no difference, anyhow. At last he
stands off, critically gazea upon the pat
tern which be has been casting, make a
hlt-or-mlss crosswise dab with the chalk
which determines, wholly by cbanoe, how
long your pant la going to be and smiles
to himself.
Cicero was nn orneor, but,, as It happens,
did not wear pants. Napoleon was a great
warrior, but his attention was diverted to
other things. Senator 1a Follette does
not know whether he has pants
on or not, and Senator Jeff ravls
doe not care. Many other senators
!! Bulletin.
A Swiss farmer out In I'awnee county,
Neb., Is making 2.ion a year off of a
twenty-acre farm, and Is taking the best
of the premium at the fairs In his vicin
ity. He has made so conspicuous a success
of Intensive farming that the 1'nited Plates
liepartment of Agriculture has published
a bulletin which tells of his methods and
his achievements.
Arnold Martin is the farmer's name, and
liulletln No. 3115 tell about Ids twenty
acre farm. He came from Switzerland
twenty years ago and settled In Nebraska.
He paid for the little tract of land. It
was on a hillside, and It was stony and
barren soil. It was part of a larger tract.
but the former owner in glad to dispose
of It, a he didn't see where he could use
It to any profit. When he sold It for .'50
It was "Just like finding money." and he
wondered what Martin would do with it.
The Swl.?s fanner went to work with a
will to clear the tract of stones. He sold
some of them and lie used the rest In
putting up his stables and other buildings.
His first year's crop on the barren hillside
brought him In J600, and he has been In
creasing his revenue every year. Last
vear he won 11.025 In premiums at the
Nebraska State Fair and at other fairs. At
two fairs he took first prize for county ex
hlbits. lie also won numerous Individual
mixes. At one exhibition he captured
elghty-tw-o first and second awards.
There was a crooked little creek on liar-
. , c u- i tvuv
a if VaA
!1f I- f''l e-'"'' .p'-f
il -:
iflUVIUfiiiWAlilr I r
fit 0 WM I a
i " ' 1
- :
u... aW
"When the groaning
board is spread
Blessing on the
houftewife's head
SSS4 South 34th It.
Dong. 1889. Bed 39.18.
Ind. r.1377.
wOX ront that vaoant boose, fin
thosa vaoant rooms, or aaonra
board u-a an short tieUo. at vary
mall coat to jma. B awBTlneod.
Illg Income from "I'rg" Privileges In
jkutl Around New York
There Is a hotel In the Forties, near
Broadway, New York, that Is run without
dollar of expense to the proprietor. Hia
bills are paid out of the rent which he
collects from sublessees of a cigar stand.
a carriage stand, barber shop, a lavatory,
a coat room and half & dozen more privi
leges. The Income from these sources
covers Ma own rent and other outlays con
nected with tho hotel proper. The earn
ings of the- bar and the hotel rooms are
The carriage stand In front of this par
ticular hotel 1 valued at Ji.000 a year, this
Is, no doubt, a big sum to pay for the
mere privilege, of keeping a dozen cabs in
front of a building, but It Is by no means
the highest paid for carriage stands. Prob
ably the highest Is that paid to Jlmmin
Regan of the Knickerbocker, at Broad ay
and Forty-occond street. Mr. Jtegan gets
10 per cent of the fares collected by tho
cabs In front of his hotel, which ure said
to amount to about ?i,000 a day. This
would make Mr. ltegan's share about T-J", -
000 a year.
The carriage privilege at the Waldorf
Astoria la said to be worth 110,000 a year.
It would be much more valuable but for
the traffic regulations, which limit tho car
riage stand on Thirty-fourth street to
about 100 feet.
The question whether the cab stand or
tho roof sign privilege commands the
larger ront has frequently been debated.
Real estate men In the Broadway section
are Inclined to regard the sign privilege
as the better money-maker. The sign com
panies will not say much about their af
fairs and absolutely nothing about the
rent they pay. It is known, however, that
at least l,O00,0OO Is collected from sign
privileges every year. The companies ure
buying roof ypace and wall area continu
ously und at prices that in some case are
greater than the icnts obtained for floor
space in buildings. A Htaff of as muny us
a dozen men Is employed by the big com
panies to do nothing else than contract
for space and keep laba on contemplated
building Improvements. It is nothing for
a company to pay J 100 a month for tho use
of the exposed side of a building.
Tho rents paid for sign privileges de
pend, of course, oil the Importance of
strci or section a a traffic center. In
some Instances roof apace yn Broadway
buili'ings in the w hite - light district bus
equalled the rent obtained from the rest of
the buildings.
T!ie old Metropole hotel, which stood on
the coiner of Broadway and Forty-second
street, wa leased by John Consldine from
the Coo estate at a steep rent. Of this rent
.Mr. lousldine paid alout JJ.OOr) a year, the
rest of il coming from the sign company ,
which used the roof. !
The roofs of the old buildings of the Me- !
Alpln estate at the southeast corner of
Broadway and Thirty-fourth street were '
leased In 1-3," to a rlgn company f .r three
year at an agiiicgaie rental of $40.OX), or,
nearly IH.OnO a year.
Ji e Weber Home year auo t"ok a lease
of the northwest coiner of Broadway and
Twenty-ninth Hreet. a plot fronting 110!
feet on Broadway and 140 feet on the street, i
The plot contains beside lha theater, teven '
or eight onc-s-tory stores. Shortly ufter Mr. !
Wober took tho property a sign company ;
leased from hint the roof space over the
atore and erected two rows of sign about !
thirty feet lilgli. Just what Mr. Weber
gets from the tlen company Is not known, '
but It Is said t'-at the rent fr. m the Horei '
and the double row of ilun. i-At-a v. ... !
tin, lh. .lirf....,,!..! ..I...M . t. - i . . , " i -j. nio iriu
m.eii aim m iuige oevei of ,i8 theater
M'"i together chi, not p.sll,ly woik loose,
funnily the ends of these bolts are headed
over so that a chisel or file is necessary
The advance ideas in motor car designing
embodied in the Hudson "33" will appeal to
those who, from experience, are automobile
wise, and the simplicity of construction and con
trol will appeal to the novice.
This is a machine that is as nearly wear
proof as it is possible to make a car no moving
part exposed to the dust, every point, where
friction is possible, perfectly lubricated, and
every wearing part made of the best possible
material obtainable for the service required of
it. The Hudson stands apart from cars sold at
its price and represents the highest grade con
struction that has ever been offered at a pop
ular price.
Any buyer who has a proper regard for his
bank account cannot afford to miss a demon
stration in this car.
its Try
. in. ir reancKson
Automobile Co.
2044-46-48 1 arnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Pioneer Automobile Dealers of Nebraska
Hudson Chalmers . Pierce-Arrow Thomas Flyer
to Hait theni loose, and this Is the safest
pl.i n.
lakiDBj I Mark.
If the steerlng-giar shows considerable
play in the reducing mechanism, or If the
suering-column Is loose on the chassli
frame. It is well to take out the base
bolt holding the column and overhaul the
, whole thing. In some steering-gear the
holding holts have a chronic habit of
Itust nlng up, due gent rally to their being
t-.o smail Ij fill their holes. The best
em.-dy lor tins Is to ream the holes to the
ntt larger vise and make special bolts of
aiuiealid tool steel. In some cases tha
Clcak room privilege! aie en 1 male-1 to
be worth over UvO.OOO a year to Broadway
proprietors. Fvery one of the restaurants
In the white light district farms out the
cloak room either to employes, as the head
porter or the chief bellboy, or to outsiders.
J ne rents vary considerably and, like the j
tlgn and carriage privllexes, depend on the
populouaness of the district.
In the lower midtown section of Broad
way 2,."j0 la the price; a little further north
$3,( and H.aUO. Around Long Acre Suuare '
w litre the gnyest of the lobsier palat e j
are, the privilege is valued at ."..OjO. In i
oue place it la said that 111 0j I paid. The
"I'" pitvileg there Is cheap at that price, '
fv,r S-cent and Ml-cerit tips li the rule with I
the patrons of the p'.uce. fkiiua of 'he I
Da Not laks Yoar lar Down tor Any
Carbaa Trouble Until You've Tried
i:ott. I'. S. Patent Office.
Will positively remove) the carbon and leave engine thoroughly
lubricated. Contains no acids, und is absolutely harmless. It la used
by the leading automobile manufacturers and dealers throughout the
United States. ,
to do the work if used according to directions, which are printed on
each eau of
Manufactured l!y
The Lakevood Chemical Co.
M03 Citizens Building,
Cleveland. O.
.. Intlt on "Autojxiwer." lo not accept a substitute.
For Sale lly
Western Automobile Supply Co.,
larnaiii Street, ...
Paxton Cc Gallagher Co., '
lllth Htrret Viaduct.
The First Real Cost-Test Ever Made
Automobile vs. Horse
Sidt(axlr&f1' Per passenger mile Its cts.
Horse and Buggy, passenger mile 2icts;
1 yVX? .jMrix'-i-i
"PirftctlySimpl Simply Pt met"
Maxwell Model Q-ll, 4 cyL 22 H. P. $900
. - Fit Ir""" " "
A PUBLIC test of the Maxwell Car and a horse and buggy on
the streets of New York and its suburbs, under actual condi
tions of traffic, has just been completed.
Automobile, lcent
Expense stop when not in use.
Baaed on 10-Mile Trip
on . - . -
Tires and Car Depreciation
Cost per mtlr two persons
Cost per mile per persoa
To operate an automobile the cost is based no casollne
at 20o a gallon: oil. SOc a gallon; grease. 12c a pound;
depreciation and tires, .023 a mile; average cost of gaso
line per mile, .0122 (flirurlng IS1-, miles to the gallon land
Dot including etoraffe. The average of 16 miles to the
gallon of ga.ollne la baaed on teata of the Maxwell used
In the economy test aad la extremely low.
Horse and Buggy, 2l2 cenU
Expenses continue when not in use.
Based on 10-Milo Trip
10 lbs. hay
12 quarts oats ....
100 lha. straw per month,
daily pro rata
ttoraet.liolng dally pro rata
reae dally pro rata -
Cost per mile two person
Coat per mile per peraon
To ftperate a horse and boarrr the cost l basl on hay
at UIXU a ton; oat at 60c a bushel; atraw at H.50 cwt.;
borMshoelnir, $2., SO per month; grease, 12c a month; de
preciation harnraa and biiggy, J0US a mile; home, boggy
and haroeaa coating $J7S.0O and lasting; ten years,
atubllns; not Included.
It Proves Beyond Dispute
That the automobile is undoubtedly n economy. .
That its low cost of operation surprises even its
That the extravagance of the motor car is volun
tary and unnecessary.
That its pleasures are within the reach of men
of moderate means. . .
That it is an indispensable factor in transporta
tion and a utility.
That it is an implement which, if properly em
ployed, will increase the earning power of man,
conserve his time, extend his field and support
his hands. , o
That the automobile industry, practically un
known ten years ago and now the fourth greatest
industry in the United States, is fully vindicated
and proven economically sound. (
That the Maxwell car is the standard of that,
industry; the efficient, economical, reliable, utility!
automobile, as near perfection as human intclli
gence and human handiwork can make it under
modern conditions. 1
Test Officially Sanctioned by the American Automobile Ass'rt
We invited the Contest Board of the American
Automobile Association to conduct this test in
order that it might be in absolutely disinterested
control. The board appointed judges to attest
its results.
The two vehicles ran each day over a predeter
mined route. Each ran continuously for six
hours, regarded as a normal day's work. Account
was kept of every item of expense entailed. The
needs of each vehicle were supplied at roadside
stores at current market prices. I
Each day a different route was laid out, in order
to cover all conditions of city and suburban traffic
and all sorts of roads. One day they covered the
densely congested districts of the city; another
day they ran in infrequently traveled suburban
roads. Everything was done to make the test
normal, actual, eminently fair and conclusive
The Results Attested by Its Judges
The automobile cost wio of a cent per passen
ger mile to operate
The horse and buggy cost lioo of a cent per
passenger mile.
The car covered 2 12 times the distance traveled
by the horse.
The car averaged 76 'io miles a day at a cost
of $1.03.
The horse averaged 32 10 miles a day at a cost
of 95 cents.
The car required 5 lz gallons of gasoline and
a pint of lubricant daily.
The horse needed 12 quarts of oats and 20
pounds of hay per day.
The other expenses tire cost, up-keep and de
preciation or similar charges brought the total
cost of the car t p to l8io cents per passenger
mile, as shown in the tabic above.
The other incident expenses cf maintaining a
horse and buggy brought its total cost up to
2V2 cents per passenger mile as thown in the
tabic above.
This is our ar wer to the charge made that the automobile is an extravagance. This provrs that
it is an economic factor that would save millions if the Maxwell were everywhere substituted for
the horse and buggy.
We have always been unable to fill orders promptly in iho spring and summer. In order to stimulate
early season business all these cars sold during the next 3'J days will be
JHH Maiwell'Briscoe Motor Co. guarantaea (lila
car to be made In a good and workmanlike man
ner and free from defauta la material, a will to
place free of chara during the lite of tLe cat any
materi,.! (except tirea and added acceshoriual ad
judged detet '.ive whan returned to its factory tor
Inapectlvn, trantportaliuu prepaid.
Maxwell -Briscoe Motor Co.
Tarrytown, N. Y.
United Motor Omaha Co.
LEWI3 C. DOTY, Manager. 2113 Farnan, SU