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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1910)
14 THE BKE: OMAHA.1 SATTTRPAY, OCTOflER 1, 1010. GRAIN ANJPiiODUCE MARIiEI Decline in Wheat Brings Foreign Demand. Out No norUi r-i. Jl " No .S" .1. Ji.ftt'in.or,4 h LA 'loed at 12 34 I 'i ni.N . i. J OATS-No. .1 white. KVK-.No. 2. fivwov,, I IIAN In loft-m. mi ks FLOUR First patents, j-atrn:, $..?. '"n- firt second clears, I30S20. northern, tl.O('t$l-0?; $1 &Ov 19 'A S 2'i.i ; second clears. I; OOrffTH); XEWYOltK STOCKS ANDBONUS Shipments of Cash Take Compari tively Small Sum of Balance. HOLDS FlftKER AFTER BREAK I n KM i tiik ouaiv belt SPECULATION IS UNCONSTRAINED oro Market I Weak anil l.onfr Aaeln-Cash Demand la Very Cgor (onnlrr Acer ptancra Art l.trtrr. OMAHA. Sept. 30 1310 The decline In wheat nas brought out foreixti demand, but dmiiest.v. inin'-rs are laying In large supplies, tearing a snort age inter In imp year. '1 e.nporary re bounds are out Beru.iiuni ii I bearish, which fcives tne n..iiKei ft wtak undertone. Vtitn. tne assured saffy i.f a big cor:1, crop, fennK in the local trade IP oe.msh. Demand at these leve.a ;. improved an.l tli nit r vaiues are looked for. heat held some t run r alter tlie sharp break yeatida.v. Tte market ia ked m ap. Iiunnri and Vasn vaiues w'le week at far. to lo lower, the s'-i eial l'e'lng ' I j bearish and values aie expected to uecunr to an export basis. Th corn market was weak and lower gain, cash demand being very poor n.i f. .,.,1 ,..... i..u ,...:.. fur the nrcj I year. Acceptances mi country bids were larger and betier receipts are. expected. Primary wher.t receipts were 1.139.0U0 bush ela and shipments wore f"V' bu3hels against receipts last year of 1.8.17,000 bush els and shipments of MTrt.OW bushels. Primary corn receipts wre 501, 0 bush els, and ahlpments w r 501. ooo bushels, sgslnst receipts last ve-r cn" 7r.3.("'0 bushels and ahlpments of 8M n0 bushels. Clearances were l'.fs'O bushelB of corn. 00 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 2.13,100 bushels. Liverpool closed 'd to d lower on wheat and 6 to lHd on oats. Conditions Kb Torn hie for Continued Fair and Slightly Cooler. OMAHA. Sept. 30, 1910. The areas of In v t ressure. noted In the northwest In fe m er-i riini? report, now overlies the I'prier vallevs and north Int J I Canada, with its center oer .Munition.. V armi r weather precedes the low, an I j tempeiattirep are nuch higher tnls morn- no 1 ln lnp ' '"f r .Missouri, iniri.i, mi'i . is -1 ss ! j n i Bfiri S Dll'l VIJ'J'.I lOT region and slightly warmer weaitier is (hnn In the ivdeme lower valleys and eastern stairs. The depression over th valieys Is f !!o.'e1 by an area prrmure hittli has atuio thrmirhnnt t ie mountain region, i ment on ncooiint of ir.tirnal revenue taxej precipitation worthy of note hns nc-, have In en on n Inrso scnle. uirrd In am section within the last I Idscounts In foreign money markets held snow- N o larir amber of Inactive Issues Pushed Forward Speclaltloe Are reatorrd In DenllnRi Went em I'nlon Advances. i XHW TOHK. Sept. :M. -The shipments of cash during the weekly express seem to have tnken a rumi arat'vely small sum of balance from tic banks, but the $y, fl.l.OOO loss on auldreasury oj'imtlons re- by an area of hla'ior nccts interior n.uiiey dor, anna to a inrce r the west, ami the western rxi-ni. i 'rans on . e w i um i ana.i num nurd a fall In tent- , mtf nor y oints lyr Hvr,irnis to me buvitii ftenoral Tund Standard silver dollar In sreneiai fund, t'i.111,11; current liabilities. ll. lJ-i.44.'.; norkinR balance In treasury oflii'ce. ta'17.21ii; (n hanks to ctedit oi tr.'MMirer i.f ti.e I'nited States. S- 6. .f.R .. : mh n.iiji y silver coin, l .!;!.'. tf7, minor c.ilii..i'..ViO; total In general fund. .n..'.,443. n KI'OIIT OF TIIF l.KAHIVO IIOISK Trnnanrtlnna of the Associated Banks for the Week. NEW YORK, Sept. 30. Hradstreefs bank cleat-tugs i. jKiit fur the week ending Sep tember A i hows an amrreflate of 2.ivN.-H1.I-A-, as a-aini i,i!i3,7an,iJ"W last week and -.Wi,iimio in the correopondlng week la-t ywtr. '1 ha following la a list of tho citiea. CITIES. Clearlngi. lne. i Oec hard. 924'riiWc; No. 3 4 hard. M.'f ' c retorted 2 fiirina, MiliWc; No- 3 No, 3 white. 4'-j'34Tci Omnhn WURAT-No. 2 hard, WWriMc; No. para. 79wS3r: No. 2 prlnj. 92tfi?tr.c. CORN No. 1 white. 4r,u.i4 4fi'-(i47c; No. 4 wh.te, ',fii,'4' yellow. 'a 47U c . No. 3 yellow No. 4 yellow. 4r,M.-rj It'.o: No 2. ".-f 47c; No I. 4'M'(i4i;c; No. 4. 4,VH'ri l.'.Sc; no grade. 4! 4f,Vc OATS-No i white. SOW-fco; standard. ZOfi.lOVic; No. i white, 2HM30c: No. 3 yellow, 2v,a2!t4c; No. 4 vellow. 2SffjSHc. HARLEY-No. 4, 2'U(i3c; No. 1 feed. U'3 54o. It YE No. I. 70r?lo; No. I. 89g70c. 4.arlM Kr-elms. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 62 2'13 13i Minneapolis Omaha 2d 38 12 lJuluth 274 twenty-four h urs, except that light ers are rep r'ed ln the wes.ern 1 ana dl'm provln s. wet (rulf states and on toe south Atlantic crast. The weather I gen-! erally clear nest of the Mississippi river, j end condliinns are favorable for continued 1 fair In this vlcln'fv tonlcht and fcaturday, , with sllrhtly co. i'- tonight. Temperatures ami precipilatlnns as eon pared with the last three vears: 1910. 1009. 190R. 1907. Minimum temperature ... M H2 4S 47 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .71 Normal temperature for today. SI degrees. Deficiency in precipitation alma March 1, 112 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1909, 0.99 of an inch. Deficiency corresponding pert' In 190S, 2.R3 Inchen. 1 A. WELSH, Local Forecaster Weather bureau. Tern anil Whent Itearlon llnlletla. For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending nt a. nr. meridian tlrrea, Friday, September 30, 1910. OMAHA Ul&TRICTS. Temn flaln- Max. Jklln. fall. ."k .ew York .... t'hicayj Huston 1'hilHiirlpilH .. St. LOILIH Kansas City . 1 iltsturg s.m r ram Is o h.aitimure t incinr.atl .!l,Sa4.r.4XKl I ilatlons Ashland, Neb Auburn, Neb c; No 2 i fHroken H'w, CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featnrea of the Trading and Closing; Prleea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Sep. 10. There wua a bear drive at grain prices In the last few min utes today and the market, which had been wavering for gome time previous, closed weak at a net decline of HWVic to c In wheat, to lVxc for corn and Vc to He on oata. The finish of ))rovllona varied from 20c Iobb to 15c advance. During most of the day 'vheat was higher than yesterday, but was unable to make any noteworthy wain. The uiignt rise was due mainly to the ftct that Liv erpool quota tlona were not ao weiia as had been anticipated. ILiylng power, however, was not import ant, and there waa Increased selling with each advance, one reason wim that the relative bullishness In the Engltah market had partly for a basts predictions of lighter world shipments, but the fact developed that the total, aithouvn entailer than last week, would be larger than a year ago. Stores at Minneapolis named 1,000,000 bushels the laxt seven days, ten times the rate of lneie.ane last year. Early buyers let go, and aggressive short selling brought down prices Id a hurry. December ranged from Hoc to 97 H, tnd In the end was 8 G $i Si 6 Va a nee ioss of fee ln corn new low record prices for tho cason were aet. Dectmbor fluctuated between 48Vc and 48 1, closing weak at 4tCitH8')ic, a net losa of ":g(je. t aali market waa easy. No. 2 yellow closed at 62& 62V4c. MiortH were the only buyers of oats. December sold from 12 iiC 10 33c and fin ished HOHu off at atUi'i),c. Some tlrmneaa In provisions was fol lowed by liberal olferings. Latest quo tations showed pork 10c to 20c dovv.i, lard, 16c higher to 11 He lower una ribs at 120 advance to 10c decline. Chicago Cash Prices W heat: No. 1 red. 9Wj97c: No. S red, tM'iiDnc; No. t hard,.9tivc fcll.uO; No. 3 hard, 94)3Sc; No. 1 northern spring, l.Utfl.l4; No. 2 northern spring, II OIkuI.12; No. 3 spring. Corn: No. i cash, B2o; No. & cash, 61',j614c: No. 2 white, 61VU-I-V; No. 3 white, BHutdJc; No. 2 yellow, f.2g52V: No. i yellow, &b2c. Oats: No. t cash, 32'c; No. 2 wlilte, 82'(W41c; No. S white, iiXic; pto wnue, tii'Sw. stanoara, iuaiuc. Chicago lleceipts Today : Wheat, Ki cars; corn, 262 cars; oata, Ub cars. Estimated tomorrow: Wheat, 46 cars; corn, 111 cars; oats. 137 cars. Offerings ot hog products were light and the market was firm on January options. Nearby deliveries, however, were easy, The First sales of January were at 117.124 for First sales of January were at 17.27V4 for pork, 110.45 for lard, and 19.25 to 19.27V for ribs. BUTTER Steady; creamerlea, Sl:8c; dairies, a27c. KQUS steady ; receipts 4.750 caeses; at mark, cases Included, 10VffilVc; first, 23c; prime firsts, 26c. CHEESE Steady; daisies. lDUOTSc; twins. 144,16 lie; young Americas,' lbt!516c; long norns, litiUjloiic. I'OTATOES Steady ; choice to fancy, 08 &"2c; fair to good. W'&bi.c. POULTRY Steady; turkeys. 18; fowls, 13c; tprtngs. 13c. VEAL Steady ; 60 to 60 lb. wts., afflOc; SO to 85 lb. wts. 9V510Vic; 85 to 110 lb. wts.. 12813c. Lending futures ranged as follows: h ... m PS .00 Pt. cloudy m 42 . 00 Clear 91 4J .00 Clear S2 W .00 Clear 92 46 .00 Clear S7 M .i) Pt. cloudy S5 50 . Clfar 84 50 .00 Clear 78 50 .00 Clear sit 51 .Oil Clear 90 53 . 00 Clear W 41 .00 Clear 7l 52 .00 Clear 0 54 . 00 Clear 7 48 .0! Clear 71 41 .00 Clear 5 45 .00 Clear 7 47 .00 Clear 78 58 . 00 Clear Columbus, N Ctilbertson. Neh. Knlrbury, Neh.. Fairmont. Neb.. Or. Island. Neb. Martlngtnn, Neb Hastings, Neb... Hoklreee, Neb... SOakdale Neb... Omaha, Neb Tekamah, Neb.. Aha, la Carroll, Ia Clarlnda. la Sibley, la Sioux City, Ia. Not In-sludcd ln averages. Minimum temperature for period endlnc at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No of Temn station. PU-tlons. Max. M!n. Columbus. 0 17 Louisville. Ky 19 Indianapolis, Ind.. 13 Chicaco. Ill 28 St. Louis. Mo 13 78 52 . 00 Des Moines, la.... 14 74 48 .00 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 78 48 .00 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 84 54 .00 Omaha, Neb 19 80 60 .00 No precipitation worthy of mention oc curred in the corn and wheat region during the last twenty-four hours. Warmer weather prevails throughout the entire re gion, except west of the Missouri river, where It Is slightly cooler. Note The corn and wheat region service for the year 1910 Is discontinued with the Issue of this bulletin. The service will be resumed April 1. 1911. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster Weather Bureau. 74 46 80 64 76 48 74 48 78 62 74 48 78 48 84 64 80 60 twelve-boor Rain fall .00 .00 S.n, ih. '.t .1.,, nC .1... miorl.r hilt '..,'r,.r,.l t. r.n,lnsnn., (mm New Vor k I iV " 111 P"'' " relaxed with the con pletlcn of the stock 1 market settlement In London and foreign I fxchange rates receded. Th absence of disturbance in tho call money market left the speculative move ment In stock free from constraint. Ad vantane was taken of the situation to push forward Into active strength a large num ber of stocks which have bad little part ln the market doings for some time. It was a market of specialties. The ad vance ln western Union was on rumors of a merger with American Telephone, for which no official countenance could be had. Erie benefited by the good showing of August net earnings. Some of the southern railroad stocks were affected by the extraordinary Increases in south ern cities, disclosed by the census returns. A reported rentoi atlon of asking price for lake copper by the Calumet and Hecla was a factor in the copper group. lionds were firm. Total sales, per value I2.5M.000. I'. S. bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were: NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations on Various of the Day Commodities. YORK, Sept. 30.-FLOUR-Quiet NEW witn demand slow; spring patents. o.4txu. 6.o0; winter straights, !4.3utf4.0; winter patents, 4.tiO4.9u; spring clears, 34.36&4.&0; winter extras No. 1, 13.653.86; winter ex tras No. 2, 13.4033.56; Kansas straights, H.'itifll.fco. Rye flour, barely steady; fair to good, !4.00i!.2O; choice to fancy, ti-'st 4.36. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and y el law. Ii.a6al.4u; coarse, ll.30ul.25; kiln dried 13.35. WHEAT Spot market, easy. No. t red, ll.OlVi elevator and ll.OO-V, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 northern, 1.194 f. o. b. afloat. A steadier tone developed ln wheat this morning on better cablea and a strong Win nipeg market, but after midday prices were affected by another severe corn break and clostd weak at new low levels, being to galas. High. Lo Alln-Ohilm pfd Amalgamated Copper 26,700 4H 24 American Agricultural .... ' 444 44 Am. Deet Suaae Mon S W American Can V 8V, . 8 American C. A F l.f 47, 47V, American Cotton Oil 3 :t, 62V, American H. A I,. pM.. . 100 21 21 Am. Ice Securities 200 1V4 1814 American Llnaee.1 American locomotive .... V) S7 i Am. S. A R-. ei-dlT 8.6HO 67V, 6V Am. 8. A R. pfd 5") Ml ltd Am. Steel Foundrle 1 43 4S Am. Sugar Relmins M 114J, 114 Am. T. A T.. ex-diT 1,200 v, 1371 Am. Tobacco pfd 100 2V4 2l, American Woolen Anaconda Mining Oo 1.7f0 a4 I8H Atchison .2H0 loov, t Atchison pfd 1"0 101 10 Atlantic Coast Lm 100 112 HI Baltlmare A Ohio 900 1 loS Hethlehem Steel '. Brooklyn Kapld Tr 4.KX) T7V, 1H Canadian Padflo 1.400 M 14 Central leather 1.4O0 341, 84 Central Leather Pfd W 106 106 00 I Central ot New Jereej l'O 266 25 ftl i tthesapeake A Ohio ll,) 7H lf Ohlrago A Alton 100 si ai Chicago O. W., new I0 23V4 23V, C. O. W. pfd 2"0 WV, 4 Chicago A N. W I.eW 148V, 146V, C. M. A St. P 6, 7s 1!2H K1V C, C. C. A St. L 100 7:v 72Vt Colorado F. A I oo J2 1H Colorado A Southern 0 M 6.'H Consolidated Oaa 11.100 134H 1M Corn Producta 1,000 1 ih Delaware A Hudaon Denver A Rio Grande J.8"0 32H M4 D. A R. O. pfd 400 73 T2V Dlitlllera' Securities t."0 Sovi 2sv Brie M0" Kl 2' Erie let pfd IIO 46S 46 Brie td pfd 700 5V 4'A Oeneral Blectrio 400 146 144 Great Northern pfd 1.800 121 12S Groat Northern Ore ctfs... W0 67 Illinois Central "0 132 ls2 Interborough Met .00 21H 21V, Int. Met. pfd 6.o0 67V, 6S Internationa Hamster ... 1.800 8V 7 Int. Marine pfd International Paper l.00 12 UV International Pump Iowa Central '00 114 lv, Kansas City So. 1.000 28V, 29 K. C. So. pfd, ex-dlv Laclede Oa 2 100H 100 Louisville A N l.' l"" H Minn. A St. lle 4oo U 28Vt M. B. P. A a. a. M. ex-dl 100 1314 131V, M K. A T 1000 82V, J1SV. M., K. A T. pfd 100 3 83 Missouri Pacific 8" MH 64 National Blacult National Lead 800 62 52 N. R. R. of M. 2d Pfd New York Central 1.800 N. T.. O. A W 4iXI Norfolk A Vt'eatern 1,200 North American 20 Northern Pacific J.W Pacific Mall Pennsylvania c below yesterday. September, ti.020 1 popie',r,l Articles. I Open. I High. Low. Closa l Yes'y. Wheat Sept. 1 c. May Corn r-ept, lieo. May Oata Kept. I eo. May Tork Jan. Lard ciept. Oct. Nov. Jan. lUba mpt. Oct. Jan. WW 9il7 1 U2V3 96 97-S! 1 03 934 93H1 91 9t ;9Q9;v,(i6!Sf84 1 02 1 02; 1 0JV,l, 61 4m V 4Ma WVifVsl 32-V: 61 H! 'a 33 13 17 I7H 12 66 12 40 11 60 10 45 11 60 10 87V, 27V 17 CB 12 05 12 .V) I 11 00 10 56 11 60 11 074 36 9V iv,48V 61i 61H US! 31H MV,32'0-SI 36 IT 37 Si 12 66 12 35 11 60 10 45 11 20 10 KTV, 9 36 61U 49 V, 62-, 31 8. 321 IT 47H 17 87 12 56 12 40 11 66 10 65 11 20 10 90 9 30 12 35 11 t 10 40 10 90 20 1.024.; December olOBed at 13.03: May closed at ll.OSH. CORN Spot market, weak. No. 2. 69V nominal elevator domestic basis to arrive and 5SVe f. o. b. afloat. Futures market ripened steady, but later gave way under renewed liquidation and closed weak at to So net loss. September, 61a61nc: De cember closed at 67Sc; May closed at SOVic OATS !pot market, easy. New standard white, 8Sc; No. 2. 38Vic; No. 3, 87Vto and November, 36V,c. Futures market was eas ier with corn, closing to e net lower. November, 38v,tft38V4o; closed at 3S,o; De cember closed at 3S7-c; May closed at 41c; July closed at 41c. I ROV1S IONS Pork, steady: mess. 122 00 12.50; family, I26.00fi26.50; short clear. 1:125 WJ3.75. Beer, steady; mess, l6.K(ltlfi.50; family. 19.00f20 00; beef hams. .'2.0nW24.00. Cut meats steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs.. 164ilSc: pickled hams, 14v,15c. Lard. easy; middle west prime, 12 67yg,12.76; re fined, steady; continent. 113.20; South America. 114.00; compound, 110 50. HAY Dull; prime, 11.10; No. 1. $1.06 107H: No. 2. 95v0tt.00; No. 8. 7580c. HOPS Quiet; state common to choice 1909, 20CT23c; 1908. nominal; Pacific coast, 1909. whle: 190. nominal. HIDES Steady; Central America,, Ho; Bo gota. 2Ko22c. LEATHER Steady ; hemlock firsts, 22i7f 24c; seconds, 20Q22c; thirds, 1820c; rejects, lM17c. BUTTER Steady, firm: creamery spe cials. 304c; extras, 2Se: third to first, 24 28c; state dairy, common to finest, 23J28c; process, second to special, 23T27e; factory, June make, 23V4$24c; current make, 2223c; Imitation creamery, 240725O. CHEESE-Steady; state, whole milk, up state, l&HlTo; fancy, 15Ve; choice. 15c; good to prime. 14144c; common to fair. llt?13s,c; aklms, full to special, 12H 12c EOus steady; rresn gathered, exra firsts, zhnz,c; rirst, jwaic; seconds, 23i23c. FOi Li KT Alive nrm; spring chickens. 17e; fowls. 18c; turkeys, 12"jl5c: dressed quiet; western broilers. 17?20c; fowls, Uft lsc; spring turaeys, in-.u. p.. CCA St. L Pkuburg Coal Preesed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring Reading Republic steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock laland Co. pfd St. h. A 8. F. id pfd St. Louie 8. W gt. L. S. W. pfd Sloan-Sheffield S. A I Southern Pacific, ex-div.. Southern Railway Bo. Railway pfd Tenneeeee Copper Teias A Pacific T., St. L. A W T., St. L. A W., ex-dlT.. Union Pacif.o Inlon Pacific pic United States Realty United States Rubber I Med States Stoel U. B Steel pfd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Cbemloal . Wabanh Vt'abaah pfd Western Maryland Weatuishouse Electric .... We, tern Union Wheeling A U E Total sales tor tne aaj No. t. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUK Easy; winter patents, I4$r5.05; winter straights. 4.sw-u 4.7F; spring straight. 14 7(V-u4.76; bakers. 4.60ni 5.75. RYE No. 2. 74V,c. IlARLKY Feed er mixing, Wg'THc; fair to choice malting, gTfjTQ'tc 8EEDS Flax. No, 1 snuth western, 12.21; No. 1 northwestern. 12.34. Timothy, $7 0a .tf. Clover, I8.0OJ 14.75. PROVISIONS .Mess pork, per bhl.. $18.25 tjli.50. iJtrd. per P lb., $:2M. Short libs, sluea (loose). I0 Irniill tO. diiert clear sides (boxed;, $12. 7:. iJl 3. 2&. Total clenisnces of wheat and flour were equal to It"., 000 bu. Kxpor: for the week, as shown by Rrsdstieeis. were eiiual to 2 I27.0OJ bu. Primary receipts were 1.139.000 bu., compared witn 1.6.T,.tM) bu. the corre sponding day a year ago. lvstimated receipts f ir tomorrow: Wheat. 48 cars; corn, 31$ cars; oats, 137 cats; hogs, 1,000 head. Kanaaa City Grain and Provtaloas. KANSAS CITY, Sept So WH EAT Sep tember, 94V4c: December, 9Vc bid; May Ko bid; cash unchanged: .No. I hard ;', 11.01: No. 8. 9trj9c. Ne. 2 red. 7fjiRc; N0 $ 949C. 'CORN September. 60V,c; December, 4S'ic 'May. 4v,j;iHc, sellers; cash unchanged1 No. S mixed, 51c; Ne 3. 6oV(1tj5'tc; No 3 white. 6t'Ve; No. I, JOc. OATS Unchanged; No. t white, 33434c' No 1 mixed, Jlifiry. RY B No. 2. 74 71c. , HAY 1'nelia.ngi d; choice timothy, $11 50 Him: choto pre'iie. 112 2o$i:.50. BUTTEK-Cramery. 2ec: firsts, Kc econds. 23o; packing stock. 22c. EOUg ttxlraa, Kc, firsts, 24c; seconds, Shipments Wheat, bu.. HI 000 if 3 8t Corn, bu l 0"0 Oata. bu 4.000 7.000 St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept. S0.-WHEAT-Futures lower; September, 96Vc; December, , sc; .may. ei.uosa, cam aieaay; iracK, IMO, 2 red. 81. twill, rso. z nam. mh,ihi.06. CORN Futures lower; December, 478c; May, 6oV0c; cash lower; track, No. 2, 61Vii61c; No. 2 white, 6IHf52c. OATS Futures, lower; December, SHic: May, 34c; cash lower; track. No. 2. 31Vjr 31"iC; No. t white, 860. F1a)UR Firm; red winter patents, $4.75?T 6.2a; extra rancy ana straignt, 4.1ta4.70; nara winter clears, ao..' F K K I - - T I mo t h y , $S .OOcu . 50. COl'NMliAL 12.90. R RAN - Weak; sacked, east track, 7t98c. H A Y I Inn; timothy, $12 0Oal9.0O; prairie, $!2tO;il5 00. I K11VISIONS Pork unchanared- tohKlne- I $18.75. Lard, lower; prime steam, $12.27iytf 1 12 4.'4. Diy salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $1262A; clear ribs, $!2.2V,; short clears, $12 87H. Bacon, steady; boxed extra aborts. $!4!?H; clear ribs, $14.12',,; short Clears. 114 3.',. POULTRY Firm: chickens, 13c; spring, 12vc; turkeys, 171119c (lucks, 13c; geese, 10c. I'.UVTF.U Dull; creamery, MyiSc. F.UOS Firm; 23c. Receipts. Shipments Flour. Dbls oou Wheat, bu 00OW Corn, bu S3 0u0 Oats, bu 68.000 400 . 9,600 . 1,300 100 2O0 . 1,900 200 . 2i0 .107,600 600 114 41V4 97 4 67 117 32 no 14 107 S 17V 34 162 U 147 32 Vi 7,700 32 800 M 81 10 200 12.700 1.S00 l.SX) 0 1.OI0 700 1,1100 44,600 200 ' 'I.') , 76.8O0 I.O11O , 1.200 , 1,700 '. 'i'ioo . 8,600 800 , I.3O0 ll 462,400 41 29 65 Vi l 114V, 24 4 55S, 82 S 27S 23 U 167; l, SS 68 V, 117 47 6814 113V, 41V, 97 67 116 31 V, 129 S prr n 17 33 111 33 4 14 81S sivi 28 V, 84 66H 114 13 V, 63 V4 32 87 23 Vi 64 V, 166 814, '34 64 116t 46 68 874, 47S 4 16 6 shares, 'V, 46 3 V, 73 6 Close. 3.. WVi 44', !9H 8' 47 VI 2V, 2"-i 18 11. ' er,v4 loivi 42 U3V, 138 P2'4 28 881, !,'4j 100 VI HI 1064, 87 "4 76H 193 S4 104 V4 26 78 31 23H tn 147 121V, 73 814 1334 l.'.i 168 sm 72 V, 29 , t 46V 36 14344 12" 56 132 21 6'i V8 17 12 4"H 1, 20 V, 63 -4 IOO14 131 32 62 '4 f.4 II 8l 62H4 81 V4 IU14 41 V4 97 s; 11644 SIVk li94 107 Vi 94 Vi 17 83 141 83 Vi )4: 314 2 81Vi 63 Vi 4-Vi 29 64 66 114 23 644 82H 27H 33 64Vi l'-7H 81Vi 68 36 9 llS 461 68 16 7V4 46 14 4 V, 74 .sew tjr.eans ... Cleveland Detroit UJlAuA is Atmx'.ta .... lxmlsvliie Milwaukee Seattle ft. Paul Hufl'alo Denver Indianapolis .... AManta Providence Portland, Ore... Memphis Richmond Fort Worth Suit Lake City.. a,-ldngton, D. M. Joseph Columbus , Albany Tacoma Savannah Spokane, Wash... Toledo Rochester Nashville , Hartford , Dest .Moines Peotla Norfolk New Haven , Sioux City Wichita , Oiat.d Rapids .... Syracuse , Augusta, Ua birmlngham Spring-Held, Mass. hvansvllle Dayton Oakland, Cal Oklahoma Jacksonville, Fla Portland, Me Worcester Uttle Rock KnoxvlUe , Wheeling, W. Charleston, S. Chattanooga Lincoln Wilmington, Del... Mobile Topeka Davenport Wllkes-Barr Kalamazoo, Mich. Fall River Cedar Rapids, la.. Sacramento New Bedford Springfield, 111 Macon Youngstown Fort Wayne Helena Fargo, N. D Columbia, a C Akron Canton, O Lexington Krle, Pa Sioux Falls, S. D.. Rockford, 111 Qulncy, 111 Bloomtngton, 111... Springfield, O Chester, Pa South Bend, Ind... Lowell Binghampton Jackson, Tenn Decatur, III Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb Vicksburg, Miss... Jacksonville, III.... Duluth. Minn Scran ton, Pa Houston Galvefton York, Pa I T.9 1.2 20 6 4 9 21.11 V 6.9 .6 2,6, Va.. C... 2iU.12o.WOi. l.iV43.lA),. l...ill.l"". Il.0l.t"-V bl.lSM.OVAt! 6w.irj,tM( 42,i;.,i,'i 2i.At.v,, l.t.OO. 2.1.1 11. t0 . ln.143 .uwt. 14. M,00o)j 15. a."d,tXi lBsbVM.OjO) 16. til.lKA'l . 10,914,tH"J 13.6Nl.OtOi 11.6;9.0ii0 l(l,97,WO: 9,oW,0"0. ,0f.7.0K)l 7.O3,0O0 10.501,0001 6,64O.U)0 9.203,0001 3.541. 000... 6,3,l"0( 6,705.000 5.f.l 5.869,000; 5,8'i9.0n0 6.290.0O. 6,844,OiiO . 6,729.0001. U, 11 2.000. 4.4nO.0OO 3,&32,00O! 3,042,(XI0 8,596.000 3.497.()0 3,42c,tXi 2,S.i.ti00 2,td:i,u00 ... 2.019.o00 J.67n.U00 3.14(1, OtiOl .. 2.03ii,O0lJf 2,SS1.0UU 2.045,0001 36. Uj l.Hllo.llOtl 1,802, 000 Loti7.0"0 30,503.0001 2,219,00U l,607,0tiO 2,O93.0uO 2.025,000 l,277,0o0. 1.524,aiO l,688.000i L72l,0OO 18.9 .1 5.9 7.6 mU LIVE SlOCli ilARBET Trade in All Kinds of Cattle Bather Quiet. HOGS ARE FIVE TO TEN HIGHER Sheep Receipts Were Lane for a Friduy and the Market Fairly Active at Prices Folly Steady with Thursday. SOUTH OMAHA. Sepl. 90, 1910. 8. 11. .t, 13.1.1 2.U I 2.7 I L 9.1' 17.5, b.u, ' u'.i'i.'.'.'.'.'. 22.41. 1.91 l.S,. 12. 3i. 6.0. I 8.S. .7 10.0 5.7 10.8 30.2 13.4 ls.9 12.3 7.6 11.2 86.4 8 1 9.1 13.9 4.6 8.8 "i.o 6.7 ik.i 10. 7. J ii'.s '23.3 20 3 3.9 4.2 13.9 1,663,0001 20.3 L419,00i 6.7 L432.000 6.4 1,249,000 3.9 1,204,000 1.7 1,226,000 10.8 1.246,0001 3 1,318,000 19.0 1.019.0U0 6.7 1,043,000 . t2S3,0OO 24.2 807,000 1S.0 804.000 3.8 1,126.000 11.9 L621,M 70.8 93KOU0 4.1 819,000 1.1 8;2,0OO 14.2 91.000 13.2 813,000 4.0 945.000 54.9 700.0K) 20.4 764.000 4.7 984,000 38.0 733,000 17.6 Gb0,000 21.7 633.000 36.3 4f,000 12.6 4H8.000 13.6 4,9.000 18.6 402,000 1.5 410.000 9.9 39,000 21.6 417,000 4.1 3K7.O0O 24.8 268.000 28.0 254.000 67.1 803.000 35.8 4,900,000 26.9 2.44O.00O 2.0 37,037.000 24.6 19.932.OiX) 27.2 779.0001 Receipts were: Cattle. Official Monrfav 13.958 Olficlal Tuesday 9,2: :0 O f .'U 1 a 1 Wednesday 13 168 t'.lUial " 1 ursilav 6.141 Kstiirm .-. Friuay 8:U Hogs Sheep l,8ti3 63.21! 4."'.' I 6 911 3i 4.005 19.870 19. 0;.". 19.972 2u M0 28.85.8 C2.0 28, sx;. 8,3.;2 32.4 Ut 11.060 M JfO 130 8 25 M t"0 ) 6 40 W J.y ... 8 ' 69 I I 80 8 4" 3 1.6 4-1 9 8" 6. !v. w t V M S.l , . I I" 61 ?M an 411 4i 3:t 860 6 JO l"i ... 6 40 4 SM ... 8 J f9 .... J-0 180 Ifl 4.' 8). ... 8 80 7 .: . I a) 31 8'. . . 8 J $f. J;8 40 8 45 84 r.' 8 S24 84 171 41) 8 46 2' .V8 . . 9 86 fti 1:4 (k) $ 51 174 90 8 S 1 :4 40 8 t 64 2l 120 9 86 !J o 8 V) 6 SM ... 8 72 ,J KM I 60 !' 311 ... 9 16 tl 110 SO 9 "7 10 9 36 S t4 . 8 0 fl Ji l.'O I M 86 1,4 ln 1 aft " rfS ... 8 36 86 2.1 40 6 M 8r-2 ... 6 85 11 fi 90 . an i 7 ... 6 86 68 J7 40 8 ' 68 S2 ... I 35 61 8V1 ... 9 0 4 "8 80 8 86 H i ... s.4 14 IS2 ... 8 35 .l M ... a , 67 780 ... I SB 4; .fa M a an 4'l S3) ... I 83 38 134 ... 9 O) IV ... 36 I ll ... t sj 4 S'l ... Si 8H I'.LP Making nllowancis for the Five days this week.. ..42.378 Same da.v s laxi week 42.1.9 fame davs 2 weeks ag..41 .4 o Same da s 3 weeks ago.. 39 74 sanio days 4 weeks ago.. 4(1 619 Ths following taole shows the "pelpts of cattle hogs and sheep at South Oma; a for the year to date as compared wtth last year: lft0. 1909. Ine Dec. Cattle f.64.78 7W.480 104.396 Hogs 1.562.930 1. ft. 5,7 262.647 Sheep l,6o,429 1.408,865 447,564 The following table shone the averat prices of hoga at South Omana for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates I 1910. 1 iw.;i9u lX)7.l!)Oii.13U&ll04. Sept fept. Stpt, Sept. t-ept. Kept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. IT... 22.. 23... 24... i'5.. 26.. 27.. 28... 29.., 30... 8 47V.I 8 12! 871 i Ml 4 121 6 M 6 81 8 48 1 $ 101 81 8 46H: 8 121 781 6 89' 8 44 I 8 Ml 6 761 6 W, I 8 181 6 77 6 961 8 44V 1 6 177 ? 4ti ' 8 151 I 8 31 8 0' 67 7 98 6 KM 7 881 8 29V, 6 5 6 SGi t 03 6 2.1 1 6 7t I b 29i 5 .6 17 I 6 78 t 181 6 281 '. 19i 5 241 t 87 2-, 5 ll. 6 H ft 16 a 14 6 19 1 6 66 6 13 5 by 141 6 18 6 211 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at th Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m, yes terday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ilnl -,a,.,..r liivnril tli. lud.r n.ti nt 1 ...1. . . .. ' - supplies were large. l-(ulk consisted of feed ers, hut the volume of demand, while smal ler than It as earl er In the neek. ap peared to be adequate. A snlend.d rlear- 1:, xR ! "n, ' WHt yotei day at generally f a -a? firady prices nnd with as equally good ,.a lit U'.carance In sight this morning, tomorrow will doubilss find the big barn pretty lil'Ki! "i"8''' prices' were maintained all along day. Light feeding lambs were a trifle slow, of course, but the better classes wire ready sellers from the start. Unci fat grades of both lambs and sheep were also eagerly sought, a string of strictly choice Idaho lambs bringing $6.S the best price pnld thla week for full loads of grass ers Fat ewes of good quality are moving at $3. no and better, quotably stiong with last Friday. Despite the fact that both weekly and dally record receipts were broken this week the trade has been in very good shape throughout. Viewing the market as a whole, little change has developed In values. Some of the common stuff, feeders espe cially, had to sell on a "caioh-as-can h basis at times, but desirable feeders and good fat stock are closing fully as high as they were a week ago. line of the two new records mode hap pens to be a world beater. Over t3.000 head arrived on Monday, the largest single day run ever recorded at any of the primary markets, not excepting Chicago. Receipt's ror the entire week amount to lGo.Ooo head, giving a grand total for the six weeks past of fully 826.000 head. Quotations on Krass stock: Oood to choice C, M. A St. P v abash Union Pacific C. A N. W., east C. & N. W west C. St. P., M. & O C, B. & y., east C, B. A Q., west C, R. 1. A P., east Illinois Central Chicago Great Western.. 15 8 1 10 2 IS 0 3 14 3 1 1 G2 I Totals 29 62 40 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Cudahy, from St. Paul.... W. B. V'ansant Co Benton V'ansant & Lush.. Hill & Son F. B. Lewis Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co McCreary & Carey H. F. Hamilton M. Hagerty Lee Rothschild Mo. & Kan. Calf Co Crrlsty & K Paulsley & B Other buyers 177 614 2.171 494 749 1,406 294 131 1.335 392 1,309 3.a , 294 46 11 75 2 49 60 70 2 26 a .... . .... 3 .... 3 1 336 Not Included ln totals because contain ing other Items than clearings. "Not In cluded In totals because comparisons are Incomplete. London Stork Market. LONDON, Sept. 30. American securities opened steady and about unchanged; light covering during the first hour caused a s'lglit advance. At noon the market was firm and from to H above yesterday s New York closing. Coraols, money do account.... Anal. Copper.. Ancci.nda Atchlton do pfd New York Money Market. NEW TORK. Sept. 90. MONEY On call, firm at 2Ha3 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent: closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 274 per cent. Time loans, firm; sixty days, 4 per cent; ninety days, 4(&44 per cent; six months. 4V4I846 Per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-6V4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE F.asy, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at 14.8340 4.8360 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8t0 for demand; commercial bills, $4-83'84.S3Vl. SILVER Har, 64c; Mexican dollars, 45c. RON DS Government, steady; railroad, firm. . . Closing quotations on bonds today were a follows .10041 int. M. M. evia .V6 Japan 4e 8Vi .101 do 44a 4 .101 K. C. So. lt la "3 .1 L. t. deb. 4s 1931.... 84 .115 I.. A N. unl. 4a SVl . 77 Vi M. K. A T let 4a. H .101V, do sen. 4Vas '4 T T. it. a.l03Mo. Pacine 4a If" Tobacco 4s 80S .N. R. R. of M. 4Vi M-i V. I. ret. 8a, i ao coupon ... C. i. la. rag., do coupon ... V. 4a, re.. do coupon . Ollla-Oial. let Am. Ag. 6a. Am. Am do 6a li N. T. C I 'a Armour A Co. 4Vie.. 93 do deb. 4a M Atchlaon gen. 4a 89 N. Y., N. H. A H. an c. 4a 16V CT a 15 do ct. 6a 108 N. A W. lat o. 4s.. 8V4 ' Minneapolis C.rala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 10. W H RAT Sep tember, $107; December, $1 07v; May, U.U-V Cash. No. 1 hard. $1AV; No. 1 8.900 70 000 38.000 66,0 4) MVi do ct. 4a. . 98 N". Pacific 4s. . S3 do la . 91 Vi O. g. U rft. . 94V, Pcnn. ct. 3Va0 .10" do eon. 4e. .. 11 71V, 4a.... M 1816.. 76 .102 At. C. L. 1st .. B. A O. 4s do s do 8. W. ISa... Brok. Tr. ct. 4a c. nt (U. 6a.. ran. Leather 6a -i itMflins sen. 4s m ei nt NT. J. a 6..1M St. L A 8. F. fg. 4s 82 Cha St Ohio 4Va..l0:Vl do gen. 6a 94 do ret. 6a US it. L 8. W. c. 4a.... 74 erbVaso A A. ISa.. 711, do 1st nld 4a IIS C B. A J J. 4. ... ;i Seaboard A. U 4a... 7S dfl en. 4a. 67 go. Paolflc col. 4a... 92(, C i. A A P. f Sa MS do 4a 94S OR 1. A P. c. 4a. 76S do lat ret. 4e 83 do rfx 4a ,,iio. RallKax 6a 107 Cne. Ind. 6a 77 do gen. 4a n Colo Mid 4s Tl Vnlon Pacific 4a 101 C A i r. A a 4a MVi do ct. 4a lOlS 'S 80 Loulavllle A N... .. 60 M., K. A T .. 64 S N. V. Central .. 7s Ncrfolk A W.... 102 do ptd 102S Ontario A W Baltimure A Ohio... .10" i'.nnayii,nia .... Canadian Haclllc HODS Rand Mlr.ea ai, m-aaing 24 Bcuthern itr 128 do pfd 17 Southern Pacific Cneaapeake A u... Clv.caso Q. W...., Chi.. Mil. A St. P De Peers Denver A Hlo Q. . do ptd Erie do lat pfd do 2d pfd Grand Trurk lllli. ola (.'antral... B1LVEK- Bar, ..148 .. 83S ..1US .. 88 .. 91 .. 43 :: ;! .. 76 .. 31 .. 64 ..11S Pacific 171 . 31 Union . 74 do pfd 84 . 18 V. 8. Steel 11 . 46 do pfd IMS . ti Wcbaah 17 . 27 do Pfd 88 .136 Spanish 4a 82 steady at 247,d per ounce. xti inkv-2fa2' Der cent. The rate of discount ln the open market for ahort bills Is Vrtf3 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for three months bills Is 3-VS3-e per cent. Local securities. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnktr I Zo.. 449 umaha National Bank building: 18,466 Totals 2.045 4,089 26.497 OATTLE Receipts oi cattle were very snail touay, only thirty-tnree fresh cars being reported, In whlcn waa not enough to make very much of a allowing In tne yards. For the week receipts loot up 42,i)78 head, which Is the largest of any week so far this year and larger than for the corresponding week a year ato by over 6,000 head. The suppiy of beef steers was limited to a very tew scattering loads and a few odds and ends. Buyers had all taken on a good many cattle during the week and were not t specially In need of additional sup plies. As a result the market waa siow and weak, lth buyers very Indifferent. Cows and heifers were also slow sellers. It being a typical Friday's market. Buyers were not at all anxious for supplies and their bids were generally weak and, in some cases, quite a little lower. It might be added that all kinds of killing cattle, steera aa well as cows and hellers, are aiound 16625c lower than last week. There Is never very much activity In the feeder trade on a Friday. Fresh receipts were light and yard traders and speculators were more interested ln selling wnat they already had on hand than they were ln buying fresh arrivals. Still the market was niihuut any noteworthy change. As com pared with a week ago, Inferior feeders are Just about steady, while good light cattle are around 10016c higher. Quotations on narivo cattle; Good to Choice beef steers. $6.7607.76; fair to good beet steers, $6.7646.76; common to fair beef steers, $1.60 5 76; good to choice cows and nelfers. $4.2526- fair to good cows and heifers, $3 40(34.26; common to fair cows and heifeis, $2.60:. 40; good to choice Blockers and feeders, $4.4Oft4.O0; fair to good stockers and feeders. $4.00(44.40; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.2604.00; stock heifers, $3.004.25; veal calves, $3 607.00; nulls, ttags, etc.. $3.0Cxtf5.00. Quotations on range cattle: Choice to nrim. beeves. 16.00-1(6.50; good to choice beeves, $5.25u6.75; fair to good beeves, $4.50 ii.20, common to fair beeves, $3.7lK(4.40; good to choice heifers, $4.vvU"00: xd to choice cows, S4.0C&4.60; fair w good grades, $3.4t)it3.90; canners and cutters, $2.3j03.2&; good to cholc feeders, M-olKir'i.Ov; 'air to good feeders. $4. 254. 75- Ivepiesentauve K2 IT IT It American Eapress 246 Adama Co.. la., warrants, I par cent.. Metrics Creamery eta Ceiorado Tel. Ce. 1 per sent M cudahjr Packing Co. Is Columbus, Neb.. K. U 6a, 1184 N Denver O. A C. per oeot sous till M .'alrmoot Creamer? eld MS Int. Coo. Co.. wita subs Iowa Portland lat 4a M tun. U. A S. I pt cent pfd, wicaite M Katieaa Cllr (municipal) 4 104 K C. 84. A O.. pfd 14 K. C. M. A O. aa. 1931. Senue 8 Lyon, Co., lows, warrants, I per cent Omana water J. aa. nil SI Omabe Water Co. as. lit M (Omaha A C. B. . R. ptd I per cent H Omaha A C. B. gt. Rr.. com Omaha A C. B. Ft. Rr. 6a. 112 4f Omaha 8L By. 6a. 1114 M Omaha A O. B. K. A B. pfd Trl-City Rr. A I. Co.. com. t2 Vnlon Stock Tarda Btook, Omaha 16 lalou giack Yard 9 leek, omasa 88 M Boston Cloalnc Btocka. BOSTON, Sept. 30. Closing: quotations on the Stock exciange were: 148 100 67 64 13 14 1O0 tea iw 89 88 IN 11 88 88 TO 46 100 a ! M C. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL WHEAT Closing, spot dull; No. t red western winter, no stock; futures, firm; October, Ts 3S1; December. 7s 3vd; March. Ts d. CORN Spot easy; American mixed, 6 1V1, futures quiet; January, td; Febru ary. 4a td. Peoria Market. PEORIA, III.. Sept . CORN Higher; No. 2 yellow. 51Vo; No. $ yellow, 61Vc; No. 4, 61Uc: No. 4. 504861o. OATS-Lower; No. 1 white. JSVic; No. I white, 31c; No. 4 white. Jlc. Mllwsskee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Sept. $0 -FLOUR-Dull. WHEAT No. 1 northern, $110',allJ: No. t northern $1 O-e-rfjl 09; December, fasti CWc. OAT!4-HfiS3Vc. iiAllLi. V i'iples, tTQTlViA ei). A H. ct. 4a... D. A R. O. 4a... do ref. 6a piatlller' 6a Brie p I. a to gen. 4a do ct. 4a. aer. A. do series B erten. dec. ct. 6a III. On. lat n Int. Met. 4s. Bid, TV do let A ret. 4s ..8 wv . s. nuntier ee....i..s .. 'J' V. 8. Steel Id 5a.:.. 103 .. 73Va.-Cro. Chem. 6a. .100 .. 14 Wahaab lat 6a 10S .. 74 do 1st A ei. 4a.... 84 . . 12 Weatern Md. 4a 8a .. 68 Weat. Blec. ct. ia... 91 .138 W e. ( anti-al 4a. 4a. 97 Ma. Pac. ct. 6a. .... 11 14 11 Nevr York Mlalnsj Stocks. NEW YORK. Sept. 30. Closing quota tions on mining Alice Com. Tunnel a toe a. s do bond, Cm Cal and Vs.....V rla Slleer el Iron stlTer LiaadTtlie Con. 8 Otleret. stocks were: ?)0 Lltlla Chief . Mailcan Ontario Ophlr Siar.dard Yellow Jacket .100 .. .18 ..126 .. to Troaanrr Btnsesnont. WASHINGTON. Sept. SO The condition of the treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was as follows: Trust Funds Gold coin. SM.86g.888; silver dollars. $44 -667.000; silver dollars of 1190, $3.546000; ,11. ver - certlflcatea outstanding-. $64, 667,000. Allouea Amal. Copper ... A, Z. L. A 8... Arltona Liom. ... Atlantic D. A C C. A 8. Rullo OalltioQ ., Cal. A Arlaona.. Centennial Cooper Ranee 41 Rast Butte C. M... Franklin Giroux Con Gran by Con Greene Cananea ... laic Koyaio ( 'uw Kerr Lake take Copper La Salle Copper.... Miami Copper 41 Mohawk . . tu Nevada Con .. 27 Nipn.lng Mines .. 16 North llutte .. 6S North Lake il. 13S old Dominion .... ., II Oaceola .. 69 Parrot! 8. A C... .. 17 uulnrr to Shannon 4 Superior 10 Superior A B. M. 8uperlor A P. O. . 82 Tamarack 34 V. 8. C A O r. 8 R. 6 do pfd .. 16 l lali don. 8 Winona ... 18 Wolverine M ... 47 ... 19 ... 1 ... ts ... ... 17 ...12J ... 12 ... 7 ... 1 ... 60 ... 1 ... 11 ... 60 ... 40 ... 8 ...46 ... 22 ... 1 ...lit No. II...... 11..".'.' II.'.'... 20 .'.'.'.' .' 21. AT. ... 876 .. 866 ... 610 ... 840 .. 193 ... T64 ... 788 .. 828 ... 808 ... 873 ... 831 .. 940 .. 148 ... 877 ... 866 ... 100 ... (71 .. 460 ... 440 ... 474 ... 660 ... W ... "8 ... 860 ... S17 ... 820 ... 106 160 BEEF Pr. I 16 I 76 4 00 4 06 4 40 COWH. STEERS. No. t 16 7 11 100. AT. .013 . 613 .1234 . 917 .1280 t oo I 00 t 16 I 26 I 26 t 10 I 86 t 36 I 40 I 40 t 40 I to HEIFERS. t 36 4 I 26 II I 16 1 t 85 4JAX.VK8. It.. 1 2 to 4 16 4 1 1 10 190 9M 1046 11116 1166 1044 996 1240 1110 1261 1161 .. 7S0 . .1001 .. 640 t 7)0 4 26 4 60 4 60 4 60 t 00 t 00 I. id 220 lit 181 . 160 Pr. 4 40 4 46 4 80 t 50 t 96 I ti I It 1 It t 75 I 80 t 16 3 90 4 00 4 16 4 16 4 16 I It I 80 4 00 t 00 t 00 t 60 I 60 t 71 7 00 bTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 120 787 798 , 664 866 4 16 4 10 4 85 4 60 4 0 It. 8.. 16. I . 1023 lu0 1017 1066 1 71 4 at 4 86 t It ""WESTERNS NEBRASKA. IS heifers... 730 3 76 26 calves... 339 4 60 $ 46 I 70 New York Corb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York Stock exchange $16 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Bar Stale Oaa 80 Greene Cananea 1 Butte We lit ion 18 Inaplratlon 8 fa.-iua 1 Nevada Cons iy (mno 19 Newhouee 80 Chief Dons 1 Rawhide Coalition... 6 Fraction 37 Bar Central I Invla-Dalr t S pki Co 101 Ely Central 34 Bear,-Roebuck Co 167 My Crne tl Silver Pick 9 Klv Witch 12 Superior A PHU 11 Franklin 1" Tonooab Mining t Olroux Trinity Copper t Ocldfleld Plarenoe... I North Lake 1 uoldnelt Da lav I Bohemia I Imports of Merckaadlso. NEW YORK. Sept $0. Import of merchandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending Sep tember 14 were valued at $ 16,21 J. 676. Imports of specie for the port of New York for the week ending today wr $53,617 silver and 169,978 gold. Kx ports of specie for the week wart $l5.66 allvtr And l$0,i00 gold, . W COWS M 1 10 CI COWS 62 14 cows 1060 3 65 24 COWS 808 10 cows i"K to . O. W. Burge Neb. 10 feeders.'. 1127 5 00 28 feeders.. 842 4 90 60 cs. & hs. 616 3 90 Rush Creek Live Stock Co. Neb. 25 heifers... 719 3 76 10 heifers... 748 I 75 49 heifers. ..1064 4 50 William Norman Neb. 11 cows 903 3 26 7 cows 980 8 25 E. J. Nelson Neb. 16 yearlings 042 3 60 4 heifers... 562 $ 60 Reverse Four Cattle Co. Colo. 108 steers. ..1164 4 86 45 steers.. ..1014 4 45 Bartsche Bros. Wyo. 49 feeders.. 7K3 4 75 48 cs. At hs. 861 $85 47 cs. A hs. 868 3 75 1IOQ3 Most of the hogs on sale this moinlng brought figures iajlOc higher than these paid yesterday. Demand waa fairly active from all quarters and with total recetpta limited, an early clearance was possible at the advances noted. A fair sprinkling of light and medium weight gradt-a featured supply, but the big end of the run consisted of heavies. Heavy hogs moved around $.3tS.36 In most cases with medium weight mixed mid way between extreme prices. Selected light hogs sold up to 19(a). which was also the best price paid yesterday. Receipts for the week, while light, car ried a few more bacon hogs than were available last week. Average weight Is still running heavy, of course, but tho spread ln prices for heavies Is not quite as wide aa It was at last week's close. On most daya demand has been backward and trade more or less uneven, but ln spite of this fact, today's sales are steady to possibly a shade stronger as compared with those of last Saturday. Av. Pr. 62 4 00 ,85 4 SO ,49 6 00 ,63 6 00 ,65 6 00 ,55 6 00 ,69 6 00 61 6 35 47 6 76 67 6 10 57 8 10 67 6 10 62 6 10 67 6 10 87 4 00 92 3 00 46 4 75 62 S S5 60 8 60 69 6 20 59 6 :o 61 6 20 79 4 06 89 3 25 45 6 10 64 6 00 63 6 00 63 6 85 64 6 26 63 6 85 100 3 60 88 4 60 58 6 20 87 8 15 87 2 75 68 6 10 88 S 00 66 6 10 68 t 67 6 36 61 G 90 65 6 00 64 6 00 lambs, $G.OOa6.85; fair to good lambs, $(i.40.JJ 6 bO; feeding iambs. $4 lOv,,.,. handy weight yearlings. $r..Xs5.40; heavy yearlings, $4 bO,t 4.90; feeder yearlings. 4.7;Va6 25; good to choice wethers, $1.00cu4.2o; fair to good wethers. $.7,1754.00; feedlnc wethers, $3.507J J-.'2UKedlI'K...CWM' 4(vtf5 25; fat ewes, I3.00.n.,ft; feeding owes. $3.233.25; culls and bucks, $1.602.50. Representative sales: i o. 186 Wyoming yearlings, culls.... 211 Wyoming yearlings 4;0 Wyoming lambs, feeders 1;p0 Utah lambs, feeders )i4 Utah lambs, feeders 176 Utah lambs, feeders 2:i4 Utah lambs, feeders 312 Utah lambs K18 Wyoming lambs, feeders 84i Wyoming lambs, feeders lf9 Wyoming lamts, feeders 3d7 Wyoming lambs, feeders 341 Wyoming lambs, feeders 846 Wyoming lambs, feeders 128 Wyo. lambs, feeder culls 2.4 Wyoming ewes, feeders 2i I tah lambs, feeder culls .:50 Utah, lambs, feeders 205 Utah lamba 321 Utah lambs, feeders 820 Utah lambs, feeders 340 Utah lambs, feeders.. 204 Utah yearlings, feeders 3.6 Utah ewes, feeders 2M) Wyoming lambs, feeders 300 Wyoming lambs, feeders m. . yoming lamos, reeders 93 Idaho lambs, feeders 123 IdAhn lamha 2S1 Idaho lambs! feeders'.!!.!!!!!! i,w Wyoming ewes '.'ti IV vn m I .i . n )..,. 201 Wyoming; lambs, feeders!!!!! tKMyoming ewes, reeders 318 Idaho ewes, feeders 3fi9 Idaho lumhe fuut.M 248 Wyoming ewes, feedera!.'!!!! oio luaiiu tamos, reeaers 334 Idaho lambs, feeders 6K9 Idaho lamha r..,i.r. 408 Idaho lambs, feeder culls.... 3. western lambs, feeders 361 western lambs, feeders CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Weak Hon Hla-her Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. SeDt. 30. CATTLFTle!nt 2,500 head: market weak: beeves. I4.ti0(fii 00: Texas steers. t4.10(AA.66: western tnrm $4.10ct6.75; stockers snn feeders, $3.60&5.bU; cows and heifers, $2.206.30; calves, $7,600 HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head; market 6 luc higher than yesterday; light, $8.80(9.26; mixed, $8.36ft9.2C; heavy. $8.3oc9.15; rough, $X.30i(js.50; good to choice heavy, $8.60iJj9.15; pigs, $8.2tfj9.06; bulk of sales, $8.50S.S0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000 head; market steady; native, $2.604.20; western, $2.9034.16; yearllng-s, $4.4O5.50; native lambs, $4.7&7.10; western, $4.766.90. St. I.ools Llvo Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Bent. . CATTf.lC nlni. 3,400 head, Including 2,100 Texans; market jvc lower; native snipping- and export steers, $6.90(67.80; dressed beef and butcher steers, J5.70('e7.66; steers under 1,000 pounds, $4.O0(f(6.90: stockers and feeders, $3.60r(36.66; cows and heifers. $3.606.75; canners, $2 60 8.10; bulls, $3.266.00; calves. $; Texas and Indian steers, $3.60(B7.46; cows and heifers, $3.10(4.60. HOGS Receipts. 6,300 head; market steady to 5c higher; pigs and lights, $8.6ou' 9.25; packers, tx. 6569.00; butchers and best heavy, $9.00a9.20. SHBliiP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,700 head; market strong; native muttons, $3.90 04.20; lambs, f5.60ryn.70; culls and bucks, $2.6663.25; stockers, $I.263.50. Kanaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 30. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,400 head. Including 1,000 southerns; market steady to weak; dressed beef and export steers, $6.60Q7.75; fair to good, $4.76 SiS; western steers, $4.tf3.50; stockers and feeders, $3.26&6.7S; southern steers, $3.60(4.80; southern cows, $2.60(4.00; native cows, $2.50rrT4.60; native heifers, $3.40ig.6.26; bulls. $3.3.V(i4.25; calves, $3.75rriS.OO. HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady to 6e lower; bulk of sales, $8,004(8.90; heavy, S40(fi8.66; packers and butchers, 8S.t5fitS8.80; light. $S.75S8.96. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market steady; lambs, $5.2f'ff6 65; yearjlngs, $4.25fS6.26; wethers, $4 0Og4 40; ewes, $3.6034.16; stockers and feeders, $2.50 &4.25. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Sept 20. CATTLE Receipts, 700 head; market steady; steers, $4.6OT7.00; cows and heifers, $2.7624.50; calves, $4.0O(i8.60. HOGS Receipts, 1,600 hesd; market 6ffil0c higher; top, $9.00; bulk of sales, $3.368.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000 head; market alow; lambs, x.2Hj6.75. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five princi pal weatern markets yesterday South Omaha. Ft. Joseph Kansas City.. St. Louis Chicago Total Cattle. 900 700 8.4O0 S.4O0 2.500 Hogs. Sheep. 4.100 ll,6no 1,600 4.000 6.3.10 11.000 6,000 3,0(0 1,700 12.000 ..10.900 25,900 83,300 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 30 M ETALS Stand ard copper, firm; spot and futures, $12. lira 12.26: London, firm: spot, foo 6s; futures, 1.4 Is 3d. Lake copper, locally, $12.6o3 12 75: electrolytic. 112.37 WillZ.HS. lasting, $12.12Vtt'12.37V. Tin, weak; spot and futures, 114 oujfiM.tiO: London, steady; spot, flnb lus; futures, fl66 15s. Lead, steady; $4.37V8 4 50, New York; $4.20r34.27l. East St. Louis; London. 12 13s 9d. Spelter, stesdy; tb.Utii 5.60, New York; $.', 87V4(6.42Vt, East St. Louis; London, f23 10s. Iron, Cleveland warrants. 49a. Ix)ndon; locally, quiet and barely steady; No. 1 foundry northern, $17 60; No. 2. $15.60(8 16.00; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft. fir. Tr. ; N. P.. $1- ST. LOUIS. Sept .V - Ml.TALr1 l.eito., lull; $4 26. eipelter. quiet; $.Y40. OMAHA t.KM.IItl, MIHKET. BUTTER Creamery. No 1. delivered to the retail trade In l ib. cartons, 81c; No. 3. in 80-ll tubs, 30c; No. S, In l ib. cart :', 29c; No. 2, In tjO-lb. tubs. 27Vc; packing lock, solid pack. 2?c ...dairy. In 0-lh tubs. a.4c. Market changes every Tuesday. I'll Efc'.SB Twins. 16c; young America. IrVsc; dalsias. 18Vc; triplets, 18c; limberger. 1m. No. 1 brick. 1c, imported Swiss, Uej domestic Swiss. 24c; block Swiss, .0, POULTRY Dressea broilers under 3 lbs.. 80c; over t lbs., loo, hens 1 no ; cocks too) ducks, lbc; geese. :6o; turkeys Jt. pixeone, per dot., $1 2o; homer squabs, per do., loot Fancy suuaba. rr dos.. te.bV; .No. 1. rer ,1.. $3.00. Alive: Broilers. 16c; over 8 lbs ,, lie; i. ens, lie, oia roosters, nt, uio uucks mil feathered. ll)c: sevse. full leath lr,i turkeys, lt'c; guinea fowls, 20c each; puteon. per lios., ovc . iwinrie, pr ww., fo.w, auaya No. 1. per dos . $1.60, No. t, per dos , 6oe FISH tall frosen) l icke'et. 12c. hile rj.n ISc; pike luc; trout. Mo; large crap.-.? e,aniah nia.keial, l.v; eei -m hIu.' dock. 13c; flounders, 1,1c; green catfish, lv -b illheads, 16c, roethad. Il On eacn. ,, , t r04.a. p r pair, fcc, frog legs, pei doa., j...c; salmon, 14. Beet Cuts Rib: No. 1. 14c; No. 8, USl?-. No. 8. c. Loin: No. 1. Jc; No. 2. 13c; No 8, c. Chuck;. No. 1, 6c, No. 2. 6Vic; No. .1 ic. Round- No. 1. 7o; No. , w. No 4, 4V,o. 1'laie: No. L ,c; No. 8, 4C; No. 8. 4o. FKl'ITS Oranges; California VaUnrlaa. all sle&. per box, $5.Hoa U'lmum; lim onlera. extra fancy. 3uu per box $-5o-$00 site, per box. ti.On; choice. 300 s re par tox.'$6 00. 3(V) size per b.x. $('..i.O: 240 'Flr.e 60c per box less. Bananas; Fancy select per bunch, $:.2oiti60. Jumbo, hur.h. 2i6qi;r Cantaloupes: Colniado Rocky Fords f-l sire, $l '(5; 46 standards, $:.2.,; Osase. li'an.l If. slse, per ci ate, 81.00. Italian Blue Prnne Washlngton, f)r crate, l.l.,; m lots, per crate, $1.10. Peaches: California Snlnaf per 20-Ib. box. 80.-; in lots of 26 or more per box, 76c; Colorado Elbertas. per 20-lb box R.'i90c; In lots, per box. ."uc. Pears:' Nevr York Kelfer. 5 tier, per box. $.'.5n; I'Hlifo ni i It. Clairague. per box. $J.s5. Apples; Hon,,.. Srown cooking. In bhls.. $3 60y4 (Hi; Missouri onathan. In bhls., $l.2ii'i4..o; iileIH, Per box. $175; California llravensicln per ox. $2.10; California Helleflower per' box $1.60. Grapes: Malni:ns. per 4 crate f 1 o' Callfomla Tokay, per crate. $i ;.( : t'oiicord Mlchgan, per 8-lh bsk., 3 t j:i,".c. Ci anlicn Per box. $2.65; per bid., $7.(V). Watermelons Texas. lc per Ih. Dates: AmcIhv bland' new, 30 1-lh. tikes, ln box. per box J" no KliKTAKIJ;:- 1'oiatnes: Early" Ohio In sacks, per bu., $1 Ov,, i i0; New Jersey tviilt stock, extra fine nuallty per ln , $ ii Sweet I'otatoes: Virginia,' per bbl., $; ;' Onions: Iowa, small ted nn.t ve'low per lb.. 2c; Spanish, per crate, $1 K. Garlic' Fx tra fancy, white, per lb.. lc; icd, per lb lfic. Fsg Plant- Fancy Florida n.r ,,,,' $100. Celery: Michigan, per doi bunchr's" 35c. Rutahngos: Pel lb.. 1e IIOM E-GRi )WN VKllKTA PT.S-Cnh-bnge: New, pr lb.. l.c. 'roma'oes- JV bk 6((j4c. String and Wax Beans: f'mkt' bsk.. 76c. Cucumbers: Per mkt bdt '.' 75c. lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per do' 4.-,,' Parsley: Fancy home-giown. p. r ' bunches, 30c. Turnips, per mkt hk. r,c Carrots: Per mkt. bsk., 40o. Beets; Fe mkt. bsk., 35o. MISCELLANFOUS-Wnlntits- R'a. k rr lb., 2c; California No. 1, per lb., ISc; Cali fornia No. 2, per lh.. Mo. H'ckorvniits l arge, per lb., 4c: Miiall. per lb.. 6c. "icoa nut.s: Per sack. $7 00: per dox. 65c. Honey: New, 24 frames, $3.6.ri. Cotton Mnrlcl. NEW TORK, Sept. 30 COTTON - Spot closed quiet: middling oplands. r, 7.7c" mid dling gulf, 14c; sales, 8.7(10 bales. Cotton futures closed lutrelv Closing bids: October. 13.5oc; Nov.miii We; December. 13.75c; Jantiarv, in 71; Fphrnarv 19 Silr- la.h I4s?. ....ii ..a... May, 13.9tic; June, 13.94c; July, 13.9o". '" M . LOt'lS, Sept. 30. COTTON-Unchanged. Middling, 134e. Sales, none; re ceipts, 273 bales; shipments, 273 bales; slock .147 bales. Cotton I Open. High. Low. October 13 67 1 3 70 13 55 December.... 13 83 13 85 13 72 January 13 8f. 13 so 13 74 May 14 08 14 10 13 98 March 13 98 14 00 13 88 I Close 13 55 1.1 71 13 71 13 9(5 13 87 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 30. COFFEE-Fului et closed barely steady at a net loss of 10 to 16 points. Sales, 60.500 bags. October and November, 8.90c; December. 8.92c; Jantiarv, nnd February, 8.93c; March. 8.94c; April, 8.96c; May, 8.98c; June, 8.99c; July, 9.09c; August, .091c; September, 9 02c. Spot coffee, firm. Rio No. 7, 11c: Santo No. 4. nss!ftl2c Mild coffee, firm. Cordova. 1H4i7J:1340. Dry Gootla Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 30. Cotton goods ruled quiet and firm. Yarns are very quiet. Carpet wools have been Helling more freely. The general tone of the dry goods market Is conservative. Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Sept SO.-ftUGAR-Weak; muscovado, 89 test, 8.55a; centrifugal, 93 test, 4.06c; molasses sugar. 89 test, 3.30c; re fined sugar, steady. Tnrpentlne Mnrket. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Sept. SO. TURPEN TINE Firm; 78Ho. ROSIN Firm, type F, $.67H; type O, $.62Vi. 1 1 Wool Market. ST. LOUTS. Mo., Sept. 80. WOOL Stoady; territory and western mediums) 18ig-23c; fine mediums, 1720c; fine, 1417o. . Miners Oppose Roosevelt and Pinchot Ideas American Congress Passes Resolu tions Declaring: Against Na tional Control. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Sept 80. The American Mining congress by adopting the report of th resolutions committee placed Itself on record today as opposed to the Roosevelt-Plnchot conservation policies and declared In favor of state control of waterpower and all natural resources as against federal control. The congress accepted a report from the committee on Alaska mining- laws ln which L, R. Glavls, the land office special agent dismissed by Secretary Bulllnger, was at tacked. The report of the Alaska mining laws committee advocated Immediate opening of the vast coal fields beyond the Arctic cir cle, denounced the proposed leasing sys tem as confiscatory and unjust to legit imate claimants and declared for nioro "home rule and less Interference from Washington In the affairs of the northern territory." A land court, which Is said to have the endorsement of President Taft, was fav ored by the committee, which registered Its objection to the federal land office act ing In the "triple role of detectives, prose cutor and Judge," In the matter of coal claima. Tho report said that "It might be well If it were generally known that Special Agents L. R. Glavls and Horace T. Jones, whose attacks on the Interests and Integ rity of Alaskans have been so widely Quoted, have tit vt r been within 600 ti.llea of the coal fields of Alaska." No. 11... to... 48... 10... 41... t. . M... 14... 6'... II... AT. ...144 ...884 ...847 ...111 .. Ill ...If. J ...8M ...88 ...818 h. FT. No. At. 8b. Pr ... II IS 7 10 I 17 ... I 10 tt 187 80 I 17 ... I 10 44 tVI 40 I 17 ... I 10 15 X4 880 I 40 IN IIS 44 24 SO I 40 M I 14 tO 276 ... I 40 ... I ft M 22 ao 1 40 N lli II 14! 140 I 40 tu !S r,4 171 too t 40 U0 I M It JeS 48 I M A great advertisement for Omaha Ak'SaroBen Edition The Omaha Sunday Bee October 2 Send copies to your friends.