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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1910)
r T ywim own 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET the secretary. "You received an Invltailnn and ticket to the haixjuet." : "Well, I was not sure about that," said the senator. "Now I have nothing what' ever to ay," and the Interview cloeed. Another edition went to prens flashing the Rooseveltian demand broadcast. Newsboys In the street beneath the bank window shouted, "Extra! Roosevelt elams Lorliner," and Still the newspaper 'men waited for a statement and still the senator remained at his tnahogany desk. A frn1 n the door opened and still smiting ths dictator or the Sixth coi-greHslonal dlstiiot said to his question ers, "Doesn't this put the llamllton club In a peculiar position? "Turning down one of their own members?" was ventured. '1Are you trying to get me to make a speech?" said Senator Liorlmer In calm, even tones. "I have nothing to say." As the newspaper men ti st I red (Senator Ixjrlmer said: "If I decide to make a statement I shall be glad to Rive It to you." pinch At talks at sr. paul (Continued tiu... irat Page.) ilstic control of the natural resources also. This Is what we face today In the effort to apply conervatl n. 'V' .' V ' ''' Ftiqilinicntsl 'rlnelple. "The fundamental. principle of cchserva Uon are few and sltnple'i.Onie of the first Is that ths natuttil re uroesind natural ad vantages belong to all the people, and should be developed, protected, and per petuated directly tor the benefit of ill the people, and not mainly -fur. the profit of a few . . "Another Is that' tho natural resources still owned by the people, "which are neces saries of life, like c.oat atid water power, should reniaiu .In ,pdblkj --.ownership and should be disposed .tyniy. under lease fur limited periods, and with fair compensa tion to the public. for the rights granted. "As to our.wateis: "1. Every streapi, shtaldiTe made useful for every purpose- In which It can be made to serve the public. . Tha'1 preparation of a broad, plan IS , heeded; Without delay fur the development of our waterways for navi gation, domestic supply, Irrigation, drain age and power.,. . . v . .. . t. - . Bvtrye'iew':in Vuite or fed eral control uficjuld lie held so, and should be disposed oft only under lm' tor a lim ited time and with fair compensation (o the public . -v s1 .t "3. Xp tlio development oonr'-waterwaya, the co-opereilo Of, the- states with the nation la essential sJor Ui ial welfure. "As to our forests- .- " "1. All fqrtstS necessary for the public welfare should be in the public ownership, such as tho - national forests already in exlstenoe, ..the proposed .Appalachian and White Mountuitr-iittUOl'.ul -forests, and the state forests bi .'ew oVrk, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and other states. "2. The protection of forests against fire Is ths first duty In ferestry -of" states and nation alike. The way to stop fires Is to get men to them as soon as tiiey begin. The maintenance and extension , of forest fire patrol by ..the nation, the spates and their subdivision, and by associations, or private. cltlsenswlHj own-tlmbei; lands Is absolutely necesajry.;';, - 'V "3. The protection.. f -existing forests by wise use Is the first step-in, forestry. Re forestation Is the geeond. 1 "4. LAndT. bearing forests should be taxed annually on the land value. ,Jpt and the Umber crop should be taxed when It la cut, so that private forestry may be encour aged. "6. The private wiiershlp of forest land Is a public trust afid the people fcav both ths right and the duty .to regulate the use of such lands truths aetujral Ipterest. "As to lands:' . "1. Bvery acre .of land -should bje put to whatever use nak it.vintit iseful to all the people,. A; .', "' ' ' . . . "2. The fuiidarfLeiitai .object' of pur land policy- should - be - )ift ; making aifcl , main tenance Of permanent,., prosperous homes. Land ; motiopoly and, execiMive pioldings must not be tolerated. "3. Settlement must ,bs- encouraged by very legitimate mn tu all land that will support home. fhuB the tillable land In public ownership within and without the national forests should be disposed of In fse simple, to-actual lKrs,6-mukers, but not to Speculators. - .- "4. The first and moat needy thing to do for our cultivated lands is to preserve their fertility by preventing yerouion'.. ' The non-lri-tgable. arm public grasing lands should be administered by the gov ernment In the interest of the small stock man and the lioiiienii,k.r until they can pass directly lto the hands, of. uetual settlers. .v " ". Rights to the surface of ths public laud should be separated from rights to the forests upon It, and the minerals Vneath it, and each should be held subject to separata disposal. The timber and stotis act should bs repealed. , , 'As to our minerals; . "1. Those still remaining in government ownership should not be sold, hut should b leased upon terms favorable for their development up to the full requirements of our people. Lntlt legislation to this effect can be enacted, .temporary lihdrawals uf land containing vuul, oil, gas and phosphate rock are required In order to prevent specu lation and monopoly. . . "2. It U the clear duty of the federal gov ernment, as well as that of the state In their sphere, to provide, tlirgugn Investiga tion, legislation and regulation atsalnal loss 01' life and waste -of mineral resources in mining. .National Kf I Irleaer. "With regard to national efficiency: "1. The maintenance of national and state Conservation commissions 1 necessary to ascertain and make public llie facts as .to our natural resources. Such commissions upply the fundamental basis for co-opeia-II 01. between the nation and the states tor the development and protection of the foundation of our prosperity. "I. A national health service la needed to act In co-operation with sin. liar agencies within the states Yor the pur pone df length ening life, dci easing suffering and pro PARENTS: Here's More In tx Uoy's Sultnl'SThan EverDelore Right now when you've school suit to buy for that boy of yours, we know you'll welrome, a buy ing chance to t the very bent value at S.OO n blble for any store anywhere to sell. We are crOut Ing more value Into boys' suits nt 15.00 this season than ever we have before shaving a big sllre off , the profit to outrival all other suits at this flce. Bojs1 Knickerbocker Suits Made of superior quality cheviots, In "A classy mannish mixtures, made with all lb the "snap and go" of suits at twice the price; double-breastr'd coat, full lined-; two . pairs of Knickerbocker trousers. Sizes range from '7 to 15 years. Step in and look at these NOW.. HUIOOI. SHOES The kind that never disappoint, for boys or girls $2.00. $2.50 $3.00 According to size. mnn arm moting a vigor and efficiency of our people "in the effort to conserve our natural re courccs, we recognise that combination! against the public welfare which extend be yond state lines, can be met effectively only by agencies equally capable of operat Ing across such boundaries. It Is clear that the control of Interstate commercial power Is possible only by the use of Interstate federal power. We are opposed to the extension of state Jurisdiction at the ex pense of real control by the people over monopoly as In the case of water power. "While 1 do not believe that the state alone can carry out the conservation pro gram In the face of Interstate attacks upon It, I do not fall to recognize the great and useful part which the states must play In this great movement for the permanent wellfare of all our people. Also, I appre elate that In much of the work ahead co operation between the states and the nation Is an essential condition of success. But when I see the special Interests attempting to take refuge behind the doctrine of state's rights, I propose to say so. "It Is not possible In a speech like this to give the details of propositions covering so wide a field as the conservation ques tion to wlilcn I luive referred. To carry out this program In the coming and future sessions of congress and of the state legia lature, the friends of conservation will de vote themselves with ever Increasing en ergy and ever Increasing prospects of suc cess, as conservation more and more gen erally wins not only the. belief, which it tins already, but the determined fighting support of our people." ttllbfr FOtt&STKIt MAKES &tEKtH Critical Period Reached In Movement for Conservation. '. ST. PAUL, Mlnp., Sept. 8.-Unlted States forester Henry 8. t J raves, addressing the conservation congress today, sajd: . . . "The movement for the conservation of our natural resources has reached ttle'sec- ond and the most critical period In Its progress. The country has expressed in Un mistakable terms, Its approval of the prin ciples of conservation; there Is now be fore the country the problem of the prac Ileal application of those principles. ... In forestry, there is a very general agreement that our forests must be protected, from 1 from fire, thst waste must be reduced, and that a future timber supply 'must in some way be provided. In applying these principles, differences of opinion arise, and It soon develops that with many persons, the Interest In forestry Is cotiilncd to the abstract Idea and does not extend to Its practice. ."A survey ot the forest resources of the world shows that In the lohtf u.t ihi na tion must be dependent ohict'v upon Its own supplies. Those who believa that wi may destroy our own forestj and thti,' draw upon fottign resources of limh.-r are Ignorant of tin facts, for supplies mil not be long ava .able. To ofiut this reduc tion of mercantable resources, the annual production of timber by growth amounts to much less than one-third the average quan tity used and destroyed. In other words,. We are actually using up our forest sup plies. : "The reason why prompt action is not appreciated Is that, except locally, the ef fects of forest destruction have not yet Been keenly felt. It la true that , the prices of lumber have tended. to. Increase, This Increase Is in part due to the reduction of supplies, but It la due also to the same causes of Increased cost of production as have raised the price of other manufactured commodities. As long as the value of tim ber is below what It would cost to produce it by growth, the general public will not realise that our supplies are being depleted. It Is after the virgin supplies are exhausted and thdt will come In a comparatively short time that t the great Increase In val ues will come, and the public will -suffer. We are uring action now Irt order that there may be new supplies produced to meet the needs of the nation at that time." Mr. Graves then discussed' at considerable tenth, the disastrous effects of forest de pletion, saying that It amounted to an enormous amount every year. He then con tinued: "The forest problem ii peculiarly diffi cult on account of the length of time re quired to produce timber of useful dimen sions. We art using today trees which, for the most part, ate over 150 to 300 years of age. The time required to produce trees Suitable for lumber varies from about forty earS with our most rapid growing species to about 100 years In many mountain re gions. The production of timber requires a long investment. Private owners will not, as a rule, make this Investment unless fnTU 21T Join the big Automobile Parade Saturday, starting at . ick's band will furnish music - i, . - General Admission. 50 Cents Tnn HKE: - here ks a return clenrly in iht. In view of the long Investment, risk from life, a burdensome system of taxation, end the present uncertainties of market: most lum bermen today ;ne not pr.irtklna a system of forestry which takes Into consideration, the production of new timber siippllip. Let me Buy, nl with all the emphasis 1 am capaloe of tisitiK, tlint forest ptoductlon will hot lake care of Itself. There are cases, and remarkable urn s, of natural eproduc tlon of fortsts, even under the worst of abuse. But where there Is no systematic provision for reptoductlon, ordlnnry lumbei Ing In the long run results in a steady re duction of growth of valuable material, and there are only too many cases of de structive luiibei Inge which leae the land In an uhproductlve state, even when fires do not occur. "The federal and slate forests alone will be sufficient to produce the Biipplles of foiest products needed by t lie nation. The practice of forestry on private lands Is a public necessity. The practice of forestry by private owners must be brought about through assistance and co-operation by the federal government and the states. Direct assistance to private owners is the practice of forestry must come chiefly from the stales. The proper adjustment of taxes is a 'state matter. Assistance In fire patrol and fire fighting must come from the states. If, on the other hand, this aid Is given by the states and the government and the obstacles now standing In the way of private forestry are removed, private owners must assume their obligations In actually setting to. work to practice for estry. "The first necessity Is prompt and ef fective action by the states. As yet, most states have not assumed their responsi bility In forestry. "The first duty of the federal govern ment Is the proper administration ot the forest lands owned by the nation. The greater portion of the federal forest lands have been set aside as national forests, and they have been managed on the principles of practical conservation. The purpose of establishing thee forests has been to guar antee the best possible use of their re sources to, the people. The keynote of the federal policy In handling these forests is the use of their resources; but It Is the continued use In contrast to that use which exhausts the resources. There are many who assert that the national forests are retarding development. It Is the policy of the forest service to encourage the open ing up and development of the resources of the forests, but we take the stand that this must be a development which will per manently build up the country. Our policy stands for permanent development and maintenance of stable Industries, as op posed to mdre exploitation, which exhausts the resources and which shortly results In the Impoverishment of tho region. "In administering the natldnal forests, the first task Is to protect them from de struction by fire.- In order; adequately to protect forests from fire, the first necessity Is a system of roads and trails to enable proper patrol and movement of fire fighters and telephone lines for quick communica tion. The second is a well organized force of rangers and guards to patrol the forests nd fight fires., Ever jilnce the national forests were placed under the administra tion of the forest service, the 'construction of trails, and telephone lines has . Deen pushed as rapidly as funds could ,be, Secuned for that Durnose. Although mere nave alieady been built 9,218 ..miles of traits, 1,218 miles of roads and 4,861 miles of telephone line, this represents but a beginning "of the work when the vast area of Inaccessible and undeveloped forests Is considered. 1 he forest service has ,a well organised pro tective .service for patrol and fire fighting, although theumber of men Is still Inade quate, . Nevertheless, .i (has,en, possiblo In ordinarV,tiViaj to ktepiown. flrejl to a small losst During the present season'tnere has been Itt the nprthwast an unparalleled drouth, and constant' high winds thaw have made fire' protection unusually difficult. 'The forest serylbe has been subjected to criticism has not. sold., a larger amount ;of timber,, than has been Its prac tice and thus ' increase the return tbHfie government.. It would be entirely possible for the government, to. sell a great fleai more Umber than at present and to increase its income: This could be dohe by reducing tha price of the timber ..below what .. Is charged by private lumber men. The ef fect of this would be to overstock the pres ent market, .liicrease .the waste In logging and In tha manufacture of lumber and un necessarily deplete the timber supply. It Would result In private owners holding their timber for higher prices, while cutting the public forests, and the timber would usually bring to the government less than Its real Value. .' ' ' .-" ' -. The government-' should encourage the utilisation of the mature timber and sell such as can be absorbed by a legitimate demand. The national forests should not be' managed with reference- solely to public revenue. The policy pf Umber bales ind other business on the forest must be based primarily on principles of broud public economy. The other resources of the national for ests are also being put to use.' The grass is utilised under a system of regulated grazing, land more valuable for agriculture than for forest purposes IS opened to entry under the forest homestead act. prospect ing Is allowed without restrlctioii arid legiti mate mining encouraged. It Is the aim of the forest service to ertcoura'ge the devel opment of water powers and we 3re' en deavoring to work out a practical plan which will facilitate this development by. private. capital and at the same time protect the Interests of-the public. I be lieve that the use of J water-power Bites on federal lands should be under government control and I believe that this can be ac complished so as not to prevent the attrac tion of capital to (heir development. . ' t FORT DODGE The Corn Relt Packing company will rebuild its plant, twice de stroyed by fire as soon as construction was completed. The action of the Kort Dodge Commercial club In raising f 16,000 for the provision of a private system for fire flghtlnv Is the reason for the de cision to rebuild. 3E wim . . .. . , . Grandstand and Infield. 25 Cents. 300 Box Ch;irs, " i;r 0MATTA, FRIDAY ?ErTEMnKT P. 1f10. i i ' L'J-'J -i m J'l.... OEADLOCR-.OVEB BALilNCtR .-.-, .. - Tangle in Inquiry Committee Not Straightened Out. DENBY HERE, . OLMSTED C0MINQ Mlaorltr Report 'A' III Make Twenty. One Thotianntl t'AHI-itl r. Madl an Una Ten Thoannml Words to !ij. MtN.VIiAI'Ol.lS. Sept.' Representative lOrtwIn Dtnby, one f the republlcm mem bers of the PnJHbiair-rjrichot, Investigating committee, arrived toritiy and will attend the executive 'Stotisjih Irt be- held tomor row. Mr. Denby. Jnsi pee.n detained by the holding of the ''Wchtgan ' primaries and Representative "Ma! tint KL. . Olmsted, an other republican member, v-ls expected to be present tomorrow? ' i v The presence of Messrs Denby and Olm sted at the- committee metlng will s-lve the repuhlTcuns TH-e vbtearin any action thst rhatrbe ntkW.-'-'TheM iffonr demo cratic members here and an tnsurnent re publican. Mr. Madlsolf df -'fcatisai. The democrat are rerylhg ' on 'his support on questions' at tsstie." ' " v' Senator Root d"f 'New rtir Vin.s not ad vised th - cotnrntttr-e " so' far ltd knowrt whether he' Wilt attend: tit any vent-he could hot reach 'MiflriepollsHrt time for the meeting Wltrlotil the aid of Mr1. Root It is probatile tlmt a tie itel"AVou1d be -e-corHed ofJ corfttn' 'mat?er,to fie acted on. providing Representative Mrtdison asplsts the democrats. ' ""'" v - . Whnt.AVIII 'omnilttee Uo f wnai action would, be,. taken respecting the resolution adopted by, the four demu-l cratlc, members ajd ortf,'Ipf Urgent repu'bll-j can was,, not JnDwp, ,T.hl resolution de clared tditt. the,. charges, of, AJjfford Plncho; and L. R. Gravis againso; Secretary Bal-( linger, should be siisjjijed.j, and that . he should no longer be reia(ted , Jtr. Madi son stated that the acflojr coma be -e-versed by a niajorlty If lt?!?aw fit. Any plans the republicans may have Were, not divulged. Mr.:l?enl)y declined to discuss the matter until h haiTair opportunity to consider the situation:: Xla, spent some time this morning in confrere he .with Repre sentative McCall' and,"'fie"naip'r Sutherland. Mr. Denby said h' mlgii'make a statement later In the day a'ld .,Se'ha'tprs Sutherland and Nelson arid MrirMcCall were llkowise uncommunicative.' ' ' Minority,, Report .Long. The findings of the. democrats, which will make about 21,000 wurtis, ,-ere put In shape for possible presentation tomorrow.. .Their report Is the Joint Work.of Messrs. James, Graham, Fletcher and .Hucuqll and a feature will be the section demoted to .the vindica tion of Mr. Plnchot'-'vOlher matters to be exhaustively treatertwlll -be the Cunning ham claims and'AlHsKwVi Coal lauds and Mr. Ralllnger's colineciiort-'Wie'reWlth; graht'-' Ing of water powtt- sites iid the Secretary's administration of the"' reclamation service among other things. Representative Madjsqu devoted a- part of the day to final preparation" of nu inde pendent report which he, y)ll present. This is expected to make hk)H00oO vords. Me..; Madison would ' not. drnetita It in ddvance. but it Is' known' to'ootjlalu, iJ)i 'elaborate "de fansp of tha.rfower',flhleli',tf the- foretoUy department-, air.' Plnthe.'? ' , v The: flnd.hjg.B b.t: .th''Allrn tjjld.oqbt edly. Will b'eiBLhy,iShiifvnaturje. was upt divulged by any of tlu -TOemberS.- " :;peaoL ;4 Prominent Sew York Clobnian Pa sees j , Avry at Hume M GajAn 4 '3 V Z.t.T" NEW VbftK, Sept rreBWIck Geb- hardt, for years one of the best known Jb clubmen In New York City, .. 'ore! Idday at Garden City, Ij. I. A ' quarter of a century ago Mr. Ueb jjrtrdt entertained largely at ;bis jelty .and country resjldence. h jfcas assiduous in his attentions to.; Iiily LangtW the English actress;1' and ' their engagement was kt one time reported. Shortly after ward. In 1894, he married, Miss Lulu H. Morris of Baltimore..,; JTfcey wet's divorced B'fe!W years later, iir. Uebhardt arter-w-ard marrying Henry-t'levvs, Jr., :ond, Mr, Gbbhardt four years" ago, wedding .Marie Wllaon, an actress. ' - lown Newa Notes. 'FORT DODOB James . Reaon IS the fifth alleged bootlegger, to be Jailed .here within the last -week, charged with hav Ingno legal " reason" -for selling llqudr at. Mason Cit). ....... - FORT DOD'OE Saturd'ay automobile races are to be- the feature la Fort Dodge and owneta of cars from many surround ing towns ace - entering their machines for the contest. Mineral City park race trick will. Be the scene of the event. .' FORT DODK Mlsa Joy Secor of Win nebago City, Minn., has accepted the posi tion of general W.AVe L'j-A. secretary in Fort, Dodge and .will -asHiime . her new work September 15.' Miss Secor Is to be the first trained secretary Fort Dodge has had. . ., , - SPKNCER-MIss Beatrice Callahan, who far several years has been a teacher Ih the schools here, waa Injured so badly In an auto- accident -In Sac City that she Has. cancelled her .. engagement for. at least Everybody A TTTtm AT OMAHA S Big Thrilling Events Each Day 6 1:30 p. m., at torner 16th and Capitol Avenue; $50 in three cash prues to the lucky ones participating in the parade. Dim. for the parade', and also at the track. Tickets go on sale Friday morning at Myers-Dillon's Drug store. . ' . Children, 25 Cents Automobiles. 50 Cents J 1 - .-. yp,ir. lie whs rhlina In a bugx.v when truck by in auto, throwing her out. Mm SUNtatnoo serious Injur ies MArtllN j CITY The Methodists of this city are Ki eat iy Interested In the comlni conference held at t'lu'tles t'lty next week Accnriluiic to well loundcil rumors Dr. W. W. t'urltmi, who for eight yeat s hs been pastor here, will he iimilp dis trict superintendent of the Davenport dis trict, with residence at Ml. Vernon. KCItT I () MlK -A hundred postal curds bearing the plctuie. tuime and descrip tion of oscar Olson, who disappeared from home a week ago. have been mallei all over the state by the distracted par ents. oVung Oison bad hud some slight family n I tei c.-it Ion and l cln n particu larly sensitive lad. disappeared. KORT DOlxlK-Thc n (mil use of the branch of the Newton At Northwestern i-oiid. running from Kurt Dodno Junction to Rockwell City. Is (irnmlscd by the Foi t Dodge. Des Moines Southern within 6,'X weeks time. The old road I-; being elect rlflert. the poles nil have been set ?nd rails have been laid und bonded as ar bs Uowrle. KMMDTTSIil'UilOvei- one thousiini chickens have been stolen In this Incalitv riurln recent week, nmt while officers have been on the lookout they have as yet been unable to locate the Rtillty parties. They steal from a dozen to five dozen about every night they are out and cover n lame enough territory so tlmt thev can not be easily traced. Thomas Voting was tho Ihm one to suffer, he lostntj thirty the other night. HKI.I.1-; J-M.A I N K A pin wnlch had been her stomach for twenty vears was re moved from Mrs. Jud Daniels bv an oper ation performed here ' vesterday. A cyst had formed nround the pin, which was blackened ami corroded, nnd when tills growth grew Inrce it became troublesome ftnd It was derided to operate. Tt was hot known tint II after the cvst wa re moved that It was the pin thnt Mrs. Dan I'''" ' swnllowed when he was a child that hsd caused the trouble. : The Weather ' 1 For NebraHka-Oenerally fair. For Iowa Fair and cooler. Tetnner itute ,-it Omaha yesterday: Hours Dcg. ... lv . . . tL ... d0 a a. m... a. m... 7 a. in. . . 8 a. tn... f a. m... 10 a. m.i. 11 n. m... 12 m...... 1 p. m... p. ni . . . 3 p. m... 4 p. m... 6 p. in... Bp. in 7 p. m... 8 p. nl..., ... fJI ... tW. ... Ill ... 61 ... it", ... I ... ti . . vto ... (17 ... ... (5 ... M ...60 Yours for uni formity. ' Yours for great- .'est leavening power. Your for never failing results. ' .. Yours for parity. Yours for economy. Yours for every- thing that goes to make np a strictly high grade, ever dependable baking ' powder. That is Calumet.' Try it once and note the im . provement in your bak , ing. See how much more economical over, the hiffh- priced trust brands, how much better than tho cheap and big-can kinds. Calumet is highest ia quality moderate in cost. Received Highest Award . World's Puro Food .. . ' Exposition. flCDCDini is Watching SPEEDWAY The Early Buyer Of our superior finished garments always gets the advantage of the selection of a large stock. These embrace Scotch tweeds, new wood brown shades, blue cheviots. No house in Omaha carries a larger stock. Look at our windows. Suits $25 to $40. The New Autumnal I Fabrics Are Mak- - p iag Their Bow Thp Influence of the late Eng lluh calamity, tho demise of Ed ward, is to be noted in the pat ternlngs. And it is a fileasant ehanfee these softly subdued, black and white mixed and intermingled In plaids, chocks and stripes. Even though you have no Inten tion of ordering, come In and look at them. Then you'll know what to demand of other tailors, at least. 8ulU and Overcoats $25 " $50 l'erfcct fit guaranteed. MacCarthy-Wilsoii Tailoring Co. 04-AOO ftomh klxteoatk St. star farnana. Dandruff-ltcliine: Scalp Dry Hair- IJaldn ess Let Fitch's D. K. Sham poo remove the cause Nature will then do her work. D.R.SHAMP00 (Dalliii-Lil t HciiHivei i ' WITHOUT OPERATION 0 PAIN PAY WHEN CURED A -Written iruarantes given In all canes treated. Hundreds of the Inost prominent people in Utnaha and from all parts of th United States have been cured by DJt. MAXWEI.I., who has resided Irt Umuliii for 25 years. Patients muat come to the office fur treatment 524 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. ' 1'hone Douitlae 1424. (Cut tbla out for reference.) LB.Me.C0UfC0. South End 16th Stree I VIADUCT i HOME OF THE LONG TON" for Them niSXTni 50 Cents " ...XL . 1 PILES CURED AM IMvilliM nnvn lead a i. V U I U AT Attraotlous : Wnailty A1 wsys Poug.iaia TONIUJIT AU Week MISS EVA Lama sua Company In "SUCH A LITTLE QUEEN" Prices 10c and 850 ' Next Week "Caught In tha mala.'' BRANDEIS theater Sept. 13, 13, 14, 15 Henry Millar ia "Her Husband's Wife" SEATS ON SALE Prloes 230 to 91.90. Mat. SSo to $1.00 AHERICAtl .SHLiSi. las Street.. OMASA'S TXEATEB JSEAUTirU -Tl. Douglas lMlt Indep. A-1041. Mats. 100, SSo, 60c ! Might 10c 85o, 500, T5o World's Oreatest Taudevllle Prodnotloa MATINEE DAILY. THE BARNYARD 'ROISIEO- With Entire New Vaudeville. Cleopatra en Masquo Harry and Irving Cooper -. w ' Stars of ths Einplra City Quartat -OTHER HEADLIME ACTSr XVftxiv(iL. PHON!?.S DOUCi.494 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matlnes Every Day, k:16j Evary Nig-lit, Ea Tortajada, Main . Nichols, John P, Wade Co., Moratl Opera Co., Tiv Al phas, Mullen and Corelll, Pred Watsoo, WlUlama and Warner, Xinodroma, Or pbaam Concert Orchestra of Pit teen ArtlStS. r Pricost Week day' matinees only loo" and 86o alihts, only loo, 8 be and 60s. Hundaya, matinees, 10c, 35o and Stic: nlfl-hts, 10c, 85o, eoo, except tew front rows, 7So. KSE AUDITORIUM Lombardo Symphdny Band and Opera Concert Company ; FBIDAT NIGHT, SATURDAY and BTJWDAT, Sept. 9, 10 and 11. Seat Bale Opens Thursday Morning, September 8. PRICES: 85o, 500 and ?So. ' '" BASE BALL Omaha vs. Des Moines SEPT. 6, 7, 8, 9. r ' Vinton Street Park ' IMday, Septomber . 8th, Ladies' )mj. GAMES CALLED AT 3:43 Special car learea 15th Jk l'arnain, 4:30 KRUG heater! ISo, 35o, BOo, Tew seata, yso. TO-KIOET 8:lt Mat. Satxtrday. BEVERLY Sunday BUly S. OUfford. Am ti,. Olrl, th Man rne an me a Bvnffs., 16-95.00-rse '" DaUy Mat. 18-35-500 - BOB UANC.ilSTB'S FAMOUS ' CRACKER JACKS EXTBATAtiAMZA and VAUDBVILLB Willi Ituby' i.eonl, MoIIIb U HIihjjiu and - the Pereecoffls Trouiie of l-'lve. Ladies' Dime Matinee Dully SUN. and aU weak "THE BOB TOMS." Dresher Bros. $50,000 Cleaning Plant will make your oUI clothea look new. KxpreHB paid on incoming biiHlne-fs over $3 8ail-aai3 raruam Street. Phone Tyler 13U0. Auto. A:'225. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER One Collar Per Venr. bulk ..: i,-1