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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1910)
The Omaha Daily Bee WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska (.'lenrrally fair. For Iowa Fair and cooler. Kor weather report see page 2. THE OMAHA DEE grx to the home ' by the omD arllt goods fur adfrt.iMr. VOL. XL NO. 71. OMAHA, KIM DAY MOHNIXO, SKITEMHKK 0, iyiO--T WKLVK I'AdKS. SLNULK COPY TWO CF.XTS w r '4 ii 1 ! f i A. i i i':. A 1 COLONEL GETS WAUMWELC0ME Greeted bv Thousands Uion Arrival! in Chicago in Spite of Effort to AVOlu uciuuiisu nuuu. BIO PREPARATIONS TLEASE Hamilton Club Banquet Considered to J Be Event of Tour. j i PROMINENT MEN AT TABLE ! Polities! i Politicians of Differing: Color Mingle Pleasantly. MIGHT RETURN TO PUBLIC LIFE Welcomes Support of Ilcnrst Tendered anlnst rteput.llonn Organisation In Sew York State to Flht the "flosses." CHICAGO. Sept. S. Colonel Roosevelt's plan to delay nny public greeting on his arrival In Chicago late today until he made his appearance lit an Informal re ception or tlti: Hamilton club wnt much amiss when the special train bearing hi party reached the Well street station. Although the club committees had been asked not to arrange a reception at the depot and stress bud been laid upon the fact that the reception was to be hold later, a crowd numbering several thou sand flocked around the train, filling the Street, and cheered lustily when the former president made his appearance. t'ulonel Koosevelt's objection to the. presence ' the Illinois senator. William Lorlmer, i lio Hamilton club banquet bad cause ' i tremendous Interest and and scores hurried to the railroad station after reading- the announcement In news paper extras. The station Is In the center of a thickly populated district, wholesale houses and commerlcal buildings employing many men. Most of these, were released from woik Just as the special train reached here and all struggled for a sight of the former presi dent. These men called loudly for a speech but Colon! Roosevelt hurried to a waiting automobile. Here be stopped long enough to tell the crowd how glad he was to re turn to this city and what a great time he had been having on the trip. Then the automobile, preceded by a police automo bile bearing Chief of Police Steward and a special police guard, hurried to a' hotel. Thousand Guests Present. At the hotel ho waa the guest of honor at an elaborate banquet given by the members of the Hamilton club of Chicago at o'clock tonight. He was greeted by an assemblage of 1.100 diners among whom were, several I'nlted States senators, gov ernors of states and other notables. Hun dreds of people who had been unable to obtain seats at the banquet thronged the corridors of the hotel and the balcony of the gold room tn . which Colonel Roosevelt spoke, waiting for a chance to hear or see the former president. Governor Charles B. Deneen delivered an eulogistic address In welcoming Colonel Roosevelt to Illinois and Chicago. John H. Pattern, president of the Hamilton club, introduced the club's chief guest to the expectant dlnere. Among the men seated at the speakers' tahln were Joseph G. Cannon, speaker of . the ohure of representatives; Charles W. Fairbanks, former vice president; Albert J. Beverldge, William K. Borah. Robert J. Uamblu and Albert U. Cummins, members of the I'nlted Slates senate, and (lovernors Deneen, W. R. Stubbs and It. a. Vcsey. Congressman Nicholas Itingworth, Colonel Roosevelt's sonl-n-lsw, and United States Senators J. C. Burrows and W. Alden Smith of Michigan were also near the speaker?. IliK Etrut uf Trip. Members of the Hamilton club plunnod to make tbu banquet not aKite the big event of the day in Chicago, but if possible' the big event of Colonel Roosevelt's western trip. The cemand for seats was 40 great that the original plun to limit diners to BOO, who could be seated In the gold room, was abuudt'iitd. It was then arranged to ac commodate more than twleo that number by using a second banquet hall at the hotel. As Colonel Roosevelt's special train was half an hour late In ariivlug from Freu IKirt, 111., a slight delay occurred In open ing the formalities at the banquet, but Hit i n' wus no sign of Impatience in the large throer of guests. Following the banquet Colonel Koosevelt was escorted to a large reception in the Elltnbfthlan ro.: of the Congress, which bad been liansferied Into a representation of on Africun Juutle. A special committee of Han'.tltun club men and a lurge corps of deuoratois had expended much thought and lauor upon una leaiure, wnicn attracted much attention. Colonel Roosevelt was frankly pi used with the decorative inno vation. . Maar Without Keats. Hundreds who hud been unable to secure Stgts at the banquet buard were admitted to the long line of guest at the reception which did not terminate until shortly before the Roosovtlt party were ready to take the train for Cincinnati. FREEIORT. III., Sept. S.-Coloncl ltoose velt admitted t'-day that there is a possi bility of his returning to public lift-, in Cbls connection he issued a warning of Xirrupt coiporatlon that any aid they might xtei d blm in obtaining any official place would be at tl'elr own peril and not with the Mta of getting official favors or pardons later. Tlis statement was in bis address In con nection wlih the fair of tho ariu organi sations of railway employes for the benefit ot the home for aged and decrepit railroad nun uf America, at Highland, HI. "1 du not suppose I shall ever be in public lifo nga:n.'- be said, "but if l um there Is always the chance that some time it may come tip whin I shall make my words fcood. Hilt ot I'lirdoit Corporation. "No corporation, no politician must ever support me for anything under the Idea thai I will pardon that corporal. on or pol. tlclau if be or it are con upt. "It cither corpi.ialioti or isiliik iau helps st any time to put -uv in a position ,,f fil.eiice let I hem remember that If ih.y en-i-iuiSKe corruption In other, or If th.y benefit by it themselves, they Uvit in at their peril, for 1 will hurt them if 1 H,.i tne i-hame," t'ulonel Roosevelt also nud an op.n let ter ty William It lUarst In which Mr. Hearst advised the colonel to rt-iurn 0 N't sr York and take up tin finht uu the republican organisation there, saying that if h did so Mr. Hearst would b In sym pathy with aim. Blame County Gains Thousand During Decade ! Western Cattle Ran?e Shows JNeaNV Two Hundred Per Cent Increase ' ? in Population. 1 V iT&m a Staff Correspondent) U i'OTON, D. C. Sept. S. (Special Tele. " -The census bureau today made rublW Cj-pulatlon uf Hhtiuo county, Ne braskt numeration showing 1.1172 per sons a. is . st 003 In Id'1!), an Increase In ten ye.i nfiO. The IVjO census showed the popu i" -it Blaine county was 1.146, and thul " therefore during the dec ade from 1 lost 543. The fact that during the-ycars between the twelfth nnd thirteenth censuses, Itlaino county consid erably more thin doubled Its population l attributed to the successful operation of i dry farming. The First National Hank of Cherokee, la., todey made application to bo designated as a depository for postal savings bank funds. Army orders have been issued as follows: Captain Hugh O. Berkley, quartermaster, is relieved from duty at Grand R;iplds, Mich, and will proceed to Portland, Ore., relieving Catain ra L. Fredcndall, quar termaster, who will proceed to the Philip pine Islunds fur duty. Orders August 1!), relating to Captain Richard C. Marshall, jr., quartermaster, are amended so as to direct him to proceed to Fort Missoula, Mont., presidio San Fran cisco, and Fort McDowell, Cal., oni official business of tho quartermaster's department. Captain M.trch 13. Stewart, Klghth In fantry, is relieved from duty in this city to take effect October 15, and will Join his regiment. Captain John L. Dewltt, Twentieth In fantry, is relieved from duty In this city and will sail from San Francisco about October 6 for the Philippines for duty. The following officers are designated to witness the target practice of the Atlantic fleet: Lieutenant Colonel Kdwin II. Bab bitt, ordnance department; Lieutenant Colonel Charles G. Bailey, Coast Artillery corps; Major John L. Hayden, Const Ar tillery corps; Captains Clarence H. McNeill, William F. Hase, i John W. Oullck, Coast Artillery corps, and Captains JoscpTi P. Tracy and Johnson Hagood, general staff. Ilrlgadler-Generul Arthur Murray, chief of the Coast Artillery, Is assigned to duty as assistant to the chief of staff. By direction of the president, Colonel Erasmus M. Weaver, Coast Artillery corps, Is detailed as a member of the general staff corps, vice Colonel Oeorge S. Anderson, general staff, relieved. Leaves of absence: First Lieutenant Thomas C. Walker, medical reserve corps, two months; Captain Morch B. Stewart, Eighth infantry, one month. United States May Annex Panama Report from Isthmus Quotes Official as' Hinting that Such -Action May Be Probable. PANAMA, Sept. S. In an interview to day Richard O. Marsh, charge d'affalrea of tne. American legation at Panama, in timated that If the Panama government should Ignore the wishes of Washington the United States would be compelled to occupy or annex the republic of Panama. COLON, Sept. 8. The. Star-Herald to i day editorially quotes Richard O. Marsh. tne American charge d'affaires at Pan ama, as hinting that the United States will occupy and annex Panama If the Panama assembly Ignores the wishes of the United States In the selection of a president of the republic. It Is stated that Marsh has In hla pos session a protest from members of the conservative party, who claim the as sembly Is illegally constituted. This pro test, it Is said, Is not to be forwarded to Washington if Samuel Lewis is elected president. . The liberal candidates are Dr. Bellsarlo Porraa, Domingo Dias and Dr. Raymond Valdez. Chavez Makes New Altitude Record French Aviator Reaches Height of Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety-Two Feet in Monoplane. PARIS. Sept. 8. Oeorge Chavc. the j French aviator, broke the world's record ! for height today, rising in a monoplane 8,792 feet. The best previous record was i made by Leon Morane, whose murk was 8.471 feet, made on September 3 at Deau vllle. Chaves flight was made at Issy and ocupled forty-one minutes. LEBEAU DESTROYED BY FIRE South Dakota Tomi Barns I'p. Cans lugY Loa of Fifty Thoasaad Dollars. ABERDEEN, S. D., Sept. S. (Special Telegram.)- Tire originating between the drug l i and Phoenix newspaper office at Leliea'.i, S. l.. about 2 o'clock this morn ing wiped out the entire town except tho lumljtr yard, barber shop and one saloon. j The origin cf the fire Is unknown, l.ebeau ts a town or several hundred population. IHi.'c't telephone communication inter rupted ami details meager. Clerk Becomes Heir to Hotel After Two Years Ula Kelfon. after workins for two years as clerk of a hotel at llt'J Fa i nam street, has fallen heir to the establishment on me death of the owner, John D. Condon. Among Mr. Condon's papers found after his death was a receipt signed by him showing that he had "value received" for the hotel and that it had become the un it' snuted property of his former clerk. .Mr. Condon died several das ago at Waukesha. Wis. The body was relumed to Omaha lor burial. Since his death It lias been learned that Mr. Condon was quite wealthy, holding siock ln the Independent Telephone company, owning considerable real estalc and ha vine, money on deposit at seveial banks. Mr. Nelson, who has been appointed ad- j ininU'.iator uf the estst. Is lo a tpiandsry jas te sait course oe shall pursue. Aside (ilLTOKD l'INCJIOT TALKS ATST. PAUL Former Forester Makes Extended Ad dress Upon Conservation Problems. FIGHTING EPOCH IS REACHED Has Now Begun to Interfere with' People's Profits. j PUBLIC BELIEVES IN MOVEMENT I Fundamental Princioles of Conserva tion Few and Simple. PEOPLE'S HERITAGE TO BE SAVED Denial thnt Ea-Forester Will Be Can didate for Office J. B. White of Kensns lit? Will De Seat President. ST. PA PL, Sept. 8. The national conser vation congress, which by the program, should continue tomorrow, will probably end Its sessions, late tonight. It has been a strenuous convention and delegates and visitors want a rest. The presidency Is expected to go to J. B. White of Kansas City, the present chair man of the executive committee. Olford Plnchot, who Is president of the national conservation association, told his friends that he would not be a candidate. He made his address on conservation prob lems today, as did Henry S. Graves, United States forester. Members of the resolutions committee met early to draft a platform. At noon the resolutions committee re ferred to the sub-committee on revision for reduction into approved English various planks for tho conservation of natural re sources, from Insectlverous birds to water sites. The committee demanded control by the nation rather than by states. Corftoratlon Lawyer Talks. In addressing the convention Frank H. Short, representing the water companies of California, grew sarcastic. "This audience." he said, "in listening to my address will no doubt have In mind the numerous warnings which have been given to them In advance to forstall tho evil Influences of my humble remarks. I am a Mlssuurlan, having committed the ln descretlon of being born In the 'show me,' state but not in Kansas. All of my youth was spent In the middle west In the oc cupation of a rough rider, and I still enjoy a fight or a foot race ss much as though I were n real colonel. Further confessing, I have lived for many yeais in California and am a lawyer by profeti'jlon, and have committed the offense of allowing myjelf to be retained, and am now employed by a considerable number of large companies, and other corporations, diligently endeavor ing to commit the crime of investing cap!- tal tinder the laws of the western states i In the development of Industries and re sources of those states." -Glfford Plnchot In his speech said: "Like nearly every great reform, con servation first passed through a period of agitation and general approval. During this period it met with little opposition, for ns yet It Interfered with no man's private profl. From the beginning of the world the, preaching of righteousness In general terms has been contemplated with entire equa nimity by the men who rise in violent protest the moment their own particular privilege, graft or advantage comes prac tically Into question. That protest marks the second phase of the reform. "Within tho last two years conservation has passed out of the realm of an unim peachable general principle into that of a practical, fighting attempt to get things done. It has begun to step on the toes of the beneficiaries and the prospective bene ficiaries of unjust privilege and the result ing opposition, considering the quarters whence it comes. Is one of the best proofs that conservation is a live movement for the general good. "The people believe in conservation. Now. when any great movement has established itself so firmly in the public mind that a direct attack upon It will not pay, the regu lar method is to approve it In general terms and then condemn Its methods and Its men. So now the demand from the opponents of conservation Is not at all that we shall abandon the principle or the great est good of us all for the longest time in using our natural resources. The soft pedal conservationists merely ask that con servation as applied shall be what they call rational, safe and sane. Safe and saiie legislation, as that expression Is used by the men who use it most, means legislation not Jnfrlendly to the continued control of our public affairs by the special Interests. Safe and sano conservation, as that cx- presslon is used by these same men, means, ln a special meeting of tho democratic conservation so carefully sterilized that It I state committee here today John C. Byrnes will do the special Interests no harm and i was re-elected chairman and Chris Guenther the people no good. was re-elected vice chairman and other of- "When the conservation movement began fleers were named. Messrs. Barnes and to tell, it developed without delay that the iUruenther had been elected at the Grand one great obstacle to practical progress lay 'j Island meeting, but that election was held in the political power of the special Inter- iBS being temporary and the special meeting ests. Every effort to conserve any natural 'was called to establish a permanent staff esources for the general welfare was met jof officers. by tho legislative agents of the men, who Lco Matthews was elected secretary and wanted to exploit It for their private j roflt. 'T. L. Hall , was elected treasurer at the The effort to get thlnas done In ImeetiiiK Thursday. An executive committee itrvation taught us ck-aiiy, iin.m.' tukaoiy, and with little dei ty, that so long as the political domination of the great business Int. rests endures, their corruot control ..t leitlslstlun will carry with It tho monopo- . . ... (Contlnued on Second Page.) from the receipt leaving tne hotel with all' the rights and privileges connected with it ; to Mr. Nelson, no will has been found and ' there are no known relatives of the de- I ceased. ! Mr. Condon left Instructions that a! woman named Lizzie Merrill of Columbus, ' u.. lie notltled In the event of his death. Mr. Nelson does pot know who the woman ( la and does not know whet.ter or not Mr. Condon was married Although Nelson had been employed by Condon for two years, he had taken a ..1.. l V.I I . . 1 . . i . fiaic ui I e-iii.-i i.i 1 1 1 j auu iitflu nc con- fldence of his employer. While employe as clerk lie finally became practically the' manager he lust the sight of une of his I eyes, snd it as this, mors than anything perhaps, that led his employer to rewarj bun. ; r-l -. I V r Pp& llfW, lit : mm Samuel Hxpeots From the Philadelphia Intiuirer. FIXA TARES NOMINATION Dan. J. Connell Loses Nomination for Commissioner on Recount. GOVERNOR GAINS SEVEN VOTES Interest In Recount on (iovernorahl Soniinntlon Minks to si Low Ebb, Whllo First Count fttnuds Test. Frank J. Fixa has won the democratic nomination for county commissioner for the Fourth precinct. The recount com pleted yesterday ufternoon shows him seven votes ahead of Dan J. Connell, who had a majority of flvs 1m the face of the re turns. . ' - - - The canvass yesterday was not prolific of great change as between Governor Shallen berger and Mayor Dahlman. At noou the governor had a TM"ti.Un ftf 'six vnttw over nla OI,m nt W a.t afternoon.' with the Tenth and Fourth -wards added to the Flrst, Second and-Third -wards, completed In the morning, the governor gained one more, making seven votes the total for the day. With these wards counted, showing only a few votes changed between the two In terest in the canvass Is beginning to wane, tl Is not likely that the total In the county will be much affected either way. Ask Governor to (lull. The leaders of the Dnhlman campaign received news from Lincoln Thursday that J. C. Byrnes, chairman of the Btato cen tral committee of the democratic party, and several others were Intending to wait upon oOvernor Shallenberger and ask him to withdraw his request for a recount in Douglus county. Ralph Clark, candidate for lieutenant governor. Is said to be one of the men interested, and the report in Omaha was that tne leaders of the democ racy have come to the conclusion that a continuation of the squabble Is unnecessary and a waste of valuable time. The com mittee Is expected to call upon the gov ernor during the day, according to plans that were made Wednesday, while all the democrats were gathered for democrat day at the state fair. Gruenther and Byrnes Elected Democratic State Committee Makes Grand Island Officers Per manent Ones. (From a .Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Sept. 8. (Special Telegram.) .will be chosen later, ! I Tvam Would Revise Constitution. 1 AUSTIN, Texv Sept. s.-The lower house !.. UA 'Pf.v.u 1. I nr.- Imluv 1.1. a vnta I of 51 to 31 Instructed se nators and cou- jgressnien to work for the repeal of the ! fourteenth amendment to the federal cou Istituticn covering franchise on negroes. Fir e ro thick as miis are as hops in Om u a. Some people have secured them. Some have not. It is in knownx how to teach them. The bee Is read by those who have them. They will answer your ad If you state what you wish. Call Tyler lout) and tell the ad man what you wish. The Job Is finished. Kvfi body rt'iids Ik'e Want Ada. THe New Deal That Everyoiib This Day Will Yost Tells How Bell Company , Bought Others President of Bell Concern Savs Com pany Borrowed Monev Mc Farland Testifies. C. E. Yost, president of the Nebraska Bell Telephone company, when called upon the stand before Judge Allen W. Fields, testified that his company had purchased stock in independent companies with money borrowed from the American Tele phone and Telegraph company. Mr. Yost declared bis company had made a contract with the companies purchased covering its policy In reference to withholding toll line privileges to other independent companies. The telephone official bad Just returned from a vacation at Watklns Springs when he was called upon the witness stand in a hearing- to determine 'lb urounde tor a charge against hla- company that it con spired to monopolize the telephone business of Nebrska. He will be questioned again today. Ethics in the operation of Intercommu nicating toll lines came up for discussion In -the hearing of George IS. McFarland In the morning. Mr. McFarland In answer to questions told how: his company ex changed toll line privileges with the Inde pendent company only when each company had a local exchange at one end of the line. He admitted his company never consented to lend toll lines nor exchange facilities to Its competitor In towns where the Bell company could get along without any favor from the independents. Southwestern Mines Will Be Reopened Soon Prospect that Thousands of Men in This Field Will Be at Work Monday. KANSAS CITY, Sept. . Although ths con tract bus not been signed, representatives of both Wie miners and the operators of the southwest district who have been conferring here for weeks, trying to settle the coal strike Involving 35,000 workers, agreed that all difficulties practically are settled. Conferees now believe it will be possible to can a convention together to vote on the contract Saturday. If this Is done, they say the mines may be reopened Monday. It was announced today that W. L. A. Johnson,' labor commissioner of Kansas has been ugreed upon as official arbltra tor in case of future disputes. The agree ment is that In case of trouble with the operators Instead of striking at once, the miners shall remain at work sixty days. The penalisation clause provides that If the miners violate the contract, they shall forfeit fifty cents a day for each miner, and that if the operators violate It, they shall forfeit one dollar u day for each miner. An increase of wages of 5.65 per cenl was granted some time ago by the opeiators. Theso are the only changes from the contract under which tho mines have been working for two years. I.uke Winnipeg Steamer lliiriird. WINNII'iXi. Sept. 8. WVd was received here today that the steamer, Winiiltoba. one of the freight and passenger steamers plying on the R.d river and Lake Winnipeg, was destroyed by Hie a few miles from shore In Luke Winnipeg, forty miles from here last night. Lous, J10J.0JJ. Committee Tracing Boodle to Accounts of Legislators NEW YORK. Sept. S -The effort to trace Metropolitan Stieet Hallway cush through the brokiruge firm of I'.lllngwood & Cun ningham to the accocuts of various mem bers of the legislature of 1.100 was expected to engage for a consldeiable time today the attention of the legislative proburs into alleged graft In connection with legislation at Aibuny. When the cummlttee adjourned yesterday the examination cf the witness eonsidtred lo be the most Important of the day. George Carpenter, formerly bookkeeper for the de funct broki rage llrm. had not hi en com pleted. Already, however, he hud told the committee many Interesting thin. Aniony tbtse was the statement that ii. p. Viee. Pay Their Duty. THREE ARE REPORTED DEAD Admiral Schroeder Makes Report on Naval Accident. FIRE ON WARSHIP NORTH DAKOTA The Knrller Reports of Extent of the Disaster on the Itlir .ship Neem to Have Hern Somewhat Rxnaaerated. WASHINGTON, Sept.. 8. The official re port of Admiral Cchoeder to the navy de partment named the following dead In the fire on the battleship North Dakota; JOVEPH W. SCHMIDT, coal passer; Un listed at New York, October 2", 1900; next of kin, mother, Anna Schmidt, 1048 De catur street, Brooklyn. ROBERT OILMORE, coal pastier; en listed at Newport. R. I., January l. m6, ntxl Kt; lln, mothers NelUe?Oi hoove,- 6 Seym's street. Hartford, Conn. JOSEPH STRAIT, coal passer, enlisted Grand Rapids. Mich.. Juhe, 19(11; next of kin; father, Peter Strait, 82 Bremen street, Newark, N. J.; also has sister, Amelia L. Leeche, 11 Cook street, Ansonla, Conn. The fire Is said to have been exting uished by flooding the fire room. Reports of casualties vary from one to sixteen dead and the Injured from eleven to 100. NORFOLK, Vs., Sept. 8. At 2 p. m. a report came by telephone from Fort Mon roe that the North Dakota Is off Ocean City with Its oil tanks on fire and that several men had been overcome by smoke and gas. The hospital ship was said to have gone to its aid. NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Sept. 8.-A re port has reached here from Old Point that Uie battleship North Dakota Is aground ln lower Chesapeake bay with its bunkers afire and that seventy-five men were over come by "smoke and heat. The report can not be confirmed here, but the North Da kota is the only one ot the Atlantic, bat tleship fleet not In Hampton Roads. The news is said to have been flashed to Old Point by wireless. WASHINGTON. Sept. 8.-Cnof ficial ad vices received at the Navy department later ln the afternoon were that three men had been killed and eleven Injured on the North Dakota. TROPICAL STORM IS COMING Dlstnrbance Which Caused Much Damecre In Porto llleo Headed Toward Key West. KEY WKST, Fla., Sept. 8. Heavy squalls It-urn the nurtheast, accompanied by rain and a falling barometer early this morning indicated the approach of the tropical storm which is reported off Porto Rico. It Is es timated that the storm has traveled 300 miles since yesterday. WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. -The tropical disturbance which caused so much damage In Porto Rico during the night of Tuesday and was centered yesterday off Santo Do mingo, has advanced on its westward course to about 250 miles from Porto Rico. It left in Its wake destruction of property in Santo Domingo and Haytl. Assistant Treasurer Iteslane. WASHINGTON. Sept. 8-Wllllam Holden weck. assistant Culled States treasurer at Chicago, lias resigned and , will leave his office on September 17. MOVEMENTS Or OCEAN S'XikiaMSHrPB. Port. Arrival. Sailed nTO.N Dtvonlsn BOSTON Finnli NEW YOKK Iliruarorai Oifsnlc NEW YOKK Ronw Fan uiovannl land, president of the Metropolitan Street Railway company, had on April 17, nmo, given the firm his check for P.COo, of which umount. according to Carpenter's leading fronJ,li lirin'b Looks, the account of Liuls Bedell, then chairman of tho committee on lallroads of the rtate assembly, had been credited with $.',375, while the balance had gone In nearly eipial parts to the a junt of former Senstor tioodsell and of u, x R'igeis. Various account books which the com mittee needs In Its probing were not avail ably yesterday snj efforts were b. lug m.1( today to have then produced. The commit tee has Intimated that It my lake drastic measures If the documents In ipiiktlon are not promptly submitted to it KOOSEVELT BARS L01UMEUATTABLE Colonel Declines to Attend Hamilton Clnb Banquet if Junior Illinois Senator is Present. INVITATION IS THEN RECALLED Telegram is Sent in Accordance with Ex-President's Wishes. COMMITTEE IS MUCH AMAZED Statement Falls as a Bolt a Clear Sky. from MUCH DISCUSSION. OF EVENT Senator Declines to Comment on the situation When Seen by a Chl caao Reporter Bla !'rep aratlnns for Feast. CHICAGO, Sept. 8. Colonel Theodore Roosvelt today barred William Lorlmer. Junior I'nlted States senator from Illinois, from the Hamilton club banquet at tha Congress hotel by refusing to sit at the s.ime table. The occurrence startled politicians here and over the state. The unprecedented de mand that the Hamilton club deny to una of Its own members the privilege of attend ing the banquet came with characteristic abruptness from Colonel Roosevelt. The Hamilton dub- delegation, headed by former Judite John 11. Ratten, Joined Colonel Roosevelt at the fair grounds In Freeport. 111., shortly after noon. The colonel shook hands heartily with each member of the delegation and at once be gan ipiestloning them . concerning the banquet. "Is Speaker Cannon to be there?" "Yes," Mr. Batten replied: he has accepted the In vitation." "Sow about Senator Lorlmer?" he asked, "Senator Iorlmer Is a member of the club," he was told, "and he has accepted an In vitation to the dinner." "Then 1 must decline to go." said Colonel Roosevelt, adding that he would feel the same about the presence of Senator Lorl mer as he would ln sitting down with mem bers of the Illinois legislature who art under Indictment In the graft Investigation. Committee la Aniased. The committee looked their amazement and finally after some hesitation Informed their, guest that they would go back' to Chicago and tell Senator Lorlmer his vlewa. "No," Colonel Roosevelt repllod emphati cally, "send him a telegram telling him that I will not attend the dinner tonight It he Is there." The delegation of Hamilton club member were perplexed. Their amaaement was apparent. It waa not noticed by Mr. Roosevelt who chatted with others standing near by, while the del ' egates talked over what to do. After .some interval tlMt toMwintr te lerraht. waa draf tea ' and dispatched to Senator-Lorlmer: "Colonel Roosevelt positively declines lo sit at the same table with you. Our Invi tation to yoti for this evening, therefore, withdrawn." The telegram was signed by Former Judge John H. Patten. The committeemen were taken completely by surprise and their discussion of the event did not cease until the sending of the telegram to Senator Lorlmer. Judge H act en, as the spokesman of the party, said that the incident was a com plete surprise to him. "The clob bad invited a number of prom inent republicans, among them the repub- . Ucan governor of Illinois, nnd various con gressmen, and It had not occurred to the men who had arranged tho dinner," said Judge Patton, "that they should not Invite a republican senator. L'nder these circum stances there Is nothing for us to do ex cept respect the wishes of Colonel Roose velt, the guest of the evening." Lorlmer Is t'nfnf fled. If Senator Lorlmer was surprised or hurt at the refusal of Colonel Roosevelt to sit at the banquet table with him no Indication of It escaped iilui. With his usual untroubled brow and his customary suavity of expression he courteously declined to comment to news paper men on what to many seemed a most extriordlnary Incident. The news of Colonel Roosevelt's demand of the Hamilton club delegation that they Inform the senator ot his ultimatum was given to Senator Lorlmer when he reached his office, the president's room In the Lit Salle street National bank. He had arrived from his summer home In Plstakt May, and comfortable with Panama hat shading Ids eyes and the ends of bis Inajvltable white string tie floating from beneath a turndown collar, he stepped among the group of perspiring; newspaper men. A hurried resume of the dispatches from Freeport was given and statement was asked from him. "Is that so," said the Junior senator from Illinois, "this Is the first I have heard of It. No, I have nothing whatever to say. Nothing at all." He turned from the group, conversed with his secretary and then entered his private office. Rome of tile officials fol lowed him to his sanctuary. A telegram came and the newspaper men clustetred around the door. HadJNot Received Slrssnar. Hurried messages w-rre telethons 10 "Ho'd tho edition Just u minute." The door i pened and Senator Lorhnor, still cool and sniillnK, was again surrounded by thn news paper men. In his hand bs held a telegram. The smile of tho senator was a shade mors pronounced, as lie said: "This telegram la about another, matter, gentlemen. 1 do not know if any such tele gram has bun received. He turned to hit secretary und asked; "Ha any telegram come for nic concii'.dng tha Hamilton club?" "No, sir, Wu:-. the repl, "there has been n ) telt gi um." A train tin unruffled brow of the senator and bank president was turned to the walt li't repot ter..'. "There Ir. nothing for me in say, gentle men; 1 have, no exact Information concern ing the Incident and I shall not discuss It." A copy of tho newspaper dispatches from Fnepi rt was pi offered but Senator Lot liner waved It aside. "I do not care to r. ad It," ho said, still with a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k countenance. "Arc you going to the banquet?" was ai-ked puintblsiik and was parried with the skill of an expert. "Really." came the calm voice of tho senator, "1 must find whether 1 have a ticket." "Mr. Wade." he said, turning again to the secretary, "How about thul?" "Yes, sir," came the reply from