Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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eatk Dakola-
Do you want to buy a good townalte? W
have It Just fresh from the government
with perfect till. 12u lot now surveyed
end about M of them sold with about
buldlngs now completed In the town on a
raliroad tbat has six dally tralm, with ex
cellent eervlce. Thl towniite Include 1M
acre of the very best of second bottom
lend with fine timber for park and also
a fine stream of water running through it;
fin openlna for almost all kinds of bum
ties. especially a bank, hotel and elevator.
A grand bargain It sold in thirty day. Ad
drras Poweii Land A Lean Co., Powell
(Stanley oounty. 0. O.
Mr. Farmer, oonie to bouth Dakota; stop
paying high rents; own your own farm;
spend tha money for your Improvement
that you aro paying In Iowa In high rent.
We own twenty quarter of land her
that we can sell you for tib to KM per acre
on terms you onrt beat; ll.UO to 11.600 down.
' balance on payments at I per cent
Coma here before the snaps are all gont.
For full Information write Ulion Bros ,
or Bank of Seneca, Faulk county, 8. U.
FOR BALE- acre in Leaelle oounty
Texas. In artesian belt New railroad con.
truoted wlUiln U mil land, citation St
mile. Address Owner, 1. O. box 0.2
btoukton, Cal.
10 ACRES JJHJVBL LAND, X cultivated,
balanoa peatur, 6-room house, large barn,
ohlokan bouse, sprng and trout brook on
farm, I mile from station, school on land.
tl.loO, easy terms, lorn O. Mason, Island
City 8 tate bank, Cumberland. Wis.
Carey Act lands at Wheatland. Wyo.
Obtain a home now that' sure to produce
and double In value before paid for. Plenty
of water now on ttie (and. Also selling
choloest farm land In Iowa colony, near
Cheyenne. Great alfalfa and grain crops
grown here every year. Healthiest climate,
purest water, good markets. For exouralon
ifatea, valuable maps, law a, write Hartung
Land Co., Upeolal State Agents, Cbeyenne,
i HOMERTKAD relinquishment for sal or
'trad. F. B. Reynolds, Torrlngton, Wyo.
TRADE? Or do you want to buy oner
llttl your want known tarough THH Ub.1
fiOiNRa. CAPITAL, th want medium ot
! towel Hates: t oent a word for eaoa Inser
tion, I cam a ina, '.I cents an inoa. Cir
culation. 41.009; laraest of any Iowa daily.
! Olv tis a trial. Address Tbo Capital. Leu
Dept. Dee Molnaa. Iowa.
LEW W. KABEB, Printer,'"?-
Be Bldg. Entrance on Court.
RIBS-HALL Ptg. Co., 10 8. 14th. Ind.
MILLER 4k JAMIE SON, 1212 Doug,
'PHONE TND. A2820 tm good printing,
l.yngetnrt Prlntlnai Co- lth aV Capitol Ave
LOANS to bom owners and home build
ra. with privilege of maltta partial pay
ments auu-annually.
. Mt First National Bank Bldg.
4.(00 to K.000 on home In Omaha. O'Keefe
IUa Batata Co.. ltl H. T. Ufa. Douglas
or A-21U.
OARVIN BROS.. M floor N. T. Life. ISO
to U00.00O on Improved property. No delay.
WANTED City loan, refers Trust Co
WANTED City )oM and warrant. W.
Farnam Smith Co.. 1230 Farnam SC.
U00 to II0.0O0 mad promptly. F. D. Weed.
Wad Hldg.. 18th and Farnam.
I .
: MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
W have a number of splendid loans on
Improved farm bearing 6 per cent and
running from three to ten years.
it you are interested, call and let us
; give you the full details aa to properties
: coverea ana in owner.
Payne Investment Co.
Bouth east Cor. Uth and Farnam St.
GILLETTE blades resharpened. too doien.
ISo half doien, 2Vio eaoh. Mall thorn to
! JTwey at lo Hot 78. umaha. Neb.
We hay several real farm, growing
crops, rontea o goon lenaoia, wntiln forty
, mile of Omaha, that w can trada for
Omaha property. Nowata Land and Lot
Co.. to Mew Xor LUe aidg. Phoua Bad
W exohang propertle of merle H. H.
Culver, aii-aUl N. Y. Ufa. Douglas 73u.
ONB of tho finest residences In Omaha.
Jarga grounds, modem every reapect, 11
rooma, brick. Price r,0u0, clear. Trad
for Improved land. Will take mortgage
back on place) u aeairoa.
ItS N. T. L. Bldg. Phone Red 19M
If you have soma good town or city prop
erty, well located and Improved, we out ar-
rinn a trade for you on irrigated land In
western Nebraska. Tbo land 1 worth
an acre and th trada would be considered
Cor Ojbout half tho value. The owner of this
irritated land haa changed hi mind In re
gard to locating on the same and will oon
fctder a proposition of thl sort. What hav
8. SI Corner ISth and Farnam Sta.
BEsT FR1CM bald for second-hand fur
niture, carpeta, clothing and shoea. 'Phon
Douglas ftn.
BEST prices for td-nasd clothing. D. tee.
BEST PRICE paid for second-hand fur-
failure, carpeta, clothing and shoes. Phon
Douglas 5V71.
A good saddle horae, city broke, from I to
II year oia, ai leaai nanus nign ana
weighing at least LUOO lbs. Apply to Major
11, ai. Loro. Army euig.a uuuuia, ntn.
yfe Are Getting Numerous Calls
For Houses, ot AH Sums. List with Us.
24 N. Y. Ufe Bldg. 'Phon Red 1MH
WANTED By a young woman who has
recently come to Omaha, room and board
In a private family. Am employed during
day. Address A 401, Use.
SITUATION WANTED Young lady thor
oughly experkened In office) work. Operate
a typewriter and P. B. X. board. Address
J-1W Be.
GOOD bookkeeper want clerical work to
Co. evenings; Dookkeeptng preferred. Ad
dress D 404. Be.
POSITION by refined young woman at
companion for lady. No objection to trav-1
allng. Best of references aa to ability and
cnaracier. jtaareos oai isx, uuerton. Neb.
If you hav anything to sell or trade,
advertise It In Th Bee Want Ad columns
nd get quick result -
Unltd States of America, District of Ne-
I ranks, uinnha l.uvuiun,
Whereas. A libel lies been filed In the
district court of the L'nlie.1 Mat-s for the
District of Nebraska, Omaha division, on
the i:.lh dny of Auguat. 1:00, by K. P.
Howell, l'r:!ied Statoe attorney fur the
district of Nebiaskl, on behalf of tho aM
t'ille.1 Staler, as libelant, afalift on j
hundred anil fifty thousand (more or les-l!
Ice cream cone, a d piayliK tho its un
process and rioriillon of tie Ct'Urt. thut ull
persons Intoi-esteJ In sai l one hundred und
fifty thunsani (more or lrn) Ice cream
cone may be citod to appfar and answer
the premise!--, and that all dm; proceedings
bpintj had the .-aid one hundred and flftv
thousand (more or less) Ice cream cones
may be decreed to be seized foi confisca
tion and condemnation, and that the same
may be condemned aa being aJulferated In
violation of an.1 wltnln the meaning of the
act of congress of June 3), I'M, and thut
the same may be disposed of by destruc
tion or rale as the tu.rt may direct
Therefore, in pursuance of snla moni
tion, under the sent of said court, to me
directed and delivered on the 13th day of
August, 1110, I d hereby itive notice acn
erally unto all persons having: or pretend
ing to have nry rlrht. title "ur Interest In
said one hundred at.d fifty thousand (more
or lessl Ice cream cones, to appear before
the said court. In the city of Omaha. In snld
district, on the 12;h day of September. l'.Hn,
next (If It be a court day, or else en the
next court dav thereafter), at 10 o'clock In
the forenoon or aa' 1 nay, tnen ami triers
o answer the said libel and to make known
their allegations In that behalf. Lated at
Omaha. In said district, this 17th dav of
August, 1913. Wm. P. Warner. U. . Mar
shal for tho District of Nebraska.
A 1 to S 9.
Ileal estate iranstcra fur Atlsrut ft. W10,
as furnished by the Midland Guarantee
Trust company, Bonded Abstractors, lvn
Farnam street. Telephone Douglas 2865.
M. J. Edwards to I'. C. Cromer, lot
I. blork 2. btivene Place t 700
F. P. KlMfenrtp.ll and wife to C. Mil
lard, part of lot a and 2, block 2,
Capitol Hill 1
John Shelly and wife to J. W. Haokotl,
part of lot 1, block 2. Bhull s add n 1
. Dlnan to J. F. Shelly, samo l.Ooo
M. A. Nutoff and husband to B. PI) us
and wife, lota 67 and 63, Sullivan s.. 1,350
County treasurer to F. 11. Cope, part
of lot 74. Neuson s
R. Dunn and husband to M. Wlddors,
part of lot 19, block , Armstrong s
first 2,000
R Koalcky, et al., to Mary Roslcky,
part of lot 1, block . Forest Hill....
Citizens' Bank of Omaha to E. M.
Shaban, lot 10, block 6, Central Park
:. F, Heyden to Hastings ft Heyoen,
lot 8. block IS. Lincoln Heights 1.600
Ralston Townslto Co. to J. Hanser,
lot 6, block 8, Ralston
. C. Herring and husband to A. J.
Ed holm, parts of lot 9 and 10,
M. M. Buckley and husband to M. X.
Donohuo, lot 7, block 2, Hoppe's Bo
nanza E. C. Duerfeldt to E. J. Duerfeldt,
part of lot 6, block S, Corrlgan Place
H. Fellman and wife to M. Wine, part
of lot 8, block lm, City
IX I O.V gTATION -TeatH and aiaaoa.
I'aloa Pacific Leave. Arrive.
Ban Francisco Overland
limited a 1:15 am aiiisv pm
China Japan Fast
Mall a 4:10 Dm a 5:45 pm
Atlantlo Express am
Oregon A Wash. Ex. ...a 4:00 pm a 6:80 pm
Los Angeles Limited. .. .al2:4C pm a 1:10 pm
Denver Special a e:47 am al2:J0 am
Colorado Rneii alibis Dm a 7:42 pm
Colorado Express a 1:50 pm a 6:00 pm
Chl.-Portland Special. . .al2:S0 pm a 8:20 pm
North Platte Local a 8:15 am a 4:45 pm
Grand Island Local a C:U pm al0:S0 am
uncoln-Beatrlc Local. bl2:40 pm oiizvpm
a uaiiy. b Dally except uunoay.
Mlueurl I'acltlo
K- C. tt St. L. Ex a 9:20 am a T:16 am
K. C. 4k St. L. Ex all:lb Pn a 6:50 pm
llllaol cf,t..i
Chtcaa-o t... . .m m a 1:46 nra
Chicago LimitVd r:::;;.:::r:oo pm .:wn.
" " i-aul Ex ..b I'M m
Minn. -St. Paul Ud ... 1:00 pm a : ant
Chicago Nortbercstcru
Twla City Expreos a T.M am alO t pes
t-loux City Lucal m. 1.4a uin a I: nrA
Minn. Dakuta, Ex.... .a i.W pm a li am
twia wity iuuited :M pm il:W aia
Omaha Express
Chicago Local
Colorado-Chicago .....
Chloago Special
Paclflo Coet-Chicago.
Lo Angeles LLuoUed..
..a 7:ot am
..aU:ue put
..a t:Xu pin
..a :U4 pm
..a :UU pm
..a s:bu put
..all:46 pin
,.ali:-W am
al2:H am
a :U pin
a l:iis pm
a 7:66 am
a I .1M pm
aU:a pn
a 1:46 am
Overland Llmltea
Denver Special
a :iU am
:60 am
CarroU Luoal
a 4: pm
Faat Mail. js3 yin
f .InAoan-Chadron 7:60 am ati-ee.
Norfolk-Boneateel a 7:6 am aj0:46 om
Lona Pine-So. Platto....b 1:16 urn a t Ma
Hastings-Superior b I lo pm b 6:10 pra
peadwooa-not springs. z:ae put 6 su pes
Casper-Lander . a X:6a pm ' all.tM am
rramoalAJDiom D :u pm l:6t pa
CBtotel stem seJaaa I'Mtilllo .
Rocky Meuot'n : a. m.
Iowa Local Pass... I: He a. to.
Chloago Day Ex. ...a a. in.
CbL Local Paaa....bW;i a. m.
aJ0;J p.
4:M p. m,
f , a, uv
tJXV.isf p,
all:, p. .
114 p. ra.
1M a. m,
a 1:47 p. m.
4:10 p. m.
M:S i
aU:3ap. h,
De Moines ioci
Paaeanger a 4:00 p. ra.
Chloago Exp ass... a 4:40 p. la.
Chloago Lltullel....a (:M p. in.
tsi Ununtalneer...a l.'Jt a. m.
Chlcaso-Nebraaka Ltd.
for Lancoin a s:ze a. ra.
Colo, tt Cal. Bxp,..a l:S p. m.
Okl. m xex. &xp...a i:au p. ra.
Rooky Mourn D immviw p. m.
Om.-Bt. Lout Exp. a f-JO p. in.
Mall and Expr..a T:W a. m.
Htanberry loo I tfrom
Council Bluff). ...b 5.-0 p. m. biOiU n. m
CbleKarn, MllvraakM A at. raal
Overland Limited a 11:41 pin T:t am
Omaha-Chkoago Express. b t.ll aa 10 an
Omaba-Savanan Kx o 1.14 am I k am
Colo-Cellf. Exp...., a.00 pm l.fcj pia
Colorado Special a 1.67 am u.AI pta
Terry-Omaha Looal....,..b 6.16 pm tLtt pa
Chleaae ureat W eeterm
Chicago Limited 1:41 pm .........
Twin City Limited :M pa a BJ
Twin City Express ;. am a :so PD)
Chicago Expre. ........ pia
DvRtUIOTON KTA. iota mmt Mmm
Laava. "
Denver and California. 4:11 pm a I 4S pia
fuget Sound Express. .a 4:10 pm a I lit pm
Nebraska polou l:M am
a :ia
Black HUU ..
:10pm a 1:10 pm
all:tt pn ( OA .
Northwest Expraea....
Nsbraska potuu
Lincoln Mall -
Nebraska K:.orea .....
Lincoln Local
.a l:M am a 4:10 pm
.b 1 pm all:U PIB
. 1:14 am a 1:10 pra
. .......... blue am
.a TH D" I.Uk nn.
Lincoln Local
tVcbuyler-Plattamouta...b I IX. pm blO W) an)
nauamvui m- vw ......m v.ia an s:m am
Bellevue-Plattamouth ..avll:M pm a t:40 pm
Colorado Limited all:26 pm a 7:00 am
Chicago r-peclal 1:16 pm all Oo Dm
Chicago Expresa a 4:10 pm a 1:66
Chloaeo Faat Express.. 1:20 pm a I:v0 am
Iowa Local......... a l:li am al0:M am
Craaton-lowa Lcoal 1:30 pm al0: am
at. Louie Express a 4:90 pm all 44 ana
K. C. nd St. Joseph.. ..aW 46 pm a 1:46 ara
K. C. and Joseph.. ..a 11 am l.u) bib
jt. C. and Bt. Joaeph....a 4:a paa .Z.
STATION 'lfi,l, ma4
Mlseowrl Paelfla
Auburn Local b 1:50 pm blMj pm
Cairara, aa aea siolla
gloux City Expree b 10 pm bU am
Omaha Local e 4 J a
Kloux City Passenger.. r (: am
Cloux City Local 1:35 am .........
Emeraoa Local b 1:66 pm b 1:11 aia
(a) Daily b Dallr sxr-ot Sunday.
Your daughter may be per
mitted, afely, to read Tha Be.
No exaggerated accounts of crime,
no filth, no scandal, no dime
novel sensationa; but all the newa.
White Linen "Middy" Blouse
J '
s "
V :' . ?W "v ' ' f v.,:-...
' ' ' J ' ' j
" ' ' $ ' ' t
W ' ' .
I--:-..: 'ivJc'-;;
The loose "middy" blouse Is the most
comfortable garment the little bay can
wear In hot weather.' This blouse Is made
like the ordinary blouse accompanying
Itnlcker. trousers, except that there Is no
Boss oi the Establishment
"Here's a dinner Invitation for next
Saturday from Mr. and Mrs. Brown,", an
nounced the wife of tha Boss of tho Estab
lishment. Th Boas looked across the breakfast
table at his spouse.
"It's up to you," ho said airily, "though
I must say I don't relish going all th way
to Staten Island to dinner."
"Still dear," urged the arbiter of their
social destinies, "tho Brown are Influen
tial people and they seem to want to be
awfully nice to ua. It certainly can't do
you any harm to associate with them and It
might be a help to you some time."
Oh, yes; Brown's only worth eight mil
lions, grumbled th Bos. "Go ahead and
accept It If you want to."
Ha studied his wife' face thoughtfully
for a moment. "Whence thl sudden
solicitude for my career T" he questioned.
Oh, yes, I understand now you want to
wear your new white dress."
The Boss wife did not protest against
thl unjust accusation. She had learned
from long experience that the only way to
ret the Boss to do anything his own
inclination was to let him pretend he was
doing It for her a habit of mind whloh she
declared he carried so far that when 111 he
took medicine feeling It would do her good.
So Instead of repudiating his u4-geaton
she laughed and said:
'You must be a olalrvoyantt How did
you ever guess what X was thinking of T"
The Boas smiled complacently,
"I can read your UrU mind like an open
book," he said and plaased with hi own
astuteness he became entirely rooonoild to
the prospective dinner party.
Saturday took him home at 1 o'clock to a
meaTer luncheon of assorted sandwiches
and Iced tea.
We're Invited to an early dinner," hi
wife explained apologetically, "and the
maid wanted to go to her slater's wedding-,
so I got luncheon myself. I didn't want to
spoil our appetite for dinner with a heavy
meal In the middle of the day,"
Th Boss, with just th slightest expres
sion, of disappointment, fell resolutely upon
the sandwiches.
"I thought I told you to teU that girl her
sister couldn't get , married oftener than
every other week," he remarked.
"3t out of woman's sphere I" warned his
wife, severely, "Trespsssers on woman's
rights will be prosecuted to th full extent
of the law," ah added.
The Boss' capacity for sandwtohas was
distinctly limited and lead Ua was by no
means first on his list of beloved libations.
So his luncheon waa not as hearty as usual
and when several hours later he found him
self on th deck of a municipal ferryboat
bound for Staten Island hi appetite, he
discovered, had an edge that hi best rasor
might have envied. ' ,
"I guess they'll have a pretty good din
ner," he remarked, antlclpatlngly, to hi
wife. "Old Brown' a good deal of a bore,
but If they give us some real food I'll let
him talk to me about th advantage of a
parcels post till I drop."
Th Boss' wife, who made no pretensions
to an aesthetic indifference to food, re
sponded enthusiastically.
"I'm sure they have a chef and that no
restaurant In New York could serve
finer dinner than we'll hav tonight," she
They took a train at St. George and,
reaching their destination, found their
host' motor car awaiting them.
The ride whetted th Bos' appetite still
orawstrtng at We? waist line. The Jolly
little suit la made of white linen, with
blue galatea.i -collar.- and cuffs; but this
model might tosnottpled In white duck or
mohair with eqttal success. ' -
Th Table Uanr of
th Klch So Hot Maat
With K1b ApprovaL
more. And several game of tennis which
the host proposed gave it an anguished
sharpness that he had not thought a man
could endure and live.
At last a solemn butler summoned them
to a dinner table laden with silver and
fine linen, but as far as the Boas' roving
ye could discover there waa nothing but
salted almonds to keep a man from starv
ing. Boup was brought In the finest of Sevres
service at least. It looked Ilk soup, but
th Boss, after tasting It decided that he
was the victim of an optical Illusion. He
would, he told himself, wait for the fish.
But the fish never came. Neither did the
When the soup was removed a diminu
tive French chop, hounded on one side by
a small boiled potato and on the other
three aides by a vast expanse of empty
plate, succeeded It.
Upon this bountiful course followed
bananas and fin ear bowls.
Th Boss, aoruas the glittering empti
ness of th rich man' table, exchanged
glanoea with his wife, famished and In
credulous aa he was himself.
After two hours of the parcels post
monologue by their millionaire host they
found themaslves one more upon the
"Why didn't you tell me they didn't
drink T" demanded the Boa accusingly.
"Why didn't you tell roe they didn't eat?
But I might hav known It. The only
other millionaire who aver Invited me to
a meal had cold mutton and canned cran
berry sauce. When I get time I'm going
to write an article that'll show up these
millionaire misers these people who. In
the mldat of luxury, don't get enough to
eati in can it -starvation Among the
"Fine!" ald hi wife. "It s all so true
and yet nobody seems to realls It Let'
make a resolution that hereafter If any-
ooay wno earns more than 13,000 a year
asks us to dinner we'll never accept. And
then let's make another resolution to get
to New ork aa fast aa we can and buy
us a large, Juicy, rare planked steak!"
"Wuff! Wuff!" barked the Boss, a new
hope lighting his eyes and quickening his
"Or-r-r-r-r!" growled his wife as they
ran swiftly toward th ferry boat and
(Copright. 1110, by the N. T. Herald C
Art fnl T)F rv M F (J
v Rri I v- -TLLMrr
"TAnoos Ppiz-aza -ivE.
LfcnVC. rr TH13 JJOTTLfc. or
f H(W. H.W'.3(3 AlfFfR TOO ECiSY
The Spreading
A guest landing at the yacht club float
with his host both of them wearing oil
skins and aou'westers to protect them from
the drenching rain. Inquired:
"And who are those gentlemen seated
on the veranda, looking so spick and span
In their white yachting cap and trousers.
and keeping the waiter running all the
They're rocking chair member. They
never go outalde, and they're waterproof
L family moved from the city to a
suburban locality and were told that they
hould get a watchdog to guard th prem
ise at night Bo they bought th largest
dog that was for sale In the kennel of a
neighboring dog fancier, who was a Ger
man. Shortly afterwards the house was
entered by burglar, who made a good haul,
while the big dog slept The man went to
the dog fancier and told htm about It
Tell, vat you need now," said the dog
merchant "la a leedledog to vake up tha
big dog."
group of hoboes waiting tor the coffee
to boll In a tomato can were telling of
their hard-luck experience.
'I've had wore luck than anybody,"
aid one of them ohallenglngly, after lis
tening to other' tale of wo. "Onct I
had to sleep from Wllkeabarr to Perth
Am boy on top of a flat car loaded wth
hard coal.
"And what do you think," he went on.
"Every car on the next train that pulled
in from 'the earn direction was loaded
with soft coal."
Platro had drifted down to Florida and
waa worSJng with a gang at railroad con
struction. He had been told to beware of
rattlesnakes, but assured that they would
always give th warning rattle before strik
ing. One hot day he was eating hi noon lunch
Well Known Daughters of Famous Hen
Thl portrait of Miss Lily Yeats
Is from th pencil of her father,
the Irth artist, John Butler
Yeats. The entire family are en
dowed with the artistic tempera
ment Inherited from their father.
One son, William Butler Yeats,
turns to poetry, and is today re
garded aa the representative Irish
poet having done much to
awaken Interest In the other Irish
epics, In association with Lady
Oregory, Dr. Douglas Hyde and
Another son, "Jack" Yetts, Is
like hla father, a portrait painter,
while the two daughters, Lily and
Elizabeth, devote their energies to
the revival of ancient Irish Indus
tries and applied arts While Kllx
abeth's attentions are devoted to
painting, printing and publishing,
at the Cuala Press at Dundrum,
near Dublin, her sister Lily, with
hand loom and busy needle, pro
motes the Cuala Industries under
the same roof.
The whole idea ol the Cuala Industries is
ful things embroidery, weaving of
and needle work of all sort. If beauty
AW RtCltOU rinHYS TO HftfO
S n.E.1 TAKE ft
"ho Al l ftArt
HAVfc to0
MtflRJi or.
"Pott. LlLflrt
r6N0Mt. KO SAH.
I I -
Chestnut Tree
eon on a pine log when he saw a big rattler
colled a few feet In front of him. He eyed
the serpent and began to lift his leg over
the log. He had barely got them out of
the way when the sanke'a fangs hit the
bark beneath him.
"Son of a guna!" yelled Pietro. "Why
you no rlnga da bell 7"
The conductor of a western freight train
saw a tramp stealing a ride on one of the
forward cars. He told a brakeman In the
caboose to go up and put the man off at
the next stop. When the brakeman ap
proached the tramp, the latter waved a big
revolver and told him to keep away.
"Did you get rid of hlmT" the oonductor
asked the brakeman, when the train 'was
under motion again.
"I hadn't the heart," was the reply. "He
turned out to be an old school friend of
"I'll take care of him," tald the oon
ductor, aa he started over the tops of the
After the train had made another stop
and gone on, the brakeman came into the
cabooae and said to the conductor:
"Well, Is he off?"
"No; he turned out to be an school friend
of mine, too."
A story that has done service In political
campaign to Illustrate supposed dilemmas
of the opposition will likely be revived In
the approaching political "heated term."
Away back, when herds of buffalo graxed
along the foot. .Us of . the western moun
tain, two hardy prospector fell In with a
bull bison that seemed to have separated
from hi kind and run amuck. On of th
prospector took to th branches of a tree
and the other dived Into a cave. The buf
falo bellowed at the entrance to th oavern
and then turned toward the tree. Out came
the man from the cave, and the buffalo
took after him again. Th man made an
other dive for th hole. After thl had
been repeated several times, th man In
i i ;
th making of beautl- iinade and drew from
tapestry and carpets
Yeats showed mo a
were the sole quality
which reflecttd th
KRE.-.Srrt,UrMCC UP ftH'
TftltE. 'HI S TP
xrt 5niSHtTl OH
HERALD COJ. AU RighU RiMrvtu,.
From Everybody'3
Magazine. -
the tree called to his comrade, who waay
trembling at the mouth of the cavern:
"Stay lh the cave, you Idiot!"
hole," bawled the other. "There's a beat
In it!"
"You don't known nothing about thl
The bigness of Texas Is evident fromtf).
cursory examination of the map: But iw
effect upon the people of that state I not
generally known. It Is about 100 miles
from Brownsville, at the ' bottom of the
map, to Dallas, which Is several hundred
mile from the top of the map. Hence the
following conversation In Brownsville be
tween two old-time resident:
"Where you been lately, Bob? -I ain't
seen much of you."
"Been on a trip north."
""here'd you go?"
"Went to Dallas."
"Have a good timer
"New; I never did like them damn
Yankee, anyway."
There were Introduction all eround!i
bg man stared In a puasled way at the
club guest. "You look Ilk a man I've aeon
somewhere, Mr. Blinker," he said. "Your
face seem familiar. I faney you have a
double. And a funny thing about It Is
that I remember I formed a strong preju
dice against the man who look like you
although, I'm quite ure, w never met"
The little guest softly laughed. 'Tm the
man," he answered, "and I know why you
formed the prejudice. I passed the contri
bution plate for two years In th church
you attended." '
A man descended from an excursion train
and was wearily making hla way to the
street car, followed by his wife and four
teen children, when a - policeman touched
him on the shoulder and said:
"Com along wld me." ,;
"What for?" -i
"Blamed If I know; but when ye're lacked
up 1 11 go back and find out why that
crowd was following y."
upon which the Industries de
pended, the work, would ere this
have been perforce, abandoned.
But the fact of having none but
the finest of material worked
by band trained to the finest
point of deftnes aa foundation
for th finished article has
brought to the Cuala Industrial
an enviable and permanent repu
tation. Home exquisite specimens of
weaving and embroidery have
come from these Industries. One
enthusiastic traveller In Ireland
peaks of "the wealth ef har.
monlous color, the firmness ot
texture and the delicate design
all border on the wonderful A
et of embroidery banner, some
forty In number, designed and
worked by these Irish artlata,
ar now In Loughrea cathedral.
Cork has also been generous la
Its support of thl particular de
partment. It to be expected
that ecclesiastical work must fig
ure largely n such an in,....
Vestments hav been ordered and
their purchasers waim nraj..
Miss Lily
newlv rinii,. . . . '
utmost credit on designer "d r-raaj
in light colon