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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1910)
. ' ' ' " . '"'." ' ...... 1 . i . -,i.-.-y r" i'-'r'' -v Wi , , , ' ' i i i i I i -. . I - ' ii i- i i " " m i .. m 5: i; If E 1 ! i i Want- Ads Wast ads received at tar timet to taeare proper classification most fee preacated ' before 'clock far the evealaa; edltloa, and before T3 o'clock ef previous m,B "! seorMlag and linltr edition. Wan a U. received after each fcaa their first laaertlon ' fceadla "To Late to :lmwml"' CaaU moat acoonipaaf all ord a.t ada, and no advertl. t .oocpted for I . ce"U f' flrat insertion. .... , Rate, applr to oltk.r DUr ' laailtr Hoe. . im Alrrara oonat sis words to , CASH RATES FOR W P'ono REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Insertion, 1 1-21 cent, per mt vent per word for eacn OB Insertion. ' Each tn'aertlon " RO odd days, 1 1-J1 cents par w per llae per montn. - be left Want ada for The Bee n at .or of th. folo-l.a one la roar "comer e"' . are all .branch of Hero " and roar ad will be Inserted Jnst promptly and on the oauie " ", tot main Offlv ovuntcenth nnd l'im streets! Albnoh. W. C. 40th ana Farnam Beranek. S. A., 1403 n. 18th ht Pay ton Pharmacy. .720 So. th 8L .Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Bemla Prk fbarmacy. 331 and .umlng. Blade-Bradlsh. l Sherman Ave. CaughUn, U. 6th an fierce Ht. Cllflon HIll Pharmacy. 2211 Military Ave. Hlntertous Dru Co., JUt Ave. and Far- m Bt. i . , C'rlsaey. Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. CooneZ Pharmacy, 2223 8. Hth tt CermaiJ. Kmll, 1264-6 So. 13th Su Khler, F. ,H.. Leavenworth. Koater & Amolill. 2)1 No. Zbth SU Freyta. J. J.. 19U N. 24th St. Kreiffer Urus; Co., WOt No. ltith St. Florence Drug Co.. Florence. Neh. Greeti'a Pharmacy. Park Ave. and paclfli Greenousrh, O. A., 101 So. 10th St.. Oreenoush. O. A.. lOfh and Hickory. Hayden. William. 2H20 Farnam St. Hnnacom Park Pharinao, Uol S. 29th Ave Holt. John. 624 N. Ktil St. Duff. A. I.,' 2f:4 Leavenworth ft Johansnn DruK Co., 24th and 6pauldlng Kln, H. S. 2214 Farnam bt. Kountae Plnce Pharmacy. 8304 K. t4th. lnre. Fred L., 201V Central Blvd. Patilck Drur Co.. 1G24 N. ?4th Bt. Iathrop. Charles 1S24 N. 24th St' Uoldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven-, worth fits. Puratorni Prut: Co.. 24 th and. Ames Ave. Schnefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Sta. Pchaefer, All.. N. lth. Schmidt. J. H., 14th and Cumlni; Rts. Walnut HtH Pharmacy, 44)th and Cumins nnTn tits i. xottcbs. ilETKR-Bcrtha, July 24, 1910. Age eg yeara. 5 months 12 claya. Funeral KervlCM wU he held from family residence, lslt -w'ebstnr atreet to St. Mary Mhgdalene church. Nineteenth . and Dodge streets, Wtdnosday, July 27. at 10 a. m Interment , German Catholic cemetery. Friends invttedv-- ammmwcssmVBEmssm ' CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and reighbors for their kindness and beautiful floral tributes durtnir, the sickness and death of our beloved husbuhd and father. Bsimcimiy v-iu urotn ana omaha Piatt dutscher Vereen and carpenters' union No. 427. . i MRS. ANNA BOYSEN. - . WILLIAM BOYSEN. MARRIAGE! LICENSES. Permits to wed 'have been Issued to th following eouplei: Name and .Residence. " Age. Frank S. Skryja. Omaha.. a May Ttefenoach, Omaha.,., 19 Harry E. Rudgo, 'Omaha. Hilda B. Da.vl, Omaha 19 William Sohubert, Stanton 22 Ethel ClarkS Stanton is Thomas Clooney, .South Omaha r lva Lattlmer, South Omaha 17 Thaddeus Moats, Omaha sb Sadie Alford, Omaha 23 CharUs K rand a, Omaha...; oj Anna Vcjlr, Omaha, 1$ John P. Bresnahan, South Omaha "i Mary Meehan, South Omaha jg Kmll Thomeen, Omaha.,., 29 lu'sj-garet Raunussen, Omaha 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS. J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., ""-j err bul mere 1614 Chicago D. I6jJ, B-loS. $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $'J-5a; All sizes, all widths . ... and Leathers ; ALEXANDER, ' 2d Floor, Paxton Block. COUTANT & SQUIRES, COAL OFFICE' REMOVED TO 2i0 South 17th St Edward Johnson, , ' Successor to j Barrett-Johnson ; TAILORING CO- announce that aftor August 1 thev will be In their new store, aeooud floor City Na tional bank DUIiuing. Big removal taie nuiv vn at the old ioi. Jackson and 16th Sis. THE MODEL LAUNDRY ANNOUNCES Th installation AiUUUlV.LCJ up A NKW STEM which guai-anteis all washing to be done with soft. hot. filtered and genn-prc-f wuter. - These added facilities, combined vtih our usual good service, assure you of the best In laundry work at no extra cost Family washing, rough and dried, tfc per lb. THE MODKL LAUNDRY. 1110-12 Dodge. Umuha i rmtry Sott Water Laundry. BERT MEASE, llrensed guide; elk, deer, aheep and bear. Write. Mauler, Wyo. STORE YOUR FINE FURS IN MOTH PROOF VAULTS. Nominal cost SHU KLHT'S. lath and Harney. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 76c a large bot tle. K L K I , '.H'OR HOUSE. 425 .S. lulh fct. Douglas WTO. THE HOME FURNITURE CO.. 20 per crtit ls thun Omaha prices. 24lh and L bis- South Omaha. lLEli GRAND HOTEL Finest In' thu veil, lmh jnu Howard eta. Turkish Baths DR. J. F. McAVIN lntit localsJ 434 Brandcls Theater Bldg. i V V AM AS'"Brn. blenched, blocked. krtwiuujtn, -,2a south mh st ED. ROT J IKK Y Kohlltx No. 2. Full litis cf liuuor anU VlKll'S Cafe In oonnertlon. Ill . 14ih. U, F. WUatN, OpUuan, 443-1 BrandeU Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) BAKKEB BROS. PAINT CO. Wholeaale-i stall. 1W',4 Farnam St, Bher-win-Williams palnta, oils, varnishes, class, white lead, wall paper, bruahes. fluting and picture framing. TELS.; BELL DOUG. LAS 4760; 1NI.. A-3S2L 8. H. Cole Sign Co.. D. S76S. 1316 Farnam. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUM-LIES. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. W. lit. B-1014. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. ANCHOR FENCE CO.. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 107 N. 17th St. 'Phone, Red Sll GET your WEDDING RINGS at FKED BRODEGAARD'S. It Insures good luck. 115 S. loth St., at the sign of the Crown. , BRANDUIS' URL'ti AN L) PHOTO DE PARTMENT We do all kinds of develop ing and finishing Film left before noon wnl be finished same day. DOUGLAS Priming Co. Tel. Douglas 644. MAGOARD Van & Storage or Omaha Trunk, Van A Storage Co. Pack., move, store and ship H. H. gooda. D. li'M. B-24J". ELEVATORS RisPAlREDi freight, pas senger. J. R. Kennedy, 104 S. 13th. Doug. 2ln; GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. A. JLXES, 1302 Douglas St 5 GTS. PICNIC LUNCHES & 0 w.Vh uOir.e touklni;, luiKeS, pies ana com piaa. UWACATESSEN iTrl es t io arnam. IOW OltV1 ATVr "ALWAYS THE BEST." ItXi VXVIHAJU HARDING'S Ice Cream. WcdgawooU Cie. Butter, Harding Crsam Co. T j A O. T f 1 7C V. Refreshing, Medicinal U A A J Vi rieuumier urlnk. Daily retail delivery. Ask your doctor. Alainito, LYNCH BKUS. PLUMMlNli AND HEATING Ko,l"-AlR V.i::K. ;os 8. 16th St.. U. 1477. SnAT.V.S Independent Scale Repair Co. uviiuuk) Refining, rebuilding and test RKPAIHP'.I) '"B. Refitted scales SOUL CAHTKR 6HEET METAL WORKS plant. 110-U South Xonth Street. , ENGRAVED STATIONERY WeddlngH. anouncemants. calliiiK cards. Kotera & Leary Co., . KraC.kIi: PPOTl nATTP"S Watch our specials at r U1V UArUlib HAYDEN S BAKERY DEPT. Try Hayde-n's flrat It pays. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklns, S16 S. lith, upstairs. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS - - COMMANDS Order your house and norch acreened from THE . OMAHA WINDOW SCREEN CO.. A SANITARY NECESSITY FOR EVERY HOME. 634 N. 16th St. Call Doug. 4692. JOHN NITTLER Hotcri,bnu8tuemer" TJTYTTS THE BEER YOU LIKE - 32:4 South 24th St Doi-glae IS, Red 2932; Independent A-1420. KODAKS n1 supplies; largest stock; vxyi.o AMATEUR FINISHING, best work. DEMPSTER, 1216 Farnam St. MONEY M TO LOAN LOW lit sums to 810 Bee Bids. 'Phone Douk. 2901. union 1.UAIV uUMfAA 1 . THE GROCERY BUSINESS at 13th and Maaon Sts., conducted by M. Newman, has been purchased by F. Mauro and S. Zag- WATCH THE POSTMASTER r?ollrf srn B Roctonrnnt' H3-15 So, - V.VUiU.W 18th St.. (basement); coot, H;;ht, sanitary, quick service, popular piicea. For ladles and gentlemen, iauie a note dinner Sunday. IF you are looking for a COOL PLACE to spend your evenings, visit Rome's Vine yard and Summer Garden, and enjoy the delightful musio of the HUNGARIAN unvucaiiu just Imported . from Chi cago for this popular resort AUTOMOBILES . DRU2WND Makes the Best Auto Tops for the price. All kinds auto work. Re pairing in wood work, lion woi Best painting In the city. Send in your cars. 18th an4 Harney sta. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE DAY OR NIGHT Repairs and Storage Station 16TH AND HOWARD 1 D. 3248 A-3247 Gate City Automobile Company FOUR-CYLINDER BUICK fully equipped with top; thoroughly over hauled; guaranteed to be in first-class condition; 7 months old. BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. VELIE AUTO CO., Call for demonstration. . 19th and Farnam Sts. WE have for IMMEDIATE SALE a two cylinder, live-pasiienger Rambler car, the rear aeat detachable, giving fine space for delivery dox. just me tning tor a con. tractor or delivery man. Tills is a big bar gain at 6375. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTOMOBILE CO., 1907 6-PASSENGER, 4-cyllnder Franklin touring car, model D; cost new $2,800, with out glass front and top, which are included In price, $1,2M. Inquire of Wni. Pfelffer, Jr., 1016 Omaha National Hank Uldg., formerly INow torn Line omg. lei. ntu tu.x. AUTOMOBILE for Sale Four passenger auto. I40J; nearly new; hard luck; fin? takes U. r-owaia una &-loi uo., 68 New York Life mag. lua iya. li A 1)1 ATOP '"Pe'Jg by experienced UAUiax J 1 1 Greenourh. lis u. s.i FOR RENT-BRICK BARN for automo bile and storage. 2W4 St Mary's Ave. 10-H. P. 6-passenger auto In good condl. tion for sale at i price, w might trade for other property or on iana. Addres Owner, x iin, care oee. Antrk l?prnirtnsr ""ost complete plant -1 m the west Diamond Tires, za-nana cars, storage. The Paxton Alttcheu Co.. zuiv-i Harney. D. A-aulL Bargains in Used Cars fj;d muffs Auto Co., tie Pearl. SKND for our list or steond-hand care. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 11,14 Farnam et AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 24c to 11. M. COLUMUIA OPTICAL CO.. !0-.'ll S. 18th. 10 II. P. SCHACHT. friction drive auto In excellent condition, at half price. Cen tral Implement Co., 1U7 Faruaot St AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) NEBRASKA AGENTS WANTED here to place agencies for 1911. Lexington Car $1,600, includ ing Bosh Magneto. A live com petitor for any car selling up to $3,000 and the best proposi tion on the market today. Get a demonstration. A. M. BLAKE, 2010-12 Harney St., Care the Paxton-Matchell Co. wit ATtF! lust cloaina- out the last of our 1910 PARRY Touring Cars, Just unloaded, brand new, and a fine car for the money. 11.46. This car has 116-inch wheel base and 36-horsepower. We will make the price right. Don t fall to see mis car ueiuro buying if you want a bargain. SWEET-EUWAUUB AUIU -J., 20&2 Farnam St., Tel. Doug. 3086. iwi l-Dassencer. 4-cyllnder Franklin tour- in car. model D. coat new 2,IWU: without glass front and top, which are included In prioe, 11.260. Inquire of Wm. Pfelffer, Jr., feth Ave. and Leavenworth St Tel. Red 6V22. BARGAINS Slightly used cars. Kis sel Auto Co.. 2129 Farnam AUTOGENOUS WELDING an kinds of BROKEN CYLINDER. CRANK CASES' and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Council Bluffs. Ia. WRITE for Hat of automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTO CO.. Omaha. FOR SALE Exceptional bargain In 7- passenger' Lexington (new); will demon strate. See Blake, with PaJtton-Mltchell Co.. 2010-12 Harney St. Auto-Painting 2$ 2i DREW MURPHY. 1412 Jackson. COMPLETE line auto accessories and supplies. Nebraska Buick Auto Co.. Omaha. HAVE you seen the new 1911 Model 30 Moon. Cars?" If you haven't, you have overlooked something. The largest engine and all the way round the beet constructed of any 1,S00 car In the market See them at our garage. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO., 2052 Farnam St, Tel. Douglas 3065. Motorcycles. SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLE SALE These wheels are in condition to give good' service, and are bargains: One Fletcher Special Thor engine, 24'H. P.; wheel' In fair condition; rear tire new; price t 75 One Model 8 Thor, In good condition; rear tire new; price 100 One Market, in good rldeable condition. IV4 H. P. engine; price 100 One Excelsior, 4 H. P. engine; rear tire One Thor, model A, in first-class con dition; price 160 new, general appearance of wheel good; price 130 We carry a full line of parts and sun dries for motorcycles. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 15th and Harney Sta., Omaha, Neb. WritA Tnr Tiqt of u,,d motorcycles. y rue r or ijisi w- carry a full , of THOR parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANChS TO GET In or out of business call oc GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. FOR SALE Grocery and meat market doing a good business, located In Council Blurts; reajton tor selling nave otner dusi ness requiring my attention. Address R, care Bee, council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE Hardware and furniture stock In good Nebraska town; also well es. tablished millinery business. Mrs. Ida Neff, aiB in. ann at, umana. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE Here Is a baraalu. lb-room rooming house, all in A No. 1 condition; cheap rent; all rooms wsll rented, f rice, Location, nth and Dodge. LATHROP as TOBIN, 421 Bee. HOTEL Lease and part furniture; all modern; good business; 31 rooms. Adiirea J. L. King, Scrlbner. Neb. FOR SALE A money-maker. An old established harness shop in Hiawatha, N. K. Kan.; employs four men: doing an annual business of 825,000; a full line of buggies, etc. In conneoUon; good reason for selling. Come and see us, or write for further in formation if desired. (Office in 600 block.) Allen & Hlgglns, Real Estate and In surance. GOOD MEAT MARKET, doing good business, for sale cheap; easy terms. Frank Johnson, Jefferson, Ia. FOR SALE All of my business Interests In Alaska. S. D . consisting of controlling interest in V-0.000 brick plant, one-half In terest In town site end out lots; three res idences with 19 acres land and a fine gen eral real estate and rental business. Will trade for good rental property or business in large town. R. Tofflerolre. Alaska. 3. D. 480-ACRB farm, five miles from Dun ning; all fenced, sod house and other build ings; small fruits; iske with flub. 83.60 per acre. Address Y 148. Bee. GOOD PAYINO POOL HALL; m'ul "bs old at once regardless of price, owing to accident to proprietor. Fhone Webster 17U HOUSE moving business for sale, chesp; going away. Write for particulars. George Laroiners. Hartington. Neb. WANTED Partner with money. Medical business. Big profits. Y-273 Bee. WE HAVE customers wanting to locate In Nebraska, wanting to buy farms, gen eral stores, hsrdwaio, hotels, restauranta, rooming houses, etc. What have you that you want to aell. Write us at once. Hoff nun'i Complied List Report, Desk O., YYfebila, Kaa BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR SALE Pool hall, lunch room, box ball alley and confectionery and cigars, A bargain. Address Y 284, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Nice grocery and confection ery stock In elegant location, doing fine buglneKs; living room In connection. Tel. Web. 1786. SEE me for city and farm Investments. Alex Chapman. 230 Neville Blk. D. 109S. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE A live and prosperous Omaha mfg. concern wishes to sell or exchsnge Its plant with large stock of MARKETABLE GOODS, MATERIALS, TOOLS, etc. Will take 4600 cash and IJ.60 In clear city or Interurban property. F. R. 6ILTZ. Room X 180S Harney. TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE. See Midland Inv. Co.. 101 McCsgue Bldg. Neb. GOOD furniture business: must sell account death In famllv. 140 Dodge. WELL established and good paying dress making business patronised by the best women of the city, can be bought very cheap If taken at once. Best of reasons for selling. Address Miss R. Atkinson, 1S02 Far nam St. Tel. Douglas 2050. ON SALE FOR 30 DAYS A 111.000 stock. (about) dry goods, shoes, etc. A good prop osition. In agricultural district In Nebraska Fine chance ror one or two young men. You are dealing direct with owner. , Ad dress Y-14&. care Bee. FOR SALE Hotel dining room receipts tl4 to fMI daily; all cash business; every thing In No. 1 condition; fine location. A bargain If taken at once. Address P 438, Bee. FOR RENT about Sept 1; central loca tion, one of the best business towns of Ne braska; modern store building, 10,000 feet floor space; now building; suitable for de partment store. Address Y-145, Bee. FOR SALE Dwelling, and blacksmith shop equipped with modern tools and com plete SIOCK. cur particulars, write, uue Farmers State bank of Altona. Neb. 14.000 Good, clean stock of dry goods. shoes, ladles' furnishing goods and fissures. This slock of goods will be sold -ugust 1, 1910, at 8 p. m. to highest bidder; stock not over 5 years old. For further Informa tion and particulars write or wire Brown S. Burke, trustee, wainuu ia. FOR SALE Small planing mill, electric motor and about 18 machines;, cost about 16,000; will sell for half price; all in splen did condition and working to capacity every day; low rent Reason for selling, too many other Interests. Terms if de sired. Willis R. Munger, 617 Francis 8t, St. Joseph, Mo. FOR SALE Mines in the best mining ertions in California. If you want to pro mote or operate a mine write me. I travel 35,000 miles- each year over the state and can give you free any information you de sire. L. M. Johnson, Stockton, California. wanted ijoeation ror gooa, oienn mov ing picture show; state population and wnetner town nas eiccina iignis. u tsn, see. DO you need capital? My July tncoporat- Inv flntlna- Cos remarkably successful Meeting dally people with money, will handle paying propositions. Promoter 810 Paxton blk CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT, 1605 Farnam St Douglas 8497. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE HOUSE REPAIRING CO, Carpenter, paperhanglng, brick work, ate., low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. 'Phone Harney 8637; Harney 8010. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone factory. S. 801, office phone W. 2030. BEAVER BOARD uWj!ffii! AMERICAN SUPPLY CO.. 1111 Farnam ot DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agenoy. Inc. and bonded. 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 121k CAPT. T. CORMACK. 517 Karbach. P. WX. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK. 8d floor, Paxton. D. 1035 TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas St. DRESSMAKERS TERRY Dressmaking School, 20th and Farnam. EDUCATIONAL THE SUMMER SCHOOL EOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. Prepare for profitable positions In book keeping, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, fivit ureira mn ta be oDen In the fall and winter. The year book Is ready. Apply for It Students admitted any aay. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Both Phones. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner. SS48 Charles. Har. 1881. Mosher-Lampman BSKegb TTnaxrellAd eouruM in BUsln-jOS. Short hand, Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers, uay ana nigni ses sions. Most Interesting catalog published In Omaha. Send for one today. MflSHRR . T.AM PM AN. 17th and Farnam streets. Omaha. Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN Ideal summer drink. Alarolto Lactone. OS ATJTrr,AlV'IAlREIi-SSING parlors. OaillilJ.lli,!,,.!.,, creams used snd sold. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 4671. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall fOc and 1100. Sherman a McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FLORISTS J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs. Ia.., larg est greei.housea !n nest; beautiful llnwars for any occasion ahlpped anywhere tu U. S. A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1C01; A-iWL L. Hendeiaon. 1619 Farnam. Doug. 1?4. HESS ft SWOKOOA. 415 Farnitm St. FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chuves, Fur. nsces. Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORh.3. 1206-8 Doualas St. Both Phone HELP WANTED FFME Agents and gaU'swouen. WANTED General agents to represent us In putting on the market an entirely new household article someihing that every woman needs. A big money maker. Agents make cfieu as much as $23 in a day selling it. Apply mornings or evenings alter ( at 23M Douglas SU HELP. WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) Clerical mil Offleo. EXPERIENCED stenographer good position; address G-5W Bee. wanted; YOUNG LADY for general office work. One who can operate typewriter. Must be quick and accurate. Answer In own hand wilting atating what salary expected. Ad dress K 485, Bee. DEMON8TRATOR, 156. STENOGRAPHER. 10. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 673-75-77 Brandeia Bldg. Factory Trade. WANTED Experienced trimmer- for city, country ai.a weetern positions. M. Bplesberger Son Co,. 1014 Farnam St lloosekeeoere Doaaeotlea. LADIES WANTED Take work borne; apply transfers; II to $4 dos.; work guaran teed. Trleber'n S16 Brandeis Theater Bldg. WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences. 'Phone Harney M. 121 North 29th 8t GOOD colored cook. 1517 Burt St WANTED A competent girt for general housework. 410 Second Ave., Council Bluffs. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house work. 'Phone uougiae hum. GOOD girl tor general housework. 601 Cass St Tel. Harney 132 1. wnitKEKEEPER, In small famllv. at once. A. D. Perry, 118 E. Pierce St, Council Bluffs. "Phone ina. as. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. SB a. aeinst Phone H 619. mvPETENT woman or girl for araner&j housework; no washing; 525 per month. Call at 883 Board of Trade Bldg. GIRL for general housework, mi Doug las St niRT. to assist with care of house mnrri. intra anil venlntt" In exohanca for room and board; cioa in. Tel. Harney 4796. wiNTKD Good experienced second r nice plaoe, good wages. Louis R. Metx. 631 S. 26th St WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1115 N. 23d St., South Omaha. Phone SouUi 44. GOOD girl for general housework; good wages; wttn or wunoui wasning. si& s. Kth St WANTED Girl for general housework: one who can go home nights. 1614 E St, South Omaha, WANTED Man for general work. 821 8. 29th St NURSE girl wanted to take care of child. 1918 Capitol Ave., rear. WANTED Good girl for housework: rood wages; no washing. 3204 Sherman Ave. GOOD cook wanted, at once: good wagoa: no laundry work. Apply 323 S. 37th St WANTED A girl to help with housework and care tor baby: can go home sights. Tel. Douglaa 6890. 641 Central Blvd. OLD lady or girl wanted, at once. 1912 Dodge St GIRL to work. 128 N. Slsf St WANTED Girl for general housework. 2202 F St. South Omaha. WANTED Experienced girt for general housework, good cook, small family, $30 per month. 108 N. 31st Ave. GIRL for general housework; three In family; good wages. Tel. Webster 2372. 590 N. 16th St WHITE washerwoman. 114 N. 25th St WANTED Washerwoman for Monday end Tuesday. Apply Mrs. R. F. Hall, 324 Farnam st WANTED At once, girl to assist with housework, care ot child. 'Phone H 6466. GIRL for general housework, brand new house, fine room; place will be open Au gust 15. Tel. Harney 600. WASHERWOMAN for every other Mon day; young colored woman preferred. Tel. WtTbster 1838. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Inquire 724 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. A reliable girl for general housework; cooking plain; permanent place to right girl. 4123 Farnam. Harney 8440. GIRL for general housework. 110 S. 84th. GIRL for general housework. 'Phoue Harney 6008. Mrs. I. Ellick. W ANTED Washerwoman. Sll B. 19th St WANTED An experienced laundress; pre fer colored; Mondays. Tel. Harney 188. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family. Mrs. G. D. Tunnlcilff, 4809 Davenport St COMPETENT girl for gen. housework; 2 In family. 4801 Dodge St GIRL to assist with Housework. 34th St. 110 8. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 606 Park Ave. A GOOD girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. E. W. Cahow, 1314 S. Ud St. WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing or Ironing; no children. References. Phone Web. 4029. ' WANTE0 Women to do laundry and general housework. Apply 110 S. 26th St. GOOD girl for general housework. No children. Mrs. Rosenblum, 810 North lbth street. WANTED Good girl for general house work. No washing, wages, is per wee. Apply 3338 Harney street. Mleecllanovae. varstuw Hitmin. , n f r,i a h a mm juunu r i . ..,,.... strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at bL Alary , c . , w . ..... ... -. . where they will be directed to suitable boarding piece, ur iiuinwi.. iniri1 .uu. lor our traveler's eld at Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and solicitors. WANTED General agents to represent na in outline on the market an entirely new household article sometnlng that every woman needs. A Dig money mauer. Agents make often as mucu as 16 In a day selling It. Apply mornings or evenings after 6 at 2204 Douglas Bl. WANTED In wholesale Jewelry business a first-class traveling saiesmsn, who Is scqualnted with the dry goods and ilriurl ment store merchants In Nebraska. M. A. Ei.einan ft bro., It Market St., Chicago, III. TRAVELING representatives (hustlers) wanted at onoe in Southern and western states to handie our splendid line of men's suits und gurments; liberal contract and complete high-grade sample caae outfit supplied; clothing knowl. edge not necea.ary, but state business ex perience snd references. Good sldn line for silearven selling to consumer. AUdrets Y-2U. HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Salesmen Continued. WANTED First-class lot or stock sales men to sell high grace Irrigated vineyards In the famous Pecoa Valljy of Texas on installment plan. FORT STOCKTON IRRIGATED VINE YARDS CO., HAMLIN, TEX. WANTED Agents to sell South Dakota lands. Hartwlvk Land Co., Brownell Blk., Llncolo, Neb. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on the road lor The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation. The bee Publishing Co. t Clerical and Office. IF YOU are open for a position don't fall to aee us. We can place you on short notice. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N., INC. 752-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Kst. 8 years.) fOftiluiAa for .eveial goou buouKaeiiei a and stenographers. See us at once. PAR SONS EMPLOYMENT CO., 813 Bee Bldg. OUR Dally Bulletin gels results. Give us your record and we will stoure the position you are adapted to. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., i-76-77 Brandeis Bldg. WE ARE IN URGENT NEED of five specialty salesmen, two bookkeepers, office clerk bank, Pid; stenographer, 75; ledger clerk, $H0; stenographer, b6. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 873-75-77 Brandeis Bldg. Factory stud Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs, Knlest. Bee Bldg. A. Fi. ROBERTS, reliable emp. agent Successor to Martin A Co., 1611 Capitol Ave. WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the tact that you saw the ad. In The Bee. WANTED, at once, first class barber; lis, alt over 823. Wire, 'phone or write, Bruce Anderson, Correctlonvllle, I WANTED Men to learn barber tr.d.! 1 16 to $20 weekly paid graduates; few weeks qualifies; can earn tools and board from HI I, wmoj ,. v. H. I, or -rite Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. Omaha. WANTED Competent armature winder and motor man. Address Electrical Con struction Co., bioux iuy, ia. WANTED Drug clerk. DeHaven. Coun cil Bluffs. TINSMITHS wanted at once. AddIv to WMtinahouse. Church, Kerr ft Co.. Bur. llngton shops. Havelock, Neb. WANTED Experienced carpenters and millwrights. Write or apply U. S. Gypsum Co., New Mineral City Mill, Construction Dept., Fort Dodge, Ia. Bf Iscellaneona. rtTrTTOVUirVT 4mnlnVM w.ntavl Writ for Omaha examination sohedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. 152 R, Rochester, N. Y. tjr . 'Tl.nn Xtan with exDerlence In vrtt tables and i to do odd work. VINCENT CAFE, Wth'and Harney Sts. wanted An all round harness maker for retail shop; use Landla machine; har ness and saddle repairing a specialty; good job; good pay for a man who can handle the work. Man with family preferred. No boosers need apply. Address J. W. Vanaoy, Fallon, Neb. WANTED Carnival company, Arapahoe, Neb., for street fair August 30 to Septem ber 2. Inclusive. Base ball games and other free attractions. Write Emll Hartmann, Arapahoe, Neb. IF you know people having little money to invest, $2 day and commission to begin ners, big salary later. Promoter, 610 Pax ton block. HELP WANTED HALS AND FEMALE. WANTED Six gooa agents to work around city. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Block. Omaha. LAUNDERERS CLEANERS OUR sanitary system ia death to germs and life to you; proteot your family by sending us your iaunary. mono ueugias SuSO. Omaha Steam Laundry, 1760 Leaven worth St YOU MISS the best laundry servloe if you fall to patronize us. National Laundry, tW Cuming Kt. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Veklelea. W A niTNTR Buggies, etc. Will sell you XLVlVAntJ, better Krada of work and for less money than anyone else In Omaha or Council Bluffs. 1117 Farnam St 1,400-POUND TBiAst, Harness, wagon, disk cultivator; bargains alt W. F. Shear, 4Jd and Francis. Buggies and Wagons, cheap. A. XVtiUuiiv Murpny & Koni i4tn na jaokson. 25 PEB CENT OFF on LEATHER HORSE COLLARS. Big bar- galna In HARNESS and FLY NETS. HAYDEN'S, Harness Dept. BASEMENT. CHEAPEST FEED In town at SIDMAN'S. The Cut Price Feed Man. 611 S. 18th St REGISTERED Percheron stallion; a per fect horse; weight 1700 lbs.. Jet black, has bred 65 mares this season. Will sell or trade for milch cows. Price, J'X. Address R. L. Osborn, Harlan, la. STANDARD BRED, LARGE BAY HORSE, good Concord buggy, harness and blanket, -'"0 for this splendid physician's outfit. E-507, Bee. Covrs, Birds, Dogs and Pets. PURE white Angora cats and kittens. 2411 Davenport St., Omaha. LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear 7. LOST A solid gold cuff button Initial R. Reward for return to Ralph Rogers, loO South 17th street. LOST A Chicago ft Northwestern pay check No. 39Xi0 by the name of Peter Papos, dated July iK, 1910; 15 reward. Return to 517 So. lath St., Omaha. 8f5 REWARD For return of bay horse, weight l.OuO; 10 years old; wire cuts on leg; knee sprung. Stolen from 1524 N. 18th, hitched to buggy. E. F. Bralley, Sheriff, Omaha. Read the auto snaps The many new automobiles, now being gold by Omaha dealers, has placed on the market some exceptional inapt In slightly used machines. On today's want ad pages, under the classlf icaltion "Au tomobiles", are. special bargains. The pick ot them alL Everybody reads Be want ada. MEDICAL Dr. McGrew Has given tils entire professional life to the treatment of all fortis of chronic and spe cial riiHenses of men. For 85 years he has been known and trusted by all. 2S years In Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. McGrew Co.. 215 S. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb, HAZEL LEAF PILE CONKS.; best rem., edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c postpaid; samples free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha... BEST nerve bracer for man. Oray'a Nerve Fond pills. 81 a box. postpaid . She, man St McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. . FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daren port Sts.; special attention paid to oon. floement cases; all treatment supervised by eollege professors. 'Phone Douglaa 1162. Calls answered, day and nlgbt MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. 8$ NOTICE TO THP5' PUBLIC 8 CHEAP MONEY. 88 88 FOR YOUR SUMMER 88 88 VACATION. $8 88 810 TO 81.000 . . 88 M LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD ti 88 FURNITURE. PIANOS.. SALARIES, ti 88 THIS IS A NEW FIRM 88 88 Organised by the REPUTABLE it 88 BUSINESS MEN ot this city to pro- ti 54 teot honest working people In need it tt of temporary help from the exorhk- . ( 88 tant charges of the so-called loan Jt 88 companies. We will loan vou all the 81 88 money you want and charge you onlv ti 18 ten per cent a vear. 88 THIS MEANS YOU PAY II $1 Interest on 10 for 1 yean 88 2 Interest on 2o for 1 year.- 10 Interest on 100 for 1 year. 88 And all other sums in proportion. 88 Easy weekly or Monthly Paymonts. It Reasonable Appraisement Charges. I A glance at the above rates will 88 convince you how much you save by 81 dealing with us. h 84 81 NO RED TAPE. NO DKT.AV. it 88 MONEY IN YOT'R POCKKT ,. t 88 WITHIN AN HOUR ti 88 ROOM 204 WITHNKLL BUILDING, 8 88 INDEPENDENT LOAN CO. 88 8 Doug. 6046, N. E. Cor. lath and Harney 84 t jtimmtitntssm t$ww atrntsurnKtittmu Cash Quick on Easy Terms - Have you ever thought of borrowing money on your furniture, piano or team? If you haven't. Just thlnn how easy it l to get a loan from ia and have your pay ments so small that you will not. mis them $1.20 is the weekly payment on a 860 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts la the same proportion. Tf you have a loan t present and the oompany suits you, stay with them. If they don't suit you, come In and let us explain our 60-week plan to you. We are dally taking up loans front other companies and - advancing more money. Why not let us do the same for youT Money caved Is money earned. Phone or mall applications receive our prompt at tention. Private and reliable . State Mortgage Loan Co., Boom U. Arlington Blk.. UUH Dodge St .. Phone Douglaa. f4i,,, n MONEY. NEED A.NYT OO TO ( Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. ' Southwest Corner ltth and Farnam Sta Telephone Douglas 22V6,. . Bate cheaper than any advertleed. We ova prove it CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO, Room T Crounse Block. Corner Hth and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postoffioe. Both Phon.e Doug. 1366; A-UM, DIAMOND LOANS AT 5' W. 0 FLATAU. 1614 Dodr. Tel. Red 66UL MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHi ERS. without security; - easy payments. Offices In 86 principal cities. Tolman. room 618 New York Life Bldg. . . MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Eleotrtg vacuum system. 800 S 17th. Tel. D. 166, EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Day. euport Sts., warehouse, 2J07-00 liard St Whitewashing wXM'JEES Wm. McRea. 8118 Half Web. St Har. 140s. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Havana. . BOARD and ROOMS Nice location, walk, tng distauce. Ladles preferred. 1018 Call fornla St CHOICE rooms with board. "The Ten plsrs." 1U Capitol Ave. THREE or four elegant connecting rooms, suitable fur ladles ur gentlemen. with board. 2631 California St Douglas 616L COOL .at front room, with board. 111 S. 26th St. Phone Douglas 8138. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; slso room and 'oard. Tel. Douglas 8048. 811 N. 26th St ELEGANT rooms and board. 2638 Call fornla bt Tel. Doug. 616L CLEAN furnished rooms snd board, with German (Christian) family. 1811 Capitol Ave. STUDENT, lady or gentleman, to wait table for board and room. 714 N. 18th St MODERN rooms, with board. 438 v 24th St Douglas HUH. BOARD snd room. 84.60 per week. 2420 De catur Bt Tel. B-661L . TABLE teard and rooms for two,- 1718 Chicago. ROOM and beard la private family; horns cooking. 41(1 N. 13d ' BOARD anu rooms. 1007 St Mary's Ave. LARGE room, with board; suitabls for two; private. 114 S. llltb. SOUTH front parlor; also one other room, for 2 gentlemen or married couole. wlte board. 2j1 Dcdge. , . " ROOM and board for gentlemen and lady or two gentlemen. Address G-441. Ree. LARGE south front room on first floorj running wal.r; private v entrance on th Minimer lawn; a I no other rooms. 121 a Av I ti i r. V i 1 1 f -d 11