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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1910)
THFi TtEK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. JULY 27, 1010. 'J i. i i r.4 1! i !n low ( hi to i her job. I 000 14. usvjr erT- a aha. swa. 4. 4 ) i I W r i t e y J . 4 BRIEF CITY NEWS , lol rrtnt ... Tsks j out prlatlsf to ths Vim. lUctrlo raas Boress-OraadssB Co. Tboiut W. Blacksar for cougrsss. Bert XJrjr Cleanlaf of garment. Twin City Do Works, sOl South fifteenth. aviafa Aoeeaata in Nebraska fcavlngi .' and Log Ast'n. One dollur to f 5.009 cacti. tin per cent per annum, credited t annually. urantid l!8i. lui Varnam. t Mataal interest Club Trolley Kids A 1 trvllry rid will be taken by the member . of the Mutual Interest club, on of the prominent colored club of Omaha, Thurs i day evening. . ( at. John' Pariah Floslo 8U John parish school held It annual plcnlo at Fairmont park .Tuesday, taking a special J car with about 125 children. Tua day ai spent In plajlng gam with im contest in tti Afternoon.. x Master Tlntrs OrganU Th Omaha i biancn of 111 L'nUed Typoll.etae ut America revived Itself at the Commercial club Tuesday noon. About flften mauler printer attended th meeting. It I planned f to hold regular meetings In ths future. ' ' 014 Deed aVsoorded The dead la now re ' Corded of a large sal mad a year ago. This i seventeen acres t Forty-fourth and Leavenworth, formerly owned by Lyman ' Richardson, and bought from bim by the 1 O'Keafe company for Walrsth and 6her- woo, lumbermen. Th pric I I1S.000. CMoago . Ceorraphtcal . fJoolety Two tourist cars carrying th Chicago Geo rapbical society on their annual tour left ' CJUy, .Vyo., Tuesday, passing through Yel ' lowstone park ea Tuesday and arrived in ' Orriha ThursdSyt ' Th society has been 'doing good' work on It trip and pronounce it a very successful one. OiiAHA WELL CnN BUILDING Shows Good Increase in th Tablet of Oains Made in 1909. AHEAD OF LAAGER CITIES Woman's Work' Activities ef th Orssis4. Bodies Along tb Uaes at Va SsttaklB- of Coneerm t Woaaea. JUDGE LOYETT GOES FISHING Read of the Harriman Lines to Cait Aiide Business Cares. iCEOrS ARE THE MAIN ISSUE While the Average Gain of 1ST Title la HA. 04 Prr I e-J, nnais haws a Ualsi of 811.03 Per teat. By th evidence of government figure Omaha stand twenty-seventh among th large cities In th amount of building don In 1909. Th Depsrtment of the Interior has just published a booklet, th first of Its sort ever put out, giving the building opera tions of 187 cltlo. a copy of which has been received by the building Inspector. Salt Lake Is twenty-fifth. Cincinnati twenty-eUth, Indianapolis twenty-eighth and Jersey City twenty-ninth. Kansas City stands well up In the line, being fourteenth, two places ahead itt Minneapolis, ft. Jo seph, Mo., Is awsr down, being sixty-eighth, and Toledo, O. (about the same site as Omaha), Is seventy-fifth. South Omaha has just enough to get Into th list, ranking as th 13fth and Council bluffs Is the llsth. Th building figures of New York City sr surprising. New York City, not Oreatar New York. bu th real Manhattan, has building operations every year that are about ona-fourth of th total operation of th fifty biggest American towns. Th aver- cost of a fireproof building Uiere Is 13,000 and tb next highest averag is that of Chicago, which is only SU.0TT. Nw York ha Sl,o,OW put into building? every er Miss Frances Crittenden, assistant secre tary and educational director of th Young Women's Christian Asoclatlon, has Just re- a'a Faelfla Wat Maea later- turned from a month's vacation spent In Denver. Shs will remain In . Omaha In charge of the work until early In Septem ber, when ahe goes to headquarters of the new territorial district, either St. Paul or Minneapolis, to tak up her work a office secretary. Mm Hutchinson Her S. A. Hutchln- ". including an or ureater .w on. manager of th Union Paclfio tourist h tota 2S0.w,00O. department in Chicago, made a trip to Omaha' Tuesdsy to arrange details of tourist travel with th general . passenger department. The Union Pacific road handles many partes of tourists, taking thorn ' fUrtVugh.'Hhe territory west of th Missouri ; rfyar to. California and to the Yellowstone. objects tolextra charge fob a little hair tonic Omaha stands well up In the percentage Of Increass in building for 1910. Th averag of th 117 cities Is &.34 per cent, but in Omaha It is per cent Jadge AJtstast Flaes l Who Throw Oat Two Barbers Cuteswr Whs Kicks. ' ' ""Vn yo hit little something on youf , .&.','. .asksd. J. MoCarty, a barber in the shop In th basement at Fourteenth and Douglas, of L A. Andrus of Council Bluffs, ,Wbo he !had Just finished shaving. ''Why yes," responded th customer. A bill was then presented. Mr. Andrus ' opjecjed l' the charge and It is alleged, wss shown the door In a rough manner. i In-poUoe oourt, the prosecuting attorney, Judge, Dickinson, after a half hour of vex ipg, .crpfty" examination, finally succeeded In drawing out .testimony to the effect that "a.ntttta something" .means hair tonic, and that the price wilj be either ten, fifteen or twentefc-flv cents, according to the brand 4oll,nd the head on which It Is placed. McCarty and another barbar, Evans, were brought lnto tlif court on th complaint of Mr. -Andrus, who resented his rough hand- . ling and the attempt: mad to overcharge him:-; L ' ' - Judjr Altetadt5 ifourid the two , barbar . guilty, an4 fUiad them 1 and costs each. f NUMEROUS FIRES. KEEP FJRE DEPARTMENT ON RUM rtnr 'gaualt Biases ' ttqrlns; Afternoon nw.JUrolns; Defor iia Dfrnp- ; sued l'4stssianUsvs" "r .in in v. The 'lr-aetio.rtment- wss ept busy yes terday afternoon and evening, but none of the serious, Th severest suf- ferer Wa-Mrs;' Jennie Citron, who con ducts a' tailoring . establishment at UUl North. .Twenty-fourth street. A fir of un known oiigla In oas of the rooms caused " $3(W losai s principally arising from clolh- infi tured and damage by Water. A slight blase occurred' at thi vacant Fowler el evator t . -Tenth, and Seward streets, '. througb,:. the... structure having becom Ig nlted. It Is supposed, by spark from a loco motive. Another call was to th bouse of How J, Brown; at MM Pecatur street The occupants had been cleanlug furniture with - gHsollns, -n taking a Ugbt to how v . their handiwork looksd there was an ex plosion, but little damage followed. The burning of a small coal shed necessitated a run te 1710 North Seventeenth street. Cities Coquet for the Panama Opening Fair New Orleans and San Fr&ncisoo Each Wants Honor of Being the Hostess. Two big citlbe New Orleans and San Francisco are coquetting fur the stalls and good will uf Ouutha and Nebraska. TheM two cities are campaigning fur a rat world's exposition which will be held in 1116 to commeniorat and celebrate th opaning of the Panama canal. Tn Lfeu will be fought out and settled at the next session of congress beginning in September, and nieauwbll ach city is making every eflort to enlist support. Nuw Orleans has written a blandishing letter to. the Omaha Commercial olub, a toiler which Includes many persuasive ar guments and beautiful hand uiad resolu tions which Indorse th Creol city. It is il ready to bs. signed. Sixty million people, says the New Or leans men. llv within a radius of 1,000 miles of New Orleans, and only 6,000,000 within a similar radius of San Francisco. Ths average fare for Tb per cent of the people of th United Slates to the .Louisi ana town Is only SIS. 60; to San Francisco It Is SST.fitl fur 74 per oent. It 1s urged bt New Orleans is "ths logioal' point because . of proximity to the canal, that New Orleans has raised 6,t30.- 000 and will rais 12,300,000 more; that the whole Mississippi and Missouri valleys will profit hr holding th exposition at Nw Orleans, and that at San Francisco It will oruy arreot fh Pacific coast COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ..: . , EXTENDS FIRE LIMITS n.ilr Aeooots Chtr j4t4o Aleo . B of CMdolmes to Member. Itssolutlons of condolonc on th death of Mrs, pertha Meyer, 1SU Webster street niothr-4a-law of '"Councilman Hummel. wrrS adDte by the oosnoil in eomsnltte nieOrrg Monday afternoon. A floral trlbut will be lent by th council members for tr: Meyer's funeral. -The fir limits ordinaaoa of iuUs Berks which has been befor th oouncll for sev ral meetings, was brought up again, and on the ad vie of th chief th following extension la addition to thos planned were Included ta th bill: Thirteenth. Plerc to Center; Sixteenth, Plerc to Ullam Lavowortb. Twnty-soon4 to Thirtieth Faraaro, west to Thirtieth; Cumlug. west to Twenty-sevsnth; North Twenty-fourth t lAks Slid Sherman tvtaiM to Jooaat VAUDEVILLE, MANAGER HERE C. C. Colltas Tsvkn Aetlro Chara of '. w Thesittr -"Boo" Bro4 Osts , '' . ' kur C-o '. '?. XX-OvlUn, inapagor of th American Amuscwent balU 1 Omsha and has as Vuaasd tstlv chars of preparing th new .vaudeville .theater' for Its' Opening next monjh. : ; sir. polUn was . PCnab last seasott as . iraoagwr of tha- company wliih Jolui Masoa wss seen In "Ths ' Witching Hour.1 "Poa" Breed of ths Krur theater 1s get ting ito !th 'heavV weight syndloat class. 1U Is ths owner f two coiopnls about to open la Chicago a "The Smart Mln strsls.' a number ons and cumber two company. A number on "McFadden's Flats" com pany will open at Springfield, 111., August . 14 and A dumber two of the sam at Janesvtll th sam date. His number ons "Smart Set" company will have a run in New York, beginning October 1 Mr. Brd has also bought "Th Show Girl." In which Hilda Thomas will be feat urd. . This company will open In Drs Moines at Foster's Opera houss August and will travel to the coast, playing both ' John Cart and Stair 4t Hsrlln time. Th other Breed attractions will be booked on Stair A Havlln time only. Another attraction owned by "Doe' Breed la a "Stronghaart" company. Th Miller stock company, now at the Krug, his property, too. st4 la Bat Raises, a They Apply Ksvst of JHIs soarl Mirer. Judge Hubert 8. Ixivett, president of the Union Pacific, Is st present more concerned Whll In Denver Miss Crittenden visited I aa to whether the fish will bit than what th Denver association and dlouiied with the Interstate Commerce commieslon mav th Denver secretary, Mrs. Ellen J. roote, or niay not do. Judge Lovett Mrs. Lovett the Denver association's plans for ths near and their H-year-old son were In Omsha a future. few hcurs Tuesday on ' their wav west J he uenver association st present is They arrived early In ths mornln In ths chiefly actlvs In maintaining a boarding president's private cur and left shortly after nome tor young women. its lour-siory luncheon for Wyomlug. building is entirely given over to the nou- judg Lovatt himself went to hesdqusr ing oi young women, uns nunareo. gins trs after breakfast, conferred a short live there. Last year after visiting other time with Vice President Mohler and spent cities and seeing the work done in tnem- th, rest of ths time before luncheon with Omaha was then Vlaited-Mrs. Foot en- General Solicitor Nelson H. Loomls. deavored to introduce aoms eduoatlonal -w are arolng to fish In ths north fork work Into their plans but found It Impos- 0f th Platte In Wyoming," said President slble to carry on any of this broader work tovett "and from ther go to tb Snak f th association In th building which was river In Idaho. I shsll not set comDletalv used as a nom ty so many young women out 0f touch with business, but combine beoause they objected to the Classes as ais- that somewhat with pleasure. turblng. litis lsck of class work or To question about the railroad and busl broader work of the association is lait in M uJatlon, Judg Lovett generally r tn memoersnip, wmcn st present m onif m. i turned th answer: However, th association Is now at work i -i ,jon't wan't to say anything about that on plans lor a large aamtuisirauvs ouiia- for publication." ing such aa Omaha has, and hops soon Judgs Lovtt did ssy that the Union Pa to begin a campaign for a development of cirio was llttl concerned with th recent the association along broader lines. sttempt to increas freight rates. "The Increases ars nearly all east of the river. Representatives of the various Omaha xh chief concern of railroads now." ha unions of tn vy. c. t. v. ar now in tdded, "Is good crops. That oonoerns every Ltkncoln attending Ihe Stat convention oi vnc the prohibition party. Members of different temperance societies were Invited to attend the convention, nd each of th local unions responded In sending a delegate. Monday evening a banquet at the Lindell was ths entertainment Tuesday morning a general public session at which the W. C T. U. renrAart.itAtlvM rflnalv aredantialS admltttnir them to the afternoon business session. Uffiana ana COUnOU iiiUIIS UlVCS XIV t Mrs. I. S. Lesvltt represenU th Omaha Hundred Dollar ftl Shttr nf Meeting on Rate Fight Announced W. C. T. U., Mr. George Covell th Frances Millard, Mrs. John Brady the West Side, Mrs. Beach the Benson and Mrs. Arthur Howe th South Omaha nlon. Instead of th regular meeting th Fran- Delirium Seizes Man at His Trial Court Scene is Interrupted, but Han if Fined When He1 Recovers. While facing Judg Alts tad t on a charge of wife beating, John Iutha, 0t North Six teenth street, was siesed with a violent at tack of delirium tremens Tuesday .morning. The trial was brought to a sudden 'Inter ruption and the attendants badly fright- n4 when L-utha tottered on his feet and began to snak Ilk aa aspen leaf. H was takan to Jail and placed under medical at tention. Lutha suffered arrest when, according te the police, h attacked his wlf fiercely, dragging her round their home by th bain policeman Hudson made tb arrest He was later returned to the court room gnd given a ser.tttnc of twsnty days In tb county Jail. Fund for Contest. A meeting will be held In Chicago Thurs day of th comraltte which has charge of the Investigation in behalf of the shippers of the oroDosed Increass in railroad ratou ces Willard W. C T. U., will glv a pio- Th, commute at this . meeting will out- mo at naiiscom para luesony. ne .nd enU)oy coun.ei for thtt eom Ins lnvestlsatlon. Dendlna- which the rail- Bay Court, a large hotel with extensive road, h.v(1 DOBtDoued ths Increase from grounds lucatea si isew Baltimore on An- i ul,UMt u to November 1 chor bay will belong to tne aiobigan resn Omaha and Council Bluffs hav remitted Air Fund society. in property pas been t0 th treasurer of ths committee, that bought by Mrs. Tracy McGregor. Detroit's ,um belng thu nsighborhbod's share of the well-known pnuaninropisi. tor in purpose m fund wnlch nai been raised. or giving poor moiners ana insir onuaren E. J. McVann. commissioner of ths rats chance to get away from the city' heat bureau of th Omaha Commercial club. Is for a week or two. . member of the committee and win attend the meeting. X7w,l r.A Dn- Representatives of twenty-five roads com- VV XltVX flJUU J.VU111 posing the western trunk lines committee i o L, hav joined farther east brethren In sgree- utODS VjOOCl lb UOW In to th postponement, action which Is now complete on the part of ths railroads. Counsel for ths various lines ars now en- Large Crowd HttStleS Out in Middle gaged In compiling data to argue the ne- of Fine Performance Tent oeB " Taken Down. nATTLF RANGES DRYING UP Thos who went to the Sells-Floto trust Cr Basrl.eer huMtin half uric circus Monday nigm c " "w ssw a good show, and svery on ;was sat isfied. - . i . .. . half nu., thA tieior vne program . ..-e alt lrirlna- uo" says City gathering storm began to be Beard anove TCralg Who has been jdlenc startea xo iu. - week in th rang country, tb circus ushers thA .... A .h. th stcrra would clear over and that ths f fof Ume ar) amng off oat. show was only wen startea r. I tle R, f.t the,, CM. The grft8i a ing. Finally, when tbs tent poles were ,,,. unl. . mnrjoaalble to ret water. swaying In th wind and th canvas flap Tn grfiin country between her and thr ping dangerously, th management wiseiy (, not s0 Dad, but th cattlemen are suf- ctlled the performers out ol tn ring paring from the extended dry weather." and closed aown tne snow. i . . The crowd of 7.000 or 8.000 peopl got out Ballatnai Peru Us. ...... ... unVa. wi nin .irthn Eerc. nso norm -i-wenty-eignin down with difficulty, and a deluge of rain fVm Th,rt& cams as soon as it naa roucneu mo $,-,.000; Immanuol hospital, xnirty-rourtn Th. s m nni. ntiinrwiii with ami Meredith avenue, alterations. S4.B00: ::r:r..s:', z." hospital, .nc North Thirty. n voaou u......., m. " I fourth, parsonage, $4,000; Hastings & Hey- the grounds In darkness, falling all overl,,. HtfJ Meredith avenue, frame dwelling. ..-h oth.r and ths tnt roou and flndliiK 11.600: PhllliD Pattavlna. 1111 South Thlr- m 1 ttenth. alteratlcns, 300; Lyneh Bros. 170S ui vu. .4 Jackson, additional story, S1.000; J. N. Jen Clerks Are Told to Handle Thieves Instructed to Deal Summarily with Shoplifters Instead of Call ing Police. Instead of calling a policeman and having a shoplifter caught In the act arrested, clerks tn a number of Omaha stores hav been instructed to sies th offender and throw him out with a few well placed blows. Th new order 1 f day ohl aund Is ths direct result f failur to accomplish good re sult by resorting te th arm of the law when thieves bar ben caught. Stveral stores that hav causae arrests for shoplifting offences nav been sued by the offender en th ground of unjust ar rest . Burglars Loot Clothing Store Secure Large Assortment of Wearing- Apparel from F. L, Smith. A burglar who broke a acreaa and transom to gala entrance got away with t!00 worth of clothing and haberdashery from th F. U Smith stors at J6 North Sixteenth street Monday night. Eighteen Stetson hats, twenty-four suits of under wear, ten pairs of gloves and numerous other articles wer In the list of goods stolen. If your llvsr I sluggish sn out or toss. and you feel dull, bilious, constipated, taks s doss of Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvsr Tablets tonight oafor retiring and you will feel all right In th morning. Sold by all dealer. GUILD SAYS CROPS ARE FINE Itetara froas Trip Across Westers Ions ssl Likes the Look of Cress. 3. It. Guild returned Friday fr0m a few days at Lake Okoboll. "Crops alone- the Una of rslnlroad I traversed '' Said Mr. Uulld,"ars looking excellent. Corn shows a good color. Oats nav don pretty well and ths small grains la general ars about cut.'1 porches. Th star attraction of th Salls-Floto show Is th Nelson family of acrobats. If la made up of three men and two women and thro llttl girls. The skill of tH children Is especially noticeable and their feats of agility are performed with fin ish and grace .In spit of difficulty. Ths climax of the act Is a long string of back ward fllpflops turned by on of tho woman of the troupe on top of 4 high platform. Th platform is rather a narrow and shsky resting place when its occupant Is stationary, but th performer turned her self forty-two times through th air with out a stop. sen, U4S California, trams dwelling, SS.SOO. A Prominent Iowa Danker Unreservedly Endorses The Neal Three Day Drink Habit Cure In An Open Letter, to Bankers. BUNCHES FOR FRONTIER -DAY David Cole OrgraaUes for Omaha aad SO. narbjnstkain for h goatfc Omasa DrWaatlon. "Atlantic, Iowa, March SI, . 11110. "io All Bankers and All Interested: :About the first of December, 1810, I wss Instrumental In inducing a very Ths elephants of the circus ar remark- Clos ' friend of mine to take the MEAL, b!y wei! trained, and ths clowns arc I THUKB PAY CUHK and treatment for rather better and more wholesome than tne drink habit. He took the cur at th usual. Th main qualification of a big Neal lnMute, No. 80S fifth Street, Des show, something doing all th time and Moines, Jowa, commencing the treatment more going on than ny one person could 00 weanesaay, jjeceraner sin. ivus, ana watch, was provided and In th ftn- discharged as cured and' returned home performance the whole program was sue- th 'ol,owin "tuay evening, having cessful. oeen in rne saiu insiuuie unuer ireauncn Just three days. This man as I person ally know had been B hard drinker tor several years in fact, had reached a poln; where I am sure he could not con trol the appetite for liquor. Sine taking the cure this man has greatly improved both physically and mentally, the habit and deslrs seems to be entirely eradl- Dvid Col, chairman of th executive eated. and I fel that th cur Is per- committee of th Commercial club, I lead- manent. His general health Is good and Ihg a recruiting movement In behalf of nervous system wonderfully improved, t an Omsha delegation to Cheyenne for ths also know of four other vsry bad iase Frontier Day celebration Auffust U to S7. and ths results of sams. publloly traa.Ud The South Omahans, who alwavs go. ar In this olty at our-Hospital In ths eerly rallying around a standard raised by Evrr- part of January this year by Doctor Neal. ett Buckingham, general manager of the I and they all seem to bs perfectly cureu, Union Stook 'Yards company. It la a rt-r- and are luadlng sober and industrious tslnty that two carloads will attend from lives and supporting thslr families as th Magic city, which hss always had a big they hav not done before In years, delegation In th past. ' gladly writ this letter, and au- The Omahans will Join with the South tnor,M th NeaI IstItut4 Company to ust earns In any way they may desire, hop ing that It may b tiis mesns of induc ing some unfortunate man afflicted with this awful habit to try th Neal Cure. "Respectfully submitted, "J. A. McWAlD, "President Atlantic National Bank." The Neal is an Internal treatment that is given in SO drop doses, no hyponisrmlc Injections, that effects a perfect cur of the, drink habit In three days, l the In stitute or In the .-ome. No Cure, No Pay. It Is the moral duly which every drinking man, his relatives, friend, or acquaintance owes to hlmsolf, family sad society to call, writs or phone the nearest steal Institute today for free copies of guaranteed Uond and Contract given to all patients, as to the permanency of the cure, booklet, ref erence to bank, and prominent men, relative to th merits of ths cure, finan cial standing and' personnel of ths com pany. Address The Noal Cur?. Institute, 1(03 South Tenth btreet. Omaha, slab., also pes Moines, Davenport and gloux City, Iowa. Omaha men un the trip, and it Is likely that a large number of leading business men from this city will be in tb party. Wtmn Killed br LlBThtalaar. DES MOINES, la., July St. Mrs. A. C. Bayllss, wife of President Baylies of the Bank of Cromwell, wss struck by lightning and Instantly killed as she stood in the doorway of her home last evening. s . The Yellow Peril Jaundice, malaria, biliousness, vanishes when Dr. King's New Llfs Pills ars taken. Guaranteed. S&c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Blrtas aad Deaths. Births John V. Dunjur, 8916 Webster, boy; James I Doud. tut Templeton. girl; t'hsrlas Fleck. 1014 Burdette. boy; Hlchard (iokJVn. Seward, boy; Thomas Camm, l!ll Grant, girl. Ifctt.s-Kn.ll P. Clsrk, 621 Evsns. Ben son, infant; liobert A. Sandberg, KiiO La fayette, SI years; John 11. Gibbons, 3628 North Twenty-eighth avenue. 43 years; Borah E. Glllestile. Charles. Sg years- Sarah Hoyle. 0JO Bancroft, SO years; Mvers Hansen, Harlan, la., M years; Andrew McKay, Sixteenth and Jackeim, il years. Home, Hotel and Office Furnishers ORCHARD & WILHELM- qiq-Ib-IS South Sixteenth Street Four Dnyo IVIorc of July Special Furniture Sale Bargain This will bring to a close the moat successful sale of its kind we have ever held. The values are pronounced unusual, and were readily taken advantage of by customers who saw the opportunity to save a considerable amount on their purchase. There will be four more days of this very special selling. The assortment is most complete, due to the fact that quantities were purchased in most coses. Here are a few of the bargains, and do not forget to come this week, if you want to take advantage of these greatly reduced prices. PRINCESS DRESSER DRESSER (Like Illustration) The manufacturer'! entire stock, 48 of this pattern. They com in selected quartsrsawed gol den oak. Note th size, the top Is 13Vi inches deep and 14 Inches Ions, 4 full swell front trimmed with wood knobs, two large and two mall drawers, hag an extra large French bevel oval mirror I8i34 Ins. Regular sale value $35; July sale price $23.75 144.00 Quarter Sawed Qolden Oak Buffet, July sale price $32.00 $32.60 Golden Oak China Cabinet, July sale price 925.00 $30.00 Golden Oak Buffet, July salo price . $22.00 $27.00 Golden Oak Bnffet, July' " sale price $20.00 $4.75 Golden Oak Rocker, embossed seat and back, July sale price $3.25 $24.00 Golden Oak Rocker, large slue uphol stered spring leather seat and back, July sale Price .'. $14.75 J v 3$ Ts.: Jn genuine mahogany veneer, haa large oral mirror $6x18 In swell front, two small and and one large drawer regular sale price $2. July aale price $13.75 $18.00 mahogany finish Dressing Table July ale price ....-$12.50 $38.00 solid mahogany Dressing Table July xale pric $21.00 $32 60 Qolden Oak Chiffonier $10.00 $28.00 Quarter Sawed Golden Oak Chiffonier, July sale price $18.00 $22.60 Golden Oak Dressing Table. . .$15.00 $12.60 8attn Walnut Kitchen Cabinet. .$8.50 $15.00 Satin Walnut Kitchen Cabinet. .$0.50 $20.00 Satin Walnut Kitchen Cabinet $13.75 $45.00 Combination China C4blnet and Buffet, July sale price $33.00 $60.00 Mahoganyi Divan, loose silk velour cush ion teat, July sale price $43.00 $30.00 Mahogany Finish Dlvsn, loose velour cushion seat, July sale price $16.75 $17.60 Mahogany Finish Divan, leather, TuTy ale price j $11.00 $48.00 Three-piece Parlor Suite, consisting of divan, arm rocker and arm chair. Seat up holstered In green silk panne velour, July ale price .$30.00 $17.60 Mahogany Arm Rocker, upholstered in .leather, July sale price $13.00 Besides the above there is a large number o f atyles of library Table In fumed oak, golden oak and mahogany. Dining Room Furniture in golden oak, solid mahogany and early English. Bd Boom Furniture dressesa, chiffoniers, bed and dressing tables. Parlor Furniture in odd pieces in fumed oak, golden oak, mahogany flnjlsh and mahogany. dining eiiniRs In this Bale we are closing out a manufacturer' entire stock of Dining Chair. Tht Una consists of dining chairs in wood seat, cane seat and genuine leather seats, In all styles and grade in folden and early English oak. Price are at 1 at one-third leu than regular. r It Leaps Ahead! The "Olub" idea has taken root; thrives; is grow ing ahead in leaps and bounds; very soon this first "Club" of 150 will be FILLED. Families that found it too hard to own a piano in the old way are pleased; enthusiastic, over the "money back" plan and exceptionally easy payment idea. If YOU care for a $325 Huntington Piano for $244.50 for $216.50, if you take advantage of all re batesyou must Join the "Olub" Now! The Beim ett Co. Piano Dept. 16th and Harney WANTFDWMheTw7maii for Monflsy ,0 L Fhon cna. Tuesdey. Apply Urn. R. K. HsiU Ui ' "'"' Iranian, tic WANTED ' sood wast. talurti HELP WANTED FEMALE , Caat'a. I; LOST AND FOUND w WTP'n housework, cifl CIKL (or c house, line n fust 14 Tel. WABHCRVVl day; youn ei wsoster ums. A reliable Cook Us plsli GIRL, tor i OIRL (or Harney ItXM. WANTUO-I BUS TO OUT Id (UN OUST. FOR 4AUI doln a sooil Blutuii rouse Hess requlrliJ care Bee, Co TOR 0A1. stock In tooiM labushed mil SIS N. SKKtl ti ROOM1NO a sarsaln, J A Me. I cod well rentaL S04 Jboasa. LA'lii HOTCL-nLA mouaxo; soofl J. 1 4Uus, -iw OFFERED FOR RENT Haaekela- Maaasa Caatiaaael HOUSKKKEPINO rooms. smle sr MJ.1XA1 Home Day. . Thursday. Real Estate dealers have prepared many bargains. The Home Day idea of The Bee has shown a great many men how to own their own homes and pay for them with the money usually spent for rent. You cau get a home of your own. Select one of the many choice homes advertised for sale in Thursday's Bee see the party who advertised it and close the sale. These homes can bo purchased on the easy term plan a few hundred dollars down balance monthly like rent. In a few years you own the home. Jekeepla s I rooms,. M froisbso. iMt boras, unfur 47M N. Uth. i i ii .il Taivci.itln , FOR bALJB-A mos.y-msser. An sM1 sued olsar roan. oo.ualnted with Nsbrsska busluees of IMi, to. in csnneotion Come and see sees sop in utawaina, . Si. trade. Imk), and liberal expense account. "U.D; :XuTtTr KtKri: Myay tor r4" rooois, aio4 bousekeec4aa' door rooms , reoi. ni.nv. SALE trill seH ou of work sad iss in Omaha iara at. ms. waaoa W. jr. lsar.l is. chS. A. ana jsoksea. kRM. (n bar- M NET. UAaaaUyNT. t FIDMAKK 11. 14th aL i with ruBbsr re. With to I.IM la. A ( V. .m, wurui, aw iwo seta slnalo harness, one (ly set.- wMI irA fnr mJ Moondhsnd express delivery wnn, tvh or axle; mux be In ood unier. nut hudly Worn. CU atuken 'sr Livery Barn. Wwol. Best THE pull PE ooih Sporting Dase Ball league ik Page Scores Amateur fOOD FOR snd nervous men " . who find their power to NERVES "urk mn(l youthful vlor w?.r.".2r .nental exertion should take IIRAY'B NfcHVE fuol PILLM. They man IsllS. yU ,t nd 1"p nd II Iiox. t noxss I 60 by Mall SHEKMAJT 4j atoCOsTlUBI.1, XmUO (Xk. Oor. leth and Zod tr.ts. owl Diua oo.. Oor. 14tk sad Xorsey ts, Omaka, Vat. il it i