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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1910)
1910. 12 TIIE BEE: OMAIIA, TVEDXERDAT, JULY Tefit New Arrivals-Greater Bargains FROM THE Weller Stock ON SALE WEDNESDAY Brandois' spot cash sooured.the biggest bargains and the finest goods that were offered at the sale of this well known New York "Wholesale Dry Goods stock. New ship ments are arriving daily and we ae offeing the most extaor dinary bargains in strictly high class merchandise ever known in Omaha. All the Foulard Silks in Smill anJ Medium Pit terns All good colorings, dots, scrolls and geometrical patterns v all the plain and glace taffeta, in fine range of . J A colors very lustrous. This is all silk dress I i taffeta, worth 59o to 75c a yard; at, yard XV v All the Fancy Figured Shantung and Pongee Silks All the Roman stripe checked and barred Rajah styles 27-inch fancy dress silks, fancy printed i$Aa crepe de chines, etc.; worth 65o, to $1.00 - lUtfG a yard; at, yard...,. 'Z NEW LOTS FROM THE TEFFT-WELLER STOCK , On Sat In th B&aement u- ....., All the Finest India Linon from the Tefft-Weller stock would retail regularly up to 30o a yard; f A ft 1 0 sold from the bolt in two lots, at, yard. . . lUt-ltt gL White Nainsook, Finest Muslin and Beautiful White Cam bricsall one yard wide. We bought extra large, fine lots from the purchase and we can therefore A 1 offer these desirable staples at about half iVOi price; on bargain square, yard j FOUR BIG SPECIALS From the TEFFT-WELLER CO. On SaU On Main Floor 18 and 22-inch Fine Embroidered Floun tings, Skirtings and corset cover widths, Nainsook and cambric; eyelet, floral and blind effects; worth up to 35c a yard, at, yard Women's Fine Sheer Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Plain and cross barred and narrow hemstitched, worth up Pn . .. Vj W i 0 0 MM 1,-1 II II V N V If tor Closes at B O'eloek and Saturday STlgate) at 10 O'elook Daring; aly as Aarnt KEi LETTEE DAY WEDNESDAY 10 S.&E STAMPS FRE TO EVERYBODY BRING BOOKS All the White Lingerie Dresses that sold up to $9.60; Red Letter day Beautiful White Lingerie Dresses at a Sacrifice , All the White Lingerie Dresses that sold up to 114.60; Red Letter day S745 Our regular, new, up-to-date model, In medium, high bust, extra long hip effect, in Coutllle; daintily trimmed; two pairs extra good hose supporters. $1.60 kind, Wednesday . OS Bee our regular 76c Blassier at -50 5c to 12c; at, each Women's Fine Quality Gauze Lisle Hoaiery Black and colors, 25o 4 quality, at, pair Xtll Men's and Children's All over Lace Hosiery 15c quality, at, K pair vj Next Saturday we place on sale an immense purchase of Men's Odd Pants, fine flannels, worsteds, cassimeres at tremendous bargains. Men's Odd Trousers, worth up to $3.50, at. $1.50 Men's Odd Trousers, worth up to $5.00, at. . .$1.98 S nnivinn mm WEDNESDAY NOTION DAY Colored Pearl Buttons,-regular 10c dozen 5c 8 yard bolts of Cotton Tape, 5c kind, 2 bolts for. . . . .5c Darning Cotton, spool . . . lc 10c Nainsook Dress Shields, pair 5c Ladies' and Children's Ex tra Heavy Cable Elastic Hose Supporters, all colors, 20o kind, pair 12V&C Spool Silk all colors and black, 2 spools for . . . .5c 5c Colored Finishing Braid, piece .2c Good Hardware BARGAINS -200 Padlocks, brass or steel, with two keys, worth, up to 76c, at .10. 20 nd 30 Maydale Hammers 49 Bailey's No. .24 Wood , Smooth Planes y. .: . .$1.15 Diston's Levels, $1,26 kind, OS 16c Gas Pliers f) 10c Iron Tack Pullers 5t 10c Ironing Wax 5 Sure Catch Mice Traps 2 25c Heavy Ice Tongs 10 Tipped Tea Spoons, dos....lO Tipped Table Spoons, dox . . . JJO Wire Fly Killers . .9 l Vednesday Cka-IDp In Our Children's Department Little Women's sixes, 2 M to 6 $3.00 tan Russia, patent and dull Oxfords and A( Af now -...W-fitl Little women's 2 to 6 $2.50 tan, light sole ox- rt fords and pumps, N l 11 now v-. v Women's sizes 11 o 2, $2.00 tan Russia, dull and Aa pm patent pumps and 1 KJj oxfords, now V'"" Child's sizes 5 to 11, kid and pat ent oxfords, $1.50 a m a m and $1.75 values Nl I J now v The clean up prices are still on In our Women's and Men's Dept. FRY SHOE CO. Wednesday's si BAILEY (EL M AC H DENTISTS Bet equipped dental offle. In the middle west. Hlfhetl frade dantlatry at reuoubl prlcaa. poroelaln fllllnca. Jusl Ike the tooth. All Instruments carefully sterilised attar aack ULR1 FXOOK. r,U PAXTON BLOCK - Corner 18th and Farnm Streets, . WIDER HUNTED BY POLICE v . Hatil Many Times Larger Than First Supposed. BANK FILES NO WAERANT Theovjr that Dafaaltav Wu Dip of Aaconplloe la Advaaead br Bank ' Iupetor Waa Modal Clavlc rarmarlT. ' bin? tjil ctiAuavd lila n hulo iauti21t'. am satlafled that Wider did not ateal of hla own volition or on his own Initiative It 1 perhaps with a hope of laying; hands on the power who shaped the cashier to his own ends that the bank has dealt so delicately with Wider. Ilia counsel and neighbor, L. R. Ginsberg, has said from the first that tha bank was la touch with Wider and even tonight after the general alarm bad been sent out Mr. Ginsberg reiterated: "Thar know where he Is Just as well as I do." NEW YORK, July W-A. general alarm was sent aut by tha police today for a trace of Erwln Wider, missing oashler of the Russo-Chlnase bank, although oddly enough the . district attorney's office said tonight that no aid had been asked of It by the bank and. that no application 'for a war rant had been filed. Uut this contradiction Is only one In a series that has kept step with every devel opment of what is now admitted to be at once the moat (tussling and the most seri ous defalcation In the history of Wall street since Cornelius Alvord stole 1604.000 from the First National bank, served a ' tt'i-nivin Sing glng and then retired to the seclusion' of a princely country place. When the Rusao-Chlnesa bank first made publlo tha fact that its strong box was short, the amount was given as SW.OOO, all In negotiable bond", a list of which waa furnished. This afternoon tha amount sud denly Jumped to taOO.000, of whloh the ad ditional tSZO.000 Is said to be in stooks partly owned by tha bank and partly by Its cus tomers. No roaltive Statemaat. No positive statement has been made yet as -1 where these stock certificates now re. or with what intent they were stolen whether It waa Wider1 s intention to hypoth ecate them with brokers as collateral for atock speculation, or to realise on them and '.'plant'1 the proceed. No list of the certificates Is available. lnapeclor IS. Markowakl. now In oharge of the New York branch of the bank during the absence on vacation of Uanager Oerta, says he Is convinced that Wider had an outside accomplice. '.'When Wider entered our employ," ex plained Inspector ' Marfcowskl tonight, "he was a modest, exemplary elerk. Within the laat year I foal sure that seme maa et auocx pefeoualliy has gained control et Over One Hundred Polygamists Are Turned from Ports Million Immigrants Are Admitted Into United States During1 Past Year. WASHINGTON, July M.-A total of 123, m Italians and of 128.848 Poles, the two countries furnishing the highest number of arrival, and of only nineteen Korean, constituting the country leaat represented are among the faotora In the grand total of 1,00.(70 Immigrants admitted into this country during the past fiscal year. This Is SSS.TM leea than the prevloua year. The final flgurea were made publlo today Commissioner General Keefe today. Beatdea this grand total there was 168, non-Immigrants aliens admitted. S4,770sllens were debarred and t3.1M United Btatei States citlsens arrtved. The' grand total o all this Inward Immigration movement dur ing Jine only waa 137,00). During the fls csl year the Chlneaa Immigrants numbered 1.770, Japaneee 1.79S, English U,48. Irish 81,182, Hebrews M.ltiO, and Germans TI.M0. There were TT.SOx Magyars, sisty-one Pa dflc islanders, 4..M8 Mack Africans and LT8S East Indiana. Over the Canadian border In the period between July, 190t, and April, 110. Inclusive, 47,188 Immigrant aliens were admitted against n.UO emigrants departed, and 8,488 non-lmmlgrant were admitted, agalrtat tt,7te non-lmmlgraBt aliens departed, by 1.467 Llfeloag oadaare to dyepepala, liver complaint and kidney troubles Is needless. Eleetrie Bitters is the guaranteed remedy. SOo. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. The Banner Bargain of Bed Letter Day Genuine Imported Natural Colored' Pure linen Suiting at, yard, 15c This pure linen suiting of a very fine quality, desirable for coats, dresses,' children's wear, 15c fancy work, etc. actual value to '.30c a yard; Wednesday at, yard ... , WEDNESDAY ALL DAY IN CHINA. DEPARTMENT Full SI Water Tumblers, each . Tin top Jelly Tum blers. H-Plnt else; at, per dosen Plain white Cups, light weight Two for .. Grocery Savings of Real Interest Wednesday and Thursday Extras Bennet's Capitol Flour, sack 91.60 60 stamps. Bennett's Breakfaat Cof fee, 2-Ib can 4So Bennett's Capitol Coffee, 1-lh package S4o "Teas, assorted, 68c qual ity, per lb 4ao Teas, asaorted, 48c qual ity, per lb Mo Tea, 15c quality, lb. pack age lao Macaroni, Star and Cres cent, three pkga....&8o 10 stamps Haarmann's Vinegar, qt bottle BOc 10 atampa Peanut Butter, large jar, for BSo 20 stamps Corn Meal, yellow or white, 10-lb. sack.. ISO X 35252 Qalllard Olive Oil. small bottle S4o 20 stamps Qalllard Olive OH, med ium bottle ........ ,4So 40 stamps Qalllard Olive OH, large bottle 75o ' 80 stamps Monarch Cut Asparagus, large can ... .&So 10 stssmps H. J. Helns Vinegar, qt. . bottle BSo 20 stamps Snlder's Pork and Beans, 2-lb. can 15o 1ft stump Snlder's Cocktail Sauce, bottle BSe " 20 atampa Blue Borax Starch, per pkg. lOo 10 stamps Poppy Milk, can Armour Veribeat Sliced Dried Beef, jar . ...15o 10 stamps. Bennett's Capitol Ex tract, DOttle 180 20 stamDa Durkee'a Salad Dressing, bottle 8bo 20 stamps Diamond Crystal Shaker Salt, three pkga. ...BSo 10 stamps fork Violet Toilet Soap, three bars Boo 10 stamps Bennett's Capitol Elver-e-reen Corn. rn,...10J Bennett's Capitol Wheat 2-lb. pkga lOo 10 atampa Eddy'a Horse Radish Mustard, Jar 6 stsmps jj n 18(h n1 t0lsll" strMu II jpjj DRINK "J&" I I!, Liquid $ I m ounsnine w S IjLrl' THE BEER YOU LIKE 'fS jt g I iVM HAVE A CASE SENT f W ' C my consrjHEiy distiibcteji I W John Nittler M 3224 So. 21ih Street ii C DOUfj. 1S80, HCO 3932 z3jj BSo a I I t i t 'SI lOo In II ii r TJENN SYLVAN IA lines- - 7 LOW FARE ROUND-TRIP TICKETS DAILY TO ' New York City Atlantic City and other Ocean i Resorts,, including Asbury Park and Long 'Branch DIRECT ROUTE OR VIA WASHINGTON WITH STOP-OVERS You can be ticketed through from your home and get the benefit of the Low Fares by asking Agents to route you over Pennsylvania Lines or by communicating with W. H. ROWLAND. Traveling Passenger Agent. , 311 Board ot Trad Building, Omaha Neb. (1515) 6 THE OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIA TION has paid its members Six' Per Cent per annum for the past 27 years, and today is better prepared than ever to protect and foster the interest of its members. . Try a saving account with it, $1 to $25 accepted in monthly payments or lump sum not over $5,000. Afik for Booklet "A" and other information. ' ASSETS, $3,600,000. RESERVE FUND. t64,000. Address, 16th and Dodgs Streets, Omaha, Neb. Ten Days1 Stopover St. Louis and Kansas City Is one of the good feature at the com iiiiuiiI of those wlio travel over above lines. Either going or re turning to the South, Southwest, West or Eastern points. For full particulars address or call City Ticket Office, 1423 Farnam Street, or Union Station, Omaha. THOS. F. GODFREY, rasa, and Tioket Afsni,!i ST liiiifli I ftp- ttrh. ' TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMtR The Beat Farm Pp MIWJMiUiUiMWH'""M)!U IVL --Wl -" miggSSV Special Bargain Bulletin PALM LEAF FAN'S OS SALE WEI). ME8IAY, 4 FOlt 8c Ml I Ml THZ RXUADLC STORI DO YOtU BUY1N EAULY. VTK C1)HK AT OP.M. Furnishings and Underwear at Half Ladles' Muslin Gowns Regu lar 76o values, all styles, tucked and embroidery yokes, at 40s Ladles' Silk Lisle Vests ATI styles and sites, regular 35c and SOo values; on sale Wed nesday 12V4s-25 Children's Muslin Gowns, with tucked and embroidery yokes. BOo values, all sites, 1 to 10 years, at 25 Ladies' Silk Hose, with lisle gar- Ladies' Lisle Hoe, in all new ter top and foot, tl.OO quality shades, gaute or lace. 50c and at 40 1 76c values 25K35 1 Five Splendid Furniture Specials Price savings Wednesday that the home furnisher will appre cate. Dressers at S0.O5 12.50 Chiffoniers at. . $8.50 value, Wednesday. . S15.85 fVH5 Iron Heds at... $3, 95 Three-piece Parlor Suite, $21.60 Clearance Sale 1 lockers Fifty of them, just one of a kind, to close Wednesday at Just Half Factory Cost. Shoo Specials Wednesday 1600 pairs Women s patent tip Dongola $1.50 Juliets $1.00 Women's $3.00 Patent or Gun Metal welt sole pumps $1.08 Misses' Gun Metal Ankle Strap Pumps, with bows, a regular $1.75 value $1.00 Men's Tan Oxfords, sold the world over at $2.50, very spe cial ,$1.50 In Our Busy Suit Department Wednesday Children's White Dresses Your choice of our entire stock Of dainty white dreBses that sold to $5.00, all sites: 6 to 1 years, 'beauti fully trimmed with lace , and embroidery on'Mle Wednesday, at . i . fjjl.08 Women's Silk Kimono tkat sell regularly ' at; $7.60, Von. ale . V'-- - - Long Challl Kimonos, values to $1.25, Just 6 doten in the lot, at 60s $1.50 Gingham . Underskirt while they last 79 Wash Dresses Big assortment of $7.50 values, .at. . $3.95 Misses' at . , at jCi .... $3.0o $12.60 Lingerie ; .Presses in white and colors. kt.V 8G.95 Jap Silk Waists, reg ular $3.00 values, new . styles. . $1.69 Silk Petticoats, black and colors, values to $5.00, at $2.95 Middy Dresses, regular $2.00 values, sixes 6 to'l years, .;; .rSe29 Eitra Specials in the Damesfic Room for Wednesday 40-lnch Apron Lawns, regular 19c quality, at, a yard. . . . 10J 12 Vic, 32 Inches wide white lawn, at a yard 7 Ms Checked Dimities, loo quality, at, yd. 10 Reguiar 12 He Cam bric, 36 Inches wide, at, a yard ..... 8t Product 36 Inch Bleached Muslin good 8 Vie seller, at yard, Wednes day 10c Organdies and Batiste, good as sortment and colors, at, a yard 5 16o Long Cloth 10 15c Nainsook. . 10 Regular 1.60 plain hemmed Spread Wednesday, each at ..1 $1.00 Mercerited Foulards. regular price 2 6c, at a yard 10 Aberfoyle Gin g h am, 19c values, at, a yard 12 3 6-inch French Per cales, at, a yd. 104 Guaranteed Garden Hose 9c Per Foot 10-gallon Water Coolers, only $3.98 Mrs. Vrooman's Sink Strainers 10 Covered Picnic Baskets 15 Large Western Washer $3.49 Zinc Wash Boards .19? $1.00 50 lb. Decorated Japanned Flour Cans 60 $1.00 Large site Chip Clothes Basket 5j Grocery Department S lbs. white or yellow CommeaJ.lSo 9 lbs. best Rolled Oats 25c Pull pint bottles Snlder's or Blue Label Catsup 21o Half-pint bottles Lea & Perrln's Worcestershire Bauce 25c California Ripe Olives, worth 10c only 20o 8-os. bottle Stuffed Olives ....8 Ho 8 pkgs. Yeast Foam 10o 16-os. rs". Defiance Starch. . . .7 HO On Time Starch, worth 10c a pk only a-lh ran 'California Blackberries worth 2Bc can, only Ho 8 lbs. California Prunes JOo Tea Sifting, pound 12o (too Blended Tea, for iced tea. ...86c Golden Bantoa Coffee, lb.. 16c utdii'i naiTaui szvr. 1 dos home grown Corn UHo'l 8 heada new Cabbage . k. ....... lUc 6 bunchea green Unions . ...6o 6 bunohes Leaf Lettuce . ...v..w 60 Large Cucumbers;' each ..6q 8 bunchea Carrots . . . .., . . ... .60 8 bunohea Beets . .. ......... ,io Wax or Oreen Beans, pound,'; . .THo 8 large Oreen-Pepper . . . . ilOo 3 bunchea Parsley ....,,...,,,.. 60 8 stalks fresh crisp Celery., .. ,10o S Baking Squashes .10o DONHf TRY (lAYDEI'S F1QST IT Is A Yd w.ijj! sum n wiiw CI 1 I ' ; a Goto Colorado and See Real Skyscrapers .; . in a vv ti. v iiuiu liiv viii f vw aw asift :'? - J - w i w the mountain tons: auit breathing: coal dutt Rock Island to the Rockies A and whiz out to Colorado where the air is as sw tit and vital as on . 1 . r 1 . t . j ' TU.,!li M.My..i 9rA 1 anil nfm m Krr.'.,. and ttranarr and twice as tavtr to tackle vour tasks. 16 I Jnv way of going to Colorado is wtrth while but the bat way U the going 1 Rock Island Lines ct to both DoTr ana Colorado Sprln-- 1 You're attended with every teurtesy from the moment your trip begins. Big beds as comfortable as those av home and perfect ventilation. Unly one night on tne raus ana next day in. a mountain fairyland. Let me tell you about delightful vacation spots, interesting tours, and show what you can do at slight expense. Splendid Fa Train Every Day for Colorado, Yellowstone Park and the Pacific Cout. Specially low round trip Sare an summer 10 ine aeugnaui resort or the Golden West. Let ui irnd illustrated iiteratare ana suggest ths vacation of your Me. (.all. phone or write today. . I. laoNAIXT Dlrlilon aseenger Agaal 188S Famam It. Omaha, Neb. 1 1 J Rates all J . if Summer Y4 law mmfJimtt MiMZzJi: Tell your wants in the Bee Vant' Ads V