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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1910)
i THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, .tUT.Y 27, 1910. It GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Lower Cablet Are Caused by Free Of feringV Abroad. . PMCES ARE EUIINO LOWER Wrakeaa rs A I'roaiptee) . by Cash ( Early on Selling; Scattered Ibantn L'ora yftrrlna. Art I Mora liberal. V-SVt 4HAH. July 21. 1910. Cables were lower, caused by (rur offer ing". The weather map shows clear and om lower temperatures Jn the northweat. also favorable irondiUons) in the winter wheat belt. . .j. 1'rlces ruled so'rjiewiiat lower. Kentlnient wu Inclined to '"be b. fl tlisli. based chiefly on the movement of "lew'wheat. Scattered ralna Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois brokn corn prices at the opening. News from the southwest continues to be extremely bullish and sentiment favors tilKher values,, Wheat was ,soft and sfes ruled easier, selling being general Trli the weight of liberal receipts of new wheat. Speculative buying was as bull hews has about run Ita course; for the time. Corn earlv on selling prompted bv scattered showers and 'a further decline Tesulled from lack of support. A profit tikini hi-mm iteneral caitfl corn was alower and offerings reore, liberal. I'rl.nary wheat receipts were 1.2O4.O00 bu. nd shtpmeno were 47H.OOO- bu , against re ceipts last year of l,i.uyi bu. and 'ship ments of 76ij0O0 bu. I'rlmarv corn ranelDt' were 175.000 bu. land hlpments-eere 4Ji7,0OO bu., aealnst receipts last year of ti'S.OW bu.'and inents of 218,000 bu. Clearances were 60 bu. of corn. 4,000 bu of oata and h,et atad-frmjr equal to ,0u0 ou. , . . . - Liverpool close -H.lfL lower on wheat nd A'U1 higher on Local rungp( options: ' Artlcles. Open, f IMgh. -Law. Close. Baty. white, old. V-iil2c; new, tbVkc; No. 4 white, old, 41c; new, 3c. HEtTIIER I Si Till'. URAIM BtCl.T ladeatloa for Fair la Wheat-I J tSeDt Corn- July Kept Oats I July. ..I Sept... ieat- J uly... loili iept... 1 Qj!V r.:l 64I 60', i m 1 03 69 691 fioVs! W'il 1 0.1' OoVe SS1. 31 1 03 1 02 60 til ' 38'4 ST Uiaaha tush WHEAT No. 1 hard, Prices, 89ofu 11.01; i hard. 9i'j9c; No. 4 hard, 80-0 J TT VrJ- 2&!c?. No. t apring, etwwtl.00; I Ta'r,"1. afaiW; No. 4 spring, K.Vtf'J6c, ? ) jCORN Nojj I white, 6iV.c; No. I f 4.Tjffic: Nn 4-lrMM; AkililUo: No. I I i No. t rejected No. l white. color, i'kU.IUA, Vk 4 a,. I.... fLU'.lMW. K(l. 2 Vel- f Jo. 40c; No. I yeljpw. WttO'40; No. 4 yellow. MtoM.O'Ac; No. '2.. Sue; No. 1. 69 tifln: No. 4. LSU(i!iiUi: no grade. 48ifo6c, OATS Btajdard, 30c; No. 1 white, t8VMJ 9c; No. 4 tviilt. 87(4a23oC', No, 3, yellow, . XlU.lft7U.i-. Knf 1 velliitar g&fttfc. HARI.RV J4o. 4. i.V(fc. nominal;- Noa 1 fyJ. 611,62c, poTklowVi. MJacted, 4oo0c. nom AIYE No. , iVWJIac, nominal; No. , 71 J, nominal,' , tarlot Heelpt.' . 1 Wheat, hlcago ...,f .83S. iuinneapous .iu Warm and oatlawrd This Vicinity OMAHA, July M. 1S19. The wae-ther ccntlnuea very warm every where east of the ilocky mountains and high tempeialures Were recorded in the central vallr) and plains lUIti during Monday. A temperature of IC7 was recorded at k'atrbury. Holdrrg and Hiokcn How In Nebraska, and temperatures ranging above lou were geiieral throutihout the lower Mis souri val.ry. High teinpei atures still pre vail throughout t ne ea.ti and the out link, in for continued hot weather throughout that faction during the nei twenty-four hours. The rains of Monday night did not eatand out In the state, but wwe confined to along the river In Nebraska. The full at Oinalia was .51 if an Inch, and was the hesvlcxt fall reported at any of our Nebraska stations. The rains extended over the Mississippi and lower Ohio valleys, and some very heavy falls occurred at points in Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. The weather is generally clear In the M.s sourl valley ami throughout the west tills morning, and the Indications ere fur fair and c ntinued waim In this vicinity tonight and Wedcsday, mio. i. i7. Minimum temperature '2 62 71 61 Precipitation 31 T T .M) Normal temperature i r .day, 77 degrees. Deficiency in precipiuiiun since March 1, 13 lit inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 109, .13 of an inch. fexcesa corresponding period in 190S. 1 04 inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Cora and Wheat Region Ilulletln. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four houra ending at a. m., 76th H'.erldlan time, Tuesday, July IN, If 10: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Kaln Station. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Ashiund. Neb.. ...104 70 .09 Clear Auburn. N K W .00 Clear Kroken B w, iNto.jui 6 .w . ieax Columbus, Neb... Ha 6o A Clear Culberteon, Neb . 9.1 fig .TO Clear Kalibury, JSe...K.7 7a .w iiear Kalrniout. Neb.. .104 W .00 Clear Hai tington, Neb. HI el .00 Clear Hawtlntts, Neb.. .10ft 6a .W (.Mear HoldrcKe, Nek... 107 6S .00 Clear Uakdule, Neb..,. M , 6 .0U Clear Omaha. Neb V'i ii .61 Clear Tekamah, Neb... 89 6a .w eiear Alta, la 7 til .14 Clear Carroll, la 1 62 .00 VI. cloudy Clarlnda, la i 61 .00 Clear Sibley, la 84 60 .00 Clear si, ,ni ritv la.. M 64 .ou Clear Minimum temperature lor twclve-nour period ending at a. m. OMAHA DISTRICT. " No. of Temp. Rain- rrintrirt. Stations. Max. Mln. fan. Columhus, 0 17 HO W .w Loulavllie, Ky m m iv .w Indianapolis, Ind.. U M 64 1.50 Chicago. Ill 2 HO 64 .w Bt. Louis, Mo 1 . w l.w Dea Moines, la.... 14 9i 62 .60 Minneapolis. Minn. 90 90 Dtt . Kansaa City, Mo.. K4 104 74 .40 Omaha, Neb 19 64 . The weather NEW .ORKSTOCtibAiND BONDS Forced Liquidation Cansei Bad Price Slump in Market. CONDITIONS ABE VEKY UNUSUAL elllna; Believed to Aria from l.aaara on Part of Outside Parlies Money Market Easy , tell Loans Low. very warm Corn. Oats. 1114 244 Oiraha I W 101 Duluth .....100 CHICAGO PHAIX AN U I PIIOVIHOX Feat a res of the Tradlnv and Closing; Am Ruri of Trade CHICAGO,, July laV-vs" atreet was cred ited with selliow. wheat and corn nera touay o.i a large kujJu. however tnai may tie, other reasona were not lacking1 for weak- nesj n botn staples. Wheat receipts, actual and. .oroBuective. were heavy, and the world'a supply was shown to be 11,000,000 bushibj-Urgite thai yej-0. Moreover, unexpected alns In the corn belt unnerved bulla in all the grain, ulta. -There waa a alight rally at theclose, but Vi heat showed a net loss of lWi .(.' lc. corn Wd ta .Sc (.and oats 10 to Tsc Provisions finished un clmhKcd to J J Vic higher. continues throughout the corn and wheat region and tempemures ranging aocve iw were gen eral in Kansas and also occurred at a number of ' points in rsebraska. Iialna occurred within the last twenty-four hours In all except the Chicago and Co lumbus districts. Hxcesntve rains ocourred at one station in the Indianapolis, one sta tion in the Louisville, three stations in tho St. Louis and at two stations in the Dea Moines district. L- A. vn.ltl, Local forecaster. Weather Bureau., NEW YORK, July 3. forced liquida tion of stocks, while banking and finan cial IntcreMa refrained from offering sup port played havoc with stock market values today. ho rapid and comprehen sive a shrinkage of prices l witnessed rsiely except in periods of abvolute panic. There was lamp selling today by holders through sheer fright at the rapid melting away of values, but for the moat part the selling was done In cold blood and witn the systematic determination of a surgical operation. The lack or Immediate news whicn migni be held to Indicate eudden and violent change In conditions affecting values pointed to an accumulation of influences to account for the movement. The absence of the usual talk of embarrassment on such occasions was taken to prove the Helling came from souicea outside the immediate stock market circle and to represent loses from large sources, which amounted to impairment rather than wiping out of fortunes. Occurences In the Immediate news were dlxregarded. The United States Steel quar terly meeting to be held after the market closed almost dropped out of the coimld eratlon. The declaration of the regular quarterly dividend was taken for granted and the probable showing of the earnings report was discussed with only lanquld interest. The reaction in the corn market pointed to relief from the more excessive weather conditions, which were believed yesterday to be threatening the prospects for the harvest. The money market was easy and the rate for call loans ran off to the low est level touched in several months, while Influences towards replenishment of the supply of bank cash continued actively at work. Heading at 130. Union Taclflc at 152. United .States 8teel at iit and Southern Pacific at 10.1, will offer a graphic sug gestion of what occurred in the day's stock market. Even more sensational were movements in stocks, which are not the favoritea of the professional traders. Missouri Pacific, Southern railway, pre ferred: at. lxiuis Southwestern, preferred; Kupubllo Steel,: preferred; American Steel Kounderles, Westinghoue Klectric, Cen tral Leather and others, were forced down from a to over 12 points. Coming without any sudden shock of circumstances to upset the order of things, the day's movement was especially impres sive. Its scope and ita Indication of a consensus of widespread opinions cannot be denied, whatever its source- The con sensus clearly amounts to a determina tion by bankers, financiers and ruling au thorities generally In finance to retrench resources and to be prepared for a strain In tha coming month. There was some ehow of relief in the last hour of the day. After rallying 1 tj i point and even more from tha low points of tha day, prices sold off again and the closing tone was unsettled. ' Bonds were weak. Soma of :he low grade speculative Issues showed losses cor responding in violence to those of stocks. Total sales, par value. S2.SU.O0O. United States bonds were unchanged on call. .Number of sales and leading quotations on siocks were: lTl.OOfi; silver dollars of 1W". IM.Srt.w; sliver crtlflcstes outstanding, M, 171.000. General l"ur-i!-tiandard silver dollars m general fund. Sl.auH .13; current liabilities. 1106. 149. Hf.; working Lalance In treasury of fires, KJ, s:5'..'2: In bunks to credit of treasurer of the I nlted Stales. $:.1!',0S3; subsidiary sli ver coin. tlu.iH.ilr, minor coin. ll.lM.0i3; total balance In general fund, f'l.Ilbi.O. er Vnrli .Money Market. NEW YORK. July 26. MONEY On call, easy. Itii per cent; ruling lata, it per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at ll per cent. Time loans, firm; sixty days. 3 pr cent; ninety days. 3H6j4 per cent, six month, ler cent. I RIMK MERCANTILE PAPER - 6V4'U per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Harely steady, with actual business in bankers bills at f l.k.vMi4H for sixty-day bills and at H M for demand. C nin-.trrlsl bills. $4 8!t4.h3'i. rtlLVKll-llar, uSc; Mexican dollars. 44c. In NDS Government, steady; railroad, weak. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follow: ,1'OVInl -MM. 4'i .luNJtpan 4 , lOl'.'K C. S. l V. i. n-f. i: tto coupon . U. 8. 8s, rg do coupon f. . 4: r do coupon AlilKlialmvrt Amef. Agrt. Amarlun !Vbc- i Am. T. T, ao m Armour St Co, Atchison fn. dj cv. 4s.. do cv. 4i.. r A Cos-t Line 1st 4 t3 n. A O. 41 do &L,n in I. W. It liropk. Tr. cv, -t of C. tt.... Central Leather I . of N J. gen. Chs. A o. 4H do rvf. 6a C. & A. 34a .. C, B. aV Q. )t. do gan. 4a ... C. M. oc . P. f . C, K. I. ft P. e. do rfd. 4a Colo. Inf. 4a ... Colo Midland 4s ;a 11SU s. dal. it llCSII MS 1 1, N. uq. aa Mi, a7lfcM.. K. A T lt 4a. J1W 1MI4 4V4a 4a. M'j. in 4a . 7Z4 4a.. i'4S. K. of M. 4V.. :' 1"4 N. Y, r. gen. tva.. :.IS 4 i,b.. Kl do drb. 4a. ....... 4a lUN .. .N. 11; a H :... lix ev. r '. V 6 ft W . lat lat 4a CO 0MA11A LIVE Sip MARKET More Life and Strength to the Cattle Trade. HOGS SHOW SOME IMPEOVEMENT Fat Sheep Abont Steady, hat Fat I. a nibs Show Some I. title Weak ness and the Movement la .at So Active. SOUTH Receipts were: Official Monday . Estimate Tuesday OMAHA, .'uly 2. 1910. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4.300 4.0 .s4 16.40 12.750 4s. ' da cv. 4a... Mht ... )I14'i. Paoins 4a., I ... do- ts ... HSsso. . L rfd. 4s.. i a.. v Prnn. cv. 3 Hi (1D1S) :4 ...liMH do con. 4a 1"J if.. :VsRradliig icvn. 4a ... T ia.l-,si L. A r. f 4a 79 NEW YORK CiEXKKiL MARKET (tnotatlons of the Day (in Varlona Comtaodltlaa. NEW YORK. July 2(1. FLOUR Steady; Kiinnir oatents. 15. winter straights. t4.5uU4.uo; witer patents, H.Wi4bo. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 4.10(&4.36; choice to fancy. H4oy4.&0. i' ihnmkal-stt-adv: white ana yeiuow. ll.60ifit.55: coarse, 1.4ojU0; kiln dried, la.iJ Will.-AT" Knnt morlrnt RTflSnv new ' ' 1 red, fM9; elevator t air v c. I. f. nd'a 1. o. U. uiium.; s0. x k.orti.crn, t.-. f. o. b. ' Wheat was moderately active and i'. A 8. r. A Pal. A Hud. D. A ft. O. do ref. 4a Distillers' &a Erl. pr. lien 4a... do gen. 4a do aer. A do aer. B dan. Else. ev. (a I. i 1st raf. 4. Int Mar. M . ... Bid. 0(fared. do gsn. fa. .... 9',s:. L. a. w.' 4a. .. .. TO Mo Lit gold 4a . 4a.. '.t laaboard A. L. 4a. .... 7v,So. Paa. col. 44.. ISs ti4 do cv. 4a 4s.. 70H do lat raf. 4s... 47 8o. Railway ia do gan. 4a .... ) t'nlon Pso 4a . M4i do 'V. 4a. . '.414 do rtf. 4a il I )Tf. 8 4a ....... raf. 41 bar 6i .. Steal id 6s.. . cr. 4fl lit I. Kui.t 47 Va.-Car. tiam. . ivi W abash lat (".1.... . t?'-v do lat and ai. 4i . liTH'Wast. Nd. 4l... . sit, Went. Elac. av. d Wla. r.ntrsl 4s . . 37 Mo. Pac. 6a etla. 4 . ll . 0 . 71 M . 4 . MS 104V4 .101 . H ll: .liIi . 4Vl .!l7v, . r.-s . M . So . JO'4 . 90 vi London Stock Market. LONDON, July X. American securities opened a fraction above, parity today, but most of the gains were lost under realizing during the first hour. At noon the market waa barelv ateady, with prlceb ranging from n below to Vfc above yesterday's New York closing. Closlmr uuotations on stocks were: One slalficaa fact which -tended to lower weak on lower cables; large receipt -and the prlca of wheat here was that forelgu liberal country offerings In the west ana -iiiiiMiiir vtMJit xiaouuoa uimon irom umsrkiihiv si ivan irvji,- i . tne Jacilia4 ctflH aitiea ivhhwiii ickiu it. the ctRMiiry. east -of. the Mockles. t innoe was repored to bo blddUig tr Walla. Walla .wheat. Cool and clear weather for the V tiling Vrid Viai'vestlnt bf'the spring crop In the northwest-w anoiuer pearisn in fluence. In addl-tiunn India and Russia were reported -offering. treely to weatcrn Europe at lower prices because ot timeiy rains. The weakness In ' tha neighboring corn crowd depeessM traders In wheat, but the final-.down ward-above ta prloss waa, yond .much dnibL directly pr. lndlrectly due to the break In the New YorK stocK mar ket. Tha' closing tone here, however, was steady' September j ranged from (l.H to ind finished .at I1.047 to II 04 v,'ti1.06, a net decline of lHe to WQo. .September corn fluctuated from WWo to 6tlo and closed at oo.c- decllar pf He to sc. .The oavh. coa waa ateady. No. 2 closed at natnue.'. Hedgiha; of oats proved an oppressive f welawt orV tha market f September. -varied' from S9c to 9o and 'closed at a Ipsa of He, . Pork closed C4c up for the principal op tion and unchanged for others. Lard Bo to 12Ve4lfo- Mgher nd aa advance of o to K.MD... .... Leading futues. rtngell. i follows Articles. I Ope.j Ulgh. J-Low.;! C1ob. tiafy. f Wheat T ' ' I ' ' I Jul Plp:lHrt W Sept. UWA'W 1 1 044, Dec. Wt-VSl I ta May 1 i LiVal- I I f 1 I 0M, i 106 llWVN .''TIa'.'vn 1 J- -6(-.--.4rtt 1. j aosi 1 1 (tV10iVs-KiUV. 111. Ill 1 IU Deo. May Oati Juy Sept. Dec.-: May Fork--' Jul. tklZlMHl 04 TV 41HI l4j 0iWl.-S)v4traV 4U:aU4ii U S4V. U waxrHivTiw s fcrti4il'4i4 64 0T -40H hl'."l s i . 8 145 S7M 28 tt Sept. ! 4..ly4a' 11 SMJ-ll V Lai July Sept. Oct. ; Nov. lba Julyi Vo, Jan. 11 70 11 40 rta 11 i, uis. b a- WW 41 I 41'4 40'.4jj 404, -il31H'; 6 8S 11 K 11 o M 12H! 1 05-. 11 ,W, I U 6a 11 i.!Vl 11 10 40 SO 11 M 11 SO U 70 11 40 12 MHl 11 0 11 la t5 (S 21 so il 78 11 75 11 11 W 11 f7Vt 11 10 h auotatlons were aa follows: iU-iDUltKn-ln ; winter patents, I4-J6; win ter aWalta,4.!i5tT iw; spring patents, Dst hard.-i.u4.7 bakefg. J.imj6-IW. uIfiLK?-ee or nrtalnf. KaiSc; fair to elinloer niaRIng, HtKaw-h.KljT.-i iiL.i No. 1 -southwestern, n tS No. 1 n.oUJuv,, $2.4w. Timothy, $5o4ji PROVISION kess ptjrt. per bM., WI.0A9 Idea, I loose) $11 short clear arldeu, 4boxedi JiiOkiiLlSi. Total clearances of wheat and flour were an vial to SO.utsi bu. Primary receipts were l,3i4.ui bu., wmpared with l.uM.000 bu. tha corresponding duy a year ago. Tha world's vlilt. la shown bv Lradatraat a. le created 2.444 0UU bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, &6v curs; corn, 123 cars; oata 175 cars; hogs. 31.UM bead. Chicago Cash I'nce.-. vv'iieat: No. 1 red, tl.0H4irt.10; No. S red, Jl.o;iU.1,; No. t hard.. 1.0i(Jl,llVi; No. t hard. 1 07'tJ'l WVi: No. 1 northern spring:. ti.&tfl-CTU; No. S northern sptlug. -lpul.;4 No.- 1 spring. 1.161.1L Corni.JSp. t full, pl.iV; No. I cash;. 644-77 Kc: N"o. 1 White, ii;'.c; NoI white. '4t,'i41oVlf Nd. t yellow, sriTWc; o. it yetlow. MWijt''- Oat; No. 1 cash. ' tkj; No.. I waUa..- 4JW&i'vi: No. t white. 4 whtiav tvHrUVac; standard. weakness in the stock market, closing to lo net lower. September, tl.Wlfi-lwu) fl.UTa. closed 1.10,i; December, fl.UV4ll,14j closed 1.12; receipts a),4O0 du. 1 CORN Spot market. un; no. z, ion nom inal elevator; domestic basis to arrive c. I. f. Option market was without transac tions, closing at kc net decline. September closed 75c. Receipts 1,125; Bhlpments B10. OATS Spot market, quiet; mixed, ito to 31 lbs., nominal; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs., 4351c; clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., d0$52Hc Receipts, 840U0; anipmants .c.--o. HAY cjutet; prime, at.nti.zn;. no. 1. 1.17H1.20; No. I. l.ltil.LiV; No. I, 1.00 106. :. .- I IlOrf L'Uli; state, common 10 cnoice. lWW, 20iij23c; 108, nominal; . Pacific coast, liKtt, Italic; 1908, nominal. HIDES Quiet; central America, v.oqiic: fXnttnt. 20W(tZl4. . . LEATUlLn oteaay ; nemioca iiraia, iwtf re. aeoonds. 22'u24c; thirds. im22c; rejects, PROVIKION8-J'ork.- steaay- mass. .ouot 2 00; family, 2tl.00fd26.50; abort jjlars. I24.CO eS5.7r. Reef. ateady; sum, lU.OOQl&OO; family. Iis.txyms.&o; peer nams. z.van.w. Cut meats, steady; pickled belllee, 10 to 14 lha.. I17.00i31.00: pickled hams. ll.0Otl.iO. Itrd, firm; middle west prime. $11.86i 11.96; refined, steady; continent, 12 50; South America. IU.X: compound. M.50i.75. tallow isteaay : prime, nnos.. ic; coun try. sime- . - BUTTEK-steaay to Iirm. creamery spe cials extra, 272Se; third to first, 2441 27c; state dairy, common to linear. 22(S27c; process second to apeclal, 22iji6Wc; western factory, t2ii23Hc; western Imitation creamery. Z4f25c CHEESE Easier; atata wnoia mua. pe- eiaiai 14V4ilfic: atate whole milk, fancy 1414c; aiata whole milk, avarage prime, IS f,ir- iklma. full to BDecial. aVilaVlZC. EGUn r irm receipts, u.ata casos. dulc, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery white, S(i33c; 1te. Pennsylvania and nearby hen nery, gathered white, 2f.30c. pftlTi.TRY Alive, easy weerern cnica- era ITc; -ern towii. lumenTa. iwf 14o.' Dressed, quletr weatern chickens, 18 19c;' western fowls, I4tl',c; western iurT keys. Ifr&iOc. Sti. l.oola Oenaral Market. ' ST. LOUIS, July M.WHE1AT Futures lower; July. Sl.OSt; September, ll.ttiUl UB; December, I1.05S; cash, ateady; track No.l red. i.04tfl.0m No. 1 hard. 1 tt&1.0i. CORI-Futurea lower; September, 6Ho; December, tihtc; cash, higher; track No. i. tSH'gSt'.o; No. 3 white. o7Qoc. OATS Futureg lower; September, JUfcc; December, 3c; cash, weak; track No. t IsmiWc: No. t white. 4142c; FLOUR Firm;- red winter patents, 8.S09 5.60; extra fancy atraignt. 4.(mj.t-K); win ter clear. SEKI-Ti-mthy. t5.0O85.6a. ' TOHNMKAb-WR- BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 1X00 I. 02. HAY-8trady; timothy, $140082000; prair ie. 1JW5'14.50.- ' ' RAGGING- 7-16C. TWINE Heimp, 70c. PROVISIONS Pork. higher; Jobbing, fttOO. Lard, lower; prima steam, I11.40J II. SO; Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short. UVc; clear libs, Ui; aliort clears, Hc. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, 14tc; clear ribs. 14jc; ahort clear, 14Hc POULTRY-Steady; .ciiickens, . UHo; sprtug.- lic; turkeys, lSfii-'c; ducks, gL2o; iieee. 4Vfl9He. Bl 1 I tn-t" eaaer; creamery, i-i'Sisc. EGGS Steady, 17c. Receipta Shipments Aliis-rtialmars pfd Anialgainated ;oppr .... inivf. Agricultural American Peat Sugar American Can American C. A V American Cotton Oil .... American H. A L. pfd... American' Ioe Securities... American Linseed Ame-tcaa Locomotive .... Amarlcaa 8. A R Ameiieaa S. A R. pfd American Steal F American Sugar Ret American T. T American .Tob. pfd American Woolen Anaconda IJaUllqg Atchleon .. Atchiaon pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore ' Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn B. T Canadian Paotflo Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of N. J Chesapeake A- Ohio Chicago A Alton Chi. ut. West, new Chi. Gt. Wast. p(d Chi. A N. W Chi., Mil. A St. p , C, C C. St. 1 Colo. F. A I Colorado A Sou I tan Consolidated Oas Corn Products ixil. A Hudson benver A B. O , Denver A R. O pfd...... Distillers' Securities ..... Erie Erie lat pfd Brie td ptd General Electric G ratal Northern pfd Oraat Northern ore etfs Illinois Central Ilnterborough-Met, lnurborough-Met. pfd .. Inter. Harvester Intor-Marlna pfd International Paper .... International Pump ' lows Central K. C. Southern K. C. Southern ptd .... Laclede Oas Loulavllie A Nashville .. Minn. A St, L M , Bt. P. A 8. Bu. M., K. A T M., K. A T. pfd..... Missouri Pacific National Biscuit .... National Lead N. Hr. of M. Sd r New York Central N. Y O. A W...i. Norfolk A Western North American,..., Northern Pacific .... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Peoule'a Oas Pltisburg. c, C. A rilUDurg coal Preaeed Steel Car Pullman Palace arr.... Ballwar Steel Spring , Reading , Kepubllo Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Ietand Rock Island Co. pfd .. et. l. a a r td ptd.. it, Leula B. W St. Louis B. W. pfd . Sloas-gheffleld Steel A SouUiera Paclrle Southern Hallway Southern KaHwar P4 Tannraae Copper Tot., St. U A W Tessa A Pacific Tel.. II. L 4 W pfd. Inloa Paelris t'nlon Pacific pfd I'nlted 8tatM Realty I' nlted Sis Lea Rubber ... I'nlted Slates Steel V. . BUel pfd I'teh Copper Vlrgtnta-Car. Cwem Wabaab Wabash pfd Weeleni Maryland Weetlnghouea Klee Weatarn I'ntoa Wheeling A Lake Brie .. Total aaJas for the day Sales. High. Low. Close. M.. it L, erear.ierles, tZQZlc; 40Sfl4J'.c; No. 41Si4io. BUTTER-Steady; dairlasUuao.-, tUGS Ste.c.x; receipts. 12.43 cases; at mark.' rases Included. lOujltc; firsts, 15c; prima firsts, 17c. CUKkCSlw Steady; dalaiea. 154.914c; twins. 16l6Vkc; youuaT. Americas,. UWVlk; Ion, aoroe. 168n'iC. Po4ATOIi-Bteady; choice to fancy. 73 Ho; fair' to road; 4ev70c. i POULTRV-La. 4awkya.' JOc; hens, 14c: sprM'ga. 16f. . .- VEALbteady;. tO to fD-pound . walgbta, Vk'io; 40 to ad-paune) 4 eights, PSVyo; ka to AiO-ptiund sreight. t0aJ10H4c- I'M Lot r Kece4t- Today: Wheat. 13 TSara; CrU., tl Cat; oats. 144 car. Esti mated ' Ton. orrow : Wheal, iet cars; corn. 1 cars; Otis, no cars. i- a 1 -. '' ' ' - - revortss Market, Pb-ORIA July CJRN-Txwr; No. white. Nu. t pellow, oe; No. t yallow, 44jc; No. 4,.dlc: ao grade, ale. OATS-ateadj-i No. S whita, tle; No. t K,J0 IsuO lltoll . t.SUO ' MO l.toa i.too 200 t.100 17, M0 ItuO l,l 1.9U0 7,100 1.1U0 i.iei 1.400 ..' 700 j.ttoo 4,100 It! WO 4. 10O 4.100 too 100 0 400 1,400 1,000 1.200 It. 600 i'toi 400 tf.,706 1.W0 1.700 . I.8O0 l.00 -1.4)00 1j0 1,100 4.40 , i.POO t.0 . 1.600 7,700 10,400 14,104 t.liO 6ue 1 too J0 100 , L400 TOO , t.OoO . 4,100 too 700 , 4,400 too . 34.400 too , 1,400 400 , 11,100 . I. 10 . 1.300 400 . 11,700 100 . 47.400 1,100 l,lo uu 1.40 674, S7V V 1 44 (JVtj 12 V. 20 10S4 4' 4H 100 41 11644 11144 lib M ii 34 4'A 5 lm V4 101 K0 .MkS 24 tl 44 Ms 11414 24 V, 11 17 ' 14 m 121 60 12414 46. It Wi v ISV4 45 M 40 W YM V l4 40 60 10 41 444 10i 40 414 a 116H 13644 104 3. "u" ltH a at - 17 41 iii 21 700 (4 l.too tt 6aVt 14 tt 1 49V4 41V4 10 1'4J .1H tl 41 H 11 lit 1j of 'iiva " T Vt 10SV: 1044 Toii 177H M V4 100 Si 248 4644 23-4 II 40 11714 114 aivi 44 12m ' U '4 14 43 V4 t!H w 1S4 5 Vi t 115 114 4t 144 124 41V4 5S 12 1444 16 13 6V wti 111(4 23 114 17 67 41 101 444 18 14 106 St 4 44V. Ill 1214 Hist lot Consols, money . . . do account Amal. Copper Anaconila '. ... An-hlson do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. Che. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C.. M. A St, P lie Brers Denver A R. O ... do pfd Erlo .... do 1st pfd ... do Id pfd Oram Trunk Illinois Central ... SILVKR-Hr, 4144M. Ill H.N. , K. A T 5114 Y. Central Ill W.. 6S Norfolk A . 7V4 do pfd . Its. Ontario A W. .102 PeuDsylvsnle, .I0144 Hand Mines . .144V4 Heading . To 80. Railway . . 11V4 do pfd .llltHo. Pacific .. . 16V4 Union Pacific .34 do pfd . ,KHC. 8. Steel.., . 214 do -ptd . :; Webeeh , . 23 do pfd . 25S4 Spanish 4a .. Ail quiet at 24Td per ounce. 4 1 41S4 44 144 ft ',4 SO - 6044 104 '4 Two days this week. ..U SA 14.770 19.2J0 Same days last week....l.i.b-'0 ltl.413 Sam days t week ajo.. 4.73S k.74 14. 474 Same days 3 weeks ago.. 2.9:11 2.'i3 4.644 Same days 4 week ago.. 4.S43 1D.IU2 11.771 Same days last year.... S.SmJ 18.214 10.274 'l he toliowiiift tatii shous the receipt ot cnule. Iioks and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date aa compared with last year: jaoo. ino. l)c Cattle E.-.9o4 408.3 4,o85 ....... "OK 1.242.7S4 1.514.0O0 274,324 Sheep 3o.T74 7JS.925 81.841 Ilia following table iliowa tna averac price or hogs at South Omrtha for the last avernl days, with comparison: Date. I 1S10. 18.130S.ltffl.l-U-l04- July IS... July is... July 17... julv li... July 19... July 20... July 21... July 22... July July 24... July 25... July 2d... UKl 7 121 4 HI 4 71 ( ti 51 T Ml 4 171 4 let 4 40 1 7.741 4 441 4 721 4 411 t 3?V I 40i 4 0l 4 &2 X 34' T 741 1 6 74f 4 41 2W 7 75 4 311 & 40 4 ii 41 4 4i 8 27T4 8 2tHt 7 70 4 271 t 641 4 32 1 7 f.7 7 57 e 7 4311 4 44 4 tl 4 24 4 441 6 881 6 Wi 4 62 & Ml 4 66 6 &&, M 6 641 II I 6 l Ii 641 I 641 t 21 6 63 I II 6 68 6 01 I 41 6 10 6 4Hl 6 0? 4 W t 04 40 4 bO I 0 6 11 Receipt and disposition of live stock at the union stock yards. South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hour endlnK at 4 o'clock p. m., July 20, 110: RKCK1PTS Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 24 C. M. & St. P 1 4 Wabash 1 Mlwiouii Pacific 4 7 I liion Pacific 22 34 C. at N. W., east 4 C. or N. W., weet 60 26 C. St. P. M. 4k 0 10 4 C, W. gc W , east 1 2 C, 11. oc SI., west. 70 It C, H. I oc P., eaat 4 6 C, R. I. 4k P., west 1 a Illinois Central 4 1 C. G. W....f 4 4 Totals receipts .....170 140 IS A. ArmstrtmB Neb. 22 feeder.. 7r S M Al. Preston Neb. 15 feeders.. 1(V 436 10 rows.. J. C. Carson Neb. 4S cows 970 IN a cows.. K. M. Plkeman Neb. 21 feeder.. 860 4 TO Falrchtld-Neb. I fO 22 cow.. 4 T. O Nelll-Neb. I I cow. . McKadden-Neb. I 40 1. ' Slmona Neb. 907 S 5 t :j 14 ralves... 14 feeders. 14 feeders., 24 cow I stockera. 10 steers.... L Pel IVst II. M4 V. T P. R2 Kl 717 I 60 764 t 50 28 feeders., hrlfers.. I 14 I cows tt I 4M 4 steers. ...Il SOUTH DAKOTA. 22 feeders . 111J 15 oo s. 7 calvee... 27 cows... It C04VS... 17 cows... 17 foeders 7 cows... 9 cows. .. 7 steera.. I feeder.. 24 cow...., r 13 cows 22 feeders., 7 cows I cows... 19 cows... 18 calve., 11 cows. . 12 cows. 14 feoders. 1! te'r.. 21 cows.... H heifers. 11 steer.. cows. 14 feeder.. 10l 14 calves. 1J cows.... 18 feeder. 94 4 10 PM) 4 SO 4 CMlve..410 S ?S . HSCt 3 45 . 174 4 60 . 71 3 41 . m 1 so . ns 2 no . 812 4 20 . W7 3 40 . 4'.. 2 80 .1105 4 60 O. W. Crawley 8. I. . 8iT7 I tiR It steers.. 748 1 85 A. O Coleman S. D. W4 3 90 Joe Julius S. t). 761 IK 14 heifer. lOn) t fi6 7 cow.... Kent & E.-S. D. 101 ster... 9S7 4 00 C. A. Sherman Wyo. UN IN 17 steer.. S. B. Thoma Wyo. 900 2 64 4 (teer.. R. A. Het-Wyo. 274 5 76 6 feeder. 843 2 60 ft heifer. Marvel Homey Co. Wyo. lri . 7H5 .l'sj . r.s . MB .10X3 03 177 9s 1 3ft 1 19 4 40 2 SO 1 90 4 2.-1 1 So 2 80 4 30 I V 4 HI i S t fcfl 4 00 t .'""(jS.;;, buuhrrs mid bct heavy, ,. 8 So. Mli:i:P AND IjAMHS Krrelpta. head, ma'ket hv to lie ller; native mut tonii 76 .14 ; Ii4tiiha. il i7 40; culls iind bucks. $i .Vaii 4.50; etoi her.x, :.Jt,f 3.7J. Kansaa City I li Bttvrk 3tnrUe KANSAS CITT. Mo.. July N-CATTLK Herelpls, 14.UM hand, Including 1.V4) , cith erns, market ateady to weak; aoutherns. strona; to ltV hljjher; stockera and feeder, t-"'C l"Wer. Pressed beef and export steer 4 764100; fair to Rood. 14 2fl ! ,V0; waeterii steers, 44 74-; 16; siocker and feeder. At0 ') A; aoiithern steers, J 50U3 2fi southern. F-Wu l.26: native cows, U 4Vi.vafc; native helfr, 43.60iy.W; bull. 14.107.1 1 ?i; calve, II 001.8 2J, H003 Becelpta. 11.000 head: market 5c higher; bulk of sale. tS.rwtiS.83Va: hem v. t.4U4iK ,V,; packer and butcher, ti-fi'KiS-S"; light, SHKKP ANP UtMBS-Recelpts. 4 001 head; market steady to weak; lamb. 47.00 f7 fin; yearlings. t.tf6.00: wethers. i04ii 4 M; ewe, 1.1 Onrn'I.OO; stockers feeders. $2.."7T4.0O. .1004 4 00 46 84 S9 heifers... 475 2 Wl feeder.. 4X9 S 30 153 calve.. 17$ ( 00 Watson & 27 feeders.. !!4 4 70 4S steers.... 719 t 26 S cows 710 2 60 Oil Cre.k n steers.-. ..109 4 06 19 beifors 23 cows... 80 feeders.. 184 cows Johnson Wyo. I feeder. . 21 cows .1117 .116 . 422 4M 10?5 770 3 10 t 75 1 20 4 60 3 00 f 10 3 80 2 36 4 00 3 10 R. Co. Wyo. 41 feeders.. 94 3 bulla 1445 24 calves... 16 -Wyo. 4 sows JOTt 20 steers.... 875 6 kteera....i13t 3 ST. 3 V. 00 Omaha Packing; Co... bwut ana company. UISPOSlTiON. Cattle. 4644 117 14 St 1V4 41 VW1NKY IVi tier cnt The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 1 per. cent; for threa month' bills, 21, per cent. 600 ..lit. IW 1.100 .. 1i0 .. 14.PI0 .. 4.40 to .. 1.404 ... 44.SU0 ... 4.100 ... '1.10 ... 1.700 wo . .. tw 10 .. .111,404 0 ... 100 ... 1.400 ...106,400 ... t ... 4.100 ... 4.3"0 ... 4,4.10 ... 11.600 . .. I.1O0 ... , ... 1.4O0 700 147 10 44 S4 toS4 W 14 4H 144S4 StS4 44 0 44 1HS4 41 64 14S4 I1S4 414 64 44 S4 4S4 II 1304 17 t'i M;4 40 14 1IS4 61 S4 6OS4 lot St It 41 i4 l U4 4H U1S4 MV4 44 V 17 41S. HOS4 40 S4 64 S4 124 14S4 40 4 1. 400,740 aaaraa. 6Vt Si H t-) 41 6t to Si 11 14 ' 41 VI 1 la 115H 127 S 0 asvi 44 V4 kv 97 104. 106S4 40 11W 178 S4 26 S4 100 140 4 23 19 39 Si 134 114 70 24 44 123 S4 124 160 -23 Si 43 25 S4 191 46 S4 26S. 134 1US4 S4 114 124 45 414. 1S t 1744 1444 MS4 48 4 7S4 131 St 24 114S4 n si 6 414 104 44-4 14 S4 107 1S4 tV4 41 1US4 ItSi 124 lvt7i 11 11 44S4 luo rsi mi 17 Si SJ 214 644 44S4 1S II 6l 104 UT4 44 114, list 22 64 ltS4 it 44 17S4 42 S4 1111, 40S4 66 UVi 44 40 4 H"4 4 4S4 Lax-at IKannas, Quotations furnished by Samuel Bum. Jr., 43S New York Llf building. Omaha udahy Packing; Co. iniour Ac Co... t. Louis. Ind. Pack. Co. .. Murphy Shipper Vv. li. Vanfaut Co 67 .... lienton Vansant ac Lush.. 63 .... tephens ilrus 162 .... Hill A Son S51 a. Leiwls 47 lluston & Co 00 U. Root & Co t7 h. Bulla 67 Wolf ti Wert helmet' Pin t. P. Hamilton 19 .... Sol Organ ,0 Other buyers 110 Totals ,2t 8,940 Bid. Beatrle Creamery, pfd 40 tleatrtce Creamery, corn tt City National Bank Bid, ta, 1120.... 19 City of Omaha 4Vka. 1850 j.... 1" Columbus Bleo. Lt. 4. 114 Cudahy Packing Co. 6a, 124... 17 GermeA Fire insurance lue tows Portland Cement lat mtg. 4s.... -. Iowa Portland Cemept con, ta..., It. Kanaaa Oas A Elee. 1 per sent pfd...- H Kansas O. A E. 6s, 1J1..,.......... 14 Lincoln Traction Co. 4 per cent. 1134.. 44 Morris A C. 4S4a 1914 11 Neb. Tel. stock 4 per cnt......i;....' WVi Omaha Waur Co. 6s, 144.... .w, II Omaha (tea ie, 111 .r . M - Omaha Kleo. Light 6a. 1421 7JT...... 14 Omaha Blea. Lthl pfd 4 per eewt .... 1 list Omaba A C. B. 8C Rr pfd 4 per cast , U - Omaha A C B. St, Ry. is, l3t 94 Oraah O, B. tty A B. pfd...i.'..... -Paeifl T. T. 4a, 'M7. v.. ... W Swift A Co. 4a, 1114 , v.. WSi lisle tnsurauo Co. Ill Seattle. City of. is, 1121 .J.i.... 106 Trt-Clty Ry. A L. Ce- as. 1114 trss. Trl-Ctty B.4L Bid. atook. 4 per seat 41V Union Stock Tarda alecs, Soatfc Oaaaka 9 AlV-4, 1 10(k lUiVi M lWVi leu lot 14 M H Bt 104 91 7 4 . 10OV4 IM 107 Si t SI CATTLE Receipt ot. tattle were liberal tday, 162 car bains reported In, While this waa a very good run for this season, of the year, it looked small corn pared with the 272 car received on Tues day of last week. The total' for the two day foots up 13,h23, the largest with th xception of tha corresponding; two day last week of any similar period in several months and larger for th same period a New York Curb Market Th following; quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members of New York Stock exchange, 114 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: . UVeOreene Cananaa .. 17 Inaptratlpn t Laroa lt14 Nevada Don, ..... 144Newboua ......... 60 Ohio Copper l's Kawhlde Coalition 64 Ray Central S2SS Swift Pkg Co M. Superior A P 6S4Tonopab. Mining . 444 Trinity Copper ... 2V4 North. Las 4I4 Bohemia Bay Stats Gas Butte coalition ... Caetua Chlno Chtet Cea Fraction Davis-Daly Ely Ontral Ely Con Franklin Giroux Ooldtleld Oon. .... Ooldfleld Florence Ooldtleld Daisy .... . 44i . 4. S4 . II . 40 l-lt . 16 IVi .102 4 . loS . . t . 4 Poitss atocka sad Bonds. BOSTON. JulyJa. Cloalng gucutlon stocks war a follows: . Bank Clearing. OMAHA, July 24. Bank clearing for to day were 12,211.268.78 and for tha correspond ing date last year ti,m, Kansas City Orala and Prowlalaaa. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. ' Jnly 24.- whrat-July. 99Vc: September. 994c December, 11.01. Cash wheat unchanged to Uo lower: No. 2 hard. 81.01Wl.01Si; No. 4. tl.00tirl.06: No. 1 red, 1.01t1.02Hr; No. 3, i 4101 CORN July, SVc; September, 6414c; De cember, 41o; May, 444c, Cash, unchanged No. t mixed, 64&66c; No. I white, 66Vr&6oc Nil 4 KUc. OATS Unchanged; No. t white, 414So No. t mixed, 33&36c. . tITr-Nn. J. 73(u'7oc. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy. tlt.OO 14 V rhniea orairie. III. 00. BUTTER Creamery. 26Vo; firsts, I8c; sec nrtAa 21a: DackinaT stock. 20VC EGOS Flrsta. 44 80; seconds. 83.00; current receipt, new cae4, MOO; miacallapeous ReoelOtS ShlfJ't Wheat, bll..... 403.000 231.000. Corn bu 24.000 80.000 OaU. bu ; HO.vXK) 60,000 Cettoa Market. NEW YORK. July 26. COTTON Spot oinaari nnlet. 26 oolnts down; mlddllrur up leads, 115.60; middling gulf, 115-75, Sales, in mv. hcLiea. Futures closed barely steady, Closing bids: July, 116 37; August, 116.00 September, 413.82; October, fl3.l; Novern ber. 113 19; December, 118.17; January, $12 18 Vehmsrv. ns.12: March. 113.17: May, 113-19. ST. LOUIS. July 24 COTTON Oull; mid dllna-. 15c: salea. none; receipts, 86 bale shipments, 86 bales; mock, 7,332 bale. Liverpool Crala Market. LIVERPOOL. July M WHEAT Spot dull; No. t' red western winter, no stock futures, steady; Jujy. 7s 4Vkd; October, i 7.d: lleeembea 7s 8Vd. CORN Spot, firm; old American, a oa old American, via Galveston, 6 6 Sad; n kiln dried, 6 6d; futures, quiet; September, ka HSd; October, 4a ima. on FTour. bbls.... Wheat, bu Com, bu Oats, bu 7J0 .167.000 . 49.000 . 73.000 .7CJ 41.000 66. Ox) to.OOO Minora polls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July t. WHEAT July, tl 241; September, 1 IS Va 1 1S ; December, tl US. Cash: No. 1 hard. 1128V, No. 1 northern. tl-!H1.24; No. I northern, tl.24Vifl-KS: No- I northern. 1 20tl.t3V . FLAX t2 64. CORN No. t yllow, t?64Ho. OATS No. I whit. 4JU44C. RYU No. 1 75r14o. PRAN-ln 100-lb. trks MgJOVtc FLOUR-First pter.ti (in wood f a. b. Minneapolis), tl.00v4.l0; second patents. t6.4O4tC.0O: firs, clears, t4.twijal.7t; second claara, H 406 3. 74. Mllwaalteo Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. July l -FLOUR-Staady; wheat. No. 1. northern, tl I5V4Jl.a4S4; No. 2. northern, tl nsyijll n't; September, tl OS. OATS 42fJ4c. BARLY-tamplea 4u6Sa. Alloue Amal. Copper I A. I. L A 4 Alia. Coos. ; Atlantic ' B. A o. a A 1. u I Butt OeelltloB Cel. A Aria CI. A Heel Centennial Copper Hang Ooa. Eaa Butu C M.... rraablm oirou 43on Con Oreene Uanaae . let rural Kerr Lake Lake Copper , Leealle Copper Uld. Aaked, Dalntk Orala Market. DtXUTH, July M WHEAT Jaly, tl 17V; Daoamber, LUr: No. -1 northern, No. t northern, 1123V OATo 4iSe. . H 'Mohawk 44 . 64 Si Nevada. ta 1744 . U Ntplaein Mine .... 1 . II North Batt 31 S4 . 444 North Lak . 11 Old Dominion It 1644 Owceola 114 . 47 Parrot S. A O II .110 eeQulney, TO . It Shannon 9 . 64 Superior rt . 4tup. A Bo ISIup. A Pttt Cop.. '4 . 4S4 Tamarack 6 . 1 I'. 4. C. A O tl . 444V. S. S, B. A U . 44 . 14S do pfd 1,. . Isil'tah Cos aa iwloon Hi 7 S Wolverine 104 Moot Yark Mlalac Stacks. NEW YORK. July 24 Closing quotation on mining aiocK wr Alio Bruaawick Cea. ... Com. Tunnel ataek. de koad Con. Cat. A V.... Horn 4ilver Iron Silver eofferea. .too . T . tt . U ,. I ,. 4 .lei Leadvtll Oca. euuie Chief ... aleileaa Ontario Ophlr Staudard Yallew Jacket . .. I .. 4 ..110 ..16 ..lot .. so .. M Treaaary tlatanieat. WA6HINQTON. July t The condition of tha trexury at tha beginning of bust nes today was a follow; Trust Funds Gold coin, t.03l.69; allvr dollars, teat. Dry Goods Market. - NEW YORK, July 26. DRY tlOOD8-Th dry good market wu firm for th day. with a fair Dusines passing in convertioie Miacellaneoua export market are taklni many good. Cotton yarn are firmer and tendina hlshar. In men wear circles better bualne Is being booked on stapls worsteds. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July M.-XFFEK Future closed (teady at a net decline of 6 to 10 mint lower. July. 4.70c; August. . 6.76c September. 4 80c; October, 6 8.Sc; No, 4, 4 9uo December, I.Wc, Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio. sSc; No. 4 Saotoa, 9c Mild, quiet; Cor dova. luvJUVto. l.gar Market. RAW 6UOAR Firm; muscovado, 89c teat. 43.64: centrifugal, 94c; teat, 84.34;" Tno lasses sugar, 89c; test, 13.61; refined sugar, steady; Bt. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July 24. CATTLE Re celpta, 1,800 head; market alow, prospect lower; steer, 44-60417.76; cows and heifer. I3.tlK0T.w; caives, fj.wu.w, HOUS Receipts, 9,600 head; ' market strong to 6c higher; top, t8.80; bulk of sales, W.6uw.70. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 4.000 head; market slow and lower; lambs, 16 00 67.36. , 718 ,1.101 .1,417 904 61 Hogs. Sheep. 1.20.1 1.670 2,0.9 2.631 2,481 79 666 1.627 2,i0 2,307 1 86 3 4S 6Q S 50 4 Si 3 53 Chlcaae Live stork Market. CHICAGO. Julv 28 CATTLK Rscrlols. 6.00 head; market slow and weak; beeve. 148018.26; Texa teers. t-1 : weetern steera. 4.75-SJ8.75; stocker and feeder. 14 10m 4 35; cows and heifers, ti. 0044.6,"); calve. 478.7:. HotiS-Kccolpt. 1R.OB0 head; market steady for good: othtV weak: llalit. 4601' 9 (4.; mixed. tt.20t8 fir.; heavy, t7.9(iit.fi6; rot gh, 47.9011810; good to choice heavy. 18 IM'LRS; pigs. U.ajdiS.06; bulk of ale. t3.r.-p8 SS. oil KEP AND LAMBS-Itocelpts. 25.000 head: market steady: native, !JrWfi4 40, western. 12 &Uitj4 40: yearling. 14 246 7.".; lamb., native, 14 &057.6O; western, l TiVf 10.716 18.810 quits 4'i I HO 718 2 59 Trav & Co. 4 enlve... 1S5 4 50 K heifer... 6T3 3 PS 49 teers.... 5fl 3 40 8 cows 1021 2 S3 Bert L. Dow Wyo. 28 steer..... Xr2 4 15 11 cons 1CI9 4 00 4 steers.. .1116 4 60 C. H. Cox Wyo. 9 cows 7S3 78 6 calves... 200 16 cows 820 I 06 J. Wilde Wyo. 22 steers.. ..1118 4 80 4 feeders.. 906 30 cows 903 S 60 cows 98 C. J. Weber-Wyo. 7 steers.. ..1010 4 40 6 cow 1008 I 53 W. Tvfllden Wvo. 8 feeders.. 937 -4 26 6 cows 940 3 56 Wllon Mro.-Wyo. 20 cows 860 I RO . . Oil Crck R. :o. Wyo. 18 (teer.... 993 2 60 . 20 cows 746 1 10 The Folland Co. Wyo. 78 COWS 92QV 46- ., C. C. Rugg Mont, tl cows 874 4 10 4 cows 100 4 00 HOOS It was another "two-ln-one" mar ket In the hoa; yard this morning one market for heavy and packing grades and another for good mixed and light hogs. Bacon weights met with (tie popular de mand a usual and aold at the high prices, a load of sorted light topping at 18.76. In a general way sales of good mixed and, lights carried figures firm to a little higher In both divisions.. Qood mixed moved around tS.10, light mixed brought 18.40 and better and common mixed were hard to sell at 18.25. Heavies and heavv nacklnar crades showed very little action at any time, and while ateady prices were reallaed in many cases th tune to trad waa rather weak, closing prlcea appearing a ahade lower than those of yesterday. Good heavies sold around 18.15, with all-sow loads welg-hing 2S0 pounds and of good quality as high a 48.20. Rough packer had to go at 14 and under. Total recelnte n-.r. IthAra! everecre final ity showed a little improvement,, MUppers were fairly good buyer of light antf light mixed and movement reaaonably actlv ex cept toward the close. Midday clearance vei ago o, ainiusi. o.uuu Beau, in apiie oi i follrt , T, .Z.rrj ", tne receipt being so liberal the fact that . -iinV. ,.." .".'',;"? .? they were smaller than laat week seemed s,o 7. ok t, m 0,4a u '' L to create a somewhat better feeling among I u ' 7,, "J .Jt N,0, i.V 11' hnvau-a ind Ih.v w.r. r.nt In tha v.-4. . ill .Vf- 60 " 80 buyers and they war out In the yard earlier than a good many days of late and the trade took on a more active appearance. At the same time, the heavy ran last week seemed to encourage feeder buyer 90 that thut Drancn 01 tne trade waa also more active. Beef steers were In active demand and were generally a little strongsr than yes terday. While there waa nothing very choice in the yards there were cattle good enough to bring $7.40. Cowl and heifers were strong to lOo higher and they too sold very freely, so that the big bulk of the receipt had changed hands by midday. The break in feeder prices last week brought In quite a good many buying orders tnis morning ana that tact together with the heavy rainfall laat night seemed to put renewed life and activity Into the mar ket, wtlh the result that feeders were gen erally 10c higher than yesterday. uuotauonn on native cattia: Uood to choice corn-fed steers. t7.0O7j7.76; fair to good corn-fed steera, t4.26i07.O9j: common to fair corn-fed steers, t5.00ttf6.2S; good to choice cows and bejfers, t4.76jg6.76; fair to good cows and heifers, 3S.6oyi4.76; common to fair cow and heifer. I2.60U3.2G: good to choice stockers and feeders, 14.255.50; fair to good stockers and feeders, t3.5ftu4.2o; com mon to fair stocker and feeders, 13.000 3.60: stock heifers, 13.0US1.85; veal calves, t3.6097.00; bulla stag. ta, l3.00ig6.2S. quotation on rang cattle: uood to choice grass beeves, 6.i0O.26; galr to good beeves, t4.504j6.60; common to fair beeves, 13.754214.60; good to choice cows, t4.0OJj-4.6O; fair to good grades, t3.2oa4.00; canners and cutters, 42.60(33.26. Representative sales: - BEEF STEERS. N. AT. Pr. Wo. A v. Pt. It 740 4 Tl 4 imi 4 M II 1004 4 76 11 1140 4 40 17 W6 I 00 11 Hi 4 46 40 44 4 00 44 11M 4 46 14 1H74 4 f 4 664 t 14 10U4 4 10 14 11M 7 44 44 1201 4 tt 41 1411 T 40 M ll 4 60 1 1161 1 It COWS. t 9 t 45 Kl I Ti 4 1014 4 43 HFIF7TRS. T 148' 4 14 1. 411 I 14 12 T4I I 16 I TCI I SO 1 640 t ta 1 414 T4 . 4 641 t 10 t ls 71 BULLS. 1 110 4 46 1 .1430 1 44 1 1046 4 IS 1 ..1114 4 76 - CALVlvd. 4 174 : 4 76 10 in I Tl 4 11 4 76 ' 1 140 7 00 4 177 4 74 FEEDERS. 740 STOCKERS 1 110 4 II 1 TOO 4 00 4 704 I as 4 41 I 26 t J 401 1 46 9 411 I 40 1 64 t 40 WESTERNS NEBRASKA, AND 16.. to '671 , 744 104 lilt . HI I 40 t 74 I 90 t M 19 feeder.. 704 I cows 860 II cows 930 4 hfs.-stv 6n2 7 cows 906 feeders.. 514 14 cow..,. 4 cow.... 13 feeder. 21 steer... 24 cow.... 19 cows.... 44 stser... 161 steer.. 73.'. 91 6o4 1150 941 , 92 ,1261 4 4 2 60 2 66 1 10 3 35 I 00 I 16 1 76 i 40 4 70 I 30 I 65 4 76 6 26 i feeder.. 643 7 cow 960 42 feeder.. 1110 61 feeder.. 9tl 6 heifer... M6 I cow & teer.. 735 12 c. hf. 9u0 46 feeders. .1114 12 cow 7n4 7 calves... 161 23 steers.. 15 steers.. 8 steer.. to.. tt.... tt.... I.-, 71...; 64..., 6.... 61.... 44..., 11..., 64..., 61... 4... 40... 10... 67..., 44... 61... 40... 72... 61... 44... 71... IS... 24... 44... 64... 66... 64... W... 41... 40... 43... 71... t... 12... 41... 14... 21... 41... TO... 47... 40 .111 ....31 ....ion ....!ft ...271 ....let ....291 ....t4 ....111 . ...!iT ....284 ....217 ....rst ....247 ... .290 ....264 ....2M ....250 ....2S4 ....241 ....261 ....177 ...:262 ....:.- ....tot ....274 ....104 ...144 ....241 ....til ....ta ....137 ....IM Sh. Pr. No. Av. oh. Pr. 40. I 60 44 14S M I 27 VI 140 I 00 79 141 1:0 I 10 120 1 00 70 K6 10 4 10 ... I OS -.41-. (61 140 4 II 40 1 05 47 ...204 ... I 10 10 I 04 . Tl 2M ... I 10 40 06 16 r.s ... I 11 N IU 17 ri 120 1 M 80 10 74 !23 260 I 10 120 4 10 17 !-4 ... IN 80 J 10 4 M 40 I 10 M 110 12 MT ... 114 240 I 16 14 273 140 4 M ... 4 IS 14 141 240 I W 44 4 14 II 141 ... I lit ... I 16 70 244 40 I 11S4 ... I IS 6ft 241 ... I I2S4 ... 4 tO 40 t24 40 4 1SS4 ... I 10 73 ISO 120 I K ... I N IS 261 10 I SS ... I 22S4 71 234 110 I 16 40 I 12S4 71 237 ... I 15 40 t 20 72 21! ... I 15 120 I 24 II Ill 40 I X ISO t 24 tl ISO ISO I 15 ... IS ! til ... IIS ... 1 10 71 til lit 140 ... 4 tO 142 207 120 1 40 ... 1 20 67 226 ... 4 40 10 I 20 74 440 149 I 40 320 I 29 71 21 ... I 46 140 4 IS 47 2M 40 I 44 120 4 24 74 i.tat ... I 45 ... 4 24 44 221 140 I 45 40 I K 71 1.9 ... 144 ... I ii 71 K0 ... I a 40 I 24 71 Ill It I a ... 4 24 10 Ill 40 t 64 ... ' I IS 41 lvt ... I 60 ... 6 15 77 210 ... 1 60 90 t IS 10 1M 10 I 64 10 I IS IS 1ST 10 t 64 40 4 96 40 904 ... 4 44 100 1 2S T6 iOl ... t 40 40 4 21 76....... Ill 49 4 40 ! I 81S4 TS........194 ... It 10-1 27S4- - 49 14 ... I 74 OMAHA GKNKttAs. MA KICK T. 4(nplr and Fancy frndnre t'rlces Knr. nlsfced lip Barer snd Wholesaler. BI TTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to the retail trade in 1-lb. cartons, toe; No. 1, In 3o-ll. tubs. 2:c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons, 27c; No. 3, In tjo-lb. tub, 2u'-o; pat km; stock, solid pack, 2oc; dany, li. 0-lo. tube, 23c. Market cnunwka every Tuesday. CHe.fc.tjlv Tvlii. lTYic; young Americas, 19o; dalxy, lac; triplet. ai", llmbeiger, lec; No. 1 brick, ITc; imported 4wih, doc; do mestic Swiss, 23c: blooa Hiik, 2Jc. I'OL'LTRY Dre!4ed brollerx, ac, hens, 16c; cocks, 10c; ducks, ltc; gerre, l..c; tur keys, inc; pigeons, per do., 41. uO; nomer squabs, per dox., 4 ou; fancy squabs, per do., 160; No. 1, per dox., 3.vo. Alive: Urol lei . Kic; hens, l.'c; old roostere, 7c; old ducks, full leathered. He; geese, full fotitn ered, 10c; turkeys, 19c; guinea fowls, 20o each; pigeons, per dox., uoc; homers, per dox., 13 00 equaba. No. 1, per uox., 41.50; No. 2, per dox., 450. FISH tall froxen) Pickerel. T.'c; hlte t!ah, 14c; pike, luc; trout, 15c; large crap pioii, 20c; Spanish mackerel, ISc; vel,; haddock, lite; floundera, lie; green catfixh, lho; buffalo, 8c; halibut, 10c; white perch. 9c; bullheads, 14c; roe shad, 11-00 each; shad roes, per pair. 6oc; frojc legs, uer do.. J 30c; salmon, 15c. uuio-kid: io. j, lvic; ivo. 2, 14c; No. 3. 9V.C Loin: No. 1. JSSte; 'o. 2, 14'4c; No. I. 10SkC. Chuck: No. 1. Oc; No. 2, 6Vtc; No. 3, S'c. Round: No. , llc; No. 2, IVio; No. 1, 4c. Plate: No. 1, 7c; No. 2, Stc; No. 8, 4?40- FRU1TS Oranges: California Camelia; brand I'.euland Valencies, 100 sise, per box, $4.00, 126 sixe, per box, M-60; 1j0 aixe, per box, 14 CO; 174 and sin Her sixes, per box, 14.60; Havana Mediterranean Sweets, SOO-218 sixes, per box. 14 00. Lemons: Limoniers, extra fancy, 300-300, la.So; cliuict-, 300 300 alzes, per box, tS QOirs.50; 149 size. 60c per box less; Sunset brand, per box, 17.50. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, tl-Hb-O 2 60; Jumbo, per bunch, tJ.7.Vi.l.76. Canta lot'pes: California, 64 alxe. t4.50; 45 stand ards, 15.60 Apricots: California, per 4 baaket crate, tl.60. Plum: California, red, per 4-basket crate, 11.60. Blue "piunek: Pec crate, Jl.oO. Peaches: California, per 20-lb. box, hoc; Texas yellow frees, per 4-baskct crate, 70c; Texas yellow frees, per 4-basket crate, 11.40. Peara: California Bartlett. per box, 12-50, Watermelons: Texan, ic par lb. Dates: Anchor bi-ana, new, 80 1-1 h. pkgs., in box. per box. 12.00. VEOETABLKS Irish potatoes: Wisconsin and native, per bu., 50c. New potatoes: In saoka, per bu., tl 00. Cabbage: New Cali fornia and southern, per lb-, 2c. Onions: Yellow, in sacks, per lb., 4c. Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb-, 15c; red, per lb., 16c. Egg plant: Fancy Florida, per do., tl-50 4j2.O0. Tomatoes: Tennessee, per 4-bfaket crate. 11.10. String and wax beans: Per hamper, about 25 lbs.. tl.5v; market baskets. 76c. Cucumbers: Hot house and home-1 grown, per dox.. 75c HtlMK-UKUWS VLUtTAtlWtlia. Ishea: Extra fancy, par. dox, bunches, oc L ttuce: Extra fancy leaf. - per dox.. 30c. Paraleyt Fancy, per dox. bunches. 30c. Rhu- Daro: rer ao. ouncne. 4oc. Asoaraicus: Per doa. bunches, tjitjuOc, Green onions: Par doz. bunches, 26c. Turnipa: per market baaket, 40c. Carrots: Par market basket, 60c. Beets: Per market basket. 60c. Green peas; Per market baaket, tl.00. aiiimje.IjL.axn t-uus-waiuuts: ttiack. per lb. 2c;-California. No. 1, per lb.. 17c; Cali fornia, No. 2, per lb., 14c. Hickorynuta; Large, per lb.. 4c; small, per lb., 6c, Cocoa nuts, per sack, 15.00; per doz.. G5c. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. July 26. HAY No. 1 upland. 112.00; No. upland, 11.00; packing, -00. Straw: Wheat, t' OO; rye and oats, 8.00. New hay, 113.00. WESTERNS. H. S. Lewis-Neb. .1016 I 40 I cows .1450 26 Ed. Clapp Neb. . 990 4 00 Thayer at II steers.. ..1091 4 60 t calves... 2M7 4 00 11 heifers... 691 t 10 16 steers ..1043 ..US0 ..1208 160 i 40 4 45 4 00 I 10 I 60 t 35 I 60 I 46 I 25 t 5 4 3. 4 60 4 a0 II cows. 1 bulls. 11 steers. 935 76 I 74 I 7o 60 I 40 I 00 Co. Neb. 25 cows... I calves. 20 steers., 471 I 76 John Henry Neb. t cows 834 1 70 6 cows... T sows 796 70 tl cows..: I cows 784 t 86 15 calve. C. R, Lancomer Neb. 39 strs:...13O0 t W Peter Knudion Neb. 26 stocker. 447 I 75 9 cow... 13 cow but 1 80 10 calve. E. J. Kurkowskl-Neb. 21 belfars... SM I 46 A. I-angford Neb. 41 feeders.. 1071 4 2b II cow 90S IK j. Btocxnouse iMeo. 2H2 I 00 I calve., 422 I 40 I cow... J. D. Proctor Neb. 934 1 70 SO cow... 174 I 00 25 steer.. MUldale Cattle Co Neb. ,.. 94o 4 10 4 cows 992 4 10 J. A. Adimion-Nib. tl feeders.. 1124 i 80 I eow set t cow 935 125 I steer.... SoO J. Wiseman Neb. 25 feeders.. 971 4 20 1 steer 160 Ed. Meson Neb. 11 calves... 833 4 76 17 calves... 114 I cows 948 tea 17 cows y0 i calves. U cows... 41 cows.. 14 calves. 50 cows. M0 201 477 828 92 1M 947 1H 208 453 844 900 I U 170 t TO 4 li 4 0C 4 W t 8 I 60 t 10 ....10 ...244 ....til ....110 ....241 ....21 41. ...... .US 44 444 74 241 SHKEP-Prlces paid In the sheep barn this morning for fat kinds of sheep and lambs were llttl different from those of yesterday, but It Squired larger sorts to move much oi the stuff, and more or less weakness developed because of this fact Fat lambs were plentiful, th same as yes terday, put Inquiry waa not quite a brisk and bulk of Bale ranged from steady to a dime lower. Best grass lambs went at $7. 25 7. 60, with fairly good grades around ti .00. In spit of tit fact that the proportion of fat sheep Is growing smaller dally de mand Is not very responsive. Tone to the trade waa decidedly weak at the opening today, and while a few selected strings ot wsthcrs found favor at generally steady prices the ordinary run of stuff had to go at figures a little lower than those of yes tsrday, sort considered. Beat grass weth er topped at I4.J5, which price 1 highest quotable. Total receipts were liberal and feeder classes were large and plentiful, as has peon the ease on moat days lately. De mand was ample, however, and after trad ing wa once started a very good clearance waa made at generally firm price. Trade 1 muoh less uneven than It wa tn day ago, snd anything useful in the way ot feedor sheep and lambs la meeting with healthy competition from country buyer. Desirable feeder lamba aold as high aa 16.20 today and handy weight yearlings are wanted at 44.754.86. almout aa high aa best quotations on tat yearling. quotations on grass stock: uood to choice lambs, 17.0Oa7.W: fair to aood lamba. 46 40 7.00; feeding lambs, t6.5uti4.24: handy welttht yearlings, $4.6035.1X1; heavy yearlings, 14.004 450; feeding yearling, t4.10trp4.46; good to choice wether, t3.h5gi4.26; fair to good wether. 43.60il3 86: feeding wethers. 43.60 1.85; fat ews, tZ-763.66: feeding ewes. 12.25 tjl.OO. Representative sales: No. 12S Wyoming wether 260 Wyoming wether 71 vv yomlng wethers 32 Wyoming ewes 143 Wyoming wether 143 Wyoming wUirs, feeders.., 12 Wyoming ewe 183 Wyoming ewe, cull 508 Wyoming ewe, feeder ill Idaho lamba, oulla 4b8 Idaho lambs, culls 664 Idaho lambs, culls , 117 Idaho lambs, culls , 21 Idaho ewes , 171 western yearling 7 western lamba, bucks , 87 Wyoming wethers 47 Wyoming wethers Ill Wyoming yearlings, feeders tit Wyoming yearlings, feeders 47 Wyoming wethers 131 Wyoming ewes, feeders 647 Wyoming ewes, feeders 664 Wyoming w, feeder Av. . 98 . 94 . 93 . 94 . 101 . 49 . II . 91 . 87 . 60 . 60 . 71 . 72 . 119 .. 42 .. 71 .. 85 82 77 74 92 93 , 94 , 94 Pr. I 69 I to I 40 I 40 4 00 I 76 I 26 I la t 80 I 00 I 00 1 60 T 60 t 45 4 46 I 60 4 25 6 25 4 86 4 45 I 75 t to I 40 t 0 SOUTH DAKOTA BANKERS : WANT POSTAL FUNDS Clearing; House Ask, permit to t'se Local Bonds as Securities for Deposits. ABERDEEN, S. D.. July 23.-(Speciai. Tho Aberdeen Clearing House association ha taken the first steps toward a, move ment, which I expected to become state wide among the banker of South Dokots, having for it motive the retention of mon ey deposited under the new postal savings hank law, In the states where it Is de- , posited. The resolutions follow: Whereas, The postal saving depository act haa been passed by congress and ha become a law. and Whereas. Among the provisions Is - or. 9 ' thai money deposited in postofflces (hall be redeposlted In banks In the same lo calities. Banks are required to deposit bonds supported by taxation aa security for such moneys, and Whereas, The board, consisting oi the postmaster general, the secretary of the treasury and the attorney general may . designate the classes of bonds required for suoh purposes, and Whereas. Should government bonds, atate bonds and bonds of large municipalities be required. It would be necessary for th bank of tht state to boy suoh bond In eastern market, sending money east for that purpose; the net result would be that a sum In excess or the postal tieposits would be transferred to eastern centers tnd the banks of this state would not enefit by such deposits. Now, therefore, P It Resolved, That the Aberdeen Clearing House association requests our senator and members of oongre to us their best effort to Induce the aid board of trustee to prescribe such securities a nsail be available In this state, such as county bonds, school bonds, township bonds and the bonds of suoh municipalities a r in our midst; also be lt Restdved, That the south Dakota Banker' assocldtlon and public examiner be ad- ' vised of the action of tht dealing house. and that the officer of this clearing house tlon and the examiner be urged to use their Influence to the same end. Deadly Frlaht possesses sufferers from) lung trouble till thy loam Dr. King's New Discovery will help them. 60c and 11.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. t. Lonl l ive Stack Market. OT. LOUIS. July CATTLE clDt t.OuO head. Including 2.300 Texan; market, teady; native shipping and export teer, f7.254tl.40; d reused beef and butcher (teer. e400u190; steel under LuuO pounds. i) I.V 7X4); stockers and feeder. t&ttVfuS 60; cow and heifer, t3.25ifi1.00; cannera. t2 754)1.00: bull. 13.2564.75; calvaa, t.500t 00; Texas and Indian ateer. t40oty7.25; cow and hlfer, II ftuttfi 50. Hi )J-Receipts. 1.000 head; market. Iteaap; pigs ana Fgot, rswji w; packers, 1808.1910 JohnMuirS(a ;Speciausts In Odd Lots No necessity ot giving order for stock in person. Wire or mail your orders. "Odd Lot In vestment" explains trading on a monthly payment pasls, without margin calls. Send for Cireular No. It -"Odd Lot Investment." Msmbers Nsw York Stock Exchange, 71 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.