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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1910)
n i ! i t i 17 3 ' L I r ft WOW AT.L TOGtTHER "I ()L"" g S. S S Ev ry - bo dy Reads Bee Want Ads T I t ' 1 X 7 r Si OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT r j 'I ! VaralsheU Itoaaas Cotlnwed. tiraUktt m ' .CooUowod. tf J f s LARGE, cool room, modern convenience; 020 Emmet, Urge room, modern. Phone lit I nicely furnished, fine location, walking die- Webster 4170. LARGE, cool room, modern convenience; nicely furnished, fine location, walking dis tance, on Harney line; rent reasonable; private home. 222 N. Ituih bt SMALL room; modern; private family; Cheap. 1U N. ma. DESIRABLES room; beautiful location; J rivals family; modern, 7ol UeorgU Ave. teasonable. FURNISHED rooms; hot bath. 624 8. 16th. Flat 12. ad floor. YOUNG MAN to share comfortable) fur nished room; reasonable terms. aiva mt ram SU Phone Harney VERY large, well-furnished, south front; permanent parties, tan rarnam. NEW house, for gentlemen. up-to-date, modern rooms. NICELY t24 8. 20th, furnished rooms, all modern. ' SINGLE rooms, 82 up. 116 B. 16th. M floor; flat 4. ONE furnished room, modern. 1463 8. UtB. FURNISHED front room; privato family. (12 N. Kith tit. lei. ilea Mia, FOR RENT Two front rooms, nicely fur nished; close In. 1126 H. JOtn Bt. NICB, cool, pleasant bedroom, second floor, for one gentleman; private family; tolerances, eiv r. aim." u ir TnU eiegsnuy lurxuanvu wv.n. Home: ooaru II aeaireo, nmuim ' r fened. 2U N. mo su TWO furnished rooms tor light house keeping; also sleeping rooms, ngewn, wai tug distance; 208 N. 13d - FURNISHED room, suitable for two, 12.50 per week. 312 N. 33a. - furnished room, suitable for two V fenUemen. Ui S. lth St.; Hd floor, north east cviuti. ONES large front and on small room to gentlemen oniy. u . Jn ov. FRONT room for rent to two gentlemen at 812 N. So Bt Tet ougias ouo. NICELY fumlshed single south front room; also suigte west room, 8228 Farnam tit Flat a. TWO large, cool rooms; modern; privato Amily) walking custanoe; ausi w arney Z266. VM vooge. T-TT fmnt i-nm for sentleman; In family t 'Adults; modern; dose in. ou o. lui. IDEAL SUMMEIi BOOMS In nice private home; one large alcove room; ail conveniences. cast wu a r BIO. cool, modern rooms. Nice porch, tuu tit. Mary's Ave. NICELY furnished rooms In new, modern House. Wis Chicago Bt VERY modern, pleasant rooms. Call evenings. 2110 Chicago St. LARGE airy room, especially desirable, 110 to S0... 2334 Harney St. 'Phono Douglas FRONT ROOM, 1S60 South Tenth. FOK RENT Modem, furnished single or double rooms. 1D1 Cass. FURNISHED ROOMS suitable for gentle men d floor; cor. 16th and-Jones. MINGLE rooms 11.76, double rooms ft and 13 W. Ial8 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED rooms, IL60 and up. North 17th bt 1M7 LARGE, cool rooms, neatly furnished. In modern home. 314 N. 23d. ALCOVE room, 112; single. (216 California. 36 monthly. NICELY furnished modern room; table I'oarU If desired. 1812 Chicago. . NICE furnished modern rooms, reason able. 624 N. 20th. Tel. Red. 77U2. TWO well furnished rooms, 1011 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. NICELY furnlsned, large, front suitable for two. 201 So. 2uth Ave. room. NICELY furnished room for rent reason. able. 2220 Fainam St, suite 2. 'Phone Loggias 6691. ' 1916 Faruam. V . LARGE, cool bed room, ground floori iii home with young couple for Jewish ' av-entiamen. Call evening, sous cnicago OL ; DESIRABLE room, fine location, private -rainuy, uiouern., m rx. atst av. o TWO desirable front rooms suitable for .hree young men. 2109 Douglas. . ' TWO double rooms for rent 1313 Podge. y FRONT parlor and bed room, south ex posure; i week. Z202 n arnarn, ROOMS, walking distance; strictly mod, rn. . 676 S. 2MU. Harney tm. TWO single rooms, cheap; also room and alcove; private. 2 toil u Mary s Ave. S1NULK room, private BOe, rent cheap. lu cnitao u ' FURNISHED room, strictly first class, everything new and moderni .walking distance. 2220 uougiaj. ELEGANTLY furnished single and double front rooms; aviso front parlor. Jill Doug' las. NEWLY furnished, cool rooms In mod' era house. 314 N. lath St. TWO suites of light housekeeping rooms. 314 ana 116 per month; also double parlor, suitable for tuur young men or women. 120. 3u) & sttn bt. , ' NICELY furnished rooms, modern, large suitable for housukceplng or sleeping. 408 K. hh t. FNRKlgliED room on parlor floor; suit Die for two, modern; walking dintani-a. t'houe Tyler 1121. 2019 California street. NICELY furnished rooms, modern: large lawn; will furnlitn for housekeeping for desirable pariy. Phone B 2202. lo2e N. 17th street COOL, nicely papered housekeeping and sleeping looms, close In. 110 S. 14th street FRONT parlor, suitable for one or two, gentlemen preferred. Red ?4. 4U7 N. 19tn, FURNISHED room for rent for light housekeeping, ano uavenport street. NICELY furnished front room, close In modern. 206 N. lth. MODERN. 36 per month, breaktsst If pre ferred, r. ivtn ci. ONE single room, 31.60 week; front par lor for two, si wee a. uiv uouglas. FURNISHED rooms, 34 sntf 36 per month for gentlemen; also first floor parlor for young ladles at 32 per week; gas. running water, telephoue. laundry and pressing privileges. Tel. Ha" ey . 2t27 Harney. TWO small lodge street rooms; also parlor. 1920 NICELY furnished cool rooms. Ktti St. NICELY furnished room In omdern houe: walking dial sure: private family. Mil Cjufxi nta. MCtLV furnished room, 213 N. tth," ELKQiNTl.T furnlahad front narlor. til st floor, reasonable. 1213 Chicago. COOL strictlv mndarn furnished rooms: $6 to is per niontn. 262 Capitol avenue. NICELY FURNISHED rooms; gentlemen oiiiy. ti tto. ltitti st, Id door. 'iat u. f'LKNlKHEU and unturotshad rooms. 3uu7 Lake tiU FOR gentlemen, nicely furnished room, alklnx distance, strictlv moderni Dhone. eteoirio ran; private family; references re, quireo. ti2 M. join sueet. NICELY furnlahAd rmimi mndarn. 114 b. lith avenue. FURNISHED rnnm fnr rant- modern, N. ftth street, upstairs; Wsb. ebtis. NICELY furnished room, modern, prl, vate entrance. 2i& N. 2d street ROOM. 12.60: nrlvatat modarn eottasa. w o. ma street. ..... . LARGE front parlor, elegantly furnished; tnodurn, close In; laundry, light and oook- ui gas lurnisned; references; lib monin. w o. now avenue. THREE rooms, partly furnished; water, Jiu vim rara, 421 a. xatn Ave. NICELY furnslhed rooms for gentlemen; Biuae in. aid rt. istn. FURNISHED rooms for rent 1702 Vinton STRICTLY modern room for gentleman. -ua 0. stn Bt uouglas mi. NICELY furnished rooms; terms reason able. 223 8. 20th BU TWO or three furnished rooms. 201 N. 20th 8t. 'Phone Douglas ducm (Bell Independent pnone A-aV9. NEWLY furnished rooms In modern house, by day and month. 2013 Chicago St NICE clean furnished rooms, cheap at ui cnicago. SINGLE room, private porch, nice bath; j week, jfous Harney. LARGE front room; everything new and strictly models. UlS Chicago Bu Tel. Douglas 4U6. COOL rooms; gentlemen only; near good boarding place; references required. 1710 N. 25th. COMB to 2561 St. Mary's Ave. if you want a large, cool room with, piano; also single room. LARGE room, suitable for two ladles modern; housekeeping If desired. 602 & 2VU1 fit FURNISHED rooms, gentlemen only references required; near Ud and Cuming, sxi in. mo 01. j,ei. iiajrney , FURNISHED rooms; modern. 121 8. 27th. private family TWO elegant furnished rooms la home. Tel. Webster mi. new Uuaaekeeptnar ' nowma. ONE extra large front room: large closet newly furnished for housekeeping: uadi phone;, 310; walking ulstance. -U Caldwell. Web. 1972. LIGHT, well furnished houaekeeDlnar rooms; gas range ana p&ui. uquire imra floor, 1016 wowara. SUITABLE for dressmaking. 617 N. lttn TWO housekeeping rooms. 614 S. 22d. MODERN, clean, dry rooms in fine real. dence. Close la. 2104 weoster st FRONT room and back parlor for liaht housekeeping; ground floor; modern. 2463 Harney. TWO newly papered housekeeping rooms. j. us no. 111a. 1 FRONT and back rooms for, steeping or housekeeping, sue n&rney. HOUSEKEEriNQ rooms; reasonable. 513 2Zd. MODERN bousekeeolng ' rooms: mvi neighborhooo; walking distance. 2ob3 Douge. ONE or two rooms complete for house keeping; ice dox ana gas. zui Uouglas. TO young coupie. s moaern rooms, un furnished or partly furnished. 1620 M 8L South Omaha. NICELY furnished modern front hoiis Etcf Ir.j rooiua; uLuar rooms., close In. 347 a. 2-un Ave. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. S3. ton vavenpori. TWO or three rooms, furrlshed comnlete Or nouseaeeping; (noaera. sius J SXQam gas and liueus rurnisbed. FOUR furolshed or unfurnished rooms in moaern oricx ouuaing; good neighborhood una witmn waixing oistanca. tin 0. lema SL SUITE of large, handsomely furnished. cool rooms; modern, chads, walking dis tance; iv atiu sis. que d. isto. LARGE, rooms, also light housekeeping TWO front rooms, completely furnished. NICELY furnished modern front house keeping rooms; other rooms; close In, 647 a. 2itn Ave. LARGE dining room and kitchen) house- uus. uiiraerjl. u n. 4ftn , . , TWO furnished rooms, modern. Aply 2102 Miami St TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 40 a. aiu Ave. MODERN light housekeeping rooms. 2013 dl uuy s Ave. FRONT parlor and dining room tor tight tiuuaen,jcpiiii, ait cuinpieie. UUO BOUIU 2I St lei. Harney 6272. TWO rooms for light housekeeping; mod eru. im a. miil TWO nice rooms; gas range, laundry priviiL-sca. &Q r arnani. KITCHEN and bedroom In basement 32 THREE furtilshed rooma for light house- aeeping; moaern. 4244 Harney St. NICELY furnished, able. 609 A. liaSt all modern, reason THREE modern furnished housekeeping rooms, eu suue. ins Chicago. TWO nloe, cool rooma tor housekeeping, wi narney. iiaroey ftd.a. STRICTLY modern room, complete for auuauancpius:. mi e. ism. THREE rooms, gas rage. B-2427. 160 Grace. TWO front rooms, housekeeping, small rooms. 2013 Leavenworth. REDUCED rates; furnished housekeeping rooms, all modern; shade tre-s; all out side rooms, 32 60. 32.76. 33. 2U23 Burt St. Tel. 4402 Douglas. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 112 8. 24th 81 TWO nice front rooma 3U1 Dodge. THltKrC nicely furnlahed hoiiMVkeeping room. 1111 N. 2M h A . vh-a If takan si i-uce. Call 121U J-'uJa at. for Inforiuation. OFFERED FOR RENT Uaaaakeepiaa; Hoobs TWO rooms, 27: a room. 110: 2626 Capitol Ave. THREE nicely furnished rooma: modern. with new piano.- 2666 st Mary s Ave. TWO rooms, bath, furnished comoUta for housekeepUig; modern; 2d tloor. 62 N. 32d. HOUSEKEEPING rooms: modern, reas onable. si26 Capitol Ave. TWO furnished bousekeeDlca- rooms, ru sink, refrigerator; no cuilurea. sl B. lstn. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, nswlv ra- pered, modern, walking uiatanca. suit uoage. ROOMS for light housekeeping, 313 N. 17th TWO modern front rooms, furnished com. plete, refrigerator and sewing machine. 07 N. 26th St FURNISHED rooma for light housskeen- lng. 14 S. 17th Ave. MODERN rooms. 2210 Harney St Red 6426. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or en suite. 616 N. 30th. CLEAN, cool "rooms: housekeeDlna- si. lowed. 2013 Harney. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 3406 Cuming. TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, mod ern; reference. 3113 Chicago, HOUSEKEEPING rooma: furalahad. Mia Capitol Ave. FOUR rooms, furnished coirmlata far noussaeepin-; no cnuuren: ana raiaranoaa. m n. 40th. THREE furnished light housekeeping rooms. 0 N. 16th St c FOUR unfurnished ground-finer rooms: uioueiu, saoepi nest; ciose in; .rent u.. Ml B. IU1 AVS. ' ." tVafaraUBed Hoawt, THREE strictly modern rooms, unfnr. Blsbsd, xor ugni nouseseepmg. tm N. 24th. FOUR nloe housekeeping rooms: bib v 24th Sti near Cuming; prloe 312.60. Apply at Ollice. iui tv cosier aw MODERN. I rooms, 310 unfurnished, kit B. HU BU FOR RENT T-room strictly modarn. eloaa in ; mm weuaier nu UNFURNISHED rooms: modern. 614 8. 2Stn St Harney 6341 THREE nice rooms, water and saa. IT per monin. uw st. sun ou lei. u-ihii. Apartmente and Flats, RLEOANT 1 4 and 6-room aDartmanta Btrehlow Terrace, weoster 422s., NEWLY Danered 6-room flat: modern except heat; 318. 1500 N. 20U St Conrad Young, 1613 Dodge Street SERVANTS problem solved: 3 rooms con densed Into 6; steam heat; electrlo light and laundry; hot ana oold water; wall bed. safe. gas stove, refrigerator; Janitor service. The Hunter, XDtn sua uoage. xei. uougiaa 4122. FURNISHED apartment of 3 rooms, first floor; moaern; piano; teiepnona, eta sow St Mary s Ava. - VERY beautiful apartment: West Far. nam district; modern and complete. Per- rlne & woicott uranaeis Theater. LAFAYETTE APARTMENTS 17th Ave and Jackson St. Only four blocks from bUHlness center. Two. tliree and four-room apartments. with laundry rooms, large bath, wardrobe. refrigeration, heat, gas ranges, filtered water, janitor service and vacuum cleaning, Siost complete nuuse in umana. .very thing new, clean and attractive. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1001 Farnam St . rnone iJougiaa Yott. Fwralshed Uoaees aad Flats. SRV1CN-ROOM furnished mndarn hnm. in West Farnam district for lease for a year, 340 per month;. lawn, shade, barn, etc Furnace heat. One block from cars. Address iOX Lt ub, care uumna xee. FURNISHED UOUSE Ten rooms, all nicely furnished, near 26th and Harney Sis; lease one year or longer, Pr monin. -GEORGE COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St WILL rent our furnished home for month of August to a congenial couplo. Ii,ier ences required. W. 13. Williams. Pnone iraui. a-iu. NICE cosy 4-room fiat n,t- a sacrifice easy walking distance; must sell this week vail at jutfv iuuiiui ok tloasee s6 Cetcagea, HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt Brandels ineaier mug. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded cheap freight rates; moving and storing! HOUSES FOR RENT , Three rooms, mouuiu excupt licat, Duuaias St.. 612.60. 2919 Elgin ruuius, modern except heat, 2154 S 34tn St., 2j lwlve rooms, strictly modern, 616 S ua Bt., . .... beven rooms in nor Annex, 622 S. 16th St., ueai, wttior kjiu janitor furnlnli,j U7.60. . Ten rooms, strictly modern, . hot water beat furnished, 110 Capkul Ave., oo. Very desirauie 2, k and- 4-ioom heated aparuueme vuuipivieu iu 111 .Sew Latayette at 1HU Ave. aiul Jackson St. tia,OJiUni cum PAN t , Imu rinui st WISH to rent our home in- West Farna district; eignt rooms, strictly modern, oaa tllllbll, nut is urav, nil iront, iara porcu. iXH REN i bignt-roora brick house moaern, a uii wi iu vijr nail. Capitoi w d. . vwa T-ROOM house, modern except furnaca tthtt Ajvciipuii m v. vuug. sua. uuaha au nuiM v-o., pack, move store household goods; storehouse. 1120-zi n' isth; office, 2w S. litn Su 'lei. Uoult j,- ITOITSES Jn ,u PrU ot city UUUO3 Crelga Sous at Co.. Bee Bidg. FOK RENT e-room cottage. 27ns Capitol Ava., a- , . !, " repay- nearly uv" i Mmw. NINE-ROOM modern detached brick. Hi Sherwood Ave.; 620. I'attcisou, 1622 Far nam bt VERY choice k-room house .entirely mou ern; carowoou runan, our oeu rooms and sleeplug porcii; tile bain room; located in Irleia ciua aouiu sua west ex paeure; aw aa.a iiiui m, . jr. Ltitm. 408 N. 26TH ST.. 8 rooms, modern except heat, 121. 406 N. 26th St.. I rooms, medern except beet 321 3ttl6 Jones St., 3 rooms, all modern, 126. SO. , H2 Antra Ave., 3 rooms, modern, lit). 4120 N. 26th Ave., 6 rooms, all modern. 322 60. 3646 California, 8 rooms, sit modern, 325. 212 Mason bt., 9 rooms, all modern, 325. 3227 Kowler Ave., 1 rooms, modern except heat, 317. Hut M. fid St., 8 rooms, modern except heel. 323. B1RKETT & TKBUEXS. 4:2 Hi' IipUk. I'boues-Doug'a iitft, inJi.eudcui A-llH. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoasea aad Cottaejes Contlnned. C-ROOM, modern, psitlv furnished, sum' uier or longer, 340. 3666 Jackson. 8-ROOM house. strlcUv moaern. 228. 2228 Popple ton Ave. KOH RENT Just complsted, new, elegant room all modern brick house. It has 8 rooms, with an extra room ou the third our uruviueu wlin hut and cold water tor the servant, besides a neat room for stor age. This house is beautifully finished in quarter-sawed osk, latest nickel plumbing, and a perfect little gem. See It 315 N. Ust Bt. I will also have several nice. new. brick houses ready for occupancy In a few days. They are located on the corner of 20th and Davenport streets, right In the best resiasnoe section of the city; uiese nouses are especially well built Tbey have eight rooms with additional servants and store- wrnnm fin I Via t J f t.wl.iilinir uvlr. hfth room for the servant. They are sub stantially ana elegantly flnisnea in nara- wooa witn mantel, book cases, etc. in raci, there Is nothing better on the market See them anil you will want one. For price, apply to C. M. Backman, t3 Paxton Blk.. Phone tiea-2629. Residence rttone, uoug. 6061 Ilouses for Rent We have houses for rent In all parts of town. See us first we have what you want. Engelbrecht & Raver, 1710 Furnam St Phone Doug. 4379. Omaha. 8-ROOM house, 113 N. 28th St., 230.00. NEARLY new six-room modern house, hot water heat water paid. 326. 3302 N. Twenty-seventh street , HOUSES FOK RENT. . 8 rooms; city water on both floors, well and cistern. Suitable for two families. Will put in good repairs. Look at 2401 us es tur and 1710 North 64th and make aa offer. Wo want to rant them. Nowata Land & Lot Co, 624 1M. I. 1410 Bidg. Phone Red 1M9. S-ROOM cottage, close In, 310. 6 rooms, clear In. 312.60. 7 rooms, brand new. on Capitol Ave.. close in, 326. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, 608 New York Life Bid. 'Phono Red 11199. NINE-ROOM modern brick house, north part of city, 126. i-room apartment 1917 ciark, iiu. 8-room apartment 1917 Clark. 39. 4-room apartment, city water, toilet 812 50. -room apartment 1628 2. mn, in. C. M. BACHMAN. 426 Paxton Blook. 'Phone Red 3639; Residence Doug. 6063. 8-ROOM cottaga, close In, 110. f. rooms, clear In. 812.60. 7 rooms, brand new, on Capitol Ave, close in, A.w. NOVVA1A lAINU AINU LiUr CO., 66 New lork Life Bldg. -'Phono Red 1999. Houses, flats. Garvin Bros. 3d floor N. Y. L HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1993.' HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., id floor N. Y. L. 3-ROOM brick flat HOt South Eighth street. Forest Hill. NICE 8-room house for rent; modern ox. cept heat 41I9 Cuming street 'Phone, Har ney laus. NO EQUAL Central location, 4-r, corner flat Apply za jsortn 23d. lizard Block. NEW 6-ROOM brick house; medern; 828 3. 24th St Owen Mccanrey. 2403 S. 17th St A modern 6-room and bath cottage. F. R. Gosney, to0 N. x.-i Bldg. D. 4234. 7-ROOMS, modern. In good repair; large corner lot; 102 Ohio St.; 826 per month in advance. Apply 1818 Lotbrop St 'Phone B. 3244.' Stores ernd Offices. KTORE-ROOM 1807 Farnam St Semi-basements, well lighted. 1807 and 1803 Farnam street Store room. 618 N. 24th St, So. Omaha, 1UOS. 1. HALL, 422 Kamgo iiS. Both 'Phones. OFFICES FOR RENT Doalrable office rooms In Webster-Sun derland Bldg., 16th and Howard Sts., at reasonable prices. STORES FOR RENT Storeroom about 22x60 ft.. Hotel Rome Bldg., "600" block; fine show window, good light; will be decorated to suit tenant 3126 per month, storeroom. 24 S. 16th St, corner 16th and Jackson Sts. Fine show windows, good basement, with freight hoist; heat fur niHhed. Price on application. Three-story building, lil3 Harney Pt, Just east of City National nnx uiag., Z7X90 rt rlne show window, electric elevator. Build ing practically new and in best of repair, Frlce on application. 376 per month, 22xt ft, 1S R. 16th St i:t?.M. J2x0 ft.. 1H24 N. 40th St. Second and third floors, 1408 Farnam St., 22x60 ft. Entrance from Farnam St Lease four to five years. 300 per month. GEORGE tt COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St Unequalled Opportunity Grocery and meat market with fixtures complete; bo equal. Tlxard Block. Appiy M. Z2d St TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the ont etory and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty ha trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BU11.D1NG CO, 17th and Fnxnum. FOR RENT about Sept 1; central loca tion, one of best business loWua of Ne braska; modern store building, lU.uuO feel floor space; now ouiiuuig, suiiauie tor u- parimeut store. Address 1 14a, Bee. 112.00 Large office room on 16th St, opp. p. O., o. e. vruuuae xi.. Conrad Young, 406 Brandels Annex. WELL LIGHTED store, 22x100. JOS S. 10 in. Carter olicet Metal works. OFFERED FOR SALE r'arsllsrt, OFFICE FURNITURE FOR SALE Second hand pieces as follows: One flat top walnut desk. One 8-drawer 2x5 car4 case. One waste banket. Five office chairs. One rug. BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam OFFICE FURNITURE FOR t-AIJO Office chslrs, roller top desk and denk rhalr. typewriter dk, rugs and other of fice furniture for sale cheap. W. J. Der 11 .dy!it-ni Co., 60V N. Y. L. Bldg Tel. Do tig I us 166. OFFERED FOR SALE (Coiillnutd.) Typewriters. BUY an L C. 8mlth A Bros. Tveewrttar B. F. Swanson Co.. Distributers, iu l'ainam St. YOU can rent an OLIVER TYPK. WRITER with oak stand. 31 monthly, from manufacturers, most Interested In satisfac tion given. Oliver Typewriter Co., . Typewriters for Rent JJftSJJ 13Jt Farnam St., Omaha. SECOND-hand typewriters sold, renalrad. Central Typewriter Exohange. 1607 Farnam. Musical Instruments. BRAND NEW KIMRAI.T. PIANO AKn PLAYER attached; full octave; leaving city, must do sold or traded for land at once. J 443, Bee. LEAVING city and want to dl-nosa of my new Steioway baby grand piano; will glva time on part AddrcHS O 446, Bee. Mlecellaaeoua. The EronOTDV Window Screen will Alio jjcouumy ,av, you one.hJf, T. H. Welrich Fizluro Co., all kinds of mill work. FOR SALE Two hiah nressura Kewanae steain boilers 66-horse capacity each, slse 60 inches by 16 feet We can enow a Boiler liability company's Inspection of these boilers as late as July 12th, showing the boilers in first-class condition and the company approves a stetun pressure of 126 pouuds per square inch. Builera can be seen In commission and will bo ready to ueuver auoui oepiemDer l&tn to uctuDer 1st Offered for sale on account of outline- In larger power plant. John O. Woodward & Co., "The candy Men," Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. Wo lead the world In chup oar iixiures; easy payments. runWIC Balke-Coilender, 407 H. 10th St 4-0 000 eet ot Cottonwood lumber and v,VW jyuooo orick for gaia. Corneer Bros., 14 th ant Dorcaa Sis. BAFES Overstocked with second-hand sates, an rises . and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will sell for 60 cents aant. They aro fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room, nee a"UDilsning Co. HALL'S sates, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. ICE BOX w ' ul table for butcher xjjx. 3r grocer. 'Phone Doug. 82u3, eiauaaru rroouce to., us k bt FOR SALE 6,000 shares Uncle Sam oil stock, transferable on company books for fzuu casn. a. 14. jeioei, Jfierce Bldg., St louia, oo. DRUG at cut Dricea: fralaht nairl nn all 310 orders; catalogue tree. Sherman A Mcconneii urug Co.. Omaha, Nab. FOR SALE A practically new Wales vis- loie fcua aaaing macnlna. iteasonabla nrloa. ate bailie jiug jincoin. Filters Missouri Filter Co., 1310 Howard. 26 H. P. OAS ENGINE for sale. Web. 4924. Call at FLORENCE BRICK YARD. About 40 feet of 29 Inch diameter No. to gauge, gaivanisea pipe, with four 45-Inch elbows and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposes, ana pipe is In good condition, Ths Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam, 60 FEET shelving;- 30 feet counter. In qulro 1046 So. 20th. Phono Doug. 7229, be- iweeu a ana J4, mornings. WANTED Street oarnlval attractions ana concessions for sale. Old Settlers' f io n lo at Newcastle, Neb., August 23. write j. f. Mourath, President OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 806-8 Brandels Theator Bldg. B. S. Peterson, CIS Branded Theater Bldg. Kathryn Nikolas, 624-3 Brandels Theator. JOHN DH FOX. 820 Brandels Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Rod 711T, WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner m v. p. rat. I'nice. eu raxton Blk. R. 2HW. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Massae-a iremrment etcmacti Uuubie. Dr. Margarito Hailoran. 223 Neville Blk. D. 776L Switches .'om omblngs. 31.60. Mrs. a OWHUica Mathews. 804 Neville Bk. D. 6263. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. suxngineu. eve xia,iit jjjiui cu. MRS. EQGERS private confinement nome, tore marina ou, umana, iNeo. Tel. uougias Z2U. iiealtu in every glass Aianutu Lactone. YOUNQ WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the loung Women's Christian association building al Seventeenth St, and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler s siu ai me uuiou siauon. YOUNO lady employed during the day wants board and room In return for com panionship at night; will be willing to work sumo, in 4ti. 2ee. STRICTLY private homo for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption. 261s uovmipuiu VRINGES Kubb' Sa" by mall; cut alogue. ai t K.ri3-uiuuu jurug co.. Omaha, GROW new hair by using Mma. Frav.r' Adellght Hair rood. UcgeaU Stationery CO. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing DlSwIliuaa. A-. vvu, iwi NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. 16th and Harney bis. MME ALL.EN of Chicago, baths, salt glow ana massage, juoo noaye bt., oppo slto postoitice. u tioui, iti uoug. imo. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Room 3us Old uostou bture Bldg. 4th floor, eievaior wuhcv. ii b. min Bt. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Kamge Bldg. DlirVlTK HOMia Miirlnv annrin.,.n, babies for adoption. Good bamarltan banl- tariuin, i avu., council uiuiis, is. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, in I ait, anytning you uo not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. Uih it fur cost of collection, to the wanh pour. Call 'phone Douglas 4126 and wagons win can. PIT "FS cur"1 without operation or pain. uf. Miftwiu, mi , 624 Bm Bldg. D. 142i M&uiiuii-i L2j a. mn. ttttti riou WlflQ and toupeo for mea. Griffith. BLUCK. 13 and 14 FRENZhK lOHIB WASHBURN'S book. "The Unaa a 01 Id Mewar," at all book stores; price 61 MAGNETIC go"". fi-8"". fcXKHT chin packer; wediHiitf (r ,, REAL ESTATE AHS lit ACTS UK Till. If. S. M. SADLER ft SON, 301 8. 18th Si. RFAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE IlCALERI. (Continued.) GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. 1(23 Farnam, PETER JES8EN. JR., Tel. Douglas 3291 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est 185S: promnt service; get our prices. 208 Brandels theater. BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandois Bldg. REMINOTON-LUNDBERO REALTY CXI Tel. D. 127L 642 Kamgo Bldg. Now houses. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. 1201 Farnam, Ground Floor, -Aftor Aug. 1 City Bank Bldg. CIT PROPKRTT KQll SALE). New 5-Room Cottages Ready to Move Into 3155 Meredith Ave., $2,500 Well built 6-room cottsae. with bath, lo cated In district where all new homes have lately been built. Within 1 block of .Ames avenua car line and 1 block of school, very ueBiraoio. location. Mas cement wains in front and around the house. 2865 MAPLE ST., $2,000 B-room bungalow, has olty water, sewer. gas, bath, electrlo light lot 40x127, cement walks in front and around house, within l block pt Dodge street car line and 1 block of new school boure. In locality wbero all now houses aro being built. This can bo had on terms of 3060 cash, balanoo about mo same as rent 28G0 CORBY ST., $2,750 Well built 6-room bungalow on south front lot 40x127; has sewer, bath, city water, electrlo light, flno fixtures, papered throughout full cellar, cement walks In front and around house. Terms, 3760 cash, balance monthly. 2558 CAMDEN AVE., $2,850 Well built cottage with t large rooma and bath, city water, sewer, electrlo lights, gas. south front lot, 60x120, within ono block of car; has full foundation, cement cellar, ce ment walks In front and around the house. In locality where all new homes aro being bunt. 2421 WEBSTER AVE., $2,85Q Thla im nnln.llu a. m..m kn,,.. ... strictly all modern, full basement, best of heating and plumbing; has 8 largo rooms and vestibule on the first Ooor and two rooms and hallway ajid two closets partly finished on second floor. Built by owner, who Is ono of the best meohanlcs In ths city, and tha material Is "A No. 1". through out. 3760 cash and terms can be arranged on ths balance. You will find tho above list of cottages aro all well built and In desirable loca tions. It wll pay you to ook these over. In case you want any different terms we can almost always arrange terms satlsfaa toruy. IIASTINQ8 & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. New 7-Room House On Tukey's Terms Hero is a brand new 7-room all modern house, located on tho south ido of Parker St, Just east ot 88th, with full cement basement and walks all around. Interior finished In bur lap and decorated. Oak finish. Price 32,800; 300 cash and balance- 330.00 per month. A. P. Tukey & Son, 444-6 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2181. 5-Room Cottage Nearly new, all modern but heat; large lot; located near 26th and Maple. Price 32,600. Easy terms. P. 0. NIELSEN & CO., 703 N. Y. L. Bldg., Tele., D. 2204. A-4340. FLAT SITE 3Sx88 feet at S. B. Corner 23d and Cali fornia; both streets paved; H block from new 24th St. car line; close to high school from town. Improved with two-story house and Crelghton college and walking distance renting for 3402. There Is ample room on the lot for four flats or a small apartment Price 33,600 for Immediate sale; H cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entire 3d Floor Ware Blook, Omaha Nebraska. Douglas 1781, Ind. A-11 88. 7 On Your Money SECURED BY MORTGAGE ON OMAHA IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. In Amounts of S100 to $1,000 ANY LENGTH OF TIME YOU WISH. HASTINGS & llEYDEN, 1614 Harney Street $800 FOR TWO LARGE LOTS These 'lots, are only two blocks from car Una, and lir a location where houses rent well. 8ingle lots adjoining have sold for 31,000. Eastern owner wants to sail quick. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 6X3 New York Life Bldg. lied m. WHAT WILL YOU GIVE FOR THESE Lots 1 and 2. block 2, and lots 1 and 2, block 4. McCormlck's 2d. Both corners. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 60S New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1WM. HOME In Dundee, strictly .modern; ex ceptionally choice; owner leaving city; in quire on premises, 4211 Chicago St. C. A. pyrin s. FOR SALE at a barguln. Modern 3-ronm houee, g'iod location; east front; hot water heat; cistern; laundry and barn. Inquire Douglas 666. CAPITOL AVE., CLOSE IN. T-room square house, brand new, all mod ern, large lot, very cheap and on easy terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. K8 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Red IKK. DUNDEE borne, 6 rooms, strlotly mod rn, very fine oak finish; price 82.6u0; very usy terms. 'Phone owner, Harney 6210. FOR SALE Best building lot In Field dub district; corner 86th and Pnpplaton: facing club; 100 feet frontage; high and tightly; 33.200. Phone Doug. 2274. WE8T FARNAM. r" 8 rooma. all modern, sasy walking dis tance, 32.200. II. (wo cash, balance loug tlma NOWATA LAND AND LOT ('O, U N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red REAL ESTATE CITY PHUPHRTY FOR SAL3B (Continued.) Houses for Sale If vmi want a bargain seo us, wo have several this weik from 330O up. Peo US tlrsl If you want real bargains. Engelbrecht & Raver, J7I0 Farnam St. Thone Doug. 4379. Omaha, Bldg. Phone. Red 1998. FOR SALE Two-story dwelling, in good repair, with two large barns, situated on s one-acre tract within tho corporate llmlU cf Bradshaw, Neb., In tho center of ths richest section ot tho state. Has been used by the owner tor severe! years In the. horse business. Has a good reputation tor fifty miles around as a reliable place foi the buying or selling of horses. Call on or address, First National Bank, Bradshaw, Neb, IT 13 WORTH WHILE . , a.. ...v..rAui .... -n !Ulh and TVa,4 catur. Two 8-room houses. Nob. 8401 Deca- a .i.a t n,,L YIF u m nr.l. tAl. tur ana iu "., J "Vi. accept first reasonable offer made. Nw- , waia Land ail Dot Co.. 668 New York Lite WEST FARNAM STREET. B-room, all modern; lots of shrubbery, shade and fruit trees; nice lawn, largo lot; 18,600; terms easy. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 68 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phono Red It. KOUNTZE PLACE : Big bargain, new 6-roora modern homo; . oak finish, full 8-story for quick sale, only 33,675; worth 34.000. Call owner, Harney 8177 for full particulars. FINE LOT VERY CHEAP Third int wast of 17th on the south sldo of Manderson St Owner wants to .sell badly. Look at It and mane oner. ' NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO., 668 N. Y. lUfo Bldg. Red. 19, am t. icavino OMAHA Will offer my homo for 3 days at a sacrifice. If you m tha moat homelike cottage In tho city, look the property over quick and make . V,r'.r 29:0 i'a 1 1 rrnt a Ht. rw, .ui,ni n loavlnir rlt v will sell mv home In West Farnam district rooms. hrt water heat electrlo light, gas. largo closets, cement basement stationery wash tubs, and everything In first class condt. tlon. Aaaress vv -oi cam ruvin, ney 714. . REAL ESTATE FARM AND UAACU taAA U tOK S A 3.31 Arkamsas. HOMESEEKERS After traveling over the west 1 found tho best bargains, best crops, clover 3 feet high, wheat oats, corn and everything, lnoluding water and cli-. mate, good prairie land, 320 to 320 per acre. Benton county, Ark., or Delaware county Oklahoma. See your map. For particulars and prices send stamp. J. T. Oswalt, Ora vette. Ark. . . . , Colorado MUST BE SOLD THIS MONTH. ,T30 aore ranoh; District of Camargo, Old Mexico's paradise; climate perfect; : alti tude 4,260 feet; between cities, railroad;' 25,000 acres beautiful rich valley- land, abundantly productive; - 800 brood mares; 10 Jacks; 165 mules; 100 horses; 14 head cattle (Herefords); plows, harrows, seed ers, scrapers, 'cultivators, planters, eta.;' furnished home, hall safe, blacksmith shop, harness shop O0 sets harness); uumeroue buildings; rock corrals, eta; 36 miles wired fence; abundant wa'or. All this complete ' for quick sale, 3125,000. Easy terms or part exchange. Wire for particulars. A. W. Johnston, 1764 Stout St., Denver, Colo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE ONE OF tha finest irrigated ranches In tho state; 1,060 acres In all; all under Irrigation hav ing 38 feet of paid up water which alone ia worm f iu,uw, iru raiuvaua - tlons on tho place; five sets ot Improve ments: tho very finest of soil; land He perfect. Here Is' ono ot tho very beet propositions ever offered tor sale and will haar tha varv jilnajkat In vaatllf atlon I is a sure money maker to tho man who can handle it Address Ralph It Drenoon, Fort Morgan, Colo. Irrigated farms and tho most productive of the United mates, where crop failures aro unknown: 120 acrea, per aero ........I 127 acrea, per acre. 1 174 acrea, per aero 1U 17s acres, per sere..- 124 lii acres, per acre 120 161 acres, per acre..... 17( Thla IomH In i a In nAaf Sav.rtnc. Wa - have the crops to show what kind ot land we have. Come and seo them and satisfy yourself. J. A. Whit more, Sevoreanco. Colo. ft'lorlga. FLORIDA LAND A few bargains; whole sale and retail; write tor particular. Frank L. Bills ft Co.. 126 Monroo St. Chicago. MY SUMMER HOME and 42-acro farm. 'A mile from Cellar Lake, Indiana's popular resort; tithing, boating, bathing; finest spot In tho country; main road passes house: price Includes all property, consisting of fine 8-room house, 6-room cottage, elegant barns and other outbuildings; poultry house; make money raising poultry; Ideal spot for poultry farm; l.uoo chickens, 4 cows, 8 calves, 4 horses, harness, buggy, farm Implements; sacrifice prloe 36,000, one fourth down, remainder 10 years to -pay. As a bargain this proper outclasses any thing ever offered In Indiana; no dickering; first buyer guts It; be quick. John Bodkin, M. Dearbon at. Chicago. low. GOOD Iowa and Minnesota land to oa change for general merchandise and hard ware stocks. Many good bargains. Tho Mercantile Adjustment Co., Ciuthrle C ea ter. Ia. QUARTER, unimproved, rich, cheap; good sort w uier, Hamilton county, Kansas, near stage and telephone lines and projected railway; IT. ti. patent. J. J. Wiltee, 10U Maple St., 1'es Moines, la. Kansas. LABETTE and Cherokee counties, Kan sas. Bargains In fine improved farms, beat bargains in the stale; coin, wheat, oats and alfalfa lands; fine Improvements; near market Write for descriptive list and our special proposition to Investors. Matthews at Walters. Oswego, Kan. FOR BALE-HO, 000 acres splendid lend; railroad runs through It fur 1 miles. Two sets of Improvements, about two-thirds till able. Best colonisation proposition ever of fered. For a quick sale, 37.60 per sore. Lo cation right. Won t last long. Address The Allen County Investment Co., Longtoes Kan. MIc alga a. THERE la only one crop of land. I own several thousand acres cut over hardwood and, northern Michigan; It Is bound to increase in value; reasonable cash pay ment and low Interest enables one to con trol this; no safer bualneas proposition can be presented; I have no time to look after ' i.Lt,mer' lw Kwy Exchaiigo Bldg., Chicago. MICHIGAN fruit and farm lands In tho fruit belt of Mason county. Address A, T. Benson, Tallman, Mich. I OWN several thousand acres of cholco fruit, vegetable and farm lands In Lake Co., Michigan, which I will sell at 310 to 126 per acre or. very easy payments. Ex- luia-on eery j ueauay; 'J round trip; send for particulars. i David II. Miller, Room eOf. 164 K. Madison St, CUiosgj. ,