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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1910)
. , . . TltE BEE: OMAHA', FRIDAY, '.MAY 27. 1910. Good Day for t he Sioux, Antelopes, Copleys;; and Aggies; Cubs Shut Out Phillies, Sox Lose INDIAN CNOS JIOCRKES Sioux Have Luck Alio, JThey Play Bate Ball fn Opener. OMjtHA STEPS IN BEAR ALL WAY - f i 1 1 Two Trra-IIase lilts Donnd Ovrr . i ' Feaee and Become llnmr Hans . Loral Sine Fall to C onnect al Vital Moments. ioux City took the first game from Omaha by a score of 10 to. 3. It wai a case of Omaha a step behind In the luck. Th Sioux started the game with a fine pleee of luck, and hnd the horseshoe In the 4ilp pocket all the way through. That doesnot mean that the Sioux did not play ball, for they did. Hut when there was a chance for the Omahaa to get away with anything. It was the Indian sign for them. It started at the beginning of the first. Qulllln, a former big leaguer, was the first man up. He sllppod a hot one over third which would save been a two-bagger but the ball tok a foolish notion about the time It struck a spot where Shotton could not grab It, and bounded- over the fence.- Quil lln. of course, got a home run. This was tough -But listen" to tliia! In the fifth with two men down, Fenlon grasped his but and ahacked out a peaoh to center field. .It was a two-bagger which might havo been worked over Into a three. But the ball scmed to have the jinx on It and bounded over the center field fence after it had hit the ground. Home run No. 2 for. Sioux Cltyl These two freak hits did not win the ganie"by any means, but "they -flld nlake thU'ilOurkes feel as' if luok was agalnBt them. Mailm Has Off Day. Mullen did not help any. Almost every decision lie gave yesterday was against the Omaha team. He seemed to have on off 'day and could not see anything favor able for the Rourkes. ti . Omaha did not seemtibie to hit the ball at an opportune time, and but one score was due to the, hitting of Omaha players. This was JO. ttie fourth.' Ablierman passed King,' whole stole. He hit Kane after Miller threw1 wide. toseooml, In attempting to catch Kjtlg. IIa, thn kit. -Corridon and filled the -bases. ' Welch went out and Schlpke got a. single la , the, seventh. . Fox went to first on Quillln's error and went to second on Fenlon's muff of King's fly. Kane got a base on balls, 'which moved two runners up a peg, and was thrown out at second on Corrldon's grounder to second, while Fox brought In a run on the play. Welch went to first on an error of Alderman's Schlpke fouled out to Miller and Welch was caught at second when he attempted to steal. "' Sanders started pitching for the Kourkes and lasted six Innings, during which time the Sioux made nine hits. Hanson was sent In to see. what he coud do, but he was not "right." He. gave four bases on balls, after a two-bagger had been knocked off his delivery, and forced, three runs. He was Immediately yanked after this fatal spasm and Hollenbeck was sent in., Duke got away well,, but did npt have any chance to save, the game, - .The, score:; ..... ....... .OMAHjI ... AU Shotton, If V... 6 Fox, ib.... 8 King,, of 3 s Kline, lb 3 Corridon, ss 4 Welch, rf ...u. ;,..,.. I tlraliam .............. 1 , Bchlpkei 3b.............. 5 , Cadman, c... .... 8 ' Sanders, p.............. 3 Hanson,, p.............. 0 Agnew 0 Hollenbeck, p 2 - i : i.-m . f ''k fir; o. a. e. o o ioo 11 4 1 o .1 0 3 0 0 118 0 0 0 0 1 8 1 0 0 10 0 0.0 0 - 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 1 7 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 27 12 1 Totals .36 8IOUX CITY.' AB. H, .11 . A. E. Qulllln, 2b Andreas, 2b Neighbors, ct... Hart man. ss, .... Fenlon, rf Stem, lb....,,,.. Welch. If........ Miller, c. ...,.. Alderman, p.... 5 2 2 3 1. .... 3 .... 5 .... 5 6 .... 3 .... 3 .... 4 .... 8 0 2 12 1 0 1 3 1 0 3 1 1 1 0 2 3 1 0 2 1 1 11 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 7 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 10 12 Zl 10 ' 6 Totals ,.36 Batted for Welch In the ninth. Batted for Sanders In the sixth. Omaha ' Huns 1...-.....0 0- 0 2 0 0 1 0 0-3 Hits 1 101 0 0 0 1 1-6 Bloux City. Huns ...... .1 0 1 0 3 1 4 0 0-10 Hits .2 1 2 0 4 2 1 0 0-12 Home runs: Qulllln, Fenlon. Three-base hits: Andreas. Two-base hits: Hartman, Fenlon (21, Miller. Fox, Cadman. Sacrifice hits: Andreas and Aldeiman. 'stolen bases: King, Corridon,: Cadman, Fenlon, Stem (2. Double plays: .Neighbors to Stem. Struck ut: By Sanders, 3; by Hollenbeck. 3; by Alderman. 6. Bases on balls if Off Sanders, 2; oft Hanson, 8; off Alderman, 4. Hit by pitched ball: Alderman. 6; by Hollenbeck, 1. Left on bases: Omaha. 14; Sioux City, ' t. Umpire: Mullen. Time: 2:15. Attendance: 600. ... LINCOLN KAHN H llAHD VICTORY Chantas pefee hv Antelopes on Dim Errors. LINCOLN, May 2.-Llncnlh won a hard fought game from les Moines today by a score of 6 to H. , llotli Hagei-rnan and Cutes pitched weir, but the locals toiik advantage of the four errors of the visitor, which were really the deciding factor In the vic tory, a wild throw by Hawkins In an if fort to complete a- double play letting In two runs. Hagerman was In several tight holes, but good support prevented serious danutgo, txcept in one Inning. Score: . . - v v Lincoln. - - AH.. R. II. O. A. E. Jude, If 3 0 'l 3 0 0 Oagnler, ss 4 f ' t "I" 0 Cobb, cf 2 0 1 3 0 0 Cockman, Stv rt ...1 1 1 t 1 0 Waldron, rt,. :i ., 8 ..0 1 2 0 . ; Thomas, lb) ... .1 -4 ;l 1 12 0 0 Wledensaul,Lfb?:. r..A 3 1 1 0 4 0 Olai k, c 4 0 0 4 2 1 ltagerman, p 4 0 1 0 4 0 li Totals , 30 5 8 27 15 1. 1 fCS MOINES.' V All..' K'sl. O. A. E. Dhlton. rf..... "i... 4 0 0 2 0 0 Colltgan, 2b., Matilck, rf.. Rattls, ss..., Nlerotf, 3b. . Otirlls. If..... Dwyer, lb Hawkins, c. ctetes, p.-...:. :- Totals... . 35 3 8 24 11 4 Lincoln 10000310-5 Des Moines 0001020003 1 hree-base hit: Thomas. Two-base hits: Cobb, CocHntan, Curtisi Double play: Kaftla to Cinllgan to Dwyer. Stolen busis: Jude. Thomtts,, ColllKan, Mattick, Dwver. Sacrifice hlrr Oobb. Struck out. l.y lluir. r laan, 3; by -Cales, 2. First base on IihIU: Off Hagernvan. 1; off Cates, 5. Wild p.leh: Itagerman,' L'alea. Time: 2 00. Umpire: Spenoer. "- r '; - TOPEKA ''WiNS IX KLEVETII Coolers Beat Draraaiera Throsth Jarksuu'a Uood Plleblaa. TOPEKA. Kaa., May . 2t-Topeka de. feu ted St. Joseph In an exciting eleven Inning game today. 1 to 0. Jarkson struck out fifteen men and allowed but two hits. hfnr : -wi Thomsson If 4 0 0 1 0 Thomsson. If 4 U 0 1 0 itetnv as 5 " t - 1 i 10 Indications point to a big entry list n Kndr'eth lb """I"' 6 T 0 0" hot opens," a Columbus i, lnnn rf S 0 1 0 0 0 centrally locat. d In the state and most Kai'.l. 2b 4 0 0 7 1 0 representations. Kunkel, Sb 0 0 0 2 0 .1 ...... x7ZrZT, T aiuikS, 2b ,. S 0 10 8 0 Ba ""t Ads Are Buslnes Boosters. Standing of tfce Teama WKST. LKAUl'B. AM EH. AS3N. W.l..l't. W.L Pet. St. Joseph... Hi U .5i St. l'aul lb 13 Denver Hi 1 .o.U Minneapolis .2 11 .70a Wlrhlta Hi 14 .f..S.I Toledo 22 1 Lincoln 15 U ,M Imllunapolls .Hi 1 ,4S4 Omaha 13 Hi .44s, Mllwnukee ...Vi 21 .4"5 il.iux City. ..14 14 Mil Columbus W 22 MX Ues Moines. .1.1 17 .4 Cj Ijoiilnvtlle J....15 24,.6. lopeka 11 15 .423 Kansas City.. 12 22 .3tt NAT'l. LlCAUL'H. AMKK. LKAtlUI!. W I. I'ct.i W.L.I'ct. I'itlHlmrg ....1 12 .5711 Philadelphia 2i 7 .7.0 ('lurniro 19 11 New York. ...20 8.714 Clnrinnntl ..17 13 .Vi: Host on ........17 13 New York. 14.IWII I)etro4t ..... .IS 1 .v St. Iiuls Hi 18 .4711 Cleveland ,...U 1 .418 Ililladelphln, IS I .UKi Washington .14 1 .4'J4 Boston 13 v.' .a iiicago ...... !... Ilrooklyn ....12 21 .3U4j HI. Louis. 9 2 3 . 2M N 151. LK.M.I1 it. W1.NK. L.ti.ilci. W.L, Pet. I W.L. Pc. rand I -land.; 8 3 .727! Falls City.,... 4 3 ,il r remont .... t .Tvn i inrinna n i .-vji Columbus ...7 3 .7ii Maryvllle .... 4 .pw Seward ...... 4 4 . .rfHISlienandoan . 4 Kearney ....2 7 .2221 NebraxkaCity 2 i.iVi buptilor 3 7 .30 Auburn ......... 2 V .an Ked Cloud... 4 .4001 Hastings .... 3 7'.3M I ratrrdar iicimii, WKST 13 RN LEAGUE. Omaha, 3; Sioux City, 10. les Moines, 3; Lincoln, 5. St. Joseph, 0; Topeka, I, lH-nver, ; Wichita, 8 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boston, 4; Pittsburg, t St. Louis, 6; Cincinnati, 7. Philadelphia, 0; Chlcugo, 2. . AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago, 3; New York, 4. St.-Louis, 8: rhlladelphta, 'J. . letrolt. 6; Washington, 1. Cleveland, 8; Hoston. 7. r AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. IndianaDolis. ' 7: Columbus. 2. Second game: lmlianapollB, 4; Columbus, 3. Louisville, 0; Toledo, 6. . Kansas City, 3; St. raui, I. rtctraa game: Kansas City, 7: St. Paul, V. Milwaukee, u; Minneapolis, i. NEBRASKA LEAGUE. Grand Island, 2; Hastings, 2; called In the sixth. Columbus-Kearney postponed. Fremont-Red Cloud postponed, Seward-Superlor postponed. MINK LEAGUE. Clarlnda. 8; Auburn, 1. Maryvllle, 0; Nebraska City, 1. Shenandoah, 6; Falls City, ft. (iuniea Todny. Western League Sioux City at Omaha, Des Muines at Lincoln, St. Joseph at To- peka, Denver at WJchtta. American. League ctilcago. at .en Tors,. St. Louis at Philadelphia, Detroit at Wash ington, Cleveland at Huston. American Association Indianapolis at Co lumbus. Louisville at Toledo. Kansas City at St. Paul, Milwaukee at Minneapolis. Mink League Clarlnda at Auburn, Mary vllle at Nebraska City, Shenandoah at Fails City. 1 National League-Neir York at Brooklyn, Boston at Pittsburg. Nebraska League Grand Island at lied Cloud, Columbus at Superior, Seward at Hastings, Fremont Ttt Kearney. Jarkson, p. Totals .. .. 4 0 33 O. 1 8 0 2 13 1 8 10 0 0 1 87 1 ST. JOSEPH. AB. K. H. E. McLear, . If McChesney, cf Bauer, rf Jones, 2b Clark, lb Corhan, ss McNeil, 3b 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 3 4 8 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 , 1 8 4 Shea, o Johnson, p 4 Tnlnla .... 33 O t 38 '"16 38 ' 1 Tonokn. O 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 11 BL Joseph 0 00000000 0 0-0 TWi.hni. hits: I.andreth.' Boles. ' Sacri flee hits: Thc.rr.ason, Pennetl, Bauer. Base on balls: Off Jackson, 6. Struck ouU -By Jackson. 15; by Johnson, .8. Passed balls: Kern, Shea (2.) Hit by pitched ball; By Johnson, Kunkel. Umpire: Chirk ; TiWu.ii'i, wi?8 pon. DEy.pjv, W leblta . I'nable , to Retrieve iirou "1t.; a Lost Karlr la vsne. WICHITA, Kan., May 2. Timely hitting early in today's game gave Denver a lead that a home run by Isbell,' with two men on bases and heavy hitting ' late in me game, failed- to overcome. .Score: ,. VVJtJIlllA. AB. It. H. O. A. E O. 1 2 : 1 0 13i 2 2 G 0 0 Beldon, rf...., 3 1 0 10 0 0 1 1 2. 1 1 2 1 0 2 Mlddleton, ir. Claire, ss.,.,, Hughes, 2b... Isbell, lb Westerzll, 3b Petligrew, cf Shaw, c ,. Shackleford, J Shaner, p.... Totals 39 8 11 27 16 DENVER AB. R. H. O. A. 1 4 Lloyd, 2b........ 5 0 BeaU. If 5 1 ; McAleese, cf 4 .2 Lindsay, lb , 2 1 Cassldy. rf......' 2 0 Dnlan, 3b 3 3 Croston, ss 8 1 . Weaver, o 4 0 Sohreiber. p .6' 1 0 1 2 1 0 2 3 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 14 0 1 0- a ,4 0 4 ,0 I S . 6 1 0 0 Itagerman, p 0 0 Olmstead. P 0 .. 0 Denver 0 2 WlehltM. : 0 0 8 0 10 0 3 0-9 0 5-8 0 0 0 0 3 Left on bases: Wichita. 7; Denver, 8, Sacrifice hK: Llovd, Lindsay. Cassidv .(2), Dnlan. Weaver. Two-baje bits: Hughes, Cranston. McAleese. Weaver. Home runs: Isbell. Pettirrew. Stolen lses: McAleese T.inxav Dolan. Hits: Off Shackleford. ' in three Inninirs: off Shaner. 7 in six In nings; off Schreiher. 8 in eicht Innings: off HnriK-rmttn . 1: orr oimsteao. z. cirues. out- Tv Rhnckleford. 1: by Shaner 2 hv Schreiher. 2: by Harerman. 1. Wild r'tch: Shaner. Hit bv pitched ball: Me AWse. Do'an. Umpire: Haskell., .Time ?;5'. ,.i- : Grind Island Has : Tie with Hastings Fast Game Runs Two. to Two at Xnrl of First Half of Sixth Innin. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. May 2B.-OpUal Telegram.) The game scheduled for Hast lnj;s was transferred to this city today ori account of a Modern oodmen district con' vention here. It was railed at the end of the-first half of the -sixth on account of rain. Score-.. , , . I... RILE, llastlnns . 1 0 6 0 12 4 Urand Island 0 1 0 0 12 4 3 Batteries: Waldron and Wally; Paul ana Carroll. - At the league meeting at Superior the nrotest of Ked Cloud agaiast a game Sew rd won from. It was gustalned and the game declared no game, because a player participating in it was not under contract. WICHITA DI V9 111 11.1 1 HOEUNElt Isbell Plana to Maae from Beackv If Ula Man Makes Good. DK3 MOINES, la.. May 2 (Special Tele uram.l les Moines has sold PhiliD Koernei to the Wichita team. Isbell has been aftet; the big fellow for some time.' It Is probable that Isbell will manage Irom me nencn if Koeriier makes good at. the first corner. lloetors tio to lllalr. ' The Hoctor base ball team of South' Omaha will oien Its regular season at Blair Sunday. Three new Inflelders haw been added to the team during the last week, tientlemnn will b on the mound for the Hoctors Sunday, with "Cub" Mlllett behind the bat. The Hoctors have games S'-heduWd with Chaloo June 5. Herman June 12, and would like to hear from some out-of-town teams for June and 24. Address L. C. Marli. "' North Eighteenth street, feouth ouiaiia. Telephone Suuth 2210. Mebraaka Siato Shoot. ' A numlver of Omaha shooters are- makli a arrangements to attend the Nebraska statu shoot that wilt be held at tMlumtius June T r,.. ih.l mill h l. .1,1 at ,tln..,V.,.. I...,, i 0 a,ld S- Afla"1 nney for ths three dal; 0 vnta amount to . . CUBS flCG FIRST POSITION - Tighten Their Hold by Beating Phila delphia Again SHUTOUT GAME, TWO TO NOTHING Cinrliinatl Wlilps Rt. Loals Seven to , SixBoston Takes Pirates Into' tamp. Poor to One, at . . nttsbarc CHICAGO, May 26.-Chlcego, May 2. Chicago tightened its hold on first place today by defeating Philadelphia, 2 to 0, In light hitting game. Overall held the; Visitors to one hit, while Chicago made only three safe ones. The Chicago club to day sold Pitcher Stack to Philadelphia and unconditionally released Pitcher Mitchell, who signed recently. Score: CHIOOO. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A K AD H.O.A.B. Immer-n. lb 4 1 2 I 0Bts. cf ... 4 0 1 0 0 Shwjkrd, It.. I 0 I 0 OKnibe, tb.... 4 0 4 I 1 hult. rf.... 110 0 OOrant. lb.... 4 0 0 I 0 Chase, lb... I 0 8 CMum ,l( 110 0 0 (elnfclcrl. lb 1 0 1 1 OHraniflcId Ib I 111 1 I Hoffman, ct.. 1 0 t 9 0 Walsh, rt.... 10 110 Tinker, as... I III 1 Doolan. aa... t 0811 Archer, c I 0 6 1 ODooln, o I 0 t 1 Ovarall. p.... 8 0 0 i OMoora. p..... 1 0 0 0 0 Touts 13 I 37 11 1 , Total 2 1 14 14 I Chicago 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 Philadelphia 00000000 00 Sacrifice hits: Stelnfeldt (2). Sacrifice fly: Hofman. Stolen base: Zimmerman. Left on bases: Chicago, 8; Philadelphia, 3. Bases on balls: Off Overall, 3; off Moore, 2. Struck out: By Overall, 6; by Moore, 4. Wild pitch: Moore; Time: 1:35. Umpires: Rlgler and Emslie. Doves Light on Pirates. PITTSBURO. May 26. Boston defeated Mttsburg. 4 to 1. today, errors siiDoorMna- the steady work of opposing pitchers and being In part responsible for all. Score: BOSTON, PITTSBURO. - AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.K Collins, lf-e.. 4 0 4 0 0 Byrne, tb.... 4 1111 Heriof. 2b -8b till OCampball, cf.4 1 t 0 1 Sharps, lb... t 0 10 tlClarka, if.... 4 0 10 0 Miller, rf 4 1 4 0 0 Warner, aa... 4 0 4 1s Beck, cf 4 0 1 0 0J. Miller, lb 4 1110 Sweeney, aa..l ft I 0 OFlynn, lb.... 4 0 10 0 1 Urmliam, o.. Gets, 3b.... brown, p... ,4111 OWIIson, rf.... 1 0 8 0 0 4 111 loibaon, o.... 10 10 0 .1111 lAdama, p.... I 0 0 t 0 ' 'Hyatt ; 1 0 0 0 0 80 I 17 10 4Maddoi, p... 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Totals 12 4 n 11 4 Batted for Adams In the eighth. Boston 00013000 01 Pittsburg 00001 0 00 01 Two-base hits: Brhe ' Herioir - Ha.nriflnei files: Collins. Hersoif. Stolen huj.- HrerU Double plays: Wagner to Flynn; Adams to Wagner to Flynn; Byrne- to Wagner to Flynn. Bases on balls: Off Adn,m i: off Brown, 1. Struck out: By Adams, 1; by nrowu. i. iass on errors: .flttsburir 2: Boston. 4. Left on bases: PHtsburar. 4: Hos ton 4. Hits: Off Adams. 6 In el lit lnnlnna- on lunuuux, v in one inning, 'lime: 1:25. umpires: u Day and Brennan, Varsity Crews Are Thrown in Water Leland Stanford and Washington Rowers Capsize Early in Collegiate Race. , SEATTLE, May -26. When the Leland Stanford-Washington eight-oared crews started from Lead park In the threo-mile race for- the championship of the -Pacific 9r? Mil" Afternoon, tha norths Wind -was klckl.upJ,Wave two feet bixb. Before they , had , gone three-quarters of a -mile all.tMi Ben of both crews were in the water. The Washington shell split In two and Coxswain J. W. Roberts of Stanford university- narrowly escaped drowning. i ne releree, A. J. " Balllnger, awarded the race to Washington, as both crews had rowed more than half a mile and Washing ton had a lead when the catastrophe ended the race. The crews will race again over the three- mile course ori Lake Washington tomorrow morning, as the Washington crew declined to accept the decision given them by the tereree. The Washington crew will leave tomor row night for Madison, WIb., where it will meet the University of Wisconsin crew. MOORE PUNISHES DRISCOLL Phlladelphlan Completely Tires Oat i&nsjiisn inamplon. PHILADELPHIA. Mav 28. Pat Mrinr f tliis city had the better of the six-round bout with Jem DHscoll, the English light weight champion, at the National Athletic dub tonight. 1 he result was somewhat of a aumriu and Moore was cheered for his showing. He made Drlacoll miss many of uiu yuuunes ana ni me same time landed two blows to Drlscoll's one. The Englishman seemed to have lost his former noeed and was verir tired ut h finish. Drlscoll had the better of the first round, but after that Moore Improved. The fight was fast and both mixed things up o V . In the third round Drlscoll complained of rough work and Moore was warned. ftioore iook tne warning, -but-did not let up in nis aggressiveness, righting the Eng. lisl'iiian all around the ring. GARDNER REACHES THE FINALS Calif orniam Has Mot Lost Set in Bronx Championship Singles. JMtiW May 26. Car nlun T Gardner of California reached th finoi round In the Bronx championship tenuis singles today. So far Gardner has not ion i a aev. no ueaeaiea cugar 1' . L,ee, 6-8, o-, nuu in Kiiivins in mo semi-iinala dls pupeu ul ueorse crinKeruoii, s-Sv f-1. ? a new aspuant lor tne cup held by Gustave F. Touohard loomed up In T. F. waisn oi iii4 university ol Michigan. He eliminated his opponents successfully and will play E. A. Ulumenschein, the winner to meet T. It. Pell for the semi-finals In wiw lower ntiir. In doubles Wylle C. Grant and Dr. Wll nam ituttenoaum aereaiea J. Oaklnson and Walter Toussalnt, -l, 6-1. Pell and Henry J:' Mollenhauer won, 6-2, 6-2, over Frederick i-. oaggs anu iv. ti. uaggs. Capitol Pool Toarner. Wednesday afternoon's game between uwrm ana i-rinz ai uia i. apuoi pool tour nament was won by the former, 100 to 86 In the evenings game Prima evened uo matters by defeating Frsllck, 100 to 64 Krallek playing in hard luck throughout the game. Thursday evening Downs and fiinxe piay., euora; Afternoon game Owens u. o, , 1, s, g, f, i, g, 9, 3 4 a, v, , r, 4, v, aa, u 1 oiai, 1UU. 1'ilnse 0. 10, 7. 1.1, 3. 6. 1, 4. 7, 6. 3, U. S. ,4 1, 0, 4. 2, 0, 4, 6, 0-8. Total, W. Scratches: Owens, 1; Prinze, I. High runs: uwfHa, id, iia v; a-rinze, 11, iu, r.venuiK same 1 1 lute 0, 4. 8, 3, 8, 9, 11, 6, 0. 2, 4. 0. 25 1. . 2. 6. 4. 0. 1 4104. Total. 100. Frallck-6, 0, 0, 7, 6, 3, 1. 0, 1, 0, . J, 0. v, , m. o, v, uo. luiHi, 09, Scratches: Prince, 4; Frallck, 1. Referee iiuey; BTANDINO. . P. W. L. Pet. 8 0 l.Oia) 8 0 1.000 8 0 l.uuo 8 0 l.tfiO 8 8 .401) '1 8 v .33J 1 8 ' .2i0 0 4 .UU) Downs Shepard ..... Bunnell .....T White Prlnse Hlley Owens c'ralitk 2 '.'...'...'....1 'eeleyan Defeats Bellevue. The base ball team from Nebrsska Wes- Jryan university defeated the Bellevue cul ae nine at- Bellevue yesterday afternoon, to 1. Score: ll.H.E. ' Wesleyai) ......0 0 110 Bellevue .".......O 000 0 0 0 0 I 4 1 0 0 0 1-1 8 8 1 I Batteries: Wesleyan. Crane, Miller, '.Campbell and strlngfellow; Bellevue, e-euana anu Diovaey. ' Foley Kidney pills contain In concen trated form Ingredients of etsabllshed ther. apeutia valv for the relief and cure of all kidney and bladdsf aila " Missourian1 Wins . Preliminary Cup .1. Thompson Geti First in Shooting Matches, with' C. C. Tappan of Gandy, Neb., Second. PES MOINES. Ja., j'May 26.-8hootlng ninety-four out of .100 birds. M. Thompson of Gainesville, Mo., today won the pre liminary cup of the Western handicap tournament which Is new on here. To win first place In the event, however, it was necessary for him, after making his run of ninety-four out of 100, to shoot off the tie with C. C. Tappan of Qandy. Neb. Among the professionals, Fred Bills of Chicago, who has shot the high gun every day of the match, was forced to shar the honors of second place with Walter Iuft of Macon, Oa., both men finishing .with score of ninety-three out of 100. A world's record was broken today, when Bills made a score of ninety-nine out pf 100 birds In the morning event, including lghty singles and ten double's. Thompson, who woo the preliminary handicap today, won the.Bame event, shoot ing against a Nebraskan In the meet held in Des Moines In 1908. In the present event he Will receive tire trophy as win ner, while money for first and second guns will be divided between him and Tap- pan. Collins Wins Hearts at Nebraska City 1 ' T"',.,'. "1 New Pitcher Succeeds . in Stopping Losing Streak of , Minks and . Wins Praise. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., May 2C.-(Spe- clal Telegram.) Nebraska City shut ' out Maryvllle today , In one of the prettiest games ever witnessed here. Collins held the visitors down-on the shut out route and won the hearts of the fans on his first ap pearance here hls season'.', Badure, a South' Omaha boy, brought in Chapman for the winning run In the seventh inning. Bat teries: Mafyville, Thorpe and Pollock; Ne braska City, Collins and Walter. Umpire: Sage. Score: R.H.E. Maryvllle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 8 1 Nebraska City 0 0 0 0 0 0 10! 2 2 At Auburn-rClarlnda defeated Auburn here today, 8 to 1. Score: Clarlnda 20000032 18 Auburn 00000001 01 At Falls City Shenanioah defeated Falls City, 6 to 5. Score: Faljs City 10120000 l- Shenandoah 00040200 06 Gun Club. Shoot - at Des' Moines Crosby and Taylor Tie for First Hon ors in Western-Handicap in Horning. Sound. DES MOINES. ' tL.i Mav 2fi. W. n. Crosby and 'J. R. :Twy,16r,,were tlerf at 96 for first nOnors'ofUhlB,''fhoTring'1s program of th western haridfehr) ' shoot, which Is being held at the local- gun club grounds. K. Ae King and J4 Peterson Were tied for hurors among the amateurs, each having a score of 87 This afternoon the western handicap, - which Is the biggest event of the tourney, ;waa held. .-The interstate trophy goes to the winner and 8200 la added to the purse for tha event. AST PRELIMINARIES FOR THE BIG MAT CONTEST Tollver and Love Will Wrestle, i .. Will Also John, llolden, and ' Arthar Pavelka. Jack Tollver and Bert Love hava W,n signed to complete the preliminary bout before the westHng match between Hokuf ana paveiaa at tne t Auditorium Friday night. With these two added to the bia event, itiiu ui uiabun vatween Jonnnle Holden and Arthur Pavelka, brother of the big fellow, a program will be given that Win lunimn wio mni , Bume gooa sport. paveiaa arnvea in the city Tuesday and has been working but with local grapplers, getting In shape for the bout. Hokuf hii been training hard aver aince his defeat by Pavelka in the preliminary before the ihhi inttiun ueiween wesiergaard and i&DyszKO ana is in line 'Shape lor a ft lUESie. . 5 . The sale of seats opened WntnuH,. morning and the call for reservations was uriBji. "' Dl'AL, MEET . AT ELLKVUE Ataietes from . Uoase Will Contest with Presbyterians latsrdar. BELLEVUE. Neh.. Xfav 2 an.n.i Bellevue and Doann Will hniH ih.i. dual track meet at Bellevue Saturday. The rivalry between the two schools, although good natured and friendly, has always been iiiobi intense, inia vear. so mr ntarnn . leglate contests between the two are at a Biauaori. x.ast rail s root ball game was a tie. Bellevue has won in debate and lost In base ball. For this reason the students are snowing more than ordinary Interest in the coming meet coach Willis has nothing whatever to say aoout ueuevue's proppecta for winning, nowever, nope among tne students lor I decisive victory rons high, and this opt! mlstlo spirit has good basis in the faot that Bellevue won the state meet last Sat urday and also defeated Tarklo by such an overwhelming score as 87 to 28 two weeks ago. Taking into account also that the team is in the very best of condition gives ueuevue supporters warrant for their high hopes. Primrose, the captain of the team. who won five ribbons at the state meet, is counted upon to take at least aa many points next Baturaay. Slnsel runs the hurdles in beautiful form never wasting an Inch; and rarely knocking over a hurdle. .The other members of the tesm, especially the long-distance runners, are working and training hard and can be counted -upon to take their share of the points. In every track meet this spring the men have had tp battle against a strong wind and on a muddy track. It the weather will only permit, next Saturday is sure to see many of the present school records broken. . , . Bank of Kngland Statement. LONDON, May 26. The weekly statement of the Bank or. lngiana snows me roiiow ing ohanges: Total .reserve, increased. t7.000: circulation. Increased, iifo.Out); bul Hon, Increased, 827,712; other securities, Increased, t6,228,UUO- other deposits, In. creased, il.911.0u0; public deposit. Increased (4 io&.U0ik notes reserve, increased, IT3t.0u0 nvtrninrnl securities, increased, 100,000. i h nrnoortlon of the bank's reserve to liability this week is 49 W per cent. Last week It was &X80 per cent. , Stanton Wins from Wayne. STANTON. Neb.. May 2!. (Special Tele. arram.l In tha ooenlna game of the season Stanton this afternoon won a good game from Wayne, 6 to 2. The features were the all-around playing of Burner, a hlg school lad and the pitching of Phillips, th new pitcher for Stanton. He allowed th vtsitois only a hit while Stanton got seve from Sass. Batteries: Stanton, Phillips and Hopper; Superior, Wayne, bass and Uepew Oakland' Challenges Pender. niKUN'D. Keb. Msv 20 (Special Tel egram.) The Oakland High school base ball team challenged the Pender High school base ball team to a game at Oak land May 27 under the condition that the present a statement signed by their super Intendent or school Doara presiueni ins they are strictly high school players. Oak land will furnish a similar statement and furnish an outside umpire. BOSTOMNS ABUSE NAPS Hard Hitting, Helped by Errors, Fatal to Cleveland. FINAL SCORE SEVEN TO THREE New York Beat Chlcaao Foar to Three- Philadelphia Whips St. Lonls Detroit Conquers Waahirgton. BOSTON, May 26.-Numerous errors, mingled with Boston's hard hits, gave the home team today's game over Cleveland, to 8. Clcotte was batted hard, but was accorded phenomenal support. Mitchell re tired the locals on strikes In the eighth Inning. Score: CCLBVEL.AND. BOSTON. AB. H.O.A.B. An 11 nan Oranay, ef.... 4 111 0 Hooper, rf... 4 t 4 Kruir, It.., I 1 8,0 lUird, Ib 4 0 1 1 0 Tnmar, as... 8 0 1 OstaJil, lb 4 I 11 0 1 LJol, 8b.... 4 8 4 I OSpaaaer, ct.. 4 1 1 0 0 Flick, rf I0I Owattiar. as.. 3 1410 Morall, lb... 4 0 4 1, tb. 4 i 1 10 Eaaierlr, c. I 1 T 1 t Levis, it 4 110 0 Parrtnt, Ib... 4 1 0 1 OCarrlfan, .. 4 I 1 I 0 Una, p 10 11 OCIcwta, p.... 16 0 8 0 MlUtaall, p.. 10000 -V Totals M II 27 II 1 Totals m I 4 Wagner out for Interference. Cleveland 0001020008 Hoston 00006800 7 Two-base hits: Kruger, Lewis. Home run: Lajole. Hits: Off Linke. 11 In five Innings (taken out In sixth with norm out); off Mitchell, 1 In thtee Innings. Sacrtflca hit: Turnor, Cicntte. Stolen bases: Fliok, Easterly, Stahl, Speaker, Wagner. Double play: Gardner to Wagner. Left oh bases: 'lrveland, 6; Hoston, 6. First base on balls: iff Ciootte. 6: off Linke. 1: off Mltnhell. 1 First base on errors: Boston, 1; Cleveland, 1. Struck out: By Links, 1; by Mitchell, 4. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Perrine and O'Lough lin. Taft Greets Tlarer Victors. WASHINGTON. Mav 26 Detroit drove, Relating from the box In tha sixth Innlnir and eaally defeated Washington, 6 to 1. to- uay. jiiinnn was effective with men on bases. President Taft, who was an In terested spectator at the game, shook hands with all tha lie rolt nlavera nfler tha lima from his private box, Manager Jennings In troducing his men as they passed In line. Score: WASHINOTON. DETROIT. AB.H.O.A H. . An h n A B Milan, ct ... a 1 1 0D. Jonas If., 4 18 0 0, If... 4 3 0 0 ouuali. as 4 1 8 4 0 Elberlefd, Ib 4 1 1 2 OCobb, cf $8101 Uaaaler, rf... (Ill OOawford, rf. 4 1 4 0 1 inglaub, lb., i 1 14 0 SDalanaJltr, Vb I 0 1 1 0 Kllllfar. 2b.. 10 12 lMorlarlty, Ib 8 0 2 8 0 McUrlde, aa.. I 1 1 4 0T. Jonaa. Ib. 4 1 1 1 0 8traat. o.... 4 0 11 OSchmldt. c. 4 14 11 naiBims. p.. a o o I OKI Hail. B. 4 1110 naiaar. D... .luuao Schaefer ... 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 15 1127 10 I Total 16 82 II 1 Batted for Walker In the nlrth. Jones out; hit with batted ball. Washington 0 ft n n n n n A 1 i Detroit 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 06 Two-base hit- KAhmMi lln.. ftt ti id ling, 10 In five and two-thirds InnJngs. Stolen bases: Kllllfer, McBrlde, T. Joiles Left on bases: Washington, 11; Detroit, 4. r insi owe on dsiib: uri Keisiing, l; orr Walker. 8; off Kllllan. 7. First hB n errors: Washington, 1; Detroit, 1. Hit with pucnea Dan: ay Kllllan, L Struck out: By Uelsling, 2; by Kllllan, 3. Time; 1:6a. Umpires: Dineen and Connolly. Athletics Drab Browns. PHILADELPHIA. Mav 26. Phlladelnhla defeated St. Louis today In a poorly played same, o to s. score: 8T. WUI. PHILADELPHIA AB. H.O.A.B. AB.H.U.A.SL Sttona, If.... 114 0 OHaltnW. If.. I 1 I 0 0 Haruall. aa. 4 0 0 t onirfrin f. a a a a a Wallace, tb.. 10 8 1 OColllna, Ib... 4 14 10 Orln, Ib... 4 8 4 0 lDarla, lb.... 110 11 Hoffman, ef. I 11 0 Oiufear. Ik.... 4 s a -1 i Bchwaitasr, rf, 1 14 1 OMarpfcr, rt.. I 0 I 1 1 Abataln, "lb.? 4 Oil OBafrr. as.. i 102 0 Killifar, ... 4 0 8 2 1 Urlncat.n, 1 A I 1 0 Ballajr, p 4 0 0 4 (Thomas, c,. PI 0 1 0 Monan, p... 8 0 0 I 0 Totals .....80 684 II 8 Totala 16 I tt 11 I Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 St. Louis 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 08 Two-base hits: Hoffman. Collins. Barrv. Three-base hits: Griggs, Baker. Sacrifice rues: Bcnweltzer, Murphy. Sacrifice hits: Oldrlng. Hartzell. Moriran. Stolen bime: Collins. Double plays: Schweltser to Kllll- ier; Hansen to Absteln; Kllllfer to Wal lace. Left on bases: St Louis. 8: Philadel phia, 6. Base on balls: Off Morgan, 6. Base on errors: St. Louis. 2. Struck out: By Bailey, 2; by Morgan, 8. Passed ball: Kllllfer. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Kerln and Sheridan. Sax Lose to Highlanders. NEW YORK. May' 26. The New York Americans took Chicago Into camD today. 4 to--8. Cree's hitting was responsible for new lorKs nintn straight victory. He made a home run in the fourth Inning with two men on bases and a triple in the sev enth when Roach was on first. Score: CHICAGO. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.K AB.H.O.A. 11. Franrh. rf... 4 110 OHemDhlll. cf. 4 0 1 0 0 Oandll, lb... 4 0 II 1 OWoltar. rt... I 0 10 0 Zeldar, lb... 4 I I 4 OChaaa. lb... Douthcrtr, If 4 8 1 0 OLaporta, Ib. Cola, cf 4 1 1 0 OHoach, ss, . Purtell. Ib... 4 0 0 1 OCraa, If Blackburn, as I 1 I 4 OAuatln, lb.. Whlta 1 0 0 0 OCrlser, e... Block, e 4 1 4 I 0 Gardner ... 4 0 14 1 0 14 6 0 8 114 1 18 110 I 1 1 8 0 I 0 I I 0 1 0 0 0 0 Scott p I I 0 I OSwaanar, e.. Collins .... 1 0 0 0 OQulnn, p.... 0 0 110 10 14 0 Total 14 14 IS 0 Totala U I IT II 1 Batted for Blackburn In ninth. Batted for Scotty In ninth. Batted for Crlger In ninth. Chicago 002000100-3 New York 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 Three-base hits: Cole. LaPorte. Cree. Home run: Cree. Stolen bases: Zelder, iwun, iiouinarty, i.en on Dases: i;mcaao. 6; New York, 2. Double plays: Koat-h: La- Porte ana Chase (2). struck out: By Scott, 4; by Qulnn, 3. Base on balls: Off Scott, 2. Time: 1:W. Umpires: Bran and Eva.iB Jeanette Ponlshea Norrls. BOSTON. May 24. Andrew Morris of this city was no match for Joe Jeanette In their DOUl ai me Armory Ainiena associ ation tonight. The sponge was tossed Into tha ring by one oi Morris' seconds and saved him from a knockout In the third round. Fast Aato Ran. v. r. Huffsmlth of Creighton bought an Interstate car from the Huffman Automo bile company and made the drive home of 198 miles in ten nours. I' mo. Clark Is Back. TTmnlre George Clark arrived from Lln nnln Wednesday night, where he has been handling the Indicator. He will umpire the Sioux Clty-omana series. OWEN AND WIFE SAIL TODAY English Officer and Daaghter of W'. J. Bryan Leave Vera Cros for Jamaica. MEXICO CITY, May 28 Mrs. Ruth Bryan Leavitt Owen, daughter of W. J. Bryan end her husband. Lieutenant R. A. Owen, of the English army, concluded their two days' ' visit In this city and left tonight for Vera Crus, where they will take steamer for Havana tomorrow, hey are on their wedding journey, which will end in Jamaica, where Lieutenant Owen is statlonad. DEATH RECORD. Two Deaths at Huron. HURON. S. D., May 26. (Special Tele gram.) Miss Ermel Reed, aged 22, daughter of George C. Reed and wife, died Tuesday afternoon, following a long Illness. John P. Kane, nephew of Father Hogan of Desmet, died here yesterday, aged 35 He came from New York some months since, hoping to regain health. The re mains were taken to Dtosmet for burial. Babies ftlraaaled by croup, coughs or colds are " Instantly relieved and quickly cured with Pr. King's New Discovery. 60c and f 1 00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Persistent advertising In The Omaha Bee Is the road to Big Returns. Big Racing Cars Try New Track Crack Drivers Are Testing the New Speedway Preparatory to Tomorrow's Races. INDIANAPOLIS, l.d., May 26. In bril liant sunshine and cooled air the drivers of a hundred racing cars entered In the three-day meet that opens at the Indian spoils speedway tomorrow, swarmed on the broad course today and swung the circuit, Umbering their engines. A throng of motor fans, men and women, animated the grandstands and parking space. Oldfleld, Bragg, Klrscher, Harroun, Chevrolet, Altken, Endlcott, Burman. Schwitxer and many more contestants, after spinning all day over the new two-and-a-half-mile brick track, clean as a floor, said It offered less resistance than any track they ever had driven over. Weather Delays Glen Curtiss Aviator May Abandon the Proposed Flight from New York to Albany. ALBA NT, N. Y., May 26. -After a leis urely breakfast today Glenn II. Curtiss took a taxlcab to Van Rensselaer Island, where his mechanics were assembling his biplane. There he superintended the tuning up and came back for luncheon to his hotel. The weather does not please Curtiss. He feels that it would be foolish to attempt flight of any distance, even should indi- cStions here seem favorable, until there is assuranoe from the weather bureau that there Is a widespread area of settled con ditions. Otherwise he feels ho might ruin a splendid start -by running Into a local thundor storm. . An Englishman familiar, with the country over which Paulhan recently made his record flight from London to Manchester told Mr. Curtiss today that the route to New York from here Is Infinitely mora difficult. Searched Schooner Not American Boat If the Esfuerzo Flew the Stars and Stripes it Was Without Au-. thority to Do So. WASHINGTON, May 26. If the schooner Esfuerzo, which ,was searched by tho Nlc araguan gunboat Venus, was flying the United States flag at . the time she was overhauled, as has been reported, she was carrying the Stars and Stripes without authority, according to official advices re ceived here. The Navy department has authentlo in formation that the Esfuerso is not an American schooner. She is said to have a Nlcaraguan register and la entitled, to fly the .Nlcaraguan flag. It is-thought probable that' she "may be partly owned by Americans, but that In no sense entitles her to the protection of the United tSates as an American vessel. Under these circumstances the American government would not be justified in tak ing any action whaUver In her case. LOAN BROKER IS CONVICTED Olcot C. Colt of New York Is Ponnd Gollty of I'slnjr the Malls to Defraud. KANSAS CIT1, Mo., May !6. Olcot C. Colt, a loan broker of New York, was con victed In the federal court here today on the charge of using the malls to defraud. The conviction provides for a penalty of eighteen months' Imprisonment and a fine of $600. The Jury petitioned tho court not to Impose the prison sentence. Sunday Shows Prohibited. HURON. S. D., May 26.-. (Special Tele gram.) At a meeting of the city commis sioners a ' resolution waa adopted . forbid ding Sunday theaters and kindred amuse ments in Huron. Hereafter no license or other permit will be granted to owners. managers or Others In charge of placea oi public amusement for Sunday shows. Vio lations of the resolution will result In a recall of lloenses already In force and the refusal to grant further license to the party In violation. When you want what you-want when you want it, and want It In a hurry, ad vertise It In The Bee. al finlly Trade Supplied by I has, Slrz. Phones, Webster 1210. Independent B 1201. D. S, FIELD AND TRACK MEET Entries Coming- Fast for Interschol astio at Omaha Saturday. ' PROMINENT OFFICIALS TO ACT Leading Athletes of the West to Lead llrlplnw Hand to Make Meet Suecena Kl ve Hundred Compete. Arrangements for the big Interscholastte state High school meet have been progress ing finely during this week, h-ntrles aure coming fast and it looks as If the meet In Omaha would be the most successful ever held in the west. Those who know of the prowess at the athletes expect to see more records brokea this year than In any previous years. It Is almost certain that Wyley of York Will break the state high Jump record of i feet ( Inches, as he has been doing 6 feet 8 laches without the least trouble all the year, and made a height of S feet lOft Inches in tha Missouri valley meet held at Vt Muines two weeks ago. The relay team of Omaha is determined to smash tha record set by tbe Humboldt four last year for the half-mile, a time of 1 mlnuto 3i seconds, and may do It, aa it made the same distance In 1 minute 38 sec onds last Monday In the ttl-clty meet. ..The rivalry between Mann and Wood . .may possibly lower the 100-yard time to an even 10 seconds Instead of 10Vi seconds now. , The time made at the Missouri valley meet lu the 220-yard dash was better titan the state time, and Mann Is sure he can .set tho Nebraska slate record under ba name lu that race. , . Present State Records. .. The Hat of state records as it stands at the present date Is as follows: ' 100-Yard Dash-Time:' 0:10ft. Made May 27, 1U04. by R. H. Uurres of Lincoln and Wlldman of York. ' . 22Yard Dash-Time: 0:22, Made May 27, 1W04, by R. H. Uurres of Lincoln. Quarter-Mile Run Time: 0:b4fc. Made May IB, 1H0S, by G. Vreeland Of Huntings. Half-Mile Run Time: 2:07'). Made May 17, HHI7, by V. llurnham of Pawnee City. Mile Run Time: 4; 45. Made May 16, 1908, by H. Wright of Kearney. 120-Yard Hurdles Time: 0:17V. Mado Majr 15, 1908, by W. Collier of Falls City. 220-Yard Hurdles Time: 0:27H- Mado May 15, 1SW8, by W. Collier of Falls City. Pole Vault Height: 10 feet 8 Inches. Made May 19, 1908, by H. Schults of Beatrice. High Jump Height: 6 feet 8 Inches. Made May 11, 190ti, by H. Dlera of York. liroad Jump Distance: 20 feet tti Inches. Made May 16, 1908, by W. Collier of Falls City Twelve-Pound Shot Put-Distance: 45 feet 3i Indies. Made May 17, 1907, by W. Duval of Fairbury. Twelve-Pound Hammer Throw Distance I 132 feet U Inches. Made May 17, 1908, by I Kodewald of Falls City. Discus Throw Distance: 107 feet. 'Made May 17. 1907, by R. Dundy and Sliubert. Half-Mlle Relay-Time: 1:39. Made May 16, 1908, by the Humboldt team. Although It Is not sure that all the Omaha boys will be allowed to enter, Coach Cains stated Wednesday that he would enter, at least those men who showed up the best In the meet held Monday The nine boys on the team so far are Fraser, Wood, Kennedy, Burdlck, Hansen,- Kttlakef sky, Rowley, Millard and Rouse. This Includes the relay team and the boys who made so good on the weight events lately. , Omaha men are coming to the front pobly In regard "to "the officials1 -needed and Mr. Cams has been able to obtain men Who have been prominent In track work In Nebraska and the west roi- tne last ten years. A number of the high school cadets will be on hand to place hurdles and the meet will undoubtedly go off without a hitch. Mlchaells Will Referee. The chief referee of the meet wiU be O. E. Mlchaelis. D. C. McDonald will act as starter, R. Thompson as announcer and A. W. Miller as official scorer. The Judges of the finish will be Captain C. E. Babcock, Captain H. F. Dalton, Lieu tenant R. W. Drury and . Carey. The list of timers la composed of Lieutenant Blase Colo, Hugh Wallace, P. M. Wheeler, Inspectors will be E. Anderson, E. H. Or chard, It. Doddsnd R. Wilson. Tho clerk of the' course will be Painter Knox and his assistants will be D. Payne and O. Sugarman. The chief field Judge will be T. A. Pent land, and the pole vault will be in charge of Lieutenant F. C. , Rogers, Merle How ard and R. Newell. High and broad Jumps are In the hands of F. Ruffncr, a. T. Whltmore and B. Lynn. Tho dlssus throw will be managed by E. E. McMillan and C. T. Techa, and the hammer throw by D. Ringer, A. N. Carstensen and W, Kewl(. ' Braver City Loses to UUlaon. BEAVER CITY. Neb., May 26. (Special.) The Edison base ball team defeated the Beaver City team here Tuesday, 6 to 4, Score: Edison 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 16 Beaver City 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1-4 Batteries: Edison.-Simmons and. French; Beaver City, Keagor and Sharkey,. Fielders' Gloves and First Basemen's Mitts used by such diamond stars as Wagntr, Cobb, Lajoim, Cottini, Crawford, Magem, Davit, ' Chanct, Twmuy, Brantfield and numerous others. The gloves and mitts that are used by the World's Champion, Tha Rmach Trad Mark Guarant$ Satitfaction and Ptrftct Good. The Rtarh OWlciM Base Ball Guide-10c t your dealer's. Baseball Catalogue FNEE. Tk A. J. BEACH COMPANY. 1778 Tulip Street, FhllatUlphU, Pa 'm :-W r.,f i .. mi, i .!.. wai.sJs "sr ' ! f (V