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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1910)
TPNTTAY. AFT..L LETT E92E IS KA5S1CKED T Ti-eTcs Tike St-t -figr.. cf LlTtrrw. tlxay nilxtoxcs arc -fierce! N- as tubstltaJcs for RoyaL Kc3c cl . Is Cc same In cyxposIc or ellrcllvrness, so wholesome and eco-BC--c, ncr ivIH v&sXc ci line food. CnSJLIi: -T2T2 rAYTT.T AX AT bow- r . l-e RrMm kr ria-a K -ybi at mt T r 4 Ja-r f f ilw 7717. Ttt: oy.n.. a." - Mi rkxrzfi n 6H- Aw'vS I Mil uTi -.YflTVTt B-B WBW ! w -. Eoyxl Is Qc only Haldnjj Pcivdcr ... frcx-i oyJ Crape Cream c! Tartar -a. ''7 4 EF CITY rTCS - M . r. T-"e-B Ji- So-"J t-rry tMt ' ;;T" d ' tb Ne Turk, a. a- tT a ma. 4. wrt tr.-i,Fi ber hme at 30C Incr ncwl and t'v-k an .rrfrury of tr-.e a ..ce ThtfS had hear, stum-h tT to'.:-.?;- cj wa. a '.a 'learned Tmf a.T!(irt : -aera 1 amri da rf kmt had faea tr'n th hands of Tie ma-iade-. P-.rj,r--a. aka. rr and cu-tair.a. w Tf-ur. jewa-iry and turua-T were trie ftirTerit rf the teuw which tie bu-y. a." cr feu-plan lot. tir It was found it ''-"a y-'OW V:p and I bed (- had pear -.---b---i fr tb beds an4 ritr-irt ;--r The hi'uM had , bn ! Tbou-5 V lrT r fif'.r. r i pon of rh irwrtilmf 9n far a! ae ' L.zna.: ii from ir . tivaim ;: a a apparent tmb tb maimmnm rf LtE 1 Mia an I &f rrrM Oa (Jara i- -AX, &M9Tai Apst, (rr. r.a. Bal bM JE ravr-os 1IFAI1S AT SOUTH OMAHA M kica for tm rf :a-ea Ti-:t-;S an rwta tn Ii to E rjrr'.i. Tb CiCT tr aiirer a aa mtrr CAUn CTO-ZZTZ TTTO t a gfl r . a. r JMKia -tjt (if iririarotLa caf Irse. 3a" nan a In.TW ca lwda 17 Eon tJT. lt Board ! Tr3a baiid-iie. 1 ZaOrt gnrliWMT Xm ObiIii Lorl K-u-b- ! "T adm aijiy -f at " JHS o clock. oa Ui Orw.and Umi'od. vhi tsn.-ui.ta toa aA ' F'Tak&cisca la tt akK. XaataUai ftimm a Tim j rranJt "W. ! cuujrty rerorajff f firt-dn, is rffl-jvri-e4 artth rawjaRct a fc?vr at aTjaa aammii huapjtaO. rriania ef M..-. F.ana a-- not xierici.i- fp'" aur-a ov-r Lis caue tica la b ia u Baperv-iaor of Ctmt Ctuari L. tia.-aiera aapecta ta Uti T.h fail lJtt uf ttMt euan crKuri far ta SaKsena cfauraaA duvenert emcpnata aritiu Aay cir tB- TTMera yet. raJTiaina una " ta s Lij-icta ta Ul aJid a ja t-a a-utC Ua ivrdn ijc pubora.tnia of tba ItBl of enaiaaerajiiar a ia cnarpete. Ca RG&afal Ji But end Em err ilcGradaSL. Uit aTn vba waa ar rattLsd ca cta g a.f aia.T.rti.r.c a puraa trvm X-Ji t I'iut-s, a, ta tmsh, - atnaJcd! ttoa irtrmaa akoct tii faoc. a-a aenvenced ta tiurty dai'a. SLaa Piutn atppaau-od 1 cuvrt -v-rdi both cea ba? jBcuaraii fj'ata tb nrfTQ't Uctl SiaGena-Ct-a Ijusg sail tb arrara: tpat tuaif Sabaaot la jaarl iiTaanJUaaTM Ocvaalaa S cpemuaaDdKEia of LKHuriaa couity Sua--K -it xntxet ai tiua Zoucc Mes a CtrjJtiaa. aama mnn Friaa aftariiCMia ai t .3 e cJot ta wrjrakniiJB aa. aaamakm. jkJI aju-MjrtcJaradKiaj Llm eraser a--a lBT:id La acMnaU Tia caaEzattacaa a rgnuuaaUlna kaujrii. Tha ia aHiaaErUaendecx C tea acboul . aX ii gin Craiaa c&upch. raxk-'i. gfnf-r-i Jnlocxtar af avjipUsa for th TraaaarT a paLTLniM.t and in cnau-c of arTTaffTUMCt tiif.-nffa, lioid. ClaJaB Bknet- ( -ui t. Jauutura a tta snaceca Vufliirs Tncuwiay xnmnctr t cp'a tbem la torucuuna a U tba beoer aacixar; ma m-tf- af af tiaa txaildins. It ia further in tended ta tsrv!t tr -araxctmien f tha jht cfSca niirf ir.g aTii poJjca powers ia o-3er Vaai ttey aaaat arrt paroee cana-iit -de-jvcni tba V&Jilir.e ar -w.ii'uaCj rioiacu Sjxm aaauiaurx lawa rt-.i Una; t g,wej laamt kUilattSa. Tkraa Kara Stvam bI Mrm. Clara H. iiaa kroucat atut 1 dtaarritx oort aaatmat C jltt-oc-b . jTwwt. . t ornwrly a. aaleamaa 1st tb Oirrar Tj-pe--arher eon jiajiy. Tba jgfirta rrt, ja now a maulaml . a iiauireea. iua tavmiiy reds at X,-l aveiuia. Tba drrorcc fa. a torti it waa txpartad Xrs. ET.pjii FTau-.r cf XLuadea wanad kirsc aTi7raT Gum ga H fittoav Surmtiriy u acuva artunwy. bus. cm a true, firdHXaar. haa baaa fatid in disu-KX court, lira. Piaoa rtK-nea a lose lBt e crueitMta. Plaoa ataa rootmtiy ficoil fit is r.ouaur eourt X:r ji aaaa.&:t tpca tia anfe Javmes E. Cturcte- i u;j Mra. KlaSari ClmnJiipeJ for aUtTarta m the iarod af teiii(StKj. Tie esmpia -aera mar rrd m Suffaua. 1 "-tan P. Tt tr af Taitk Ward j totajaa Paua tii J. J. LartOa ! Flaal tmlaa aC 1 n- : a - caaraaa, Cffla-taU F'T Stavtjr J" J. T-ainii" law 1 . W. J. t-II laH. 1,. For Citr Trnnrarr i-jEa -c.rt..- irrr 1. , , Jina J. O-m ia 1 "ST. a fro one; Far C:ty Owk Job-s LarwTB 'T ' F H.. Mind jym t . . "ar. rffi:jxT , Fnr Crrr ArtijrnT H. C Karprr.y trrp , f-aaiaM-i I Wijir"ra idaii.; H. E. ETrrs iaoc. t Tnr Tax CmcTEjaioOTier Fratia Worn ""r ' J-ry F!tsit?raI ara Ffw rncan.m.a. F;rst vVrS ir van Lraos 'D J. f- id!.i , . , J. S. I"r.t!prmr 1 For Concir.iL Snc(i Wr J E. n Wit rrp ).......- John F-Hnca dm . i loronT 'wit 1 it i."k: , il!i 1.-4 , i e a ir -- i -mtr-; miw":d 'ti:- taa to ta tr-nnfl Twtrt--a-L rr-3 Ta-ua of -.: thauoaad j Cua-j-ary ts t fimt ra-M.rti cf T affaJ. 13 a-tir it Li j asMtacM Tat ta ad ata.-a a ta' jparp-T a-! piate. a-aa n-i-t soc j Z dj a tf ts Tai.jf cf T dacr- 1 ticn is tit of te Tair.Iy had I bora 1-ft t'.3 bc -SaTi Jir ad Mra I Lttt- t!T-tr" f-a R saeraJ a j . e:cr ery 01 e rurpiary a aantioa j , r.:?,"ttn' ojMa T- fami y. J.r ani X-n. i Ijrry bad iasaal inafeiT.c a tr-p ro Europe j a monti! a"a. rry tt: ts Nr Tr ' ta b jotnod tor bar t!ha.nd. A fhun ! ! tJTD afta bar r-parr Mr. Lr bar ttw j jarwcij at tb - bot. wiiwa -r ; are dp. Hr baand llipena caiiaa. tn j , rat a of lira Larry to Omaha ..mtT aay far taa na- rpaa:io ar,d a-rrx- . f - -.?- --p aaa 1 of tem flUara-a ta-y a ere c-'-a an riad 1 -fn tpe boaae ari lira. Ly d..-i w a-et put aa the ajpL.-ed ta J ct-tjrf- a bad b-ra rtTiml ty b-r:ar j tret ia. -- j "irJ Clab raaM, j D Wonfe ' Tba So-ta Omaaa Meal lada-i DlllCi-Cr V -III LS j pfTioarct Pi.bTjrad cjtih. -hit -a-aa aa act; 1 i Tr;a ty roTir.ii prr.nmj4 asto ; mobf. fnr the tr.ty enateer a dTr-ta on the bid af H Prtemua fjr IK The : be piaied 4n irfrmed.ate acrv- ' 1 ic-. a it aaj rrTjy aeeded. Tie T r ct: a a aa irj-uctad t s ar - w tba aie (,f S fit para buoda. fcics to be creii'd Aprti . The iart budrt cf c.rr before tie p-ewr.t rotmcil ailo-e-ed and It ia be- 1 tia-red that every item of tfce ectir ty j tpeTj:tra to dale baa been witied. Tba I Uid council adjourned : d -a t icaae For CaunTi. 7"rd "Ward T. . Trr -i rp. I -aaxwira Kv-ifn 1 dera. AUaTUFIt Bw ae t Fw C i:n. Fm2 'Wa-d J-h C. R:ni " Joc-n H. Iara, 1 1 J. . Hinlaooer ra ... JTor Cmrrw- FLTtb -luraat M;lier p Fnr Cmcx-!Ta. 5I "WTa-d TriTaraaa G. ljLyfBrn frep. . 1C4 Mact Ta :.ei man iaem-j . . J. e ikci . 7 Fr Coimcilinu. eegMi -Tard Thtamaa P. Pnuan son '--t inr Joa 2. aj-kia 1 1 X.K3' W. Boairc aK. ) -. 15. IF? M arr rwa rf Bnar f Fire jd . r - r-ura '.-ttt :-anrrr t Tbamaa J. K.euer irep. T8T liana MiwirUi (rep 4-.n -n.r j tie recer-t u3c'paj eit?ron and -'ca aHeiHied tbe ejctjoa of P. J. Traitior. baa decided tfl create a pa") aiat; orfraxiizatic A rm2!i ru bel at the na T--ecty-at aad w atretTt. Sunday ! -1 g i afteraeaan. t was aneoaed by a laree 1 Z.S.u , BuTEber of tCTnd net At trtia mart- : f-;-i r--r a n c n aaa swim -:a er.Lm T reoreae on a perma.nrrt baala. A bnrf r new e te .ie carrpaitm a aa taken aal a raMalu on parsed re tg-.Tinc t."ie fotii of tba cjub ia taa nun TtciM caadidacy ti c!i etid'jraed- The iTrted-te . ofc-ci ut tbt orc.r.:t: a be ta TaJtc as arrt"r te-t ra toe appmcr.f; ta:e fTnpaii. a-rri fpecitl -artention ts the fovrmor and Tbe ctcreHBf.n to be fiec".e Tbe rJ'-b w aB airra fTisnca tbe niirnir.a.uoo cf tbe nine rap!ieTita'rea ard tbe three Batora from Ixiuifaa eooary to be eject for tbe ataie Jamiarare. A committee en candidate anl recorda -a aiipfiir.T.rd to look op tfce wreral canc datsa aad report ta toe c!b at sxm next 1.F4 , 1 1.3M ll 4 a Viaduct Built j in Fifth Ward; ... 1 tr 3Trrt for Orctiet-i CrosEiry Crer Tr 5cx Ff-t d Ir. 1 . 1 ES . .'J 14 , l.w 1 1S ! l.FTa ; . .K ! , 1 j ConrrrrmaTi F.rorkar r,t taker: the Pe- erepe rien ta thf buiifi.r.s; i f a ect -rdrt crrr tbe raroad tr: i m , tbe aoutneart end of tb Fiftb ward. E . ha re-aened tba c-;Ty eturlneer to prepare piaaa far a fiaari i v -r either Izard ar ?Ck hoiaa ptrevta. It w pmpoeed ts hv tbe struct begr jst eaat of fjeer.tb J Btreet and run p'r a The Tra- between tbat, pot aad Thirteeatb arreet. ; "Surh a riaducx ia nadLy aeeded. aad bat been f;r a long apeH." aaid Coaeilan Erckr. "The preeent Beem ta me the Joseph P-rra i. J J. K .. 1 W. F. Potman uc -FT j a-:i lT" mm-.r.r jaaaa? "try r aala j ep'r time la aa bFy. It the wrk Th rUnr Wm-ker wiii asseioble at the i " " i"5"" tit - eoi:eaday aftemooa. j under way. bua--ere n -doubt we will Fred Kefir. ir.-r. Sotrta TheiJa atreel, . b ahie to rirfg- atoct. TaTkt-c wni rcjaurta b a,r; h ai a f aaee itrtiejr Liai. .aa ney baa reeigaed ku poiiitiun aa smaa tia auu ie lurua. ' PHC'XE JOITH fnr a caae ef JET- T ." r, ; y-R P rapt Oelj-raa-y to y part 01 eiry. tmry J. Jertw mher riTKFffia"e I , I frndey afree w'.tb ' roe. aad tbe wrk to be dnne by tbe rcun- j ell will be c' I-en tbe Dereaeary CT7erae to j carry it tbroufrfc. "We haxe bten tjats the ratlmad wtfi a rod deal of eoTiHidera- I Frw -rnlver of th Euard of Ed fem iS Teare . . elc-Q iT m I.Ki4 T. ii. e rep ) ., A. . HT)tjr 'dam.) , T. E SpRne.-r 4em j . E. E-aerier iwacO ' . . , l "W. C Craadl 1 . . j Tba trffiraal razrraaa of the rer-arr. Bf tba recent crry elertlnn tu made lat arht aa part of the proeeediziirs of tbe ejection. Tba mere tie r of tha oty council acted aa tha carrr aatuac board. Tbe reauit fc-eorce 10 J 01 canraea aar tha rwp-i ni one mora member ia the council, Taomaa P Peteraoa of tba Seventh ward, a bo -woa aver X X Lrk by a veee ef 1 MS7 ta 1.KS Aun ler liiat macs of tus piarality. but eI! bad aiz vutea to the s jcid. The totaia were; A.urt er. l,i. J as 3- . Thia fraia In tbe coo ia very tnir- t. aa th emiacj. wO st Dm have euf firjtmt T'wtea ta carry any jampeartHm wra The Ladiea' amxiUarry af the Afl-rt CT5er ,i - . ,.-. . reit t w.k fnr m i BiU A Btlt W, irtg i ueecay eve. Tbe South Omaha H;rh 5ich(l AJurn 1 aMociat:ou a-i.i niwi t p. .- eif; at u ; tia achioii hu. ; alia Ver-:i:ia M lianiei aad Xirn Eeume E-am a-ca of f-iai amonta are rjtaaf 1 ie 1 F era Mc.Eride tar a few aaya H. A -i" iene. the infant muti of TTiUiarB iee. 4U W" H-rset, e.ea Sartirday atic ; waa buned laonaiiy aeraoaa. Sou-h Omaha (ip K. rndmen of 1 tbe World. ui a-.erta Hour ca '-p ' de-H teaaj Wcecay tveitLf. M,e Ittiiiie O'Maijey. w-ba wa tb araeat , of aaa .rme aaTT;.'an last weea, re- ' timed to er lime at u Nei, ,Kt ( '- H.rTr aad hia mother, atra 3. J j Hirrrtr are .:.a dcrii r if - . fiupi r i rmata C aaha Thee are en rtu- f-ara ' rr the rara3 Thrf -pent the l aat ann EACX TO THE FARI KQYEMLVT mi wt t-a aa aVa inl Taiaaab 1-rlaai C-a-a a M " City. Ca. ,irr tt Mliwu r 'imr ia Cajtti: The C"ina churcb oiasrnii: will be fnwn J"Yu.y fvaciiyf Apr ifi. at ls siuuta Oma.ha I:h a i ajtor Card nf Mr. J. H. Eaderadorf ajid taj;?y a-ma t rriana their macy kind rrjafijoa fir the eyrr.riatij' aad hei.p em-tended 9 trtern iiiriT..a r. r a.. th bead of P. J. Trtrir, lea-A a i ak. - , " , . ' " . , . , . 1 The ""r.g Worker of the Ohmaroaa tba ba oe ef pwer. It req-ja frr vocea 1 rfcurt-h a-ili xiieet Mn iraa.t, U liorta ia the cau ta maka the ueceflsary two- ; atret-t, Ttea; ju-x aniiin ce-operation eo their part-" Cenc"man Ervuker ha aiao taken ap i a-ith the Park board the matter of plan-. , pa'tipei apBrTUis to the propoeed Locum ! Btrett TTadnrt. Plan for title Btrartare i hafe already been adnpted by tba dry j csuacU, and ai.r pKrrg ef tba work 1 baa aniy aa aited areeTnnt wnb the Park j board as ta the approacbea It ia dea-rea 1 ta make tea fit lata th general scheme '. of park aad toeTrd im prrrremen t j Supertntendect Aaama of the Park board . said today be can aee aothiax ta the way ' of aa af "eenient. aad th. ia taken to 1 thai the nrtwt atree t atrorrcre tracai -Q be atarted thorda Tha elnrtioai af ml tm eryied a re putuicaa VKtary la a.1 practical eenaea as wttk Tit anayor and eiry attorney, E- C Murpity. the rtu caa om pear nTiajpr.f; all THai affatra Ai it ii. it m teiy that tttis drrwion cf tbe coual w set tinder tha city' pracrraiaa, aa the councils: pen appear to b mes c JudfeiuecL The co-TMrlimea are: X C "W a) tern. John Th Tomen'a Oirmtlan Temperaaca unav a-'ui awn nn Tueeciay aftemooa at tr niime af r oernn. Twenrj-aecuad aa F atxn. Tba women nf the Xa Centr club wiU r it a cara narry -TecneadaT afteT-aoon at M ,mic ba.1 Ca-da aad rt-frer;mi.t ww be trie nature ui u nri :i-,-r.t nro videa. The inconuTif C:;t CW-rk F. H. Oood ha appuiried Jmia t enrjasij h' deputy ar.a Jwt jmercfu ci kitstaiii. Ttu ia win Firewater Gets Big Chieftain JtZaw 1 cf Co Pent-tied ta Taie Ee.da.e Back E- Trk ta th farm ia tha a tn4 ia warV-d eut ttrougrh tha cturehe hy j "' -eiocrat and Joita C- Eiha A truat a aene meetuja tttroaf the middie i -'. It ia ma-r tamed that tb enaatrr lada ara tzid to wjch w.ta the tdna BKJrtef ta th Oty. rather than a:ay an the farm. ad to currert theac ccniLtluni a ri. im bei: ia thres the raurchea. Pb:ic of!reoea w. t beid ta Oniai.a Jlprn 1 and . Nork. April . G-bbna. Lpr2 X ad IQo.n, April S. Tnaaa nwifi to it the pu) 1 trrrlTtaS. "- be addrwmw d by th erpen Wt-dascta af a? -u.tts?T ia ia t Buiiw ;! aad in the cburchea: Iaa E. A. liuntt uf U TJi'."ty af 3r.ti. . -T. K. Jteama T- H, of rW-arrn-e 1 and It. "War-real H "TIbob it St Turk, -n wtj pieaide. Citner apfk 1 wtU be E.T. Thueoaa H- iOetsneX Ii- of CtA; Juts D. BatkrU ft -Tafeefid ie. -T. "Uf. farncn. H. IX; Pre. Eamril i .. I-iac Ii. P John B. Kl. XL r of ATa a Cut. lb er-i!t:i pot of tse me Fraaek. GaTe Haffmaa aad Ut Feter- I -. prupneta I"r.' ET Acre trs: S TeHtrw B3 "heap hi - wttk ton medicina doctor a ha ;r in biack rmgrieffa aboct h ahouidera. stood up bajfore Judfr Crawford, aa ApnTia in Terde bronae. hioad that af ; EiJ a "Too mock white man bordem,- was hi pla in anaa r lo th ca uf puua --Tier ad Thonsaa P. Peterson, repub- Oa th report cf th carvaamne board the ofriai oata aai ad.:ti-red toy tb rettrrcii city crk ta the newiy eiatted ofTirta Th UH t mmt mm. In the ":ast rrymar at-anca cf the c ry etiunr. a tich preceded the vana tf ir reruma, many uf tb odd anC enda uf -u-iceaa wr f tb p ao aa ta leave a c a aiate for tli iacunc mt-ntbera A eummuaic-'.'n cf cotiaidcah ienport aac wa read c-unferr-inf; ta ciitrjr;,n tif a naduct us F street acroaa taa Mis souri PaciTic r r.t of a as'- Th rend camparT. Thrrnirt K. F. 'Tatsner, re oea ed an auoiexira w.ta the city etini.i aad ti.r city Tiria ar atima date iK-ar I drunkeaaaaa a ic the city nroancuLar read a r a Vct T WI ' a . -;,... a a tO t. aeruna. acre, s. atno rt. : i ru"rr. ba-a. Teliow BuTi. beir.i aa Iadiaa. Juat laoked e-i and Wind rri r..r pii-e. i acrea 1 ; wia aad phiio-afiticai H retnaed ta m..e anutn of c:ry bmita. fxiA -rard and 1 . v. ' cimern. Ail Bice .ad. 0r' Reai Kf- i rKul tj CJW t-,,ao taktlt. i tans and lnnince rmcy . TtL &uu ! "Haaci as Dh Heap ponf. Eaap . 1 ' ek saw. -"act a ba" A a-ise 1 juJ Cr-afojad iaoked aw th etmdid atiff-rinr a-aa throat aid iur.a; trouh,e j cruwd on th beacAea. fiilad n detend a .taraiy commuted -y It. iOi , Ntw ; aad than back apa at tbe majeaae .vin rirur Ci. iA 1 ppintrual drpra with much I5 -- tLOTMUfc -AUG. 'X charted; (a back ta CJahorr." Beaadeto t 1T trmmm a M-ftaairr tha am c Chamberia a ' -fr artty a aaadi. cot af rreat wor"k aad r. Try it akea j yea t' a iB tW aita : X. T TmXlaa. EAXE E EG 1X3 A TT A T. "We bouht the otock of men mr 1 IVifCrv " ruT c imiwt :.- a ixter Te,rk1 waoK-a ' "W t"-" 1 rr,An' ; cr. w ho retrred f.-um baicneaa Th 1 AT F1CF..CE REJ.EV.'ED th Jaruer part uf Jpri r rh firm. t.fiyck c)ud- huadreda of j . ! of I.nrota. and Eer ! Mi-r diacuaa tb piaaa and ip-arria j men a apru-f ef in famoua Xewpnn ; jj i - --a ci. . --ms . m aracr iron t .it- . t-i oniiq. x-ery Bua ia aaad Itorfcilk aa AprU 1 Mi. Jha I El a epeak spun "Thi frsdr ef th -C outcry P!ipai." Ea-r. Thoaaaa H. ;rr.;i wl apnaJi. utwio Tb Church f ir tb I'ei.p.a" Surtr. Thomas IfcSt npon "Tba P-wptiet Fcr tf th Cuctry Cht." T addres will b mad by -aan H. lia an a ip-iti- the eijar-ni-e. e,i ied.. "Gr-runc a I m ( in U Ceutu-y.- a d a p'Px addrea la The citj' tiat Bta be beid tr- from cam- 1 and ia aa up--.:. rica eprtr arrie aea hich may b cianed by the abut- j aeil them ftar.urdar at piir a lower I'd property aamara ty raaacia the aun- traa t.frh frr Ae me 1 eiorhi Ca iwaay la Clara Ml ta-; Maiiii ara ia -Thi-h aa -( Ita t ia i at!-ucun of the pmpM-d vau-t. Hra. I'id Garran ; a request that ' ,u-:"-- Isir in wartk th cny emnpiy with th ffnuta law uf !, ta pi-4a ttiat aiaoa of Ac eeaed fj'ee.n h die ae uf duty be pap icsied ta the amuuat uf La the aal ary if tte per 1 b Ti ia the Saturday. - EAXI'1S Ftoranoa ia ta hare a tKiephot. exh anse -f a the I T,,a, a ,,nrti J and Uv u nan t arv. a,.,, , . ...! . "TO ub . j jar franchise ta ladpen de t Teephft Plieki-sl Free! Your grocer will give you Free of Charge a package of the daintiest of all confections Gl-irarclelii's Flicks with every purchase of one pound of it or. in oil .uirareiufiiiiu. GROUND CHOCOLATE (hirarcel!fs is the original and genuine Ground Chccola, unriIed for purity, deliciousness, smoothness and strength. Ghin-rdel-Ts Ground ClccoI is the roost rxptr C-hocrtf prpaloa oa te Pacic Cost -cre its se h been stfy r-g for rariy f crty ye fi . -"- -aWl' ' ' . 1 D. GhirardelH Co, SAJ. FRANCISCO l-i 1 Opem Friday frw tt 10 a. ift. tO 7 p. TTU Open SHr- ir from 10 tt. to. to 9 p. m Friday and Saturday April 15th and 16th In the Rotunda of The Bee Building t . kcli The Associated Charities Bazaar i Afternoon Tea from 3 to 5 m. A worthy cause cmZLb you here T id e-TTTrirTr;TirT to teat the e cf xoar tri :! i .! yonr roony ti wortii at tte tiiD T Pt TK-d hone la coud.rte Ijt the SBOciJ Ct ATitie fcr be?St of those who are 1 T prodnc fcajKirwork cf one kl or o ter, ae posee too eep a pride tO ba tiectd Of C.tjLTltJ. All day lacs. iroufhout tbe yix, tie critpie a iitih ixt d oi4 j-sorjia toil from Bora till re mday td SAt-riAr Id rc.r c ce ta -i.Tf, te ist cf t elr -or ar.d porrae that paj-t of tt vtic- rleaat you.. Tm vo.1 b att ole or -crca ta aay for the benefit of their Industri-I department Special Features: Lunch served Friday and Saturday. 11:00 a. ta. to liSO jx zn. Horn Made Doughnuts Saruhdches Coffee Candy Booth Home made candy of al sorts. You'll lilce rJurm. for they ere the real honre-made varieties. Wttch for announcement of cxticles for saute even:;. un a anar " I r "epea parriametr" T; tt mm f th Bid- i fj-st ttma ia th histary vt tt city 1 rd ii wca. a h baa th -Tfett af rd je- re.-a Invcsl your rent money instecd cl spending il j M aa . t f .a . ' ccimpaay aaa frra led at a spec 4 ( , m aecoT ef tj-p'ajrrai-jcal error Hae- 1 cr'y ct""-t3! Maoday n-eat. Tba -da.. Bma.- ad r M.-ndar et.:- . 'j,.. I- amampiwned ta ie ' -wsret ia thai paper, the pnee cf "!r Aac of a new franaa Tar J Croaa ewl Tauor Suit- wB. ' ex'fjn cf mx mnts aa 1 aa th 1 ,1-oa w-.iJ ale oofd a ; u baa Wn ai'p td ta cunueni ai.4 a- . rc ta 1 drtant fiw ta term uf twe ar 1 caia 'Tbe Tl HCtr.eI rue- , a a .a a. uf a ev . am t,. w ' .. .. . .. iU. , baNi athknataX baa of c C entry Cr- Th. aiendat ta tha pdr- Urena e-r and ufter ta o, , Tba pew frae arenet pre.. FACE 1. E u 1 LC . . - TKAtS I tb eompietuia of th p. ant sow oeui c - j j sud wrchi atx m onTTia . fThen anuai ' j uperat a ef th ; ka-arina a f-a.-vii.nar s- a 1 tr a term uf t a.uTT-f"- rears wili be Si ' Ctirtiw cranta , aooordtria- ta th air-reav-fi: a I Te mo.t of roey toti pay each. rnoEth as rent can l:e appll-ed on a tots? of yor c Tm. Te easy jy.t pla. gives yo this opport Ity. Fisr-re rp -Lai toti Lave paid in rent in the last ten years. The gum Trill co-vi-i? you that pajir tro or three thc-sand dollars for this terra, cf yt-ars Trill net make yoa in'Je Tien2eL Trs this nosey to yox ott benefit. By a home and pay for it Trith the rent moey. TLrrsday the real estate brokers irill ad Tertii? their choicest hones for sale on e?r terms a fev hnired dollars do-rn lialsnre monthly like rent. Make yc r selection i bny LOT. Thursday is home day 1 1 Nr:i tii Xaai Girt." Mr a- b ea-Ird by ot dt tr tha anix lit- ay aaout ' i a aa put an ju t 1 paaana and clt va at , . . taa i thaier. ainr.u., Tur, fo, -- ra- twa da a.b a m.a-. a m Ett --e.-m.j , t-.-n ..-. a. H u " . " " Z . , .. I a.ta. -t.a ft ar a-H I..J- f,... -,-". I OT - 4- l WJIC B - u imirja la anwintt,. a a a . I a - r-UKL, ef ;'A.vara. 5i bar beea s-wcr-d Ua rweaatta. A. Cuai- I. N-a f-MTne. ia A. riuaard H la-ad ITr a a-- ana --. ! and -teaaa f " vna- a n Mar , BtraaM. t ' r-el. axiaW-r-' Eirbuai M-i itrarau-a j wtik Ca a- ww, r laa a aaaa arrai a . i-t..a f.r tttir lai'.iuua ro Thr ara tout acts and ( an mq sornia Casod saai j'.a a'-y e tba aaa af Firs ' ki2ry !.. Thary fr.'v ajraaspt aa a r af ny aad '-irilnia--a. ar fea-.ilfc. r fitri f ai xtj-a-ji i Try u.i in Fr a by a-i arui , Max et y repur-.d vtat tha a..ey aa JS arj-ei t. brtarei Tavty-f a arid Twetty- ( j M aad j a euBC ta maixt oa the . pri.pertjr owrmr aa:r tha naic-t ry f- t l.a aha t, cy or: aaa iaLTu tat tfer- j j- str-art fiacrr .i- t Ohaar 4 .-n , -UA ir--t. ira-ae C ! I,, r fcvca- ' Tb ttstar.atM tf tha FWenra p ax ll'IU '"Vf "-, 7,,rt:La '-"'ilw :'-it- eped.tur of mure inaa in. tru. ; fv-u m f-a-ti jo"-r Ci." tUi-!ia! ia eomta tM rrani!! alia J -n mi fa a r- a u r a. all t r i rtia lriT ia -ra t, a, a .....! .-.urn ,. k ma, J- .', auei. a.- a. jt-pno ea nraper " T s-ftatr t aim rtjeun.a a Sea an ai t a I C - a i:t kl"-a Tbe ea a) aa i aa pc puiat aa F.y a H y aad Tac It aavar ta i , c a '-4 ua. auia cwaua and tort- ! Far aa-a ty a drwaa- . J W;ih ayremeril i?rd y the t .ow i arid t inanter b.-iidra priiepawrs a. r .r a - w f p-avi-e la the ultr lndaa The jaarerer'a ir Lis 1 t?-a ad t;a' a-r.ttir ara new upder ar uec:i .in a ho. 4 ' lit ffie ! aT. Tb crnr'-at ci nal by tr.e rjtrpi tt-" a '.r. " tie I... ..! t u:.kc (..a.ia tj,e a. i.t- e lit i-arta an ur. T j.,aj-t. tra are :-k-r,i; at T.. rer'a aa i : a 1 i a -a- i;i ai i--.i .rT Eri2TaTed Statioriery O VrnmSmm Ii a I Vi i ra FmSfiaviifd hlcaetexmrx St.tkirf aa-a---- i m ln-.a A f PVTT I -a-o.ti a ei a a a ik-v a t a i-as a i f . l-Ma-ZIJ H. ii m V. r D. 4 1