Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Ti-eTcs Tike St-t -figr.. cf LlTtrrw.
tlxay nilxtoxcs arc -fierce!
N- as tubstltaJcs for RoyaL
Kc3c cl . Is Cc same In cyxposIc
or ellrcllvrness, so wholesome and eco-BC--c,
ncr ivIH v&sXc ci line food.
bow- r . l-e RrMm kr
ria-a K -ybi at mt T r
4 Ja-r f f ilw
7717. Ttt: oy.n..
a." -
rkxrzfi n 6H- Aw'vS
I Mil uTi -.YflTVTt
B-B WBW ! w -.
Eoyxl Is Qc only Haldnjj Pcivdcr ...
frcx-i oyJ Crape Cream c! Tartar
-a. ''7 4
- M . r.
T-"e-B Ji- So-"J t-rry tMt ' ;;T" d
' tb Ne Turk, a. a- tT a ma. 4. wrt
tr.-i,Fi ber hme at 30C Incr ncwl and
t'v-k an .rrfrury of tr-.e a ..ce ThtfS
had hear, stum-h tT to'.:-.?;- cj wa. a '.a
'learned Tmf a.T!(irt : -aera
1 amri da rf kmt had faea tr'n th
hands of Tie ma-iade-. P-.rj,r--a. aka.
rr and cu-tair.a. w Tf-ur. jewa-iry
and turua-T were trie ftirTerit rf
the teuw which tie bu-y. a." cr feu-plan
lot. tir
It was found it ''-"a y-'OW V:p and
I bed (- had pear -.---b---i fr tb beds
an4 ritr-irt ;--r The hi'uM had
, bn
! Tbou-5 V lrT r fif'.r. r
i pon of rh irwrtilmf 9n far a! ae
' L.zna.: ii from ir . tivaim ;: a a
apparent tmb tb maimmnm rf LtE
1 Mia an I &f rrrM Oa
(Jara i- -AX, &M9Tai Apst, (rr. r.a.
Bal bM JE ravr-os
M kica for tm rf
:a-ea Ti-:t-;S an
rwta tn Ii to E rjrr'.i.
Tb CiCT tr aiirer a aa mtrr
t a gfl r . a. r JMKia -tjt
(if iririarotLa caf Irse.
3a" nan a In.TW ca lwda 17
Eon tJT. lt Board ! Tr3a baiid-iie. 1
ZaOrt gnrliWMT Xm ObiIii Lorl K-u-b- !
"T adm aijiy -f at " JHS o clock. oa Ui
Orw.and Umi'od. vhi tsn.-ui.ta toa aA '
F'Tak&cisca la tt akK.
XaataUai ftimm a Tim j rranJt "W. !
cuujrty rerorajff f firt-dn, is rffl-jvri-e4
artth rawjaRct a fc?vr
at aTjaa aammii huapjtaO. rriania ef
M..-. F.ana a-- not xierici.i- fp'"
aur-a ov-r Lis caue tica la b ia u
Baperv-iaor of Ctmt Ctuari L. tia.-aiera
aapecta ta Uti T.h fail lJtt uf ttMt euan
crKuri far ta SaKsena cfauraaA duvenert
emcpnata aritiu Aay cir tB- TTMera yet.
raJTiaina una " ta s Lij-icta ta Ul aJid a
ja t-a a-utC Ua ivrdn ijc pubora.tnia of tba
ItBl of enaiaaerajiiar a ia cnarpete.
Ca RG&afal Ji But end Em
err ilcGradaSL. Uit aTn vba waa ar
rattLsd ca cta g a.f aia.T.rti.r.c a puraa
trvm X-Ji t I'iut-s, a, ta tmsh,
- atnaJcd! ttoa irtrmaa akoct tii faoc.
a-a aenvenced ta tiurty dai'a. SLaa Piutn
atppaau-od 1 cuvrt -v-rdi both cea ba?
jBcuaraii fj'ata tb nrfTQ't Uctl SiaGena-Ct-a
Ijusg sail tb arrara: tpat
tuaif Sabaaot la jaarl iiTaanJUaaTM Ocvaalaa
S cpemuaaDdKEia of LKHuriaa couity Sua--K
-it xntxet ai tiua Zoucc Mes a
CtrjJtiaa. aama mnn Friaa aftariiCMia ai
t .3 e cJot ta wrjrakniiJB aa. aaamakm. jkJI
aju-MjrtcJaradKiaj Llm eraser a--a lBT:id
La acMnaU Tia caaEzattacaa a rgnuuaaUlna
kaujrii. Tha ia aHiaaErUaendecx C tea acboul
. aX ii gin Craiaa c&upch.
raxk-'i. gfnf-r-i Jnlocxtar af avjipUsa for
th TraaaarT a paLTLniM.t and in cnau-c of
arTTaffTUMCt tiif.-nffa, lioid. ClaJaB Bknet-
( -ui t. Jauutura a tta snaceca
Vufliirs Tncuwiay xnmnctr t cp'a tbem la
torucuuna a U tba beoer aacixar; ma m-tf-
af af tiaa txaildins. It ia further in
tended ta tsrv!t tr -araxctmien f tha jht
cfSca niirf ir.g aTii poJjca powers ia o-3er
Vaai ttey aaaat arrt paroee cana-iit -de-jvcni
tba V&Jilir.e ar -w.ii'uaCj rioiacu
Sjxm aaauiaurx lawa rt-.i Una; t g,wej laamt
Tkraa Kara Stvam bI Mrm. Clara
H. iiaa kroucat atut 1
dtaarritx oort aaatmat C jltt-oc-b . jTwwt. .
t ornwrly a. aaleamaa 1st tb Oirrar Tj-pe--arher
eon jiajiy. Tba jgfirta rrt, ja now a
maulaml . a iiauireea. iua tavmiiy reds
at X,-l aveiuia. Tba drrorcc fa.
a torti it waa txpartad Xrs. ET.pjii FTau-.r
cf XLuadea wanad kirsc aTi7raT Gum ga H
fittoav Surmtiriy u acuva artunwy. bus.
cm a true, firdHXaar. haa baaa fatid in
disu-KX court, lira. Piaoa rtK-nea a lose
lBt e crueitMta. Plaoa ataa rootmtiy ficoil
fit is r.ouaur eourt X:r ji aaaa.&:t tpca
tia anfe Javmes E. Cturcte- i u;j
Mra. KlaSari ClmnJiipeJ for aUtTarta m the
iarod af teiii(StKj. Tie esmpia -aera mar
rrd m Suffaua.
1 "-tan P. Tt tr af Taitk Ward
j totajaa Paua tii J. J. LartOa
! Flaal tmlaa aC 1
n- :
a -
F'T Stavtjr
J" J. T-ainii" law 1 .
W. J. t-II laH. 1,.
For Citr Trnnrarr
i-jEa -c.rt..- irrr 1. , ,
Jina J. O-m ia 1
"ST. a fro one;
Far C:ty Owk
Job-s LarwTB 'T '
F H.. Mind jym t . .
"ar. rffi:jxT ,
Fnr Crrr ArtijrnT
H. C Karprr.y trrp ,
f-aaiaM-i I Wijir"ra idaii.;
H. E. ETrrs iaoc. t
Tnr Tax CmcTEjaioOTier
Fratia Worn ""r '
J-ry F!tsit?raI ara
Ffw rncan.m.a. F;rst vVrS
ir van Lraos 'D
J. f- id!.i , . ,
J. S. I"r.t!prmr 1
For Concir.iL Snc(i Wr
J E. n Wit rrp ).......-
John F-Hnca dm .
i loronT 'wit 1
, i
e a ir -- i -mtr-; miw":d 'ti:- taa to ta tr-nnfl
Twtrt--a-L rr-3 Ta-ua of -.: thauoaad
j Cua-j-ary ts t fimt ra-M.rti cf T affaJ.
13 a-tir it Li j asMtacM Tat ta
ad ata.-a a ta' jparp-T a-!
piate. a-aa n-i-t soc j
Z dj a tf ts Tai.jf cf T dacr- 1
ticn is tit of te Tair.Iy had I
bora 1-ft t'.3 bc -SaTi Jir ad Mra I
Lttt- t!T-tr" f-a R saeraJ a
j . e:cr ery 01 e rurpiary a aantioa j
, r.:?,"ttn' ojMa T- fami y. J.r ani X-n. i
Ijrry bad iasaal inafeiT.c a tr-p ro Europe j
a monti! a"a. rry tt: ts Nr Tr '
ta b jotnod tor bar t!ha.nd. A fhun !
! tJTD afta bar r-parr Mr. Lr bar ttw j
jarwcij at tb - bot. wiiwa -r ;
are dp. Hr baand llipena caiiaa. tn j
, rat a of lira Larry to Omaha ..mtT
aay far taa na- rpaa:io ar,d a-rrx- . f - -.?- --p aaa 1
of tem flUara-a ta-y a ere c-'-a an riad 1 -fn tpe boaae ari lira. Ly d..-i
w a-et put aa the ajpL.-ed ta J ct-tjrf- a bad b-ra rtTiml ty b-r:ar j
tret ia. -- j
"irJ Clab raaM, j D Wonfe '
Tba So-ta Omaaa Meal lada-i DlllCi-Cr V -III LS j
pfTioarct Pi.bTjrad cjtih. -hit -a-aa aa act; 1
i Tr;a ty roTir.ii prr.nmj4 asto
; mobf. fnr the tr.ty enateer a dTr-ta
on the bid af H Prtemua fjr IK The : be piaied 4n irfrmed.ate acrv- '
1 ic-. a it aaj rrTjy aeeded.
Tie T r ct: a a aa irj-uctad t s ar -
w tba aie (,f S fit para buoda. fcics to
be creii'd Aprti .
The iart budrt cf c.rr before tie
p-ewr.t rotmcil ailo-e-ed and It ia be-
1 tia-red that every item of tfce ectir ty
j tpeTj:tra to dale baa been witied. Tba
I Uid council adjourned : d -a t icaae
For CaunTi. 7"rd "Ward
T. . Trr -i rp. I
-aaxwira Kv-ifn 1 dera.
AUaTUFIt Bw ae t
Fw C i:n. Fm2 'Wa-d
J-h C. R:ni "
Joc-n H. Iara, 1 1
J. . Hinlaooer ra ...
JTor Cmrrw- FLTtb
-luraat M;lier p
Fnr Cmcx-!Ta. 5I "WTa-d
TriTaraaa G. ljLyfBrn frep. . 1C4
Mact Ta :.ei man iaem-j . .
J. e ikci . 7
Fr Coimcilinu. eegMi -Tard
Thtamaa P. Pnuan son '--t inr
Joa 2. aj-kia 1 1 X.K3'
W. Boairc aK. ) -. 15.
IF? M arr rwa rf Bnar f Fire jd .
r - r-ura '.-ttt :-anrrr t
Tbamaa J. K.euer irep. T8T
liana MiwirUi (rep 4-.n
-n.r j tie recer-t u3c'paj eit?ron and
-'ca aHeiHied tbe ejctjoa of P. J.
Traitior. baa decided tfl create a pa") aiat;
orfraxiizatic A rm2!i ru bel at the
na T--ecty-at aad w atretTt. Sunday ! -1
g i afteraeaan. t was aneoaed by a laree 1
Z.S.u , BuTEber of tCTnd net At trtia mart- : f-;-i r--r a n
c n aaa swim -:a er.Lm T
reoreae on a perma.nrrt baala. A bnrf
r new e te .ie carrpaitm a aa taken aal
a raMalu on parsed re tg-.Tinc t."ie fotii
of tba cjub ia taa nun TtciM caadidacy
ti c!i etid'jraed- The iTrted-te . ofc-ci
ut tbt orc.r.:t: a be ta TaJtc as
arrt"r te-t ra toe appmcr.f; ta:e
fTnpaii. a-rri fpecitl -artention ts the
fovrmor and Tbe ctcreHBf.n to be fiec".e
Tbe rJ'-b w aB airra fTisnca tbe
niirnir.a.uoo cf tbe nine rap!ieTita'rea ard
tbe three Batora from Ixiuifaa eooary to
be eject for tbe ataie Jamiarare.
A committee en candidate anl recorda
-a aiipfiir.T.rd to look op tfce wreral canc
datsa aad report ta toe c!b at sxm next
, 1
a Viaduct Built j
in Fifth Ward;
... 1
tr 3Trrt for
Orctiet-i CrosEiry Crer Tr
5cx Ff-t d Ir.
1 .
1 ES
. .'J
, l.w 1
l.FTa ;
. .K !
, 1 j
ConrrrrmaTi F.rorkar r,t taker: the Pe- erepe rien ta thf buiifi.r.s; i f a
ect -rdrt crrr tbe raroad tr: i m ,
tbe aoutneart end of tb Fiftb ward. E .
ha re-aened tba c-;Ty eturlneer to prepare
piaaa far a fiaari i v -r either Izard ar
?Ck hoiaa ptrevta. It w pmpoeed ts hv
tbe struct begr jst eaat of fjeer.tb J
Btreet and run p'r a The Tra- between
tbat, pot aad Thirteeatb arreet. ;
"Surh a riaducx ia nadLy aeeded. aad bat
been f;r a long apeH." aaid Coaeilan
Erckr. "The preeent Beem ta me the
Joseph P-rra i.
J J. K .. 1
W. F. Potman uc
-FT j
a-:i lT" mm-.r.r
jaaaa? "try r aala j ep'r time la aa bFy. It the wrk
Th rUnr Wm-ker wiii asseioble at the i " " i"5""
tit - eoi:eaday aftemooa. j under way. bua--ere n -doubt we will
Fred Kefir. ir.-r. Sotrta TheiJa atreel, . b ahie to rirfg- atoct. TaTkt-c wni
rcjaurta b a,r; h ai a f aaee
itrtiejr Liai. .aa ney baa reeigaed ku
poiiitiun aa smaa tia auu ie lurua.
' PHC'XE JOITH fnr a caae ef JET-
T ." r, ; y-R P rapt Oelj-raa-y to
y part 01 eiry. tmry J. Jertw
mher riTKFffia"e I , I frndey afree w'.tb '
roe. aad tbe wrk to be dnne by tbe rcun- j
ell will be c' I-en tbe Dereaeary CT7erae to j
carry it tbroufrfc. "We haxe bten tjats
the ratlmad wtfi a rod deal of eoTiHidera- I
Frw -rnlver of th Euard of Ed
fem iS Teare
. . elc-Q iT m I.Ki4
T. ii. e rep ) .,
A. . HT)tjr 'dam.) ,
T. E SpRne.-r 4em j .
E. E-aerier iwacO ' . . , l
"W. C Craadl 1 . . j
Tba trffiraal razrraaa of the rer-arr. Bf
tba recent crry elertlnn tu made lat arht
aa part of the proeeediziirs of tbe
ejection. Tba mere tie r of tha oty council
acted aa tha carrr aatuac board. Tbe reauit
fc-eorce 10 J 01 canraea aar tha rwp-i ni one
mora member ia the council, Taomaa P
Peteraoa of tba Seventh ward, a bo -woa
aver X X Lrk by a veee ef 1 MS7 ta 1.KS
Aun ler liiat macs of tus piarality.
but eI! bad aiz vutea to the s jcid. The
totaia were; A.urt er. l,i. J as 3-
Thia fraia In tbe coo ia very tnir-
t. aa th emiacj. wO st Dm have euf
firjtmt T'wtea ta carry any jampeartHm wra
The Ladiea' amxiUarry af the Afl-rt CT5er ,i - . ,.-. . reit t w.k fnr m i BiU A Btlt W, irtg
i ueecay eve.
Tbe South Omaha H;rh 5ich(l AJurn 1
aMociat:ou a-i.i niwi t p. .- eif; at u ;
tia achioii hu. ;
alia Ver-:i:ia M lianiei aad Xirn Eeume
E-am a-ca of f-iai amonta are rjtaaf 1 ie 1
F era Mc.Eride tar a few aaya
H. A -i" iene. the infant muti of TTiUiarB
iee. 4U W" H-rset, e.ea Sartirday atic ;
waa buned laonaiiy aeraoaa.
Sou-h Omaha (ip K. rndmen of 1
tbe World. ui a-.erta Hour ca '-p '
de-H teaaj Wcecay tveitLf.
M,e Ittiiiie O'Maijey. w-ba wa tb araeat ,
of aaa .rme aaTT;.'an last weea, re- '
timed to er lime at u Nei, ,Kt (
'- H.rTr aad hia mother, atra 3. J j
Hirrrtr are .:.a dcrii r if - . fiupi r i
rmata C aaha Thee are en rtu- f-ara ' rr the rara3
Thrf -pent the l aat ann
mi wt t-a aa aVa inl Taiaaab
1-rlaai C-a-a a M
" City.
Ca. ,irr tt Mliwu r
'imr ia Cajtti:
The C"ina churcb oiasrnii: will
be fnwn J"Yu.y fvaciiyf Apr ifi. at ls
siuuta Oma.ha I:h a i ajtor
Card nf Mr. J. H. Eaderadorf
ajid taj;?y a-ma t rriana their macy kind
rrjafijoa fir the eyrr.riatij' aad hei.p em-tended
9 trtern iiiriT..a r. r a..
th bead of P. J. Trtrir, lea-A a i ak. - , " , . ' "
. , . , . 1 The ""r.g Worker of the Ohmaroaa
tba ba oe ef pwer. It req-ja frr vocea 1 rfcurt-h a-ili xiieet Mn iraa.t, U liorta
ia the cau ta maka the ueceflsary two- ; atret-t, Ttea; ju-x
aniiin ce-operation eo their part-"
Cenc"man Ervuker ha aiao taken ap i
a-ith the Park board the matter of plan-. ,
pa'tipei apBrTUis to the propoeed Locum !
Btrett TTadnrt. Plan for title Btrartare i
hafe already been adnpted by tba dry j
csuacU, and ai.r pKrrg ef tba work 1
baa aniy aa aited areeTnnt wnb the Park j
board as ta the approacbea It ia dea-rea 1
ta make tea fit lata th general scheme '.
of park aad toeTrd im prrrremen t j
Supertntendect Aaama of the Park board .
said today be can aee aothiax ta the way '
of aa af "eenient. aad th. ia taken to 1
thai the nrtwt atree t atrorrcre
tracai -Q be atarted
Tha elnrtioai af ml tm eryied a re
putuicaa VKtary la a.1 practical eenaea as
wttk Tit anayor and eiry attorney, E- C
Murpity. the rtu caa om pear
nTiajpr.f; all THai affatra Ai it ii. it m
teiy that tttis drrwion cf tbe coual
w set tinder tha city' pracrraiaa, aa the
councils: pen appear to b mes c JudfeiuecL
The co-TMrlimea are: X C "W a) tern. John
Th Tomen'a Oirmtlan Temperaaca unav
a-'ui awn nn Tueeciay aftemooa at tr
niime af r oernn. Twenrj-aecuad
aa F atxn.
Tba women nf the Xa Centr club wiU
r it a cara narry -TecneadaT afteT-aoon at
M ,mic ba.1 Ca-da aad rt-frer;mi.t ww
be trie nature ui u nri :i-,-r.t nro
videa. The inconuTif C:;t CW-rk F. H. Oood ha
appuiried Jmia t enrjasij h' deputy ar.a
Jwt jmercfu ci kitstaiii. Ttu ia win
Firewater Gets
Big Chieftain
JtZaw 1 cf Co Pent-tied
ta Taie Ee.da.e Back
Trk ta th farm ia tha a tn4 ia warV-d eut ttrougrh tha cturehe hy j "' -eiocrat and Joita C- Eiha A truat
a aene meetuja tttroaf the middie i
-'. It ia ma-r tamed that tb enaatrr
lada ara tzid to wjch w.ta the tdna
BKJrtef ta th Oty. rather than a:ay
an the farm. ad to currert theac ccniLtluni
a ri. im bei: ia thres the
Pb:ic of!reoea w. t beid ta Oniai.a
Jlprn 1 and . Nork. April . G-bbna.
Lpr2 X ad IQo.n, April S.
Tnaaa nwifi to it the pu) 1
trrrlTtaS. "- be addrwmw d by th erpen
Wt-dascta af a? -u.tts?T ia ia t Buiiw
;! aad in the cburchea: Iaa E. A.
liuntt uf U TJi'."ty af 3r.ti.
. -T. K. Jteama T- H, of rW-arrn-e 1
and It. "War-real H "TIbob it St Turk,
-n wtj pieaide. Citner apfk 1 wtU be
E.T. Thueoaa H- iOetsneX Ii- of
CtA; Juts D. BatkrU ft -Tafeefid
ie. -T. "Uf. farncn. H. IX; Pre. Eamril
i .. I-iac Ii. P
John B. Kl. XL r of ATa a Cut.
lb er-i!t:i pot of tse me
Fraaek. GaTe Haffmaa aad Ut Feter- I -. prupneta
I"r.' ET Acre trs: S
TeHtrw B3 "heap hi - wttk ton
medicina doctor a ha ;r in biack rmgrieffa
aboct h ahouidera. stood up bajfore Judfr
Crawford, aa ApnTia in Terde bronae.
hioad that af ; EiJ a
"Too mock white man bordem,- was hi
pla in anaa r lo th ca uf puua
--Tier ad Thonsaa P. Peterson, repub-
Oa th report cf th carvaamne board
the ofriai oata aai ad.:ti-red toy tb
rettrrcii city crk ta the newiy eiatted
Th UH t mmt mm.
In the ":ast rrymar at-anca cf the c ry
etiunr. a tich preceded the vana tf ir
reruma, many uf tb odd anC enda uf -u-iceaa
wr f tb p ao aa ta leave a
c a aiate for tli iacunc mt-ntbera
A eummuaic-'.'n cf cotiaidcah ienport
aac wa read c-unferr-inf; ta ciitrjr;,n
tif a naduct us F street acroaa taa Mis
souri PaciTic r r.t of a as'- Th rend
camparT. Thrrnirt K. F. 'Tatsner, re
oea ed an auoiexira w.ta the city etini.i
aad ti.r city Tiria ar atima date iK-ar
I drunkeaaaaa a ic the city nroancuLar read
a r a Vct
T WI ' a . -;,... a a tO t.
aeruna. acre, s. atno rt. : i ru"rr. ba-a. Teliow BuTi. beir.i aa Iadiaa. Juat laoked
e-i and Wind rri r..r pii-e. i acrea 1 ; wia aad phiio-afiticai H retnaed ta
m..e anutn of c:ry bmita. fxiA -rard and 1 . v. '
cimern. Ail Bice .ad. 0r' Reai Kf- i rKul tj CJW t-,,ao taktlt. i
tans and lnnince rmcy . TtL &uu ! "Haaci as Dh Heap ponf. Eaap
. 1 ' ek saw. -"act a ba"
A a-ise 1 juJ Cr-afojad iaoked aw th etmdid
atiff-rinr a-aa throat aid iur.a; trouh,e j cruwd on th beacAea. fiilad n detend
a .taraiy commuted -y It. iOi , Ntw ; aad than back apa at tbe majeaae
.vin rirur Ci. iA 1 ppintrual drpra
with much
I5 -- tLOTMUfc -AUG.
'X charted; (a back ta CJahorr."
Beaadeto t 1T
trmmm a M-ftaairr
tha am c
Chamberia a ' -fr artty a aaadi.
cot af rreat wor"k aad r. Try it akea
j yea t' a
iB tW aita :
X. T
"We bouht the otock of men mr 1 IVifCrv " ruT c imiwt
:.- a ixter Te,rk1 waoK-a ' "W t"-" 1 rr,An'
; cr. w ho retrred f.-um baicneaa Th 1 AT F1CF..CE REJ.EV.'ED
th Jaruer part uf Jpri r rh firm. t.fiyck c)ud- huadreda of j . !
of I.nrota. and Eer ! Mi-r diacuaa tb piaaa and ip-arria j men a apru-f ef in famoua Xewpnn ;
jj i - --a ci. . --ms . m aracr iron t .it- . t-i oniiq. x-ery Bua ia aaad
Itorfcilk aa AprU 1 Mi. Jha I El
a epeak spun "Thi frsdr ef th
-C outcry P!ipai." Ea-r. Thoaaaa H.
;rr.;i wl apnaJi. utwio Tb Church
f ir tb I'ei.p.a" Surtr. Thomas IfcSt npon
"Tba P-wptiet Fcr tf th Cuctry
Cht." T addres will b mad by
-aan H. lia an a ip-iti- the
eijar-ni-e. e,i ied.. "Gr-runc a I m ( in
U Ceutu-y.- a d a p'Px addrea la The
citj' tiat Bta be beid tr- from cam- 1 and ia aa up--.:. rica eprtr arrie
aea hich may b cianed by the abut- j aeil them ftar.urdar at piir a lower
I'd property aamara ty raaacia the aun- traa t.frh frr Ae me 1 eiorhi
Ca iwaay la Clara Ml
ta-; Maiiii ara ia -Thi-h aa -(
Ita t ia i
at!-ucun of the pmpM-d vau-t.
Hra. I'id Garran ; a request that ' ,u-:"--
Isir in
th cny emnpiy with th ffnuta law uf
!, ta pi-4a ttiat aiaoa of Ac
eeaed fj'ee.n h die ae uf duty be
pap icsied ta the amuuat uf La the aal
ary if tte per 1 b Ti ia the
Ftoranoa ia ta hare a tKiephot. exh anse
-f a the I T,,a, a ,,nrti
J and Uv u nan t arv. a,.,, , . ...! .
"TO ub . j jar franchise ta ladpen de t Teephft
Plieki-sl Free!
Your grocer will give you Free of Charge a
package of the daintiest of all confections
Gl-irarclelii's Flicks with every purchase of one pound of
it or. in
(hirarcel!fs is the original and genuine Ground
Chccola, unriIed for purity, deliciousness,
smoothness and strength. Ghin-rdel-Ts Ground
ClccoI is the roost rxptr C-hocrtf prpaloa oa te Pacic
Cost -cre its se h been stfy r-g for rariy f crty ye
fi . -"- -aWl' ' ' .
D. GhirardelH Co,
l-i 1
Opem Friday
frw tt 10 a. ift.
tO 7 p. TTU
Open SHr-
ir from 10
tt. to. to 9 p. m
Friday and Saturday
April 15th and 16th
In the Rotunda of The Bee Building
t . kcli
The Associated Charities
Afternoon Tea
from 3 to 5 m.
A worthy cause cmZLb you here
T id e-TTTrirTr;TirT to teat the e cf
xoar tri :! i .! yonr roony ti
wortii at tte tiiD
T Pt TK-d hone la coud.rte Ijt the
SBOciJ Ct ATitie fcr be?St of those
who are 1 T prodnc fcajKirwork cf one
kl or o ter, ae posee too eep a pride
tO ba tiectd Of C.tjLTltJ.
All day lacs. iroufhout tbe yix, tie
critpie a iitih ixt d oi4 j-sorjia toil from
Bora till re mday td SAt-riAr Id rc.r
c ce ta -i.Tf, te ist cf t elr -or
ar.d porrae that paj-t of tt vtic- rleaat you..
Tm vo.1 b att ole or -crca ta aay
for the benefit of their
Industri-I department
Special Features:
Lunch served Friday and Saturday.
11:00 a. ta. to liSO jx zn.
Horn Made Doughnuts
Candy Booth
Home made candy of al sorts. You'll lilce rJurm.
for they ere the real honre-made varieties.
Wttch for announcement of cxticles for saute
even:;. un
a anar " I r
"epea parriametr"
T; tt mm f th Bid- i fj-st ttma ia th histary vt tt city
1 rd ii wca. a h baa th -Tfett af rd je- re.-a
instecd cl
spending il
j M aa . t f .a . ' ccimpaay aaa frra led at a spec 4 (
, m aecoT ef tj-p'ajrrai-jcal error Hae- 1 cr'y ct""-t3! Maoday n-eat. Tba -da..
Bma.- ad r M.-ndar et.:- . 'j,.. I- amampiwned ta ie
' -wsret ia thai paper, the pnee cf "!r Aac of a new franaa Tar J
Croaa ewl Tauor Suit- wB. ' ex'fjn cf mx mnts aa 1 aa th 1
,1-oa w-.iJ ale oofd a ; u baa Wn ai'p td ta cunueni ai.4 a- . rc ta 1 drtant fiw ta term uf twe ar 1
caia 'Tbe Tl HCtr.eI rue- , a a .a a. uf a ev . am t,. w ' .. .. . .. iU. , baNi athknataX
baa of c C entry Cr- Th. aiendat ta tha pdr- Urena e-r and ufter ta o, , Tba pew frae arenet pre.. FACE 1. E u 1 LC . . - TKAtS
I tb eompietuia of th p. ant sow oeui c - j
j sud wrchi atx m onTTia . fThen anuai '
j uperat a ef th ; ka-arina a f-a.-vii.nar
s- a 1 tr a term uf t a.uTT-f"- rears wili be
Si ' Ctirtiw cranta , aooordtria- ta th air-reav-fi: a I
Te mo.t of roey toti pay each. rnoEth
as rent can l:e appll-ed on a tots? of yor c Tm.
Te easy jy.t pla. gives yo this opport
Ity. Fisr-re rp -Lai toti Lave paid in rent in
the last ten years. The gum Trill co-vi-i? you
that pajir tro or three thc-sand dollars for
this terra, cf yt-ars Trill net make yoa in'Je
Tien2eL Trs this nosey to yox ott benefit.
By a home and pay for it Trith the rent moey.
TLrrsday the real estate brokers irill ad
Tertii? their choicest hones for sale on e?r
terms a fev hnired dollars do-rn lialsnre
monthly like rent. Make yc r selection i bny
Nr:i tii Xaai Girt." Mr
a- b ea-Ird by ot dt
tr tha anix lit- ay aaout
' i a aa put an ju t 1 paaana and clt
va at , . .
taa i thaier. ainr.u., Tur, fo, -- ra-
twa da a.b a m.a-. a m Ett --e.-m.j , t-.-n ..-. a. H u " . " " Z . , .. I
a.ta. -t.a ft ar a-H I..J- f,... -,-". I OT - 4- l WJIC B -
u imirja la anwintt,. a a a . I a -
r-UKL, ef ;'A.vara. 5i bar beea s-wcr-d
Ua rweaatta.
A. Cuai- I. N-a
f-MTne. ia A. riuaard
H la-ad
ITr a a--
ana --. ! and -teaaa f " vna- a n
, BtraaM.
t ' r-el.
axiaW-r-' Eirbuai M-i itrarau-a
j wtik Ca a- ww, r laa a
aaaa arrai a .
f.r tttir lai'.iuua ro Thr ara tout
acts and ( an mq sornia
Casod saai j'.a a'-y e tba aaa af
Firs ' ki2ry !.. Thary fr.'v ajraaspt
aa a r af ny aad '-irilnia--a.
ar fea-.ilfc. r fitri f ai
xtj-a-ji i Try u.i in Fr a by a-i
arui ,
Max et y repur-.d vtat tha a..ey aa JS
arj-ei t. brtarei Tavty-f a arid Twetty- ( j
M aad j a euBC ta maixt oa the .
pri.pertjr owrmr aa:r tha naic-t ry f-
t l.a aha t,
cy or: aaa iaLTu tat tfer- j
j- str-art fiacrr .i- t Ohaar 4 .-n , -UA
ir--t. ira-ae C ! I,, r fcvca- ' Tb ttstar.atM tf tha FWenra p ax
ll'IU '"Vf "-, 7,,rt:La '-"'ilw :'-it- eped.tur of mure inaa
in. tru. ; fv-u m f-a-ti jo"-r Ci." tUi-!ia! ia eomta tM
rrani!! alia J -n mi fa a r- a u r a. all t r i rtia lriT ia -ra t, a, a
.....! .-.urn ,.
k ma, J- .', auei. a.-
jt-pno ea nraper
" T s-ftatr t aim rtjeun.a a Sea an
ai t a I C - a i:t kl"-a
Tbe ea a) aa i aa pc puiat
aa F.y a H y aad Tac It aavar ta i ,
c a '-4 ua. auia cwaua and tort- !
Far aa-a ty a drwaa- . J
W;ih ayremeril i?rd y the t .ow i
arid t inanter b.-iidra priiepawrs a. r .r
a - w f p-avi-e la the ultr lndaa
The jaarerer'a ir Lis 1 t?-a ad t;a' a-r.ttir
ara new upder ar uec:i .in a ho. 4 '
lit ffie ! aT.
Tb crnr'-at ci nal by tr.e rjtrpi tt-" a '.r. "
tie I... ..! t u:.kc (..a.ia tj,e a. i.t- e
lit i-arta an ur. T j.,aj-t. tra are
:-k-r,i; at T.. rer'a aa i : a 1 i a -a-
i;i ai i--.i
Eri2TaTed Statioriery
VrnmSmm Ii a I
Vi i ra
FmSfiaviifd hlcaetexmrx St.tkirf
aa-a---- i m ln-.a
A f PVTT I -a-o.ti a ei a a
a ik-v a t a i-as a i f .
l-Ma-ZIJ H. ii m V. r D. 4