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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1910)
esv- RRY OV 0t Til -V J, Xv V 'SIIi- BEE VvNT ADS k r i 1 OFFERED FOR RENT warding; u steeaua -eatlaoed. FURNISHED room with board: deelr- bin summer home; largo lata. 121 8. sulk i. Be Jsmes hotel. 411 Ilth Am. plaa; bath; 126 day; waakiy. up; maala lao. BOARD and room. 1003 South 3oth 8U also furnished room wltnout board. TWO NICE large roomi, ona with alcove, wtth board. 114 a. 13th. DESIRABLE rooma for thraa youog men or maa and wlfa. tig N. 19th. rwralae Bm. SINGLE room. SS. 824 North 20th. MODERN, M par month. 14X2 N. 10th. CEWKI Europe bote. Ut Farnanv FURNISHED rooma; ona block from car Una. Reasonable price. 27U S. 23d. The Georgia Sr.f-An PTrt-laa family ho'L TO. H 3L VODERS ftimlahed rooma. with or with out board. 2li3 Doulu t. btODEFTV. wll-furnliibd aouthaaat front room, with Ur alnov; prtvaia family; lara lawn. 702 a Kta SC. O. K. E. haul trunk. Dru(laa all. DOrKJB HOTEL Larta outalda, ami ititn beat In every room; ratea oy week. UTOPIA Nlew rooma, food board lata a oil Ijavenport. FRONT room modern, furnished for rent. Capitol Ave. WARM rooma. ft per week; frea bath. Cf den Hotel, Council Bluffs. rtTKNISHBD rooms for centJamask 11 . 14th KU The Chatluua. ELEOANT front room, flsa furniture feT. aath. No aUu eo bouse. TWO fuAlshed rooms enntilte; rery oen trai. Iaqolre M floor, loot Famam. TWO furnished rooms, modern, for gen Heroes, eg a. 19Ut St. Tel. Doulaa ITla. ROOMS. 438 S. 14th St. Dou. (til. FURNISHED room or housekeeping rooms; on car line; in private family. 2C4 K. J4th 8C II BEAUTIFUL furnlflhed room; good piano: no objection to muaio or practice of any kind; strictly modern; bath, hot and tea water; both telephones: walking distance; ear ona block; also small room. am at. Mary's. 'f-IV-tJtr L-H . laww bKhI. prtty borne, direct from the owner. kniwp w eieaay tenant, inquire tie ovum wttx oi . unsunwill r' NEWLT furnlvied modern rooena- every thing first clitss: good neighborhood, close in. B(H N. 31st trt. Tel. Ked 3&13. ELEGANTLY furnlsned rooms for several young men In a newly refurnished private home. Lse or phone; all modern convent ences; walking distance. &il I'ark Ave. FURNISHED rooma; house new; plenty not water. i s. mm. TTTV TinTTfiT. AS Clean, first clans ' rooms, dose In. zem Douglas. TWO elegantly Turntshed parlor rooms, wtth piano; single or ensuita. 1811 Chi cago. 'Phono Red 77a. NICE, clean furnished rooms, three blocks from postofflce. 2111 Douglas. NICELY furnished room. 1707 Dodge. NEWLY furnished rooms: strictly mod ern; 12. U fH and $3; walkiug dlatanca. tn Dodge. A-2KU. NTCat front room for two gentlemen. 73 . lath. PRIVATE family, largo front room and alcove; also aingla room; modern, 2K7 aVL Mary's Ave. LARGS front roonrs; modern. 431 g. uth. LA RGB room for two !adie or gentis mea; la each; saedarn bouse. Ill S. 20th. FRONT trior and bedroom in cottage; modern; Hanerom park district. able. 1711 n. rca PL NICELT furnished front and back rooms; strictly modern. Ult Capitol Ave. NICELY furnished rooms; ens large front eertor for twe gentlenseav 8. C Carsoav Lawrey, 1 Dodgo. HANDSOMELY furnished eight-room nou; will rent for year or longer If de sired. 1M Spalding. 'Phono Webatsr XM. LOVELY furnished rron. parlor for ona or two gentlemen; strictly modern home; plenty hot water; A month. iU N. fenh, rear high (ehool. STRICTLY modern rurnrstied rooms, everything new and first ciasa. Call Tues day or after. 104 N. Cat St. FURNISHED rooma also modern rooma for light housekeeping. 1717 Burt. SIEATLT furnished room, suitable for and or two: ail modern. 210 Cass. FURNISHED room ta private family; modern house; W a month. LMil Paul. FURNISHED rooms far rent. tU N. 11th, FURNISHED tU N. 17ta bC in NICELY furnished front room; tZM per wtek. lill Caaa. BEAUTIFVL rooms In modern residence. 110 a. 251 h Art Beautiful location. NICE aingla room: n n week. VI & ma. I FURNISHED, modern, south front rooma tar rent. MO Chicaco St. NIC3 front room; also sthsr rooms. 2211 Harney. PLEASANT rooms, dean and cool; pri vate tamlir. wtth twa meals or privilege of gaa stove. K17 Pacitia St MODERN furnished rooms cheap, 13K Douglaa SC FURNISHED ROOMS, te per month, for young men: eiectno ngni, eieaio nci, eie- pnone, running siiir, euaurr uu hw big privileges. MZ7 Harney. Harney 241 FURNISHED private family; w house. aOT South strictly niudera: la tnth avenue. EAST room, new electric lighted flat. 212 N. MU Be U. 77. NICE single rooms, modtutv, 2Utt Leaven worth. Duugiaa 7;i. NICE ainsio roam, eoeap. tat S. Mth Ave. Red Wu4 MODERN frent room, largo enough for ttt. n thr.. Ii, X i.b k " ' mm . . UUk fjiRf:e Hu.4 . . , , , -- v. .will. M IV. 1 , IIHHHUW kit N. 1Mb. ON K furnlabed room. ISM Cass, PLEASANT furnished south roam; mod ern. (Si N. 22d t . guuth o aieli a. i NICK east front room; flat C Davidsa lk.. l:h and rarnam. Bl FURNISHED rooms, also modern rooms for llgbt housekeeping. 1.17 UurC FRONT room, n veek. 123 N. XKh gL LARGS front roona for two geatieasen. 1712 Caiiitol Iva BEAUTIFULLY fumUhed. strtctly mod ern. Iere ruvia. geiitiauten preferred, uivakfaet if deeirHl; iVleireucea. Sbl Douge, HiUJSKktKPLNa and sweeping tmitna, 711 V U.h sueec OFFERED FOR RENT raimlehed Stea LA ROE. elegantly furnished ' all-modern room; walking dlatanca; Henscom park die trtcc aoi 6a. JUtb. Hntney svta. FURNISHED rooma, close In. ta S. KHh. NICELT fatrnlshe. south front room; also other rooms. 2474 Harney. ONB front reom: young mas preferred. B3S No. Uth EL NICE front room, erte ar two rentleraea or young couple. 2617 No. lath at. Nirirl T furnlshMi nuylerB sleaerina re 114 No. Kth. .Jvi.iv.u iii'iiti u 'nil it, ii, viil, ' elaea In reauvonm&le 'nhAM Aletrla Uekt. genuamen preferred. Ml a. Bd SL CLEAN furnished rooms. CZ3 & 10th. NICELT furn shea rooma, 1417 California BL 'Phono D. 6964. TZXt Eramett; modern rooma, halt block from car. Fhone Wabater 4174. NICE soath front room, with board, for two gentleman; reasonable. Apply UK Grace. LARGE front room suitable for man and wife or twa gentlemen. 1707 Cass. MODERN, well-furnlshed southeast front room, with largo alcove: private lamuy large lawn. ? a. 2Mb St. FIVE-ROOM modern house; furnished; KS per month. Ills 8. 27th 81 BOARD for two boys, I and 2H years old. In the country not far from Omaha, near school, give full particulars. M-213, Bea. tsutai s Flats XTJK-roosa modern Mac. gas. Mich ONE of the most beautiful apartments In the city will be vacant seon at 22d and Farnam. Call William K. Potter. Harney 2215. TWO ltt-room flats. lGt-lCll 8. 20th St. Telephone Red IM8. FOUR and five-room apartments. Streh low Terrsce. 'PhonM Webstar 432a. NICE l-roora Tat. all modem. 41M Dtv anport St. Tat Uerney MU. 4-ROOM semi-basement Tat ut Donsay. Uhh and Pierce, steam heated. CONRAD lOUMi Tel O. 1571. Sill Dodge, SWELL APARTMENT. Wo have a very fine apartment In Han' com Park district, to be vacant M.iy 1; this has f large rooms, living room Is 20 feet lung, with open fireplace; all rooms are finished in oak and have nice oak floors, bath room baa tila floor, medicine cabinet. etc This Is a very desirable apartment and will not be on the market very long. trice to aeairaoia tenant, PAINE. BO.STWICK SLATER. Sola Agents. 101 New York Life Bldg. CENTRAL, all modern 4-room flat. 220 N. 20d. CENTRAL APARTMENTS Two high grade flats, thick brick walls, 6 large cool rooms with private hall. ' fine hardwood. fully modern, free hot water all year, range. shades, steam neat, walking distance, bum mer, one 124. other 127: winter 17 more. Double can get no better. Don't assume thai you know, but see for yourself. Refer ences required. BEMIS, 480 Brandels. APARTMENT In a flirt -class apartment bouse, north. Webster 5765. FIRST floor, four rooms, modern. 836 S. mti St. Harney 4438. FOR RENT Apartments in The Califor nia. Apply Relchenberg Bros., 64 B.'aiidels bldg. 4-ROOM strictly modern brick flat; 2 ear lines: east of Hansrom Park; choice neigh borhood. Harney JXMi. Oeanketf lag ksei A PUH'B of mree sodern. E North Mth. LARGE front room, parlor floor, suitable for physician, dressmaker, milliner or man and wife; use of piano and parlor; light Also 4 unfurnished rooms tor light housekeeping. 47&s N. Uth. CLOSE IN; cook on gaa; large rooma; cheap rent. 1911 Cuming. TWO light housekeeping rooma; all mod ern. 210t Caaa St. 'Phono, Doug. 7114. TWO nicely furnished hoaaekeeptng rooma Reference required. 23)7 North loth. NICE room for housekeeping, modern, tog S. 19th. Douglaa telo. FURNISHED rooma for light housekeep ing. Ill N. 17th SL TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 1421 N. Uth SC TWO room for light housekeeping, mi Douglea SC HOUSEKEEPING and alee ping IS 13 Hurt bl; modern, cheap. THREE unfurnished, light housekeeping rooms, on parlor f.oor. lul N. 17th. TWO modern, furnished rooma. 1105a Pa cific SC LARGE light housekeeping rooma; mod srn. till Douglas. THREE fine llglt housekeeping rooma; full floor, gaa aud bath; block from car. lid ZdU Ohio. Red TWO nice suits of light housekeeping rooma, modern, less Harney. HANDSOMELY furnished apartments; large cool rooms; fine summer piaeo; ail modem. s04 n. 2&th. THREE light, newly-furnished house keeping rooms; rent reasonable. Inquire lal7 Howard Sc. room a, third floor. MODERN 1 and I-room cottages; fur nlabed fur houMKMolna. k . ; r . . lfornla. vr'nviaifrr, ... . . . Ing. J a loth. LARGE front basement room tor light houMkevping. tit N. Ivth. THREE furnished bausekseplnsi rooma for rent sue n. 17tn. SUITS of housekeeping, .uotna; also sloeping room. 191a Capitol Ave. HOl.'SEKEEPINO rooma, modern, m N. 1Mb. ROOM! for light housekeeping, stasis gad aouole. 1MW Webstar kc THREE nicely furalabad houaekeenlng rooms. 711 N. iLh M. FOUR rooma for hauaekaeptng. first floor, ttel Harney be IV aiauag diaiaaee. REFINED couple, no children; parlor, kitchen, paatry; use ot piano. Caa also hava paxlur aiusja. 221S Jjouglaa, FOUR moil era elegant housekeeping eooine very reasonable; no ehudrea; one block from car. a bo. sua hi. CLEAN, furnlabed room for housekeep ing: nice neighborhood; I per aaesLO. ail N. llth be NICE. modern boui reeeoaable. Jail Burt be HOCSEK-EEPINO toema. cbeep. 17U N. Nth SC LARGE furnished front roots with small kilcoaa ou nuun f oor. luul Burt be HOUSEKEEPING rnem. etrutiy modern house; ta eui.drea. 2UH DavenporL LARGE front room, houaelKWpiiic; mvuut. htli Leavaueorlh. OFFERED FOR RENT H ease keep la g Hawass NICELT furnished light hoiisekeplng rooms; gas. bath; reasonable. 1007 Caaa St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms. IU & loth. MODERN housekeeping; cooking gaa fur nished; laundry privileges; also parlor. 2671 St. Mary's Are. TWO rooma with gaa; $4 par week. 1401 Dodge St. TWO modern rooms for housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished. Call Tuesday. KM N. Hsu TWO front rooma for light housekeeping. 11M N. ffth. ONB housekeeping room, modern; also furnished rooma. leal Harney tc TWO excellent rooma, gaa range, mod m. sl4 do. tkx. LARGE furnished front room wtth aloova, sin oily modern. 11.0 Capitol Ave. SUITE: nicely furniahad; (ma range, 1311 Capitol Ave, TWO pleasant connected, unfurnished housekeeping rooms; also one nicely fur nished room; modern and reasonable. 2UI Wirt St LARGE front room and alcove: elegantly furnish i In strictly modem house; reason able, 2671 Dodge. A-1SS1. HOUSEKEEPING room and sleeping rooms, laid Chicago 8. A G HT housekeeping and sleeping rooms at KU1 Dodge. UNFURNISHED, ground floor. 2E7S Har ney St. MODERN housekeeping rooma. 2001 Web ster St. Phono Douglas 2611. NICELY furnished rooms. 43 N. 17th. NICE ROOMS, 1&4I N. 17th. THREE large modern rooma for light housekeeping. 302S Chicago St. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms; drat floor; 12 per week, all S. Uth. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. (139 N. lSttt. NICELY furnished rooms for refined couple; no children. HI No. 13 in SU (ram leaven Be TWO back N. Uth SC room. 17 peg month. 01 FOUR-ROOM flat I47f S. IStn. Walking diatanoa. Pbona Harney 22&JL TWO or three nfumlshed rooma. modern K4I Dodge St. THRSB large, modern rooms, ftXh. nr Ma TWO very pleasant rooma for light house keeping, furnished or unfurnished. Call Sunday or after I o'clock through the week. 22 N. Uth St. FOUR pleasant unfurnished rooms: gas ana nam; on two car unea iuz c. autn. Remaes aad Cettagea. , FOR RENT Four-room house, largo yard, on car Una. Inquire 2415 8; 3th SL HOUSE Six rooms, Harney and Twanty Binth. iL Apply HIS California St. STRICTLY modern 7-roooi house, xms Miami SL, near Dodgo- ft. car lino, IJ6. John Steel. Ml Brandeia Bldg. nwisi Wk m. mi mi store, h. a. goods; storehouse. llli-M N. Uth; K aV 13th be Taj. Douglaa 'Jet HOUSEH. Cats. Garvta Broa, gig N. Y. L, FOR RENT 607 S. 2h St, 4-room flat and bath, HO. 292 S- lhih SL. new modern 7-roora house, $21. W. R. HOMAN. 221 Board of Trade. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, rorwardedl cheap freight rates; muvlnat and auxin if. Exprassmea's Ceiivan" Co. TeL Doug. 14, ARE TOTJ IN TROUBLE? LET UB MAN AGE YOUR RENTALS. PAYNE, EOST WICK a SLATER. ITU FL N. Y. LLFS. CARPET CLEANING Vacuum system. Oa aha Van A Storage Co, HO) so. i;tk It, Tel. D. Uaa, lnd. A-ls9. sl. 09 MODERN S-room house; good or der. 1201 S. 28th. MODERN I and l-roont aottags. 2124 Miami SKIS OUR LIST BEFORE RENTING. Save time and money; all siaaa. ail prioes. PAXNK. BOsTWICK. a. SLATSlt, ttk Floor. N. Y. Ufa Bldg. ROOM, modern. 120 Maple SC 117. NEW g-room. brick bouse, modem. Har ney fit?. FOR RENT. Ten-room, modern, except ftirnacec; barn and chicken house; fruit treeas ana shrubbery; well-kept lawn; located at 2211 N. 2 let be To tne right party moderate rent will be charged. Inquire at Rev. J. F. Schwars. 20U Willis Ave or Louis Neese at First National bank. FOR RENT. Five-room cottage, inree block from car line, modern, except furnace. 3011 De catur St. Ill per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO. D. 610 or A-2031. II N. Y. U Bldg. FOR RENT 4-room house; modern ex cept heac Apply 3210 Hamilton bl 10-ROOM brick house, gas. bath, furnace, laundry, 1 grates; a4 modern: rent 4a; keys on premises. ftl Capitol Ave. FIVE ROOMS, sll modern except heat; 411 Burdette St.; JJO. Berola-Carlberg Co, 4et Brandels BUg. TEN-ROOM, all modern, for rooming or two families, nose in. 1274 Chicago SL; furniture for two rooms for aaie; refer encea required. U JJiJl-J Cretan Buna . Co, Beo Ruig -room brick hoMee, ail maevrn. north part of city. 13, 4-room, first floor apart mast, 163 N. Uth L, 112.6a. I sice rooma, HIT Clark St., ts, C. M, BACH MANN. 431 Paxtoa Bik. Tela. SL Sua. Boa. D. UM. AN t-room house, modern except heat. Slt N. 26th; J. H. Jvmsu.n. its Brandeia modern flat, UOOO per month. Telephone BOUSa-s. UMoraaoe. RlSbgwaJL starfcav Bin. rvjin , uwvr,i J i -ivn ri. miJiu- em. exlcepi hent; lul cement basement. 211 N. Bith Ave . reduced to J If taken by April IS. Also ne?ty finished, 5-room upper fist, S14 N. 22d St, choice, 113, Ap- py sur M. inn Bt. iei. l-tra enet. Ilanscom Park Diatrict For Lease A very desirable, nicely decorated g-room apartmeni, tnorougbiy modern, has highly pollened, hard wood pot: l0 f loo re tenanL floors throughouL to a desirable WRIGHT A LAIBI'RT. ill 8. ltth be Pbuna D. Til. HOUSE of I rooma, modern, on iHinrtue line. 112 8. 44IA Be. aftter May i. Tel. Harney 13U. BEMIS park. hVroom modem house, 1711 Hawtnorne Ave., ti. STORE ROOM, new building. ItHh and Iwuglea; h1 for any b'laiiien.; rent rea avoabia Call, L. Uarrvs Real k-atalo. OFFERED FOR RENT Stores Coat laaed. STORE ROOM, corner N. ism and Nlcho laa. N. Win has a future, mark it. See T. J. Hook. UU1 N. ism at,, I to o'clock. ' Offleea. xatioxalTidelity & casualty building 12th and Famam 8t "WHER1U WHOLESALE MEETS RETAIL." Very destrsble office, fronting on 12th St., 1.200 square feet, low rental. Apply to National Fidelity & Casualty Co., 604 Merchants National Bank Building. 'Phone Douglas 3t7; Auto A-aM. OFFERED FOR SALE POTT BORROW MOTTET an furniture, piano, salary, etc., until THE J. A. HTJTTON CO, 114-411 Paatoa Blook. ROLL TOP DESK, bed. mattress, re frtgerator, chairs, table chlffoneir. laws mower, steel range, gas range, esi-riets, rugs and ail sorts of furniture. WS3 N. 2Uh. FOR SALE Household goods and phy sician'a oCflca fixtures. Call or phono he fore noon. Bell, Webstar 244a. Ren., 2024 Miami SC, Omana. NEW and up-to-date furniture for six rooms; parties leaving city. 'Phono Harney 61. FURNITURE of ten-room house, will sell all or part. House rents for H0; nlco loca tion ; now full of nice roomers.. Phone Red 4773. FOR SALE Sanitary couch, mattress gad cover. LS So. 42d St. Barlwaie. PATTON-BOWMAN HDW. CO. AGENTS P. T. CORBIN BUILDERS HARDWARE, CONTRACTORS" SUP PLIES. Farnam. Phone Doug KM Has;nl Instratsaemta. SYMPHONY Grand Columbia Grapha phone. splendid instrument. Price- $200 and never sold for lees. Will sell one, which ts brand new, and in perfect condition, for $170. Good reason for selling. Address G 141, Bee. Type writers. SECONTMiand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1907 Farnam. Typewriters for Rent L Mw 1318 Farnam EL, Omaha. kf laeellawooauk FOR BALE National cash resist ee. with tape, almost new; cheap U taken at oncet Address K-aSs. ear Bee. FOR SALE OR TRADE lea box and try oven. Call at U. S. Restaurant. FOR SALE CHEAP 111 feet of lawn fence, 1 waik gates. 1 drtva gate. Phono Web. 1929. F. H. Go beck. ONE full set Stoddard Lectures. Morocco bindina". S: one telescope camera. 15; lady's double-barreled shotgun, 44-catlbro, Is. call evenings. 2610 Chicago SL t-ROOM rooming house for sale. Iv08 Cass. SODA FOUNTAIN, In good condition. See Mr. Admen, lhe Bennett Company. UPRIGHT piano for sale or trade. 1S20 S. 10th SL Telephone Douglaa 43S7. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1811 Farnam. SEED CORN that will grow M per cent or batter, catalogue tree. Aye ijroa, Blair, Neb. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels which we will sell at eoo eaeh. They are flue for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co SECOND-HAND scalea at 1607 Harney. SODA FOUNTAINS, new and second hand: monthly fcmymenta. Deright. 1111 Farnam SC DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on an 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman tc Me- Connell Drug Co., umana, Men. FOR SALS New and Id-hand billiard and pool tables. Wa lead the world in cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruns)- wlck-Balke-Collender. 407 S. lift SC SCHOLARSHIP on leading business col lege for sale at dlsooune Address P 000, Bee. CLOVERS EEX for sale; M fcu, chains ned. red seed; muet be said, at, W. Miliar. Uuthrio Center, la. 2D-HAND oak counter, hand-carved mar ble cashier male; wire wlcaet about 40 fL odd shape: will fit a room 20 feet wide. Can be seen at storage house- For further particular 'phono Douglas 23a, Bos Build ing CO- THREE quater Inco cable for sale. Apply tieorgo te wrigne ee maa- FOR SALE A large Art Garland base burner. Acorn steel range, oak sideboard, oak dining table, etc; on account of mov ing will very chesp; all in good condi tion. Apply 64 South Mth avenue. O. C. DIMOCK & SON, THE ONLY INDEPENDENT LUMBER COM PANT IN TKs TWO CITIiiA, 24th at H Sta. South Omaha. Tel. South till. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner, SOI N. Uth SC OPTICAL EYES EYES EYES HAVE THEM EXAMINED BY AN EXPERT OF REPUTATION. 1 HAVE SlTfESSFULLY TESTED EYES AND FITTED GLASSES IN EURO Pel AND AMERICA. r.hX.KNTLY DOING MtlHT Or THIS WORK FOR THE TV URN OPTICAL CO. SEE ME NOW. REASONABLE PRICES AND SATISFACTION til'ARANTk,ED. W. MATTIIEI, 401 PAXTON BLOCK. DOUGIAS Red &.-. lnd. A-1.J. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 411 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 114. Dr. Kathryn Nkhols, fail N. Y. Life Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Pax tun Bile Tel. Red 7117. HUFFMAN. HI Neville Bldg. Book free. Wiilard Eddy, registered practitioner In U. B. PaL Office, 111 Paxton Bik. Red ML HIRAM A. STURGESS. registered patent attorney, c. a. end loreign patents se cured. 611 N. Y. LlXe Bldg. Tel. D. Mta. PATENTS secured, promoted and SOLD or our fee returned: send for seven free booklets. Patent Development Corporation, sit itn vv aaiington. u. c. PERSONAL A HOME fur women during confinement. We find homes for babies above niotr.en caunui caie for mew. tabiee biadei1 Kor terms address Mrs. Martha L. Lev. 1 Bancroft bl, Oiuana. Neb. 'piioue Douglas PERSONAL (Cununued.1 MECHANO-THERAPT. is a drugless cure for lost physical vigor. Connuit i'R. Margarita Hailuran, 'b Neville fci.lf. Tel. Douglas 771. Under supervision ot M. D Dli. W. A. BUIiKE SPKC1ALIST IN DISEA8KS OF WOMEN. Private office at 4!12 N. 28th Ave., Otnaba, Neb. Otfue houra I to 7 p. m. 'Phone Webster tfci WE rent and repair all kinds of sawing machines. Ind. A-liktl. Dou ItKJ. NEBRASlvA CYCLlJ CO, Uih and Harney Uts. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adopt'on. Good Samaritan !Sni torlum. i40 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King. U24 N. Hi St. 'Phono Webster XkA MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. UASSAOS-ks LaOrane. 1117 Dodgo U; bra, M a. m.-l n. m. Basement flat. "HINDOO TABU.Tk wiu build, brace, strengthen. Mo. BJUO. CaCQ CO. THE Pullman polish. Tour money back on demand If not as represented. The best: sold In umana u years by Vroman. at long N. 2th St. Phone Harney 17. EXPERT china packer: weddlna Dreeenta a specialty. 1814 DavenporC Ind. B-279g, JUNIPER and AsDaraa-us Bills for die. orders of the kidneys and bladder, toe box. Cermak Pbarmacy. In a, uth. MME. ALLJEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. 1606 Dodge St., oppo site postoffice. Id floor. Phone Douglas ifeit. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, in face anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 14 N. 11th St, for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phono Douglaa 41.3a and wagons Ul call. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under. world Sewer" at all book stores; price. 11.6a, MASSAGE AND BATHS. Room SON old Boaton Store Bldg., 4th floor. US & lath SC Stairway a Douglas St. REGULAR admission lc Parlor Theater. STRICTLY Private Homo for confine ments, doctors' attention, trained nurse; sables for adoption. 11 Davenport. MAGNETIC treatnienC Hat Smith, tut B. Uth St, third Doer. OMAHA Stammerers las.. Remge Bldg, ABLENE DE TOY. manicuring and mas sage, 624 a 16 Lh 6e Flat 9, Phono D. 7il X7Trj.Cad toupee tor men. GRIFFITH, " AVIfc.ii -,1 iA irj EH2ER HI If DIVORCES obtained without delay or olse; erimlnal cases a specially; 17 years experience. W. A. CONNOLLY, 474-71 Brandeia Bid. DOUG, tot!; IND, A-1434. Swartx c McKelvy News Dept. 2d-hand books; Ger. at Eng. periodicals. 109 S. 15th. PRINTING : Lyngatad Printing Co., 16th 4k Capitol Ave. DOTTGLAS county saves thousands of dollars yearly by having my figures on printing. John T. Thompson. Tel. Wabater RIES-HALL Pre Co, 1U 8. ltth; Ind. A- WATERS PRINTING CO.. 622-524 f. 13th. Miller 4 Jamieson, 1212 Doug. Both 'phone TAILORS G. At LIN QUEST CO, 235 PAXTON BLK. MAX MORRIS. SOI BROWN BLOCK. V.TAUCHEN akeaufBuSdln0" TMTTQOnrQ Suits, Tuxedoa. full dress UIVl,00r-,0 sult. slightly used, bought and sold. Feldman. Hi N. 17th SC Doug laa H2s, A 263ft. HARRY MARTIN, R. 19, U. S. Bank Bldg. OVT1 T er LhA. ,nm a .t hlati vim and good crafumannhip Justifies 1C dee J. A. tea.. vs..". ows-eie creaiu-iiai POULTRY SILKO CHICK FOOD la th bst In the mrkt for young chick- na. jaaaaa iram pur rmxa, A. W. WAGNER, 801-U N. UTH ST. Phones Douglas 1142, Independent A-S4ML niDuirn rT vvtntTTir ROCK ewes for hatching: write for prlcee. F. C AllqulsL 2762 Meredith Ave. W. 3098. niTr nnpIMftTn! F.rti for settinc OOo per dosen. Phono Harney 47a. SC 11.60 FOR 15. V VV V. i r . Plvmmilli Tins' W eggs from birds with show room record at 11.6s for setting of 15. Book your order now and send for booklet giving show room recorns ox uteee oirue tun uuitr matings. Frank G. Pabor, 27 Pino bt. Boulder. Colo. GUARANTEED fertile eggs for setting; healthy ptixa-wlnning stock; delivered; silver laced and white wyanaotte. Barred Plymouth Hock and Brown Leg horn. 75e setting, ft hundred. Lower's poultry ranch, half mile east, half mils North Arvada. Address J. H. Lower, Alcott Station, Colo. ROSE comb Buff Orpingtons, only pen In Colorado; few settings from this pen at 12.60 for 15. EM- Singer, 3 Mon roe. Denver. Colo. w rx 1 MU uriiiviu CICl, IIIUCB, .III. W 1 1 1 L. , Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo . v . - ! w..M., II ur uuwa, fa miiu tiuduivv. v.. i Vedets, Colorado Springs, Culo. Rhode Island Red ssttlng eggs TeL & TESTED Rosecomb Rhode Island Red eggs fur hatching from prise layers. F. a. King, Benson. r0. I si. Benson aJs. PEKIN DUCKS for sale. Tel Harney 2319. U ) 1 IT r, f lU' nt l' V. , f . I.fhn, REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., EsL W3; prompt - - Mmm our Drices. 1710 Flrnm. ii. REM1NGTON-LUNDBEBO REALTY Ca Tel. D. UTI. u lumii ,mw bouses. FRED S. HADRA, 417-411 First NaUonal . j r ..... . mi Dana "e'- iu- a t or Ex. T. C. Torn son. 471 Brandels. BENJAMIN R E. CO, 477 Brandels Bldg Geo. D. Perrlne. 232 Paxton. Doug. TML REAL ESTATE TITLhVTRLST CO. Ua Farnam. Ground Floor. ABSTHACT9 ur TITLE. S. M. SADLER SON. lot So. Uth SC KERR Abstract Co, tOk 4. 17th SC D. 6417. JOHN CAMPBELL. 411 N. Y- L D. 1071. PETER JESS' EN. JR.. Tel. Doug. 2293. GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. 1C1 Farnam. W. O. JENSEN, builds homes ri'u: Clans ' fy.tistieA. f.ui SpsJdixiaV Tsl Vn. REAL ESTATE tContinued.) C1TT PIOPEHTV FOR etl.K. 4107 IZAKD STREET Good two-story, seven-room house with gas. r,th. furnace, paved street; high and sightly; one block to car House va.unt and ran be bougM for 13,000 on reasonulne ternie. Piyne, Bostwick & Slater, SOLE AGENTS, U N. Y. LlfE BLDG. BRICK FLATS Two of five rooms ea-h on first floor and two of six on second, besides bath rooms, halls, witn all modern conveniences, separate earn; well bulit, three years ago. under my supervi sion and architects, for permanent invest ment: kept In perfect condition: east front, nice street, clone tit: monthly renL I'1: If vou consider building investigate: yon can not better this. Address E 311, lien. BWELLEST residence lots (2 A.) In Omaha, bar none; some of them as low as IMW: terms, one-fourth cash, balance three equal annual payments. Ask aouut mem. Its worth while. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suite 424 N. . Life Bldg. Red 1939. FOR SALE Nine-room cottaite In beet residence dl.-trlot In Omaha; rents for bet ter than I per cent net, or will trade fnr Wichita, Kan., property. Address Geo. M. Hunter, Wichita, Kan. LRnnM ull m.xlern hotuie. located at 2308 Cumlnn St.. near Remia Park; good car service, plenty of shade end fruit: south front house in good condition; owner ue in house; will sell for JB.bW. can ana see this property or telephone Harney 30X5. FRUIT AND GARDEN We have a rood seven-room house with electric UghL with three lots; south front; one lot In fruit; one lot In gardening, and the other with Improvements; fine shade; an ideal place for fruit and chickens; near Harney car line; only X2.2W; pose est Ion. Payne, Bostoick & Slater, SOLE AGENTS, OOt N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Ooe Acre Fruit Farm. right In town; nice house, chicken-bouse, electric light in street; on street car line you never saw Its equal. Price t2,0W. Terms. NOWATA LAND LOT CO, Suits 124 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Red 1999. Rooms, Full Lot. 1,100. In south Dart of town. 1200 cash, balance any old way. Nowata Land Lot Co, Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1399. FOR SALE New modem up-to-date 7- room bouee, best you ever saw for tha money, 13.500: It) rash and tS a month. W. R. Homan. 32t) Board ot Trade. Choice East Front Lot m West Farnam district. If taken at once this lot can be had at a very low price NOWATA LAND AND LU1 CO.. alto CM N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 199B, THIS SPACE RESERVED. PROPERTY OWNERS AND HOME BUYERS. This spaeo reserved for tha best and most saleable property listed with us this week. If you want to sell quickly, coma in and see as. If you want to buy. let us know what you want and watch this spaca. THE ABBOTT REALTY CO. 411-411 Brandeia Bldg. Carl E. Bolen. Mgr. Doug. 2901, YES, JUST WHAT YOU WANT! ' rooms, all modern except heat; lot SOx 123; oar at door; price, 12,300, 1600 cash, bal ance monthly. 7 rooma, all modem except heat: large lot; new; price, 12.500, KXIO cash, balance easy. I large rooms, brand new, ail modern; lot 60x133; price, 12,700, 1500 cash, balance easy. i-room, brand new, beech floors, all mod ern; a dandy; price, 13.600, 1600 oanh, bal ance easy. NOWATA LOT & LAND CO, Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 19S0. FOR SALE LoC 61 feet frontage, facing the Field club Ln Field Club district. In quire J. A. Russell. 60S Merchants National Bank Bldg. Telephones Doug. Z492 and Har ney 113. SELBY D. 1510. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. I ROOM, NEW. MODERN. ECO DOWN belanee very easy. Paved street, concrete walks; large lot; fine neighborhood; twe blocks to car. 5-ROOM MODERN EXCEET HEAT. 26d cash, balance a trtfle more than renL New paved street, southeast front; nsar car. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, G4 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone, Red 1999. TWO desirable lots la Florence, two blocks from Main SC. ona block from school house. For particulars call owner. 'Phono Harney 1397. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS To owners who want, or must sell guiokly. Notice the space under Residence property For Sa.a, which la yours until sold, provided yours Is saleable property. THE ABBOTT REALTY CO. 411-413 Brandeia Bldg. Carl E. Bolen. Mgr. Doug. 390V, PRAIRIE PARK T,d.nC. "dirt1 trict. built on art I at lo and harmonious lines, has 31 brand new houses, bmall cash payment and balance monthly. PA-XTuN REAL ESTATE CO. TWO BIG SNAPS I rooms, modern except heaL ln north west portion of city; large loL paved street, concrete walks, shade trees, south fronL large barn; elegant location, near car. Price. 13. 7M. ELEVEN-ROOM, TWO LOTS. Eleven-room, two lots (2 A), In soutnwest part of town, near Hanacom park and boulevard; near car. Look at this pi ice twice. tt.ttlO. NOWATA LAND AND LOT C, bulte - N. Y. Life Bldg. Ked ltfaO. GOOD IN VESTMENT SNAP Meat marM.L Including all fixtures, gaso llue engine, computing scales, ksttie and moke house, mx living rooms upstairs. WU1 bring a rental of US per month. Owner has cleared 25,011 annuauy and oa account ut leavin gcuy will sell for 14.600. Lot 22x88. located near Mth and Cuming. Call Douglas 22. 214 Board o 'I'rads Bldg. COZY little borne, 202S Miami SL; lot 40x t20; 6-rooms, fine lawn axd shade trees; ally water, gaa. Il,stw; can make tarma. IN BENSON South front lot on Lucas St., near Burnham, 50x123 feet; for sale on easy payments $5.00 down and $o.00 a month. Price $190.00. D WIGHT WIII.TAMS, Bee Offico Tel. Harney 3070 after 6 P. M. U0 CASH-ll PER WEEK. West I.eaveimoi th Plairiet lota. MlTZLAr F. Leavenworin. Puons Harney AJa. In Center of City-Brick building; first-class shape; 14 rooms; strictly mouern: one-nait oioca otr 1111 ae la auuie tl-O per month Price !i4 NOWATA LAND A LOT CO, fsuste Vi N. Y. Life Red l9a REAL ESTATE CITY 1'rtOfk.KlV fOH SALE. iContlnueX) l am m' U( sway inn my numw vi i Dice large rooms In first class condition Is fee sals. 13.AS. Call ai0 Spaulding SC FOR PALB 7-room house, nearly new, all i modern escept furnsce; permsnent walk;,,, apply owner and save commission. Thone Webster liM. FOH SALE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. LOOK AT THIrf BARGAIN. !-room cottage, ail modern, except heat; paved street, concrete a.ks. barn; a4 Spaulding M . t3.""0. Easy terms, save commission. Telephons T. IL Porter, owner, Web. 3U4. . 6-HikiM cottage. EM) cash balance 111 per monih. 4 acres, improved, terms, 6 rvom cottsre. modern except heet; 1-wO rash, baisme terms. HUFFMAN. 31S Neville Bldg. Eight-room modern bouaa, with, hot' water teat, at 2609 North 22d St. Eight-room house, modern except " furnace, 2122 Ohio. ' Si i room cottage, gaa and batli, at " ' 2107 Ohio, renting; at $18. The above properties will be offered " for sale separate at east door of court ' house Friday, April 15, at 10 a. m. W. H. GATES 61? N. V. Life Bids. Doug. 129. REAL ESTATE FARM AND KA.-vCtl LA.MI FOR SALE Arks warns. INSPECT AND 1oU WILL BUT THIS 12.S0O acres In southwest Ark, 7 miles city of 26.0UO; railroad station on land; Ked River valley; solid body; no richer farm land;-' several Improved farms on tract; hickory,' oak, ash timber, lor quick sale, 17.0 per 1 acre; terms. Inspect and you will buy. LEGRAND W. JUNES, Teotarkana, Ark. Xex. Colwamd. 320-ACRE mountain ranch; 100 aorss Ir- ' rigated; ten-room house, hot and cold aster; dally mail; telephone; large open., range for stock. I7.50U. Howard L Russell. ' Fort Collins, Colo. 440 a., well Unproved, on Moffat rod. IV, m. from P. O. ; 10 a. In timothy,' some native hay; 2u0 a. timber; flee pasture; would ban- . die 100 head stock; adjudicated water right; . attractive buildings; l in. of trout stream through rancn; good resort location; fully equipped with Implements, tools, etc; tele phone; five head stookv Price, for ail. IU.6U0, part cash, balance easy terms. Bog 6, Tabernash, Colo. FOR SALE Fruit lands at farm prices in ' Arkansas Valley, between Canon City and Pueblo, Colo, from 17.60 to til per acre, a" fortune to bo made in buying largo tracts and retailing. Orchards in Canon City, at the entrance of Royal Gorge, are valued at to 11.600 per acre. Come out and be convinced. Sam Brown, Jr., aV Son., 224 Central Block. Pusbio, Colo, or 411 Mala SC. Canon City, Colo, , COLORADO LAND FOB HALS BY OWNER. AN at O,M0 acres of aeod land, mnstlw smooth and roiling, fine soil, to ba sold la sue body, 11 to so miles east of Denver on ut union racino K. te soutn of Watkina. Bennett and Strauaburg. This tract ilea close to above towns. Tha land la all fenced and many times croae-tenced. Other ur provements: Houses, bar as. sbeds. tor. raia, private telephone, etc. Good alfalfa and hax land; also springs and other water. mgs. uut good proposition for sub dividing or colonising. No agents need ap o.y. Buy direct from owner. NOAH CAN-v. tiMi Uiaaarra Place, Denver. Colo. llllaela. FOR SALE Fine summer resort hotel. 'ith berrttnm- a,i,IUnf nrw,n..i., - - . . .in i , nuariar' alt nw ...... I n . ....... n i . ion attached; large water frontage and mcuuiu, iuv. wim pieniy ot land surrounding tha whole place; beat business I proposition ever offered; price very low. , , 1a, Ll..a TXT. .. r : l m. , .UkULlIM, ' i ' , FOR SALE 840 acres In 1 - rv..... Florida, citrus fruit land for stock of sen. ral merchandise .Writs John Duncan. Galesburg. UL FOR SALE Lona- Lake. I1L lota ln Wiu son'a subdivision, 60xi8 fC; 1100 and up: easy terms; northwest end of lake: plenty of shade trees, convenient U C II. St. Paul R. R. Owner on grounds every day. Mrs. H. A. Wilson, Inglealda. Ilk FOR StAT.V cn . . i.w . . ' - i. w-mi. . . wim ivqa im provements; good locauonv near fins sum- ',. mer mutrt t.iwn . i .. i. -. . 1 ,7 V. . " ' 1 " iw. tmmw0 gaa . tlJ?lD,; f bax'n: 70 per acre. r eau i-ruom oouae on tne shore of Hi n v. T U . tjt . . . : " , ' . .... wi uvuiai, nieeiy jocsted lor summer residence, 11,700. Jos. - -na. 1 1 1 Mimaieswtsw 1M ACRES on Deer Lake. Itasca eminty,' Minnesota; fins growth hardwood timber; beautiful lake frontage; t!5 per acre. Fred M. Chaffee, owner, Farlbauic Minn. atebraaaua. SCOTTS BLUIT LANDS In a few years Irrigated lands In tha Scott'g Bluff country will be worth an much as Greeley lands. To nmv this go and see. Our first excursion to Scott's Bluff Tuesday, May 3. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. FARM BARGAIN. Must be sold ou account ot owner's ' health; well Improved S2u-acra farm 7 "4 miles from town; price, M per acre; easy term. J. T. Canuiueii. Litchrleld. Nee. LAND buyers will busy thsmselves bt they will only ask Leander Clark of Kear ney, Neb, for farms bo haa for sale. NEBRASKA LAND CHEAP. $1.00 PER ACRE 610 acres., ucntern Xebraj.Ua In . vmr desirable community; small creek on the section: 11.147 catau: 11.113 nvav run 7 veers. P. O. Box 173, Council Bluffs, la. WESTERN REAL ESTATE. Farm and town property where railroad right-of-way is nought through. RinkMd homesteads. Dry laud to come under gov eraineul canai. Don't wale JkilArajM . t box No. UL Ger lng. Neb. SACRIFICE SALE 1120 acres of choice wheat land, best of eotl. Can all be cultivated. Located ' In Kimball county, Nebraska; 113 iu y.r AV. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT COMPANY Tel. D. 1101 or A-2011. Ill N. Y. L. Bldg. PASTURE 900 acres good pasture, good running' water and good shade. Fir at farm west of f'lorsnce. north aids of C. bC P. Ai. 4k Ov railway. CARL F. B SO REN SON, 'Phoue Florence 410. ONE MORE SNAP 15.00 an acre buys a section of Kimball county, Nebraska, farm land; 200 acres fine piow land, but must act quirk. " MIOf-AND IN VEtfTMKNT. ' . i 103-4 Mcc'ag-ue Blag, umana. Neb. Iowa. FOR lALE-llOOO acres farm, timber, and mineral land In 8L Louis county, Minnesota, Umb.r alone worth more tliaa ' ' the price, only 14 50 pr acre; bif cajin, 1 balance ey pavuieue. Wrtle Allrsi Juiuieon, Crtaton, la. I O U I' 0