Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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Tiie Omaiu Sunday Ber
Entered at Omaha postofflo aa second
Mui mstter.
r1v Be (Including Sunday): p week. IV
Tally Be (without Hunrtay). Pr
latly Bee (without Sunday), one 'r- J
Dally Bee and Sondey. one year
Evening te (without Sunday), per week e
Evening Be (with Hunday). per week...NV
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Saturday iee. one year 'fi0
Addreaa all complaint of Irregularities In
delivery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha-Tha Fee Building.
South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N.
Council BluffsIB Sott Street.
Lincoln 61S I.lttle Building
Chicago 1MII Marquette Building.
New TorU-Rooma 1101-1102 Ko. S4 Weat
Thirty-third Afreet.
Washington 725 Fourteenth Street N. W.
Cftmmunlratlona relating to newe and
editorial matter ahould be eddressrd:
Omaha Bee, Editorial pepartment.
Remit by draft, epre or postal order
psvehle to The Bee Publishing Company,
Onlv t-rent atampe received In payment of
trail accounts, personal checks, except on
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State of Nebraska. Douglas County, aa.:
George R. Tiachuck, treasurer of Tha
Bee Publishing Company, being duly
worn, aaya that the actual number of
tu 1 1 and complete copies of The Dnily,
lomlng. Evening and Sunday Bea printed
uring tha month of February. 110, waa
aa foflowe:
1 43,140 15 49,870
1 48,800 1 48,880
t 43,370 IT 48,850
4 48.870 11 43,880
t ......... . 43.030 II..:.. 48.770
41,740 JO 41,880
7 43,810 SI 48,890
t 43,080 II 43,870
1 48,810 II 48,040
10 48,880 14 48,810
11 48,700 2 ft 48,830
II 43,100 2 43,440
IS 48,100 17 41,700
14 43,830 28 43,670
Total 1,198,860
Returned: coplea 8,990
Nt total v 1,189,970
Pally average 43,488
tfubarrlbed In my preaenco and morn to
before ma thia 8 tn dav of February, 1H.
Notary Public.
Saktacrlkera leavinar the city tem-
mailed to them. Ad drees will bo
caangfd aa oftea aa requested.
Revised version: "And th March
Hon and toe lamb shall lie down to
gether and a little ground hog shall
lead them."
Probably the. "Dreadnought" air
ships will be the next thing on the
bills of fare of the war departments of
the nations.
Now that tha Dalai Lama oh Tibet
is out of a Job, why not let hlra try a
hand at goverplog Nicaragua. He la
a nice, quiet chap. ,
Again the famous "leaning tower of
Pisa" Is really in danger of falling
Just the same as it has been for the
last few centuries.
When one considers how much like
a pink tea Italian duels really are, the
fact that Deputy Chiesa has to fight
three does not mean so much.
Perhaps to make the Postof flee de
partment self-supporting it might be
necessary. to cut off some of the at
taches who are not self-supporting.
There is less excuse for a law taxing
bachelors when a Chicago baby wins a
bachelor's love and Chicago debu
tante establish a general nursery.
It Is noticeable that It did not take
John Bull long to forget his Oerraan
acare when the busy heads and idle
heads in English affairs began to
If one is to Judge from the verdict
Of the Chicago board of aldermen, a
hatpin is not only an unconcealed
weapon, but also Is a temptation to
Is there anything auggeatfve in the
similarity between the efforts of the
nations to build the biggest battle
ships and the tower of Babel in Bible
It cost $13, 000, 000, to take the last
census, and the Impending census is
expected to cost close to $19,000,000.
A big country this, and getting bigger
very day.
The Bad river, located near the Bad
Lands of South Dakota, la badly
gorged and badly flooding the bottoms;
Looks like bad medicine for the Bad
river valley.
. It feem to have required the Phila
delphia street car strike to let us here
in Omaha know what skillful and dis
tinguished leadership our own street
car strike enjoyed.
If Caruso would only turn loose sev
eral of those phonographic records of
his voice there would be a weeping and
scattering of the Black Hand "artists"
who are after him.
Mr. Fairbanks is the guest of Great
Britain and the occaalon seems quite
hilarious. But Just wait for the big
noise when he returns to seeing dis
tance of the banks of the Wabash.
The Denver platform pledged the
democrats to a postal savings bank In
th event the guaranteed bank could
not be obtained. le any one In doubt
as to the fulfillment of the condition to
make thia plank operative?
Explaining what has produced tut)
high cost of living. Prof. Olddlngs of
Columbia university declare:
What are materially, we valnglori
vualy boast. For 100 year we have been
a herd of wild asaea In the wlMarneas.
Now w know what the trouble Is
and bow to remedy it.
The Flow of Capital.
The main controversy precipitated
over the postal savings bank bill
sec-ms to center about the conditions
that are to surround the Investment
of the money to be deposited with the
government. It is practically agreed
that the savings bank accumulations
should be rflleposlted with the nearest
bank of the locality that shall be quali
fied as a government depository. To
mske sure that the constitutionality
of the law may not be successfully as
sailed, the president and his advisers
have urged that the government as
custodian of this money be given dis
cretion to invest it in government
bonds, there being no possible question
about the constitutional right of the
government to provide all the neces
sary machinery to float its loans and
protect its credit.
It strikes us that altogether too
much stress is being put on tbe ne
cessity of keeping the savings bank de
posits In the Immediate locality of the
original depository. Theoretically, cap
ital 'Is like the liquid contents of a
huge reservoir which flows to what
ever point it Is most needed and can
be best utilized. Of course, the actual
flow of capital la not exactly what it
Is In theory because much friction and
many obstacles Interfere with Its free
removal from one place to another,
but that this tendency Is strong and
tbe transfer of capital constantly in
progress to a measurable degree is
established beyond dispute. , Tbe
amount of liquid capital in the reser
voir may increase or decrease from
time to time, but if It is taken out of
one spigot or another it seeks a new
equilibrium and regains its level.
So whether the savings bank depos
its are invested in bonds by the gov
ernment or whether they are rede
posited in local banks and by them In
vented in bonds, or whether they only
reach tbe stage of bond Investment by
two or three series of redeposits, the
effect in practice will be substantially
the same. For a parallel we need only
look at the money which Is paid in as
premiums for life Insurance and held
in reserve by the big life Insurance
companies. These life insurance prem
iums are Just as much savings deposits
as would be straight-out savings ac
counts, Several states have undertaken
to require the investment of the money
paid in by policy holders to be loaned
out or to be Invested in securities in
the same states, but no noticeable ad.
vantage has been reaped from such
laws. If insurance money stays in the
states where the premiums are paid,
it simply takes the place of other capi
tal to go elsewhere. Where the atate is
a borrowing state it may facilitate the
Inflow, but where tbe state Is a lending
state it cannot permanently check the
outflow. . .
Students of political economy are
generally convinced that It would ba
highly-desirable to have a natural flow
of capital without artificial obstacles
In the channel, just as it would be de
sirable to have a similar automatic
distribution of free labor bo that it
would relieve unemployment at one
point and supply tbe demand for labor
at another. It seems to us, therefore,
that the contest over the postal sav.
lngs bank bill is turning on really its
least vital feature, and that the acope
of redepoglt and investment of the
funds would be of minor consideration
except for the bearing it may have on
the point of constitutionality.
Delusion and Dissolution.
Those of us who have been reading
inspiring tales about the precocity of
an infant mathematical prodigy who
has been making the graybeards of
science sit up and take notice, will be
interested in the following letter writ
ten to the Outlook ty the father of
young Sldis, disclaiming responsibility,
The letter which is dated at Brookllne
and subscribed Borts Sidis, M. D., reads
as follows:
There has been recently so much an
noying newspaper notoriety about my boy,
William James Sldls. and my system of
education that I am forced to inake a
public statement In tha Interest of the
much-offended truth. Tha articles In the
papers, especially the popular 'Instruc
tive," "scientific" articles of the Sunday
magazine variety, are highly misleading.
In fact, some newspapers of the sensa
tional type did not hesitate to invent In
terviews, write up articles with my name
tacked on to them, and compose mathe
matical lectures supposed to have been
delivered by William James Sldla. I wish
to state that I have not given any Inter
views to any of tha papers, nor have I
written a line" for them, nor do I intend
to give interviews, nor have I aa yet pub
llHhed anything on the subject of educa
tion. While this letter does not enter spe
cific denial as to the exceptional talents
which have brought a boy of 11 years
within the portals of Harvard, yet it
conveya the Impression that much of
what haa been written about him has
been , exaggerated and greatly dis
torted, and the Inference that any child
can be put through the game paces in
the same time by following the same
method, is evidently unwarranted.
Thois "Old Maiteri."
In an open letter Paul de Longpre
makes a plea in behalf of modern art
and the living artist. He calls attention
to the "American craxa for the paint
ings of the 'Old Masters,' " and speaks
of the numberless factories in America
and Europe where 'Old Masters' are
painted by the gross, just to satisfy
the ailly ostentation of tbe new rich."
He even suggests that tha "Old Mas
ters," themselves, would turn over In
their graves if they could aee the ma
jority of the "works of art" of which
they are accused-
Paul de Longpre is himself, an ar
tist of exceptional ability and baa many
tlmttfl aeen works of talented living ar
tists supplanted by factory-made "Old
Masters" of Inferior grade. There is no
doubt tiat many modern paintings,
ranking lilgrTas real works of art, have
been relegated to the background, to
make way for the dingy and damaged
works of other years. De Longpre Bays
there are faults galore In tha old paint
ings, and it is reasonable to believe
that heroic efforts running through
centuries have developed the art of
painting in some respects, If not in all.
' Yet It ia hardly fair to aay that the
public is entirely to blame. The taste
waa cultivated In tbe first place be
cause of tbe homage which artists have
themselves paid to the painters who
have gone before. We believe there
is less tendency than formerly to dis
credit the work of modern painters of
admitted ability and to encourage ar
tlsta of today it ought not to be neces
sary to discard tbe art of the past
that has endured so well.
Mutt Husbandi Learn to Cookt
Mere man of tbe species "husband"
is up against it with no avenue of es
cape, for the all-conquering spinster
school ma'am haa uttered the final
edict. Mere man must learn , to cook.
A spinster instructor the feminine
form no longer applies, for she rules
In the University of Wisconsin, who
Is apparently of an unraathematlcal
age, has Instructed the young women
of her department that the cooking,
washing and the "drudgery" of the
household should be done by the hus
band under the direct supervision of
her majesty, the Ideal wife.
Is it possible tb'at the course of
human nature baa thus been turned
wrong aide out and the. ruling wisdom
and authority haa been usurped by the
proud and domineering man? If so,
then let the earth cave in and the
heavens blow up if we do not reduce
the specieB husband to the collar and
the leash. Mere man must learn to
cook. The spinster thus' hath Bpoken.
" 'Tls thy wedding morning. Rise, old
man, arise." Build the fire, cook the
flapjacks, wash the dishes, sweep the
house, dust tha brlo-a-brac and may
the tortures of eternal matrimony seize
you If you break a single thing. Order
the groceries, then bike down town
and earn enough to pay for them. Get
your meals to the merry entertainment
of your "supervisor" translating Greek
philosophy from Cleopatra's memoirs
or something like that. Then clean
up the kitchen. A wife, we are assured,
has reason to be prou of herself and
would like to be proud of her hus
band, too but, woe, alas,
Then, Mere Man of the Species Hus
band: When earth's last pancake has
moulded, and a batter that's twisted
and dried, has been flipped upon
earth's heated griddle and burned to
a crust as it fried; when the queen of
your foolish young faucy, the one you
dared to call your wife, la living and
bossing in splendor on insurance you
had on your life, we'll bury you down
by tbe willow and there on a tablet of
wood we'll inscribe a patbetie Inscrip
tion "Mere Man. He did what he
Y Wage
Earner and Farmer
In these dayg of the strike and the'
lockout a comparison in American life
in workshop and on the farm is forc
ibly brought to mind the constantly
growing difference between the station
of the wage-earner and of the1 farmer.
A common blood parentage makes
them brothers, but tbe nature of em
ployment and the resulting Ufa tend
to puah them apart. The labor union
Is, to a certain extent, dignifying la
bor and workmanship, yet to secure
recognition for the benefit of Its mem
bers It subjects their Individuality to
a degree of control undreamed of be
fore. On the other banc!, the growing
independence of the farmer is noted,
his well filled granaries and barns
hava become a proverb, ivhUe his finan
cial stability is unmatched.
When our republic, began its career
the tilling of the soil wis followed bo
universally that ours was pre-eminently
an agricultural nation. But
our country'a resources and capabili
ties for manufacturing industry Boon
i.necame apparent, wun me result tnai
ToUlnnnil With tha aualllnv Ma r
commercial prosperity came an exodus
of young people from tbe farms, until
now barely 40 per cent of our popula
tion is tilling the soil. The disparity
of the conditions and attractions ,ot
farm life as compared with city life
geqms no longer so great, and as a con
sequence the movement away from the
farm haa been checked and some seem
to think a reverse movement has be
gun. Training of Heat Inspectors.
The official announcement from
Washington that "unless a young man
la a graduate of one of those high class
college be can not even try for an ex
amination" haa placed a premium on
the work of high class veterinary col
legea with regard to thoroughness of
training for meat Inspection. Tha rea
son for this apparent advantage 1
"that the graduate or the better grade
of colleges is better grounded in the
work than tnoee who come from the
cheaper colleges. The cheap colleges
do not hava thorough courses." The de
sirability of thoroughly prepared men
for the meat inspection service has led
to competitive examination for admis
sion and in this competition, the col
lege education is telling against those
who lack it.
When it became evident, some years
ago, that a thorough Inspection of all
marketable meats was necessary, be
cause of the influence dietary elements
have upon tha public health, the de
partment in charge waa flooded with
applications for positions of Inspector.
Those applying were of various degrees
of proficiency and bad to undergo a
weeding out procesa. After tbe work
had become more systematlxed, the
tendency has been to raise tha require
ments, with the result that the appoint
ment awarded on civil service exami
nation have gone more and more to
the best trained.
Tbe difficulty of ascertaining the
pretence of tuberculosis and hog
cholera bacilli makes a thoroughly
scientific training an absolute neces
sity In meat inspection. The govern
ment recognizing the fact that the un
impaired physical well-being of the peo
ple U a chief essential to our progress
and prosperity has given the Inspec
tion bureau full discretion and the
work of selecting Inspectors has been
surrounded with ironclad rules and
requirements. The fact that many
young men Just out of college can
easily pass higher examinations than
practical men, who are a little short
on theories, but longer on experience,
is now largely offset by this strict rul
lng on eligibility for examination. Both
theory and practice are necessary in
safeguarding public health and the
most thorough qualifications in both
should be demanded, where efficiency
is desired.
' Eaiiinp; the Standard.
The animadversions at Chicago of
Dr. Henry 8. Prltchett, president of tht
Carnegie Foundation, about the over
supply of physicians in this country are
really repetitions of what he has to say
on this subject In his last report re
cently made to the trustees of that in
stitution. Ia this comprehensive review
of our educational configuration. Dr.
Prltchett declares it to be the uncom
promising purpose of the foundation,
which provides retirement pensions,
not to recognize tny college or univers
ity which has connected with it a med
ical school which ia below standard,
and goes further to say that investiga
tions which he has set on foot have
convinced him "that there has been an
enormous over-production in this coun
try of Jll-tralned doctors and half-educated
lawyers." "Unfortunately," he
adds, "many of these agencies In tbe
production of inefficient doctors and
lawyers are doing their work undar the
shelter of colleges and universities;
aome of these are on private founda
tion and aome are tax-supported Insti
tutions. Not only are the standards of
admission to these professional schools
low, but even the standards which are
professed are In many cases ovaded.
Some medical schools now sheltered by
institutions of learning are disreputa
ble aa well aa inefficient."
&it even more Important than the
declaration that the trustees of tbe
Carnegie Foundation would lend a
helping hand to no college or univers
ity, however strong in numbers or in
the prestige pf other departments,
which either sustains or shelters a low
grade law school or a medical school
unfit, for the training of menta modern
medicine, is tbe announcement that the
foundation will print at an early date
an accurate description of all the med
ical 'schools in the United (States and
Canada, setting forth their resources,
their standards and the quality of med
ical instruction which they can offer,
and will follow this later with a similar
report upon tbe law schools. When
these reports are made public, we will
doubtless have a catalogue of medical
schools and law schools with such a
rating that those which fall below the
accepted standard will be practically
on a blacklist.
The Justification of this proposed ac
tion Is said to be that no institution of
higher learning has a right to under
take tbe conduct of a school of medi
cine, except from the standpoint of the
betterment of medical education, and
that the schools which purport to turn
out doctors on a commercial basin de
serve no support and should be put out
of business. It Is explained that the
weak, and In some cases disreputable,
medical schools would tot exist except
for the fact that, even in cities where
decent medical schools are struggling
to live, distant colleges and universities
have lent the shelter of their charters
to a rival coterie of doctors to enable
them to establish an unnecessary com
peting school.
Tbe materials for the promised re
port already in hand are said to ahow
that there are In 'this country today
more medical schools than in all of
Europe; that these schools have turned
upon the public a' far larger number
of physicians than are needed; that
the majority of those physicians are
ill-trained and poorly educated, and
that the demand Is not for more med
ical schools, but for fewer and better
ones; not for more ill-trained doctors,
but for a smaller number of well
trained ones, and that an end should
be' put to the commercial exploitation
of law and of medicine.
We are sure that tbe people of this
country believe In high standards in
every "field of education. No well con
ducted medical school or law school
with good intentions should have any
reason to fear publicity of its work
and it Is gratifying to have the assur
ance of those who are In a position to
know that the medical schools and law
schools of Omaha will not suffer seri
ously by comparison with the best.
After having cleaned up $12,000,
000 In wheat, James A. Patten haa an
nounced (hat he Is ready to quit. If
he does quit it should be noted In his
tory that one American gambler knows
when to let well enough alone at the
right time.
All the nations are eager to loan
money to the Chinese yes, they
would like to loan so much that It
could not be paid back and that it
would give them a right to foreclose.
The University of Michigan haa the
greatest number of living alumni of
any American institution of learning,
making an aggregate of 20,205. It
would be rash to guess what the count
would be Including aons and daugh
ters by annexation together with the
children, grand-children and greatgrandchildren.
It Is suggested that some of the en
tbuslusm manifested in the senate over
the farewell address of Colonel Gordon
of Mississippi was due to the fact that
ex-Qovernor Vardaman had been
beaten for the senatorial succession.
These surface Indications are not al
ways what they seem.
The chain Is almost complete now,
since Colonel Roosevelt announces
that "fine luck has marked every toot
of our progress through Africa." A
certain distinguished Nebraskan would
add that fine luck has marked every
foot of Colonel Roosevelt's progress
through everything.
It Is now reported that the Swope
estate assets amounted to $4,000000,
but it must be remembered that the
trial has been in progress for over a
month. When balanced over against
the liabilities incident to the trial tbe
assets will look very much less than
that by this time.
If memory is not poor, it was the
same Mr. Hill who said that unless
the government lets the railroads
alone we would come to "an end of
the republic" er how about the ter
minal facilities as provided by the
railroads ' under ordinary circum
stances? '
There Is one good thing about being
a democrat In Iowa, a man can run for
governor without having to make
much of a campaign and come out Just
as well as though be had spent a mil
lion. The l.adjr of the Telephone.
Baltimore Sun.
There she sits, this lady of the telephone,
calm, polite, like Patience on a monument
mlllngf at Kago. From out tha wreck of
matter and the ruin of worlds oomee undis
turbed her even tones, "Number, please!"
Science of Hate Making.
Indianapolis New a.
According to the general freight agent
of the Southern Pacltlo, that road'a rate
on railroad 'ties is 3 because the ties are
ble to aland such a rate. Which, of course,
Is good and sufficient reason aa such things
go nowadays.
somewbat Irregular.
Washington Star.
Democrat who (nslst that things , are
brighter for their prty than they have
been for a long time are liable to be called
to account. The Idea that the democracy
pan look up and be hopeful while Bryan Is
away off In Houth America is most irregu
lar. On av Profitable Baals.
Baltimore American.
Current railroad reports show that In
dustry throughout the country la on a prof
itable basts. The revenue of the carrier is
dependent on the freight offered, and the
Increased earnings Indicate plenty of profits
for the capitalist and plenty of work for
the man who wants It.
Harbinger of Hprlag.
Collier's WeekVy.
."The mud la In the street Let us all give
three cheers for the mud," wrote Eugene
Field.. Its two component elements earth
and wnter we prefer separate. , Mud . haa
Its credit aide. It offers mud bat ha. It s
needed for the pies of children. Browning's
Caliban used to
Fprawl, now that the heat of day Is best,
Flat on his belly in ths pit's much mire,
With elbows wide, fists clenched to prop his
And, while he kicks both feet in the cool
up. Mud Is the harbinger of spring.
U. March opened its jngagement ss gently
aa the touch of an old beau.
The Bprlng style of chanticleer headgear
is voted awfully chlo and chicky.
Lincoln Steffens is making forced marches
to New Jersey to witness the operatiun
on the beef trust.
The spectacle of the. mother of trusts
spanking her kids ia wortn going to New
Jersey to witness.
Penver women threaten to boycott the
milliners unless the prices of hats are
pulled off the mountain peaka.
The mother of Battling Nelson wants
him to leave the ring. Other impressive
inducements have been offered.
King Fdward wanta it clearly under
stood that he will not for the present put
his royal label on political medicine bot
tles. James A. Patten, the grain plunger of
Chicago, hue decided to cash In and re
tire. Only the tinhorn class stick to the
game until they are stranded.
The national bureau of labor reports 90
per cent of the telephone girls unmarried.
Their lines have been quite busy slnoe
this singular information waa compiled.
The last of the picturesque Knicker
bocker life In Manhattan disappears with
the passing of horse cars. This event
pieces the big town a lap ahead of Ne
braska tity.
Kllmalnham Jail In Ireland, wherein
Chailre Mtewsrl Farnell and his associates
were confined In 1883 and the scene of
Kllmalnham treaty, has barn shorn of Its
glory and converted Into an Inebriate asy
lum. Our Birthday Book
march 8, 18X0.
Charles F. Ounther, Chictigo's candy man,
waa born March t, 1837. Mr. Ounther la a
native of Qtrmany, and haa aerved several
tlmea as treasurer of the city of Chicago.
He was an Intimate personal friend of the
late George W. Llnlnger of this city, whom
he had several times vlsltrd.
J)r. Charles W. Pollard, the well known
phyblclsn offlclng tn the Branded building,
was born March 8. 187, In Albany, N. Y,
Or. Pullard graduated at Dartmouth col
lege and later nt the College of Physicians
and Suigeons. He gives ths Instruction in
obstetrics In the medical departments of the
University of Nebraska.
Frank W. Corliss, president of the Water
loo Creamery company, was born March 6,
IMS, at Klchfleld, Vt. He served pine years
aa county commissioner of Pouglaa county,
and still has his farm at Waterloo.
Charles Harding of the Harding Creamery
company, was born March 6. 1SW, In Ftke
county, Pennsylvania. Mr. Harding Is
president of the Board of Education and
interested in all the various business organ-Isatlona.
Did You Ever Sec a Tired
Or a Worn Out
hsnglng on to th etiap In a crowded street
rar Mffr m Vtttrrf Amv Inlnt often to S
cheerless heme or to a miserable hell bedroom In a cheap boarding hotiaa?
"VeeT" " Lots of them?" We thought so! We have all seen them" Couldn't
iMppen to your hov or girl, though! No? That's what their Father mav
have thotiaht. He 'stopped at thinking; about It. Didn't act when he rouM
have bought the life Insurance policy which would have prevented It all. N"'f
hla Boy ho haa bein robbed of the education which would have given hi
an even stsrt In the world and ltla Olrl who as been robbed of her ohsni-e o
a Home meaning everything to a young women have to pav tha price of
that Father's neglect, or thoughtlessness, or Indifference, or caralessneaa. tcall
It what you will, we call It criminal, the result , to the children Is the samei,
and It s a heavy price and an unfair one, which they have to pay. Better take
stock of your life Insnranoe. Is It enough? No? We thouaht not!
Hand for Tbe Sqvitable X.lfe Aeenrejsoe Society man NOW TOPAT.
You don't know, it may already be too late for you. to get laeae benefits:
He will tell you:
First I Whethei1 yea csn become a member of the Kiiultabi'' Society.
Secondt How Utile it will coat to put an Equitable policy Lttween yonr
boy and you girl and the 11-hour davl
The Equitable Life
TAVJ. MOBTOJT. Fveeldent.
"Slrongeal In trie World"
The Company whloh pays Its death claims on the day It receives them,
H. D. NEELY, Manager.
Merchants National Bank Building, Omaha
J. O. FHIKMrri, E, U. i-ICKARD, CI1ABLF3 Vl'f.TKR, Cashier.
He never succeeds who dare not fall. '
dome temptations may be Invitations to
moral atheltlos.
Discussing the plans usually delays the
doing of the will.
It Is a serious fault to know your neigh
bor's faults too well.
You cannot save the ship by throwing
the compass overboard.
The man wbe spread pessimism ought to
go Into moral quarantine.
There' something wrong with your faith
If a need docs not prompt a deed.
You can never find the divine In a book
If you turn your back on the people.
Some Christiana think they have a whole
armor as aoon aa they buy a chevron.
The man who does not know where he Is
sailing always complains of the winds.
The self-satisfied man ia seldom content
w'ith little things in : any other respect.
There la no such thing as divine service
to you if you cannot make all service
divine. Chicago Tribune.
Pittsburg Dispatch: A New York min
ister says that profanity Is on the In.
crease. Well, some things cannn be helpd.
Congress Is still In session.
Philadelphia Ledger: A New York clengy
man says that he never went to the theater
in his life, but often has preached against
such practice aa wicked. How does hs
Brooklyn Eagle: A boy of IS has been
licensed to preach In a Methodist pulpit
In tha New Haven district. In the lexicon
of fame, which fate reserves for' a bright
manhood, there Is no such word as fail,
fit. Louis Democrat; Be v. "Billy" Sun
day ia meeting with competition In the
revival field. Borne of the members of the
Evangelical alllapce, to whtch was referred,
the resolution of the Methodist Ministers'
association inviting him to St. Louis, offer
another revivalist-who, they aay, can, do as
much and as good work. We are not ad
vised as to whether the opposition ia cut
ting the price, but such situations as this
In all money-making lines of business usu
ally lead to the formation of a trust.
"This popular flotlon Is all bo-h In real
life the girl's father seldom objects to the
man of her choice."
"You're wrong there. He often objects,
but has usually too wise to ssy anything.''
Kansas City Journal.
"I flatter myself on the . affairs of the
day. I am always posted," proudly declared
the nominal head of the house.
"Humph!" observed his wife, "that is
more than the letters are I give- you to
mall." Baltimore American.
"Who is that, very handsome woman In
the exquisite gown?"
"That's one of our It-aulng club women."'
"And who Is the lovely girl with the
peaches and cream complexion?"
"8he's a prominent suffragette." Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Husband I suppose you think you are one
of thoxe wonin who never did a foollxh
thing in their Uvea. . '
Wife Oh. no; 1 couldn't Ksy that. I
married you. Baltimore American.
-fieorge (making a call) Maudle, dear, the
parrot doesn't seem to like me any too
Listen To
The Boudoir Playor-PiohO-
Here la a Player-Piano proposition within the. reach of th modest pocket,
book a proportion Involving a Player piano worthy of the notice of thoaa
f dB.Tlnf "Jl'rTa'fha'fart that It- QTXAXJTT I. not all In keeping with It
mpdeHt PBOtOH or the X-IBtSBAZ. TIHMI upon whlchlt can he V-i'rchaa.
TlOJt TM TBLP Of I.AYsVrAJtODOM a rssson that w want to
lay before you personally. ' ,
Heru Is a strictly high grade Player-Piano that sella at a.jrlr no
niftier than a good piano, and sold on terms no higher than those a good
piano Is sold on. ,
Will vou let us explain this most remerkahle offer to you? We ere ex
clusive, represontatlvea of TU WOsTDEJlTUI. BOUDOI VXATXR-riABTO.
.',' ..""..'iMf Tr.rzr-7.
We are now displaying roost complete line 'of. foreign novel-,
ties for spring and summer wear.
Your early inspection is Invited, aa It will afford an opportunity
of ibooalng from a large number of exclusive style. j
We Import in "single suit lengths," and a suit cannot ba dupll-1
An order placed now may be delivered at your convenience.
317 South Fifteenth Street ESTABLISHED 1837.
Assurance Society
Our firm haa for 20 yeara been hed-j
quarters for all. kinds of Mineral Watenf
We are carload buysrs and dlatrlbnterf'
of several kinds and handle over 100 kinds
altogether. We enumerate a few:
Crystal Lithla (Koelslor Bprlng 6 gnl.
jug .i . a.oo
Halt Sulper Eicelslor Bprlngs) t gal
Jug Was
Diamond Ltthla Water, gal. bot 40o,
I do $4.00
Bylpho Saline Water, qt. bottle ..... 880
1 dosen ,
Begent Water, Iron, ql. bottle . . . . . BBo
1 dosen W a
Carlsbad Sprudel Wasser. bottle .
1 dosen t-00
French Vichy Water, qt. bottle
1 doien .84.60
Appolllnarls Water, qts., pts. and Splits
at lowest prices. . .
Alloues Magnesia Water, qt. bottle . 85;
1 dosen ,'.' H5
Buffalo Lithla Water, gal. bottle 'J
1 dosen caao ,.,..$8.78
Colfax Water, V gal. bottle . . : - Mo
X dosen case- .W.oO
Return alowance for bottlea and Jug-
Delivery free in Omaha, Council Bluffs
and Boutn umana.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co
Corner 18th and Bodg Bta. J
Owl Drug Co. '
18th an Harney Bta.
well this evening. What have I -done to
offend him. - ,.--.
The Parrot-Jack, am 1 the first girl
you ever kissed? Chicago Tribune."
"So there is to be a divorce," said the
woman who discusses everybody: "H
seems but a little wiiile sinus h asked
her for her hand."
"Yes," replied the rude man. "Hs, got
the hand ail right. But It turned out to
be a misdeal." ' ' t '
Wife The landlord was her today sThd
I gave him the .rent and allowed him the
Husband Neat time he comes around,,
just you show him the rent and give hlra
the baby. Puck. .
Mrs. Crlmsonbeak What are you going to).
do with that porous plaster, John- v
Mr. crtiiinonuuak I'm going tu ee wtist
tune it will play on the pltiolA--tVonkis
Alexander Pope.
Happy 'he man whose' wish and vs're'
A few paternul acres bound,
Content to breathe his native air
Jn his own ground. ,
T" ' '
Whose herds with milk, whose fields with
bread. X
Whose flocks supply him with attire.
Whose trees In summer yield him shade,
In winter fire!
Blest who can unconcernedly firid "V
Hours, days and years slide soft awiy
In health of body, peace of mind,
Quit by day. '
Bound Bleep by night, study and tas
Together unmixed,- sweet reersatlon
And Innocence, which most does please
With meditation.
Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;
Thus unlamented, let me die 4
Steal from the world and not a atone
Tell w here 1 lie. -
' U
ay S 13-15 18 Douglai St. Omha