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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1909)
13 THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1909. GRAIN" AND PRODUCE MARKET Shorts Bay Wheat When Dansge Re ports Are Comumed. .Sot Artivi, ostI veipte aad ; Mr (, -j nita Vt hr I m Price. m to Light Ro- I sraapa- .lAiiA. Dec 7. WW. . .a...a,t r ports from . ..i Kacvrt for uui il ana v lonj i.u.;i uit wieir ho.d- March. ? rt,. No. 1 ft) ?V. nn ef ahl'ried n le. Si . T'mrtrv. pr'me, ft Al'ke. prime. A20; December, t . March. $ . -F.W tORk ftRIRXAL MARKET waetattawa f tk Bap en Yarfoes and kiln Bom- vi-ry active, aim poor de- I ... . lu. ..... Kmj l" i c.a.... ue can market ir. rot O- !' lo LT.e .....I. lcr..p. ne co.n n.aret Ij.louiii tli wheat ad vance, out l, r..ip. are suie to eae tu.. ta.Mi m; uat.ori. t.t.,4,i4t loi.aitioi.s aie in.piu.tu ai.ti a aoua ti.ovt.uci.t can be ujrU lur. .. v!ue adtanetd early on the tj. ..,! aoi r.jri.1 ituin Argentina, whicu ckusru in., ocj.ig. Ljuti me gcnein ti.wit couaiLum repoi I on tail wneat WAA a. a va.a eased otf aaa.a. i. com .iiuMi u strong a.ia nlTh'r, ox. .us m nt airrnty. in the CaAli market v ui c p. ivch . uii -irc mut-r man .stTOa. L.gTit receipt ana An lin Vim aeinafiu caused in rany. rnuiaiy wneat rev-Pipca were f OW b. su-,a a,,t smp.iients Were 1.470.w busneia, aa,nt rifp, n year at bm.uwi Buaneia a..o ..ipu,en.a of l,r4.wwo buaneia. - earancw weri 74, ow bushels of corn, lfcjwtf buatia.a of aata. ar.4 wbaai and flour Hk to J?a.voa kuahcla. i-Jvnrpooi cioam uncnangM to higher on hi and unuhangad an corn. Primary .jrn rc-.,ti mere Ul.on busnois nd anlputenia were 42a. vu buanoia, aitixt iip. iaat ywar of euaneia ai.a iuipnunj ot .V.Ju buaheia. Lot a I rui of opiiana-. Mar ArUclaa.j Oan. Hlh. Law. Ctoae.i Toa'y. Vhaat-i Lc . . . ( May..., Corn Oce...; jiay..., Oa.a j 1 1 tivt, l r-,, l oi'., 1 fc 1 oia, l . ' ! i 5u i t-.a, I S3-. JV, wv, i n , I 1 0m i a-i So Ouaakat Caa Prtera. BAltLET-Xo. 4. a'ilirf; No. 1 fMd, it i hi No. Chicago .... aiifiaAfe Oiuaua ..... iUlUUl 1 TliiU; No. t, S:4c larUl Rvrrlpta. W haat. Corn. Oata. M i li 4 i 4b FEW YORK. P-f T. FIX)UR Kept. ." bbia : mnrk.-t taiy; Minr"ta laientai 6 tinnia bxkera. HW 4.ii; winter potent, tt A-.3S 7i. winter ira,Kh'.. 6 2Wj."i i.. winter fitnm. M 4 4,. tntr ipw c-ad-. M ?--4.7; (Tamcaa stroihte 4V4jS Rt flour. oiinand :iw; fair to fwA. K choica to fancy. Hnckt,eat flour, jJlt; bum. fi le tvr 1 pun4a. COPO.-N4F.aL Firm. fine white e.low, tl ail.a; coarne. n4Wj L45 RV E Kirm; No. t amera, &c. 1m. . f. o. ., New York. i .wtL.a.1 fieady; feeding, K'iioc, Hum- c. 1. f.. New YorK. WHEAT Receipts. Ijfc0" bu.; export t-V.Su bu.; T"K market firm; No. 2 red, $1 J6. nominal, domestic elevator; No. 2 r1. n.iiW. nnmmel. f. a. b . af.oat; No. 1 northern, t-uiath. fl.li1. nominal, f. . b., adoat. No. J haid winter. Il MV nominal. i. o. D., afloat. R.pert of dama- to the wh-at crop in Argentina sent prices up about lc early, but later the advance .oat undr iitn on tn govenmnt re port. 1 he marnet cloeed genera. .y un- cnan1. December cloeed at 1-1TS; clo-d at 1.14; July elnued at $! . CiHN Receipts. Jt JT.i bu. ; apot market firm; No. i. T.c. eievator, oomeetlo: litc delivered, and 4c. f. o. b . afioat, nominal Vpttnn markt was without traneact'.or.. closing at ?lo advance. Pecwmoer closed at "Bijc; May closed at OA i ri Rev-elpia. 3.TS bu. ; market firm mixed oats. 2k to St lbs., nominal; natural white. ii to Si pounds. ti."c. Clipped white. M to it pounds. &e. Hlvi.4 feteaay: Bogota. UiWc; Cen tral America, atnc mai- Firm: No. a. sic; good to Choir. c-0.1(16 LKATHfcr rtteady. acid. BOMc PROVliJlO.NS B-K. steady; tannly, n) 4JLVM; mrsa. lit Seijll fw: beef hams. lU mi 2S. pweket. l.lwlXV: ctty extra in u:a mena. IJi vt. Cut nieats. steady; pirued behles. itJ TMTI4..H; ptcaied h iiowq 13 W. Lard easy, middle wetijMcj M.i, refined, bareiy steady; continent, i4M: Si.utn America. .S t. compound. W.T&fll'JA Peik firm; family. tiwa;rw. a.ion. clears. U ST 4; mees. 1 AIi.OV L-un. cay ti per pacxagsi, IT4''; coun:y iparkaf.a freei. aaic. RIOF. (iead ; domeetic, ZVTTc. Lijd f irm; wesiern extra t.rsts, 31 JVt rjUL.1Ht Dreseed. irrevuiar; weetert chlcksi.a. b-oilers, lojac; lowis, UPfiJi', tc turKer". ljic. BITTER-Ht'uly; creamery specials. 34c extras, itc; third to f.rst. i.V.-ic; h-id creamery, 0a4ltc: aiate dairy, J.Va, proce, j6tMii; western factery. ii'swc weetern imiiation cramry. Ztic. CliEi.SE i-irm; slate, new mu cream, speciai. 17ir4c; September fancy. l:, Octofeer, beat, itic; .tte made, bst, lc; com.on to g !. 144.iSc, saims, fun to special. Sri4'V IHIttOO uaAI.1 ASO PROVISION 8 a tares at Ike Tradiagc wad Cloeiag Prica aa Board af Trauie. "" CliiCAuU, lec T. ilis soveruuiwi r- pu v, muiiii Miita.el m largest ufi for tue liuita aais in point f tre caoau a severe iu uui mu litre iiwuy, luuwwuid a y uuige uat to cChiin ii,ainn wi iitjuiy uy trust to tna Aigi-uune crop. At tna cioac snowed a ui ions oi wo to o t-orn ana oat dosed lam ana ro.-.s.on steady. L'tcdtn sweaa HMnr4 traad In the wieai fit uufu me first bait of ti.e aeteiou, tiiiiuiuiMiua uuuees ana ahorts se ll's tint u.uatri. ie.i:ai.u waa coieny loi Ine ojul.i iutures. war oun ifeiiiy a-.i.LM by iran tepoi i froiu niaeri una vuinu innig yeairraa a reports ut noet iu semuus ot trie wnat but mere, on tna ijutv ii k.Y lovuiiM w More Uia Bievioua civM, immm st.twg up ta i.4M Uid JSai w Aue uiy rturi ctiim a uaipvt leveiaau ol iuiui, Uiatiy 04 trie w4iy aujfMS m.uig irm), Aouuruig la trie oinuaa4 a-uviu, ma aoraad astaea to win tor wneaA ta J tea aoraa, ma If ortwaa of 7. pwr cai.t cauiisrea Willi to 1'i at eriiRiaie on iaat year a xrw, and uie aevvad tairgsvt on reuura. 1 he canttiuan ut luu uiop te a3ad at a.a, as aaiiui ae.4 a oar ao. ivug wneat wkuis out iu ti tu.aa hour ait . sica deuaiaed mure liritj 1 oili May- una iJi.Uaowr eulrf oft to e.Oi 'a ui uiu mm wsas, at numL lus totiwiu. tlinu tsaaiwa vn atay being at auu on L'weniurr ti . inert wu a bi txew lit corn ami the ZLat aat. was stroiig. oiug to til avre atortu vt I. ion uiin.cii uver ma auiira cum boii. uluii mil giau Uiaeeaea ua aawqiil cf tulu HM4 tor lewuiii puiosn. Ail au Nance ut lc to 1 ,t' 111 uia pi mi vf tua taan lam na.fcepa tnt viuvia. 'ilia auarwai do-ed Inui. wiui priwoa ta Sc higuer. Luiiuuura 1. gut 1 c.i . oroii.titati Aiau buj iug ui vao, Jaiuuit.g in a airoiig utai--tt. caau iiikei'ata ,u iu uie biffug, out ui.vrim a-o ai Irawiy. rTMa amaail a si ana to u I'mv tii.oia oio3d fra lower to 2 c to (a higher. aaoing fuiiuee rai.geU aa faiiowa: WEATI1EB tX THE GRAK BELT rair aad for ArUciea.i Oin- Hln. Low. 1 Close., Tea'y. vv hat Liao. iiay 4 o.y JIV- Lac. stay JUi) -. J itay ju.y i-oi k May Laid Jaa. iiay July Rlba JaaV. t May ,'17 vV 1w7v,i 1 04 1 IMS i I ii v lil'vo , ,i-wWi lvT 1 V7 1 . 1 sia, 1 ii 1 I 1 ti: to (1 Warmer la the Forecavat Wedaeaday. OMAHA. Dec. 7. 190 J. The storm area r.a continued eastward ana now averiies tne country between in .Ui.iiisipi.1 river and in Alleghany iu( vintanis, with its center over tne Onio taney. duovrs and rains still actuinpany tuo aisturbance. tn snows extending over tne upper Mississippi valley and iaa re g.on. and tne rains over me Onio va.iey and southern states. An area of hign preaauro has extended from Ui nrtAwt down over th flecKy .iiountajn stop and centra! va.lsys, and this hign presaur has caoeed Clearing, neather weal of the Mismamppi river te tno inountaina. accompaniod by a daiTMled tail in ienoiur. lomperatures biw ar genorai over the M soouii vailey this morning, ranging from i le 1! fealew out In .ha atata. fho coHdoet' at Omana mi J below. Th high preeeur will mov uiintii vr tn central va.iey and fair v either will conunu in this vicinity ta li nt arid Wdr.May, with rMing lanipora lur Wodnoaday. Ret oro of tetnporaturo and pracipitation coii. pared with tn oorrosponding day of th iaat throw yars: IMS. 1M. 1M7 IMS. Minimum tsmperatnro - J I i-reilptaUon ut v T Nennal tamper ait ure for tiMiay. 3 degrsas. kzctka in prvcipitation sine .Marco 1. NEW YORKSTOCKS AND BONDS Bmineis on Wall Street' Hichange Bwindlei to Slight Proportions. rLUCTUATIC!J3 ASE CCX5TAXT DentaJa of Priet f Geaerwl R ai 1- owd trlke Ilelpa TbIs Groap, Bat Ki(f ( see (low la Stilt Dls ewaeed witsj Gravity. NEW TOniC Dev. 7. The btie4neo drme at tne ft oca exrhang today dvlrued ta s.r.a.i broportlons and the constant fluctua lions in prices argued an uncertain tram et mind on the part of operators in SIOCKS. 1 he president s mesag was caaed con servatlv e, but as its contents had been ac curately known and acted upon tn tne markets. Its publication left little for the speculation to d. The In American ?ugar was ascribed to th stand against a tngrejptnral lrree:;:ra;l,'n test Immnn ity -hou.d thus he given to sm of those prosecuted. Pacific Mail roee on tho ship subs dy paragraph of the meosaa The beitef that tho Intense dullness of the early market was duo to the desire to see the mwt4 received sligrit confirma tion from the tittle growth In activity af fer tile publication. Tho growing attention :vn to the exports of gi!d had some re straining Influence on speculation. More gold was engaged here for Argentina and a further rise In sterling exchange brought rat nearer t the plnt at which ship ments diroot to London wouid become pro fitable. H.avy maturities aem to bo falling due of New Yrk Indabtadnoaa to foreign lend ers and the paying off of tHaso obogatns Is believed to koap up th fsrotgn oxohange rat. Tho torpid state of tho bond market Is attrtbu-abio partly to those conditions, the effect being seen In the scanty iaouea ef new sonirltlea during Nevember. The Journal of Commerce estimates make the but t: ttA 0M compared win Ke4 iTleS in November of last year. There waa a rise In the Berlin dirwunt rat and the London rate held steadv. Tho call lan rate hero waa rather firmer, tho ruling rate being nearer b par cent. Denials f the reports that a -mral strlks of railroad employes waa In con templation aave, sotto hwip to railroad 'ocks. but the qnes'lnn ef wags read hietTTnts is still d!cuel with gTavttv. The ineraee In the dividend rate on Pt. Louis -out h western preferred gave a cheer ful fe-r,g to holders ef other storks men tioned ss likely to receive like favors Tho government estlrrs'e t he verv !a-g" area planted In winter wheat end tho high percentsge of confllt'eti at wMch that cr-p Is entering the winter proved a stimulating lrriieT-ce on the la'e market. B"nde w.f Irree-ilsr Total sale par vsipe. 4.Plm rrlted tes 4s registered declined H Tr een en can. ViTher of e!e and leading quotation on stocks were: Selet Hffll. tew CIe ars la general fund. !C0?.V4L current 11- lbiiiUi. I iaa l17i. working in reurv of ft ceo. VS i. In br.ns to crei-t nt treejire' of the T rlted e'e. 4i..2: ibi4iry sllvr coin. 1R.77 .r1; mtnr coin. II !' oe); total balance in gen- li funrt. IVA.a27.sM. Hrw Tors: Mower farke. N1CW TfRK. Dec. 7.-MOVET-OH raJI firm. 4HT6 per e-: ruiirg rate. 4'j per wart: elewig brd. 4a per rent, offered at 1 per cent. Time ktina flrra. sixty days. ee; pr cent and ninety days. 4 per cent; six "Tn'h, 4'-jJi pr -ent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-SIT1 ''Vte'rlINO EXCHANOB-rirm. with aotnal b'i'net In bankers1 bills at 14 14. for stxtv-day bills, and at demand: cwmmerrlal bins MJ'i4.a.-v II.VrR-r. Ilec: Mexican dollars. 4r. HON Dei Government, easy; rail read ir regular. Cloelng n'Wat'en were ss fe'lews: rmt v rw 'H !. 4 leiln M. M. 4. trHJerei 4e ifcy, e 4"4 1I4V4K. C 9. 1st . 114 U ek. 4e 1ML C. I o -neee V t. IB. re 4 ef-wfee t. S . r ee reueen AllW-nial. let le... Ar. Aa M la. T a T. cv. 4a Am. Teheeeo 4s Me 4 Inrnr A Co. 4. ASlMfl tea, 4s rv. 4a...., de ev. U At. c. L let 4s ... Bel. Oliie i ISI AO W I H tl'. Tt ev. ..... C.O. ef G. hi ... rn. Leeiher W. ... r it h. j. ti .. O'S. Ohle 4is. 4e ml. la Oirsse A A. ISS. C a a ). 4s.. en New York bonds M 14 l 4 M 4S.. A S1 4SB. H. IS HI c. . n. g. P. a U X. am. ' . K. T 1 ien e in. 4. rte. rvifle IMS ft, It. ef if. w' T C g. J Hi de ... !.;. T . !t. H. IX! A rv a. n . a w 1st e. 4s. ... m n - 4& i" . n rsrtrie 4s. ! tSO, J T1H . at o. 9 u rrs. .... M Iffrnn. rt. 4 44t ee . 4 1"4 1 P4ln( pen. 4S Mt 1M tt. L. A S r. fa. 4a. US let A 4e sen. ta . nt u a. w . 4s ... mi . K e let seit e 4 ....IS ifcalwH . U. 4.. el iea SMBe hullla eel. e... SS 4. . Sf ev 4e le- .IS e rrs. 4e Is, le Cele MI4U 4e C. a . r. a V T I H. n. 4... t B. 9. 4a... ae ret Se WiaHller ie ave p. 1. 4e ...... Ae sea. 4 r. 4a aer. J 4e wna Oen. atee. ev. ia . HI. dm. 'm ret. i '.. rllwe4. .Ill . HwB Ballwar f .SI ee tmm. 4s . altiCaiea Paetfia 4 L H 4e r. 4 . 1st A rvf. 4s. . . M t Boater Is... .at r. g Pleel M . . T4v.--ar CA Is . Mt Wakeab IK I . 1J Se let at em. 4s.. . HeHri Ht. 4a ... ' f West. R'.ei.. ev. i. .14 Wia CentTal 4a. S4i HI TH J04i ;a 111 'A OMAHA LIVE STOCK MiRKET Killing Cattle Actire and Strony, with Feeder Siow. HOGS C05TLY17E OS THE UP GSAD2 Oeelrobl Fat Sbeew aad Lanabo Teal to Flfteew Coats Higher aad Act ive seller at the Ad vance stated. SOUTH Receipla wer: Official Monday Putlmated Tuearlav .. Two days m i week.. Same ran iaet week (4a me 4ve 1 weeks ao. OMAHA. Dec. 7. H Cattls. Hogs, aneep. IB 19 04 is m mi 14 IfM .:: ll.dtl I 44 7 JM Is Ml snows tne leceipts ei a at Heath Omaha to data, core pare vim ii la, m, l-U- !- ..1MK n.Jlfll l.Rt" ....... ..1M MS less.. 11 iu.jn foliowip taot snews tn average me days i weeka aeo..ll.?7 Am dAys 4 wes er. .-4ame days iast year 11. 4 in foi owma tae catl,. hnjrs and sh for tho year year: Cattle Mgs heep 1 ho 44 7 o II 4. U.i7 14.S0O 21 . i; Is. to.r2 prta ai unga at inuth uwiana for to iasi eavaral da; a w'tn cowpariaonai ata 1M. ,laa. ,la . ,la,.,ii. .! -P"- Kr. J7.. Kev. ov. Mov.. .. U. 1... Lc Uwa. I.... L-ee. Deex .... Iew. Lee. 1 I t 1 a, 4 si : 4 , IS&7 levriviAv t H I 4 X, - I 4 U, 4 4. iso7 i. 1 1 est 4 tj 1 4 m 1 sn, 1 hi Hi 1 4 4 , 4 mimmiiM ii 1 J t H; 4 fl l 4 14, 4 ' t t 1IU. t 4 71; 10 H " I ( 4 k 21, 4 i 4 M, 4 J7 Sanday. Holiday. Receipts and disposition of Hv stock at the Cnien stock yards. uth Omaha, for twenty-tour heura ending at I p. m. yao terday: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs, sneep. Lsssea Itaebi Market. LONDON. Deo. 7. Trading In Americn aecuntles was dill and feavjreleea during th first hour today. At noon prtce ran from Ne higher to 4c lower than yester day's New York daring. Lord en closing atoeks: Ceniela. weeey... S tt-14Ls1rin, N U 4 eeeeeat M I IK., K. T 4B Asial. "! sn l T. central I4 ... W4 ... n ... 47 AI AleHlsen 4 fs Belli a o. 4.4 inenss. Deficiency LI6 inches. Deficiency Inches. corrteponJlng period in IM. correapondir.g parted In 177, L. A. WELSH. Local Psrocaator. 4!lc: May. Koj; and S 511 , aa,4IWj4rJ aa. j 21 4il ( 21 tl At 2D 941 M tUH. M 12 37, U U 11 ee i U 11 40 j 11 Ul U rsi U 56 lW it) 5i 21 40 2u ; I 12 7V(i 12 4 I 12 4,4 I U 40 U hi 7's 11 441 11 47, 11 1 ii m, n a ! n 40 , It) 7 14 Tt V 7i4 fl 7J; 22. 76. ia ii . No a Cash ouotations were as follows: FUL'h ataady; winter patents, JS-StW G.7i: atraigctj. lOkiw. spring suraiguta. HT0J4IW: baasr kl.Xia RYE No. 2. 7w:. Ba RLE V Feed or mixing, frtffSOc: fair to choic malting. tliitiSc btEDa s'iax. No. I southwestern. Na. 1 mirth west em. Hid. Timothy. Clover. Ss 50j!4.16. PRoVlsloNS Pork meea per bi.. 6- Lard, per 10 ILa., EJ iTV anort riba. sides Uooeei. Ill U.I7'a anon eiear :. icoxedl. 212 4 12 24. TotAi eiteraret.s of vhat and f our wer onual to J7.'A bu. Primary receipts were lie bu . compared w'.ih 044 Out bu. ihe currwspor.d'ng day a year ago. Th w.rul's auvpiy as shown by Bradstrt"s increased bu. Eatl.nattd receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, T7 car: corn, 1 cars; oats. 44 cars; box. C0t"eA head. Chicas-o Cash Prtcoe W-at: No. t red 1 S'l 3: No I red 21 12f, D: No 2 hard' 21 wSf-l Iu,; NO. S hard. Jl 041. t: No. i ncrthera ipring tl Oviil l'; No nor'hera spring. v. ji n; no I snr.g. ii.M-gl tvru. o. z oaen. tv. ma. .mo. i easn. Sc; Na , M-i2Hc; No t white. fc.Aio; N. 2 yvi.ow. li;-ftUAc; No 4 yel low, kote Oata: No. I white, n,o: No. t white. 4'.2c; No. 4 whi:, 2Swf41Hc; standard. 42Wc Ul'TTKR Aiaady; creameries, VffJI!e; delves. IKTU'-. ErVlS Steady : receipts. S 334 caaes: at mark, casea Iduded. 2tn,J25c; firsts. e; prime fireis, Xc. CHF.EFF Firm: daisies. leUTlSHci twins. lAl4c; young America, ltiiWec: kintr home. lo. POTATOES Steadv: choice to fancy. 420-c: fair to geed. Kt40o. POT'LTRY f trong; turkey. 15c; chick ens. 11c; spring, 12c. t. Lowla Geaeravl Market. RT. LOUIS. Dms. T WHSAT-CaaU higher: futures lawer: track:. No. 1 red. cash. l.2xe.i; No. 2 hard. 51 Ml-14, De cern ber. i.uoi; May. tl.rVl.7V CORN H.gher; track. Ne. 1 cash. f4:woi No. white, 4e. December. We; May, 41 W414C- OA TP Firm; track. No. 1 eah. No. 2 white, 4e; December, 40ic; tiWo- A f E "teadT; Tec. KLOT-'R Unchanged; red winter, patents. ;: extra fancy straight. 14 MaK-44. hard winter clears, llsu tili. fk.SD Timothy. SsaJLEd. C O H.N M !CA L tl of. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 11013 LUS. HAT Steady; timothy, r.lft517.00, prairls, Jll.Stfcaliio. BAQOIN'J 4-r. i HEMP TWINE 7e. PROVISIONS Pork, unchangoti: Jobbing-. t?2 7S. Lard, lower; prim s'tia lli'Xj: lisC. Dry salt msats, une!ianxJ; boxftl. i.ira aliort. 21126, elear rib HI:: snort ciears, 112 j& Bacon, unchanged: box-id. extra snort. 114.54; clear ribs, 114 iu; short clear--, J14 2t POCLTRY Hlfhor: chickens, 10; spr:ngV 124c; turkeys, 17o; ducks, lie; geese Sc. bUTTtiR Higher: rrearaery, tl'J4c. EUO at iilghor at !te. Reclts. Shipraen:s. Flour, bbis I jut Wheat, bu ll.ww Corn, bu lti.M Oata, bu 40 uu4 An!-'ImeTA efe m-t MH irine?d rwvr tt F F M4 rt Asierl'an r'Altrl m 44 'A 44", v, Am S-er rv t m esa; Aau ran ef M I4' a sso, Km. C A F r ttbj Tt TJ4 Aw. rmtei oil toe M u. Am H L. ed 4414 Am. Tre w-Tnt!e ITS 3t rt 2-14 Ame-lran leneee Il'l tr'm tevitT 1 re r w"a T4 A 31 R I.4S0 S tl4 M'4 Am. 9 AH. Off !T1 a Aw. S-iem- Keflntng 4 4 1JS4 It r4 Aw. T A T M see lMk lni l"t km. Tekw' e4 Ie SB M V-X e1r 1 stl na n4 -i n-niBg rv r i4 MH H A "Hleee !4 ew ill A 1V4 III", Atrhlwi F'l .,. 4 WAt 4t M4'w A'leet, reex Une M lx 114 134 BAH'wir a OM Hoe 114 I'.IH, H4 Bel A Okie '4 11 b'Mthen ttnl 1 I U 14 4 M4 meUrn kay'.l Tr 14 U V SlA tt CDa4nn FAeifle t j) :M'4 :TS-4 111 Caetral Leaiker . 1.S4 'l 4 4i Centra! Iwine ' r Hi4 I)1 letu ''.ctr-ll et New Ine Jw 111 111 US -eeeke A iMlie Ik I", Ml ST Chisace A alien lei t! mi -, ; thia Ureet Waxters ... uo 1S S -lH ChlMS A S. W e IT! ,77w 0 . M. A St. r lw 11 U O . a A at. U. ti1 Clor.4e T. A I l.l.fl El 4 4CS Color Jj A watlnra.... loi 47 It U Ceie. A Se. IK p!4 II Cole. A S 2d td 1 CenaelMiu (lea I rt li s 144 Un ora Preeiuts J S. - t- Dalawan A Hcimm I.4 -M IH UK benrer A Hie uruae s.e x. 4IH, KA D A k a. I!4 ktS Mw h Ma Li et 1 1 lerW SouriUe 4 Erie . 20 SITj StS It' re 1 p! , 11 41S 41 47 K.-.e 24 Ii "4 i,inl lieetn SJS 11 148 lei t rl Nurttiern ef 4 i.V 1U A 141 i4eAi ureal Kertkw-n ure eUe I. 4 7i w- Illlne.! Central 1444 144a lw talerarouaa Met. KVetl Hi 4 16 A Int. Met 414 lt.4 414, t ki Harreeler w let IU lot. Martae :4 744 St k4 24w ll.M.-na.ienal Pr l4 14 w 1 l:i muuii l. lik I... (eatral fc SIAJ a r katiaae enr be 4J4 K. C. le. 4f4 i 744 74 ;4 L.alv,ll A !t l."S Ml lSw 14H Mtta A SL L 4 leer-eia I rH 4e std "...let Oeten A W A Ohle r.r-4ennran;a FaeHle HHIul Mien , Hi Ree4!nf . IS Seechem Railway. 1HH 4e Sf4 llleetkeni P'l(l... e Utii-n Panne e f t . sine. S. eel , 44 4 BT4 ,. . 44 Waaeeb I C. M. St. P Wabash Mireourl Pacific Union Pacific C. N. W., east C. A N. V . west C.. t. P. M. A O C. B. A ., east C, g.. west C, R. I. A P.. east.... C, R. 1. A P.. west ... ll.lnois Cn.ral C. G. W Total receipts Cee4ia Ckeeeeeak C1nas d. w... nil., mi. A 9t. Ie lui tfreaver A Hie tl 4e pit Erie 4e let '4 M era Orand Trenk ee re lilleete Central IBS aaiak SILVER Bar, quirt at eu-re. MONET-JVtt per cent. The rate of dlecount in the open market for short bills IB lIH per com. lor three months' bill. I 'A I 11-1 per cent. .. .. ITH .. tl4 ..IIS, 1. . .14 ..iish 4a 3 I1-1W per I.oea 1 A-rewrltle. Quotation f-imhmet Tiy imml sTurna Jr. 414 Now Tork Ufa building: . lew PMtr1 rrwimery. w 7 rvab a4:as Maatre 19 Cur ef Owwha 44a 1144 Caweee, a 2 . its 4 rewweawaaltb Ltd Inevraeiw 14 Pity Uae A gler.. Weterle rt 2etrlt Idliew 4a, UB " Oerwwe mre in. Ce 14 InteraaUeaal tea. Ce laaea4e Tel. I. Owiba U Kneu City R. A L- 71 teag e.I Lor. r. 4a. J Kekruka Ttl. Sleek I fr eem 114 Owaka Water Ce. la. IMA w 1 1-a.ioa ari2 el Tree, sis i brnak aa ta i.t Cwaa S. U A P la. 1M1 Caa A 0 . St. Ry. Se. 1IU A Caaba A C. ft. Ky p:4. I ear el "4 Omaiia A 0. 4t Ry reia T4 5. qui Oiy A Y. sfd. 4 per eent II luulJl uiaaaa rf. 4Ha, .111 1-A 41 U I. a- B A a a, IMA ft IV Jt A Ce. 4a, 1J.4 1 Tn-4tate LaaA C 44 L'aiaa 1. Y-. I. O.. 4 per est H 3 .. 4 .. 5a .. 11 .. 41 .. 24 .. 1 .. 71 .. 11 .. 1 .. X .. 1 ..217 10 1 11 morning there were about a dosen loads in eight and they eold at price that were fullv ialoc h'xher than yaeter'lay. tne rara-e P. io A JO. with the bu.k of the deoent mixed hoa sel.tng at and right around laju. Later trams brought In a aar er two at a tim,, which sold f!l )as nod aa ear'.r and In some caeea piiM v.rona-er. A.l In ail. it was a very atte fae:orv market to aeilers Yterdy :h biilk ef rhe hos brought 1A.HW5115. with a top at f . A few care of hogs that came b la e and after the mow ac'lvw buyers bad left the yard did not meet with surh a swd te-c-p'lon. tho few buyrs still left on the market not feailrg In a mood to pay the xiravaaant price of the morning Th top price today IV 10 I aa high as has been raid nf far this year. Reprentatl sajeo: We. At SB. Pt. Ho. A. h. Tr. 4 i4 ... I V 4A W4 M IH H 11 .. I 1H 71 !4S .. Ik 44 4 Ik If 47 Ml 120 .4 III f4 ... t . 74 24 ... nv 1 SB WIT 44 .41 24 I A Ml ... I 71 M . . I 14 4 an R IB 44 -At IM IB SH "!&.P Buyevs wars hungry for good, fal klnda of killers this morning ard bought us strings of both sheep and iambs about ss fsst aa they were rec;vd. Price en th bettor grade were generally some higher than yesterday. In fact. It was largely a le-Jlec higher deal on b-t mut ton a. with common, short-fed stuff suita bly strong. Abeut '.to head wer received, moetty fed stuff of a pretty decent finish. Fed lamb reached ft M and a band of tespy fed yearling en id at pVli Strictly nine fed lamb are aafely auetablo up to 27.74. with fancy k:na or light yearllnga sailing up to 17 sA Tho marked preference of packer for stock with finish was antisually apparent litis morning and tho spread between ch-jtri. and medium stuff widened somewhat In consewnereo. Thi condition In like'v t" feature th trade while packsrs aro gather Ing their helldsy material and It wl!) b well for shippers ta keep back tho medium grades, for th present, at least. Thsr were very few hands of sultablt steak sheep or lamba tn today's run. rnd wiui in oiiasaraiy weather ef late lae bad a tendency to smotner feeder demand, in are ar still many rar in tne nana of commission men to bo filled. Current nuoiAuoiis aro fully steady witn last wee a eieaa. MuotaUons en fat sheep and lambs: Good to choke lamba, I7.1a4'?.74, fair to good lamba. la.4oay7.12. good ughl yeanings. AS 4w Wl.wi; good heavy yeanlngs. fc rj4 4a, good ta choice wethers. lo.21a4. fair to good .. wethers. 44 Ji 26; good to chnice ewea, .. I 1-4 54(4 44; fair to good ewea. J3 14 j Queiatiens on feeder stock: Oood to 1 - choice lambs. IA.JE.f4. 75. fair to good lambs. C I6.75a4.. I.ght avous JO: heavy IjyearilngA tA.JT'tlS.OO; old weihers. H.X"t!M. 2 geod to che ce ewes, !A2fr2i..'S. breading 12 ewes, 2.X7kCVj4v yearling breeding ew ea, 1 ! 26 iMKC.Oa. I , , . -I pimeuiauT ewiei .. i No. r"r.g rerA and llehte. ft r V; rackra : r. iB. butchers and heft newvy, ei.eo i-1 . . tea SI-lf-EP AAii L.AMf- h-e.l. marv-t IV to .o h'her- natlva muttons. u:".-i lamiia $iMt,w. ewl.a and bucks, He-ir4. etm-kers, 12 .tr-it 4. 00. Kaaaai Tlty Live Slwrb: 'vlarbiet. KANSAS CITT. Dec 7 -CATTLR-Re-C-ifrte. Wm head, tncludtrg head southerns- n.arket tearly to Hc hihr; cholow exnnrt and dr-1 beef steers. wWjj-A; fair to good. 2S.a 05; we"tern eteere 1 V) if. 00; tr kers and f-eders. 12 3ff& 0: eouther-t steere, P .. rithern enwe. K.'f-X; nAtlve cows. i:.v94. na-.lvo h-if-rs. 13.i0a; bulls, 11 a,.; calvea, H. Tr. . ca H H.JS R'ipte, 11 IY0 liesd: market 98 hltjher; ?or. bulk of saleo, rm.; hrsvy i . rBck'r" butcher. tj.r.tfvav. iipht. f1l'; pisw. 7v FHEEH AND l.AML-1- Hfcelple. - head: market etrn: lamba. aAvva-t-.M; eari:ngs. $:rSK. wethers. enw: ewe. H stoonera and feeders, t iO( I. 2S. i 3 .a Hon. Shep. 74 ; SI 28 1.-01 4.1TJ l.UM " i. :w 41 f.-i sec ala wad Proviaiow. Dec T. WHEAT fn- Kaaaae City G KAN 8AS CITT, rhai.e4i. i-ash. No. 1 hard. 21 e4-l 74; N 2. tlw.liw: No. 1 red 2LU1 -2; No. 1 llCjil.; Corombor. tire. aeilers: May. )..-, W1C bid. July. Ma-.le. seller COR-V Wlc higher; Ne. 1 mixed, ebi) (C'-c; IS. 2, oX,oc: No. 1 white. 44V. No. k 4bc; Dermlr. oik?, si!r; May, eV .aS-N.c: July. UStWi. s. rs. OAT! t'nchangwd and aligntiy hieher; No. I vshli. 41jrf-: No I mlsed. 4ia4.. RYE CiSf-Oe. ' HAY Unchanged: choice timothy. 21 1 W? lit)- cho'ce urilrla PJ.TVolOo; choice al fa'fa 113 5.iJ? TV BUTTE R Cream err exiraa. JSUe; firsts, Dr: secures. I.e. paekirf stock. c. EjHi Extraa, !wc; firsts. Kt; second and dirties. ITc Reeelpta. Shiptnen's. Wheat, bu 27 Suv i -. Com. bu IS iw U i Oata, bo l 7.W0 Options at Kansas City: tt . st. r a A 4. M... kiiMun rtnai . k. A r M.. K A T. i!4 Ntlor.i kiaiu.l Nailenal L4 .V R. El. ef M. lt Sew Yek Centrai ,N. Y , O. A " Narle-k A rlef- Swu Aiana ,Hrt..era rc.:. .... peaitte Mail reuuaf Ivmiia ........ Pxetkm oaa P . C C. A t. L... P a 4 l Car Pul.maa Ptlao 'ar Aanear Auei 4n( RoAitif . h4O.U..C S.Ml fteualic aieal sI4... Rjk Uian4 O Kv- U...1J ('. ' 1. aar ta ai ! v.. ui a. ' .... It U i . 14 ' 4. A ! 4ui:ira r,ri 4.u.tira Ha.lwir '. 4. Raliwey ( T-ia.e Ct.fer .. Taias A K-i:.c T . l. A " T . At. U A W. a4 L'Atea P.lie laiea PtKia it IT. 1. Ra.lf V. A Bueaar I 4 4-.l v a i4 4 C lail L9r V-'. CfcmUel . Bataea waLaa 4t4 . .tm iarrtii4 .. W.:na- iktetr Wa.:rti t'niea W D,1U4 A L. g Wl4t.aea Ceatril Tula! ta. Iwr th i tM lM la la I.KU 1.1US lit w 44 t4 U, 12 114 4' M- H U4w tl r liiw 47 A H 4ia 1 a . A 4 2..:a iu-, tial I.444 11 lw LAW Uw U . " V Vw "ev'i Ti.Ju 17.4a It.w 41M 4tw AM 14 iMt I Kl 404 l4 Ist Si A A 14 UA it 4 M S IB A, 74 I Ibal li 114 1 iAl 11 A V Awl 44 44 i.aj si" 'iii, ll.l U' 11 A-4 4kA U4. a 44 l'.A A, -w U-4 47V t i 14V 4A 1244 Ui 4w 4 1IM It lit l. fc4 W 4 U s LifelA I. A 44' t 11 14 lveki 4 24 M 1A-W lot 44 14 14 lis 111 A 1S 4 74 W le- w VjI 14 "a OMAHA CKXKRAL, MARKET. w las a 4a U i.A 141 .-, MA U LI- 124 w 2.A 4.1JM la 1.1 -ilA 4t S ee 21 ' . 7,t I. A . tM 1. 44 . 14 H 44 . 4,i :-A 71 4J1.M4 lliim. Staple aad Faaey Prodaow Prloea Par. alabed by Bayers aad Wkaleaaler. BUTTER Creamery', No. L d.ivered to the reckil Uade m 1-lb. carter. a. lee; No. L in se-.b. taos. 2W; No. L in 1- b. ear tens. lc; In ib. tubs. 24P-r; packing stock. 2ac; fAnry dairy, tub. W". Mar ket ehanaea every Tuoeaajr. KOOaV-rreah soiling stock, candied. 34c POULTKY Dreaaed broiiara. ta a doa. ; springs. 14c; hens. le; eseks. loe; ducks. Lie: geeoe. lic; turkeys. iaVc; sons. per uos.. 11. AV. Aave. krlsars, undar I Iba., lac; over I lba.. 14; hens, lec; cock a, 4c; dauaa. fun feejhered. '; go. full teatherad 7c: tui v. under I ib.. 17c; over 1 .0. 17e: guinea few la. 21 par doa.; pigeons, vik per dos. 1 Oti l ilPJ Boiecui. small cans. 22c: largo. 40c; gallon, tiki; New York Counts, smail. j tc; large. 4le; gallon. II. SO. Baltimore fc'.andarua. small, lie; large, &J1 ga-ion, 1L 21. " a, FISH Fresh caught, almost all are , d:a.u: Ha.iuut. 12c; buffalo, lc; trout. 1 1 15c; bullhe-ids. 14c: catfisn. l.c; crapplea. liflsc; black bae. Sic: Uc; pike. Uo: eaimon. lie; pickerel, lie; frog lvga. 45c. Fresh frozen wh-tefUh. No. L Uc: pickerel, dressed and head 'ess. rc; pike. flreeeeJ. Uo; redanapper. 11c: opan lah mAcaerel. 14a; native mackerel. lc eaeh. . Minna No. 1 sreen. I9c. NUTS Almonds: Drake sifedllnas. per lb., lac: flileits. large, per lb.. 14c. Pecan: , Louiauna. p-r lb.. IT -.c. Ju::;lo Texaa. pr , iu.. Lie; medium Texai, per ib.. U.iC Cali- j fornii vtainuts: No. L soft shell, per 'b.. 15c: No. 2. soft snell. per lb.. Uc. Pea- 1 nuts: Raw. per lb., tic: Jumbo, raw, per 1 lb.. 7c; roasted, pr lb., Sc; sailed, per 1 box !1 25. FRUITS Graft New Tort Conc:rd. sl- j paca. or bask;. V.c: ltw-baeet 1 Iota per ta.ket. 2"JJ. Caiif o:n.a. xt.-a j Flaming Tc-kaj a, p.r larje era e j ll.lit, 1-eiaie .ol. per era 11. ui. S-erat ; lota. Per c.aia. tl bu; extra cno.oe jiaiaaa, DISPOSITION. Cattle. Omaha Packing Co - Bwlft and company V2 Cudahy l acking Co Lf"l Armour A Co LS14 -tAchwartk-Boien Co 8u Louis lnd. Pack. Co W. B. Vaneant Co 2S Berton Vaneai.t Lusii. M Stepnens Bros 17 HiU A Son 41 F. B. Lawla IS Huston tt Co 1J J. B. Ret A Co J. H. Bulla...-. L. F. Hubs U L. Woif 1 McCrary A Carey 1st s. ertheinier 47 M. Hagerty 14 bullivan Broa Lahmer Bros. W T. J. Inshram 1 Lee Rotnschild Mo. A Kan.-Cai. Co 2 Chrtsty-Cllne 4 Smith.... 71 Other buyer 2S7 Totals S.4J 13J 7.0B1 CA1 1LE Severe cold weaiUer and enow !. naa a tai.iuty to u'-eae .at tra.n al-.-lc and II was ut At aat so.rprie.iig kbat catti wr man f uiain iaia ui axiivui; on tn icaiaal ui.s uioming. in apit o mat tact, imaiiu, uie gaaerai jui u 111 very aauaiauiory ooudiuon. rauaara Ai Keutl to waul klmng caL ... anu u.ey wain oui m mo yaxaa in aood MAniu ai.u aai inn. 4 in tne way of aeairaoie uci aiaeia met im quite ready ai at 400U uon prinea. lea.rao.4 weai irm ao.a up aa 111111 a 2e.tM. ine ai.y arnvat .! not 10117 in cuaiigiug Uaua auU later Ham iiki wan a aow r4oip ,iu uu ui p t ot uoyeia. on! i,4.n eau idaidiiig beef aleora a Oo-iu ap.j ifjuii u 10 lue UiArkei oa tioas lull iiiii. Avverj .11.114 mel oouid be ikuel aa at (ui huuau.4 mat wiui rd, aa.e at Jo au-wug pilwa, iu omy ui.p.aut leaturo connoted a. tn uie a viewed lrem a uvi evaiiiivoiiii. was 11. a poor demand far leoa oiik ai.a leeaera iwri aaa vsry low cooribry oaeia iiere, oeing la iiio bad atuer ooi.aiUoiia, and apcuialrs were ru.r umiA inui iaa.- a m4iy catt.e uiui tiiare was a Miur eot.el to preepeot. 1 ae rwuii mb uu uiui iai ' .w, iloi er tea tr, .u ier mnii ie aow and 244 natlva ewea M7 native lambs H native ewea 141 native lambs 4 western oweo 11 western ewe culls . 24a weetern ewes ! western ewee. culls .. : 22t weetern ewes i 211 Beetern lamba, cuiis j 1st native ewea , M native lambs t native wethers 1 native yeariings , 243 native ewea Sk native lambs S4 native ewea. culls ... 4 native lambs 23 natlva lamba 4 native iambs lambs lambs f ow ea lambs swea lambs iambs lamba culls... ewes lambs ae native 44 native 21 native 2.l native 2"2 native lit r.ativa lit native 2 native ie native Ut native ltd weetern ewes CHICAGO Ar. .... 24 .... .... 91 .... 92 1 .... ....104 .... A ....1 .... r .... n ....v s .... ss .... .... .... 4 .... kg ... n ... 154 ... 71 ... T ... M . ,. T7 ... M ... W .., 70 ... W Pr. 4 IS 7 11 4 71 J 5 4 71 1 X 4 24 2 So 4 25 t ft 4 74 7 at s 00 4 71 7 21 t 39 T 7 01 7 SO 7 At 7 30 4 73 7 40 1 15 7 SO 7 33 ro 4 1 40 a 00 Slews: City live 4 1 we si Market. PIOUX CITY. la. Deti 7 (Special Tel egram.) CATTLfci Recolrts. 0 head; merret strong . . . H.Mts Receipt, l.toa head; market Ptrong to 5o higher; range of price. t.H H.1; bulk of sales, HSf!.l. atsebx la aifc. Receipts of live stoc at the ail princi pal western market yesterday: viuir. io- ...... aouth Omaha rjloux City St. Joseph Kansas City Ft. Louis Chicago . . t'w I."" 7.w .. ens L4"1 .. S ." I.l l.tVO ..WHO 11 ! ..! 11 1 .. l .W 2i aXOt Total ..7Jot u.: h.S9 LI VI I STOCK. MARKET Cot tow Mae Sue. NEW TORK. Dec. 7 Th owtton market opened steady today at Bnchanard prioea 10 a decline of 1 polnta and during tho early trading sold 4 to 1 poioU not lower under local boar pressure and scattering liquidation duo to nenrouanos over tho approaching government report. The buy ing was of a rood character. Inducing support from the west, soma of tho stnitn ern bulls and certain largo spot interest a. This checked tho decline and prlcea during the miodie of tho morning rallied I. or 4 points from tho lowest. Future opened steady: December, II iAr; January. 14C7c; March, l"2c: May. li.33o; July, li.ltc; Auamit, 14.47a September. U.S5c: October. 12 Jec Root, close-d quiet; middling nnlanda, 14MW-; mlAdilng gulf. lB.lOr; sales. bales. tl A L V EaTON, Dec 7. COTTON Higher BT ' 'lOI'IS. Dec 7. COTTON Market unchanged: middling. 14S- SaleA. none; receipts 2 i hale; shipments, l.tit balsa; stock. IS.IDt bales. . NEW ORLEANS. Dec 7.-40TTON Ppnt market quiet and uncharged: middling. 14 11-Wc. Fates orl the spot. Sua-bales. ?"u tures opened steady, unchanged to t points up. Cables were slightly better than ex pected. Wool Market. BOJTOTt. Dee. 7. WOOL -Thero he been a revival in the local wool market, especially through the demand from tho woolen mills. Value aro fully maintained and tt to said thai American growers aro holding for top prices of ! for their 1910 clln. Biddlne for the new oilp has been re sumed in Utah. Leading domeetic quota tions range aa follows: Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri: Thre-elghths blood. 24c; quarter blood. tTftSo. flc-mred values: Texas fine, 12 montha, 74$cSe; fine sis to eight months. tsyTbc; middle onunty. SSff 3c; fall, 5tD2e. Oregon: eaetem. No. 1 staple, T54jTc; valley. No. L 57iT5ic. Terri tory, fine staple. 7Tfl0c; fine medium, staple. "OwTIe; fine clothing. TfST2c; fine medium clothing, 0V5"5c; half blood, 3; Tc; three-eight ha blood. Stroc; quarter blood. riT4iftc. Pulled: extra, 73)S75c; fine AA. 8&d?7c; A supers. Se-jvioc ST. LOUI3. Dec 7. WtxiL Cnchanited; territory and weetern mediums, 2a-Jc; flno medluma, a.ic; fine. 12310c Cattle, Sheep aad Las a Steady Hagra Five Cents Lower. nrTci.-iri rw. e pitti va-.inia 5 v0 head; market steady. Steers. 5 ' I 4; oows. UauHiiM: heifers H-ws e. bulls. 22(At24.76; calves. 21.M?.7o; stock ors and feedrrw, 23. 7i4S 25. HOOdRt-colpts. 2t. WM) head: market Sc low er. Choioo heavy. Is So2(t 35: butcher. UU.lSo: light rrux-d. K l.Bt2": choic iighu l.2i.JS; packing. 2140155; pigs, S7.tMtT7.76: bulk of saieo. 46. RHESP AND LAMBS Receipts. 32 head;market steadv. Shep. S4 59fj.7t; laaubA, 2.KtjAM; yearllnrs. lo.J4VS"7.2S. St. Joeopk Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Dec. 7. CATTLE Receipts. S Sot head; market steady; etoers, 14 147 0; cows and heifer. 12.1 Sttt; calves. 22 0 49 7 SO. HO'JS P.ecelpL. 4.000 head; market staaJy; top.- 21.40; bulk of sales. 11.009 lit. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reeelpta. I.t0 head; market strong; lamba. $4 104)7.50. St. Loala Lira Stork Market. FT..AOCTS. Dc 7. CATTLE R-caipts. 5.20. Including l!ts Texans; markft 10: Ihlrher. Nat've shinning n1 exhort rt-ers. to .l, it ie.a- more a question 01 14 jt : dreeeed beef and hu'ehora" stes. l.uaaiA a uu, ti-aii a matter ot prloo. 2tl'tS0: S'eers under LOW pur-ds. 3 'i Wueiauena en eatl.e: ueoa toeneiee eeia- 5 K. nekera and feeders II 2Jt IS: rows Metal Market. NEW TORK, Dec. T METALS Ftand Ard copper was dull today And. practically nominal. Lake copper was quoted a. Ii3 iS erecirrvlytic $13.12 1013.2714: Caetine;. $12 flerJH2f. Lame! on market steady; spot, t; futures. 08 2s td. Tin waa easy; spot $!1. London market, steadv; spot. 144 6a; future. 143 17s 6d. -Lead, f.rmer: apot, $4,374. Loniion market un changed at 12 17s td. Ppelter. duli; spot $0 1H .S. London markvt unchAnged ax 26. Iron a aa unohanged at Sua td for Cleveland warrants in the English market. Local market unchanged. ST. LOUIS. Doc 7 -METAU Lewd, firm at $4.AU'4.A9; spelter, firm at 24.2a Coffe Market. NEW TORK. Doc. 7. COFFEE Mar ket for futures closed steadv, net un ohanged to 5 points higher. Sales were re ported of 14.760 bags, including Decern er at 6.45c: March. I free; May, 4.70c; July, t.S0c; September. ITSflS-WX'. Spot, qu et; Rio. i-rc; No. 4 Santos. 444c Mild. Cordova, rllVc No. 7 quiet; M II vrankre Grala Markot. MILWAUKEE. Dc 7. WR f!AT No. 1 1 norihern. 91.121.13; No. 1 northern, ILiiO ;L11: May. $1 04 asked. J OATS C'-Afi-MC BARLEY amp lea, 5?3Sc fd aieer. Ii wuivi, la.r to good corn-fed eiweia, 40 wov 1 e, coauiioii to lair corn-iti sieais. a.t&wM. 400a la clioieo range siewra, 4-.cev.A. ia.r to oo iaiiga ateara, i. 1 05.00. coiiioiou to 1.4.1 lAuaa ateei-a. !4a.ib4.7s, ood to choice ceiu-fo caw and heitia. tt.!!.!; Ia.r 10 gooJ aora-lad , ooas aud iiiirs, ta Ajrl Hi common to lair co. n-ra Cow a.,4 ha.fars, 2a.M2-l. 1 good to choice r:.e ejus and n:ters. ii .10 t.,0. lair to goou range cowa ar.a n it era, J.4io.7i, 1.011.1..011 10 ia.r ra: o fcnu heileis. Xaoui-: good to c... ce alouaerj 1 ana feedsra. K-: Ji: fair to uod mock- 1 I era ai.a f.ur. w .ii4 -e. comiiioii to fair j siocacrs aud feura. 2a.44dla.7t. stoca Oe.f I era. 12.14Ji.7i.. .ai ca.vea, $2 SS47.s; bulla. ataga. ate, t-. . 1.44. :. Rspresaniative aivs: BiiiF STEERS. and helf.m. 44vJ4: canne-s. 22 1031 M: buiis. 22 S4 calv-e. It 5-4 : Texans 1 'lixiiR uiniBfT tuid Ind Ana. 2J.71r4; cows and k-ifera. DCLl.TH. I-c 7. Clni4 wheat: Decem- $2 1?At. r iber: $104H: Mav, nor; No. 1 northern. HOG S Receipt a 11.504 head; mark. $l.ttT4; No. 2 northern. $!. 4. Oot. et ie Dun's Report of Clearings 1 uoL. $:.vv; esua lar.ey 1 ' 1 brand, aeil A Cherry per bb 'c-juaiu. I..d run. per bbi.. $7 7-a I ' Available tappllee ot Grata. NBW TORK. Dec 7 -Special cabl and eigraphic cemmunicationa received by Braustreet's snow th fallowing changes in aval. auto euppllee, aa compared with pio vlma iMounui Vuai United State, oast ef Rock'e lncriTd li.4oA bu.: Car.adA lncraA, 2c0vw tu. Tt! United giates and Canada. Inure -e.j 1 rt 400 bu Af oot for and in Eurora. Increased 11 ba Total Amer 1 r.d urapeaa supply, Ifioreased I ea vuu bu. corn. Urlted States craaed 1 UI Out bu. Oa'.a. United Statea ervaeed 2T4euO bu. The leading increase! ported thi week follow: Ineraee; Midland. 1 OtAeAt bu. ; Deno Harb"r. M 0ro bu : Portland. Me J14 fa bu ; Clew-end. I At On bu : 4l,v,ter4h ivi vu , menitooa ie uu Oil.; Pert Edward. 1J4 004 bu. ,Jr; Chicago private elevatirBl DO bu : Port Colborna. Mat bu : Owei rnina. ra.nw bu. : Louiavll'a. aa ,Naakvllla. slOOt bo. and Canada, and Canada, and decrease a In- re- sarma and bu-. Telede B4 Market. TOLFDO. Doc 7 SEKD" crr e. $114; February, $9271,1 Sk.14; December, Articles. xx-heet May December Corn May tecember I. Open.! Hifh. I Low. !.C!oo I I 1 -,' 1 uis "Ail 1 xK 1 OS's! I 43V 1 ors 1 it's 1 (il1 1 OliA A Asked. Mlaaoapollo fismia Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec 7. WHEAT Cloee; December, . ot: May. $1.0714; cash Ne 1 hard. 11 -4"aw1 st't: So. 1 northern. $1 fj Lit; No. 2 nrthrn. $1.0141 . yio. $ northern. $1 stijl s. CORN No. J yellow, El4eit-c. OATS No 1 yeilow. 2e Fl-A . X -Closed. $1 BV RYE No. 1 TOSc BRAN In 144 ib. sacks, lit 50. ' FLOUR-w First paten' (in wood f. o. b.. Minneapoiial. -447-61; eroniI patenta aV2(i140: first clears. Mrfl. aecjnd cieavrs. $2 t?16A Philadelphia Prwdae Market, PHILADELPHIA. Doc 7 B'"TTEt Steady; extra western creamery. P? ; near by prints. 24c. EtlOS Steady: Pennsylvania and ether nearby frsta free caeea. 22 "c at mark; current receipts In returnable caeea. 24c a mark: weeiern firsts, free cases, 22c at mark: current receipts free eaaea, 71T-4c ai mark. CHEWE- Firm; New Tork full cream choice. 17c; fair to good. ltlSVc Feorta, Market. PEORIA. Doc 7. CURN-Higher; r. a yenew 4c. No. Uc; whita So OA white, C1 4, er: no grade. 4744!e. 1 a Higher. Btaii'arA No. a wan. ATX; C-rc No. a l tec. No. a Boatoa Stock aad BOSTON. Lee. 7. Money. ii par eent; lima loans.. 5.1 Official mooing: Atck.fton AJ. 4. .. 4 4a Ai:ao A II ee s-4 Iwh A A.kany... Ae;ea A Alain.... Piter. u-4 44 N T . N. H. A H I'giM Pkelflc A a. Art. Cka (le pt Aa. Pai. Taa Aetr. 9Ar pit Aa. T A T Aiaar. Weelen A 14 Da. 1 A I kt Iu lrtn4 r-at . l ni!4 M.. 4e pft t 4 iei.... Ae at A4a&lare Ai.eaa ... AaaiaaaaiaA I 7J Boad. ca.1 loans. per . II Atiaati . it . MS Ctoaiitlca ...... U4 U. UBl. A Arltao 11 14U. A Haaia. Ij .A..' Cealaaalal 1 W .147 reeer Rna Ay. . s Dair A aw :I4 y-nir:m -71 Oruitr . 4 Orr. Caaan .l. li Aerti . I Mia U nmi ... .'.rt M!rl aa baOaw .14 !4 . 4014 Daainiea .. .14 P rrw . 47 4ulBr . 11 a-iaa Tt Taairark 1444 Tnallf . ki r 4 ... . W U 4 Oil . rui . k a V later- a . 44iw,nsaa . ...c ... . . 44 Wlvanee . bt4 Nana Bati . 44k w 4 la. ls 11 14 aoa U4 a l.iir bbi . lo jl sxtra oncioa luivy MaiAVAaa t,r bol.. e. v; .nuUy fane liiii.Ai, per ; ..w; ex.1 a iany umv DDI.. . DO . ' 1 I par bci., t. m: tany tw , Cou. 27 w; cnotc .. an -oa. f - w; uii-.c ; Caw CoO. box, Appei. tciJ- rauj Jonathans. pr box. 4-iA: n ri ciio Ce 1 iCoioratio Jouai.iani, pvr to. 12 A: cuoice ' J oual.:ar.s. per box. ill ; M.nsourl B.n, . iNo. 1. ten Lt.via. ptr bo!., Vjl: M.s ouik; . bn. No. 1. vi inetiAi a, J.r but.. 14 tw; ' $ 1 sourl ben. No. 1. Cano. pt-r t to.. id.7. New j ceiit-io:a eaiiA laccy r.ia oa a : vi I t-Lio. N' York extra fancy (ir.'.ir.ji. p r 1 bbi . $t-; New Ut ia. iiir puc.-.. ua:u ! wins, per bbi., $ T6; Nw Y r far nere ; i pack. Oiwmnn. ;.r U' 1.. Si.. 5. Peurs. (California, e..i:a fancy itM ttuerro. p -r box, U im. iiiui.fa.i ;tL.::t.-.. p r i bJ. b-i., . Hot. (jrar gAB. .xtta fancy ', .Mi4, Ui 1 lis. l"t. iJU a--.d 21S. per box. l-i 1 iio titj aiA per ux. Jilt; extra .aiic-y Floriila. 12. j 11 1-1 aai. a: aer .i U m. letnu. a A I ilxtra fa: ay. 2oe ar.d aid. par box ti; 1 1 anrnn. -a - j xj rr bu. !A L4 Graue 1 1 ; frvii. ruiraa, 44. 44 and t. per eex. Cea.. J j E-xtra fancy rvn Linr, 4 j- ib., IIH, Jr j (a A-buach ;ia, Br ib.. 2-e. iier.e. Co o- , e i! , raou per crate. 44 A. 4 cw, ai t-uL J. L nbs, 1; No. 1 r:ba, tiu..a w I Lai. No. t no. o, Jo. 1 iia, lo; No. 2 I u (:r4.. LI14 ! loin, L2a; N. 1 ion, tiac; io. 1 -.nuca. 1 ku.ia let 41 j a i. . No. 1 cuotk. 5ac; No. ciuc, ic; No. j ; c, 4 io 1 roanii. s: No. V round, lc. .No. 1 rvona. j i.i-s..,. 114 u 4-e. io. 1 piat. Ilac. o. 2 p.a.e. &o. No. . 4txa.... ii v 14 piat. I io. I K. A. Pr. ka. A v. Pr. ; uu 4 k a loe 1 is II Il7 I U l e 4 M it ....:.! i :i : :ai t i 37 ......lilt ill a Ik tl it W 1 it 4i i laJ 4 4 li 112 t 74 44 at 4 7 CO o. 4 7 2 71 1 1UJ7 2 so 4 7 I i t 14 I 71 4 HI IM I- UAI I a MS 2w 1 14 I U 4 l a I 14 I U 4 m I .l 1 :v I l.M 4 U 4 i.K I A IT 441 4 U 5 n 1 -i 1 114 1 44 iiElFc-rtS. T 17. 2 1 414 I 14 12 Iw4 I T IM 1 7 BVLi-i. 1 U2 I k 1 i744 I M 1 i.;. 1 . 1 it4 4 wo 1 .-4V 1 I 1 lltu 4 1 .- 71 I iAM 4 44 CAL 18. il 4 1 -m t mitt I JlJ 4 W 1 11V I iM i 4 71 14 44 IB I .v I w I lit I A s iV'-.ii-Kij AN:) u.M.Ui.i.3. 4 117 I U -Jl ci IN : - -1 43 4 14 4 1 w W Ill 4 .. U HI UK I 411 4 14 i 1 I 7il I 171 4 4 l I 11 11 Ut 4 14 t IU III steers. ....wa 4 tA 4 steers. 4 Si err. 2 bulls.. I ca.ves . 1 1 . . l-i . T-4 . W.1 .1.U2 . sn . 4 .19 .llii 4i. I V a.Us.1 A2tLS-4woet potAtoei. . I. . I .144 Rove York Mlala Stoeka. NEW TORK. Dec 7. Clootng quotationa on mining necks were aa foitowo: Alice SB LaalTlil t. 4 ... I arucewifk CeB Ceak. Tanaei wux-k k,4a Cra. rai. A Va. ... Ham 4rv Irea Siivar j::a4. LaTli I title duel Miia Oeiana Prlrr 'ar4 Jack 14 . A .144 Baak Cloartaara. OMAHA. Dec 7 -Back clearings for to ssy Be i5w.sn4 and for tne spending dale t year $1.1:4. 777. AV Traaaatf Stalaaaoat. WASHINGTON. Doc 7 -The ' oonditon of ir.e traaaury at the bw-innlr of bet nees todav waa aa failowa t 4d ewtn. AiTA 4X41441 Miver di ara. MfcAM Mivar 4e4 lara of lb4 11 rl aiivar ranlln .T. I And.iH. rWtai set, svaodaral aiivor ol- 12 ateara.. Rati aiar. bar lAfae lic-l.. UH. S-bLl. IjL ' p-ir bu., x2 so. Ca,iy. UU4 fancy Hem , -an. par 40., lie; satra ta-,oy Uuaki.ini. per flat box. ild. Head iatioo. Par LAin- pr 4a ju. nu'.ataiaa cmmlika. par la., j 21 oowa. 1 c. t abbas a , ouiain. 4nulL Hoi- . l sow . . laud seed, per lb.. Uc; Liue-ib. lwi or j 14 steers. o.or, iiJ. ra. par iu.. ic. caiiijniiA toii.a-09A Per crate, $1 14 uuieoav IimI-, Rani liioiio, par bu., li o. Idah yallua. par ou., $1 . apaniaii. par crate, to, .olwiati. per bu.. pes. uuoortea. i-creau, par Ib.. 14c. 4-eroan, per ib.. Uo: U 12-wa. pkx-a.. par box, too, M 4-eat . par box. tt ok C1DAR 4.BUA r k. 1210 DATlt-sj l-.b. patra.. per bos. 21 ; bow Haiiewo on. per i . 7e; sriaBur walnut, per bws, 1124, fard. par lb. 10c. tl- Jt. Pota F a Now. 4tAB aat Bawl a. OIL CITT. Dec T.-OlL Credit balance. U A Runa Hws7 bfc.a. arwraae 11.141 tsia; aiuptnania, lM.Ort bblA, areraare 17,- 9 bbiA OA VAMWAU. Coo. T GILr Turpentine, finw. k44tt4 KOI! irf rtrsA. Ciuel: B. MM; D. 1110' B. MsBftlbsi; F. lAHw. G. taaia4. H. Kit.. L tast; L AS II. 4V44. H, $4.14; W. 0, Ha, -a- VY, HT4, ' 11 oowa. 1 bull... 11 ewws. 14 i 3 29 4 ) 4 M 4 74 4 15 4 J 2 75 4 74 t ai t 04 .143 4 It NEBRASKA. 1 ce a s 1040 4 04 L. Davie Neb. l i 4 com 171 1 0 1 .M .7 oo a Hit 1 10 t '.J calvea... 414 4 50 t uu V iOMING. 2 l 12 cowa.. 4 Mi 35 nee-s. 4 VS 24 Co as.. 4 2a 22 eteers Live Stock Co. Wy 4 & 1 cows 44 I & 44 cows Ill 1 to 7 cows 1471 4 4 17 twrs set 4 ' 20 sierra.... 74 COLOB-AIX). Kl I'm 1 aiaora 734 TSA t it Lars Lrickson Colo. 27 ea A hs lixti 5 hi 4 ceaa . N. saanaoxt Idaho. .. iM 1 w 7 heafera... n 1 J4 .. M I a 11 cows let 4 44 .. act 4 24) Steve Caiiahan Idaho. ..ia.ll 1 14 steer.... 7 4 40 .. Ml I A 14 cows 144 4 14 .. j-ii 4 44 1. R. Wilson Idaho. ..liaa 4 11 Bieere.. ..Wl 4 15 ... ju 4 44 45 steers. ...iej4 40 .. toe 4 11 4 cows iU 4 15 Artuur dwanson MaAo. .. Ii4 4 4 heifera... 544 $ 54 Saaoiawn aV Co. Idaho. t Jt t sxaors ... 2S4 4 2i 4 4 B. 'ili! pas Utah. steors ... tki 4M I steers,... ISO IS 11 Blears.... ktl 4 44 t cows itoj 4 44 1 oows ta IV 44 steers. ial $24 ew ki IN MOOAV-Reeatput wer again vry light, aa was to Be ea seated on aeeoant ef ibe bad eeuatry roaaa. A waa Lba oaoo y as ter Aar, traiaa ware late la arriving, witb tha result tkai thar war at no Urn hardly ououga h oa aare lo eail it a market. M boa iaa uad opened la the 17 eow... t Btears. 4 caw... 4 steer. eBive. 14 heifer. I I B. UbioBtbsr bank larhfi axhlMt a rabstastial hieraass a eoai pared with afl btowbtba , aad tbif&gh tkar aro still a few saaail tea la th e atpariaca wttk IRid, tl eir tffeeA la t-irpalli-l npea lk very aatlafaatory ahowlag of tho waola. ra Braerwca lastaaeea lln rktgi iar bb BtealA aro tie larfOAt a roaora. Total bank exchaage at Ail otrJaa la la TJaUad tiatos. aasordloc to tho statoaisat ktauad by B. u. Deii A Co., wbloh sntkiaAoa II raa.'iig atr, aavouBted to tlt,7t 144,473. aa tasrvaeo ef IS. per eet. sver raat joar aad af 7.7 per east, over the aories year I a Leases eeattaoo to s repartod, aa roopar4 wtU 1904, by sob 4iti. notably N'ea Orleaat aa rraarisco, tk aenv eottes atafaet at Iks farsAer asd eet-diileat followUg tao great 4r ta titat year ttill bar lag Abaoraial effee. At Pkiladelphia aad PliUborr also there are urtflag letwea. Tao Bokih oxekaagat at New Tork aro very largo, aad thong k steak atarket operatioBA were of eotuuderablo extat tkey oar Bet so groat as a pea seats tenser oavaatea. aad the taeroeaat are mostly daa to activity la trade Heat dtles la New Xagtaad rat art aa utaxaeae la exekaagos, aetakly Beetoa, Provitleaea, Syriugt.ld, Woroastor, II an ford and New Hares, aad at only one petal is taere a lost ce B pared with It" 4. At PhiUdilAia aad Plttsbarg. la tke MlaVlle Statoa, taere are still small leeae la the ooatpartaea with lata, r fleeting coadhleas la tk lrea rrado, bat tho return ef aoraial eoBuilAcs kt tbowa by ike geaeral gains ever I ait roar. Mailed IssproveBiecil Is soted st Buffalo, It-.beter, Syraeaaa. tV-rantosi aad BVoaulng. Calferui iaprraiBt ta sbowa at ail allies ut tua Soaik AUaa'ia iiutti otpotlaily at BalUniors, Klrba.ea. Kef Nik. VBcaA, AlUBia aad Jaukaua rill, la the lltddle South ely a few eitlas toyort laelter akeartsga tkan la I9t4. aad wttk the exsepiloa of Hauatca ail make larger retura tkaa Iaat rear, the laiTt sss beisg eyslily Urge at 3u LsalA New Orleaua, Mamiibta Naobvtlia, CoattsBosgsj and SlrminghaBt. All dtles la the Central VYt uiak a very aatitXaotorr aaoouag eeav aared witk, kitk year, eapectelir Chicago, C'leveiaai. illlwaukee. la Jlaaapolla, "I'ninkiis aad TougAtewa, wkti at oai; two peiaU are eteiiaaea rbaailor tkaa la VU aad, tl tea Iniaat are very trldiBg. iBiproreotent U general thnvugkoist the Far Wast, ealjr en alty prVtLDg a less sa cost parse witk any fornier year, aad tao 417 larxa retarBA fro at aaoa, alUa aa St. Paei. Misaespta, Kaaawi CHj, St. Joe;. WirkiU aad Ootaaa ladlcato the (.roapereao baalBoai coadtrloas aearsauxg ta ba seetiena tr b 1, ' ry to theee ntera la lb Peelae Stares al ettlea rpit galae evr last fear. CoatarHt Ismail below ef bask excTaaagsa tf atciieai ceverlag tkre jeers; a law tb average daily Cgaree for rhe Tear to dale: KaXA-rv leea l"o faovxril 4 44 -44. 7-A 44H. A ,44 pa. 44 .,4 0 l. tie. i-l as-'.--! a4 cvl Jt ew U41lil..- kJlitaf p- w. AUauI;:.. feeaj . .JZZZ V'laB . Teial w Wtw teifc ciVy... sr7.74l.7TS l.e2.iwt?Af ,M L44 eel aAavlad 4A-AIMT 4fl 4.oJ.i7aAt CalM ana ... Aveeaa daily: BweiM iawa. ......... 1"T ..ii"".".'.iir. Aped Y e. ,.ey S14,'oa4Aw71 4- it 41 ooe ... ju 1 tiy 1 owl .'Ml I OOO : oui 4." IM.uuO tVia,o4 -?20.o 41".4n4 04 4,4. -an.' a 4;",ii4 8jI OXAKkl 41 J.4liJ4.ll !4i'44.n 44.1.1 -vf 4. rT'ial 1 i.t t,A '. '.. Xa ootl t:7vlel 4 L"o W.T&4 I"" I . 00 441.1 ie KOO FC 4. VI tI4 a: 17s 24 it.l I - 4 -4l4 4- .0 4 1A4 4 Alj 4 All 4 :it. .1 ? 4lAt aSj! A-tiO 4S4.I ria.1 1P0A asvi utt its 1.11 toa . tl t.i.".' tui ffil.75l 1.4t 4 .-11 4t4.r24.74l 44-.2l4.701 J VMS 41 1 .tl.17.l tl4A.74A27 aM4.004 I2'J.,o.oo4 ly7 .ou4 4 -,-iaj 4w7V-4o4 47.. -vi oo4 1 0. -io4 IU.- l,w l-illiii. 44T.WI I omO 4,17.M Every dty, xopt CeUrsde Sprtage, la tka Far Waet rtpsrtg large gaiaa era the beat a are sore saarbed, Tka tgnrea pr views year, aad at aaaVMroas pataia ikeae ta detail fellow: MOTBatasB, M j - BA. I-T-4 k-M tuil tAwpl::: 4aAaaB9aT sktvwfVal ... - .7.".! I t.aa ag4 hi 11 , fan ! bet Vails .. lena. in j-x 4 4a ant J a ItjtXt 74 11.-4 4.1 -4 l.41 4-JI 4 ce 7 .4 W HI 71..4A t71ll.TW4 4i.i-7 i it 1 tAl !a 4.42-1. ) 12 aii ' 4.44 14 44Af CJ tAlfllO 1 3ia- li,r-t 4a.7rt 0 an loe s?i 4o.t jui 1 i 7 ul 1 4 1.'7 4 1 1 144 t.2-1 .. 174. 74 tti 44 IIS BO 04 401 1 J .A 4SW14 .7o ieA - 4v 14 I 311 lit it jp.4 I ee 2,4ja4 4MAI7J5 PO. -flvl -till 41474 I A 74 t I 4 14 I 41 AlSi 41 -Ml 7 1J I v 0l 4174 At) 1 4lli 4411 TiT IPv4. tltwt i,o.l4 44 H llli.lA 4 P. 171 474 4 3e lit 4u 7f-T lit 4) vi 14 J 271 S lo7 771 4 . Iu7 4."4 H0 24 ! i-4 .'il 2l7 " I.jJIaV.T 1 .71 ik eAiU.7A