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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1909)
12 TIIE BEE: OMAIIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1000. SHORTER ANDFEWER GAMES President Ban Johnson Su;?etti Be form for Base Ball. rrrcsERs hl too wren time If Weill Step Prle of Allowing These te Tarevr Fa Ball t tkf Last at ' CUT IN NATIONAL BUDGET X' m 1 ii ii ii i in i - I S il " ' CHICAOO. Pec T. Haa T. Johnson, president of the American league, declared tonight that the American league marite would be anil et the New Tork mooting Brt ww far a short MUon eehedule end shorter UiM The mwt Important paints to be eon-BldM-rd.' said President Johnson, "will be shorter schedule end shorter gomes. The pitcher should be made to suit kill' Ing time. W will try te do M with the practice of letting the pitcher throw our balls to the catcher unless) the pitcher has JUat beem to bat. As for tie schedule I am In favor ef making it as abort as possible. Lest yar when tb ejwesrlan same up. seven of the Amerloaa league ewaero ware la favor of 19 I" while Uie eighth warned 1H games. As ft MUM- of fact the Aiosrtoaa league was sot for ft let (uai eohedule. but for her Bonyl eeX and to save muddling up the atieduJa we compromised on 1M games." ore ta CobVa A veragw CHICAOO, Doc' T. The American league, which ywsterday gave out Its offlo'al hattlag tnrxH announced today that Tjraa CoM af Detroit, who toad the leaguo la batting abeam hare keen credited with Biae keaM rna hits Instead of seven, while the n amber of his two-base hits should hare fcoe Ihtrly-throe Instead of thirty-Ore. WITH TIID BOWLB1H. On Franalsco's alleys butt night the Car penter Paper company rolled the Standard OU team. This Is Carpenter' first matsh game and the rolled well, winning the first game, but dropping the next 'wo. Btrkland had high geroa for the Paper oom peny, wklle Trayner hit the pine for W? In his second game, which was high for the Standard Oils. The score; STANDARD CML. IkL Id. Sd. Total. Thomas .. black Hewvrd .. Hebert ... Hathaway Trayner . UI IM 171 134 U4 11 UT in si Totals ' got m t,tu CARPENTER PAPER COMPACT. 1st. Id. Id. Total Smith UT Conley 1 Birhland 1 Newton 154 inuley UI Sorter Ill lit 1M i 1W Ui m Totals 709 t,107 The Loch's Willow Springs took three games from the Mnhroder's St. James last night on the Metropolitan alleys. James llatir took all honors for the St. Jamus, with SH for total thro games, and Waymueller had high single game for the ame team, with Ml, while Keyt took high totals far the Willow Springs, with Ml and Martin ef the same loam had high single game of tn. Tonight the Brudoffaaid Crown and Klancks Qlendalos will bowl. Score: HCHHODERS ST 1st. Moyna vi Weymheller 157 W'lUon .175 tlastur ticannell 187 JAMK3. M. Id. Total. U7 155 443 4 113 A3 101 lit 4M 170 1.1 171 1S3 U 163 ' WS J.5SS SPRINGS 211 1J0 691 Totals 850 Keyt 1D0 GRATEFUL PATIENTS THANK DR. MILEN is. tbtsooobs Kruinr, ' Chief of Staff. Every day letter are received by Or. allien from people whom he has cured of seemingly hepeleas chronio ailments. H.s thirty years' experience and sciontlflo "new method" form of treatment enable htm to perform seemingly miracles In the treat ment af paralysis,, goitre, gall stones, epilepsy, dlaease of the liver, kld- ntys, atemaoh, blood" and all chrsnis and nervous diseases of men and women. If you are In need of his service dou't dulay. Examination and consultation are free and no oaoa are aooopted whiah cannot be cured. Read what those bavs to say who have keen helped by his tietumenC Omaha, Neb., Sept. 13, VJ My Dear Dootur: ' Uixt blss you." i am Writing you In rogard to a friend, but fast 1 am g4ad to tell you I am wll, 1 wala . where 1 Meaee, waah. trun aud aorub baa and in all klnde ef hard urk. I do net take meaiotne ef any kind any mere. ly many frtenaa who were ea doubtful when I went to ae you and was put under your treatment tnins. it is a miracle that I am so Strang and look ea wail. Thank dad I am a well womaa and you have our evenaaung nieaaing. Tours sluoerely, MM. B. N. FRANA8CO. oeiwain, ta iwi tut Ave., West. Hluux City, la, le-U-'OS.' Pear air: I want ta let you knuw that I had been ailing for 1 years, eft and en, and had been to dorlore for relief, but attained not the eitghteat bn.ftt. I suf fered freen nerveuaueaa and paia ee muoli 1 euuld net werk ai my traJe or bjwk smith. I ram te you on or about the firet ef Oeiober, and attar taking your epedfle remetliea aud ether treatment at the effleea was a Uie te be at my hop Ifver the third Aar, and have ever alno. work a auv traoa ail day and feel f.n. I wnt ta thank yeu .and let the public knew ef my revery. Anyone can ad dreea me at North Riverside, or call at my shop. Will tell them just how I auffered, aj.d I oaa amy my we4erful reeevery a as due ta the Aqetre-Amertoan Dootot s' treatment. leurs truly, C. A. KBRN. Pr MUea. ohlef ef staff of the Austra Amerleaa Dee tore, ta located at 4M rUuage Building, 15 th aaa Harney traeta, just opposite the Orpaausa theater, Omaha. A .4 VP, C f4 Twt'Uii . -m,f (UJ I I k 1J M W uM llnil Is Wipmt ataeUo. al(HlMtlllw4klU(Mall iiWuui. ra r ft" apuieipiiiiM i tit,) e-k -J at eulr mM k ii im a& lt H i i mmm. Bea4 kw exUue j f j in in UmI . Tiia a mm af I im. Tm mm s m vwet et uiim awid tia SVe auer. aaorex usaju.a rmru tll.c-, ses otaos, to. IK. ' Vhcr tho Tree Is LiKted" and you are called upon to do your part In the entertainment of the even In;, you'll want to appear In fauttlejss attire. Whether It be a Full Dresa, Tuxedo or Frock ault, you can have It made here with all the perfection of fit and correctness of style you could desire. - Clothe I . make for you will add to the strength of the Impression you make, but they won't cost as much as they do elsewhere. x Opan evenings Too busy making clothes to close. Oernandt Ualier ... Martin .. brink .... ... 1TI ... Ui ... 100 ... lili 17 171 (19 im in r,) ai ui in 17 lit UT 807 999 2,75 Totals 171 Tht tunklst Ptars took three games from the i'arkeys Auto team on the baseinrnt aittys. Captain Charias Ortman took all honors far hla team, with IN emgle game, and K for grand tetal. Captain Tarkey took all honors fnr Ms tnam. with ta single gams, and 471 far high tetal. Cae taln Parkry aya the gasoline gave out, henee their defeat, tcere: MANBT8 BUNK1ST STARS. 1st. tl. M. Total. Ortman 1J ' 17 Ui UK Griffith US 151 111 U kit ran 1U lttl UT 4U Totals U i33 417 , IM PARKET AUTOS. ' 1st. Id. Sd. Total. Morton 141 lte IM t-ar key ..lit U 1S 47t fllmmonds , lua lot 144 462 Totals 43 44S 4t l,tH The People's ftere dropped three games to the fcigaal Carps last -night in the booster league with a total l 1.174 while the army beys get I.K4. Clark had hlga tela! ef 11 Tealght Uie Pcutiie's fctere against Cream Cities. The sure: PBOPLU a STOUU. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. 471 492 4; 472 nvi 172 Thomas Autott Hall ... East .. Bangle Aldrioh US 144 ltV 202 lit 143 1G5 154 17s ltd 154 157 143 172 787 Totals 7S5 802 BIQNAL CuKPS. lt. d. l:b 11$ .' Mil 172 177 , 14 ItiS 207 lift 147 1,874 Id. Total. Clark .. liS 147 , 147 ' 145 1W, (22 4! 40 CIS (11 Booth . Collins Smith .. Holmes V Totals 843 SS5 S26 In a close game Sunday evrnlna th rts Dogs took two gamoa from tlte Nlg'it Mailing Dlvlslun. Luurh hud hleh same for the Sea Dugs, with 177, anil total of i,01. Uullup with 11 and bU was high man for tne ixignt Mailing, score: , 6 111 A dogs: 1st. Id. Id. Total. Crahb 142 16S 157 457 Lough 177 160 164 (M Schmidt 170 lilt 170 lu6 Totals 4.S9 4.S3 NIGHT MAILING. 41 1,43 Sd. Total. 131 523 12i 430 170 506 1st. 2d. . 171 1H7 . 171 UA . 170 H15 Gallup ... Winters ., Jackson ., Totals 510 4t 477 1.45S The Carpenter Transfer bowling tea:n won Its first victory last ntaht over Martin's Tigers at Tuokers alleys. The ttama are Inexperienced as the score will show. . The total of three games for the Carprnter Transfers was 2,02i, against their opponents. 1,014. Uando of Martin's Tiger rolled the highest Individual score. He got 4U7 In the three games. Stafford of I he same team got low store, rolling only MO. The following Is the retailed score: MARTIN'S TIGERS. 1st. 2d. Id. Totals 2d. 1.7 ui Banda 1C0 HO Stafford K Uorkln 142 107 161 v 1 1J7 Meloher ... UI 1S6 115 White H Total , CARPENTERS TRANSFERS. .1,013 1st. 2d. 3d. Totals. O'Hernn 131) 197 131 8S0 Weeks .-. UI 1U 122 414 Christiansen 14! 137' 117 il Nolon liti lo 140 4il TepliiSkl 11 ,131) 153 414 Total 2.P2J Billiards at loath Omaha. The opening game of a bl'llard tourna ment r pi.yea last r.l',.t at Uie Bruns wick bUUard hull, auuth Omvhi. If.lity coptestants bave entered. One or mure Lain UI be played off each evening until the first round Is finished. Last night Charles Blavkusy and l-'tnl O'Rtlcy p ayeu. The former won by a score of t0 to 24. TonlKht C. L. Hoard and Bert Great es will play. "Dig Tina" la Stakeholder. NEW YORK, Dec. 7. State Senator Tim othy D. Sullivan, better known as "Big Tim." was today appointed permanent stakeholder for the Jeffrlee-Jehnson match. All Ute forfeit meney, amounting te ttt.Mt, has been deposited with Sullivan by con sent of all the Interested parties. Zrheaeo Loaoxi Handicap Match. QUINCT. Ill Dec. 7-rybsro failed to inrew Uoorge Turner or Kellogg, la., twice tonight In fertr-rive minutes, thouch mak ing the recent fall five minutes after the state time, gybasco lest the match. Dlanionaa-rRKNgER Uth and Dodge. PRIWCE SUED FOR PART " OF BRIDE'S D0WERY Syndicate of. Creditors Allege rioaa ring Nahloaaao ea Porccsit aaje Boata. BUDA PIC ST, Dec 7-Accordlng to ths news pa par a, a ayndloata of creditors Is suing Prince Miguel of Braganaa, who married Mlao Aalta Stewart of New Tork at Tullooh Caatie. Dingwall. Scotland, Sep tember 15 laat, for tO.0eS.t0tL aoe years ago, a paper nays. Prince Miguel wag la financial difficulties and tho syndicate advanced a large sum, payable whoa ke should make a riok marrlago. The olaisa la aot ap that following aegotia Uuaa. which rosulUd la hla saarrtago to Mlao Anita Stewart, tho prince promised to rooeup tho aymaioato with oae-fLfih of tho dowry, whioh woo .. Mow n-asoo Mlgwol docUnao U pay ke- yond the amount harrowed. Estimate of Expense $103,370,303 Lower Than for it Tear. FIGURES ASE REPORTED TO HOUSE Rednetlen Is Partly Dae ta Order of President Tart 4hat raddle Most Stop Total A moan t Asked f 78J,S3a,OT5. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. That there ha been a careful scrutiny of he estimates ef the appropriations tor the fiscal year ending June St. 1S1V Is shown by the figures submitted to the houee of repre sentatives Mondsy by Secretary of the Treasury MacVeigh. The grand total of estimates for 1911, Is t32.2SJ.d7S, which la 1101 170 JOS lens than the appropriations for the current fiscal year and tl33.OM.4a under the .estimates submitted a year ago for 1"10. A general cut has been made wherever possible and new work authorised osiy where regarded as absolutely necessary. Heretofore It has been the practice of departmental officers to "psd" the esti mates with tha expectstion that they would he materially reduced before being finally passed by congress. As soon as President Tsft came Into of fice ha directed thst this practice be dis continued and gave notice to the members of his cabinet that In the future all esti mates must be submitted on the basis of the actual -needs and requirements of the service. The result Is. the officials say, that the figures submitted today are down to bed rock and will bear the closest examina tion by (he appropriation committees of both houses of -congress. Rednetleae 1st Estimates. Large' reductions In ths estimates are contemplated with the appropriations for the future. In the Treasury department a decrease of tll.eot.tOS for public works; In the War department shout M.WX.WS In the military and establishment, made up of decreases In the estimates for regu'sr supplies, con struction works for the army, mounted equipment, transportation, ordnance and manufacture of ermS. and 11.509.000 for publle works, exclusive ef the Panama canal. In the Nafy flepaftmer.t decrease of 128,, due partly to the fact that "eer tary Meyer hsa not arked for "any money for new ihlpe and that only tt.eoe.OOP Is re quested for armor and armament as against an appropriation of ll.t52,M0 for this year. In the Postofflce derartmnt a reduction of 5.tM.0tO In tho estimated deficiency in the postal revenues; and In the Dipart ment cf Commerce and Labor a decrease from tlt.m.Wl to tl.WO.000 on account of the thirteenth census. On the other hand, there Is an Increase of nearly tlS,0M,t9 for Isthmian canal ex penses. Money Asked by Dt-pnrt meats. The estimates In detail for the various departments are (cents emitted): Legislative t 13.M).r,97 KxecuUve 472.1.0 State department 4,ft7S,01 Treasury 13S SOS, 005 Territorial governments 2S7,i50 Independent offioes . l 4W,(.Hi Ulstrlct of Columbia. ll.tS4.y2) War i0 4l,64o Navy lH.Wl.'iU Interior TTT".:. lil.11. IAS Postofflce department preper l,fl.,GlK) Deficiency In postal revenues '. 19.Htt.12' Department of Agriculture 17,ti5l,13S Commvroe and Labor H.1H7 U Justice 8,MS,U40 Expenses of the postS eervrce are paid from the postal revenue! and are not esti mated for. ' The money order business has grown to such an extent that In the opinion of Postmaster General Hitchcock, some change In tha method of auditing the ac counts Is necessary In the Interest of eoonomy and efflolency, so that he asks for an appropriation of $24,570 io purchase adding machines. For collecting tne corporation tax 10S,- 0J la asked. Total estimates required on account of the forestry service are tM4,7. of this amount M7,5O0 being for the pro tection of the ll.e tot acres recently added to the national forests. Secretary of War Dickinson wants pWO for ths expenses of the encampment and munoevers of the organised militia, as sgalnst an appropriation of 1425,000 for the current year. For building and greundi at West Point military academy fl.070,2&! Is asked. The 117.435,724 asked for under the head of Increase of the navOs for the comple tion, outfitting and armament of vessola already authorized. For modernizing tur rets of naval ships $564,000 Is wanted. For public works under the bureau of yards and docks, the estimates - Include: Navy yard Boston, $106,000; naval station. Guantanamo, $100,000; navy yard Mare is land. $10:,0CJ; navy yard, New York, $616,- 000; navy yard, Norfolk, $380,000; naval sta tion, Pearl harbor, Hawaii, $2,04&,O0; navy yard, Philadelphia, $215,000; navy yard. Pugct Sound, $85,000; for land for a tor pedo station, near the Pacific ooast of the United States, $145,000. Appropriation for Public Halldlags. Under the head of public buildings, soma of the estimates include: Counctfl Biffs, la.. SoO.OOO; Danville, 111., $100,000; Denver, Colo., $0,0M; Eureka, Cal., $75,000; Kansas City, Kan. $M,00; Min neapolis, Minn. ,100,000; New Orleans, $3N, Many littl obliga tions ef life can be discharged in good taste with a box of good cigars.- j We don't talk about aL far that art thtmf, but abent td cigar that at our prices ao ens can match. A few example! 1 GEN. BKADDOCK. Colo, nial also, box of tS,$lJtX RICORO, rorfoooionoelo aiao, box of 13, $14 PALMA DE CUBA, DoU. eioooo also, boa ml as. Hjoo I BENEFACTOR, Invinci ble also, boa of 2S, $IM SANTA BANA. Porfoct eise, box Kt.SlJO UNITED IGAR . 1 : .,-'$5.";:- M 17 v STORES ::3th I8TH mm. 219 y;..y.-v L4 4Q buhcls crC Wheal 1 f i, 0M; Oklahoma City, Okt Ottumwa, la., ttt.tttt; St. Leyis, Me., oeotofflee, $71. UO; Bait Lake City, Utah,, Iw.tH; Tacoma, Wash., 14,l. " ' The tetal Increase In Isthmian canal ex peniltures Is from IU.(,M to f4I.M3,S21 Far publlo works under the War depart ment the estimates Include J. ," for the alteration ard niaiiift-nence of the sea oast artillery; U.lll.M for sea coast batteries lu the fuliitiiuksi tl,!AfcW (or (ertldca tieos in the insular posaiens; 6aS,Wt far st ere bouses at Manila; fltt.Mt for eern pleting tie military prison at Fort Lea venworth; USA,m to complete the army supply depot at Fort alaaen. Cel.; 9S,u for a cavalry post lu Hawaiian territory and $l0,0v0 for the improvement ef the Yellowstone National park. Th Interior department wants IMA, far protecting tha publlo lands, and the attor ney a-eneral for the detection aad prosecution of crimes aaalnat tho erera ment and tha Investlcatlen of tha acts of offloers of the United mates and territorial courts. Secretary Meyer has submitted estlmatee arsresaUnc tJ,i-U.Ul for new ships for the navy, They cams in too lata tr inser tion In tha bookof estimates laid before congrers today and will bo separately transmitted to that body by Secretary MacVeagh. MATRIMONIAL BUREAU IN CLUTCHES OF LAW Weaaoa WTko ' Swlodled 5brasks foresee Two Yeara A are Pleod Ualltr to Similar Offoaso. m r INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. T . Violet aad. Oar-net I .an easier, mother and daughter, formerly of Etanavllle, Ind., whose "matrl menial bureau" caused an Investigation by tha pellee department Jn 197, are In the clutches of the law. It developed Monday that Floreooo Aldeu, arrested Saturday aad oeotoaeed ta two months' lmprlsoniuent for her failure to wed Herman Schrooder of Freedom, Okl., is none other than Oexaet Lancaster. Her mother, Violet Lanoaater, waa arrested today when she attempted to deliver oranges, seme of them filled with merphlno, to her daughter la Jail hero. The Laneestera originally came to grief when August Mlaotinlvk, a farmer of Cort land, Neb., was fascinated by the photo graph of Garnet Lancaster aad advanced money by mail to joal the matrimonial bar gain. When Oaxnet refused ta marry him, Mlachnlek had her and her mother arreatod. They were aent to )all, but whea the daugh ter agreed to marry Mlaehnlck. the two aero released Later the women eheoa to oemplele their terms la Jail. Ioth wore teleaoed aad since have seen living - la Indianapolis. Tho arroot of the girl was caused Satur day by Herntaa Sehroedor of Freedom. Okl. who seat U, expeoting her te marry aim. Ha arrived to perfect the woddlag arraaero meala, bat the girl refused to wed. She eel! aha would relker go to jail. Mar wUa waa gratified. Today tae daughter pleaded guilty te petit lavroeny aad waa aootoaaed to two moataa ta the Iodiaaa woiaan's prlaoe. Her Brother la charged with aiding darnel Id bar aatrtmonlai acmemaa. The poileo wore aetiflod by. pootofflae aotbecUloa today that tha 1 aaossaeie are avaiaad oa as si gee of aahag tho aaaile to a Cough ilon. n aot only atopa a ooogti. but rauovoa tha trrtuuioa which causes U. . '..'foil 1 i 1CAV.- M Is.'SKS .WmW.!.' '. m''-'aiir.T.-.-..'u.-.-.r.'ggS rr rv n xnn itKi S3 Uifiii Houcr q rop tFoilaro per Acre These are the records of some Wyoming farmers men who sought prosperity and found it in the fertile land of Wyoming. Dry fanning has made it possible for the man with small means to earn a home. It means sure crops, year after year, and yields that rivsd the miracles of irrigation. ' Dry farming does not require complicated or expensive machinery. It is especially successful when combined with the raising and feeding of stock. Splendid Profits in Sheep Wyoming is a great sheep raising; country the stave ranks second In the production of wool. Here lambs can be finished for market more cheaply than when shipped away for feeding. Millions ef acres of splendid land lie waiting:. Some of It is irrigated. Much of it is open for settlement under the U. S. Homestead Laws. Special low rvunJ trip rates frtm all faints via West and Northwest to inspect lands ana general Chicago & Horih Western Ry. has collect re accurst artel reliable information on the subject and put It tn the form of seek lets, which art aent fro on requeot Theae bookleta five yrm actual wvrVng facta in regard ta dry fanning methods in Wremirn ant Nterssha, and also about hrlfatlon and irrigated lands others tell of the -wonderful irrigated lands of the Belle Pourche Valley and other points in South Dabnta, or the advantages of dairying, aheep raiting and general farming in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan. They tell you how you may secure a govern ment home stead in divtricta Reached Directly by it Call at our ticket offices and get full and detailed infor mation regarding these opportunities for a new home. Ticket Offices: UOi-UOS Fctrnam St. Omaha, Neb. Robert D. Muir is Arrested Former Employe of Lincoln Bank Charged with Embezzlement at New Karen, Conn. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Doc. 7. Charged with tho embeaaiement of ef the funds of the "fee pie's ui and Trust company, Robert D. Mulr, oashler of the bank, was arrested Monday and locked up la default of bail. Mulr, It la oUed, took HUM but tho offlolaia of tha bank obtained aacuritieo from hlin to tha value of M.Su. Muir la t years old and has a wifs and two children. He eame here from Fort Jervis, N. T., where he waa cashier of a baak, but his early training was tn a Llaoela (Neb.) National bank. While In Nebraska he waa appointed an assistant bank examiner by the federal govern ment. Mull's alleged defalcations wore discov ered In October, while he waa on a vaca tion. Ha was Induced to return aad the shortage waa made good by the directors of tho bank. The arrest tonight waa at tha lnstnieUon of tho Bute Banking com missioners. R00SEVELTS BACK IN JUNE Mra. ReeeeveU Will Leave io Feb. raary to Moot Hosbaad la' Karat. WASHINGTON. Deo. T Word has boon received hero from former President Roosevelt that he and his bob Keriuit are m tho boot of health and that they aspect to return to the United Stales eome time next June. Mra. Reeoevelt will leave hero early tn February ta meet tteem at Khar toum on tho Ntla. In the Egyptian Soudan, tho middle of March. They will proceed to Europe, whore tho oz-prea dent will deliver addreeaea in Berlin. Paris and London, sailing from the latter city for New Tork early In June. MORE LAND IS WITHDRAWN Tracts CootaiBlaa- Mloorals aod v rower Sites. WASHINGTON, Deo. T. Announcement was made at tha Interior department to day that In aid of proposed legislation af fecting tha disposition ef water power aites on tha pub'-lo domain Secretary ef the .Interior BaiSnger has temporarily withdrawn from all forms of entry U.M aeree along Snake river in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho. t.47l acres along South Boulder crook In Colorado, 1.7tS acres along Warner creek in Oregon and eM acres aloag Tubs, crook In Washington, There also has boon withdrawn from oatry M.tBS acres In Wyoming; and Idaho, It having been discovered that they oon toia valuable deposits of phoophate. This waa deao. It waa stated, In aid of pro ps sea legislation affecting the disposal of phBPBjsMo lands. DEMOCRATIC SENATORS v CACCCi to Kloot Now Cko.lsmo.Bi Awaits CmllMnn'i Iwlgaatlee. WASHIKOTON, Dec T. With great serl 1L i the daaaocsra.tle members of the eeiiate mrt tn caucus Monday to s'eot a successor to Senator Carter son, who baa I IMP f I t rir- jrst ''lwm -"N V1 Wm liucllOGiJ ' 40 Bushels of IVheat Another 60 Bushels of Oats Another 200 Bushels of Potatoes the Nerth Western Line, entblt homeseekert conditions with the greatest tctnomy. Tbt At '. lUMtSI raraasi St, "t I am interested in opportuni ties for bomeseekers and would like your publications on Name Address. l-sj Plovingot,mift,fii Broad tVairiVJ determined to resign aa chairman of the caucus bevauee of 111 health. A tentative program had been arranged by which Mr. Money, rloe chairman, was to be elevated to the lesderohlp and waa to decline because of ill health. Senator Baoon was then to be selected aa chairman. With this program agreed upon, Senator Culber son's letter waa read te the assemblage, and then It was discovered that he had not re signed the chairmanship, but had merely stated his purpose ef ee doing. Immediately all the wall-laid plane of tha statesmen were upset and farther a alien was postponed until definite action IS takea by the Texas eenater. The caucus elected Themaa W, idelior of West Virginia assistant doorkeeper, which peaitloa Is equivalent to a democratic repre sentative ef the sergeant-at-anns on the fleer ef the senate. Mr. Reiler has been In Uie employ ef the senate for thirty years. LAKE BOAT LIKE fCEBERG Freighter Reaches Dalath After a Thrill I as; Trip In Teeth of Fierce Unlo. DULUTH. Minn., Deo. 7. The package freighter Muncy ef the Anchor Line, whloti arrived here last night, had a thrilling trip from Houghton to Duluth. The Miuioy, aa it ilea at the Omaha dock, Is a veritable Iceberg. Seoond Mate J. J. Smith sstd: "We left Houghton about I e'olock Sun day evening. About It o'clock a heavy southeaster, with much enow, struck; us. It waa the wot st night I have epent on the lake. The . wavee washed over the dorke and the spray daahed from thirty to forty feet up the spare. The water freae as fast as it struck. A big wave washed EL.OIN MINUTES I A N on-time watch xIl 6t$ a good ex ample in punc tuality. Nothing could more emphasize the value of a minute than the infinite care put into all Elgin Watches to make them accurate-to-the-minute timekeepers. The watchword is 30LX O. M. WHEOIX M4al II 5is Piadanl Windinc and Scttina. fitvtateen t otis. Ruby and iiwhirs bakeacc and center wtl CeiatwaMbaj baonce. arefutt htir- spnag, with ancreaMlric rslster. ArfJeMed u icasianire,eoireaiBi, inree powttees. Hriffit nrwlini catk and sclf-lecklng setting devfce. Uiut ruii. nates sinuaktenrd. Fn traviaf lalaid with geld. Ope a face aad Bootleg cases. la ruled eld Oaoes, aad ep. aa Boiid eid Oooee. pee aad a. Other tuxA model at ether prices according te el ateveiuenl aad cue. AH L Biedeis are sold br icwelers every where, aad are hiAy i aaiauteed. . KLCM MAHOKAL WATCH CO KP ANT. W P" 4" to visit the i - away the tank feten-1 to the forward deck and tore away the pilot house bridge. About midnight the water entered the cabin windows. At times we believed that the ship was sinking." Calhoun Named Minister to China Chiotg? Man Will Accept ths Pott Vacated by Enforced ttasijpia tion of Crane. WASHINGTON. Deo. 7. Announcement was made at the State department today ef the appointment of William J. Calhoun of Chicago, as minister to China. Mr. Calhoun has acoapted the appointment aad the Chinese government has Indicated Its pleasure In receiving him. In appointing Mr. Calhoun to the Chlneae mission. President Taft has selected a mn tiF wliiA MurLniu fcnA Ana welt qualified to fill that very important post. MUST COME BACK TO OMAHA Three Alleged Heathers of Mebray Gang; Aro Denied Writ of Habeas Corpus at San - paaatseo. BAN FRANCISCO, Deo, T.-Tlie federal court toUay denied the petition of A. O. Moore, R. D. Harrtman and W. D. Drown for a writ of habeas corpu to prevent their removal te the Omaha dlatrlot for trial on charges of oonspiraey In eonneo tlon with the Maybray gai.g of alleged swindlers. They will appeal to the su preme court. The men were .arrested in Ban Jose. 9 ' MlaH' w Em m Vfp w L