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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1909)
A 'w close at 6 F. M- daring Jaly A-s set lilnrttri at 30 P. It 1 mtljt TRAINLOADS OF NEW HEN The New Redfern Corsets ISIO 15 lO DOUGLAS STREET Pressed Steel Cr Works Bring: in 1,080 Strikebreakers. DOUGLAS STREET u n; oMAii.v kin-day vr.E: ArnrsT ir. ioop. 7TT) II 1 ill kXl till FOR FALL ARE HERE We nre pleased to announce the arrival of our Redfern Corsets for fall. Every new style feature has been closely studied; so we can safely say they are the most scientifically designed and the moRt comfortable and stylish corset made. One feature which is noticeable at first sight is the extreme long hip and at the same time is comfortable. This can be done only by a designer of unqualified ability. Redfern Corsets are acknowledged as the height of corset art. May we not have the pleasure of seeing you at the department Monday and show you these beautiful new models! Comfortable fitting rooms and expert fit ters always in attendance. Second floor. All Redfern Corsets have the Sf-tft-Itubber Button Hose Supporters 0 V1- attached Wash Goods Dept. The Summer Wash Goods season is draw ing to a close and we shall soon need the room h that Wash Goods occupy for winter materials. iV To dispose of all Wash Goods at once we have 40c Imported Chevron Ginghams, Monday at, a yard 19c 35c Imported bordered Ginghams, 44 inches wide, at, a yard 19c 15c Batistes, at, a yard 9c 50c all linen Suitings, Monday, at, yard, 25c Remnants of all kinds of Wash Materials at still greater reductions. Special Sale White Pique for Women's Skirts and Dresses 4 pieces 50c White Pique, in this sale, 25c 1 piece 50c White Repp, in this sale. .25c Special Sale of Ruffled Swiss and Snowflake Curtains at Half Regular Prices. NO DISORDER AT PLANT Attempt Will Be Made to Rename Operation Monday. Soldier Are Still on Gnard at Port William, Oat. PITTSBURG. Aug. 14-Two train loads of men. numbering 1.0S0 arrived here to night from th east and were housed in the Bchoenvllls plant of the Preened Rteet Car company. The men will be placed at work on Monday In the place of the em ployes of the company who have been on a strike for nearly five weeks. No trouble was experienced when a boat containing the workmen was landed at the river urate of the company's plant, the strikers evidently being overawed by the show of force made by the state constabu lary and the deputy sheriffs. A Ratling Run has been Installed on the boat. The majority of the new arrivals are said to be skilled American mechanics, and with several hundred men taken Into the plant earlier today, the company has approximately 2.000 men ready to resume operations Monday. More than 200 families of strikers oc cupying company houses were served with eviction notices tonight, and ordered either to return to work or leave the company's premises. A mn.ii meeting cf the strikers has been called for tomorrow to discuss plans for settlement of differences with the company. "Steve" Ilorvath, the striker who was killed dOrlng an attack on Major Smith, a negro, at McKees Rocks Thursday, was burled today. Three thousand strikers from the Pressed Steel Car company's plant 'escorted the body to Pittsburg from Schoenvllle. Quiet at Fort William. FORT WILLIAM, Ont., Aug. 14. Condi tions are normal tonight In the dock dis trict, except that a line of military pickets Is covering several miles of railway and thirty blocks in the coal dock district where the strikers reside. The strikers kept close to their homes tonight and all lights were out. Strict guard was main tained throughout the night and every In dividual approaching tha military line was halted and turned. In the big freight sheds men tolled by electric light. The accumulation of truf fle is enormous and 160 green strike break ers cannot do the work with dispatch. A few Hungarians and Poles slipped Into the military lines and under protection of guns resumed their labors, ' but the body of strikers remain stolid and Indifferent. $2.25 colored Snowflake Curtains at $1.13 a pair. 2.75 colored Snowflake Curtains at $1.38 a pair. $4.60 colored stripe Snowflake Curtains at $2.25 a pair. 4 Be white stripe Swiss Curtains at 19c a pair. $1.10 white Swiss Curtains at 56c a pair. McCall's Maga zine for September Now Ready $1.20 -white figured 8wlss Curtains at 60c a pair. $1.25 white dotted Swiss Curtains, Monday at 63c a pair. $1.80 colored figured Swiss Curtains at 80c a pair. $2.60 colored figure Swiss Curtains at $1.25 a pair. Enjoy the Resting Rooms on Our Third Floor. Boy Bank Robbers Are Arraigned Youths Captured at Santa Clara, Cal., Admit They Planned Series of Holdups. Bee, 8-15-'09. I Bell, Deng. SIS BOTH IIOSII BJBAOH ALL BIPTI. Ina. A.-1HX HETDLER MAKES R0 CHANGES ' mof,t them have been directed against, hibttlon games for six weeks in San Fran Will Continue the Same System aa Was Used by Pnlllam. NEW YORK. Aug. 14. No change of policy will be made in the management of affairs In the National league now that John J. Heydler Is president of the organ ization as tha successor of Harry C. Pul llam. There is no particular reason why there should be. Mr. Heydler has been associated with the former National league president from the time that he accepted office as the chief executive of the organ ization and Is as thoroughly acquainted with the details of the position as if tie had been the head of the league. After settling tha affairs of tha estate of the former president Mr. Heydler will return to New York and assume the general wor of the organization practically where it ceased when the late ptesident returned to this elty after his vacation In the west. As a matter of fact, Mr. Heydler has been the real head of the league for most of the present base ball year. It Is not an office wtlcli was sought by the' present National lengue president. He hns repeatedly stated that he could not be Induced to accept it, but he was the logical successor of the former president, and the man fur tho place, in view of the fact that he virtually had oeen at the head of the league's affairs all through the season of 1909. As a rule there has been comparative peace on th fields of the National league this year. Now and then some one has broken out in sore anguish, and upbraided the umpire, and a few punishments have been visited on the heada of offenders, but managers. The umpiring hasn t been so awfully good that the umpires can olaii.i any special credit for seal on their part. It is simply the disposition of ttya players to let the judges of play alone, and if they do say anything to them to poke fun at them rather than ebuse them. It is true there are some umpires who haven't any sense of humor. If they had It would be difficult to get one or two of them to go on the field. Broadly speaking, the days of umpire baiting seem to be waning. Now and then there Is a sporadic outbreak of clamor and hullabaloo, but it doesn't last If the umpires are very bad there la hope that they will strike an equitable average somewhere, and If they are very good no one wants to say anything. It would be well if some of the spectators would accept the situation In the same light. There has been so much written In fun about abusing the umpire that some of the younger element of New York who are desperately fond of base ball, but accept American humor with a grim sense of seriousness, look upon the Judge of play as an enemy to all mankind. Cisco, Los Angeles and other cities out that way after the coast league season closes on October 31. At this time the plans are rather hazy, but Long has stated that he will open negotiations in a short time and believes that the plan will not only go through, but will prove a success. SANTA CLARA,' Cal., Aug. 14.-The two youthful bank robbers who were captured yesterday after an automobile chase fol lowing their robbery of the bank in Santa Clara, today confessed to Sheriff Lang- ford that they had planned a aeries of bank robberies, and that the Santa Clara holdup "was only an experiment." Aocfjrdlna- to Joe Wlllots. hp and .his companion, Frtl Crr, had so far ma tured their plans that on last Thursday with a hired automobile awaiting their re turn, they entered the First National bank. In the heart of Oakland, and calmly weighed the chances of making their escape with a fortune. So many people were In the bank at the time that they decided not to make the attempt. The two boys were arraigned in court here today and held under $20,000 bonds on a charge of robbery. Both were taken to the Jail at Ban Jose. In court they re fused to divulge their Identity. COLLEGE GOLF IN SEPTEMBER FAST TENNIS FOR KANSAS CITY Play follows the Middle West at Omaha Field Club. Tha Eighth Annual Missouri Valley Ten nis championship will be held at Kansas City the week of August 23, a week after the middle west tournamunte In Omaha It will be held under the auspices of the Kansas City Athletic club for the cham pionship in both gentlemen's singles and doubles. Entries should be made to J. S. Trltle, chairman of the tennis committee, before August 21. The privileges of the club house and athletic field of the Kan sas City Athletic club will be at the dis posal of the players. The winner In sin gles will be called upon to. play Harry Brewster of St. Joseph. BRITISH TENNIS TEAM IS READY Roal Success comes to the man or woman who stands squarely on two feet with mind and body In poise and nerves that don't fail when needed. If you eat GRAPE- NUTS, made from the field grains which contain the natural phosphate of potash, placed there by Nature for rebuilding brain and nerve cells, you're bound to have "gin ger" and nerve." "There's tv. Reason." Read "The Road to v Wellville." in pkgs. It's a little gem on right living. Thin as Being- Whipped In Shape for the Annual Meet. NEW YORK. Aug. 14.-For tha annual golf championship, which this year will be held over tha Apawamls links. Septem ber 11 to 18, the Intercollegiate Oolf asso ciation Is already beginning to have things whipped into shape. According to a slight change In tha constitution, any college In good standing may now be elected to mem bership, but the most Important departure this year will be with regard to the scor ing for the team championship. This will allow of only on point for a win In place of the old system of a point for the match and a fraction for every hole up. One matter which the officers of the associa tion are proud is the reduction of the debt to $o0. Borne five years ago this deficit stood at 1700. The week's proceedings will open with team matches on Monday and Tuesday, the whole of Wednesday being set aside for the individual championship qualifying play over thlrty-slx holea. The composi tion of all the aides for the team matches has not yet been made known. Yale, how ever, will have a strong representation tn the following: K. E. Moaner. H. O. Logg. Robert Hunter, B. P. Merrltnan, ' 11. V. Haytie and W. B. Langford. Logg is this year's transmltslaslppl champion and Merrlman and the Connecticut tllleholder. Hooper. Capable substitutes have also beew chosen. Hurst.... Clifford Dunning and R. L. Jackson will b1," form the backbone of the Williams team! s auijii". The colleges at present la membership are: Baker. Yale, Harvard, Williams, Princeton, Co lumbla, Cornell, Dartmouth and Pennsylvania. Chose a to Cross Poad for the Davis Trophy. LONDON, Aug. 14. A team to represent the British Isles in the preliminary lawn tennis matches to be played at Philadel phia, beginning Keptxmber 11, In order to decide whether a British or an American team shall go to Australia In an endeavor to bring back the Dwlght F. Davis inter national cup was recently chosen. The teum will be made up as follows: A. W. Gore, the English champion; L. H. Esoombe and W. C. Crawley. WAR GAME IN BAY STATE (Continued from First Page.) day brought tha news that a large part of the Invading army had landed from trans ports somewhere on the Buzzards bay According to the rules of the war game, all telegraph and telephone lines are supposed to have been cut Immediately after the first news was flashed from the south shore to Boston that the city was threatened will; attack. The news of the landing places of the In vaders was, by the rules of the game, sup posed to be learned by the army of defense only by means of the field telegraph, scouts and possibly by the use of balloons. Oeenral Leonard Wood, the chief umplie In the war game, arrived at New Bedford during the day and established his head quarters on the White farm, In Rochester ten miles from that city. (Great MttcFatioi Sale Our entire stock, all our spring and summer goods, also all our early fall goods that arrived during the extensive alterations done on our building must be closed out before we announce our formal opening. Don't miss this opportunity ot buying high class tailored suits, coats, skirls, dresses, shirt waists, etc., at wonder tul sacrilice. All Oar Tailored Salts at a Great Sacrifice All our $22.60 and $25.00 Tailored Suits; alteration sale price $10.00 All our $27.50 and $29.75 Tailored Suit; alteration sale price .' $12.50 All our $32.50 and $35.00 Tailored Suits; alteration sale price $15.00 All our $37.50 and $40.00 Tailored Suiti; alteration sale prioe $17.50 All our $45.00 and $50.00 Tailored Suits; alteration sale price $10.50 All our $55.00 and $65.00 Tailored Suits; alteration sale price : . . . $22.50 All Oar Tailored Wash Soils at a Great Sacrilice All our $12.50 and $15.00 Tailored Wash Suits; alter ation sale price $5.05 All our $17.50 and $19.50 Tailored Wash Suits; alter ation sale price . . . .$7.50 All our $22.50 and $25.00 Tailored Wash Suits; alter ation sale price. . .$10.50 All Oar Coati at Great Sacrifice AH our $22.50 and $25.00 Coats; alteration sale prioe, only .....$12.50 All our $17.50 and $19.50 Coats; alteration sale price, only $0.75 All our $13.75 and $15.00 Coats; alteration sale price, only $7.50 All our $10.00 and $120 Coats ; alteration sale prioe, . only $5.05 Thousands of Skirts at Great Sacrilice Over 500 $15.00 and $17.50 Skirts; alteration sale price, each $9.75 Over 1,000 $12.50 and $13.75 Skirts; alteration sale price, each ; $7.50 Over 500 $8.75 and $10.00 Skirts; alteration sale price, each $4.95 All our $7.50 Wash Skirts; alteration sale price $3.75 All our $5.00 Wash Skirts; alteration sale price $2.50 All our $2.50 Wash Skirts; alteration sale price $1.25 lingerie Dresses at Great Sacrilice All our $35.00 Lingerie Dresses; alteration sale P" $17.50 $29.75 Lingerie Dresses; al teration sale price $14.85 $25.00 Lingerie Dresses; al teration sale price $12.50 $19.50 Lingerie Dresses; al teration sale price, $9.75 $15.00 Lingerie Dresses; al teration sale price, $7.50 $12.50 lingerie Dresses; al teration sale price, $6.25 Shirt Waists at Great Sacrilice $1.25 to $1.75 Shirt Waists; alteration sale price.. 98c $2.00 to $2.50 Shirt Waists; alteration sale price $1.39 $2.75 to $3.50 Shirt Waists; alteration sale price $1.98 ment will be closed September 6. This feature of the fair is in charge of J. P. Cintllllon of Casper. Finds Wife Has Negro Blood and Shoots Her Dead man, was overcome and was taken home In an unconscious state. Ills case is not considered serious, however. Tragedy of Races Ends. Married Life of Eight Years Woman is Beautiful. COLUMBUS. O., Aug. 14. Ascertaining after eight years of married life that his wife had negro blood in her veins, Alfred Haberman, a white man, after a visit to Washington, D. C, returned today to their home in this city and shot her and him self. Neither oan recover. Mrs. Haber man was considered a beautiful woman. Jumps from Train, Dragged by Heels Man Has Skull Fractured While Try ing to' Escape from Detectives. More Bouts at 'Frisco. BAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 14. The man agement of the Mission Athletic club of this city has announced a bout for tha 115 pound championship on August 20. Monte Attell, the tllleholder, will meet "Percy Cove for twenty rounds. Johnny Fray no and Dick Hyland fight at tha Mission club on the same day. Hasten and (larva Meet. The Hanfctrs and the W. U. Clarks will play ball at Florence Sunday at 2 p. ni. sharp, these teams have met twice this year ana etcn team lias wun one gamn and keen rivalry exists between them. Botli teams have been sirengihened and a close game U predicted. Kender will pitch for the Rangers, while A-.devson or Baker will throw tor the Clarks. 1 lie lineup: Ciarks. Carlson... elon.... Eason 'Anderson.. ouiou. Kanusi K Kirai Mitchell . tNeuona Kiglei .'third Hart fchoit Pickett Left Harunun . renter Knee . K ht , LangiT I'aicner Overman . l'l cher iiender . Pitcher Bin Ball at Wyoming Fair. DOUGLAS, Wyo., Aug. l4.-tSpeclal.)-A baae ball tournament with big purses will be one of the features ot the state fair to be held at Douglas September 28 to Oc tober 1. Seven hundred dollars will be dis tributed to the winning team, $200 to the second team, $100 to the third and $50 to tha fourth. The entries for this tourna- e- Vn j) AfNOTMff iAfllr-ACflOU NEW YORK, Aug. 14. Attempting to jump from the window of a moving tralr. on the Third avenue elevated railroad to day to eecupe detectives who had him un der arrest on a charge of burglary, Wil liam O'Brien was held by the heels and dragged for nearly a block with his head bumping on the railroad ties. Ills skull wun fractured and he is not expected to re cover. O'Brien was chatting with the de tectives until he made a sudden dush for the window and plunged out of It. Many skeleton keys and pawn tickets were found in his rooms. FAST BALL FOR PACIFIC COAST Two Big Loavara Teams to Play la rallforalas NKW YORK, Aug. 14. It la reported here that Danny Long, secretary of the Pacific Coaat league, is cherishing an Idea, whereby tha fans of the far slope will be shown some major league baa ball neat autumn. Long plana to have two picked teams, on front the American leagu and tha other from the National organisation, play &- In triors Art Victors. a fast and Interesting itimc the Vic tor defeated the Young Men's ChrixtlMi association team by the vcore of S to 3. In five innings. Frank ir.ininian. the strike out pitcher, twirled for the Victors and allowed but four hits and struck out eight men. The veteran catch 'i'. Ovcrnmn, ha 1 to leave the game In the third and Johnson succeeded him and did fine work behind the hat for the Victors Desperate Buootlua pains In the cheat tequlre quick treatment with Dr. King's New Discovery. Prevents pneumonia. tOc and $1.00. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Kf, awwy 1 1 1 i ; i h ip We dou't care what any one el be may tell you or whatever you may think, any one of these special COAT AND PANT SUITS made-to-measure FOR $15.00 will please even the mont par ticular man. The fabric! are splendid values actually sur prising values. The cutting Is our characteristic best. The tailoring Is Irreproachable MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. U 804-8041 0o. teth St.. Near H jj trti and Far nam ait. B NEW DISEASE AMONG INSANE Government and State Etlte"1, Investigate Pellagra at Httfte Asylom. PEOniA, 111., Aug. 14.-"Pellagra," the recently discovered disease among the In sane at the state Institution at Uartonvllle, has caused an investigation by the dif ferent branches of the government, as well as the state board of health. Dr. J. A. Kfe-an, secretary and chief executive of liie state board of health, on returning from the asylum yesterday Immediately . i.-.t the marine dcDtti tment at W'ashtng- i.;n and Dr. Lavlndar Is on his way to Peoria. WASHINGTON, Aug. 14-"There lx more 'pellagra' in the country now than at any time since the new disease i discovered, and frcm Information received. It apparently Is on the increase, especially in the eourh." Thi statement was made by Surgeon General Wyman of the publlo hialth and marine hospital service today when asked concerning the visit of Dr. Davindar, the pellagra expert, to Peoria. III., where tha dlseaae Is believed to hav developed in the Illinois Insane asylum. Dr. Wyman stated that Dr. Lavindar as sent to that institution fn response to a request from th authorities there, who have under observation about fitly patients bsllevid to be affected with the disease. Balloon Corps Latest by Glidden Autoist Will Organiie Volunteer Department of Prominent Aeronauts. BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 14 Massachu sett 1 to have the first "volunteer bal loon corps' In th world, according to the announcement made today by Charles J. Glidden, the well-known aeronaut and automobllst, who la now making plana for organizing th aeronautlo corps this fall. The volunteer corps will consist of men of prominence who ar Interested In aeronautic and will be made up of two divisions, pilot and meteorological. Among those who have been Invited to join the meteorological section ar Prof. W. H. Pickering and Prof. A. Lawrence Rotch of Harvard and Prof. David Todd of Amherst. at the age of 25. He has been prominent I In business circles of western Iowa for many year. He leaves a wife and two children. Mary Collin. Mrs. Mary Collins, S0t South Twenty first street, died Friday night at the age of 70 years. She lived in Omaha for twelve years. Th funeral will be held Monday. Interment Will be In Holy Sepulcher cehi-tery. MEDALS F0R GALLANTRY Flv Officer and Two Enlisted Men Commended for Cdct Under Fir. WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-for gallant conduct whll under fir of th enemy In th Philippines or tn Cuba, flv officer and two enlisted men yetaerday war awarded medals of honor by th War de partment. Those thus honored were Major James Church and Major Paul T. Btraub, medical corps; Lieutenant George C. Bhaw and Lieutenant Charles O. Beokman, Twen ty-seventh Infantry; Lieutenant Charles K. Kilbouine, signal corps, and Peter H. Qulnn and Beth E. .Weld, private. DEATH REC0RD. F. O. Head. F. O. Hendee, a wealthy cltlxen ot Sloan, la., died last night at St. Joseph's hos pital In this city of peritonitis. Early this week, while returning from a Visit to Kan- saa with his family, he was suddenly at tacked and was taken from th train her tn the hosDltal. An operation failed to save his life. Mr. Hendee was 61 ye' old. He was a native of Llncklaen, N. T-, having removed from that place to Sloan Quick Action for Tour Money Tou get that by using Th Be advertising column. kotxhxbttb or oceah teambxips. Port. NKW YORK... Ql'KnRC ROTTKRDAM. PLYMOUTH... MOVIIXM OSNOA Arrived. .. Pannanls ,.,Lk Champlaln.. .. Noordam .. Prwtdent Orant.. . . .Corsica Gentle Dentistry Did you ever notice the dif ference In the manner In which various dentist clean teeth. Most dentists polish the visi ble surface only, leaving the spaces between the teeth and at their backs just as unclean and full of souring food a they were before. In my office, It takes a long time to clean a set of teeth. Kvery surface, and every little apace between the teeth are thoroughly cleansed and prophylactic-ally treated. I charge 1 for this. Dr. J. B. Fickos 217 Hoard of Trade, Doth 1'luines. 10th and Farnam Kt., H. W. ill it sell Kfti&a Wi miki Onuha Trunk Factory W also oarry a fin ltn of Leathsr goodi Dong-. 10&a ISO raraam St. In. A-10S8 l.lahtulug strike Farmer. LOUP C1TV. Neb., Aug. ll.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Whll engaged in stacking alfalfa on his farm, some six miles southeast of ) town, this afternoon, Mike Zodzka, a Po 1 lander, was struck by lightning and in stantly killed. The fearfully hot aeathcr j for the last few days claimed one victim yesterday aftormxiu. Kay Uradley, a dra tars and IMa9aaalW 1 ires. Trading Stamps Stripes A beer just suited to quaff at home a night-cap for the sociable evening a refreshing draught, for the late supper a delightful glass to sip under the evening lamp. Stars and Stripes is a foaming, sparkling beverage for the keen palate for th connoisaieur. Have a case delivered to your horns. Willow Springs Browing Co. wa limn S1.25 l.SO In 8 tamps U) given with each tw aoien can of small Dottla. oo ilverod In ih city for., 3.00 r ""tamps (St) given with each tw dot en case of 'jtrg bonus, d- (tn nr llvrd In 2,Vn th elty r..t, Out ot town cus tomer add fl 21 tut cas and bottles. Of flee, 1407 Barney t Vhoa Doug. 13O0. Brewsry, ad and Xtckory. raoa song- lees.