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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1909)
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. AUGUST 14. 1900. 13 GRAIN ANB PRODUCE MARKET !thinj to Wheat but a. Let ( Scalp. lag Work. WEAKNESS OP Till TTLADX TUJ3 '.'settled WMlktt la Merely Tasax ttwrmry restart) and Wktl Parts Wi Mnn Pries . win him. OMAHA. Aug. U, IMt. There was nothing the lmt mwkM '."I"'' r-'Pln affair through- tut. The weak condition nr the ...wri as plainly seen bn prices broke yes terday lor a 8-cent Iom in leas than two1 hours what it had taken mora than two Un to gain. T"e unsettled weather li nerely a temporary feature, and when the tprlntT wheat nvuvaa tha prices will start igain on tha deejlne . K',.wi''an. "Ve 1' the corn belt " lW? nM relieved he drouth scare, i here should ba an exeeiient movement of -ro as soon tut threshing has been com pleted. heat wi alow and ery dull on lower cables ani buyers were not supporting tha market. It li evident no ona wishes to If-ad uv.a line of wheat In face of the moveynent of new spring wheat In tha north, Some Jlttla advance waa gained at tii.- close on covering of ahorta. Corn waa unchanged early, but firmed up later on (rood buying aa a result of con firmed damage re porta. Newa la generally bullish a to the hot. dry condltiona pre vailing. Cah corn waa In good demand and brought better prtcea. Primary wheat receipt were T39.000 bu., and shipments were 42a.MN bu.; against re ceipts lsi year of add,) bu.. and anlp nienis of 48, 0u bu. Primary corn receipts were 891.008 bu , and shipments were 347.909. ; against re ceipts laxt year of 324,099 bu.. and ship men is of 20t,000 bu. Clearances were 225 bu. of corn. 860 bu. m oat, and wheat and flour equal to .jo tu. Llveipoot closed 4titVl higher on wheat, atvd N'SHd lower on corn. Lorai tange of option. J 71- December at II 044 and May at CfRN-Recelpts, none. Ppot market waa nrm: No. I mixed, old. TlWc. elevator, and 7c, delivered, nominal; No. 2 new. CV.p. winter shipment The option market wa without transaetlons and closed 4c net higher. Kept ember closed at 73St,c and De cember at MHo. OATH Receipts. 60. bu Ppot tnarket teadyi milted oata. K to K the. 4V. nom inal: natural white. 29 to tt the , 474949Hc; eljfd while. M to 4S Ibe . WtMy. FKED Firm: swing bran .'Kiev mid dlings, ra m. HOPS Dull; state, eotnnvm to choice, l. hlttV; HPT, nominal; Pacific coast, W08. lf17c; 107. llflHc HAT Firm; No. 1 7oj0c; good to choice, ssetii m. HIDES Steadyi Gogata, VHtrnMe; Cen tral Amerles JIUc. PROVIPIONrWReef quiet; family. 114 00 614 Ml; mess, fll oa-tll 60: beef hams. 824 99 tint; racket, 81! fdfiu 09: city extra In dian mesa. I3rt Sayj n 0. Cut meats, sleadr; pickled bellies. fll W; pickled hams. 8lt 80113 09. Lard, firm; western. 3ll7is 11: refined firm: continent tl!90: South America. 113 ; compound. n.6tT7.75. Pork steady; family. 821 5ffa 00; short clear. naMSfSMt; mens. Cl.TMf 22.1S. TA w iMeaay; city, s-ic; country, I -lW5 11-lSc. BL'TTER r irm; creamery extras, KO CHEEPB "teady; unchanged. EOQS Eay; state. Pennsylvania and nearby selected, white, hennery, fancy, 2J Ulc: gathered whites, 3c; western firsts porLTRT Alive, firm; w extern chick ens. l31c: fowls. lfcfflfiHc; turkeys. 14c; dressed, firm; western chickens, broilers, 14920c; fowls. IMt 17c Articles I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Tes'y Wheat Sept.. Dec... I'urr. iepi.. CaAls ept... Dec... oMil u 1 MSI f9V I 6V 24 34 "V S1HI 14'! 34 34 Osuks Cask rtfee. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 7tj8c: No. t hard. l'SKSrc; No. 4 hard, gU4Wc; No. t spring, 7Wsc; no grade, 04H6c CORN-No. I, iu'GlOe; No. 2. i4ois No. 4. Wiif-Oc; no grade. M157c; No. I ell0w. Oii,o; No. t yellow, glOc; No. 2 white, 4c; No. 2 mixed. ttf.UV; No 2 yellow, 34H4Mc; No. 2 white. 32$ 34c. HVt-No. 2, aMTOc; No. 1 I7JC. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Hi 17 2i tl s 2 14 Chlcaco .... Minn a polls Umoha Duluin .... CHICAGO UHAl.t A.1D PROVISIOXB Kewtures at ta Tradlaa; aad ClaalagT Prices Boar ( Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 13.-Fear of a wet har vest In the northwest caused a radical up turn In heat prlcea on the Board of Traue today, final quotations showing net gains of Vtf'sc to 1 pi '.?. Corn, oata and pro vie.inii, also closed firm. The wheat market waa strong all day vim the exception of a short period at tuc .ait, vnen niodrrate declines were experi- u.tiu as a result of selling by southwestern -iiineHH. 'i'he feature of the day's tradliws h .s thu support given toe market by lead ing iOinmuion houses. One of them was iitrdUed witn purchases aggregating ap piuxluiately jt.duw.uuO bu., the greater pari lor December delivery. There waa also frea covering by snorts. Much of the demand vas bawd on reports from the northwest ut wet weather, which may delay harvest ing of the spring crop, one dixpatch told ot a cloudburst In tne southern part ut south Dakota and the northern portion of jSrbiaska. The w.wther bureau also pre dicted showers for Nebraska and Minne sota. 4 taese reports, with a firm market at Liverpool, offset all bearish factors. During the day the (September delivery sold between 7Sb74c and twc. The market closed at almost the top, llh September at iialns lp sections of the corn belt caused temporary weakness In the corn market eany In the day, but the market later Be came strong. The market closed strong at almost the top, with prices up He to o, compared with yesterday's final figures. 1 he oata market was siroi.g thruugliout U,e entire day. The close waa atrong. with i..;iit. up itc to He- luvikions were strong and closed to to Ix mtit'cr. Tlic leading futures ranged as follows: WEATHER 151 THE ORATO BELT Pair aad Coatlssei Warm la the flan. Sweet (. OMAHA. Aug. 13. 18. High temperatures continue general from the mountains t-st over the central val keys to the lake region and warmer weather la again extending over the eastern states. The temperature of M at Omaha Thursday was the highest reoorded during the last five summers and the exceaelve heat waa general over the state; 101 was recorded at Culbertnon, 102 at Aahland, 100 at Auburn and Hastings, and temperatures close to 10 were general throughput the entire state. An excessive rain. t.M inchea. occurred at Valentine during Thursday aft emoon and night, and a fall of L12 Inches occurred at Broken Bow. Lighter showers were scattered over the state, and rain Is falling In the extreme northern portion of the state this morning. Showers were gen eral In the Mississippi and Ohio valleys, and southern states since the preceding report and some very heavy rainfalls are reported at potnts In Illinois and Indiana Temperatures are slightly higher In the west and northwest this morning and the outlook la for continued warm In this vicinity tonight and Saturday, with fair weather, except that local thunder showers may possibly occur tonight or Saturday. Record of temperature and Precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: lWt. lDOt. 1907. Minimum temperature .. 1 7 W Precipitation .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 7S degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March L 1.17 inchea. Deficiency corresponding period, 1908, .06 of an inch. Dt-flclency corresponding period In - 1907, 2.TS Inchea. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Cera aad Wheat Brgloa Balletla. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at I a. m., 7tth meridian time, Friday, August It, 1SW: OMAHA DI8TRICT. Temp. Rain- Stations. Max. Mln. falL Ashland. Neb 102 74 NEWYORR STOCKS AND BONDS Upward MoTement of Union Pacifio Feature of Market KOSE BUMOM OF MELON CU1TLNQ Cesaaaea Advaaeea ta SIB aad Pre ferred te lift Geaeral List Bella Off aa Peralateat Reallalag. NEW TORIC.Aug. 12. Operatera In the stock market today concerned themselves almost wholly with the affairs of the I'nlon Pacific. Rumors of coming financial developments In this property continued to circulate, but they did not serve to hold the general list of stocks against the pres sure uf realising sales, which are pushed constantly. On the Union Pacific stocks tnemseives the current rumors did not lack 'vigorous influence, as shown by the day's advance to 215 for the common stock and IIS for the preferred stock. It is said means might be found to retire the preferred stock. It is sp found to retire the preferred stock on terms advantageous to Its holders to clear the hit for the common stockholders' ex clusive claim to the proposed plan. The terms of that plan continued to be vaguely outlined and tha time of Its adoption in definitely Indicated In the rumors, while of authoritative announcement of the mat ter there waa none. The appointment of a commitee of officials of the company to consider a plan for segregation of the In vestment holdings of atock of other com panies was made some two years ago. A revival of tha discussion of the plan began when the rise In the price of Union Pacific had expanded It to a figure unwieldy for purpoaea of ordinary stock market activity. A substitution of a new security for part of the old stock was then urged as prom ising the advantage of greater facility In opea market dealings, even with no actual change In the dividend disbursements. Union Pacific's 10 per cant dividend now Is expressly designated as f per cent from the railroad operation and 4 per cent from Income on Investmenta. It was urged, furthermore, that an In crease In the dividends If alloted to dif ferent securities would not seem so sensa tional In a way considered undesirable by financial managers on account of arousing public sentiment. The general strength of the market at the opening gave place to a spotty showing of advances here and there, which tnlnned out until the Union Pacific stocks were left practically alone at the higher levels. The preliminary estimates ot the currency movement also gave ground for some hesitation In speculative exten sion. The growing demands of the Inte rior now for money are likely to shape the future of the money market. The general stock market became much unsettled in the course of the day and ran off weak all day with no definite dealings. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, (r.484.000. United States bonds acre unchanged on call. and leading quotations follows: wsr fl.2S2.H4 4t and for the corresponding date be year. M.0M.M1 27. REPORT Or THE CLEARING HOCBB Traaaaetteaa af the 4aenetate4 Baaka for the Week. NEW TORK. Aug. U-Bisdstreet s bank clearings report for the week ending Au gust 12 shows an aggregate of tt.KS tsfr.oon, as against 2X151X2000 last week nnd H.Ht.TTeata in the corresponding week last year. Following Is a list of the cities: CITIES. Amount. Inc. i Dec I Pky. .00 Clear Auburn, Neb 100 62 .00 l't. cloudy Broken Bow. Neb. W tt 1 li Clear Columbus. Neb... 7 72 T Cloudy Culbertson. Neb.. 102 62 T Clear Fairbury. Neb.... 9 72 .00 Clear Fairmont. Neb... W 72 T Pt. cloudy Or. Island. Neb.. 72 .00 Clear Hartington, Neb. 94 70 .20 Cloudy Hastings, Neb.. ..100 72 .00 Clear Holdrege, Neb... 9 g .28 Clear Oakdale, Neb M 70 .27 Cloudy Omaha. Neb 9g 7 .00 Cloudy Tekamah, Neb... M 72 T Cloudy Alta. Ia 9 71 .28 Cloudy Carroll, la 92 72 .00 Clear Clartnda. Ia 100 M .00 Clear Plbley. Ia 9 72 . 08 Cloudy Sioux City, la... 90 7t .02 Raining Minimum temperature for twelve-ho-ir period ending at I a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. Number of sales on stocks were as No. of Central. Stations. Chicago. Ill 2 Columbus. O 16 Des Moines. Ia.... 14 Indianapolis. Ind.. 12 Kansas City, Mo.. 20 Minneapolis. Minn. 29 Omaha, Neb 19 fit. Louis, Mo 12 Temp. Rain. Max. Min. Inches. M M K W 84 9 M 6 2 70 & 72 6fi 72 74 .2a .0$ .10 .4S Allli-rtialmen M Amalgamated Cospr American Agricultural ... Am. Best Sugar Am. Can sfu Am. c. a r Am. Cottoa Oil Am. H L,. pfd Am. lea Seurttlea American btnaeed A merlcan Locomotirs Am. S. a R Am. S. a R TM Am. Sugar Harming Am. Tobatxo pfd American oolen" Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaoo , Atch.aon s'd Atlantlo Coaat Una Baltimore A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pft Bethlehem Steel Brooklrn Rapid Tr Cauadlan Pacllle Central Leather Can. Uaathor pfd Centra! of Wee J freer... Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chlcaso Ot. W Chicago A tt. W C, M. gt. P C, C. C. A Bf. L. Colorado T. A I Colorado A Southern Colo. so. let pfd Colo. A So. 2d pfd Coneolleated Uaa Corn products lielaa-are A Hudaos lenrer a Rio Orande.... D. A R. O. ptd IMatlllera' BeceruUea Brie trie let pfd Erie id prd General Glactiic Great Northern ptd Uraat Northern Ore ctfa.. Illlnola Central ale 10 II. (no on . l.iut S.jog 1300 7W i m 28, i0 401 4-0 &"0 1J l.WO 21 MM 400 f,M) 1W 1.1O0 , !." SOl l 100 . tt.JO) ' " . 23. X) too . !. High. M M n K MH 7a E04 1 H 1164 law 101 3 S4V, 1WS )"4 1(1', nr-4 fl S2 lkdt ; it m UH ' t" 1T 14uH T. 44 lsw. Cloaa. 4M B4 7 7V 4fS M 10; H4 141 V, Ut 1 4i 141 1 l V n l it 310 "i" tt 4H H M 47-4 14 4l It", lt4 M ltU'-4 114 )4)t4 101 MV, 4Ha It New Tork Chicago Boston Philadelphia Ht. Louis I'tttsburg Kansas City San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis New Orleana Cleveland Detroit Omaha Louisville Milwaukee Fort Worth Los Angelea St. Paul rJeattle Denver Buffalo Indianapolis Spokane Providence Portland, Ore , Richmond Albany , Washington St. Joseph , Salt Lake City Columbus Memphis , Atlanta Tacoma Savannah Toledo. O Rochester Hartford Nashville Des Moines Peoria New Haven Bloux City Norfolk Grand Rapids Syracuse Evansville Birmingham Springfield, Mass. Portland, Me Augusta, Oa Dayton Oakland. Cal Worcester Jacksonville, Fla.. Wichita Wheeling Knoxville Little Rock Chattanooga Charleston Mobile Wilmington Lincoln. Neb Wllkesbarre Topeka Davenport Oklahoma City Fall River Kalamazoo Sacramento Springfield, 111 Helena Fort Wayne Cedar Rapids New Bedford. 19.'. 19 !. 10.7 . 20 8 .. ....I 1.2 ... 22 ... 2 4,... 18 7... 21.2'... V6 ... S.0... 21 i ... 64 ;. I. 24. . I 14 1 . 6 V. 2S.8 . 19 .4. .'.!. 10.1 . 28.(1. SI Si . . 15 16.21. !?!. 36. . 11. . 17.2. 13.2;. 24.2.. ...I I .1 Articles.) Open. High.) Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats Sept. Dec. May Pork Sept. Jan. Lard Sept. OcL Nov. Jan. Rlba ftept, Oct. Jan. i4'Ttij; I l I3'i-41 I i JTtJJTH IT . 20 50 1 7a 11 CS U 27V 10 K 90 10 96 10 72 MVsi I ik f e4v, 54V.I M.M'atVil 52S KWl M I te's! i2 I I I 27H 36T J7 37HI T! 27 27 I rj 27 kl tal H 2010 2045 2459 2045 MM lo 7 1 tJ MM U 42 11 22Vs 11 i 11 MS 11 26 11 26 11 16 11 26 11 00 10 95 11 00 10 S2i 7H IN 7V, 90 11 10 10 M U W 11 00 10 MS 10 70 1 12V. 10 71 I97H II7V 197V, IN w i Interborourh Met. .l int. Met. pld .12 ! International Haxeeiter T j Int. Marine pfd i Internattanal p,iu. The westher continues excessively warm I international Pump tnrougnoui tne corn ana wneai region, wwi central Rhoaera occurred within the last twenty four hours In all except the Kansas City district. Excessive rains occurred at points In Illinois and Indiana. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. 100 1 .) 2.M 1.1 4 ew eOJ 15 2.?i 400 "0u 10, .J 11. K 4 40 l.l'O Its us 14-i Illi e-4 17 1. 4iV. 171 S"i lkl li t74 Kansaa Cltr So K C. So. pfd e A N.... g. at. Kaaaaa City G KANSAS CITY. tember, 92'-4c: December, lc, bid; May, 9535Vtc, bid. Cash: Unchanged to lc kigher;iN la aad Previsions. Aug. 11 WHEAT Sep- LotlllTillt Mlr.n. A It. L. M , It. P. A S. Mtucurt Parltlc at , K. A T at.. K. A T. pfd h'ailonal Dl.ruit National Lead K R. R. of M. let pld.... r.ew lorx Central T.. O. a W No. 2 hard, tl.0oiil.0s; No. i hard, Vi-cy i Norfolk A W No. 1 red. North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Firm; winter patenta, fo.tt4Jt.49; straights, S476jD; spring patents, a.8oii a 10; straights. K7Hl SO. bakers, i Jf!o.J. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4t)Alc; fair to cho'ce malting, 67aj4Se. SEEL'S-Flax. No. 1 aouthweetern, $127; No. 1 northwestern, ll4i. Timothy, 1.(0. Clover, 11150. PROVISIONS Pork, mesa, per bbl . 220.M O20 ior Lard, per 100 lbs.. Ill 464.U.47V. tfhort ribs sides (loose). Ill 06 11.15, short clear aides tboxedi. fll.504ll.o2M. Total clrarancea of wheat and flour were equal to bu. Primary receipts were 7&.U00 bu., compared with HS4.0W bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Eatimattd receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, '212 cars; rtin, 177 cars; oata, 221 cars; hogs, 11. WO head. 13 L'TTbK-Steady; creameries. 22V4J2c: daiie. 2tS92tWc KOir tttialv; receipts, 19260 caaea; at mark, cases Included, Uc; firsts, 20c; prime firsts !1V CHEKSK Strong; daltlee. li'giSV-: twins. 14Vr'lSr: you" Ameticae. 168 lio: lout: horns. 16Sllc POTATOES Steady ; choice to fancy, KJ 57c: fair to good. M53c. POULTRY Steady. 15Slrc; turkeys. IE: chickens, 14o; springs. 17c. VEAIy Steady; 50 to 90-lb weights. 89 S',e; W to StV-lb. weights, 95Vic; to 110 lb weights, Vt?10Hc m Rectipta Toda-Wheat. 241 cars; eorn. 171 cars; oats, 409 cara. Estimated tomorroa Wheat. 212 cara; corn. 177 cars; oata. 231 ears. ICW YORK litXEHIL MARKBT ' taaatatleaa al tha Day ah Varleae 4 aassaaaMtlea. NEW TORK. Aug. U-FLOURr-Reoelpta, UM bbla.. exporta. LOOt bbls. Market steady with fair jobbing Uade; Minnesota pat enta, K inter straights, K90i li; new Mmnesvta bakers; t iiiM, old; win ter estraa, U Qt ae, new; winter patents, It sVafiaett. new; winter low grades, I4.j9 4 79. new. Rye flour, quiet; fair ta good, 4 S4. S; ehoice to fancy. RMit H COKNMEAL Kieudy: fine white and yel low, slttlIV. ooante, 1 aiOl ; alio dried. H YE Easy; No. 2 western. 7St nominal. (. o. b., Neii York BARLEY Easy; feeding, pew. Uc, nom inal, a I f. New York WJEAT-Recelpta. 72.009 bu. Spot ma' ket firm; No. 1 red. new. tl WUj. sales, ele vator; No. I red. aew. II loy,. prompt, t. a. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Dulutn. old. II JSV nominal, t a. b. afloat; No, I harJ winter, nominal. 2111. f. o. b. afloat. Apart from some Irregularity at the open ing, wheat was generally strong today, especially n the last hour, when a bull- lh Modern Miller report and rust new from the northweet prompted a scare amort rMm ahorta From the low point prices Jumped lw per bu. and oleaed 4fle above the previous night, fieptembar closed 11.05; No. t red. 1.Hj1.0" CORN" Srpteinber, WQtiSc bid; teeem- Kast 4MTa.nrIesla hM ' Kl a f Kl l-, aaaallaam-J I'osn- 1TnAhs.liae-as4 In !' KtarMaar- fV a f mlvavt kIa- UP1,' Oil No i whf.a!S1C: N' 1 ,,ll IfWaia.! Car.1".: N..'.tJ'h.,f"-4.C- . . Pullman Palace Car UAis-tiicnaiigeo to ic nigner; o. i Rallsar Steel Enrliia H v ir TTeTan; -,Mv, Keaoing RYE ntJSOC Republic ha i c ncnangeo; cnotce limolijy, W)-wtt ll.t; choice prairie. ;.60i?7.7; choice al falfa. Il20014.00. Receipts: Wheat, 199 cars. BUTTER Creamery extra. 2Dc; firsts, 23c; seconds, 21c; packing stock, 18Hc. EOCJS Extras, 23c; firsts, 21c; current re cclpta, 18o; aeconda and dirties, 14c. Receipts, ebtpmenls Wheat, bu. 19 frio 115.000 Corn. bu. 42.000 25.000 Oats, bu. 16.UU9 6,000 Kansaa City options closed as follows: Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat September December . May Corn September December , May 91 Si 90 V w 4Vb U-.ii 5S 60 as 1 92U Mn! SI M IV 5S. 094B '! 4k !g U.xi 6WA A Asked. B Bid. Steel . Republic Steel pfd Rock lalaitd Co Rock leiand Co. pfd St. U A 8 K. Id pfd ... St. Loula 8. W.' Su U 8. W. pfd Sloaa-Sheffleld S. A 1,... Southern Pacific Southern Rallwar fro. Railwar pfd Tentkeaeee Copter Teiaa a Pacllle T.. St. L. A W T . St. U W. pfd Vnlon Pacific t sloa Pai(le pfd U. 8. Raaltr V. S. Rubber V. g. Ileal l 8. Blael pfd rtak Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical ... Wabeeh Wahaeh pfd Waatem MarTland Weetlnphnuae Elecuie ... cetera L nlon V heeling A L- Wlaconan Central Total aaise for the ear. & 1,1 0 so K) I'M . l.0 . l.ton 100 l' . i:.;oj f . 41. KH . l.soi . 2.40J . U.tOi aoo . M.r"0 . 17,1'W 14 . 1.1U-I ht. Kl .ltfl.TOe . t VtO 2.100 . la.T'w . t.Ke . I 100 0 90S 4W . T,j . 21. ma tun loo .. 1 n . J. 4 0 (.00 .111 ) 401, ! 47- U 1JW S5 , 144 74 4tH 74 1 M i Hl'a ilV a' iu Stt4 144, lit ! i! 1K M 141 St lot 1 7 7 474, l.tta "w V. lt"4 !4, iw lit 111 IIU ami m I4t. T74t 1 Of. 1 mo 4 TOO ) ire 2 cssh, 65Hc: ii'.c. No. t 2 rash, 47 He; 27c; No. 2 tt. Laala Gearral Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo . Aug. 12. WHEAT Higher; track. No. 2 red cash. flVi e8: No. 2 hard, 1.0iil 10; September. Mai ssje; I XK-emoer, st,'tc. CtJR mgner iracx, .to. September. 44ac; December, white. ic. OA i'S Higher; track. No. September. 27c; December, white. 9Vc, RYE Lower: TieTlVjc. FLOUR Lower; red winter patents, to 00 g?5.25; extra fancy and straight, 4 70t)6W); hard winter clears, it ui.. SEEI Timothy. I3.l4)al;0. Cons MEAL 13.30. BRAN Higher; sacked, east track. 21.00 jlOt HAT Firm; timotny, eU.Wtfiawi, prairie, IS 001 10 00. BAOOINO i,c. HEMP TWINE Te. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; jobbing. 130 50. Lard, higher: prime steam, ;i.l7Vi t1117V Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra ahorta. tllC2Vt: clear ribs. 111.624: short clears. 111 7a. Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts. 11142V,; clear rlba, IU.62V,; short clears, HITS. POULTRY Firm; chickens. 12c: springs. UVrfjlec; turkeys, 17c; ducks, 10c; geese, c. BITTER Steady; creamery, 22326c. EOQS Steady; 18c. Receipts. Flour, bbla. l.loO Wheat, bu 17S uo Corn, bu M t Oata. bu. 724U0 Pearla Grata Market. PEORIA. HI.. Aug li-CORN-Steady; yta. 2 vellow. ec; No. 2 yellow, oV; No tec; No. 1 d&Vtc; no grade. 2So 0TS Loser: No. 2 white. hA.WVac: No. I white. oVe-T7c; No. 4 white, toc. ' Dalath Grata Market. DULITH. Minn.. Aug 11 WHFAT-p-t ember, ase; Deoember, c; May. c; N 1 northern, -41 SV No. t northern 1127. OA Shipments 9O0 lis ooo 122. 7u0 Ma KM, 4 s Ta 14..I, 24 lri eO 7 SH u ii 171 li 04 u i a ts i J'H tW 7-1 Ua ' 144 7a 45 Uk :oi . luv, ' K. 167 lt 1414 1 144 2 41 17 161 1 101 40 Tt 64 K4 74 tt 14, 71 r.a, 2',tt l' n 4 lit aa, il e tr 74 NX Columbia, S. C I Macon I Youngstown Lexington Fargo, N. D j Akron Rockford, 111 Erie, Pa Sioux Falls Canton, O Qulncy, III Bloomington, 111... Lowell Hlnghamton 4 I Chester, Pa ' I South Bend Decatur, 111 Springfield, O Vicksburg Fremont, Neb Mansfield. O Jacksonville, 111.... Jaokoon, Miss.... Houston Oalveston Duluth Scranton 140 lit ' 114 4tt 101 I n M f w lt. 114 74 4-tt 14V 14 li M 17 H r u 44 17 104 4 ltd l'S 4 t 21 14 i 4.' TJ It-. r 144 1 HI. 874. 171.0001 I 2M..W2 0mi I U2.971.900; I lli.9S9.90ni ttl.4SO.0O0 I 1.00O, I 4.9ti.000 j 36.411. nr' j 2i.3I7.0r I 2. 179.000 16.017.0"0 14 U0l 17,973.000i J0.iI7.. 13,09 000 13. T 10.5O4 0O0 12.851 0nr i.000 .. 12.9h4.0; a27.000 ... 12..vM,90 1 0'4 0o0 9.319,OOii 8.7l.OOO( 4.CU.0ra! 9,2517,9 SO) T.712.0 , 3X7.000 t.09.000 5. 77.900 S.075.9i. ,24S.00i (.5ri7.0oO 4. 104.000 . 6. Ml.tiOO .4Y.d) 2.878.0001 2.9:5.0no!. I.44.0t10i J.Sf.4.000 2.379.0001 2. 903.000!. 2.474. 000 2,417.14X11 2.127.0U0 2 t&I.OiOi 2.045.0001 l.De.OOo, 1.734.0i 1.91S.clO0 2.0O2.OJO . l.J14.0-l l.SS4.fW( 1.891.000 1.5M.000I l.M4.(0( 2 .997.0 10 LSM.ftXI. 1.2.SC.000!. L39.0noj 1.24.0001. 1.4f2.000 1.417.0-s) l.4,000i LOSl.OnOI , 1.M1.0O 942.000! 1.2S".0 1.14.000 1.037.000! 81S.O0O; OKi.OOOj 903.000, SM.O00 . Svj.OOOl S'Kj.OOO; ero.oooi 701,010: 960,OUO RM.0IJ 803.0001. 7o.orio: 5:0.0uo 4M.000j.... 61.000;.... ?9.000.... tfS.OOO: 517.0001 S24.000i .. sm.oooi. .. 215.000. . . 23d, 000-. .. MO.OJOI .. 242.0UO .. 12.0(i01 .. 2S.T71.OW! .. 10.02S.0o0!. ..! 2.1O6.OJ0 . ..j 2,2J2,O0v . i.O 7 9 1.7 II mm LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Cattle Light and Prices About Steady. HOGS AXE FIYE TO TO HIGHER Moderate Ria ef gbeeg. aad l.asebe Friday, bat Total lee Week la Large Prlcea Strews; fee the laf. SOVTH OMAHA. Neb., Aug. 12. 1909. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Of 1 its, Monday iK-4 ajee a-tl Official Tuesday 4.ie9 9.KH If. tit) Olil. ial ieoD.edav t ii kt Official Tharxaav I.VSA 4.1 lusiiinaia naay ami l. k.sw ITIve Ihim meek .111X4 12.8&2 4i Vi Same days last week ;.14.9n6 21.61? 41.Z, Same days I weeks ago.. 14. Ai.Tld U...). Same days I weeks eo. .U.IUfc H. 1S U.bU Same days 4 Meeka ago. .U.vtU 24.9 I j,4 Same as) s last year ....Is. 1.4 li.dt 41. u 1 he following taule Shoes the loceipis of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last yean lMf. 1. Inc. Dec. Cattle 044.520 Uo.ia 23.296 Hogs 1,001 tW 1,74, ,u 146.29 aneep 139.398 Ma.444 sV.944 The followmg table snows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons; Date. 1309. 1908. 1907. (190l. !105.LT94. 11994. I 4.1 16.1 2S.1! .13.1 14.7 W.t 11 l( 7.9; 14.1! 1 M.I 17.91 33.9! 14 1 12.7 i3.r.( .i 70.7. .1 10.5 2 41 33.9!.. ill!.. 3i. 8.. 6 3.. 17. 8.. 21.3.. 42.81.. 20.1.. 21.01.. 31.2.. 23.1!.. 9.5;.. 32.7.. M.6.. IS. 41.. I w.2.. 50.8;.. 20.81.. 11.:.. 47 91.. 18. 3.. I.. 121.2!.. 4.2:.. I 10.1 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. I... I.. .. I.. I.. 1.. I.. 9.. 10.. li.. 12. . 13.. T 48V4 7 stv; n I Dei 7 It.! 8 18, 7 US 8 3, S 93, 7 s 9 46, 6 80 7 64V I 34 I 77 ' i 90, 8 401 t 85. I 60 I I 41 I 86, 7 tfS 7 41V. 7 S4; 7 42. I i 47 I 91) 8 11 6 71 4 92 I U( t Nl I H 4 a? 8 22. t M I 09 I 02 6 76, I Ot I 94 I 20 I 97 I 94 I 21 I 7 I 94 9 11 6 94' I 11 t U 9 0l i Mi I 07i I 9 I 86 6 02 I 19 6 89, 6 89, 4 84 I 26 I 94 4 (1 44 t 22, I 83! I 92. 4 94, t It and the quality on an averatre was reason ably good. Packers indulged In 9 rather half-hearted effort at the opening to put a little crimp In the prlrellst and early trade sa a rult was a trtfle slow. On the other hand salesmen were not disposed to grant con cessions and a hen a trading casta was finally established It became apparent that buyers really wanted the goods, even at quotably strong prlcei. The market armd up considerably after the first few pens I, ad been d ared and practically everything was weighed up In go?d season. Fat sheep realised good strong pr!e on most sales As was the rase yesterday, packers were Inclined to give preference to handy weight killers and values, if any thing, were a shade higher on thla class of stock than on the heavier grades of aeth ers. Wyoming wether sold at 14 3.'4 60 Fat lambs continued to meet with a good broad demand and commanded prices that sere somemhat higher, quality considered, than yesterday. The generni market on young ktlleia Is right around strong aa com pared with yesterday. Quite a drc'nt string of Wyoming lambs brought 87.50. The Inuulry for feeding stork was as vig orous as ever and values on all classes were well maintained. The movement wss a -five and the market fully steady. A few cars of feeding wethers so d for 94 IV Lim ited supMles of feeder lambs afforded an Inadequate test of values, hut In view of the strength exhibited lateiy In feedet circles It was generally conceded that any- th ng suitable for reeding purposes would bring steady to strong prlcea. The market for the week up to date mows a little alder gap between gvat sheep ana lambs. The latter Is about a quarter higher than last week's close, while butcher sheep are about 10fll.Vs lower. Feeders have been In good supply on most flats, but the de mand has been fully capable ef absorbing even larger recelpta. Feeding sheep are fully strong at compared with last week's close and young feeder stock Is bringing prices not far from 169260 higher. Quotations on rat sheep ana isnios. Good to choice spring lambs, 17 2647 75; fair to good spring iambs U 7H77 .26; good to choice yearlings. 16 166 6. fair to good yearlings, 4.76it.10; good to choice wethers, 1434 66; fair to good wethers. 8410itj4l6, good to choice ewes, 4.16d4.t0; fair to good ewes. 3 t54jt ls. Quotations en feeder stock: Fair to choice lambs. i6.tA4..69; fair to choice yearlings, 24 60-41 36; fair to choice wethers, 4 0994.46. Representative sales; DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Boiineu it Rapidly Adjusting Itielf to Kew Tariff Schedule. IRON AXD STEEL ACTIVE Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at I o clock p. m. August 12: RECEIPTS. Cattie.Hogs.sneep. C. M. St St. P Missouri Pacific Lnlon Pacific C. at N. W east C. A N. W'., west C, St. P., M. O C, U. at Q., east C, B. & Q., west C, R. 1. A P., east C. H. I. & P.. west Illinois Central Chicago Grtaie Western... Total receipts .. 2 .. 1 .. 1 12 40 11 .33 to :z DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 37.6 l.R. .3. 10 3 . 32 8j. .41. 3.3. 2J.1. 5.1 .8 7.4 2 2 , 2 30.9 14.3 Not Included in totals because containing other Items than clearini;R. "Not Included In totals because compari sons are Incomplete. . 91 299 53! . 242 4K :'." t . 37i 618 9.2! .162 "64 669 192 .165 m 419 . 47 6 . 61 . 6t . 31 . 1 . 212 6 . 23 . 14 . 11 . t .... 2.119 .1.6S1 2,893 I.60S New York Money Market. . NEW YORK. Aug. 13. MONEY-On call, steady; 21Vil2'4 Per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; cloning bid, 2:4 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Tiki I- I IA SV.rv ,4.1,11 hut firm- ilrl. I days. Uttii per cent; ninety days, 2aJ'i per cent; six months. 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANT1L PAi'EK Per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers bills at M MA'sf 4.8606 for slaty day bills and at 84.6M.I for demand. Commercial bills. t4.k4,ti4.M7fc. SILVER Bar, 51 c; Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Ir regular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. 9. rat. 2s. ret . .lSOVlot. Met. 4a tr do suupon lnl. M. M. 4, 7j V. 8. 1 la. reg 1"1 Japan 4e K da ceapon 1"1 do 4a M V. S. 4a. res lit g. C. So. lit te 744 do rouson Ill L. 8. den 4a 1M1.,.. t Allle-Ckal. 1st 6s tt L. A N. anl. ta M Am. As ts 1011m . K. A T. lat te . Am. T. A T. ci 4s.. lot do gao. 4a II Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Schwarts-Bolen Co Cudahy Bros., Irom K. C. Leyton St. Louis Packing Co Benton, Vansant A Lush. Hill A Sou F. B. Lewis J. B. Root & Co , J. H. Bulla L. F. Husx McCrcary A Carey H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros , Smith at Polsley Christie & Kline Other buyers Total- CATTLE-There were only thirty-four cars of cattle In the yards today and they were almost all butcher slock or feeders. There were almost no fat cattle on sale this morning, at least not enough to make a showing on the market or to estabiun quotations. What little atuff there was commanded about steady prices, In fact the feeling was steady. A considerable proportion of the receipts consistel of cows and heifers, there being between twenty and twenty-flva cars of that kind of cattle on sale. The market did not show any material change. Pack ers all seemed to have use for the few loads here, and as a rule they picked up the offerings In good season In the morn ing. There were no feeders here to amount to much, but as usual at this time of the week the demand was not overly brisk, still there was sufficient inquiry to clean up the few loads at about sUady prlcea. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice cornfed steers. eu.W;7-; fair to good corn fed steers, 8b.3Ck2j6.l40; common to fair corn fed steers. 15.00'at; 3o; good to choice grange steers, I5.00ti6.60; fair to good range steers, H5ou5 0u; common to fair range steers. I3.7M 4 60; good to choice cows and heifers, 14.0105 25; fair to good cows and heifers. 83.2i'Ji4 00; common to lair cows snd heif ers, tl.75'473.25; good to choice stockers and feeders, M 256. 65: fair to good stockers and feeders, 13. 4.25; common lo fair Blockers and feeders, I3.0OV3. 75; stock heifers, 82. 759 2.50; veal calves, $3.6037.00; bulls, staga, etc., t2.7ao4.7o. Representative sales: COWS. CHICAGO LIVE ITOCK MARKET Cattle and Hkeeg. g teady Hoars treat; te Hlaher. CH1CAOO. Aug. 13 CATTLE Receipts. IvPO head. Market steady; steer. !;. 7.55: cows. 83.50TJ6 2S: heifers, I3.5t4i0, bulls. 3.iX44.k6: calves, $2.00.2f; stockers and feeders. 3.7536.16. HCKJH Receipts, 11 009 head. Market was strong to 6c higher; choice heavy, I7.;'a8 05; butchers. I7.6..0 8.O2H; . light mixed. $.' 602 7.75; choice light, f 7.tgV87.90; packing. 7.0'j 7.50; pigs. I560o7.75; bulk of sales, I7.55tJ 7.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head. Market for sheep steady, for lambs 10JT15c higher; sheep. 84 009.25; lambs. $.2e fjSU; yearlings. 6 0Ofi6 40 Ksnasaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 13. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.009 head, including !.) southerns. Market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers. HUKfTiM. fair to good, 4.53 t.ln; western steers, 4.36i.36; stockers and feedere, 13 OOirfc 25; aoutnern steers, hwo 6 00; southern cows, 12 03.75; native cows, f2.4O94.ft0; native heifers. flloHjIOO; bulls, 2 7fy7l 75; calves. I3.76fr7.09. HOGS Recelpta. 4.000 head. Market 63 10c higher; top. 17-86; bulk of salea, 7 6tf 7 90; heavy, 7.!fl7.: packers and butchers, $751-7 96; light. f7. 607 75; pigs. .0O4y7.2.V SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head. Market atrong; lambs, ffi.004r7.75: yearlings. f4BOft6 25; wethera. MOOhioTo; ewes. 13.75(36.00; Blockers and feeders, 13.00 j6.. St. Lostla I.lve Stock Market. ST. LOriS. Mo., Aug. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1500 head.' Including Eaeeeraalasi neporta Received from All linpnrtaat t itles tctl4 It y In 4A kolesale Dry Uiwd, Markets. NEW YORK. Aug 13 -R O. Dun A Co '8 Weekly Review of Trad tomorrow will ay: All branchea of business affected by the new tariff law are tspldly ad.l'istlng them selves to the amended schedules and the ending of the period of uncertainty ss to the rates of duty to be Imposed naa already had the effect of stimulating trade. Reports from all the Important cities in all the leading trades are most encour aging. In the Iron and steel trade each week serves to bring an Increased volume of business to the mills, and Is In greater request. Advices from the Industrial cen ters Indicate that working forces are being enlarged whenever possible. and retail trade shows mure activity as payrolls ex pand. Conditions In the steel trade, es pecially in the railroad division, steadily Improve, the railroads buying with In creased freedom. Liberal orders are re ceived for cars, but structural contracts are not significant, although considerable business for moderate lota continues to be placed. The dry goods trade has been steady and conservative, many retail buyers being registered In the large central markets, and Jobbers report a more general call for merchandise. Ready-to-wear and spe cialty houses are heavy buyers, but fleece goods and knit goods are In better de mand than at any time since the middle of the spring jobbing season. In the pri mary markets on cotton goods and yarns the uncertainty of prospects In raw cot ton Is still a factor In causing delay In naming prices on late delivery goods. There Is mora animation In the silk piece gooda division, and woolens and worsteds show no sign of recession from a very strong position. Reports of large ordera for cotton goods for shipment to the Philippines are confirmed. A very con siderable demand for burlaps Is a feature of considerable Interest as showing the slowly broadening general demand. The footwear market continues In a wait ing position, but the adjustment of the tariff schedules will lead to more activity, as some buyers have not supplied their fall wants. Some fall orders are received by mall and. although the amount of new buslnts continues moderate, forwarding of goods from Boston show sn Increase this week. The leather market Is some what unsettled owing to lower prices being made by some tanners on sole, while an accumulation affects the lower grades of side upper leather. Market steady; native port steers, S.P0ir7.26; BRADSTREET'B REVIEW OF TRADE la to- 71 1 l St, 12 hut tu t 1HS at Hit, 11-u 91-1 14 JSt 60 14 A If 101 e4j tOO 474, 1.4,p0 ,baraa. : 474, t-4, 18M. "4 74 n tit, 41 71 14V, i" ; 7 l 4t 14 V.S, 6a l 74 Usdos Stoek Market. LONDON. Aug. it American securities opened a fraction over parity. During the forenoon the trading was moderate and at midday the market waa quiet and st.ady with prices above to tt below yester day's New York closing. London closing stocks: ... H Iulollle A N. ., t4 t it af., K. A T .... ... . V. Central..., ... 10S Norfolk A W .. l!4 do fd ..1074, Onierte A W .. mi, Peanarlvanla .... H'SHinl Mines ... set. Heading ... 14. toolbars Re ..144S do sfd .. 1SH "outhem Pa-'fie. .. 44 l aloe Pacific. ... .. 9' Se sfd -. Mai' 8. Steel .. IT St da pfd .. 47 Wabeah .. S. da sfd .14 Bveelali Coaeole. money do aeeetint Amal. Cnpper Anaconda Atchison da sfd Baltimore A Okie., ranadlaa Paelfie... fheeapeeke a O... Oilcago O. W Chi.. Mil. A 8t. P Ie Beers tieneer A Ate O... do rft trie da let pfd de M fd Orend Troak 11 1 mole Central ... SU.VFK-Bar, su-aty at 23 9-lSd Per oa. MONET V.-SV per cnL The rate of discou, .. fg the open market for ahort bllla la lsiA per cent; for three months' bills, 17-lijl per cent. .. e V Mo. Pacific 4a S3 ..111 N. R R. of M. 4Sa. t; .. I"t N. Y. C. t ISaa MS, ,.1 a de dob. 4a to . 1 la.N. Y.. N. M. a H ..11 re. ta l?tt .. 944, N. A W. 1st c. 4a.. ..l.i do c. 4a o4a .. litjNo. Pacific 4a 104 fJ do te 74 .. li O 8 L. rfl. 4l t44 ..lit Pean. e. J 1IIJ... M . . It04, do coo. a ..iZI Reading sen. 4a lOOti -at. L. A 8. r. fa. 4a Mm, II 7H 4 St Am. Tobacco 4a do ta Armour A Co. 4Sa. Atrhlaon gen. 4s .. do ce. 4a. do et. as At C. U lat 4s.. Bal. A Oelo 4a.... do s,a do 9. W. tS,... Brk. Tr. er. 4a Ces. of Oa. ta. Cea. Lea i bar aa C. of N. J. g. aa . ('hea. A Obis 4S,e. do ref. 6a lolSa do gen. at Chicane A A. T4, St. L. g. w. e. C , B A Q. J. 44 ... MSt do Ut gold 4a do gen. 4a Ji geaboard A. L. C. M. A 8t P. g ISaa WSo Pacific col. C. R I. a P. c. 4a . tie da ee. 4a. .19 41 .. 4- .. t .. tl .. ft .. 1. .. V .. I . . .. .. 7t . It) ..21414 . Ills, .. TIT, ..1, It. .. 4s do col 6a do rule 4a t'olo. Ind. tt i.'elo. Mid. 4, C. A B. r. Aa. 4,4 11. A H. re. 41.... U. A R. O. 4a do ref. te Pietlllere' 6a krle p. . 4a da gen. 4a do cr. 4a ar. A... 00 eerie, B Gen. Flee ee. 6a 111 Cea. lat nl a . Bid Ms, do 1st ref ta tt Sa Railway 6a t' do gen. 4t 14 lnlon raclfic 4s... lit St do ce. ta lot do lat A ref. 4a . ' 1 . 8. Rubber ts .. tt I'. 8 Steel td ia.. T7 Va.-Caro Cham ia. tu Wataah let ta 7t4 do .tt A ei. 'a .. , Weatera Md. 4a. .. t.SWat. Elee. ii W'la. Central .ltft. .1LSS4 . tISt .HISS, .ins, 1U6 .insa . tis, ill 1 TTt, M'e r ta... tist 4a Ko. At. Pr. No. At. Pr 4 Ml I 60 t 14 I M I lit I i 1 11 1 u 4 976 2 15 27 M le t IK I tt 19 lilt I 40 1 1 23 I 00 t 11M t It U 900 I HEIFERS. 14 444 2 00 It IM I 2t 10 Tli I U 7 711 I tt BULLS. 1 90 ! 15 I IM lil 1 1 I 10 t 1449 I 41 1 1J00 It 1 14W I to 1 113 t h 2 9u0 I Tt 1 1219 I 25 CALVES. 1 SOI 1 at 1 lot I 10 t 100 I T5 t 141 I li 1 M) II) 1 17 t tt 1 17 4 t 1 IK) t at 4 MS t a STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 1 114 I 40 10 Ttt I 88 4 1142 t 41 11 144 4 10 4 M I 71 t litl 4 40 4 I I 71 1 1140 4 4J It atM t Tt steers. 2.0W.OO; 1.400 Teans shlnDlng and ex- dressed beef and butcher steers, S.t0'(iM; steers under 1000 lbs , M 2565.78; stockers and feeders. I3.&0 tVt.90; cows and heifers. 3.264i. 50; canners. 11.7532.25; bulls. .V2fiT4.50; calves. ;i.25J 7 26; Texas and Indian steers. S.40.2; cows and hetfers. l2.Mro4 90. HOGS Receipts, 1,000 head. Market strong: pigs and lights. 6.tii7 .85; packers 17. 7au7.90, butchers and best heavy, 17.850 8.W . SHEEP AND LAMHB neceipis. .tw head. Market higher; native muttons, .. fc4b0: lambs. M.twws ow: cuns ana bucm, fi.604j4.75; stockers. 12.0034.00. t. Josepk I.tve Stock Market. RT JOSEPH. Mo.. Aug. 13 CATTLE Receipts. 1.009 head; market steady H50ii7.00; cowe ai calves. 21.OOiii7.00. HOGS Receipts, 4.WW nean; marsrt nrnn. to 6c higher; top, 17.85; Bulk of sales, 1.&.-tJ 7- - 4 w SHEEP AND LAKBB- neceipis. 1 v- head; market for lambs. 26c higher a.t 14.00 7.75. v . leal City Live Stoek Market. PIOVX CITY. Ia., Aug. 13. (Speclal.) CATTLE Reoeipts. S00 head; market steadv; beeves. I4.r97.1f; grass cows. H.OOtt 4 25; feeders. 40O1i6(i0; yearlings. WOO T. HOGS Receipts. 8,500 head; market strong to 5c higher; range of prices. 17. 207. 60; bulk of sales, 17.30(37 Stock In sight. Receipts at the six principal western mar kets yes'.erday were: South Omaha St. Joaeph Sioux Citv Kansas City St. Louis Chicago Total Cattle. Hogs. Fheep .. 50 2.900 5 6"0 .. 1.000 t.O"0 1.00 .. joo S.200 .. 2 000 t.OOO 1,000 .. 2 200 8.000 2.4O0 .. 2.000 11000 8.000 Improvement la More Manifest Ueneral Situation. NEW YORK. Aug. lJ.-Bradttreet's morrow will say: Improvement Is more manifest In general trade and Industry this week, but mere It still present the feeling of conservatism hitherto noted, which makes for small and frequent rather than heavy Individual sale. Developments have been largely favoiaole, chief among these the Increased artlvais of buyers In most markets, a greater disposi tion to take hold for fall and spring de livery, a very favorable government crop report, the continuance of the market s strength In security markets and the grow ing firmness of the time money macket. Trade with first hands In dry goods is tali. while Jobbing trade expands most rapidly and retail trade Is now engaged In digest ing the remnants of a summer Business. 'Hie railroad situation Is Improving and ide cars are disappearing on the wea.ern Hues aa the winter wheat movement enlarges. Industries are active, Iron and steel lead ing, with railroads reported buying freely of rails, cars and locomotives, 'mere is Increasing evidence of growing scarouy cf help in some sections, notably the coko legions, from which emigration waa heavy outing the depression. Collections show a little Improvement, but aa yet do not reflect the Influence of new crop marketing, possibly because of the farmers being busily engaged. Building Is active and liades catering to this lino are busy. Busiress failures In the United States for the week ending with August 12 were 2i9, against 184 last week, 24 In the like wet. of law, 14 In 1H07, 143 In 1MN ana 147 In lsoi. Business failures In Canada for the week number twenty-four, akaiunt twenty-seven last week and trirty-one last year. Wheat, Including flour, exports from Hie t'nlttd States and Canada for ihe week end-. lug August 1; aggr?i;ate l,lsu,19a bu., against l.Wl.ufcs bu. last week and e.7uO,272 bu. this week last year. For the six weeks ending August 12 exports are 8,714.044 bu., against lt.hotj.itM bu.. In the corresponding period last year. Corn exports for the week are 139.400 bu., against 56,677 bu. last week and S.917 bu. 111 1MM. For the six weeks ending August 12 corn exports are -',", U4 bu., aaalnsi 3.1,1, bu. last year. 9.450 39.100 17,900 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. Boston atttrks aad BOSTON", Aug. 13.-Monev, Bonds. ca:i loans, 21. 1 bull 10S0 110 t feeders.. T I TO 9 feeders.. S83 I 75 4 feeders.. 9S0 I T5 12 feeders.. 7S3 8 60 1 bull 1" 110 I feeders.. 800 8 2.' 6 cows 700 t SO I steers.. ..1040 I 75 14 steers.... 7F,l 8 78 7 bulls 97 2 25 4 cows 812 I 90 12 cows tinO I 0 4 heifers... CS7 120 4 cows 981 2 86 1 bull 1019 8 10 t calves.... 212 4 00 I cows 100b 2 85 5 cows M 14 William Ferdon, Nebraska. 46 cows 1006 8 75 41 cows 966 2 40 2 cows ft2 2 40 U cows...., 979 2 90 SOUTH DAKOTA, k I steers.... 942 4 00 1 calf 220 I 00 8 calves.... 6 00 8 cows g 9 20 4 cows 7f2 8 30 6 cows 82 2 00 13 cow s 7aQ. 2 00 1 bull M 1 75 1 hull 780 8 00 4S feeders., ilts 4 60 U teeders.. 76 4 Ot) 19 heifers... 8:s) lli 10 cow s ( 8 10 J. M. Rabeock. Wyoming t calves.... F5 ISO 8 feeders. . 406 3 60 I feeders.. 575 4 OS 11 steers.... 720 4 OS 4 steers.... fco 4 85 155 cows 1006 4 00 I cow s 9)4 2 00 1 bull 1400 2 20 6 heifers... IX) I New York Mlalaaj Steeks. NEW YORK. ,lug. U. -Closing quotations were as lol.owj: Alice ftrunaevl k roa . . . Tom. Tenael eek. do konda Coa. ci. A Ta.... Horn Silver Iron tiller Offered .lot . 1 . : . 11 nt . 7 lit LeadTllle Coa, l-itils Okie . Meitcaa fiuerta Opklr atasdard Telle Jacket .. 4 '. Wl ..tut . lit .lit ..MM Foreign Financial. RERLIN. Aug. 18-Tradlng on the Bourse today waa Inactive. The tendency of prices early was slightly downward on the Turk ish news, but trey bees me firm later. PARIS. Aug 11 Prices on the Bourse today wre steady. Bask Oearlasa. OMAHA, Aug. IX Bank clearings today Atrhlsos sol do fd Atchlaoa do pfd notion A Albany Boetnn 9 Maine,.., Boeton Eleetted .. Piuhuurg ptd ... N V., N. H AH talon Pacific Am Pneu. Take... Aaer. Susar de pfd Am T. A T Eileen glee Ills. Oeeerel Electric . Maia. glectrie do ptd Maaa Uaa limed Trait tailed I M da pfd . V 8. steel . da pfd Adventure AllOMl Amalgamated Aneooa Com Atlantic .... II flutle Coilltlon . .IdVlal. A Aliased. 1 U("al A Hecia... .14 rentennlal ..i't Copper Raofe ... I'M Fnuimin .KTitGranbr .131 Greene fe&anae III Itle Rorala lltStMaaa. Mining ... . t Michigan t.tMobaes .IMA Mont. c. A C... .141 Nevada ttt Old Iwminlos .. .170 Oereota US, Parrot :t Quibif 45 Shannon 143 Tarnara a li Trlblly tu 1 . 9. Mining T44 IV 8. oil.. It -H I'tak l't. Virions 47 Wiaons 44 Wolverine 44 North Butte .... 11 Til per cent, time loans, JVtis per cent. HOGS There were not enough hogs here Closing ouo'ations were; mornlnx to make very much of a mar- 81 I ket, but what few there were sold 61 10c 1 higher than yesteiday. This means that I good share of the receipts went at tl d if w and 011 up as high as 17.70 for a top. alWt-.lle the market was not very active. I there were so few loads on sale that It did vl lm,t Iflk verv lone 10 effect a clearance Metal Mar-Xet. NEW TORK. Aug.. 18. METALS The London copper market was unchanged al u0 for spot, but A shade higher at 60 Its 9d for futures, according to today's cables, with the close steady and with sales of 200 tons for spot delivery and of l.fiOO tons for future Locally, however, the market was dull and a shade lower for standard and no business was reported on the Metal ex change. Closing quotatlona follow: Sep tember; 812.7OJ7 1S0O; October, 1118.613.19; November, 12 90W18.15; December. 11S.0O 18 20. Local dealers quoted lake copper at 1112591150, electrolytic at UMl'iGil.E and casting at 8117512.00. The tin market waa steady, with sales reported on the exchange of five tons spot at 13 75. Spot closed at 83.70fl.76, AutWt t 8W.7fVrW9.reJ and October and December at l9VJt00. The London tin market was steady, but a ahade lower, with spot quoted at fl34 17s 8d and futurea at 139 6s. Sales were reported of 100 tone spot and 200 tons futurea In the London market. Lead was firm locally, with spot quoted at-M.85434.45. New York, and 84-3B4 5. East St. Ittl delivery. The London market was unchanged at 12 lis 3d. Spelter was quiet, with spot quoted at 85.G64lS.80. New York, and at 5 50f5.. East St. Louis. The London mtrkrt was un changed at 22. The English Iron market was higher, with Cleveland warrants quoted at 60a. No further change was reported In the local market. No. 1 northern foundry, 817 .2M17 75; No. 2 northern foundry. 319 7W 17 25; No. 1 southern and .No. 1 southern aoft. 3l7.7r.4ri8.25. ST. LOUIS. Aug 11 M RT AI J4 Lead, firm, 84 2064.30. Spelter, firm, 80 66. Local Securities Haotatleaa Cmolatlons furnlehed by sasauei 11ml, jr Kvaporated Applea nnd Dried Fralto. NEW YORK, Aug. 11 EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues quiet but steady, with offerings of prime fruit for November delivery reported at 8c. Spot quotations: Fancy, 8gf4c; choice, Sflvc, common to fair. 6rCc. DRIED FRUITS prunes are In light de mand and prices are firmly hfld In con sequtnee, although some Irregularity Is re ported In the market for forward ship ment from th coast. Quotations range from 2sc to lUfec for California and from 6c to 9c for Oregon fruit. Aprlools are quiet and unchanged, with choice quoted at 10fyltc; extra choice, 10V)310c; fancy, 114jUc. Peaches are offered quite freely for forward shipment and the tone of the market ia aomewhat easier. Choice are quoted at 6StTf''o on spot; fancy, 78Sfct'. Raisins are dull, with loose Muscatel at 3syii4Sc; choice fancy seeded. 6id84c: seeded, 66c; 'London layers, ILliljl 20. Cetteat Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 11 Tha cotton mar ket opened easy at a decline of 4)U points In response lo lower cablet, reports tut rain In Texas, realising by recent buyers, and a renewal of bear pressure. The mar ket soon firmed up on general buying and after rallying lo within 7 or 9 points of last night's finals ruled rather quiet during the middle of the morning. Futures opened steady; August, 12 86c; asked; September, It Vic. asked; October, 17.24c; December, 1221c; January, 121o, Msrch. 121.V; May1, U 13c. Futurea closed steady; August, 12 2Xr; Sep tember, 12.17c; October, 1214c; November, 12 i:c; December. 12 13c; January. 12 l!c, February. 12 13c; March, 1213c; April, IXI.t May. 12 14c. Spot closed steady: middling upland, 12. toe: middling' gulf. 13 06c; salts. 12 bale GALVESTON, Aug. 13 -COTTON Steaor 1 lisc. ST. LOUIS. Aug. ll-COTTON-3ulet; middling, IZSc; sales, 215 hales: receipts. 136 baler,; shipments, 321 bales; stock. 1217 bales. - 9 .. 2S ts, .. Htj .. tl .. tl .. u .. atv, ..14S .. II .. We .. If .. 7 .. Ill, .. 14', .. 14. .. 44", .. 4 IS ..lii .. t!S The advene of yesterdav and todav wires out a considerable proportion of the decline of the two p-evious das, but still tha mar ket Is around 10c 1 wer than it was at the close of last week. Representative sales: Oils mm Hecla. OIL CITY. Pa.. Aug 13 -OIL-Credlt bal ances. 116; runs. U7.137 bbls.; average, 16 2U0 bbls.; shipments, 12n.m bbls. aver age. 11 779 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa . Aug. 11 OIL Spirits of turpentine firm at 66r. Rt'.ilN Firm; quotations: B. 3 15jJJ6; D. 83 tu. E. 8176; H, 14 26; I. 14 35; K. 85 00 IV: at. Vvjuoi z, rs. Ji.40, w Q, la.atAtf 8 78; W W, 86 75, Nt Av. th. Pr . Ne Ae gh. Pr. . t IM . . IB li 'It 40 t 45 II 101 44 T tt l 44 fre) t 4 t tu rod T tt 44 r.4 ltd T 471 te tit 4' T t7 44 745 Ml T 7 It 174 M 1 l:4 tt X.4 . TO j K7 ... T 12 a 44 Tl 140 t t , fii 10 T II 47 !M tu I M i !.J T -TV, 71 . . T 44 r, 84 WIS 41 .4 40 T 44 U .41 ... T 41 fl T te 4 tit . t 4j ti j i t t te 11 111 to : ts rt .-4 . t tt at 47 411 1 i m i 1 u tt Ot ... T 44 44 US tin lb 41 tti .. T 41s, 7i i:t to T t: m t-it tt 1 tl 14 lit I4U TITS, t4 r.l it t 41 77 in 100 t te It ten K tli Tt 1 SO T tt Tt 4 90 t 41 tt lit . . 1 44 44 34 ... 41 41 ill ... I Tt SHEEP Receipts were moderate again tooay. There were only about twenty-two double decks yarded, the bulk of supplies cointi.g from Wyoming. Idaho and Mon tana ranges, s hue there waa quite a re- percentage or feeders, moot of rUigt were fat sheep and lambs Ilaritt rang sociable the offer! t vork Ufa building, omens: Alms. Men.. Municipal to Arm.ur A Co. 4S,a lilt Cudehr Paching Colamkus. Neb., B. I to ltat Omaha gire Engine 4s lttt Omaha Keneealt 4t 1 yiret National Bank, Co. Bluffs ir. Kansas City Rt. ta 111! ganaaa Cttr Rr V'd M.beratka T APS, IMl Xab. Tel. tork 4", bstans Ota to 1811 umane B L- P- te IIU Omasa 9 C. B. St. Ry. ta 1914 O-eaaa A C. B 8t. Ity. to 1. ....... Omaha AC. B. St. Rr t' 1 Omaha A C. B. Si. By. cost. 4 Omaha A C B 9l. Br A B. pit 4 lime ha W ater Ce. is 144 gwlft 9 Co. to lilt ga. Omaha Seeer 4Saa lilt .. , I. out t uy ttovk Tarda r'd 1,'Diea stock Tarda. Omaha, 'i Bid. Aatra. l' 94 H ttt, KM tttt ti lAaSt 1S)S6 lot Me toe tT M St 44 aa tt ltd set liw t7St MS, i Iws, tut 161 MSI lev 94S4 Tt Tt Mtt test M, bf 111 etISt lKUSt Ivl li w at at latar aa Melaaeea. NEW YORK. Aug II SUOA R-Rstw . firm; fair refining. 8 6!; centrlfutrsl. !4 test. tfAtftllc. Moli.nees sugar, lAtt I !tie. Refined steady; No. . 4 2io; No. 7. 4 40c; No. 6. 4.1V: No. 9. 4 80c; No. 10, i r; No. 1L t.20c; No. 12, Hie: No. 11, 4.10c; No. It. 1 10c; confectioners' A. 4.7V; mould A, 180c; cut loaf. 6.76c, crushed, 6tV.c; powdered. 80Tc; granulated, 4 9. curie. 6 Air. Moot Market. BOSTON. Aug. 11 WfXjL The Com mercial Bulletin of Boston will say of thjt wool market Suturday: The week's bu. ness la large, some of the leading firr.i declaring It to be the biggest of thj season. All kinds of territory wool Is see ing freely at dealers' prices. From 1000 O0 to 11.000.000 pounds of all wool rfl cover the business accomplished. Tie shipments of wool from Boston to Auguut II Inclusive, were li7.M3 194 lbs . , agt In 't lt2 664. 9C0 lbs. for the same time last ytr. The receipts to August 12. Inclusive, evt'e 299OCi0.33u lbs., against irA.bM.16 lbs. for the same period last year. PT. LOUIS. Aug. 13.-WOO!,-Unrhanirei: territory and western mediums, l&2ic; fine mediums, 2?fe24c; fine, lJifltc. Mlaaeapella Grain Martlet. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug 11- WHrtAT Sep tember. SeHc; tiecember. 9fA,7lc; May, WSc Cash: No. 1 hard. II S.tff 1 4S; No. I northern, 1.3e-& 1.44; No 3 northern, ll.iVji 1.41; No. 3 northern, li rsjlS. KLAXSKED Closed st liar', VIWH Firet patents. K00-I6.30; second patents, li 'n fust clears. 4 9i.-jt.?l. second dears. 81 l',til. Market. 11 -COFFEE-Mi,kt Toledo Seed Market. TOLKIxy. O.. Aug tt SKEDSIover. cash. 3716; October, 87 56; December, 7.42Vi; March. 17 47 W; No. I. Ki le: No. 1 M 10; no eatabllshed grade. 86 40, Prima timothy, 1190. Prime alatke, 87 90. teffee NEW YORK, Aug. for futures cloaed aleaoy at a net dt-e Ire of FiilO points. Sales were rexrted of I ',609 bags. Including August at ' 96c. September at 8Tc. December snd January at 1 90c, March at 6 Mo and May and Juiv at 6 fx-. Spot coffee, oulet, No J Rio. TV-'i,; No. Santos. Vl'"C Mild eoffe-, rSrttl fjr loa. tM' Mllwaakee (;rala t.atatrt MILWAUKEE Aug 18-WHEAT-No. I northern. 11 lial 34; No. 2 northern, 81 II j 1 12; September. HJt- OATS ILe61o.