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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1909)
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 12. 190? 3 Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs rr5 How a Minor Mention Tk OowwoU Waff Offle f tk Onttt in U srt Id Bot Btreet. Set VktiH . Davla, drag. CORBIOAKB, undertaker. "Phone 14&. For rant, modern house. 7 Ith avenue. Wood ring Undertaking company. Tel. S3. Lea-la Cutler, funeral director. Thon 17. FAUST BEER AT ROGERS BUFFET. When you want rellabl want ad adver tising, us The Bee. Peering Binders and mower. Sperling A Wanted, a boy to carry a Be rout. Apply IS Scott alreet, Omaha Bee. FALL TERM Western Iowa college upena August u. pena lor catalog. BAIRD, LONUENECKER BOCA IAD, Undertakers. 'Fhoa m. M. Main street. Dr. W. W. Magarell, optometrist, mured to JUS-sue City ftational bank building. Ralph 8. Trlbbett and Elisabeth M. Schroder, botn of Omaha, were married In this city yesterday by Justice Couper. Word was received yesterday by H. Ss". Brown, clerk of the district court, that Oeorge B. Crlsman, committed to the Htate Hospital for Inebriate at Knoivllle, la., on June 14 of this year, had been paroled. Albert Breeley, who has been working on a Burlington section itni at Btanton, la., was found yesterday noon at the Burlington local depot In a serious con dition from Illness. He was conveyed to aJen-y hospital In the city ambulance on orders of City i'hyslcian Tubbs. Owing to the Indisposition of E. H. Doo Uttla, chairman of the executive commit tee of the Commercial club, the meeting of the committees In charge of arrange ments fur the reception and banquet to be tendered Congressman Smith, to have been held last evening, was postponed. The funeral of Isabelle, the Infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williams, will be heia this afternoon at I o'clock from the family residence, 2J10 Avenue C. Burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery and the services will be conducted by Rev. John W. Jones, rector of Bt. Paul' Episcopal church. Victor E. Bender, who recently removed to Illinois, has sent his resignation as a member of the board of trustees of the free public library to Mayor Maloney. It Is understood that the mayor will an nounce the appointment of a trustee to fill the vacancy at the meeting of the city council next Monday night. A well known bankr la said to be aiated for the position. . The annual plcnlo of the Council Bluffs Retail Grocers' and Butchers' association will be held today In Falrmount park. All grocery stores and meat markets will be ilosed all day today. They wer kept open until a late hour last night for the accommodation of their customers. There will be all kinds of amusements at the carle. Including a long program of sports, races snd various contests, for which handsome prises donated by the mer chants of the city will be given the win ners. J. P. Wlckham. the Miracle Pressed Stone company of Minneapolis, Peter Nel on and the Council Bluffs Concrete com ?ny will each secure a portion of the ildewalk contracts. Tho city solicitor has ieen till tee. d by th city council to draw jp contracts with the lowest bidders In lecordance with the tabulation of the bids made by the city engineer and a special committee of the city council. The con- raits are to be divided Into sections of ibont WOOO worth of work each. The bid f K. A WW-kham & Co. was ordered re li'ci. ,) as not being In accordance with l" (kilvertlsement. Lewis Hammer has submitted a propo- M.m tn'the city conncll to purchase the ilil pest house near Mynster Springs. The lopcny includes a brick house and a llt-le- over two acres of ground. Although he place has not been used for several as a pest house. It is understood th ronncllmen sr opposed to selling the nop'rtv. not knowing when It might be iirtulrrd for the purpose It was originally ncqulrrd for. In the event of that neigh borhood building up the house now used as a pest house Just north of Oak street would hv to be abandoned. Th propo sition was rrferred to the committee on t.rjlges and city property, with Instructions o report back'fo the council. COUNCIL FIXES TAX LEVY Total for City Porpote ii to Be Sunt M Lait Tar. cm in two or the funds Katrs I,vy fer rark iMri mm 4 re lire Feaaleaa Br lags Ik Tefal I tk Old fig re. FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY USE BUY YOUR LIQUORS AT ROSENFELD LIQUOH CO., CU S. Main. Phones KCJ. Marriage Licenses. Li' ns- to wed were Issued yesterday to i.'c following' V:im end Residence. Age. 1'prrilnand Aro. Mlnden. la 14 Shulti. Mlnden, la 1 ILiijih K. Trlbbett, Omaha 13 Klizdbeth M. Schroder, Omaha 23 C. Cameras and rJ. Alexanders, Photographic Supplies. i?a Broadway. CslsslCielsrtltawisWeBrlfcsai M ed sr est Ut Ms mi tie We si 1 L. 'l s kut an tri CetuaaaSkss res - cse"- w.eeirr.l Th ffort of th eouncllmen to rdue th elty ta levy for 10. at th special meeting held yesterday afternoon, wer frustrated by the Board of Tarm Commis sioner, who Insisted on a total levy of SH mills for park purposes, the same being 1H mill In excess of th levy for park last year. While th pity council adopted a resolu tion fixing th tax levy for 190S, Including th IS mills demanded by th park board, it la posslbl that th action of yesterday afternoon may be reconsidered and th levy for park purposes materially reduced. This will depend upon th opinion of City So licitor Kimball a to th powers of the city council In th matter. Th question at Issu Is whether th city council Is re quired to levy the amount demanded by the park board or whether It can order levied such an amount as. In It ouinlon, Is deemed necessary to maintain th park sys tem for th ensuing year. A total levy of 43 mill was tentatively agreed upon but will not be certified up to the county audi tor until th matter of the park tax Is de cided by th city solicitor. Th tax lvy of tt mills Is th earn as that of last year. Th levy for 1909 and that for 1H follows: 10OK. 1903. mm, mm. General fund 10 10 Gas and atreet lighting 4 4 Water B Sewer 3 Bridge 3 3 Improvement 5 4 Library 3 J Water mnrka alnkln 2 t Parks Judgment 1 Intersection paving and grading ... 3 I Bond loan 3 t Funded debt 8 3 Policemen and firemen's pension.... 0 H Total 43 43 Woald Like to Cat Park Levy. Last year the levy for th maintenance of the city parks was 3 mills, but this year th Board of Park commissioner taking advantage of the law enacted by the last legislature, demanded a levy of fti mills, which Is the limit permitted. In addition the park board demanded a levy of 1 mill by a special act passed by the last legislature at th Instance of the Im provement club of th western part of this city, which seek a park along the river front. In view of the fact that there la at present a balarce of over 37.000 In the park fund, the cltv council failed to see the necessity of a levy of 2H mills for the maintenance of the parks for th ensu Ing yesr. Not being sure as to their au thorlty, however. In th matter, the ooun cllmcn after soma discussion Included the levy of 3H mills with a reservation ' that they might lower It if they found they had th right to do o. A levy of 3H mill will produce a revenue of between 310,000 and 311,00. which the member of th city coun ell. In view of the heavy taxation, con slder Is excessive and unwarranted. Tho eouncllmen also were of th opinion that the levy for th public. library, placed by the trustee at 3 mills, might -be re duced this year In view of the fact that the library fund has today a balance on hand of J. 700. Communication was had with President Dean of th library board and from him It was learned that the board anticipated some extraordinary expenses this year, Including the purchase of addi tional stacks which. It Is expected will cost upwards of 36.000. This being the situation th levy of 3 mills for library purposes was permitted to stand. Cut In Some levies. The city council In Its effort to reduce the tax for this year lopped off 1 mill off th general Improvement fund, making It 4 mills In place of I as It was last year. It also, with a view to reduce the burden on th taxpayers, decided that th city could ?et along without any levy for the judg ment fund and hereanother mill was eul off. This reduction of I mills was, how ever, offset by the extra m mills levy for (he patk board and a half mill levy under th new stat law for th pension funds of th pn'lc and fli department Th total tax levy In th otty for VM was ja.K and Indication aja that this year it win soar up to tl mill on th dollar, If not mor. The levy for school purpose In IX. was 34 70 mills, but thl year will be at least 3s mills. If not morn. Th stat ami county levy, which wa 13 mills last year. will probably b the same. In th absence of the assessment by th tt executive council of the telephone and telegraph com panies, th total valuation of the county for taxation purposes cannot be determined. The board of supervisor will meet Sep tember 13 to fix th tax levy for 1W. Little Wisdom J I jrf. ) Came to tho Wises The WitVs house looked Homelike to the long lerf ed bird that hovered overheard. Favorably impressed, he softly deposited on the steps, his wee burden of blessedness. The Wise's pleasure at the Stork's thout htfulness was tempered by Mrs. Wise's following illness and her inability to provide nourishment tor the Blessing. It looked as tho the precious gift might be taken away. Wise's doctor saved the day. He said "DIGESTO." Mrs. Wise became healthy and rosy and the Blessing became healthy and rosy. One more credit mark for DIGESTO. It is necessity I do first-class work reasonable. I make suits for US, skirts. 35. I also do altering to suit. Would you give me a trial T Th Fashion, ladies' tsilorlnf. R. H. Emieln, proprietor. I-at fitter Orkin Bros. 33 8. Main St. COLORED ftoOT MAM IS FATALLY SHOT Plgared Wklck Worana Precedes Shooting Lou Francis, colored, a Union Pacific porter, was shot and probably fatally wounded yesterday morning by George Pride, also colored, who Is employed as a porter In a Broadway saloon. Th shoot Ing took place at Pride's home, 1036 Avenue B, following a quarrel. Pride claims to have shot in self-defense a Francis, he aid. attacked him with a rasor. Francis was shot through the left breast. th bullet ranging downward and being from a 44-callber revolver mad a terrible wound. Francis was, howevr, able to walk from the house after the shooting, across the Northwestern bridg on Eleventh street, but collapsed when he reached the Stori cold slorage house on the south bank of Indian creek. He was conveyed In an ambulance to the Edmund son Memorial hospital, a her he was attended by City I'hyslcian Tubbs and Dr. Donald Macrae. Francis, It Is said, had been making im proper tdvanccs toward Mrs. Pride and this had led to trouble between him and the woman's husband. Yesterday morning Francis Is saM to have followed Pride to Omaha and had quarrelled with him In brroer shop there. Francis was put out of the place by the proprietor of the shop and advised to return to Council Bluffs, which he did. When Pride returned home and asked his wife to get bis lunch ready as he had to go to work early In th after noon, Fraacls. so Pride said, renewed th quarrel and finally jumped toward him with a razor. Pride drew his revolver and according to his story knocked Francis down twice before shooting. Pride was arrested and lodged In the city jail charged with shooting with Intent to kill. Francl was alive at a late hour last night, but little hop was held of his surviving. be th most feasible and practical plan of procedure, that th proposed drainage dis trict be made a part of th present Pigeon creek drainage district, which was estab lished some yesr ago. TUB COOLF.fT FLACK IN TOWN, THE DIAMOND THEATER. Traveler t Have Big Time. Council Bluffs council No. 14. United Commercial Traveler of America, will hold Its annual picnic at Lake Manawa, flaturday afternoon and evening. A big tlm will be enjoyed by the members and their families, as th committee In charge of arrangement baa prepared a "Some thing doing every minute" kind of pro gram for th occasion. There will be race, guessing and other contests and sports of all kinds at which prises will be given. Th Invitations issued by the Commute say "Bring your lunch basket well filled; also plate, cup, knife, fork and spoon. Coffee and Ice will be served' on th grounds." Although not so stated In th Invitation, It Is understood that by edict of th committee In charge any member of th council attempting to eat hie cream With a fork or knife will be fined. The program of races and contests will Include fat men' raoe. United Commer cial Travelers' race, ladle' race, boy' race, sac, race, married women's race, pie eating contest, bean guessing contest, men's backward race, men's high jump, and women age guessing contest. Th committee In charge of arrangements la composed of J. W. Pence, C. H. VanDe Bogart and H. W. Anthony. before and after the tork'a visit For Sal by AU Drag gists 0 THEO. HAMM BREWING T. Alh, MINN. CO. .4f : a revs OIOXSTO eoTvit ess an ise swvirwiiv iLi.vrTs bast ea. "ZZaZiV? FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN HOT WATER HEATING PLANT AND NEW INLAID LINOLEUM. INQUIRE AT LEFFERT8. 400 BROAD WAT. STRANGERS CASH BAD CHECKS Poar Saloon laaa of tke Keeper Vlctl Scheme. Emulating th example set by J. C. Maybray and his gang of swindlers, two strangers, although following different tactics to those pursued by th Maybray outfit, experienced no difficulty In turning a trick, last (Saturday night which netted them 1100 and probably mor. Claiming to be working on the construction of th line of the Iowa 4 Omaha Short Lin rail way between Treynor and Council Bluffs, the two strangers succeeded In cashing four checks each at four saloons. The checks, which the strangers claimed had bacn given them for their week's wages, were signed by Fisher a Healy, said to be the contractors for the construction of the eleven miles of track between Treynor and Council Bluffs, and wer all drawn on the First National bank of Omaha. Th saloonmen who each cashed a check apleoe for the two strangers were: W. Meyers, SIS South Main street; C. Paulson, 117 South Main street; Glen Johnson, CM West Broadway, and Elmer Nelson. 734 West Broadway. The checks, which are now in me possession or tn police, art Identical, with the exception that til amounts vary. Big Row is On Among Pythians Tobin Defeated for Grand Chancellor and Suspended from the Order. PIOUX CITT, la., Aug. 11. -(Special Tele gram.) After being suspended from par ticipation in Pythian affairs for eighteen months by the grand tribunal of the ordor for th Iowa domain, M. J. Tobin of Vin ton was defeated this afternoon at th grand lodge session for grand chancellor by Dr. J. N. ' McCoy of Corydon. Tobin was beaten after a spectacular fight. In which charges and counter-charge were made, by eighteen votes, the returns short ing 333 ballot for McCoy and 314 for Tobin. The entire ticket nominated by the Salin ger wing of the order was victorious, but scars are left which may result in the final disruption of the organisation in the state. The vote for grand lodge officers was as follows: For Grand Chancellor Dr. Mc Coy, 333; Mr. Tobin, 314. For Grand Vice Chancellor J. F. Cols 346; John P. Mass, 801. For Grand Prelate W. S. Roeby, 33; 8. ' M Allison, 301. For Grand Mastor-at-Arms Julius Jan sen, 367; U. C. Logan, ifX for Grand inner uuard M. I. La Shalle. 324: Tudor Jones, 296. For Grand Outer Guard A. J. Rises. 33: W. 8. 8wlck, 268. John H. Merckens for grand keeper of records and seals, C. H. Burllngame for grand master of exchequer, J. F. Stewart and B. B. Van Stcenberg for grand trus tees and F. W. Porlerflcld and B. I. Salin ger for supreme representative wer unopposed. Th defeat of th Tobin faction 1 as cribed to a circular Issued early this morn ing, which purported to be a dlHsentlng opinion by Judge BenMUlr of Anamosa and John B. Whit relative to th grand tribunal's ruling relative to Us Jurisdiction to act on the Charges preferred by Grand Chancellor Ward Ferguson against Mr. Tobin. While White and Miller dissented against the action of the tribunal, the cir cular was not signed by them, and early in the day was branded as ' a forgery. Friends of Tobin announced that his sus pension would be appealed to the supreme tribunal of the order. The session will be continued tomorrow, when thenext place of meeting will be selected. Des Moines and Dubuque are the only candidates, and the capital city I practically assured of an easy victory. Kfl m"SHQZ STORE COUHCsLjj dUFFSJU 1 42sUk. OLD GOLDEN uun 'VERY pound of OLD U GOLDEN COFFEE is chosen from "Old Crop Stocks," sufficiently aged to develop the rich mellow, flavor snd fragrant aroma. Our experts test doiens of samples each sample is roasted and "drawn" to test the comparative cup qualities and only the best of the lot are chosen. These are then blended, roasted and again Tostod by Tasto to Insure absolute uniformity in quality, body, flavor and aroma. It Is such care in selection, blending, roasting, and packing In air-tight packages that makes possible the rare bouquet, the exquisite flavor, the mellow richness of OLD GOLDEN COFFEE, And every pound is exactly like every other pound. Ajr usf try m pmuitd to-tay 2$ nt mt Crwcsrs. TONK BROS. Dee M lea. Man mt Tmmm THE LOGICAL PLACE To buy Groceries and Meats is where quality and price bine. SEE THESE FOR THVRSDAY u Ham IIH C( . 1 bacon "H rterhous Steak per pouad.... IS I Bi R. E. WELCH 124m and Farnarn Phones: Bell, Douglas 1511; Independent, A-2511 Cora Beef per pound .eg Orlng Lamo per pouaa .... eo urlola Bleak per pound lie Direct action gas stove sar gas. Be them and know why. P. C. D Vol Hard war Co. Mt Broadway. Matters la Dlstrtet Coart. William Salisbury Instituted suit In th district court yesterday against Martin Mortenaen, proprietor of a saloon at KM Sixteenth avenue, to recover 33.000 demage for being bitten by a bulldog, said to have belonged to th defendant. Salisbury states in bis petition that the bulldog seised and bit a chunk out of his leg on July lot Ha ask 31.500 actual damages for the Injury and II, W exemplary damages for Mor tenaen keeping a vicious bulldog. lit filing suit for divorce yesterday Mrs. Nina Keating makes statutory charges charge agatnat her husband. CJordon Keat ing, to whom she was married June S in Fontanell, la., and from whom ah Sep rated August I of this year. In addition to a decree of dlvoro Mrs. Keating asks to be awarded th custody of their minor child and 331 a month for th car of th latter. Aoaraw at rstron. wno recently pur chased a saloon In Keola, hav brought suit against P. J. Whit to reoover 30 and secure th cancellation of nine prom utory notes. Last September, it la claimed th plaintiff bought a saloon and stock of liquor from Whit for II.T24, paying 3000 In cash and giving tan promlaory notes for th balano. Shortly after buying the place th plaintiff turned th saloon back to Whit who, It I said, resold it. Andrew Peterson claim that Whit ha been trying to collect on th promlaory cotes and re cently brought suit on on of th notes in the court of Justice Coopr. MAN FOUND HANGING TO TREE Wound on Head Coavlaee Friend H Was Mardered aad Tkea Snspended. CORNING, la., Aug. 11. Special.) The body of E. M. Orowse, a Bohemian laborer on th Burlington road, waa found hang ing to a tree near her. Th condition of th body Indicated that death had ensued several day previous to th finding, and. while th Indications point to. suicide, wound on th head hav convinced some of th man's friends that ha waa murdered for hi money and that th bodjr wss hung for a blind. Orowse bad no relative In thl country. The home is the safeguard of the nation. To own your own home is not only a matter of patriotism, but a duty you owe your family. The fact that you have not enough money to buy a home is no excuse. In today's real estate columns you will find a great many home propositions that can be bought on very easy terms. A small payment down, your rent money will take care of the balance. Thursday is home day. pany began bankruptcy proceedings against the concern. Attachments hav. been se cured by eastern manufacturers against some of the new machinery recently In stalled. A receiver for the firm will be appointed. Fatally Hart While Driving. CRESTON, la., Aug. 1L (fipeclal.r- Thrown from a buggy while going at a high rat of speed and alighting on her head, Mrs. Byron Creswll, wir ot a prom inent Lenox farmer, was probably fatally Injured, reports received In the city today stating that she Is still unconscious. Mr. Creawell was driving home, going at a rather fast rate, when she dropped on of the lines and th horse swerved to one ride, throwing her out. No bones were broken but the physlclana attending her are certain that the brain is injured and should she recover she will probably lose her reason aa a result. Critically III on Street. DAVENPORT, la., August 1L (Special Telegram.) Rev. C. A. Moore, a prominent Mason and chautauquan. was found wandering In Rock Island. 111., streets last night, suffering from apoplexy. He is In a critical condition. Mrs. Hall New Matron. BOONE. Ia., Aug. ll-(Speolal Tele gram.) Miss Llbble Hall of West Union has been elected matron ot the Eastern Htar Masonlo home, succedlng Mrs. Nannie J. Oliver. Harris Coanty Pioneers. LOGAN, la., Aug. 1L (Special.) Th twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Old Battler ot Harrison county, to occur at Magnolia, Thursday, August 3& will be fur nished Instrumental music by th Magnolia band and vocal muslo by th Magnolia and Logan singers. Th recitation by Ruth Dempey will be followed by th address by Shirley Olllllland ot Glenwood. after whioh short addresses by old settlers of the county will be mad. Blue badgea will be provided for those In attendance who came to Harrison county in th 'SO, red badgea for thoa who cam to th county In th 'SO and whit for those who earn in th "70s, N. T. Plumbing C Tel. 360. Night. F-ITQt. Real Estate Transfers. Thee transfers war reported to Th Be August U by th Pottawattaml County Ab stract company of Council Bluff: T. W. McJDamott and wife to Andrew J. Wllllama, part lota 3 and 10, block S3, Neola, w. d Ls00 A. W. litroet and wtf to August and Mary Mublawg, lot St. block II Vrry add. to Council Bluffs, w. d.... Itt L. V. rosier and wife t al. to the trustee of Ark lodge, lots IT and 13. block t, Oakland, w. d 3,00 Afn P. Folsom, widow, and Ward P. Polsom. single, to John H. Mickey. lot 3, esc. 3s-7-i, q. . d 1 Total .HSU retltlen far Drwlnagr Ditch. A petition signed by twenty-three Inter ested property owners asking for the con struction of a dralnag ditch along Pigeon eraek from th northern boundary of Potta wattamie county southwest, a dlstano of about nine mil to a point about a mil aortn of th town of Crescent was tiled yesterday with County Auditor lone. A bond In th sum of 31. tot for prsllminary expenses waa also tiled by th petitioner The petition will be preentd t the Board of Huperviaors at its meeting tomorrow. The pet. Honors ask, provided It would Prostrated by Heat. BOONE. Ia., August ll.-(8pectal Tele gram.) Karl C. Keatberg, city engineer of Boone, while supervising some repairs at the water works yesterday . was prostrated by th heat and fell unoonscloua to th floor of th building. He Is Improving to day. For a time his condition was thought serious. H cam to Boon from Des Moines. lows New Nates. vit.l.ISf A .September 33 has been lected as the date for the Villlsca Old Bet tiers' picnic. This event Is an annual affair and is the means of attracting a large num ber ot old settlers to th city. SHENANDOAH The Shenandoah fair orjened Tuesday with a big attendance for a four days' meeting. Quod races fiil th afternoon program and a number of ball xames will be played. A big baby show is to be a feature of the meeting. CRESTON The preliminary urvey for th Creston at Winterset Interurban was finished Tuesday and Engineer Schrelner who was In charge of th gang, left with the Diets for Des Moines, where th estl mates and figures will be made. Work It to be commenced thl fall If possible. CRESTON E. R. Chapman, the Wiscon sin Young Men's Christian Association worker who waa recently engaged as secretary for this elty, arrived Tuesday with his family and will take charge of the project in this city. Plans are being made and work is being pushed by those In charge to secure a suitable building. CRESTON At a meeting of the city council nearly half a mile more of paving was proposed for the city along Its resi dence streeta There haa been a great deal ot paving proposed this summer and before winter It is probable that a large number of the streets through the residence sec tion will have cement thoroughfarea. AFTON Frank Brock man lost an old livery horse Isst week that had a record that was indeed unique. "Old Bill" was thirty-one years old at the time of his de mise, and for twenty-five years had trav eled on an average of tweaty-five miles a day. His owner. In figuring It over, has reached the conclusion that the horse has traveled in actual miles something like seven time around the earth. CRKRTON-Th venlng of th fifth f July It reined' in this elty and managed to spoil an elaborate display of fireworks provided by the members of the country club. They announced that the dtoptav would be made later snd the club rround thrown open to the cltv. The evening of the ?4th of Aurust haa been decided on ss this Is one of the evenings of the three davs' race meet and ball tournament to be held here tinder the auspices of the Olivine- rltih. No doubt a large crowd will be held over In the city. New Service to BOSTON VIA 20th Century Limited Effective August 15th, the world-famous 20th Century Limited 18 hours Chicago to New York will carry a through electric lighted sleeping car from Chicago to Bos ton via Lake .Shore New York Central FROM CHICAGO Lv CHTCAGO (Daily) 3.30 pm Ar ALBANY - - .27 am Lv ALBANY - .- 6.35 am At PITTSFIELD - 8.3 am Ar SPRINGFIELD 9.30 am Ar WORCESTER 10.50 am Ar BOSTON - - 11.50 am FROM BOSTON Lv BOSTON (nlly) 1.00 pm Lv WORCESTER 2.00 pm Lv SPRINGFIELD 3.19 pm Lv PITTSFIELD - 4.56 pm Ar ALBANY - - 6.15 pm Lv ALBANY 6.34 pm Ar CHICAGO - - 8.30 am For folders and information regarding tickets, reservations, etc., address WARREN J. LYNCH, Passeng- Traffic Manager, ChJcag Getaaell rirsa Bsskrsst. GRIN NELL, la., Aug. 1L tSpeclal.V-. Following the filing of a mortgage for tt.00 in favor of Ottumwa parties, credi tor ot th Orlnnell Pad and Blanket com- U IT Death from Blnn Peleoa was prevented bv O. W. Cloyd. Plunk. Mo., who healed his dsngerous wound with Bucklen's Arnica Balve. 8. g0 by Beaton Drug Co. Is the joy of the household, fcf . without it no happiness can be 'complete. Angels smile at and commend the thoughts and aspirations of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass Is such that sne looks rorward with dread to the hour when she shall led the thrill of motherhood. Every woman should know that the danger and pain of child-birth can be avoided by the use of Mother's Friend, which renders pliable an the parts, assisting nature ay its aid th women have pi erlfl'lft anfAttf IM v.wimhi,. agUU.VluM book f laferantlw ta wustea sM fr TBS BaADTlKU) KODIATO ra i.liaata. Oa, in its work, v iff V ausands of iVHM II II 11 IWLvY. issed this iX ZZss To New York and Boston ON SALE DALLY UNTIL SEPT. 30th, Via the MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY A delightful 30-day vacation tour with diverse routes east of Chicago, interspersed with lake, river and ocean trips, relieving the monotony of an all rail journey. Liberal stop-overs throughout the east. Let us plan your trip and arrange all the details. For rates, routes, etc, call at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1524 Farnam St., or Writ. F. A. Nash, Gen. Western Agent. Omaha, Neb. Richard L. Metcalfe's New Book "BISHOP SUNBEAMS" A companion piece to "Of Such Is the Klnfidom." Price SLOO. Ask your boek dealer.