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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1909)
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. JULY 1, 1900. Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Minor Mention TV OoaacU Blaffs Office ( ibe Omtkl Bee U it U SSrees. Dvl, drugs. CORRIOAN8. Undertake. 'Phone 148. Woodring Undertaking company. Tel. S3 Lewla Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone J7. FAUST DEER AT ROQERiT DVFFET When you want reliable want ad adver tising, una The Bee. peering blndera and mowera. Spearllni at Trlplutt. 827 Hroadway. Pr. W. V. Magarell. rptometrlst moved to 2M-20 City National bank building. DAIRD. LONGKNECKER at IIULAND. Undertaker. 'I'hon tft. 14 N. Vein fcit. W A NT K t T W O PARRTFR.S TO CARRY THE HUE, U, .SCOTT STRhiLTT. Al'l'I.Y AT ONCE. Muff Citv Maorilo lodne will hold a spe- clal meeting thin evening for work In the firm degree. CAMERAS ANl l'HOTOORA PHIC SIT- ri-ir;H. ai.k.xanijeii a akt mtoki:, S31 BROAUWAV. WANTED FIVE TEA Mo TO IJELTVEH ICE TO FAMILIES. A. O. GILBERT 1CW COMPANY. The chairmen of the several committee having In charge the arrangements for the entertainment of tha Olldden auto tour tourist on the nlaht of July 21 are re qu-sted to meet Friday coon at tha Grand Hotel. During June of thla year 17J transfer of real estate, with a total of I2HJ.B4S, were filed In the office of tha county recorder, aa against I'M tranafera during the aame month of laat year, when tha aggregate consideration amminted ta m,S4. Manr Malonay requeeta that the com ml t- teea having la charge tha arrangements for the public Independence day celebra tion at Fatrmount park on next Monday meet with the city council thla afternoon. when the rotincllmen will alt aa a commit tee of the whole. 1 Edwar 11. Terrell, who for. sereral years ha been In the practice of law at Pallas Tex., hoc declfled to locate In Council lUi-.ff. lie tut opened an office at 627 West Broadway and will engage in the gen eral practice- of law. Funeral service ever the late Mrs. A. J. Orcutt will be hold thla afternoon at o'clock at the family residence, 1002 Hec- cnl avenue, conducted by Ilev. Marcus P. McC'lure of ihe Flrat Presbyterian, follow In which the body will be taken to Kan aa city. Mo., for burial. . John Hermeloreeht. tha farmer of Ban croft, Neb., who claimed to . have been l.tinroed out of S.".0no by the J. C. Maybray swindling syndicate', called at the county Jail yesniuav u aro Frank Hcott, who alleged to have "steered" Hennelbi echt aicninst the gang. Scott waa recently ar rested In Sioux City and brought to Coun c:l 1 luffx, where two Indictment had been returned attalnst him. Beyond passing few commonplace remarks H-Tmelbrecht tl d not talk with Boott. He told Sheriff Wti artery he merely wanted to aee that tue right man waa In custody. The Wine-man, Tecolvcd a telegram to come home at once on account of sickness it lie did not have enough money he telephoned the Iowa Ioan company, ,corncr Ivarl and Broadway and waa able to catch the first train home. If It la money you want nee them. Wanted Two carrier to carry The Bee, 15 Scott street. Apply at once. I'.rror In Abatement Bond. When Mt. May Noble, proprietress of the KlveiKlde hotel, filled tha abatement bond In the sum of fl.000 In order that ahe might reopen the place. It was dlacovered that the description of tha property In the original proceeding and In the court decree was wrong. Reference to tha plats of the? county showed that the property aa described In the court ordera was that belonging to L. S. Axtel, In Rockford township. As the matter now stands tha injunction and order of abatement aa Is sued by the cxjirfrstaafcarnst Axtel's farm !n HockfoMl Towtfslrtp Instead of against the Riverside hotel. An order of court lo rectify the error will, It 1 under stood. Ix necessary. Harry Brown, clerk of the dle'rlct court In the absence of any Judge -here accepted the bond presented by Mrs. Noble yesterday, leaving the mat t r of rectifying the error In the descrip tion of the property to be settled later. The fashion ladles' tailoring. R. II. Em Icln, proprietor. We do first-class work reasonable. We make aulta for $15, skirt, IS. Would you give u a trial. 33 South Main street. I K. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. SO. Night, F-1701 To Enjoy the full confidence of tho Well-informed of tho World and tho Commendation of the most eminent physicians it was essen tial that the, component parts of Syrup 6f Figs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; there fore, tho California Fig Syrup Co. pub lishes a full statement with every package. The perfect purity and uniformiiy of pro duct, which they demon! in a laxative remedy of on ethical character, arc assured by the Company' original method of man ufacture known to tho Company only. Tho figs of California are used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but tho medicinal principles arc obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To pet its beneficial effects always buy tho genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. ordy, and for Bale .v nil I MiHino- rlnir'" POTTAWATTAMIE CO. INDIANS TS. - OMAHA CLIFF ; DWELLERS Benefit of Edmundsoa Hospital, JULY 3, AT 3:00 P. M. Ideal Hustlers Park letb ATsnae and fta Street Tlcksta aao, on sale at Clark's Drag Btore, IVe are open lor Bids on Cement Sidewalks We manufacture the boat ceipent block on the market, the continual aJr-apac cement block. The walla Inside never gut wat or damp Put up la cement will tt a hi time. BaUTaVS. UKMXaTT BLOCK CO., Cffloa, laeom S, First Xatloaal Bank BuliaiBf. rhou luit. 844. fiast SUt ktreet ana xirat atom. LeflcH'sSr Lenses r r i w r tf In rl LEFTirrsc-rr asn IM Jf ' aotMirmit am aiiw eterra, m THIRD RISE OF INDIAN CREEK West Broadway Again Flooded from Eighth to Illinoii Central. DEBHIS CATCHES UltDEE BRIDGE Another Dam Forma and Water Back I p for Several Block Addi tional Damaate by Mod and Water. For the third time within two weeks In dlun crfk overflowed lta banka yester day shortly after noon and flooded Went Broadway from Eighth street to the Illi nois Central railroad tracks. The damage to building" on the north side of Broad way, however, was not great. The flood, however, added another deposit of mud and debris on the streets, whlf l the city has been trying to clean since the heavy flood of last week. At North Eighth street the debris washed down from above caught In tha hanging girder of the bridge and soon formed a dam, causing tha water to back up and overflow tha banka. Tha recent heavy ralne resulting In tha overflow of the creek three times In lea than two weeka haa demonstrated to tha ctty offi cials the necessity of replacing tha bridge at Eighth street with a modern structure of concrete ao that tha water In time of flood may have a free passageway. ' Whlla a portion of the city experienced a heavy fall of rain yesterday noon, there waa not any In the southern part of the city. Smith of the tracks on Sixteenth avenue the sun wa shining and there was no rain In that vicinity. We hava a large number of bankers' carpentere,' clerks.' and stenographers' pen cils which we are giving away aa long as they last. Call at our office and get them. Towa Loan company, corner Pearl and Broadway, suite E. OTTO IIFHIMNG gK DIVORCR Oets Order Restraining Wife from Interfering trltb Ills flnslneea. Otto Herring, owner of a large rnrych near Columbus, Neb., Hn a few weeks ago became landlord of the Goodrich ho tel on Broadway and Eighth street, yes terday filed In the district court suit for divorce from Maude Herring, to whom h was married on December 8 of last year at Lincoln, Neb. The divorce proceed ings form the sequel to the attempt of Mrs. Herring to commit suicide late last Sunday night by the morphme route. In addition to filing his suit for divorce Landlord Herring xernred from' Judge E. B. Woodruff of the district court a tem porary order of Injunction restraining Mrs. Herring from committing any acts of vio lence on him, from Interfering with the conduct of the business of the hotel, from Inviting to the hotel men or women of questionable or 111 repute, from appearing at the hotel In an intoxcnted condition, from engaging In violent or unseemly con duct In the hotel, from Interfering with the guests, patrons or employe of the ho tel and from Interfering with or moving the personal property pertaining to the ho tel. In brief, while there 1 nothing In the restraining order to hinder Mr. Herring from occupying her apartments and taking her usual meals at the hotel, it requires that ahe shall properly conduct herself while so doing. In order that the restrain ing ordar should becoma effective at once Herring filed a bond In the s"um of ,p0. In his petition for divorce Landlord iter- ring states that since acquiring the Good rich hotel It has been his Intention and desire to conduct the place In a. reputable manner and In compliance with the law and, further, that he la anxious to con duct it In this manner, but hi effort have been thwarted by hla wife, who, he alleges, has persisted In Inviting and caus ing to come to the place men and women of 111 repute for Improper and immoral purposes. Furthermore, landlord Herring charges that his wife has been In the habit during their brief occupancy of the hostelry of coming Into the place In a condition Indicating a oo liberal Indulgence in strong liquors and creating disturbance at un seemly hours of the night, much to the annoyance of tha patrons of the place and to the detriment of the business. Herring also alleges that his wife threatened to take his life and that, with out hla permission, had packed up aome of his personal property, to all of which he objected. He, in addition, makes statutory charges of misconduct against his wife. Ladles, we invite you to attend the spe cial Chl-namel demonstration this week at our store. We are giving a practical dem onstration of the new miiwlon finishes. P. C. DeVol Hardware company. Addition to Federal Bolldlna. Although the plans for the addition to the federal building hav not yet reached here. Postmaster Hazelton yesterday re ceived the specifications, and they have ben placed on file for the convenience of conyactora who may desire to bid on the construction. The specifications are volu- mlnoua, and cover over 100 pages of closely printed matter. Jamea Knox Taylor, bu pertnlending architect of the treasury, has made an approximate estimate of $126 Xl for the construction of the addition and remodelling of fhe present building. The specification call for the completion of the building by January Y 1911. Bids have to be accompanied by a certified check in an amount equal to 2 per cent of the bid. The work Is to be paid for monthly. Wedding It In are, Pure gold, (eamleas, all sizes, thus no it lay or altering, ti to 112. Kntsiavln.' free. Leffert. Marrlaaie Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. W. A. Evans. Woodbine, la 2i Kdtth Myrtle Terwllllger, Woodbine, la. .13 Paul D. '.Vrlght. Pittsburgh. Pa 27 Olive Paultn. Pittsburg. Pa ........27 Ralph H. Cheney, Valley Junutlpn, la. ...30 Kllen McSorley, Council Bluffa..., 30 L. L. Rood. Kansas City, Mo li ?5 Elizabeth J. Mucrae. Council Illuff l A. H. Stola. Council Bluffs 24 Genevieve Cronland, Council Bluffs 22 Frank Belt, Crescent. Ia 21 Neoinla M. Vincent, Orescent, la Is J. W. Dorenee. Omaha 25 Beth lAKan. Omaha 23 Wqnted Two carriers to curry The Bee. 15 Scott street. Apply at once. i Attempt to Abandon Daby. A middle-aged woman, and whose name the police stated they did not obtain, but who la aald to hnve come to Council Illuff from Havelock. Neb., left a J-weeks- 1 C'A'KCiL ulUFFt X A' U2 old baby on the porch of the Oood Samari tan hospital on First avenue and Eighth street last evening, shortly after 9 o'clock. Mrs. Pangle. wife of the late Dr. Pangle, who conducts the hospital since the death of her husband, heard the woman running away and ran out of the house In time to ee the woman, who came back when Mrs. Pangle called to her. Mrs. Pangle no tified the police, and the woman and baby were taken to police headquarters. Iater, after the woman had told her story to Cap tain Shafer. she was allowed to go on, promising to return to Havelock with the baby. All this week we are demonstrating tha Chl-namel mission flnlshrs for furniture, porch chairs, swings, etc. Come and learn how to grain and finish furniture yourself. P. C. DeVol Ilaidware company. OMEOA ETA T. V l OSVF.TIO lllh School Pratn Are Dlncnaslna; New State l,m, The Omega Eta Tou fraternity, the na tional convention of which opens In his city today, owes Its organization to a group of Councl Bluff High school students. Ita organization waa planned as early as 1893, but It was not until 1M)1 when the fratern ity, with the name It now bears, was es tablished. In that year Alpha chapter was formed by Albert Treynor, Harry Joslln, Mae Hanchett, Uoy Smith, Frank Rlnder, Charles R. Hannan, Jr., Carleton Wood ward and a few others. The fraternity soon spread and eventually a strong na tional organization was formed. There are now fifteen chapters, located at Des Moines, Ames, Chicago, Evanston, Cin cinnati, St. Louis. Cleveland. Newark, Rochester, Boston, Philadelphia, La Crosse, Detroit and Council Bluffa. One of the principal matters It Is ex pected to be considered at the convention will he methods of meeting the conditions arising out of the enactment of laws In Iowa, Minnesota and some other states placing a ban upon all fraternities and secret organizations In the public schools. A number of the delegates arrived yes terday and are being entertained at ihe homes of the local member or former schoolmates. The present officers of the national chapter are: Charles A. Purcell, Evanston. III., grand ruler; Edward A. Fisher, Evans ton, 111., grand treasurer; Edward Newall, Des Moines, high keeper of the rolls; Her bert Manning, Ames, master of ceremonies; Morris lackey, Council Bluffs, magazine editor; Fred Weston. Chicago, president of the executive board. FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY .USE BUT YOUR LIQUORS AT L. ROSEN FELD CO., 619 SO. MAIN. 'PHONE 323. INDIANS AMI CMFF DWELLERS Base Bnll Tcnma from Two Court Ifonnea Piny Saturday. All arrangements have been completed for the great ball game Saturday afternoon between the Pottawattamie Indians and tho Omaha Cliff Dwellers at Ideal-Hustlers-park on Sixth street and Sixteenth avenue. The weather bureau mon has promised to shut off the rain for that duy, at least, and as the proceeds of the contest will be turned over to the Woman's Christian as sociation for the benefit of the Jennie Edmundson Memorial hospital, an attend ance that will bulge out the park fencing Is looked for. The line-up of the two teams. It 1 announced, will be as follows: Pottawattamles. Cliff Dwellers. Wyland Catcher Tracy Mayne..t...........ritcher Mornrlty Hess. ..:... ..First base Shaw Parghauaen. ........ Second base Fraser Hrown Short stop Rehschuh Rodwell Third base Reynolds WnAii Left field Price Hlnklev Center field Lynch Messnec Right field L,unaDiaa All of the remaining officials ana aepu- tles In the Pottawattumle county court house have been enlisted as substitutes In case their service are needed. The Ed mundson hospital ambulance will be kept In readiness and a corps of the graduate nuraes of the Institution will be In attend ance to render first aid to the Injured. Oxfords and strap pumps In all leathers. Prices the lowest, quality considered. Dun can Shoe Co., 23 Main St. Real Estate Tranafera. These transfers were reported to The Bee June 30 by the Pottawattamie County Abatract company of Council Bluffs: J. H. C. Ptuhr and wife to Henry Maner, lots 1. 2 and 3. block 4, Great Western addition to Mlnden f 800 S. C. 1 lodire and husband to George H. Russell, west 22 feet of lot 4. block 18, Grime addition to Council Bluffs 2.M0 Total two transfer $2,600 Oxfords for the Fourth. You should have a pair. We can please you and save you money. Duncan Shoe Co., 21 Main St. Saloona I.oae by Two Nnmea. . MANILA. Ia., June 30. (Special.) Lack ing Just two names of having a majority the aaloon men, who have been seeking to get consent to open saloons here, have failed and thla place will be dry until after the next general election. Those who were circulating the petition were given un'll this morning to make their final filing. At" the last minute they reported that they were unable to secure the two namea required to give the petition a majority. Anaruatana Collcae Reunion. FORT DODGE, la., June 30. (Special. ) The annual reunion of the students and alumni of Augnstana college, Rock Island 111., Is to be held here July 14 and 15, and people will gather from great distance and participate In a plrnlc, two evening programs and other features for their es pecial amusement. Cells Wife and nt Throat. OREENVILUE, Ia.. June 30-( Special.) Arlstlng from bed and calling his wife, who waa in an adjoining room, Steven Pubolse, of thla place, took a raior, slashed his throat, then went back to bed. When his wife came Into the room he was dead. No reason la known for the aulcide. Iowa TV o tea. OTTVMWA The thirtieth annual meet ing of the Iowa Pharmaceutical association la to be held in this city on July 8. 7 and . The address of welcome will be de livered by Senator E. O. Moon of Ottumwa and H. Tohert of Dubuque will reipond. The annual address of the president, Eil- I win Fianken, la the only business scheduled for July (. CHHTON A a result of flooded grounds at Corning, a good siied string of horses that were to have been tracked at the Corning Fair ground this summer, have hern brought to this cltv and taken to the fulr grounds, where the track Is In good condition and offer excellent facil ities for work. FA lit FIELD Three hundred and fifty dollars have been raised by Fairfield busi ness men for the erection of a kiln at this point to test the commercial value of Jef ferson county clay. Modeling done recently by 11. F. and L. C. Pumphrev Interested a number of Chicago capitalist and In case the clay Is found suitable a pottery factory mill be established. oltod y lm Toa Old to learn that the sure way to cure cough it cold 's with Dr. Kln-s New Dlseoverv. !0c and $1 U0. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Watch the Grocer's Basket OUR grocer is not going to offer you a "substitute" for Shredded Wheat Bis cuit He knows there is no substitute for it He knows that Shredded Wheat is in a class by itself unique and incom parable that no other cereal can take its place but mistakes happen in the best regulated groceries. See that the grocer's basket always contains Shredded Wheat Biscuit Give your grocer a standing order packages a week that means health and happi ness for children as well as grown-ups it means well-nourished bodies, strength and health for the day's work. Shredded Wheat is made of the choicest selected white wheat, cleaned, steam-cooked and baked. Try it for breakfast to-morrow with milk or cream. The Biscuit is also delicious for any meal in combination with fresh or preserved fruits. THE ONLY u BREAKFAST CEREAL" MADE IN BISCUIT FORM MARENGO MAYOR ON TRIAL Official Answers Impeachment Charges Under New Law. HE CHARGES IT IS VOID Denies Charge that lie Waa Dronk and mym Fact that He Drinks Waa Campaign Imae, (From a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES, Ia., June 30 (Special Telegram.) In the district court at Ma- renjro today Mayor A. M. Henderson filed his answer to the Impeachment suit started by the attorney eeneral's office on com plaint of Marenso cltlsens, t'nder the term of the new law the. supreme court has named Judge Gamble to tjiear the case. Mayor Henderson denies the. six charge of Intoxication filed against him, except to admit that on or about ' those dates, as well as before and after, he did drink liquor, but claim he was not incapacitated for his duties. He claims that It has been long well understood that ho Is a drinking man and that this was made an Issue In the last election, when the electors, know ing that he drank, elected him mayor: that the election took place before this law was passed and took effect, and therefore the law Is rold ana can have no bearing on his case, and further that the law Is unconstitutional In that It de nies a trial by Jury. Federal Rate Hearing. The federal rate hearing will probably terminate tomorrow. Today waa devoted to hearing the testimony of F. W. Luts, traffic manager of the Minneapolis & Rt Louis,, who maintained that Dea Molne already has equitable rates to the north west, though on cross-examination he ad mitted that Dea Moines business Is greater than that of IaCrosse, which has lower rates. Complaint of Brick Maker. I.,. J. Hasklns of Sergeant Bluffs, seven miles from Sioux City, filed a petition with the railroad commission today, charg ing that the Northwestern road, on which his $711,000 brick plant Is located, charges him $13.S0 to haul a car of brick to Sioux City, under the Iowa distance tariff, while the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul chargea but $3 a car of the three competing brick companlea at Klveralde, five mile from Sioux City, and that the Northwestern re bates this f3 when shipments are over Its line, though the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul will not pay any rebate when Has klns ships over it. He charge discrimi nation and conspiracy to drive him out of business. The State Railroad commission today re ceived a complaint from the Leon Commer cial club, asking for better atatlon service on the Turlington. The commission ordered the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road to change the name of it station at Elk Port to corre- A Hard Day's Work It has been said that "a woman's work is never done." The thousand and one household cares and duties which crowd on the shoulders ol every housekeeper soon sap ambi tion and wreck the delicate adjust ment of the nervous system. being an extract of rich barley malt and choicest hops, will help you to conserve your energy. Being pre digested, it is easily assimilated. It builds strength and health and. at the same time induces peaceful sleep, restoring the nerves to their normal state. Insist Ufim It Bmf Pals moisri! fiui ihhh "'Mnii timu nf a. v. A . Order a Dozen from YosaT Local Drug gist spond with the name of the town. The town I called Oarber, and the postofflce Is Oarber. Confusion arise because there Is another Elk Port. A requisition was Issued by Governor Carroll today for Buren Ixcke, who Is wanted In Madison county for the alleged seduction of Miss Etta Atchison, and la now under arrest In South Dakota. Injunction Aaralnat Loveleas. The supreme court today affirmed the decision of the lower court of Harrison county In the case q William Loveless against Clark Ruffcorn and others, hold ing that Loveless ha no right to destroy or to cut, even temporarily, the embank ment or levee that has been maintained between the Soldier and Missouri rivers for the last fifty year. Loveless cut the em bankment and put In a culvert Once on authority from the supervisors, which the township's trustees at once removed and re paired the embankment. Injunction pro ceeding were then started to prevent his cutting It again, and the court affirms the action of the lower .court In making the injunction permanent. Swearlna; Over Telephone. A man may swear moderately over the telephone tinder, due provocation, but at the same time the telephone company has a right to cut him off from service If, after being warned, he does not desist from his I profanity; and If hf doea desist and I show proper humility, the company must continue him sen-ice or restore such serv ice, if It has been cut off. This Is the gist of a decision handed down by the supremo court today In the case of George Huff man against the Marcy Telephone com pany of Boone. Huffman waa on a party line with five other families. The neighbors got Into something of a wrangle because of the fact that while Huffman was trying to talk to someone over the phone some of the neighbors "butted In." and Huffman made an Insulting remark. Ill feeling was further engendered. Huffman repented and apologized, but the telephone company cut him off, anyway. The court say the service must be rertored, but that Huff man must not swear any more. Election July 5. Adjutant General Guy Logan today or dered the election of a brigadier general of the Iowa National Guard for July 5. This will be the date on which the guard goes Into brigade formation, and will be the flrat time the guard has been so formed. The ballots must be mailed to the adjutant general and musi bear post mark of July 5, on or before 6 p. m. of that day. The ballots will be opened here July 7 at 8:30 a. m. Three Insurance Reports. There will be three insurance reports Issued by the stale auditor this year, in stead of two. The regular fire Insurance report ha already been Issued from the state printer. The life Inwurance report will be in two volumes this year, Instead of one. One will contain the fraternal beneficiary reports and the other all othci classes of life Insurance. That containing other than fraternal in surance will be Volume II, and will be ready in a short time. It will show hat there has been a healthy Increase in life Insurance in the state and will show tha' Iowa pays 1 10, 6 15, f J. 41 a year for Its lifo Insurance, which 1 about M a year for every man. woman and child In the state. The report will show that the Insurance In force by the ten old line Iowa com panies has Increased from 1U0,40,M3 in 1907 to I112.&M.767 In If"!, and the amount paid policyholders Increased from tl.207.06J to 11,28.671. That the Insurance In force by the thirty non-Iowa companlea Increased from 17l67,7:a to $18fl.t!fci.254. The Insur ance In force with the Iowa and non-low assessment eompunles Increased from I7S, J57.0U0 to $f3.442.620. Letters ( omlni Bark. The secretary of state mailed a cartload of letters to corporation In Iowa a week ago. Beginning yesterday armfula of :h letters addressed to corporations now not i doing business began to return, sent back by the postmasters. For years Iowa cor poration have been required to report an nually, but none reported because there was no mean at the hand of the secre tary of state to compell them to report. Hundreds of corporation have gon out of businesa without notifying the secretary of state. North Iowa I'nder )Wnter. State Architect Llebbe, who returned to day from a trip to the state Institutions in the northern part of the state, declared that the crops of Iowa must of necessity be short thU year. He said he could go " " 1 """ I, 1 ""ii i 1 1 " - ii for so many by boat from Fort Dodge to Cherokee through the fields by dragging his boat over some few high place, the heavy rain putting the flat country under water. l' for stenllngt Stamp. Roy Price, a porter at the Savery hotel, was taken before I'nlted States Commis sioner McArthur this morning for prelimi nary bearing on a charge of purloining stamps from the Luther, Ia., postofflce last spring. Price was bound over to the federal grand Jury. Ills bond were fixed at iriOO. So far he ha been unable to give bonds and will be taken to the In dlanola Jail to await trial. Price say he found the stamps In his possession ' yes terday when arrested on the streets of Luther. It Is believed that he picked the postmaster's pocket. Supreme Court Decisions. The following supreme court decisions have been handed down: State against George Baker, Montgorrrvy county, convicted of manslaughter; af firmed. State against Lulu Bennett, Scott county, murder in first decree; affirmed. William Loveless, . appellant, against Clark Ruffcorn et al.. Harrison countv, suit ever right of plaintiff to cut levee; af firmed. State against William McPursley, Polk county, criminal assault; affirmed. George Huffman against Marcy Mutual Telephone company. Boone county, suit to compel reinstatement of telephone; af firmed. Wild Man Taken at Clinton. CLINTON, Ia.. June 30 (Special.) Clad In rags, with his hair and beard matted and disheveled, an Insane man, who has been living In the woods near Delmar and who has been terrorising the people of that place, waa captured and brought to this city today to be arraigned before the com missioners of insanity. In his more rational momenta he says his name Is Joseph Mur phy. Murphy ran wild through the wood When the blood becomes infected with the virus of Contagious Blood Jroison, the symptoms are soon manifested. The mouth and throat ulcerate, copper-colored spots appear, a red rash breaks out, the hair begins to com out, and usually sores and ulcers show themselves on different parts of the body. At the first sign of the disease 8. 8. 8. should be taken, for the trouble is too powerful and dangerous to trifle with. If allowed to run on the tendency is to work down and attack the bones and nerves, and some times it makes a complete physical wreck of the sufferer. The disease can make no such headway If S. 8. 8. Is commenced and used according to direc tions; its progress can be stopped, the poison removed, and health preserved. B. 8. 8. goes Into the blood and removes the Insidious virus, cleanses the circulation and makes a complete and permanent cure by driving out the cause. S. 8. 8. quickly takes effect on ' the blood, and gradually tha symptoms disappear, the health is Improved, the skin cleared of all spots, sores and blemishes, and when 8. 8. 8. has thoroughly purified the circula tion no trace of the disease is left. S. S. 8., a purely vegetable remedy, cures Contagious Blood Poison because it is the greatest of all blood purifiers, tested and proven for more than forty years. Home treatment Look and any medical advice desired free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA. near Delmar for day. Approaching the town at night he would rap on doors, and windows and thus established a -reign of terror, until a posse waa organised and he was captured after a hot chase. Injunction Against Brewery. WAVKRLT. Ia.. June 30. Judge Smith at the last day of the term yeeterday en tered a perpetual Injunction restraining and enjoining the Waverly Brewing com pany, Carl Hoppenworth, Its secretary, and Henry Parrot t, Its general manager, It, officers, directors, agent and employes from the Illegal manufacture and keep ing for Bale of beer in the brewery or In this state. This Is the first Injunction granted against a brewery under the pres ent law. The Brewing company filed a bond to prevent the building from being locked up and the beer In the vats de stroyed. flit for Denatured Plant, MARSHALTOWN. Ia.. June 80.-(Spec-lal.) The National Denatured Alcohol com- pany, a $200,000 corporation recently organ ised in this city, today purchased1, What. 14 known as the Danskln elevator property, which la a tract 1P0x390 feet, on which It will erect an alcohol manufacturng plant to use 1,200 bushel of corn dally. Materia! I being hauled to the site today, and It is expected to have the plant completed and In operation by the time the corn crop Is harvested. Iowa Man Killed by Train. CHICAGO, 111., June SO. Leaping from a freight train directly In front of a pas enger train at Hammond, Ind., T. V'. , Stafford of Thornburg, Ia., waa Instantly killed. Stafford with three companion was trsvellng over the country In search of work. Stafford was 4fl years of ; age, and his family residea In Thornburg. It pays to use Bee Want Ads. CURES o BLOOD POISON Iff MB IMiWWfc. TRAVEL VIA UNION PACIFIC e Tho Safo Itoad to Travol TO COLORADO and WYOMING "America's Finest Fishing Ground Colorado's beautlfu 1 mountain scenery and trout filled streams offer pleasant, healthful div ersions, and its cities are famous summer resorts. Wyoming's trout streams are placed among mountain scenes of matchless beauty. A week spent cere will supply enough energy for another year of strenuous labor. Ask for our beautifully Illustrated fishing book and "you will go a-fishlng." Call en or address City Ticket Office, 1324 FarnamSt. OMAHA, NEB. Phones-Bell Doug. 18t8j and Ind. A3231