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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1909)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 11. 1909. n SOCIETY EMERGES FROM LENT Fuhionablei Not Hatty, Howerer, to ATail Themselves of Freedom. AXMT SET DIVIDED FOE A TIME Little? Folks Will Ea!r Tweatlet tanaal Easts Cfg Haat Oiftli of MIh A Crmry At Her Home. AT EASTER. 'o rlsnglng ball for ma today, I wander on' beside the stream. Content to watch the new leaves play, With resurrection Joy agleara. Tha radblrd alma a solo clear, Afar the field Inras chorus sweet. The Joyous at ream that murmera near, An endless prayer seems to repeat. I would jmt wlh a crank to be, Or give to use a naedleaa bat, I cut conventionality. Because I have no Easter hat. UERTHA HART NANCti. Social Calendar. MONDAY Omaha High school alumni prom at Chambers' academy; Mra. J. K. Bcoble, Monday Bridge Luncheon club; Mra. J. H. Moyer. luncheon; T. N. K. dancing party at Lincoln. TVEBDAY-Dlnner partlea and hop at Fort Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ounther, dinner party; Hanacom Park Dancing club, party at Rome hotel; Jolly Doien club, Him Oladys Jones. WEDNESDAY Mrs. D. M. Vlnsonhaler, bridge luncheon party for Mrs. Carroll and Mlaa Carroll; Mlaa Dorothy Steven, dinner and Orpheum party for Mlaa Loulae Kennedy; Mrs W. A. DeBord, literary club; Aronel Card club, Mra. W. H. Walker; Alternate Card club, Mra. James C. Kennard; Mrs. J. B. Bmeaton, bridge party. THfnflDA Y Mrs. D. M. Vlneonhaler. bridge party for Mies Carroll; HI Beta Thl, annual banquet In celebration jf Founders' Day, at Hanaon'a cafs; Mis. WUIIam Johnston and Miss Johnston, I W -1 .1 1 .. - . tn... rnnk. VI . m W. N. Haskell, luncheon for Miss Loulae Kennedy; Mr. r . W. Thome, bridge party for Child Saving Institute; Et. A vlrp club at Chambers' academy ; Mra. D B. Taylor, Sterling club. FRIDAY Omlkron dancing party at Chambers' academy: hop at Fort Crook; Friday club, Mra. Edward Roxewator at I he Hamilton apartmenta; Mra. T. L. Duvls. Orlalnal hrldge clib; meeting of Junior Bridge club. SATURDAY Les Hlboux Dancing party to be given In Dundee; Miss Msy Ma hnnev, bridge party for Mlaa Farrell and for Miss Neemlth of Fort Omaha; Mrs. Oeorae Thomrjson and the Mlaaea Thomp son entertain for Mias Mllroy; Alpha Comlkron PI dancing party at Lincoln; Loyal card club, Mra. A. v. well. Society will emergo from the Ienton season well rested, but seemingly with little Inclination, for tha Immediate present at least, to avail Itself of Its freedom to be g-ay ones more. The calendar for this week ' n. Ideal Car I a vehicle aeemlnirlv nur. r . . - . .7 " rv lect lor ladles or nhvsiriana' use. interchangeable with Queen Victoria body. The Baker Gtecteio Inside Driven Covpi is distinctive for the elegance foz iu appointments a car that ' ' is hanasome, refined and digni fied vet exceptionally eon- i venient and serviceable. Allow Us to Demonstrate the Inside Driven Coupe to yon. We shall be pleased to make an appointment for a demon a. a. l a I a sirauon miner dv man or telephone, ELECTRIC GAItAOK L laiaw uui at., w , k. Telephone Douglas -J901. Silver More than anything else is treasured by the bride. It has a lasting quality that makes it peculiarly adapt ed for wedding gifts. Ed holm silver has a substan tial weight that insures long nerviee. The beauty of design is unquestioned. The prices are so evidently right that they become a secondary consideration. Albert Edhom Jeweler Sixteenth and lUrney Grand Prize Mask Ball by the CLIX CLUB Tl'ESDAV, APRIL 13th. at Washington Hall Many cash and other prizes. Masks for sale at the bait la fairly well filled, but nothing out of tha ordinary is scheduled, In fact, club meetings and card partlea arc about the only thing In prospect for a time. Tha second battalion of tha Sixteenth In fantry at Fort Crook will leave thla week for the rifle range near Ashland for target practice. Owing to tha absence of ao many officers and as serenl of the ladies of the post will also leave this week, soma of the dinner parties for neat Friday hava been canceled, although the regular fort nightly hop will probably be held a planned. Several Informal card partlrs and dinner parties will b given before tho officers leave. Captain Oohn, Lieutenant Shallenberger, Lieutenant P. I Smith and Dr. McMillan left Friday for Ashland. Other ofYlerrs leaving thla week will In clude Captain Crlmmlns, Lieutenant Short. Lieutenant Mlrhaella, Lieutenant West and Lieutenant Fooks. Many of the social clubs at the garrison will postpone their meetings until tha return of the officers. After the return of this battalion, the third battalion will leave. A number of little excursion parties are being planned by friends of the officers to visit them during their absence from Omaha. Necessity Is the niother of Invention and also incidentally of bluffs. Recently a young man, very well known asked to escort a young woman to an entertainment. When the time canvt ha found that ho had spent his allowance for the month and not being able to raise the necessary car fare In so short a time, he thought of an ad mirable plan and telephoned for a carrfage. In order to further bluff himself that he was really not '"broke," he ordered violets for the young woman. The violets and the carriage came on time. Following a beautiful custom that she has observed for twenty years or more. Miss Anna Crary will entertain a score of little folks thla afternoon at an Easter egg hunt In the spacious grounds of her home st Twenty-second and St. Mary's avenue. The party 1 to begin at 1:10 and the little guests are anticipating It as something more than an ordinary occasion, as many of them are children of parents who have also known the Joy of Mlaa Crary hos pitality In their juvenile days. Two hundred or more eggs have been gorgeously colored and otherwise decorated and hidden about the grounds and house, behind trees, under steps and In every available nook within reach of little hands, and at a signal the hunt will begin. Of course there will be a reward for the ones who find the most eggs, anJ later there will be other delightful features. Bealdes her four young nleoes and nephews, Sally and Jack Crary and Floyd and Eleanor Smith, Miss Crary's little guests will In elude Helen, Grace, Esther and Arthur Smith, Verglnls and Elisabeth Barker, Francea and Georgia Martin, William Stull, Bettle and Winn Fairfield, David Caldwell, Escola Hamilton, Mercedea and Lenore ' Shepherd. Mary and Edgar Morsman, Tot 1 tie Glfford, Cullum Root, Charles. Oertrude, Eleanor, and Harkness Kountse, Dick Stew art, Julia Caldwell, Caroline Forbes. Annie Jenkins, Jean and Morse Palmer, Elisabeth Katherlne Paxton, Gilbert and Katherlne Doorly. Norrls and Katherlne Lake and Donald Plucka. Pleasares Paat. Mrs. Chester Stem was hostesa Saturday for the meeting of 'Pour Les Etifants" cTtlb. About ten guests were present and they sewed for the Child Saving Institute. Miss Olabeile Hervey entertained Friday afternoon at her home for the members of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority who are spending their vacation In Omaha. About ten guests were present. The Phi Kappa Pal fraternity alurrnl gave Its monthly dinner last evening at the Henshaw. About twenty-five mem bers were present. The Nemo club was entertained at the home of Mrs. 8. H. Grace. Prises for the game were won by Mrs. W. M. Rhyn, Mrs. W. D. Blackburn and Mrs. Pulver. Those present were: Mesdamea Gray, J. R. Williams. J. A. McDanlel, Sidney Walker, J. Vickery, J. Calllflower and Mies Carrie Rhyn. Mr. Oeorge Klmmel was given a sur prise party last week at his home, S614 Hamilton street. Games were played and supper waa served the latter part of the evening. The guests were: Mra. J. A. Hershey. Mrs. M. Anderson. Miss Hershey, Miss Samuelson. Miss Wasser man, Mrs. Ripley, Miss Powell, Mrs. Fred Ehrhardt, Mlaa Patton, Mlaa Monroe, Miss Klmmel, Mr. and Mrs. George Klmmel, Mr. James Black, Mr. Snyder, Mr. H. Norgard, Mr. Donald, Monroe, Mr. George BBarnett. Mr. Neat Robb. Mr. Cunning ham. Mr. Roy Carls. Mr. Charles lrvln, Mr. Andrew Thornberg and Mr. A. Klm mel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bacon of the Bur wood stock company gave an Informal din ner party Thursday evening at the Absar aka apartments. Dinner was served In the Japanese room, with appropriate decora tions. The favors were attractively Illum inated texts from Omar Khayam. Mrs. Bacon wss assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Rogers.. The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Escott Hicks of Council Bluffs and Miss Pcsrl Sterns. Prospective. Pleasures. A large evening bridge party will be given Tuesday evening, April 10, at the spsclous home of Mrs. Charles Harding. U0 South Thirty-eighth avenue, for the benefit of the building fund of the Child Saving Institute. The affiar will be In charge of a number of women Interested In this work. About 400 invitations will be Issued some time this week and a nominal fee will be charged. Supper will be served the letter part of the even ing. Miss May Mahoney will entertain at bridge Saturday afternoon at her home for Mlsa FFarrell of Albany. N. Y.. guest of Mrs. W. N. Haskell, and for Mlaas Ottola Nesmlth of FFort Omaha, who leaves shortly to visit In Fort Pes Moines. Mrs. Joseph Cudahy will glva an Easter egg hunt at her home this morning at 1:80 o'clock for a number of small children. Each child will be given a basket and egra will be hidden all through the house and they will be rewarded by having their little baskets well filled. Amank the chil dren who will be present will be: Misses Helen Rogers. "Tet'le" Olfford. Helen Smith, Grace Smith, Eleanpr Smith, Elea nor Kountse. Virginia Cotton, Barbara Burns, Gertrude Kountse, Katherlne Lako, Jean Palmer, Prairie Paxton, Virginia Crofoot. Elisabeth Barker. Masters Milton Rogers, Millard Rogjrs, Harold Glfford, Arthur Smith, Floyd Srrtieh, Charles Kountse, Harkness Kountse, Bennle Cot. ton, James Bancker, Lawrence Lake, John T. Stewart. Id, Morae Palmer. Lodovlck Crofoot and WInaton Cowglll. The next regular monthly dance of the N. N. O. club will be given next Friday night at the Rome hotel. A number ot danolng parties will be given In Llnccln this month by students from the University of Nebraska, and all of these will be attended by Omaha gueata. Tha first will b the T. N. E. dancing ratty, which will be glvtn at the Lincoln hotel. The parties by this fraternity of the sophomore clan ure given only once In two yeara. The Alpha Omlkron PI sorr-rlty will give Its annual dancing party Sat urday evening, April 17. Another party Saturday evening In Lincoln will be given by the Phi elta Theta fraternity, when they will entertain at a house dance for their neighbors, the Pelta De-lte DHta sorority. The Kappa Kappa Gamma so rority .will give the annual dancing party April a at the Lincoln hotel, end the Delta Gamma srrortty will also glva a dancing party In the near future. The Columbian Circle will resume Its series of card parties, the next to be given Wednesday. The hostesses will be Mrs. F. A. Squires and Mrs. F. E. Smith. The German Ladles society will give a children's masquerade and dancing party Saturday evening at the German Home on South Thirteenth street The Wednesday Literary club will meet this week at the home of Mrs. W. A. De Bord. "Tolstoi" will be the subject for the pregram, which will be In charge of Mrs. A. B. Wilcox. The last meeting of the season of the Aronel club will be held Wedneaday at the home of Mrs. W. H. Walker. The members of the Hanscom Park Dan cing club will give their last party of this season Tuesday at the Rome hotel. The guests of the evening will be the mem bers pf the Qui Vive Dancing club. Mrs. F. W. Thorne will entertain at bridge Thursday. There will be a nominal fee charged the players, and the proceeds will be given to the Child Saving Institute building fund. Les Hlboux club will give one of Its en joyable dancing parties for the high school set Saturday evening. The party will be given In Dundee and about eighty guests will be present. Among those In charge will be Messrs. Will Haynes. Harry Car penter and Herbert Ryan. Major and Mrs. William Johnaton and Miss Johnston will entertain at bridge Thursday evening at their home In Fort Crook. The Omlkron club will give one of the large parties of the week Friday evening at Chambers' academy. This will be the last of a successful series given by the club this season, and a large attendance Is expected to be present. Mr. Paul Beaton and Mr. Alfred Crelgh have charge of the party. Mrs. J. R. Scoble will be the hostess for the meeting of the Monday Bridge Lunch' eon club this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ounther will enter tain at dinner Tuesday evening for Mr. snd Mrs. Robert Shirley and for Dr. and Mrs. B. A. McDermott, Both young couples have recently returned from their wedding trips. The Lynn Social club will give Its next dancing party at Chambera' academy, April 22. Mrs. T. L. Davla will entertain the Orig inal Bridge club next Friday. Mrs. George Thompson, Mlsa Ruth Thompson and Miss Mayonne Thompson will entertain Saturday In honor of Mlsa Isabelle Mllroy. Mlas Genevieve H. Bsldwtn of the Rose bindery of Chicago will give an informal exhibition of book binding st the residence of Mrs. Dick Stewart, 402 South Thirty- sixth street, Monday, April 12, from 2 o'clock until S. The Knights of Columbus' annual recep tion and dance will be given at Metropolitan hall Monday, April 12. The entertainment committee Include Messrs. Fred Naughton, C. R. Miller. Thad Leary. Charles McGar vey. John E. O'Hern. L. B. Bushman, P. J. Kennedy and Ed Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rohrbough an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Rosalie Mae, to Mr. John W. Miller. The wedding will take place In the early port of June Come ana Go Gossip. Mr. MaoMlllan Harding, who la a student at Tale university, If spending his vscatlon "with college friends In the (Bermuda . Islands. Mies. Ruth Harding, who attenda Vaaear college, la vlatlng relatives In Mlddletown, N. T., and Miss Carrie Harding, who attends Miss Lfiretts school. Is visiting friends at CodlMac, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McCarthy will spend a few days this week visiting friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Updike and Mlsa Updike have returned from the California coast, where they have spent the winter. Mr. Jay Foster left Saturday for a trip to New Tork City. Mra. Clarke Colt and two children re turned Thursday from Florida, wherv they have been for seven months for the benefit of little Miss eBtty Colt's health, which Is much Improved. Miss Henrietta Benedict, Miss Alice Troxell and Mlaa Morlne Wilson, who at tended the PI Beta Phi annual dancing party at Lincoln have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Clabaugh have returned from a trip In the east. Mrs. Clabaugh has ben vlsitinz relatives In Maryland since the holidays. General and Mrs. Morton and Colonel and Mrs. The mas Swobe have gone to St. Louis, and from there will go down the Missis sippi and up the Ohio to Pittsburg Lando- Ing, where they are to attend a reunion of veterans who took part In the battle of Bhlloh. NO ACTION ON RALSTON LINE Coaaty rommlaaloners Defer D.cU slon It la at to lae 4 Street Vlaaaet. The Board of County Commissioners de ferred action Saturday morning on the petition of the Nebraska Power and Trac tion company to be allowed the uae of the Q street viaduct In South Omaha. Routine business waa all that came before the meeting and no oflctal cognisance was taken of the action at Little Rock ousting Caldwell A Drake from the state capltol building. George Caldwell of the firm waa expected back here today with hla bond to be submitted for approval, but ha had not arrived by afternoon. Knowing what you can buy and where to buy is something in which every woman is in terested. The ads under the heading "Everything for Women." on the want ad page are a great help. There are a great many lit tle things that you may not know about, or you may not know juet where to get them. You will find many of them advertised under this heading. Hava 70a read the want a4s, yi, today t Pongee Coats, 56 inches long, $10.50 Every Day This Week Will De a f 1 It .I , If 1 i f mi 1 i I The Democrats Will " ? Have New Organ National Committee Will Start Mag azine to Be Known at National Monthly. BUFFALO, N. T., April 10. Norman E. Mack, chairman of tha democratic national committee, announced Friday that ha had completed arrangements for ths publica tion, beginning May 1, of a monthly maga slne to be known aa tha National Monthly and devoted to the Interests of the demo cratic party In tha nation. The contribu tors Include United Statea senators and repreaentatlvea, governors and other prom inent democrats. Mr. Mack said: "The democratic party lacks a great champion In the monthly magatlne field such as can reach the homes of ths country, and I am undertaking to supply this need. The Idea meeta with the hearty approval of many prominent members ot the party throughout the nation and I am encouraged at the outset with the cordial manner in which my plan hta been greeted. I desire to have It thoroughly understood that the National Monthly will not be the organ of any person or clique, but that it will be printed In the Interests of the en tire democracy In the nation." Explosion in Big Oil Plant Two Men Killed and Three Seriously Injured by Accident at Point Richmond, Cal. POINT RICHMOND, Cal., April MX Two man were burned to death and three others seriously Injured, one fatally, as the result of an exploaion in one of tha oil atilla of the Standard Oil company yesterday. Tha fire, which was scattered over eight acrea of territory, was fought for over an hour by 1.600 men, and the damage will reach 150,000. Tha dead: JOHN GRANGER, gate keeper, 70 yeara old. CHARLES UWRENCB, chief clerk, 80 yeara old, of Santa liosa. The Injured: Electrician Smith, aerlously burned. Peralt, a teamater, who probably will die. Another teamster, name unknown, la In the hospital. MANY EASTER CARDS LOST Tkose with Tinsel n Th.aa Never Be Delivered by I'ncla Sam. Will The Omaha pnatofftce has been de'uged with Easter cards. The Easter season hss Valentin day badly beaten. The letter carriers are and have been for two or three days laden down with Eaatar card and the outgoing malla fully equal ths re ceipts of these Easter greetings. V'nfortunate'.y many of the Easter cards will not be delivered to those to whom they have been addressed because they comt' under the postoffice Inhibition against tinseled cards that are not properly se cured In closely sealed envelopes. HOTtKZSTI OT OCBAW TBA.MMXV. tor:. KCW YORK.... NSW VOHK ... NKW TOHK ... NKW YORK ... NEW YORK ... NAPLES LIVKHHOOI BOTTKHUAM.. ST. JOHN'S.... HAI.1KAX Arr.vid. H.U.d. . . Siavunta. . ., .. Will. kin . . L Prov.ncs . . Rom .. Mala ..PanDttQia Neeha. ,. Itoaionian Baltic . . Ktaaw Aaatartfu .. Numitian .. Vlrslntan- CHKRHOl RO....F. y. Wllhela V ZS fLr IS S V- Kjt S KiJLJ IS V-fVy lingerie ana - - r JS7 STYLE PAGEANT at which will be shown the newest spring garments for women. The smartest of street dresses and tailored suits and the most exclusive models in the fashionable one-piece frocks with coats to match. These are exhibited in all the rarest spring shades, and in fabrics with charming new effects. TAILORED SUITS at $35.00 and $45.00 The suit sketched is made of a beautiful imported fabric in monotone stripes. While correct from every standpoint of the new fashions, it is one of those conservative styles that are, lasting. This is only one of several hundred handsome models we show this week at $35 and $45. TAILORED SUITS specially priced at $25.00 reputation for style and value of our suits at this price is so widespread as to need but little comment. They are shown in a great variety of strictly tailored and trimmed styles. The materials are the serviceable serges, the dressier satin cloths and the half tone mannish worsteds in stripes and checks. wr t . .ii a 1 y we nave a y are specially Grand April Sale Still Going On In Sewing Machine Department All makes of Sewing Machines at prices that cannot be duplicated anywhere in the city. one of our CELEBRATED DARNING ATTACHMENTS. Why do without a machine when you can buy on the Easy Payment Plan at HAYDEN BROS. SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT. Phone Douglas 2600, or A-1131. All Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Choice Easter Millinery We have a great many hats designed by our own skilled workman. 1 am sure you will be Impressed by their beauty. Our prices are moderate when quality and style are considered. Hals worth $8.00, $7.50 and $9.00. for ... SS.OO Hats worth $4.00, $8.50 and $7.00, for. ... $52. OO F. M. SCHADELL, ggLfgg sTTBTI Diamond Sale Hit bargains In all the dlamonda and diamond Jewelry left to us for security sra placced on sal for THE KBIT TEBT DATS. We will save you about 40 of regular sell ing price. Brodkey's Jewelry and Loan Go. Bsmsmbcr ths sTumbsr, 1401 Douglas Itrost OIMION SETS RED BOTTOM Tw Quarts tor ISo, for Monday, April lath, only. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. 1613 Howard St. Tel. Doug. 1261 MAN DO MrSawii ' sxlavt.rr ha.wa. L.ra. fcottl. ul. IS, a.aa) ar k.hl. h-a Madame Josephine Le Fevre, . , . la.a ttauaai at-. raUaaxlaw r, Said fcr Mrr-DII1B lws Ce. Beatea Dm Co., Th Ball Drill Ce , Halna Drug Co.. Omaha; Clart Pnif C, Council Blutfa, ST. ngiii iu sdy uicic suns priced at $25. Five Drawer, Drop Head, Golden Oak Machine, guar anteed for Ten Years, with all attachments complete, at this sale only $11.50. Other Specil Prices: S16.SO 320.00 322.430 S25.30 S27.BO With each machine at $2(J.OO and over we will give III Healing Extraordinary If you want to be qulrkly cured at your own home, without driigx of all physical or mental af nirtlnns; aa sound as if you never hd an ailment, deposit price iu bniK payable to me w hen you are cured. Super ior to all ai'ientlflc dlHcoverles. Hand let ter by express, prepaid. Alme America B. Cooper 1B1I B. 85th Bt. Omaha, afes. Phone lad. A3973. New Tailored Lingerie and Linen Waists. m m ; II' I'm I'll I- 0r0SI On Shoes:: is the Seal of Distinction Since the quality of Sorosla Shoes cannot be improved, every energy and effort la directed toward the main tenance of the standard of excellence already attained. Sorosis Is the only Shoe Factory In the world that designs and constructs its own lasts, making them positively exclusive In style. The pattern of Sorosis Shoes 1b often copied by others, but the last or shape Is necessarily different for the above reason. "Imitation is slncerest flattery." Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South 15th St. Frank Wilcox, Mgr. vJEWELElo Silver Bridal Gitfs Special We have made special effort this spring to lay in the finest line of .'tew Sliver In sppclal new things adopted for V-l(Dng Uifu ever rhown in Omaha. A line of fine expensive plea's, and also the larg est line of $5 and $10 gifts we have ever shown. ' Take a look anyway." C. O. DROWN CO. The reliable Jewelry store where goods are gold at reason able price. 1