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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1908)
TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2.1, 1003 A cCEoaum Sweep off ttie Ooolk: SSttocelk: At IKIlpatPicR's Looks now as if there would be but little left to invoice tables are being cleared rapidly. x This year we show an immense quantity of medium and low priced books in dainty bindings just the very thing to buy when in doubt clean safe wholesome at from Vi to Va off publisher's prices. One table covered with Altemus celebrated publications In His Name aCarnation Vade Mecum Beautiful Stories Love and Friend shipChildren of the Bible and other series. Linen Books Art Books History Adventure Board Covers The Popular Novels Honor . Wit Cynicism All Away Below Usual Prices.- Calendars Postal Albums Stationery Christmas Cards Stickers Red Bells Wreaths TTissue Paper. Just bought from a big jobber open stock of Holiday Stationery; to be sold Wednesday at about V2 usual retail prices. Great sale at silk counter final cleap-up of our last great purchase laid out in lots all priced plain on counter. We call special attention to a lot of Kimono Suits, selling at 50c yard. Special sale of Remnants and Dress Lengths at Dry Goods counter Wednesday. ' At book counter Richard L. Metcalfe's "Of Such is the Kingdom" ' - and Grace Sorenson's "Home Made Jingles worth having, large sale. Thos. Hiil patrick . Co. CUT PRICE CIGARS " AT' MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. SIxiecnili and Farntia Sts. , ' Below we ,Quote you the price on a few of our popular and well known brands":"1'"' 1 . Imported Rom and Jultetta. Flora da Partag-oa. Belinda. La Carolina. Clear Havana v 15a Rigoletto.. ....... ,J6 box I60 Gato ..... 1 ...... .15 box 16o Ml Favortta 25 box 150 La Vega.. 18 box 16c La Devina.. ....... 60 box 16o Banchei T. II ;26 box lOo Pinion ........... 60 box lOo La Devlna, 60 box lOo La Oallnda. . ......60 box 13.36 $3.60 12.26 $2.60 $4.76 $2.60 $3.76 $3.76 $3.60 . Domestic r- 1 0o Special Selection ... 2 5 box lOo La Masella. . FT. .. .26 box 10c Norman King. 25 box lOo National Speaker. 2 5 box 10c Oladiua . ........ .25 box ICo La DeiBa .....25 box lOo Centurlan 60 box lOo Sunelo ...... s .... 50 box lOo Unldad .....60 box 10c El Morento ...25. box 10c Sledanberf- 26 box lOe Millionaire 25 box 10c Manual Sanchei. .. . 25 box 10c Don AlversV... ....25 box 10c Statesman 25 box Get our bo price on Tom Moore, Robert Burns, Chancellor and other standard brands. REMEMBER We are Omaha's Original Cut Price Cigar Dealers. $1.26 $1.26 $1-26 $1.25 $1.1 6 $1.25 $2.50 $2.26 $2.60 $1.20 $1.50 $1.75 $1.25 $1.25 $1.60 10c OIOARS FOR 5c MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. . .Out Rate Druggist SIXTEENTH & EARN AM STS. LiUlo Folks Stuffed LIKE TOADS . The taolidaya tttat a lot of alck folk aome of thero awfully ill. In pite of all voa can do the little folk will overeat Xmu timet. Don't fall to give them a CASCAfcET at bed time and help nature get rid of the overload. It will keep them well and lively. BRIEF CITY NEWS STave Boot Mat IK Badolpa r. Swokoaa, MUt Aeeoaataal Blnenart, photographer, IJth Farnam. Bowman, 117 N. 1, Douglas shoe. ft.tO. 9 Bourke for holiday candle and cl ears. SIS S. 16th. Equitable Lire Policies sight drafts at maturity. 1L D. Neely, manager. Omaha. Judge Estsll at rapUUon Judge Ea telle will hold the next session of court at Papllllon January 12. Tor Xmu Qas or . electric reading lamps make acceptable presents. Prices reasonable. Burgeae-Uranden Co., next to gas office, 1511 Howard St. Xeep your money and valuables In a safe deposit box-in the Amerloan Safe De posit Vaults in The Bee building, which la absolutely burglar and fireproof. Boxes rent for only 14 a year or $1 a auarter. Tsar and Half In ?n sohn Nailen was sentenced to a year and a half in the peni tentiary Tuesday by Judge Sears, lis pleaded guilty to breaking into Hoilenbeck & Williams' laundry and stealing some clothing. Lights Bblae Until Christmas By ar rangements between the leading merchants of Omaha and the Omaha Electric Light and "Power company the beautiful street Illuminations which attracted so much at tention during the Corn exposition will be continued until Christmas. Closing Tp of fidelity Company The affairs of the Fidelity Insurance company which failed several years ago are to be closed up. Judge Estells Issued an order Tuesday to E. It. Leigh, receiver, to make the final payments to creditors and present a final report to the court as soon as possible. Charged with Abandoning Wife Ru dolph A. Kolls of Twentieth and Orace streets, for whose arrest a warrant was Issued Monday by PoHcftpudge Crawford, was arrested by Officer'. Jielgelman Tues day. He is charged withwlfe abandonment. The arrest was at the instigation of rela tives of Mrs. Kolls. Christmas at United . Brethren The First United Brethren church people have arranged a pleasing Christmas program for Wednesday evening at the church, corner 1 of Nineteenth and Lothrop streets. It will Include vocal and instrumental music, reci tations, dialogues and short -addresses by members of the church and Suuday school. The exercises will begin at 8:15. . Cigarets and Harness Cause Tire- Cigarettes and harness oil combined to start a small blase in Richard Burnett's harness shop, 1210 SoutH Thirteenth street, about 12:45 o'clock Tuesday, Burtii-11 had Just gone to dinner, leaving 'several ac quaintances In the shop and It is thought that sparks from cigarettes the men were smoking set fire to some harness oil near by. Tho damage done was only nominal. as the fire department arrived promptly and put out the fire. Money to Bspalr Detention Home O. X. The county board may appropriate $U!,000 to remodel and repair buildings at the new Detention school under a decision of Judge Kennedy Tuesday morning. In order to test the right of the board to make con tracts under the authority given by the voters at the last election a mandamus suit was brought by Frank O. Johnson, one of Boy a 10s boa CA8CARET8-weeks treatment and have it kaady t as every might, Xmas week. 889 A Membership Ticket Hakes a Nice Christinas Preseat FlritYear Junior Membership 6.00 Intermediate Membership.... 8.60 Senior Membership 13.00 Y. M. C. A. HUYLER'S CINDY, FRESH We shall from now until Christ mai Eve, receive dally shipments of Huyler's New York and Chicago Chocolates and Bon-Bons in H-lb. 1-lb., 2-lb.. and 6-lb. boxes. Place you order now. Shernii & McCooneU Oni Co. Corner 16th amd Dodge. Owl Drug Co. 16th and Harney the contractors to compel Chairman Ken nedy to sign the contract. Judge Kennedy declared the board could appropriate the money without a vote of the people if It so desired. Tina bays Tallure to Strike The stock of the Omaha Paraphernalia house which failed recently wll be sold by Sheriff Bralley for the benefit of creditors March 1. The company dates Its financial troubles back to the strike of South Omaha packers. It furnished the labor unions with about $10,000 worth of signs and banners and when they were wiped out by the strike it could not collect. Since then It has been paying off its Indebtedness gradually, but some of the creditors demanded Immediate payment of the balance and It was necessary to as Sign the stock. araainf ttets Order Cancelled On mo tlon by Brunlng the county board has can celled an order Issued some time ago by ure for the purchase through Klopp Bartlett company of nine loose leaf ledgers for use in the register of deed's office Bruning's objection was that bids were not called for before the order was given Ure said the price agreed on was less than the lowest figure offered in the competitive bidding several weeks ago on the ledgers, Brunlng, Harte, Kennard and Tralnor voted In favor of the Brunlng motion and Ure against It. ' Kaa Who Took a Bath Has Hearing The suit of David H. Beaver, an abstracter, against the Young Men's Christian asso ciation for $1,000 damages for Injuries h received while taking a bath, was heard by County Judge Leslie Tuesday morning. Beaver was using one of the baths last July when he slipped on the wet floor and fell, breaking his wrist. He charged the floor was not kept In proper condition General Secretary Wade of the Young Men's Christian association testified the bath room floor was considered perfect by experts and that an attendant was kept cleaning It constantly during the afternoon and evening. Boy Bleeps m Moving Tan -After sleep Ing out doors all last night In a moving van belonging to the Expressmen's Dellv ery company, 2307 Izard street, Johnnie Murray, 8 years of age, was found In the wagon Tuesday morning by a stable hand taken to the police station by Emergency Officer Relgelman and later taken home by Juvenile Officer Carver. The little fel low has established quite a reputation as a runaway and makes occasional visits to the police station In charge of one of the patrolmen, many of whom know him. The lad lives with his mother at Thirteenth and Jackson streets, ths father and mother having separated. Xxpos Case of Smallpox For expos ing a case of smallpox In violation of the health ordinances of the city, a complaint has been filed and a warrant Issued for the arrest of William M. Wright, an attorney who lived - at 1914 Famam street, until It was discovered that his wife had small pox and the home was quarantined, after which he moved away and the health de partment lost track of the couple. Health Officer E. M. Bonce gave the Information of the case to his office and later to the police, who say th'at every effort will be made to take Wright and his wife lntp custody and punish the former under ths city ordinances. lire. L. Goldsmith Asks Divorce Sam uel Ooldsmlth, a saloon keeper at Ninth and Capitol avenue. Is defendant in a di vorce suit filed by Lillian May Ooldsmlth, in which she charges many forms of cruelty. They were married In August, 1906, when she was 18 years old. She as serts after their return from the honey moon trip he called her names because she bought some furniture for their home. She says he has property from which hs re ceives an Income of $300 a month. She has secured a restraining order to prevent his molesting her or their children. Edward Norton has .been granted a divorce from Fannie Fairfax Norton by Judge Redick Abandonment was the charge. BAIT NOT FULLY SWALLOWED Appeal from "Railway Business As sociation" Doesn't Stampede. OSTENSIBLE PLEA FOE RAILROADS ) Readers of Letter Sent Oat tervret It as Means eft Gettlaa j Baslaess for Big Sap- pi? Henaes. In face of the many announcements by railroad companies that railroad rates must be advanced and the growing tendency of transportation companies to meet every re quest for an equalisation of rates by an advance, business organisations of Omaha are receiving many letters from business organisations In the east begging the Omaha organisations to help "conserve the Interests of the railways." One of these letters was received by or ganisations In Omaha Tuesday when the Omaha business men had scarcely recov ered from the coup which the railroads worked on the Nebraska Railway commis sion In order to get rates Increased for switching cars between Omaha and Ralston from about $2.60 per car to a minimum of $10 per car. The Nebraska Railway commission had Just realized how the railroads had thrown few hands full of mustard powder In their eyes and announced that they would reconsider the Ralston rate hearing when the "Railway Business association," with headquarters In New York City, sent this ppeal to Omaha: We believe that your organisation ean plan an Important part in bringing about a permanent and thorough resumption of prosperity lor au our peopio tiy router ng conditions which will restore vitality to the ranroaos. n tne carriers are eitner to pro mote business by improvement of service or create business by large expenditures of money, their purchasing power, now seri ously impaired, must tm restored, win you not do us tne honor to read the enclosed appeal and. if It meets with your approval, causxt It to be laid before your body for official action. Trusting we may hear from you favorably at your early convenience, I remain, very truly. u. m. BAfujKu, Acting secretary. Significant Array of Names. Then follows an appeal from men whose names are found In almost any guide to manufacturers or sellers of railway equip ment, who send out such a letter when the Missouri river cities are trying to figure how much the railroads are going to make as a result of advances from the Pacific ooast amounting to as much as 20 per cent and advances from tho Atlantic coast. The organization sending out the appeal says It Is formed "to conserve the Interests of the railways of our country and of the manufacturers of railway material and equipment, contractors In railway construe tlon and dealers In miscellaneous railway supplies." The Commercial rhib of Omaha and other organizations are inclined to thick the preamble of the organization tells the truth, but cannot see where the shippers of the Interior are to be benefited by "conserving the Interests of the railways" to benefit 11. H. Westlnghouse, the airbrake man. who Is vice president of the organization. The letters will be read to the executive committee of the club. BURT MAY KBBUILD THE ROAD Expected to Succeed Stlckney as Pres- . Ident of Great Western. The appointment of Horace O. Burt as one of the receiver of the Chicago Great Western is taken as an indication In rail road circles that Mr. Burt will become the president of that road when It Is reorgan ised. As president 'of the Union Pacific Mr. Burt made a most'JjihWlable reputation as a railroad builder, and" it is generally con ceded that no one Is a better upbuilder of tho physical condition of a railroad than he. It Is recognized in railroad circles that Mr. Burt Is the representative of the Eng lish capitalists who own the majority of the stock of the Great Western and as such is expected by these capitalists to put the road upon its feet. Thore seems to be no doubt that Mr. Burt can do this if he is given the money, with which to work. In looking over the properties of the Great Western which have now come under his charge Mr. Burt was In Omaha a short time ago, but his usual reticence prevailed and he did not give any Intimation as to what he or the English capitalists expected to do with the road. The rumors that the road was for salo seem to be put at rest by the employment of Mr. Burt and Omaha railroad men think this is an indication that every effort will be made to put that road upon Its feet and RED CROSS CHRISTMAS STAMPS 1 ifJhilnH SeedV looking printed matter may not lte fruitful ;, I A. V eUea, Ia HiS-llll Hawara1 St Osaaka Little Soavealrs Still on Salo Aro Dolagr Well la Omaha. and Mra Edholm, who has charge of the sale of the Red Cross Christmas stamps in rOmaha. reports that the sale so far has been very encouraging, but that the chief difficulty seems to be that people do not know where to obtain them, and Inquire at the poatofflce for them. These stamps cannot be obtained at the postof flee, because they are no part of the government's business, but they may be had at any drug store, at any stationery store, and at any stationery counter In any department store. When you mall a letter, step into the nearest drug store or other place where the Red Cross stamps are on sale and buy a supply. The proceeds are devoted to the anti tuberculosis campaign, and $0 per cent of the total sales In Nebraska are devoted to the work la Nebraska. Over M.Oi of these tamp have already , beta fold la Omaha. TORE HIS SKI OFF III SHREDS Itching was Intense Humor Spread from Hands to Body Work Inter rupted and Sleep Often Impossible Disease Resisted Treatment k BUT CUTICURA CURED HIM IN THREE WEEKS "Mr trouble commenced about two rear ago and consisted, at first, of an eruption of small pustules on my hands. These spread later to other parts of my body, and the itohlng at times was Intense, so much so that I liter ally tore the skin off in shreds In seeking ' relief. The awful 1 1 o b i n g interfered with my work oon , si derabi y, and also ketit ma a w a k a nights. I tried several doctors and a number of different ointnvnta and lotions but received practically no benefit. Finally I sot tied down to the use of Outioura Soap, Cutloura Ointment, and Cuticura Resolvent Pills, with the result that In a few day all itching hal ceased and In about three weeks' time all tracts of my eruption had disap peared. I have had no two Me of this kind since. H. A. KruUkoff, 067 W. Alst Place, Chicago, 111., November IS and . 1007." SKIN HEALTH Effected by Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent. The agonizing- itching and burning of the akin, as in ecaema; the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis; the loss of hair and crusting of scalp, as in acalled bead: the facial disfigurement, as in acne and ringworm; the awful suffering of infanta, ana anxiety of worn-out parents, as in tetter, or salt rheum all demand a remedy of extraordinary virtue to suc cessfully cope with them. That Cuti cura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent (liquid or pills) are such stands proven vj unqueauunea teeumomaia. i Seat CUe.) e Oeeaee the gkln. CtiUreia fccj la llakl uk Plm. 4 Cuiloura 60e ), ar le lb form ol dtocul&M Otetad 1 BoM Pn'. , RoaUM Cvtteurm Seas CUe. uuuim kaeolvral Pule, 16e. tr Till of SU to Purify u bond, tan. tout u vona. roller urus a tbcia. ceu- tvm-, num., pid Holiday Shoppers Will Find a Considerable Saving of Time and Money by Scanning the Following List of Xmas Gilts Sor Men and Women Fur Caps, up from. .fl.BO Adler's Gloves, 11.60 and.. $1.00 Bilk Mufflers, up from 80c Linen Handkerchiefs, half dozen in box. each 91.50 President Suspenders, In Xmas boxes 45c 611k Suspenders, up from....25o Flannelette Nightshirts, up from '. 50c Lisle and cashmere Hose, 50c and .25o Scarf Pins, Studs and Link But tons, $2.50 down to 50c Solid Leather Suit Cases, up from $5.00 Very Special MEN'S NECKWEAR For tomorrow we will place on sale another big lot of regular 76o and 60c Neckwear at the very low price of only SSc. These are real snappy, new ties and show every one of the new popular color shades and the latest fashionable shapes. Will make beautiful and appropriate Christmas gifts, at 3 for $1.00 i Each 1 Extra Special Regular $L50 and $2.00 Mufflers, at 95c Another big bargain in these new style mufflers in Reefers, Squares and Oxfords, every one of them being an actual $1.50 or $2.00 value. These are easily the handsomest in town and are certain to be a big drawing card tomorow at the special Q'5i. price yC 9 & V Vanity Bags, up from $1.00 Boston Bags, up from $1.50 Linen Jnce Handkerchiefs.,. .50c Initial linen Handkerchiefs, halt dozen In box, each $1.50 Children's fancy Book Boxes, halt doeen in box, each SSc Women's Guaranteed Hose, per half dozen $3.00 Fancy silk elastic Supporters, 50c down to........... SSc Umbrellas, $2.50 down to.. $1.50 Kayser's double silk Gloves. $1.00 Mocha and Kid Gloves, silk lined $1.50 We're still talking of the advantages of buying Men's Clothing as a Xmas Gift But why shouldn't wet It's not only the most acceptable, but by reason of Its useful ness, it's also the most sensible of all holiday presents. After we've fitted any man as only we can with a strictly nil wnni nrmont. made in the Identical styles worn on Fifth avenue, New York; he'll wonder why he's been donating an extra $10.00 or 0VrC03tS $15.00 to a custom-tailor, when he can get the perfection of the jjfj weavers' designers' and tailors' arts in such clothing aS is only Bold . .jv by us. 10 4U Isn't that $10 or $15 difference worth your Investigation T Suits and t Give any boy a "Nebraska" Suit or Overcoat for Christmas and BOyS he'll be happy. Ask him why he likes them and he'll say It's be SllilS 2nd cause they are warm without being too heavy, comfortable no mat ni,.A0 ter what he's doing or what position he's in, he can wear them daily. UVerCUdlS brugh them up a llttle and heu ai, have a stylish, handsome "Sun- $Z.?d day" suit or overcoat. I a t7 11 Then we can an always save you at least one-fourth of the "other gJ ffjA Give us a chance to prove this. J - .,il: (. 'M 17, If store" prices. Extra Special Boy's Suit SI Here's a big bargain in a Knee Pants Suit, sizes 11, 15 and 16 years that we've been selling for $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. We want to sell them quick if your boy will fit any of these sizes it's a bargain for you. There's only 168 of these suits and only in sizes - flO 11, 15 and 16 years, while they last, your choice vPl JJ OPEN EVENINGS. UNTIL. CHRISTMAS. 1 I OMAHA'S LEADING T,.t' ' .Z"1'"'" j make It a paying- proposition. In Omaha the Great Western owns Its own terminals. which are very valuable, being- situated at the end of tho Sixteenth street viaduct where loads may be moved without a pull up grade. 'FRISCO'S l'UOGKESS IS RAPID Baaiaess Section Has No SI of Great Conflagration. C. E. Bpens, general freight agent of the Burlington, has returned from an extended tour of the Burlington agencies in the Pacific northwest and In California. This was Mr. Bpens first trip to many of these growing cities and hs was most favorably Impressed with the rapid strides which many of them are making. "No trace of tho fire and devastation Is descemable In the business districts of Ban Francisco," said Mr. Bpens. "The only traces of the fire which are left are In the resident sections. All modern cities practically rebuild their business district .vorr ten years or so, and by the fire Ban Francisco had a chance to rebuild all at once. That chance was taken and a maenlflcant city now rears Us Bead at the gateway to the west." RAILROADS ON RALSTOJf RATE Lines Cited by Stat Commission to Show Cans. Th. Btt Railway commission has noti fied the railroads to appear January 12 and show cause why the rates to Kaiston should not be established on a lower and different basis than that which now exists. With tho consent of the commission .the rates to Ralston were raised some time ago to a mileage basis and that new town was taken from the switching sone of Omaha. On complaint of Bhlmer & Chase, founders of tho town of Ralston, the case was reopened and the commis sion visited Omaha aSturday to look over tho situation. The notice to the Burling ton and Missouri Pacific Is the result of that visit. GEORGE MIKITRICK AT HOME Moaatoata College Boy Hart at Foot Ball May Come Complete Recovery. George McKltrlck. who was Injured in a foot ball game at Oaleaburg. 111., on No vember 14. was brought to Omaha Tues day morning and is at the home of his mother, Mra George McKltrlck, 2214 Cap itol avenue. George received a basil fracture of the skull In the game between Monmouth and Galesburg college teams and Is still In a serious condition, though the critical stage la past and the attending physicians say he Is tn a fair way to complete recovery, lie was brought home on a stretcher and it will be some time before he will be able to walk. George will be 21 years of age next May. Scaldt-4 lv Steam or scorched by a fire, apply Bucklen's Ar nica Balve. Cures plies, too, and the worst aoit-s. Guaranteed. 25c. Fur sale by Beaton Drug Co HERE IT IS Good Leather Goods Just what would be appreciated by "The One" you have in mind TOILET BETS TXiT CAW BE PLACED IJf BAGS LADIES' KAWD BAOS OXJ-OBD BAOS nOTOOKATK CASES MZDICIJTB OASES COLLAB BOXES lTtTSIC BOLLS VEIL CASES JEWEL BOXES TKSBMOS BOTTLES GEBTLEMXVB OABD CASES nCPOBTBD LEATBEB KOTELTIEB "IBirOTATIOV WABDBOXB TKUKXI." Freling & Steinle WEISS TBVBX8 ABB MADE." 1803 Farnam 'Phone D. 4995 fid Bank Book for Christmas! 5 A savings account opened with Ono Dollar or moreKSi makes a most acceptable fit CHRISTMAS GIFT . 5j to wife, children, relatives or friends. If desired we willii Ci mail book with vour cards, so that they will be Teceived on 5j Christmas morning. We especially solicit small accounts M Ci a.n which we pay SIX PER CENT interest, compoendedf 5j semi-annually. fS Assets, $2,300,000. Surplus, $55,000 Omaha Loan & Building Associations fS S. & Corner 16th and Dodge Sts. M rzOao. W. LaomJa. Praa. O. M. Natt Ingar. Sy. and Traa." W W. R. Adair. Aaa't. Saeratary. VI Bee Want Ads Produce Results