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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1908)
TTTE OMAHA DAILY BET.: TTRDNES5DAT. DECEMBETl 23. 1 ' Want - ads Advertlae-aeata tka waat ad oalaaaaa will to taJkaai watll ll tha eveataa; edltlaa aa til . far tbo aaarala aa gaaday adllloaa. Cta aaaet HMur all ordara f want ads aad 4TriUairtl will k aee-atcd far leae taaa 10 eaate to (I rat laaartlaa. Rates avoplr to alike Taw Dally Inter fceo. Alwaya eoaat al wwli ta llaa. Coaaktaatlaoa at laltlaU ' Mt aa aaa wordU CAfff RITRI FOR WA1CT ADt. REOVLAR CI-AMiriCATlOW Oaa lasariloa, llaa, eaala. Twe mm aoro coaa.alvo laaartlaaa, a llaa, aaata. stave, laaervloa dare, 1 aaala par Uaa. 9 llaa h aaaatkl eaeeptlaa; rtRRHRBD BOOM ADS, kra aoaosaavaale k aaak, Ika rata will ki Oaa laaartlaa, aaala pe llaa I lkr ar als oaeeaatlva laaar tloaa, S aaala per Uaa aak laaartlaa I eevea oa aaago eeaaeaatlve laeertleas. S eaala ptr llaa oaek laaartlaa i BO aaala aa Uaa pea a.aata DEATH AJtD FUNERAL NOTICES. LONERG AN Dennis, aged 74 yean montha and 11 days. .,. Funeral from the residence of Ms daugh ter. Mrs. M. L. McCarthy, 6bo4 North WenVy-f'ourt'h street at la, Wtrfn--clay morning, December 23, to St. J1'' x-h,.r,-h at Florence at 10 a. m. in terment Holy Bepulcher cemetery. O'KEEFFE Daniel, aged 72 years. Funeral Wednesday morning, lcember 23 from the residence of HI. s,n Mr David O Keef fe, at 224 Oak street, at SJO a. m to St. Patrick a church at a. n. Inttr ment at St. Mary's cemetery. WAGMAN-lnfant son of Mr. and Mra. Joaoph F. Wugman, December il, at X0 p. Funeral Wedneday at 10: a. m., from residence. 1717 Bouth Seventeenth. Inter ment German Catholic cemetery. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license hava been Issued: . Name and Address. Age. Powell, Bouth Omaha fl Gla Svec, South Omaha W. Francis Melvln, Billings, Mont 23 Jtaiu M. Valentine, Omaha 20 Robert E. Ollmore, Omaha 28 Helen E. Brent, Oinajia - John W, Ege, Omaha Vesta M. Geiser, Omaha l Norman Hendrlckson, Omaha 28 Gcrtrudo Powers, Marinette, Wis 27 Furl Roberts, Charlton, la 24 lols Holmes, Chariton, la M Carl Sandorff, Omaha 28 Annie Peterson. Omaha 1 Rufus F. Alford, Deadwood, B. D 31 Ruby M. Layton, Omaha 21 Arieri A. Carlann. Omaha 27 Jeal M. Nve. Omaha 18 BIRTHS AMD DEATHS. Mirths Edwin Brooka. 1E15 Vinton atreet, Kill: ttalvalore Pavlinav Garrotto, 1121 h.uiih Hixth atreet. boy: Victor A. John sn, Vii North Thirty-eighth atreet, boy Fred W. Melnser, S4Jf Manueraon atreet, iilil: J. P. Olcksen. S514 South TwenUeth avenue. girl: Patrick McEUIgott. 1S10 Martha atreet, boy: Robert M. Welch, 3421 Franklin atreet, girl. Deatha Daniel O'Keefe. 2024 Oak street 72 years: Dennla Lonergan, UA North Twenty-fourth atreet, 74 years; Paul Ed' .1 1 1 - loiul " , V. ( t w. . 1 William Elliott Flndley, 2)120 North Nine teenth avenue, 69 years. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITT GARBAGE CO.. Office 4th and Leavenworth streets, 'lei. Douglas lUHl (1) 73 SIGN PAINTING B. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. 1) 740 AUTOMOBILES DEEIGHT x Automobile Company 1814 Farnam Bl SlodJard Dayton Touting car, 11.200. Reo Touring car, $U0. lteo Touring oar, kAlu. Heo Touring car, Fold, moder N, 1450. Ford, model R. HaO. Ford. S roadater, almost new. MIA. Ford. H, 1600. Bulck Runabout, sJmoat new, I800L ulca Touring car, louO. Hlevens Dur ea, tJ60. IUagon touring car, 21,060. Waverly Electric. S360 up. All ths abovs guaranteed la good sharja. Write for fuU descrlpUon. State agenta Stoddard Dayton and Ford rata. Ths beat automobile values In ths wutld. Stoddard Dayton, 21,600, 12,000, 1600. The uMi.iuiia ruiu low louring car Good live agents wanted. w"i "i ciueea ultra ior rant day or ti ght. Special attention glvan to theater Tel. Doug. 263. (2) M164 NINE Ramblers, second-hand, at your own prices. Rambler Auto Co., 2i44 Farnam. . l-U M270 Dec. 31 AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE poaltlona ooen In the tomoblla field; technical Instructions on both steam and gas enginea; students ii, ii repair wura. Aoareaa Omaha School of Automobile Engineering. 2418 eveuwunn Ol. ( 17i BARTER AND EXCHANGE farms. town property. m-rchni Stringer & Child, Paxlun lilk., Omaha. FOR TRADKr My equity In ISO acrea choice raw ta-iu, locaira in MelTK K CO., Neb. want stallion and oher horses. Address! nus. uarnson, ii-iks, Meb. ' ' 3 M40S 23 TRADE OR EXCHANGE- A ouid tm.te new J-rooni house and lot In noiau auuiuuo lur fou lot and caah, o ..-- a,, muimb, v-iueu at ii,mio. piiori' BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET IN or out of bualneaa call on u-auuiav, noon tui, iae Bldg. , t4)-742 DRUG- atorea far aala everywhars. KnleaL 4, W tM , 9IU. f t ' tj HIGH-GRADE cigars, low prices. Bhsrmaa a-w-,o- u wv u. ana uwi urug Co. PARTT wltk other business Interest to sell clean 24.000 harware siock, in central .Nebraska. Addreaa. --14H, cars Bee. (4 M614 26a NOTICE If you have the money and want the best printing plant and bualneaa couib-ned. In west Texas, write or wire ua Plant Involcm 16.000. Averaa monthly business between I.uO tl j Only paper in town of 6.OU0 Inhabitanta Two railroads, oil mill, compress, three oanas ana a.nunarea other substantial business concerns; town I years old. I 1FRCB A POWKR, Hamlin, Texas. (4 M517 Sx GOOD elsvator and coal business In south rrn Nebraska, making 16 per cent on In vestment, lor sale. Big corn crop, whtc will commence tuovlntf In three weeks. Address X 4 oa-a Bee. (4 M367 26x WANTED A partner In a quarts mine must have K.UU0 for development worl and machinery, a good thing for the ' right man. no stork proposition. Ad dress Mark Clark, HavUak. Cel.. Kern CO, (t M-B S4X WANTED Good lira merchant to put In III. 0U ta 830.0UO atock of general merman dtaa. ladles' and gent's furnishings and ' areoatwi in a flourishing county i tawa af Cut population la eastern Colo rado. Address A, W. Wlneg.r. mining BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) WOULD 40 PER CKNT DIVIDENDS PI.HAHE YOUT T hava A limited amount of treasury fork In a company which tiaa esmlnas of snora than, thla rata for flrat six months. Tour Investment safe aa gov rrummt bond. References, banks ana commercial agencies. For full particulars address, LEWIS. H. BCT'RIOCK, 212 Commerce Bids., Kan win Cty. Mo. (4) MBit Bi WANTED Good, lira merchant to put In to 13(1,000 stock of general merchsn dlse. lad'ea' and Kent's furnishings and groceries In a flourishing county eeat town of population In eaatern Colo rado. Addreaa A. W. Winegar. Burling ton. Colo. (4 M221 23 FOR SALE cheap, good dray line In pros perous town of ,00 Inhabitants. Addreaa White Dray line, Perry, la- ( M 621 2.x rOR SALE Steam 1 aundry- Addreaa George Ballance, Plattamouth, Neb. (4) 241 24 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropodist. DR. ROT. R. t 160 Farnam St. Doug. 8487. tat im Creaaiarlea. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (8 744 Water Filters, 1210 HOWARD ST.. Missouri filter; 15 days' trial. "I- Cklaa PalattaaT. CHINA decorating; order work a specialty. Lessons Tuesday, i nuraaay ana onur day. Firing dally. Leather craft, ataina. leather anTdea:gna. Mra. C. C. Hungata, M Brandela Bid. Tel. Red I486. (5) sa Drcsamaklaaj. IN FAMILIES, Mlas Sturdy, Tel. Doug. 42 u ill McDowell Dreaamaklng school. 1623 Farnam. TERRT Ladles Tsllorlng and Dressmaking school, taught In naigllan or merman from 2 a. m. to & p. rn. 20th and Farnam BU (6-M296 janl Edaeatlaaal. NOVFOPEN FIRST WINTER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE Enter any time; business, telegraphy, sten ography, bookkeeping, ungnan; nigni ana day aeaalona; free lluatrated catalogue. Write to H. M. Boylea, President Official Training School of Telegraphy for Union Paciflo R. R. (6J-M2U9 Deatlsta, BA1LET MACH. 2d floor Psxton. D. 108S. PERCTVAU 2d floor Barker block. Tel. Doug, 1189. Perfect Oentistry at reason able prices. (6) 127 Janllx Flartata. HESS St BWOBODA, 1416 Farnam Bt (t 700 I" HENDERSON. 1512 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. J. IL BATH. 1622 Harney. Tel. Doug. 9000, (6) 762 Flaaaelal. MONEY I TO LOAN-LOW RATE, In auma to ult. 310 Bee Bldg 'Phone Douglas 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANlf. (6) 752 Osteapatky. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. T. I Tel. D. 1661 (6)-767 Dr. Katheryn Nlckolae. 508 N. T. L. Bldg, Prlatlagr. EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and flrst-clsss work guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 212 & 18th SU Tela. Doug. 6562, Ind. A-2532, () Jan. afaa, Skattera, Eta. , OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty ox lire escapes, snuiiers, aoors and sates. G. Andrsen, Prop., 102 S. 10th, (5) 765 Mavlac aai Starlagr. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co. office 214 H. I8tb Bl., warehouse an- isara i. (6) -759 gkortband Reporter aad Notary. F. J- SUTCLI FFEI Depositions. 628 Bes (6) 782 Bldg. lei. Douglas iwxi. Ska Repalriac RAPID BHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst-class work. 161 H capitoi ays. roone neo (6) 73 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free, otanaara bnoe rtrpaur i.u 1804 Farnam St Tel. Douglas 7567. (6)-764 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Offlee. FIRST-CI-ASS stsnographer for general office work; glva reierence. Aaaiess u 310. care Bee. (7)-6u3 24 Factory aad Trades. WANTED Experienced bindery girls. Ap- ply between 10 ana t- a. m, umana t-rinc a mm (7)- lug Co., - amain. Heaaekaepera aad Dosaeatleo. COOK wanted; apply 2548 Harney. (O JHS-S WANTED At once, an experienced cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 3614 Jackson Bt. (7) M164 WANTED A good girl for general house work; muat be good cook. References re quired ; two In family. F. S. Parmalee, 421 N. 4tHh; 'Phone Harney 2 l()-,n WORKING houBkeeper. central location mo children; references. Address C 3u9, Bee. (D MtlH 24X WANTED At Fort Crook, Neb., an ex, perienced cook; no laundry work, but re, nuired to an-i-t at general housework wages 325 per month. Apply In person or telephone Douglas 707 and ask to talk to Mrs. Liiinu. 14; oi-i Mlseellaaeoas. WANTED Young nurse girl; must be neat 104 So. 36th St. (.) 1J8 1 HELP WANTEDMALE Ageats, gallcltara aad aalaaaaaa. AGENTS wantsd tor ths most complete oil mmm burner in the world; no wick: na small; generates kerosene oil Into a fins gas; It ms any cooa siove or range; nothing like It; one-third cheaper tuaa coal or wood. THE ECONOMY BURNER CO.. Dept. A to and UO 4. x. Ltia uag umans, insdw ta its EXPERIENCED calendar salesmen wanted at once for Nebraska territory; start Jan. 1; liberal commissions. Hammond Printing Company, Fremont. Neb. (9)-M364 23 LARGEST Jobbing house In the United fWtes, In Its line, deaires the services of four live, up-to-date, energetlo clean- cut salesmen. Men who are In the habit of "doing things." Muat be able to show good past record, relative to auuuy, integ rity, etc. Apply In person or by letter. tl. YV. -uiriia, murrey nmri, uuniu Neb.. December 21. 22. 23 and 24. (9V-J34 MEN and women agents wanted. Call at ones. Tuxedo CO., ZU Mccague King. ()-47t fl SALESMEN WANTED-Ws hava soma good territory own in Iowa. Nebraska and Mlaeourl: either aalary and expenses or good rommisalon. Address Clartnda HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Bays. OFFICE boya. neat appearance, $5 and $8. 722 N. T. Ufa Bldg. () MM 21 Clerical aaa Of flew. Bookkeeper, Bookkeeper firm. $. for Implement . houae. 283. and stenographer for coal Stenographer for large conatructlon com pany. In South Dakota, ITS. Seven stenographers for In,, and out of city, ranging In aalary fr"m d0 to $W. If you are a salfsman, see ua, we have sev eral exceptionally good -ones to offer. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 475-77 Brandela Bldg. (I) MR 22 DRUG CLERK'S position. Life Bldg. Knteat. N. T. t-7n Faetarr aa Train, WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeka completea, chairs constantly busy, careful Instructors, tools Riven, diplomas granted, wagea Saturday. poRltlona waiting, wonderful demand for graduates. Call or writs Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. 9)-M260 24X DO YOU WANT to become a competent automobile operator. The Northweatern Automobile and Oaa Engine school ran put you In this clsss. Better Investigate. Omaha Commercial college building. llh and Farnam. (9 MSfi) Mlacellaaeoaa. BOTLEB TELEGRAPH 8CHOOI Boylea Building. Omaha, Neb.; official training school U. P. R. R-; positions guaranteed; booklet free. (9) 782 FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's Asan; no I era can 526 . x. Lire umg. ( 770 WANTED Railway mall clerks; customs employes; clerks at Washington; com mencement salary, 1500; many spring ex aminations; candidates prepared free; write for schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 386, Rochester, N. Y. (9)-M777 Jllx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Doss, Pets, Birds and Poaltry, FREE 10c package Conkey's Laying Tonic, aiao tc r-ouitry book, tmng aa. to ins Nebraska Seed Co., 1618 Howard St. (11) M76 Sx LOST AND FOUND LOST Brlndla bull pup S montha old; re turn to vuuv is. 2btn Bt. ; reward. (12)-M441 26X LOST Signet collar pin, monogram "I A. F." Reward for return to 2201 Maple St, U2) M482 24 L08T Mink fur boa, two heads. Tel. Har ney 2266. Reward. (12) 187 23 LOST Lady's gold watch and blue silk fob on vacant lot between I and J and 24th and 26th Sts., So. Omaha; liberal re ward latum to 826 No. 26th St., So. Omaha. (12) 604 23x FOUND Pocketbook at entrance to Courtney's grocery; party may have same by Identification and paying for ad. 2116 So. 21st St. (12) M 609 28x MEDICAL BEST nerva brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." $1 A"box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (13) 771 FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sis.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professora. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night. (131-123 ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. 13)-M5t MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. 8$n$m TOU WA.NT money Dswntsi Smi$DON'T PAY HIGH RATES IUUU JSt, SEE UB FIRST. $$ ft W e loan yo- iuuuih vn rurmture, pimuw, -. , - , u j-w hv ateady employment, on your II . note at the cheapest rates In 81 $$ ths city. Open until 6:30 p. m. Phone $$ U Douglas -iioo. m U OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., U USU R. 601. Brown Blk., $UI1 uSia Pg- Brandeis' Ut44 (tl$$$t loth bt. i-ntranca. imnij MONEY FOB THE HOLIDAYS And yours for the asking. Don't scratch round among our friends to ralaa a few DOLLARS. Come to us for assistance. Ws will loan you money on your FURNITURE, PIANO. WARJ-HOUSE RECEIPT or AN - TH1NO of VALUE, or ON YOUR PLAIN KnTV. ir vou are aieaauy emDioyeu. REMEMBER, you run no risk of HAVING viitiH NAME PEDDLED around to the different loan companies when dealing with ii- ilka most other concerns do who are are lu a similar business, as wa are In no trust. If courtesy and fair dealings scours you patronage, this ws assure you. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 2d Floor, 307-8 Psxton Blk., 2d Floor. 'Phones: bell. Doug. 1411; Auto., A-141L (14) M960 BORROW CHRISTMAS MONEY NOW ani rasa aavaniaae ok vur ave-iai hul. in AY rates. Your first payment will not fall due until February. There will be no extra charges tor tn.s, eitner. iuu can get It by telephoning Douglas Z296. OMAHA MORTGAGE LAiAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade, 1U St. Entranca IH) 11- MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments, unices In 66 principal cltlea Tolutan, Room 612 New York L'fe tilda. (14) n OFFERED FOR RENT Baardlac aad Maaaaa. FURNISHED room and board; everythlnK new ana atriauy moaein; riral-clasa neighborhood, at a reasonable price. ls2 Wirt SU 4)-7i CLOSE IN. nice large room, suitable for two; references require.. U4 B 19th St ' Phone Red 4033. (16) MS74 DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam, la) 77 VERY desirable south room, suitable for two; best home board; choicest location; modern; large lawn. 6-7 Park Ave. (15)-316 24x LARGE steam-beated room with good home cooking. ais a nam. (1S)-M10 23x FURNISHED or unfumlahed rooms en aulte or single with table board, tui Pacific. (16)-M197 22x FURNISHED room and home. 626 8. 19th St board ; modern (16) 264 26x DESIRABLE room, fine lecatlon. walking distance; excellent board. 218 Bo. 26th Bt. (16) 474 271 WARM, well furnished rooms, with best home table, at the old Paxton home. 2u6 So. 25th Ave. U5) 476 22 X Kara lake kseas, ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. Tba Chatham, 110 B. 18tb St. (16) 777 FOR RENT. My completely furnished home, all modern, In nice neighborhood; price reasonable, 211 B. 29th Ara. , () Altu XIX FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUBEKEEPINO ROOM la All parts of tha city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our UaC Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELHON 4c CO. ftlCNl AL AOT8L, 101 N. . LUo Ola- -Pbooa Uoug. lim. STEAM healed furnished rooms, en suits or single. Flat 4, Davldge Blk. (li;-Msl 26k OFFERED FOR RENT Famlaked It eoaaa Caatlaaed. 240 HARNEY, nicely furnished front rooms. (16) M767 24 ONB large front room, nicely furnlahed. 27ol Wool worth Ave., near park. - (15-M41l DESIRAHLE front room In new, modem flat; hot water heat, electricity, ate asy walking distance. 2406 Harney. (15) M4ti6 26x Apartssaata aal FMte. FOR RENT 2302 Sherman Ave., lower flat. absolutely modern, fine lawn, elegant laundry In baaement. 126.00 to rlgnt party. Addreas W. E. Rogers, 1-12 Lothrop tL 'Phone Webstar 36.7. (16) Mlug 2-8 f., flat, Bcargn, 6164 N. 24th St., South Omaha, Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Red 4u. (16-M230 . CENTRAL 4 rooms and bath, all outside; corner flat; steam heat 2-0 No. 23d. (16) M581 A VERY choice apartment at 33d and Far nam St., will be vacated soon by party leaving the city; Inquire of Wm. K. Pot' ter, 3ul Brown Blk. (15) 2.7 LARGE front room, clean, light and strictly modern, 627 So. 26th Ave. "Phone Red 8400. References. (16) M507 Haaaakaeptaa . Raoaaa. FIVE rooms, 2212 N. 19th St. (15)-807 TWO excellent modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. Phone In house. 2574 Har ney St. . (16) 171 SUITE of modern light-housekeeping rooms; everything modern and convenient. 2026 California St. (15) M260 25x THREE fufnlshed housekeeping rooms; new brlcK flat, (30 per month. 2018 Dav enport Bt. (15) 263 26x 206 8. 25TH AVE., front parlor for gen tleman or two housekeeping rooms. , (16) M480 26x ONE UNFURNISHED upper room and front parlor with kitchen privileges'! strictly modern. 627 So. 26th Ave. 'Phone Red 8400. References. (15) M508 Hoasea tad Cottages. 6-R., mod. ex. beat, 2704 Ruggles, $20. 6- r., mod., 3212 No, 21st St.. -5. 8-r., mod., 1524 Wirt St,, $30. 7- r., mod. ex. heat, 20HI Emmet St., 218, 8- r., part mod., 3iM0 Evans St., 2-0. -r., mod.. 2774 Webster, 20. FLATS. S r., mod. ex. beat, t7H No. 21st St., $26.60. 7-r., mod., 618 So. 19th St., 146. 6-r. apartment, heat and janitor service fur nished, $40 summer, $t3 winter; lue no. 4tn HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam Stree, Bee Building. (16) 601 :i OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack, move, store ri. il. gooas, storcnouse uw-i ri. 19th, office lu Farnam. TeL Doug. 156. (16)-7l) HAGGARD VAN & STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1496. we guarantee moving pianos, ti. li. fcoods. (16) 784 GLOVER Realty Syndicate. N. Y. L. D-3932. (16) Mb&S Jans FOR RENT S304 Sherman Ave., gas and electrlo light, strictly modern and up-to-date except furnace. Privilege of laundry in Dasement, -v.w. -tuureaa w. c. rtogers. (16) M8G7 FOR RENT New 6-room cottage one block from Sherman Ave. car; fine lawn and trees; asphalt paved street, cement walks and basement; very choice location. Rent $20. Owner pays water rent and cares for lawn. Telephone Webster 3310 Wil liam 1. -Uersieaa. (16) 300 A BARGAIN In rent. 7 rooms, modern ex. cept urnace, near in, in reo blocks from Farnam St. car line; very low to good tenant, -tppiy at wit mn Bt. i V . (16) MS13 7-ROOM, all modern house, gas stove, gas water neater, snaaea, lurnace. 1613 Bpruce Bt, Tha Chatham., ti. i. Plumb. (16) M927 Benson, 7-r, 4 lots, on corner, filled with fruit trees and , berry bushes; Just three blocks north -f end of car line. $18. 2304 Sherman Ave.. r. mod, flat. 220. 2721 S. Nth, 7-r., all mod., decorated to suit. reasonable rent. Tor lease. 2820 Leavenworth, 6-r., mod. cottage, good repair, mantel, $26. 2613 Spencer, 7-r., mod. ex. heat, excellent condition, barn, 2. arci N. lth. 9-r;-. all mod., on Boulevard just painted ana paperea throughout. $30. K) IX r. rr rj r . r.oiA i r. V , 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2152. (15) 499 24 HOUSES-Peters Trust Co.. rt. 1. K Bldg, O) UUUOLO Crelgh Sons A Co., Bee Bldg. (16) 793 2571 DODGE St.. 8 rooms, modern: laundrv basement; walking distance; handy three car llnea. Hlidretn. 431 Brandela Bldg, Tel. Harney 43U. (16) 170 8-ROOM, modern brick flat, 8007 Paclfla For Information -phone Harney 82 (16)-78 FOR RENT Eight-room house with laun dry: modern, heated with hot water; ai a o-onin, otm foppietou Ave. (16 M690 FOR RENT 8-room flat. 2222 Dousrlaa Rt. Apply to W. N. Chambers, 222 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Douglas ju6. U& M1S6 23 HOUSEHOLD GOODS backed, forwarded eneap ireignt rates; moving and storing. ..xpieaamen s Delivery Co. s Doug. SH. m 786 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) 7K DESIRARLE 8-room modern furnlRhed houae. Klngwalt Bros. (15) M22! HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros.. 1804 Farnam. (16)-791 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16)-7S8 7-ROOM house. 2654 Pratt St., all modern; not w.ter neat, run cement basement, 'Phoae Webster 748. (15) M3S6 5-ROOM house. 626 So. 26th Ave., mod rn except, iurnace, (10) tutj 24 X 6-ROOM modern cottage, close in. Tele, phone Douglas 4200. (16) 603 24 6-ROOM houae, 2611 Corby; car one block: io. inquire aour weat. ut) vl416 2x 5-ROOM house, $15, and 8-room houae. $23 inquire lfus iark Bl. Tel. R 4XK7. , (1.) M4M 24x Offlee-, DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on tne ouay corner ot Z4th and N Sta. South Omaha, Cull at Bee office, & O. branch, 2l and N. new addresa (li) M577 OFFERED FOR SALE Vmraltara. TWO folding couotsr stools, mahogany finish; beeu used a short time and will sell cheap. Call Uaa office, Omaha. (16) 143 FOR BALE Steel range (Star Estate), In good condition; price. $16. TeL Webster 12 or call z fowler Ave. (16)-M48S 23x Typewriter aad lawlag Maeklaea. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES ALL PRICES Far sale, for rent Slightly used and genuins rebuilt machines, good aa new, at to H mfrs. prices. If rented, rent will be au Hi led. Large stock of 36 differ ent makes to select from. Call or write today for large bargain list and receive our offer. We ship on approval anywhere without a oepoait B. F. SWANSON CO., INC. (Established Flvs Tsars.) 1620 Faraaxn St.. Omaha, Nab. (ili 8. 15Uk BU after December 2&) U-M88 Janl Mlacallaaaaaa. DRUG8 at cut prices; freight paid on all 31 ordera; catalogue tree. Unarms- McCuunsU Drug Co., Oroaha, Neb. r OFFERED FOR SALE Mlseellaaeoas--Caatlaaed. l.ano KINDS perfumes and sachet powders. f Merman a Mcconneii i.'rug to . ism ana Dodgs; Owl Drug Co.. ltth and Harney. (!) M261 Dec INK BARRELS Wa have on hand number of theae bar rels which ws will sei. at boo each. Thsy are fine for rain water or aanea Call al press room. Bee Publishing Co, (18) 277 TYPEWRITERS, any make, all prlosa. for sals, for rent; rent applied ir Dougnu Call or ask for our bargain list B. F. Swanson Co., Inc. (est. 6 yra). 1820 Far nam St., Omaha. U M28 Janl FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tablea. We lead ths world In chesp bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balks Collender, 407 o. loih 8b (1& SO. COAL All kinds, free delivered, same day as you order. Rosenblatt s coal yarn. Tel.. Douglas 412. Retail department clean nut coal, 6 bushela tor IL (16) 784 SEND us your mall orders for druga; freight paid on 210 lota Myera-union Drug Co., Omaha. , (16) 808 TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES ALL 1'ltICES For Sale For Rent Slightly used and genuine rebuilt machines, good as new, at one-fourth to one-nan manufacturers prices. If rented, rent will be applied. Large stock of 26 different makes to select from. Callyor write today for large bar gain list and receive our offer. We ship on approval anywhere without a deposit. B .F. SWANSON CO., INC. (Established Five Years.) 417 South Fifteenth St., Omaha, Neb. (16J-M2S8 Janl TWO cash registers, one gas arc lamp. 408 8. 15th bl. IM) 448 CHRISTMAS candles, sealed boxes. Sher man A McConnell Drug. Co., Owl Drug Co, CU M258 DecJl Wire Cable for Sale We have tnree pieces of 4-lnch cable, 16 to 2a0 fe?t each, for sale at a reasonable price. Call on engineer. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALE Cheap for cash, butcher's x 10 Ire box, In good condition. Geo. W. Hartman, 2003 Cuming St. 06) M129 PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Block. Tel. Red 7117. (17) 808 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R, S. and A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-S1 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1869 (17) 807 PERSONAL THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatoff clothing; in taci, anywung you ao not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection to tha worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4135 and wagon will call. (18-76 HALL'S safes, naw,2d-hand. 181 Farnam, (!) u t( a a r TP Electric vibratory, 120 8. U.UkJ-VVJ il lltlh. Room 3U8. fnurtl. sub. fourt (18) M2S Jl floor old Boston Store. A HOME for women during confinement We find homes for babies where mothers cannot cara for them. Mother Lea, 402 Bancroft St "Phone Douglas 1921. (18)-801 JanCTx PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra Dr. King, 13-t n, 24tn. Tel. Webster S659. U8 611 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian assoclstlon rooms. 1518 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 268 Masquerade costumes. TeL Red 6430. 8318 (18) 412D19 B. 20th Bt Kf A nMITTTr! treatment and bath. Mma Ll-VCm-lA.l' Smith. 118 N. ISth. fct flnoe (I8-6-7 LIEBEN, costumer. 1410 Howard. Open Eva. (18) M7U8 OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18) 612 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall: cot prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) U0 FOR ADOPTION. S-month-old boy ' baby, Swedish parents. Address Lt-au, care Bee. . (i) a MASSAGE treatment, 1709 Dodge St., base ment Mrs. Jordan. (l)-U2 33 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est 18-6; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 arnam bl (19)-(18 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO, CHAB. E. WILLIAMSON. Prestdsnt (1)-M-6I GEORGE k CO.. Tel. Douglas 764 tl)-81i 1801 Farnam. PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life. (19) 81 BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandela Bldg. (l) 4 CITY PROPERTY FOR BALK. An Ideal Cottage Home 24.12 Templeton St., 6 rooms, all on one floor, new, excep tionally well built, newly deco rated throughout, strictly mod ern, hot water heat, laundry In basement, fine lawn and shade trees, good neighborhood. Price, $4,000; $1,750 caah, bal ance $25 per month If aold be fore Christmas. Immediate possession. It will pay you to investigate this proposition at once. For rent If not sold Im mediately. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam St. 119) 479 22 -ROOM modern house and barn, 2417 No. .2,1 Kt . lmorovemems cost more man asa- ina Drice of brouerty. Owner leaving city. If aold at once, $3,250. Subject to new paving. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam, tl-4.1 -i W. W. MITCHELL, real estate and rentals. 332 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 13.4. (191-M3M FOR SALE A new 8-room house, first rlaaa: excellent location, two lota, corner good well, clatern, outbulldlnga; a bargain If taken at once. Aaureas itox di, ueiu vue. Neb. (19) M466 23 x MtlBT be sold, owner hss left city, (-room modern home, with furnace, full cementd cellar, south front lot 60X12-. pave kit. rear Banker Yatea' fine home on Chlcigo St., $4.uuj. Want offer. F. D. WEAD, Wead blk., 18lh and Farnam. 1 1) 17 a LIST your property with Chris. Boyer. 22d snd cuming uia u u $600 CASH, and balance monthly, will buy a brand new, flrst-claaa seven-room house, up-to-date In every requirement and ready to move Into, at 2660 Fowler Ave. Come and sea It U 7W AN eastern owner hss two houses In Haas. cm Place ranted for (70 a month; every thing modern; paved street; east front: will sell at a bargain; ona block north of liaruKOra para. THOMAB BREHNAN, Room 1. Ns York Ufa Building. 11 At A BIG BARGAIN In Merrick county. Neb., land; 640-acre farm, hay and pasture land; a snap for quick sale; owner needs money. Wrila for price and terms. W. W. MITCHELL. $33 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE mm CITY PR4PKRT F4R AL-3 (Continued.) A BARGAIN IN KOUNTZB PLACE 2108 Spencer St. Trice $3,750. A splendid opportunity for some one to secure a very deirtrshle brand new house on one of the prettiest streets In Kountso Place. The owner of this place, built It Intending to ocupy It for a home, but has gone Into business and needs the money. House has never been occupied, and la situated on a beautiful south front lot on paved street, with pa-"-"" I-1"' manenl walks In snd paid for. Has good cement cellar, very best furnace, first floor has nice reception hall, parlor, din ing room, butler's pantry, kitchen and vestibule; 3 nice bedrooms with nice large closets and good slsed bath room on 2d floor, stairway to attic. The flrat floor Is finished In oak and has onk and maple flooring. Very best of modern plumbing, electric lights and gna and fine fixtures. $1,360 csah will buy this, and the bnlnee run be paid at $C6 per month, Including Interest. MUST BE SOLD BEFORE JANUARY 1. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1.04 FARNAM STREET. BEE BLPO. (19) M520 24 137 ACRES ON DODGE ST. 6H miles west of 16th St., two sets ot buildings, large grove, fine spring, all good land. Price, $26,000; $12,500 cash, balance 6 years, 6 per cent GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. (19) 480 23 SPECIAL LOT BARGAIN. Lot 60x160 on 32d St., close to Hanscom park, $1,500 cash. All special taxes pnlil. Inquire 220 S. 17th St. (19) M512 23 DO YOU WANT TO BUY A GOOD RESI DENCE LOT? Owner of a beautiful lot In Weat Han, srom park district will sell at very low llgurea. inquire, 220 So. 1 7th ot. ( 1 ) m o 1 ,1 ,3 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE Colorado. FARM AND FRUIT LAND. Denver-Greeley dlatrlct, under Irrigation! sugar beets, aifaita, general iarming ana fruit raising: low price, easy payment a National Investment Co., 682 Brandela Bldg.. Omaha. Tel. Douglas 6691. (20) 820 Montana. FINE RANCH FOR SALE. 1,000 acres of Montana wheat land, SoQ acres In cultivation, good water right and an excellent opportunity for a good farmer; threshing machine, gang plows and other machinery to go with tha ranch. Price. $15 an acre; one-half caah, the balance five years at 6 per cent Se curity State Bank, Havre. Mont. (20 M491 J an 21 Nebraska. German Colony Otf NEW LINE OF Union Pacific Railroad at Keystone, Neb, Irrigated Lands No Drouth No Flood The new German colony Is In the heart of tha rich North Platta valley ot Ne braska. The land Is the best on earth. Wa will sell you from 40 acres up to 320. Buy 40 acres of this land and put 10 acres In sugar beets; -keep a few oows and chick ens and raise enough grain and corn to feed them, and they will make you a bet ter living than any trade In town. You also have tha Income frcm tha 10 acres of beets to lay aside. Tha Income from the beets will ba from $800 to $1,000 above all expenses. No city job will pay you half well. PRICES from $40 to $60 per acre, and think of tha terms one-fifth cash, balance 1 to ID years. Excursion Every Tuesday Train leaves Omaha Union station at 4:10 p. m. Send us your name, that we may reserve a place for you on our special car. Write at once for plats and our beautiful 40-page Illustrated folder. Don't Wear Your Life Away Working for wages In the city and have nothing left when old aga overtakes you. Buy a 40 or an 80-acre farm ot our IRRI GATED LAND and your old age will be more than amply provided for. If you want to remain In town and work; at your trade, you can pay monthly Install ments on the land until you wish to move onto rt Call or write for full Information. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Lite Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (20) 181 22 163 ACRES About 4H miles southwest of South Omaha, no Improvements, $80 per acre; $6,000 caah, balance 1, 2 or ( years. , GEORGE at CO., 16ul Farnam St. (20) 41 23 DIX. A new townslta In Kimball county. Neb on main line of U. P. R. R. between Omaha and Cheyenne. Hurrounded by nice farming land which will soon be lrrlssted. Uix has a ceneral store, school liouao and other buildings. Cannot be saualled for Investment We can sell Iuh1 ness lots at from (20 to $30. Terms, 10 per cent rash, balance 10 per cent per months. For run particulars see HASTINGS A HEYDEN. Land Dept., 220 South 17th Street. (20) M510 2$ 40-ACRE homesteads, after cheap relln qulsbmenU. 4. ttarsina, witmen. Neb. (20)-MlU Dec-., RFI FSTATF FARM AWn KA.CH l,A.M FOR Nebraska Coallaaed. SNAP FOR FART CASH 2 acres prnlrlo land, twelve miles weat of fierce, iirt., In the Willow Creek valley; roll rich loam, si' can be plowed; $2.tK rush, bal ance long time. For an attractive prion nddrvss Lock Box 146, Omaha. Neb. . (24)) M4!3 14 X WOOD River Valley lands, the beat In Ne brsaka, and central west Texas fruit and farm lands. Call on or write W. W, Mitchell, 8,-!2 Board of .Trade Hli)( Omaha. Neb. (20) MIS. SPECIAL LAND BARGAINS. Owner of a Rood quarter section In Chase county, Neh., will sell same for $600 cash. Thla land Is worth ii per acre. For full pnrticulars Inquire, owner, 20 tfouin nth ISC (20) M511 2$ Texas. T HX AS LANDS. Midland snd IVtor coutiltos; fine climate. good soil; railroad and good towns, first crop will more than pay for land; you buy direct from owner. Trlco $10 to $15 an acre and Is just as gxMl aa (HO an acre land. For particulars and literature write or call. W. W. MITCHBLI- 332 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (20) MlilS a lllscellaaeoaa. WANTED Agency for farming and other lands, American Land and Brokerage Exchange, Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111 (30)--M721 26x REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (i) 831 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4k Co.. 1320 Farnam St ti)-ej PAYNE. ;.OSTWICK aV CO.. N. Y. Life. Private money; (mm to $i,0Uv; lew rate. .. (22) 8-4 FIVE PER CENT money to loan on Omaha Bualneaa Property,. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room , New York Life Bldg. 8-)-(2 PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 16u4 FARNAki, (22-ai SECOND MORTGAGE v LOANS NEGOTIATED. Apply Room 211 Flrat National Bank Bldg. Bell 'Phone Douglas 2318. (22) 736 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood. 616 Brandels Bldg. - (22) 828 LOWEST RATES Bemla, Paxton block. '- (22 63. MONEY TO BUILD. $500 to $200,000 at current rates. W. H. THOMAS. 60$ First Nat Bank Bldg. , (22) 82 WANTED CITY loans. Patera Trust Cx (22) 829 $500 TO $5,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefu Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Llfa. Doug, or A-2152. (22) 822 $110 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weao Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. (22)-831l WANTED TO BORROW WANT moderate loan at fair Interest on large Irrigated Wyoming stock ranch, worth $100,000. Address Y 4S, care Bee ..Office. (24)-M46 28x WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prices for Id-hand furniture, car pets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 3971 (26)-833 RIGHT prices paid for Id-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red K01- 126) 834 WANTED TO BUY. Have a caah customer for farm of 80 to 31X acres In Itou.ias or flnrnv mimii... be bargain. Bemla, Paxton Block.' WE WILL buy land any place the rt-ers '" i"l""B7- vmana current Deflect. r Co., 214 8. 12th St. . (25)-7S J8 WANTED TO RENT WANTED-To rent a 6 or 6-acre truck iitrm near umana. A. Wilson, Mar shalltown, la, (261-M182 23x WANTED To rent a five or alx-room fur- uBiieu nut ior tne winter; must be near business district. Address E 311, care Hi . . . 12J) ucO 24x WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man desires place' to work fof board while attending school. Boyle College. Both 'phone. (27) M84I WANTED A position as fireman and care of steam heating plant; fifleen years' ex- Serienc and bst of references. Addr-rs I. 2311 Vinton St. (27) M490 23x PRINTER warrts Joh, all round man. country office. AddTess R, Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs, la. Ref. furnished. " (27) M 622 24 X STOVE REPAIRS FURNACE, steam and hot water repairs; Thermostats and other heat, regulator!; new furnaces and hot water eomblnatloa heating. Omaha Stove Repair Work. 12O6-1208 Douglas St 'Phones: lnd. A -J.,.'!. Bell. Douglas 960. 7 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OP THE CONSTRUCTING quartermaster. Fort Crook, Nebraska, De cember 21, 190S. Sealed proposula, (ln tripli cate, will be received at thla office until II o'clock a. m , January 21, 19t9. and then opened, for constructing one brick stabli and one brick bakery, and for Installing plumbing, steam heating, electric wl.ingan ) electric Utthling flxturea In buildinga ap.c fled. Plans and specifications may be seen by Intending bidders at the offices of the chief quartermaster, Department of the Missouri, Oinuhu. Nebraska; Dipttrtmcnt of the Colorado, Denver, Colorado; Depirtm nt of tne Iukea, Chicago, Illinois; Department of Dakota, Bl. Paul, Minnesota, uu, I at this office. Necessary blank forms and full in formation furnished upon application here. A dt posit of $10.00 to Insure return is re quired before plans are sent upon Individual application. The United States reserves thx rlKht to reject any or all bids, or to accept any part of a b.d that may be ailvanlase us to the government. Envelope containing proposals must be endorsed "Proposals for Public Buildings. Etc., Fort Crook. Ne braska," and sdilrnsaed to Captain Joseph F. Gohn, constructing quartermaster. D21-22-23-24-J19-20 PROPOSALS FOR ADDITIONS TO POST hospital. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Robinson, Neb., Dm cember 21, 1!JM. Sealed proposala for all ma- , terial and labor required In the conatruc tlon of additions to the Poet Hospital, Fort Robinson, Neb., also for heating, plumbing and electric wiring In same, will be received here until 1 p. m.. January 20, 1909, and then opened. Plana and specifications may ba consulted and blank proposala and Instruc tions to bidders obtained-at the offices of the Chief uuaru-rmaaler at Denver, Omaha. HI. Paul and Chicago, Depot Quartermaster, bt. Ixiuls, and st this office. Envelopes conluinlng proposals should be Indorsed, proposals for additions to Post Hospital ' and addressed to Captain F. T. ARNOLD, Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Robin son, Neb. D21-22-J2-24-i8 LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' ME-.TING. Office of Lte-Ulass-Andr.e-ea Hardware Company, Omaha, Nebrttcaa, D.cenbf j 12, lfc Notlcs is hereby Klveu to tve stoca holders of the Lea-Glaaa-Andrees.n 11. lo wer Company that tne annual meeting .1 the stockholders of the voinpan al.l bj held at the offices of the said company, corner of Ninth aud Harney mi .eta, u lu city of Oruaaa, tu the slais ot Ntbraaku. on Tuesday, January 12. A. D., lvut, at 4 o'clock p. m.. tor the purpose ot electing -a board of directors for tne company ta serve during the ensuing year, and ta transact sucil other business as Busy b. presented at such meeting. AUeetl Vv. M. Ulasa, ae.reli.ryj U- 1. ioaa, proa-dent. DUD3VI n Sto-k Puwder Co.. Clarliula, la. r ()-M484 28 Ijju, CO. a. t4--M7 u U) JMUi-i r V