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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1908)
TTTE OMAHA . DAILY BEEt WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1903. aft 4r GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Prices on Wheat Not Widely. mark; current receipts. In returnable" esses, 21c, at mark: western firsts, free) cases. 3' at mark: current receipts. free cases, 3wu Sic. t mark. choice. 13-3 CMVr.W-F rm- full rrprmi. JilUCtUaUIlaT c: fair Kood. 131i13Hol sew tork.- ;keral 'M.inKET COBN VALUES AEE MUCH IHIHER Liverpool Closed Higher Both Wheat aad Cera and Indlrattnns Arc ' Opralnc Wedaesdny Will Sea Advances. OMAHA. Dec. 22, 1M. Wheat remain In a steady position and lias held well agslnst strong; bearish senti ment and opposition. Trices are not fluctu- tng widely at present and are expected to attiy only steady during; the holidays. In quiries for cash wheat are Increasing; and country miller are expected to take fair quantities in the next tew days. Corn receipts ar still liberal, but farmers have shvtt off their sales and are not dis posed to sell owing to the bie reduction In values, but an the other hand export busi ness Is not, and no material advance can hardly b looked for until the buying de- Win nrt Imnt-Airaa Wheat opened with a firm tone, due to better- buvlna- and light receipts. Foreign linluiM runnnalvi In rill cine" better support. Offerings wore rather Hunt and buying slackened to small lots. The market wantd to bull and. with even chance, prices should work higher slowly. December nnenAjt t . QaAL- tttnA elnned at KC. Corn was quiet but steadier and values firm. th rmenln. Demand for rmh rorti rauinrtad the best for several Aavm ' Mllmfllbl rACpfntS for tomOT rnm 'Btlmnlafid huvlns- and values worked Vilvhr ami ahnwod -av fast gain. Decern hrr ftxrn nnnl at BO'iO and Closed at Primary wheat receipts were .Kto bush- anrl ahlnmontn " WOT 200.000 bUShelS, gainst receipts last tear of 700.000 bushels .himi.nti r jf'ooo bushels. Corn redetrxs were l.ltt.OOO bushels and hinmanii "Ms .090, bushels, -against re rPiots last veivr- of l,O7i.0O0 bushels . and hlnminliinf RlOUOO follshplS. ri,.mnr wtti non of Com, none of oats and wheat, and flour, equal to 282,000 Liverpool closed fiJl. higher on wheat and ,4d higher n corn. Seaboard reported n'b salea for export. Local range of options: Artlclrs. Open. W1gh. Low. Close. Yes'y. -v- Wheat-Iec-:., May.. Corn Deci. May,. Oats Dec.-. May.. , S4U 60Vt 6V4j 48 y.1 4 40H 4W 7v- 9W 54 4H 48 1 OOVs MS - 65 MW4 41 9M B0i (4 4H 48 Omaha Cash Prices. WTTKAT Ko. hard, 97H(B8o; No. 8 hard. K.WotoHc: No. 4 hard, 34j9!c; iso. a spring CORN-No. f, 62Hc; 'No. 3.' 52': No. 2 yellow. 62l4362Vic; No. white. 64Vc. OATS-No. 3 mixed, 45Wi?4c; No. 3 yel low, 4644tV4c: No, 3 White, 4fiH4HuTiC ; NO. 4 white. 4EUfg46c; standard., 4utC. RYE No., 2, 63ci No. 6C. . ' Carlot Itrtcisti, Wheat. Com. Oats. Chicago .....U".i, 35 69 Minneapolis 176 ' ... Omaha ;vW 148 Duluth . -74 . j (Isolations of the .Day aa Various C'omrnodltles. .': ' NEW TORK. Dee. 22-FIXJlR-Recelpts. 68,509 bbls. i exports, 2.500 bhls. ; -market dull and about steady; Minnesota patents. Jfi.25 6.U5; winter 8trnights. I4.riiirii4.75: Minnesota bakers, I4.JO-o4.50; winter extras, l'.fio44.25; winter patents, II7Mi6.25: winter low grades, t365"l4 16. Rye flour, slow; fair to good, l4.oni4.2K; choice to fancy, 4.3"B 4.66. Buckwheat flour, dull; at i:'.3.yui.6 per 100 lbs. OORNMEAL Firm: fine, whlto and yel low, 81.46til.6u: coarse. S1.401.45: kiln dried. H.h3 60. RYB Dull: No. X western, nw, r. o. b.. New York. BARLEY-Steadv: feedlnsr. 68fi68c:. c. I. f.. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 47.000 bu.; exports. lflO.ono bu.; spot market, firm; No. 3 red, 11.07V. elevator; fine No. 2 red, tl.09ft. f. o. b. .afloat: No. 1 northern, Duluth, S1.17H. f. o. b., afloat: No. 2 hardi winter. $1.144, f. o. b.j afloat. Following tha lead of cablea wheat was generally firm all day and closed 'cto net higher. H received some support from bulls and was also Influenced by small northwest receipts and a better demand for cash wheat. December closed at $1.08 7-lSc: May. closed at 11.10: July, closed at 1.044. CORN Receipts. 44.000 bu. Boot market firm;. No. 2, MVfec, to arrive, elevator, and tifciic. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 white, 6o-ie, and No. 2 yellow, 6oVc. f. o. b., afloat. Option market was dull and weak without tran sactions: closed unsteady: December closed at ft'c; May, closed at 67c; July closed at etaic: Beptember closed at 7c. UATa rteceipts, 69,ow ou.; exports. bu. 8pot market quiet: mixed. 2 to 32 lbs fW'inVe: natural white. 2tt to 32 lbs., 64'auic; clipped white. 84 to 42 lbs.. toVi-Ge. t i'.r,i.- iJuii ; spring hran, i-4.6j; mia- Ullngs. t2 45: citv. t2.3h52i S5. HAY Dull: No. 3. 65ii'7oc: good to choice. 90c. HIDES Quiet : Bogota. lOUSIilVic: Central Arret lean, 21 Ur. PROVISIONS Beef quiet: family. 117.00 si 17.60: iiiess. S13.0uiiU.GO: beef hams. 12(1.00 m.OO; packet, $14.n'il5.B0; city extra India mees, ij6.f0ff 27.00. Cut meats, ateady; plckb d bcllks, fc.B.,Wi.:B: pickled hams, S9.0)X.aU Laid, steady; western. J 5t(l.tio; refined, firm; continent, 9.80; South. America, $10.6o; compound, id.lbCnl.OO. Fork steady; familv, 17.6(itl8.60; short clears, 30.00ri.00; mess, l.504) 17.00. TALLOW StoRdy; city (12 per pks ). 6Ao: country (pkgs. free), fiB7c. lucis Uuiet; domestic, tuir to extra. 2"A 4t1i'; Jnpan,- nominal. BUTTER Steady; creamery specials. Z261 S2V4c; official price, 32c; creamory extras. aUjidlc; creamery, thirds and firsts, 2) 30c; creamery held, common to special, 22 29c; state dairy, common to special, 21(g'29c; process, common to special, lsac; west ern factory, firsts, 3irgjvfcc; western Imi tation creamery, firsts, 22a23c. CHEESE. Market firm; Btate, full cream, specials, MViqloVic; September, small or large, colored or white, fancy, 14c; October, small or large, best, 134c; late mode, small, best, 13c; good to prime, ll4i8125tc; common to fair, 10V4&llV4c; skims, full to specials, 2( nc. ' EUOS Firmer; western firsts, 32Hc: sec onds, 30V4fd31Vic. POULTRY Alive. . quiet: chickens. 11c: fowls, 12'tc; turkeys, lOCTHc: dressed, strong: western chickens, 16020c; fowls, 10 614c; spring turkeys, 1923c.. , 67 WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT SEWYORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Late in Session is Active and Buoyant in Tone. serve, shows: Available cash balance. 77: gjld coin and bullion, $2$.9i0,!14; gold certificates, Sti,377.2N. CLOSING VALUES AEE HIGHEST Ramor of Absorption or Transform, tloa of A' amber of ayatems by Harrlmaa Interests Featar of the Day's Sews. NEW YORK. Dec. 22. There was some shrinkage of activity In the stock market today In connection with the recovery, but the closing was very active, and the tone buoyant at the top prices. The feature of tha "market was the circulation of rumors of propose absorptions and rehabilitation of railroad systems. E. II. Harrlman, whose surpesed critical condition of health figured In the Imagination of speculators yesterday In ccnnectlon with their heavy selling of stocks, resulted in a very bad state of affairs today and was permeating the rallroadr map of the country with his rrcjects of combination ' and transforma tion. On the one hand it was confidently assured that he was planning the rehabili tation of the Wabash system and devising Its combination with smim outlet, prefer ably the Lackawannn or the. Erie. In an other quarter the . retirement of President Newman from the New York Central might bo opening the way for Mr. Harrlman's expected entry into informal activity in that property. An lrcldent was to be the hitching lip of the Toledo, Bt. Louis A Western with the New York Central lines for a new connection Into the southwest. There was great activity in' all the se curities of the Missouri. Kansas & Texas. fixing the present assumption that the sale or tne Colorado & Southern to the Chicago, Burlington & Qufncy was a fair Index of what was to happen t6 other southwestern railroads with a gulf outlet and eligible for combination with r.orthern and north western roads.- The brilliant advance in the market price of the Colorado & South rrn mortgage securities, with the assurance of such perfect auspices for the affairs of the company as the Burlington, offered an attractive proor of ttie advantages crue from such Rmnsamffnta. A considerable short interest has been built up In the market In the course of the sharp fall In prices which has occuried ince last weeK and buying to cover was i neip io tne'anvance. This wns In evl dence In the rise in markets for which stock there had been purchased apparently large options. In the London market. the monev outlook and thn com ng tariff discussion still entered into the current discussion, but not with such effect as with the incoming reports yesterday of Mr. Carnegie s testimony In the tariff hearing. rxeany xiau.wu in gold was engaged to go forward to Paris tomorrow and the sub- treasury continues to ahanrb nimntltUo from the banks, with the prospect of this dralrl Increasing with some shipments toward the end of the week of subscrip tions to Panama canal bonds. The tran quil and rather -asier tone of the call money marxet Deprived the subject of dls turbing influence. ramus were strong. 'rotnl sa es. nnr value. 10.C4,000. United States bonds were uncnangea on call. Number Of Sales anA lUninv mmfatlnna uii BiuiHi were: New York Money Market. KMV YORK. Dec. 22 -MONE'Y-On call. rm; 2iSH per cent; ruling rate, 814 p r cent; closing bid, 3'4 per cent; offered at t per cent; time fiana, dull and rather easier; sixty days and ninety days, 3x per cent; six months, 3fH per cent. FHIMH MERCANTILE PAPER 4B4i per cent. 8TEHLINO EXt MANOR fttrtldV. With actual business In bankers' bills at $4 8joMJ 8515 for sixty-day bills and nt -14.8706 lor i-mand; commcrcUl bills, $4 M V'tH 847. PILVERr Bar, 48c: Mexican dollars, 4fic. BOND Oovernment. steadv: railroad. strong. Closing quotations on New York bonds were as follows: . S. ref. 2. rri IM Int. 4o coupon 104 U. u. 344 CHICAGO GltAI AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and Closing 1'rlces on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 22. Small receipta In the northwest - caused strength in the wheat market today: ' final Quotations showing net gains of &lc. Corn and oats also closed , firm, and provisions steady. Trade in the wheat pit was not of large vftium hut aontlment was bullish throughout the entire day. The strength of the markets at Minneapolis and Du luth tvas the chief factor in tne situation. The firmness of the northwestern mar kets was due mainly to the continued falling off- in receipts. Arrivals at those two points today were 250 cars, against 4JtJ cars the corresponding day u year ago. and advices received today forecasted atlll smaller receipts in the, near future. An advance' of ri 4i' in the price of wheat at Liverpool had, a strengthening Influ ence early in the day. Shorts were active bidders for ' the December delivery end It opened stronger, with May at 11.06 and July at 98o. Exports of five boat loads were reported at the seaboard. There was a fair demand for' cash wheat here and prices were steady. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 280,000 bushels. The world a visible supply decreased ouu, 000 bushels. The corn market was firm nearly all day. The principal activity was in the December delivery and the price of that option fluctuated over a Ihio range. Cath corn at the sample tables was tin c Weather conditions were favorable for the movement. The market closed firm, with prices ud UtvT4c. final quotations on Muy being-at 66HO6044C, and on July at ti0c. December ranged between oH8 67Hc and closed at tic. Active demand for cash grain by east ern shippers had a bullish effect on the oats market. The prUe of the cash grain was up WUVio. The market cioaea linn with prices up tt&PVtc. May closing at ElliflHtQ and July at 46 4ic. Provisions were active and firm early In the day. but became, dull and rather weak later in the session. At the close prices were unchanged! to Ec lower. The leading futures ranged aa follows Artlclo. Open. High.) Low. Close.) Yes'y. Fair Wednesday and Not Change tn Temperature, OMAHA.. Deo. 22, pressure continues high Hack 1908. The pressure continues high ' over the mountain district pnd east over the cen tral valleys, lake region and upper Atlantic states. A relative depression overlies tha British northwest and a disturbance of considerable energy is central over the south Atlantic states.- Uenerally clear weather prevails west of the Mississippi river over the mountains, with rainy and cloudy weather on the Pacific slope. The disturbances over the south Atlantic states Is accompanied by heavy rains and is causing generally unsettled . Weather throughout the eastern portion. A slight but general rise in temperature is shown went of the Missouri river. It is slightly Cooler In the Mississippi valley and south ern states, and decidedly cooler in the lake region aad. east to the Atlantic coast. Thtvre. JUk .jjQTlnd(caOpn., of : any material change in weather or temperature In this vicinity tonight or Wednesday. Omaha record . of temperature and ore. clpttation compared with the corresponding a ay or tne last, tnree years: 19UM. 1907. 1906. 1903, Minimum temperature.... 26 26 18 23 Precipitation v... .00 .00 T .00 Normal temperature for today, 25 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation (ince March L 4.30 inches. . ., corresponding period In 1907, Deficiency 7.28 inches. Deficiency 4.71 Inches. L. A. corresponding period In 1906, WELSH. Local Forecaster. St. Louis General Market LOUIS, Dec. 22.-WHEAT Hlghej; No, 2 red, cash, elevator, 1.06&l.07Vi; hard, l.ulV4j'1.06; May J -li.OtfH ; July, track, No. 3 cash, B74 ST. track, No. 2 96ttc. CORN Higher; 2 cash, 44Hc; . 2 white, 614 Wheat I... Dec. 1 00T, 1 01H 1 00 1 01 May 106VT 1 1 0& 1 H July 87 98 9794 8S Corn , . Dec. 664 67H .64 B7'4 May PSWn f4'91s ' 80i 60HjrV July aoihlBO '60H 60 Oats- . I . Dec. 49HI 49H 49VW 49 May 61SC(fAi!51H((i 51W 51f H July 4ft 46464'46H 46 Pork- . I Jan. 15 97H 16 07Vi 15 96 15 95 May 16 32H 16 87V 1125 16 25 Lard I Jan. S3 35 9 30 -9 30 May 9 67 9 67 ft 9 62 Ribs ' Jan. 127 27 I 27 127 May 8 60 8 66 8 67 8 67 1 OOH 1 00 97 ECU 60!S 60 4A SIHV.H 15 97 i mi 32 9 6a 8 27Vi 8 67 No. 2. - Citsh quotations were as follows: FLOCK Quiet and ateady; winter nat- -nts. 34.65dra.10; winter straights, 4.35(fi4.86; i!"mg patents, Ifi.So.SO; spring straights, ivth hj; oaaers, J (fn.i. WHEAT No. I spring. fl.OBO'1.07: No. a spring. 8ciS1.06; No. 2 red. $1.02'B1.03. CORN No. 2, 6767c; No. 2 yellow, 67 j 'oATS-No- 8 white, 60ci No. white, 48 RYE No. . 14r74c. BARLEY tJood feeding, 88c; fair to choice malting, Dratisc.- UEEDS Flax. No. 1 northwestern, 3148. 1 1moth), prime, 13.80. Clover, contract grades. 89.15. PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides flooneV 37.7iKo8.25. Mesa pork, per bbl., $14.62 14.7. i-ra. per iw ios.. snort clur aides (boxed). f8.37'!r.62. Following were th receipts and ahlD- inents of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipment. Flour, 'bbls....'. 23.60 M.b'J Wheat, bu 28.000 2ft, i-jo Corn, bu 04.2M 2:i7.:i0 Oats, bu 4ti3.500 ' 4JJJoO Rye. bu. B.frno , 6.200 Barley, bu , 126,400 47,600 On the Produce exchange today the bvit tier market was firm; creameries, Wj;e:. dalHea. 2l025c. Eggs, firm; at mark. ces Included, Swuak-; firsts. 30c; prlmo flr',, Sic. Clieose, strong, 14f(15c Kansas City Grain aad Provisions. KANSAS' CITY. Dec. S WHEAT I'n crianged to c higher; December, 97To; Mav. 99o: Juiv. 91c. Cash: No. I hard, 81.OOOP1.04; No, 3 hard, 97cii-.02 ; No 3 red. 8J 0S; No. 8 red, 8l.00frt.oa; CORN Unchanged to c higher; Decern-tH-r, 664ic; May. Mc; July, 66r, Cash: No. 2 mixed. 6tic; No. 3 mixed, S6c: No 2 while. 67ViTo: No. 3 white. oTIxaTUc OATS TTnchanged to o lower; No White. 48WCJ No. 8 mixed. 4&fiii0c. " RYE No. 2, 7To. HAY Steady: choice' timothy. 89 75 10.00; choice prairie, 3S.50S8.75; choice al falfa. 313 soigifso. BUTTER o to 1e higher; creamery 81c: packing stock. 19c. EOOS-Firm; freh. extra, Slc; current receipts, tc. 1 Peceipth. Shipments. Wheat, bu 70.000 1 S6.000 CJorn, bu 26 000 1 25 000 Oata, bu 13.000 I 1 11.000 Philadelphia Prod mo Market. 68c; May, D!(g9c; July, 69c; track, rxo. t wnue, oc. OATS Higher; track. No. May, 6094c; July, 46p; No, bi lie. Kici steaay. vvtta FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.M no.iu; extra iancy ana mraight, I4.16iui 4.10; nara winter ciear, j.du. SEED Timothy, 82. GOG'S. 45. CORNMEAL 84.20. . . BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, SI. 00 HAY Dull; timothy, 88.00O1S.50: prai rie. 38. 00 10.00. IRON COTTON TIES 31.00. RAGGINO 7c. PROVISIONS Fork, ateady; Jobbing, 315.37. Lard, lower: prima steam, 8W.0V 4(9.17. Dry salt . meats unchanged; hoxen, extra snorr, J'.i.a; clear ribs, 89.25; short ' clears,' 1 39. o0. Bacon, boxed extra short, 310 37; clear 810.50; Khort clears, 810.60.. . POULTRY Higher; chickens, springs, 9c; turkeys', 16c; ducks, geese, sc. BUTTER -Higher;-creamery. 23 31c EGGS Lower: 28c. case count. Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbls 10,000 14,000 Wheist, bu 47,000 87,000 Corn, bu ,.16,6.000 . , 64,000 Outs, bu 66,000 61,000 dull; ribs, c; 'o; PHILADELPHIA. IVe. S2 V Steadv; fair demand; extra we rv. S3c: nearby prints. SSe. EGGdFirm: lo hmher;' 1 and other nearby firsts, fice Available Supplies of Grain. NEW- YORK, Deo.' 2S. -Special cable and telegraphlo communications received by Bradstrects show the following changes In available supplies as compared with the previous account: Available supplies Wheut, United States, east -of Rookies in- crwased twtf.Ooo bushels; Canada, Increased 879.000 bushels. Totul United States and Oanada Increased ' 1.532.000 bushels. Afloat for and In Europe, decreased 2,100,000 bushels. Total American and - European supply decreased swi.eou bushels, oorn United Spates and Canada, increased 2,658, 000 bushels. Oats, United States and Can ada increased 1.467.000. The leading de creases this week follow: Decreases: Man lliiha. 71ti.0U bushels: Minneapolis private elevators, 75.000 bushes: Rochester, 75.000 buiiela; iouisvtlle. 65,000 bushels; Port Huron. 60,tio0 bushils. Increases: Portland M.. 118.1110 bushels: vvatertown. B. U.. no, mi) bushels; Sanintoa, f1.009 bushels; Hanv ilton, Ont., 60,000 bushels. Minneapolis Grata .Market. MINNEAPOLIS, D.-C. 22-'VHEAT-De- ceir.her. Il Ofia: May. Sl.Ot'Wl.Oii: No. 1 hard 331.09iOf I'.IO; No. 1 lwrtliern, 31.09; No 2 northern, 3l-Kt?ri.w; o. i roitnern, ir-K tjl.04. r RAN-ln bulk, 319.00. FLOL'lt-Ouiti: tlrnt pj.lents. 8S.35f.65 second patents, 35.10i(i6.2(. first Clears, 84.00 4.10; second clears, xz.Kitr3.u6. Liverpool rala Market. LIVERPOOL Dec. 22. WHOA T Spot, easy; fo. i' rea, wesirrn winter, 7s 10d. Futures, rirm; iwpinwr, tm ua March 7s iv,u; May, is ta. CORN Boot, steaay; new, American. mixed, via Galveston, 6s 4d. Futures, quiet; January, as zj; much, s ij. Mllwaokee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, Dec. J2.-WTIEAT-Firm No. 1 northern, 31.10; No. 2 northern, 31.07 v'l.v,1; wy. i.w oia. (DUX-Migner; way, ovsnwe. BARLEY Higher; standard, Sac; aample. 67j(rtoc. . , , Peoria Market.' PFX1RIA. Dec. 22 CORN-Hlgher; No. yellow, 67c; No. 3 yellow, 67c; No. 3. 57c No. 4. OATS Steady; No, Z white. 50c: No, White, 4tt'4c; No. 4 white, 48c. i BUTTETt- eTn cream- nnsylv in'a M. 32c at Dalath Graf DULUTH. Dee. northern. II 08; No. eember II "7; May, OATS 4s:,jC a Market. 22. WHEAT No. 2 northern, 31 07; De- 8l'WV;- July. 11.09. Amalxamsted Copper . Am. C. V Am. C. tt V. ptd Am. Cotton Oil Am. H. A L. Dfd Am. Ico Securities Am, Lin MM oil American Loeomotlva . Am. Locomotive pfd . . , Am. 8. ft R Am. 8. ft R. pfd Am. Smir Rellnlng... Am. Tobsrro ptd , American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co.. Atchtaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantlo Coast Line... Baltimore ft Ohio Bal. ft Ohio pfd , Brooklyn Rapid Tr.... Canadian ParlMo Central Leather Ontral Leather pfd... Central of New Jersey Chesapeake ft Ohio.... Chicago Great W 1,400 Chicago ft N. W 2.10 C, M, ft 8t. P i'5,W c, c, c. a 8t. L 200 Colorado T. A I.,... 6,900 Colorado ft Bo... B,)no Colo, ft So. IK pfd S.ftoo Colo, ft Bo. Id pfd M0 Consolidated Oas 11,100 Corn Products 100 Delaware ft Hudson , 500 Deenver ft Rio Grande 3,6X0 D. ft R. O. pfd 400 Distillers' Securities 1,'rto Erie 12.80 Erie 1st pfd ryx Erie 2d pfd lOO General Elertrlo R0O Great Northern pfd. 14,700 Great Northern Ore ctfs ... 1,000 Illinois Central 600 Interboroush Met 18,700 Int. Met. pfd 22,700 Isles. Hlfh. Low 43,800 79 n 47H 108 i 1.800 100 200 1,40 300 'l609 100 85.6IM) 1,200 400 3.200 1,000 100 500 1,200 3,400 3,400 600 100 35,400 24 H "m" 110(4 102 12 48 7H 101 1(18 ls4 1754 30 101 220 EH 11V4, 1784 I47i 66', 88 Si 63 .73 la . 12 17 178 '7 , S3 i 83 484 3H m 1444, 72i 146 IB 47 4A4 108 40 , 34 23 mh! 110 73 10044 127 464, 9f,44 101 lot 107 H 'it's 174 V, 100 21b 6: 11 175 144 8 S7V4 67 7 73 in 17 177 . 85 31 2,"i. 32 47 3 158 142 70 144 18 44 Close. 7 47 108 41 ar, 13 50 110 11 100, ia 23 47 7U 101 106 109 1 6.1 175 80 100 11 179 147 60 6H b' 74 161 11 97 81 36 33 4" 38 18 144 It 145 IS 46 International Paper ' 11 Int. Paper pfd 300 57 56 international rump sin 33 32 Iowa Central 1.300 80 28 Kansas City 80 6.500 88 37 K. C. 80. pfd 1,800 68 67 Louisville ft N 2.300 121 12o Mlun. ft St. L 200 50 48 M., St. P. 8. 8. M 4u0 131 12 Missouri Pacific 7.000 64 62 M., K. ft T 84,100 42 38 M , K. ft T. pfd 4,700 75 71 National Lead 1,400 77T4 76 N. Y. Central, ex-dlv 18.900 118 116 N. Y., O. ft W 2,700 4f 44 Norfolk ft W 1,800 84 84 North American 100 73 73 Northern Paclflo 11,500 14 138 Pacific Mall 200 34 84 Pennsylvania 6,800 128 128 People's Oas 4,200 1H loo P., C, C. ft Bt. I, Pressed Steel Car 1,400 42 40 Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring J.SftO Reading 12a.70O Republlo Sleel 800 Republic meet pfd 4 Ko. k Uland Co 1.004 Rock Island Co. pfd 10,3m) 4 138 24 r, 23 59 46 138 24 85 22 56 66 a2 30 3 68 121 eO 130 64 42 74'. 77: 11 45 14 72 14 K4 128 JU1 81 42 173 48 138 4 8o Z3 68 St. L ft 8. F. 3d pfd 8 ft I. Bt. Louis 8. W. Bt. L B. W. pfd. Hloss-Sherrield B. Southern Paclflo So. Pacific pfd Southern Railway So. Railway pfd , Tennessee Copper Texas ft Paclflo T., Bt. L. ft W T., St. LW. pfd Union Paclflo Vnlou Paclflo pfd , V. 8. Rubber V. 8. Rubber 1st pfd V. 8. Steel r. 8. Steel pfd.... Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chent. Va.-Caro. Chem. ptd Wabash Wabash pfd Westlngbouse Electric .. Western Union Wheeling ft L B.. Wisconsin Central Am. T. ft T. Co Total sales (or the day. 400 100 600 . 64.100 400 . 1.800 700 . 504 . 7,800 . 1.200 . 5,20 .168,400 2-10 400 lui.'too . 2,200 700 6u0 .' ii.'ioo -. 67,700 . 1,300 200 900 . 1,4.10 3,2110 22 62 78 113 122 25 69 44 23 42 69 17 sr. 32 is 112 44 42 'to' 62 87 67 13 81 128 1.144,800 shares. 22 63 77 110 121 24 68 44 31 . 40 . 66 176 84 21 'i' in 48 42 'i 49 8.) 65 11 i in 22 62 78 118 123 26 59 44 33 42 68 178, 84 32 103 53 111! 44 43 113 20 60 BO 11, 32 127 Boston Storks aad Boada. ROBTON. Dec. 22. Money, call loans SV31A nor cent: time loans. 4fif4 Der can Closing; prices on stocks and bonds were as follows: , si Atlantic , 89Hutte Coalition . 97 Cel. ft Arliona .101Cal. ft Hecla... .HUMCtntenntal .131 Copper Range ., .128 Daly Weat .HI Franklin .179Oranby , . 33 Greene Cananea , 4 Lie Royale .... . 5 Mass. Mining ., .128 Miiblgsn , .128Mot.ak , .117 Mont. C, ft C. , 29 Nevada ., . 84 Old Dominion .118 Osceola . II Parrot .158 Qulncy . 12 Shannon , 67 Tamarack , . 65 Trinity .131 United Copper , . 57ll. 8. Mlnlug..., . M I'. 8. Oil . 631'tah .111 Victoria , . Winona . S Wolverine . 78 North Butts ... . 7, Atchison sd). 4s ... do 4s Aicblson R. R do pfd do pfd Boston ft Maine.... Boston Elevated ... KlUhburx pfd Union Pacific Am. ArSe. Chem... do pfd Am. Pneu. Tube.. Amor. Sugar do pfd Am. T. ft T Amer. Woolen do ptd Dominion 1. ft 8... liaison F.lec. Illu.. Oeneral Electrlo ... Mass. Elsctrle do pfd Mass. Oaa United Fruit United 8. M do pfd V. 8. Steeel de pfd Adventurs Altoues . Amalgsmsted Arltona Com. Bid. .. 16 .. 26 ..115 ...660 .. 31 .. 79 .. 10 .. 1 ..104 .. 11 .. K .. 6 .. 12 ., SI .. 40 Is' .. 50 .. 18 .. 82 .. 16 IS .. II .. Ss .. 44 :: i ..1(0 .. 82 Cattle of All Kinds Show Strength and Activity. NO MATtBIAL CHANGE IN HOGS Fat Sheep and Lambs Itronger, with Good I.amba Tweaty-Flwe to Fifty Illaher Than, Last Week Feeders StroDscer. . 81 1 101 u, 3s. res 100 Man. r. s. 4s 74 do coupon )noMex. I'eentrel 4s 67 Met. ft N. 4s.. Unl. 8. 4s. reg do counon Am. Tobacco 4s. do 6s Atchison sen. 4s. do sdj. 4s do rv. 4s do cv. 6s Atlantic C. L 4s.... Usl. ft Ohio 4s do 8s Brk. R. T. CT. 4s... Central of Ga. 6a.., do la Ino do 2d Inc do 3d Inc Chea. ft Ohio 4m... Chicago ft A. 8s.. C, B. ft Q. n. 4s... C, R. I. ft P. 4s.. do col. 5s do rfdg. 4s CW. ft St. L g. 4s olo. Ind. 6a Colo. Mid. 4s Colo, ft So. 4s Del. ft . cv. 4a A R. O. 4s Erie p. I. 4s do gen. 4s Hock. Vsl. 4s Japan 4s do 4s do 2d series Bid. Offered. .130 do 1st Inc 24 ..131 Minn, ft 81. L. 4s.... 86 .. 79 M . K. ft T. 4s 99 ..lne. do 2s ... 8 ..100 eN. R. R. of M. 4s 81 .. . Tt. T. C. g. 3s 87. ..102et. J. C. g. 5s 129 ..l"lNO. Pacific 4S 104 86 do 3s 100 N. ft -W. r. U . 84 O. 8. L rfdg. 4s.. , 83Penn. ct. 8s 1315 .109 do con. 4s 81 Reading gen. 4a... . 61eR,B. of Cuha 6s.. . 60 est, L. ft I. M. C os,. .106 St. L. ft 8. F, fa. 4s. . 74 r, L. 8. W. c 4s.... . M8eshoara A. L 4s... . 75 So. Pacific 4s . 85 do 1st 4s . 0So. Railway 6s . 98 Texsa ft P. 1b ,. 74T., St. L. ft W. . 79 Union Pacific 4s.. . 9S do cv. 4a .101 r. 8. Steel fd 6s.. . Wabash Is .. 40 Weestern Md. 4s... . 75W. ft U B. 4S... ..107 Wis. Central 4s... .81 N. T., N. H. ft ,. 92 e. 6s fs . 11 Lake Shore 4s 1931 7S . f . 4 . 94 .104 .101 .102 .114 . 6.", 76 . 62 ... 91 ... 97 ...109 ...114 4s. 84 ...103 ...106 ...102 112 4 83 89 H. 136 . 85 London Stock Market. LONDON, Dec. 22. American securities were irregular during the early trading today. Union Paclflo and Amalgamated Copper advanced g and Reading and Louisville at rxasnviue aeenneci The rest of the list held within a, small frac tlon of yesterday's New York closing. London closing stocks; Consols, money ... do account Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. 83 Mo., Kan. ft Texas.. 40 ,. 63 New York Central.. ,. 9 Norfolk ft Western . 9 do pfd .104VkOntsrlo A Western. .110 Pennsylvania New York Mralaa; Stocks. NEW TORK, Dec, Ji CToglng 4juottlons en mining siockb Alice Brunswick Cos Com. Tunnel stock. Com. Tunnel bonds. Con. Cial. ft Va.... Horn Sliver Iron Silver , ORare. .400 . 8 , 11 . 15 . 73 . 71 .106 Lsadvtlle Cos. Little Chief .. Mexlcas ., Ontario Orhlr Standard. Ysllow Jacket , . 8 - I. . 84 .821 ,.166 .176 ,. 60 Bank Clearlagrs. OMAHA, Dec. 23. Bank clearings for,to flay were 82.0iT.f4.28 and for the corre sponding date last year 81,811,140.08. ' Treasury Statement. ivabmi.uton, uoo. K. Today's state mi-nt or tne treasury halHrwe In I he ?eneril fund, inclusive vt tlio $lju,w0, glj re- Candlan Pacific 179Raad Mines Chesapeake ft Ohio... 59 Reading Chi. Oreat Western Chi., Mil. ft St. P. De Beers Denver ft Rio O... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Grand Trunk Illinois Central ... Louisville ft Nash 81LVKR Bar. MONEY 2V, rr cent, The rate of discount In for short hills Is 2 per cent: months' bills, 2 6-16 pel cent; . llSouthem Railway .149 do pfd . 10 Southern Pacific .. . 36 Union Pacific . 82 do pfd . 3.1 U. 8. Steel . 4 to pfd . 39 Wabash . 20 do pfd .14 Spanish 4s 122Amal. Copper 120 K6 86 45 .. 66 .. . .. 7o .. 24 .. 58 ..118 .JH1 .. 9S . . 53 ..114 .. 20 .. 61 .. 4 78 quiet at 22, i per ounce. the open market for three Wool Market. BOSTON, Mass., Dee. 22.-WOOL The scarcity of stock, the firmness of prices and the absence of extensive dealings are Btill the features of the local wool market There Is, however, a. slight tendency to easier prices in poorer grades. The leading domestic quotations range as follows: Do mestlc, Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces, XX, a4rqaoc: X, Ulftrflzc: No. 1 washed, 384i3c No. 2 unwaahed, 37raSc; fine unwashed, 23 feC4c; half blood, combing, 2iVfi'30c: three eighths blood, combing,' 2SiR5c; -quarter- blood, combing, 27fi28e; washed, 3637c; de laine, unwashed, 28t29c. Michigan, Wiscon sin and New York, fleeces, fine unwashed 21fffi22c: delaine, unwashed. 26V&7c: half' blood, unwashed, ZtVfciOTc; three-eighths blood, unwashed, ZoXBOTc; quarter-blood, un washed, 25ift6c. Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri, three-eighths blood, 27(6280; quarter-blood, 2MnV!c. Scoured values, Texas fine, 12 months, oWnUc; fine, to 8 months, 52c; fine fall, 4860c. California, northern. 6Mii53c: middle county. 434i4c: southern. 37 $)38c; fall free, 40gM8e. Oregon, eastern. No, staple, 62itu3c; eastern clothing. 4Nitt0c valley. No. 1, 4M?48c. Territory, fine staple 62(&5c; fine medium staple. B7(SC9c: fine clothing, 659c; medium fine clothing, 49 62c naii-Diood, wviWM-r tnree-eiKntns, tiood, 52ti4c; quarter-blood, rflivldc. Pulled, extra. u8(K2c: fine A. 63&65c: A sunera. G0uT62c. ST. LOUIS, Deo. 22. WOOL Unchanged medium grades, combing' and clothing. 18 4r23V4c; light fine, 16(46o; heavy fine, 10 mine; tuD wasnea, wtmc. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dee. 22.-COTTOJ-Futurcs opened steady; Decemofir, 8.860; January K.boc; feDruary,, ,oia; Marco, 8.62c May, 8.70c ; July, 8.67c; August, 8.66c, bid October. 8.47c. NEW YORK, Dec. 22.-i-COTTON-Future closed very steady; lecember, 8.96c; Jan uary. 8.63c: February, 8.67c: March, 8.7ftc April. 8.77c; May, 8.81c; June, 8.79c; July, 8.79c; August, 8.69c i September, 8.57c; Oc tober. 8,57e. Spot closed quiet, 10 points advance; mid dling uplands, 9.25c; middling gulf. 9.50c sales, 1,700 bales. OALVKSTON, Dee. J. COTTON Mar ket steadv. 8Ve. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 22. COTTON Market steady. Low ordinary, 4.45c. nom inal; ordinary, 5V4c, nominal; good ordinary, 6 9-16c: low middling, 7 15-lbc; middling, 8 11-lGc; good middling, 9 l-10c; middling fair, 8 7-lic; fair, 10 3-lGc nominal. Re relnts. 17.741: stock. 286.904. BT. LOUIS, Dec. 2. COTTON TJei changed; middling, 9c: sales. 88 bales; e ceiots. N.24K bales; shipments, 2,303 bales stock, 37,126 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 22 METALS The London tin market was firm today, with spot closing at 132 12s Ud and futures at 134 6s. The local market was dull but hio-tier In svmnathv with BDCt. quoted at 129.004129.26. Copper advanced to 62 12s 6d for spot and 63 10s for futures 1n London The local market was dull and unchanged with lake minted at 814.2o14.374: electro lytic. 14.0uif-14.12; casting. 813.87H14.00. Lead was a little lower at 13 Is Id In Lon. don. The local market was easy at 8416 S4.20. Snelter was unchanged at 20 15s In London and 85.1066.15 locally. The Eng ltsh iron market was lower, with standard foundry quoted at 49s. Locally the tone of the market Is firmer, but there was no hard change. No. 1 foundry northern Is ouoted at 817.0017.75: No. 2, 8176(al7.26 No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft 117 9Ftfi17.76. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 22 METALS Lead lower, 14.05, offered. Spelter, weak, 85.00. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frntts NEW YORK, Dec. 22. EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is quiet, with fancy quoted at HWifiW; choice, Wasc; prime, fiU,f?i'7rv DRIED FRUITS Raisins are unchanged with loose Muscatel quoted at 6b4tjC choice to fancy seeded, 64t7c; seedless. 4Hr(f He; London layers. ll.oflftil.tiQ. Prunes are In moderate demand. Choice apricots are uuoted at 9'A'n9Jic; extra choice, lOlOe fancy, llH4il3c; choice peaches quoted at 7'tfic; extra cnoice, I'Jaiflac; iancy, nvk'g'uc, Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 22. COFFEE Pu tures closed barely steady at a net decline of 5 points; sales were reported of 225.500 bags, including reDruary ai o. jwn o.auc July, 5.35c; September, 85. 30 5.40c; and November. 85.40. Spot market quiet, Rio No. 7, 6Hc; Santos No. 4, 7c8Hc Mild, aull; Cordova. 12Hc. DMA1JA LIVE STOCK MARKET SOUTH OMAHA, Deo. 22. 1908. Receipts were: Cattle. Hops. Sheep, Official Monday 2.417 Estimate Tuesday 8,0i9 8.4x1 7.047 2. t: 3. 1 nsmtnmmm Two d.iys this week.... 5.426 10.528 6.39) Same days last week ....14.924 12.011 21.(35 Same days 2 weeks ago. .11.6 M 15.P61 16.6W Same days 8 weeks ago.. ,78 15.6S1 16.417 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 15.4H2 22.B14 4.i Same days last year .... 2,580 10,256 1.849 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tha yesr to date, compared wtin last year: . 190. 1907. Cattle 1.018,979 1,147,464 Hogs 2,373.576 2,210,165 Sheep 2,076,914 2,027,6 The following table shows Inc Dec. 128,476 103,411 49.305 the average price of hogs at South Omaka for the last several day a, with comparisons: Date. 1908. 19O7.19O6.19O6.19O4.1908.1902. Deo. 12... 5 82 4 71 Dec. 13... 4 49 Dee. 14... 6 S- 4 26 Dec. 15... 8 36, Dec. 1... 6 30 4 23 Dec. 17... 5 34 4 47' 1C. 18... 6 31V4 4 47 Dec. 19. . . 6 80H 4 34 Dec. 20... la Dec. 21... 6 36; 4 83 Dec. 22... 6 33 T, Sunday. 4 71 03 4 83 4 431 ID 4 M 1 41, 6 OS 6 11 6 18 6 171 6 09 6 08 4 86 4 81 4 761 4 y 4 39 4 421 4 45 4 76 6 19) 4 84 1 4 60 6 11! 4 88 14 44 4 9 4 38 4 49 i 98 6 99 4 45 4 40 t 09 4 28 6 IB 4 34 6 23 4 84 6 2 I 4 SI 6 01 6 07 4 83 4 39 6 15 The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. & St. P 4 4 .. Wabash 1 .. .. Missouri Pacifc 5 9., Union Pacific 41 20 12 C. At N. W east 5 2.. C. & N. W., west 13 27 C, St. P., M. & 0 8 9 C, B. & Q., east 4 8.. C, B. & y., west 13 14 C, H. I. & P., east 13 4 C H. I. & P.. west , 2 Illinois Central 8 2 1 Chicago Great Western 8 4.. Total receipts 118 ' 103 . 15 ine disposition or t ie (lav s receltus was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- Der ot neaa indicated: Cattle. 204 Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company 347 Cudahy Packing Co 620 Armour & t o 419 Krey Packing Co Vansant &Co 101 Carey & Benton ;. 58 Lobman & Rothchlld.... 60 W. 1. Stephen 74 Hill & Son 72 F. P. Lewis 46 J. B, Root & Co 48 J. H. Bulla 35 L. F. Huss 64 L. Wolf 410 McCreary & Carey. 7 Sam Werthimer 19 H. F. Hamilton 36 M. Hagerty &Co 48 F. O. Inghram 35 Sullivan Bros 9 Lehmer Bros 34 Independent Packing Co Klngan Longman & B Shafer Rothchlld 22 Other buyers 356 Hogs. Sheep. 1.248 1,274 1.613 1,771 393 923 213 29 81 106 1.880 Siftr and Molasses. NEW YORK. Dec. 22. SUilAR Ra w, nominal; fair refining, S.2t4u 8.2.1c; centrifu gal, ti test, 8.70c; molasses sugar, 8. 961' 2.9KC. Refined, stesdy; No. 6, 4.35c; No. 7, 4 Sue: No. 8. 4.25c; No. 8, 4 20c; No. 10. 4.10c; No. 11, 4.05c; No. 12. 4o; No. 13. 29"c: No. 14, 8.90c; confectioners' A, 4.60c; mould A, 5.10c; cut loaf, 6 5tc; crushed, 6.46c; pow dered, 4H5r; granulated. 4.75c; cubes, 6c. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 28912c. Oils aad Rosin. OIL CITY, Dec. 22. OIL Credit balances, 81.78; runs. 138,5o0 barrels, average, 14S.162 barrels; shipments, 182,657 barrels; average, 186.496 barrels. SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec. 2I.-OIL Turpen tine, firm, S83Hc. ROSIN-Flrm; B, D and E, 82.87H; F, 82.97u8.00; O, 82.974; H, $-87Vtti3.4ti; I. 84.15; K, 6.15; M, 85.80; N, to. 15, W. Q., 86.50. Stoaa City Lire Stock Market. BIOUX CITY, la., Dec. B. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. I,6u0 head. Mark.-t steady; beeves, 84 6"4?T.OO; fat cows and heifers, 84.0fry6 00; butcher stock. 83. 26 4 on; killing cows, Ji5r(.26; feeders, 83.0t,i 4.76; calves and yearlings, 8S.0C(rt 00. HOGS Receipts, 4 8m head. Market weak; range of prices, 85.UU&6.6&; bulks of sales, $5.35'&45. Toledo Seed Market. LEDO, Dec. 22. 4SEED Clover, cash IHcemrwr, 15 60: Wirt-h. 8j.57W: Oeto. iTiuie sluike, 88.80. Totals 3,086 6,928 2,803 CATTLE Receipts of cattle continue quite moderate, and as several trains were late in arriving this morning, there was at no time very many cattle on sale. Sttll, there was a total of 117 cars reported In, out tne yaras are so large that 100 cars make only a small showing. The market as a whole was In a good, healthy condi tion. Packers were Inquiring after desirable beef steers and the market on that kind was reasonably active-and a ltttle stranger again than yesterday. Under the Influence ot tne very light runs the market Is rapidly recovering from last week's break. Still, the demand Is not very heavy. It being ilium or less limned as usual at tne noiiday season. Common kinds especially are not uuiini atter. Cows and heifers also sold to good ad vantage, Deing generally a littlo stronger than yesterday. Anything at all desirable sold very freely at current prices and the offerings for the most part changed hands in gooa season. What few stocWs and feeders, there were met wuii very readv sale at irmirl strong prices. Cattle of that kind have not advanced as much as killers, largely for the reason that they did not decline last week and were plenty high enough to be gin witn. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed, steers, 86.26U'7.16; fair to good cornfed steers, o.iSXH ; common to fair cornfed eieers, .(oo.a; good to choice range ei.wyo.w, luir io gooa range steers, j4.o'ao.d); common to fair rants steers. 83.604j4.6t; good to choice cornfed cows and heifers, 84.0ua4.66; good to choice grass cows and heifers, I3.&U&4.35; fair to good grass cows and heifers, 82.76&3.60; common to fair grass cows and heifers, 1.762.76; good to cnoice siocaers ana reeaers,; fair to good stockers and feeders. 13. 7ftf4 Un common to fair stockers and feeders, 12.75; stocK neuers, iou!B3.sti; veal calves, SO.wji.uu, uuiia, eittjIB, etc., HOGS-Hogs were in . fair . supply this morning, but the market did not show any iifULurmi L-iittiigo us uuinparea witn yeH' teraay. inn Hina ot nogs mat every one warned, tnat is tne Kind that salesmen could get good competition on, were posbI bly a little stronger In spots. On the other hand the general market was Just about steady, with yesterday. While the trade was not patrlcularly active, there was a fair movement and the most of the hogs sold In pretty decent season. The prices paid ranged largely irom eo.aj ,up to 86.60, with the beat'hogs on up as high as 85.70. SHEH.P Receipts tnis morning were small, only about fourteen cars being re ported In. Of tnis number four cars were consigned through and not offered for sale, Of the remainder four cars were feeder lambs which sold at 86.16 and two cars were feeder wethers, which brought 84.25. There were two loads of lambs aood enough for killers, which went to a. packer at 80.75 and there were also a few other little bunches that the packers could make use of. The prices paid lor teeoers looked as much as lmit'lSo higher. Fed lambs were also stronger again today, the sales look lng 25fc0c higher than last week. It would be well for the country to un derstand that lambs have made a very rapid recovery from last week's slump, due largely to the very light supply on the market. As a matter of fact the demand everywhere seems to be limited, buyers being not at all anxious for any great number of killers. Still with receipts so light prices have sprung upward, but the general feeling Is that anything like a lib eral run Is likely to bring about a reac tlon until the demand becomes larger. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Oood to choice lambs, $6.&07.O0; fair to good lambs, 86.00fcti.5O; feeding lambs, $4.o"ffni.l5; aood to choice light yearlings. lo.biXao.ib fair to srood heavy yearlings, 84.76'ci.26: feeding yearlings, 84.00j4.50; good to choice wethers, 84.25S4.7o; feeding wethers, S3.759 4.25; good to choice ewes, 13.75(64.00; fair to good ewes, 83.25((i3.73; feeding ewes, 82.00 3.25; culls and ducks, fi.tMUZ.uu. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK ' MARKET Cattle Barely Steady Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Steady. CHICAGO. Dec. 22. CATTLE Receipts 6.000 head: barely steady; steers, 84.60Hr7.9O cows, 13.0txU6.26; heifers, 82.504.60; bulls, 82.75fi4.5o; calves, 83.&Oi.75; stockers and feeders. 82.5ut 6.00. HOGS Receipts, 23,000 head; market steady; choice heavy shipping, 85.7546.80 butchers. 8".fi."'6 75; light mixed, jo.on'fiS. 36 clolce lltflit, $5.3f.fr5.56; packing, $."..36436.70 Digs. 4.(Vfci.16: bulk of sales. e.2.'q6.bu. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 15,000 hetd; steady; sheep, 84.0115.00; lambs, 35 25 mi.W. yearlings, 4.41b.. . i 4 n St. Joseph LIT Stock Market. OT. JOSEPH, Dec. 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, to io head; autrket active and strong steers, 84 6Ct6 50; cows and heifers, 2.6o'4 !.z; calves, n.wi'uts.uj. HOGS Receipts. 5.006 head: market steady to 6o higher; top, lo.Bb; bulk ot sales, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 300 head market active and higher; lambs, 85.7 Kansas City Ihi Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Dec. 22 CATTLE Receipts, 7.000 head. Including 100 southerns; market, steady to loc higher; choir ex port and dressed beef s tne re, 6.00fr7.26: fair to good. 84.3uft6.9o; western steers. 83.75 ito.aV); stcx-kens and feeders, $J.2li'6.&o; souUiera steers, fi.vo5,50; southern cows, THE HILDLEM- How is it with the younR people of your household t Are they saving their money! Are you endeavoring to instil into their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? Would you listen to n suggestion! It follows: Many young people grow to he mature in years heforo they learn lessons in thrift, and many a sad picture often follows this neglect. Why not start them with ft bank ac count of $1.00 and teach them the earning value of money, how their money saved will earn interest and grow of it- self. " ' v.." '" Our facilities are arranged to help the children. ; t Oldest, largest and strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska". . CITY SAVINGS BANK 16th and Douglas Sts. WW 3s Los Angeles Limited the peat through train to the land of winter rosea SOUTHER: CALIFORNIA No travel more luxurious, for r the service and equipment are the best that money can buy. union pacific Electric Block Slosal Protsotloa The Sale Roid to Travsk Inquire CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 Farnam St. Phones: Bell D. 1828; Ind. A3231. .fij.'.-sr-,- . ' Ind. A3231. .W.V. , THE TRAIN OF REAL LIGHTS IS THE BURLINGTON'S CHICAGO SPECIAL, 6:30 P. M. , Every car on this handsome train is brilliantly lighted by electricity generated from the dynamo operated by an expert train electrician in ehargeof the lighting plant of the..' train.' This effort to obtain a perfect light is but one detail of the many employed in the care and operation of these high-grade Oinaha-Chicago trains. Steel library observation cars. Latest models of sleepers and chair cars; likewise the best possible dining car service. Sleepers and diner available for Omaha passengers at 6 p; in. Opposite Chicago-Omaha train at 6 p. m. Tickets and Berths at CITY TICKET OFFICE 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha ' I mm h m 32.25(64.00; native cows, 82OK&H.00; native heifers, 33.2Urijti.00; bulls, 3X00&4.50; calves, 84.007. 25. HOGS Receipts. 14.000 head: market, steady to 6c lower; top, $T).70; bulk of sales, 3j.1&h6.6&; heavy, 85.554(6.70; packers and butchers, 8s.3U(u6.60; light. 86.0txs6.&0; pltcs, 33.76iiH.RO. 8HKBP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 6,000 head; market 162Sc higher; lambs, 85.6ttH' 7.60; ewes and yearlings, 84.OMj5.Oo; western yearlings, 84.75'uti.OO; western sheep, $l.O0-. 4.76; stockers and feeders, i.&04l's.60. Bt. I.oala Live Stock; Market. BT. LOU19, Dec. 22 -CATTLE Receipts, 2,ii0 head, Including i&0 Texans; 10c higher; native shipping and export steers, 84.SO 7,(s5; dressed beef and butcher steers, ti.Wu 6.40; steers under l.WK) lbs., 83.754i6.15; stock ers and feeders, 82.76''(4.66; cows and heif ers, 33.004i'6.5O; canners, 3175i2.00; bulls, 3L'.7b84.75; calves, 83.5O(((,7.0O; Texas and In dian stpers, 83.00i.5o; cows and heifers, tl.76ig4.6ll. HOGS Receipts. -9,fW0 head; steady: pljt9 and lights, t3.254i.&0; packers, 85.5nft5.70; butchers and best heavy, 85.'"5.9fi SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 650 head; market 25c hipher; native muttons. tJ st 4.26; lambs. 85.&.K37.&0; culls au.d bucks, 64.60; stockers, J tWi 1 3. 50. Stork: la eight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle, contending that It cannot be declared for feited when the accused ended her, own life before her case was . called ' for trial In court. It is further contended that the fact that she committed suicide exempted them from all liability on her bond. South Omaha Sioux City St. Joseph Kansas City St. LouU Chicago Total receipts.. 3,0i 1,60.1 MM) 7.000 2,400 6,000 Hogs. 7,(47 4,2oO 5,01 a) H.OOO 9,800 23,000 Sheep. 3,5t)l 'i6 15,0 .18,809 83,047 21.411 More people are taking Foley's Kidney Remedy every year. It Is considered to be the most effective remedy for kidney and bladder troubles that medical science can devise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects Irregularities,, builds up worn-out tissues nd restores lost vitality. It will make you feel well and look well. - MeaalBai of Appetresce Bond. BIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Dec. -(Special.) A suit of an unusual character has been Instituted In'. Gregory county . by which State's Attorney Donohue seeks to recover the sum of 11,000, the amount of the bond furnished to the case of Miss Bessie Bin kular, who some weeks ago committed sui cide while under bonds on the charge ot having set fire to her millinery- store at Ilerrlck, one of the new towns In Gregory county. The flames were communicated to adlolnlng buiWlsgs and caused a loss of about 825.000. Her bondsmen say they will resist to the lent the payment of tha bond, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Isabel B. Hamilton et al. to Lettle C. Dallas. el42 feet lot 2, block 14 Hanscom llace .,t Lawrence Overmler et al. to George . onggs, y.m xeei oi ejo reet of lot 7, block 7t, kouth Omaha ....-.. William O. lire and wife to Ma thilda Johnson, lot 69, Fairmount fluce v j Maria Lay ton to Charles W. Sears, trustee part blocks 1. i, 8. 4. 6 and 6, Pullman Placo Slate National bank to Caroline Good rich, lot 154, Lenox addition County treasurer to Harry D. Reed, lots 3. 4, 7. 11. 13. 14. 17. 21 and 23, block 4, Sheridan Place Same to same lots 1 and 1L block 1. lot 9,' block 3; lot 3, block ; lot 14. block 1, Hard Terrace Sarah Duffy to John 11. Vance, part government lot 4, section 14-16-13... John H. Vance to Sarah Duffy, part submit 1, government lot 4, soctlon Fred Stubbcndorf to' Josef ''aadinaV lot 2s, block 4, Mella's 1st addi tion , Sarah J. Dewey to C. George CarlbVrg, . lot 3. block 3. West Omttlm ". Emily Stephenson tu Kilward Gistn. lot 3, N. J. Smith's Placa The Byron Reed company to Abra ham l. wis, lot 8,. block 10, E. V. Smith's addition Caroline Ilamblet and husband to Addle S. Klever, block 141, Flor-' ence Elizabeth Hols to Henry and Berths'.' Withooaki. lot 2. block 8, Dupont Hlac ' Orla W. Rich and wife to Frank' A.' ' Iwls, lot 2. Twentieth and Ames avenue subdivlulon ...-.j '. Merrimack River Savings bank to C D. Glover, block 123. Dundee Placo W. L. Rose and wife to I. R. Bray, lots 1 and 4. block 47, Florence Robina L. Scott et at. to .Arthur O. , Leas, lot 11. block 8. HIMhuJ Ni. t. Fannie C. Fltehett to George H.' Fltchett. lot k, block 4. March addi tion Same to same, lot 11, block 20, Hans com Place 4.2ft 3,000 i,8a -l 85rl , 1 1 125 S 240 l.aoo ; 4,8oo I ' 8.160 1 1,200 8.800 ' 1 1 NOTICE Wante4 An Issue at bonds eemre4 T aar sub lie nUlltr or luduatrtal proposition. We bay re sources aad can fire Quits results. Correspond with sae. Address Elsi.r . Uerats, Hulks sl. HUier BuUsiuc, Htm Vina.