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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1908)
The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTIQ1L Pages 11 tp 20. wklcomk at ici or new Ak-Sar-Dcn Visitors OPtN DAY ANO NIGHT VOL. ,XXXVII I NO. 8(5 OMAHA, SATURDAY' MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2i, 1008. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Rare Ribbon Savings In the Book Section China and Glassware Two Picture Specials One of our areata galea of ribbons, and ono which every wiimin In town ahni.1.1 avail SlLTr Li "' ,.x'',.u,r" 1"t"riay- All are htuhly dealrable all .Ilk rlbbona and the price Al most half. fanry all nllk ltrrnrion or floral de 'nt are a-nnrt 2it: iiallty, alu a. I 1IK rlaln taffeta ribbons. 4 H Inch wlduia. in whlto, blaf k. pink, llirht hlue and r led. v give yon rholce of I S entire Una Saturday, at, yard Black leatherette Poal Card Albums, holds 2no cards, regular 1.48 valuu, Saturday, at ' 8o A table full of odd vnlumei by Holmes, Clay and other prominent authors, for ciuirk clearance, reduced to . ISO Pocket Bibles Just twenty-five of them very fpeclal price of 89o Stationery Ken of 0 sheets and SO en velopes, nice quality (Including; 10 stamrsi at 30 One lot of odd and ends of Vajios, Tlates, Fruits and Trays, worth to i!5e, at 60 Kavy Hotat Tumbltrs Saturday, Special, per dosen XngraTad Water Tumblers Fine blown, seven deslKhs. very special, per do. 40o Colonial Shapad Watar Tumblara value to I5c dosen, at for BOo Sacoratad Covered Milk Jar Porcelain ware, for bQ On Saturday the art section announces a sale of big lot yard pictures, fitted with Bold frames; floral and many other beautiful subjects. '1 lie regular price Is QU. 12.00 on Saturday, choice Tramad Fosters Fancy heads, nicely col ored, slie 12x20 Inches, fitted In gold frames rearular $1.25 values, fyAc Hnfiir4i- onlv " Dainty Lnnchonattas are sarrad dally, also r f raabinf sodas, hot chocolates, etc., modrta prloea. Worth balcony. y . j - j y ? 1 TTlTTTTTn I as FOR EARLY ...FALL... SffiS MEN'S SUITS AND TOP COATS Bennett's is unmistakably a good store for men. Quality coupled with correct style and an honest price finds its best ex pression in the superb suits and top coats shown for fall. Our clothing is the product of the master mind3 of the tailoring craft, who know the demands of well-groomed men and who work into their garments that distinctiveness which gives one a self-satisfied feeling and an entree into the society of well dressed men. There is a snap and ginger in our men's suits, at $ E $-(1 SO)A JL AO, and a Saving of from $3.50 to $5 on each suit The materials are fine woolens in staple colorings and all the new shades; there are styles for every occa sion and for all tastes. Handsome Top Coats The new models are certainly fetching. The fancy stripe cheviots with new lapels, novelty pocket flaps and cuffs and the button through effect are decidedly smart; we also have tan, coverts and black, in short and three-ouarter lengths, at $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00 Rain Coats In regular and new military effects. , Grey" worsteds and grey or brown soft fabrics, suit able for rain or shine. There's a brilliant array of new styles ready now and at prices that mean good savings $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00 Correct Furnishings and Hats All the late style tendencies in shirts or hats or ties the little things that add so much to a man's appearance are always shown in greatest profusion here. Faultless MEN'S WEAR DEPT. MAIN FLOOR JUST INSIDE HARNEY ST. ENTRANCE Dollar Shirts New fall effects, French per cale shirts, plain or pleated, in regular or coat styles, all late shades and patterns, at $1.00 50c Ties at Half Purchase of 100 dozen fine silk four-in-hands, latest open end effects, fine showing of new shades, 50o goods for 2uC Half Hose Silk embroidered, plain or fancy, 50c value, Saturday 25c Hats A profusion of styles, every late block in the famous Crofut & Knapp stiff hats, in black and new shades of brown $2.50 and $3.00 John B. Stetson Hats Complete range of fall models Stiff hats $3.50 and $5.00 Soft Hats. . . $3.50 to $7.50 Green Hats Soft felts, now so popular, on sale at ... . $2.00 and $2.50 &1 Sale gSS Alligator Bags Extraordinary Saturday An alligator bag is valued by the beauty of the marking of the horns, the fineness and softness of the skin and the workmanship in its manufacture. "We positively guarantee every bag in this lot to be Pearl Baby Alli gator of the highest grade and every bag to be perfectly made. THKV ARE NOT The cheap, flashy, old. stiff alligator offered bo much oa the mar ket today. ALL WE ASK Is that -ou compare our bags with others. We pat-chased them at 60c on the dollar, and offer them to you at same saving. Fearl Alligator Bags. $7.60 bags, for $10.00 bags, for . $12.00 bags, for. $12.60 flat bags $16.00 bags, for. $50.00 extra bags, for. . S.YHH .96.08 . 97.08 . $7.08 $18.00 flat bags, for. $19.00 flat bags, for. . $26.00 flat bags, for. . $35.00 flat bags, for . . $35.00 claw bags, for. . . 99.30 , .912.50 for h 939.00 Exquisite Fall Hats The department is aglow with hun dreds and hundreds of picturesque pat terns. Styles that are surpassingly beautiful, fashioned and designed by the most artistic modistes of New York and Paris, nowhere else in all Omaha is the style element so clearly defined. Unusu ally large and attractive display Satur day at $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 Once More Wm, L. Douglas $35 -'4 Shoes - $2.29 The famous Union Made Douglas Shoo for men, known all over the United States, selling at $3.60 and $4.00. are all strictly firsts, bearing the trademark, and all best styles, Saturday These .2.29 The rckrd Shoe for Men With cushion soles, easiest shoe a man ever wore, and a most durable one, too, all lata styles $5.00 Boys' and Girls Shoes Stur dy calf shoes for healthy, romping children, solid leather shoes, with extra se lected soles, pair... 51.98 The Ifttchless Shoe for Men At the price this shoe ac knowledges, no superior, all solid leather and great value, at .33.00 Saturday Specials Shinola, polish and brush worth 25c, tor 15 10c Tan Paste Polish Bo ( pairs Laces for children at 6o 16c Ribbon Oxford Laces for 7o Corsets--TH Great Sale Continues Saturday, $1.50 Corsets If you didn't get one Friday be sure and come Saturday. Hun dreds and hundreds were sold yes terday and all agree it's the great est corset bargain ever in Omaha. Newest creations in style, extreme long hips and high bust a genuine $1.50 model prettily trimmed, hose supporters front and side. Sale continues all day Saturday but we advise coming early; sale price, 89f. The New Fall Gloves AU the new shades to match jour suite in finest Im ported grades, and as usual at Dennett's, less than usual prices. Women's 1-clasp cape Bkln gloves, everywhere $1.25, at. pair Og Women's 12-button length cape gloves, everywhere $3.60. t. pair 2.39 Women's 16-button length cape gloves, everywhere $4.00, at. pair $2.79 Women's 12-button length, best French kid gloveB, $3.60 values, at $2.98 Women's 16-button length, best French kid gloves, $4.00 values, at $3.49 HOSIERY BARGAINS Women's 26c seamless mercerized gauze lisle hose, for.Jf) Women's 50c Imported lace lisle hose, pair 27 Women's 60c Imported mercerized hose, best for service, at ...8 pairs $1.00 Children's 25c fashioned ribbed stockings, for 19 FALL UNDERWEAR Women's medium weight vests and pants ribbed, each.25 Women's fine gauze vests and pants, whit or peeler. . 50 Women's medium weight union suits 50 Women's fine gauze union suits, white or peeler. . . .gl QO HANDKERCHIEFS ALMOST HALF ' 8VbC cross bar and fancy printed handkerchiefs 5 16c pure linen undaundred initial handkerchiefs, for, . 8s 25c pure linen embroidered and fancy border, hand'fs..l5.. Double stamps on all goods In above departments baturaay. Comprehensive Display Women's $25 Suits He say emphatically that nowhere are women's $25.00 suits shown in a broader range of exclusive models than you'll see at Bennett's Saturday. All those little style kinks that give tone to a suit and that you ordinarily expect to find in $30.00 or $35.00 garments, are here at $25.00. Every kind of new coat, slashed or scalloped bottom, tailored or braid trimmed and either plain or novelty cloths, iri scores of new effects. Our greatest Saturday showing at Women's Rain Coats Almost at half. Purchased from a New York maker who was disposing $25 of his business. Long loose coats with velvet collars and patch pockets, tan or olive shades; positively worth to $15.00, at $7.95 New Coat Skirts Made of wide wale diagonal cloths, in navy, brown or black, open all way down front, has 4-inch loose fold, piped with taffeta and fin ished with buttons, for $8.95 Girls Reefers and Skirts Fall Jackets Be prepared for the flrBt cool days. Sat urday we offer a line of tan covert, black broadcloth and silk Jackets in the most desirable of styles, Just right for f-arly fall and made to retail at $1:2.50; through a timely purchase we are able to. nell them Saturday a, one price $5 Smart new styles for early fall, coats and reefers are of fancy stripe cloths and neatly trimmed, the skirts are in plain and nov elty cloths, gored or pleated with folds. All new garments and actual values to $7.50 Girls' Dresses Ar..i n lYiUdim vjcii menu in pmiii aim IJUV- $3.95 One piece ty oTrTuceKs effect In cadet or navy percale with white figures, kilted skirts and strap trim med with plain materials n p f izes C to 1 4 years, vb 1 ! BLACK LAWN WAISTS To close out we offer five dozen all black lawn waists, with allover embrold- ered fronts, short sleeves, ( that were $1.50, for On special table, very attractive cambric gowns, with square or V-neck, cut wide and full, also some beautiful styles In Corset Covets, Drawers and Chemise, daintily trimmed with val laces, em broideries and ribbons, gar- m ments worth up to and good values, at $1 and $1.19, for. . Vtw TWS TPVWaO fa-aV t1 9Q $8.00 1QJJU1UUV mi For one day only lOO handsome all solid uart-rr-sawed oak Taboretteo, like cut, strongly con structed and with at high piauo finish. We have always sold thetw for $4 and good values at that Saturday Special $1.29 Lace Curtains 500 Pair Irish I'oiut. Cable Net and Nottingham Curtains, . 25 new patterns, every pair worth up to $3.00, on Satur- day. pair $1.69 Two Tone Nottingham Curtains, new novelties, especially desirable for living rooms, values to $4.00, at. pair $2.89 Irish Tolnt Curtains beautiful parlor 'effects, made of extra tine French Nets, values $6.00, choice of six fine patterns, pair -$3.39 j Bennett's Big Grocery fgjjl Kennett's Bent Coffe, 3 lbs $1.00 And 100 Stamps Pernett's Beet Coffee. 1 lb 8c And 30 Stamps Tas, assorted, per lb 88c And 50 Stamps Bennett's Excelsior Flour, sack. . . . f l.TO And 60 Stamps Tea Slftlngs, lb 15c And 10 Stamps Bennett's Capitol pure Pepper, can. . !lOc And 5 Stamps Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder 6 And 75 Stamps Advona Jams, two cans SOc And 10 Stamps A. B. C. Catsup, bottle 23c And 20 Stamps New York Full Cream Cheese, lb. . . .20c And 10 Stamps Beauty Asparagus, can 2Rc And 20 Stamps Crackers, assorted, pkg lOc And 10 Stamps Peanut Butter, two Jars 20c And 10 Stamps Queen Olives, large, pint 20c And 10 Stamps I.lmburger Cheese, pound 20c And 20 Stamps Swiss Cheese, pound 25c And 10 Stamps Shredded Codfish. 3 pkgs 25c And 10 Stamps Allen's Brown Bread Flour, pkg. . . . 15r And 10 Stamps Blue Borax Starch. H-lh, pkg 2.V And 10 Stamps doklng Raisins, fine for ie, 2 lbs. for 15c Cor.NTRV BUTTER Pure and sweet, direct from the farm, per pound 18 AND UP English Walnuts, lb.. 15c Fresh Roasted Peanuts, qt..5c Oyster Shells for chickens, lb. .le Chicken Feed. lb. . .3c CANIHES IN THE GItOCKKi. Salted Peanuts, lb 10c I Toasted Marshruallows. H- California Figs, new, pkg. 5c I lb. . .f); full lb. ..18 : s Bennetts Meat Market The usual Saturday list of money-saving spe cials is again announced. We offer you only the freshest and sweetest orgeats. Thousands of fam ilies in Omaha know this and are regular patrons. Order your Sunday dinner here. You'll appreciate the cleanliness, obliging service and prompt deliv eries as well as the low prices. 5,000 LBS. FRESH DRESSED HENS, dressed same day as offered for sale, lb lll2c Fnll Lamb Legs. lb. . .)4 Choice Pot Roast 7 &. 5 Veal Chops, per lb 10 Fall Lamb Shoulder Chops, lb lOt? Fall Lamb Shoulder Roast, 4 pounds for 25C Pig Pork Shoulder Roast, pound 8tt? Prime Rib Roast, all bones out, lb..lO and 12 Veal Shoulder Roaat, per pound 0 and 7 Mutton Stew, 8 pounds 25? CAl.l'MKT HA CON 2,000 pounds narrow strips, 6 to 7-10. average, by the pli-e, per lb 13 H? SWIFT'S PHKMIUM HAMS -Their best brand, all selected and guaranteed, pound . . . i 1Q Vi HOLLAND HFRRING Imported, per keg 75 And 30 Stamps with earh. Buy Peninsular Ranges Besides being the best ranges con structed and raoBt lasting and dur able, they are alao moat economical In saving of fuel. Our new lines are ready now. Saturday we offer No. 815 Anvance Peninsular .. $22.50 Coal Hoda Japaned, best quality, special 25 And 20 Green Stamps. Stove I'okera Straight or bent, spec ial 10 And 10 Green Stamps. Sapolin Stove Pipe FJiamel, per can. . And 10 Green Stamps. Stove I1e Extra high quality, per Joint 12 And 10 Oreen Stamps. RusKin Iron Stove I'i c Worth 4 5c Joint, for 30 B. O. E. Sad Irona 5-plece set. worth $1.35. for U8 OH Heat-ra He prepared for the flret cool days. Use an oil heater before It's time to start the furnace. . . . g. 50 AK H4R-I1KN AND COLLEGE PENNANTS We have a complete range and at lowest prices. FOOT HALL SUPPLIES Spalding's full line, as well aa all kinds of gymnasium good. $1.60 Foot Ball Pants $1-00 j Nose Guards Old prico $2.50 Foot Ball Pants $1-75 j $1.50, special price 50 15 wm I y y