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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 26, 1908.- CRAIS AND PRODICE MARKET Trading it Light and Speculator Are Awaiting Reports. CORN MOVEMENT WEAKENS CORN U.goigiio; tltaraj east track. 17 M at AtHt Start Steady to ,4 di antes Easily' on '7"rff.M, with- ' "r J.lti. Higher end Weatterlasj Offer- JL. t.iin laajktts Trading la light ' OMAHA. Aug. 23. i. show very slight changes, and speculators are wait ing; Tu what the northwest movement ol print wheat will do to cash valua. Tha Increased corn movement, while only temporary, ewlr-a to a alack demand,- haa M)iM4 corn, values aome. H h-rst started ateady to higher and ad vanced easily on acaUered buying, with offerings light. Trade wn tight and the larger speculators wero not In the market. Thar la aome suspense waiting to ae how tha spring wheat movement from the north will ef fct value. September wheat opened at 90c and oloeed at 904o. Corn opened firm and ateady. but aoon old lower en heavy receipt and a alow caah demand. There ha been a muoh ln rreaaed aaiintrv movement for the laat week and. value ar beginning to feel the aurplu atock. September corn openea a. 1itO and oloeed at 73Ho. Primary wheat receipt were Tlt.000 bush ela and ahipmente wer 67.000 bushels, agatnat receipt laet year of 10,000 buahel and ahlpment of 873,000 buahel. Corn receipt were TSS.000 buahela and hlpment were tl9.0i1 buahela, against re ceipt laat year of 429.000 buahela and Ship ment nf eonO huahel. Cles.ra.ncea were none of oorn. none of oata and wheat and. flour equal to 846,000 buahel. Liverpool closed Vrd higher on wheat and ,d higher on corn. Seaboard reported 144,000 bushels of wheat taken for export. Local range of option: sx'ra fancy and straight to lfj: . KFIAN-Unchargd: stcked ti .':( I. w.. HA T Ftesdv; tlni-thv, nominsl JlJOn; prairie. r70MT. IRON 'UTTON TILS-St.00. ' HAOOINO 7 lVIGc. HKMP TVINE-7c. PROVISIONS-Pork. a'eady: jnbhlrig. S16.00. Ird. higher; prime steam. rVOJWflf 17V,. Dry sett metis, steady; fluxed, ex tra shorts. t6:4; dear ribs, UKV,; snort clear. I 7H. Paeon, atesrty; b.xed, extra short, tio.fro; clear ribs. lti.4fl; anort ciear. $1" 75. ' IvLLTRT wtit ; chlckn. c: springe. 16c: turkey. 14c: duck. 7ic; g. e. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, l.w-sc. EGOS Firm, ltc case count. Receipt. 10KO , ?. 70.1CO 112,000 Artlel.. Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Cloa. Tea y. Wheat Sept... Dec... Corn Sept... Dec... Oats Sept.. May.. 90 9h 90 904 1H to 73Vf - 74 71 0i 61 804 4S 4BJ4 4H 4$S 48l Sl so-,! so 91S 90 7JW, 734 SI to 4R4 4S 4 W Omaha Cask Prleea. WHBAT-Ko. J hard, Sfc: No. S hard, to-swc. No, 4 tiird S6flc; No. a spring, OORN-No. 2. 72c: No. 3. IlWlc; No 4. 7044 71c; No. 2 yellow, 73c; No. S yellow, 71r: Nn. 2 white. 7:tc; No. 2 white. 73c. OATS No. 3 mixed. 4tie1tc No. I yel low. 4647Vc; No. 8 while, 4J34tc; No, 4 white. W1jV RTB-No. 2, 7t-o7fic; No. 3, 73374c Carlo Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oat 14S 690 am , 33 J 42 71 4 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS . . . , r Failure of Prominent Commission House is Feature of Day. MARKET BECOMES UNSETTLED Tour, bbl Wheat, bu Corn, bu ... Oat, bu .. Shipment. 14.0O) . :1.ona 91.010 It Reaeala Feverish far Rest of eseloa aad Aetlve ses Saatala Material Peellae " Road Aro iteady. HEW YORK MAhKKI , Vartoa NEW YORK. Auk. 26. The mot Import ant event in the financial district today th failure of a promlnont commlmton houae. whose operation r believed to have been largely responsible for leet Sat urday sensational atock market. The ran Qaoiatloa of the Day .on arloa lire exrlted no great amount of surprise Comaaedttle. na Wl without very senou errert upon NEW YORK. Aug. JS -FLOUR-Recslpt. .,.. ' K.rtlv ..noi.H .rt ih. fe.r ... H2.01S bbl.: exports, S.W0 bbls.; sajea. .750 ..DrH..d ,h., th w.n ..r.t Iniereets noia.; maraet quiei i itoii may be unwlttlmtly involved. In banking Minnesota Pn wii. T. 'i,:w . uii clrclM u ,hl h, f"ure u'd straight, I4.va4 1i; Minnesota baker. S4 10 1i..ine h ,.. A m..Mt.p vt r-mm LVn Winter ITT . , a - - t" i wiii.c . . , , - - w - , ......... i nn,r. end rulnrln rn rif1nr.A Amnnv In atentf, S4.4ma4.76: winter low. grade. S3 ' who h--h-.--fl.htln. ,h" r. 5"?ISr '"nr . . Business on the Stork exrhenee was In l i-t. niuiin. 1,11- rim wini ioih; lirm ."v , - undertone before the suspension. wa ... .1 nounred In th Mlv l.rhnnn 1 ll,.n rte uuii: no. I western. 4c. r. o. d., ;r:. "r."M- .ri, i wnw uiiBiinni nn leverinn ina re- DlVt.rT-rim. .lilt.. T1 I f Tlllf. 1 '- ' '""nw u. r-m Tiri - i e v. Tnrfc mricn snwninR wnicn nil stooa in " , . v . . t . . ... " I vea ks ol.. 111 n a - - .ate i -1 . . 1 evw ATrfV f...Mai I ani uhiit tuiii III t5l ajl a-nSl WtlO HUB' Snot market firm: No. 1 red. 99TicI1.00K. t"d by mot of the active issue. Apart - ------ - i rrnm in nr. .una linn th. M H u . i No. 1 northern Tuluth. 11.134 f, o. b.. ""a "-i"iinoiie. i iiere afloat: No i hard winter. 11.14 f. o. b.. conunues to De much conflict . of opinion . N.ilih.l.iinln l!rht oiillri " w". ""i inuiieirmi ana mer- Vjr..r."-.e Report, of froat dam.,, to corn wer. In nAs-t Kursksa hapvhat na twt iAri sin1 mvr ' - - - - . v.m.i monvi, J ing of .hort. Final fVlce ,,lff net rise Seotemhrr. ll.01Hffl.01Hc. closed. "u below that of last year, tiim;, rw.miu.r ci A-vi ra Hnsed ll.2: r,,,roa ainnomtea srree tnat the com M.v ti (Ml fiic rlo.d II 06 ln montrl w11 witness a brisk revival. As rnDM ?i sio Nn v. wx. norm- i i ' ...... r nel .l.vilnr .nd IKHfcn delivered. Option 'V "- . "' i-bi . . - ... .u.i., I nina or tne new year. A reroam red state mirxn was wiinoui 1 1 ajmiii iimt,,i, i m-rl , - ,. nertiv net hleher. Rentamber roswl t.u,.u. ...n.uic .uwiir. ,n I - ' " - " ' . I .Tim BllilB, fnAA MnAHA.a Ih . . . 1 1 . . u'v . rM k.. u.v nlneetl l iITW i-"""-" i" ifui.iit-i. tCT.Tr,.,. v.-rv. .- Wheat storke Ignited nf t).. n ' . . I RnC.kV mountain lnin.un Kit om kii.h.l. r . Ta D.n.lnl. on nm n,,.n.,a- inni mar-I ' -- " " " ' " Jf I 1 . I V . , I " -I W " . , I f - . v. . . 1 . MA 1.. 1 !. . - k.t Kl .l.d- mlTd and S2 Bound. I V"! "--n5u e.iv Duinmi. anoai lor a-.' u-si , . . , - nn In lllleAI-t Ineu eeJ 1 11.1 m-A W. . W -1 r 1 . M.a....l ..kl. M a.. R1 Ttminiitl N-iWrO I v, i.m rnorti i.jr.vV UtwilCIBi U,w.d .hi VL 2 .nd 42ounds. xmif. Corn Bt(? .??T" .'. buahel.; oats wv. - i. i " . . . . r . . . i rt r ut tawt nnri Kneheia nude i - I fund, txrhislve of the tlSAW.Offl gnld r5erve. shows: Availanl; ah bs'snre. "LSOi.1: gold coin sni bullion. .:7.8?2.- I, goiq cenu rsirs. -i.i.i.,v. Mere Isrk Maaey Market. NKW YORK. Auir ti-PRIalK HER. CANTILE PAPFR-J'84U, per cent. BTKRLIN'J KAt hamik weak, with rtual bulness in bankers' bills St S4 S41S42 4;t jnr stxty-rty hills, and st II .i0 for emand C'ommcrlcal blils. 14 ILW 4 PII.VFR Far. Rlc; Mexican dollars. 4oc. BONDS Government, weak; railroad, tesrlv. MONETOn csll. essy at rer cent; ruling rste, 1 per cent; closing hid. 1 per rent; offered at 1 per cent. Time losti. ulet and stesay: sixty asvs. I per rent: inety days, m per cent; .is month. KU per cent. Closing quotations on bond wsr at fellows: toitt Hoik Vl 4', .. .tV Int. Met. 4H 101 L. 4 K utll. 41. Il Man c. 4t ,l-t Mi. fenirsl 4. . .114 1 1st Inc . I4 M 4k t. U 4i M . K. T 4. nn Mo N. R. R at kf Chlcatto Minneapolis .... Omaha Duluth CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION 8 Keetorea.of the Tradla aad Closlaa; Prleea B Board of Trade. CHICAOO. Auir.' 28. Delayed harvesting In tha .Canadian northwest, owing to wet weather, was chiefly responsible for a firm market for wheat here today. The i loss was strong, with prices up Nc to V. ..Corn,. pat and, .provision, also closed strong,.. v- .-.'." Tk tuhsat 'market waa -firm all day but-ke. rreatea mronglh) waa manifested riurlna the last of tha session. Initial quo tatlona wer from He to 1Vie above yes terday', close, September opentrig at e"ji:. And December at 84"94ic. Ke mjrta from the Canadian northwest Indl cated that rain wer quite general over the weatern province, while uie orririai forecast (or Minnesota aixt the Pakotas nredlcted ihoweri In thoae atatea tenlght - In addition - to . thla unfavorable situation In the inrlnl wheal, country, the market waa bulllshly affected by firm cable, and "by the-light .took of contract wheat In slore I lrotuthout the United State. Local stuck, wer estimated at 2.744.0UO bu., com pared with lo,S97,vi0 bu. a year ago. Ex port demand here waa a negative quan- iltv. IxkmiI bull were the principal buy - era throughout the entire session, and by . their effort forced uepiemDer up 10 . and December to M'dc Iate In the day prleea receded omewhat on proftt-tklng, hut the market closed firm, with Septem ber at 3VS.1Hs. and December at 949 D4Hc Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to S-rt.OOQ bu. The worid'a visible supply Increased 1,1(1.000 bu. Primary re ceipts wer 714.000 bu., compared with 750,- bu. the corresponding day a year ago. ' Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of '444 cars, against 3K1 cars last week and 40 care a year ago. Liberal receipts and continued favorable " weather for the new crop brought out mod- -erate selling of corn at the start, which restated in Initial declines of a shade to light acceptances in tha country, and on he strength In wheat. An advance of Vc to lc In tha price of the rash grain was alao a factor. First tradea of the year in July, 1S09, corn were made to day, the price being 64464Sc. The mar ket closed strong at almost the top price, September closing at 77Hc and December at eitinHc Local recelpta were 690 cars, with 1U3 of contract grade. Oats-were affected by the strength of wheat and corn, but price failed to (how so great an advance a In the leading trralua. Tha close was firm, with price ec to V&Ho higher. Local receipts were 'JsH car. A brisk demand for the January prod ucts by the local packers caused strength in provisions. The market closed firm, with prices from 10c to 17VxC above th previous close. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. U cars; corn, 1W; oats, Jtjo; hogs. 20.0J0 head. Th leading; future ranged a follows: FETED Ksiay; spring; bran, dllnar lat 3&: rltv. I24.3B. HAY Fteaoy ; snipping, weorx , root choice. 8C,iec. . , HIDRS Steady: Bogota. 20c; Central America, 20Hc. l.v. ATHP HBteadvr arl. !41VS'1e. PBOVIRION8-Heef. firm: tamlly. SIS. 75 4.17.60: mess. SUROfflSSO; ham. S'.S.OOtt Ann. narlrat 11R KxmA OB: rltV extra Indll mes. $a.00ig.6a Cut met. barely steady; pickled bellie. 9. 76410.00; pickled hams, tll.5OW12.O0. La,rd. firm; western, S9.B6S4.S6; refined firm: cnntlnont. S9.0: South Ameri ca, SlO.&o; compound. S7 ,87V48.26. Porkt steady: family. SlsOrtfJIS.SO; hort clear, 117 fMnil SO: mess. tL4.9tVdl7.Sfi. TALLOW Quiet; city (12 per pack). 6V: country (packages free), BHGGHc. K1CE Quiet: domestic, fair to extra. 3.vrr7r: Jsnajiese. nominal. BUTTHR Steady: creamery special, 24c: creamery extra., 23Hc; creamery thirds and firsts, ln&Zi'Ac; state dairy, com mon to finest, lSi2c; process, common to BiM-cials. l&ailHc: western raotory, tirsts. 19c; western imitation creamery, firsts, 19H feaic. . .. 4'HKESE Steady; etate full cream. specials, Uil1ic; tate. full cream. ni.ll. colored or white, fancy. 10 : Jarge, colored or white, fancy. Uc; large, good to prime, llUVsc: large, common to lair, autfi-toUc: skims. lU&9?rC. LXKJS Finn; state, Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania fancy, . selected, white, 29$ Stic: good to choice. 24,t'J6c: brown and mined, fancy. Wc: fair to choice. 233ec. POULTRY Alive, . steady; spring chick ens lc: fowls. 13c: turkey. 12c. Dressed. Irregular; western spring chickens. 12Jf19c; spring' turkeys, toe; fowl., WKATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT fair Toafaht and Wairmcr. Follow by shower. OMAHA. Aug. 2S, 1908. Within the last twenty-four nours light and scattered shoa-er occurrea - in ine Missouri valley and throughout the north wet. Rain continue In th southern until, and alona- the lower Atlantic coast. Temperatures are slightly nigner irom ine Rocky mountain east over the central val leya to the lakes, and will be higher In this vicinity tonight, with fair tonight, prob ahlv followed by shower Wednesday, and not much change in temperature. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation, compared with the correspond i... ..av nf the last three vears: ' .... w., 1900 1905 Minimum temperature 63 62 7 i Pr.init..tlnn 00 .00 T .00 Normal temDeratur for today, 73 de- a'"-1": . . -i M.rr.h i Deficiency in precipiianun enivc , No Important financial nlana are twin considered by any of the lenre corporations Just now, although the Increasing ease Of money suggests the feasibilKy of such ventures, i nere are the usual rumors re rardlna; Southern Pacific financing In the near future, but banker, connected with that property declare to the contrary. The flay, few railroad returna Included that of Ontario A Western for the quarter ended June So, last. The statement shows very snarked reduction in operating ex penaea and a aubetantlal Increase In sur plus. Following yesterdsy's lower rates for live and six months money, a further shad ing In two and four month' accommod Hons Was reported today. Bond are steady. Total sales, rar value. S2.650,000. United State, declined H per cent on can. Namber of .ale as tsadina auotatlon on aiocaa war a loilowa Artlcle. Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close. I Yea y. Wheat Sept. . Dec.. May , Corn Hept. . Dec, May Oats Sept. lt. . May Pork Sept. ct. Jan. Lard Hept. Oct. , Jan. rtlha- -Sept, Oct. - Jan. . I 1 iM'atlJH -8VsW! I I Ts 94 I 93s'i3WJ. 93 4',! 94n,M'4uS 93Va4 tvi64)tlt t 4"S1 4Mi Dtl-.JJ ,14 27 14 40 15 6i flTH -iru. t 4. 4 I 14 4."l 14 6-", lj 8741 78l 4Vl Din 77 1 74 m i 3Ts'8tl 4.H 4n.l 4XH --VilCOVuHi Amslssmstea Copjrtr '.io 71 Tin r Am. C. 4k r 204 XMi !! ltV Am. o. a r. f . 'o ym m i.jv, Amerlrsa Cotton Oil 400 4H S.1H M4 Am. H AL ptd tr Am. Ics BeeuntlM 2,10 t 214, 2 Amerlnsn Lltiaaea Oil 10 Am. LooomnttT 1,100 ib 6514 SUj Am. LoeomotlTS pti 107 An. g. A R KM0 7 M 4 Am. 8. A R. pti 14 Am. Buxar Refining 1,400 Hi 114 14 Am. Tobacco pl , l:sk Americas Waeien 110' tf ti JtVt Anaconda Mining Ce 4"4 4 4 Atchliea 4.700 s M ST Atchisos sfa loo 4it Atlantis Cosst Line 100 M'4 ) Baltlmors A Ohio SS.M0 14 l"4 Sii, Bsl. A Ohio ptd Si Brooklrs Rapid Tr 4.2m 6: l4j llt Tsnsdlaa Pacific - 174 171 17. C. ntral Lsather 10"0 i xl It Canirsl Laalhar pit 500 M M'k vt Cantral of Now Jersey ton 194 ! IH Choaspeab A Ohio.. 4v 4!4 '4114 4044 Chlcaso Ot. W 60O S t4 114 Chlcaco A N. W.. 10 let tit., lit 14 C , M. St. P 1I.I00 142 1414, 1414, C . C . r. A St. L 10 (A IS ii rotorado r. 1 1,000 i4i 11 an, Colorado A so l.lW Wis Cole. So. lit fd TOO M ti ; Colo. A SB id ptd 1.000 44 UH HVJ Conaolldato Oas 1M 1MI4 1S Cora Product. It It lMi Pel. A Hudson ai-dU 200 14s 147 147 Wm Rio Ontnde 2-Vl D. R. 0. ptd to corresponding period in 1907, 1906, 14 27"-, 14 374 ii ft 30 17V, 4-' 72V.1 0 75 I s so 8 22V, S SVtil X I s tr. K t 12: S TV, I 7i S 17V, 14 55 14 Ah 15 70 37V 9 311 1 1 70 8 80 14 17', 14 30 15 bi 9 12x 2-', 03 HO 8 6TV, js 70 I 10 No. S. , 1 sail quotations were as folios. s. r'LOl'K Steady; winter patents. 14 109 -4 CO. strs'ghls,' li.tvvi 4.35: spring patents, lo &i'i j.To; atralglils, J4.K 'Ui..u; bakers. 12.79 ii4.v0. WHEAT No. 2 spring. I1.C0; No. t, 9oclJ 81.f: Nil I red. MWsiV- CORN-No. . TSflfc; No. ! yellow. 79H yX9S-. OA I S No. 3 Tihlle, 4Sfii0c. RY K No. f. 7V. BAKLEY Oood feeding, (r'fjsttc; fair to Hotce malting, 3tic. SEEHS-FlaX, No. I northwestern, $1 .(,; tlmothv, prime. $3 78. PRtiVISlONS-Chort rlh, sides (looseV 8esv4l.t. Mess Pork, per bbl.. 114. JTM 14 ft, Lard, per W0 lbs., ts.30. ohort clear sides t boxed). tf.7Ui.o. Receipts and ahlpment of flour and grain r a ioiiowb. Flour, bbls Wheat - bu Corn, .bu.,, fai. bu Rve. bu barley, bu., -in the Produce exchange today ter, market .was ateady; creameries. ISti-I'ic; da'ries. I'lgJuc. Kggs. steady: at nmrk. esses Included. 14lic: firsts. IHc: prim ttrt. tve- tticeae. sitsdy; UtiU'iC Receipts. Bhipmsnts. 3.V4 4"t v 'J9.4uy the hut- i.o"i .lKit'l .5?i.(w . ii. .04 inche Deficiency ( It Inches. iul..i.n.u f.nrrarwnrllna DSrion in 3.97 inche. L. A. vv tLori. Local Forecater. Cor asl Wheat Resloxt Iletla. For th twenty-four hour, ending at I a. m.. 76th meridian time, Tuesday, August 2s. 19u8: Temp Rain Station. Mx.Mln. fall fjky. Ashland, Neb 70 if, .08 C oudy Auburn. Neb 7s 66 M C oudy Broken Bow. Neb. 64 .00 C oudy Columbus. Neb... 7 ' M .12 C oudy i ,.i,..i.n Meh . : so .00 Cloudy Falrbury. Neb.... 78 1 T Pt. cloudr L'.lnmnrl Mh 71 .10 ClOUdy Or. laland. Neb.. 88 t 26 Pt. cloudy Neh. 74 66 .00 Pt. Cloudy Hastings. Neb.... 68 6s .70 Pt. cloudy Holdrege. Neb.... 72 68 . .00 Couoy Oukdale. Neb..... 4 69 .11 Cloudy fimalia. Neb 71 6 T Cloudy Tkarnah, Neb.... 71 ft T Cloudy Alta la 70 61 .08 Cloudy Carroll, la 74 63 .05 Cloudy Clarlnda. la 78 67 .00 C Uar 8'blry, la 73 61 .02 Cloudv Sioux City. la... 72 0 . .00 Cloudy Minimum temperatur for twclv.-bour period ending at I a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp Rain, Central. Station. Max. kiln. Inches. t hit sgo, in Coluintius, 0 1 Ihs Moines, la.... 14 Indisnaiolts, lind.. 12 Kansas City. Mo.. 2t I.uisville. Ky 19 Minneapolis. Minn. It Omaha. Jjeb J St. Louis. Mo 19 ?! 72 tu 60 . 62 &.I 64 as Ol 6.! 6 M shower. 00 .09 .01 T T T .04 .( .09 oc- Verv light and scattered ctirred in the western portion of the corn siul when 1 region within the last twenty four I ours. The weather 1. slightly warmer thruuK tout tne corn neit. L A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Distillers' Securities .... Erlo Kris lat pfd en : pfd Oonetal Eltctrte ' Great Northern ptd Ot. Northern Ors ctla Illinois Cantral Interboraush Met tnt. Mat. pfd .- International Paper Int. Paper pfd latarnatlonal Pump loars Central , Kansas City to K. C. so. pfd lAulalll A N Minn. A It. L 44 . St. P. A I. t. M MlaMtirt Pacific M., K. A T M.. K. A T. pfd National tfad , Naw York 'Central , N. T , O. W Norfolk A W North A mart can Northern Psoitis Pacific Mall Panna-rWanta People's Oas P., C.. C m St. L. Praaaed gtael Car Pullaus Pslao Car Rallarar Iteel Spring... . Raadlas Rapabllc Rtset Rapublle Steal pfd Rock laland Co Rock laland Co. pfd St. L a B P 14 pfd... St. Louis 8. W St. L. S. W. pfd , 8loas-lhefrtld 8. A I...' Souther Pacins So. Paoitle ptd So. Railway v. So. Ratleay pfd Tennessee Copper Texai A Pacific T., St. U A W T . St. LOW. pfd t'nloa Pacific t'nlon Pacific pfd 1'. S. Rubber I'. S. Rubber 1st pfd V. S. Steel I'. 8. Steel prd flak Copper Vs. -Carolina them leal . Va.-Caro. them, ptd W'abaih Wabaah pfd Weatln(houa Electric .. Westers Union Wheeltnf A L S Wtecosaln Central ' Total sales for Ih e) too 1,100 "'100 300 u.pto 1.000 too 1.10O 6,100 " iio 1,000 l.too -0 t0 1.100 1.100 tioo 1.000 2.01) 10 10 JO, TOO 100 l.f 10 "'400 10 ', hi'.m TOO . 1.100 . t.eOO , 1 too . 1.100 ts Zl 'iiii 14.14 11714 M llt'4 12 14 m" St 10t44 SI 1144 MV - '" ioS 41 ) 148'4 ISf, 46 4 141 i ft 7 li iS44 21 4 t1 22-4 14 If 14 133(4 1U4 II 'it" u lit t&Uj II 10V 41'4 '14 41 141V4 2344 144 to4 'u 1 1KH Ji4 T444 It MS 2m M.too too 4,100 K 400 0 o 7.100 14.H- 4I0 100 J00 . 41.700 1.400 4(10 '"ioo o , Lou) 1M 1004, lit l4 41 ttT4 21 A. M-4 I.M1 K54, St 100 4H 1041, 48'4 24 14 4 u to MS 604.100 thsrvs. 111 lt4 41 J4V, it "4 M HH 6Vt S 10 44 107-4 41'4 S Il4 M'4 11 U M i4 14H 1I4 4544 13ft, H'4 10 5 JJ4i 17 24 1, 6H4 10ti rf lltt4 SS4 II u 3H we 4IV4 Yl t 141 X 1234 71 1M 41 12244 "14 1? 32 34 so H-4 110 it'4 41 iM4 2414 16 44 Mi X54 1074, 4 to :c :i ksssti t'lly Urala tad Provlstoa KANSAS CITY. Aug. 25. WHKAT-V changed; ticptemher, 8;4,o; December. 8Sltc; Msy, ii'M',. t asn: ro. nam, wmvoc; Mo 3 hard. 6;H4jlc; No. 2 red. 6t!Jc; No. 3 red. JnWc. CORN rnchanttsd; September. 70Mc: De crmber, f'ac; May. 6-.c. Cash: No. I mixed. 7:i-4-: No. 3 mixed, 7H4tj72o; No, S white. 71Vttii3c: No. s white. linTVc. OATS I'tulianged; No. 2 white, 47449c; No. 2 mixed. 4443-4. Vc RYE 7iaVc. HAY Firm; cholo timothy, WS-JtYlOOO; .-hnlce cralrle. wl.Snai.M. BL'TTER Firm; creamery, 22c; packing ICc. EGGS Firm ; fresh extra. 21c; current receipts, 1V- Boston Slock, aoel Boo4. BOSTON. Aug. 26 -Money, call loan. 3 per cent; time loan. X04W per cen Closing quotation on atock and bond. WheAt. bu Corn, bu .. 0t, hu .. Receipt Shipments. ...I5:,0ii ith.oio ... 2J.00A 70 0 I ... 7 0v 4 (00 1 Kansas Cliy rang of options: Articles. I Open.i Hlcn.j Low. Close. SI. I.aal Ueoeral Market. ST. 1OUia Aug. 2i.VVHtATr Higher; lia.k. No. 2 rea r:th, ?.(.; No. t hsrd. S6-i7jc; t"eceriiber. WVc; May. "'. ' CHtllN Firm; track. No. 2 cash. 74c; No. J wliKe. 7Sri77c; December, lc; May. a-!t)icf OATS-Hlgli": trs.k. N. S csth. 4StJ 441'. No. I white. Wac; Dscsmber. 4S'c; ilii : svie. , KVF Nominal. 60c. " T.rt- Timothy, weak al ll stjlo.. iiiB.ur.4i-8'M'tv si mo. FLOCK Ill winter patent, tire ITS Wheat December May Cttrn lecember May Itr,l MSI 87,1 I4B 93 WV,- 3itH tJB 67 I SMTt, ! 6 i tniiMtiHB 6W6'4O0 Mlaaeaoolls Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 25.-WHEAT-Srptrmber. December. 97e; cash. No I bar. I. ll.W. : No. 1 noithern, $1.1S; No 2 northern. KsSe: No. X NSc BRAN In bulk. Ill C4j l.iO. Hl'R-2iW- lower for patenla; first ratenta. ej.TiOi.iw; second patents, I": first cleats. I4 3ttj4 46; second clears. I3 6 02V4. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Aug. 25 -CORN-klieadv ; No. I eilo, 74a:i,.;; No. 3 e!low. 77V;tSJ; No. 3. 77trrr; No. 4. 74c; no grade, ",6c. 41AT6 tiieadv ; No. I whit. 4S'tj4c; No I a hat, 4p4V. Atchison sdl. do 4a Mez. Caetral 4s... Alcblaon R. II do pfd Beetos A Albany. Woeton A Maine... Boat oa Klented .. Pllchburg pfd pT. T . N. H. A H teloa Pacific A. Arra. Ckem.. ds ptd Am. Pneu. Tabs... Amer. Susr d pfd Am. T T Am. Waoleo ds ptd dominion I. eV S.. aVdlioa Elac. lllu. . (ieciortl Klactrlc .. Mesa. Electric . .. do pfd Maaa. tiai- I nltr fruit tailed 8. M de pfd C. S. Suet do pfd Adaturs A llsws Ama'tamate-I Bid. Aiked at Atlantic ..It Bingham .. SoViCal. Hecla ... . S74 Centsnntal .. t44 Copper Rani ... ..211 Italy Want .1.4 Pranklls ..1U Ortabr ..114 Ills Roiale ..140siau. Mining ... . .IMn, Mlchtsas ... 44 Mohawk .. 44 Moat. C. A C ... .. 4VOld Dominion ... . Utilacaola .11 i Parrot ...lX'tQulocy . . a Shannoa . . .. 91 Tamarack ...14 Trinity ...lit V. S. Mining ... ...143 V. S. Oil ... Mttah ...47 Victoria ... 44 Winona , ..1W Wolverine , .. M North Butte .... ... W Butte toalitiea ... 4a Nevada ...'.: -, 41. a Arlioas . ... 13'i Arlaona im. ... . .. t, Urease Caoaoas ... VI 14 . 0 .170 . 33 4 . 11 .10 . 4 14 . 444. . 7b . u .10 . tA . n ,. 1 . TO .. I . 41 .. 4 . 4 . 4 . 'f lit . A . li Now York Mlolaar Sloeka. NEW Y'ORK. Auf. . Closing quotation n mining atock.: Alice V rear I Braaee.lck Co 4 rm. Tunnel stack .. ts t arn. Tunnel besda. 17 Cos. Cat. A Vs a3 Hars Sllrer 44 Iron II Offered. Lsedtrllli Csa. iHttle Chief .. . Mcitces Ontario , Ophir , Small Hop . . Standard Telle Jacket . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET res 4s.. . S. ref. do coupon .. . 8. ta. reg. de coupon . . . S. 4a, reg.. do oeupoa .. Am. Tobacco do o Atchlaoa .en. do adj. 4a do c. 4e do rv. be 4.tlanle C. L 4a.. Bal. Ohl 4e do Hat Brk. R. T. ci. 4e.. Central Of Oa. It... do let Inc do Id Inc. Mo Id In Chre. A Ohio 4He . t'hlrato A A. He. C. B. A Q n. 4a.. .. R. I. A P. 4a.. do col. tl do rfda. 4e CCC. A St. L I 4 Cole. Ind le Cols. Mid. 4a Colo. A So. 4t Pel. H ci 4s.. D. At R. O. 4a Erie p. I. 4e do sen. 4e Jpan 4e do 4'a do Id erle Bid. Offered. Itll. . .l(;34t .. 4 .. M .. ti .. US . II .. .. 41 II 4s H' . n "N. T. C. IVS .... 1'4 .101 N J. C. s. le lt-'S M'i Ns Pacific 4s. .I'W'i do ti . f N. A W. c. 4 . 74d D. 8. L. rtd. .lfia'tPcnn. ci. lm . e do con. 4e. . . . ttH Redlf gen. 41 . t4 "Rep. or Cubs H. .. lot t. L. A I. M. c t. . i St. L. S. P. It 4a . J4;4 . t,. I. W. . 4e. . aboard A. L. 4e. . . 80. Pacific 4s . 4AH ds '.it 4i . 4'irSo' Rallwae It . I HTeae P. It ... . 14 T.. St. L A W . 4l. . t 4 t sion Pacific 4s .100 . do ci. Is . t I . 8. Steel Id la ... . Hi Wahaih .. IT t:erO Md. 4e ;',W. A L B. 4e . '. Wit. Central 4t .. 17V, H't 7' ! M', in-, W. 104 4 vt l'4 . ;i b . 7', 44 Il l."44 lis li'i'4 . ti . '! lo'i .144 . 13 44 Cowt Ten Cents Hither, Oood Feeders Stronger, Beeves Slow. HOGS STEADY TO SHADE ST&OSQEB Oood, Artli Sha Trade, with Desly hlo Klods la neanaad sad ll lac rreely at Aboot Moo. day 'a Prleoa. . SOUTH OMAHA. August . 1903. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 65t I. ft 17.W1 Estimated TuesJsy ..... 2,t00 2,000 19.0O Two days this week... .U.35t 7.67t M 1 sm days laat wek...V4.:l 9.0M 23.0. 8am day. 2 week. exo. I. tnt. .2 23.441 Same day t week ag0.11.13 11.143 1.11 Sam day 4 week ago. A 271 t.lti 10,131 Bam day lat 10.3D9 .- Th following table how th recelpU of cattle, hog. and sheep at Bouth Omaha fnr th ear to date, enmpared with lat yf! 1W. 117. Inc. Dec. Cattle 664.471 SM.MI 144.43 Hogs 1.7M.404 1.704.411 W.493 ....... Sheep 949,247 DM. 320 4o.O3 Th following table nows th avaras prlc of hog at Bouth Omaha for lb last saveral days, with compartiona: Dat. I ISOt. i7.19Jt.19C5.!l4.19ta.!lo;. Loades Mooey Market. LONDON. Aug. 28. American securities opened dull and lower today. At noon the market wa quiet r.d prices were H'fttVfcd below yesterday s .fw lorn closing. ,ondon closing stocks: Conaola. money fa M., K. A T tl do account ..t'4N. T. Central...,. ...loss . 'i,Ncrfolk A w . 1144 do pfd U . I7U Ontario A W 4iS . Penserlienls US .174 Rand Mlnee I4 . il'l Reeding 4.1(4 . 4H8outnra r, itn .lvS do ptd 4)4i . 11 Southern Pirltlc PI . "4lnlon Pacific. ltl'4 . MS do pfd 4 . IS C. S. Steal 44S . US do pfd Ill . Wahaih US . 1S do pfd... MS .140 Sraalsh ' .11IS Amal. Copper it steady at 23 ll-16d per os. MONEY 4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bill I 1 per cent; for three month' bill, lH'IVt per cent. Porelaa Flaanclal. LONDON. Aug-- 25. Money waa In in creased demand on the market today and discount were firmer. The Stock exchange maintained generally a firm tone, with fair activity, in spite of the ettlement. In which carry-over rates were unchanged. British securities attracted better Invest ment buying. Grand Trunk was firm on better traffic returns than had teen ex pected, while foreigner, especially Japa nese bonds. Improved on Paris buying. The proposed action against the coal road and the Investls-ation of Saturday's trading on the New York Stock exchange checked business tn American securities and caused uncertainty and easing. Prices moved list lessly around parity in the forenoon. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. All. VS. Aug. 21. Aug. 25. 14.. 15.. 14.. 17.. 14... 19.. 20.. 21.. 22. t 17 f 10 41 t US 1 1 39 t 32 32 .... 6 741 S 72' I 74 I 74 I 7C t 63 6 84 I &3 6 fe t 9s t 031 til S 01 t 2 101 I 02 t a i IV 6 891 t 10) I 1 i 131 8 4 to 6 84 1 4 fill t ' I 2 t74 ttt tl 4 Sol t R4 6 661 I til I 641 6 03 t 861 5 Ml 6 9 l 6 03 6 t: 1 : 5 921 04 t (7 t 73 t 161 t St t 24 S M i t 241 t fl i 30 7 00 ht nt NEW HOME IN K0UNTZE PLACE $4,800. 1 1 ..' 4 -f i . ..' " V4 '.. Arl ':;---'''l'C'. . r ( fc"i!S.;'S''-' -,!'- i I r t I !v:r . '" : , . J. ' , .wf j.tter - . , I -i. ; - i 6 4i i 6 ! 1 1 t 13 4j' 7 10 Sunday. The official number of csrs of stock brought In today hv each road wat: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. M r s. Anaconda Atchiaon do pfd BUM more A Ohio... Canadlaa Pacific Chrsapeak A O Chicago O. W Chi., Mil. A t. P., De Beers Denier 4V Rio O do pfd Erlo do 1st pfd do Id pfd Grand Trunk Illinois Central Lcntnllle A N BILVER Bar, C. M. & St. P t 2 Wabash 1 I Missouri Pacific 2 1 Union Pacific 16 17 4 C. A N. V., east.... 2 3 5 .. C. A N. W.. west.... 37 2.1 32 3 C, St. P., M. & 0 1 4 C, Ft. & Q., east 2-1 C, B. & Q., west..... 41 12 4 C. R, 1. A P., tiil.t ! 1 2 C. R I. A P.. west.. 1 Illlnot Central 11 1 Chicago Gt. Wetern .. 1 Total receipts 113 71 t OMAHA UCETtAt. MARKETS. Coodltioai of Trade and ttwotatloa. taplo sst Fsscy Prodoc. BUTTER Crtamsry. No. 1. dsllvaiad ts ratall trad In carton, 22c; No. t, to tu. lb. tuba, 22Va; No. 1. In tt-lb. tub.. Ie; No. 2. In to-lb. tubs. 20He; No, t. la !. lb. tub. 31c: No. X 1 1-lb. eartoi. tie; No. 1. Id carload lota, 21 He: No. 2. In oar load lots, ltOl'Ho; country, fancy, tubs. 17o; enmraon, lie.-. EOQ9 Freeh candled, uc dosen. CHH.ISSB Flnsat Wisconsin full oream. twins. 14Ho; Toung American. 4 la hop, 16c; ravorit. t la ioou, 16 He; Daisy, it In boop. llVpo; . cresja brick, full ca, ltHc; half case. ll4c; half doxea ericas, 14c, No quotation1 on Swlat ar Urobcrg are until after Ootbr. BEEF CUTB ISO,.! noa, l.o; No. S ribs. He; No. t rlba. 7e. No. 1 loin, 19Vio: No. t loin, lasc; no. i toin, sc. io. i cnucic, iSC! No. 2 chuck, 4c; No. S chuck. 4c. No. 1 round, IHc; No. 2 round, c: No. I -ound. so. No. 1 plat, te; No. 2 plate. Me: No. 1 plate, 4HSO. VEGETABLES Calory, allehbraa. ttmt do. 86c. Bean, new was and string, ene- tDiro DU. vauct, si.wi navy, par OU.. r.(i L 12.70! litiia, Vrpfi per lb. Ctt oue. 2o pei lb. Potato, new. pr bu..,. Toma toes, per 4-oasHi crate, poo. watermelon. gglswo. vaniaiopas, .aiiiornia, H.too.oa Mr orata. Arparagua. per aos.. uc. cu cumber. Per do.. &0C Onion jurmudi. 11.60 per crats; Tsxaa yUow. l.a per orata. Muahrooma, cultivated, par lb., hue Let- tuc. per aos.. c rppia, touuiarn. tl per cru. FRh-Bit FKU1TJS Apprea. 1.7&g.M par huahsl box, Lamons, Oranges, t4.0utta.0u. Bananas, to per id. Flam.. li.2f i-baaket crat Paachas. California, 7oia box; isxa. orata, oma, faora, klM 4bkt crat. Blackborrl. it. Basa. orruks, 4.00. Cherries. M6. Curra&la, tjg. Ooo so berries, sa-qm. BUOAH Coarse grnjted. t.oto; fln granuiatea. -iuc; euoss, s-two; powaared, i.&oo par lb. DR&SSED POULTRr IUD, 32.91 aosen. LIVE POULTRY Hen. 9c; springs. I3ftc; roosters, sc; oucsa. young, c; oia, 7Vo; gssas. tc; turkey. lsi plOB. St doaeo, tauioi. 2 00 dusoa, DRIED FRUITS Raltlns. loos Muaoatel Wric, lancy aoaa. i-ie. canon, tuc uur rants, uncleansd, tVsc; claad. tc; carton. to pr lb. Prun, ojoo per sack; 7V4e par lb. Apricots, :-lb. box, tc par lb. Poaches. California choice, to: Ian or bozeav Ho per lb. Psars. California, lie. Datoa, Persian, tVtc Fig, layers, cnolc. luso. Citron. 13420c. Lemon peel, 13c Great; peel, uc FISH-Hallbut, tc; trout, 14c; pickerel. He; nine, lie; tniuneaas. s Kin tied and dressed Ue; white perch, tc; while base, 17c: blaeB haa. 2bu; crapplea. 16c ; whit fish, Uol red snapper, 14c; flounder, lie; maskeret. lie; coaiisn. (ren I rosea, uc sna ro4 im: anelu, lie; frog Istts. 4c; gra a turn meat. 25c; catfish, loc; eel, per pound,, ltc. riutLtt quotations oy J. b. omun dk uo.: Green salted. No. 1, 10c; No. 3, tc; bull bides. No. 1. tc: No. 1. 7c; hors hides, t2.60; sheep pelU. lie to 31.60; dry pelt, loo to 12o per lb.; dry flint butcher hide., 13c; try tallsn hides, lie: orv aaltea hides, Pu. tVool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 26.-WOOL Trading In the local wool market haa become slack again and but few good sited transaction. rt repot .ed. Prices held frlrly firm, but manufacturers teport an unfavorable nut look for the balance of the year. The leading domntlu tiuotation range a fol lows: Ohio and Pennsylvania fleece XX, Sta&c; X. 3ie2c; No. 1 washed. U& I5c; No. 3 washed, 4Uj44c; fine unwashed rxa'Zlc: half blood combing. Ltili.'.c; three eighths blood combing, 14c; ouaiter blood tombing. 25ti2Sc; Delaine, unwached, H.f 27c. Michigan, Wisconsin and New York iieeces riae unwasneti. atitfiic; Ualsin unwhed. 2iSaMr: half blood, unwssl'.rd 2&iic; three-eighths brfod. unwsshed. l4f ic; quarter biood. uawssr.ed. '-urZic. Ken tucky, Indiana and Missouri Three-eighth blood, inorTc; quarter blood, 24i25c. Scoure'l value: Texa Fine, telve linnth. 6'-5y DJc; irom aix to eicnt nioiiths. 4!i47c: fir fall. 42fjH3c. California-Northern, 4:rH3- middle country, Wtou; aouthsin, 37'n'c Oregon Ea atom N-. 1 stsrle. Mtj-'-c valley No. 1, 46tj4c. Torritorv Plresl staple. &Vi4V, fin tiothlrg. tifc: half blood. bOtciMc: three-eight ha blood 4S$v guarter biootl. 43tj4o. Pulled Kxtra, Sol Sic: rine a. ono;c; A atipera. 4:"(t4fic. 8T. LOUIS. Aug. 26.-WOOL-Steailv; dium grades, cum hint; and clothing. 19-ic; light fine. 1Wpi4c; heavy fine. 12c, tub washed. 2tfl7c. 472 OOl' 1,4"9 443 l.'lSt 1.47S 7K1 1.A14 2.1S7 747 4S1 2.8:S 79 1.379 IH 179 10 33 42 .... .... S IM 63 30 lit 18 &)1 128 It Ill Mi t:t 24 4 t 4 141 221' This fine, new house Is located on the southeast corner of Itth and Spencer streets, has reception hall, paflor, dining; room, kitchen, pantry and Ice box room oil the first floor; four bedroom and bath on tha second floor and atalrway to attto, where one or two. more room, could be finished. The teception hall, parlor, dining room and stairway are finished In oak, also the floors. Oood vestibule entrance to reception hall. Full bricked up cellar, cemented, pressed brick foundation, high class plumbing and one of the best heating furnace made. . Cement sidewalk, all around the house, and tile yard Is nicely .odded house la ready to move Into. Will .ell on terms of $2,550 cash, balance 124.75 a month, including Interest, or will .ell on smaller cash payment to good party. Will be pleased to shbw you through any time during the day ov etching. . HASTINGS & HEYDEN, . . 1704 FABATAat BTBEKT. MVttBZaO.' 70 37t 9,I44 The disposition of til day's receipts was As follow, each buyer purchasing the num- oer ot neaa indicated : Cattle Fines. Bneen. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Cudahy, from K. C Cutiahv, from country... S. A 8 Vansaot A Co Carey A Benton lxbman A Rothcliikt ... W. I. Stephen Hill tc Bon F. P. Lewis Huston A Co J. H. Root A Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Hues Cudahy Bros. Co Layton A Co L. Wolf McCresry A Carey Sam Werthlmer H. F. Hamilton M. Hagerty A Co F. G. Inrhrarn Sullivan Bros Le timer Bros Evansville Packing Co.. St. Lout. Ind. Co Cudahy, from Ft. Worth Smith A Polsley .'. Other buyers Totals .' 4.109 6.038 ,2s2 CATTLE Receipts ot csuke this morning wer disappointingly small, only 109 cars being reported In, a. against 243 cars on Tuesday of last week and 1st car. on the same dsy two week. ago. After the big run of t3 car. yesterday th yards looked almost deserted today. . cows and beireia were the first to a:ii and the market on that kind of rattle was fairly kotlve, . with price generally loc higher than yesterday', clo.e. In other words, the market today waa 10c higher than last week. Th reason foi the ad vance 1 to be found In th fact that while th market yesterday started out 10 15c lower and a good many cows sold that way. It gradually firmed up under the In fluence of the very good buying demand until at the extreme close all the decline had been recovered. This morning, with unexpectedly light receipts and a continu ation of the good demand, the market ad vanced, as noted above. Liberal shipping orders In addition to requirement of local packers are responsible largely for the de mand being so good for this class of cattle. uood feeders were alao sought after and anything answering that description could safely be quoted a etronaer. There was considerable Inquiry from the country ye tsruay and that fact naturally atlmulated buying this morning, speculator and yard trader taking hold very freely. Common to medium arrade war not such activa sellers, for th rssson that they have been coming In pretty freely of late. Still, pretty mucn everything waa cleaned up In fair aeaaon. Beef steer opened out rather slow. Packer seemed to want corn-feds, and the few of that kind In sight met with quite ready .ale at good, strong prices, Range beevea, on the other hand, teemed to move .lowly for aoma unexplained rea eon. Billl, the market did not Show any very material change, salesnietv. as a rule, reporting It as steady. Quotations on cattle: Good "to ebole corn-fed ater. t-2t'77.00; fair to good corn-fed steers, t&.2M3.2: common to fair corn-fed steer. t4.0ftA6.26; good to choies rang steer, 34 764. 2; fair to good range leer, M2VJr4.76; common to fair rsngj steers,, 33 6oa4 J6 good to choice cows and heifers, t3.634.26; fair to good cows and belters. 13 004.60; common to fair oows and heifers, (lOuta-tOO; good to choice atockers and feeders, 4.264j4.;6; fair to good stockers snd feeders, t3.i0434.2o; common to fair stockers and feeders, I2.7U83.60; stock heir rs, t2.s04j.U. BEEF STEERS. hogs, and on kinds that they alt wanud It w A possible, to secure a little atronget prices, while the market on the klrl less sought aftsr was no mote than steady. Tne trade mlgnt ben I be described as steady to a shade higher.- The hogs sold largeiy at and riht around M.''ij.ti.j;1. while yesterday lt.4tf).& bought tne most of the hogs. The top for tne two days waa the same, lo.oO. The trade was not very active, but the hogs kept tolling, and most of tneni changed hanas In a reason able season, N. to., li.. it.. It.. 18.. ni tl.. in.. Ii.. It.. 17.. 71.. II.. IS.. 43.. II.. 74.. t.. II.. 17.. 41 . (4 71 74 44 II Ns. Ae. Pr. No. Ai. Pr. 1 10 I I llll t IM 1071 114 II 1110 171 II 1141 4 71 COWS. 1 449 9 2A 14 I ll I 44 I let I 2ft I TIT I 04 14 Ml IX 144 1 1 t Kit I 40 I lOoi I to t 704 I Id 34 SSI I II ; m it t I7T I it 1 444 I M 14 tl t 40 2 ti I l II lOul I tl II 147 I 40 f Ill II I PI III 4 1014 I 2 14 1M7 t VS I 103S I rs 1 11 JO I tl I M IU 1 1174 I at tl 44 I 4 24 Its I 0 4 1034 I 4 It M IH t 1US I IS . 7 114 I 40 I Hit I S I Ml IH I I41t I at 14 tut t 44) 1 ,110 71 BULLS. l iv t :i ' i. so i ai l ,....itoo t ii l IU0 ft 1 1400 t 74 1 140 SO 1 ll;t I 71 1 14- 4 li 1 1374 2 II v HEIFERS Ill t SD 1 444 ce 1 44 I at 51 110 I it CALVES. ) lie t 1 1.4 4 7S 1 ! 4 10 1 lift 4 74 I 10 4 0 4.. 1W 4 4.1 4 IH 4 J 1 1W I -I I 144 4 ,1 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I 477 1 I l I V 4 Ill 1 40 I T4 I e 14. m It 11W ... ... I ...let Aug. It Bank clearing for OMAHA day wre 11 724 .2s 37 and for tha ponding date last year 31.63 444.71. o- corr- Treasery ttatesseat. WASHINGTON. Aug m state, ment ef in trtatury baiante In the gen- Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. H.-M ETA L8 There a a sharp decline In the London ln market, with , spot quoted at 131 and fu tutes at 131 1'is. Locally the market was weak at l-S 754)J.25. Copper was unchsnged in the 1a mi on market, with Sot quoted at i.40 and futures at 40 li. Locally the market ej dull and ur.changed. l.akn was quoted at $13 frMj 13 42't. electrolytic at IU.i7M7t.3 Sti and ta.i'.r.g at t!3 UMl 13 ?o. Lead wa unchanged at 12 7s Ad In Lnn bon. The Ixal market wss dull at St.7u. &4 62i. 8peltr wa also t'tu-lir.nred lit Lnnduii at 19 2s 1 Ixrsllv the market remained dull at tt 46b 4 70 Iran wa ir regular in lnilon. with standard foundry Ldtanced to 61s, wh.le t'lcvelsnd wstrtnti declined tn 61s. Iwsllv no change we reaiie,i No. I northern foundry Is quniid at llt. 17.26. No. 2 nortl trn foundry ot l.0t l.s snd No. I snuit'eru and No 1 south rn s,'t ft.nnr'ry at II 7517 ri. T. LOI ! Aug K.-Mr. I 4.1 4-l.e4 firm, ti k'..w.t. fpeltti. Iirtti. II 7 cow. f rows... 4 feeders it rows. ., t steers. . 7 Siers.. 4) cow... 64 cows... 1 feeders., g; 4 cows lino I feeders.. 714 4 cows l;j t heifers., sua 3 heifers.. 442 li cows 974 ... 477 I 14 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 947 rM e 969 451 tu 997 967 3 t 1 00 3 3o t 16 3 70 2 til 3 i t 00 3 6u t 26 3 1 4" 2 90 I ID S 10 1 eslves... 210 -4 00 . IT6o .lis) .. St 41 . 616 . 47 . :j 637 1 bull. 1 bull.... 11 row... 2 heifer. , 19 feder. t calves.. 4 feeder. 1 bull 1310 4 feeders.. 176 12 cows 444 I bull 910 1 cow 1 20 HOUa Tbei ing (.t nneitn I no 3 tS 3 t 2 tV) 1 . 4 24 3 60 2 aft 3 tn 2 & 2 71 2 9U was w Hit I tl 12 cows fW 6 heifers... 6o4 27 tows 9i0 V htlfsis... t:9 3 eif.n.... 4B 2 cow kM 7 feeders., owi 11 coas T4 12 ri 944 20 feeders.. 7iJ 2 ettns loot) 3 heifers.. 440 It liifers.. tit 4 heifers.. 762 3 cows 97t l bull u;u 6 calves... 214 1 bull ;o 9 cows 7M 2 heifers.. 416 t helfHrs.. &U 10 feeder.. 1 001 2 row Ill '.6 feeder.. 1131 9 cow 944 3 bull H' -I 3i tows... .1128 1 eteer 9i0 noinlng tery the tiad In S 9i 2 K 3 16 t It 1 40 t it 3 36 2 40 3 06 I li t bi 1 60 t t 10 t 7 S ) 4 t) 2 60 2 46 1 (0 2 ) 3 10- 1 46 4 04 3 f 2 to 3 1. t ft lntrst hog to Ae. ...117 ...130 ...It ...its ...371 ...Ml ...41 ...174 ...!41 ...!4 ...mi ...2el ...241 ...::44 .1.1 ..1.3 ...141 ...t:t ...t ...140 ...144 ...144 944 IS) 1ST 2i4 Sit. 44 IS) It 11 10 10 140 40 1.0 1!4 1 11 IN M It 170 12J 10 90 40 In) its 40 Pr. li a 4 li 4 JO 4 W 4 iO 4 ID 4 fO 4 JV 'jO 4 ID I .0 I J2 t US 4 J2'. 4 li'4 4 1' t I24 I 'i', 4 lt4 4 31i, I II I . I li I U 4 II t : I 14 t A tio. It... 41. .. 71... ... 41. . . 71... 75 .. II... 40... IS... 13... 71... 71... ... 41. . 71... 7t... 14... 73... 71 .. ' t... it... II... IS... M... II... 61... At. ...141 ...111 ...2l . ..l'J ...t2t ....'.'41 ...lit ...241 ...141 ....231 ....141 ..'..211 ....111 ....2:1 ....Ml ....2JI ...114 ....111 ...IM ....114 ...111 ...IIS ....171 ....171 ...M ....2e 6 k. 140 MO IK) 11 It ) 40 44 90U iw 44 ISO 110 40 Pr. 4 i.i 4 ii I M I ie I U I ii I u 4 15 4 'Jl 4 : l it 4 li 4 10 I I M I U 4 4. 4 IV, 4 17't 4 .7't 4 S7-4 4 40 4 40 ' 4 40 4 4 4 4t4 46 4 44 2.754.n0: eslves. 33 OOflt.76; Texas and In dian steers, I2.7o1g5.2o; cows and helfets. 1. 6f 45 4.00. HOGS Receipts. 12,0 head; steady: pits and lights. S3.stitd.40; pat kers, 3t SSS.0; butchers and best heavy, t .fi5ji.93. SHEP AND LAM B8 Receipts. 8,t) head: market G01Oo lower: native muttons. 4.nj4.'J; Ismbs, to.Iifio .; etilla and bucks, ti.i'W4.tO; stockers, tt.2&t)4.D. - SHEEP RecelDt nf sheen were verv large again today, seventy-seven cars being reported In, which was twelve car mors than arrived yeaterdav and the laraoat run of any day alnce November 12. when elghty- lour cars were received. Only about half of the receipts were In sight when the market opened. but buyers evidently wanted the stuff, so that they did not wait for lat arrivals, but commenced dj ing business at once. Thus It happened that the market opened early and fairly active right at the outset. It did not take very long to clean up the early arrivals. noth feeders and killers. The prices paid on all kinds were practically steady with yesterday, there being no noteworthy change In any one direction. It was, in rati, a good, healthy market. As later trair. roiled In the market did not show any change. Buyers, both pack ers and feeders, stood up to their work and took everything about as fast as It could be shaped up and made ready to be shown. Thus, In spite of the fact that the receipts were so large, practically every thing waa cleaned up before the close. More than that, prices wsre very satisfac tory to the selling: Interests as compared with other market point. quotations on range or grass sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs. to.otVfJC 10; isir to good iambs. 36.406.60; reeding lambs, $6.0fi.60; good to choice light year- lings, 14.4004.71: good to choice hsavv yearlings, 34.104.40: feeding yearlings, t4.00gi4.40; good to choice wethers, 34 OtVJ 429: good wethers. . 13. 76434.00; feeding Wether. 3 60iftt.76; good to choice ewe, t3.7694.00; fair to good ewes, 13. 268.7&; feeding ewe, S2.2cff4.00; culls and bucks. irouaiuo. No. Ay. Pr. 21 Wyoming ewes, feeders 91 2 7s B Wyoming lambs 70 I 60 16 Wyoming ewes 96 t 26 4 Wyomln lambs, fseders 60 6.26 127 Wyomln ewes, feeder...... 81 2 76 im Wyoming; yearlings snd wethers M 24 Wyoming lambs K IS Wyoming ewes, feeders so 40 Wyoming lambs, feeders 61 10 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 40 CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep awA La at h, A r Stood r Hon Aro feaay. ' CHICAGO. Aug. 26. CATTLE Receipts. 7.04 head;, market stsadv; steers. t4.76& 7.75; cows. IJ.4066.2S: heifers. S3O0t:i4(Ou; bulls, 2.7.in6.0ii; calves, t6.64&7.60; stockers ami metiers. f2.A04T4.60. HOUS Receipt. 9,000 head; market easy; rlin t e heavy shipping. tUTVjjiS rO; butchers. 1.7016V; light mixed, ti .3"n 80: choice light. IHtffHTS; packing. .?Afj4.; pig., 33.7Mi6.60; bulk of sale, t6.70rft.ti W. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 33.000 head; market steady; sheep $1 504.16; lambs. 34.75u6.25; yearlings, 14. 3534 85. Stock la Bight. Receipts of live stock at the six clpal western markets yesterday: - Cattle. Hogs. South Omaha............ 2.H00 Sioux City... 1.700 St. Joseph 2,000 Kansas City.. .....21.0HO St. Louis .4.000 Chicago .'7,000 3.600 I 600 9,400 12.000 9,000 prln- Bheep. 19,000 1.000 S.240 ' 36.000 Total receipts 42.609 43.100 69.940 Cot tea, Market. NEW TORK. Aug. .-COTTON-ruturs ' opened steady; August, 9.64Vi; September, I.Uc; October, 8. otic; November, 3.40c; De cember. S.4c; January, t.3ec; March, tKSc; Msy, t 50o bid. Spot cotton closed quiet, 10 points declint; middling uplands, 9.90c; middling gulf. 1006c; sales, none.', ' 1 GALVESTON. Tex.. Au. 5. COTTOS Lower, 9c. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 26.-COTTON-Spot, quiet; low ordlnsry. t ll-16c; ordinary, 6vc; good ordinary, 7 t-16c; low middling. 8 tVlfJcr middling. 9-Kc; good middling, 10c; middling fair, UVc. nominal. S.le. 2 bales; receipts. 487 bales; stock, 24,799 bales. ' ST. LOUIS. Aug. 25. COTTON-Lowr: middling. 9'c. Bales, none; receipt, 16 bale; shipments, 663 bales; stock.. 10,400 bales. S Wvomina- ewes 1.708 Wyoming lambs, feeders 367 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. zi western buck lambs 610 Wyoming ewe, breeding. 413 Ilaho lambs 344 Idaho lambs, feeder 79 Idaho yearling 64 Idaho ewe and wether.. 48A Idaho w'thr. ewe. 340 Idaho lamb, feeders 6 Idaho lamba. culla 49 Idaho wa and wetner 292 Idaho yearlings, feeders 33 Idaho yearlings 399 Idaho yearling 416 Wyoming wether...;... 141 Wyoming ewes 633 Idaho lamb 343 Idaho lambs, feeder... 364 Idaho lambs, feeders. 62 Idaho lambs, feeders 222 Idsho ewes 3 Idaho ewes, culls 2?2 Idaho Wethere 197 Idaho wethers, feeders... 200 Idaho wethers, feeders.... 9 Idsho wethers, feeders... 9 Idaho ewes, feeders 9 Idsho ewes, feeders It Idsho ewes, feeders 4 Idsho ewes, feeders, cullt 203 Idaho net. feeders, tulia 87 tx 46 . 82 . 97 . 47 . 7 . 94 . 109 yeal'gs let , 6a &t 114) 0 K9 M 93 103 40 ..64 53 40 109 100 107 104 It 93 92 92 95 . 87 94 culls. 4 26 6 60 4 26 t 26 4 60 t tt t 46 t t on 4 26 I 76 6 40 4 37 "4 3 76 4 20 6 40 4 00 4 00 3 65 4 36 4 35 4 10 5 76 5 66 6 30 6 30 4 76 4 86 76 4 10 3 60 t 60 3 80 3 80 3 80 3 26 ; to : to Available oppllea of bra I a. NEW TORK, Aug. 23. Special fabl and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreota ahow the following change In available aupplies a compared with the previous account: Wheat, In the United States east of the Rockies, increased 60.000 bu. ; Canada In creased (T.0U0 bu.: total. United States and Canada. Increased 47 .000 ' bu.; afloat for and In Europe, Increased I.IOO.OOO bu.; total American and European Increase, 1,161,000 bit. Corn. In the United decreased 78.000 bu. Oats, in the United Increased fc3o.Cy bu. The leading increases reported this week were: Chicago private elevator. i44,tw bu.; Newport News. 142.0CO bu.; Manitoba, Uo.OCO bu.; Fort Worth, 88.000 bu. States and Canada, States and Canada, Philadelphia Precise Market. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 25. BUTTER Unchanged; extra western creamery, 25HC7 extra nearby prints, 27c. EtJG8 Firm; Pennsylvania and other nerroy firsts. 21?. at mark; Pennsylvania ai d other nearby Cut rent receipts, In to turnable cs,fes, 2Cc, at mark; western firsts. 21c, at rnaik; western current re ceipts, 2 at mark. CHEESE Firm ; New Yotk full creams, cheke. 124c; fair to gocd, IlVijl2c. 4'ofToe Market. NEW TORK, Aug.: 21 COFFEPJ-Fu-tures closed steady, net unchanged, to S points lower. Sales were reported of 60.7a" begs, nf which about 41.600 bags were ex changed. The business Included September st 6.4iij6.60c; December, 6.46c; March, S.SOcjs May, 666c. Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio. 9'.c; No. 4 8antca, 64c. Mild, dull; Cordova, tvtfjlic. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 26-WHEAT-Lower; No. 1 northern, SM04JM2; Ntv. 2 northern, tl.uVQ-l.eo; Iecember, 94Hc BARLEY Steady; sample. 61S3c. CORN-Steauy; No. 3 cash. 773c; De. Kaaaa City Mtt fttock Market. KAN8A8 CITY. Aug. ! CATTLE Re ceipts, 21.ffl0 head, including 1.000 eontii- ms. Market steady to strong: top. 37 3; choice export and dressed beef steer. K 25 C-7.36: fair to good. 14.10'rtS.lO: western steers, 38 f$3.00; stockers snd feeders. S3 16 04. 90; southern steers. H.Kit 10: soithern cows, t2.;f63..'6: nstlve cows. IJ.40W4 25: ns. tivs heifers. tt.USt.OO: bulls. 2.;04jS.0: calves. t3.60 60. HOGS Kece pts, " foil Mil Dalath Graia Market. DULUTH. Aug. 26-WHEAT-No. t northern. 31.04; No. 2 northern, S1.01; Sep tember. 99'ic; December. 7Vc, OATS-To arrive. 47V'. UWSON'S NATIONAL STOCK S-S.2S and Pigs. to loc lower: top. Sssr,: bulk of aale. ti6.5fi. heavy. tS.aOAtloo: packing butcher t7.3tX6.6; light. ta.f iitl.5." j 63 rors 75. SHEEP AND LAMPS-R-celptt. 8 0) tead. Market strong to lor higher; lamhs. 4. Oop 6 If.; ewes and vearllnas. 33.76i4 30; western vesrlings. 4.ifj4 Z-: western sliep. M tvtjtlo; atok?rS snd feed rs, .25'tr4.O0. Will ssadlog la vows orders te Market weak 1 "natioaai atocx" aavartlsed y Ht otty Atuitr All teemed to want a (a St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Aug. 25. C ATTLE -Receipts. 2.0o0 head; market tteady; steers. J4 0itf7.; row and heifer. 't'-.252j6.2j; calves. t3.uit.UO. HOGS R'ceir.ts. 6.5KI brad: maikrt opened stcariv. closed weak; top, J6 4o, bulk of iilri. 94.34.46. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2,7(0 1 head; market steady; lambs. t3.5tj i.00. loss tlly Live Stock Market. - SIOUX CITY, Is. Aug. l4.-iSpelal Ttle grata.) CATTLE Receipts. I 7o0 head: market steady; breves. .".0"f7 ft"; cows and heifers, t4.0trdi.0fi: feeders. UO'iil 5t; caKea and yearltngs. t-7543 so IHG8- Receipts. 8 6-0 hesd; kft stiady; range, to 105 40; bulk, tu 25tj4 30. PI. I.eels Lite Slock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. -CATTLE-Receipt!, t'tO head, incl iding 3 J Texans: market stesdy; ttaiKe antprilng and export cteer. 44 76437 60; dressed beef and butcher aleer t3 u479. steers under I Out lbs , Ittt-bSe-'. stecksrs and feeders. 13 r"ti 4 "1 : rows iul ioeiferi. t-', tanner, Wvi. Sj, bull. aoa, whten ts nn Hers too to be ordinary Bay State Oas stock, be sore to oall it "T.AWBOAT MATIOHAL," as some order, have beea reivd to hay national Mia. lug, which 1. aa entirely dlffersnt atock. Bead yoar ordars to buy or sail to tkls office for prompt iiKatloa. FREDERICK R. TIBBITTS INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 4th Floor. 35 Con.rns St., Bji.'ii, Mitt mMSYmMIVVKM IWHInlllM'J I'lfff, "SB "' UP-TO-DATE REPORTS CtiBtaininpT late authentic InfttrmailoB cit . Bay State FREE- .;. Copper, Curl) and Mining Qiitlook 'i Trtnitr l lsue. New Vort 4 Vaatpl Copto free 1.00 ar rar tt . Pwrt Covin lonoph, Ooldfleld. H-y. Sutto Cobalt. Ysringtoa. Tlptlo.. Blngnam. Para CU. Baavar, Ceunty. Rwkide WaAOtUaut and tbr acilv casegpa,