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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1908)
BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. . OFFERED FOR SALE CITY rnorF.RTY FOR BALIS. (Continued.) ' Want " ads A-er1lewat ' far waat e-ataana will a Ukta aatll IS n. far tha Htlt aa4 aalll . for tha maralac aaal lialtr 4llaaa. (aah rimI twHr all rf fna araat ad i4 H mllwat will aeeepteel far lee tteaa JO caata to rat laarrtlaa. Rates ? ta either Tka Dally lulir Bra. Always raaat als wanla ta llaa. taaiklaatlaaa af laltlala ar aasakara caaat aa ward. CASH H ATF.nVoR OTAftT ADS. RKGVLAR CLASSIFICATION Oa tnsertloa, ser llaa, 19 acata. Twa ar ater eoaaeeatlv laiaertlaa, r llaa, K crata. Back laaartlaa aaaaa aa ad 4 nay, lo caata arr llaa. 1.B llaa per aaaatki exreaitfa ( rt'RFIItHED BOOM ADS, wheat aecaaayaalaa fcr caafc, tka rata will kai Oaa laaartlaa, 4 eeata par llaa tkraa ar als eaaaeeatlra laser tlons, a caata prr llaa rack laaartlaa I trrca or aaor aaaaccatlva laaartlaaa, J (ran per llaa aack taacrtlaai SO crate acr Haa ar aaaatk. Will a 4a far Tka Baa mar ha left at say af tka fallawlaa 4ra atorca ana la raar "caracr iragltt" tfcay ar all kraack fneea far Tka Bea aat oar 4 will, ka laserted Jaat aa promptly aaal aa tka aaaaa rataa aa at tha mala alflca la Tka Bca Balldlag, teveateeath aad I'araaa atrcetai Albach, W, ..'., tilth and Farnam, Beranek, 8. A. 1403 8. 16th St. Hecht Pharmacy, 710 8. 16th 81. Hanaon Pharmacy, -Benson, Neb. ' Bemls Park Pharmacy, IM and Cuming. Blake's Pharn.acy, 2S26 Sherman Ava. Caugnlin. C. R., 6th and Pierce Bta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2212 Military Ave. Coot. 1. B., Slat Ave. and Farnam St. Crisrey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Bta. Cermait, Emll, 1204-6 8. 13th St. Kiilerr, P. U. 2808 Leavenworth St. Fjntfr ok Arr.oldl, 21.1 N. St. Freytag, John J., 1W14 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th -and Lake Bta. Green' Pharmacy, corner park Ave. and Pacific Oreenough. G. A., 1026 8. 10th St Oreenough, Q. A., 164 8. 10th 8t Hay den, William C. 2920 Farnam Bt Hanacom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 29th Bt. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th BU Huff, A.' L., 2924 Leavenworth Bt King. II. 8.. Uit Farnam Bt. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 2604 N. 24th St. retried Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th St. l.lthroD. Charles K.. lii N. 24th Bt. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth Bta. 8aratOkn Drue Co.. 24th and Amea Ave. Schaefer'a Cut Price Drue Co., 16Lh and Chicago Bta. Sohaefer, August, 2061 N. 16th Bt. Schmidt J. H , 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Wainut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Worth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bta. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Charles Walker, 2110 Ohio street, slrl; William L. Songster, 2416 Maple street bnv: Henry Peters.i 25i3 Decatur atreet alrl: Thomaa Homier. Twenty-fourth and Hamilton streets, boy: William Collier, 1110 Davenport street, girl; rrank Mattuews, 8124 Hurdctte street, bov: Quslav Haneleen, 2C24 South Seventeenth street, girl; Charles . Skldmore. 2413 Lake atreet, boy; Frank l'eter. 14:i9 Pheloa atreet. alii. Adolph Nf ann, 403 Bancroit atreet. boy; A. 10. Good ii, 4219 Farnam atreet, girl. Deaths Christina Guaiafson, 614 North . eighteenth, atreet, To: William R. Mathla will Caldwell atreet, 64. marriage: licenses. The following marriage licences have jei n issued: . Name and Address. Age. NeArll U. Hmiiea. Lincoln ; 22 Jennie U. Whltmore, Valley ,v 22 Ola B. Ackorly. Omaha 36 Martha Godensehwager. Omaha 33 Frank Vlctk. Omaha 33 Mary Vlcek, Omaha Bohnslav Frulibatier, Humboldt Katie Llbal, Humboldt . William Von Dohren. Jr . Millard; Louise K. Damke, Omaha Thomas B. Line, Omaha Clara. B. Tyler, Omaha Bruce K. Bast-ell, Decatur, Mich... Anna C. Brostrup, Omaha .... -1 ANNOUNCEMENTS PIGN PAINTINU-B. Ua. 11. Cole. 1J02 Doug-(U-SOu VI iK C1TV GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavnworth tut. Itl Douglas 13J. ID Ml MORAND'S claaaes for adulta reopens 'lueaday, September 1, 8 p. m. Twelve Uinna, ladiea, 36. Gentlemen, 38. Two ooliara deducted If you buy ticket on or betore the opening night. Open all day. 11. Douglaa 1041. (U MC8 Sepll HOME-MADE wine, $1 per gallon. Cack ley Bros., 121 No. 16th St. . tD-MTSO 8ept. 21 AUTOMOBILES 6 END for our Hat of aecond-hand automco bilea. DERIGHT. lal Farnam. iy 2Z1 THREE On too commercial auiotnobtlea, prices 3HO0. 0 and 1,M0. Apply W. h. balduff. 1623 Farnam St. (2) 41 FOR SALE Whit Bteamer, good aa new, I'iiT model; bargain, Addreas D 49. car Bee. 00-M777 U Bt'JCK runabout, 30-horae power; almost iit w; cost new 32.&00 used leaa than 4u0 miles; $1,300. Addreas C 90, oare Bee. l2)-U3 31 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 1(0.000 acre finest Texas panhandle land at from $16 to $18 per acre In any atf farm to suit; 14 an acr cash, balance lo years time at 6 per cent interest; will consider stock nt all kinds, also good buildings; muat . be clear of encumbrance. Inquire J. C. Tbomaa, Laurel, Neb. tli M761 Sil ' FOR EXCHANGE. Seven-room modern house, full lot. on S. 24th St. Price, $2,500, clear. Owner will consider unimproved land. Five-room cottage, two lots. IM St., South Omaha. Price, $,ur0; mortgage, $2,o00. nwner will exchange tor acre property or cmalia residence. Ilet your property for exchange at cash price. HASTINGS ar HT0YPBN, LAND DEPT., 310 8. 17th St. (31-104 26 BUSINESS CHANCES yon -SALE, CHEAP A newapaper in a good country town; $2i0 will handle the plant and It la a fin r ha rice for a young man to get a paying plant. P. W. Maatln, Tubtae. Neb. 4j-Mt7 26 MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for cat in car lota. A. G. Uilbe.t. Council Bluff a, la. 14)-M40 DRUG atprea for Bala everywhere. Knleat, N. T. L Bldg. (4) -8o . - ., - i . - - - TO GET In or out of buaineaa call on UANUE8TAD. Room e.3 bee Bldg. tO-03 FOR 8AI-G Shoe ahop; bast location In men; nine yaara In place; good Income. Will retire from buslneaa. J. A.Hurianek, .Fremont, Neb. tt) M76 Sept. Zlx FOR SALK Wall equipped motion picture theater; good show town, .000. Addresa Y 64. cart Omaha Bee. (41-M779 27 X WILL deposit money in your bank; guar antee you $-50 monthly on $&00 invest ment. Miaaouri Specialty Co., Omaha. Neb. (U-M4M Atox $130 BUYS 6-room rooming house; rooma pay raht. ' water, light, besides 3 living rooma. Apply lo"1 N. 34th 8L Telephone lodepeadent B-lsvl ' (4 M39 Do You VVi8b to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you wlah to aell or ex (liana, writ u. , GLOBS LAND AND INVF.8TMENTCO., OMAHA. HTB. i . (4) M781 Bept. "21 IXtfl BALFy Well equipped bakery and con fectionery, doing good buslneaa. A bar gain fog. right parly. Address Y-477. tar btm. ti)-M7 31 FURNITVRE lease and fixtures for rale; a mnnev maker. Hotel Orsnfl, Hsrting ton. Neb. 4 M'iST Bept. 21 T1IR rtiltlvatlon of the rubber tree haa de veloped Into a wonderfully remunerative wnrlri'a Indnatrv. We are clenrina eur, land and planting rtibber treea, and Invite you to join in ine enterprise. This company will take ca-e of the property perpetuallv. All we ak you to do la Investigate. We sell on In etallmenta as well as for cash. Pnd name and address to the Csstllloa Rubber Plantation Co.. Kit Chamber of Com merce Bldg., Portland, Ore. 4-M9f SIX FINELY equipped butcheT shop with good trade for sale In good iNenrasns- "wn for n.. part cssh. worth 2.ono. Ha good .mh-ton Ice house, slaughter house, hide room and good stable. Pee about this quick. Addresa B 59, care Bee. (4-mi BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Aceoaataata. DWORAK ACCOUNTING COMPANT fur- nlah accountanta to cnecu up enu uun booka ot accoutita. 'Phone Douglas HtB. ) MuT5 Sl Attarmeya. Dlckinajn. 634 Paxton Block. Judge C. T. Chlraae41at. DR. ItOT, R. X 150S Farnam Bt. Doug. 4W. Crcaaacrlaa. DAVID COLK Creamery Co. Dcatlata. BAILET MACK. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1086. Detectlvea. CAPT. HAZE, 617 Karbach. Red 2S32. .- OMAHA detective agency, 118 8. 1A D. 1166. Dreaaaaakla. IN FAMILIES Mlsa sturdy. Tel. Harney 12&S. . , o-l LADIES' tailor-made aulta; aummer gowns and ahlrtwaiat aulta. Special attention given to out-of-town cuatomera. 2U7 Old Boaton Store Bldg. i5 311 BU FlarUta. HESS aV BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. 6J 31.4 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 214 N. 16th St., warenouse iMt-w iiara oi. 16) 31 Maale aad Laagraasea. f pniViTH tuiorlna In aradea and high school work: reaaonable price. Addresa C 38, care Bee. (6) M771 Flaaaclal. TO LOAN-LOW RATE, In auma to suit. 310 Bea Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2904. Money LNlOIs LOAN COMPANT. (5)-3U WE WILL LOAN you money on your furniture or piano at a very low, reasonable rate. SEE US FIRST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 113 Board of Tade. 16lh St. Entrance. (5-S18 U HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (0) 315 iiatela. THE SCHLITZ, European, ltth and Harney. (5-317 tjatespatky. JOHN80N INS., 41 N. Y. I Tel. D. 1664. Dr. Katheryn Nikolas, 508 N. T. L. Bldg. t m Office S applies, - OFFICE FLRNITCRE We have a com plete line of office fixture, furniture, alationeiy, etc. Give ua a trial. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO. $13 S. 18th St. . Tela. Doug. 6&62. Ind. A-26SZ t6 M ai Sept. 18 Flatlaar. GOLD, allver, nickel plating. Omaha Plat ing Co., 1220 Harney, 'phone Douglas 2535 and Independent A-2536. (5-&3 PrlBttagr. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don't fail to aee our imported line. Lyng atad & Jorve. printer, 16th and Capitol Ave. (6)-&3 EXPONENTS of . good printing. Prompt and firfit clasa work guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO. 313 S. 18th St. Tela. Doug. 6562. Ind.A-2561 tn)-M665 Sept. It Racial Disease a. PILES NO PAT TILL CURED. Examination or booklet tree. DR. E. R. TERRY, Be Bldg., Omaha. (5)-Ma33 afea, Shatters, Bta. Omaha Safe and Iron Works, makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth St. , (6J-324 gkorthaad Repartee aaa Natary. F. J. Sutcliffe, deposition. $31 Bee. TeL Douglaa 1905. l6-37 fhaa Repalrla(. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-rilst-clasa work. 161SV4 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 984. (6-82 SHOES repaired right; called for and de livered free. Standard Sho Repair Co., 1804 Farnam Bt. Tel. Douglas 7567. ()-3 Uadertaker. WILLIS C. CROSBT, lleeneed embalmer and tuners! director. 1524 N. 24th St. TeL Webster 47. l6 737 83 Water niters. MISSOURI water Howard St. filters. Huber. 13U 16-M52 HELP WANTED FEMALE Ageata aaa Sales Ladle. TWO aalealadlea at one; good pay. eouaredeal Coffe Co., 4i Brandela. (D M836 LADIES make $100 monthly, a pa re time; only; pleasant occupation. Call 4X8 Bran dels. (7-303 SIX lady solicitors st once, profitable, pleasant work. Missouri Specialty Co., tri Karbach Blk. (7) M136 SSx SUIT salesladies; must have 3 years' ex perience; only those competent to earn $13 to $18 per week need apply; best of references required. Apply In suit de partment, II. Herpolshelmer Co.. 1-ncoln, Neb. (7) M129 27 Clerical aad Ofllr. I BOOKKEEPER and stenogrspher. whole sale. $60. Sienographer (Hmith Premier), IM to $66. Stenographer, fire insurance. $h0. We have several nthera. Call or write, CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 673-76-77 Brandela Bldg. (7-U7 Haaaekceatcra aaal DasasUa, DR. WERTZ. demist. tn rroor raxtua Blk. t7)-M74 WANTED Girl for general housework In a family of two adulta. good wagea. Ad freaa Mrs. E. W. l'r;t, Missouri Valley, la. (7) M756 38 ANYBODY wanting colored help, inquire of Rev. J. A. Binganian, 2.15 Grant Kt. Tel. Webster 9J0. . o--t W II GIRL fur general housework. li Farnam 8U . (7)-MJl ixri vv vuu vvui iv wuik, vv iicn .yuu piety play., When you rest rest. When you ad- v r art 4- i jrv i n r. T) V KZl LIOC, UoC ULJLJ VVdllL dU3. HELP WANTED FEMALE Haaekeeaere aa4 Doaacatlaa Ceat'a WANTED Experienced girt for general houseworki no washing. 11. nsrnry H. 7-82 2 WANTE.TV-Experlenced girl for general housework. 204 8. 49th St. Tel. Hanicy 14. (7)-113 M HELP WANTED MALE Aaeata aa4 Solicttora. SALESMAN wanted to rail on phyalclana. A very exceptional opportunity la of fered for Immediate work, alao one for outside rltv. State age and experience. Lock Box 121, Philadelphia. (9) M131 2x CIGAR anlesman wanted In your locality to-, repreaent us: experience unnecessary; 1110 per mo. and expenses. Write for particulars. Monro Cigar Co., Toledo, O. - ( M130 26x Clerical aa Office. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale. $14 per week. Stenographer (Remington), $70. Stenographer In bank. $8. Bookkeeper and typewriter. Implements, $85. Three office boys. 16 to 38. Wa have the OPENINGS. Call or write. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., ' 673-T&-77 Brandela Bldg. (9)-ll 26 FOR SEVEN" TEAKS buslneaa houses have found our appllcanta ao DESIR ABLE that they look to ua to FILL their vacancies. Call or write for vacanciea listed with lis WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN. INC., J iii-ii in . I. uig mug. 9)-120 25 DRUG clerk's position. Bldg. . Knleeu N. T. U (9-32l . Baya. TWO bright boya; ,cali, 4S3 Brandela. (Si-MS35 WANTED Office boy; neat, quick and good writer. Apply with reference. 430 Bee Bldg. tS)-985 25x Factory aaa Tradea. LEARN TELEGRAPHYf-Poaitloni quar- anteed; booklet tree.? uoyiea Louege. Omaha, Neb. Official trailing school U. y. h. k. t-330 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few week completea; 60 clialra constantly busv; licensed instructors, toola ylven, diplomas granted; wagea Saturdays; po aitiona waiting; wonderful demand ior graduates. Write for catalogue. Mole.' Barber College, 110 So. ltth St., Omaha. (9)-M763 27 x WANTED Good coatmaker, steady Job year around, good prices, releiences. , Scully & Neubauer, Waverlv. Ia ' (3)-M760 Tlx Jdlscellaaeoas. 1908 FALL TERM SEPT. 1 DAT AND NIGHT. Boyles Business College and SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY. The catalogues are ready. Address Boyles College. I8ln ana Harney bis., umana, ieo, Both 'phones. 9) 594 WANTED Train news agents. Apply 1114 W. Broadway, council' Blurts. t Fall term beginning Monday. September 7. 8 p. m. Evening classes. Personal in struction. Register Saturday afternoon or evening. OMAHA TECHNICAL SCHOOL, Room 3, Wead' Blk., 18th and Farnam Bta. t9)-M133 26x WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMT Able-bodied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35, citlsens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can spattk. read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. (9)-683 FREE employment dept. Business Men's Ass'n; no fees. Call 625 N. Y. Life Bldg. 9 281 WANTED Toung men, 18 to 36. for firemen and brakemen; $S0 to $130 per month; rapid fromotlon to engineer and conductor at 150 to $200. For particulars address Na tional Railway Training Aaa'n, 931 Central Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. (9-M629 31x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Heraee aa Vehicle. WAGONS, carriages, buggies and haxnaas cheap to make room. Johnson-Danforth Co., southwest corner 10th and Jones Sts. OD-249 8eptll tOR BALE CHEAP One depot wagon, with rubber-tired wheela, pole and ahafta. Nebraska Molina Plow Co., 908 Leaven worth St. OD 623 ALL rubber tire surreys and buggies at cost Omaha Buggy Co., 1116-17 Far nam, Doug. 3066. A-206. (ID M867 ' BOY'S pony cart, 116. Road wagon, rub ber tires. $30. 1410 Jackson. (U)- Sert8 LOST AND FOUND LOST Sunday morning ladiea' brooch star set with pearls, diamond In center, be tween 17th snd Cum In ga St. and Holy Family church; reward for return to chief of police office. (12) 111 26 MEDICAL ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Horn for Women at 3824 N. 24lh St., Omaha. Neb (13)-M6 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crclghton Medical college, ltth and Dav enport Bta.; apeclal attention paid to con finement caaea; all treatment supervised by college professors, 'pnon Douglaa 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-12s BEST nerv brae fir men. "Gray's Nerv Food Pills," $1 a box. poatpald. Sherman 4c McConnell Drug wo., Omaha. (13) 335 MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. r. O. NIELBON CO., LOANS. 701 N. T. Llf Bldg. 'Phon Doug. 2201 U4)-3 FOR VACATION MONET go to the old reliable loan head quarter, where you will get a fair, aquar deal and avoid publicity. You get a low, reasonable rat and pay for only the tlm you have the money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trad. 16th fit. Entrance. (14)-337 OFFERED FOR RENT Bar4la aat Raaaas. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 16J5. Schjnoller 4t Mueller Piano Co., 13U-13U Farnam. x U6)-337 LARGE southeast front room; also singl room; references required. 114 8. 19tn 8u (15) 340 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (Is) 341 ROOMS furnished new and elegant burl for two men. Tel. Doug. 47(I. 213 N. 24th St. (15 MMW 31 x ROOMS with board. 2411 Capitol An. (15) M8MS Sept2lx DEWEY European Hotel. 13ih and Farnam. t (16J 34i DF8IRABLE furnished room, with board. 13 8. 25th Av. ilii-lM Jo i i. T4i T-T" ' r 4- - " OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlaajr aa4 Rantna Coatlnved TWO strletlv modern rooma, 'with board, In private family. 'Phone Red 3400. 60 8. Wh Ave. U&) M671 NICELT furnished rooms, with or with out noard; good location; close in, u 8. 19th. (15) M962 10 x DERTRARLE rooms; best cook in town. zn ts. z&tn Bt. 'Phone Douglas ira. (15) M946 29x FIRST C"IASS rooms and board, also meals; fine home cooking; 2214 Pnoglas. (16) M953 2x LARGE front room for two, with board. 14.60; others at $4 and $4 50. 608 N. Bt. (16) 106 Six raralsh4 naaats. NEATLT furnished rooms; hous new; bath, with furnace and gas connection. Sit N. 19th St. (15) MJ43 28x NICELT furnished room, suitable for 3 or 3 young men, house new and strictly mod ern. 316 N. 19th St. (16) M784 NURSES' horns, flat 4, Davldg block. TWO nicely furnished ftc-nt rooms, com plete for light housekeeping: all modern. 2019 Webster St., $16 per mcnth. (15) M139 lx 2409 HARNEY, nicely furnished front room. (151192 25X FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in All parts of tha city. If you are looking for rooms do not fail to get our Hat. Coat you nothing. P. O. IVIELSON CO., RENTAL A GTS., 703 K. Y. Lifn Bldg., 'Phon Doug. 2 AH. US)-M7S7 NICELT furnished room, private family; walking distance; one or two gentlemen. 2404 Capitol Ave. (16) M929 29x NICE clean front rooms, neatly furnished; reasonable. 1810 St, Mary'a Ave. (16)-M890 SeptS KA8T ROOM, strictly modern, electric light snd telephone; suitable for a gentleman, Tel. Douglaa 3837. 217 8. 25th St. (16)-M6a0x LARGE front room; modern; private fam ily; aelcct neighborhood. 131 N. 31st Ave. (16)-343 ROOM8 for gentlemen, by day. week or month. The Chatham, 110 8. 13th St. . (15)-M833 DESIRABLE rooma reasonable. 218 N. 19th, 16) M719 Six ROOM, modern. In private family, suitable - for one or two gentlemen ; breakfast if preferred. J01 8. Central Boul. Tel 1713. (161-M719 27 Apartmeats aa4 Flata. 5- R. FLAT. Qu'.vet, 1C09 Farnam. $- r. flat, Scargo, 51 6, N. 24th. 8. O. HALL, 817 Flrst-sNational Bank. Red 7406. (loJ-349 3 HEATED modern St. Louis flats, 2821-2823 No. 20th St. Boulevard. J. N. Marsh. 44u tjoara ot Trad Bldg. 'hone Web. 1119. (lo)-M618 8-ROOM flat, modern, opposite Hanscorn Park. $33. 'Phon So. 1. 16)-Ml&3 WORRYING about the winter coal ques tion, and the care ot that furnace? Solve tills problem now by renting one of those elegant steam heated apartments at aid and Farnam Sts.; 5 ' rooms beautifully finished; Janitor servire. Think this over NOW, William K, Jhotter, 301 Brown Blk. ' 1' (15)-M89 i i , tit i HIGH GRADE APARTMENTS. Hardwood finish, ( large rooms, plenty ugnt and air; r.w done up: complete, mod ern; steam heat, hot '. water, gas range. ahades; rent much less than any house or flat of equal quality; aummer rata $26, $28 and 330 lor permanent homes; must see to appreciate quality. References required. BjbMia, paxton Blk. (15)-MS70 29 ROOMS, flat 4, Davldga Blk. Tel. Doug. 8147. (16)-9S6 30x . CAROLINA APARTMENTS. 609-611 8. 22d St., north of St. Mary's Ave., S and 7 rooms, oak finish, new and atrictly moacm, xdu ana w. GARVIN BROS., I'i04 Farnam St. (15)-115 Uafaralehe4 Room a. 2218 CHICAGO, modern. S or 8 rooma. un - furnished, for light housekeeping. 'Phon Red-6518. (16) M728 27 FOUR, good location, $12.50. Tel. Harney 426S. (10) 114 31 Haaeckaealaa; Rooma. - SUITE of nicely furnished rooms; modern conveniences. ZU26 California. U5)-M6S9 26x Faralahea Hoaaea. ELEGANT front, double bedroom In re. fined private family; close in. Address P. O. Box 7. city. 06) M124 28x Haas aaal cattagea. MAGGARD VAN & STORAGE CO. Tel. D 141). We guarantee movirg pianoa. II. H. goods. (15)-364 FOR RENT 8-room modern, east front, L. . ln..)Un in lha 1 1 w t mnnlh A A- dress R. S. Hyde. 417 N. 25th 8L 'Phone alter p. m. uuuiiii jui. iio; so FOR RENT 8-room, modern house. blocks from South 24th St. car; desirable neighborhood; 130. 'Phon Hed-6100. (li)-M7;2 28 -ROOM modern house, new, 2703 California St. Tel. Douglas 36. Oil toi HOUSEHOLD goods, pacKd. forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 391 (U sou HOUSES, Hats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (16 351 FOR RENT room cottage at 2503 8. 3cth Av., $12. G. B. Txachuck. 1703 Farnam 2622 REES ST.. 6 rooma. $11 4174 Cass, 6 rooms, modern but heat, $20. BEM1S. PAXTON BLOCK. H5)-M2bs OMAHA Van and Storage Co.. Pack, move, store H. 11. goods. Storehouse, 1130-34 N. 19th, office, 16u9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (15) 34 8-ROOM modern, excent heat, 2412 Spald ing, $3000 and water rent; 7-room aecond floor. i:4 N. Sttn Bt., modern extent heat. 8l6.nO; 4-room house and barn. 4fl William St.. In rear, $14: 6 rooms, modern, except heat, 43o9 Seward St.. $3: 8 rooma, all modern, 330 and water rent. Decatur St.. near wth. Chria Hoyer 22d and Cuming Hte. tli) 412 FOR RFNT Brick house, 2616 Dewey Ave., after Sept. 1; aven rooma. niodei.i. Moyer Stationery Co, 1616 Farnam Pt. (16)-M9U SIX-ROOM all modern, except furnace. Small family. 2638 Davenport St. (151-M464 SIX-ROOM cottage. 2tV Franklin St. (15) M901 MODERN 7-room houae near Park. 15u9 8. 28lh. (16) M930 tinTTQPS In all parte of th city UUUiSLO crelgh Bona A Co.. Bee fcldg (li)-1d5 FOR RENT Six-room houae. modern ex cept heal. 716 Hickory St. Inquire 307 8. 17th St (1S)-M892 DJt M EKT7k dentist 6ih floor Paxton BU. (15)-M75i HOUSES. Insurance, fUngwalt, Barker Blk, tl)-$o .i t - OFFERED FOR RENT Hoase aa4 Co-ttagea Caatlaa). FOR RENT U-room modern house, 2611 Pierce BC one block from 34lh St. ar line. Inquire on premlaca or at hou.e. laui . 2otn Ave. tie) MOa HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. U Bldg. (1)- -366 LIST your vacant bouaea with Walter crwii wmpany, ri. a. iu iiag. (15)-47 FOR RENT 7-room, modern house, near Hanscorn park, $24. 'Phon Harney Ihtii. (15J-196 3967 PACAFIC ST. I loom, modern, oak iinisn 4U a. U. fclllck, 603 UN Bldg. tl6) 19 CLOSE IN. Choice 13-room modern house, fin board ing or rooming apartment, 1128 Sherman Ave., $fio. RUSSELL A M KITRICK CO.. 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Hsrney. (15) 122 26 FOR RENT A 6-room and bath onttage. 40tn and Orsnd Ave., $18 60. New and modern except heat. On car line. Owner cares for water. Inquire 1011 N. 33d St. (16 909 26 x 10 ROOMS, modern; walking distance; only ; concessions made on year s lease. Tel. B-23A0. (15) 110 29x Halls. FRATERNITY HALL-1814 Harney Bt, uiouna iionr auanorium tor dance, lod ges and entertainments. N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1714 Farnam St. (15) M554. OrBec. DESK ROOM for 'rent In an of fie located on we buay corner ot 24th and N St., South Omaha. Call at Bee office, 8. O. branch, 24th and N, new addresa. (UV-M577 TO LET Equal privileges of rooms, 601-603 uranaels. neat location in tne nuiiding, Inqulr at the room. (15) M263 DESKROOM. Ask F. D. Wead, 1S01 Farnam. , - (15)-M951 29 taraa. SECOND-nFLOOR FOR RENT OuUlde en- irance; aunama ior reiau Dusiness. mag ley Mds. Co., 1417 Douglas, near 15th and Douglas. (la) M521 DESIRABLE suite In Baldrlge Bid., front ing Farnam St. F. V. wead, 1801 Farnara St. (lo)-M950 29 SCARGO BLK.. 8. O.-New. 620 N. 24th. HALL. 317 First National Bank, Red 7401 (15) 458 Front office, Wead bldg., 18th and Farnam. (16)- FOR RENT Two-story brick barn. 198 Capitol Ave.; suitable for automobile garage: room for two machines. Tel. Webster 477. (15)-97t 26x Wareaaas. WAREHOUSE For Rent Space In building located In wnoiesaie aisiricr. witn iracaag at rear of building and electric elevator. Address W 225. Care Bee, 16)-173 WAREHOUSE. FRAME, Ironclad building, 80x50 ft., on track. Suitable for heavy merchandise. Inquire 411 Brown Blk. (IS) M907 2R OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. FOR SALK Furniture In T-room ' modern flat. Very desirable neighborhood. Give possession September 1. Addrees W 35, car of Bee. (16) 703 25x FURNITURE for sale. Dining table, etc., uaviuae Diug., iiau x. (J) M12S 2BX FOR SALE Furniture ; a bargain. Call a 2519 St Mary'a Ave. (16) 109 30 Plaaos, Orgraaa, Maalcal laatranseata. $600 PIANO; Prescott Mahogany Upright cuu. j juiiiv,, ov o. Aim Ave. (1 253 A26X Typwrltere aaal gewlag Macklaea. TYPEWRITER Cheap for Cash. We have a Remington machine. No. 146.560, which we would like to aell. It has been used a short tlm and Is in god condi tion. Ask to see this at Th But office, lith and Farnam Sts. (16) Mill SMITH PREMIER Typewriter, in good con dition: a bargain. Kerr Abstract Co., 305 8. 17th Bt. (16) M136 2tix TYPEWRITERS aold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Far nam. tl6 MJ7 A2 TYPEWRITER BARGAINS Any mak all price. Slightly used and rebuilt ma t hlnea, good aa new, at a aavlng of 30 to 80 per cent of manufacturers' prices. Full guarantee. Machines rented; rem applied' sold on easy monthly payments. Sent anywhere on approval without a deposit Write today for large bargain Hat. B F. Swanaon Co., 215 6th St., Dea Moines, la. (16) M577 Septl6 FOX TYPEWRITER, No. U7420; only used short time and In A No. 1 condition; for rale at very reaaonable price. Call for Wright at Be office, 17th and Farnam. UO-aU Mortgage. MORTGAGES. W offer for sale the following well se cured mortgages st the rates named below: First mortgage. $500, 7 per cent, on house in county seat town, close to Omaha, rental $ vearly. First mortgage, $3,000, 64 per cent annual interest. On l'O-acre farm within 16 miles of Omaha. ' First mortgage. $3,000. 7 per cent Interest. On brick business Mock in Plattsmouth, Neb. Rental 3S76 yearly. Second mortgage, $1,500, 8 per cent semi annual Interest, on 720 acres of land. This is well secured the first mortgage being for l'i.'''. and the land Is well worth $!0,0U to 31I.OU0. MILLS COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. Glenwood, la. (16I-M125 1 atlseallaaaasn. SEND us your mall orders for drugs;' freight paid on HI lota. Myers-Dllioo Drug Co., Omaha, (U 3i BOMB flrat claaa laundry machinery for aale cheap. U. F. Lillle, Teka'mah. Neb. s tlW 64 FOR SA !,E One repeating Marlln rifle, cheap if aold at once. 3221 Harney riu (16) 112. SHERIFF'S aale of unclaimed houaehold gooda. Omaha Van A Storage Co., 1126 N. 19th St, Auguat 35 and 26. tl 194 36 DRUG9 at cut prtcea; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. 8herman At McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. 71 U6)-l FOR SALE Several handsome marbl man tels, together with grates and tiling; these ar lu perfect condition; will sell at very small price. R. W. Baker, Room lui Be Bldg. lb)-M124 BEAUTIFUL, heavy Frenrti droop ostrich plumes, 2 Inches long, $3.25. coat $7.50 1n any store; 17-inch plumes, $2.26, worth $5. Addresa Importera, 1314 Harney St., or 'phone Doug. 22M and our agent will call and ahow them. Experienced agent wanted. U6j-J&9 ICE. ICE. MINNF.SOTA ICE In car lota. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluff, la. (16-M$ri FOR BALK Vacuum and oompreee air houae cleaner. Hrand new. Cheap fur cash. Boa Hi. Muskogee, Okl. (14)-M99l 30 n Mlcllaaaaeaatlaa4. 8HERW IN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed paint. Bhsrman V McConnell Drug to. " (16) 363 FOR BALE New and second-hsnd billiard and pool tables. W lead tne worio. in cneap bar fixtures; easy payments-Brunawlck-Balk Collender, t07 S. 10th Su , (16)-it A LOT of ston for coping, window and . . . . , m .1 ft., I.!. I ooor sins; also lnry t,-i-e,j i-m. n, sal. Apply R. W. Baker. Bupt. Re Bldg. tl-!l NEW parlor aet, carpets, combination china cabinet, new arereer, wun wssn stind. etc., for sal cheap. 1616 Msrtha Street (16) M9i8 Mn ninii LAiii.r.. We have a lat of wire cabie. suitable foe ngni wots, in aeii ai a iwinim. nyyij The Be Building Co.. 17th and Farnam. (16)-M23 HALL'S aafes, new, Shand. 1818 Farnam. . (16)-867 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman tt McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sis., Omaha. Neb. (10) -36b FOR 8ALE Eight fine dining room chairs, cheap, if sold at once. Address K 60. care Bee. (16-981 30 FOR SALE ("heap, If sold at once, fancy brass bed. box spring snd mattress. Ad dress E 60, care Bee. (16) 90 30 FOR 8 A LB Cheap, young Mexican parrot; good talker. 2234 N. 18th St. (161-107 I7x PATENTS D. a BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7117. (U)-36 PATENTED household article; state rights for sale; 400 per cent net proft. Write 925 Master St, Philadelphia. Pa. (1,)-M133 16x LARSON aY CO. Book free. 622 Bee Bldg. (17) an PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6o post age. R. S. at A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-33 Pacific Bldg., Washington. D. C. Estab lished 1869. (17)-370 PERSONAL Kf A r'W'T'IO treatment and bath, lltne, UJa.UlMXjXJ.Vy bmlth, US N. lath, 2d lloor. (18)-M7 PW1VATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mia. Dr. King. 1324 ti. 24tn. lai. weuvier (Wj Hi OMAHA Stammerer' In., Ramg Bldg. UW-J'4 THE SALVATION ARMY solicit castoff clothing; in fact, anything you du nut need. W collect, repair and aell at 131 N. 11 8t, for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phon Douglas 4136 and wagon will call. llSj 76 A HOME for women during confinement. We find home for babies where mulhera cannot car for them. Mother Lee, 4v3 Bancroft 8t. 'Phon Douglas 1921. (16 365 8YRINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (ll 3Ji MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, 620 8. 16th, Flat 1 'Phon Douglaa e4o. (18)-M8.- S&x DR. WERTZ, dentist, 6th floor Paxton Blk. (18)-M755 YOUNG WOMEN - coming to Omaha as stranaers ar Invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian association rooms. 1618 Farnam St, where they will D directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assiated. R. B. Benda, manager of tile Blomquist Maasage Institute. 2d floor paxton Uik. 'Phone Doualas 190. Swedish movement Fac and scalp treatment. Rheumatism and nervous diseases a specialty. (18) 314 SO REAL ESTATE RKAIi KSTATK DEALERS. PAYNE 1NV. CO., first floor N. Y. Llf. (19)-3i6 GEORGE Col 1601 Farnam. TeL Douglas 756. (19) 376 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. (19) 377 THORPE SON, 611 Paxton. Douglas 767. (19) 423 A28 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. SPECIAL A nice cottage home, 6 rooma, full lot, close to car. good location, near Kth and Sprague, only $1,600. Small amount down, balance $15 per month. Neat new B-room house, fust completed for occupancy, large east front lot, choice ami sightly; location near 36th and Fowler. A bargain at ll.Syi, $100 cash, $15 per month. SOUTH OMAHA SNAP Three good 4-room rottages. large lot with additional build ing space, well situated, near 8oth and R. Rental income $18. Price, $1,400. Good 4-room cottage, city water. Lot 25x130. near 29th and Grant, only $960, $75 cash, $10 per month. A very desirable cottage of ( rooms, requires some repairs, full lot snd valuable location, near 27th and Burdettc, only $V,9fO. Small amount cash, balance $15 per month. Russell & AlcKitriek Co., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. (131-123 26 $1,450 $200 Cash 64 acres native graaa land, gently rolling, 1 mile west of Benson, In Keystone Park; for fruit ralaing, truck gardening or chicken raiaing. Ideal. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N T. 1.. Bldg. Telephones, Doug. 1781. "A" 11W. (19)-121 28 Brick Flats ' MUST SELL $9,750 Double brick, new. close in. oak finish, rent. $1,200 a year and tenants pay water tax. Where else can you get su niurh for your money? If you want an investment sea us about this at once. Don't have lo have all cash. . C. K. (1LOVEIJ & SON', 6M-2-S N. Y. Life. (I0I-M138 27 LOTS $20 EACH. Sise 25x120, south fronla. mile south of Forest Lawn cemetery: $5 down, balamn (ic per week. Good title, warranty det d. Muat aell at once. . 8ELBY. 46 Board of Trade Bldv. (191-118 25 $16,000 Will tuy brlrk buaineaa property rented for $2,400 a year. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room I. New fork Llf Bldg. (19)-4 LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 221 and Cuming Sts. (19) 611 REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 185fi. I'rompt service. Get our prices. lilO Farnam riu tli-2S5 REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 156. prompt service. Get our prices. i;ij Farn:tm St. (19i-2u 8EE Vf Spencer, new, dandy 6-room mod ern cottage, then 'phon owner, Weh. lmss (!) UbW A-31 , ,.. . J. , ' A B 1 , balance monthly: n. w house. 3 rma, fin ished. 3 more not pissieren. '"i""," , ... .tee electric light, east front. 17th' Pt. near Mnnron. 43 Board oV Trade FOR SALE OR RKNT-Rrlck rs!denr: 21 rooms; extensive grounns, . .... dlatance; suitable for residence, hospital or club houae. C. H. Brown. 407 .Brown Bldg. Ot)-74 $37,000 Ruvs lOWNTOWN business blork. S-story brick, corner lot 66x112. renting for $4.M a a kAui h.if nth renulred. bal ance & per cent Oct full particulars of 001-2-3 N. T. Life. (191-M1S7 2T FOR SALE At a bargain, corner lot and 6-room cottage on boulevard, cloe to th new Crelghton addition; excellent loca tion for drug or grooory store m (i m97 yx REAL ESTATE . . t FARM AND llAACll LA.ND FOR 8 ALU Celorali. GOOD FARMING LAND Nysr Denver. Greeley district; wells 25 to 40 feet; abun dance of moisture; general farming. In cluding corn raising; on crop pays for ' '"NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., 5S3 Brandeis Bldg. Omaha. Nab, (20)-g4 ' Nebraska. HIGHCLASS ' Ten acres on West Dodge, adjoining A. Ho-pe'a famoua country home, Papplo View. Four thousand selected grape Vines In high state of cultivation, now heavily loaded with fruit; about 200 trees, apples, cherries, plums, peaches many bushels of peaches every year. The view Is unsur passed from an ideal building site on the west portion of tract. This property Is. growing in value and the Jiric asked very reasonable. C. 8. 8HEPARD, 2004 WIRT ST. (20)-108 26X HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Buy a farm In Beadle county. South Dakota, Wheat is yielding 16 to 26 buahela per acre, oats 36 to 50, barley 25 to 40. corn prospects of 30 to 60, and good farms at only $26 to 55o per acre. For particulars call on D. E. McMonies. Huron, 8. D. Office over James Valley bank. (J0)-MS76 GARDEN OR TRUCK FARM. Six, lo or 20 acres, Starr's Place, south west of city, 61st St., south of Grover; Joins new Lane Cut-Off, $200 -per acre; terms to suit J. A. Starr, 1310 S. 31st St. (30)-M89 30x Oklahoma. FOR SALE Cheap, if taken at once, lot acre farm In Oklahoma; cash talks with tne; If wanting a home write me at onca. Box b03. Ottumwa. la. (20) MUt 2x goat Dalteta. " . Thla Is to certify thst I had 50 acres oi corn on my place 111 Hughes county, 8 13. , that went 75 bushels per acre. Petei Carlson. See us about this land and joia our excurainn up there next month. OTIS LAND CO., 402 Brandels Bldg. (20) M295 Sept. J3 Wyoming. PUBLIC LAND OPENING 110,000 acres of rich Irrigated land, In the Eden Valley of southern Wyoming, per petual water rights furnished settler under Carey act of congress. The great est opportunity ever oftcred citizens of the United States, by the fderal government and state of Wyoming, tu own a rich ir rigated farm. Cheap rate (xeurslone. For full particulars write or see the Globe Land and Investment Co., 312 8. VSth St., Omaha. Neb. (30)-M915 ailaeellaaaoas. TIMBER AND TIMBER LANDS ar bet. ter Investments at this tlm thsn most others. We want to tell you about thsm. large or small Investors will b Interested. Writ us for particulars. Th International Timber Co., Minneapolis, Minn. (20) M531 A31 NEBRASKA-COLORADO LANDS. 100.000 acre-) of western Nebraska and eastern Colorado improved and unimproved lands at $5 tj 115 per acre. Any six tract Fine crop. Write or come and see us. Glob Lsnd and Investment Co.. 312 S. 18lo St.. Omaha. (20) M814 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keefe R. E. Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22)-357 FIVE PER CENT . '" Money to loan on Omaha business property. THOMAS BKENNAN. Room 1. New Yotk Life Bldg. i, lii V -89 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Fa IDam Smith ttc Co., 183o Farnam St. , (22) 39 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (32- LOWEST RATES Bet la, Paxton Blk.. (.22) iai MONEY TO BUILD. $500 to $200,000 at current rate. W. H. THOMAS. 603 Flist at bank Bldg. (22) 857 PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO., N. T. Llf. Private money, $600 to $6,000. Low rate. (22)-392 MONEY TO LOAN Payn Investment Co. (32)-397 $100 TO $10,000 mad promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. (22)-894 PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAT. GARVIN BnoS.,.16tM FARNAM. (2?)-ns REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy cottage, partly modern, from owner for cash; must be bargain, A 88, Bee. (23) M993 I7x WANTED TO Rt'Y-40 or 60 feet on Harney 81., between 20th and 24th St. Make offer, 220 8. 17th St. ta) 106 36 WANTEDTO BUY HIGHEST pricea for 2-hand furniture, ear pels, clothes snd shoe. Tel. Douglas 397L (25)-M RIGHT price paid for M-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Rd 5401. (X 6W WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished house for one yesr; inoilern; close in or on car line: three adults; references. Address G-C2 care Bee. 2ti)-M126 2x WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position as buyer or clerk In tln shoe business; 15 years' experience; est of reference. Address P. P. Wil liams. Clarion, la. (27) MWi 26x PARTIKH desiring young men to work for hoard while going to school this winter fliould apply to Hoyles college st one. Tlm fall term begii.a next week. Both 'phones (37)-9S4 30 STOVE REPAIRS CTOYE. FURNACE. STEAM and hot water both r repalir; water fronts. OMAHA HTOVK REPAIR WORKS, 1206-8 Douglaa St Telephone Ball Dougia 160. M-679 OCEAN STEAMERS CANADIAN PACIFIC BKPmKBS LtsTE OF TIB ATLAJfTTO Low rales; fast time; earellent servloa. Ask any ticket sgent for part Irniar or writ. O. B. BSstJAatUI, gll'L. AOT. $31 So, Clark w CJag, Xll r ; 1! 1 ' i i V. f f ) 1