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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1908)
TITT ,.MATU DAT1A ttF.E: SATURDAY. ATTOI'ST 8. IOCS, I' r ,r i HAYDEHs I THE RELIABLE STORE All mail orders filled except In case of hour sales Muslin Underwear jh. Specials Ladies' Skirts, worth to $3.00; splendid as sortment, at 98c and S1.50 Dorset Covers and Drawers that sold to $1.00; choice...-,..'... 25c Gowns, worth regularly to $2.00, including ; the por-'fjar; Merry Widow style; on sale at, each 5UC, 75C ana yc r4li' 1A Itilon Suit $1.25 quality, all sizes; choice Saturday 75 Ladles' rotton t'nion Suit 'Worth to 75c; choice for -25 Gauze Vests Medium or extra large sizes, 15c values; Bpcrlal, three for 25 Children's Muslin Urawors All sizes, worth double at nr,c, lc, 12 He and 10 Lafllr Imng Hilk Gloves Values to $2.00; black and white, the new leather shades and tans; snap Sat urday at, ralr 65tf BUY THE BEST WASH LACES AMERICAN AND HON CITY. Greatest Furnishing Goods Sale Ever Known in Omaha MEN'S SHIRTS Entire floor stock of the REGENT SHIRT CO.; regular values from $1.00 to $3.00. . . . . , 69c All classes of Men's Furnishings at Half and Less Regular Prices. , The Regent Shirt Co., 742 Broad way, N. Y., sold us for cash their en tire floor stock of high grade men's dress and negligee shirts at a tremen dous bargain. 1,900 dozen Garments, all latest and best summer and fall !908 styles and patterns, finest madrases, percales, silks, mohairs, etc.; soft or pleated bosoms, collar bands or soft collars, the great majority of them $1.50 to $3.00 values, all will be placed on salo Saturday in one great lot at, choice, only G9c Men's Union Suits Regular $1.00 val ues; on sale at, choice 50c Men's Undershirts and Drawers, reg ular $1.00 values, at 50c HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Men's 75c and $1.00 Hose at 39c Men's 50c Hose at 25c Men's 25c Hose at lSVaC 25c 15c . 5c All 50c Underwear at All 25c Underwear at Men's 10c Hose at . . Several other lots of high class underwear at proportionately low prices Saturday. Come early. ' Men's Summer Furnishings at Half and Less. Men's Linen Collars Arrow brands, loose scarf and other well known makes, all sizes, best styles, 15c val ues, at i 5c Choicest Neckwear values ever shown in Omaha. Men's Silk Ties, all styles, colors and patterns, regular 5Qc to 75c values, at ...25c Silk Ties, in all styles,, that sold & j!9c; great assortment; choice . ..'.liJJc Men's Belts, worth regularly 50c to 75c, at, choice 25c Men's Belts, worth regularly to $1.00, on sale at 50c Men's Suspenders, best lisle webbing, calf skin straps, regular 50c and 75c values 25c and 39c Ma7 orders filled and satisfaction guaranteed Millinery , tfpiv Early Fall Hats Here Satin Hats -Silk Hats Felt Hats Over 400 beautiful models to select from; hats that will sell next month pt from $8.00 to $10.00; all richest new colorings and designs priced Saturday for ravl j sale; ; (V " choice New Fall Styles in Untrimmed Hats, greatly underpriccd at from $1.50 to $3.00 Candies Bargains Saturday Nut I-Hidge Vanilla or chocolate, pure and fresh; Saturday, lb IOC TuUi KrutU Caramels Something new, very fine, per lb 10 Pure Broken Mixed Candy Saturday at. lb 5 Refresh your.elf with a delicious Sundae or Soda the best everat our Fountain. Big Shoe Sale Saturday The entire floor stocks of the Hoag & shoes and oxfords and the Spencer Shoe shees,'ai a fraction of their values. Men'B Btorm calf tan or black, box calf, velouf calf, gun metal button or lace,, patent colt a11 Goodyear welted oak goles, worth up to $4; In this sale at $3.50 nd $1.98 Women's .' high rade Oxfords, in tatt .or black,' welt or turn soles, patent coHil 8U& metal or Russia, calfskins, worth up to 4; in this sale at . . .7. . $1.03 Boys', Youths' and . Little Gents' satin calf Shoes, worth up to f 1.75 ' solid IP rock in this sale at.. ,...fS1.19 and 080 Clearing out the Barefoot HandaU rurv's, women's and children's, willow anfc .Russia calf with welt soles, $1.60, SI. 25, $1.00 and 75c Wfliden factors- at Lvnn. Mass.. makers of ladies' fine Co., Boston, Mass., makers of mens', boys' and youths'; Men's Oxfords, in vici kid and gun metal, Goodyear and English welt soles, values up to $4.00 on salo at $2.50 and $1.75 Misses' and ChTlds' Tan Bluchers, with oose calf tops, worth $1.75 at .... Sl.OO We are the sole selling agents In Omaha for the Stetson and Crossett shoes for roe and the Queen Qual ity shoes for women. Fall Btyles are now in for your Inspection. We also sell Grover shoes and oxfords for Tender feet, and are the third largest customers on their books. Thirty styles to select from, and each one In a class by itself. For that "foot comfort" use the Grover shoes and get relief from those tired, aching feet. Furnishing Goods Snaps in the Domestic Room All odd lot .nd broken lines. Phenomenal bargains to close. Men's-ft. OOHhlrW at 30c Madras, percales, .. chambrays all good patterns, black nd white Btripes, figures, etc. at 390 Men's BOc Bhlrta AH sizes, good ' clean stock; choice Saturday 250' Men's. 23c Neckwear .Four-In-. honds, bows, Bhlelds, tecks; choice Saturday .... .' 100 Men's Underwear Porus Knit bal brlggan, lisle, etc., worth to $1.00 garment, at 35c, 25c and. . -150 Ladles' Gloves Made to sell at $1.00; choice 490 Indies' Corset Covers- and Drawers that sold to $1, at 39c and 250 9 Till 10 A. M. Corset Covers, and Drawers, regular 39c and 60c val ues 100 10 Till 11 A. M. Ladles' Gauze Vests, all sizes, tape and lace neck, 15c values, at 30 35c Ribbons, 12ic From the Receivers of the A. & M. Levy Ribbon Cp. We secured 100 cartons of extra heavy 6-inch All Silk Rib bons at 3.1 l-3c on the Dollar. Ah staple colors are included. The entire purchase regular 35c i and 40c values, will be placed on sale Saturday, at, yard. . . .i'2Hc 25c Ruchings, Yard, 12 He A clean up of ourAilg stock of fan cy ruchings Saturday at exactly half price. t - 50c Veilings, at, yard. 25c -A new line of fine quality tancy veilings, all colors ad styles, worth up to 60c yard, Saturday , 23c Veiling Remnants Worth from 20c to 35c, all at one price, Sat urday, each 5c Sr!icen! Summer Waists and Dresses Two big shipments just received from our buyer, now in New York, greatly increases the variety and bargain worth of our showings for Saturday. Greatest bargain surprises of the season here Saturday. Linen Jacket Suits, in colors and white, trimmed with heavy lace and appliques, or in tailored effects, suits worth to $15.00; Saturday.. $6.95 Dainty Lingerie Dresses, val ues to $7.50; white, pinks, blues and helios, trimmed with laces, insertions and tucks; greatest snap ever at, each $2.95 Wash Dresses, worth to $5.00; lawns and ginghams; in. all colors; great bargains, $1.98 Wash Jackets, worth to $4.00, in colors and white; choice Saturday .98c Silk Jumper Suits, big assort ment of colors and styles, val ues to $15.00; on sale Satur day; choice $5.95 Pretty Waists, that sold up to $1.50; sale price 49c "Women's $2.50 Lawn "Waists, all sizes and colors, at..95c $3.00 Jap Silk Waists Best bargains of the , season; - on sale at ....'$1.45 All our finest Lingerie and Linen Waists to close at Just Half. $15.00 and $18.00 Silk Braided Butterfly Jackets, colors and black, at $8.90 Silk Jackets that sold at $10.00, Saturday $5.00 Children's Wash Dresses Lawns, ginghams,! etc., $2.00 and $2.50 values, 75c, 98c Children's Dresses, in great as sortment and values to $1.50 at .. . . . . . ...v;.;,'.-rv49c $2.00 Lawn Wrappers:. k . 98c $1.50 Long Kimonos . . ,y .49c See the new Fall, Tailor Suit Styles Magnificent assort- ment of newest ideas on display now. $3.00 White Wash Skirts, made of fine Indian 'Head muslitf; on sale at .....,.;.v. 89c, $8.00 French Voile Skirts, trim-. med with folds and bands of i taffeta, at .$3.95 Special Clearance Trunks, Suit Cases and Grips all this week. liridal Leather Suit Cases, worth to $7.00, . mm an no at... S4.8S na Don't-fall' to 's them. Now's the time to buy-for.your vacation trip. , - ' ' AUi iTRAW HATS to. be cloeed ofttMhis week no exceptions. Fom SO per cen, to 75 per cent reductions from regular jwie. Read These Prices Useful Articles for the Laundry Th?. hardest housework of all is keeping"il clean. Let us help you. $1.98 Wringer and Tub Stands $1.29 $3.98 bicycle ball bearing Wringer for T. $2.98 No. 110 Grand Wringer, wooden frame, for $1.G9 Mrs. Potts' 5-piece sets Sad Irons 89c Large size .Western Washer, one day for $2.98 Large size Cotton Mop, worth 20c, 10c Best Braided Clothes Line in Omaha... lOO 35c Heavy Linen Mops, best made 10c Best Broom Made, one day Bale 250 25c Brooms. .12 0 Mop Sticks 5t 2-burner Gasoline Stoves, only 91.98 Extra heavy Galvanized Tubs, best quality . Small size. . , . .400 Medium size. . . .500 Large size 600 16-gallon Garbage Cans, only OSO 35c to 75c Sample Several big lines of ladies' Ladies' fancy embroidered and lace hose, 19c and 25c values; Saturday, per pair, at lOcand lVSc Hose 15c and 25c sample hose, secured from . New York . importers and ..wholesalers at our own -price; fine embroidered lisles, allover lace and boot lace patterns, plain gauze . lisles, etc; all colors and styles; many worth to 75c; Saturday in two big lots -at ,25c and 15c Ladies' Lisle Hose, worth regularly to $1.00; fancies, plain, embroidered or lace effects; very finest quali- . ties, pair 35c Three pairs for $1.00 Children's Hose, worth up to 25c, allover lace or plain ribben, in two lots, per pair, ' at a .... .10c and 12 c Saturday Drug Specials $1.00 Pompetan Massage Cream 650 75c Pompeian Massage Cream. . 400 60c Pompeian Massage Cream. . ...... .200 50c Hydrogen Peroxide -330 : 25c Hydrogen Peroxide -00 10c bottle Triple Strength Ammonia.. . ..5 1-pint bottle Witch Hazel .; 1-lb. pkg. 20 Mule Team Borax .) 26c bottle Wright's Silver Cream 120 25c pkg. Joss Sticks 100 Three large lots of Hair Brushes Ht 150 250 "d 500 First class quality. The price can't be beut. 25c Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder 170 50c Dr. Green's Tooth Powder 250 2 5c Sanltol Tooth Powder 170 60c Java Rice Powder (three shades).. 270 50c Pozzoni's (with metal box) 300 35c Tetlow's Perfect Face Powder 200 25c Mennen's Talcum 150 25c Colgate's Talcum .150 SATURDAY ONLY. . Requa's "Handy Manicure Sets" at 5 25c Bath Caps, Saturday 15 Saturday Specials Hammocks at Half One. lot of regu - lar $1.00 hammocks; on sale Saturday; to' close, at .V. 50c' 25 Discount on All Our Hammock Stock. We will close out our entire stock of ; hammocks at a flat discount of 25;-' buy Saturday while line is complete.1 $1.50 Copyright Books. 9g $1.00 Copyright Books 430 35c Fancy Stationery. 100 15n all Linen 'Handkerchiefs. , 740 15c Hair Brushes, each 7H0 1 15c Dressing Combs, each 7H0' 60c Hose Supporters, at 250 20c Pure Bristle' Tooth Brushes 00 50c Silk Elastic Belts..:..-... 250 $1.00 Silk Silk Elastic Belts.-. 4Q 50 yards Black Sewing Silk.. JJtO 10c Pearl Buttons, dozen -240 Another Big Crockery Sale 10-ip, German ire-proof Baking Dishes, white lined, worth 22c, on sale tomorrow, each -8Vc 39c imported s&ne Salt Boxes, hold 6 lbs., only I2V2C 50c,white lined Cuspadores, each 23c 60c Jardinieres, for this sale only, each 230 Oddhandle Cupsi each 30 Odd Saucers, eu;h Vii Water Glasses, each 1C Odds and ends of Creamers, Pin Trays, Pickle Dishes and Match bates, worth up to I5c each at, each 340 Big Bargains Saturday in the Mammoth Grocery Department Omaha's Greatest Market for Largest Stock, Frtshtti. Goods. Highest Quility and flic Lowest Prices The best Pure Cne Granulated Sugar at Iras than Jobber's Cost, for this sale. 10 bars beet brands Laundry Soap for 15o 10 pounds sacka best Cornmeal for ISO The beat Domestic Macaroni, pkg.. 80 2-pound cans Ktrlng, Wax or Green Beanit, per ran 7HJ S-pound cans Pumpkin, Hominy, or Baked Bean, per can 8'0 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can . . . -o Cocoanut Cookies, ner oonnd 7Ve Fig Newton Cookies, per pound 7Hc Crescent Mapellne, 2 ounce but tie.. Boo Peanut Butter, per Jar SVjO BroruHngiUon. Jellycon, or Jellq, pkg. 7io 1 dozen Fancy Nutmegs, for So 24 packages Parlor Mutchts. for....36o Quart bottle Welch's Urape Juice, for 39o Pint bottle Welch's tirape Juice, for BOo Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb....l6o 4 Quaker Oats Company Toasted Wheat per paxikae ......... o Fancy Pickles, asina kinds. Worcejrtar Saui. or pure Toxnatoe Catsup, per bottle BIS BTJTTU A3TO CKKZSX SATTTKSAT. Choice Country Butter, per lb.. Fancy Dairy Butler, per 1.... TRY 9S FBE23T Creamery 'Butter, per 84o Fancy Country pound Fancy Full Cream Colored CheeHe, pound Fancy Full Cream pound Rap Hugo Cheese, each.. . . . Neufchate) Cheese, each.. Fancy Domestic Hwlsa pound 19o Faucy Llmburger Cheese, per lb 16c OIUXA'I GREATEST TBEBH THOE TJlBXiB MAJIBTET. The best fancy Sweet Corn, per dos.BHo ''. large Cucumbers for oo i bunches of fresh Radishes So eHe, per ISO Brick Cheese, per , .150 Cheese, 8 bunches of fresh Onions So 2 large heads Celery . Bo 6 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce Bo ; 2 luree Hummer Hquaah Bo 2 large heads Cabbage Bo Fresh Parley, per bunch lo 8 green Peppers 6o ' Fancy Wax or Green Beans, per lb.. 6 I Fancy Home Grown Ripe Tomatoes, per ! pound Bo Fancy Cooking Apples, 8 pounds for. .880 ' Large Juicy Lemons, per docen 150 ' Fresh Peanuts, per quart bo, Large buskets fancy Plums, any kind, . for 861 Large bankets Fancy Peaches 5o Large Baskets Bartlett Pears 8S0 TWO SUITS OYER LAKE LAND 1 Other Nine Appeals from Appraise . jnenV. Can B Settled. SUCH IS BELIEF OF E. J. CORNISH Park Coauslaloe Thlaks Protests Were Blade Only to Swire Fl- . ailment of Tentative Pledes to l.nnd Owners. Of the eleven appeals takes to the di trtct court from the appraisement of land urruiindlns Cut-Oft lake and condemned for the pc't lvt Carter park, K. J. Cornish believes all but two can be settled sut of court. Mr. Cornish, as a member of the Board of Prk mml!lor.ers, took the Initiative -fte?. ka liad practically entire charge tf th sew park and has gone over the value wittf the property owners. The WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM is and has' been for 61 years tht most prompt and reliabls curs for Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera Infantum. As ths dases cftsn corns in the night, every hns. should b prspared to ceck thsm without delsy by having Wakefield's BiacIc berry Balsam on hand. It never fails. All druWikU tell it. Full sue bottle 55a two appeals which probably will have to be litigated are those taken by the Kountse heirs and the Thomas Davis Real Estate company. In the opinion of Mr. Cornish, many of the appeals havo been taken to guarantee per formance of promise made and he believes that when the agreements made by the board on behalf of the city have been car ried out and entered In the contracts the court cases will be withdrawn. Four ap peals come under this head. The Crelghton Real Rtate and Trust com pany, the East Omaha Land company, the Byron Reed company and George War ren Smith all own Ice houses on the lake. The park commissioners agreed to allow them the privilege of rutting Ice on the lake after the park has become an estab lished reality, and the land on which the Ice houses stand was not condemned. Upon the entering of this arrangement on the decree the park commissioner believes the four companies will withdraw their ap peals and stand by the appraisement set upon their holdings. Anderson Heirs Want Secnrltr. The appeal of the heirs of Tom Anderson. was taken to guarantee the purchase of the entire aeventy-elght-acre tract, held by them. The original plan of the park Included but twenty-four acres of the An derson holdings, but the owners wished to sell all or none. The board agreed to this, but Tom Anderson died before the entire tract had been appraised, the twenty-four acres only being included In the appraise ment. The heirs have agreed ' to accept for the entire tract and their appeal will be withdrawn ipon the completion of the deed for the seventy-eight acres. Mr. Cornish thinks the appeals taken by the St. James orphanage and by-the Bar ker company were done In error. Bishop Scannell tulJ Joseph RedmaiA one ot the original appraisers, that he would give the twenty-acre tract for the park. The board, however, declined to accept a gift from one charitable organization to another char itable organization, and wrote the bishop that $10(1 an acre would be allowed for the land. The bishop was asked to advise the board if this waa not satisfactory and not having heard from him, Mr. Cornish be lieves that tho appeal was taken without the knowledge of the bishop, and while he was out of the city. This Is the cane with the barker company. When the ap praisement was made, George Barker of fered no objection to the price set, ac knowledging that the proposed park had enabled him to realise t0 more an acre or; other holdings In the vicinity. While George Barker waa out of the city his nephew, Joseph Barker, perfected the appeal merely as a safeguard In the event that everything should not prove satisfactory. Two Anneals are Taken. Thomas Plummer et al and John Colberg have taken appeals, but Mr. Cornish is confident that these will be withdrawn If the board will give them their cottages built on the land if they will remove them. The appeal taken by the ' Union Pacific Railroad company will also probably be settled out of court. The toO.aiO given by Mrs. Ballna C. Carter for the new park will be In the hands of the city treasurer by Tuesday of next week and if the council that evening passes an ordinance providing , for the drawing of warrants on the fund payment can then be tendered. ; The first work on the new .park will be the preparation ot a topographical survey of the land and the preparation of com plete plans for the park as It will be eight or ten years hence, the plans to be followed Step by step each year. If possible the board will construct a roadway around the lake this year so that people can drive through the park and see what progress is being made from time to time. This road way will be a continuation of Ames avenue. After the roadway Is built the next work will be the construction of free public bath houses at the southern end of the west point of the horseshoe near Locust strett. Injured In Fire or bruised by a fall, apply Burklen's Ar nica Salve. Cures burns, wounds, sores. ecit-ma, piles. ' Guaranteed. 25c. Beaton Drug Co. Looks Bad. Many an article you have which needs repairing and rcplitlug. Kemper, Hemphill & Buckingham. Owners Omaha Silver company. Inc. 314 S. 13th 8t. All kinds plating. RALSTON LETS ONE CONTRACT Fred Petrraoa Will Brain Exravsllag ' for Shops of Company with Cap ital of "Within ten days or two weeks the Ral ston Car 8liop company will be incorpo rated in Omaha for HOO.OOrt. I have today let tho contract to Fred Peterson for the excavating for the shops at Kalelnn f"r about 17,000." This was the statement authorized by C. A, Ralston of Chicago conte,rnln the car building and repairing plant whk'; proposes to erect, at Ralston, . just, outride of the city limits of Omaha, the, coming winter. . . ; . Mr. Ralston spent three days In Omaha and went over the ground, opening the bids for excavation work and Utilng the contract, lie said the only reason that articles of Incorporation were not filed while he was In the city was that several local people will be Interested In the shops and It has not yet been determined Just who they will be. The Ralston A LeBaron company, of which Mr. Ralston is a member, is now building shops in New Orleans. The Omaha shops are to be built simultaneous with the New Orleans plant, and while other mem bers of the firm devote their time to the work there, Mr. Ralston says he will care for the business of -the company In Chi cago and will have personal charge of the Omaha shops. "Railroad business hss so Increased that we are Justified In making the expenditure at thla time for the Omaha shops," he said. Dr. Ros, Dentist. 410 Sarker Block. Mother Stewart Dead. SPRINGFIELD, O.. Aug. 7.-Mrs. Eliza beth M. Stewart, the noted temperance ad vocate and known all over the country as ''Mother Stewart." died at her home In Iltcksvllle last night, ged 92 years. . She devoted her life to the temperance eauiie. Mrs. Stewart organized the first Women's Christian Temperance union In England In 1876. 7M o)fS) nn m There is no need of anyone suffering long with this disease, for to effect a quick cure it is only necessary to take a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In fact, in most cases (5he dose is sufficient It never fails and can be relied upon inthe most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally valuable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met with greater success. Price 25 cents. Largo size 60 conto. j