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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1908)
TITE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, AUGUST . 1fOS. IT I 1 retktn 'raa M fe.ta. Bilk Drtti and Wool oia. Wort m? to 1, t 99.00. 1 BE OH HAM SATTHDAY AM) YOU'LL GF.T. l ire IUOOEST HAItGAIX rs an nvro- DATE 811T nCIIAT EVE II CAME YOUR 'WAY. BATIK DAY 8ALF.S Men's $15, Stft and !M Salt- for f 7.AO. Any Man' 8hlrt In the Hoouc for 91.13. Mr-iTs Outing Shirts, worth up to 2.30, mt 75c. r'.M fblrtwaiat Bolta ana !( M.98. 5 J C5,i W lilrwlBl lull. - - i old if to H BIG SPECIAL PURCHASE sa SALE si's Sample fe.M (Gresitefl Sale fl Hem's OUR NEW YORK BUYER SECURED AT A BIG SACRIFICE ALL TOE SAMPLES AND SURPLUS STOCK OF A PROMINENT EASTERN MANUFACTURER. Ever eld in Omaha Af-" 'iiin.i.i ' !Ji.L,y i m i .! in in in '" . mt M,IMIM 11 IH hmhiiii r i .lOfrilUMfrilf?' . C I 1 I I III I ' 1 1 x r.,., '. .5: 1 ' W M m t $10 and $12.50 SKIRTS at S4.98 in v u tt NAVY BLUE SERGES -- FANCY WORSTEDS, BROWNS GREYS ALL SIZES. 34 to 44 :ii km: hilt!.-? 'ill. i is r tl it Li ' .in f J - 4 it it- ! ' . it , Li i iflih !.?.' '.ii i' n t J.7 M I If ii ' nil i n--'---''7vW 3 - L:rh U- Ynlt ' knri i Mil i 1 -. : I I I fir,.: n w 11 I 1 . j ' ' D' W I s i.i r BP '1 Vv 1.1 4 1 i . . . 1200 MES FINE SUITS Made to Sell al $15. $18. $25 will be placed on sale at a price lower than was ever before possible. The makers of these clothes in New York City were forced into the hands of a" receiver. Because of this unexpected event you can take your choice of these suits at ' i i t si 1 THESE SUITS ARE VALUES The Rarest Good Luck for Both of Us and you'll get more than your shale if you'Jl pick out your suit now. Slip it on 'Saturday and 'you tan wear -it rights along into th'fall and -u inter' until you get tired of it. " , y.Hl '. Every Suit is High Quality Single Breasted Navy Blue Serges, ; ,' Fancy Worsted Mixtures Browns and Greys, Plain and Fancy Patterns. Stouts, Slims, Regulars All Sizes. . . A SALE FAR FROM ORDINARY We are putting this clothing on sale at less than the cost of the cloth. The cheapest suits in the stock are actually worth Ai er a f a i n :jio.uu, most 01 mem !ii.o.uu to $25.00; all are well tail- U . ored and made in very new est styles; on sale SATUR DAY at ANY MAN'S SUIT in this entire purchase; jjjj Worth up to $12.50 All sizes and hundreds of new patterns and up- to-date styles, at $15 and $17.50 SKIRTS at $6.9 Many of the newest fall style features, in cluding stunning coat skirts, black and col ored taffeta tailored skirts, Hajah and cloth of gold, broadcloths, French serges, chiffon Panamas, Altman voiles blacks, blues, browns, etc. the finest, most perfectly tailored skirts. Skirts Worth Up to $17.50 16) Charming new skirts of voiles, chiffon Pan amas, Sicilians, etc., in black, blue, brown and white; many., new style features, including coat skirts, buttoning all the way down the front gored and flared skirts stitched and strapped effects, inlaid box plaits, etc. Skirls Worth Up to $12.50 oaonoaononoa ononwoaoDcnoaononoaononoaonoaonoaooo WHITE and COLORED WASH SKIRTS at 69c. Werth up to $2 White wash skirts, well made of good quality Indian Head muslins, also 7 t colored skirts of ringed and dotted colored duck, etc. all the " prettiest f L M J ana smartest new style leatures positively wortn up to two dollars, 1 If I Tf kjevtui uav at .... ONE DAY ONLY fci ----- -------- - WLJUMIVlMtli 11 sS Yoar Un restricted Choice .... ONE DAY ONLY Any Women's Low Shoes LT $24J This great one day offer includes every pair of women's low shoes in our stock nothing reserved.- . Bench made Oxfords, in dull or patent leather, tan Russia calf and brown Suedes colonial pumps, etcthe most extraordi-.. nary bargain in women's shoes ever offered in Omaha, worth up to six dollars; on sale Saturday only at , , , . 800 Pairs Women's Low Shoes Black or tan two and three eyelet ribbon ties; patent leathers, etc.; $39 worth up to $2.50 a pair, at, pair I 25 Discount on ail i our Miwei' and children'. Discount on all boys' and yonthV low liOw Shoes tans and blacks, barefoot sandals, . - , ' Etc., Etc. shoes, in tans and blacks Unrestricted choice of any men's Unrestricted choice all men's 3.50 Odds and ends of men's low shoes, $5 Florshelm shoes, at. .$3.45 'ow shoes, tan or black $2.85 worth up to $4.00, pair, $1.85 z&r n ill pi Special Sale $10 MILLINERY, $2.50 Our New York buyer sent us several hundred very stunning hats, trimmed in tins most up to date style genuine $10.00 hats also all our women's midsummer hats that have been selling up to $10.00; Saturday in one great bargain group, second floor your choice . . , Big Clearing Sale Art Needlework Every Item here is an extra special for Saturday only. Handsome sateen Pillow Tops and fine tapestry tops, always sell from 76c to $1.25, at 5Q Hand embroidered pillow slips, with cord or ruffle, worth $5.00, at $2.50 Linen cluny lace edgings and insertions, worth up to 15c yard, at, yard 5c 25c and 35c silk pillow ribbons at 15 35c pillow slips at 15? Great Sale of BRUSHES, 9c Hair Brushev, Bath Brushes and Clothes Brushes, positively worth from 2.V to SOo each- to make Saturday the big gest bargain day ever In the drug department, each , 9c 1.5u Flannel Covered Water Bottl, st 690 tic Hot Vtr Bottle 49o 8Bc Fountain Bvrlnge 49o $2 25 Fountain Syringe $1.60 $3 60 Marvel Whirling- Spray a.78 If you need anything: In th rubber food a lino, vlrlt our h1 Saturday. BOAF SPECIALS S cakea Elderberry Hnap for ....10a Colgate's Kngllah Htyle Glycerine PoHp, per dozen 56o 15c t.l-UoKont! Hoap for So 15o Imported Caaille 8oap, for ..So 10c William's Hhavlng Soap for So TOIX.BT ABTXCX.SS 2fc Crutiheil Hose Talcum Powder So 25c Voxy l.nnala Talcum I'owdtr Xo 26o ("reme KlarriuiHe So 60c Mind's Honey Almond B9o 7Sc Pnmpelnn MimsaKe Cream .. .490 25o Pr. Oraves' Tooth T'owdfr.. lao 2f.c Roger & Hnllet Rleo Powder 10 B&o Batljrnett Kloo Powder 14o DKUa BUVTSKXES J5c pnrkage Jooa Ktlrka lOo 1 lb. Canning Paraffin ISO Polaon Fly Paper,- '1 pkgs So 1 pt. denatured Alocliul 16o So Grape J aloe 17o aaa&a3aaagaa brandeis aggg aturday- - Your Unrestricted Choice ANY 9 5J TCT IT TO) TP 2 v2iiaiiiirv ii M:Our- Entire Stock at These Shirts Are Positively 'Worth up to $3.50 "We include all our Manhattans, E. & W., (Jritfon, Faultless and Eureka shirts many new fall shirts, in all new patterns and designs. Brandeis Bought An Entire'Sample Line Of MEN'S OUTING SHIRTS P Made eilks. $2 Men's $1.00 and $1.23 shirts (JA Men's Summer Underwear, worth up at..,.,.. VUC to?l,at 25c; 35c 50c BRANDEIS, Boston Store JEWS OUTING SHIRTS fP !ade with eoft attached collars and soTteuff pongee L" A J silks, mohairs, madras, etc., jositively worth up to rJ jn I2.b0, at .. U Zs-J iSiiCET Music E Another Glorious Big Special Brandeis Concert la Sheet Music Dept. Special Featuring of "Honest, There's No Man Up In (he Moon" The real Omaha song hit, written and composed by Omaha song writers. This new moon song puts all the others in the dark. First song of its kind since "Stay in Your Own Back Yard." Hear this beautiful little ditty sung and played all day Saturday Come in and hear the new ones Big Fall Introduction Sale of the New Sheet Music. sung and played before you purchase. 19c HITS 19c Moon Won't Tell On You. Ar Von Sinrtre? Drifting With Ma. Only A Violet. Just To Remind You Smarty. Tattle Tale. Krald Cat. Iong Ago. School Pay. Morning Cy. lubNESTfrtai'sl w I SO MAN G 00N 19c HITS 19c A Trip To the Moon. Red Wing. Stung. D'ubola Rag Sweet Pickle. Awakening of the Bird. Black Hand Kag Afraid To Come Home. Summer Time.. Mttle Cozy Flat. Someday, Sweetheart. ill it BRANDEIS f tr tzs KzsL K3 tzzi rrg rrr v tr-i rrrt fcr smi