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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY, JUNE 26. 190S. - ' .-tixm a 10 9 i I I! J 3 1 ... HI. V UMIIM , X t It ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm S ft omthci vwro rood ct S S i I 1 I Friday will bo a day of. Great Extra Special Bargains In REMNANTS ?riTrs"i,Vd Embroideries Cambric v Embroideries, medium and wide edges -up to 9 inches, also insertions and beadings all y -kinds on big bargain squares worth up j) ? C to 10c yard, at, yard 25c Corset Cover Embroideries at 12ic Yd AIpo wide edge's and insertions, beadings and galloons bigbargnhi worth up to twenty-five f ' cents a yard, at, per yard m2 124c Val. Laces at 21c and 5c Yard Also Torchons, Point de Paris, sertions many to match worth to 122C yard, at, per yard Remnants of Silk Ruching 14-inch. lengths white, black and colored silk ruchings worth 10c yard, at, per yard ...... $1.50 Dress Goods, 69c Yd 42 to 50-inch newest all wool suitings, chiffon weight, all wool taffetas, poplins, all wool suitings, shadow stripes, French batistes worth to $1.50, at, per yard Washable Suitings Plain and fancy dress linens, ium jmjwneu laucy vones, colors reduced f roni 69c to 60c Simmer Wash Fabrics, at 15c Printed Moussellne de Sole i sheer check and stripe voiles, mill ends of Toklo and Sueslne silks' 3! pretty materials for children's dresses, etc., worth miy cents a yara Summer Wash Fabrics In the Basement i Many tables devoted to this, sale of summery material French tissues, fine dimities, beautiful dotted' and fig ured Swisses, silk finished Pongee, mercerized grena dines and high cost voiles. WashAble summer materials, most desirable for the new summer gowns or 4th of July dresses every wanted plain shade as well as 1 w all the new colorings very sortment are regular 25c values, at, yard. Thousands of yards Batiste Dress Patterns floral de signs, dots, stripes, figures and combinations, at, C yard DC 10,000 yards Starred and Striped Bunt ing for the Fourth, will go at, 9 per yard ... C One . table soft fin ished Long Cloth Remnants a big bargain, at.., c per yard .... JC Double fold Zlmttls and checked grade you pyinc loc, Friday, at, per yard . . 41-lnrh wide Iiani3 and fine white llnnns that are regularly 2Se, per yard Beginning, at 1.80 P. M. Wo will sell regular 10c grade white lawn, not over 6 yards to each customer, per yard 2c BRANDEIS W4 Canvas Outing These are high and low shoes in all sizes splendid for outing wear rubber 6r leather soles high or low cut worth up to one dollar a pair, at, per pair OMAHA IS ADA STREET COW PASTURE? utln la Salt Mast ettt4 f the . I Ada street a street or a cow pasture sTtJa quastkaa la raised by some rery mpbatto plsidlnga tn the suit at Walter R. Boat ac-atnat NleJa J. Psteraea and U will be ap t on of lb Judges of the dla !trlflt eanrt Aacsde tt. Bms la hla peU tlo fUad sasisj ears ago contends Aoa street ts a real strsat and be praaeoU same thorraa to psetttoo. He A ami I $ $ Piatt Vals, edges and in 22C-5c 5c 69 c Greatly Reduced. silk finish Bengalines, beau- etc. in new f TtX 85c, at, yd. . . ......15c yard in this as- HO Various grades all kinds Cotton Goods remnants including sum mer lawns, print percales. it skirtings, etc., wonderful bar gain 8 till 10 a. m. only, per yard lie it if Whlta 80ft Clinging X,tngrl Cloth the kind that more than pleaaea striped ehme if have been everybody a new lot, at, yard . . . 12& 6ic ! I ' ' : ',: 1 : 1 : ';: Corded flammer X,awu D rests lengths large range of pretty WUte extra India 10c pattern, will go at, per yard . 3ic 10:00 A. M. Until Noon Friday afternoon, yard wide bleached muslins and cambrics that are ? free from starch good 10c values, yard . . ; 3c Specl&Is Friday In Our GREAT SALE OF Ostrich Plumes Entlr Surplus Stock A. Hochhelmer, Broadway, N. Y. Thousands of the finest selected feath ers and tips In white, black and . an Im mense range of colors that Includes all favorite shades. The rarest chance ever offered In the west to buy plumes at . t-, Greatly Reduced Prices Shoes for Misses, Women and Children then shake club at Mm and threatens him when he tries to use It Petersen filed his answer tn district court .Thursday and ha aay without any legal quibbling that Ada street la not a street at all. but Is a part of hi pasture and that Em baa do right tn It He also denies be aver mad any demonstration with club except one when be say Ems was trying to glre Petersen's boy "a whipping. SasUelaet r t or scorched by a firs, apply auction's Ar nica Bale. Cars pUas. oo, and the worst sores. Guaranteed. . Be Tor sal by Bea- toa Prog company. j ZITAUBAT OB SECOBB H.001 (: 1 ; Friday's Specials Fresh Curants for Jellies, Jams.! tc, per crate Black Raspberries, per crate. $2. 76$ Pineapples, per crate, $3.00, J3.25X and $2.75$ j& Maine " Maine Corn, per can . . Corn, per dozen 1 n..'... .11.16?. 1 ! Vienna Sausage, V4-lb. tins . .6c German Mottle Soap, box Fresh Eggs, per dosen . . $ Country Eggs, per dozen $2.60 . .2o- . .20c$ ..20c . .12c$ . . .6c a ,1 0 Country Butter, per lb $ Oct. Made Cheese, per lb W Saratoga Flakes, per lb.. Pretzels, per lb jj Wheat Berries, per pkg . ..... Bcp Cudahy's Kettle Rendered Lard fcj . 6c$ I! 3-lb. tin palls 35c 6-lb. tin palls 55t V IV i i t n i ttacon, narrow snips, per iu.i7s-j N Courtney's Ankola Coffee andiB $ Harvey Rlcker's Half-Minute Cof-; M fee Pot make a hard combination $ e$ to beat, n counter. Try a sample at coffeeT; Fish Department Cat Fish, per lb N. . . . 14c jfc Halibut (baby) per lb HVicN i Salmon 16c$ T..t ........ 1 fiOL Salted Cod Fish, middles, lb..l6c $ Also a full line of Fresh White' Q Fish. Pike, Pickerel. Croppies, Buffalo, Live Lobsters and Snap-' ) ping Turtles. $ $ All our fish Is strictly FRESH $ 1 V ana iui irozen Diucn di uucicu ; $ by cheap fish vendors. rinrtney & go $ l?th and Douglas Sti. Phone DouBlaa 847 Private Exchange Connects All Depts. UScWILSOv Red-Man CollarS TRADE MARK 2 for 25 Cents. Why pay the same price for other makes T Ask Any Men's Furnisher. nnrdlfM of eort or proflta. oallofgr ISfityleeCIHOINg Milt MICKO- blrvnt tra !Mot7 oik SO Dm rrM Trtel Two Vor-dutnuiMe. How la jourobuco nm dj M. A PMr cut PrHinit rol t eipUIBlac propmiuoa. BmrtbtDg ion In Itai nua caics Mf . CO. ASOCTATED" ADVERTISING CLVBS Cf America cmvmm KANSAS CITY 49 FOOD FOR"flnTth?rr oerous mtm power te NfDVFC work and youthful vlsjor aone as a result of over work or mental exertion should take GRAY'S NERVE FOOD PILLS. Tfcey will make you eat and deep and be maa acaln. I 91 Boat 3 boxss 93.50 by mill, IKIkMAM fc MoOOBTNEI.1. OKUO CO, Cor. letb and Dode Bts. owl saua comfamt Cor. letb and Wmmt Bta. Qmh, Hes. D. C. SCOTT. D.V.S. (8 to Dr. a I RsJnacclottl) ITATS TBTBmZBAJUAJb OfflM and BoapttaJ. 810 Kaaoa tree. Calla Promptly Answered at All Horma. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BROWNELL HALL A Boarding and Pay School for Toung Women and Girls, students holding cer tificates covering in full the entrance re quirements of a standard State Univer sity, are admitted without examination to Junior year of collegiate course. Certi ficate In college preparatory course admits to Vassar, Welloaley, Smith, Mt. Holyoke, I'ntv. of Nebraska, Univ. of Wisconsin and Univ. of Chicago. Exceptional ad vantages In Music, Art and Domestic Science. Well equipped gymnasium and outdoor sports. Students mothered sym pathetically by women of large practical experience with girls In that highly Im portant formative period between four teen and twenty-one years of sge. Send for illustrated Year Book. Address Miss Macrae, Principal. Omaha. WHAT you do for j-our boy now determines what he will do for himself latter. We take boys from 8 to 17 years of age and make systematic, manly fellows of thera. Let us send you our catalogue and the booklet, "The right school for your boy." Racine College Grammar School Racine, Wisconsin ""HASTINGS COLLEGE BASTTBTQS, BBB. Bvry sHuaextt as Aaeertlser." College Courses, Academy Courses, Teachers' Courses. New Conservatory of Music Ideal location. New Selene Building, moderate expense Write for bandsom catalogue asg Ulastrsted sonvealr. A. B. TUBBE. U, S. BBBSIDKBT. Potter College ; For higher education of young Vary sWlsot-Jndorl by two vfcs-iutsidsou. tesBd Xor cat mm (TV Friday is the Day for SILK MULLS The window has been telling a day bartrain in silk mulls for comment. There are fully fifty shown in the windows that will he on sale. All are silk mixed mulls of finest texture, positively good values at 20c and 35c, Fri 1 day in great sale at, REMNANTS - ery aesiriiuie nww nwic a eluding many black fabrics, lengths just suited for skirts, L F and suits, closing out before Inventory, regardless of regu- T lar price rKltH Silks at 19c, a variety of choice Silks, values to 73c, at Friday A Great Sale of Muslin Petticoats Bennett's buyer secures fifty dozen handsome white petti coats. Fifty dozen hand some snow white gar ments most attractive em broidery trimmed skirts , ever sold at bo low a price. Made of good sub stantial materials will wear. No cheap, flimsy laces, but flounces of 10 Inch em- . Droidenes, head ed with cluster of tucks. A line of regular $1.75 skirts, bought at a great reduction, and now offered Thursday at spe cial price of 1 a) a CENTS that VVira YTJ jl -mm Slightly Mussed Lingerie Dresses In a Clearing Up Sale These are new two piece dresses of with laces and embroideries. Some come mussed from handling and display. They are not at all injured., simply lost their original freshness. Ifa $10.00 dresses' we are offering on Friday, at. Five Friday Specials in White Goods WHITE X.AWHS Checks and stripes suitable for summer curtains 8 Vic goods at per PC,, yard BUITIIfOS for suits,' and eklrtg, thoroughly ehrunk, 84 Inch, our 12V40 quality flnQ BED STAB BIBDSXTB BZAPBB CLOTH, 22, 24 and 27 Inch widths worth to 11.00 a bolt, TIr Friday, at $1.00 AND $1.25 CORSETS AMERICA'S BEST J7 KNOWN LINES I C for. Not a single style worth less $10.50 a dozen at the manufacturers. Best styles now In vogue, every size; new clean goods with supporters at tached, choice, each , A Wonderful Wall Paper SaJe A whole carload of handsome papers, purchased from a Kansas City con cern at a trifling figure. Never in the history of the wall paper Dusmess, has such underprlclng been possible, best papers for any 1.1 room In the bouse, positively worth 13o, 18o, 80c. ft tf Jf 8So, a roll for ' -'v These are handsome gifts, florals, tapestries, etc Pays to buy for future use If not papering now. Landlords with houses to keep In repair this Is a great opportunity for you. A master stroke In merchandising brings this bargain. Such low pricing was never heard of before. Papers selling at much below actual cost of manufacture. Sale now in progress. A Friday's Sale of Danlar Ranges DABOLAB OAS BABQES are finished In the highest art known to to-date stove bulldera. The patterna are exclusive and possess many ori!,ir.p7 o t fnimrl In other stoves. inai SABOI.AB BABOES are direct action oven burners, they are ilmnl. i operation, and have unexcelled baking qualities. Another very tmnorien? feature In connection with the Dans lar range, they make an actual savins to you of one-third on gas bills. Friday we make a special reduction on our No. 602 stove, which hss lnnr and high oven and boiler, regular $29.80 stove for Bas so We have many other styles ranging In price from I10.B0 to 140 00 all'of which will be on sale for this one day at special reductions Polar Star Ioe Cream Preeiers good and compact, light as a pan, just tne thing for campers ana picnicnr, .mo and two quart sizes 7So and 1.00 On Bo ol Gasoline Stoves, worth I2.2S. at On Hole clal. at phcIi si.ou Top Ovens, spe- 75o Oval Sealing Wax per pound iuo Chrrv Fitters! 65o, 7 So ana B&o Btnr HAMMOCKS AT BEHBEII' mnrki In the niont desirable styles pensive, up to quite elaborate kinds DENNETT'S Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack , Golden Coffee, pound Basket Fired Jupan Tea, pound Tea Siftings. pound.. .. . . Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can . Bennett's Capitol Extracts, bottle Jell'C) Ice Cream Powder, two packages Gem Milk, sx cane for Allen's Brown Bread Flour, package for Oatmeal Crackers, package New York Cream Cheese, pound .. Tickles, assorted, bottle 60 Oyster Diamond t; oap, ien uai Ginger Snaps, pounn oo morn reen. pouna 3o Bennett's Capitol Sweet Wrinkled 1'eas. five cans..60o and 30 Green Stamps Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, three packages 85o and 20 Gren Stamps Pearl Tapioca, pound 10c and 10 Green Stamps French Cut Doaf Su-ar. package 86o and 10 Green Stamps PXHEAFFX.B SAX.B BEIIETTI CABOIXS, Grocery Bee. Soms nice Jivity lJlneapiles, a good Salted Peanuts, pound lOo size, two for 1 Chocolate Creams, pound lOo FAR FROM HOME and friends on your vacation, you ahould have a frlen. This friend should be a good watch. Either your old watch put In good order, or one of our superb time keepers. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler 1310 DOUGLAS STREET () iiiit uiir I 1T-1 Sosktk lata Btrwet. SaKlllol flets Inira . , i.i 1 r iT-Tn I TnBlsfflBIITnB.BnHrHM..M.MBiMBiSMn 'fcS Tr.ini.77i? forceful story of a great Fri several days. Creating great more exquisite patterns not e paiierns not 2C r. 5 One more Friday Dress Goods Lengths of four and a half to eight yards In ev- , . v,- .n1 rnlnr In- in a great clearing, 19c lawns, all more or less trimmed are odds and ends, some have be 4.95 I BUCK TOWELS, with hemmed ends and red borders, worth 11.20. a dozen, at per dos en 85 cents, 1 g or each BUMMED BED BPBBAD8 (rood sizes, excellent ior summer use. 7ftc quality Friday for , . 59c Think of It! The commonest kind of a corset made, sells for more than 27c, but here are corsets that everybody knows to be worth four times what we are selling them than $9.00 a dozen. Many cost 27c ttUTUUN win Tubs, extra heavv stationary handles and wrlnier at tachments, ,1.36 kind for . . 98o And JUS kind for ....... si 10 Tin Trult Can, quart size; per doxen i0 Boreen Door Binge loo And in Green Stamps. Hammock Book ioe And 10 Green Stamps!'"' We have a large variety of Ham. made, prices vary from the moat in... 8o to $18.00 BIG GROCERY ,.91.60 and 60 Green Stamps ...B6o and 30 Green Stamps ...380 and 40 Green Stamps ...16o and !0 Green Stamps ...94 and 20 Green Stamps ...ISO and 20 Green Stamps ...80o and 10 Green Stamps ...SSo-and 10 Green Stamps ...16o and 10 Green Stamps ...lOo and 10 Green Stamps ...80o and 10 Green Stamps Shells, for chickena in m ... m .in.nriia, )uuna..a,fl Meal for chickens, pound.. 3Uo BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN with oar Xroa and Wire fence. Trellises sad Arbors tot vises, flower guarda, cbairs, settees, asea, tree guards, aitoiilag puats. wtud,ow guards, bara flxluree sad cklcaea Usee. CHAMPION fence: company Telephones Doug. 1G0. lad. A1490. You May Equal the Prices, But Not the Quality at the Prices. HAMCK t THI RELIABLE TORH Friday Is Remnant Day In Our Famous Between 50.000 and 60,000 of fine Wash Goods on sale value: About 3.000 yards of Batistes, Or gandies, Prints, Madras and oth er fine Wash Goods Remnants froni 2 to 5 yards of goods that sold at 10c, 12 and 15c yard, at 2Mc About 2.600 yards of Organdies, Batistes, r-ongees, Sampson's SHK Novelties and other fine goods that sold up to 19c yard . .344 3.000 yards of Silk Organdies, American Cheviots, best Ging hams made, best Madras, etc.. Goods that 'sold at 15c, 12 Vic and 10c, yard 52 1214c Percales, 36 inches wide, per yard 5 1,600 yards of high grade Novel ties, Organdies. Batistes, Barres, High Grade Wash Goods, long lengths, threse goods sell from 16c to 25c, yard 7 Three Rousing Friday Specials )Fr YARD for Remnants dL DC of plain and fancy Silks and an elegant as sortment of novelties worth to 75o per yard FROM 8:00 TILL 9:00 A. M. 36 inch in Black Taffeta? and Peau de Soies, 6b in. flQf Tan Pongees, regular $1.00 yard values, yard Ua7t In Main Department, Full Pieces, No Remnants. v Hour Specials In Our Famous Domestic Room FROM 9:00 TO 10:00 A. M. One case of 8c Unbleached Mus lin, while it lasts, yard ..34 FROM 9:30 TO 10:30 A. M. One case of full Standard Prints, per yard 2H FROM 2:00 TO 3:00 P. M. One case of Extra fine Muslin, reg ular 10c values, at yard 49 FROM 3:00 TO 4:00 P. M. One case of 7c Apron Check Ging hams, ,6 yards limit, yard 3H Curtains, Draperies Special Offering that will certain ly delight our customers Friday: CI liny Lace Curtains with lace edge, in ecru only, pair 82.50 Cluny Lace Curtains with lace and insertion, magnificent values. Friday, at, pair $2.75 Net Curtains, neat patterns, in white or ecru, at pair . .$1.00 " BOO Pairs of Lace Curtains that would sell regularly to $2.50 per pair, in four lots: ' 25 39 9 nd 75 Remnants of Silkoline, Denims, Burlaps and Swisses, regular 26c yard values, yard 5 Drapery Fringe, values up to 15c yard, on sale at, yard 5 Rope Portieres, all colors, very special values, at each . . . .08? Ruffled Swiss . Curtains, regular 60c pair values, at pair ..25 Preserving Time Is Here 2 quart gray enameled Preserv ing Kettle for . 8 3 quart gray enameled Preserv ing KsWje for 10 4 quart' gray enameled Preserv ing Kettle for 124? 6 quart white lined Preserving Kettle, for 25 8 quart white lined Preservtutj Kettle for ZVC A SNAP IN PURE ALUM IN LM WARE: We bought 600 dozen Aluminum Preserving Kettles at leBB than price to be sold In one day: 6 quart size, worth $1.60, Friday for GO 8 quart size, worth $1.65, Friday for 80 This is the ony chance you will ever have to buy pure aluminum ware at the price. 2 burner Gasoline Stove, worth $2.75. for 81.08 $1.95 Croquet Sets, only ..08 This Is a snap, it is a beauiitul outfit. Hayden's the Greatest Market T West For Groctrlts, Fruits, Vtgttabtts, Teas, Coffees, - utttr, Cncktrt ind Cfieetc 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap SSo Wiggle Stick Bluing, per slick 3'o 15c Combination Package for , . . . loo The best Bulk Starch, per lb 4o The best Domestic Macaroni. p-r package 8'0 1 pound can aHsorted Koups for 7V1O Quaker Oats Company Wheat herrls, or Toasted Wheat Klakea, pkg. Bo Any kind of Corn Flakes you wain, per pnekaKe S4i0 Large Cooking Raisins, per lb. TVio Uroinangelon, Jellycon, or Jello. per package 7-o Large Uottle Pure Tomato Catsup, as sorted Pickles, or Worcester hut, per bottle B'jO fresh Crisp Potato Chips, lb. SOo special sai.ii or riva teas aud corrzxsi We Import direct, and guarantee ev ery pound purchased of us, to be the best possible values money can buy. Golden Santos Coffee, exceptionally good, per pound ISO Mrecaibo and Bogota Blend, an ex cellent drink, per pound 17Ho Porto Itlco Blend Coffee, the great taniily drink, per pound 8O0 Akola Blend, rich flavored and a ftue body Coff.e. per pound 83o M A J. Blend, a top notch Coffee fnr lovers of a rich and elegant drink, per pound a5J If you cannot drink Coffee, try a X pound package of the Health t ei. al Coffee, for ; The best Tea Siftings, per pound 160 n n m m ydens' nm A Wealth of Bargain Surprises In Friday's Great Sale. Domestic ttoorn yards of Remnants of all kinds Friday at a fraction of their 3,600 vards of Silk Organdies. Scotch Madras. Scotch Ginghams, Silk Ginghams, Scotch Cloth, Pongees, Reps, Bengalines, etc, and other fine goods that sold from 26c to 60c, yard all at 10 Remnants of 8-4 Unbleached Sheetings, 20c grade for 12 H Remnants of 10-4 Unbleached Muslin, 26o grade for ....152 Remnants of 16c fine Irish Lln ons, yard Remnants of 10c fine Muslins, at yard '5k From the bolt, Red, White and Blue Bunting for 4th, at per yard 1 16c Towels, for IOC 12Vc Towels, for ...7? 10c Towels for 5? $2.00 Table Cloths for . . SI. 19 $2.60 Napkins, for $1.10 Several other great bargains. COME EARLY. I CII IfC Matchless Values DlLlXD at the Prices r EACH for choice of I UC 3,800 imported sam ple strips & mill ends finest imported novelties, and 4 lengths, worth $1.50 yard. 36 inch Japs, Black or "White, cithHiHG Embroideries An immense line of Medium and Narrow Embroideries and Insert lngs, broken lots and all slightly soiled or mussed, goods from the no t two weeks' ereat selling: WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN THREE BIG LOT8. FIRST LOT Embroideries and Insertings at, yard' 2H SECOND LOT Embroideries and Insertings at, yard .3 THIRD LOT Embroideries and Insertings, at, yard 4 BIG RIBBON, SALE Saturday, June 27th. Se Win dow Display. Friday Notion Bargains We are both wholesalers and retailers of Notions and our special sale values you can depend upon being lower in price, quality considered than in any other retail store in Omaha. Best quality Darning Cotton, black or brown, at 1 Best Gold-Eye Needles, special per package . . 1 200-yard Machine Thread, spool, st Pearl Buttons, per dozen ....1 Darning Eggs, each 2 Silk Crochet Thread .-2W 25c Needle Books, each . . . .3 4 J 15c Metal Back Dressing Combs, each ....5 Hump Hook and Eyes, card. .1 15c Fine Combs, each 4H 15c Whisk Brooms, each .....( 10c Tooth Brushes, each ..3H' 6-yard Skirt Braids, per bolt. 54 , Fine Pearl Buttons, dozen.. 2 It Nursery Pins, all sizes, doz. . 1H 25c Pad Hose Supporters. .. 15 15c Side Elastic, all sizes ..74 3 packages Pins for 2 Big Sale on Mason Fruit Jars 1 pint Mason Jars, per dozen 50 1 quart Mason Jars, dozen 5 2 quart Mason Jars, dozen 70 These Jars all include the very best rubbers. 3 dozen of the best grade of Rub bers for 25 Choice Uncolored or Sun Dried Japsn Tea, per pound 860 Fancy Spider Leg Japan. Oolong, KngHsl, Breakfast, Ceylon, or Gun. powder Tea, per pound SSo FBESH TEOBTABI.ES A WO rVlTS rOS JrAlDAYl II bum-lies fresh Radishes for ....Bo k bunches fresh Unions for Bo 2 bunches fresh Asparagus for ...Be 3 bundles fresh Beets for 60 3 bunches fresh Carrotu for' So 3 bunclies fresh Turnips for .,..,60 Large Kgg Plant, each Large cauliflowers, each So' New Potatoes, pel pound So Anything you want In the fresh ' Vegetable line we hsve It, at one half the price you will have to pay for It elsewhere. BUT TOUB APKIOOTS ABO VLDMi MOW FOB, CAMBIBtri Our car of fancy Clyman Plums and Apprlcots are the finest mat has ever been shipped out of California. The big sale will continue tumor. row : i basket crates fancy Blue Clyman Plums, per crate 8 So 4 basket crate fancy Royal Apricots per crate a 1.00 They will not he this cheap again, as the strawberry crop of Colorado Is a failure, and It la bound to send the prices of California fruit up. The last of the Pineapples go af Kach ....6c, 70. SV.O, 10c, 18Ue lH)en. B60, BOo, BOo, 11.06, SI 36