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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1908)
The Omaha' Daily Bee HEWS SECTIQI1. Pages 1 to 8. Tor all th New THE OMAHA DEE Best A". West VOL. XXXVIII NO. 8. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE '27, 1 90S SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. CLEVELAND AT REST Body of Ex-Preiident Lowered Into Grave at Sunset. DISTINGUISHED MEN PRESENT President Rooevelt, Three Governor, and Cabinet Members Attend. SERVICE OF PRIVATE NATURE Presbyterian Burial Service is Read I at Grave. TROOPS ACT ONLY AS POLICE rroldrnt Arrived Shortly Before Flvo . O'clock and Was Driven Direct to the Cleveland n evi dence. PRINCETON. N. J- ' June 28. Grover Cleveland's body l'es I ur ed tonight In the Cleveland plol In Ptlnceton cemetery. At 6 o'clock Just as the sun was sinking In the weft a dlstinaulihed company si lently watched as the body was lowered Into Hi- iruvt. Then the simple burial service or the rrosl ytetlan church was nil and when the last ot the carriages In the cortege bad driven up to the path leading to the grave the, benediction had been pro nounced and the members, of tho family. President nooeve;t and others who liavii gathered about the giave were leaving the 'cemetery. Many of the personal friends of the dead statesman lingered about the spjt 'which was to mark his last resting rlace and each in turn was permitted to cast a shovelful of earth Into the grave. Agreeable to the wishes of Mrs. Cleve land the services both at the house end at the cemetery were of the simplest char acter. An Invocation, schlptural reading, a brief prayer and the read'ng of a Wil liam Wordsworth poem. "Character of the Happy Warrior." constituted the services at the house, while the reading of the burial service at the grave was brief and Impressive. Although the funeral was of a strictly private nature.' those In attendance num bered many distinguished citizens. Includ ing President RocSevelt. Governors Fort of New Jersev, Hughes of New York, Hoke Smith of Georgia, former members of President CLve'and'a cabinet, officials of the Equitable Life Assurance oc:e:y, mem ber tit tl.e Princeton university faculty end friends and 'neighbors. Mr. Cleveland wu burled with all tha simplicity . and . rriyey that he himself might b,ave wished as a private cltlsen rather' than an the former chief executive of the nation. There was . nothing thai savored of the official and the military element was Injected solely as a measure of precaution In protecting President Roofevelt. i The president arrived at 4: p. . and was met at the station by Governor Fort. President Rodsevelt." fMvernor Fort and Seen taiy Loeb were driven at once to WKtlaud. Upon' his arrival at the house the president went to Mrs. Cleveland, (' offering hU sympathy and expressing keen regret at Mr. Cleveland's death. . The president then returned to Ihe re ception room where the body , had been removed in the afternoon from the room on. the second floor, In which Mr. Cleve land died. ( Service Begins. A few minutes Utr tha four clergy men who officiated came down the stairs to the hall leading to the reception room, followed by Mrs. Cleveland and the chil dren. As they stepped on the landing, ac companied by Dr. Joseph D. Bryant, the whole company rose and remained stand ing throughout the service. Mrs. Cleve land waa gowned In black and wore a be coming hat with a short, drooping veil. Esther was also In black, while. Richard wore a white suit and black tie.' The services began with an Invocation by Rev. Sylvester W. Beach of the First Presbyterian church of Princeton, which was followed by scriptural reading by Rev. Maltlajid V. Barlett of the West Farms (Presbyterian church of New York, a former pastor of Mr. Cleveland, who read from ' the fourteenth chapter of the book of John and a number of passages from the-fourth and twenty-second chapters of the Thesaalonlans: "And they shall see his face." , read Dr. Bartlett. .In closing "and his name shall be In their horeheads; they shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the aun light upon them nor any heat for tha land whlcn la the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them until living fountains of water, and God shall wipe all tears from their eyes." Pr. Henry Van Dyke then said: that "according to the reauest of one whose lightest "fish at this moment we all respect, there will be no address or sermon, but there was a poem written more than a hundred years ago, by William Words worth, which Is expressive of his char acter." - He then read the poem "Character of Happy Warrior." Those at the Faoeral. Twenty-six carriages conveyed the fun rsl party to the cemetery. The pall-bearers walked with the hearse, six on either ids. The officiating clergymen occupied the first carriage, and the second contained Mrs. Cleveland, her son Richard, and Dr. Joseph D .Bryant of New York, the family physician. The third was occupied by Mies Rose Cleveland and Misa Esther Cleveland. Cleveland F. Bacon. Mlse Maiy . Hustings and Prof, and Mra. Wood rode In tho fourth, and the fifth and sixth conveyed Mr. and Mrs. HuddleMon of Princeton. Mrs. John 1. Finley of New York, Mrs. Richard Watson Glider. George Bhlpley. Miss Annie Helmler. the Cleve land nurse; Louts Comana of Chicago and Charles Rogers of Brooklyn. ' Following the family and Intlrnale friends vame President Roosevelt and Secre tary Loeb In the seventh carriage, and this 'Was followed by another containing four secret service men. The occupants of the other carriages were: Ninth, Chief Justice Fuller, Governor Fort of Kw Jerse, Governor Hughes ot New York and Secretary of the Treasury Cortelyou. Tenth, John U. Carlisle, former . secretary of the treasury; William F. Vi. las of Wisconsin and Mrs. Daniel o. La inont. Klevenih. Hichard Olney, formei secretary of state; Charlea 8. Fairchlld foi liter secretary of the treasury; David v ti y of the navy; Governor Huka Smith of Georgia. Urrttsd iates Senators Kaan and brmijs of Ne Jersey. Thirteenth, Mr. and Mra. Frank Hastings New York; Mra Joaeph D. Hryaut and Miss Florence Hioin. Fourienll. Mrs. Wilson B. His sell Mrs. Daniel Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Pt. Oeorge Tucker. Fifteenth. Dr. and Mis- Gibon.- Princeton; Dr. J. M. C'ar nochan. Princeton; Dn George R. Lock vchkI, New ,Tork. Sixteenth. Charlea W. CCeotlnued o Fifth Fa.) R. Francis, lormer eecieiary oi me line rlor, and Judson Harmon of Cincinnati, former .United tyite 'attorney general. ..mhi Hllsrv A. Meroen. urraer sacre- SUMMARY OF THE bee Saturday, Jane 27, lOOS m3 JwsrEs 1908 STY 7HL ntn 7717 fft. I 2 S 4 5 Z 8 9 10 1 12 IS 14 15 16 1Z 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2Z 28 29 SO - - TIS WEATKIB. FOR OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS AND Viri NIT Y Fair Siitnrdsy. FOH NEBRASKA Partly cloudy Satur day. FOR IOWA Generally fair In east, rrob- tly showers In west (nrllon Saturday. Temperature DOMESTIC. Grover Cleveland was hurled In historic Princeton cemetery In the presence of a noted assembly of his personal friends. Page 1 vSecretary Taft will move his family to Hot Springs, Va., as soon as he leaves his official position at Washington. He went to New York late yesterday .afternoon. rag-e i Supreme court of Washington holds the grubstake contract valid. Page I Milwaukee flies complaint with the In terstate Commerce commission that the roads are discriminating against the cTly In grain rates. Page 1 De Moines river Is fast receding and danger of flood Is over. Fags 1 Treasurer of Sac county, Iowa, Is found short. rags 1 Express car of the Illinois Traction sys tem narrowly mUses holdup near Fast St. Louis. Pane 1 v Vermont democrats hold state convention at Burlington. Page 1 Secretary Dover opens headquarters for the national committee at Washington. Page 1 County judge of Lake county, Illinois, orders officers to feed woman by force, who Is trying to starve herself. Page 1 . Progressive candidate for United States senator In North Dakota is winning over the stalwart candidate. Page! POLITICAL. Gage county republicans start the cam paign in Nebraska with a monster ratifica tion meeting at Beatrice. Page 3 V . NEBRASKA. Nebraska supreme court ravers the Stute Board of Public Lands and Buildings In Its decision -on the pension Injunction' case. Page a Five person were killed when an cat bound freight train struck a washout near Chadron on the Northwestern road. 'page 1 LOCAL. T. 8. Graves of Indianapolis elected pres ident and A. F. Stryker of South Omaha secretary of . Live Stock exchange and Denver wins out for next meeting Pag 1 E. H. Harriman Is rushing construction cf Canunea, Yaqul & Pacific railroad In Mexico. Pag 9 Omaha Corn show Is getting advertising equal to that given to big expositions. Pag 11 John L. Kennedy declares proposed raise of real estate assessment would be ruin ous to business In Omaha Page 6 Mayor Dahlman heads for Denver to line up forces for Bryan and attend meeting of committee. Pag 6 Councilman Brucker Is Incensed at pol icy. of Mayor Dahlman of giving permits to violate city ordinances. Page POST. Results of the ball games: 6 Pueblo vs. Omaha 4. Denver vs. Lincoln 5. 6 Sioux City vs. Des Moines 1. 2 New York vs. Boston 0. 10 Pittsburg vs. St. Louis 1. S Chlcsgo vs. Cincinnati 6. 8 Washington vs. Boston 0. : S Philadelphia vs. New York 2. 4 St. Louis vs. Detroit 2. 4 Cleveland. vs. Chleatfo 2. 1 Louisville vs. Milwaukee 0. 4 Indianapolis vs. Minneapolis 0. 2 St. Haul vs. Columbus- 1. I Toledo vs. Kansas City 0. Pag 15 OOKMEBCXAX. AMD UTOUBTKIAIi. Live stock markets. Page 13 Grain market. Pag 13 Stocks and bonds. Pag- 13 Dun's review of trade say Jobbers are preparing for heavy fall trade and that percentage of Idle machinery Is decreas ing. Pag a MOTEMEMTS OP OCX AW STEAMSHIPS Port. rrtT4. Ballad. SOUTHAMPTON. Adriatic PLYMOUTH K. A. VleterlS... (Jl'EENSToWN.. Cedne ' UVKKPOOL BilUa. HAYgS Ls Savota. EXPRESS CAR MISSES-HOLDUP Presence of Mind of Dispatcher Saves Large Vans of Money for Company. EAST ST. LOUIS. 111.. June 26. -An at tempt was made to hold up an express car o fthe Illinois Traction system, carrying I4S.O0O In money and $1,000 worth of jewelry, near Lynch station last night. C. E, Hart man, a Chicago & Alton train dispatcher, saw the Would-be robbers creeping along In the grass near the elation and signalled tha motorman to put on full speed. As the car aped past the station the highwaymen opened fire, one of the bullet striking the car. Nobody wu Injured. DOVER OPENS HEADQUARTERS Secretary of Republican National Committee Opens Room la Washington. WASHINGTON. June 16.-Elmer Dover, secretary of the republican national com mittee, opened the committee's headquart er in this city today and began tha pre liminary work so far as It can be entered upon before the appointment of a chair man to conduct the campaign.,- Collision la India. ! POM BAY. June 'X In a collision be tween n express and freight train on th Bombay A Baroda railway near Bdroda today a number of person were killed. It will be Impossible to estimate the losa of llf until th wreckage has! been cleared away. Four passenger ecacke and four mall oar of th axpree train and four oars of th freight txalu war bruned. -V'V at Omaha I EM Hour. Deg. ffVL 5 m 67 mtr yTjySjl t a. m 8 yfe jv4 7 m 68 pf" SsR' 10 m 76 fI TieV 11 m 80 , Jjf W, 12 m 112 J-afr lpm 83 I 2p.m... 84 3 p. m M QUIET SUMMER FOR TAFI Presidential Candidate Will Stay at Hot Springs, Va. LINGERS A WHILE AT NEW HAVEN . rout pones His Trip to New York So He May Catch 1'p with His Correspondence In El cellent Health. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. June 2. 8cretary Taft had arranged to le'ave New Haven at :15 o'clock today, with Mrs, Taft and their son Charles, for New York, bnt as the carriage was awaiting them at the en trance to the residence of W. W. Farnam, the secretary concluded to remain here until Inter In the day. Mts. Tsft and Chnrles, sccompnnlrd by Mr. Farnam. drove to the station and departd for New York alone. Trjey will reach Washington fbout jO'clock this evn!rg. In explanation of his sudden change of plans. Secretary Taft said that some con ferences, which he was to have had today In New York, had to be abandoned on ac count of the funeral this afternoon of th lnte President Cleveland. ' "I have a considerable amount of cor respondence which has been nesiected for three or four days," said he, "and I am going to get it out of the way today. Here I can attend to It quietly nnd without In terruption, whereas If I went to New York this morning I probably would be unable to do anything with It this afternoon. " "This has been," snld the secretary, "one of the most enjvable commencements 1 ever attended. Every moment har hnd Its delights. It was too bad that we did not make 14 more Interesting for Harvard In the boat race: but we defeated them at base ball, anyway."' Mr Taft had particular pl'-asure In meet ing so Urge number of his former class mates, the reunion of 'It having been the largest and most successful In the history of the class. Notwithstanding the fitlgue of the last four days, Secretary Taft expressed him self today as feeling In excellent health and spirit. Mrs. Taft on returning to Washington will begin preparation for breaking up their home In the national capltol.. They will spend practically the entire summer at Hot Bprings, Va., only one or two short trips from there to other point being In contemplation. In New York -tenlght Mr. Taft will din with Jacob O. Bchtnldlapp of Cincinnati, and perhaps another friend or two, but he says the dinner will not be In any way significant. While In New Tork. the sec retary probably will confer with a few pVrsonal and political friends as to plans for the approaching campaign and as to the clostns-up of hie official business In the War department." After hi confer ence with the president at Oyster Bay, he will proceed to Washington. SAC TREASURER UNDER ARREST Coantr Official Pettla Foand to De Short anally Twenty- Five - Thousand. . SAC CITY, la., June JR. Following th report of the expert, showing the amount of the shortage came the arrest of former County Treasurer William H. Petti last night on Information to which, about twenty cltlxen of Sac founty swore, charging him with embesslement of the county fund. He furnished a bond of 15,000 signed by his wife,' which- secure his appearance be fore the grand, jury at the .August term ot the district court Real estate and other property were turned over to the bondsmen several weeks ago, which footed up to $27,0ftS.41. Mrs. Pettis gave a note, secured by a mortgage on her farm In Coon Valley township, for $7.6 39 to W. J. Jackson, and the bonds men will suffer little. The alleged short age aggregates about 124,0)0. PRESIDENT FAVORS A CHANGE Believes Time Has Coma for One Man Head of District of Colombia. WASHINGTON. June 26.-The Washing ton Post today states that President- Rooae vel( believes the time has come when the Interests of the District of Columbia de trend a better form of ggvertment, and that he wishes to have a one man head of affairs for the national capital In place of the organisation headed by three commis sioners, which has prevailed since 1874. It Is stated that he will make this recom mendation to congress next winter asking to have the power of appointment, aa In the case of the commissioners, as well the power of removal placed In the hand of the president. DES MOINES FAST RECEDING River Falls Over a Foot at Capital and Danger ot Flood la pver. DES MOINES, la., June 26-The De Molne river fell ever a foot during tn night and at 7 o'clock thi morning stood at 142. This is still very high, but the water are receding more rapidly and will continue, says the weather bureau. Tlo reports were, received today from Fort Dodge and Boone except that th) river Is going down at both places. There Is no further dsnger of flood anticipated, and Dr. Chsppel f th weathep bureau ha Instructed river observers at these two points to make no further report unless In case of emergency. BELL'S SELECTION IN DOUBT Mr. Bryan Refnsea to Discerns Choice of Temporary Chairman of Convention. LINCOLN. June 28,-Whether Theodore Bell of California will be selected a tem porary chairman of the national demo cratic convention Is a question which WU llam J. Bryan today refused to discuss. Mr. Bell hs been endorsed by the Call fornla state convention for the place and is regarded by Bryan friends as an ex cellent man for chairman. TJi temporary chairman will be selected at the meeting of the national committee In Denver June 27, this matter being left over from the meeting at Chicago. VERMONT NOT FOR BRY.IT Motion to Instrnrt for Voted Down. N'ebraskaa BURLINGTON, Vt., June as.-The demo cratic state convention adjourned tonight after an amlmated session devoted to the election of delegates to the national con vention at Denver, the nomination of can didate for state officer and th adoption f a platform. A resolution Instructing th delegate to vote for William J. Bryan for nomination for prealdeat, wss tabled by a vote of 1M to 17, after Uvtly debet. TRAVELING MEN HAVE TIME rtai rats on to the Parade, fere with hut Does el Ir SIOUX FAI.' S v une 2. (Special Telegram. ) of the Sol' annual convention aV. . Travelins ln'n v soclatlop ) here today and will -V on until Saturday. The contin open t.s s session was held In the N'e ' '5 (his sfternoon, with the con vv ng called to order by Colonel R. t , -ck" Wood of Sioux Fall, presi dent o. the association. The address of welcome wss made by Mayor "Billy" Doo little. a feature f the address being the presentation of a monster silvered key to the Traveling Men's association with the offer of the freedom of the city. This part of the ceremony was enthusiastically applauded, but the cllma xcame when Mayor Doolittle introduced Chief of Po lice Tracy and referred to him as "Frenchman," telling the visiting traveling men they would have to talk French to make him understand. When Tracy, who is a veteran member of the local police department, saluted and said "At your service, sor." there were shouts of laugh ter The police chief Is one of the well known Hibernians of this par tot the state. President Woods responded to the ad dress of welcome In behalf of the asso ciation and Its members. Rain this afternoon and evening changed the plans of the traveling men. The great traveling men's parade, originally fixed to have taken place this evening, was postponed because of the rain until 9:20 o'clock Saturday morning. This evening there was a concert at the New theater and the annual ball of the association was held at the auditorium. WARREN RECEIVES OVATION Demonstration Exceeded In Wyoming Only by that Accorded Pree ' Ideat Roosevelt. t L CHEYENNE, Wyo.. June 2fi. (Special.) Francis E. Warren, United Statea senator from Wyoming, returned to his home here yesterday. The welcome was not only spontaneous, but nonpartisan in every way; stores, shops, saloon nd other places were closed at 10 o'clock. Just forty minutes prior to the arrival of the senater and citizens generally. Irrespective qf party affiliation, lined up In the streets, stood In the broiling sun and waited for a chance to do homage to him. When his train pulled into Chey enne the streets were filled with military and civic organisations, the city end shop whistles were blowing, and countless loco motive were adding to the din; bands were playing and people cheering. The senator was escorted to a carriage, with Governor B. B. Brooks, and led by a number ot pioneers on horseback the triumphal march up Capitol avenue coipmenced. The parade bad proceeded but a few feet when the pioneers stopped, unhitched the white hofses, fastened a rope to the tongue of the carriage and resumed the march amid the wild cheering of the peopl gathered on the walk. 'It was the biggest parade ever seen In Cheyenne or Wyoming, and the demonstra Hon ws the second greatest, being ex ceeded only -by tht sccm-de-d" .-P resident Roosevelt on the occaali.i, of hi visit, to Cheyenne a few year ago.' DEATH CAUSES QUEER MIXIT Law Doe Not Seem to Provide a Way to Fill Vacant Office. PIERRE, g. T., June 26.-(Sieclal Tele gram.) The death of Congressman W. H. Parker, leaves the congressional situation In a rather peculiar shape. The vacancy cannot be filled by appointment, but must be by special election. The election of a candidate la the puzzling one. The state nominates through primary election and fixes specific dates for such nominations. The convention Is empowered to fill vacan cies in the ticket nominated but not audi as a vacancy by death of an officer elected. The probabilities at tho present are that Governor Crawford will not call a special election before the date of the . general election In NJTember and nominations will be by petition for the place to fill vacancy. Just who will be the man Is a matter for the future political history of the state, to decide. Loyal Temperance Lraion. MITCHELL, S. D.. June 2. Special Tele gram.) The second annual convention of the Loyal Temperance legion, attended by several hundred delegates, closed this aft ernoon when the following officers were elected for the coming year: President F. Lee Richards, White Lake; first vise prenldent. Sanson Thomas, Spilngf 'd; 3- ond vice president, Mlas Btrayer Morrow Brookings; corresponding secretary. Miss Florence Brarych, Mitchell; recording secre tary. Miss Seaman, Mitchell; treasurer. Miss Eva Cattnach, Woonsocket. Last night thirty-three young women and gen tlemen were graduated from a course of study on total abstinence, which they have been pursuing for the last year. Prisoners to Penitentiary. HURON. S. D., June 26. (Special.) Sher Iff Young went to Sioux Falls Thursday with three men and one woman. The quar tet will serve terms of from one to two years In the stats' prison In that city. having been found guilty of criminal of fenses during the June term of circuit court here. Thursday morning court adjourned until July SI, when the calendar will by ciearen. uuring me term more man iorty civil cases were disposed of and the en tire criminal calendar cleared. WOMAN ORDERED TO BE FED Conaty Jadge Commands Force Food Down Zinn City , Woman's Throat. CHICAGO, June 26-Mrs. Mary Hunter of Zion City, member . of the cult the teaching of which result In death from starvation, Is to be fed In spite of her de termination to take no food for sixty days If It ha command .of Judge C. L. Kones of th Lake county court ls carried out. With tha aid of two nurses a physician compelled the woman to take nourishment after she htd been placed under arrest and taken to th Waukegan hospital. Mra. HunVrr had already fasted for sixteen days. MILWAUKEE FILES COMPLAINT Five Railroad Syetesna Aliened to DIs- rrlmnate In Favor of Chicago oa Urr.ia Rate. t WASHINGTON. June 28-Chargtng five railroads with discriminating in favor of Chlcsgo in th grain trade, the Chamber of Commerce of Milwaukee today filed with the Interstate Commerce commission two complaints asking th government to re quire the Sams through rates on all kind of grain from stations on the defenuan roads lu Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota to Milwaukee aa to th Chicago market a. FIRST RALLY OF CAMPAIGN Gage County Republicans Start Things Off Right in Nebraska. BIG ATTENDANCE AT MEETING Brown, Bnrkett, Pollard, Hlnshaw, Governor Sheldon, Charlea Sloan, Victor Rosewater and W. H. Hayward Speak. BEATRICE. Neb.. June 2. -(Special Tele- gram.) By way of firing the first gun in the rampalftn of I!, and with a large crowd of Gane county voters present the republicans held a meeting In- the Audi torium 'this afternoon for the purpose of ratifying the nominations of William H. Taft and James S. Sherman and the adop tion of Its platform at the Chicago conven tion. Tromlnent republicans from all over the state were preaent. Hon. A. H. Kldd called the meeting to order and Introduced F. B. Draper of Adams, who acted as chairman. Senator Norris Brown spoke on the pres ent situation of the republican party, re ferring to Its past seven yesrs of success ful administration as sufficient to recom mend a continuation of Its rule. He cited William H. Taft's successful control of the Philippines as - one of the marks of his great executive ability, and felt that with a party behind him that can boast the achievements belonging to the republican party during the administration of Theo dore Roosevelt no voter should hesitate about making a choice between the candi dates of the parties. , Congressman E. M. Pollard discussed .the relation of the republican party to the farmers. He had made a thorough re search among statistics, and produced fig ures to show that during the reign of re publicanism since Harrison's first term, the values of grain and live stock had shown a gratifying Increase, aa against a big de crease during the administration of Presi dent Cleveland. Congressman E. H. Hlnshaw congratu lated the. republican, party upon Its wise choice of Taft and Sherman, believing them to be the right men for the places. He cited the numerous accomplishments of the party now In power, among them Its con trol of Cuba and the construction of the Panama oanal. Under the present pros perous conditions, he asked, would It appear safe and sane to change the course of the ship of state?. Platform Strong; Enoagh for All. Hon. Charles H. Sloan gave a short and plcy talk upon the many things the repub lican party has to be proud of and referred to the platform Just adopted a one that every good republican can stand upon with the assurance .of Safety. Victor Rosewater was heard In a few brief word In which he mentioned the result of th Chicago convention a work that all loyal republican should feel satis fled with. William Hay ward, chairman of the etate committee spoke of William H. Tsft ss the right hand man for the plac and expressed himself as believing that with the. records of President Roosevelt and Governor-. Sheldon behind them the repub lican of Nebraska should roll up a big majority next November. . After th meeting some of the visitors were ahown about th city In automobile while other attended the circuit races. From 8 to 9 this evening, a public recep tlon was held at th Paddock, following which a banquet was given In the armory A. H. Kldd wa toastmaster and covers were laid for 40). 'William Hay ward deliv ered an interesting address on "The Party In Nebraska." Congressman Hlnshaw spoke on "The Congress." E. M. Pollard on "The young men In politics," Norris Brown on ."The Party's Record," Elmer J. Burkett on "Why We Should be Repub licans," Governor Sheldon, Victor Rose water and others mado brief addresses. The banquet was served by the women of th Christian church and during th evening Jenkens orchestra and the Albert male quartet rendered (elections. ' The gathering was the largest and most enthus lastlc of the kind ever held In Gage county and will aid the republicans In rolling up a big majority far th party this fall. MARSHALL HAS NORTH DAKOTA Prosrreislve Republican Practically Certain of Election aa United Stntes Senntor. FARGO, N. D.. June 26. It 1 now certain that the stalwart wing of the republican party In North Dakota has lost the sena torshlp. and the next United States senator from North' Dakota will probably be from the progressivefaction of that party, aa North Dakota ls unlikely to elect a demo crat Congressman Thomas Marshall, pro gressive candidate, has been , making so great an Inroad upon the stalwart strong holds where C. B. Little was supposed to be strong, that there I no chance of the latter securing enough votes to give him a place cm the ticket at the general election next fall. For a time it looked aa though Marshall might secure th 40 per cent of the 'party vole necessary to Insure him th republican nomination, but more complete return show that N. J. Johnson, th other pro gressive candidate. Is running so strong that It Is certain the contest between them will have to be decided at the general elec tion next fall. Little, the condldate of the old machine, and Senator Hansbrough, are entirely outclassed. SULLIVAN AGHKEAHLE TO BRYAN Lincoln Man Writes to lowan to that Effect. DES MOINES, la.. .June ?. (Special Telegram.) Hon. Jtrry B. Sullivan today received a letter from W. J. Biyan saying that the auggestion of Mr. Sullivan for vice prealdent on the democratic ticket met with his approval; that he knew of ro irason why Jdr. Sullivan ahould not b; named for vk president and knew that he was eminently fitted for the position. He assures Mr. Sullivan that If his ambl t'on runs In that direction he will be glad to add hla name to the available list. Mr. Sullivan will second the nomination of Bryan at the Denvr convention, having been selected for that honor by Mr. Bryan himself. NEBRASKA CLUB WOMAN HURT Tally bo C oach in W hich She and a Party Are Riding Turns. O-.-.r. NEWPORT, R. I.. Ji.n It-Two women delegates to the General Federation of Women's CiTTbs convention t Boston weio dangerously hurt and ten others more or less seriously Injured her today when a tally-ho coach In which they wer riding caprised on a steep hill on Bath road. It ls understood that among the Injured were Mrs. Davenport of Watertown, Mass., and Mrs. Sunden of Lincoln, Nsb. Mrs. Bun den wa cut about th face and anklea. SLEEPER TO HASTEN HOME State Deportment Will Take No Action Until He Returns to United States. WASHINGTON. June 2S.-Jacob Sleeper. the secretary of the American legation at Caracas, who was summoned home by this governmfnt because of the dissatisfaction of the administration with the manner In which the Castro government has been dealing with the Interests of cltlsens of this country, has reported his arrival at Wlllemstad to the Department of State. Mr. Sleeper announces that he Is ready to proceed to the American naval station at Guanatanamo. and arrnngementa will be made today for sending the Marietta there. Mr. Sleeper will remain at Guanatanamo only long enough to catch a steamer on his wsy to New York, going by way .of Clen fuegos and Havana, Cuba. With a grim sense of humor. In view of the conditions under which he left Venexrula. Mr. Sleeper sugsests to the Stste department that It la an impractlblllty for him to proceed to New York from Wlllemstad. as the first steamer leaving for New York goes by wsy of Port Cabello, Veneieula, which place he had Just left. Mr. Sleeper's dispatch adds that Military Attache Ruggles and family, after undergoing quarantine (presumably at Wlllemstad) will proceed to Washington. The officials of the State department feel that on personal Interviews with Mr. Sleeper they will be better Informed as to the attitude of President Castro. It is believed here th)at President Castro will not be willing to permit the present analomoua situation to continue Indefi nitely. SHERMAN'S HEALTH NORMAL He Brsrins to . Ask Physicians When He May Leave the Hos pital. CLEVELAND. O.. June 26.-"! feel fine thl morning.'' was the greeting Dr. Carter had when he visited Representative James S. Sherman at Lakeside hospital at 11' a. m., today. "Doctor, when can I go home?" the patient asked. He was assured from tha present Indi cations - he could leave the hospital not later than Wedneaday next. The vice president nominee Immediately began to plan for a conference with political friends at I'tlca on Friday, July 3. Dr. Carter stated that Mr. Sherman had obtained seven hours or refreshing sleep during the night and felt In ;ilgh spirits, fieely, Joking with those around his bed side. His condition physically was about normal when Dr. Carter called, his tem perature being "98, pulse, 72, respiration, 23. At a conference held this morning be tween Dr. Carter and consulting physi cians, Drs. Allen and Stone, the greatest assurances wss expressed as to the utll mate' complete recovery of Mi. 8herman. The patient's temperature reached normal at midnight last night and'- continued con stant during the remainder of the nigh, and today. Mrs. Sherman ha . completed regained her strength and was In the best, of spirit today. GRUBSTAKE .CONTRACT VALID Supremo Court of Waahlnarton Gives Money to Man Who Helped , . Prospector. SEATTLE. Wash.. June 2B.-A law suit w-hlch Involves more ( than 11,000.000 in Alaskan property and which Is unusually Interesting cn account grubstake feature has Just been decided on an ap peal by the euprenie court. Captain E. T Barnette, banker and mining operator of Fairbanks has been forced to make an ac counting of all property and money which he has made while In the Tanana to James P. Causten. at present collector of customs In Porto Rico. In 1901 Barnette got Into difficulty, when on hi way to the head waters of the Tanana with a stock of goods. His steamer sprung a leak and Causton ad vanced to engage another boat with the agreement that ho" should have a third Interest In whatever profit Barnette made. Barnette, through the fortunate develop ment of the sTanana became tmnyensely wealthy, eatabllshed a bank and at present has Interests In many of the richeat claims In the district. Thl agreement hold good according to the decision of the suprome court, and a third of Barnette' possession ls awraded to Causten. FATAL WRECK NEAR CHADRON Five Persona Killed When Northwest ern Pasaenaer Strikes Washout from Cloudburst. CHADRON. Neb., June 26. Five persons were killed today In a wreck on the Chi cago & Northwestern railroad. A double header freight train, eastbound. struck a washout caused by a cloudburst, forty miles from Chadron. The dead: ' WILLIS GRAHAM, engineer. O. C. MYERS, fireman. FRED EBONER, brakeman. TWO UNIDENTIFIED MEN. who wer stealing a ride. Two other tramps are missing and two are injured. Fireman Harris and Engineer Pace are Injured. When the train struck the washout both engines were overturned. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Sooth Omaha Man Appointed Ment Inspector nnd Sent to Arknnsna. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Jime M. (Special Tele gram.) E. I Brenner of South Omaha baa been appointed meat Inspector, located at Arkanhus City; Ark. J'-nnie Smith has been appointed post master at Bullhead. Boreman county, S. D , vice W. B. Shrlver, resigned. RAILWAY WRECK IN INDIA Fifteen Persons Killed and Injured lu Collision ear Bombay. STO BOMBAY. Jun M. Fifteen persons were killed and 270 Injured in a collision between ! After votes of thanks all aroi nd, much an express and and a freight train on the official patting on the u.nk. be ton me it Bombay ft Baroda railway 'today nearjof rartl-colortd bouquets to everybody and Baroda. Four of the passenger coaches and ' lo Oinaha In particular, wil l ri r' 'B c.ieeia four mall cars of the express train and ; for what all conce 'e l wad r yai n ernln four cars of the freight train were burned. I mnt, the twentieth couemlon f ths Na- . ' . TTT- ' tlunal Live Sto k axi!u..j;e adjo.irned si i DOLLIVER TO RIDE THE GOAT ' die. The. execute tJ!.,,.iUee In;, ol ate y i - 1 1 went Into sr salon lor iiell'!i!ntry wjrk Fort Dedse Elks Will Put town Sena- a,i organisation. tor Ibrnnill Initiatory Cere- I . monies Tonight. ItVtlFT t li tM THI ST I AF.S FORT DODGE. la.. June :.-(Spe. M Tel egram.) Tonight Senator J. P. Dolllver will be Initiated Into the Elks' lode. HU entrsnce will be the feature of the evening, as he will ride the goat alone. A class of twenty-five will enter with him. A big banquet will follow th cereraouUs. BIG METING ENDS Live Stock Exchange Closes Most Suc cessful Convention in History. STRYKER CHOSEN SECRETARY South Omaha Mn Gets Most Im portant Office in List. NEXT MEETING AT DENVER Western City Wins Cut Aft?r Contest v.-ith Milwaukcs. SWIFT FLAYS KANSAS MAN Area tans Attorney General Jackson for Trust Prosecutions anil Pre dicts Death of Cnperatlvp Live Stork Concerns. Pises of meeting. Denver, vet, 40 to 33. Prsaldsnt, I. I. Graves, Indianapolis, eoretay, A. P. Stryker, South Omaha. Treasursr, J. W. Moor, Chicago. "Hu'rah for Omaha. Hurrah! Hurrah Hurrah!'' with rousing cheer on their ilps, the delegates to the Twentieth scs rlon of the National Livestock Exchnnss filed from the convention hall tit 4:45 p. m. Friday afternoon at the cloee ot the twentieth annua laesslon. Omaha get a new honor !n the secretary, an office If possible, more Important ths'n the presidency. Omaha did well and deserved It. The vote for Mr. 8trykr was partly a recognition of this. Two days have been crainmod with dis cussions and action of Interest to all com mission men and livestock producers. Federal control, a square deal to the pub lic with publicity, firm enforcement of the economic rules of the exchange, oppo sition to so called leeches and misguided Interferenoe, and conservative adherents to the methods of sane competition, have been advocated In many brilliant pcochen. Superb entertainment from every point of view has made thl convention historic. In tho election of officers and the choice of a place of meeting precedent was sev eral times overturned. Denver, by a vote of 4 Oto 33 Was chosen as the place of the next convention. The other city In competition was Milwaukee, championed by G. B. Van .Norman. He made an elo quent plea, and fought hard for the honor, but J. A. Johnson's Invitation, and tho charms of the' western city proved too alluring to the convention. Precedent la Broken. Following this selection, the precedent of allowing the president to go to the exchange which became the entertainer for the ensuing year was broken. No Den ver man wa placed In nomination. T. S. Grave of Indianapolis was nominated by George V. Wells of Chicago. Mr. Vn Norman, under the defeat for the plac , of entertainment, refused to be salved ove; and made a speedy withdrawal. Thereupon, Graves being the only nominee, was unanimously elected by acclamation. The chairman of each delegation named Ita vice president as follows: Omaha Jay Laverty. Chicago K. H. Ingwersen. Sioux City Frank Anderson. St. Joseph A. F. Daily. St. Ixnils E. E. pversireet. Pt. Paul C. L Hans. Pittshurg-C. V. I.auer. Buffalo H D. WhaU-y Milwaukee T. L. Wood. Kansas City L. A. I.ennen. Denver A. J. Campion. These were simply ratified by the con vention and have the powers of the execu tive committee. Indianapolis, having th president, had no vice president. Stryker for Secretary. In the election of secretaty A. F. Stryket came out with brilliant colors over all oppo sition and Omaha got another feather lr Its cap. In this election the exchange ap parently committed Itself to the policy ol rotating the orflce of secretary. Hereto fore there has been but one secretary, C W. Baker of Chicago, who has held th office for nineteen year. In nominating Mr. Stryker Jay Laverty said that It had been the sense of the meeting at Knnsas City last year that the office should be given tc the other exchanges after reasonable terma It is not Intended to'change yearly In thli respect, but to alio a new rule to be ' established by custom. "The service ot Mr. Baker has been faultless In every re spect," said Mr. i-averiy. nc nw u.o more than, any other man to put the ex change on Its feet during the time of Its struggle for control In the varlou yards." Following the nomination of A. V. Stryker, G. B. Van Norman nominated C. W. Baker of Chicago, Mr. Moody of St. Loul nominated H. F. Parry, the local secretary, and William Megeveny of St. Paul 'named Secretary Frar.k E. Scott of Bloux City. Mr. Baker declined the honor of another election and withdrew from the contest. The first vote on the three remain ing candidates gave Stryker 80, Parry 2u and Scott 17. In this ballot Chicago voted eleven men, but gave Parry four of Ita votes. On the second ballot the entire eleven voted for A. F. Stryker ar.d the vote stood: Stryker 34. Parry 16 and S-ott 17. This being a majority. Mr. Parry moved that the election be made unanimous. H was seconded by Mr. Scott and It was done amid good feeling. A. F. Stryker Is the secretary of th local exchange and is kr.own as one of the brightest and hardest working raen around the yards. To his efforts largely ls de clared to be due the splendid success of th entire entertainment. He has the reputa tion of being fearless, frank and cnr.vlncinj, and tireless In attention to detail. Moore t htiHra Treasurer. J. W. Mooie of Chicago, when ni one had a favorite for the of:lce. of treastrrei', was pounced upon by the convention and made the victim of tin; r-r esirings agiliut his protest and judgment. It was oai chance the convention had to gel even wlih Moore for talking on every subject of dlscusfclon during tVee ntlre session. H wss so overcome by the attack that be.foie he 'could decline or escape teh convention I had adjourned. sas Proamnion Were Bused on Perjured Kv Ideci-e. "Before anotmr cai tlie co-operative commlslon con.pany will he dead, the Kaw harnessed and the Missouri diked," de clared J. C. Swift, ex-preuloent of the Kan Ill City Live Slock tchana, wag Filday 7 i