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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1908)
ran omatia daily mr.-. ratuhday. may ifi. iocs. .Ts5V ver.' .v -..'".(. rmrv -.v I ; f H l If t . a I? !! i m , if 1 J j op Set Rig Iwltr wrar A4 Page 4 Great Hosiery Sale Samples of Finest French More than 100 sty lea In plain tans and blacks, lace embroidered, allover lace and lace boot Hosiery, many evening shades, lisle and fine cotton on big bargain square worth up to 75c, at, pair 25c Importer's Samples Men's Hosiery Plain and fancy lisle and cotton, double so,le, splice heel and toe. browns, tans, lace, also silk embroid ered mercerized, worth up to 60c pair, at, pr 15c Misses', Children's and Boys' Hosiery at 15c Fine and heavy ribbed hose blacks and tans, worth 25c P pair, at pair IDC All Silk Ribbons All colors, plaids, checks, stripes, messallnes and silk, taffetas, up to No. 6 wide and worth as high as 50c :ru'5cioc-i5c 3 Big Bargains in Long Silk Gloves 12 and 16-button length, pure Milanese, double tip, black, white and evening shades, worth up to $1.25 a pair. .Qn at, pair JSK JLayser's Short Silk Gloves Two-clasp pure silk eloy;,t- double tipped, all colors and pair - TAPER WJSr 5G. CORSETS So perfect l the combination of style, com fort and last lug shape, re tention In n. & O. Corsets that they have come to be re Carded as tlila ptandard of car pet vulue, ' by the best gown ed women of America, The new R. ft G. models lor spring are beauti ful exam ples of cor set making, latest fash Ion's, grace ful lines. A fine ex ample of the Empire style of designing Is the model shown here (A20). Prlre in'Coutll $1.00. Kvory pair guaranteed. Km "" J i m We Bought a Manufacturer's Samples and Surplus Sto:k of m M CA 11 J cn 3 5 Aviciis vpi.ju unuerwear ,or juc 5 A salfi of the very finest summer undershirts and drawers for men stock includes Conde's Swiss mesh in all colors, Otis French - lisle mercerized silk, Peruvian cot ton, in plain and fancy effects. have always paid $1 and $1.50 a gar ment for Satur day, on bargain square choice SO Men's Union Underwear Munsing, Lewis and Sterling make.$l to $4.98 We are showing the newest exclusive patterns in Manhattan and E. & W. shirts for men largest assortment at $1.50 f iAtaeBiBBeBBBBiaBisisi Remember that Grand Sale of Rugs Biggest Bargains Ever Known in Omaha AT BRAN DEIS MONDAY f Scores at Everyone has, who has sent their Silver ware, Chafing Dishes, Candlesticks, Brass Beds, and in fact anything made of metal, whether solid or plated, to be repaired and refinished by the OMAHA SILVER CO., Inc. Kemper, 139 Hempi & Buckingham All Kind Half Block SoDthFaroam lor the Bifl Mat tin Under- 3 1 wear Ad and German Make allover - 25c Embroidered Collars Laundered collars, many col ored collars, In new styleB, all sizes,, worth up to 25c each, at, each . . . . 5c-10c Long Gloves 16-button length, pure Bilk, extra heavy, double tipped, all the new shades of tan, leather, Copen hagen, pongee, navy, sky and black, worth 2 pair, rt fa at, pair JQC Long Lisle Gloves Silk finished mercerized lisle, 16-button length, black and white, all sizes, worttCf" $1 pair, at, pair ....vC-. sizes, at 50C;7DC-$1 r Specials inBa.semcrvt Children's blue and pink Lace Hose, assorted sizes, 10c value, pair Men's heavy Knit Hose the Uncle Sam United States Standard Army Hose In all sizes Basement Hosiery Dept, pair....5 Nicely made Gingham Aprons, made from several size check, blue, brown and green Amoskeag gingham, special value, each . .. 15? Ladies' $1 Corsets at 49c long, medium and short hip styles, with supporters all sizes regular $1.00 value, at 40 New Summer Girdles plain or with supporters splen did values at the Base ment Corset Dept. each at .-25S 39 and 494 You to $3.98 ' 4t jj i i . F I 5 H I wm i mm Home Plate SILVERSMITHS and Hi U Ladies Hat Worth $5.00 I mwm With Each Pur chase of 312.00 or More for Cash or Credit Tonior"r.iv( fl -grve you a Indles'rnt free with each pur rhnm ,rf 9 12.00 or more In any de l(ti(nicnt. Vour Credit Is Good. Men's Nuita, Men's Mats, Men's Shoes, Men's Odd Trousers, Hoys' Suits, Youths' Suits. Ladies' Suits, Ladies' Skirts, Ln dicsV Waists, Ladies' Hats, Ladies' Shoes. Don't miss this sale, some big Bargains, and you get a nice La dies' Hat Free, bring this ad with you. IDGLEY'S Credit Store 1417 Douglas. Klmer Keddeo, Mgr. i E2SSS38Qi NEW STYLES IN LOW SHOES FOR BOYS This season, more than any other, we have secured not only a large stock, but sev eral new Ideas for the boys. STKKL SHOD SHOKS The wearing qualities for our is known to every one who has ever purchased a pair They outwear any two pair of boys' Bhoes ever built. THK PRICKS RANGE Little Gents sizes 10 to 13, for S2.00 Youths' sizes, 1 to 2 $2.25 Boys' Blzes, 2 to 6 . . . 2.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Fa main Street "CLE.ANL1NE.SS" It the watchword (or health and vigor, com fort and beauty. Mankind is learning not only the necessity but the luxury of clean liness. SAPOLIO, which has wrought such changes in the home, announces her lister triumph , HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH A special soap which energizes the whole body, starts the circulation and leaves an xbilara'ing glow. A Ugrottri and druggittt. on:i.s. Comfort Without Extravagance." HOTEL WOODSTOCK W.43B-ST.!;S?SNWY0RK MUSIO QUIET AND IN '-3 lm2i S3 HEART r-rrrrri.TT ihinos & tA yl n &ifs ! fe ,f-. B:?S story inf'afi'JtiT'a PROO ElplfiOTa M 13 TRANSIENT ill i. : EL 1 '7TI f i " 1 1 kooms with running water, 1 1.60 and u With ath, 2 and up. suites, is and up Write for particulars. WiRb for reservations, our expense, j W. H. VALIQUETTE, Manaoer, ALSO THfc BERWICK. RUTLAND. VT. ' Omaha' Pure Food Center Restaorant on Second Moor 'A Where tasty cooking Is served at moderate prices. ) Saturday Specials $ 0 Fancy Missouri Strawberries, lBcsJ S and 2c!.J 'i Large California Cherries, per U-.ft p at 3Cv' ;1 Fresh LimeB, per dozen 800 $ $ Lemons, per dozen 20c fj "1 Fresh Pineapples, each 10e$ $ Fancy Head Lettuce, 10c and 15c f , '1 Cultivated Mushrooms, per lb., ejf $ at cj ) Radishes, per bunch ......... Icjjj as per dozen bunches j 10c St V Lettuce. 2 for Bc Best Creamery Dutter, per lb. 20c V $ Best Country Butter, lb 20c Oct. Made Cream Cheese, per lb.,? S at 20c.; 80c bottle Olives noc $ 50c bottle Olives 23c y 48-lb. sack of Flour .... $1.33!$ " Potatoes, per bu ",fcJ ft Allegretti Chocolates, In bulk, per ft ; lb 40ci;- $ Chocolate Teanut Buds, per lb. 25e$ Anrlr-nt Piiffa liar Ih . . 2(t i 55 French Nougat, per lb 2tK Carnations y M Assorted colors, per dozen.. SOcV S Roses, per dozen . .. 40c per qt.,p X Fresh Roasted Peanuts, at oc ? Fresh English Walnuts, per lb. 15c!? Liquor Department h California Port, per bottle 2.VJ Golden Grain Straight 'Rye Whis-;.;) :k key, full quarts 9 Cocktails, per bottle 75c i Old Atherton Rye, bottled in bond '4 IJer UUILIU IfUVj ; Meat Department H Roast Beef (choice shoulder cuts) per lb 11$ Bacon (nice lean strips) lb. 15c;.; N Armour's Star Hams, per lb.l2?4C$ From to lO p. m. we will sell s nice, fresh Beef Hearts for bak-$ H lng or boiling, at per lb...3)ar0 y A full line of Usinger's Milwaukee B Sausage always on hand. fi IT Ankola Colfee $1.00 possible to buy such satisfactory coffee as ours. Rich, full flav- ored, delicious, fresh roasted daily, as we roast all the coffee we sell. You will thank us for telling you when you try Court ney.'s Coffee. Order today. Now. $ (Courtney & Co Seventeenth and Doug-las Sts. $ l'lione DoiiRlas 647. , Private Kxoliantte Connects AH 'A Departments. jft Hew Fast Morning Train Chicago TO Mew York VIA LEAVE CHICAGO. 9:00 A. M, ARRIVE NEW YORK, 9:15 A. M. All Incoming morning trains from the west, northwest and southwest connect with this train In Chicago, and on arrival In New York passengers are landed in Grand Central Station the ONLY railroad .terminal in New York City. Right in the heart of the hotel and residence district. Subway station under same roof. 16 minutes to Brooklyn without change. A daylight ride along Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, through the Mohawk valley and down the his toric Hudson river. CALL ON OS ADDRESS L. W. Landman, G. W. P. A. La Salle St. Station, Chicago, 111. WARREN J. LTHCH Fasssnffer Tr&fflo XSaus.g'sr CHICAGO Your Style rw SPRING SHOES AID- OXFORDS $3.50 m $4.00 Vsw lasts la Tan, Dull Calf ad Patent Colt. Ton can be comfortable la the styles we sell at the Walk - Over Shoe Store 314 South 16th Street. t IFour duor bo. lteaton Urug Co.) SD. S. THOMPSON, Walk-Over Man. The Twentieth Century Farmer Lake fp Shore i Jtl La STARTS SATURDAY MORNING On account of the backward season we offer Men's Suits WORTH $12.50 AND $15, FOR BOY'S OXFORDS Our Boys Oxfords will keep the M boys' feet cool and comfortable H during the spring and summer months'. The boy's tireless feet should be kept comfortable as well as father's. Box Calf, Tan and Patent Ox ford's durable, comfortable, sty lish 1.75 to $3.00 All Sizes A pair of our Boys' Oxfords will make the boy look like a young gentleman, and feel like one. FRYSHOE CO. TEE SHOES S. 16th and Douglas Sis. 60C POUND BOXES SMART. SET CHOCOLATES SATURDAY OXLT. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Sixteenth and Farnam Sts. READ THE BEST PAPER Tb Omaha Daiir kee. 1 vS Sco them in our Show Windows GUARANTEE CLOTHING GO. ; 1519 & 1521 Douglas SI. Date Clothing Ever Held in Omaha Begins at $10 1250 Suits For Men and Young Men h1-5- at Don't forget for a nMnute that these are actual 10 and $1'J suits. All are thoroughly well made and will make you a good business suit all season lone. $20 2T1 Suits For Men and Young Men 135 at Btop and think! When have yon ever been able to purchase genuine hand-tailored clothe at this price be fore? Compare them with any $20 or $:!.30 suits you can find anywhere. The House of Best Clothes Quality. THE RELIABLE STORE Special Sale Mes Suits By several deals 'with prominent manufacturers we nre enabled to offer you Saturday the most de lightful saving opportunities of the entire season. Men's Suits 7i-$10 All new styles and fabrics, splen didly tailored, the very newest shades and patterns, including a fine assortment of popular shades of brown. Men's Suits .12L-J15 Strictly hand tailored garments, in most clever new styles, all best fabrics, scores of rich patterns to select from. Opportunities for splendid price saving without sacri fice of quality or style. A proposition that will delight any particular dresser who is not adverse to a neat saving. Young Men's Long Pants Suits Latest single and double breaste'd styles val ues to $15; on sale at, per suit, 7.50 and $10.00 Furniture Dept. ZZX" port, worth $7.50, sale price A complete line of Porch and Lawn Furniture at lowest prices. See it before buying elsewhere. TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST . I Meat Omaha's Most Popular Market. HOc-Spring Pork Loins, per lb 9c Pork Roast, , per lb 8C HAVDEGK THE RCUABLB STORE Spare Eibs, five lbs 25c Bacon Strips, per lb SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS CALADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 for $1.00 TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Pearl, doz. 35c; 3doz $1.03 GLADIOLI, in Superb Mixture, doz. 30c; 50 for $1.03 CINNAMON VINE, Extra Large, each 10c; 12 for .... $1.09 DAHLIAS, Assorted, each 10c; 12 for $1.0J THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1613 Howard St. Bee Want Ads ; - The Very Best Styles at Lowest Prices. Boy's Odd Knee Pants TVig assortment of patterns and fabrics, all sizes, four to six teen years, values to Toe, on sale at 35c $7.00 Enameled Iron Cribs white with woven wire springs, HO-in. wide, o4 in long, with drop side snap at $-1.75 Sanitary Steel Davenports, with link fabric, makes a comfortable, full sized bed or handsome daven 1.95 V iV Specials for Saturday Omaha's Market. Chickens-hOc No. 1 Hams, Sat urday, lb., 12 '2 California Hams, per lb 8c 10c Produce Results Saturday $1650 18 Suits For Men a.nd Young Men 97-5- at Good, dressy, conservative styles for business wear. Not one worth a cent less than $lfl.RO Saturday at Bran deiB for $0.75. Finest $25 and $30 SUITS For Men and Young Men 16 at Saturday you can choose from bo me of the world's best ready-to-wear suits In this group. High, broad, athletic shoulders, close-layinR, broad lapela, Enug-fltttng collars. Newest colors. l s 1 Scat I lira IpI