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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1908)
TTTE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. MAY hi IS REAL ESTATE cttt morrRTT r sali (Continued.) CLOSE-IX INVESTORS For t'-.e first time we offer a modern house. 14 rooms. suitable (r rwnT, or mi.1 mv two blocks west of the postnfflce. lot xl.. 23.5" caeh will do. Balance at p" cent. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Jn New Tor Life BMf CS CO 13 FOR PALE. Elegant i:-mmn resldenee. now snd mn1 rn, in West Famam district; owner leav ing city; will Mil at a sacrif.ce. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO.. 214 BI. Trad -. OL'.i -T.C7 Wx LIST jour property with Chris Bo-r. 2: J arid Cumin Sta. C2 odi I WANT an offer on the property. 112S and 11JO S. 31et St.; two modern houses and inod burn; well rented. This property is owned ly an eastern party wno must sell. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. aa) pEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST prj l CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. KyJm iVii .107 REAL ESTATE FARM A24D Mt.MH LA.I FOR SALS Colorado. GOOD FARMING LAND. EAST PATMTSNTS Near Denver. n Gree.ey d. at r et. bia'k suil. cay subsoil, wells 25 to 4 feet, bunrian-e of moisture, lnw altitude, gen eral .'arming Including :orn raising", one t n.p pays tor land, close to land J60 an jf ri; i'W price, easy terms; will sooa t.uub.e lit vaiiie. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. mU iiramiies bunding, uruai.a. Neb. (laV-MlK A P.AN'CH f(ir sale on liberal t' rTia. One of t:i leat rar..(-ea in Holt Co. Neb.. f l.i'ju arre, ail frce.i and rriw-f.-nr" 1 into J d'freronl ptiirea. .i.'i jcra ;n t ime grafa. inn r-st in ii:.:.v;.on and paatun; wiii carry nead "1 oattia uie year around, a 'd dwelling house of I" rooTs. a g iod barn jxHii lee, gond cart. sued Jx- fet. 12-foot poHts. niriii'niMt, J ifrananea. cnii'ken bouse, hoa; houj. ail la ood condition. mile to school limine, t-ltphene in the house, a running stream running througn the barn)-ard and fjr i rr.iics turo'igh the rancii. plant-d t-.mner on land for fuel and f.-ncing. The rin.-h t"nsists of l.i acres of de .led lar.d. 140 n -res of acinxd land of J years' laae al rent per acra. W 111 sell for Sl p-r a re. amounting to 3.!a; ' cash. t: e balance to suit the buyer at S ir cent interent per For further informa tion addreea tne owner. P. J. FRITCHOFF, CELIA. HOLT COLNfY. NEB. t3j) aoT !". Nartk Oakatau SPECIAL TRAIN. EIO EXCl. RtljN LtjW RATES To Ha-nea, Adama :o.. Nortn Dakota. Mav 19. on account of tne bie auction aaie of lota at Itie new town of Haynws ca the new coant line of the . M. Ac St. p. Ry. This town :a giowin rapidly It is '.".4 miles went from and tne Missouri river. Vrite us for maps and facts about the business openings and tne great wheat land on the pay " ment plan. W.lllam H. Erown Co.. Havnes. N. P. or 131 LaSaile St.. Chi cago. 111. Secure your room on the spe cial now. y My : Ttua. TFXAS LNP3 How to get then. Sen! tl (m t.- R C. Lomax. Austin. Texaa. for copv of Texaa land law and Inati-acxlona how t htiv. I was for te years chief of land department stata treasurer's office. Know the lands, when they coma on tha market, how to et them for my clients. Reference- Austin National bank. Austin. Texaa I-t lands to be sold Hit taraa months. Fees reasonable. WHEN wrltlns; to advertisers, rememb-'r It takes but an extra stroke or two of the ren to mention the fact that you saw the sd In The Pee REAL ESTATE LOANS f.'V to i:.a made promptly, r. D. WMd, WeaJ Ling.. Wtii and Farnara. PRIVATE MONET NO PEJAT. GARVIN BRO.. luA FARNAM. MONET TO LOAN Farna Investment Co. LOAN'S on Improved Omaha property. O Keefe R. . Co.. HK1 N. T. Life Bldg. IJ2 alii FIVE PER CENT Money to loan on Omaha kusinees property. THOMaJ BHfENNAN. Rocna 1. New York Life Bids;. CZiI 453 PRIVATE MONET CASH ON HAND NO DELAT. J. H. M1THEN. 3i-'-4 1ST NAT. BANK BLLG. TEL. DOI O. in. (22 iU MONET to loan on tmprot city property. rtaai-jnaa ac ficyueu. .w wmiumnt e. W ANTED C!ty loan a. Peters Tn.rt Co. WANTED CMy loans and warrants. W. Famam Smith Co.. 133 Famarn St. till 5.9 LOWEST RATES Bemts. Pax ton Block. ir oi7 REAL ESTATE WANTED 'ANTEI In format ion regarding a good house and lot for sale iu or within i miles of Omaha: prefer dealing win owner onlv. state price, location and aive f ill d.scrption. Address L. Da.rtivai.ire, Eox R "-tiester, N. V. Qi-MiJ 1 WANTED TO BORROW 24. Flu 14 a private party; per cent. 1 tear: vai.Mi.4e farm sex-untv. Ad.treM B 4:7. care r-e. i'24) Mig7 17x WANTED TO BUY HIGHiCdT prlcea for 24-hand furniture, car-L-ela. ciuUiaa suad auiKS, Tel. Loug. 171. (.23 fctaT price paid tor 2-hand furniture, car poia, aitivea. t-iuChuig. aiiuca. Tci. Heal 5sua. 4,1 WANTE1 A cheap soda fountain. Atitireaa Wajrua tkaiianlakia. fcju, Neu. M2VC lix W1LIJ buy IMS hea4 of second-hand city hras at tho Harney iirwt stauies Sal urc.ay. aiaiy ii- lrii.g m a.i kii.aa. D. o. l'e;-l..era. i-ii -S2 Lx WANTED TO RENT WANTED For Uie summer months. t rent a 4 or i-rucm furnisned fiat. Will laae good care of place ami furnuaU raf-irreiu-caw Adareaa ks cavre Eea. tJa w4 17x WANTED to rent for July, a modern cot tage, furnished. AJclnaa W. L. t'uakley, 1 N. 254.1 at. i.Ja Mu) 21 iMi-iicLr oilUAllLr.i WANTED Permanent position in house fjruisiung buaiiwaw by a.tMM'iaDAied asaui we.! up in eptiuiet so . mattress making, a.iades. draj-ry and f:x:ng. Aioy u Tumaan. Hi W. Third He. L'u.uiii. M.nn. C-T l Ul at t.VPERIENCED steaog rap tier; exceiiant refrQte Address "D." Omaua Be, Cuuccil iiliitl. u. Jai. IQl'dEWOHK WANTED By experienced Jaiaiaae Uy: relereccva. AJdreaa. 7J1 d. tiu tit., or teivpuune Doug. Saaa. C'.r- M531 14t MAN AND WIFE wiehos posltioa as gard ener and cook. Reference. AJttreas 13U Laavonworth eil.. Omaha. i27) Mill 17 x glTVATlON wanted oa the r d. candy craiarr or fruit line t reterreu. a Waa. tLtaf. AlaraUioa, la- t-T Mo2. lx LjyATjEANsreRL - Jul Jor:on and husband to J A. Bv.T et rrt lot L block . H ' de .MIti. n N. 1 I El'-r P. Cr.op..r t ai to R F Fraejahan. !'. 4. j. 7. and .1". J. Coord tie Air-Ira, B. Mt ard and hu5ftn1 to -A l F !.'r r.jn. pert lot i. j block 7. '"ri. .a Iatln f ft cotiu rtax eo ea maa 4.11(1 W R We, a-d win to O.i'slrpe Sunxerl. .t 4. bi,. k .. Frnt e. D V ?t ties winpuny rt ai to Gorgs jC. Seed, lot 2," Shnle a sub-it'-is-on W I-. Bonk to t'hjr'n T" Arm strong, lot 1. Mo k 1. I addiffn F'-nx Loner to Wiliia-n M. Ryan. I"t ?. K.ed 11 add ton La ira L.ghton and "iiehand to Charles E. Peneon. low I. 1 .1. 4 -1. 22. 3 and '1. block I'l. r-indoe Pa.- Etr-r A. Zahrk to L !!.- Reed Pl.'.n. part lot 3. Mora. 4. Bern. 9 r'erk Joiin A. Jo"ireon id w;f To l.eon.1 B Sars. lot . blx k a. DrsK a ad-d'tlo-n L-iiira i. I'nrwjr to Mar.' H H.trte. lot bloi-K IX iind'- P'aoe' i P M'-i!aff and huerand to K-anna W. "a.-'. ni 'X 14. 15 and '.. Pa'imsnn a 1t addition M.iNo T. ianr;',tt ii bnband to I.oui.i Peri. lots anl .4. btork I!ndre Plnoe Lori M lvne to i"l,.irl(-a I.add Thon-as. lot 3, S and 9. blork -. lnvern.tle .'iar!ea Lm4 Thflmai to K. J Wil k'raon. lots 3. and 9. blck Z. ''iovMrdr !e Balthae J. and Bfrtha jtter to Tlio .as Ni'-rr-npk.. lot bioi k Iriwa Hi! Solomon J. K;r-stone and wife to Wilham 3 rajl. lot 35, EUiMona rark Fl. r-ri Firi. rnd hoeb'ind to R. E. Iliott, part lot W. Haws' ad difon M. H. fhorran and wife to farah Berlin, lota , 7 ard , blofk 4. Ambler ptare Sam- to Thomas H Healv. ot 7. I and . M.x k . Arvbler r":ire John P-ot.T to E. R. Mi'Mthnn. lots i unci 7. b'M-k 13. Cor .jran P'aro . Lewis 3. p...-d and w-f to Pvron R.H-.J ronipany. part lot 4, biock 3 . Cma .1.1 . . s,vi 1 2.1" I.yi 1 j j 1.75.1 I 1 i 1M 250 tl"0 I Si an 2 Total GOVERNMENT NOTICES CONSTRI CTING QUARTERMASTER S .ri .-. Fort M-ade. s. L . April i.wi j.a.ed proposals, in triplicate, will be i cetvei at tirs offw until l a. m.. mountain time. May 3. and t.ien opened, tor I'ont rucimg one concrete root house re mt'orcLd with steel. Plans and speoiflca tiona oiav be seeri at ti.e nf.Hes of the Cht. f wuartermasfer. repartment of tne M:uri. tmiaha. Neb.. Cwpartment of tne Lake. Ch!c:io, hi.. Eep:-t:nent of kola. 3;. Minn., and this office, at whii h latt-r place all information mav be obtained ufon application. The Irilted 5tate reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to a crept any part of a bid tout mav be ad vantaa-oua to tl'.a govern ment. Envelopes containing proposals liould be endorsed "Pr"poMl for Root House-. For M-ade. S. P ' and addressed to L C. Feher'-r, apraJa and Qi w master. Fou-tn Cavac. y, 'nnt ructina; Quartermaster. A2S-lJMia-M LEGAL NOTICES SEALEJ3 PROPOSALS WTLL BE RE ceived by p. R. Johnson, village cb-rit of Genoa. Neb., until May ;s. 8 p. m.. for tha purcnaae of t.ji) i per cent 5-JI) year (op t 1'iian eiectrh- light plant bonds, dated February 1. li. Bonds draw interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable annually. They are of denomination and mature February 1. hits, optional after February 1. inil All bids mum be accom panied by certified check for 5 per cent of bid. made payabla to O. E. GIlEEN. Vil lage Treasurer. Modl4t rOR BALK BONDS. Village of Sldn-y i Nebraska, water bonds m the sum of J20,-J0.oe, bearlns per cent Interest, for sale. Apply to LJifiLIE NECBAnER. tillage ClarX Sidney. Neo. Mchl& Wii HELP AD7ZETISE OMAHA eaal TW See to Year rrienda. RAILWAY TIWE CARD l'5IO. STATIO.X IOTH AND MARCT I l alana ParlSe Leave. Arr've. .a 8 3d am a )i prn .a 3 &u pm a 3 if pra , aio io am .a 4 10 pm a 6 i pm .112 pm a 9:15 pm .a 9 30 am a t.43 pra .a 4 ne pm a 5 50 pm a 7 41 am a 4 S pm .ai2.10 ana a 7.06 am .b!2i30 pra. b 1:40 pm .a 7 15 am a t pra .a ( pm a 8 39 am . b 715 am .a 4 oo pm a 1:30 am .. 8 3 pm 7:39 am .. 7:311 am 11 35 pm pa 8 :r. am .. 7 am 11 36 pm .. ! S pm 1 Ju pm A at. rasa . The Overland Limited. ' The Colorado Express. I AUantlc &pres The Oregon Express... The I. oa Anireles Lm. 1 The Fast Ma.l ' T'-e China & Japan i Ma" , North riat'e Local Coin. -Chicago Special.. Beatrice & Strotrs- j burs; Local . Illlaala reslni Chicaaa Express Chicag i Limited MlTin.-!t. Paul Exp... annn.-st. Paul Lim .. "- Cresit WeaM St. Paul-Minneapolis... St. Paul-Mtnneapoila .. ( liliaao Limited CV.icago Fxpress Chicago Express Chtc ft Colo. Special.. .a 7 26 am Cnl. On. Express a 6 ts) pra Overland Limited a t it pm Perry Loral a 8.14 pm rsille K. C. 4 St. L. Ex? a :0A am K. C. 4k aH. L. Exp all-li pm all :5ft pra a 3 25 pm a 8 am all .00 am a (:4f am a i.t pm (kings Jt Ssrtkwtitei Oiicsuta Daylight St. Paul-Minn, Exp.... Chicago Local j Sioux City Passenger. ChicaaTO Passenger Chicago Special St. Paul-Minn. Lun ... Los Angelos Limited... Limited Faat Mail Sioux City Local Twin City Limited Norfoik-Honesteel Lini.'oin-l.fig Pine Dea.iwood-Linco.n, Haunft-a-dur rlor Fremont -A:L-ion a 1 Vi pm .a 1:2 pm a 5 am a 7 : am a 3 is pm a 3 pm b 3 ou pm D pm St. Lwuia Expresa .a Jt pm a S-.25 am at- Louis Lci ifrom Council bunts) a 3:00 am all:13 pm thandoerry Lcx-xl (from Council Bluffsi b lrO pm b;0 16 aia tkk-ais. Keck lalaal A raelaVo EAST. Chicago Limited a 3.0 am Iowa Luuu a .u am Liast Meiara Paaaeuger. a 4 to pm Iowa Lotai oi.4o am Om-Mu lEasiera avx.. .a 4 l piu Ciiicj Flyer .... a 10 W EST. Rocky Mouma.n Lla...ail:li pm Lbiu. ai Cau. lLxreks....a 1 la pm uau. i Texas xiaa...a 4.4u via all 06 pm a 4 -d pm aL2:j pm b :5a pm a l:.a pm a .! am a am a put a lii pm BlRU(.TO. 1TA- -14TTH at MASON. Barllagtow L ave. Arrive, a 3 4a pm a 3.46 pm tt.ii it. 11 all). 10 pm a .ij pra a t.:n pm al3 11 pm b ila jx alo li pm a 7 6a pra Derver A Caiifortua... a 4 .N. . I in weal diasutau a 4 10 pm k pin .10 lim tiliixk HilU a 4 .Nurmseai Expreaa ... ail Nebraaka puiuia a 8 Jt pm e aia ii am N. uraaaa express a 1 Lamoia Faet aaau B 1 -4a pm L.r.coia Local Llncoia I Lincoln Leical Siiiuyk-r - plaitsmouta.b 3 Hellevue - Pet lainouth.a i Hu.i-.uioulh - Iowa b 1 o.ut - l1atumoaU3. .. Denver Limited a 4 Chicago ps:iai a 7 Chicane Exireas -a 4 CI. icu Fler a low a Local at. Lou: 'xpreaa a 4 Kansas ry at dt. J..a Kansas Cuy at sk. Ju..a S Kanaas Cay at dL Jo-. a 4 la fm uw pm 14 am If pm Mi em M pm it pm i am, sk pm pm ia am is pin uluD am a aa am b 1 rni a T .t am all. as pm lura I Hu am au'2X) am a.1 311 am a -a Bm a 4. it) pm a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, c Sun day only, d I ally except dairiuty. a Dauly except Monday. WEBSTER ITAe-IITH 4k WE1ITEK. tkicsis. t. PasL MlasasaeUs A Leave. Arrive. Twin in l-aaamger...b 4 at aia h 10 pm Sioux City Paaaenger. a 2 'A pa aut) io avm Liueraoa Local ..c ta am & s5 sn Mleeoort Par Isle - AUJO Lwcl 0 3-30 pui billj :u ' a 7 25 am all. 49 pm a 7:5i am aiO -fl pm all 3D am a Z1-, pm t li am a 4 -n pm a 4 pm a :4i sun a 4:v pm a t J3 a.n a 4 21 pm asm am i I pm a. 2 ;& pm I ai'J ou pm j tv.n i a 3 35 mn a t:& am ! a t ns am 3) pm ait) i5 am a 5 20 pm a 5 JO pm b .a pm b 1 35 pin ! CHAMPS PULL OCT ANOTHER Eousfholder the Strong1 Mta with. ti Stick for the Day. ESITIS O ALL OF OUAHA'S EOS Tlaaew, kejt Gaaval WerW Behlad IMtrher NasaJk Saves the Day. Omaha. J; Fuebln, i. Pa s Chsimplopa noeej ont another g-am from the tafl-enders by one little run. but that was all that wa needM t win hy the score of 1 to J. The Puebs preeentecl a different front with Minaa-er Fstterson st second, but That made no difference, for Captain FTanck and his cohorts were out to win. and win they did. "Two.s ladles day pnd the women were out In full force to cheer the Champs to victory. Fa did not want to take chances w'th any of h.s old staxdbvs nn the proba bility of them gettins; hoodooed by ladles' day. so he sent the re-ruit with the ancient narre of Nrali to the slab. Noah, however, fooled them all and won the game. It was mlahty shaky at times and the fans called for Hollenbeck. who wae warming up near the club hrrise. hut Captain Franrk only spoke a few soothins; words to the giant and told him to stay on the job. with the r"St:It that he has a victory credited to his account. Noah made a great Impression at the tart, and bnt six men faced him during the first two innings, but in th third he wabbied and for a time could not find "he sack. He passed the first t-vo. when Jack son sacrificed Cnrhan to third, end he scored on a Ions; hit to Welch. Hviwweholeler There with the Goads. Tha Rourke family smarted out to make a lot of runs from the very first of the game. King was the first man up, as, and he walked. Franck tried to sacrifice, and both were safe, but It was because of an error of Patterson's In handling a thrown ball. H protested that King had Jumped in his road, but the ump would net hav? it that way. Chiiken proved himself a sartificer as well as a hitt r and boost ir. g them on a base. Householder, who haa not been hitt!nn well of late, changed his tac tics and got back to his exhibition games style of hit'lno;. driving two tome with a corking single. Householder drove In the other run which Omaha made in the third inning with a two-eacker. Franck ad opened out the inning with a single and went to second on Autrey s sacrifice, when Householder with his big stick again did the business. The Omaha team has a neat row of new white bats, but in the lot is one stray black one. That belongs to Householder and he made good use of 1t Friday by driving in all the runs which were made. It looked very much am though Puehio would tie the score in the fourth Inning, but they were held to one run and thus tha score stood until the finish of the game. With one out Mattick singled and stole second and then after McLear had flown out to Belden and Clark had walked it looked to be all day for the Colo radoana as Corhan went to bat. He fooled them, however, by making a hit to right, on which Mattick scored. Tremble tw the Eighth. The eighth inning looked dangerous for Omaha, for the first two men up singled, with some good batters coming up. Then the fans began to long for Hoiienbeck. because It began to look like a balloon awenflon. Noah, however, was on the job and steadied. Patterson sacrificed ami a man waa on second and third. Mattick fouled out to Austin, who made a "grand atand" catch against the bleachers, and McLear hit one to Noah, who did not seem to have time to catch the mnnr at first, but between seven members of the Rourke family Spencer waa nailed between third and home. The same teams will play this afternoon. The score: OMAHA. AB. R. H. 1 1 1 O. 4 A. King. 2h 2 . 1 4 Frank, sn 4 2 Autrev. !h . . I Householder. If 4 9 Welch, cf 3 rt Heiuen. rf 1 0 Austin. 3b 4 0 Gending. c 3 Noah. j 1 4 Totals 1 PUEBLO. 7-16 AB. R. o. l A 1 1 13 Spencer. If ... HovTtever, 3b Patterson, 2b Main k. cf . McLear. rf ... 4 lark, lb Corhan, ss ... cimitii. c Jackson, p ... Vilze 0 3 4 0 0 0 2 1 4 0 14 1 . 0 , . " 3 3 3 0 Totals 30 2 24 'Batted for Jackaoa ia the ninth. Omaha Runs 1 6 1 0 0 11201011 Hits Pueblo Run Hits 1 0 4) 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 2 14 I hit Autrey. Householder. Mat- ' on balls: tiff Nun. 5: : tick. First bi off Jackson. 4. Struck out: By Noah. 3. bv Jackson, &. Left on bases: Omaha, a. Pueblo, a. Double play: Patterson to Cor nan, Stolen baaes: Autrey. i in 0.1045. 2ial-tH-a. tMicriflce 111 ua: AuArey. JbeiUeu. Pat leraoa, Corhan. Jackson. Time: l.v. Um pire: Davis. Attendance, L3v. LIACOUI 19 GITE5 itctoct Wither for Dew kalaea lioleVa These afo tho C a tire Jeoraey. DE3 laOINEa. May la. But one Greeq backer reached second and none third in lAe game here today, while five B.aters completed the entire circuit. Witnerup Citcx.ed another shut-out gajne, allowing ut four uhs d irir.g the game and no two in one inning In addition to pitching su perb bail. Witherup fleltied his posit. on in superb stvle. having six assists, many of them dlf'i. uit. McKay's wtMneas had much U do with tne Dea Moines' narr. f ta pat nek started the sixth with a two-hanger and went to third on a wild pitch. Dexter brougnt him home with a single. In the seventh McKar hit two men. gave two paaavee to rlrsi and McLaughlin's and rVx ter a hlta brought la four scores. The score DES MniXW. A B. F H. Anderson, ss til Neihoff. 3b 3 0 0 McLa iarnlln. cf 4 1 2 Flournoy. If....... 2 11 Dclan. 2h 3 10 Fixpatnck. rf... IIS Dexter, lb 4 0 3 Y eager, c 4 0 0 Witherup, p 4 j O 5 1 I 11 5 0 Totaia ....... 31 S LINCOLN AB. R. U 27 11 H. O " S A. 0 JVide. If Fox. ?b Gagmer, ss... Fen. on. rf.... Thumaa. lb... a 1 0 !t 1 0 t a DavlUaon. cf... Pritchett. 3b... Zmraa. c McKay, p 3 3 2 3 o 0 Totals 2 4 24 11 j Da Mjmea 0 0 4 4 4 14ft ( Lincoin 04000004 0 Earned runs: Des Moines 3. Two-base OCEAN STEAMERS SCAxsmiiti-AMExim lira tajM Tea Twia a. tea. Pssisngax meamara Daracx to Namaj, Snetiea aait ttnzmk ' ailtag rraas Mew Tart at sua Couea uie Mar tt I Oacmr I. . ....Jau it C r Taiasi .. Jttae 4 Ketlig oia .. . Jaoa li la liies tH a-i as a uaaa mm e7.aa. A- It. JCK21S02W h CO., 12 C Itiaita St- C2ueaa. CL i STANDING CF THE TEA VS. WEST. LE'1"E W.UFrt. W 1. Pc- Omaha Ihnver . . . S oux City IJro.ln . . IS 4 .''."2 M twsilk'e .'b T'.le.l . IS. t.l 1 .." I'i'l-an p lis 14 1 13 .42 c.d-rmvte . 15 U 4 ' TeMi'svilie .15 12 5W .31 1 Kar Ciy .11 14 . Mn S' Psul .. 1 l ii 14 i in 11 14 I ws Moines. 1" '5 P'leblo 7 15 M n-.c p Us . 7 14 JO AMEH, LEAGUE. NATL LF.AGCE W L. Pi t W.L.F- Chicago ..13 7 AM New Tnrk.. '.5 Pntsburc Nw York P'-ila. ... Pcst.m . . . Cincinnati VI . 15 "i .13 SSI Cleveland 1" 546 12 9 .571 St. Louis U U 5 h .1112 .Am Chicago II '.2 .4"x . 1 12 .i2Wrott in 12 4V1 . W .34,1 Wash'e'tnn 14 Sl St. L.ii1s Brooklyn ... 9 In ..VJ Post. in 9 1 ..VJi GAMES TODAT. Wester Lear-ie p-iebjn at Omaha. Lin coln at Pes Moines. rnrr at Stonx Cltr National Leaanie Boat in at St. Louis. Brooklyn at Chicago. N-w T-rk at Cin cirrfiatl. Philadelphia at Pittsburg. American Leaanie fhlcavo at Washing ton. St. Louie at Ph.ladeinl'.ta. Detroit at New York. Cleveland at Boston. Amerlran Association ""nlumhus at St. Paul. Toledo at Minneapolis. Indianapolis at Kansas City. Louisville at Milwaukee. hlta: Flotimov. F"txTtr1ck Hit with pitched hail: Bv McKar. 4. Bases on balls: Clf McKay. 2. Wild pitch: M'Kir. Struck out: By Withenip. a. bv McKav . Stolen bases: Dexter F'ournnv. McLaughlin. Sac rifice hit: Zinran. T'-rie: 1 23. Cmpire: Haskell. Attendance: DENVER PrttED DOWN. BT SIOVX I HTtleers Get I ana; Lead. at J laahl t Hold It. I SIOCX CITT. Ia.. M.y It. Cru' s I good work on the slab afW b had dis placed Williams at the s'art of tne third Inning won the game for Sioiig City today, to 4. Onlv one hit wu made off his dr-liver-v Bohannon. for Denver, was hit hard in the first and slxt'i Innings. Andreas. Weed. Herrv and Severed hit saflv in the latter 'nnlng. seorlrg two nins and winning tie game. Hoin teams piavooi a briiilant rie'fi ng game. Lenver making two double plays. Score: SIOCX CITT. fiil AB. R. II. O 1 4 4 0 4 :i r 1 ft 1 A. E. ft rt ; o ' n ' 2 rt 0 0 3 HI -1 1 3 3 o 1 ft : o 14 1 A. E. 1 0 it 0 1 0 ft t 0 S o 4 n 0 n 2 0 0 0 CamnljeH. If Holmes, cf .. Andreas. 2b Weed, rf Ht-nrv. c Pv.riJ. lb . Welch, lb ... Oanville. as Williams, p . Crutcher, p .. Totals J 1 1 .t 4 1 2 li DENVER. AB. Tt. 3 1 3 1 4 0 3 U 27 H. O n 0 s 3 4 3 3 1 0 Waldron. rf Belden. cf . Z.iluxky. lb . Cassady. If . Irwin, lb . lauterborn 3 4 2b Kinneailv. ss .... 2 0 M. P'H.iiiKti. c 4 Rohannon. p 4 Uoll I Totals 72 4 14 Catted for Bohannotv'm ninth. ?loiix Citv 3ftloo200 Unver 2 : I ') M il O 94 Two-baee hits: Holmes. Andreas. Henry. Three-base h:t: Rohannon. ficnHop hit: Weed. Stolen base: H ilmes. tionble plays: Kinneally to Lautetxirn. Kinnealiy to ZaiusKv. Bases on onils: f f Bobannon, 2; off W illams. 1; off Crutcher. 2. eiiruck out; Bv Bohannon. 3: bv -Williams, i: hy Crutcher. 2. Hit bv pltohed ball: Andreas. Time; l ttt. Umpires: Corbett and Adams. Attendance: ,i. GAMES IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Mlaaeapwlls lisrkei Hlra mad Wist from Toledo. MINNEAPtLia. Minn.. May 13. Minne apolis bunched hlta off Went in the f.rst two innings, and won today s game with Toledo. 7 to 3. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. TOLEDO. B.H.O A 8. B H O A E. Ovir. aa...., Wdar. If--O'Neill, cf . Freeman, rf. Qu-.llia. 3b .. O'Bren. Jb Clarxe. lb.... But-isw, c Sarbeao. as.. 4 i M 1 Hlnennian. 2b 4 s.moot. ,f 4 Armu'ster. 1 Mi'inhr. i 2 -1 rf 4 3b 1 'Wet1rli. lb 4 "Latiil. 1 4 n A .ibott. e 1 Granam, p. 1 K latere If.. ft 9 0 4 141 Ji IS) 17 S 1 1 0 -T 1 0 rt 3 West. o. ... Tala 3 K J Tocala.... Minneapolis 3 2 u 9 Toledo 1 0 1 Two base hit: Freeman. Sacrifice hits: O'Neill. W'l'lhn, McCarthy. Siolen ba-es: GrahaiTi. Weliiay. Fr'-eman. OyW. Left on baiis: Minneapolis. 3; Toledo. 1". Bas,-s on bails: Off Granam. 2: off West. 2. Hit bv pitchel bail: By Gnham, 2; bv West, 2. Struck out: Bv Granam. 5; by West. 1 pased ball: Abbott. Time: 1:5". Umpires: Kerin and Bterhalter. H stealers Defeat Rntrhero. KANSAS CITT. May 1C. Hard lilting and frequent errors by the loca:s gave t ns afternoon s g-ame to Indlanapoiia. The game waa inarn-d with lriiiem arguments between the local players and Umpire Kane. Cross and Neighbors were sent to the bench. Score: INDiAXAPOLIS KANSAS CITT B H D. A E. Ne.ehbura. 1 ft 4 7 1 1 1 " Buab. aa i 1 1 1 Murvar. cf 1 ft a 4 9 1 1 ! 1 IS 2 1 1 2 I Omiter. if... SIS Hertoa. rt... 4 1 1 'a-r. Ib. 4 11 IKrWina. rt. 4 1 Livingston, el d 1ft W'lliama. 2b. 4 1 1 Hnpas. 2b.... 4 2 lurquard. p. 1 2 a 0 Brown, aa. . . . 2 ft SHailman. rf.. 4 Berkiev. lb . 4 2 A rlrssnear. 2b. 3 1 e keewin. If .. 4 S Kmeger. 3a. 2 1 rap. c 1 4 Kaaa. p 1 0 4 Totals 3 12 27 li m Travis 31 t rr t Kansas City 0 . 1 i Indianapolis 0 0. 3 2 0 0 0 0 05 Earned runs: Kansas City, 1; Indian spoils. 1. Two base hit : Braanear. Baees on Bails: Off Egan. 1; off Maniuard. 1. Struck out: By Marquard. 10; by Egan. 2. Left on bases: Kansas City. 3: Indiana; t Double plays: Cross to Crisp to Braa:ier; Livingston to Bush. Stolen bases: Off Cirr, 2; off Davidson. L Sacrifice hits: Hayd-n. Carr. Marnitard-' Base on errors: 1.1.11 in apolis. 2. Hit by pitched ball: Livingston. Time: 20. Umpire-. Kar.e. Brewesw Move la to Flaw Place. MILWAUKEE. May 15. After getting sway with, a bad start Milwaukee drove Adams out of the box in the second inning, going lino the lead and never being neaded Dougherty pitched masterly bill after the first inning, while Poole also did good work. The victory puts Milwaukee in first place. Score; M'.L'ACKEB. LOCISVILLE B H o A B. B H O X L. RnMnaoa. as 3 Creao. rf 1 M i heaa J. If 2 Ranoaii. cf 2 Baieman. cf. 1 Ro-.h. r . .1 M.-i orm k. 2b 1 Ciark. lb.. 2 Bmwn. lb-. -. 4 1 a 1 Stabler tt . & 1 4 4 jodrurf. If. 4 1 1 Perrme, i... 4 1 4 4 Peitx. t I 4 HMni. lb.. 4 A 4 1 : 1 ! 2 4 1 1 4 Buna 3b 2 4 Harlev. rt. 1 1 4 1 aa.. 2 e 0 a lams, p 4 4 P.ntie. p.. .14 4 Dousnenr. p 1 ft 2 14 4 Tm:i ... 31 r: -j 2 t:i . ... 7 24 w t Hariev out for interference. Milwaukee 13110001 7 Louisville 3 0 0 " 0 0 0 f Hlta: Off Adams. 3 In two innings: off Pooie. 4 m six mniPis Safr-'ice hits: Robinson. McChesney ill. Roth. M Cormlc'i. Dougherty. Burke. Ha'lev. Stolen basee: Ratuiail. Rfith. Woodruff. Liouble pi ly: Robinson to brown. Left on beses: Mil waukee. 5: Louisville. It). First fcve e Off Adama. 1; off Poole. 3: off iHiitghertv. T. Struck out: By Doutrherty, 2. Passed ball: Pef.x. T'mc: 1 3.1. Um pire: Owens. Entries for High School Meet. DES MOIVES. Mav 13. iSp.ial I The entry luet for tne state high scm.h.I meet to be held here ,n Miv 22 is complete and waa announced by Princii al Whitley of Sioux City, secretary of t:ie executive ovard of the aaar.ciaiinn. yesterday. The list In cludes 13" or more names and twenty-three will be represented. The meet this vear ia expected to be one of the beat ever ! 1.1 In the stat?. I.ia Grove is feared by a 1 on account of the three successive wuia to its creiit. H't Hign cf E"S M.enes will be in the auid the Nof.n H'gh team is a fast bunch of men also. The teams entered are: NVwt...i. Hartler. G-tn-nell. Casincd Bluffs. Ida Grove, Mas4n Ci'y. Cherokee. Seymour. Marlon. Aat.ion. cn awa. Carroil. Iowa City. Okalo.ea. Amt-a Colfax. Marsliaultown and Anamoaa. i "I tt ' 1 I Easle Grata Wiaa rield Meet. WEBSTER CTTT. Ia.. Mav 15. . Spe-ial Telegram i In the fastest field meet ever held in the Boone Valley Aeeocial.on of aVhouls. Eagle Grove won tms afer notai ha- a luargia of three points. The track was a in tie slow, but tne interest h a-n. several eacursioa tramo heSng mn. The school finished wtii the fii.wing points: Eagle Gmare. T7: Hampton. 14; GoldMeM. 2u. M'erieter rry. 1. H imoolnc. 11: Clarion. 1; Aiguna. 4. West Fend. 4; Ms siii Citv s Tn thei half trifle fin Dllta ef TTamitosi fell a strcae of heart tremble ard 1 at aoavilal in a acnoua cunliixa. PITTSBURG DRAWS BLANK f iratej Are Unnble to Connect with Jlciituliin'i Carre. j ATHLETICS PILE UP BIG SCOEE Three Hlta aad Three Taawea Off Willis Iw Third laalag Resalt la Six Raae Rnth Teams Field Well. PITTFBVRG, Ft.. May 13. Philadel phia shut out Pittsburg today, u to i W'llts was taken out of the box In the I third inning, when three bases on balls. two two-base hits and a slng'e netted the visitors six runs. Score: FK1LA2KL.PHT A riTT'Bt'H'l. B H O A K. B.H O A K K.ihe. lb ... 4 4 11 "c-.,rte. if.. .4 1 ! !rt. Jh ... 5 1 1 4 iTesrti. Zh .. I 0 I 1 1 4 I ! 1 1 a ! 7 1 ;a ft 1 1 t 1 1 1 4 Tubi. rf 1 Mates. If .. 4 ' iitwirne. rf Brsnfieli. :b Doelln. . ... 5 P'Mim. 5 X.vlu.llln. p. S Wiwo. ef .. 4 I 1 l r Watner m .. 4 S " J':. Mo. .h 1 . 4 I 0 " . -r.a. lb.. 4 11 ' TWer. rl I I I I fi'Vmi. r. . . . 1 1 . O-Connr. e . 1 1 W11!. p . . . . 1 1 0 . 41 II Tl ! PM.IlvSl. p.. 1 " 0 " Kne . . . . I a TiUls. . T"1 J1 4 -nati-n ior w misj in tne tnir'i. rv.,i..iwi,i4 , ,i a i a n t i n ii a l Pittsburg i -1 'I it 0 tt 0 o 3 Two-hase hits: Ohorne. Bransfleld I . Three-base hit: M.igie. lilts: "iff Willis. In t it, k,;j:: ' i,?,r.h..e. r . i i ' i v" . . 1 1 1 ft . nsr dm. . ? . wu ltii i.. i . ni.iii.. ar a x t ...... 1 , 1 ..... ...... r m. i.'t.i i i,i pitch: Mctjulliin. time: 1.4..." Umpires: Klem and Kudderhnm. nmiion i un 1 . i.fwis, ST. LOUIS. Mo. Mav opened here this afternoon 15 Bcston nth a vie- n. Uorner t rv over St. Louis. 3 to . t'i ''I na ami a.s given pmeii j support. rtaymon.l also .l. t goon worn j and Boston s scoring wait d ine till ouga errors and passed bails score : ST. Loris B H O A S BOSTON B H O A E Prwne. rf. . neaimor.t. Pt-s. J M' r-snn. V i l : s i . 1 5 ! Bsr-r. rf 1 I 'r!e. lb.. 1 (i 4 I Mur-mT rf. .. 4 I 1 " V-le.nitT. If 4 1 1 i lO-TStrJv-. lb- I 0 Jft I 9esr-rman. t- T ! 1 R'1-k.v. :h. . 4 th.en. m- . 1 Sweeney. ,tb t Demer. p 1 Rourke, . 4 1 1 l.iiiiws. e , 1 1 t IrteHIHteT, r:. I 1 1 lr,,ihn. lb. .. t ft J 4 Rarmond. as i.ii: u p.. 1 ' 4 1 -- Twail. Totals St 4 17 I I Boston ft ft .1 ft 1 2 0 4 n 3 1 St. Louis 0 ft i 0 0 1) 0 0 0 ill Two-base hit: Bates. Sacrifice hits:' Barry. M. 'lann. Dorn-r. Sweeney. K met- I chv Double play: H istetter to Charles. ' Left on bases: St. Louis. 6: Boston. . Base on halls: lff porner. 2: off Rav- I mond. 2. Hit by pitched baii: By Oor'ner. 1: by Raymond. 1. Struck out: By "'- ( mend. 7 Pusseil hall: Hostetter. 'iTTne: : 1:45. X'mpire: Emsile. : . , . i labe Are Hatplayed. CHICAGO. May 15 Brooklyn out- inchest, 'hatted and outtleided Chicago today, tne1 Running high J-irnr : T:e fir frt be ' one misplay of the visitors costing noth- , tween W. c oilier and ". 'Ippsen. both of Mng. wnile Evers' muff of a dingy fly 1 in tne rourtn was gooa rnr two run. - Tinker's fumble in the ninth was the starter for another run. Score; j BRkOKI.YV chicaoo. B H O A B B H O A E Hummel. If . Sheehao. 3b. . Lamiev. rf... Jia-an. lb... Learn, w Panes. ;:b. .. MalnneT. cf . . Benrea 4 1 1 a 2 IS 1 1 1 i ft : ft 4 i) Even 7b 114 1 3 -i sh ar4. '.!. 1 I S'lulta. rf... 4 1 t n icr,anre. lb... 4 S :2 2 i Stemfenlt. lb 4 3 1 Hfnan. cf.. 4 1 1 ) ' Klmg. e 4 14 ft T'naer. as... 1 0 I 1 av.arr o I 4 a ii ft 1 9 .. 2 1 1 t M UlTre. p.. 4 Totals. 14 I9U 1 Totals 22 4 27 11 t Brooklvn 0 " ' S 9 0 1 0 1 3 Chi. ajro o 0 0 l 1 2 0 0 3 Two-base hits: Schulte. Hummel. Sac- rlflce hits: Maloney. bheeiuui. Sheckard. i t-toien baj-es: Hummel i2i. Pattee. J or - dan. Chance. Kling. Left on bases: Chi- "'ago. 4: Brooklyn. 7 Base on bails: off I Fraeer. 3, off Mclntyre. 1. Base on 1 errorn: Brooklvn. 2. Struck out: By j Fraser. ; bv ilc lnt)-re. 3. Parsed ball: ' Kllng. Time: 1.5. Umpire: R'.gler. -..- .- - wi-k.a. ' " ' CINCINNATI. May la. incinna'i oiew un in the eieht inning when New York . scored nine r.ina. Good buniina and a fum- i hie bv HulswUt. when t.-.e baawa were fail. ' assisted New York materially in their run g.-tiing. Huggtna and LHjyle were benctied for disputing a decision. Score: I SEW TOP.K. CINCINNATI B H O A E. i Stiannen. rf.. 5 2 ! 'i Husxina. ?11A.E;. j Tenner. Ih... i I H aPssaert. ef... 1 1 1 i Dnaun. lf....l 1 1 Lmert. If ..4 2 Symesr. cf.. 4 Br-iaaan. c 4 Devlin, h 4 revle. Zb ... 1 Ni.-klin. 2b. .. 1 Hmwli. ai . 4 Ta'-inr. p 2 Meriile 1 Henna; I M.-T.lnnitT. p ft Needham. e.. 9 (i Mitchell, rf.. 4 Z ft 2 i. i;aal. lb. .. 4 1 11 S eshlel. e. ... 4 ft 5 5 0 Mowrer. Sb. 1 ft ft 1 1 Kane, cf-b 1 II " HunwltT. aa.. I 1 I 1 dCaxnpaeil. p.. 2 4 2 ft 3 i) ft Totals 11 1 27 14 2 ! T.-nale St 11 .7 H 1 j Ba-ted for Tavlor in ninth, 'Baited for Merkle In eight. n 0 . n a , . . r ce nits: Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 1 0 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two base hit: Sevmnur. Sacrlf Campbell. Kane. Deviin. Stolen bases: Li bert. Mitchell. Seymour. Bresnahan. Nick lin. rouble niays: Huggina. Halawitt to GanxelL Ievlin to Bresnhan. Devlin to! Nickhn. Bases on hallsi jff Campbell. 1 on i ay tor, i mnica. oua. f -""'". iimc. i -v. t....... v I 1 j GAMES IN THE AMERICAN LEAGUE i Detroit Wlaa oa Hlta, Followed hy . I Errors r Boatoa. , BOSTON. Miv W. Timely hitting foll iw- I ing battery and fielding errors gave Ietroit : the third straight game over B.eion tcd.iy, t ig I Score: I DETROIT BOsTOM i B H.O A B B HX A.S. . M-Intvre. If. 4 l -B'fer. rb-aa 111 ' i-awtorl. cl. 1 ft 1 ; O.bU. rf 4 2 2 4 Thr-ner. it. . . a I 1 v L.irl. Jb t 4 1 14 Con sell, tb 4 1 O'-rarata. rf . 4 4 M. Ha.e. rf . 1 t'nsiatio. lb.. 4 2 1 uner. aa. . 4 2 1 Cnaer. c 1 I lLap.s-.e .... 1 ar-iipui ... 1 -.3 4 Toues. p 1 11! 1 4 4 ft 0 2 1 2 ft i i a 1 4 Roaaman. lb. 4 1 12 Cuiunn, ib. 14 2 Scti.dl. c . I ft 2 KtlLler. sa-2b 4 2 4 K.uian. P ... 4 1 1 Totals. 22 10 ft 4 Tuu. it li Patted for CYiger in tho ninth. Batted for Young in the nimiu t:rawford out for interference. Detroit 001000410 Bostin 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 o 4 Sacrifice hits: McConnell. Srhaefer, Mc Hale. Crawford. Double plays: Thoney to Met'onnell. Schm'dt to Sx-haef'-r. First bA, on bails: Off Young. 1. First base on errors: Detroit. 1: Boston. 1. Hit with pitched ball: Bv Young. 1. Struck out: Hy i Yn-r.g, 4: by Killian, 1. Time: 1.51. I'm ! pire: O Loughlin. ! Games Paat7se4. At Wnsl-.ington Waatilngton-St. Louis ' game postponed on account of rain. . At New York Cleveland-New York game.' poaip'-.r.-u on account of ra:n. At rhilatleinr.ia Ciin ago-PhilaxlelphJa game posti-oned on m-tniini of rain. Krsrwf Wiu ia Faarterall. KEARNEY. Nib.. May 15. iSpecial T-le-a-Hai i Kearnev Normal defeat la-d We I ley an univt-rsity here unlay m a lourteen- inning game oy a acore or i l i. i u u,j , waa fast throughout and Wesleyan a score was niude on three errors. Normal made ' eikht h.'s off Farthing to Wesleyan s four otf McMahon. Errors: Normal. 4. Wee- c t u Uahpi.v a w esievan. 4 I M. elaon SI r-iCR OUI rirv-ii mw-m ant j Ir annuls 11 ... game. Asae Wlaa froaa CorsxeU. , Miv 1 Telearrsiri A M 'a- Ames thia atternoon toi.g ".orneii college I Into camp In- a score of to i Errors on i t ie part of Cornell and t.m-ly nita gave j Ani.-a its s.-orcav Ames men we re strong wirh tne st:-k- Boih pit. nera put up a faat ran.e. nci'fe: Cornell D 0 0 2 13 Amee 0 2 1 3 - Barteries: For Cornell. Kueber and IUse berry; lor Amee. Hams and Matter. Trsvrk Httt at Cedar Fallo. CEDAR FALLS, la.. Mar 15. iSpecial. I There will be a great tracg meet In this cur on Saturday. May 14. in wnaih four cetiegee will have reprewentatu4aa and a arxa uf a &25 pennaat wui be gtveat to tse college securing tne sa,st atinta. Gol.1. silver and tiruuw medsua will tie g:va ae frs. second and grara. reoe.-uwely t. tOisse winnicig in eaca event, here are Ifa) entru-e and l-ie peiaper' are for a larare crowd and a grej.r ti.-iie The mM w-li le on the N.wwtal field and n..e c,,aas t. lake part are. C'J-e wu-rl of Cclar .-e.Lla, I Rbeumatisru ia cansevi bv an excess of uric acil in tiie blcaxl. bronirl ' 'x,a v l"e cumu'.aUon in the system ot rrfupe matter which the natan I avennes of brii!y wayte have faileil to carrv otT. Tin waste or refuse tr.attt i ferrr.ent3 and sours anj c-n ?rate9 uric distributed tf) I1 parts cf the hrx'.T, unit Rheumatism, w ith its torturing; pain and aches, inSammaticn and other disajfreeaiile symptoms, grts possession t the system. The aches and pains may be relieved and the inilammatioa tcmpr rarity reduced by the application of a pood plaster, penctrstinrj liniment or sotn other simple Loire remedy, but the disease can never be cured xrhiie the bloo remains saturated with the irritatinp;. pain-prrxiucin unc acid ptison. Th cause should be driven from the blood before the trouble reaches the chron or helpless stage. S. S. S., a purely regeteble remedy, cures Rheumatism r thoroug-hly cleansing the blood of every particle of the uric acid poison, a;, maltino; this vital fluid pure, fresh and health-sustaining-. It filters out fro the circulation the remotest particle of the poison, and tyhen S. S. S. has ren rated the blood. Rheumatism is thoroughly and permanently cured. Book o Rheumatism and any medical advice free to ail who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA Crrnell college of Mount Vernon. Lenox college and tne Iowi State Normal school. FAIRBtHY Wiss TRACK IfEET J For erid Time Wins High School' Field ( ..(..i j Field (strut. .. , ' -i.. . ,vi iv .a. - r.r..-Ta:. t ire staie .Vliv .o. I5piwtal. 1 ITi State a am r " .1 meet nein i I the ?tate fa r grounds t.Klav was won bv j Fiirbury, wtioee team was also last year s i ovn state rx'i.r'l" r broken. hv ocm f Keam.y n-g.- on- bv ; reelund of Hast nrs ard the half-mil - I relay hy the Humboldt team. Lincoln wen : f"- Kearney f.fth and Falia City sixti ! i.LT" . , . poit-.ts: T dd. W'iber. 3 points: J. Rnt- terman. Columbns. 1 point. Time hV. v-vard run: a. Wnght. Kearney H gh. . points: T. Mac Mast res. Central Citv. :t , . piaxue. rairnury. l point. Ttme; j 04, Li "-yard high hurdles: W. Collier Fair bun. 5 points: R. Dunlap. Hasting. 3 poin-s; H. E'.a.k. Lincoln. 1 point. Time: : 1V,. 2S"-yard dsjih: A Reams. Lincoln. 5 I I points: I Prd-w. Pnwti Citv 3 noints- H. I-eems iimaha. 1 poin' Tw: :2Wi. "-TUM 'ow hurdles W. os'lller. Fair- j burv. 5 points: R- F'inkhouser. Llnwln. : J ! P?'"'3' - "v1ce. AishlanU. 1 point. Time: .1 j TH- a 44-vard dash- n. Vr-eland. Hastings S i romts; r. W ji'erm re. Ashland. .1 points. I E. Rrannon. Lincoln. 1 point. Time: 52K .V;le run S Wrtaht. Karnev Hiirh s noints: H. Rowlard. Central citv. 3 points V, Batee. Linc-ln. 1 prent. Time- 4 46. Half - mile rea". rice: Humboldt. I "lnt. -1 Points; Omaha. 1 point. Time: 1:39. Pole vault' , Tie between F. Shock ef Falls Citv. H. Undstrttm of Columbus. R Cowan of Crete asd Reavla of Falls City -1 points to each Height 1 feet, Shot put: L. Perde. Pawnee Cllv. 3 points; tie ebtween E. Rne.Wck of i mial.a and C. Lewellen of Lincoln' fcr second place. I points each. ritanoe fet 1 l. 1 Fairburv. 4 points wh: Tt Hrott. York. I point. Heitrht. 5 feet 5 inches. Discus throw: C Mev.-r. University Place. 3 points: M. Petrerto-n. Columbus, 3 points; C. Mevers. York. 1 point. Dis tance. Pil feet ft inches. Running hroaI Jump: W Collier. Fair-bun-. 5 points: L. Perdew. Pawnee Citv. 3 point; G. Vreeland. Hastings. 1 point. Dis tance 2( feef I' Inches. Hammer throw: L. Thorn. Grand laland 5 points: A. Yoder. Falls Citv. 3 points- T Perrlne. Asbland. 1 point. Distance, ' 122 iei a men. ncore ny schools Fairhniry ! Lincoln i Hastings 1" 12 n m i Pawnee citv i rnev High ... I Falls City ' Columbus i Central City I Aehland Grand Island 1 Humboldt . I University Place Wllber Crete York H'ghert individual aoores: W, Collier. Fairburv. 1! points. I- Perdew. Pewnee City 11 points. A. Peams. I incoln. 1" noints. S. Wright Kearnev High. 10 pointa. G. Vreeland. Hastings. points. r'S W,X TT,E BUTCTTH 0! l ; naooips tmoii, tie "F-labtlaar Boer," '' ' Easily Disposed Of. . 1 vX)IAu.Z:f! 'l' uMa " ." J", lightweight champion, knocked out Rudolph ft i Unholx. the "Fighting Eoer " last night n tne eieventn round of a scheduled 'wentv. ft ' round boxing contest for tne world's Uatht- i weight championship and a guaranteed percentage of the gat receipta. Owing to the fact that Unh ux has never sppeared I in a local arena before tonight. Interest in I the outcome a as at a low ebb. but in snlte of tins fact, the Coliseum rink waa crowded t wnn the signal was liven for the fighters ! to begin battle. Bettir.g on the general re- i suit was light, with the odds favoring Gana ! at 10 to SK. There waa much speculation ' : on tv,a jength of tile contest, however, eren I money being wagered that Unnoix would not stay twenty rounds. At the end of the first round Gans had a slight leal, having partially closed the Boers left eye witn a right hook. In the e-ond rourui Unnoli had slightly ; tne better of it. His right caught Gans on 1 the Jaw as the latter waa coming in. The third round waa a bit in favor of ! Unhols. who landed some good puncheg. r.Ti.18, f""h round was Gans'. He floored . Unholx wth a left uppercut and the Boer w0nt down fnr t!lH cunt of five. ;, in the fifth Gans nad solved the Boer's ! style of f.ghtir-g and easily held his man j off. occasionally planting his left to tne ! face. It wss Gans' round. j In the sixth the Boer fought hack strongly and did not appear to he m the leaat d:s- I ! tressed. It was Gars' round. At the end of the seventh Gana had a h:g lead and it looked at this stage aa If ic would be easy sailing, although the Boer seemed not to have weakened greatly. In the eighth round Gauia beat hta man hard and me Boer waa compe.led to stall. He seemed a bit weak as he took ais chair The bell rang wun Gana having easy honors in the n nth. In the tenth Gans floored the Boer for the count of nine wua a right In the pit of the stotr.srh. Ia the eleventh Gans floored lthol ana) the latter came up so groggy and dased 4 Here are out of tho ordinary SPRING SUITS, at Made to call at $18-00. li ' v.i ' A LbL Dr. EDVAHO fl. TARHY, FOR acid which, is abor'W into t!;e bloKl an j that he could not see. The referee th. ! stopped the- f.isiit and declared Uu t. w.nner. I Gasae at Field rial. Af'er s.vtng such a trouncing to t Rangers for the opening gnme lae.t Satu : dav. the Kiel.l dun base lm.! team I tw ihl .fl.ranan i ,. i-n..,n p. .i .- hoii.,..irr. lineup: Feld Club. Position. ...Catch ..Jltetl ...First ...Second .... ...Thtrrt . .Shirt ..l.-rt . . Voter ..Right .. SunatttlUe . . Substitute r. r T Pn,.ilmAn T"bt . .. . NellHS Svn. FArk W. K Fore ...L Youi Rid: .cy Tom Faber Ahhott IVwigherty... Mart in r.-.gntnn Kelly 1-ltMigland.... 2ilalone Hmick Shiieffcr Hylaaal Bavls ta Sehonl. IOWA CITY. Ia,. May 15 Special.) Ji r.iiT. ... ih. huArti .i f irm Intel farm the State university on the ajitiouncemei that Mike Hyland. the si ir man of ti freshman teanie in foot bail and lsak Istll. will be in si IkmiI next year, not w it standing the announcement to tne eontrar H land haa doci.l-d to complete hia four and 1e in tne universiiv 'hree yea i longer, in which t me Coach Cstlln expec j him to develop into one of -he greaile ' kicking ends m the business He ia an e i penenced man in baaket bail a. so. Gag Railway Valaatloaav I BEATRICE. Neb.. May 13. (Special, j Assessor Hen-.phill and his deputlea ha ' cmolle tile fnlinarlnir renort ' foe Gal county unuer the. provisions of tha termln tax law relative to the valuation of ti railways, and the same haa been sent i the Stale Board of Equalisation. The va uatlona have been raised In every In at am ' above those submitted by the tax oiiruni I sinners. Ther are aa follow: j CHICAGO, BURLINGTON QCINCT. Commissioners. Assesso I Cdell $ li.W.ti J 1 .ITS. I Fiilev 5.1K1 ,a , 9 J)4 i Adams i t,pi le Springs lc..ti5.Rl Wvmore !i:.iM sS Ueainc T.-1.34 i X RlXTK ISLAND. j 3ea-nce x Jie'si.OO I Oatonia 7s.'ai.ia S3.." 21H.SH Lu.Ja. 41 ISA. UNION PACIFIC. Parneston ) li.JT'i.ifl Beatnce K2..'4;..l Cor.lap.d IS.fiol.i 21 51 1'lft.JltV 35.364. Graalaattas Eaerrtasra at Johayle r. SCHUYLER. Neb.. May li. Special Te egram.) The" Junior-senior re4aption w I held in the Odd Fellows hall t!V eveni. The junior decorated the hall bewuUf ol with the senior claaa colors of goid" ai purple. The senior class consists of s hoys and two girls, one of the emails classes ever graduating from the Schuyl. High school. The graduating exercises w be held In the Janer- k opera bouse r May 24 and the follow i night the aJumi reception will be held atj the residence i A. Pierce. The baccalaureate ae mon will be delivered at the Preabyterta church by Rev. Mr. Sweeney on Sunda evening. May 24. Fee taee la Aptiewle'. BEATRICE. Neb.. Mav 13. Special Tel grm (Th case of Gage County again I . W. wnght. ex-county treasurer, Njrh is charged with paying more for ciw hire than the law allows, durtnar hia ai ! ministration, was ordered today by V ... : coun'y botrd to be taken to the supret court. The case was recently disposed In the district court. Judgment being re: dered against Uie defendants for HC7. Tha amount sued for was H.2f"1. Moaey Takes froaa Safe). NEHAWKA. Nb.. May 15 Special. Last night somenue entered Lh store Sutphln A Dale and stole 340 from tl safe. The money waa left by a workma with the firm for safe keening. The sai j door waa ajar this morning and the fin i ia not sure whether It waa lacked or m the night before. Nothing wag taken bi the money. The ourside doors were locke this morning and the windows showed n signs of having been tampered with. falveralty Feeshsaoa Celehssate. UNIVERSITY PLACE. Neb.. May JJ, (Special.) The entire freshman ulaaa t the Nebraska Wesleyan university took it annual spring outing Thursday aflernoo and evening, and the clua numberm eighty, under the direction of John McVaj president of the clans, and chaperoned b rn.f. P. C. Somerville and wife of the df part.-nent of English literature, spent th hours at Epworth Lake park aA Lineolr and jKik supper at the pavilion. Nr4?elh Wssua L CIXC1NNATT. O.. May lfi. (Special Tele gram.V-Mra. Coburg of Norfolk. Neb., wh kidnaped her tour chilitron and then dt serted them, here has been located 1 St. .Louis. $20 03 and $22.5 All b.ib. class fabrics sad (asaioaexl by veteran Journeymen Tailors to sat isf7 gapercltlcaU mna or joang nxin. To Sell You the Best Clothes at Lowest Prices Is oar constant endegror. These eprtial values in Spring Suit de-mon-sirate bow aucceaifal are. SUITS SATURDAY, AT S15 Worth ui to 622. SO VOLLMER'S EXPERT CLOTHES FITTERS 107 South Ibiti St row t No Llonoy Till Cured ITSTtlA, UlXCRATieai tm4 . mctju, ois c iril entfiMsma aae aat.aai I' ai aee isael care e-uemssaV 14 rears eaif law. e . I ii t hmm iua itaisii sasas ea aaa-i A.. 224 Ceo Lids-. OMAHA, NED.