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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1908)
TTTE OMAHA DATLY BEE: SATURDAY. MAY lfi, 190S. 14 V I! V) Want - ads Advertisements for tbe want art rolnmna trill he taken until 12 tn . for the evtnlna edition ami nftll 9 1. m. for tbe mornlnt and Sunday edition. Cash mast accompany all orders for rant nd anil tie advertisement Trill he areeated for leu than 10 rent for first Insertion. No advertisement Trill he charged moantlng to less than 20 rents. Rates apply to either The Daily or Bandar lire. ' Aliray ronnt sis words to line. Combinations of Initial or narabers ronnt as on word. rAff ratki run wajtt ad. ItF.atl.An CLASSIFICATION Ono Insertion, per line, 10 cents. Tiro or snore ronirritlr Insertions, per line, H cents. Each Insertion made on odd dars, .JO cents per line. ffl.r.O per line per month I excepting; that Ki ll N ISIIF.O n("IM ADS. Trh-n accompanied by cash, the rate Trill lie i On Insertion, 4 cent er llnei three to six consecntlve In rrtlons, a rent per line each Inser tion seven or more consecutive lnr Slons, it cents per line each Insertion to cents ftrr lino per month. ' Want ods for The Dee mnr be left t aar of the follovrlaa; dro stores one la "roar corner drn;Blt" -they re all branch office far Tbe Bee and roar ad will be Inserted tost a r promptly and on tbe same rates as at tbe main office In Tbe Dee BalldlnK, Seventeenth and Fa mans streets. Albsch, W. C. 4oth and Ksrnatn. permick. 8. A.. 142 S. 10th St. I:cht Pharmacy. 7 3. lfith St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bcn;!s Talk Pharmacy, and Cjrr.lng. Blake's Pharmtcy, 22i; Snerman Ave. 1 nughlln, C. R.. Bin and Pierce F's. Hilton Hill Pharmacy, 12 MUllaiy Ave. Conte. J I!., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crisey Pharmacy, 2th and Lake Sts. t TFTIHk, Kmii. 1204-S t. Kit n M. Kastman Phnrrr.ncv, 2i ! Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold!. 213 N. 25th St. 1'i' jtHR. John J.. 1914 N. 24th St. Florence 1 ruir Cu., Florence, Neb. Coldman Pharmacy, aith unl LM;e Sts. (Iicen's Phannacy, corner park Ave. and I'm fie. (iicennugh, n. A.. '.025 S. l'Hh St. iiecnough, O. A.. 1024 S. 10th Ft. llayden. Win. C, 2920 Knuiom. liimscom l'ark rhairr.acy. 1101 8. Wth Ave. ll"lst, John. C24 N. 16th St. II ii tr. A. I,., 2924 Leavenworth fit. Kmg, II. 8., zu Farnam St. Kotintze Plate Pharmacy, 26o4 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 16V2 N. 24lh St. L'Uhrop, Charles IC, 1324 N. 24th St. l'i yton, U IC. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga -Drug Co., 21th and Amos Ave. S-liaejcr's Cut Prica Drug Co., 10th and Ch'ago Sis. Scliaefer, August, 2031 N. 16th St. Sihmldt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40lh and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th a'ul tlraco. Worth, O. II., 40th and Hamilton Sts. BIRTHS A.n DEATHS. Births George Leydecker. 1712 South Ninth street, girl; J. II. Johnson, 2jo1 South Twenty-first street, boy; Jacob Jensen, West Center street, girl; Glaser Herman, lllti South Thirteenth street, boy; Henry E. Reynolds. 21H North Twonty-tlfth street, fclrl; David Hchultz, 2215 Lake street, girl; l.alvatore Maniflto, 12ir? Pierce street, twin boys; Alflo tJuiseppa, 1711 Pacific street, girl; Gjlscppa Heinzlo, lolO South Thir teenth street, boy; Gennero Franzenls, FourUenfh and Leavenworth streets, boy; Nicola Antonio, 2M7 Burdette street, boy; Colombo Eena, 207 1'ierce street, girl; Sul vatora Calabretta, Fourteenth and Leuv in worth streets. - boy ; Caneghia Uaetaus, Ui South Fouith street, boy. Deaths Mrs. Jennie Bowman, St. Jo seph's hospital. MARHIAGB LICENSES. The foliow.r.c mariage licenses have b 'en Issued: Nnnie ii ml Residence. Age. Join: Foley, Omaha 22 Anna Mayslrick, Omaha 20 Frank J. Maxwell, Omaha 2d .Margaret Alice Connell, Omaha 20 Frank Konon, South Omaha 30 Anastasla Rydell, South O.naha 24 Jierbert P. Hutchinson, Murdock, 111 J'rances F. Eberly, Denver, Colo ji Kiank M. Walton, Omaha 21 Ji atrlce A. Davenport, Omaha IK ANNOUNCEMENTS UKAVELERS' goods cf quality. Trunks and suit cases repaired. FKELINU & STE1NLE. "Where trunk are madu." 1S03 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 4995. (1) MM& M23 biGN PAINTING-S. H. COLE, 1302 Doug las. U) THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4tli and jeavenworm bis. lei. iouglas 13B7. IU 437 W. L. 8ELBY. TORNADO AND WIND STORM INSURANCE. 436 Board of Trade Diag. -none uoug. isiu. U) M57S 21 ItnFlNISillXG floors. Williams, Red 6520. . (U 468 Jellx AUTOMOBILES END lor our list of second-hand automo biles. DEKiGHT, ISIS Farnam. (2 tU BARTER AND EXCHANGE FARMS, city property, mdse.. everywhere blrlngvr luv. Co., ua Mvu iildg., Omaha. W 4W MU JTOA TRADE General stock of merchan dlse lor western land. Box 61, Frankfort W Alia ltix FOR SALE OR TRADRfJoorl h0. bargain as owner muat sell at once, in quire ajii i. istn el. Phone Web. Mlv. (3)-Mtl 17x BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on U CO A AW, IVUUIU SUA UtStj fllilg. lt-784 tiRUO STORES Knlest, N. Y. L. tor sale Bldg. everywhere. MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice lor sals in cr lots. A. U. Gilbert, Council Bluiis. t4i Mju JNVtSTMENT-Wlth salary. Business openings tiiy inu outuiue. lour busi lies or real esiaio soiu. A. T. eied Co N. Y. Lite Bldg. U; MS! FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT One of me oesk meat muraeis in me city. Ad dress C. W. Lvii'hfurd, Council Bluffs, la. (4 MKiu WB HAVrE about fifty share of stock f ir sale in a wholesale business in Omaha mat win net you a goou pront in a short time. 'Aouress r-u care lie. 14) M613 17 GROCERIES and notions. 80c on dollar and throw In fixtures. 2i.'i Broadway, Council Bluffs. (4)-M596 Do You "Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or iroperty that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. CLOBli LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA, NEB. (4)-M462 Jell VP-TO-DATE general mdse. doing 90,Ouo.uO business. Want Mj.ouo.w; clear Income property; mean business; want quick deal. Owner. Address Y 453, care Bee. ti-M579 17x BANK STOCK WAITED 2,5U to 3.UW iih cashlershlp by experienced man, or will joiu resident parties establishing bank In good town. Address Y455 car Omaha Bee. (4) M617 25x h SALE CHEAP A good weekly news paper, large circulation. Sickness sole leaions for selling. Address P. O. Box SOI Humphrey, Neb. (4) M451 U WANTED Stock to pasture. 300 acres good grass, water, and shade. Horses promptly called for. Call F. 8. Sorvuson, owner. Ttl. Florence i&31. Jacob H. Jlolck, manager. (4 ti IS BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. J GENERAL BToRE-Fme location In n--w country. Ow.d opining for party want ing something of this Kind, tliniaic line. of rtasons for selling. Addr. ss ' r.l liott," Sorrento. Colo. (4) M.'mi 20 x Iki NOT Invent In real eMale until you have Investigated our proposlil in that will net ou at least 13 per tent. Address O-ill) c-aie Pee. (4) MuJ2 17 I' OH SALK linn store, weptern Nebraska; Rood town; paying business. Slock and fixtures, .7,io. Address Y-4i4, CiirJ Umaim Pee. (4)-M M Jelix FOH locution for good doctor write Y 45J. Omaha Pee. I (4J M3J0 16 FOB 8ALR Small stock of general nier cliandlse, mostly groe.rles; very few fix tures and fine cement block storeroom, new; about l.'.aoo for all; can be handled for about $1, less than this. A genuine bargain If taken at once. Write or call on H. C. PUtt, Crab Orchard, Neb. "(4) Mivll IS KOR RKNT A good hotel with seventeen rooms. In Mlnden, In. Will furnish the FHinu for good, responsible parly. A good proposition. Address Peter lihlers, Allnden, la. (4) M .17 la WE HAVE about forty shares In an Omaha wholesale house for sale that will realli at least 20 per cent on the Investment, If not more. If you are lnterestei ndlress N-47S care Pee. (4) M6U 17 RARE OPPORTUNITY to buy a $25,000 livery, boarding and funeral business In a town of 12.000. Business consists of three funeral cars, one pallbearers' coach, six landaus, all Cunnir-ghnm make; bought new Doc. 13, '07; thirty head of hirses; harness, tuggles and general light livery equipment. No competition; established 26 years; now In operation on a splendid paying basis; buildlr.g now occu pl?s a new three-story brick biiihllng that can be bought or leased. For further par ticulars call or write M. IC Bennett, O-tkaloosa, la. (4) M629 18x FOR SALE Finest brick building In town of LoOu Inhabitants; good center; building 2ftxS0, twostory, pressed brick and steel front with plate glass; occupied by the only furniture and undertaking establishment in the town. Long time lease; steady rents; will pay about per tent Interest; good as a bond. If taken tn the next few days, enn he had nt a bargain. Address Box b42 Wayne, Neb. (4 M'i28 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auctioneers. REAL oetate and registered live stock sales my srieclaltles. 6Ti- Bee Bldg. 'Phono Douc'ar;u. T. C. Callahan. (6) 861 M20 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2. 1D06 Karr.m St. Dous. 6497. (5) 14J Creameries. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (6)-441 DressmaVlnu. IN FAMILIES Miss sturdy. Tel. Hsinpy 1353. 1 to) 443 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nrm St. 6)-443 Dentists. BAILEY & MACH, 3d fir. Taxton. D. 1065. tb) 144 Financial. Money TO L O A N-L O W RATE In sums to suit. 310 Pee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2904. union loan company. (6)-41o For denning nnd Storage. G. E. SHl.'KERT. l.r,th and llaiaey Sts. furs cleaned, stored and repaired. to) M7S0 June 4 Fine Florists. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. 0) 44o L HENDERSON, 1518 Farnarn. Tel. D. 126J. bj 44 J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Djug. 3i00. l6 44J Hotels. THE SCI1LITZ, European. 16th and Harney. (OJ 4-u Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry re pairing, i-i raxt-jn uiock. in. 4311. lo 45) Moving and Storing;, Expressmen' Delivery Co.; office, 214 N. lulu bt. ; warejiuuHtj, uut-n izaiu at. (5) 461 Nurseries. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY, Benon. A full lino of nuraery stock; rine shade trees. See us. '.Phone Benson 203 and 143. P. J. Flynn, Mgr. (5) Malg 16x WHEN writing to advertisers, remember It takes but an exiravsiroke or two of ths pen to mention" the fact that you saw tho ad In The Bee. OtBc supplies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices ana on ice fixtures and sup pile of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 H. lSth St. Tel. Doug. 6562. lnd. A-1662. (6) M147 4 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. (6 452 DR. KATHRYN NIKOLAS. -608 N. Y. Life. (6) 3.0M2U Printing. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don t rail to see our imported line. Lyng lad & Jorve. printer. 16th and Capitol Av. (6) 163 EVER STOP TO THINK Of the time lost poking up the average printer wnen you want a jod in a Hurry T Ever Try Us? ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., Printers and Office Furnisher. 3oo-312 S. 19th et. Telephones: Bell. Douglas 6562; lnd., A-1562. (6) M148 M Public Stenographer, PUBLIC stenographer. R-647 Brandeis Bldg. Photog; raphy. TRUSSELL Studio, 115 S. 16th St (5) 154 Shoo Itepalrlug. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst class work. 1618V Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 9t4. (5) 454 SHOES repaired right; called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., Uo4 Farnam Su Tel. Douglas 7567. to) 156 Pool and' Billiard Tab Ira. . FOR SALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard table, supplies and bar fixtures; sold on easy payments; catalogues free. Cnarles Paasow & bona, 21ti bo. 19th St., Omaha, Men. (a) A1..90 July ( gates. Shatters, fcte. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS, makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safu. G. Audtcvii, Flui., IvZ S. bt. (6) 4u6 Wall Paper Cleaned. ABS0RENE WALL PAPER CLEANER. The patent kind. 16c, I-26c. at wall paper, paint, hardware and drug stores. (5j M744 Jlx HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and salesladies. WANTED A few more first-class house to house lady solicitors to handle the Cousumers' Cash Coupon Book. Good wsges guaranteed. ' Cull at once at our office, 6U Paxluo .Block. $)-ill-U ES3B SlaXLSalhhsi w,ant estate than any medium in I B3MaCPn?nOnBarB HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies Continued. COMPETENT, experienced women can vassers, with such thorough knowledge of the art of cooking as would enable to present and sueccssf ully at 11 a prepared food article; good nlary and expenses raid. Address, naming experience, Y 4''6, rare The Omana Bee. (7) 4 17 t lerlcal and Of rice. STENOGRAPHER WO. Clerk, confectioneries. HO to ,T. Stenographer and bookkeeper, fire Insur ance experience, $60. Office clerk, to taka charge of fire Insur ance department, $V to ffiO. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, (Inc.), 722-21 N. Y. Life Bids. (7 C09 15 Factory and Trades. WANTED A first-class pants-maker at once; steady work the year around; pay t.1 and up. Martin Peterson, 415 Broad way, Council Bluffs. (7) M9S9 Housekeeper ml Domestics. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1904 Farram St. Downstalis girl, $30. Girl for general housework, two In family, no laundry work, $7. Housemaid. $6. (7) M544 16 COMPETENT GIRL Small family; good wages. 116 N. 3th Ave. Tel. Harney 273J. (7)-530 15 WANTED Competent girl for general housework, good wages, smai. ramny. Tel Harney 155. 3330 Harney St. C7 M505 WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 115 S. 3Sth St. 17) Al.! 17 WANTED Good, strong girl for gnneml - housework, no washing, 2554 Hnrney St. (7 M5KS 17 WANTED Girl for general Mrs. Carter, 401 8. 3Sth St. housework, 7)-440 WANTED Cook. 3510 Farnam St. (7) 100 WANTED Girl desiring good home and to assist with housework. Satisfactory wages paid. Mrs. Talmage, Phone Harney .".US. (9) M566 Miscellaneous. WASTED-Experienced waitress. Bach elors Hotel. (7)-217 FIVE GIRJ.S to press skirts, good wages, steady work. 2907 Leavenworth St. (7) 595 17 HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, Solicitor and Salesmen. QUICK 8ELLERS 214 S. 12th St. 9)-MS30 GOOD solicitors can earn from $30 to $40 per week. Easy work. 403 New York Life Building. (9)-M5Sl 21x WANTED Bright active young man 1o act as salesman; good proposition to right party; state qualifications and give refer- . ences. Address J 474, Bee (9) 412 17 WANTED First-class salesmen! who ara experienced house to house canvassers, to sell the Consumers' Cash Coupon Book. $50.00 for $1.00 in traio. Big money for tho agents. Call at once, 621 Paxton Block. (9) 520 17 WANTED Solicitors to canvass city. Ad dress W 567. care Bee. (H) 5S9 17 WANTED Live salesman to sell our line of teas, coffees, spices, extracts and bak ing powder to the retail trade on a profit sharing basis. We have a good proposi tion for the right man. Address A10, Room 1300, Trude Bldg., Chicago. (9I-M636 16 AGENTS! Men and women make $25 week selling our 14 new patented articles; no scheme; honest business; one sample free. Young, 184 Dearborn St., D61. Chicago. (9) M632 17x SALESMAN wanted to handle our line of calendars and general commercial work In Nebraska and Kansas. Good prospect for the right man; high-class references required. Sales Dep't., Campbell Art company, Elizabeth, N. J. (9 M625 22- Boys. WANTED Bright boy 16 to IS years o; age for railroad office. Good chai-jce for advancement for right boy. Apply li. own handwriting, stating age and experi ence, If any. Address, B-1M, care Bee. (9) M.53 16 Clerical nnd Office. STENOGRAPHER, for bank, out of town, $45 to $50. Stenographer, to act as city salesman oc casionally, $Mi. Ledger clerk, $50. Stenographer and bookkeeper, $75. Cigar clerk, $45 to $60. Hotel clerk, $25 and all expenses. ; Call or write for a complete list of vacan cies. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS'N, (Inc ), 722-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-608 15 DRUG CLERKS' positions. Knlest, N. Y. L. Bldg. t'j; Mttjo Factory nnd Trade. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Position guaran teed; booklet free, uoyus co.iegc, omana. Neb. Official training school U. P. R. R. (9)-950 WANTED Ten .bricklayers at Fort Rus sell, t neyenne, vvyo.; id cenis per nour; nonunion. (9) M577 21 WANTED Sand stone block layers. All summor s work and payday every two weeks. Highest wages paid. For further particulars, address The Denver & Pueblo construction 10., hu imuruaa mug., iien ver, Colo. (9 M45J Je-11 GOOD carpenter wanted. Call Webst jr (9) 594 15x 4128, after p. m. WANTEI Men to learn barber trade; will equip shop ior you or iurnisn positions; few weeks completes; constant practice, careful Instructions, tools given. Saturday wages; diplomas granted. Write for cat alogue, Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14lh St.. Omaha. (91 Mti34 21x M iscellaneon. UNITED STATES NAVY wants young men of goou cnaracier, between ages 17 and 25; men with special trades accepted up to 35 years; must be American cut gens; good opportunities for promotion for efficient men; pay $16 to $7j per rajnth, firactlcally clear of living expenses. Free llustraled booklet on application, "Th Making of a Man-o'-Warsman." Visit or address Navy Recruiting Station, pomor fice buildings Omaha, Lincoln and Hast ings, Neb.; Sioux City and Council Bluff, la., and Sioux Falls, S. D. (9) M61S 31x FREE employment dept.. Business Men's Ass'n; no fee. Call 525 N. Y. Life Bldg. () M6U WANTED Experienced polisher. Apply piano department, Bennett Co. (9-M575 16 WANTED Everyone to understand that we have solved the problem of a ."Good Meal for the Money." Our prices are right, our service is good. Home Dairy Restaurant, 1514 Capitol Ave. t9)-M421 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Poultry, EKge and Squabs. ROSE COMB R. I. RED EGGS for hatch lng. Pens headed by prise winning cockerel fmm North Star Poultry Show, Minnesota; $150 to 12 per 16. Mrs. James H Halpine, 46o2 Center St., Omaha. Tel. Harney 358. C1D M91 Mrs SILKO CHICK FOOD Is th best. If your dealer does not handle, rail Doug. 1142, lnd. ii-JU A, W. Wagner, Wl N. 16th. lll)-ltf - ads sell more real g LIVE STOCK FOR SALE (Continued.) Horse and Vehicles. SAFE and sound carriage team. City (ID 522 16 broke. $400. 224 No. lSth St. LOST AND FOUND TAKEN up at No. 1 Fire hall, South Omaha, black cow, about 7 years old. Tips of horns cut off. Owner can have same by calling and paying charges. 412) BIS 15 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cascs;all treatmmt supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13) 129 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3S2A N. 24tii St.. Omaha. Neb. (1J)-M106 BEST nervo brace for men. "Gray's Nerva Food Pills," $1 a bcx, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 469 CONFINEMENT HOME for unfortunate girls; good doctor, nurses, and rensonable terms; confidential. Healthy Home, Bra man, Okl. (13) M37H 17x USE "Foot Sweat and Smell Remedy." This remedy is prompt, safe and sure for sweat and smell; 35c a box, post paid. Leon Juergens, P. O. Box 3.15, FllmP1tLjs'pb- P3r:Mi9-II. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMD CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714. New York Life Bldg. (14) 162 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. lSol Douglas. (14)-4M CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Furnam St. (14)-4(!4 . O. NIELSEN & CO., LOANS. 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phonn Doug. 2204. (ID 466 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Kooius. VIENNA hotel; private dining roorrs; cafe. (15) 467 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (15) 468 SOUTH room, suitable for two, choice lo cation, large lawn, private family, mod ern. 527 I'urk Ave. (15)-M423 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. U5) 469 1 BOARD and room; large room, suitable for two; also binglo room. 114 8. 19th St. (15) 696 NICE suite of rooms, also single, with board, to permanent couple or gentleman. References. 191H Cass St. 'Phone Doug. b414, 5 blocks from pottoffice. (15)-M437 17x MODERN place for room and board, pri vate family, large shady lawn, south part of city. Tel. Douglas 29K7. (15) M5R5 17x TWO nicely furnished front rooms, with or without board; modern Improvements;. gooa board and room ror young men. Terms reasonable. 2215 Howard St. (15)-381 M10 LARGE COMFORTABLE ROOMS WITH FIRST CLASS BOARD. J616 FARNAM ST. (1G)-M42i lt',x SUITE of rooms, on first floor, modern In every way; home cooking. 116 N. 25th St. (15)-M511 Jel2x Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle menday, week or month. The Chatham, opposite Millard, 110 S. 13th St. (15) 470 FURNISHED rooms, erences. 540 S. 24th St.; ref (15) M139 Je6 FURNISHED room. 1950 S. 10th St. (16) M987 Ju6x LARGE south Dodge. room, all modern. 2M.0 tlh)-k83 PLEASANT room In new, modern house facing Turner Park; gentlemen only. 205 S. Central Boulevard. Tel. Harney 3836. (15)-218 15x 21S N. 19th St., $5 per week; nice front parlor with adjoining bedroom, desirable for gentlemen or man and wife. (15)-M126 16x A PLEASANT room, with small family; every modern convenience. 2533 N. 2l)th St. 'Phone -Webster 3250. (15) M516 17x FOR RENT Beautiful southeast room, Hanscum park district; private family. Harney 1348. (16) 439 17x FOR RENT Pleasant furnished rooms In private family. 653 So. 22d St. (15) M50I 26X YOUNG gentleman wishes roommate, also room for couple, modern flat, private family. Dodge St. (16) 561 16x NICE cool room in Davldge block, flat 4, $15. . (15)-9S 17x FURNISHED front room, 1102 N. 24th St. (15)-697 21 Unfurnished Rooms. FOUR ROOMS. 1120 N. 17th Su (15)-960 SUITcS of light noust-Keeping rooms; gas and telephone; J12 per moiun. 25,o Har ney. Tel. Doug. 6179. (15 M574 lsx FOUR rooms, all modern. 2116 Emmet. (15) M503 19x Apartment and Flat. 6-ROOM Modern flat. 112 8. 11th St. (15J-MS93 FOR RENT North semi-basement flat of four rooms, in The 1 u .i-any. $12. Conrad Young, agent, 15lt odge St. (13)-M972 APARTMENTS, 7 rooms, in QUIVET, 1S07-9-11 Farnam St.; sieam heat, hot water and telephone. APARTMENTS. 3 and rooms, in SCARGO, South Omaha; steam heat and hot water. HALL, 317 First Nut l Bk. Bldg. Red 74O6-A4-106. (15) 471 NEWLY furnished 7-room modern flat, very reasonable. 214 N. 25th St. Tel. lnd. B 2997. (16) 213 15x Housekeeping Rooms. EXCELLENT, modern, furnished moms for housekeeping; 'phone in house. 2674 Har ney St. (16)-M5j3 THREE chclco rooms, newly decorated and very nicely furnished for light house keeping; modern, no other roomers; ref erences required and given. Addrtss, 8-666, care Bee. (15) M562 17x THREE choice furnished rooms; 220 N. nd St. (15) M550 TWO elegant rooms, modern, furnished; reasonable. 216 N. 22d St. (15)-6.) Six Famished Houses. 10-ROOM furnished house for ths summer. Reed Bros., 171U Farnam. (16) M72& House and Cottage. ISM N. 40TH. T rooms, all modern. C. E. UrrlDg, U Kw or Uit . I (IS) tit Nebraska OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and Cottages- Contlnocd .22 REESE St., S-room house. $0. 3210 N. 24th St., S-room flat. 17. 6-room flat, all modern, within walking distance BEMIS. 36 FAXTON BLOCK. Phones, Douglas 56; Independent A-15S5. (15) 1M CHOICE Central. N. 23d. 4-room, corner flat. 220 (15)-M927 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods, htorehouse 113 -24 N. l!flh, office 16u9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. lAy. ilil) III) FOUR rooms with hall, closet, ground floor, city water and sewer; half block to cur line. 815 N. 25th Ave. (15) 64S Maggard Van & Storage Co. D. 1406 We guarantee moving pianos, 11. H. goods. (15) 4S2 HOUSES Feters Trust Co., N. Y. L Bldg. (15)-4id 267 PACIFIC ST. 9 rooms; thoroughly modern, oak finish; $!. A. G. Elllck. 5o2 Bee Bldg. (15) 4S1 312S CHICAGO street. 8 rooms, large yard nnd barn, $15. 3011 Webster street, S rooms, modern except furnace, $23. Ring wult Bros., 306 So. lath St. (15)-M5SD 2221 I-athrop, 5-ronms, $12.50. 2215 IJithrop, 5-rooms, $12.50. 2.'2I Lrthrop, ft-rooms, $15.(0. 2770 Cuming, 6-room, $22.00. 2907 Webster, f-roon s, modern, $40.00. TURRELL & CO., D. 1129. (15) M5S7 38 6-U0OM house. Appiv 2702 S. 1.1th St. (15! M635 1Sx FOR RENT 1332 8. 25th Ave., house. 6 rooms modern, except furnace. Iniprre 1314 S.' 25th Ave. (15) M615 17x 5-ROOM house, 1409, S. 7th St. Tel. Doug. 4;i6. (16) Mf!2S lsx ROOMY, modern house, stable, Jilth and Capitol Ave., $30. McCague Co., 15oJ Dodge. (15) M5K4 17x 4-ROOM cottage, well water, no children. References required. 3302 Cass St. U6)-M3f3 16 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlr.gwalt, Barko Blk. (15) 479 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (It.) -471 FOR RENT 8 rooms, 84th. W. S. Stillman. bnth. barn, "!151 S. 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. (151-480 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen' Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. (15) 477 UPPER four rooms In residence No. 3K02 N. 17th St.; separate entrance, separate bath. Tel. Webster 31C9. (15) 156 liniTWi! In a" parts of tho city. UUUOLiO Crelgh,oiis & Co., Wee Bldg- ClO-479 LIST your 1 vacant houses with Walter Breen Company, 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-4S3 BRICK houses, one of my modern In every way. ivtj o uo iireoiises. lapnoi Ave. Dr. F. Swartzlander. (13)-M379 16x FOR RENT Modern 8-room houfe, two blocks from 24th Ft. car line, south front lot, 50xl6S; 2570 Foupleton Ave. Inquire at 2606 Poppleton Ave. (15) M1S3 SIX-ROOM, second floor, 1902 N. 26th St., $11; S-room house, partly modern, 409 Wil liam St., $23: Btoreroom, 1306 N. 21th St., $15. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (15) M455 FOR RENT Modern 8-room bouse, close to car line, south front. Inquire 2514 Cald well St. (15) M357 16x FOR RENT Six-room cottage, 278S Capitol Ave.; modern, except heat; nicely re paired; very desirahio; $25. Also, two story, 7-room, 211 N. 2Kth Ave.; new plumbing; convenient; rooms large; low rent to good party. Apply at 6n7 N. 19th St. (15)-M555 4020 Seward St., 5 rooms, modern except heat. $22.50. 3210 N. 21st St., 6 rooms.OTlod.-Tn. $26.50. 27W Capitol Ave., 6 rooms, modern except heat, fvb. SI 10 Corby St., 7 rooms, modern, $22.50. 321 Davenport St., 7 rooms, new, modern, oak finish, $4a. 3202 Sherman Ave.. 9 rooms, modern, $45. FLATS. 609ty N. 21st St., 5 rooms, modern except heat, $25.50. 2212 N. 21st, 7 rooms, modern, $22.50. 601 Park Ave., 7 rooms, modern, $46. 18181 Maple, 7 rooms, modern, $5. The Majestic, 6 rooms, modern, $4'. The Sherman, 6 rooms, modern. 4)45. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. Ask for rental department. (15) 6f3 15 FOR RENT 8-room residence opposite Hanscom park; modern; $33. 'Phone 1565. (15)-5i3 NEW brick house, 7 rooms, strictly mod ern, i01 Park Ave., $45. Telephone Har ney 1510. (15) 601 16 Dn lid Infra. FOR RENT Space In building located In heart of the business district; trackage facilities and electric elevator; suitable for warehouse or light manufacturing purposes. Address W-225. care Bee. (2i)-M555 Offices. OFFICES OR PARL13RS 6 and 6 room In Quivet, 1MJ7-9-11 Farnam St.; suitable for artists, physicians, dentists, dressmakers, eic, who wish their homes adj-ilnl:ig; steam heat, hot water and telephune. Also offices or parlors, 3 and 6 ro una, in Scargo Bldg., South Omaha, suilablj f ir lawyers, doctors, etc.; steam heat end hot water. HALL. 317 First Nat'l Bink Bldg. Red 7406 A-44U6. (15)-4 & OFFICES In The Bee Buildln? for r nt. Apply R. W. Baker. Superintend.) it, Room 105. tl5 M 160 DESK ROOM, 505 PAXTON BLOCK. (lij-M.175 DESK ROOM-418 Bee Bldg. (15)-f31 15x Stores. STORE ROOM In Scargo block at 520 N. 24th St., South Omaha; stenn heat, mo i ern, uliow windows, excellent local! in. Also 2 basement rooms in iime building, cemented floors, steam heated, sui;abie for billiards, barbers, batlis, restaurant, etc. HALL, 317 First Nat l Bank BuW. Red 74c6 A-4406. (15) 4S7 FOR RENT Large store room, northeast corner 16th and Vinton Sts.. $15. C. M. Bachman. 46 Paxton Block. (15) M509 111 S. 15th, steam heat. 16 N. 24th, new hriek, $25. JOHN N. FRENZKR. OPF. OLD P. O. Room 6. Frenzer Blk. ' (15) M242 FOR RENT OR SALE. Brick store suitable for dry goods, clothing, or general merchandise. Elegant room, fine front, best location In town. George E. Lunrthurg. Lyons Neb. : l.'il M-195 j9 OFFERED FOR SALE iTurnlture. FOR SALE Furniture of a 7-room flat, almost new. Very reasonable. 214 N. 25th St., Tel. Ind. B-2097. (16)-M540 20 FOR 6ALE $j0 roller top desk, 3 months' use: cheap; call Room 3, I'. S. Natl. Bunk Bldg. (16) M623 Is FOR SALE On account of leaving city will sell our'hlgh grade furniture and house hold goods at lowest prices. !1'6 S. ?6th St. 'Phone Doug. 5398. 16 M620 17x WHEN writing to advertisers, remember it takes but an extra stroke or two of th pen to mention th fact that you saw tli ad In Tto Bee. OFFERED FOR SALE (Contli.ued ) Pianos, Organs, M antra I Instrument. FINE Baby Grand piano, ih-ap; n-.ust sel; no dealers need apply. 23 0 C. 8:. U61-M -1 . ) FOR SALE HArdmnn cabinet grand pi ino, none better. In perfect onli r. neni y n -v, a bargain. 2705 Ohio St. tliij M6-1 17x Typewriter and Serrlna Machine. FOX TYPEWRITER, No. 1274.0; only us, d short time and In A No. 1 condltli-n; f : sale at very reasonable pries. Cull f r Wright at Lc Oil ice, 17th mid Farnam. Ub M3 Btlaccl la neons. A LOT of stono for coptns, window Bnd door sills: also fancy pressed brick, tor sale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt. Bee HI.ik. 16-!)il DRUGS at cut prices; freight ra'd on all $10 orders; cataloKiie free. Sherman A: Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (Pli-4'S FOR SALE Store tv.ilhlinv-. located In vil lage of Alvo, Nib.. 30f feet In sijse. with hail overhead, and good basement. Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars ad dress E. M. Stone, Alvo, Neb. (lG)-M.Tl ICE! ICE. MINNESOTA ICE In car lots A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. (10I-M.174 FOR SALE New and second-hand bllPnr l and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures: easv payments. Bruswlck-Balke-Colkmder, 407 S. Vth St. OCi-490 OAS. ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Larrest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices in the cltv; select now, delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS-CUIANDEN CO.. 31S S. 15th St. Tel. Doug. 6sl. (it! 1 49 LUMBER AND PRICK cheap from dis mantled Omaha Packing company p'ant. Alplrn. 'Phone Dousias 2474- (lfi) Mtl9 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman fe McConnell Drug Co. (161-491 2-3 Rt'CKER and Weston news cases and stands for sale cheap. Call at Bee of fice, Omaha. (16I-S92 HALL'S tafes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (lii)-432 SEND us your mall orders for drnirs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16)-4P1 PURE Vermont maple, sugar end syrup. D. E. Glddlngs, East Fnlrfleld, Vt. (161 M455 Jellx HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Snerman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. Neb. (10) 494 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7 (17) 495 LARSON & CO. Book free. 622 Bee Bldg. (17) 496 PATENTS THAT PROTECT 3 books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage R. S. it A. H. Lucey, rooms 29-39 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1169. (17) (97 PATENTS Sues & Co., Washington, D. C. Wc make free examinations to find out If Inventions are patentable. Advice fice. Patent obtained or fee returned. (17I-M541 Jelx PERSONAL r k nXTTrTTP treatment and bath. Mme. JU AUlNIli J-i- Smith, 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. (18) -527 A HOME for women during confinement; we find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 402 Bancroft St- 'Phone Douglaa 1921. 1 (18)-M363 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy roor- Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. (18) 785 MASSAGE and baths. Room 2, 1204 Farnam St., 2d Floor. (18)-M131 Jo. 6 I WILL retain and grow hair or pay $100. Write Dr. Oliver K. Chance, scalp spe cialist 095 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis. Mention Omaha Bee when writing. (1S)-M929 J4x SATIN smooth skin secured using Satin skto cream and Satin skin powder. 2fc. (18) PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Webster 3669. (18 498 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 151d Farnsim St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (IN) 915 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail: cut prices, bena ior iree i-uiaiuKue. iiiriB- Dillon Drug Co., omana. (1S 499 TT T 1?T?V Cures Piles. No pay till 11. A..1- PILES sre cure.!. Kxanv Ination or booklet free. Dr. Tarry. 224 Boe Bldg., omana. (1SI-M614 Jelo MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, 620 S. 16th. Flat 6. -Phone lla.. OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ranige Bl'g. I lb)-6u0 WANTED Three first-class stock com panies; play airdomes for the season; state everything In first letter. Phoenix Amusement Co., Hutchinson, Kan. FROF FOLE. Room 208, old Boston Store Bldg, French masseur and suggestive therapeutist; treats all chronic diseases without medicine, surgery, pain or absence from business. Consultation In eight lan guages; first treatment free. Tel. Doug las ."'19 Sunday and evenings by appoint ment, office hours 10 to 12 a. m.. and 4 to 6 p. m. (18)-M382 K.x To"rarty mailing letter with card enclosed relative to diamond ring: King is soli taire 7 of a curat, no markings, lost be tween the hour of 3:30 p. m. and 4:10 p. m In Indies' lavatory at Union station. Friday, 8th day of May: will pay reward of $50 and no questions asked: to make Identification complete will s itimlt ring to Jeweler from whom said ring was pur chased. J. Geo. Young. 5S2 Brandeis Bldg. (18) 560 15 WANTED Young lady with good educa tion to travel as governess; must pl-iy piano; will pav good ralary. Address W 42, lice. (181 .V6 lit REAL ESTATE HEAL, ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. IJfe. (l'Jj-5.Jl GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douclas "A (19) 5U2 ' BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandeis Bldg. (19) 603 CITY PROPERTY FOU SALE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO.. 1714 FARNAM ST., BEE BUILDING. N- il9)-004 If convinced will you buy this R-room house built for a home by day labor; mod ern, except furnace; cost $l,"oi to b il!d house; $W for the lot l'rle ie."ic(i fir quick Sale $2,500. HomeseeKers investigate tliis before purchasing; must be seen to be appreciated. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. 9-'J New York Life Bldg. "Phones Independent A-2551, B. ll, R-d 651. 1H0-.M6I8 17 FINE HOME CHEAP. At JOth and California his., 7 rooms and bath; large rcccpttun hall; all ouk finixh on first floor; sirlitly modern; 1 year old. This place Is w..rth $..', but If taken within ten days. $"ion gets It. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. 'l Bee Bldg. (19)-Mu91 17 REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. laS6. Prompt service. Get our price 1710 Farnam Sl Cl-60 REAL ESTATE CITY PKOPKIITY FOU SAI.H. (Cent miied. Come Out Today SEE KEYSTONE PARK, the great suburban n.l.if I in-covet s acres n nr y 1 ml.o r-i:.ue 6 miles of oil. . I boulevards -thousands of shade tioes-U'e a,-:iccil pi n-, lor (lie truck f:irm--r. tru nr. wt and clil.ken raiMr. and the m.i-t b .iutt fol spot for country homes :i 1 .is - n y 1" iic.M.M. Arrance with us "Ve "ill VK' ou out anv time, day ir evnl'i;. K.-y-stone Park, of a mile w. si cf 11 nsou. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. I'M. PI. ones Doui. Ii71-A-Ilr8. !). V. SI IOLEj-,a).f 11.' R01 piloM. I.I cf Tra. s Doug. P! 1". A 2 49. (,9!-(07 1 1706 SO. 28TH ST. A good 6-room story-and-a-half cottage, with bath, gas, sewer, city water and closet, storm sash and screens, 3 bed rooms nnd a storeroom, mantel In front room, only 1 block to car and 2 blocks to park and school. Trice, $2,25). The Byron Reed Co., Phono D. 297. 212 So. 14th. (191-629 16 $750 Cash And $35. per month will buy one of thoso nice new cottages or. the west sidn of Twenty-first street, Just south of Mason street. ALL MODEKN EXCEPT FURNACE Porcelain bath, hot and cold water, largn closets, cemented cellar. Choice, new, clean, close In and wortli tho money. Let ua show you. D. V. Sholes Co. 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Telephones, Doug las 49; Ind., A2049. (19) M549 13 TRUCK PATCH Four acres near Military' road, about ono mile west of Benson, fine, sightly location; good place for truck farm or chicken ranclu Easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 17S1, A-11S. (19) 667 15 $1,375 If Sold This AVeck Five-room cottage, partly modern, no re pairing to do, double floors, screens, storm windows, fine brick cellar, permanent walk, 1V4 blocks 'to car line, near 24th and Sahler streets; rents $15; part cauli, balance easy terms. BIRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Beo Bldg. Both phones. (19)-663 15 HOMES 1 Attractive, modern house, 6 rooms and reception hall; lower story in oak; good location; close to car line. Price $3,500. Modern house, 7 rooms and reception hall, corner lot ; house built about three years. Only $3,0o0. Modern 6-room cottage. In walking dis tance, full lot, price $2,800. LOT Finn east front lot on 35th, near Dodge, price reduced to $1,250. Submit offer. South front on Davenport, east of 26th, excellent for flats. Price $3,000. WM. DICKEY REED, 421 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 123. (l!T)-606 13 THE FINEST AND MOST DESIR ABLE HOME IN FI.ORENCE AT CUT RATE PRICE. Owner leaving city. Flvo rooms, all modern house, ample space for 3 rooms up stairs; fruit trees and berry bushes of all descriptions. NEIJ? A. LUNDCREN. 625-26 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglas IKJ. (19)-599 17 $750 WILL BUY" two extra large lots near 27th and Fwwler Ave. These are located In a rapidly grow ing neighborhood and would make a nice place to build a home or a good Invest ment. Could be subdivided and made Into 11 ree lots. See us at once about these, KERR & McKENZIE, 305 South 17th St. DouKlas 64(7 'PHONES Ind. A-147. (L'l)-6.I5 16 FOR quick sale list your property with Walter Wills, 414 Bee Bldg., Rentals ami Insurance. (19) 701 Jl ABSTRACTS OF TITLE J ESS EN & M'DANIEL, 214 Board of Trade. Phone Douglas 292. (19) 56 AYest Farnam District Brand Now 4,.")0 Douglas St. Here Is your. opportunity to get a 7-roorn, modern, up-to-date houso at a bargain. Nicely finished, well arranged and first class In every respect. Cemented cellar under whole house witli outside entruiica when completed. Cement sidewalk will be laid In front and lawn will be sodded. Near one of the best schools and in one of the choice residence districts of tlin city. West Farnam car service; a few minute' ride to heart of city. Immediate posses sion. Come in nnd we will show yo through. Price, $:).n"J. Terms, half casn. bulunce on easy payments. Payne, Post wick & Co., Sole Agents, Main. Floor New York Life Bldg. '1'holie Douglas lopi. (19) 672 11 $10 cash that's all It tales to intike du tho owner of on of the finest n sub nee lots in or anywhero near the city at these. prices-$250 to $J5oi These lots are full slz-, auxl:i 011 high ground, In autil ully with excellent vi.-w over entire surrounding country, tw blocks froiiLcar, storey. uwd street, eto. If you 1.11 1 111 lots voii'll buy at onco no belli r hi. me and invest incut lots in th n.urkct. The easy terms. $10 cash. 15 month, pot them within reach of everyone, ( i,r and will tal e you to sue the lots at any time. Wo are tilso oflerliig, for this week only, asy term bargains tn improved prop el lies 4 lo l-'-room Iioumi). Vhu terms and prices wiil solely interist you. Russell & McKitrick Co., 4?," Kamge Bliig. 15lh ind Harney. (I9i .d 10 4 IX)TS on giu.le. water, sewer and g- north of boulevard, east of Kith St., on, South Omaha and Bens m tar, $.r.O each, one-tlir l cash, balance (10 u.omh; 5 j r cent discount for cash. N. Feng, r, 6 7 Paxton Liilg. Tel. lied 7iii4. or Wcu. 3-.A U9)-M4 2U ' FOR SALE Cheap, 6-room house, gas, tleU'- ir- fc-U Parker St. ... ; . ilUj-til 17x , t