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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1908)
THE' omaha daily bke: Thursday, may u, ioos. H : f i if i i i i a i , i ; f ', V f 3 I R n M M Compiles with th pure food taws of every state BAKIt.GPQVQER 3s nnrBf XI! Clw la made of the finest material pos- jfS I.E&L I II slbl to select, and makes light, easily disesttd 'Vv 1 mended by leading pbrsiclane and ECONOMY Tm r1tiat a rood haklnc: material or time. cant: It will raitisn power. CALUMET Salts COVERSORS AT WHITE HOUSE Tresident Eooievelt Addresses Lead ing Men of the Nation. THEME TO FEESERVE RESOURCES Executive Sara it la Greatest Prob lem Confronting; American Peo ple Meaua Mncb. for Good of Posterity. (Continued from First Page.) on the right of the platform, with the vice president on his left, Rev. Everett Hale, chaplain of the senate, arose and, leaning with one arm on the back of the president's chair, read a portion 0f the scripture descriptive of the promised land and then pronounced a feeling: Invocation, tn which he asked heaven's help In the de liberations to be had. At the conclusion of the Invocation the president, without preliminary ceremony, began his address to the governors. He said: 'I welcome you to this conferonce at the White House. Tou have come hither at my request so that we may Join together to consider the question of the conserva tlon and uso of the great fundamental sources of wealth of this nation. Bo vital la this question, that for the first time In our history the chief executive officers of the states separately, and of the states to gether forming the nation, have met to consider It. "With the governors com men from each state chosen for their special ac quaintance with the terms of the problem that Is before us. Among them are ex perts In natural resources and representa tives .of national organisations concerned In the development and use of these re sources; the senators and representatives In crngress; the supreme court, the cabinet, and the Inland Waterways commission have likewise been Invited to the oonfor ence. which is therefor national In a peculiar sense. "This conference on the conservation of natural resources in In effect a meeting of the representatives of all the people of the Ui.lted States called to consider the weight iest problem now before the nation; and the occasion for the ' meeting lies In the fact that the natural resources of our coun try are in danger of exhaustion if we per mit the old wasteful methods of exploiting them longer to continue. Relation of Man to Nat ore. I "With, the rise of peoples from savagery Ito civilisation, and with the consequent growth in the extent and variety of the need a of the average man, there comes a steadily Increasing growth of the amount demanded by 'this average man from tbe iactual resources of the country. Yet, lather curiously, at the same time the aver ;age man Is apt to lose his realisation of ,thls dependence upon rature. "Savage apd very primitive peoples gen- rally concern themselves only with su ,pertlolal natural resources,., with those which they obtain from the actual surface ' of the ground. As peoples become a little less primitive their Industrie) although in a rude manner, are extended to resources below the surface; then, with what wa call civilization and extension of knowledge, more resources eome Into use, industries re multiplied ant foresight begins to be- Let the diet consist of fooda -that are nutritious. " ' : WHEAT FLARE. CELERY mm ; Is made by a physician and chem ist and leader of. the world in' pure food products! ' Its daily j use helps to regulate the bowels. For sal by all Grocers- u Saiurday, May 16fh Begini the greatest sale ot strictly High Grade RUGS and CARPETS ever held in this western country. All Terfec Goods UU.U U THE RELIABLE STORE Our buyer secured great quantities from the New York '. Auction Sale of Alexander Smith & Sons Wkh Friday Evening's papers for particulars and prices. Sec big display in Uth St. windows. Come early Saturday. Try HAYDEW'S First 1 wrv. ' chemUta. vnii an alwlvl aaanrsxl at therefore, there la do wants or Calumet It put up la alr-titrht keep lone" tnan any oioar Hmr rowner on ins marcci ana uas asn Is to car folly and tcteo- tmcany prepared tnac jtrallti the Ineredlents It absolntely perfect. 0 Therefor. Ctlumat leaves no KocheUa V or Alum In tba tooo. it la iA cnemicaii) etrrecu $1,000.00 ra given for any snbstance In jurious to neaJtn louoa in Calumet come a necessary and prominent factor In life. Crops are cultivated, animals are do mesticated and metals are mastered. 'Every step of the progress of mankind Is marked by the discovery and use of natural resources previously unused. With out such progressive knowledge and utili sation of natural resources population could not grow, nor industries multiply, nor the hidden wealth of the earth be de veloped for the benefit of mankind. "From the, first beginnings of civilisa tion, on the' banks of the Nile and the Euphrates, the Industrial progress of the world has gone on slowly, with occasional setbacks, but on the whole steadily, through tens of centuries to the present day. But of late the Rapidity of the process has increased at such a rate that more space has been actually covered during the oentury and a quarter occupied by our na tional life than during the preceding 6X years that take us back to the earliest monuments of Egypt, to the earliest cities of the Babylonian plain. Early Commercial Methods. "When the founders of this nation met at Independence hall In Philadelphia the conditions of commerce had not funda mentally changed from what they were when the Phoenician keels first furrowed the lonely waters of the Mediterranean The differences were those of degree, not of kind, and they were not in all cases even those of degree. Mining was carried on fundamentally as it had been carried on by the Pharaohs in the countries adjacent to the Red sea. "The wares of the merchants of Boston of Charleston, like the wares of the mer chants of Nineveh and Sidon, If they went by Water, were carried by boats propelled by sails or oars; If they went by land were carried In wagons drawn by beasts of draft or In packs on the backs of beasts of burden. The ships that crossed the high seas were better than the Bhlps that had once crossed the Aegean, but they were of the same type, after all they were wooden ships propelled by sails; and on land, the roads were not as good as the roads of the Roman empire, while the service of the posts was probably inferior. "In Washington's time anthracite coal was known only as a usful black stone; and the great fields of bituminous coal were undiscovered. As steam was un known, tbe use of coal for power produce tlon was undreamed ot. Water waa prac tically the only source of power, save the labor of men and animals; and this power was used only in the most primitive fash Ion, But a few small iron deposits had been found In this country, and the use of Iron by our countrymen waa very small. Wood was practically the only' fuel, and what lumber was sawed was consumed locally, while the forests were regarded chiefly as obstructions to setiement and cultivation. "Such was the degree of progress to which civilized mankind had attained when this nation began its career. It is almost impossible for us In this day to realize how little our revolutionary ancestors knew of the great store of natural resources whose discovery and use have been such vital factors in the growth and greatness of this nation, and how little they required to take from this store In order to satisfy their needs. ' Growth of the Nation. "Since then our knowledge and use of the resources of the present territory of the United States have Increased a hundred fold. Indeed, the growth of this nation by leaps and bounds makes one of the most striking and Important chapters in the history of the world. Its growth has been due to the rapid development, and alas that It should be said, to the rapid dcstruc tion of our natural resources. Nature has supplttid to us In the United States, and still supplies to us, more kinds of resources in a more lavish degree than has ever been the case at any other time or with any other people. Our position In the world has been attained by the extent and thoroughness of the control we . have achieved over nature; but we are more, and not less, dependent upon what It fur rli lies than at any previous time of history siure the days of primitive man. "Yet our fathers, though they knew so little of the resources of the country, exer cised a wise forethought in reference thereto. Wanhlngton clearly saw that the perpetuity of the states could only be secured by union, and that the only feasible basis of union was ah economic one; In other words, that it must be based on the development and use of their natural re sources. Accordingly, he helped to out Una a erheme of commercial development. and by his influence an Interstate water ways commission was appointed by Vir ginia and Maryland. "It met near where we are now meeting, PiTful Goods MJ ri i lal as M w " V ' '"tvW given for anv snbstance In- JlSfv' 7 " ' ' , i'J ' r' V iuriout to health lound In Calumet 8f in Alexandria, adjourned to Mount Vernon, nd took up the consideration of Interstate immerce by the only mesna then avult blo, that of water. Further conferences were arranged, first at Annapolis and then t Philadelphia. It was In Philadelphia that the representatives of all the states met for what was In Its original concep tion merely a waterway I conference; but when they hsd crosed their deliberations the outcome was the constitution which tri-ade the states Into a nation. ?fed of n romtltttloa. "The constitution of the United States thus-tgrtw In large part out of the neoea slty'for united action In the wise use of ons of our natural resources. The wise use of all of our' natural resources, which are our national resources as well. Is the great material question of today, I hare asked you to come together now because the enormous consumption of these re sources and the threat of imminent ex haustion of some of thrm, due to reckless and wasteful use, once more calls for com mon effort, common option. Since the days when the constitution was adopted steam and electricity have revolutionized the Industrial world. No where bas the revolution been so great as n our own country. Tho discovery and utilization of mineral fuels and alloys have given us the lead over all other nations In the production of steel. The discovery and utilization of coal and iron have given us our railways and have led to such Indus trial development as has never before been seen. The vast wealth of lumber In our forests, the riches of our soils and mines. the discovery of gold and mineral oils, combined with the efficiency of our trans portation, have made the conditions of our life unparalleled in comfort and conven lence. "The steadily increasing drain on theae natural resources has promoted to an ex traordinary degree the complexity of our ndustrlal and social life. Moreover, this unexampled development has had a deter mining effect upon the character and opin ions of our people. The demand for effl clency in the great task has given Us vigor, effectiveness, decision and power and a capacity for achievement which in its own lines has never yet been matchVd. So great and so rapid has. been our material growth that there has been a tendoncy to lag behind In spiritual and moral growth; but that is not the subject upon which I speak to you today. Prosperity and Intelllarence "Disregarding for the moment the ques tion of moral purpose. It is safe to say that the prosperity of our people depends directly on the energy and Intelligence with which our .national resources are Used. It is equally clear that these, resources are the final basis of national power and per petuity. Finally, It Is ominously evident that these resources are - in the course of rapid exhaustion. This nation began with .the belief that Its landed possessions were illimitable and capable of supporting- all the people who might care to make our country their home but already the limit ol' unsettled land Is In sight, and, Indeed, but little land fitted for agriculture now remains unoccupied save what can be reclaimed by irrigation and drainage. We began with an unap proached heritage of forests; more than half of the timber is gone. We began with roal fields more ; extensive than those of any other nation and with iron ores re garded as inexhaustible,, and many experts now declare that the end of both Iron 'and coal la in sight. "The mere increase , In our consumption of coal during 1907 over 1B0G exceeded the total consumption In 1878, the Coo- tennlal year. The enormous stores of mineral oil and gas are largely gone. Our natural waterways are nut gone, but they have been so Injured" by lu-glect, and by the . division, of responsibility and utter lack of system In dealing With them, that there Is less navigation on them now than there was fifty years ago. Finally, we began with , soils of unexampled fertility and we have so lmproverished them by Injudicious use and by falling to check erosion that their crop producing power is diminishing Instead of increasing. In a word, we have thoughtlessly, and to a large degree unnecessarily, diminished the resources upon which nut only our pros perit but the prosperity of our children must always depend. Time to Take Accounting. We have become grwit because of the lavish use of our resources and we have Just reason to be proud of our growth But the time has come to Inquire seriously what will happen when our forests are gone, when the coal, tbe iron, the oil, and the gas are exhausted, when the soils shall have been still further lmproverished and washed Into the streams, polluting the rivers, denuding tho fields, and obstruct lug navigation. Tlieso questions do not relate only to the next century or to the next generation. It is time fur us now as a nation to exercise the same reasonable foresight In dealing with our great natural resources that would be shown by any prudent man in conserving and widely using the property which contains the as- surence of well-being for himself and his children. The natural resources I have enumer ated can be divided into two sharply dls tlnguishud classes accordingly as they are or are not capable of renewal. - Mines If used must necesurlly be exhausted. The minerals do not and can not renew them selves. Therefore in dealing with the coal, the oil, the gas, the iron,, the metals gei erally, all thut we can do Is to try to see that they are wisely used. The exhaustion is certain to come in time. "The second class of resources consists of those which cannot only be used In such manner as to leave them undiminished for our children, but can actually be improved by wise use. The soil, the forests, tho waterways come in this category. In deul lng with mineral resources man is able to Improve on nature only by putting the re sources to a beneficial uso which In the end exhausts them; but in dealing with the soil and Its products man can improve on nature by compelling the resources to re new and even reconstruct themselves in such manner as to s-rva Increasingly bene flclal uses while the living waters can be so controlled as to multiply their benefits "Neither the primitive man nor the pio neer was aw ire. of any duty to posterity in dealing with the . renewable ne sources. When tho American suttler felled the for ests he felt 1a there was plenty of forest left for the sons who came after him When he exhausted the soil ot his farm he felt that his son could go west and take up another. So It was with his immediate (.successor. When the soil-wash from the farmer's fields choked the neighboring river he thought only of using the railway rather than boats fur moving tus produce and supplies. Un Vent of Timber Famine. "Now all this is changed. On the average the son of the furmc r of today must make his living on his fuilu-r's farm. There- 1 no difficulty in do;i;g this if the father will exercise wisdom. Xu is use of a tarn exhausts its f.-r;ll!;y. Bo with forests. W are over the verne of a timber famine In this country, and it Is unpardonable for the nation or the state to permit any further cutting of our timber save in accordance with a svHtem which will provide that th next generation shall sue the timber In creased Instead of diminished. Moreover, wa can add enormous tracts of the most valuable possible agricultural land to the national domain by irritation In lha arid and sm!-urld rtgioi.a and by drainage of tract of swaujp laud Ui U. humid regions. W can enormously Increase our 1 transportation facilities by the canalisation pf our rivers so as to complete a great ys- em of waterways' on the Pacific. Atlantic nd Gulf coasta and In the Mississippi val ley, from tho Great Plain to the Alleghen- ea and from the northern lakes to the mouth of the TnfKMy Fnther of Waters. But all these vatos use of our natural reaourrss are so' closely- connected that they should be co-ordinated, and should he treated as r art of ona ooherent plsn and not In haphazard and piecemeal fashion. It Is largely because pf this that I ap pointed the Waterways commission last year and that I bae- sought to perpetuate its work. I wlKh to take this opportunity to express in heart'ert fashion my acicnowi- edgment to all the-' members of the com mission. At great personal sacrifice of time and effort they h.ive rendered a serv ice to the puhlle for Which we cannot be oo grateful.' Epoclal credit Is due to tho Initiative, the r-nergy, the devotion to duty and the far-slghtednoss of Otfford Plnchot, to whom we owe; so much of the progress we have' already tnada : In handling thle matter of the' coordination and conserva tion of natural .-resources. If It hnd rot been for him this convention neither' would nor could hrtieifceen called. .Right Uo Gaard Reanarces. "We' are riimlng to recognize as never before' the right of the nation to guard its own future in the essential matter of natural resources. In the past we have admitted th right of the Individual to In jure the future of the republlo for his own present profit. The time has come for a change. As a people we have the right and the duty, second to none other but the right and duty of obeying the moral law, of requiring and doing Justice, to protect ourselves and our children against the wasteful development of our natural resources, whether that waste Is caused by the actual destruction of such resources or by making them Impossible of development hereafter." Any right thinking father earnestly de sires and strives to leave his son both an untarnished name and a reasonable equip ment for the struggle of life. So this na tion bs a whole should earnestly desire and strive to leave to the next generation the national honor unstained and the na tional resources unexhausted. There are signs, that both the nation and the states are waking to a realisation of this great truth. On March 10, 1S08, the supremo court of Maine rendered an exceedingly Impor tant Judicial decision. This opinion was rendered In response to questions as to the right of the legislature to restrict the cutting of trees on private land for the prevention of drouths and floods, the preservation of the natural water supply, and the prevention of the erosion of such lands, and the consequent filling up of rivers, ponds and lakes. The forests and water power of Maine constitute the larger part of Its wealth and form the basis of Its Industrial life, and the question sub mitted by the Maine senate to the supreme court and the answer of the supreme court alike bear testimony to the wisdom of the people of Maine, and clearly define a policy of conservation of natural resources, the adoption of.. which is of vital Im portance not merely to Maine, but to the wholo country. Heritage for Posterity. "Such a policy will preserve soil, forests, water power as 1a- heritage for the children and the children's children of the men and women of this generation; for any enact ment -that provides for the wise utilization of the forests, whether ki public or private ownership," and tot' the conservation of the water 'resources Of the country, must nec essarily tie ' legislation that Will promote both private an pstbllc welfare; for flood prevention,-: ?wai' r. power -development, -preservation of ,tr; sotl, and Improvement of navigable flvess.aro al) promoted by such a policy--of forest conservation. The opinion of tho Maine supreme bench sets forth, unequivocally tho principle that the property rights of the Individual are subordinate, to the rights of the community. and especially ha the waste of wild tim ber land derived originally from the state, Involving as it would, the impoverishment of the stato and Its people and thereby de feating one great purpose of government, may properly be prevented by state re strlctlons. The court says 'that there are two rea sons why the right of the public to control and limit the use of private property is peculiarly applicable to property In land: First, such property is not the result of productive labor, but Is derived solely from the state itself, th original owner; second. the amount of land being incapable of In crease, if the owners of large tracts can waste them at will without state restriction. the state and its people may be helplessly impoverished and one great purpose of gov ernment defeated. - We do not think the proposed legislation would operate to 'take' private property within the inhibition of the constitution. While It might restrict the. owner of wild and uncultivated land In hi Use of them,- might delay his taking some of the product, might delay his an ticipated profits and even thereby might cause blm some loss of profit, it would nevertheless leave him his lands, their pro duct and Increase untouched, and without diminution of title, estate - or quantity. lie would stll have large measure of con trol and large opportunity to realize values, He might suffer delay, but not deprivation, The proposed legislation would be within the legislative power and would not operate as a taking of private prop erty for which compensation must be male.' Other Court Decisions. "The court of. errors and appeals of New Jersey has adopted a similar view, which has recently been sustained by the supreme court of the United Btates. In delivering the opinion of tho court on April 6, lUOs. Mr. Justice Holmes said: 'The state as quasi-sovereign and representative of the interests of the public has a standing In court to protect the atmosphere, the water, and the forests within its territory, irre spective ot the Bent or dissent of the private owners ot the land most immediate, ly concerned. It appears to us that few public, interests are more obvious, lndUputabU and independent ot particu lar theory than the Interest of the public of a state to maintain the rivers that are wholly within It substantially undiminished, except by such drafts upon them as the guardUn ot the public welfare may pvr mlt for the purpose of turning them to a more perfect use. This public Interest is omnipresent wherever there is a state, and grows more pressing as populution grow. We are of opinion, further, that the constitutional power of the state to Insist that Its natuiul advantage shall remain unimpaired by Its citizens is ,aot rlepcnrtont upon any nice estimate of the extent of present uae or apeculation as to future needs. The legal conception of the necessary Is apt to be confined to some what rudimentary wants, and there are benefits from a great river that might es cape a lawyer's view. But the stats is not required to submit even to an aesthetic analysis. Any snaly'sls may be Inado quate. It find Itself In possession of what all admit to be a great public good, and what it has It may koep and give no one a reason for Its will.' "These decisions reach the root of the Idea of . conservation of our resources tn tbe Interests of our people. National Ufflciency. "Finally, let us rmtJibtr that the con servatlon of our natural resoun-fcs, though the gravest problem of today, la yet but tart at ajjoUitr auvl greater problem to See This Tomorrow $ $ $ Asli Grocer which this nation Is not yet awake, but to which It will awake in time, and with which It must hereafter grapple If It Is to live tho problem of national efficiency the patriotic duty ot Insuring the safety nd continuance of the nation. When the people of the United States consciously un dertake to raise themselves as citizens, and the nation and the states In their several spheres, to the highest pitch of excellence In private, state and national life, and to do this because it Is the first of all the duties of true patriotism, then and not till then the future of this nation, In quality and In time, will be assured. President to Continue Commission. The disposition to c::press frankly their sentiments was Indulged in on the part of the governors throughout the president's speech, which occupied ten minutes short of an hour. He was applauded and cheered many time and after giving a praising estimate of the work of the Inland Water ways commission, he remarked: "The commission ought to be perpetu ated and if congress does not see fit to do so, I will do it myself." The gathering wrs fairly stampeded by cheers, applauses, shouts and laughter. ' When the president had finished he made the suggestion that at the afternoon ses sion a committee on resolutions be ap pointed. Merely as a suggestion, he said, the following names for this committee had been mentioned: Govemard Blanchard of Louisiana, Fort of New Jersey, Cutter of Utah, Davidson of Wisconsin, and Ansel of South Carolina. After the president had stated, further, that it might expedite the work of the conference to have all sug gestions for action referred to this com mittee ho yielded the floor to Governor Johnson of Minnesota, who moved that the suggestion of the president regarding the committee and its personnel be adopted by the convention. This motion was put by the president and carried without dis sension or opposition. The suggestion of the president that all speeches by experts be limited to twenty minutes duration also was made a rule of the convention on motion of Governor Johnson. Informal Reception. The session ended at noon, when the president and vicepresldent gave an In formal reception to those who had at tended the meeting. Immediately after wards he met the governors, members of the supreme court and others who wero hi dinner guest last night in the blu drawing r.iom. After the reception the governors assembled on h portico of the White House with the president and vice president and the specially Invited guests, which Included William J. Bryan, Andrew Carnegie, J. J. Hill and Gustave Schwab, where several group photographs were made. While the group was being formed President Roosevelt chatted enthusiasti New City Hall, ; U' i ,rr, .You. ' - - x - The unique position of the corporation of ths city of Keglna. Canada, In tbm beautiful buildin from the unit, of of the inducement cements wiiii-li l resulting ill o..i., yvtr Two Mil II.... 'ilio city u tiio late nay sMpney' to NX cally with Governor Hughes of New York, also with Mr. Hill, Mr. Bryan and others. Mississippi Governor tn Chair. President Roosevelt opened the after noon session of the conference at 2:40 o'clock. He called Governor Noel of Mississippi to the chair to preside, explain ing that his duties would not permit of his being in constant attendance. The presi dent expressed the belief that the conven tion would be glad to hear Mr. Bryan toward the end of the afternoon session, which Invitation tho latter gracefully ac cepted. The president also requested Gov ernor Johnson of Minnesota to preside at tomorrow's meeting, and be accepted. Both suggestions were greeted with tremendous applause. Introductory to his remarks on the con servation of ores and minerals, Mr. Car negie departed somewhat from his written remarks when he declared that most presi dents follow precldents, but that President Roosevelt Initiates them. He expressed a hope that when the con ference adjourned it will do so at the call of the prealdent. , Waste of Fuel Resources. J. C. White, state geologist of West Vir ginia, spoke on "The Waste of Our Fuel Resources." He detailed the practices, especially in coal and oil lndustrlces, clos ing as follows: What will It profit this snatlon to have won the wreath of Industrial supremacy, If In our thirst for gold and sudden riches we permit corporate greed, as well as Indi vidual avarice, and selfishness to waste and devastate the very sources of our pros perity? For Just as sure as the sun shines, and the sum of two and two Is four, unless this Insane riot of destruction and waste of our fuel resources which has characterized the last century, shall be speedily ended, Our Industrial power and supremacy will, after a meteor-like existence, revert before the close of the present century to those nations that conserve and prize at their proper value their priceless treasures of carbon. Whatever Is possible In the shape of legis lation for the protection of our fuel re sources should be done by the Individual states which you represent. Twenty-nine of the forty-six states of the union produce coal and twenty-four of theae produce more than 1,000.000 tons annually, while practically the same number produce vast quantities of both petroleum and natural gas. The percentage of coal left in the ground beyond recovery, as we have seen, varies from 40 to 70 In the different fields, to say nothing of the wasteful and ex travagant use of the portion extracted, while the waste of natural gas, the most precious fuel of all, Is so vast that no one can even approximate the percentage. The' task before you and your constituencies la Indeed formidable. The forcea of greed and selllnhness are so entrenched behind cor porate power and Influence, that to attack them may often appear to you as useleaa as the labors of Sisyphus. But as you lovs your states and country I adjure you to take up tills fight for the conservation of our fuel resources with the determination never to surrender until the f-". o "rr"-' and avarice which are so rapidly Sapping the very foundations of our country's greatness, capltulaie, and ug.c to -u ... Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada r- v ifr -'crr;- few loli. tur?by not coBtin the rU navfii on Vni tm- . 2nK MW I in attracting Investors, who dl.llke being ulUr. utU ul e.iat,. ittkiUl i. . , . . . wild riot of destruction that has char acterized the past. Address of Andrew Carnearle. In concluding his paper Andrew Car negte, after giving an exhaustive statement of conditions and supply of minerals, said; ' No practical man can study our mineral supplies without seeing that they are melt ing away under our national growth at a geometrically increasing rate, and without realizing that unless the loss Is checked his descendants must suffer; nor can he consider ways of preserving the' supply without realizing the need of wider and deeper knowledge than we now possess. It was not resources alone that gave this country its prosperity, but Inventive skill and industrial enterprise applied to Its re sources. Individually we have been both forehanded and foremlnded; nationally we have been forehanded chiefly through the accident of discovery by John Smith and Walter Raleigh, but nationally we are not yet foremlnded. So far as our mineral wealth Is concerned the need of the day is prudent foresight, coupled with cea.e leaa research, in order that new minerals may be discovered, new alloys produoed, new compounds of common substances made available, new power-producing de vices developed. The most careful inven tory of the family patrimony should be made. I plead for economy, that the next generation and the next may be saved from want but especially I urge research into and mastery over nature, In order that two blades may be ' made to grow whera one grew before, that the golden grain may be made- to replace woody grass, that crudo rocks may be made to yield fine metals. In conclusion, Mr. President and govern ors of our stales, it seems to me our duty Is: First, conservation of forests, for no for ests, no long navigable rivers, ho rivers, no cheap transportation, Second, to systematize our water trans portation, putting the whole work in the hands of the reclamation service, which has already proved itself highly capable by Its admirable work. Cheap water trans portation for heavy freight brings many advantages and means great aaving of our ore supplies. Railroads require much steel; water does not. Third, conservation of soil. Mors than a thousand millions of tons ot our richest soil are swept Into the sea every ysr, clogging the rivers on Its way and filling our harbors. Vaua soil, less crops; leas crops, less commerce, less wealth. A general discussion was opened, by John Mltohtll, former president of the United Mine Workers of America. j ANTI-LEASING PLANK IN VIEW Democrats Plan to Insert On In Wyoming- Platform. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. May 13. As the line are now drawn, an anti-land leasing plank will be Incorporated In the platform which Is to be adopted by the democratic a tats convention, which will meet In Cheyenne tomorrow. The convention will send to tha national convention In Denver a delegation unanimously Instructed for Bryan. A Total Eclipse of the functions of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels Is quickly disposed of with elec tric Bitters. 60c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. "".V3 . ''- NlfSl'V' 9 K, - ;,-'"-..'' ('i -i j; i, .. j ' ifr '-"'' ' :i V'' v : ' I i l WzaXS; kiln- In fiK'nlnv kiA . . ..... m taxed to death' to mil. r,,,t,i! eounul, J,ubJ . . - -, .v u in. i ii n . a no do c Improvement laout burueuina; A3 1