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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1908)
Tin: OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20.' 1008. .a . GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cold Weather and ImproTtd Demand " ' Inductt to Steady ValtitV .' JXZVATCa ETOCXS DECREASESO frost Keaerte and m Fair nesaaad Kent tha Crowd tram "elllag, 8Eaegt for tarn Beat. 1 ter'd aria. OSAMA. April 28. Grain values were fairly sleedy on gen eral cold, weather, over the spring H ftl sections and some Improved umnii botu from, domestic markets and also, better n qulrle from foreign market. Elevator stock ara decreasing rapidly . and arrival ara coming In extremely alow, ill Her a at reporting a better conaumptinn and they are bidding readily for flrat quality of grain. Wheat opened steady, with no particular feature; (Tost report a and a fair demand kept tha crowd from selling. Market values held fairly strong, with scattering buying. May wheat opened at Hq .ana cloned at tr-'. Corn opened" etsady," with th further fu ture showing good strength and fair advene waa realized. Tha corn sample market waa strong and demand Improved and preening. May corn opened at 81c and closed at '. .("'" .. Oata provr-4 Inactive and outalde of a rood oaJh market llttla waa don.. May option opened at 4fc and closed at 4ViC. Primary wheat reoaLpt were 38,00i bush els and shipments were tin") bushela. airainst receipt laat year of ftft.OOO buahcla and shipment of 7,.000 bushels. Corn receipts wera Ml.ono bunhrla and shipment were 477,ano bushel, agalnat re ceipt Just your of n,nm bushels and ship ment of fctt.OiO bushels. Clearances wwns !3,n bushels of corn, mr of oata and wheat and flour equal to 0.fW buahela. Liverpool closed' at d higher to 4d lower oa wheat and unchanged on corn. Local range ot options; . Artiel. Open. High-I Low. Cloae.j Tai'y. Wheat I May... July... ti K tf, 81. M tt 83 ,78. ,, . x 78 - 78 l ' ' a. " i, o'4 W'l 63 67' b. r t. ' , m AH 4944 I 4M t9 M 8 l 4J Sept.... corn , May.v Jiilv... pt... Oata May... - Oaaafea Caak rrlcaa. WHKATKo," I hard, No. 1 hard. fwa-i-:Ko.- 4 hard, MSiWHci No. aprlng. XybWe. . ,., - COHN-i l, lftme: No. .Hfl)ic; No. t yellow, 62; No. whit. ClfitilVtc. OATB-Np. I mixed, itfyAVbr; No. S white, VS4?Y?: No-' wblta. 47t4f7Ho. RVK-No. J,.74'&7H4.;',No. a. ilOT3u.. . Carlet Htnlttt. . - " tit- ; Wheat. Corn. Oata. Mlnnra,'l , ,.f...,'.;,v- 8 Omaha M Duluth 46 14 1 CHICAGO, GaAHNAV PROTISIOJJS FaataraaVf tha Trataa; mm Claaiaa; rvtm ' hb r4 of Trad. CHICAQOy April a.U-Ao'lHng on a liberal era la caueed weaknesa today In the local wheal market, the July delivery falling off He. Corn waa off a ahade. Oata were un changed, 'lid .provision were l7luo higher. 'i he early wheat market ' waa atrong, be rauaa of oald weather In the aouthweat. later, prlcea declined, but aalde from their figure at Uverpool there waa llttla In the new of tha day to encourage aellera. Pri mary , raceipta are. email, compared with Jaat year, and tha world'a visible aupply Hecreaaed t.atAOO) buahela. Tha market rinsed wak and near. tha loweat point. July opened unchanged to ' He lower, at aXSiSHO, advanced to Kc and then de clined to t644C,'' Tha I close waa at WTc. Clearanoaa ef wheat And flour were equal to M.300 buahela. Primary receipt were tos.fco buahela, againat b4.000 on tha ama day last . year, Minneapolis, Duluth mni Chicago reported receipt of car, alni f4l laat week and I7S a year ago. . - torn waa firm early to the' da v.. Lcer, rr'c weaker ,1. f TtitclosA waawea! 3'iiv ofvexi hrWe' l Sid filglier at S2S?Jic," advanced SJHo-and then dn rllned to Caiac. The Oloa waa at ri"ie. local racetpta wera 106 can, with 2 f contract grade. Oat war atendy ' at) day, July opened unchanard at -c, aold up to iSo ani cloaed at 46 Wo. Local receipt war SJ car. . , Th - provlclona market . waa' quiet, but prlcea war firm, because of a SQlOo ad vance in tha price of liva hoga. t the close July pork waa up 7HfflGo at $11 168 LAM waa up TMo at $8.J7Uaao. Riba war 6c higher at, Eatimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 8 care; corn. 7L cj-,,oata, 123 cara; hoga, head. . . . ' Tha leadhitf tutnrea ranged aa follow i Article. Opan.t High.) Low. Cloa. 8at. Wheat Mav. July ' Sept. ' Corn-. May. July , Sept. aofe-i, aMay bMay July bJuly BepU Pork- May July Sept: Ird May' July Bept. Jut , May July Sept. 8X4 6V M . K3l 1V w&mwj wit i M 4oW awn1 46V W4) 46 43 4(1, '43HI 4: T I 1 i ? I 27 U 17W 1ft at Jl 1 ca Wn aid M IS 0 1J &2Vi OS 25 46 w s oth r S SO I I 36 474 I 45 . 4f . 0741' I 034 80 THi I 40 IftTV IM I I g2 ITU Tl3sKT7t4( 7 10 t TOt 7...tlim 78 7 30 ism No. t. 014. bKw. Caah quotation wera aa follow: r"LOUR -eJe ady: winter patcntg. ILStWi; atraiKht. tlfa4.4u: aorin n.T,TiT S.ofiJ.a; atraighta. 4.U5cl.o; bakera. $3.10 wHPJAT-No,v prlng. Wcfitl.06; No. I red. fciV(ifse.! CORN-No. ic; No. I yellow, frt4. OATS No. t, Bc; No. I while. 4JVf7Mc. F 4RLEY Talr t holco malting, T.Wr, HCiM-ri, No. 1 northwiern, l.:t)V prltn timothy, ti .' PKOVlSIONS-Bhort rib ld" (Inoae) f Vfi.'4.rH, Meaa rKrk. pr bW., Iil.oui 13. 1-V Lard. Per V H.OIia. Short clear aldra (boxed). l7.K1i7.SOi Following wera tha reeelpta and . ahla. merit of (lour and grain: . . . , Pecelpt. 6hlpnient, nour, orn. , 23,) ;x Wheat, bu Su.wjO ?? .- Corn, bu. 4il OilO no i oats, bu. ,,aw.v9 . txr.v Fye, bu. a.,.,. t m , .. I . IK XI !. Brley, b. I4,ai0 " 2i'.a) un ne rmouct exenang loaay tne but tr maiket a ateady; creamerlea. JOfiic: !aiHe. J re4c, (ga. firm at mark, case Included. Uc; flraia, lc; prim ftrata, Uc. Cheeae, eaav, llfclJc. ' lCaaaaa Clly Graf a4 fravlelawaj ; KANSAS C1TV. AarU WllKAT-Ln-ehaiifed; Mav. 8i,o; July. 00ic; Septem ber, lie C'esii No. f nurd. ItM-fill k I hard, fcuvtc; No,. J red. (Nkc-U.60; No. t red, fr.tiWic .,, " . CORN Unchanged; Way. 0)c; July. Uc; rep'euiber. ift'te. Cub; No, 2 niixed, -VM t'ei aJSIiVV:. No, S white, ,i:wci i-O. Willi , a.oi. V; Ne. I uilaeu. fi 47'o. l,A .r" .yn.0',i.',0', ohol,-e tlm. Othy, f ,i! 00; chuk' prairie. IS.k5IW . b Tl WK-Weik; i reamer)-, Sc; packing Ki.a-iirm; fresh extra. 15c; currr.t Receipt. Bliipni-ntB. Wheat, bu,.. Corn, 'bu.. Oata,,bulVTl.(. Ouotatlons at Kanaa City aa renorred by JAjJan aV Jaryaa. Ne. i Borcl of Trade; AMlclea. Open. Hih. Law. Qloa. Wheat May July Ccru Hay July It'ei "Iisi-M.! ."tw, i I t ' . aa ; . h '4i . VH: 011 A- aaked. V bid. LlvrsMi raiia elarkel ' ro. I r- w-!ra wiuler. -firm at 7 M : e. I Cai;finala, aiaady at 7 ad. fuiure. etadr; Mayr 7 M; July, 7a M; September, a So. CcjKN Spot, firm; new, American mld. kiln dried, he d ; oM. American mixed, firm at Uid - F"'nr, iM'et; May.-aa 0Vid. WRATHRR IX TUB bRAItf BELT r-ranably Fair Wewaeaalay, bat Kat Moeh Cbaaaj la Tenateratar). OMAHA, April 5. lia. Generally clnudy weather followed lh rain and anowa that' prevailed througn out the uppfr Mltsourl and Mliirpl vl-lf- during Monday and cloudy cnndltlmt continue 'hi morning throuchout the upper valleya, lake region and eaat to the roast. Tha weather la generally clear throughout the anuthern portion. Pnows are falling this morning In Wyoming and Telloweton park, with rain In western Montana. ' A very alight but general rise in temperature la shown west of th Mlsalsstppl river to t he-mount sins, but cooler weather I gen eral on the Pacific elope, and (ha out link la favorable for continued cool In thlj vicinity tonight and Wednesday, with protably fair weather. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: . 19". lSf.7. ISO. 19H. Minimum temperature;.., ft? M M & Precipitation 00 .U T .uj Normal temperature for today, IS decreet Deficiency in precipitation lnca March I, 131 Inchea. rwicleney corresponding period In 1W7, 2.78 Inchea. Deficiency corresponding period In lfOS, .M of an inch. . U A, WELSH.. Local rorccater. Corn aad Wheat Regiaa Raltetla. Tor th twenty-four hoiira ending at J a. m 78th meridian time, Tuoaday, April XS, OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- Station. Max. Alln.. fall. Fkv. Ashland, Neb.... MKT Cloudy Auburn. Neb 52 3 .fo Cloudy Columbua. Neb.. 47 81 .00 Cloudy Falrbury, Neb. ... M US ,o Clear Fairmont. Neb... 48 9 .00 , Clear Or. Island, Nob.. 4 Jl .ni Pt. cloudy Ilartlngtne, Neb. 44 T Cloudv Hastings, Neb.... 47 14 .(" Pt. cloudy Oxkdale, Neb..,. 3D 81-, .00. , cloudv Omaha, Neb...... 45 . si' ,T Cloudv Tekamah, Neb... 4 85 .00 Cloudv Alia, la S9 8 ,04 Cloudv Carroll. Ia 42 I Jt) , Cloudr Clarinda. la 48 II T Cloudy Plhley, I 40 1)2 .08 pt. cloudy Bloux City, la.. 40 34 T Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 p. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp.. Rain. Station. Station. Mix. Mm. Inches. Chlcgo. Ill , U . 4 M .10 Columbua, o ,17 U - In' M Des Moines. Ia.... IS 44 14 .li) Indianapolis. Ind. 13 M 40 '.01 Kansas CKy, Mo., S3 B3 - 84 f tiflulavllle, Ky 19 t - 40 .01 Minneapolis, Minn. 23 84 80 '..12 Omaha, Neb l . 44 . 32 . T Bt. Iuls, Mo 12 H JO T Freealng- temperature were general In Nebraska, the Dakota and Minnesota and occurred at point In Missouri and Iowa. Light precipitation occurred In all district within the laat twnty-four hours. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. NEW YORK GE5ERAL MARKET tlaotatloas af tha Day a Varloa Comntodltlea. NEW YORK, April 2ii.-FLOUR-ecelpta, 14,1N bbls; exports, J.SOO bbia. Markut steady with light trade. Minnesota paienta, W.luyo.iu; winter straights, M.iwUH-W; Min nesoia bakera, H.l((4., winter extraa, iX.o&U 10; winter patent. 4.5084.bO; winter low grade, 8S.40O4W. Rye flour, firm; fair to good. 4.4i4.t0; choice to fancy, f-i.U6S5.15. COKNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, 1.468l.u; coarse, 1.4o1.4fi; kiln dried, 13.86. ,. . RYE Firm; No. i western, 0c t. o. b. ' WHEAT Receipts. 6,000 bu.; spot market eaay. No. 2 red. 81054 elevator; No. i red, 81.0.H f. o. b. afloat; No. I northern Du iuth, I1.14H f. o. b. afloat; No. I hard winter. l.u!i f- o. b. afloat. With the ex ception ' of occasional forenoon rallies, wheat Waa generally depressed today by easy cablee, prediction for belter weather and liquidation, closing lVfcc to lHc net lower. May, 1.UM1.07. closed J1.0; July, aft'l.trWHe. closed JfeHoj- September, W"u93l,c cloaed .814C. . , - ,. CORN Receipts, 8,lu0 bu.: spot market firm. No. ' 2,, Tfrilbr uo&Ul)al"elettor and 740 f. o. B. afloat; No. 2 white. 7tVio and No. 2 yellow nominal f. o.- b. afloat. Op tion .-market vti . without transaction Closed Ho higher to Ha lower. May closed ifc,o, juiy ciosea 4lc, eptmbr closed 634o. OAT-Recelpt. eno bu.; spot market firm, Mixed oata, 'ti to 32 lbs . (444c; nat ural white, 26 to 32 lbs., fi&tt&So; clipped White, 32 to 40 lbs., 6H&3c. HAY Firm; - good to choice,. 9B(t7V4c. HIDES Dull; Jttogota, 17c; Central Amer ican, 17c. ... .t LEATHER Quiet; acid. 19270. PKOVlSiUN&-Bef. ateady; family, $18.60 tgl7.UD; mesa, 813 &otfl4 00; beef ham. 826.TOi) 2S.00; packet, 3l4.6uia 15.00; city extra India, me, 4J4.OOu-05.00. Cut meats, ateady; pick led bellies, 89.0010 00; pickled ham, 810.00. Lard, firm; western prime, - $S lfal.2S; re fined, dull; compound, 27.7fc-48.0i). Pork, Irregular: family, 16.tOi'u-17.50; ehort cleara, riS.iVfl 17.00; meaa, 8H.Wa'15 W. TALLOW-Steady; city (32 per pkg.), BV4C; country (pack, free), 6i3&a. RICE Steady; domeattc, fair to extra, 39 6c; Japaneao, nominal. CHEEbE Eaay; full - cream special. 1644c; alai full cream, amall, white, fancy, l&ut (tate full cream, large and amall. col ored fancy. 14Hc; state, fair to prima, 13c; state common, I64a; state, winter made. frij'lOHo. BUTTER Steady; creamery specials, 27c; extra. 2614c; third to flrat. Ii2-J6c; held, common to special, lsM; atat dairy, common to choice, lt26e; proeeaa, common to specials. lfrffJ4c! western factor firsts, 20c; imitation creamery, flrsta, D22c. EGOS Weak; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy aelevted white, lSVkc; good to choice, i;Hl8c; brown and mixed extras, lfiH-Wl'Hc; freh gathered atorage packed, 174i l"4c. POULTRY Dressed, n weaker; turkey. j:17c: towla, lW14o. I. St. Laal Ceaeral Market. BT. IjOVIB, April 28. WHEAT Lower; track. No. 2 red, cash. ll.OOH'frl.O! ; No. 2 bard. 97ct5H.04V4; May, c; July. KPn. CORN Weak; track. No. 2 cash. 6tc; No. I white, V4flti7c; May, 3c; July. 81 HC OATS-Steady; track. No. ,2 cash. 494c; No. 8 white. 63c; May: 47c; July 4bc. FLOCK Dull; rtd winter paienta. 14 5o 4.80; extra fancy and ' straight, . I4.10&4. 6o; clear. 83.H6n3.70. SEED Tlmoihy, ltdv ;' ' 3,0txg2 6ft. CORNMEAL Steady; 83.00. , BRAN Strong; aacked, east track, I1.304J 'HAY Firm j timothy, IS.5OJrU.80; prairie, IK.6ikji12.0O. - - - . . . I HON COTTON TIES II 00. BA(M3INO 7c. HEMP TWINE 8c. P.R'Jel9N-pork- steady; jobbing. rr.7f-n7.86. Dry salt meata. teadv; boxed extra shorts, 37 60; .clear, ribs, . 37.S7V4; ehort clears, 87 76. Bacon. tmlv; boxed extra short. $ii.2; clear ribs,; abort clear, PorLTRY-Bteady; chlckena, nc;aprlngs turkeys, llirflic; duck. c; aeese 6c B( TTER Lower; creamery, ZlUMVkC EGGS-Bteady at 13c, caae count ... Receipt. Shipments. riour. DDI. ...... j.o.10. - sw u S4.UU0 - 44.0110 . orn. ou gT.rtm - 47 u Oata. bu.,......y,.......-.. 14,00V Visible plr af Crala. NEW-YORK. April 38,-Bpeclal cablea and telegraptilo communications received by Br.lireei today show the following change in available supplies as compared wlili previous account: Wheat, Cnltu States, east of Ruckle decreased 1 .660,000 bushels: Can.rf. creased, !.um buael, total fulled Stiles and Canada decreased 1. bunhs'. Afloat for and In Europe, decreased 2,uu,0u0 Dusneis. juiai amer.can and European decreaaed. 4.S4&.000 buahela. Corn. Cnlted Statea and Canada, de- crfiq i ew.uKi Dusneia. Oats, i'nlted Btatea and Canada, de creased 4." 600 bushels.' - -' ' . v ' Tha leading docreases reported this week follows: " ' , Manitoba. 654 000 bushels; Chicago private eievaiura, (uo.v-u mifj'ifu lesumaied); iJn aula and vloiuit t(xv t'ushels. Mllwaafec, Grata .Market. MII.WAt'KKK. pi . 7 - WHEAT Steady; No. I. rwirt ).', 41. I ; No. I norlM-ru, n.ieu-iw;-jiti)-. r- KM. WAB.IA Dull. 0,. 'S, k iMiipiev 14 . corn Ftrs; X 3 'calt. giSiwc; iSay, ie bid. '.'' ''.., L m DalQtht eraM Market. DI'l.I'TH A 1 1 !! ' V -WllfVTJSa.' 1 n-u-lwro l.'t'.'-: No. J n.iriheiw. -Ititia; My. ! .-: Juiy, tl Ol'o. September. tVc OATS i!i NEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS Market ii Strenj tad Volume of Cea.1 iD(f Incretsti. vmom FACinc leads advance ttther Traaaewatlaealal leeaea Rise la (yaapath, hal Cieaeral List la Spotty aael Ir . regalar. NEW YORK, April .-The stock market today gave a striking demonstration of strnngtn and expanded substantially in vol ume. The figures ot tne aggregate salea do not fully bear out the apiearance of ex treme animation in th market, which waa due to great activity In several selected slocks, ihese were, at the aame time, the most conspicuously strong stock in the market and were carried up to prlcea not touched since some 4lme beiore the finan cial crisis of last October, t'nlon Pacific waa the conspicuous leader of the move ment and Ita price ha recovered more I it proportion than any other stock in the list. Bale also were the largest since the panio period In October. Today's movement car ried with that stork in closest sympathy other member of the transcontinental group In which conditions resemblo most clearly those of Cnlon Pacific. Bt. Paul was especially prominent, but the Hill atocks also got the full benefit of the sym pathetic effect. The movement was spotty and uneven, some prominent stocks corning tardily Into the movement and some of failing to respond at all. In the former class were the metal Industrials. After re maining sluggish throughout the earlier part of the day these stocks were moved Upward later, aa though to rectify the artificial appearance of the movement. The advance showed every evidence of skilful and resourceful leadership and the conviction- wa genera) amongst the rank and flla of opfratora that It had the favor and upport of the gret powers In the hanking, railroad and financial World. Opinion re mained somewhat divided aa to how far this support 1 offered to the marhet from a feeling of encouragement over the Im proved Investment demand reflected In th Pennsylvania bond sale or how far It may be devised to foster and stimulate that de mand and help other projected new capital Issue. New development continue mixed in character, abundant money resources on the one hand and continued depression In Industry and commerce on the other. The aggressive advance ln prlcea of rail road atocks in fsce of the llnsistent com plaints of railroad officials' of contracted earning and government restrict lona which hamper effort for recovery makes an Im pressive contrsst and suagsata a motive of po'ley designed apparently to assuage hos tility. The indulgence sought for the pro posal to advance freight rate, now under active dlacusslon. la a measure In point. That measure wa much discussed aa a factor In th rise In stocks. Of mora Im mediate effect wa the belief that the sup- Eort had been secured for the coming nlon Pacific bond issue with large foreign participation. A special argument In the case of St. Paul waa the aupposltlon that parta of the company' Pacific coaat ex tension will begin earning something In a short time. Northern Paclflo waa espe cially strengthened by th revival of old speculative rumors of an Intended large rxtra distribution of profit. The Issuance of th call by the secretary of the treaaury for return of $46,000,000 of government de posits with the banks, a first Installment of 820.000.000 payable, on- or before May 9. met an expectation long held In the finan cial district and caused not a ripple beyond soma early decline In foreign exchange rates, which were later recovered for the most part. A hardening of discount rates In London waa an offsetting factor and es timates were not altered of heavy engage ments of gold tomorrow for Thursday' movement. The president' message reiter ating contentlotia which have caused per turbation among th peculatlYe element on previous occasion wa accept d calmly and without affect on atocka. Tha unevennea of th day'a atrength left ome conaplcu Oua atocka with not enough vantage ground on tha reaction when profit-taking aet In. to leave any of their gain. - The change show a sprinkling of losses In consequence. The flgurea of th United States Steel quar terly report were not available before the Stock exchange session closed, but tha earnings conform closely to eatimate cur rent for several days past. Bonds were Irregular.. Total sale,' par value, 84,640,000. I'nlted State bond wera unchanged on call. Following were th aale 1 and rang of prlcea on th Stock exchange today: t . .1 - . , ). High, Lew. Oose, AasMjr Eiprsts . ..... i?6 . Aaiemte4 Copper 44.3 ti 44 Aa C. f 1 3.K0 4' 4 944 Am. O. g. M 1 Mi Am Cot I OS Oil 2.M0 17 tf Am. Cotton Oil M ' Americas Bxpma ..... lit) Am. H. A I.. p4 yv ! 1 14 America tea L8U0 84 244 34 Am. Uuh4 Oil H Am. Unseea Oil pM Am. Leeotaottve 8,4no 474 4 44 Am. Leoomotl pM.... 104 M M it Am. g. R 88.4O0 1t 74i . 71 Am. g. . B. pfd 40 444 44 M Am. Buaar Rsflnlsf !. 1 1"4 1"H Am. Tohseeo pti ells.. ...... K H ft i Anscosda MtDlu Co T.4i H Atchlsoa Il.ion 1 744 T4 Atchison pM , 4 l4i W4 Atlantic Coast Um 4"0 n TT Bsltlmora A Ohio 4. WD N4 H4 S Bl. Ohio pt M Hrooklra kpl Tf 14.800 4444 414 4Tt (saunas Fields U. 1444 14 1M Csatrsl ot Kaw Jcrcay ..... 144 Chssapeake Obn. 4.4UO 144 4 M Chtosao Ot. W, l IH i Chlcaxo N. W l a 1M4 104 1M c. m. at. P 41,400 iw lw tn Cblcsfo T. 4V T i Chlraao T. A T. ptd 8 C. C. C. a . L. 1.1' 87 4Mi M4 Csloraa t. I p 844 844 Colorado at Bo 1. U4 84i 11 Coto. A so. 1st pra . 10 (44 64 4 Cola. A Bo. 44 (4 0 W 4 44 CoasalKlalad Oaa ( t0 la U?4 14 Corn rroouots 3. Ml 16 144 14 Cora Product ptd 1 44 '04 txiaware A Hadsoa !. It4 164 1W Del.. L A W " 4T4 474 4 Lwrnsr A Rio Orand 1 11 tt 21 D. A . O. pfd a Ulailll.ny SoeyrHlM 14 U 8t 84 En !. It t4 14 Erl 1st 4 7"0 444 4 44 krl 8 pfd !44 24 14 Ossaraj CiMtHs 144 14 144 llllaol Cantral t HI 1 111 Imsnistloaal Pa par 4U0 104 10 4 1st, Paper pld 4 Int. Parup 84 . 8 24 Int. Pump pfd "4 'i 74 Iowa Central I.HII 144 IMi 164 lo-a Central pfd t.ouO 84 16 14 Kan mi City So " 4 t atit K. C. Bo. ptd !. U 44 4k Ltltav1U A N t.iwi lv4 lu4 14M4 Mexican Csatrsl 3.4 li 14 16 Miss. A St. L 8UD 144 14 14 M., t. P. A . . M 111 1U 111 m . at. p. a a. a. m. ptd.. u Miaaosrt Pacific 4 fcfO S 4S 44 M., K. A T t,S00 . J4 24 4 M . K. A T. ptd 7 6S U 4 Mi Katlosal LMd f.I0 4t 67 47 H. R. R. of M. pfd 47 Saw Tor Central 11.400 101 ! in N. V.. O. A W Wo Kt) -14 - . 14 Nortolk A W 1.U4) ti. ts - N. A W. pfd 44 Nonh Ameritaa v 64 , 64 . "7 Pa.n Mall 1 !0 17 ' V ' P.oaylvajii I....... 84.PO 111 110 111 PMpla's tiaa 8.PM 12 PI 4 ' P.. C O. A Bt. L 10U 7t T4 71 Prsaaad ileal Car 1 44 J PreaaSMl . C. pld 40 44 44 Pullma Psisce Or.. SuO It at ju Kaadin 1M.1 llu lul It fleadtni lat pfd t gaadlng Id ptd 7n 41 tlt tu Repueilo Btaol ... 1.700 II . 17 17 ItapufcHa Steal pld 1.7'0 M It a7 Rork lalssd ... U 14 14 Kork Inland Ce. pfd 14.6K la tit l Bt. L A . P td pfd H 84 84 st. iuts a. w 14 144 iiv 1. 1- ..W. pld 4 loH 14 444 histhara Paciris 44, 4 JO 74 T7 Ta Bo. Parlfla pfd 40 114 114 4 11414 Bo. Hauw.r s.voe U. 14 14 Bo. Railway pfd 41 40 55 Txaa A Pacific 4" 1 1 1 T.. Bt. U A W.... K 17', 17 17 T . Bt. U A W. pfd 4 41 4i 4 ta'oa Pa.-tfic ;.3o4 111 iuh 14 Islos Pacific pfd. 4U4 u at w V. EiprwM S4 V. B. Really-.. li V. B. Rubber 1.10 81 8 31 V. B. Rubbar pfd 44 V. i. Btssl 1U4 -4 47 14 lai. V. B. Sterl pfd Ill 101 !' 1D1 V -Carolina t brtoUal ..... 4o4 81 n 1 Va aro. Cheaj. pld . 44 M4 It Wabaak 4 11 11 ! Wabaah pfd 4v 14 14 IP tYrha-Par(o Cioraas , U Waatlsfbouaa Jiiatrtc 44 44 ao Waatara I Bios 4)00 414 61 41 Wkealln A L. R 4 4 4 1 Wlaconala Canml v 10) 14 14 14 Vila. Contral pfd 4w 41 ' ' 'S Konbara Factfls if) 1M 1J" !. Cestrai leather I P 8) a 14 4 teutrai Urathar pfd 11 41 44 y Bloaa-S4af(tsll atael H , 441 Graal Nortbara pld 14 ea l.-'4 1J u Intarnoroustl Mat I 1' 1 l lal. MM. pfd - I.OUO t HL ItakCepper 114 II 8) 1 laial atlas tot las day. l.ii:.i tbarea. Bask Clearlaga. OMAHA. April N -Bank clearing for today were 11,613.(13.86 and for the corre sponding dale last year tl.6ta,Bc.L3. Treaaary Slatensrat. . . WASHINGTON. April ZS.-Today'a tate ment t.l b treasury balance in the grn eral fund, exclusive of the $ian.'ie).u0 g,ld reserve, show. Available cash balauce, C4M.44a.79: gold coin and bullion, r,t.4: gold certificates, 8:4. 1)4. New Tark Maaey Market. NEW YORK. April 3t -M O N KT-On call, ay, per cenf; ruling rate. 1 per cent; closing-bid, 1 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loan, slightly firmer but dull: sixty days. per cent: ninety days. ?3 per cent; six months. SHWS per cent. I'HIMfS MRKCAN.TII.I-J PAPER 44J4V4 per rent. UTERUKO- EXCHA NO K rosier, with actual business in banker' bills t 14. 874 fit 878 for d-mand and at 34 44.s470 for sixty-day bills; commercial bills. 34.84V K1I.VKR Har. WVc; Mexican dollar. 47. BiNL8 Government, ateady; railroad, lr rej-tilar. The following ara tha closing quotation on bonds: V. R. ref Is, re f3Vah. e. . 4a PS4 d M'lfMs 1"4 M-i. Central 4a. 41 C. B. is. rag 114 'So 1st Inn 14 de 4oupoa ,...l14Mtna. A St. L. 4a.. f V. B. saw 4a, reg....H4 M . K. A f. 4 d ronpoa 124 do la una. Am. Tobacco 4s it N R. R. ( M. a. 4s do 4. 1W4,N. T. C. ( I4 84 Atchlana fen. 4a 44 N. J. C. . 4a Alchlenn sdl. 4a 47 N. Pacific 4. ....... .1n. Atlantis C. L 4s 444 do la 74 Bat. A Okie 4s N, A W. e. 4a st do I4s 'HO. s. U rsf. 4 Rrk. R. T. e. 4a f 14 Pans. . ! MS Central ot Oa. 6s 1' Readln n. 4a. 97 do lat Ine 4R. L. A I. M. e 4a..l0 So M Inc.: 44 St. L. A B. P. tg. 4a. 74 do 84 inc.... 48i. U 8. W. . 4.. 44 Ches. A Ohio '.... 4 Seaboard A. U 41.... 44 Chlcso A A. l4a.... 41 eso. Pacific 4a 444 C. R. A Q. a. 4a. ... 44 do lat 4a ctfa 80 C. R. I. A P. 4a..... 41 4s,,. saiiway 4a 44 So col. 4 7JTetaa A P. la 110 CCC. A Bt. L. . 4. 44 T.. Bt. f A W. 4S.. fi Colo. nd. 4s. aer. A. IT tains Pacific 4a K Cnto. A Be. 4s.... 8.. do ct. 4a 4 Cuba 6s 108 V. B. Bleel 3d 84 47 t. A R. 0. 4a 14 Wabsah la 104 manners' Bee. 8s.... 7?4 do deb. B 44 Erl p. I. 4a H Western 8(4. 4a 44 do eV. 4 44 w. A L. R, 4a...... 44 nocklns Val. Wia. Central 4s 1 Japan 4 TK Atchlaes er. 4 4 do 444 rtfa S4 do c. I...., ii do M series 80 lot. Met. 44 44 U A N unl. 4a 44 Bid. Offers. Boston rioatatsT taelxa. BOSTON, April 28. Money, call loan. 2 tli per tent; time loans, 3V96 per cent. Th following were tha Closing crices on stocks and bonds: Atcblsns adj. 4s 44 Adventsr 14 do 4 t... 4t Allones 26 Me. Central is ; Tl Amalgamated 40 Atrblens nAtiaml , I do prd 44Blnhm Rnatoa A Albany 801 ral. A Hsnla 836 Rnatna A MaJs.,....Id CastenMal Rnatne Klevitad 1J4 t opper Rang 47 Fltchbtirt pfd 1V Paly West iZ Mcsleaa Central ..... 144 Franblla 7 N. T., 14. H. A H...U Oranbr 0 t'nloa Psolfle 1M4 tale Rnyal 1 Am. Ama. Ckem 114 Macs. Mining 84 do pfd 14 Micniraa H4 Am. Pseti. Tube...... 6 Mohawk 47 Amer. Boxar trT Old Domlnlea 84 do pfd 114 Osceols 4 Ana. T. A T 114 Parrot 14 Am. Woolea W Qiilnry a do pfd 41 Shannon n Rdlann Klec. Illu. ... .3U S4 Tamarack 40 General Rleotrle 144 Trinity M i Macs. Rlectii 1 Pnlied Copper , 4 do pfd 444 U. R. Mining J7 Mass. Oaa 4S (r. g. Oil vi Unite Prslt 147 rtsh , IHV United 8. M...M- 63 Victoria 3 do pfd 84 Winona 4 V. B. steel 84Wolrerla 1J8 do ptd (.,..1004 Bid. MAsk4. Laadoa Cloalac Stocks. Ixndon closing stock qunratlona: Console money ... 14 t 14 Mo , Ran. A Texas.. 844 d accoant 84 New York Central. ..losu Anaconda t Nortolk A Weetars.. 474 Atcklson IJ4 o pfd ....81 do pfd II Ontario A Western.. 44 Baltimore A Ohio.... 47 Pennsylvania 41 Canadian Pacific ...1404 Rand Mlnee 6 ChssapaaA A Ohio.. 84 Reading 44 Chi. Oroa.1 vVeetara.. 4v, Boulharn Ra4lway ... 11 Chi.. Mil. A 4H. P. .181 do pfd 41 fa Beer 10 Bouthanl Pacific ...10 benvar A Rle Orsnd 31 Unloa Paeirie 140 do pfd 44 do pfd M rt 144 United Btate Stotl.. Ifi de lit ptd 86 da ptd 103 do 84 pfd 24 Wabash 11 4 Grand Trmnk 14 do pld , 14 Illinois Central lsl Bpanlah 4s ? Loulavllls A Kaab.,10 Amaltamaled Copper. SILVER Bar, steady at 24 U-16d per ounce. ' . MONEY 2V4 per cent, - The rat of discount in th open market for short bills , la 24 per cent; for three months' bills. 2 13-1T4.- per cent New York MlalM taelu. . NEW YORK, April 28.Cloin quotation en mining stoch warwr Adams Cos 'i LUI la Thief r " Ontario. . ....4f0 """ Opblr.,.,.. 349 Brunswick Coa Potest Corns' ock Tur.nel .... 14 RaesM u vw....ii' Cos. Csl. A Va-...,. 44 , Sierra. Keead a Horn gtlesr , 14 Bmall rlopas.,., 14 Iran Rllrsr .....10 standard lie Lsadvliis Cos ,,6 -. j . m j Foralga ITtaavaciaL' PARIS. April 38. Price on tha Bourse today wera heavy. - i- - BERLIN. April 3.-Prlcea 4n the Bouraa today were Irregular, but mostly firm. Pennsylvania waa strong on tb success of the bond Issue. LONDON, April Si-Money waa In good supply aod ateady on tb market today. Discounts were flrm gnd th fear that Secretary Cortelyou In balling government deposit may check th gold export to th continent caused an Increased demand for gold here. The Stock exchange ha not yet succeeded In shaking off the effect of the recent new lsauea. Consols further relapsed today and brought down other British aharea with them, but they har dened In tha afternoon on eovarlng opera tion Part aold foreigner, especially Ruaslana, while copper share dropped on the American cut in copper. American -fJ?r,t.'a-,l,,ird d"y chaerfully under the lead of Chicago, Milwaukee A St, Paul and Lnion Pacific and th low priced Is sues received good attention for continental account. In the afternoon New York Southern Paclflo. I'nlon Pacific ard Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul. Thl rengthened tha whole liat and the mar ket finished atrong. Metal Maxttat. NEW YORK,' April lie. METAL There was u sharp decline In the London tin market, with spot closing at 143 10a and future. 141 Ua. Locally" tha market w"i eaay and lower In aympathy. with quota tiona ranging from 2il.4bi.M. Copper wa V0Wr.Jn L?n('OB- with spot quoted at 67 7a (d and future at 68. Locally there, wa a weak tone, but pricea were unchanged. Lake I quoted at U2.12S& i8ir!:!etlr?ly,'0 MiBM'llJI, and casting: 112.2012.60. Lead was unchanged In th rklt firm and " had hlfhar. at M.OfX4.6A Spelter d cllned to In London, but th local mar ket was unchanged at Hw54.66. Iron was lower In the Kngllsh market, with standard foundry quoted at 60 and Cleveland war rants at 61a 2d. Tha local market waa un fT5.Alel; N.0- J foundry northern. i7.6txa 18.00; No. 2. 17.006m17.5o: No. 1 aoutliiern and No. 1 southern sort, IJ.l0iS-17.?5. .ST' J:l-:jprn is MKTArA-Tad. firm at 33.94,00. Bpaltgr, arm at H66. Waal Market. BO6T0N. April 28.-WOOL-The local wool situation continue unsatisfactory Trade la .quiet and transfers have been few. dealings being almoat wholly con fined to amall Iota. The leading western quotations range as follows: Kentucky Indiana and Missouri three-eighths blood! 2bu?7c: Quarter blood. fikrr.jO. H-oi. u.i. ues: Texas, fine 13 months, fcyfetic; 6 to 8 uiunwis, .soHtw; line, oioc. California, northern, 6oii67c; middle county, 6oi4i6iic Bouthern, 6jb6oc: fall, tlfctoc. Oregon! eastern. No. I staple, 6rr,c! No. 1 cloth ing, fcm&c; valiey. No. 1. 4Au0c. Territory fine staple, 6b.atloc; fine medium staple, if. fcic; fine medium clothing, 4Vi60c; fine clothing. SOiaooc: half binod i&nr... th.- eighth blood, 4uo0c : quarter blood. 42 twc. rviicn extra, wjiac; fine, 6uB5Sc a-aupera. 44i48c. BT. LOUIS. April 28,-WOOL-Market uun; oTOium graaes com Ding and clothing iTOlic; light fine, 144ii44rc; heavy fine, 10 tint, uu wasnea, ixgac. Cattaa Market. NEW YORK. April S8.-70TTON-Fu-tures opened weak; May, l.nge; July, 8 2tc; August, l iue; 4)ctober. 1 33c; December, i.&o: January. I tic; March. 3 lie GALVfcBl'ON. AprU 37,-COTTGN-Lower at tPw. NEW YORK. April 28.-COTTON-Spot cinseti noncnai; nnauitng uplands. 10. 00c; middling gulf. lg'J&c. Salsei, 4 bale. NEW ORLEANS. La.. Aorll a.-rtvnnw Spot market quiet and eaay; aale. 1.60 pales; low ordinary, ajc. nominal; ordinary, 86 16c; good ordinary, 74f: low middling, 8c; middling, 8 13-18: good mi.lrtm, 10i-lc; middling fair, lflj-ic; fair. II 7-lo. nominal. ST. LOVIS. April SI.-rTTON-8teady middling. 10r: Bale, none: receipt. 60 bales shipment, Ml bale; stock. t,7I bale. Philadelphia r rod ace Marhet. PHIIJiDEXPHIA, April 28. BUTTER Market steady, fair demand: extra wealero creamery. ac; nearoy prints, c. KOie-Firm, good demand; Pennaylvania and oiber nearby first tfre caaesi. ln'o at mark: current receipt In returnable caae. the at mark; wcateea flrata (free cases). lc at mark; current receipt (free caaesi. Ir- at mark. . CH ERikl Market dull, lower; New York full crearua, ttioKC, ltaltc OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Esef Etr Slow tnd Ltwer, with Cowi Fully Stetdy. noc-s orm stboxq axd higkis Maderw4 Raa af Bath Bhee-a aa) Laaahs, hat Trade la Very Dall, . with TeaaVeaey af Val. Lawer. 80TTTH OMAHA. April 2ft, 1fn. Reeelat wera: Cattle. Hers. Sheen Official Monday 3 6:2 6,iOH .! eatimata Tueaday g.ioo 3,5i Two dar thla Week.... 7.833 14 one 111 "ama day laat weak 1644 3 til U.fVi Sam day 3 week ago.. 7.244 V,V 7,1ft Bam day 3 weeks ago.. 1.106 8.RR7 72.214 Same daya 4 weeks ag--lt .16 14 4H Sam daya laat year ll,fl U.304 13,233 The following table show tha receipt of cattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for tha Var to gate, compared with last year: lsna. laaT. Inc. Dee, Cattla 2P0.371 ST164S 74,171 Hog am. sat 7?4.tVfl 14,121 cheep 47,4d tW.sua 18L2M Th official number of cara of Block brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hoga. Sh'p. Hor'a. C. M. 4 BL P I 2 Wabash . 4 Missouri Paclflo ...... I Cnion Paclflo a 1 4 M a 11 C. at N. W east 1 C. AV N. W., west C, St. P.. M. O.... 33 C B. Q.. east 7 C, B. t Q, west It C. R. U P., east.. I C. R. I. ft P.. wet.. 3 Illinois Central 3 4 1 Chicago Q. W 1 Total recelnt 2 16$ It Th disposition of th day'a receipt waa as follow, each buyer purchasing tha num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hog. Sheen. Oman a parking Co , Swift and Company , Cudahy Packing Co 61 1843 81 Ml 3.641 4fV0 RM 8.54 1.7o .212 1.113 1.001 ?1 t,n .... M 137 17 323 .... 62 18 .... 20 122 48 I . 6 24 , in ...1 73 196 13 vi 1X3 45 It 1 24 Armour ft Co , Hoffman Packing Co Kings n packing Co , St. lyotii Packing Co Union Dressed Beef Co..., Bwartaachlld 4 SuUb'r... Vansant ft Co. , Carey ft Benton Ixibman ft Rothschild..., W. I. Stephen , Hill ft Son F. P. Lewis , Huston ft Co , J. B. Root ft Co , J. H. Bulla L. F. Huss U Wolf Mccreary ft Carey , Bam Werthlmer H. F. Hamilton Roth '. F. O. Inghratn , Sullivan Bros , Lehmer Bros. . . , N. O. Butcher 13 108 Cleveland Packing Co..., Wlsmlth Co Cincinnati Packing Co..., Other buyers 460 226 129 133 202 Total 6.268 10.433 4.157 CATTLE Receipt of eatue thla morning numbered 222 car, th largest run of th day since April 8, When the same number of cara waa reported In. The arrlvale con. Isted largely ot corn-fed ateers, among which waa a large showing of well-finished beevea. In fact th quality of tha cattla as a whole was vary good. With large receipts, ot beef steers at thl point today following the very heavy run at Chicago yesterday and with th south ern markets wall supplied, a very weak feeling waa created among buyers here. It waa very evident right from the begin ning that they were figuring on taking off quit a slice. First bids were generally 18 & 26c lower than th close of laat week. Aa a matter of course aaleamen were very backward about letting go at ' such bids and tha market Waa vary much of a drag throughout the morning. It being quite lata before buyera and sellera finally got to gether. When they did tt waa on a basis of lOfTUc decline. Cowa and heifer wera In - moderate re ceipt thla morning and good demand. In addition to tha requirement of local pack era there were aonie outside order In th field which gave the market aufflclent Ufa to effect an early clearance of everything In sight. Desirable kinds aold vary readily at fully steady pricea. There were more stock cattla and feed er In eight -thl morning than there haa been for aoma time back. At the. same tlm there waa a good demand and tha offering changed handa very readily at strong price. A string of tha Swan cattle eld up to 16.26, but aa usual they wera very good. Quotations on rattle: Ooc-d to choice corn fed steers, to.854j6.76; fair to good corn-fed steers, 66.8f4i.85; common to fair corn-fed tear. 84-86'f 5.86; good to Choice Cow and heifers, 4.8fa.O0; fair to good cow and halfcr. 33.864.85; common to fair Cow and heifer,; good to choice Blocker and feeder, 84.7l'a6.80; fair to good storkera and feeder. 34.0034. 75: com mon to fair stocker and feeder. f3.00AJ4.0D, Representative aales: BEEF BTEEH4. Ma. 80 4 18 , 14 , 14 , 84 n i ji 8 , 14 11 , at , 44 , 14 , 84 8 8t 14...... 44 II I II 44 , 11 I...... 4 3 8 6 8 ..... 3 81 10 13 3 8 4 8 8 14 88 At. Pr. No. At. P. 876 4 60 451 8 44 47 6 4 48 I 44 4144 6 48 1978 6 11 M 18 1413 6 8 1314 I 84 473 8 86 1444 I 4 1I1 6 IO U4 6 16 1144 I 40 lo I 0 11 14 re 1 as 1040 4 48 1118 I 46 Ill 3 1 1244 6 II 1114 I 14 , 1174 4 la 1178 6 14 1444 80 84.... 17 41.... 88.... 14.... 80... M..., 80.... 14 II.... 81 II..., 11..., 80.... 14 ... 13.... 18... 18.... 44... 11.... tt.... 14..,. 80.... li.... 14..., ...1044 3 84 ...14U 4 80 ...11114 4 80 ...1147 4 ie ...1)41 40 ...1:71 4 14 ...1114 8 84 ...114 II ...Hid) 3 8t .al!M 3 18 ...1W7 I 84 ...14 4 ...123 6 4 ...111! 6 4 ...1121 4 4 ...144 4 a ...1141 44 ...174 4 44 ...Uit 44 .,.1111 4 4 ...1111 4 40 ...lino 4 40 ...1141 3 1) ...1444 44 ,..1148 4 40 lit 8 8 COWS. ....10 1 88 . 888 6 84 .1M In ,lt 6 8 .. 4.4 8 88 ..lilt 3 40 .... 47i 4 0 ....10U4 4 44 ....LSI 4 24 ....1W74 4 84 .... 4o4 4 4 .... 40 4 4 .... 4U4 4 74 .... 744 I 04 ... 101(1 8 00 J:::::::::: 6. 4. n;o 1 40 ....lilt 4 44 8 64 1 ra 1.. 6.. HEIFERS. , 448 3 84 4 1 8 .... 48 4 44 ....17 I 40 .... 44 1 aa .... 141 8 1 ....1404 lie ..... 461 6 74 ....107 3 16 .... Ml 6 44. ...ltO 8 04 ... 1MO 0 ,...14u4 6 oe ,...1610 6 I ...1144 1 ,...)64 I 14 ....14i" 4 14 ....U 4 8 1 ....If 3 is ...114 I 8 ,461 4 44 , 111 4 40 , 471 4 44 114 in .414 I 14 . mi 1 1 . J.:::: 1 7 . 881 I 84 BULLS. ... 81 8 64 ...104 8 14 ...110 8 4 ... 440 3 80 ...147 4 84 ...MM 4 W ...1U0 4 44 ..160 4 4 ...1460 4 44 1 1 1 3 8 1... 1... ...Wt 6 4. 1.. CALVES. 1 168 14 I ltt I SS 1 Pt 6 se 8i ui 4 e 3 14 8 M 8 A... 174 4 4 1 14 6 14 1 86 4 4 8 117 3 71 8 144 4 86 8 160 4 4 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I m IK 14 744 4 7 14 14 8 80 . 1 161 4 14 14 a 464 4 4 818 118 4 8 14 414 4 60 HOOS The market opened thla morning strong to a ahade higher than yesterday; some were even quoting It as much aa Btrong to 60 higher In spots. The quality, however, waa very good and. taking that fact Into consideration, the market could hardly be quoted better than a shade higher. Tha trade was fairly active and th offering were all taken In good se ar son tn tha morning. Toward the close the wire edge waa off and the last hog did not sell quit up to the morning prlcea; still th market as a whole would average strong as compared with yesterday. The bulk today aold at' 6.26fi&.), aa against 8i.a(r6.iSk yesterday- The top wa also better today, good hog Bailing up to 36.374. representative paies Ka. Ac. Bb. Pr. No. At. Bk. Pr. 1 til 44 I 14 14 144 ... 3 374 It 144 ... I 84 44 1 18 8 4. ....... .1st ... 4 44 1jJ 44 6 27 14 w 80 6 41 I t ... 3 874 11 .164 la) IK 64 I ... 3 87 41 1:4 8 14 10 1l ... ir 44 ...... .1S4 4 4 16 44 t4 40 4 7 u. ...... us m 111 41 3i ... 18 44 2M H lli It Kt . . 8 84 44 Ill 84 6 84 It 1.0 41 114 44 't hi 6 14 40 844 ... 4 m II "4 12 6 It a 14 4 4 80 16...:... .2.11 44 6 14 41........M ... 680 104 11 14 6 84 tt 14 ... 8 44 71 7-1 ! I 24 44 1-1 (4 1st 44 321 44 3 li T. ...... yt ... 110 41 ill 11 I IS Tt lal ... I y 6' il I . t-4 . . I 44 14 na i4 4 H 4 ;4 4 41 ft. 211 ISO It 44. ei 4S 6 IS 47 114 40 4 14 14 .l 41 la) commissi en 700 to 714 OMAHdS R O K E R'S.:",;' GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS AND BONDS V PRIVATE WIRES . Talcpftor.4i.J4 I liPTJ1' new Yorw 84 .804 8 88 84... ttl Ra 6 15 II 44 I It 71 IM ... 8 35 It 344 ... Ill 61 11 40 8 114 64 pal 84 6 374 44 16.; 44 8 874 74 1-4 1M I 11 V 41 8 ... 8 '4 4 1"t ... 6I7H 81 1?l ... I 17 u, II 3?t ... 8 3 14 Ill- ... 6 1 81 ..Ill . 80 I 80 47 HI 10 3 44 ITS 4 8-10 41 840 ... 6 80 14 121 S) IM II M 10 I 10 12 3:4 40 6 K 43 8-l ... 6 10 64....... 2M ... 6 84 46 274 34 -4 77 HI 80 4 174 41 J4 ... 3 8 44 8?3 ... I 874 14 14 ... 3 14 48 14 11 I 874 44 24 80 6 Is 64 Ill It ir.u II 140 ... 8 lo 14 18 ... 60 71 4 IM In 41 Ml ... I 14 W 24 ... I I 14........MI art 1 10 14 :l is 1 10 64 244 80 I lt4 M 173 ... I Kk, 44 21 144 6 12i, 48 36 124 I I'JVi 44 144 ... I 81 64 4 I H 14 344 84 4 46 42 8-0 ... I 174 II 804 ... I 314 44 841 ... 4 374 47 .. . 8-4 44 I 17 H 48 4 124 3 4 44 i.t4 ... 3 874 44 841 80 8 1744 41 861 44 6 814 77 11 800 8 4 44 891 40 8 374 1 M 180 I 374 41 ! 80 8 i14 48 114 ... 1374 74 8M 110 I 874 6 M 4 3 374 I"! ... 8 37 4 38 tas 40 6 37H 1 4 ... SITU. SHEEP Receipt of sheep this morning were comparatively light, but there were a fw holdover In the yards, eo that th supply wa plenty large enough considering the Condition of the market. There wa nothing In tha gtneral situation either her or at other eel ling polnta to enrouraga free buying. On the contrary, advlcea from other markets were) discouraging. If any thing, and buyer her were Inclined to follow tha same policy aa yesterday that Is, move slowly, feeling their way. More over, It waa very evident that buying or. ders wer extremely light and by no mean urgent Under the condition detailed abov It 1 not aurprlalng that thw market should have been alow and dull from gtart to finish, with tha tendency lower on most of tha stuff. Buyera In tha morning picked out a few loada her and there that they especially wanted, while tha rest of th stuff waa neglected, and It took a good deal of hard work on the part of holder to unload. Some more of the Mexican lamb that brought 27.60 yesterday war aold at the same price today, but shippers must understand that they ara not only Very good, but, what la more Important, have been killing out exceedingly well. Gradually the offering kept ohanglng handa until by midday practically every thing wa disposed of. The pricea paid war steady to a little easier, whlia the feeling waa very weak. The fact Is, th market seems to ba entirely devoid of life or snap. Quoutlona on lambs: Good to oholce wooled. 7.007.60; fair to good wooled lam be, 34.40)7.00; good shearing Iambs car rying flesh, H60tJ6.75; good shearing lamb thin, 86.oot5r.60; ahorn lamb. 60o under wooled stock. Quotations on shp: Good to choice light yearlings, shorn, 84.00ti4l6; fair to good yearllnge. Bhorn, 866i400; good to choice wether, ahorn, tS.50QC.8S; fair to good wethers, 'ahorn, 35.26$j.60; good to cholca ewes, horn, 16.1666.35; fair to good ewea, ahorn, t4.60.16; cull and buck, horn, 3.00?'4.50; wooled aheap, 20-gtOo abov shorn stock. Representative galea: No. r pj.. 1 899 Mexican lamb 75 7 60 138 Mexican lamb 75 7 60 ' 28 Mexican lamb '71 (60 1 Colorado lamb , 75 7 a . 463 weatern wethera, ahorn If t 75 81 western cull lamba and ewea 64 8 00 414 Colorado Mexican lambs 75 7 16 IH8 Colorado Mexican lamb 76 7 86 138 Colorado Maxican lamb 76 7 16 771 weatern lamb, ahora 74 4 6$ $ weatern cull lambs 47 6 26 141 Idaho ewea 17 6 60 443 Idaho ewes M 6 60 6 Idaho ewea 44 6 t-0 200 weatern lamba, shorn ........ 83 6 81 681 western lamba, ahorn - 83 I 36 433 weatern ewe, ahorn $9 6 20 W western cull ewes, shorn 83 I 66 CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattla RasyHogs Hlgaer8hea and Lambs B toady. CHICAGO. April 28. CATTLE Receipts, estimated about 2.000 heed; market easy; steers, I5.004r7.38; cows. 33.764r.25; heifers, 8JfjOtr.7S; bulls, l3.5Kg6.30; calves, 22500 6.60; etockera and feeders, 83.2&06.76. HOGS Receipts, estimated about ' 10.000 head; market 6t210e higher; choice heavy shipping, t6.50rge.60; butchers, tS.SOQAffi; light mixed. lo.4Mi6.55: choice Hoht r,M I 60; packing, 36.WxS6.50; bulk of sales, 15.46 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, about 14.000 head: market steady; sheep, 35OO0rJ,tO; lambs, 14.0057.); yearlings, 85.5u86.60. Kansas City Live Block Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aorll ! rATTt.P! Reeelpta, 10,000 head. Including 400 soutnerna; heavy ateers. lOo lower, other cattle, ateady; choice export and dressed Deer steers, ia.eoji.0; fair to good to. 40491. 40; western steer. 86 OOQ.4.75; Blockers and feeders. 3. 6065. 76: southern steers, 14.6008.60; southern cows, JJ 75a 4.75; native cows. 31 36 0 5.60: native heif. era $4 00r 60; bulls, IS.40e5.26; calves, 13. 60 4j 4.00. . HOG8 Receipts, 12.000 head; market, 5 H0c lower; top, 16.47 H: bulk of aales, 15 4006 45; heavy, 8&.4O05.47 ; packers and butchers. S30j5.45; light, 152612 5.37 ttj plga. I8.50&4 25. SHEEP AND UMBii Receipts, 10.000 head: market for sheep, steady; lambs, luo War; lamba, 16.00477.26; ewes and yearlings, 6.00fr 1.30; western yearling. t3.60id4.60; western sheep. 14.6041 6.30; Blockers and feedera, 13.60 v 6.80. :kera and fe t. Loala Llva Stack Market. ST. LOL'IS. Mo.. April 28 CATTLE Receipts, 2,000 head, including 226 Tex ans; market, Btrong; native shipping and export eteeia, tl 3607.16; dressed beef nd butcher steers, 35.35414 10: steera under 1,000 lbs., I4.I5&I 60; stot ker and feeders. $3.00Jl5?&; cow and heifers, 13. 7608.60; canners, t2.00ayt.00; bulls, 13.2606.00; calves. 13. 2644. 60; Texas and Indian ateers, t3.504 36; cows and heif ers, 81754.2a. HOGS Receipts, 1.000 head: market, strong to 6c higher; pigs and lights, t2 5tt 46.60; packers. 34.604ji.IO; butchera and best heavy, IS 60&I 46 IJHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.600 head; market, 6tjpl0c lower; native mut tons. I3.76&6 25: lambs, t4.60&l.t0; cull and bucks, t!; Blockers, 3.O04 4.26. t. Joae.h Llva itaek Market. BT. JOSEPH, Mo., April 28 CATTLE Receipts, 2.641 head: market, slow; na tives. 15.76 1 4.80; cows and heifers. 12 00 111. 40; stockers and feeders, It. 006 6.40. HOGS Receipt, 7.088 head; market, ic higher; top, 16 60: bulk, tl 8906 46. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.(53 head; market, steady; lambs, 4 75H.3U, yearling and wethera, t5.4i6 35. laaa City Llva Stack Market. SIOUX CITY, April 28. (Special Tele gram. V-CA1'1'LE Kecelpts, Bio bead; mar ket ateady; beevea, 66.&&i.6; cows and heifers, It.?t4i6 60; Blockers and feeders, It fMT4 73; calvea and yenrllngs, 3.6an4 60. HOGS Receipts. 3.0DO head; market ateady; range, 60I6O6.SM; bulk of aales, li.Htje.;. tack ta glckt. Receipts of live stock at the six princi pal western markets yesterday: ..Cattle. II OK. Sheep. South Omaha, , 5.100 ' ll.uuo ' 3,6X Sioux City , i) 8 0) .. . , Kanaaa City 10.OO 13.00 . Jo.OoO Bt. LouiB B.nuo Six) :.5u Pt. Joseph ,,. 2 6e7 7 M . Chicagu , 3.' 10.0- lluuu Totals ..U.bXl ti.OS - U.thi Evaprata4 Apalee aad Prlsd 6'ralt. NEW YORK,' April n.-EVAPORATHD A PPLF: 8 Market is quiet and about r-a.-wlth fsncv quoted at 10c; cho:-, '7jv;; pr ime, l re: common' to fair. i4r;ic. LKIKD KRl'ITa Prunes are turner In tone, -owing? 4n- uoamiiiiyi rrtbr ui tam. age to the 'aiifuriua crop. Quutanona rang frutu i'Qliu for Caliiurnla aial o'i 1 . Drandcts Did-. KKBRA8KA - .!. - : Chicago Corpsritlon Bonds Tb!r legsllij Vi!imff Giinitul The American Gunranty Company wi'l attend to all th details of 111 issue of bonds, relieving officers ot Issuing corpor ations of all annoyance incidental! thereto, and asume full responclblllty for the le gality and validity nf the Issue so pre pared, the aim and object being to make investment In such securities popular anil safe. Its services are of special value to electric railway, light, power, telephone and almllar companies. Particulars on application. - General Offices, 171 ! Sail St, Cbioajro, Birx BirosiTs TAmA3rrxrx. Cltlaan Bank It Trust Company. Stat Depository, . BartlervUle, Oklahoma. Deposits la thla bank CtlAKAKTKKU bp tne Biaie ef oalaSoma Ouaranty Pund. New alat law nro videa ABSOt.t'Ta SArrTY to eur depositors. Ta Stat auaraataes tb ret am of ihelt money oa de. aaas4 ander say elreamstaseaa. Ws par Interest B Una depnslia. Make remit unoa in aaf form, trail Infortsatto fnrnlahed upon resited. Stat Vaak ia X.ai4ora Oklakoma. 1 , , 16c 'for Oregnns. ' Apricot are dull, with choice quoted at imai'Ae; extra choice, 184t17c; fancy, Vh i4c. peechea are dull and lower, with choice quoted at 'ifflOe; extra choice, lO'StoV; fancy, lo'ifjllo. and extra, fancy, liftl2c. Raisins are dull and nominal, with loose misecatels quoted at &4n4c; seeded raisliis. 6att:, and London layers, tLS& OMAHA WHO LBS ALB MARKET. Coadltlan af Trade sad tlaofatlaaa aa Stasia aad Faae? Prodaca. EGGS Fresh selling egg, candled, 13o. HUTTF.R Common, W.; fancy tub aud rolls, lRt(18o; creamery, 28c. CHEi.BE New full Cream, Wisconsin twins, 17Vc; new full crfim brick. 17c; do mestlo now Swiss, 18o; new Umburger, Hit 16c; young Americana, 17V4C LIVE POULTRY Springs, tc; rooster. 6e; duoks, lie; geese, c; capons, Ucs broil ers, Sc. ' HAY Choice No. 1 Upland, 17.50; medium, t60; No. 1 bottom, 85.00: oft gradm, 84.ui- fi.00. Ry straw, 17.00. No. 1 alfalfa, IU.6U. ' MISCELLANEOUS. - CANNED GOODS Corn, slandard wrst ern, lie. Tomatoea, fancy, 8-pound cans, 81.46; standard 8-pound cans, 11.10. Pine apple, gated, t-pound, t w.i2.3o; - sliced, 31.7Mi2.S5. Gallon apples, 63 00, California snricots, 32.66d.30. Pears. t2bxal. li. frachea, tl.0tjjS.16. L. C. Peachea, ia.lotip 15. Alaska salmon, . red,; fancy Chinook, flat, 13.15; fancy sockeya. tlat. It 14. Sardines, quarter oil. 13. HO; three quarters mustard. $3 35. , gweet potatoes, 8J.2Mfl.86. Sauerkraut, 85c. Pumpkins, bx f 11.00. Lima beans, ' 2-pound, T&c 31.25. oaked peas. 2-pound, (Be; fancy. Il.2ixal.45. FISH Halibut, 10c-, trout, lie; pickerel, 7c; pike. o; whit fish, 13c; buffalo, so; bullhead, skinned and dressed. Ho; eatfisu. dreoaed. He; medium croppies and yellow sunflah, 6V(J.c; large cropplea, 15o; herring, freah froaen, 4c; perclu 8c; whit baa. 14c; black baas. 23c. - CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Pr.mea are aomewhat ftir.aettled by freer offerings from second hands, who Mm desirous of moving supplies of immediate graJes. Quo. tatlona range from -o to 8e for California fruit and from H4o to 80 for Oregon. Peachea are very firm, with fancy yellow quoted at WHc. - ' r "Ml - 1 - SUGAR--Granulated. can, per ssek. 8S.80; beet. 13.40; cut losf. 1c; cab, 4.70c; pow dered, 6.6O0. COFFEE Roasted. No. 26, tte; No. SO, lie; No. 6, lc; No. 20, 14ic. Oils and Rosin. " ' OIL CITY, April 28.-OIL-Credlt bal ances, 31.78; runa. 49,.!7 bbls.;' average, 163,316 bbls.: shipment, 173.643 bbls.; aver age, 180,137 bbls. SAVANNAH, April 28.OlL-Bptrlt Of turpentine, 42Vtft43c. . ROSIN Firm; A. B and C. WOK; V. I3.: F, 33.3U83.30; Q. U.3(yfi3,37i4; H. 33.703 80; I. 34.50: K. 15.36; M. 85.66;, N, tS.7&; WG. 36.80 436.86; WW, 36.90. Mtaaeaaolle Grata Market. MINNK.4POLIS. April 28. WHEAT May. 31.044,; JhJly. 11.03; September. s9Hc; No. 1 hard. tl.ONV; No. 1 northern, I1.06U,: No. 2 northern, 11.04'; No. 3 northern, ro'Q tl.01V. BRAN In bulk. 871.0tWr21 ,25. FLOUR Weaker; first patents, tf.465 n0; second patents. Io.3oft5.60: first clears, 34.24J 4.86; second clears, 83 403.5O. CosTee Market. NEW YORK. April 38. COFFEE Fu tures msrket closed steady at a net ad vance of lOtif 15 polnta. Gales were reported of 20,260 bans. Including May, 6 SOc; July. 600c; Heptember, (Ooan.Oic; December, H-lOtfl? 6.15c; March, .l&ifi.2oc. Spot, firm; No. ; Rio, 4c; No. 4 Santos, f Vu-Vic; ml Id. qjicl; Cordova, t(l-ic. 1 Peoria Market.' TEORIA. III., April 28,-CORN-H!lier; No. 2 yellow, 6oVHti71-ic; No. 8 yclluw, w4c; No. 3. 8M4c; No. 3, c; No. 4. (avc. OATS-Htghcr; No. 2 wlUte. 6ud50H" No. 4 white, 4Se. ' ' ,T ' WHiSKY-tl.35. '' ' --. . ! , Bomb Tb rawer Dies... NEW YORK, April 28.-Bellg- Sllverstein. the anarchist, who attempted tu throw a bomb Into a group of policemen Ir. t'nlon gquare several weeka ago and was itijurrd by the premsture explosion of the bomb, died today. Silversteiti's companion waa killed by the bomb. . II a aged far Wife Mar tier. PITTSBURG. Pa., April S.-Wllllni Mc Leod McDonald, alias Bmltli, uf Gosixirt, England, was hanged here today for tha murder orn his common law wife, Mrs. Bes sie Hyslop, whose throat ha cut with rasor September 18, 1!X7, upon discovering that a he had been receiving letters from n man In England. . .' 0 Land. acourcd o Bonds j .t par In .am, o( flM. ,i viA fl-OOE. t tan.l t.ld .v.rr .1, munlh. .1 AuhHc. Trat4i,.vl.g&wik.ClUio,U.iM.trtll. Denver Reservoir Irrigation Co. Mortgages oa lands lying close to Dearer are deposited who th 6ECURITT above aaiued Bank a collateral sweuritv to tha UNDER inn BONDS bonds lo the ratio ot 13 to PAL Also all th prop- eny 01 uie loaipany estimated worth Two tap Tbr MUlios, DolUra CoasisHng ef CaaaU.. Kadervolrs, Site. Wuet kihli, tu. Malk4ps1 Bead Plr4 Hmt l Uajak U(. . 4-kla4, 111. Vr-..l mud retsea I kit TrowVrleaaaVKtlwswCa. 21 Fli at Nati,cl ak fcU-. Uissla, 111. m-ess4 HituSTOStw e-wipoa IMaess Fqr ftj.uV-er , informalioa reganl, trie above bsrvd,, aal or,. ail lpa WAI,TZm H. Jtw-ODS. - Brandies Jaidg. ' tyuaJia., .'' DEPArraznT City. ''..........A." 844