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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1908)
TO THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23. IPOS. Want " ads BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR SALE AtT.rlUrMrali far taa wmI ad rliM will aa km aatll 11 m. far taa eveataa; ee'HIaa aa aatll a. for the ranrala; i4 seaday adltlaa. tuk Mat Brraai paa y all arar for want a 4a ! aarrrt Iserara t will fca fn Iru taaa 10 Mala for II rat lasertlaa. Mo aavertlaeaveat will k rkirrrl amaaattagr ! tka 2 eeat. Rttn aaalr ta altarr Taa Dally a aaifar Me-a. Alway mil alt word ta a liar. C'oaaataatlena af laltlala ar aaatkcra roaat aa aaa war4. CASH RATES FOR WA!T ADS. RROrUR CLAMIFICATIO - Oaa lasrrtlaa, arr liar, JO rtitn. Twa ar mora raairrallT laeertloaa, pr liar, H Praia. Kara, laeertloa made oa otl lift, lO eeate per liar. I.BO arr llaa arr asaath I rxreatlngr taut pi-rnihf;d room ad. wkra arraiaaaalra r ra-fc, tke rata will krr Oaa laarrtloa, 4 reat arr Ilaej (area t alz coaseeatlve la arrtlaaa. A eaat arr Ilaa rack laaer tloa sevea ar saara eaasrratlve laarr tloa, X rrata arr llaa rark laarrtloa BO rrata per llaa arr maatk. Want adi far Tke Bra anar Irft at aay af tka fallowlaa; area atarra aaa la jroar rorarr slraaalet" taer ara all kraark artier for Tka Bra aaa year a a will k laarrtrd Jaat aa raaiBtIr aaa an tka aame ratra aa at tka mala offlca la Tka Bra Balldla, Srvrateeata, aaa Farnam atreeta. Alhsrh, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Bcranck. 8. A.. 1402 B. 16th St. . Recht Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th Bt. penson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Ferula Park Pharmacy, flad and Cumins. Plske's Pharmacy. 2824 Sherman Ave. Csoghlln. C. R., th and Pierce Bta. Clifton Hfll Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte. J. B., Hat Ave. and Farnam. Crlssev Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Bta. lermak, Knill, 134-t) B. 13th 8t. Kaufman Pharmacy. 2S" 1-eavenworth. K( A Arnold!, 318 N. 26th 8t. ,'Freytag. John J.. 1814 N. 84th 8t. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Stl. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, O. A., 1WS S. lh St. Greenough. O. A.. 1W4 8. 10th Bt. Hayden, Wm. C 520 Farnam. Hanscom -Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 29th Ave. Hoist, John. 54 N. lth St. , Huff, A. L., 2S?4 Leavenworth St. King, H. 8.. 2218 Faniam. Bt. Kountie Place Pharmacy, 2604 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1603 N. 24th Bt. Lathrop, Charles E., 1324 N. 24th Bt. Peyton, L. E 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Aran Ave. Rchaefer'e Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and Chicago Bta. Bchsefer. August. 3031 N. 16th St. Behmldt. J. H., 24th and. Cuming Bta. Storm Pharmacy, lh and Martha Bta. Walnut Hill PharmA-y. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, aeth aid Gsace, Worth, O. 11.. 40ih and Hamilton Bta. i MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license have been Issued: Name and Address. Age. Edwsrd Johnaon, Omaha ............. 34 Deanna Everett. Omaha.. 24 Frank Sxukls, Couth Omaha 31 Victoria Nedzinska, South Omaha 19 Rudolph Kolar, Omaha 87 Anna Heller, Omaha... 21 Treason M. Wilson, Omaha 21 Mertte & Hose, Omaha , 22 Antonio Quattrocchl, Lincoln ;. 22 Maria Mascarl, Omaha 1$ Charles B. Pout, Benson 25 Alvannla Raabe, Benson 21 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births O. D. Aken, 2805 Cuming, girl; Jacob Bcimiteln. 21!0g.Boulh Twelfth, girl; James Bcolt. 'W! Beward, girl; B. F, Evans, 1:;I North Twenty-seventh, -girl; Oeorga Bolliuan, ,2201 North Twenty-seventh ave nue, boy; Joseph Hug, 2709 Bouth Twenty first, boy; Ralph Rusaell, lfilH Blnney, boy; William I. Allen,. t3i Bouth Nineteentn, boy. Deaths Ella .Allen, &'!2 Bouth Nineteen!. i, 21: Robert Agee, 41; Benjamin N. Burress, : South Twentieth, 47; Ruth Roberts, Ml South Twenty-fourth avenue, 16; Nettltt Fugltt. Omaha General hospital, W; Mar garet B. Stewart, ,464a Cuming, i. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE SPRING TERM ' OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open. Yet It is not too lata to enter. Bookkeeping," Telegraphy, Shorthand, i-ngllnh. Catalogues ara free. Address H. B. Boyles. President, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Official training school Union Pacific R. R. Telegraph Departm't. U-M8i TRAVELERS' goods of qaullty. Trunks and suit raaes repaired. FRKL1NO A BTEINLE, "Whera trunks are made." 1S0 Farnam St. ' Tel. Douglas im. (U-MW8 M24 8ION FA1NTINO-S. H. COLE. 1803 Doug. Us. (l)-70 THE CJTY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth , 8ts. Te). Douglas 13S7. (D-781 AUTOMOBILES Rambler, 190, 20-H. P. touring car. good condition: $..2a. " Ford. 190 model, fcur-cyllnder runabout stmt at new; 1476. Cadillac, runabout, good shape; 1323 Bulck, tt-H. P. touring, good shape;' ts Bixtem-pasaenger 'bus, latest atyle; imm While ieMH-r. ISvd model almost new' detachable, -closed top; bargain. ' Stevena-Iiuryea, two or f )ur-passenger; $450. 1!W7 Rsmbier, two-cylinder, 2i-n. p o tachublo tonneau top. extra good condi tion; a rpap, $'. iWrt'e fa cotnpleta list and description of otJ.Pw and aerond-hand cars. H. E. FRLDRICKSON. W4a Fsrnam St (il Mo4 M3 sKN'D for our list of aecond-hand automo biles. DEH1GHT. I81S Farnam. t-'j-7W AfTOMOBILK for sale or trade, Packard i9i4; t. C. Kimball, Ogden Hotel. Coun ill Bluffs. (2)-M3sl MUx ; BARTER AND EXCHANGE To Holders of Omaha Independent Tele phone Bonds & Stock I will axchanre a highly Improved Omaha in. 1,1 1, projMrty worm lii.Ouo for tha above ee. unties. Addreca K 44, cars Bee. . j U-itt HARD WAKE. Implement, merchandise and cry goods stock wanted. Hav owners 01 gtHtd Isnd tlt var.t deala at cash values. Give full detaita In first letter or nj attention .paid, iiu iC3, Aterdeen, a. IX i (3) M16 Ma FARMS, city prpery, mdae. every whera birinr lav. Co., to Bee Bldg., Omaha. , . U) 1H Ml TRADtS, TRAOKS If you hav annM thing for. m or Hade wrlla us, wa (nsih everw.n'n. WA1X INVESTMENT CO.. I bea LW. ID MSS6 ill TO tXCH ANUIC- i interest In good bard wra n.K vf !.. ,... fr land or cily pioperty; r whut have ouT Comb, Box 11. t Maple I sm, l.i (J) tisSi 4 WOl'LD liti to -exchange my farm for good, rlmn elork of hardware, gefirrat r.H-rchandie or Iinp4menta. ilive full J.jil.ll.ts In first letter. Chris Aldrlch, ulertoaa. S. D. (3MU1 4x BUSINESS CHAfiCEC Jf titT in or oat of call oa OA.NofcisJ AD.' hkmo 44 Bee lid. WIL.I., all a well eaiabltahed new and aee- nnn nana ouRtnaa at. m Dara"in vn -count of looping my rye aiglil. City topiilstlon, 4, fro. Welwr Waahlngton Vn., daho, H. R. Warner. Prop. (4 MS.! Mas FOR BAI.K T.artl'' and Miaaea', ex clualve. ready-to-wear store, in one of the beat towna In Iowa, of lO.fXO In habitants, only one of the kind In town, best of reasons for selling. No trada considered, must be cash, don't write unless you have It and mean buslneaa. Address L B. II.. Marahaiitnwn. la. 14) M9K4 3flX I WISH o e"H my cafe as I want vaca tion and wish to make a trip. Any who wish to come and look It over. I will pay nil expenses. If not aa recommended. I have two large ordinary dining rooms and private dining rooms. I rsn show a business that Is making from IT50 to ll.OX) In the last six months; also an Increaee each month. I have all new mission fur r!:ure and the neatest arid cleanest cafe In stale. My prlca is tX cash only. Ad- dresa, x-w,. care Bee. t4) mm i Cream s?x k of good general merchendlae and S6.onn.oo telephone system for sale or trade. Both good Invert merits. , Wm. Coryell, Johnstown. Neb. (4-M3fiS A30X MINNESOTA und Wisconsin tea for sala In ear lota. A. O. Ollbert. Council Bluffa, Iowa. . i (Ml INDl'BTRIAt, AND MINING STOCKS. ROBT. VC. DRUKBKDOW CO., STOCK BKOKEH9, Tel. Douglas 3666. IUI-10 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4) 6&-U-2. INVESTMENTS With aalary. Buslneas openings city and outside. Your business or real estate aold. A. T. Fried Co., N. Y. U Bldg. (4) M894 FOR RENT A new modern brick veneered hotel. Only hotel In town. Call on or address F. O. Stllgebouer, Bec'y, Bsrtley, Neb. 4-MW3 l FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT One of the beat meat markets In the city. Address C. W. Letchford. Co. Bluffs, la. (4)-M995 FOR SALE General merchandise stock fresh, clean--ln city of 6,0u0; liveliest In land city of Nebraska, Dry goods, shoes, ladles' furnishings, groceries no clothing. Oood location, doing good business. Good reaaon for selling. Y 431, care Bee. .' (4) M9Z7 29 THE new town of Carlyle, 8. D., needs a physician, drug store, furniture store, harness shop and another general atore. We also sell South Dakota land. For further particulars write Kenderllne ' Ward, townsit owners, Carlyle, 8. D. (4)-M402 4x WANTED A good doctor to locate In good town In western Iowa. Population 10); mostly German. A splendid opportunity for the right man. ' None but first class doctor need apply. Address Y-438, care Bee. - (4) M397 4 SALOON FOR SALE. Here Is your chance to get building, stock, stock In trade, fixtures, good will, etc., for 110.000. In same hands 20 years. F. Rogeraon, Deadwood, S. D. (4) M3S6 i WANTED A PARTNER. I can offer to the right man a rare op portunity. My business Is established and of twenty years' stsnding; profits large and never failing. I simply have more work than one man csn do. Could hire help, but prefer a working partner. Man from 25 to 40 years, of good character, with $2,500 to 23,500. can secure a good Interest In a permanent and growing business. Full particulars to proper Interested parties. Best location In the city. Address. A-409, Bee. 4 M409 30 FOR SALE Second-hand skimming sta tion: outfit .Includes one 3,000-pound Cop De Laval steam turbine separator; one 12-horse power upright boiler? two milk vats; one galvanised water tank; one au tomatic akim milk weigher. In good con dition; been uaed three years. Price, 2200. Address, Box 101. Haxtun, Colo. J ' (4) M40S 4x WANTED Party with 25.000 or 3S.000 to In corporate a legitimate established pay ing business. Down town for the 15 vears. They will bear the closest investigation. Address E-430 care Bee. ()- M5J7 3 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aaetloneara. Real estate and registered live stock sales my specialties. o2 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 3770. T. C. Callahan. (9) Ml M20 Cklrojsadiat, DR. ROY.- R. 1 1W6 Farnam St. Doug. (497. (6 787 Oaaaacrlaa. David Colo Creamery Company 5 M7S$ DraaaaaaaUaai. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Haaney IS (5-790 M' DOW ELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far m St. (6 791 MME. WOODRUFF, robes and gowns. 30 lt Neville Blk. Tel.. Bell, Doug. 6170; Ind. A-3750. (5 MSS6 M7 Daatlats. BAILEY MACtL Id fir., raxton. D. l?i. (6) PlaaaelaJ. Money "O LOAN LOW RATE In sum to suit. 310 Bea Bids. 'Phone Doualaa is. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (6)-79S Florists. HESS BWOBODA,lU Farnam St. (5) 792 U HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (5)-7m J. H. BATH. 1823 Harney. Tel. Doug. Snoa (6)-714 Jewelers aaa Watckaaakcra. N. P. STILLING Watcn. elock, Jewelry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Block. Tel. 4317. (o 7teS Maria aaa atarla. Expressmen'a Delivery Co., office CI N 16th at.; warehouse. 22u7-t Ixard St. ti 80S KintllM, ' TREES, roea and r.hruba. F. R Martin, litb and Douglas. Tel. Doug. (6) MD41 lit FINEST A largeat assortment of trees and shrubs In city. Crescent Nursery ealea grpund. Uat at Farnam. Tel. Web. 367. (6)-M610 M3 BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY, Benson. A full Una of nuree-y stock: fin shad tree. See us. 'Phona Benaon J03 snd 143. P. J. Fiynn. Mgr (S) M616 M16x . Office Bad ftaplles. ' - F1L1NO cabincls, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. AnclKir . Publishing Co., 30 8. 18th Bt. Tel. Doug;, tabi. nd. A-16ta. , (5j M147 M4 Prtatlaa;. BEFORE plsiinr your 19(a calendar order don't fall 10 our imiorted Una. Lyng siad A Jurve. piUuers, Ida. at Cajiiiol Ava. (6wj EVER STOP TO THINK ' of the tlm lost pokin up the average printer heu you want. ob'ln a hurry? ' -ly.vnr uy us? ANCHOii PI'IU.ISHING CO., Printers and Office Furnishers. . $06-312 8. isth St. Telephone: Bell, Douglaa 6661'; Ind., A-1562. - (6)-M14k M-'4 ' akaa VoaaJrtaa RAP1D 8HOK REPAIR CO.-F1rt class woilb 11V Capitol Ave. 'phooa Ked 9. i (6) . 1 tHOr.3 repaired right, called for and de livered fraa Standard bho hepair Co - Ills Faruam Bt- Tal. D. 7647. () 0 ' . 1 THE SCHLITZ. Europear. ICtb and Harney. Doni'fi FiniGFsay ouit 3C BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' (Continued.) Oataaaatkr. JOHNSON INS.. 413 N. T. L. Tel. D. mi (6-01 DR. KATHRYN NIKOLAS. 608 N. t. Life. (5)-70M20 Paal aaa Blltrara Taklaa. FOR 3ALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard tables, supplies inn oar rixturas; sold on lessy payments; cstalogues free. Charles I'sssow A Hons. 218 So. l'.Hh St., Omaha, Neb. 5 M690 July! Wall Paper Cleaae. ABSORENE WALL PAPER CLEANER. Tha patent kind. 15c, Z-25e, at wall paper, paint, hardware and drug atore. 15V-M4S7 MZX a tea. Bkattera. Eta. OMAHA SAFR AND IRON WORKS makes a apeclalty or lira escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. lotb St. - (6-03 Far Cleaalaa; aaa Steratra. O. H. 8HUKERT. , 15th and Harney Bta. Flo fura cleaned, stored and repaired. (6 M7W June at aula Lavagrvaara. PIANO lessons. Mrs. Rltchia. TeU Web. RU (t.--In HELP WANTED FEMALE Areata aad Salealaallea. LADIES make money selling our hose supporters; samples free. Norumbega Mfg. Co., Waltham. Mass. (7)-M130 30x . Clerical Mat Office. CO-OPERATE with us. We can place you. Bookkeeper and stenographer, fw to $75. Bookkeeper, $40 to $46. Saleslady, (Jewelrjl). must be experienced, $40 to $80. SEE T'S FIRST If you are looking for a position. ' CO-OPERATIVB REFERENCE CO., 675-677 Brandeia Bldg. (J) 431 2S Haaaeltaepars sat Domestics. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 1904 Farnam. Girl for general housework, t In family, $30. Cook and housemaid, each $25. Housemaid, $5. (7) M186 29 WANTED A capable girl or woman for waitress and parlor maid. Reference re quired. 525 3d St., Council Bluffs. 'Phone 274. ' (7 M397 M13x WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply 3019 Pacific St. Telephone Harney 163. (7-M727 WANTED Competent girl for general houaework. Mrs. H. N ' McClnsahan. 'Phone Harney 1402. 12U X. 49th 8U ' 17) MM26 29 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, small family. Tel. Harney 2596. (7) 953 WANTED Experienced girl -for second work. Apply morning, tm a. axtn fit. (7-383 29 WANTED Good .cook or general house work gin: good wages. Mrs. is.-p. uonge, Jr., 316 Harney St. (7) M41S 30 WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; good wages; small family. Mrs. -a a. w imams, on a. ana nr. (7) M417 WANTED Girl for general houaework. 3iiM ieavenworth Bt. t7) 426 so WANTED Good cook, wages $30 per month, ra s. aiti Ave. (7) 4Zs30x WANTED Good girl for "general house work, 1058 Park Ave. (7) MB34 2x WANTRD An experienced cook, 628 80. 26th Bt. Apply at once. (7) M532 1 M leeellaaeoa. WANTED Experienced lunch counter waitress at the Union Station Restaurant. HELP WANTED MALE . Aetata, aollcltara sal laleaaiaa. WANTED Solicitor to drive through country; good selling proposition; big frofits. Reliable Omaha firm. Address 1 m. Bee office. (9) M126 QUICK SELLERS 214 So. 12th St. (9)-M86 WANTED Traveling man by local firm; good paying position; experience not necessary. Address 8 441, Bee office. (9)-M124 WANTED A first class, competent, travel ing wholesale grocery salesman, to travel In South Dakota. Unless you have had road experience in our line, please do not write, us. William Tackaborry Co., Btoux City, la. (9) M986 $0 WANTED Agents; good proposition for live, energetic agerts to make big money In city or country; no competition; unlim ited territory. Address W. D. Thomp son, luoJi Went Fifth St., Topi-ka. Kan. (9) M643 2x $26 per week and traveling expenses paid by renuDie nouse to salesmen to visit dealers, K.xporlence unnecessary. Purity Co., Chi cago. (9) M5'J9 2x AGENTS wanted everywhere; the famous .a rem a dimonris. Experts puxaled to de tect from genuine; immense profit for agents either sex young or old. Sample oflcr. (ring or stud) and catalogue free. II. M. Bhoub & Co., Dept. 7X-A. Blur Bldg., Chicago. (9) M628 9x WANTED Educated young man to travel part of time. Business proposition; must have $500 cash. Can absolutely and posi tively make $2.50 yearly. Trial given. Call owner. Room V) McCague Bldg. (i(l-WW 30x Boya. WANTED Bright, ateady. active boy no! under 16 years; recommendations neces sary. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1SU Farnam St. (9) MoSO 29 Clerical aaa OSes. OFFICE aasistsnt, young man. VS. to $40.' Bookkeeper. Herman preferred, $60. Ha lea: 11 an. traveling, $100; must aell from catalogue. Stenographer and bookkeeper, $. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASH'N, (Inc.). 722-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) 430 28 ASSISTANT Bookkeeper, on who can also oiierate typewriter preferred; must apeak Knglish and German. Addreaa L 436, car Bee. . (9) 3?8 29x Faetory aa Trattaa. 1 TAILORS ATTENTION. A good pant and vest maker wanted at once. Must be aober and a married man. Bteady work all tha year round. Good wagea. Also a good coat maker wanted. Herman Petersen, Fremont, Neb. () MSS8 WANT ED M en to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; practical experience, careful instructions, demonatratlona and examinations; positions waiting. top wages pud graduates; call or write for free catalogue. Moler Burlier College, 110 8. 14th St. (Sj-MllU dux WANTED Good tamer; good for all klnda of tin work, aa well as furnace work; Oood wag-a to the rUiht mini. 'l,.ss Brothers. Lenox. la. M3i 4 WHEN writing to advertisers, remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pea o mention the tact that you w u. ad la I Ue Bee. HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) M I see FRFB Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. 626 N. Y. ,. BMc. 09 WANTED 300 men for lambing. Oood wages. Wr do not pay railroad fare. Natrons, County Wool Growers' associa tion. Casper, Wyo. !y M9. 29 LEARN TELEGRAPHY Positions guar anteed; booklet free. Rnylos College, Omsha, Neb., Official training school TJ. P. R. R. YOUNG man to lav carpets and make win now shades. Home Furniture Co.. Bouth Omaha. . (!) 4L"7 28 HELP WANTED MALE AMU retULR. WANTKO Men and women of good qual ity and strong1 personality to represent Dodd, Mead & Co., to sell the new In ternational Encyclopedia In Nebraska, Bou'.h Dakota and western Iowa. Pre vious experience unnecessary. 718 N. Y. L.. Omaha, Neb. (10) M468 A31 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hotaaa aaa) Vaklclca. TO SUPPLY the protein lacking In corn and oats use Alfal-Fat to balaDca tha ra tion and your horse will Improve In look a and work. Price $1.26 for 100 lba., delivered. It your dealer doea not carry Alfal-Fat, 'phono Douglaa 209. M. C. Peter Mill Co. CUi 907 A30 TWO HUNDRED RANGE MARES for sale to dealer in car load lots. All flood colors, good bone and fat from 4 o 7. The Crane Ranch, Ottawa, Kan. (U) M291 30X seat vehicles sold at retail at wholesale! prices. Over a hundred different styles to choose from. Llninger Implement Co., Cor. 6th and Farnam Bts. (11) M525 1 Pealtrr Egga aaa sqaaka. FOR 8ALE Black Minorca eggs tor hatching; $1 for fifteen; very lino lay ers; also cockerel for sale,, Mrs. O. Carl son, $109 S. 46th BU Tel. Harney 3323. (U MHO Mix RED FEATHER CHICK FEED contain pur grain, seed and beef scrap, a arop- erly balanced ration for little chicks. Ask your dealer or telephone Douglas 209. M. C. Peter Mill Co. (ID 90S A30 CHAMBERLAIN'B Perfect Chick Feed I the only original dry chick feed. Use this only and save all young chickens. One tried always used. 8tewart's Seed Store, 119 N. 16th SU sole agents for the city. (11) M900 M4 LICE powder that kills Instantly. Get Con key' samrrte and the best Poultry Book free by calling. If mailed, send S cents to Stewart Seed Store, Omaha. OD-M467 29x SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best. If your dealer does not handle, call Dour. 1142. Ind. B-D466. A. W. Wagner, 80I N. 16th. (11) 105 ROSE COMB R. I. RED EGGS for hatch ing. Pens headed by pr.xe winning cockerels from North Btar Poultry Show. Minnesota; $1.50 to 11' per 15. Mrs. James H. Halplne, 4002 Center St.. Omaha. Tel. Harney 3528. (ID M9I9 Max MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at . Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport, Bta.t apeclat attention paid to Con finement caaos: all treatment aunanrlaeit by . 00 1 leg professors. 'Phone. Douglaa just, v-bii answered day or nlgnt, t - (13)-tt ANY poor girl la need of a friend call or writ to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 34th 8L. Omaha. Neb. , (13) M106 BEST nerve brace for man. "Gray Nerva Food Ptlls," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman at aicwonneii Jjrug to.. Omaha. . ti 13 READ I have an honest, certain cure for goitre; pay when cured; tell your friends. Dr. H. Rock, Bancroft. Wis. (1S)-M531 6x LOST AND FOUND LOST On Saturday, between 19th and Cali fornia, the city hall and the Calumet, a new pocket book containing a considerable sum of money. The finder will be suita bly rewarded on returning to Rev. John Williams, 623 N. 19th St. (12)-384 29 LOST A Chi Omega gold pin, "Edith" em graved on back,. Telephone Harney 2464. (12) M539 29 MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTBLg. MONEY, The thing that is so hard to get, but not so at the omaha trust co. , on salary - chattel Mortgage. omaha trust co., 437 Board of Trad Bldg. (14) 66$ MONEY TO LOAN On HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANO8 -WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS-or to SAL ARIED people of good character who are steadily employed. Rates the lowest. Transactions strictly private. We would ask you to call and talk It over with us. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 8d floor 807-308 Paxton Block 3d floor. 'Phone Douglas 1411 (14) M 743 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE) and others without security; eaay pay ment. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14 821 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 134 Douglaa. (14) 818 CHATTEL aalary and storage receipt loams. Foley Loan Co, lout Farnam Bu (14)-1 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO VO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loan. 31 Paxloa block. '1'hon Duugla 746. (14)-U P. O. NIELSEN Is CO., LOANS. TO N. Y. Life Bids. 'Phona Doug. rA. (1 817 OFFERED FOR RENT Bar6lag aad Uaaaaa. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 622 WE DO expert piano moving at loweat prices. Tel. Douglas lfe. Sc.hmoller 4k Mueller Piano Co., 13U-13U Farnam. . (16 824 NICE room ajid board, suitable for two; reference required, at 1411 Vinton St. (15)-M3U2 2x SOUTH room, suitable for two; choice lo cation; large lawn; private family; mod. ern. 627 1'ark Ave. - .U)-M23 BOARD and room In finest down town location; large front room with alcove; suitable for two or three persons; fur nisned or unfurnished. References re qulrti. M4 a. lKih Bt. (li-MI31 ROOMS and board. 1413 N. 26th Bt. South Omaha. 'Phone 20ML (16-Msl Mjx Dk'WEY European Hotel, 13ta and Farnam. U& aJe GKNTLKMKN wishing roori and break fast In refined home, walking distance, addivsa U .J. care Be olfu e. liij-ilWl lx yonai ad OFFERED FOR RENT BoardlaaT aaa lloomeCoatlaaea. LARGB modern room and board for two; ten a week. 2214 Douglaa. (16) MB1 28 x LARGE front room, modern, with board. 2:2 No. 19th Bt. (1K)-M98 30 DKH1RABLB room with board. 123 Bo. 2iith Ave. (16) 163 Ix ROOM and board. 2411 Capitol Ave. . (16) M416 AM TWO nicely furnished room for light housekeeping, or good room and board for four young men; modern Improve ments; terms reasonable; home cooking. 2216 Howard Bt. . (15) 381 MJb Faralaked Mao aaa. TWO furnished room, steam heat, 1 V Farnam 8L. 3d floor. (16)-2 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle menday, week or month. The Chatham, opposite Millard, 110 So. 13th St. OR)-! GROUND floor; two rooms, furnished. 30$ 80. 26th Ave. 1 (16)-M129 lx PLEASANT rooms; private family. 2213 isougo Dl. (10J M8l BUX NICELY furnished room in new modern flat. Tel. Doug. 3996; Ind., A-2997. 214 N. 26th 8t. (15)-M166 XX LARGE , furnished front rooms, all modern; light housekeeping If desired. 1041 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 3992. (16)-M263 M3 NICE large airy south front room, every thing strictly modern, private family, select neighborhood, close to car. 131 8. 31st Ave. (16) M366 NEWLY furnished modern room. 2(14 Dodge. Tel. H $76. (15) M360 M2x DELIGHTFUL summer room. Two south windows; close in. 614 N. 23d St. (15) M343 3 FIRST CLASS, modern rooms, clean anH cool, walking distance. 618 N. 23d Bt. CLEAN, modern, furnished rooms for gen tlemen or ladies; reasonable; at 614 N. 20th St 'Phona Douglas 2508. (16) M344 3x NICE, large, airy, south front room, every thing strictly modern; private family; select neighborhood; close to car. 131 N. . 31st Ave. (15) M356 WELL furnished housekeeping and sleep ing room reasonable. 710 80. 14th. (15) M992 30X FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Flat 4, Davidge block. (16) 424 30x PLEASANT room, In new, modern home, one-half block from Farnam car. 206 8. 31st St. (tf) 429 4x . FURNISHED room, one block north of Hunscom park; lady preferred. Telephone Harney 236L (12) M537 1 I HAVE one large room andone small one for gent; very near the retail district. nun si reel. Aaaress ts-Vil care Bee. (15) M626 30x NICELY furnished rooms in modern home, walking distance. 2704 Farnam Bt. (16)-M552 5 . Uataralskea Itooiaa., LARGE, nicely furnished southeast front room, modern; large lawn; private family. 702 South 29th St. (16) 948 29 ' Apartment aa Flata. APARTMENTS 7' room In QUIVST. ,18H Farnam SL,; team heat, hot water and telephone. APARTMENTS - rooms In 8CAHK, Boath Omaha; steam heat and hot water. HALL. 817 First Nat l Bank Bids'. Red 7406. A -4406. - (U) S( NEW 4-room brick flat, 1108 N. 22d St, modern, steel range, ' 1st floor. (16) M268 FOUR-ROOM new brick flat I2d and Nlch olas, modern. $21; references. Key at Ull North 22d. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. (16)-77 -ROOM Modern flat, 1113 South Eleventh treet. (15)-MS92 FDR RENT A few apartment ara for rent In th beautiful new apartment house Just being tuuiiuciru hi soa ana r arnam, Bteam heat. Janitor service, strictly flrst-clas in every respect Rental $52.60 to $60 per month. in. jy. tvo'EK, 301 BROWN BLOCK. (15) 9U7 2209 DAVENPORT, -r.. modern, $46. 601 Park Ave., T-r.. modern, $46. 3X13 Harne-y Bt., 9-r., modern, $6S. 18184 Maple St., 7-r. apartment, $35. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnsm St. (15) 426 28 -ROOM modern flat, 2922 Leavenworth St.. call Tel. Red 4068. (16) M533 lx Ilaaaekccnlaa; It noma. TWO excellent modern furnished room for housekeeping. 3574 Harney St. (15)-788 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 221 Leavenworth St. (15) M972 30x CENTRAL location, 3 choice furnished housekeeping rooms. aJI modern, 2 No 23d at. (161-M858 THREE nicely furnished rooms; light housekeeping, modern; 1606 So. 26th St $10 month. (15)-968 29x THREE unfurnished rooms and two fur nished rooms for light housekeeping. H25 N. 17th. (15)-M364 Mi WELL FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, 710 So. 14th Bt. . (15) M3H9 fx TWO pleasant outside furnished rooms on parlor floor, with housekeeping privileges Come and see them. 2001 Burt Bt. (16)-422 Varalskr Hoasea. TB:N-ROOM furnished house 'for the sum mer. Rocd Bros., 1710 Farnam. (15)-M72$ A LARGE furnished cottage on Lake Oko. boji. choice location, detached dining room, wind mill and private dick. Tel. Harney 2677. (16) 101 26 A LARGE furnished cottage on Lake Oko bojl. choice location, detached dining room, windmill and private dock. Tel. tmj 3M x -r Ilaasaa aaa battacaa. FOR RENT Modern 10-roo.n house, with modern barn. No. 1117 Bouth 32d street. B. N. Robertson, Barker block. (16)-M667 EIGHT-ROOM modern house, hot water heat, good condition. South 2Hth Bt.; walk ing distance. M. i. Kennard A Co., att-10 Brown block. (16) M441 $8 PER MONTH, 3-room house at 2622 Reeau Bt. $15 per month. 6-room all modern flat at 33 N. 24th Bt. Three (-room alt modern flata, at walking distance. , BEMI8. PAXTON BLOCK, Tel. Douglaa 686; Ind., A 1646. (16) MS35 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros.. 1904 Farnam. U6 - OMAHA Van and Storage Co., park, move, a'oie H. II. ds. (storehouse. 1120-24 N. Hub; office louj farnam. Tel. Doug. 156A (lr l HOl'BEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap frulght ratea; moving end storing, fexpreaaiueu's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. J'ji. Ui Mi FOR BENT Nle "-room modern house. Newly renovated; 22tl and California; lawn and ahade treeea. Inquire. Ri.oin lfc. Met'ague Bldg. (1) MKa 11 -r r'tt rtr.n 1 iwoof rn i-nxim house, two blocka from 2t h Hi. car line; south-front iit. ioxli; :ft;o Poppleton Ave. Inqutrs at W 1 iici4etuu A. (lii ldU4 Ileaaea aaa Cettacea Caatlaa4 NEW AND MODERN, four room down, three ami bsth on full nrnnil atnrv, east front, one block west of North Twenty fourth street car at Maple street. Owner wants select tenant and Is going to rent st once. O KEFFR REAL ESTATE COMPANY. IO01 N. Y. Life. 'Phone: Doug, or A2164. ( Uie M64 1 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt Barker Blk, (16) 641 FOR RENT Modern -room cottage, 2313 I, street. 8outh Omaha. $32.60 per month. Water paid. Conrad Young arent, 1MJ Dodge street (15) M891 4-r, 2R1 Parker BU, $1L 6-r., 2420 Maple St., $13. -r.. 2770 Cuming St., gas, batb, city water, cistern, Iswn. $22. TURRELL A CO., Douglas 1129. (15)-MS57 HOUSES Crelgh Bon Co.. Be Bldg. (151 U0 FOR RENT Brick dwelling 4008 Harney Bt. Apply to Mrs. II. I. Gannett. 12 8. 36th Et.. Tel. Harney 3197. (151-M327 $37.50, modern brick flat. 33AJ Pacific , Bt. Key at 1S0R 80. 35th Ave. Tel. Harney 3283. M. Kellner. (16) M333 1 FOR RENT room, bath, barn, 1154 80. s $4th. W. a Stlllman, 41 lat iNat Bk. Bid, U)-27 FOR RENT or lease new -room modern cottage. 3 2d and Ohio 81. Telephone owner. Webster 1856; $22. (15) M375 HOUSES Peter Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (16)-633 FOR RENT 7-room nouse. ai N. th Ave.; modem except furnace; 126. Eight room house, 613 N. 22d Bt.; all modern; $36. Apply at 607 N. lth Bt (15) M2S7 Maggard Van Storage Co. D. 148C Wa guarantee moving; piano. 11. H. good. U5)-3t, LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company. 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-M223 EIGHT-ROOM and hall, all modern, one block east of 40th and Burt; Farnam or Cuming line: 808 N. SDth; $40. Furnished 9-room modern, till October 1; N. 40th; . BBVEN-ROOM all modern, nearly-new; 216 N. 26th; $30. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATR COMPANY. 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone: Doug, and A2152. (15)-M647 30 COLONIAL residence, opposite east side liamcom Park, 8 rooms $40. 'Phon Harney lft6a. (15) 864 2907 SEWARD ST., $15: city water in kitchen; 6-room cottage, bath 'and toilet, , 2016 Grace Bt, $16; 6-room cottage, modem, except hear. 3209 Maple 8t., $ls; rooms, 8120 Burt Bt. $15, city water In kitchen. Chris Boycr, 22d and Cuming St, (16) 969 FINK HOUSE, all modern, hot water heat large lot, shsde, barn, oak finish, best repair; Kountz Place, rear .car. 'Phone Webster 928. (16) SSi 2S7 PACIFIC ST. room: thoraushlv modern, oak finish; $40. A. G. Elllck, 601 ee Bldg. (16) 829 FOR RENT The brick house. 2616 Dswev Ave. Inquire Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 r arnam oi, (Id) M729 FOR RENT 6-room modern house. 2914 ix. zwn. ym. t;. 0. Carl berg, il N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-M33 -ROOM house, modern except heat. 833 no. iisi bw iei. Marney Z7t. (lb) 11943 HOUBE RENT PBEIP A l.rAnm mlut.m Klnl V. . . im - .v.... .......... . . . IIUUBQ ML nMj Douglas for rent to. a good party willing iw uusiii man anu wne ana mey to reserve 3 upper rooms for themselves. For par ticular apply to Wm. H. Warwick, 4nth ...... 1 , , V11 1 1 - . . 1 vwiKc, iiuiiv xiiiiey ,sj. tto voU COTTAGE, well furnished, modern, on Diocs. iroin car; rine location; reference -Apply 3318 8. 20th St. (16) 421 J9x NINfcl rooms, modern, close In; new piumDing, painting, etc; xw. McCague Co, . . (16) M640 lx iMVir.nnnu w..i, tcim 1, . ern. Apply 3802 North Seventeenth St. ' - V ltO MM ZSX T7T V l."- THrjf -nil n n. - XI A.l. r-. - - - v.vinev Will . ' l Bl., $16 per month. C. G. Carlberg. 911 New York Ufa. i uca Bnlldlags. FOR RKNT-Attars In tintMin heart of the business diatrlct. Trackage laciuiiea sua eiecirio elevator. Buitable ror warehouse or light manufacturing purpose, aaaress w-iuo. car Bee. (26 M55S OlBeea. OFFICES OR PARLORS- and (-room. In QUIVET. 1809-1811 Farnam St.; auitabl tor artist, physician, dentists, dress makers, etc.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. Aiao OFFICES or PARLORS 6 rooms. In 8CARGO Bldg., South' Omaha, suitable for lawyers, doctors, etc.; steam heat and hot water. HALL, $17 rirai iiau sut ciag. 'liea 7406,- A-4406. - US) 806 DESK ROOM. 606 Paxton Blk. (lt)-M975 OFFICES One larga and on small office for rent en suit or single. These room ar on ths third floor of The Bee Bldg, and the larger one ha a north light and vaun. ror runner particulars sea It w. oaser, bupt., iu tie Bulldln ding. al$$$ (It) 1617 Dodge Bt, opposite postofflce. 9 rooms, suited for office, residence and roomers. Call at 302 Neville block. (15) M3S9 2x tores. 106 8. I3TH 8t. $60. C. G. Carlberg. Ill N. Y. L. Bldg. (16-M97l STORE ROOM In Scar go block, at (20 N. 34th Bt.. Bouth Omaha: steam heat, modern ahow windows, excellent location. Alan two basement rooms In same build ing, cemented floors, steam heated, suit able for billiards, barbers, baths, restau rant etc - HALL. 817 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Red ,406. A 4406. (14) MM FOR RENT Large storeroom, northeast corner 16th and Vinton Bts.; $16. C. M Bushman, 436 Paxton Blk. (16 M509 OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. FOR SALE 1 medium size Herrlck refrig erator; 1 gas range; 6 kitchen tables; a quantity of linoleums. All to bo sold at a bargain. Goods may be seen at )C2 1st Ave., Council Bluffa. la. (16) M6635X Plaaaa. Orgraaa, Maalcal laatraatea ta. FOR. SALE Pianola: mahogany, fine con dition: $126. Addreaa. Y-tui c.r. Me. N (16) MUOSOx FOR SALE High grade secondhand type writera; good condition; a bargain at $tA Call room 603. Bea Bldg. . (16) 4T71 FOX TYPEWRITER. No. 127420; only uaed short time and in Al condition; for sale at very reasonable price. Call for Wright at Bee office, 17th and Farnam. uo-tsa Mlaecllaaaaaa. DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on all $1 order; catalogue free, tltiermaa A Mo Coonsll Drug Co.. Omaha. Nab. (16) $40 A LOT of (ton foi coping.' window and door sills; alao fan 'y pressed brick, for sal. Apply It W. Biker, BupC Bee Bl1g. (16J-961 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool table. W lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. brunswlck-Balk-Cullendar, 4U7 8. 1Mb be (14-4 FOR SALE Tailor made suits, ready to wear. Clark, the Tailor, aa Neville Blk. (1 44 Ml SEND US your mall order for drugs; freight paid on $10 lota Myers-Ul Hub Drug Co.. Omaha. (is) ft7 CURRANT plants. B. C. Smith, tlg Corby St (16)-24M3x HALL'S safes, nw. Id-hand, Uit Farnam. (ii . Mlaee-lEaaeaa GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest moat up-to-dat tork at lews pnece in in. i-nj, iww, aoi!rra when needed. Inspeetlnn Innted. BURGESS GRANDEN CO $1$ a Uth Et Tel. Done. ML (U)-U I HAVE for sale ome nlc reetatirant fur nishings; are as gnoa as new; rail 823 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, and see same. (16)-M8M -i RUCKER and Weston new casa ed i anas ior sale cneap. .au at tie ot flee. Omaha. 06) 833 BHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, best mixed oucrman e Aici-oniieii irug y.n. (16)-4 HOMEOPATHIC remedle. wholesala, r. iii. onerman 4k McCnnnrtl Irug CO., !StJ and Dodge Bta. Omaha, Neb. (18;-4 FOR SALE Two good soda founraln at $126 and $160 earh, about one-tenth cost price. Inquire at soda fountain of Sher man A McConneJl pnig Co., 16th and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., I61U and Harney. (1)-M407 ' LUMBER AND BRICK cheap from dis mantled Omaha Packing company plant. Alplrn, 'Phone Douglas 2474. (16) M419 Elevator for Sale For sale, second-hand Eaton & Prince hand elevator. com-Dlete platform about 4x5; can be used in a building 60 ft. high. This elevator is first-class in every respect and will be' sold cheap. W. IL BRIDGES, Engineer Beo Bldg. ICKl ICE! MINNESOTA ICE In car iota u. uuoeri. -ouncii uiutrs, la, (1)-M74 ' PATENTS D. O. BARNELL Paxton Blk, Tel. Red 7nl (17-S6i LAR80N & CO. Book free. 622 Be Bldg. (l)-Mil U. A. Bturgea. 619 N. T. L. Tel. Doug. $4. . 17)-M417 M14X PATENTS THAT PROTECT 8 book for inventor mailed on receipt of 6o poalag. R. S. A. B. Laccy, room $9-89 Paciflo Bldg., Washington, D. C. established . I869-. :. (17)-4iA0 PERSONAL MAGNETICtrtm"nt n btn- Mm. (18 U A HOMS for women during confinement; we find home for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Le. tig Bancroft St 'Phono Douglaa 192L . . v (18)-M36$ MASSAGE fna b"th8- Room . I?i JXL0.003.UXJ Farnam St. 2d Floor. (l$j Mk4iM THE SALVATION ARMY solicit castofC clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and aell at 131 N. 11th Bt. for coat of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'fvhon Doug. 4136 and wagon will call, X OS) 781 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dl. King. 1324 N. 241a. Tel. Web. SS6t. (18, -Mi SHINY, oily, muddy kln made fair by Batln Skin cream and Satin Skin powder. 25c. x t , ' - . , (18) YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a stranger ar Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association rooms, Hit Farnam St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. . iW-H SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers- -Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 861 ' OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramg Bldg;. flO-Ka MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, . 629 So. 16th, Flat 'Phona Douglaa 6846. OW M63M18x To whom it my concern: You-ar hereby notified not to extend any credit to my wife, Pauline Doll, as I will not be respon sible for any debts incurred by her. MICHAEL DOU. ' , (lM)-MaXS lx x REAL ESTATE REAL KSTATB OEALEHI. PAYNE INV. CO., Jst floor N. Y. Llfa Douglas 178L -? " GEORGE at CO, 1601 Farnam. TcL Douglas 6i (19)-s$ BENJIMAN R. E. Co.. 477 Brandflls Idg. ... (19)-$23 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALS ABSTRACTS OF TITLE MIDLAND GUARANTEE! AND TRUST CO., 1711 FARNAM ST., BEE BUILDING. a$)-M NORTH SIDE. New 7-room house, all modern except heat, corner lot, south front, at 26th and Bprague Bts. Price. $2,500; easy terms. A chance to get good home cheap. C. G. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. X19J-M41 29 NO CAR FARE. ' Modern, six rooms, small lot. 27th and Capitol avenue, $2,600. Now leased at $J6. Terms, tun cash; balance like rent. Double house, new, strictly modern, ten blocks to postofflce. Price, $4,609. Rentals, $630. Easy terms. Attractive 8-room houses, now building, close in: oak floors, fine finish; designed for people of small means but fine taste. Ready June 1. Very easy terms to right parties. Select now. t C. 8. 8HEPARD. Tel. Webster 261i '3f4 Wirt. ' (l)-Mo44 Z9X HOUSE AND LOT 2502 POPPLETON AVE. House, six rooms, lot 60x160 feet; asphalt pavement; perma nent cement sidewalk; all paid for; city water, sewer and gas in house; terms to suit reliable pur chaser; $2,500. See the property and then the owner. A ilham A. DeBord, Room 520 First Na tional Bank Building. V . (l)-MS50i ' SOUTH OMAHA SNAP Beautiful 8-room house, part modern. In elegsnt shape; splendid neighborhood, close to car line; walking distance. Ex cellent very large lot, fenced; perma nent walk; fruit and shad trees, large barn and chicken houae and chicken yard. Only psrt cash required and at a price that will aurprla you. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., U2 Branded Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (l!-M!M MODI; UN FLAT. Close to business center, built on yesr ago. handsome, well arranged; routed to Mgli-claaa tenants; pays large returns; re duced price for April, Terms If de sired. C. 8. Shepard, 3U4 Wirt Bt. (19)- M646 23x NEW, well built 4-room houses. One mod- ' ern except heat; one has ctty water, ono has well. Will aell cheap en easy terms. R. A. UcEachroo, 2u6 a. lh hi. . ' ' ,. (,1-MUl U v.