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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1908)
THE OMAHA KTTNVD AY BKEt - APRIL CH, WO. 4 4 rJw tg "1 r r it i i V i i i M CRA1SASD PRODICE MARKET I - ennannasasiSSBB Activitj Was Ifoticeatle t the Open ing of the Market MARKET RALLIED FROM CLOSE Liverpool Cables Caasea a ralr An oi wltk the Crowa Hariri- Defldedly Balllsk Tendencies. OMAHA. April 25, 1808. Rome activity at the opening, and ths market rallied from yesterday's weak close. It wan a scalping market, however, with the bulla In control, and they realised a fair advance on strong Liverpool cables and very noticeable increase In demand for all grains. Interest died out later after offerings had been absorbed and the cah demand satisfied. Whee.t opned very aggressive, with crowd favoring tha bull side and bids wers Irons; and higher, backed by higher cables and better demand both here and abroad. Offerings aere readily absorbed and the early advance was lost by lack of support. Way wheat opened at 9ba and closed at 85c Corn opened steady, but run nervous on general selling, and -no one wae willing to take the loose offerings. It was a dull and lifeless market throughout the slow session. May corn opened at 61o and closed 61c. Oats were steady and unchanged, with no feature and very little doing. May opened at 49c and closed at ic. Clearances were ;9,0 busliela of corn; 4.000 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 2i8.0iiO bushels. Liverpool closed V1 to I4 higher on Wheat and unchanged on corn. Local range of options: Articles ! Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yeg y. Wheat May.. July.. Kept.. Corn- May... July.., Sept... Oats May.. PM4 Ml 78 1 67 49 Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. Wvr,c; No. I hard. 92ViVf.c; No. 4 hard, 88ft02c;' No. 3 spring, CORN No. 8. 80c; No. 4, 80864c: No. I vellow, l&l4o; No. 8 white, 60iiuTc. OATS-No. 8 mixed. 47047'e.e; No. 3 white. i 95 5V 864. ft .83 83 83 1-3 ,78 78 78 78 61 m 1 a 5H fH 6SS 6h'A 47 67 67 67 40 48 48 4 e" OATS-No. 8 mi 47Iy47c; No. 4 it YE No. 2, 73fi ,J ... . Carli white. 47'4?! 73W7(: No. 1. 71&73C Carlot Itecelpts. Wheat. Corn. Oals. Chicago I 8 26 Minneapolis It Omaha 38 2p Duluth 7 .. 15 CHICAGO GRAIX .AND FROVIHOHS Features of the Trad las' aad Closing , Prices om Beard of Trado CHICAGO. April 25. A sharp advance in the price of wheat at Liverpool had a 'strengthening effect today on the local market, the July delivery closing at a gain of c. Corn was off V(i4c. Outs down fcc, and provisions yaVtc higher. The wheat market was extremely nervous al! day, but a firm tone prevailed. Trading St times was unusuttly active. The market opened strong, on brisk demand by shorts and commission houses, which was based on an unexpected advance at Liverpool, where prices were up H'(i'Vc In the north, , notwithstanding the decline of 'more than 10 here yeaterday. The principal demand at the start was for May delivery and that option advanced nearly 2 cents within the first few minutes. The upturn brought out liberal offerings from longs, which caused an equally quick decline and a loss of nearly all the earlier gain. A feature of the trading In the last half of the day was the changing from May to July and September deliveries. - This had- a tendency to .strengthen the new crop months and to weaken the nearby option. The market closed Irregular, July and September being firm, and May rather weak. May opened Wif'-ie higher at B7Valee, advanced to toe. i and' then declined to 87c, where ' it closeu July opened VaTsC higher at 89$ 8940. iH between ,8SS&Vc .and closed 89H.e - Clearance 'of wheat and:ftour were equal to 168,001) bushels. Primary receipts, 27S.IAH) bushels, compared .with 735,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Minne apolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 121 cars against 34 cart last week and 6C9 cars a year ago. The corn market was weak nearly all day, because of free selling by commission bouses and bull traders. The close was easy. May opened hie higher at 67c, sold off to 66c, and cloaed at toHc. July opened a shade to c higher at K'iiecc solj bff to 6110, and closed at atjtCVfcc,. Local re ceipts, 326 cars, with 21 cars contract. Trade In oats was moderately active, but the range of prices was not so wide as In wheat or corn. The close was easy. May opened a higher, at 63t,c. sold off to 53o and closed off at the bottom. July opened unchanged at 45c. sold off to 45Vc, where it closed. Receipts, 298 cars. Provisions were easy nearly all day, because of liquidation of May holdings. At the close July Pork was up 10c, at S13.3H4. Lard was 6c higher, at tii.lTTVs : ribs also la higher, at 11.15. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 10 cars: corn, 850 cars; oats, 186 cars; hogs, SC.oto head. The leading tulutes ranged as fallows: - Articles.) Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close.! Tes'y. nvtiett 1 ' ! May ISTGSSI July ii-a'4i 7h! 97H 97 I M 67 fc'84Ts'US6 corn i May 67 ,Juiy g:h'u4 6 6T&.W 6H6SVh-fc Sept. itJuulfel Si'.si Wti til itilW, uais j a May 63-V 63 1 63 l.NUy ' aJuly ,bJuly . bpt. Pork .May .July Sept. July Sei. July Sept. ' 6."J 4h4 Wis 4MK 4iS. 41' 43-t It 8o IS f0' 12 8L'W li 17W 13 S2S 13 li IS 00 112 fO 13 13 22 13 Hi1,-,, U 65 13 66 800 8 SO I 40 I 60 ' : c7H 7 li 07H 8 27.i 8 47 W, I 8 CO 8 07V 8 27! 8 H4 h 17Vv 10 8 J i 4V,, 8 35 I 6 87 6 77,1 6 85 7 15. '7 40 6 80 7 10 7 & 7 la 7 40 7 36 No. I aOld. bNew; Cash quotations were as follows: f Ul hllcm; winter patents, H.203 4.U0; straights, 3.iXi3t.; spring patents. V.u4i&,:&; straights, t4.UOU4.t); bakers, $3.10 H4 ,4u. .WHEAT-No. 1 spring, S6cG1.07; No. I red. :S;uWc. t OltN'-No. I, 6Sc; No. I yellow, 6n'e, OATS-No. 2. fcftse; No. 2 white, 6oHiaic. P A HI J-3Y Fair to choice malting. 74tMc EKfe.lSKlax, No. 1 northwestern, ll.liiit. Prune timothy. 84 ifi. ' PROVISIONS thort ribs sides (looe. t..Vniiii.K7V ileba pork. ier bbl., $13.0t?J 13 UVs. Lard, er l;t Ins., SK.U5. Siiort clear slds boxed I, 17.261 7. W. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and train: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls, . Wheat, bu. Cot ii. bu. ... Oals, bu. ... Ky, bu. ,, barley, bu. .... 24.2) 10. TOO ... lK.OH) ...3.V400 ....i",t"0 1I0' ... 73.7UO 44,0 141,) 15,Su6 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was weak; creameries, ag5c; dairies, ao84c. Eggs, easy; at mark, cast. InOudi'd. 14'c; fusts. lc; prune flrsu, lsVi- Cheese, easy, Udjl'c , St. Loals Geaerat Market. . ST. LOUIS. April 25 WHEAT Firm; truck, No. 2 red cash. $l.(ii: o. 2 hard. 7ti$l.(4; May. 7Vc; July, &.,i,e. CuHN Ix.wer; track. No. 2 cmbU, 66c: No. t white. fc-U'1-": May, Mvc; July, 6UiUtc. OATS Lower; track. No. 2 cash, 4aV":oc' No. 3 white. 634c; May, 47c; July. ho FLOUR Firm; red alnter patents, $4 bi 4 bu; extra fancy and stralgut, $1 k4 4u clears. $S.bri 3.70. . . ' fcV tD Timothy, dull. $3 (VXQ3.50. t'OliNMEAU-Sleady at $3. KHAN tjlrong, sacked, east tiack. 83 V 1.22. V HAY Steady; timothy, 18. 50fc 15.60; prai Tie, $9 US('li ". iKoM OtTTON TIES 81. MAGlNir 7'vC f Hl'MP-T W I N E 8c BITTER Weak; creamery. Sljtisc. V OOiS l'nclis:ignl at lie, tme count. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; M'blng. $13 H. Lard higher; prime atni. t iImi J K. Dry salt mea'a, steady; boxed extra shorts, t'.k.'. clitr ribs, 7 3.S; short clears, 8' 75. Bacon, stt-aily; btxed extra shorts, 44 i: cu r ribs, ,vL'a: siioit clears, $- stJULTRl 'uin; ilikkeus, lie; sihui. 2M2Sc; turkeys. UtyQlSc; ducks. c; ,gees. sc. Receipts Shipments. Hour, iwiis. ..-... . Whi-at, bu. .2"o"n ' Corn, bu 'n Oats, bu. ...s. ...... ...... ,! 2.(i0 1.1 .""0 . WEATHER IX TUB GRAIX BELT Fair lasdsy After a HI. at of Cooler Atmosphere. OMAHA. April 25, 1908. The barometric depression that has been the cause of the stormy and unsettled weather throughout the central Valleys and west during the last two days continues very slowly eastward, and the center of the disturbance now overllea the upper Mississippi valley and upper lake region. Showers snd high winds continued general throughout the central valleys and weetern sections during the past twenty-four hours, and rains are general in the upper mvssi slppl valley, lake region snd east to the Atlantic coast this morning. An area of high pressure, accompanied by clearing and cooler weather Is moving In over the west, and the weather will be fair In thts vicinity tonight and Sunday, with cooler to night and Continued cool Sunday. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation, compared with the corresponding days. of the last three years: WW 1907 1908 1305 Minimum temperature ... 62, 63 65 49 Precipitation 00 .01 .00 .85 Normal temperature for today, 65 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 102 Inches. . Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 2.43 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1906, .47 Inches, L. A. WELSH, ' Local Forecastcf. Cora aad Wheat Raglan Balletla. For the twenty-four hours ending at I a. m.. 76th meridian time, Saturday, April 25, HJ8: s" OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.... 75 45 T Clear Auburn, Neb 72 49 . .08 Clear Columbus, Neb.. 74 45 .00 . Clear Falrbury, Neb.... 83 43 .08 . Clear Fairmont. Neb... 71 41 .00 Clear Or. Island, Neb.. 5 46 .00 Pt. cloudy Hartlnglon, Neb. 76 48 .0 Cloudy Hastings, Neb... 64 49 . 36 Clear Oakdale, Neb.... 87 45 T Clear Omaha, Neb 74 62 T Clear Tekamah, Neb... 76 62 .00 Clear Alta, Is 73 47 .78 Raining Carroll, la 72 47 .10 Cloudy Clarlnda, la 7S 60 .or Clear Sibley, la 73 46 . 78 Cloudy Sioux City. Ia.. TJ 48 .04 Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Station. Stattot.s. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, 111 26 73 64 . 30 Columbus, 0 18 78 60 .16 Des Moines, la.... 14 70 60 .38 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 74 , 68 .16 Kansas City. Mo.. 20 . 68 48 .02 Ixuisvllle. Ky 18 72 60 .68 Minneapolis. Minn. 21 68 44 .50 Omaha. Neb M 72 48 .14 St. Louis, Mo U 74 66 .10 Good rains occurrred In all portions of the corn and wheat region wllhln the last twenty-four hours except the Kansas City district, where they were very light. Cooler weather prevails In all districts. -L. A, WELSH. Local forecaster. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatlons of the Day oa Varloas . . Commodities. NEW YORK. April 25.-FLOUR Receipts, 7,7X3 bbls. ; exports, 14io0 bbls. Mraket vas firm, but aulet. Minnesota, patents. toMxat 5.45; winter straights, t4.16dj4.30; Minnesota bksra,; winter' extras. 83.S0ijH.10; winter patents, 84.604j4.80; winter low grades, 83.404.00. Hve flour, firm; fair to good, 84. 41 'ti-l. 90; choice to fancy, Id.0utjjS.16. CORN MKAL Firm; fine white and yel low, L4i(l.oO; coarse, I1.40&1.46; kiln dried, 83.85. KYE Strong; No. 1 western. 80c. f. o.b. WHEAT Receipts. 8,000 bu. Spot market nrm; iso. z red, Ji.oo, elevator, and 31.tSs, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.14. f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 hard winter. S1.124, f. o. b. afloat Options opened c nigner. nad further advanced hkc on cables and strong statistics, but reacted under line crop prospects, ana ciosea fe'ac higher. May, -$1.06S'S1-07H- closed tl.OHH; juiy. ynwgvi isc. closed Vikc; beptember, KfaWSc, closed Vc. CORN Receipts, 276 bu. exports. 1.500 du. Boi market nrm; a, loc, elevator. ana 75c, r. o. t. atioat; No. 2 white, 76c, and No. 2 yellow, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. The option market opened .quiet "and : sold on unaer realising ana naa west her. Closed easy, decline. May, 75(375yc, closed 76ct July. 71V4i&724c. cloaed 71ic. OATS Recjlpts. 61.OJ0 bu.; exports, 8.900 bu. Spot market steady; mixed oats, 26 to 82 lbs., 644c; natural white, 26 to 82 lbs., 65 (y.7c; clipped white, S3 to 40 lbs., 662c. HAY Firm; good to choice, SfcigOItyc. HIDES Dull; Bogota, 17c; Central Amer lean, 17c. LEATHER Easy; acid. WtfiCTe. PROVI8ION9 Beef, steady; family, $16 80 (S17.00; mesa. $13 5o'(il4 00; U-ef hams. S26.0i9 28.00; packet, tivst'd -16.00; city uvra India mess, fut meats, steady; pick led bellies, 89.00SlO.OO; pickled hams. $10.00. Lard, barely steady; western. $8.158.2fi; re fined, dull: compound. 87.7mu8.O0. Pork firm; family, fl7.50ji'18.00; short clears, 816.00 tn.tiu: mess, M.wifgi6.. TALIiOW-Steady; city f2 per pkg.). 6Hc; country (pack. free. 6S4kC. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra. S tc; Japanese, nominal. BUTTER Weak; creamery specials, 87c; extras, Zbc; intra to first, llfaJOc; held, common to specials. 18iii26c; state dairy, Common to choice, 19tj5c; process, common to specials, Wg'iw; western factory firsts. c; imitation creamery, firsts, ZlgT.Sc. CHEESE Easy; full cream specials. it4c; state run cream, small, white, fancy. 15c: state full cream, large and small, col ored fancy, 14Hc; state, fair to prime, I1V3 13c; state common, 84f9Ho; state, winter made il0'4c. . EGOS Steady; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white fancy. 18H019C good to choice. 17Vc; fancy brown and mixed extras. 174c; firsts to extra firsts. lti-V(M7c; western firsts, fresh gathered. HinihWc: seconds. lStSlSHc. POULTRY Alive, dull; fowls,' 14e: tur keys, 13c. Dressed, weak; turkeys, 12617c; IOWIS, UQ14VC. Kaasaa City Grata aad Prerrlsloaa. ' KANSAS CITY. April 2S. WHEAT Un changed to 1c higher; May, 92c; July. S2feC; nepteinber, 7iTc. cash: no. I tiara, toe'e $l.uo; No. 3. 399c; No. 2 red, Socl.(XJ No. S. JfifiS-jc. CORN Unchanged to lc lower; May, 6oSc; July, 67V; September, 5Sc. CaBh: No. 1 mixed, m-nGSc; No. 8 mixed. 62iti21i4c; ivn. j white, 61'V,c; No. 8 white. tC'iJ'c. - OATS Unchanged to Vo lower; No. i white, 4Kitf-Wic; No. 8 mixed, 46to47Vc. It Y E7.Sc. imAN-$112; shorts, tl.15. ' HAY-Eaay; choice timothy. 111.50(31100 choice riralrle. $0 ftoi Sn. BUTTER l'c lower; creamery, extras, 25c: packing stocks. 14Ac. EGOS Steady; fresh extra, liVc; current receipts, iJ-mc. ' Receipts. Shipments, Wheat, bu 64,1 . , 62.000 Corn, bu. V Si.ttO 16.0nO Oats. bu. 24,000 8,000 Quotations at Kansas City as reported by uogan at ryan, in a. i tsoara or Trade: Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat '. ! i i May W K S 92 July .( -', 82Vi.lS,j, 2VA September ... 7l 79V!78U'uS 7SV9A Corn I Msy '. - 6H 6W4I 60HA July 6x-S 5S 67,57'v8A September ... SGi " MW&I 66HB A asked. B bid. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 25 -WHEAT No. 1 hard. 1 1.09 4 to 1.09 ; No. 1 north em. 1.7 4 & 1.07 S; No. 2 northern $1 OSS 1 06H ; No. S northern, Sfscfji ti 'jj; wy, ii viit, Juiy, ii.v; be lenioer. BK AN In bulk, $21. 00 6 21.25. FI.OIR Unchanged, first patents, $5 50U5.(0; second patent. $5.35 y 5. 6u, first clears, $4.20 4.35; second clears, 3.403.0. Llvrraool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. April 35. WHEAT Spot, firm: No. 2 red western winter. 7 2d. Fu tures, firm; May, 7s 6d; July, 7s 6Hd;. Sep tember, I'HO. CORN Spot, firm; new American kiln dried. 6s 8J; old American' mixed. 6svsl Futures, quiet; May. t l"d. Pit AS Canadian, steady. 7s "Std. Peoria Market. PEORIA. April ia.-CORN-No. 1 yellow, It-i7c; No. 8 yellow. 64-ai6c; No. t, 64c; No. 1 slHc; no grade, OA1-Lower; No. 8 white. VtfVa. WH13KY-4U-3&. Dalatk Grata Market. Dl I.1.TM April 2. W HEAT ISO. northern. 8107; No. I northern, $1G1' May, $1.01 i July. $1.04 S; beiUmbai 91 Vsc UATS- l$Ho SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS r ' v. , if i f Advance ia Valnei Continue!, bat it Somewhat Uneven. MAUKZT LACKING IN BREADTH laloa Parlfle Leads the Rise aad M. Paal aad Hill losaea dhow Close Srnsstky Boads Art Firm. NEW YORK. April 26. There were con siderable additions to the week's rise of prices In today's market. The further ad ysnce was somewhat uneven and the mar ket was lacking In .breadth. Dealings were largely congested In special stocks, and mesa also snowed the principal strength. Union Pacific was the prominent example and rose to a price higher than has been touched since early In Auxust of last year. Other storks touched high prices for the present year. St. Paul and the Hill stocks unwed closest sympathy with the move ment In Union Pacific, while eastern trunk line stocks and the Industrials were quieter. Some of the Southern railway stocks were slightly effected by the reports of heavy damage by storms In the south. Further extensive covering: of short con tracts by the outstanding bear Interests was an important factor In the market, that Interest taking fright at the continued rise In prices and the failure that overcame a prominent bear house. Profit-taking was freely pursued by hold ers who had the benefit of the week's con- Iderable rise In prices, and this conduced to the uneven and, at times, Irregular movement of prices. The success of the Pennsylvania bond sale continued to ex ercise a beneficial Influence on the market. Reports of heavy over-subscriptions to the half of the loan allotted to London, as well as to the New York portion, kept up the favorable Impression made by the In cident. An evidence of the especially at tractive character of the new bond was the selling of other Investment securities In London to private resources for taking up subscriptions to It. Tho weekly re views of the mercantile agencies recog nised the Improvement In the commercial tone caused by the good crop procpects, the seasonable weather and the reflected Influence of. the better financial situation. Trsders attached sentimental significance to the persistent advance in the price or Standard Oil In the outside market. United States Steel ruled a small fraction below the closing price of yesterday throughout. The market closed under the Influence of profit-taking. The cash gain reported In the bank statement outran all expecta tions, reaching over- l".0"Xi.Oiio In the averages and n the actual condi tion on Friday night. Thts Is In spite of the week s outgo of $o,o00,voo In gold. Loans of the banks contracted, but the In crease of trust company loana was greater than the decrease by the banks. This was the only reflection of ' arrangements for participation In the Pennsylvania subscrip tions. The percentage of lngal reserve to deposit liabilities of all the banks snd trust companies now stands at 31.50. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value. r.128.C00. United States bonds were un changed on call for the week. , ' Following- were the sales snd range of prices on e Stock exebn today: sales, mga. j-kjw. A4sms ffxprsce 17S Amalssmftted Copper . Am. C. A r l.o-o l.lftO OS 0 34 M n i i $4 4 7 71 S4 Am. C. F. p4 Am. otton Oil 400 Am. Cotton Oil pfd Amrlcn Expws .... Am. 11. A L. ptd Amerloan Ire Am. Unseed Oil Am. Unmd Oil pfd.. Am. Loeomntlvs Am. LocomMlT pfd... 1"A 4 Itu. 84 1.T00 1,200 47 44 Am. S. A R . 14.S"1 Tt 71 Am. 8. A R. pfd 1.000 Am. Kuftsr Reflnlnc. Am. Tohscco pfd rtfs l.ano lr7 127 127 flO 2 M tl Ansf.-onda Mining Co Atchison Atchlwm pfd Atlantic Coast Line 2 K .too loo ano $00 w 7f 8 75 $4 T M $5 t t. 78 114 U 47 IF 1K0 u 5 Btltlmor A Ohio Bat. Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr 47 Canadian Pacific Oslral at New Jnr Chvaapcaks Ohio ;.. im if- urn i8i i l.&noN 3S 70S fS K Chlcags Ot. W Chtraxo w. W 10 !Sf 14S 14 c. u. a st. r $3,100 123 1-1 U Chioaso T. A T Chleaso T. A T. pfd O.. C. C. A 8t. L..-. Colorado Y. A I........ a ,i -!4 4 51 118 14 87 ins 44fi 2" tt ?' 1 1,110 24 1,4 $ , 303 Suva 31 . g.i4 61 Colorado A So Colo. A So. Ut pfd . Cslo .ft Bo. 2d pfd ConaolldsteS Oai Cors Products Corn Products pfd M) 11 119 100 14 14 nu $8 1,100 1(1 Delaware A Kudsoa Dal.. L.. A W Danver A Rio Orands D. A R. O. pfd 168 'io .1 . .. M m 100 (0 " MO 33 1,100 1 eo 16 4O0 M JU0 1 plaiillera' Securities Erla F.rl. tat pfd 14 4 Erie Id pfd Oencral Electrls 134 134 I lllools Cantral International Paper ry i2r 127 1211 4i)0 10 nt. Papor pfd 3 i4 TO It My, s M Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central ..! Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City 8o K. C. So. pfd Loulsrllla A N Mexican Central Minn. A St. h 1,400 l.K) 1,I0 T4 1. 35 83 64 70 15 & 23 M 0 4tO 700 101 700 1 101 101 U 13 M., 8t. P. A a B. M M . St. P. A 6. 8. M. pfd.. mo in lit in 170 Mlasourl Pacific M., K. A T 1 400 4A 4o 45 1.S00 1:, 27 15 K (8 M M Lo0 57 S4 t 47 lot 100 M t 2.800 34 14 13 400 6 W S 100 80 80 84 400 M kr, $5 Hut) 1714 M n tl.eo 110 118 H-V 400 1 51 ao 71 T2 7S l. 21 27 V 4O0 82 81 II 200 U 1F, 1M St.OOt 108 1( llN . ) 80 , 700 18 ' VT 17 frt 7 S71, 8.0 1 17 n 80 rK 30 IK $7 14 17 14 jAl io.'ioi T! '74' 7 114 8-0 14 14 - 14 44 4to 44 40 l 18 18 17 17 17 17 t 41 41 41 12 0 134 13-1 133 1M 80 711 7914 88 41 600 21 21 21 too 8S 82 sa 17,704 , 36 M L400 100 10U 100 21 : 81 10 00 18 18 1H $00 l.l'O $7 4 luO 51 $1 il . 400 18 15 15 liu H 88 18 M.. K. T. pia National Lad N. R. R. ot M. pfd New Tork Central N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A W N. A W. pfd North American Pacific Mali Pennnylranla People's Oaa p.. c, c. a si. u Preaaed Steel Car PreaeM . C. pfd..... Pullman Palace Car , Readins Reading 1st pfd Reading Id pfd Republlo Steel H-publtc Steel ptd Rock Ialaad Co . Rock Inland Co. pfd St. L. A S. F. Id pfd St. Louis 8. W St. U 8. W. pfd Rottthtm Pacific Bo. Pacific pfd go. Railway Bo. hallway pfd Teaaa A Pacific T , at. U A W T.. SC V. A W. pfd Unlos Pacific talos Pacific pfd V. 8. Eipreas V. 8. Realty II. S. Rubber IV B. Rubber pfd.t U. g. Btoel , V. S. Steel pfd Va -Carolina Chemical .... Va.-Caro. Chem. ptd Wabaah Wabaah pfd Welle-Parso Eipreas Weetlnshoues Electric Westers I'nlon Wheeling A 1 K .. Wlaoonetn Castral Wla. Central pfd Northern raclfla Central Leather Central Leather pfd , Bluea-Sheltleld Uleel Ureae Northern pfd latarborough ateC int. Met. P'd 17.5uO 130 12 1 f. i $' lo 4ii 35 a 44 124 7.U00 ll 12G 4,7' II 3. 1"0 t low 1 $0 lah Copper l.OlO II eo ' Total sales tor the er. 404.800 all area. final m mr Btawlfa. BOSTON. April 25. Money, call loana, 2 r- . n , itma loana. tU.jn ner cant The following were the closuig prices on stocKS-ana iw- extchlsos 4dj. 4s 84 Adeotre 4Q 4. Alloues Mei Central 4a 1 Amalgamated ... Atchlaoa 78 Is Atlantic do pfd 8H Biniham eHoetoa A Albany. Cal. A Hocla..., ... o ... .... 00 ...J0 ... 21 Iioetu. m BoeO ,10a ElevaleO i oper nui ... ... Fit. nours s ...... v vmii - ...... .. 14 rr.nh II. ... 8 ... 7 r. I'D v W U A U lUUflnnh ... o los Pacific K3lalo Borale ... 18 ... 2 An Arc, coem -aiasa. Mining ... do Did . . ai Mit-nigaa .. tMhawk ,..127e.Moo,. o. A C. .... 1" A Pueu. Tuba.. ... 47 ... 40 ... 34 .... 81 A , mar, Suaar do in" Old UoalDioa .. ,...,,..418 Osceola ., ) Parro4 Am. Ana. i A T. Woules .ra . A ma .... 1 ' do . ,, S3 Quiacy ... 17ghaaaoa .. .8 1 Tamarack ...lei's Trinity ... l'nlted Copper .. ... 4 V. g. MiuttC.... ... 11 U. A Oil ...lH t tah ... l2S Vlviorts ... H ... W Wol-,.na ...lot Domlalos I. A .... 11 .... 40 .... 14 .... 4 .... 87 .... U .... v .... 2 .... 4i, ....126 Edli a,m Elee. Ills. Gaueral X laclrto . tlaaa. Eiectrie ... do pld Maaa. uaa I'm lot ted Krult eil S. M .14 t 8 Steal do Btd Ul, nd. Aaaao. London Closing; Stocks. LONDON. Anrll 26 American shares were the feature in today's trading oa Uie Stock exchange with k rise of points In eympathy with the tivorntght strength In Wall street, which Induced the bears to cover, while fair continental and some locsj buyuig la autlcipatiua vl a guod Nw Tork Tisrk statement ilpd tlie firm tlfea. Tit ew 1'cnnn iTsntfl -honj tssne Wits rpi.tted St mil'-" prt-inhini. . Tw-allngs In olher-diictlons were r-strht4 owing In the p(, roach of the settlement. Values of gllt-eilted securities dropped fractionally, hut rirand Trunk and Japanese bonds h:trdenel. Money I shado easier. I'ls cotims were steady. London -closing stock quotations: Coceola. stoney ..... HtSMo j Kan. a Tetaa.. ? do acrouat .... 84 11-14 Nw Yorlt Cintral.,.10 Anaconda 7 Norfolk a Westers.. 87 1 Atrhlann 1 do pfd k2 do pfd 81 Ontario A Weelern . 31 Baltlmors A Ohio. . . 87 Pnnrlranle ........: Canadian Pacific ...1SI)and Mine M ( heeapMk A Ohio.. 4 Reaitlns "4 Chi. ureat We-tern.. ( Si ultx-m Railway .. 1S 1 hi . Mil. A St. P. .11 do pfd 42 P BtT II Southern Pacific .... 7" Denrer ft Rio Orand 1lnlon Pacific 137 do pfd ............. 47 . do pfd 84 Erie 1 t nlted States Bteel.. )7 do 1st pfd 34 do ptd 103 do Id pfd W Tt'abaiih It Orank Trunk 14 do pfd 18 Illinois Central 131 BpanUh 4a , ti LotileYtlle ft Nanh. .1"4 Amalgamated Copper. 42 SILVKR Bar, uncertain at 24 ll-16d per ounce. MONEY 2'SIH per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short hills Is 2 9-16fi2H per cent; for three months' bills, 2 11-16 per cent. New York Moaey Market. NEW YORK, April 25.-MONEY-On call, nominal. Time loans, strong; sixty days, 24) per cent; ninety days, I per cent; six months, JVi"'S per cent.. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPERttVi per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with actual business In bankers bills at $4 4.8730 for demand and at $4.84MVii4.84i0 for sixty-day bills; commercial bills, $4.81Vcf 4.84-. SILVER Bar, &Vc; Mexican dollars, 47c. LONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. The following are the closing quotations on bonds: V. 8. ret la, rag 1M L A N. snl. 4a M do coupon 104 eian. c. s 4a IM C. s. 3a. reg 100 Ilea; Central 4 80 do coupon 101 do let Inc , 1. U. B. new 4a, reg....l'.8Mlnn. St. L. 4a 80 do coupon ..182 H . K. A T. 4a., Am. ToUacto 4a... do ' Atchison gea. 4s... do ad. 4s Atlantic C. L. 4s.. be I. ft Ohio 4s.... do !s Brk. R. T. c. 4s... Central of Oa. $a do let Inc .. 72 do la t ..10iN. R. R. of M. c 4i ) .. 8 N. Y. C. g. 3a .. si "N. J. c. g. Sa.., .. rr no. p-.ific 4s.... .. do 3a .. 47V N. A W. r. 4s.. .. 11 O. 8. L. rM. 4s ,,.1'iS Penn. cv. 3a... .Ui .100 7 . 84 . 8V er Heanina gen. 4s. do Id Inc 40 St. L. A I. M. e. 6e..l do 3d Inc 17 8t. L. A 8. F. f. 4s. Chcs. A Ohio 4s..) 8 Kt. L. H. W. e. 4s... (S Chicago ft A. 3a. . (1 Seaboard A. Ia 4s.... 48 C. n. ft Q. n. 4s.... 84 Bo. Pacific 4s Wt C , R. I. ft P. 4k.... t do -1st 4a ctfs M do col. 5s 8 So. Railway bu. ...... 84 cec. ft St. L. g. 4a. 84 Texas ft P. Is lis) Colo. Ind. 4a. aer. A. 64 T , St. L. A W. 4.. 70 Colo. Mid. 4a.., o Union Pacific 4a loo Colo, ft So. 4s fitha 6s D. ft R. O. 4s... PlstlUcra' Sec. 3s. Erie p. 1. 4s (M ao CT. 48 102 t 8. Rteel 2d 6s. 81 Wahash la 71 do deb. B 8 . Western Md. 4s 70 W. A L. B. 4s.... . 87 . 87 .107 . 46 . 84 . 41 . 82 . 84 .100 . 84 do sen. 4a Horklng Vsl. 4a...Hi Wla Central 4a.... Japan 4a 78 Atchison ct. 4s.... do 4s ctfs da s, do 14 aerl-a 8tlnt. Mat. 4a Bid. Offered. New York Mining; Stocks. NEW TORK, April 16 Closing quotations i mining stocks were: 7 on mining Adams Cod Alice . 8 Little Chief .X Ontario . 10 Ophir , . 8 Potoal . 8 .400 .235 . 11 Dreecs Krunswick Con. Comstock Tunnel 38 8a race . 80 Con. Cal. ft Va. 41 Sierra Nevada 1 80 Horn Silver .... 70 Small Hopes... .. 1$ Iron Silver ..100 Standard .. 8 Leadvllls Cos.... Clearing; House Bank Statement. NEW TORK, April 25-The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows the banks hold $o8.9S4,750 more than the re quirements of the 2b per cent reserve rule. This la an Increase of $9, ('11,3:5 on the pro- fiortlonate cash reserve as compared with ast week.- The statement follows: Amount. Increase. Loana $l,19u,618,2i0 lleposits 1,250, 3,S00 Circulation 59.3H5.50 5.21CI,7U0 &,2S3.0 13t,MM 2.273,4tl B,0;i,40li 10.3S4.Wii 1,323,475 9,011, d25 9.002.1UO Legal tenders 6i.9T2.0OO bpctie 304,73k,1(i0 Reserve 871.71O.7U0 Reserve required 312.725.950 Surplus l,94,750 EX-1J. S. deposits 69,iiM75 Decrease. The percentage of actual reserve of the clearing house banks at the close of busi ness yesterday was ilt.Si. The stHtement of banks and trust coin. panics of (Greater New York not members of the clearing house shows that these In stitutions have aarsrruaate denonila of IsM - 617,100; total' cash on hand, $59,108,600, and lutaiia amounting to seit,iiu,JU. Movements of Specie. NEW YORK. ADrll 28. Imports of mer, chandise and dry goods at the port of New iotk ior ine ween enmng April 15 were valued, at $12,925,782. Imports of specie at the port of New York for the week ending today were $50,lo0 silver and $72,108 gold. Exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were $907, 808 silver and $t,o67.3& gold. - Treasury Statement WASHINGTON, April 25. Today's statement of tha treuaurv balances In the general fund, exclusive of the $150, 000.000 gold reserve, shows: Available. cash balance, $251,260,962; gold coin and nuiiion, iio.&us.isM;, gold certificates, $24,162,740. - Foreign Financial. ' BERLIN. April 15. Prt us on the Bourse today were firmer and Industrial shares were strong. PARIS. April 25. Prices on the Bourse today were firmer on advances from New York and Berlin. The private rata of discount was 2 11-16 per cent. Cotton, Market. NEW YORK. April 28. COTTON-Fu- tures opened firm; May, 8.36c; July, 8.3oc; August, 8.61c; October, 8.67c; November, 8b7c; December, 8.60c; January, 8.01c; Aiarcn, 9. one. Futures closed steady; April, 8.30o; May, 8.86c; Juno, 8.41c; July, 8.6oc; August. 8.46c; September, 8.42c; October, 8.4c; November, 8.48c; December, 8.61c; January, 8.61c; March,- 8.64c. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10.10c; middling gulf. 10.35c. Sales. 47 bales. GtB'ALVESTON. Tex., April 25. COTTON -Lower at 10 1-16C. NEW ORLEANS, April SB. COTTON Spots were quiet and steady, with prices unchanged; middlings, 10 ll-16c; sales were 7o0 on spot and none to arrive. ST. LOl'lrt, April 26. COTTON Market steady; middling. PHtc; sales. 16 bales; re ceipts, $16 bales; shipments, 246 bales; stock, 2t,S-u) bales. Evaporated Apples ana Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK, April 25 EVAPORATED APPLElt-Market Is quiet, with fancy quoted at l(Mc; choice, &'g9'V; prime, 7iiric and common to fair, 6"iii. DRIED FRCITS Prunes are said to be very strong on the coast, but the local situation is unchanged, with quotations from 4-u'Uc for California and from ba to 10c for Oregons. Apricots are easier owing to low opening prices for the new crop, with choice quoted at KVuimic; extra choice. Iiaaa.l7c. and , fancy, Dow 24c. Peaches are easy In tone, but without material change, choice being quoted at ltK(il(iVc; extra choice at 16Valc. nd fancy. Senile. Raisins are dull and practically nominal, with loose muscatel quoted at 6iiij4)c and London layers at $1.3&al. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 25. METALS The metal markets were quiet as usual in tho absence of cables and quotations weid practically nominal. Tin was reported easy, at $31.70v31.90. Copper continued quiet, with lake quoted at $12.75& 12.87 to ; electrolytic, $U. 62 H 4f 12.76; caHi', $12 87 to 12.50. Lead was unchanged, ut $8 7 toj '4.02 to- Spelter was quiet, at $4.60vi4t5. Iron wit nominally un changed. ST. LOl'IS. April 25. METALS Lea J. firm, at $6.5. Spelter, firm, at $4.55. Bsgar and Molasses. NEW YORK. April 25. SUGAR Raw. firm; fair refining. $929 3.c; centrifu gal, 96 test, 4 42 V 4.4Hc; molasses sugar, 3 676 8.78c; refined, steady; No. 6. 6.1c; No. 7. 6.06c; No. 8. S 00c: No. , 4 95c; No. 10. 4.85e; No. 11, 4. hoc; No. 12, 4.7Dc; No. IS. 4.70c; No. 14, 4.65c; confectioners- A, 6 30c; mould A. 6 85c; cut loaf, 4 30c; crushed. 4.20c; powdered, t $0c; granu lated, 5.60?; cul'es, 6.75c. MOLAbSES Firm; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. 28U4'JC. Philadelphia Pro ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 25. BVTTER Weak. 2c lower; extra western creamery, tie; extra nearby prints. Sue. EUOJ Steady ; Pennsylvania and other nearby fi.sis. free cases, lotoc. at mark; current receipts in returnable cases, lhc, at mark; western firsts, free eases, lc. at mark; westero current receipts, free cases. lc. at mark. CHEEiSt'V-Qutet, but steady; New York full creams, choice, V4toul6c; fair to good, iai4ic. "Wool Market. ST. LOri3. April 26.-WOOL Market dull: rnedluui grad-s ' combing aud citilh lug. 16vdl7toc; Hgiil. fine. H-uW; t.cavy, fine, lljl2c; tub waahea. OMAHA LIVE STOCK' HARRET All Kind of Killing: Cattle Higher for the Week. HOGS SHOW DECLINE FOR WEEK (Joed Pat l.anhs Bteadr wltk C'osa and "horn ta Fifteen te (taarter i.arrer. BOtTTH OMAHA. Arril S. 1 Rerelnts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep ... I.S75 t . ... 2.671 8.P90 $.914 ... J.fM 7.M1 6AV1 ... J.&in 6.0.4 4.41 ... l.Ooo 6.121 2,6s; ... 215 60 4'-'4 Officisl Monday .... Official Tuesday .. flfrlcal V,.(lnc.,tav Official Thursday . Official Friday .... Eatlmate Saturday ilx days this week,.. .in.S2 Same days last week....l2 7W Same days t weeks ngo..l4.22S Same days $ weeks ago.. IS, 410 Hume days 4 weeks aso.17.Hll Bame days last year...,lS.'36 3S.4I 42.6rj2 87.445 C73 S3.H1 4,78U 27,! W.I'll 2fi.3.'2 So.515 44.i2 82.478 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the tear 10 date, comnared with last year: 1W-8. , 291,743 844.497 4flt,3 Is -7. Ino. nc, Cattle Hogs Sheep 871.013 77H.572 B7,7S5 shows 79,270 160.S.S 1I'.'J20 The fnllnwlnar tshle the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1. 11907.11906. 1903. 11904. 1.I3-!1902. April IS. . April 16.. April 17.. April 18.. $ SI 4 891 7 1! 8 5 4 (s 7 07 16 91 5 23 I 7 IS! 6 9S A 2 4 801 T 141 6 M 49 61 6 oil April 19.. 6 441 E 271 4 7R1 W April 20.. April 21.. April "2.. April 23.. 6 421 t 23! 4 2! 7 101 431 6 Sill 4 f -II 7 11 S9 5 S3 1 4 811 7 071 6 Ko 6 Stt e j 4 S2 7 or K6 6 2b 6 2lii 4 751 7 0a 6 Wl April :4.. April 25.. Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Mo. Pacific Ry 1 Vnton Pacific It. R it CAN. W.. Ry., teast) 1 31 8 S 10 1 , At N. W. Ry.. (west) St. P. M. St. O. Ry . , R. A y. Ry., (east) B. A Q. Rv., (west) R. I. A P. Ry., (esst).... . Total 77 The disposition of the nay's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 940 Swift and Company.... IK'S Cudahy Packing Co.... 1.2 416 Armour 4 Co 1.226 Hill A 8n 5 J. II. BullH 1 Other buyers $ COO St. Louis Packing Co 352 Huss 4 878 ; A. O. Buchanan 2 Klngan Packing Co 600 Jngrham 1 - r- Total '.. , 10 8,819 916 CATTLE There was the usual Satur day's holiday In the yards this morning, there being no cattle of any consequence to make a market. The recelrts for the week have been very light, showing some de crease as compared with the previous week and a' falling off of over one-half as com pared with a year ago. Most of the cattle received during the week have been killers, cornfed steers predominating, with quite a sprinkling of western hayfods and cow stuff. The market on beef steers has been Just the reverse of what It was Inst week. It will be remembered that even In the face of moderate receipts the market last week steadily declined, reaching the low point on Wednesday. During the last two days of the week, with almost no cattle on sale. prices reacted somewhat. The Improve ment continued all this week, and at the close prices are 264i35c higher on tho gon- eral run of beef steers than they were on the low day last week. Handy light cattle of good quality In many cases are 40c higher. Resides showing a gooa improve ment In prices, the trade has been more active, so that on most days the cattle have been sold by 10 o'clock in the morning at least. . Good cows and heifers have advanced lOfelbc during the week, which Just about sets off the decline last week. While the good grades have been fairly active sellers throughout the week, common and medium kinds have been a little slow to move, and the market on such 'has not shown very much Improvement. The. supply of stockers and feeders on most days was so light as to sttract very little attention to that branch of the trade. The demand, however, was fully equal to the receipts, and the offerings sold quite readily every day at good, strong prices. There appears to be a somewhat better feeling In the market for stock cattle, due to there having been general rains In sur rounding territory. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn- fed Bteers, 8.35fi6.75; fair to good corn-fed steers, $5.8fi'(i6.85; common to fair corn-fed steers, $4.S.Vf;5.tC.; good to choice cows and heifers, 4.&vrti.00; fair to good cows and heifers, 13.854; 4. fc: common to fair cows nd heifers.; good to choice stockers and feeders, 84.756.30; fair to good stockers and feeders. 84 0m& 75; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, I3.( !j4-00. HOGS Hogs opened with a good shipping demand, and with desirable kinds, such as shippers could use, selling at prices that were strong to 6c higher than yesterday. In other words, the early hogs sold largely at 85.42Wfi6.46. with a top at 86.50. With ad vices from other points favorable, packers were not In the least inclined to follow shippers' lead, and, accordingly, as ship filled their orders and dropped out, the market weakened, closing ofjloc lower, that la, 5c lower than yesterday's general mar ket. The late hogs sold largely at ti.iaVtr (.40. Everything In sight was cleaned up In good season. lrur the week the receipts nave been very light, showing a large falling off as com pared with the previous week snd a sill! heavier decrease as compared with a year ago. The matket haa had a lower tendency this week. It will be remembered that at tho close of last week there was a little reaction from the low point on Thursday, and that reaction continued over into the present week, hogs selling a little stronger on Monday. Commencing with Tuesday, the market traveled down hill rapidly until Thursday, alien the low point was reached, not only for the week, but for the month to date. On Friday there was a substantial reactloiv which was fairly well maintained today In spite of the weak close. The week winds up a good los lower than the close of last week. Ilerji tuentative sales: $ 4?H S 39 t 37V, 43 ( 42 6 39 6 S1V - a $30 S 63 6 84 5 42 li 8fii, 6 8." 5 3m 6 38 S 41 6 81 5 3s',i C 31 No. Av, la. lr. No. at. Sk. Fr. 2 818 W 8 10 70 tli ) I 17 M 168 ! I III . 81 104 8t 4 0 b til I! 8 80 , I4 12-) et 88 1MI IH lU tt tW 140 40 8 IU iKt i t:Si se 2. 5 aw) i 40 87 40 I lit', M 'it ... $40 8$ ill M I 96 II 128 140 I 80 TO Sis 80 5 li T7. ...... .Hit it) 140 It ,.M) Kl ilo 71 til 40 I 40 14 i.1 320 I li 57 MT' t!3 I 40 .. Iki 1W IU It tii 10 I i!i so ;.- 40 '6 7f. liO 4ll 8 424 18 18 III Ilo 71 11 40 li:-, 11... 187 M ili ( :n Ut I 4-S 88. ...... 183 la) I ) 78 .121 ... 1421, 14 Ml do 8 36 ' 140 120 i 4. 71 ft too I 16 ii 121 70 6 41 T lit i 15 8o 17s 40 I 42 U XI ... Ill 14.., Ino 120 142 li 2-4 10 I 1J ' la til ... I 4i II II 1X4.117 t8 i.:8 ... 141 U 20 80 I 17 82 : 40 I 44 M 2 so I Ii 41 212 ll I 48 II HI 160 37 84 .221 160 I 4i U 371 40 I 17 17 Ill It IS ' 11 U 180 6 17 71 Ill ItW S 46 44 :l 140 I 17 82 f.l 40 I 45 88. ....... lit 120 I 17 72 231 ... 8 44 en !! 80 I 17 75 !ti ... itt M.; M7 80 1 17 17 Ill It) 141 2.. ...... Ino l.J 117 T7 2i bo 8 41 71 IX 40 I 11 11 231 so 6 80 12 1.8 ... 8 II 87 1-1 80 I J II .n2 ... Ill BHEEP Three cars were reported In this morning, but tney were mostly stutf bought to arrive, . wethers being weighed up at 85.75 and ewes at 8i.4'i, which were steady price. For the week the receipts havs been quite liberal, (honing a gain over the previous week and a comparatively smuil decrease as compared with the correspond ing week a year ago. i.'nder the Influence ot a moderate con suming demand for ine mutton, the market on sheep and lambs tiss been rather quiet throughout the week, not pn!y here, but at all other points as well. At the same time, prices have shown a downward tend ency, due to the lack of buying suonort. Bull, strictly good wooled lambs, owing li. large part to the fact that tney have been far from plentiful, especially at this point. have remained about steady and the few arriving troru day to day have met Willi quite ready sale, tin me other nana, com mon to medium lambs have eased off. and at the close of the week are Ion) ibo lower. btioru S-uck ut all kinds has snown toe The Updike Grain Co. COMMISSION DEPARTMENT 700 to 714 Drandcla Dldg. OMAHA. NEBRASKA , BROKE R S GRAIN, PROVISIONS, . STOCKS AND DONOS PRIVATE WIRES T.l.nhnnea I Not. I)Ot80l4S S473 Telephonssi na aj V LNGVV YORK mSSBS, Z. CUDDINGTON.. Suectssor la Boyce Commission Co., 108 Board ol Trade Dldg. Margins 1 cent on grain, $3.00 on stock. Public and private room! for customers. Best service In Omaha. A reliable company. , most weakness and Is safely H'tfXc lower for the week. Sheep men are by no means dlscourag-ed. They realize that strictly good killers are how brli.eilrig good prices, and they also feel that as the supply is rapidly being lessened, there Is a good outlet for the future of the market on desirable fat sheep and lambs. Quotation- nn lambs: (lood to choice wooled. $7. fi?i 7. 50; fair to good wooled, fn.,M7.2P: trood shearlna lambs carrvttitt flesh. ti 5016.75; good shearing lambs, thin.; shorn lambs. Mo under wooleo stock. Quotations on sheep: Oond to choice light yearlings, shorn, 88inr6.tR; fair to good yearlings, shorn, 8-1 "fti 1 oo ; good to choice wethers, shorn, 85. 75fy .00; fair to rood wethers, shorn. 8V.Wii5.7ri: rood to choice ewes, shirn,$f&M; fair to good ewes, shorn, 84.7bin.Z5: culls snd bucks, shorn, 83.Ctif 4.60; wooled sheep, above shorn stock. Representative sales: N. Av. IBti Colorado ewes 110 li Colorado wethers and year lings, culls 88 3 western wethers 109 6 western wethers and ewes, culls 85 5 Colorado bucks 158 rr. I 40 4 00 6 75 4 00 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle and Sheep Steady Hosts Weak to Ten Cents Lower. CHICAGO, April 25.-CATTLB-Recelpts. fO head; market steady; beeves, $4.ntvsi 7.25 ; Texans, 84.aofi5.50: westerns. $4.60'5.O0; stockers and feeders. 83.40tSi6.60; cows and heifers, 82.40fit5.50; calves, 84.60flfl.50. HOG 3 Receipts, 8.nj0 head; market weak to 10c lower; light. 8o.l50.S5; mixed, 85-Xtf S.75; heavy, 85.15Sfi.67H; rough. l5.1Etfj6.SS; DiKS. 84.Wu4.85: bulk Vf sales. 85.5mSr5.65. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 2.500 heed; market steady; natives, 84.8Frffi6.46; westerns. 84.Wfit.50; vearllngs, 8.6ii7.10; lambs, 88.0W&7. tiO; westerns, 86.00tQ7.ti6. Kansas Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, April 25. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,100 head. Including 100 southerns. Market steady; choice export snd dressed beef steers, 8B.50fj7.00; fair to good, 85.601! 6.50; western steers, 85.00ft6.80; stockers and feeders, 83.506.80; southern steers, 84.iftJ 8.50; southern cows, 82.7&u6.O0; native cows, 83.5fliri6.66; native heifers, 4.5W.40; bulls, $3.5'ri6.40; calves, 84.506.00. Receipts for the week, 22,400 head. HOGS Receipts. 4,000 head. Market 10c lower; top, 8S.57H; bulk ot sales, 85.36ffS.50; heavy. t5.46fi6.57H: packers and butchers, 86.aMi6.e5; light, 86.30ft6.46; pigs. 84.Wg4.75. Receipts for the week, 47,300 head. SHEEP AND LAMKa 'Kccetpts. l,aw head. Market steady; Texas muttons, 85.50; lambs, 8u.O04j7.6O; ewes and yearlings, 85.25 i-25; western yearlings, 86.606.76; western sheep, 84.OVv8.36; stockers. and feeders, $3.60 4:6.00. Receipts for the week, 29,800 head. V t. Loals LIT ttock Market. 6T. LOUIS, April 26. CATTLE Re ceipts, 800 head, Including 175 Texans; market steady; native shipping and ex port steers, 86.35 r 7.00: dressed beef and butcher steers, $5.30'.15; sneers under 1.000 pounds, $4.76 5.40; stockers and feeders. 83.00&5.25; cows and heifers, $3.75(68.00; canners, $2.0083.00; bulls, (3.25 (g 6.25; calves, $3.507.00; Texaa and Indian steers, t3.604j6.26; cows and heif ers. $1.76W4.25. HOGS Receipts. 1.800 head; market steady, pigs and lights. $3.605.70; pak ers, $4,601 5.70; butchers and best heavy, $5 605.80. No sheep msrket. St. Joaepk Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. April 25. CATTLE Receipts, ir head; market, nominal; na tives, $5.5O(7.00; cows and heifers. $2.00 6.00; stockers and feeders, $3.76185.25. HOGS Rocetpts, 4,014 head; market, 69 10c lower; top, $5.55; bulk, $6.8G?t6.46. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; lambs. $.75lt7.30; yearlings and wethers. $5.74jS.75. loss Cltr Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITY. Ia.. April 25 (Special Tel egram.) UAriLK IteceipiB. ii-j iienu, market steady; beeves. 85. Z&u-85; oows and heifers. 84.26W6.50; stockers ana ireaers, $4.O0oT4.75; calves and yearlings, WiKjjl.Sl. HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head; market lower; range. $5.2W5.40; bulk ot sales, $5.306.35. Stock 1st SlaTM. Receipts of live stock at the six princi pal western maraeis yesierosj . ii. .... Sheen. i'.ioa South Omaha . 215 6.800 . 100 4.000 .1.100 4,000 . 800 1.800 . 155 4.011 . 200 8.000 Ploux City... Kansas City. St. Mollis.... St. Joseph... Chicago . . . . 2.604 4,124 Totals . . . . .1,870 $7,714 OMAHA WirOLEIsALE MARKET. Condition ot Trado and Qaotatlons oa Staple aad Fancy frodace. . EGGS- Fresh milling eggs, candled. 13c PUTTER Common, loc: fancy tub and rolls. lMtllc; creamery. 30c. CHEESB- New full cream. Wisconsin twins, l'l'ic; new full cream brick, 17c; do mestic new Swiss, V8c; new llmburger. 1O0 Ibc; young Americans, 17tc. LJVE POT LTHY 8prings, 84s; roosters, 6c; ducks, 11c; gees. 6c; capons. 15c HAY Choice No. 1 upland, $7.60; medium. 86 50- No. 1 bottom. $6.00: off grades, $4.00-3 8 00 Rys straw. $7.00. No. 1 alfalfa. tU.6i ' MISCELLANEOC8. CANNED IOOD8 Corn, standard wtst ern. 65c. Tomatoes, fancy. 8-pound cans. $1 45: standard 3-pound cans. $1.10. Pine arnlfs gated, t-pound. $2.i?.0: sliced. 817Ya2S5 Gallon aoples. $3 1)0. Californin a.-i.r.a I' f; 53.30. Pears. $J.lo(H3.15 Peaches. $1.9vfi3.15. Ia C. Peaches. $2 100 8 15 Alaska salmon, red, $140; fancy Chinook, flat. $3 16: fancy scickcye. flat, f ; 15. Bardines. quarter oil. $3.i0; three ouarters mustard. $3.35. 8weet potatoes. l f.-frl 35 Sauerkraut. Wc, Pumpkins. mic eY$l O"). Ilma iM-ans. t-pound. 75cft$l.2i Soaked peas, l-pound. 6uc; fancy. Sl.25ruJ.46. KISH Halibut, loo: tr)iit. Uc; pickerel. Tc: pike. c: white fish. 13c: buffalo. 8c; bullheads, skinned and dresred. 11c: catfish, dressed. 11c; medium croppies and yellow unflsh. GifiSe; large cronpies, 15c: herring, fresh fmseo. VM- perch, 8c; white bass. 14c: blur boss. tic. CALIFORNIA IRTEV FP 1'ITS Prunes are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hnns who seem dewtrous of moving supplies of tmmdl-te grades. Quo. at'ins rins!e fror" 6c to - for Ca'lfornla 'rult and from 5c to 8c for Oreson. Prsches are very firm, with fancy yellows quoted at l?.4n. pt'O W tlrenMlse(4 csne. per "k. 85.80. beet. ISffl; cut loaf. 7c; rubes, 6.70c: pow-(Jr-e s M. COFFEE Rnesteel. N. 8S. '2Cc; Nt. 30, flc; Na. 8. Iflr; No. o. UV. Mllwaakeo Grain Market. MILWAI'KEE, Anrll Z5 WHEAT No I rorthern. 11.110111; N". i north ern II 0811.08: Julv, 8c bid. n 4.RLEY Lu!l; No. I, 87c; sample, $1 Me Ct iRVEacler; No. S cash, 65(tf66c; May, 66Hc. raffs Market. NEW YORK. April 25. COFFEE Futures rinsed steady, net unchanged: sales of M ISO baits were reported. Includlns: May. 6 6j 5W.c; July. 5.75c; B.-plember, 6.S6c; Pecem her, 5.85c; March. 6 0fc. Spot coffee, steady; No. 7 Rio. c; No. 4 Santos. btn:'c; rolld coffee, quiet; Cordova. H.ei2c. Ever Tty Tha Bua Want Ad Columnst CHICAGO sa Stocks for Sale 8iM Lit. rtnrenes, ITc. fOO OMi. Srml., Sno. 80M1 Cos. riKts((. Sl-. Onld Hills, 14e. 8i Internet. Cold, 8c. Kxn IeKoreM Ooroh., 88. l"CO Austin Msnh. Con., l'"K S want Iks Oold. hid. II O. A. rnltee. 111. tCiO Lit. Mpptesing. 4o- 1ik Amer. Clock Pfd., 87. 1HK) Crm., bid. " Cm. Jeff. bid. tKl Kendall, Mont., 18. Panhsnille, 8v,c. SmHI Ronora Chief, la. in Wei. Asene., 8He. Manhat. tin., 8a, l La Itepubllra. I l. 118 Sunburst, ic Mmi) Ot. West. O. Pt., IV. 1""' Wlnnns O. C, te. Kia) Plltb. erode. O , Uo. V Welllnstan Mines &.! Emms op . ISa, b"" Fawh. IUI. Prae., lie emu) Hull Con. 12c. inim c. d. A. Kle, 4a. W" La Venturs. e. t-Kl gtlllmss Cop., 4c. ) Victoria chief. Wo. ! Cracker Jack. hid. 8U08 Jeff. Calhoun. Uc. nmii Oold Qseen, B. H. l.V'OO Verde Grande, 44A t'o Peeert Chief, lc. Klsderg. Ba., Ic. li) B M. Tub... Sa. spjboxaxi orrsatnrosi lio.hnfl in 1 bond shares. Strong par. .wo In 4 1st mot. Oold Bonds, with equal stock bonus. Terms on request. Two im Gold Bonds, . Bsrsats. Western Cusine" Exch UHllt 125 La Salle St.. Chicago. 111. W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. 1320 Farnam Gt TEIi. BsU, 10041 Indspoadsnt, JL1084. BAJTX SXPOSZTS OVaJtAZTTr ZHX. Olttssns Bank $s Trust Coxnpaay. State Sspository, . BarklssvlUa, OkltvhonMV, Depoalu U this bank OUAJLANTBKO bf the Stats el Oklahoma Guaranty fr ond. New stale law pro vides ABSULUTB SAFETY to our eposltors. The State guarantees the return st their mooer sa ee Biaad under snr clrcBmstaBces. Ws pay Interest a time deposits. Make remltusos la soy fans. I'M II Information furnlehed upon requests Xiargest State Bank la Baatera Oklaaoma. Corporation Bonds Their Legality tad Valid it) Guaranteed The American Guaranty Company -will attend to all the details of an issue of bonds, relieving officers of issuing corpor ations of all annoyance Incidental! thereto, and asume full respunclblllty for tha le gality and validity of the Issue so pre- fiared, the aim and object being to make nvestments in such securities popular and safe. Its serlces are of special value to electric railway, light, power, telephone and similar companies.. Particulars on application. Osnsral Offloes, 171 Z.a Kail Bt., Chicago. READ THE BEST PAPER Tfco Oaraka Dally Be. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI 15012. Kotera against Amerlcsn S. & R. Company. Appeal, Douglas. Reversed and remanded. Good, C. Division No. 1. 1. The law requires a master to use rea sonable care to provide reasonably safe tools snd appliances with which snd a rea sonably safe place in which his servant Is to perform the duties assigned him. t. Whether or not a master who requires his servant to stand upon two parallel, horizontal iron rods twelve Inches apart and about eight feet above the floor and to draw, by means of an Iron hook, a slide weighing 200 pounds without providing any railing or other safeguard to prevent tsn servant from falling In the event of his losing his footing or the hook slipping from the slot In the side, is guilty of negli gence In falling to exercise reasonable care to provide a reasonably safe plaee for tho servant to work, Is a question of fact, for a Jury to determine. i S. Whether or not a master who furnishes a hook, consisting of an iron bar with a handhold al one end and two inches at the, other bent at a right angle to the bar, so as to form an -elbow to be Inserted Into a slot, with which to draw a slide weighing 100 pounds. Instead of having the elbow of tha hook bent at an acute angle to the bar or in a curve so as to prevent Its slipping out of the slot-In the slide., is guilty -of negligence In not exercising reasonable Care to provide reasonably safe appliances for his servant. Is a Question ot fact for a Jury to determine. 4. A servant has a right to assume ttiat his msstnr has used due diligence In pro viding reasonably, safe appliances with which and a reasonably safe place In which the servant Is to perform his duties end does not sssume the risk of danger aiUius?, from the master's negligence In that re spect, unletss the servant knows and real ises such risk of danger. 15035. School District No. 25. Brown County, against De Long. Appeal, Brown. Revefsed and remanded, with leave to ap pellee to file an amended petition. Faw cett, C. Division No. I. 1. The rule that, under tha code, plead ings should be construed lllierally, applies only to ordinary actions. In all rases ot application for any extraordinary writ, tha petition will receive a strict construction. 8. Petition examined and held not t state facts suffloient to constitute a causa Of action for equitable relief. 16U51'. Becker against linton. Appeal, Douglas. Affirmed. Good, C. Division No. 1. 1. An affidavit for service by publication ! la not rendered Invalid because it has a rairtlmi, nor because the persons nsmed la the affidavit, against whom the petition Is filed, are referred to as "defendants." 8. Where a question of . fact or of law? has been litigated in a court having Juris diction of the parties snd the subject mat ter of the action, Its Judgment upon such question Is final and cannot be collaterally attacked in another court, though tha lat tcr might have reached a different con clusion upon the same question. 4. A Judgment of a court having Juris diction of the parties snd the subject mate ter of the action 18 generally roncluslva evidence of the fact that the Indebtedness existed st the time of the rendition of the Judgment; and such Judgment and tha pleadings upon which It is based ara suf ficient to establish the existence of the Indebtedness as of the date ot the filing of the petition. 6. Antu-nuptial contract set out In tha opinion examined, aid held, to be execu tory, and not to Vest any estate In the children of the parties to the contract. 6. Real estate, which has been conveyed Without consideration In fraud of creditors of the grantor, may be levied upon and sold under an execution as to the property ef the grantor. In such case the grantor, as to the execution' creditor, has mors than an equitable Interest In the realty con veyed; and the purchaser at the execution shIs may maintain an action against tho fraudulent grantee to cancel the fiaudu lent conveyances snd to quiet his title. i T. The allegstion "that said defendants and each of them are nonresidents of the state of Nebrsska, and that servica of summons can not, be made within tbls state upon said defendants or auiy of them." is a sufficient allegation of fact and is pot open to the objection that it allegva a mere conclusion of law. . 14!ri&. Parker against Loudnn. Appeal.' Loean. Affirmed. Uood. C. Division No. i, The verdict of a Jury baaed upon con flicting evident will S.H Jj -dlrturtso4 ia this court.