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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1908)
0 i W-mm THE' OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AI'KILi sb. I'.'U?. YOUNG WOMAN PEST ORATOR! MlM F.dMh Alwoter WlM Medal ta Devlaraatnrr Coatmt at nrllrTa. The third annual declamatory contest f kha Bfllvu eollMf underclassmen wu , held at th Presbyterian church In Belle i vua Friday evening. Eight contestant. three sophomores and five freshmen, en Itered and furnished an-excitlng and close contest. The decision of the Judges i awarded first prize to Miss Edith Atwater of tha aophomore class,' who delivered i Anons "Oaclle and Swan." Her com i posure and delivery merited the award, and tha announcement was received with , much gratification. To Miss Florence i Clark, with Anon'a "Engineer Conner'a Son," was given second place, and this de- cislcn waa also satisfactory to the audience, j Mr. Brandt was allowed third place on "A Plea fir Cuha," by Thurston. The three winning contestants were evenly matched, and doubt was expressed at to who would get the highest place. ' Oratory In Bellevuo college has been given A high place and this Is one of the events thai give the underclassmen a chance to demonstrate their ability. The scltool of oratory has been splendidly built up by Prof. James, and , the contest was of the highest order) showing the Btandard along declamatory lines. In awarding the prizes, Dean Calder emphasized the Importance of such work and. statod-Bellevue'a posi tion to maintain high standards In orator' leal work. He . congratulated the contes tants and bade them, success In the future READY FOR ARMY BANQUET Plans Completed for Fnnetloai la , Honor of .Fort Crook ' , Officials. " .Plans are complete for 4he large ban quet to be given ' Thursday night by the member of the Omaha1 Commercial club to the officers of Fort Crook. The Invlta ttons have been sent out'and responses are already being received.- A reception will be held at the Commercial club rooms at 6:30, which- will -be In charge of Gould Dietz and the1 reception' committee. The ban quet ,!s .scheduled to start at 7:15 and' will be called to order by Will L. Tetter, pres- Ident'of.tho 'club, who will Introduce Gen eral Charles F. Manderson as toastmaster of tha evening. The toasts which will be responded to ' are "Communications," by Colonel w. A. Glassford, commander at Fort Omaha"; "The Commercial Club," by Euclid Martin; "Fort Crook," by Major William F. Blauvelt; "Omaha," by General J. C. Co win, and 'The Army," by General Charles Morton. Frightened Into Fits by fear of appendicitis, take Dr. King's New Life- Pills, and away- goes bowel trouble. Guaranteed. 26c.-. , For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ' " - ! ftom "Maker to Wearer" PRICE AND QUALITY are two reasons for the great popularity of the OMMOD OXFORDS 0NIM0D OVER-ALL High and Low Shoes lead all others, In point of Btyle, i hip ellness, durability and comfort. Cnce Tried Always Worn Z4 'A a (paty ...OF" A... 1 Do you think it possible to buy elsewhere a piano for $150 less than you can from The Bennett Company? , - Do you think it possible,to buy elsewhere a piano for $100 less than you can from The Bennett Company? Do you think it possible to buy elsewhere a piano for $50 less than you can from The Bennett Company? Do you think it possible to buy elsewhere a piano for $25 less than you can from The Bennett Company? Do you think it possible to buy elsewhere a piano for $10 less than you can from The Bennett Company? j Do you think it possible to buy elsewhere a piano for even $1 less than you can from The Bennett Company? NOT FOR A MINUTE. Our purchasing power in the open market is as great as any dealer m the United States, and in many respects we are at an advantage. OUR POLICY of never misrepresenting our pianos, of giving the piano purchasing public the very best possible value for their money is evidently as keenly appreciated here i as in any other city in the country. In no other way eail'we account for the splendid ' increase in our business eVery year. Looking over our line of old and reliable representative makes, no greater array of can be Seen in any one wareroom in the country. . CHICKERING & SONS Boston America's oldest and most renowned piano, EVERETT, PACKARD, IVERS & POND, STARR, KURTZMANN, STERLING, HARVARD, HUNTINGTON, RICHMOND, MENDELSSOHN, K0HLER & . CAMPBELL and Others. A reliable piano is more in demand today than ever before, because it has become apparent to the prospective buyer that in the purchasing of a piano it. does not pay to take chances on the so-called bargains. Six months of usage will demonstrate that it does not possess any musical, or even commercial value. A careful investigation of the pianos to be seen on our floor will convince you. Sold on easy payments if desired. - THE BENNETT COMPANY DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 1506 Farnam. 17 Yean Same Office. Extracting... 25c up. Crowns.... $2.50 up. Plates. . . . .' $2.00 up. Bridge Work $2.50 up. Porcelain Fillings up from $1.50 Phone, Douglas 1756. Alveolar Dentistry specialty. Loose teeth made solid. Nerves removed without pain. Work guaranteed ten years. AAyl mm c IJMfiF X Bread t&stsa better tUaa othor brad, becauss it Is better. It ts tin best bread muds. If ry It and b convinced. Fur sal at all . si'utsrs. NEW KNULANO BAKERY: 217-19 Leavenworth bL Phone D. 1607. j Refrigerators Genuine charcoal filled. Pure dry cold air. Cost no more than the ones filled with cheap unsanitary, germ breeding fill ing. $9.00 to $32.00, either '. zinc or white enamel lining. Cash or payments.- Lawn Mowers Buy now while you have a large line to select from. "We have them in all sizes and styles, in such well known makes as the Gem, Razor Blade, Ideal, Pennsylvania and others. Prices from $2.75 Up. You can get a good one at from $4.00 to $0.00. JOHN BUSSIE SARDWAHECO. 2407-09 Cuming St. "If you buy it of Hussie it's right." CIGARS, AT WHOLESALE Our CiKar Department should be of in ' tfi'rst to t-very ainokrr, for It turn s-vt-iul txvluHive f"utun-fe. An Wectric moistenrr la one of the latest Improvement. Tl.ia in a device by which molnluie Is dis tilbuted In the cl?ur cane, and when tho right degree of humidity has been rvached It sliuts off automatically. Our box auj ioiketful prices are very attiin-iive. vo C'Hrnien After lnner, 6c; box of 25 - for 1.L'6. 10c Windsor Bouquet, Sc; box of 15, II. St. loo I.a Cordiale, 4 for 26c; box of S5, loc sue Ontoft. dear Havana, lOo straight; box of SO. It 75. ' 20 brands standard 5c Cigars, S foi lor. Unrvla A- Uro. line of clear Havana clKsrf l&c kiae for 10c, and 10c fcl at fi-lj bo.t. 30c Flor de Teller cigar, 5c; ! 69 box. I'atl at our Ciyar Counters aud see tin Vaiue e are frivlnfr BUi" AT UniER STORE. SL:mn & .IcCcnns!. Mi Co. Corner Sixteenth and Dodge 8 lice Is. OWL DRUG CO. Corner bliletiiUi and lldrucy bueeta, I I AVOID DANGER WAIT UNTIL THE CAR STOPS ALTHOUGH this warning has been con spicuously displayed In our open cars for years, many passengers each year sustain injuries by; disregarding it. . We therefore wish to repeat with emphasis: AYQ10 DAKGEd WAIT UNTIL THE CAR STOPS BBBssBBsaasBSBBjMsm. saasBBSMSBSBssS) tMsaaaaasa, aSBBBsssssBBBs ssBBsassam sasaiMMaM ASSIST US IN PEEVEHTINQ ACCIDENTS OMAHA H COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. CLEARING . OUT! Our great FIRE SALE la drawing to a close. We have sold a wonderful amount of goods, and appreciate the public's patron age most deeply. While some lines are broken and others almost exhausted, you will still be able to pick out a GOOD MANY BAR GAINS until Friday, May 1, when our new stock must be installed. And in these four days we are going to cut prices still deeper 60, 05 down to 75 per cent as the list below will show. All Canes, values up to $2.50, all go at . 75 Shirt Waist Sets, regular $2.00 values, now , 50 Beauty Pins, set of two, regular $1.00 values 2o All our Sterling Silver Manicure Articles, values up to $1.50 now 25 500 Hat PinB, values up to $1.50, all go at -30 Sterling Silver Toilet Set, regular $30.00 value, now $112. OO Sllverfield Military Set, regular $7.75 value, now $2.88 Balance of goods at same proportion. -. Remember this is the last opportunity THE LAST CHANCE. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then our FIRE SALE closes. We are slashing prices until you get everything for your own price. Even our WATCHES, NEVER TOUCHED OXt INJURED BY THE "SLIGHT DAMAGE TO OUU STORE, we are selliug at HALF PRICE. Don't miss this last chance. REMEMBER, JUST FOUR DAYS MORE. AT THE SIGN OF THE CROWN, ((ft7 a- . - fc 115 South 10th Street. " Opposite the Boston Store. srz 02S Want Ms PrGiIuce Results Omaha's Style Store for Women's Footwear At no other store in the west can you get such styles as you can here. Right now your attention is directed in some new footwear In, Golden rown, the sea son's choicest shade. Those women who are critical in footwear and want only the newest and best, are urged to -look over the line we are showing. The new Oxfords are made in Russia Calf and Vicl Kid Jn the new Colonial Effects, and with either Blu lle or Ties. Best of service and fitting at all times, PRICES RANGE $3, 3.5 Drexel Shoe Co. . ltl rtnia Street MONDAY WE PLACE ON SALE tlElTS FAllCY HOSE Worth 25s znd 35c EMBROIDERED UN AND OTHER UTE SHADES. TOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE. SEE THEM IN OUR 7 EAST WIND2W GUARANTEE CLOTillllG CO. 1519-21 DOUGLAS ST. 3E Hart Scliaifner S Marx Usnd-Tailorcd Clolhcs Continues Monday An opportunity for those who were unable to attend Saturday's Sale, to profit by the most unusual clothing bar gain event. Hundreds of Suits from our reg ular $18, $20. $22.50 and $25 Spring lines will be offered for this one day (Ji f" 08 fl in 2 lots, V E I fii - W Wi at THE RELIABLE STORE The tremendous selling Satur day certainlyjshows that Omaha men appreciate a good thing when they, also that the advantages of selecting from complete lines of guaranteed clothes is not overlooked by most buyers. ' Several styles in the popular Varsity Models are again in cluded Monday. They're a little bit the most clever style ideas shown this season. You'll Vote them so when you look over the stock. Come in Monday, we'll show you the best lot of clothes values at $15.00 and $18.00 vera ever saw, irrespective of where and when. Other line of Suits worth. up to IIS. uu, 7 1 n Copjright 1908 hj Hart Schittner at Marx at S1000-1250 Young Men's Suiti bought to sell at P75(l 1finn $10.00 and $12.50. at .I)3." IUUU Spring Showers Call for' Raincoat-Youll find one of our Hart, Schaffner & Marx. perfect rain shedders a handsome overcoat and a great comfort.- We have thenr In great Q1550 900 Try HAYDEN'S First BAILEY (EL MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK Corner 16tb and Farnam Streets. Best equipped DeaUl offic In the middle west. Highest grad Dentistry at Reasonable Prioea, Porcelain fillings, Just like Uie tooth. ' nlr ANY 3HIRT BUT If Von Have Not Yet Bought Your SHI3RTS FOB, THE SEASOX I can make them for you to your measure on short notice. My line of Ready-to-Wear Shirts, from " $1.00 to $3 50 Is larger and better than ever. V ALBERT CAHN. . 1323 FARNAM STREET. Shirt Maker and Men's Furnisher. D. G. scoff, D.V.S. (Svcoaasor to Dr. H. U Ramacciosti.) STATS TXTEKXVABCXSt Calls Promotly Answersd at All Bovna. - Fiaaa Offlo. Xaniey 997. n,y,. smo. ooucias aas. and other drag- habits are positlralr eared by HABITINA. For taypodsnnlfl or iDternsl oh. Hunpl seat to anr drnir habits by l1 OA wall. H(nilar pries per botl a atse uur druirlt or by nail In plain wrapper. Ltslta Chssnlcal Co.. St. Lola. M. r Biile by CATSEBT BIOS. OHaJU, WEB. Tans, in low cut shoes will be very popular this season. We've all the correct shapes and correct shades. Tan Russia Calf Oxfords in Blucher and Lace StyleB. v Handsome models in Rib bon Ties and the new Buckle .or Colonial Style. We're showing Oxfords that are above the level of ordin ary Oxfocds, that you'll see , , at a glance they are different. $3.50. $4.00. $5.00 FRY SHOE CO. TBI IIOI1I i6ih and Douglas Sis. Only a Few Mere Days of - LOW ' 0UE-17AY RATES v. - I . to San Francisco, Los' Angeles, San Diego, . and many other Cali fornia points. ' To Everett,', Belllng bam, Vancouver and Victoria, via Spokane. To Portland and Astoria. To Tacoma and Seat tle, via Spokane. To Ashland, Rose-' burg, Eugene, Albany 'and Salem, including So. Pac. branch lines in Oregon. To Spokane and Inter mediate O. R. t N. points. Cm Into the Home THE OMAHA DEE Ekst tVUest ; m Daily to April 30, 1900 VIA Union Pacific For full Information inqulr at City Ticket CICcc. 1324 Farnam St JKOXS SOTJO. IMZt it f 4 i i ir: i