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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1908)
Omaha. ' Bee PART VI. IVAHT-AD ECTi::i PACES 1 TO : 1 HE UNDAY u r VOL. XXXVII NO. 43. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MOKNING, APRIL '26, 1908. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Want - a.ds ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) HELP WANTEDMALE HELP WANTED MALE 4;( 1 -1 I ' '1 AdTertlaeaaeats for ke waat ad foIimm will oe tekr oalll 13 at. for Ike ralac rdllloa aad wntll S p. ta. for la morales; aad Baadar odltloos. Tank most acroiwpaar all orders for nt ada aad lr(lwnifit will 1 accepted fpr less lh lO reals for rst laaertloa. lo dTrilirnfnt will bo charged mciillnf to less Ikta 20 tfiti. Aatcs applr to either Tho Dally or f andar Br. Always roaat ala words to llae... Combinations of Initials or ambers roaat as word. . C4HII RATES FOR WAST ADS. REGl'LAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, per liar, lO eeats. Two or more eonseeatlve Insertions, per line, B reals. Kaeh iaserlloa made odd days, lO eeals per llae. at. BO per llae per month I excepting that FIHMMIKD ROOM ADS, when accompanied or cash, tho rale will be I One Insertion, 4 eeats per llae three to sis eonseeatlve In aertloas, S eeats per llae eaeh laser tloai seven or more conseeallve lnser tloas, X eeals per llae each Insertion SO eeats per llae per month. Want ada for The Dee may be left at any of the following; drag; stores one Is "roar eoraer droaalst" they are all branch offices for The Bee and yoar ad will be Inserted Jast as promptly and on the same rates as at the mala office la Tho Bee Balldlan, Seventeenth and Farnam streets. 1 Albach, TV. C, 40th and Farnam. Berjnck, 8. A., 1402 S. 16th Bt. Becht Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th Bt. Hfnwin Pharmacy, Ilinxm, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 83d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy. 2t.2( Sherman Ave. Caughltn, C. R 6lh and Pierce Sts... Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 223 Military Ave. C'onte, J. B., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 21th and bake 6ta Crrmak. Kmil, 124- 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 2f2 Ieavenworth. Foster A Arnoldi, 213 N. 26th St. Freylag, John J., li14 N. 24th St. , Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, Dth and Lake fits. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greennugh, G. A.. 1025 S.'VKh St, 1 Groenough, O.- A., 1G24 B. 10th St. ' ' ' Hayden, Wm. C, 2920 Farnam. Hunscom Park Pharmacy, l'40l S. 29th Ave. Moist, John, 624 N. 16th 8t. ' Huff, A. L., 2'24 Leavenworth 8L King. H. 8.. Famam.St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 20o4 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 16"2 N. 24th 8t. Lathrop, Charles B., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton. L, E., 24th and leaven worth, Saratoga Drug Co., 2th and Amea Ave. Hchaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., ISta and Chicago Bts. Schaefer, August. J031 N. lth St. Behmldt. J. II., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. tValton Pharmacy, a!h and Grace. Worth, a H., 40th and Hamilton Sts. , s LODGE NOTICE. . .. , . . . . - . Attention, Odd-Fellows., V i Members of lodges Nos. 2, 10, 20 and 183, ' also sojourning brothers, slaters Rehekah of Ruth No. 1, Ivy No. 33. are cordially In vjted to participate by celebrating our 9th fiSiHIversSiy of American Otid Fellowship. Wt jclil assemble at 1. JO. O. F. hall Sun day, April i. at 7 p. m. sharp, st hen mrrh '-to First Presbyforlan church, 17th fflid '' Imdsa streets. Kev. tr. Jenka -will deliver the sermon on Odd Fellowship. s Alao an entertainment on Monday. 27th Inst., I p. rn., at I. O. O. F. hall. Members of abovo Jortgea, their farulllea, vinlting brothers and HebektUis. pleaae attend. J. ii. MASON, Secretary. jiurs men. Cliuirman of Joint Committee. ( : CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to our many fi lends and neighbors fur , tnelr klndneas and sympathy to us during our aad bereavement. And to Joseph's friends in Minneapolis and to the order of - Umalia Kagles for tiie floral tributes. WII LJ AM OATEW(IOI). , MIS8 ANNA OATEWOOD. UK. AND MRS. H. GATRWOOD. MR. AND MRS. CHARLES HOYE. - (Minneapolis papers pleaae copy.) B wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy '- sltown us, alro the many beautiful floral .. orfrrlngs, during the Blckness -and death of our beloved sister and daughter. MR. AND MRS. ESAU GARDNER AND FAMILY. MAMIE O'HEARN. ' ' ; Wa desire to expresa our thanks to ths many friends who, during the sickness snd . desth of our beloved son and brother, Ulen C. Williamson, showed us so. much sympa thy by messages anil flowers. t C M. WILUAMSOS, MRS. C. M. WILLIAMSON, ; UKURUB L. WILLIAMSON. We wish to express our thanks to the many friends ar.d r.eis-.bors for their kind nrss and sympathy during the sickness and deutli of our dear daughter snd sister. MRS. HATT1E FOX MR. WILL FOX. MR. BERT FOX. We wish to thank our many kind friend and neighbor, also the Brother Foresters and No. 3143, Tribe of Ben Hur, lor tns many heautlftil floral offerings curing the ait linens and death of our l loved wife and daughter. Kate Lundell and Family. We wish to extend our sincere and heart felt thanks to our many friends for llittir kindmas and sympathy shown us during the sickneos and death of our beloved mother, Mrs. Mnry Kllen Kalbrook. MR. ANO MRS. 11. C. JAAL'KS. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrths-Janies Fullen, K23 Caldwell, boy; William Hathbone, Thirtieth snd Fort, boy; Otio Itell. 1126 Stiuth Thlrty-rirst, girl; C. E. Iiunn. 4ta North Tweiity-sevenlli, gill; James J- llitrris, iiilg 1'ratU girl; Clvds btolta, t'l t'iiiHha avenue, bo ; Henry Jor- enson, bixlit'ih atreet and Lincoln avenua. girl. LeathaWHUam Lehr. 1S31 Bnuih Thlrty clglita, Ba; Uoliert Peabndy Cook, St. Joa. t lih'a hospital, li; James Mi-Clure, TO South Elthttenili. 7 ; Mary Josephine . P-irdle triuth, Fortietii ad Jones, L; Mrs -Editn F. " filewart. Sx Ri-own, it: Louis Boydan, 6l Ji-nrolii limpiial, iil. Liward J. Calla han, aa JckSAtn. S4. MAHH1AGK LICENSES. The following marriage1 licenses hsve bevn Issued. Naiiia and Address. --. Age Frauk Prilwrsky. Omaha 41 Kstis Daniel, Omaha Anthony J. Teip, Oimh.,.,,,.,.,... ... . J Awuaaw, vmainh ........ . 24 ANNOUNCEMENTS- TRAVELERS goods of qaullty. Trunks -and suit CHses repaired. FKLLINU & STE1NLE "Where trunks are mado." 13 Farnam be Tej. ijouirlas 43-. (iMiiw Mil RAILS FOR BCILDIva PtRP08E8 Why viae beams for building and concrete work when you can uu second-hand atwl rail cut to length, at less than haif the cost. Write for price. A B Alplrn. Omalia. U MU6 M14 BIOS PAINTING 8. . H. COLE, 13i2 Do.ig. - (l-7 THE CITY GARBAGE Of) , office Vh and . LaviiworlU tola. Icl. Dougiss li7 U-7S1 WHAT AKB YOU BEST FITTED FORI Do You Think You Want to Bo a Banker RKAD THIS: "The drill. In formation and education I received In a business school. I count ss having the greatest practical value of any I ever received." HON. LYMAN J. GAGE, Former Secretary of Treasury, one of Chi cago's foremost bankers. Do You Think You Are Best Fitted for a Newspaper Career! READ THIS: "We may be thought extravagant, but we are conscious of speaking the truth when we aay that we would not give up the use of shorthand for the addition of 16,000 per annum to our Income." Editor of Christian Philanthropist. Do You Think You Are Cut Out for a Successful Merchant T . READ THIS: "In those days, business Is difficult. Th young man who starts In at this time will stand but little chance without a business training."- JOHN W ANA MAKER. BOYLES COLLEGE Wonts to trrge every ambitious, earnest young man and young woman to take a course In Accounting. Stenography or Tele graphy In Boyles College. 1 We assure you, and your best business men acquaintances will assure you, that a Boyles College knowledge of any or all of these three above . named brahrhea of learning will add untold strength to your practical, money making, success com pelling equipment of knowledge. Why not Investigate the subject. Our free catalogues will be Interesting to you and every day la an enrollment day. Send for- them. " BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOYLES. Pres. Boyles Bldg., ; . Omaha, Neb. . ' cd- AUTOMOBILES Rambler, 1906, -20-H. 'P. touring car, good condition; $"'2o. Ford, lags model, four-cylinder runabout, almost new; 1473. Cadillac,' runabout, good" shape;' Buick, 22-H. P. touring, good shape; J6T0. Slxteen-passenger 'bus, latent style; fl.SOO. White Steamer. 1906 model, 'armost new, detachable, closed .top; bargain. Stevens-Duryea, two or four-passenger; I50. 1907 Rambler, two-cylinder. 22-H. P., de tachable tonneau top, extra good condi tion; a snapi IHCO. Write for complete list and description of our new and second-hand cars. H. E. FREDRICKSON. 2046 Farnam Bt. (2) MH M3 BEND for our list of second-hand automo- biles. DERIOHT, 1818 Farnam. Uy-IU FOR SALE 1907. Corbln four-cylinder tour ing car, tn firsfclass condition. Apply at garage of R. R. Kimball. . . (2) MH6 27 ' WANTED to buy runabout or roadster of standard make. Give full particulars and price. Address 3 39 care of Bee. (2) M133 26X AUTOMOBILE for sale or trade, Packard, 1104; tbO. C Kimball, Ogden Hotel, Coun , cU Bluffs. , (2-M3K8 MUX FOPB-WAVKULY electric runabout, In . perfect order, very littla used. Owner will sell cheap for cash, or exchange for Omaha real .etvLfclu., i, P. .IJodgiA Co., 1714 Farnam U T )k J (2) WANTED Information regarding second hand astomoliile fur , sale a-t reasonable price. Give name ef car. lowest price, length of time used, and general descrip tion. Leonard Derbyshire, Box - aM, Rochester. N. Y. (2 2lrf 2tix BARTER AND EXCHANGE HARDWARE, Implement, merchandise and dry goods stocks 'wanted.' Have owners ' of good land that want deala at caah valuea. Give full details In first letter or no attention paid. , Box, S38, Aberdeen, 8. D. (3)-M16 MS FARMS, city property, mdse. everywhere, Stringer Inv. Co., 4;t8 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (3) 484 Mli r4DE8, TRADES Tf you have some 4 k for sale or trade write us; wa Xh everything. V WAIT INVESTMENT CO, 401 Bee Bldg. a urn m FOR EXCHANGE. A fine alfalfa or stock farm of 400 acres, located near Perlclval, la., all black sandy loam ground, good Improvements. Price, $& per acre, incumbrance, 16,200. Want mer chandise. J. R. ADKINS, Room 4, First National Building. Council Bluffs. Ia. (3)-M3t3 26x FOR EXCHANGE An 80 barrel flouring mill, water power. Equipped with Barnard k Lees modern milling machin ery. Including is acres of land, two resi dences, barns, sheds, cribs. Ice house, large grove, orcnard, etc. Located in northern Iowa. Price, 120,000. Also $10,000 worth, of clothing and shoes. Will trade the Mill property and stock together or mill property alone for good lsnd. Write for particulares. Globe Land & Invest ment Co., 306 60. lath Kt., Omaha, Neb. (3)-M84 27 S20 acres S miles from good town. Atchi son county, Missouri: fine imp. 4U0 jer acre. Want gen'l mdse, or hardware and implements. 3-M acres, Nance county, Neb., miles from good town; good Imp. It) per acre. Want hardwsrv and Implements, It) acres, Merrick county. Neb., 4 miles from good town lw per acre. Want hard ware and gen'l mdse. SOU acres, Johnson county. Neb., t miles from town; good imp. per acre. Want hardware and Implements or gen'l mdse. 4u acres. Antclone county, 8 mlls from town; fair imp. ji per acre. Want hard waie. PRICK & ROGERS, 673 Brandela Bldg. (a) M1M 16 A GOOD farm -near Omaha for good Income proiwrty or merchandise. JMi N. l'Jth Bt. Douglas 4147. (3 3u 20x 45.0u nice, clean stock . of hardware, wnl land. li.C stock hardware and 12.UO0 residence, want land. , - , J- "JO acres, Phillips Co., Colorado, $30 per acre, clear, want lows land. J. R. ADKINS, Room 4, First National Building. (3) M 26x BARGAIN If taken soon; furniture of 10 room flat in fin condition: party wishes to leave city. Address P-4J3, Bee. . (31 M341 BUSINESS CHANCES TO GKT In or out of business call on OANGE3TAD. room 4uS Be Bldg. 4)-T84 TEN PRR CENT guaranty. Establlahed corptiratiun, buying and building on unim proved property; also renting and selling same offer limit-d amount of their atot k secured by-' realty; circular free. Acme Halty St Construction Co., 107 W. 27h Bt New York. (O-aM Xx MONEY We handlf the financing of good enterprises and t-redllahle projects. The Banners Bona tu., futsburg. la. (4)-22S x OVKRBTlK'KED MERCHANTS. We parl'ally reduce or completely close out merchandise stocks, twelve to seven teen daye. guaranteeing you II 15. Address t'KAK) B Bl'L'ClAL BALE BYtSTEM. PAX TON hotel, omaha. (4i-mi tlx run Lr. movmf picture snow, aolng good business, tn heart of business dis tricton account of poor health. Address o-ats. -care Bee. (4) ba itix I HAVE an exceptional business prop s. ti.ui fur young man (willing worker) with $t. Can positively cl-r $Aii" yearly. Call owuur rwum loJ Ua'as'js BMg. 4-ilal Jfix A MEAT PACKING House proposition thst would repay investigation, in at an excel lently located city In Texas. Offers many sdvantages for the Industry. Very liberal local ro-nperatlon t;o reliable party. Other fine local kins In west and south west for packing houses, besides many other clssses of Industries. Write today, giving particulars. Industrial handbook free. M. Schulter, Industrial Commis sioner, Rock lsland-'Frlsco Lines. Bt. Louis, Mo. - lO -13 2 $3,000.00 stock of good general merchandise and $8,000.00 telephone system for sals or trade. Both good investments. , Wm. Coryell, Johnstown, Neb. (4) $4J6 A 3CX MINNESOTA and . Wisconsin Ice for sale In car lota, A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Iowa. (4-M140 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS. ROBT. . C. DRUESEDOW CO.. STOCK BROKERS, , Tel. Douglas 3M&. hO-lO N. Y. Mfe Ridg. (4)-435-M-2. FOR SALE Laundry In good county seat town of northern Iowa. For terms ad dress Morrow Bros., Osage, la. i (4) M990 26x FORSALE A $35,000.00 stock of clothing. dry goods and shoes. Will sell either the -clothing or dry goods section or both. This stock Is situated in one of the best towns of 2,000 population In the state. It Is a big paying proposition and Is In a large double store; best location In city. Business . established lb years. Owner must retire on account of 111 health. No bargain seekers need apply. Will tske art in good land. Address Y 432. rare lee. (4) M987 27x FOR SALE Bakery, candy kitchen and Ice cream manufacturing business In a good county seat town of 2,000 pop.; a good shipping' point on I railroads; amt. of aales about K000 a year. 1 will sell for $1,500 cash down. This Is a bargain If taken soon. Reason for sale, poor health. Address Y 428, care Bee. (4 M91g Kg FOR SALE $1,600 to $2,000. stock of mil lincTy and fixtures at a bargain; located In . a large town In weatern Iowa; low rent, long lease; average sales, $36 daily. Other business requires owner's atten tion. Address, if you mean business, K 418, care Bee. I 4 113 26x FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR PHYSICIAN No question about a lareje country prac tice. Good chance for small drug store In connection. New building lftx22, postorrice In building and can go with proposition. Also , good opportunity for mercantile business, counters, shelving and show cases Just put In. Good house fifty feet distant, large- plassa, also enclosed sieep- ' Ing porch; bam, carriage house, cow house, 1 three chicken houses, all first class order. Elegant water In house, garden and barn, i On two railroads, telephone In house with iical and long distance, conectlons. Party, owing to poor health of wife, must sell. For quick turn, $1,750 will buy the prop erty; buildings could not be built for the price ssked. Address owner, box S3, Falcon. Colo. (4) M290 2Sx FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and tools, all up-to-date and new, for sale cheap. Josef Drobny. Lynch, Neb. 4) WANTED Good specialties for New York and vicinity; have salesmen, office and storerooms; can carry stock:-either pur chased outright or on consignment. New York A New Jersey Sales Co.. 18 First St., Jersey City. N. J. (4 361 26x FIFTY new Improved Hllo penny peanut ; vending machines; , will . earn .$45 weekly for you and not Interfere with' your other -work; $2,340 yearly . prof it on $Ivi0 invest- - ment. Beware of unscrupulous Imitators. Hllo Gum Co., (Inc.), 127 Market St-, , Chicago. (4) 28 26x STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric, In dustrial or railway company wanted for sale, commission basis. Address-full par ticulars. Clientele, P. O. Box 2M. New York. (4) 217 2tix HOW to-' finance a business enterprise clearly shown by - descriptive booklets (No. 92), which we forward free. Busi ness Development Co., UJ Nassau St., New York. - (4) 240 26x FOR SALE Two stocks Genl. Mdse. In voice $9,000 and $5,0o0. Both clean, up-to-date and money makers. Owner wanta to ?et out of business. Might conaider trade or good Improved farm at its value. Box M. Leehara, Neb. (4) M989 2bx A 10-ROOM house at Norfolk. Neb., for sale cheap, If taken at one. Price. $1.9u0. Address Y 427, care of Bee. 4 M983 x FOR SALE Ladles' and Misses', ex clusive, ready-to-wear store. In one of the best towns in Iowa, of lO.Ouu In habitants, only one of the kind In town, best of reasons for selling. No trades considered, must be cash, don't write unless you have It and mean business. Address L. B. II-. Marshalltown, la. 4 M964 30x INVESTMENTS With salary. Business openings city and outside. Your business or real estate sold. A. T. Fried Co., N. Y, L. Bldg. (4 M894 FOR RENT A new modern brick veneered hotel. Only hotel In town. Call on or address F. G. Btilgesouer, Sec y, Hartley, Neb. H)-id'ja 29 FOR BALE, TRADE OR RENT One of the beat meat markets in the city. Address C. W. Letchford, Co. Bluffs, la. (4)-M8G6 FURNITURE, fixtures, business and good will of two hotels In Council Bluffs for sale at a bargain. Both doing good busi ness. Good reasons for selling. Kane ac Van Tuyl. Rooms 224-6 Merrlarn Blk, Council Bluffs, in. Both 'phones 122. Kl-MM $6x FOR SALE Rooming house, full of room ers and boarders; must 4l; a bargain; easy terms. Address M 402rare Bee. (4) M97J 36x FOR SALE S2-room rooming house: cheap rent; full of roomers. 2621 N St., South Omaha. - (4) Mlf.3 2x WILL BUY mining stocks of all kinds. 6end for list showing cash offer. P. W. Andrews, 1M La Salle St., Chicago. (4) M323 lx WR. ALWAYS have clients for real estate and business Investments. What have you to offer? Strictly confidential, A. T. Fried Co.. 707 N. Y, Life Bldg. (4) Ml6 27 THE. FINEST opening In the atate for a general or department store Is in Ber tram!. Neb. P. C. Schroedcr. )-M2S56x PATENT SECURED OR FEE RE TURNED Illustrated guide book and list of inventions wanted, free to any address, patents secured by us advertised free In W'orid'B Progress; sample copy free. Evans, Wilkena at Co., bt8 F St., Wash ington, D. C. (it I MAKE $1,000 a month, started with $5; .will explain how; anyone ran do the work, home. AVsrn. &J3 Washington Blvd., Dept. 74. Chicago. (4) PATENT your own Inversion through old established firm of patent attorneys. enrt sketch for free opinion as to patent ability. Send for free hand book. Munn at Co.. Sclent if lo American Office. $L Broadway. New York. (4) 2i4 2x BEFORE buying or selling any unlisted niinuig. Industrial or any other stock or bond secure our free quotations; bargain lrlces. Lists mailed free. Wrlie us Standard Brokerage Co.. K La Balle St., Chicago. (4) WE SECURFl capital for manufacturing enterprises, building and operating steam and electric railwaya, electric light, gas, wster and power plants, meritorious In ventions, coai. timber and mineral lands, mining and smelting propertius; stocks and bonds sold on comiiilsaion basla; com panies Incorporated, organised and fi nanced; loans negotiated. Metropolitan Investment Co., 131 1a Salle St , Chi cago. (4) 21$ 2bx A FEW DOLLARS will start a prosperous mall order business; we furnish cata logues snd everytniug necessary. By our easy method failure Impossible. Mlihurn llitks, Chicago. (4 2ls itix PHYSICIANS, druggists. dentists eg. change; properties, practice, buht, sold lfa-S btaul, Denver, Colu. i) WANTED State niansg-er; small capital required. 313 Neville Blk. (4) Mia 26 LEASE for sale; central location for .re tall business; Isrge show windows; low rental; Immediate possession. Address, N 438, csre Bee. (4) 11 2 $320 BUYS good steam laundry outfit; boiler, engine, washer, extractor; com bined Ironer, body Ironer, starcher; soap tank, etc. 9$ Hammond St.. Chicago. (4) 357 2x WANTED Capable party for treasurer of manufacturing concern. Salary $3,000 per year, and share of profits; $5,000 required. Money secured. Address O 4, Care of Bee. ' 4-M131 2fix FOR SALE At a bargain, restaurant and bakery. John Clever, Centralia, Kan. (4) M117 2Sx I STILL have a few good bargains In Ed munds, county. So, Dak., land on easy terms; also some first-class per cent mtgs., less than half value of land; It will pay you to Investigate. W. G. Clark, Nebraska City, Neb. (4) M149 26x t TUB -southwest has not been badly affecteH by the business depression. It Is a fact that stores and business houses of all kinds can be located to the very best advantage In the many new communities along the numerous lines of the Rock lsland-'Frlsco. In many cases there are not enough general stores to properly take care of the local trade. We havo ' new lists of best openings. When writ ing specify the kind of business pre ferred. Complete book "Opportunities" sent free. M. Schulter, Industrial Com missioner Rock Isiand-'Frisco Lines, St. Louis. (4 214 2ti FOR SALE Only drug store In northeast ern Nebraska town. Good prescription business; fountain, etc.; invoice about $;!.&"0. Good reasons for selling. Ad dress. Y-41. care Bee. (4) M!35 27 x WILL sell a well established new and sec ond hand business at a bargain on ac count of loosing my eye eight. City population. 4,fHi0. Welser Wsshington Co., Idaho, H. K. Warner, Prop. 4 MM8 M5x FOR SALE General merchandise stock fresh, clean in city of 6.000; liveliest In land city of Nebraska. Dry goods, shoes, ladles' furnishings, groceries no clothing. Good location, doing good business. Good reason for selling. Y 43L care Bee. (4)M927 29 I WILL Invest from $500 to $1.5f0 In an es tablished paying business where services are required; am a capable young busi ness man and can handle most any kind of a business proposition. Address S 407, care Bee. (4) M170 28x $50 TO $300 Weekly Can'bc made In the optical business. Can be learned In 2 to 6 weeks. $2 starts you. Booklet and full Information free. Truslght Optical col lege. Box 1090, B., Kansas City. Mo. (4) M288!28x YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have aoms money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Bran- - dels A Sons, Bankers, 16th. and Douglas - Sts. Assets over $400,000. (4) . LARGE PROFITS made In buying puts and calls in wheat. Pamphlet fully explaining method of dealing In these "Indemnities mailed free. Also tells how an Investment of $20 in calls .alone made over $700 In one day. The Mutual Grain Co., 83 Wall St., New York. (4) , $10,000 TO $50,000 WANTED We want to borrow the above amount for ' five years. -We can pay 12 per cent inter- est. Interest and principal fully protected. Bank and commercial references given. This Is a legitimate proposition and will bear the atricteat Investigation. Prlncl- Sals only need apply. Address P. O. Box a, Chicago, III. , 4) 256 86x . : ..: ,. 1 ... j. BUSINESS DIRECTORY v - - Auctioneers Real estate and registered live stock sales my specialties. 662 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 3770. T. C. Callahan. (6) 881 M20 Chiropodist. DR. ROY. R, 1.150b Farnam Bt Doug. MS7. (6-787 Oaasaerlaa. David Cols Craamery Company (5) M7SS Dreasasaklas;. IN FAMILIES Mills Sturdy. Tel Haeney 6s. (5-7W M' DOW ELL Dressmaking School. 1613 Far. Bm St. (5) 791 MME. WOODRUFF, robea and gowns, SOft. 14 Neville Blk. Tel., Bell, Doug. 6170; Ind. A-3760. (Ca-MS&S M7 Daatlsta. BALLET A MACH. Id fir, rsxton. D. W 6 78 Plaaael&L . ft li TO LOAN LOW iIAHAV RATE In sums to lYlUllCV ,ult- 110 Bb Bldg. J 'Phone Douglas 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (S)-7 - riorUta. BESS SWOBODA. 141$ Farnam St. t5-793 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D. 33. (5)-7S3 J. li. BATH. 162$ Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (5-T4 - Fair Cleaalaar ana Btarae. O. B. 8HUKERT. 16th aad Harney Bta. Fine (urs clcaued. stored and repaired. (5) M780 June 4 liotela. THS SCHLITZ. European. 16th and Harney. (5 79. Jewelers aa4 Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watcn, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-1 Paxton Block. Tel. 4317. (5) 71 Usrlag am a Sterlaa-. Expressmen's Delivery Co, office &l N. 1Mb tit.; warehouse, 2207-9 Iiard Su . ii Maala aaal Laifaags, PIANO lesssna. Mrs. Ritchie. TeL Weh. 2U Marserlee. GERMAN Iris; choice variety dug fresh dsy delivered. $4.fc) per h G. II. Keys, Omaha mgr. Crescent Nuisery. Tel. Web ster to M9.TA1J rREIlfl, roses and ahruba. F. R. MartlB, 1 sib and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 10t. (5i KUUI FINEST 4k largest assortment of trass and ahruus In city. Crescent Nursery sale ground, list sk Farnam. Tel. Weh. s.u7. l5)-MSi0 UK BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY. Benson. A full Una of nursery stock: tine shads trees. Boe us. 'Phone lieusou ti and 14. P. J, Fiynn. Mgr Oj-MM Mlix Osieopatar, JOHNSON rNS.J 4i N." T. L. Tel. D. 1461 ,(S-ul DR. KATHRTN NIKOLAS. SOU N. Y. Life. (6) 87CM4) Offices a4 gaplles. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures snd sup plies of all kin 4. Anchor Publishing Co.. 4 B, lslh bu TfcL Dong, tf l Ind. A-liui ti J1147 ili4 rrlatlaa-. BEFORE placing your lflof calendar order don't fatl to see our Imported line. Lyng tad at Jorve, arlnters, lbth Capitol Ave. (& W EVER STOP TO THINK of the time lost poklrc up Ihe average printer when you want a Job In a hurry? Ever try us? ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. Printers and Office Furnishers. 806-312 S. l!Hh Bt. Telephones: Bell, Douglas 652: Ind., A-1.VS2. (6) Ml 48 Ml'4 Pool aad Billiard Tables. FOR 3 ALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard tables, supplies and bar fixtures; sold on eaay paynienta; catalogues free. Charles Psssow Sups. 21 So. 19th St., Omaha, Neb. - (6) MC90 Julys Shoo nepnlrtas;. . RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst class woik. 1(18 tt Capitol Ave. .'Phone Red 994. (5) (04 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Bhoe Repair Co 1104 Farnam St. TeL IX 1667. () 801 Safes, taattera, Bto. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORK8 makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 1U2 S. loth St. (6-8u3 Wall Paper Cleaaed. ABS0RENE wcleaneSr The patent kind. 15c, l-26c, at wall paper, paint, hardware and drug stores. iS M487 M?X HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents aas; Salesladies. 'LADIES make money selling our hose supporters; samples free. Norumbega Mfg. Co., Waltham. Mass. (7 M120 30x 4ADY AGENTS Handsome aluminum card case and 100 cards free to ladies for a few minutes of their time. Co-Operatlve Co., 606 Douglas Blvd., Chicago. , (7 M322 2fix WANTED Lady representatives In every city; experience not necessary; can make from $2 to $5 per day. For further In formation address The National Baby Recorder, 163 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. (7)-270 6x Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER AND ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, $50. BOOKKEEPER to accept position In Wyoming at once, $flO. BILLING CLERK. Smith machine, $50. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N INC. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. - (7) ADDRESSERS Ladles, $26 weekly ad dressing envelopes, home, during spare time; (this Is no fake, we require willing workers); particulars and outfit 25c. Griffin Novelty Co., 237 E. 40th St. New York. (7) M324 26x LADIES and girls wanted to copy letters at home; spare time; good waga; partic. ' ulars 2o stamp. W. W. Wood. Helena, Ark. (7) M321 2Cx WANTED Stenographers, bookkeepers, clerks. Call at ones and register If de siring a position or a chance to better yourself. NO FILING FEE. THE CANO AGENCY, 620 Bee Bldg. (7) M348 26 Factory aad Trades. . WANTED Twenty-five experienced mak ers In millinery department. Apply super intendent. J. L. Brandels A Sons. -' (7 M320 28 Usssekttsen aad Dosaeatiea, WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 1904 Farnam. Girl for general housework, .2 in family, $30. Cook and housemaid, each $X. Housemaid. $6. (7)-M186 29 WANTED A capable girl or woman for waltreaa and parlor maid. Reference re quired. 626 3d St.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone Si'4. (7 M397 M13X WANTED Good girl for general house work. Mrs. M. A. Nagl, 317 So. 33d St. M 132 28 WANTED Experienced cook at 628 Bo. 26th St. Mrs. Arthur Met. (7 M126 11 WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply 3019 Pacific St. Telephone Harney 8539. (T'i M727 WANTB:D-'","mretent girl for general jhousework. 'Phone Harney 990 or call S350 Harney. ' - (7) MU91 28 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. H. N McClsnahan. 'Phone Harney 1402. 1SU V.4 th EL Kih MJi 29 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, small family. Tel. Harney 2S&8. (7-53 COOK; references required. Mrs. Joseph Bsrker, 1506 S. 8th St. Tel. D. 360. (7)-16 GIRL for general housework, 3409 Cali fornia. (7) 947 2bx WANTED Bcond girl. Mrs. C. T. Kountxe, SVJb Dewey Ave. i7 MI86 28 WANTED At S2M Howard St.. a girl who will do cooking and general hooxnwork for two people.. 7) Mi83 tix WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. John R. Morris, 3400 Burt St. Tel. Harney 3443. (7)-Ml2 2S WANTED Girl, general housework, small family; no laundry work; good wares. 114 So. M1 St. G)-pi?M 20 Mlseellaaeoaa. ' BE GRADUATE NURSE Earn $20 to $35 weekly. We provide Home Study Lec tures; hospital practice when desired; em ployment for students, graduates; largest training school in world. Write Free cat alogue. American. Training School Nurses, 168 Crllly Bldg., Chicago. (7 M330 2tSx ANT Intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding for newspapers; ex perience unnecessary no canvassing. Bend for particulars. Press Syndicate, Lockport. N. Y. (7) LADIES, $8 to $20 a week doing fascinat ing work St home, spars time or steady; no experience necessary; particulars for stamp. Woman's National Art Exchange, Denver. Colo. (7 LADIES $1 day at home. Bmd afamp.d envelope for particulars snd addresses of satisfied employes. Ladiev Aid. 4 Main. Durham, Conn. 7) TEACHER, fifth and sixth grade room, for ensuina vear: must be nrl..n....,i y In those grades; salary. $60; person ap- iMii-aiiunn given preference; Diana rur nlhed upon request. J. A. Hultzman, Bee. Board of Education, Florence. Nb 7 12 2x HELP WANTED MALE Ageata. solicitors aad Saleassoa. ' WANTED Subscription book sslesmeu to handle new proposition In western states. Only experienced" Al men wanted. Ex ceptional opportunity to get In on ground floor. Addrtss K 400, care Bee. 19)-M161 rx WANTED Solicitors to drive through country; good selling proposition: big rrofits. Reliable Omaha firm. Address I 3. Bee office. (9 M1JS QUICK SELLERS tl 4 Bo. 12th St. (9 M8&0 M A WEEK to put out merchandise and grocery catalogues. Home territory. American Uuins Supply Co., Desk IV Cntcagr (S; JU) 2ox Ageata aad "alessaeei Coatlaaed. W ANT FiD Traveling man by local firm; good paying position; experience not necessary. Address 8 411. Bee office. (9)-M124 WANTED Minister or professional man for permanent, high grade educational organisation work with the University Research Extension: $50 per week and up wards, to the right man. Address Sti4 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha. (9) M151 27 AGENTS wanted to se1r-4o farmers and others the "Steel King" hand mpe ma chine. For further particulars address T. M. Mcintosh, Fairfield, la. (9-M8T8 WANTED A first class, competent, travel ing wholesale grocery salesman, to trsvel In South Dakota. Unless you have had road experience In our line, please do not write us. William Tackaberry Co., Sioux City, la. t9 M9S5 30 TYPEWRITER salesmen wanted; good ter. rltory open in five states. H. Lyon White, at Her Grand hotel Monday. (9)-162 20x AGENTS wanted everywhere; the famous Zarema diamonds; experts puzxled to de tect from genuine; Immense profits for agents; either sex, young or old; sample offer, (ring or stud), and catalogue free. H. M. Shoub & Co., Dept. 78, Star Bldg., Chicago. (9) M314 26x $.16 WEEK and expenses to men with rig to Introduce guaranteed poultry com pound. Grant Co., Dept. 86. Springfield, III. (9) M313 2lix WANTED Agents; legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $1. Particualrs, Glsha Co.. Anderson, Ind. 9 M312 20x AGENTS-Elderly gentlemen wanted as collectors; $10 weekly; representatives in every town for entirely new proposition; highly honorable references required, li. Bensigner Co., 32 Stone St.. New York. (9) M3.-5 26X $5 TO $30 per day selling flrcless cookers. Agents, male or female, wanted every where. Ask particulars. Housewife's Fa vorite Fireless Cooker Co., 263 IeSalle St.. Chicago. (9) M317 Jitfx AGENTS WANTED-For the most won derful money maker sold today for agents, street men, distributing agencies, etc. Biggest success on record. When operated people stop. look, listen, become fascinated, buy. Demand world-wide. Agents making $10 and $50 a day. Get "next" quickly. Write Handy Things Co.. Ludlngton. Mich. (9) M315 20x WANTED Live agents to sell contracts for land In the Golden Goose lake coun try, southern Oregon. Territory, Ne braska. North and South Dakota. Mon tana. Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, I'tah. Ixwal, general and stste agents wanted. It's a hummer. Write for literature. M. Seager, Manager Agencies, Box Grand Island, Neb. (9) M319 28x SALESMAN WANTED-!) monthly and expenses. Sell advertising signs to mer chants and manufacturers. Write quick. Royal Sign Mfg. Co., Chicago. (9-M318 26x WANTED A competent man to represent us In this locality. We manufacture the highest class of special cabinet work, con sisting of residence wyrk, bank and office fixtures, furniture, etc. A man familiar with drafting and who has sn acquaint ance among the best architects preferred. Good references will be required. Ad dress Schlck-Johnson Company, R76-8S2 N. Paulina St., Chicago, III. (9) M206 28x , 26 CENTS was the foundation of many a fortune. It may be yours. Bend 2oc for our Shrp Bhavr Safety Rasor and propo sition. Guaranteed, money-back article. Bells for 60c, costs $2 the doicn. Clemens Schroeder Co., 318 Broadway, New York. ... ... (9) 206 2;x CANVASSING agents wanted on new, pat ented household novelty. . Easy carried In pocket. No talk needed. Sells on sight. Big profits. Write for special introductory offer. O. Wright Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. X (9)-271 26x WANTED Salesman, located In city, -railing on drug trade, to handle side line. Exclusive territory. Andalucla Cork Com pany, 1C7 Plymouth Ct., Chicago, III. (9) Mi 26x AGENTS Men of ability who are willing to hustle and make from t-6 to $40 a week selling our Photo Knives. A high grade proposition In every particular. Experi ence unnecessary If you have enthusiasm snd are willing to work. Exclusive terri tory. Write for particulars. The Canton Cutlery Co., 13 W. 10th St., Canton. Ohio. 9 211 26x AGENTS, we have cornered greatest money making proposition in this country; first starting in each city or town have mo nopoly. Hull's Co-Operatlve Agency. 202 Franklin Bt.. New York. (9) 203 Wx AG ENT8 $36 a week easily made selling our pillow tops, stereo views, portraits snd frames. Largeat picture house on earth. No capital required: 30 days' credit. Samples and catalogue free. Frank W. Williams Co., 1083 Taylor St., Chicago. (9) 304 MX GOOD, permanent and lucrative positions are open to local representatives through out Nebraska and Iowa. Krnerience un necessary. Address O. E. Evans,- presi dent, 44 W. Colfax Ave., If-nver. Colo. t3 .M1"J2 ax AGENTS to handle biggest money making fire extinguishers; special, startling offer; exclusive territory; $75 to ftiio per month. . Badger Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis.' (9 TRAVELING salesman wanted, to sell temperance drink to dealers; big demand: $i per week and expetiHt-a. Red t'rosu Vinegar Co.. Bt. Louis, Mo. (!) $25 PER WEEK snd traveling expenses paid by reliable house to salesmen to V, visit dealers: experience unnecessary. runty to., unicago. d) AGENTS WANTED Men and women to sell Whltcomb's "Flexsoly" unllned shoes for women. $35 to $o0 a week eunlly made. All orders filled the same dav re ceived. No tscks, no seams, no lining; exclusive territory. Eastern Shoe Co., Beverly, Mass. (9) WANTED Men to sell nursery stock In home county. Call or write 617 Bee Bldg. (9) M275 26 AGENTS-Practlcally IndestructHhlo gua and gasoline pressure mantles; big money maker; many sold; new process; SHmple 2oc. Klnglytu Mfg. Co., Dts Moln.-s, la. (9 Mau7 2tix WANTED Jewelry assortment salesman can easily make $3)0 month with our new pocket side line. Write for particulars. Give reference and experience. Room 3u6, 108 Dearborn Bt., Chicago. t9) Md 2fix AGENTS to sell quick repairing Tire Punc ture outfits Every automobile owner a rmrehaser; $26 to $40 a week casify made. Michael & -Co., Bux 241, Chicago. (9I-M311 26x SALESMEN Blue line, new patent article, never been shown; sample sent on re . quest. Patent Novelty Co., Fulton III. 191 Mali) I'Ux AGENTS to sell our large line of Toilet goods. Soaps. Perfumes. Flavors. Iclnvs. etc.; $75 in $100 per month agent'a profits! Our agenta big success due to our high class goods; outfit free. T. H. Snyder & Co., 8 and 10 North Bt., Clnrlnnsti. o (9i J3 1 Mx AGENTS $73 monthly; Star Automatic patented Egg Boater; works with one hand only; liKhtnlna seller: sample free Thomas Co., Desk 339. Dayton. O. 9 227 Kx AGENTS WANTED Either sex to collect nsmes for our mall order directory: $-j8 a week. Union Directory Co., T" K of P. Bldg.. Indianapolis. Ind. ( 232 26x 8AI EBMEN-tio to $: - day t eood. re liable specialty kati-eirfn; give g md r-f-erences and state U.n.torv. Addres Dent. 68. care Lenhoff, 62 Desrhorn Chicago. (-247 Itix SALESMEN for beat accident. health policy; $I.Ono. death; $loo. emergency; $5 weekly: cats IjiO a year. Sealed , free. German. Registry Co., I 04 Holland Bldg., BU Louis. Mist Ageata aad SatessaesvCoatlad. MONEY at every house when you sell' Reea' Fulcrum Corkscrew and Cam Opener; novel, practical, profitable, 2nc; sample, with terms, 10c, F. Ree Mfg. Co.. Philadelphia. (9-i 2tix TWO young men living In Nebraska; two living In Iowa, can secure a permanent traveling position en smaiy and expenses by addressing Bile:! Manager, 512 North western Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. (9) 230 2Rx AGENTS Drop everything and write us for special terms on our latest office maker socially; sella Itself; greatest money maker In years. Address American Lock-Crank Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (91236 2b X AGENTS Greatest new seller on market, the "Affinity Eye"; big money mnfcer; practically sell themselves; get particu lars ImmeiUatoly. Paul iioueli.iuii, Maiden Lane, New York. (9)-2l3 StiX SALESMEN to sell groceries to clubs, hotels, restaurants, stockmen, farmers and other large consumers; experience un necessary; wu teach you the business; high-grade goods; lowest prices; no in vestment; exclusive territory; commis sions advanced: l""-1' Income assured; our goods comply with the pure food laws of all ststes; exceptional offer for honest, energetic men. John Sexton & Co., Im porters and Wholesale Grocers, Iake and Franklin Bts Chicago.. () 241 26x SOLICITOR of executive ability at once to fill vacancy In Nebraska territory; hlch- . class proposition: com pensatlon .$3,600 to $4.flfl0 annually; no samples: glv exnerl- Secretary, '436 Main St., Room 312, Quincy, III. (9) 245 2tix WANTED Ten salesmen who are willing to get the money bv going after it; per manent; will net $250 and better every month. Box 470, Dept. 28, Kansas City, Mo. P-246 AGENTS' BONANZA Auto Time Saver Repair Kilt; easily carried in pocket; every automobile owner buya at sight; any hustler can earn $15 a day; write at once. B. S. Brooko, Jr. Box 17 R, Roanoke, Va. (9) 235 2Rx SALESMEN to represent us In northern, western, southern and middle states; $2"0 a month and expenses. Staple line sells to general stores. Address Wholesaler, 705 Houser Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. (9) 208 26X LEADING New York, manufacturers of embroideries and laces, desire live sales man to sell their goods on commission. Address Traces, P. O. Box 20rt. Madison Square New York. 19)-200 26x AGENTS sell original $1 box Native Hcrba for 36 conta. For terms and government's decision, cancelling my competitors regis tered trade mark, write P. C. Melrose, Columbus, O. (9) 215 26x AGENTS' most attractive proposition; our self-goneratlng gas burners for kerosene lamps; brilliant gaslight; 11 hers 1 Induce ments; Information free. Eastern Gas light Cov 280 Broadway, New York. (9)-21S 2fX SALESMEN Wanted You can earn from $2,000 to $10,000 a year as a traveling sales man. We will teach you to be one ini eight weeks uy mall and guarantee you a position with a reliable firm. No former experience required. Hundreds of calls for our graduates. Write for free cata logue today. Address Dept. 634, National Salesman's Training Ass n., Offices, Chi cago, 111., Minneapolis, Minn., or Kansas City, Mo. Write nearest office. (9) 221 26x AOENT8 We have a winner for county fairs, summer resorts, etc.; It's a cracker Jack; sells on sight; write for full par ticulars. Jiggers Co.. 420 titan d McNally Bldg., Chicago. 9 222 !Mx AGENTS Wanted Hondo diamonds; ' ex perts pusxled to detect from genuine. Bam pie to those acting as our agents, Horidon Co., Dallas, Tex. (9) 221 26x WANTED Salesman experienced In any line to sell to general trade In Nebraska Liberal commissions, with $35 weekly ad vance. One salesman earned $1,253 his first two months' work with us. Capable man only wanted. Tha Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O. (9) 224 26x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. Our liberal commission contract paid five salesmen an average yearly income of $2,100 in caah above traveling expenses during, the last five years; $100 monthly advance. American Standard Jewelry Co., Detroit, Mich. (9) 226 26x PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR. world's greatest negro poet is dead. Our new book, his "Life Works," sells like light ning. Agent writes he makes $20 dally. Write quick for free outfit and terms, Nichols & Co., Napervllle, III. (9) 22 26x AGENTS make $25 to $100 weekly with our proposition; meet best people, particu lars free. Write today. F. E. Sander son Co.. Dayton. O. (9)-2o7 26x WANTED Man capable of earning $5,000 yearly, as general agent In each city for Dloxo, the new disinfectant. Your can vassera can make (12 dally; enormous sales; amasing profits; exclusive terri tory; small capital Immediately brings permanent. lucrative business. Parker Chemical Co.. Chicago. (9) 248 26x WANTED Experienced salesmen; goods sold on long time; proposition especially attractive now on that account; writ for particulars. McAlllster-Comsn Co., 3f Dearborn St., Chicago. (9) 29 26x WANTED 8eclalty sglesmsn, exceptional opportunity to rlght'inan; one accustomed to calling on country drug and general store trade; salary and expenses to right party; 'our line is fairly well established and well advertised; only salesmen with good, clean record and salea ability. need - answer: give age and lines handled in first letter; replies confidential. Box 606, Chicago. (9) 251 Kx BIG MONEY for agents selling "Affinity" Jewelry society's latest fad; particulars from Paul rougelman,- $7 Maiden Lane, - New York City. (9) 209 Mx SALESMEN to vlalt drug, sundry, rtibber, department stores or hospitals; side Una or exclusive territory; state experience. Box 1062, New York. (9) 260 lux MEN to make $10 to $20 dally cleaning monuments, lightning process; experience unnecessary. Addrtss L Hetrler. Bog 5",5, Angola. Ind. (9) 262 2Gx AGENT in every town; best selling hotiso hold article ;-start st once; $16 to $26 a week; success assured.' Investigate today Drake Bros., Lock Box 37, lllmo. Mo. 9-34 2tx CIGAR BALEHMAN wanted In your lo calify to represent us; experience un necessary; $o8 per mo. and expenxea. Write for particulars. Monroe Cigar Co., Toledo, O. - 19J 364 2tix Factory aad Trades. TAILORS ATTENTION. vA good Mint and vst maker wanted at once. Must be sober snd a married man. Steady work all tiie year round. Good waxes. Also a good coat maker wanted. Herman Petersen, Fremont, Neb. . (9-MSS8 WANTED Two plumbers. 14 N. Mam St., C. Bluffs, la. () M164 2bx FIRST-CLASS shoo repairer wanted; must knowhow to use, welt machine. Day Bhoe Co., Hastings, Neb. (9) M122 24 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few week a completes; practical experience, careful Instructions, demonstration and examinations; positions waiting, top wages paid graduates; call or write for free catalogue. llukr Barber College. ID B- th St; ()-M121 3ux IIARNEHS-M AKER wsnud; gocd shop tools and wages; steady Job 'for rUht man. Address J. 11. Junta. Ijikw ftty I. 19)-Mto$ 2tg ' WANTED MEN AND BOYS to learn t lumping and bricklaying. Paya $5.00 to p, r day after three months' pracical liiktnit tlon. Pusttlons secured Easy ternis. Free catalogue. Original Covne Trade School. Jotm . iWaus, prop.. jd, bt- Louis, ()j