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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1908)
or THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. APRIL 10, 1903. Want - a.d5 fr fk wast, aa elnnae will It taken aatll IS .' tos Ik Min aa4 aatll . m. fop th nnrilni aid linitr ltln. Cak nanst arrmpaay all aVaer for Will aa aa4 aa advertisement will be accept tor leu thaa 10 cent far rat Insertion. Na anvertlsenseat will 'ba rbarsea ameaatlna; leu tkam S4 cent. Rates apply t alike Ike Daily tr itf Bee. Always mil six waria ta a llae. Combination of laltlala ar aambere raaat aa oaa war. CASH RATES FOR WANT AD9. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, aer llae, 10 real. Twa or tnr eoaoe-entlv lausortloaa, per llae, M cent.' Bark Insertion anada aa dirt, 1 ea(a aer llae. l.BO per llae aer Bnoatk cxcontlas; that ' FCRTTISHED ROOM ADS, wfcea arrmpuM by eaak, tka rata will bat Oaa Insertion, 4 ceata per llae thro to alz eoaeeeatlre ln aertlaaa, S eata per llaa each laser tlaai Hffa or nan coaaeeatlT laser tloas, 8 cent par 11a each Insertion BO ceata per llaa per anoath. Want a 4a far The Bee aar be left at aar at the following? nren stores oaa la "roar eorver 4ratlt" ther ara all knack oflleea far The Be aaa rear a a will b laaerted last aa preaiptlr aa4 on tho sane rates aa at tha anal a aflaa la The Boa Balldlaa, Seventeenth aai Faraaaa Streets. A loach, W. C, 0th and Farnam. Beranek, S. A., 1403 V 18th St. Becht Pharmacy. 720 8. 18th Bt. Benson I'h.- n-fcey. Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pbarme 7, 83d and Cuming. Plate's Pharmrcy, 818 Sherman Ave. CaughHn. C. R.. th and Pierce Hta. f liflon Hill Pharmacy. 2211 Military Ara Conte. J. B.. 31st Ave and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy. IV h and Lake St a Ceririak. Emll, 1804-4 & 13th St Eaatman Pharmacy. 2S02 Ieaven worth. Foster a- Arnold, 218 N. 26th St. Freytag, .Trhn J.. 1914 S. Uth Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Bt. Oreen Phs-nacy. corner Park Are. and Pacific Greenough, O. A., 1028 8. loth St. Greencigli, O. A.. 114 B. 10th Bt Hayden, Wm. C. 2W0 Farnam. Hanscom Park Pharmacy. 1501 8. U Ave. Holat. John, ?4 V. 13th St. Huff. A. L.. Jf Leavenworth St King. H. 8., 223 Farnam Bt Kountie Place Pharmacy. V Patrick Drug Co.. 1603 M. 24th 8t I.athrop, Charles E.. 1324 N. 24th St Peyton. L. E., 34th end Leavenworth. 8 irate r Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaerers Cut Prlca Drug Co., 16th and Chicago Bts. flchaefer. August, tntl N. 18th St. Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Bta Storm Pharmaoy, lath and Martha Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Phannary. 20th and Grace. Worth. O. H.. 40th an Hamilton Bta DEATHS AMD FUNERAL, NOTICES wmaamtssia BRKC'KKNRIDGK Kathertne. daughter of Mr. and Mre. R, W. Breckenrtdge, died at Pomona. Cal., April 6, llMi. aged 8 years, 2 months and 1 day. Funeral from family residence Friday, April 10. at 3 p. m. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Henry Hollser, Tenth and Paul atreots, boy; Tchrtel Dllal, 1414 South Thirteenth street boy; Auguat Doeing. 231a Smith Eleventh street, girl; H. 8. Holcomb, 1S14 Corny street, girl; Jacob F. Nelson, l(K7 Bouth Twenty-second street girt; Harry Rothkop, 1708 Webster street, boy; J. A. Wllaon, S70tt North Twenty-fourth street boy; Walter E. Cady. 242S Lake street, boy; Louis L. Cohn, 1434 South Thirteenth street, boy: Hans Hanson, 2610 Amea avenue. bvy; William H. Meyers. 3019 De catur street, boy. Deaths Rosa Anderson, 2712 North Twenty-sixth street. 8 months; Goorew H. Graver. 2518 Decatur street, 71; Mrs. Jenette O. Pierce. Florence, 2; Llssette Steffe, 2318 Bouth Eighteenth atreet. 68; Mary Johnson, 1.118 Capitol avenue, S8; Anna M. Jorgenaen, one and one-half miles north of Krtig park, M; Carl Nelson, Cut-Off lake, 28; William McCrum, 1710 St. Mary's avenue, SftKChrlst Vaatloploe, St. Joheph'a hospital, 26. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been lsaued: Name and Residence. . Age. Nels F. Nleloen. Kansas City, Mo 40 Anna Schranek, Bouth Omaha 30 LODGE NOTICES. M. W. A. Notice. Beech ramp. No. 1464. Invites the members of all. the camps In Douglas county and Council Bluffs to bring their prospective candidates and partake of our hospitality Friday evening, April 10, 1908, at the hall. Nineteenth and Farnam streets. A good time Is promised. A. A. SMITH, Consul. t a. i us t Atleatloa, Kalarkta of Pythias. The fiineral of Brother O. H. Crager will be held 'Friday at 1 p. m. at his late resi dence, 2M8 Decatur street under auspices or Nebraska lodge No. 1, Knights of 1ythlas. Allsknlghts ara requested to be fteaent. JOHN W. COOPER, Chancellor Commander. ,' ANNOUNCEMENTS THE SPRING TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now op hen Tet It Is not too 1st to enter Bookkeeping, Telegraphy, Shorthand, English. Catalogue are free. - Address M. B. Boylea, President Boyles Bldg, Omaha. Neb. Official training school Union Pacific R. R. Telegraph Departm't U MSU8 ION PAINTING 8. H. COLE, 1308 Doug las. (l-7a UNKEUA Missouri water filter. 1301 Far nam St G M601 All THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth sis. TeL Douglas 1387. U)-781 TRAVELERS' cxds ef quality. Trunks ana suit cases t paired. FREUNO sVTEINLE, "Wber trunks are made," 1808 Farnam Bt Tat Douglaa 4996. U-JIM AM FARMS and land for town property of all kinds. mercnanaiM. nerd ware, liveries, . etc. Acme Exchange Co., Cherokee, la (3 M963 lsx 1U0 ACRES clear Nebraska land for modern hum cks la. Adureaa G-4t, care Bee. (3) Ml AUTOMOBILES Rambler. 10. 10-H. P. touri&g car, good ' condition; 26. Ford. I model, four-cylinder runabout Cadillac, runabout, good shape; 83A huklL 22-H. P. touring, good ahana: asm Mixteen pasenger 'bus, latest style; 31,600. v line nieuiorr, iwvm niouci, aimoet new, d lachable closed top; uargalu. etu-iJura. two or four passenger- UaO. li Rambler, two-cylinder, U-H. P., de- . tactm'jle lonnt-au, top, extra good conUi Hon. a snap; 8U0. Writ for coinpiet list and description of our new ana esuunn-naua cara H. E. FnEDRlCKeXJN. Farnam St. (1-M4 sit END for yur "1st of second-hand aulomo- . bilea LiaitlUHl. iu rruam. (J-7U AHA auto tops, best material, lowaat prkuea. tiait far a Rod (bia -6 Laav. bi. BARTER AND EXCHANGE TO TRADE OB 8KLL-Hoi Norfolk, Neb. Will tske House and lot In merchaudise. U. E. Crsnshaw, 8alUlug, Neb. ilr-aiauu BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued. TRADES. TRADES ff you have some thing fnr Ml. or trade write tta; wi match everything. WAIT INVK8TMKNT CO.. ' 4V1 Bee Bldg. (3J-MV84 M7 EXCHANG E 320 acres for general mer " chandlne. Joseph Blobodny, Greeley Cen ter, Neb. 3 M!H0 Ul TAKE NOTICE ' We have Just listed an 80-acre farm. 8 miles south of Glenwood. Mills county, lows; forty acres In cultivation. beJanre pasture, some timber, good orchard, all fenced, small house and bam. Price, $n0 per sere. Mortgage S1.70i Will trade equity for live stock, merchandise or town prop erty. This must go at once. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 401 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. (3) 844 11 HARDWARE. Implement, merchandise and dry goods aoc wanted. Have owners of good land that want deals nt cash values. Give full details In first letter or no attention paid. Bos 8-3, Aberdeen, S. D. (3) Milt MS TRADKfl We matrh them all. Write us. STRINGER INVESTMENT CO.. 438 Bee Bfdg.. Omaha, Neb. (3)-824 M5 WHAT HAVE YOU , To trade for 3?o acres of fine land. mile south of Potter, . Cheyenne county; nice, level land: good anil. Price. $12 per acre. Mortgage $X60 at ft per cent. Will trade for small stock . of merchandise or town property. Make u an offer. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., VA Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. (3)-P43 11 BUSINESS CHANCES ROOMING HOLSKS for sale, all alses; fur nish part purchuae money If wanted. UANGfeSTAD, Room 4U3 Bee Bldg. t4)-78S TO GET In or ou of busineas call on GANGESTAD, room 408 Bee Bldg. (4)-784 MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for sale In car lota. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, lowu. (4 M840 FVRNITURE of 20-room hotel for sale at 8600; rent 820 per month. Addrees Y 316, care Bee. (4 M8S9 lOx 89.0iiO.0O stock of good general merchandise and 85,000.00 telephone system for sale or trade. Both good Investments. , Wm. Coryell, Johnstown. Neb. (4) M369 A30X INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO., STOCK BROKERS, Tel. Douglas 3666. 8U9-10 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4)-636-M-2. HOTEL. 40 rooms; first class furniture and lease for sale; best hotel in county seat of 2.600; two railroads. Owner wishes to retire. Excel lent opportunity. Will net purchase price first year. Price 32,000. STRINGER INVESTMENT COMPANY, 438 Bee Building. Omaha, Neb. t.4-93t 13 FOR SALE One of the best grocery and meat markets It (rmaha; this place is known as a money making place, and will stand very close Investigation; best reason for aelllng; may consider clear city Income property, or Improved form. Address C 246, care Bee. (4 M877 14x FOR SALE A racket store in a good northwestern town, having two rail roads and a good ranch and farm coun try. Address Y 2S3, Bee. (4)-M2 16 FOR CASH SALE IfiO.flflO in hardware and Topeka property at a large sacrifice; am siik and must sell; write. J. H. Koucht, Topeka, Kan. (4) M948 Ux LIVERY barn and stock for sale, or will trade for well improved farm. Address Bo 4B4, Fredonla, Kan. (4)-M94 12x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bookbladlas. E. A. TRYON. bookbinder, 1108 Douglaa 'Phone Douglas 2464. Call me. I'll coma (6-M714 A10 Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. X 1606 Farnam St. Doug. W&7. (6 77 Creameries. David Col Creamery Company (6) M788 Carpentering:. FINE hardwodd floors and parquetry; low prlca lotn 4t uomlnlon Bt. Frank sevtck. (5) M360 AID Deatlsts. BAILEY 4V MACII, id fir., Paxton. D. 10S6. DroaaaaaklBst. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Haaney Ube. (6 W M DO WELL Dressmaking School, 1823 Far nam Bt. (6) 71 MME. WOODRUFF, robes and gowns, 806- 14 Nevill VIH. TeL, Bell, Doug. 6170; I no. A-8760. (6-MS8 M7 Florlata. HESS 4V SWOBODA. 141S Farnam 8t, (6 793 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 17S3. (b) 793 J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. W 794 Flaaaelal. Money i LOAN LOW RATE In sums to nit 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglaa 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (61-795 Far Cleaning; and Storms. O. E. SHUKERT. 16th and Harney Sts. Fin fur cleaned, stored and repaired. (O-M780 June 4 Jewelers and Wat eh makers. Ni. P. STILLING Watch, clock, jewelry repairing, raxion uiocx. Tel. 4317. (5K-798 Hotel. THE eCULITZ, European, 18th and Harney. (6-7T Lock sal tha. KEYS. etc.. Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2874. (S) TtS Mule and I.aagrnag. PIANO lessons. Mrs. Kltahle. Tel. Web. VK. 4 78 Safes, Shatter, Etc. y OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS make a specialty of fir escapes, shutters, doors and safea G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth 8t C6 6ul Nnncrloa, GERMAN Iris; choice variety dug fresh day delivered. 34.60 per luO. G. H. Keys, Omaha mgr. Crescent Nursery. Tel. Web ster 3J67. (5 MUri A3? FINEST largest assortment of trees and shrubs in city. Crescent Nursery sales ground, 21st ii Farnam. Tel. Web. 3.(6; . (6) M610 M3 TREES, rose and shrubs. F. R. Martin, lktu and DougUs. Tel. Doug. 10t8. t6j U41 Mt OIBe Soppllea. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loos lesf devices and offic fixtures and sup plies of all kinda Anchor Publishing Co.. 306 S. ltth St. Tel. Doug. 6M. Ind. A-1663. . 16-MA A18 Printing;. BEFORE placing your 1 calendar order don't fall to fcve our imported line. Lyng stad 4i Jorv. yrmlsrs. ltin Capitol Ave. The dollar in your pocket is not of as much value as the hundred that can be secured through advertising BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Bf ovlag aa4 Storlagi. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office 214 N. 16th St; warehouse, 2207-8 Ixard St. (6) BOO Osteopathr. JOHNSON INa, 418n7t. L. Tel. D. 14. (6) aol Pool aad Billiard Tables. FOR SALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard tables, supplies and bar fixtures; sold on easy payments: . catalogues free. Charles Passow & Sons, 216 So. 19th St., Omaha, Neb. (8) M690 July3 Shoe Repalrlagr. RAPID. SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst class work 1618 H Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 94. (6 804 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam Bt Tel. D. 7667. (6) 80S Wall Paper Cleaned. ABSORENEwacSnaeprer The patent kind, 15c, 2-26c, at wall paper, paint, hardware and drug stores. (R M4S7 MX HEJ WANTED FEMALE Hoaaekeepera aad Dosaeatlca. GOOD girl for second work; two In family, gooa wsges. Mrs. j. u. Martin, B. E. corner 23d and F Sts., So. Omaha. (7-864 WANTED First-class second girl. Apply jnrs. tv. n. iucv.ora, oui cass t. t:)-M66 HOTTSEKEEPER wanted, unincumbered. . Address L. D. Lyvely, Box 4, Gllmore, Neb. 7) M566 10X WANTED Competent girl for housework: best wages paid. 'Phone Harney 1061. (7 840 GOOD GIRL for general housework; small family; no washing; easy place. 4024 La fayette. (7) 932 12 WANTED-Expcrienced girl for general . housework; small family. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, 3604 Harney St. (7) 931 13 WANTED One or two good girls for gen eral housework; excellent place; small family. 2450 St. Mary's Ave. (7) 638 WANTED Good girl for general house work; good salary and home. 3423 Dewey ve. (7) M839 COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. F. Walter, 3319 Harney St l7)-67 WANTED Girl for general housework. Good wages. Mrs. Charles R. Sherman, 3644 north 27th St. Telephone Webster 3220. , (7)-M927 10 WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. . 1904 Farnam St Child's nurse 125.00 Upstairs maid 6.f0 Cook, two In family 26.00 Girls for general housework 83 and 8 (7) M92S 11 GIRL wanted to do housework; two in family; good wages. 1142 8. 31st St. (7)-823 12x WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care of baby. Apply 2437 Burt St. (7)-64 WANTED Girl for general housework; 1633 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1430. 0)-895 14x Glftl. for gen.-al housework; have help with laundresh. Apply 1013 N. 3th St. (7)-894 14 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor and Salesmen. IN EVERT city and town to sell the Acme adjustable window shade holder. Omaha Shade Holder Co.. 214 8. 12th St. (91-821 WANTED An experienced whisky sales man, acquainted in and around Omaha. State last employment and reference. Ad dress, fltar Creek Distillery Co., Kansas City, Mo. 19) 896 14 OUR agents are prosperous. .826 to 375 per week can be made selling our new dividend-paying policies. The new features sell it. Experience unnecessary. Write Great Western Accident association. Des Moine, la. (9 M947 10 WANTED Solicitor," on good proposition; good opportunity. Call 9 to 10 a. m. 61C South 13th St. (8) M876 10 WANTED Salesman to assist buyer In ladles' cloak and suit department; one ex perienced in clothing preferred. Hayden Bros. (9)-935 10 OUR popular Strength Testing Machines are making operators an average of 26 per cent per month on the investment. Nebraska presents unequalled territory for 'big profits. For particulars and prices address, Manufacturer, 3 Wa basha St., St. Paul, Minn. (9) M912 14x WHEN writing to advertisers, remember It takes but an extra atroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. Clerical and Offle. HOTEL CLERK 825 and expenses. Extension clerk tf. Collector, traveling, must be experienced 876. Retail clerk for general merchandise store In small town-800. We need the above' at once. If you are seeking a position or went to better the one you have, call or write for free par ticular relative to our plan of operation. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASH'N, (Inc.). 722-21 N. Y. Life Bl'jg. (9) 446 9 YOUNG man, stenographer, capable and willing to work, would like position: best of reference. Address H 260. csre Bee. (9)-M9bO llx Factory and Trades. TAILORS wanted; steady work and good pay. Carl P. Lindecranti, Holdreffe. Neb. (9) M908 12x DEVELOPS TROPICAL LANDS. Wanted, young rrvin txoerienced in use of modern farm lmpUi:.'.-nts to join ad vertiser In taking .r"Md of exceptional opportunity l.i the Iroyiic-. good ciimat and free from dim isee coir -non In many parts of tropics; young t. an 21 to 32 preferred. Cost vry llnle. Develop ment Box 12, 8h-.ih.j,-ii, H'yo. ) MI94 12x WANTED A practical printer with small capital to take car of a good job and newspaper office in good town in Iowa, publishing two papers. Write for par ticulars. Addreas L 906, 'care Bee. (J 808 WANTED Good blacksmith to asalst In shop. J. P. Olander, Colon, Neh. (9t Matt 10 TAILOR WANTED An all around man. must be sober and steadv: good wagea 'Phone or write. The Fashion Tailor Avoca, la. (6) M668 10 Mlacellanoon. WANTED Competent man. capable tak ing charge of shipping depirt-neni, wholesale grocery on Missouri river, as foreman thlr'y mn. Replies strictly confidential. Address Y 314. ure Bee. (9) M914 18 WANTED 20 flrrt-fleaj tinners and cornice makers; wages. $4.60 for hours. Apply to F. J. Love. Bec'y Master cneet Metal Workers' association, b. 171 'Jon- ' ' - . . 1 . 1 " . . HELP WANTED MALE Miscellanea 'ontlnned. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. 626 N. T. L. Bldg. (9) 9 HELP WANTED UALU AN U r KM ALB. WANTED Men and women of good qual ity and strong personality to represent Dodd, Mead A. Co., to sell the new In ternational Encyclopedia In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa. Pre vious experience unnecessary. 71 H N. Y. L-. Omaha. Neb. (! M468 A30 WANTED Solicitor, on good proposition; good opportunity. Call 9 to 10 a. m. 616 South 13th St (10) MR76 10 COOK wanted at once at Hotel Meredith, Odebolt, la.; man and wife or man or woman alone; must be good cook. (10) M)TO Hx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. TO SUPPLY the protein lacking In corn and oats use Alfal-Fat to balance the ra tion and your horses will Improve in looks and work. Price 31.26, for 100 lbs., delivered. If your dealer does not carry Alfal-Fat, 'phone Douglaa 208. M. C. Peters Mill Co. Cll-07 A30 FOR SALE Best and safest family team In town, with 'closed carriage, 8r0. 224 North 18th St. (1D-861 13 FOR SALE Superb family horse. 302 Lin coln Blvd. Tel. Harney 640. (U) 865 9x Ponltrr Eggs and Squab. ROSE COMB R. I. RED EGGB for hatch ing. Pens headed by prise winning cockerels from North Btar Poultry Show, Minnesota; 81.60 to 32 per ft. Mra James IL Halpine, 4003 Center St., Omaha. Tel. Harney 3628. (11) M319 A22x WHY send east for Single Comb Whit Leghorns? My birds are good aa the best. Eggs, 3150 per 15. A. Lundstrom, 2Cth and Caldwell, Omaha (11) M5S5 llx "RINGLET" Barred Plymouth Rocks. The hatching season Is here and eggs from my best matings are 82 per fifteen. Let me book your order. Information gladly given. F. C. Ahlqulst, 2752 Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Webster 1028. (11)-M7S2 11 RED FEATHER CHICK FEED contains pur grain, seeds and beef scraps, a prop erly balanced ration for little chicks. Ask your dealer or telephone Douglas 209. M. C. Peters Mil) Co. - (11) 908 A30 ROSE COMB White Leghorn (Kulp) and Hummel Buff Wyandotte Eggs, $1.60 per 15. The best to be had. Shady Lawn Poultry and Fruit Farm, Florence, Neb. Telephone Florence 3523. (11) MS14 11 FOR SALE Black Mlnorcas eggs for hatching; $1 for flfteon; very fino lay era; also cockerel for sale. Mrs. O. Carl son, 2109 S. 46th St Tel. Harney 3322. . (11) M809 Max GOOD block driving horse, about V.200 lbs., gentle and well adapted for family, road ster or general use; very cheap at $125. 1323 S. Kth St. Tel. Red 6440. (1D-942 CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed Is the only original dry chick feed. Use this only and save all young chickens. Once tried always used. Stewart's Seed Store, 119 N. 16th St., sole agents for the city. ' (ID MW0 M4 LOST AND FOUND 3700 REWARD FOR INFORMATION OR RECOVERY OF DIAMOND STUD. LOST BETWEEN UNION DEPOT AND POSTOFFICE. SUNDAY. CACKLEY BROS., 16TH AND CAPITOL AVE. (12)-M807 LOST On Blnney. between !3d and 3Mh Sts., a small gold locket watch charm, bearing the Inscription H. E. G; reward. Tel. Boug. 3u43. (12) M969 11 LOST A Scotch collie pup, about 3 months old. marked as follows: White streak around neck, white breast, four white paws and tip of tail white; wears collar marked '.'Tiger Brown." Return to James Brown, 127 So. 26th St., and receive re ward. (12) M956 llx STRAYED-Dark bay driving team; finder return to grading camp 48th and Dodge and receive reward. (12) M924 lOx MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th ' St.. Omaha, Neb. (13) M106 FREE medical and aurglcuJ treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Douglaa 1167. Calls answered day or night. (1S)-12 BEST nerve brace for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha (13) M3 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY, AND CHATTELS. THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONET WHERE? THE RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Id Floor. 307-306 Paxton Blk. 3d Floor. If TOU ar in need of a little ready rash for your Easter shopping, we will accom modate you. Our terms are the cheapest; our service the best, and all business strictly confidential. (14) M415 Money to Lean At the lowest rata obtainable in the city. If you are' In need of money to pay your rent or to do that much-needed repairing on your home or . uelp you over the rough places, call and ree ua. We are as reliable as any Dank and your dealings with us Is known only to us. It beats going to friends and rela tives who might "turn you down." WE ARE EVERYBODY'S FRIEND in need of money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade, ltlh Bt, Entrance. , (14) MaoO FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. '1'hon Douglas 745. (14 Bit P. Q. NIELEEX a, CO., LOANS. 703 N. T. Life Bid,. 'Phone Doug. 2204. U4u-17 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all busineHS confidential. 1j1 Douglas. (14) 4U8 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loana Foley Loan Co., 16o4 Farnam St.. (14)-u) MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714. New York Life Bidg. 4141 621 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooaaa. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; rafe. tl5-ka ONE large, also on small room, both very comfortable, with excellent board. 214 Farnam. (,!) 823 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms Continued. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Hchmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (16j 824 ROOM and board. 2411 Capitol Ave. (16) M 4 16 A30 ROOMS and board. V413 N. 2fith St, South Omaha. 'Phone 2080. (15) M16 Max LARGE airy front room, strictly modern; breakfast If desired; one-half block from car. 2210 Spencer St. (15) Mtil2 llx DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. U5 sJa VERY desirable front room, with board, 123 South 26th Ave. (15)-8S2 13x BOAD and room In finest down town location; large front room with alcove; suitable for two or three persons; fur nished or unfurnished. References re quired. 114 8. 19th St. (16) 81712 NICELY furnished room and board; strictly home cooking. Table board a specialty. 2215 Dodge St. 'Phone Doug la 2036. G5)-7X 13 Famished Room. FURNISHED rooms for rent. t33 So. 22d St., steam heat, hot and cold water and bath. (15)-M713 A10X TWO furnished rooms, steam heat, 1S06 Farnam St.. 3d floor. (15) 826 TWO nicely furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping, all modern. a19 Web ster St. (15)-M2 12x WELL furnished southeast front room with alcove; modern; large lawn; private fam ily. 702 8. 29th St (15)-M812 12x PLEASANT rooms 2213 Dodge. (15J 404 AplSx FRONT room, modern, parlor floor, new furnlahed; gentlemen; $2.60. Small room, second floor, $1.75. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15)-M623 llx FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle menday, week or month. The Chatham, opposite Millard, 110 So. 13th St. (15) 8h2 NICELY furnished large south room on .i - . , . . injur ui new nai, morougniy niuu- ern, walking distance. 2405 Harney. V (15) M888 14x Untarnished Room. FOUR housekeeping rooms; modern. 2223 Burt St (15) 636 9x Apartments and Flnta. A PA RTMENTS 7 rooms In QUIVET. 1811 Farnam St.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. APARTMENTS 3 to 6 rooms In SCARGO, South Omaha; steam heat and hot water. HALL, 317 First Natl Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A -4406. (16) 3e THREE and 4-room apartments, modern. 616 8. 22d St. (15) M964 16x FOUR-ROOM new brick flat, 22d and Nlch olas, modern, $21; references. Key at 1118 North 22d. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. , (15) 778 NEW 4-room brick flat, modern, 22d and Nicholas, 321; references. Key at 1116 N. 22d. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. (16) 729 FOR RENT 4-room modern flat; private bath, heat. 2619 No. 20th St. Tel. Webster 828. (15)-444 THE SHERMAN Elegant 6-room apart ment call agent Harney 3550. (15)-M-747-12x. Ilonses and Cottages. FOR RENT 4-room flat lth and Vinton Sts.. 315. (-room flat, $12. C. M. BACHMANN. 05)-439 VACANT May 1, 8-r. brick, nearly new. 3 blocks from high school; $45. 8-r., all mod., 806 N. 39th; 340. OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. . 'Phones Doug and A2152. 115) M957 11 ROOM COTTAGE) Modern except fur nace; good barn. . References required. 634 So. 24th Ave. Inquire on premises early. Vacated April 20. (15) MS64 16 Maggard Van A Storage Co. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos, H. II. goods. (15)-83o 6 ROOMS, modern, 326; 2d floor, 16th and Locust Sts. C, Hansen, grocery store. (16)-911 I-room cottage, 424 Martha. (15) M928 16x SIX rooms on second floor 26th and Parker Sts., $14. 409 William St.. in rear, $13. 2907 Seward St., $15; city water in kitchen Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. (16) M979 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, store it. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th; offlc 1603 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1563. (Ifc)-i3 $10.00. 6-room house with barn, at 3641 Boulevard St $12.00, 6-room house at 3929 N. 23d St. Steam heattd flat of 6 rooms, all modern, close In. $25.00, 6-room all modern house at 38"9 N. 18th St. $15.00, 6-room flat, partly modern, on first floor, at 3208 N. 24th St. BE MIS, 308 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug, 685, Ind. 1586. (15) M923 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 8HL (15)-83l HOUSES frelh, 8on" Co - B" BI(iK. (15) U0 FOR RENT 7-room attached house, rvod ern except heat; 602 N. i6th St.; excellent neighborhood; $30 per mouth. Com ad Yung. agent, 1518 Dodge St. (15) M5M HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (15,-834 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15)-628 4112 Farnam; nearly new 7-room dwelling; lawn; excellent repair; 836. 110 S. 24th; new modern brick apartment; five rooms, first tloor; very choice; $40. 24 Harney; 9-room modern dwelling; will repair; $27.60. 623 8. 29th St.; 10-room modern brick: $35. 621 S. 29lh; four room In brick: $14. 3i04 S. 17th; five roome, second floor; $16. 1310 N. 24th; 6-room flat; bath; $16. Garvin Bros., 1G04 Farnam. , (15)-M913 11 FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, barn, 2154 80. 34th. W. S. Slillman. 419 1st Nat Bk. Bid. (tf)-ILT 2"7 PACIFIC ST. 9 rooms; thoroughly modern, oak finish; $40. A. G. Ellick, 602 Be Bldg. . (16)-829 HOUSEBPeters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. (16)-U2 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company, 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15J-M223 7-ROOM modern house, walking distance. Apply 2223 Burt Bt. (15)-M5k 11 CENTRAL 3-room cottage, Tlzard, r20 N. 23d. (15) MSS1 FOR RENT Nice 7-room house, all mod ern. Inquire Will Brown, 725 Bo. 87th bt. Tel. Harney 3154. (16)-M;61 11 H. H. and piano moving. J. fich warts. (15)-M5)7 Ml FOR RENT 7-room house, all modern, in cluding gas range, gas water healer and window shades. lo4 Sprue St. H. I. Plumb. 110 So. 13th St. U5)-63 Balldlag. FOR SALE Furniture of 8-room modern house; U-S If taken at once. Call between i aud p. ni. 4813 Captlol Ave. UW-M'JM Ux OFFERED FOR RENT nlldln atlaaed. FOR RENT Space In building located In heart of the business district. Tracksge facilities and electric elevator. Suitable for warehouse or light manufacturing purpose. Address W-126, care Bee. (26f-M556 Ofneea, OFFICES On large and one Bmall office for rent en suits or single. These rooms ar on the third floor of The Bee Bldg., and the larger one haa a north light and vault. For further particulars se R, W. Baker, 6upt 10S Be Building 416) M888 OFFICES OR PARLORS 6 and 8-room, in QUIVET. 1809-1811 Farnam St.; suitable for artists, physicians, dentists, dress makers, etc.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. Also OFFICES or TARU1RH. 3 and 6 rooms. In SCARGO Bldg., South Omaha, suitable for lawyers, doctors, etc. ; steam heat and hot water. HALT 817 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A-4C. (15)-3S6 Stores. 605 8. 1STII St.. $50. C. G. Catlberg. til N. T. L. Bldg. (15) M971 STORE ROOM in Scargo block, at 520 N. J4th Bt., Bouth Omaha; steam heat, modern show windows, excellent location. Also two basement rooms . In same build ing, cemented floors, steam heated, suit able for billiards, barbers, baths, restau rant, etc. HALL, 317 First Natl Bank Bldg Red 7406. A 44116; (15 M29S OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing". ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire" fencing 6c per foot 206 N. 17th BU Tel. Red 814. GO-838 Fnrnltare. NEWLY furnished southeast front room with alcove, modern, large lawn, private family. 702 So. 29th St. (16) M782 11 TWO folding beds, 1 water-back coal range. 718 8. 29th Ht. (16) M903 12 ONE buffe-, china closet, pedestal dining table and other furniture; very cheap. Call 8undays at 2518 Cuming Bt. . . (16)-M906 11 Pianos, Orgasi, Musical Instruments. FOR SALE Fine upright piano, cheap; 1721 Davenport St. (16 R19 Typewriters nnd Sewing Machine. FOR SALE High grade secondhand type writers; good condition; a bargain at $60. Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (16)-671 Miscellaneous. DRUGB at cut price; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc- lonneu urug to., cmaiia, inso. (lb) MU SOME first class secondhand golf clubs for sale cheap; some of them used but twice last year. 1414 Harney St. (161930 llx GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most tip-to-date stock at lowest prices in the city; select now, delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., $13 S. 15th St. Tel. Doug. 681 UO-841 ICE! ICE! MINNESOTA ICE In car lota A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. (16) M371 FOR SALE Several show cases, new pea nut roastor, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures, too numerojs to mention. Globo Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16-44 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lesd the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy paymenta Brunswlck-Balk-Collendar, 407 8. 10th St (16)-46 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16 849 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16) (43 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman At McConnell Drug Co.. I6C1 and Dodge Sts., Omaha. Neb. (16 848 FOR BALE Tailor made stilts, ready to wear. Clark, the Tailor, 206 Neville Blk. (16) 484 Ml 6END US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lota Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) -847 FOR BALE A good Krimmer coat, $15. Address K 217, care Bee. (16) 819 12x FOX TYPEWRITER. No. 127420; only used short time and in Al condition; for sale at very reasonable price. Call for Wright at Bee office, 17th and Farnam. (16)-893 2-3 RUCKER and Weslon news cases and stands for sale cheap. Call at Bee of fice, Omaha. (16) 892 Elevator for Sale For sale, second-hand Eaton & Prince hand elevator, complete; platform about 4x5; can be used in a building 60 ft. high. This elevator is first-class in every respect and will be sold cheap. W. II. BRIDGES, Engineer Bee Bldg. , (161-939 PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT-3 books for inventors mailed on leceipt of 6c postage. R. S. A A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 Paclflo Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1869. (17-Uo LARSON 4V CO.-Book fre. Neville Bldg (17)-661 D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117 (17)-653 H. A. Bturgis, 619 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 8469. (17J-M16S A14x PERSONAL f A HW TCTTP!treatment and bath- Mm. MAUiiJ.ll'smtth, 11 N. loth. 2d floor. (18)-uJ7 WE RENT, repnir, sell needles for old sewing machlnea Neb. Cycle Co., cor. lath aud Harney. (18) 53 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 41 ii and wagon will call. U8 765 A HOME for women during confinement; we find homes for bauies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 44 Bancroft St 'Phone Douglas 1921. I (18)-M3 M ASSOF, ,n(1 bths. Room 2, 1204 MAOOAUIU j-srnam St., 2d Floor. (18) M43 Mt MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, 621 B 16th, Fiat 4 , Phone Douglas 6M5. (18-344 A18x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. S56S. (18) 61 SEEING Is believing, watch Satin skit cream heal ' chaps, cuts, cricks or sores. 26c. (18 - YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as rangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 1514 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaaisted. (18jli 8YRINOE8, rubber goods, by mall; cot prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha (18 664 YOUNG lady wishes place in respectablo miy to work for board and room; ref erence ejtchangtd. Address B 244. car 1 18-i X PERSONAL (Continued.) OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Raman Hldg! f11) REAL ESTATE REAL. ESTATE DHALBRS. FAT NE 1NV. CO., let floor N. T. Lira. Douglas 17S1. (U)-iI GEORGE s CO., 1801 Farnam. TeL Douglis 754, (19) 858 CITT PROPERTY FOR SALE. k- NEW location. Benjamin R. E. Co., 47! Brandels Bidg. Both 'phones. 091637 1JEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST pn CHAS. F. WILLIAMSON. Pres VJ' (19)-83 ABSTRACTS OF TITLK MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO., 1714 FARNAM ST., BEE BU1LDIKO. . au-45 $3,250 Two fine lots and good cottage: high rd sightly location; convenient to Low Ave. or Dundee branch of Farnam car lln?. This properly Is cheap at the prlca $4,500 Excellent modern residence; very attrac tive Interior: oak finish first story, brick finish second story;, 7 rooms, including reception hall: attic; paved slreet. ThU Is a strictly first-class property, located within a block of some -if the finest homes In tho city, on 81st street $5,600 Near the above, a larger house: complete In every way; 8 rooms and hall; all in terior flnlxh of first and second story. Including floors, ta hardwood, beauti fully finished: toilet room on first floo-, bath on second; largn attic; a very at tractive home. , LOT BARGAIN On 31st street, near Chicago; 43 ft. for 31.100, If taken this week. William Dickey Reid. 421 N. Y. L. BldfJ. Tel. Doug. 1283 (19) Mr 10 CURRANT plants. B. C. Smith, 3106 Corby 6t (16)-624M2x NEW HOUSE For Sale or Rent "! $750 CASH And the balance the same as rent, will buy this BRAND NEW MODERN DWEL LING; has good furnace, gaa, electricity, porcelain bath, sewer and city aratur; three bedrooms and bath room on second floor; three rooms and nice reception hall first floor; nicely papered; large attlo and cemented cellar. A nice east front lot, with shade nnd cement wslka. Look at it, 2218 North 18th St. Pries, $3,600. If it Is not sold within a few days tv will offer It for rent at $35 per month. GARVIN; BROS., ' 1(04 Farnam St (19- -M91T 11 CHOICE CORNER A FINE INSIDE PIECE OF PROPERTY. Southeaat corner 21at and California Sts., with a large double brick flat and room for three more. Inquire at 2001 Burt St. Owner. (19) 984 9 FOUR ROOMS, BRAND NEW Four rooms and bath, city water, modern except heat, $1,600; small payment down: balance practically same as rent. Located at 952 N. 28th Ave. C. G. , CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (1)-M9S1 10 Make Your Home In Kountze Place Located between Sherman Ave. and 24th, Locust and Pinkncy Sts. The Most Beautiful Addition In the city for high class beautiful sur roundings and uniform homes. The pr:ce of large Lots 50x124 Feet $650 to $1,150 Tlnn't delav aeletln. 1 . . aelllng some every day. Will make terms An..fmirlh -1 . K I ...... , O i v"-..,.-. . ,. .n,a,,, v ami a years. Cqnservatlve business men are now buy Ing In Kountse Place. I Hastings & Heyden, Bole Agents. 1704 Farnam Bt. Bee Building. (19)-938 9 Great Sacrifice Sale of Several of the Finest Lots In ' the Wt'st Farnam district. If you want a home if you want to build houses to real or sell HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY! It will pay you to call and see us at onoa HICK 8 REAL ESTATE CO., 219 Board of Trade Bldg. (l8)-92 tx DUNDEE Has an 8 minute car service, 18 minutes ride from Omaha s business anil amusement cen ter, and Is aproached through the best residence district. It also has tli conveniences of the city, and the choicest of neighborhoods, with beautiful views, and fine golf club. An Idesl location for a home. Buy and build now at preasnf low prices. GEORGE & CO., lan Farnam Bt. CI-4FII HOUSE AND BARN. Five room house and new $Hu0 barn tw blocks from car near 40 tb and Ames Ave New $150 chicken house and new buggj shed. Fruit trees. The lot Is 66xl2f Would Ilk oo equity In' cash. Be uil Paxton Block. Phone Douglas ta Ind. 1585. , (1;-M 754. A SNAP 8-R00M MODERN HOME ' Plaatered AtMo. Two blocks from 24th St car. South front. Lot 60xlti. paved street. 2670 Porplelon Ave. Inquli', at 2uu poppleton Ava U-ML WHEN writing to advertisers, reree-ntwi it takes nut an extra stroke or tww j the pen to mention the taut taat Vau aw th ad In XL it