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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1908)
p THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, TTTURSDAY. 'APRIL 9, 190. Want - ads i4nrllaifi. T.. ..t .4 ralnnaaa will taken natll 13 . far tha rrraliif edition an 4 aatll t n. at tor fk aanilic aad Saa4ar edltlnas Cana a a at tnaapuy all arders for u( a 4a aa4 aa advertisement will aeeented for leaa Ikaa 10 cents for rat faserllaa. No adrertlaeaacat will ta charged nillC to leaa than SO rnti. Rates aanly- la either Tha Dally a nndny Bee. Always roaat sis wards fa llae, Comblaatlaaa at lalllala or aaaken i aa aaa ward. ' CASH HATF;S FOR WAHT ADS. II BUt LA It CLASSIFICATION - Oi ' Insertion, per llae, 10 cents. Twa ar mora conset-atlve Insertions, ar llae, ' 11 eeata. Kara laaertloa made aa add days, 10 eeata per llae. fJl.BV per , llao per aaoatai excepting that FURNISHED HOOH ADS, wkea accompanied ar rasa, tha rata will be i Uaa laaertloa, 4 eeata ier llae three to el roasecaUva la sertloas, S eeata per llae each laser flea tcrea ar snare eaaaoeatlTa laser ilaas, 8 eeata per llae each laaertloa HO eeata per llao per snonta. Wait aaa for Tha Beo amy ho left at aajr af tha following draff stores eao la "year caraer dragglst" thar are all branch office for The Bee aad soar ad will bo inserted J oat aa promptly aad aa tha aanao ratea aa at tho mala offlca la Tha Bea Balldlng, keventeenih aad Faraaaa Street. Albaeh, W. C, h and Fa mam. f.eranek, 8. A., 1402 a Mth St. lfecht Pharmacy, 120 8. ltn St. Denaon Pha: iri-cy, Benson, Neb. Beiuls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cumins. Bla"es Pharmrcy, sltf Sherman Ave. Caugluln, C. K., ttb ud Pierce Bta. nfion iiiil Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte. 3. B 31at Ave and Farnam. Ciiaaer pharmacy, Mth and Lake Bta. . C rmak, Einll, Uot-9 8. Uth St. Eaal.naa Pharmacy. 2S03 Leavenworth. Foster ar Arnold, Jfl3 N. Stti St. lreytag. Jhn J., Ul4 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Nob. Goldman Pharmacy, IWtb and Lake Sta Green's Pba.'oracy. corner Park, A vs. wa Pacific. Ureenough. O. A., 1008 8. 1Mb St. Oreenuogh, (J. A., MH 8. Wlh St. iiayden, Wm. C, - Farnaro. llanacoin Para Pharmacy, 1W1 0, Ave. JDtb Hoist, John. ?4 N. lsth St. Huff. A. L., iH Leavenworth St. Kins, H. b., 2248 Farnam St. Kountse place Pharmacy, 80u4 M. 14th. Patrick Drug Co., 1603 N. 24tn Bt. l.aihrop, Charles E.. 1324 N. 24th Bt Peyton. L. E., 24th and Leavenworth, borate ga Drug Co., 34th and Amea AY a. schaeiur'a cut Price Drug Co., UU) and Chicago Bta. gchHt-fer, August, J081 N. lth St. Schmidt, 1. H., 24th and Cuming Sis. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bta. Walnut Jll'.l Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, Doth and Grace. Worth. O. fi., 40th at Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES UK KHAN John A., aged 1 yeara and 9 minium, buii of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Met'liun. i',n.-il Thursday morning, April 9, at l.M u. in., irom family realUencc, it9 South l:ti ii alrret, South Oinnha. to St. Agnes inurcli. interment St. Mary's cemetery. CRAGKR-Ocorge H., April 8. 1906. Aged U years. Kunlral - from realdenee, 2518 Decatur Bireil. j-riday, April 10, at S p. m. lnler, Porcat Lawn cemetery. Frlenda In viird. Met'Rl.'M William, aged 69 years, Wednes day ii:orriliiH. ' r'unernl from Davis Undertaking parlote, 1 iiuiaciMy; i p. m. Interment prlvato. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. BlithsSamticl V. Clayton, 27l Frank lin street, girl; John W. Carsey, 1ST7 South Plftt-entli airtot, boy; W. K lrlek, West Leavenworth street, glrl Charles Hem biiuah. 3JVi I-lTieuln boulevard, boy; Peter I-. buvnK, '.iiJt St. Mary's avenue, elrl, Floyd C'nilds, Omuha General hospital, gill; Ernest DeUroft, 3014 Mason street. Kill; Kiank Bisbaugh, iJ2 North Twenty -second slrtet, girl. LHall.a 1 huiiius Nnonan, Fortieth street and Poppleton avenue, 3a; Baby Mil ler, WoS Chl-ago street, 4 days; Joseph Guggiiumos. Hlo Ckntou alreet, 19; Fran vis rJ. Sandie, Tenth and Castellar, is. B1ARRIAGB LICENSES. Tha following marriage licenses have bevn issued: Namo and Residence. Age, Edward L Jackson, Omaha 4 Carrie L. Johnson, Omaha 30 William M. Vanderfoid, Omaha 2 JLucy Stelmle, Omaha Zi Tillman P. Shirley, Omaha 43 Klnilna 11. Finch, Omaha M ANNOUNCEMENTS THE SIKINa TERM , or B0YLES COLLEGE Is now epen - Yet It Is not too late to enter. Bookkeeping, Telegraphy. Shorthand, .English. Catalogues are free. Address H, B. Boyles, Preoldent, Boyles Bldg., Cmaha, Neb. Official training school Vnion Pacific R. R. Telegraph Uepartm't. U M808 SIGN PAINTINO-8. IL COLB. 180J Doug, las. 11) TbO UNEEDA MUaouii water filter. 1301 Far nam St. (l)-MGOl Ailx TUB CITY GARBAGK CO., office 4th and Leavenworth o'.a. Tel. Douglas 138T. tl)-7U TRAVELERS" goods of uuaJlty. Trunks and suit eaaea repaired. FRKL1NO 8TEINLB, "Wbera trunks are mad," IBuS Farnam BC Tel. louglas 4S. " UJ 704 AU AUTOMOBILES Jtambler. lsm, 20-It P. touring car. good condition; l&4. Ford, lKi model, tour-cylinder runabout, alnioal new, H71 Cadillac, runabout, good shape; (3-6. li.iu-k, U-H. P. tounng, good shape; 6M. hilnn passenger, 'bus. I a Leal atyle; J1.W0. Vi hite Steamer, 14 uiodel. almost uew, de tachable cloeed lop; vargalri. Stcveiia-Duryva, two or lour passenger 1150. : lsol Rambler, two-cylinder, 23-1 L P., de tachable lunneau, top, extra good condi tion, a anap; Iv0. Write for complete list and description of our new and aeuond-hand cars. H. E. FREURICKSON, 9M Farnam SL 2)-Mt4 Ml bKND for our liat of aecond-haud autonio bllea. JUEH1GUT. lals Farnaiu. (27&i OMAHA, auto topa. beat material, loweat piicea. Pfelffer'a. Rd VXU. 2oj l.eav. Hu W-M A2 BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES, TRADES If you have some thing for sale or trade write us; we match everything. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., t Bee Bldg. U)-USS M7 1 TRADE Oil PELL llouae and lot In Norfolk, Neb. W ill take merchandtae. M. E. Crenshaw, Spalding. Neb. Ul-MSSl 11 TO EXC1 1 ANUEV Highly Improved farm bringing In over 10 per cent Interest for aome good towa bualneaa; farm imple ments preferred. F. M. Joslin. Frederick. S. D. " l3 Mil x CHANGtVfJ) acrea for general nier iiaiiilie. Joseph Slobodny, Greeley tVn ter, N'-b. ; , tl MJQ U VlAK!WARK, lmsjlement. merchandise and 1i) gLKtl atMks wanted. Have owners of good luwit'at want deals at caah tallies. Give full details In first letter or iiq altanUoa paitl. bos h'li. Aberdeen, . U il)-Mal M BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.; TRAPKSWc matrh t'nm all. Write ua, HTRINHEU INVESTMENT CO., 4.vK Bee Fldg.. Oiimha, Nl. (3 K MS BUSINESS CHANCES ROOM1NO HOfHF.a fof sale, all sites, fur nleii part purchaae money If wan tad. UANO&STAb, Room 408 Bee Bldf. t-786 TO GET In or out of bualnas call on UANGE8TAD, room 4 Bee Bldg. (4)-784 MINNESOTA and WImnndIn Ire for aala In car lota. A. U. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Iowa. (4) M340 KT'RNITl'RB of 20-room hotl for sale at rent IJO per month. Address Y 315, care Bee. (4) M9 10x p.ooono stork of rood general merchandise and l& telephone system for sale or trade. Both Rood Investments. , Wm. Coryell, Johnstown. Neb. 4)M.169 A30X INDI-BTRIAL ANI MINING STOCKS. ROBT. C. IiRUESEWW & CO., STOCK BROKERS, Tel. Douglas 366. tM)-10 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4) 635-M-2. FOR SALE Wholesale and retail liquor business, Schlitz Brewing ssency, doing good mail order business. Write or call at once. Box 1M4, Nebraska Cltv, Nrb. t4)-867 S FOR fJALK-One of the best grocery and most markets In Omaha; this place Is known as a money maklns; place, snd will stand very close Investigation; best reason for selling; may consider clear city income property, or Improved farm. Addrews C 246, care Bee (4) M877 14x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bookbinding. E. A. TRYON, bookbinder, 1108 Douglas. 'Phone Douglaa 3464. Call me. I'll come. tfi M714 A10 Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. 1,150s Farnam Bt. Doug. 497. (6 77 Creameries. David Cole Creamery Company (6) M7M Carpaatoriac A PTNB hardwodd floors and parquetry; low price. 10th & Dominion Sta. Frank Sevick. (5) M360 Al Deatlsta. - BAILET MACII. Id fir., Paxton. D. logs, (6J 7S Oresnaklag, IN FAMILIES MIbs Sturdy. Tel. Haaney 1368. 16J-7HO M'DOWEU, Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam St. (5) 731 MME. WOODRUFF, robes and gowns, 308 14 Neville Blk. Tel., Bell, Doug. 6170; Ind. A-3760. (6 M885 M7 Florists. V HESS 6WOBODA. 1415 Farnam 8t. t5)-70i U HENDERSON, 151S Farnam. . Tel. D. 1263. (6) 7W J. Ii. BATH, 1823 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. l-794 Flaaacial. Jl It TOLOAN-LOW i3r RATE In sums to IV1U11CV ult. 810 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglaa 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (61-796 Far Cleaning aad Storage. O. E. BHUKERT. 15th and Harney Sts. Fine furs cleaned, stored arid repaired. (6 M7&0 June 4 Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-3 Paxton Block. Tel. 4317. (5) 7ti ' Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney. (6J-7D7 Locksmiths. KEYS, etc., Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 214. (6) 798 Maale aad Langaage. PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2292. (5) 799 MoTlng aad Storlag. Expressmen's ' Delivery Co., office 214 N. Ulh St.; warehouse, 2207-8 bard St. 15J-M0 Nnrserlee. GERMAN Iris; choice variety dim fresh day delivered. 84.60 per luO. (. II. Keys, Omaha mgr. Crescent Nursery. Tel. Web ster 8J57. t5)-M9?7A7 FINEST & largest assortment of trees and shrubs in city. Crescent Nursery sales ground, 21st 4c . Farnam. Tel. Web. 3.(67. (6) MtilO M3 TREES, rosea and shrubs. F. R. Martin lkth and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 10ti8. ' (6 M841 M8 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N, T. L. Tel. D. 1884. (5-K01 OOce Bappllea. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all Vlnds. Anchor Publishing Co.. 806 8. 18th St. Tel. Doug. &&. Ind. A-1662. (6 M9 Ai Printing. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don't fall to see our Imported line. Lyng stad it Jorve, printers, 16th St Capitol Ave. (b-403 Pool aad Billiard Tables. FOR SALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard ' tables, supplies and bar fixtures; sold on eaay . payments; catalogues free. Charles Pasaow A Sons, 216 So. lMli St., Omaha, Neb. ib) M590 Julys afea. Shatters, Kto. OMAHA SAFE AND IKON WORKS makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. U. Aodreen. Prop., 102 S. loth ' Bt (6 aui Shoa Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst class work. 1418S4 Capitol Ave. 'Phono Red 94. (iao SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D. 76?. () 808 Wall Paper Cleaned. ABS0RENEwc;,:4',RE', The patent kind, l&e, J-36c, at wall paper, paint, hardware and drug stores. (6I-M487 M.'x HELP WANTED FEMALE Ueasekeepers aad Domestics. GIRL for general housework. !1S Ne. 36th SU (7 MS 9x WANTED One or two good girls for gen eral housework; excellent place: small family. . liMtt St. Mary's Ave. (7) 6U WANTED-Ktrst-class second girl Apply Mrs. W. H. McCurd. 23il Cats St. 7-M9 HOUSEKEEPER wanted, unincumbered. Address L. D. lively, Box 4. Oil more. Nell. l7)-M5dS lux UiX! girl for second work; wo in family, good wagea. Mia. J. 11. Martin, 8. E. comer 'M and f bis., bo. oinalia. 0-864 I Would you like to speak a few words to 150.000 people every day? Then use "BEE want ads5' 1 HELP WANTED FEMALE Haaskeepera ' aad Domestics Contl'd WANTED flood girl for general house work; good salary and home. 343 lewey Ave. (.,) M8.f9 COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. F. Walter, S313 Harney St. C7 679 WANTED Girl for general housework. Oood wages. Mrs. Charles R, Sherman, 3M4 north 27th St. Telephone Webster 3i'J0. K,)tA)Zl 10 WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 1904 Farnam St. Child's nurse , $26.00 Upstairs maid 6.0 Cook, two In family 26.00 Girls for general housework to end li (7) M86 11 GIRL wanted to do housework; two In family; good wages. 1142 S. 31st St. (7) 823 12x WANTED Olr! to assist with housework and care of baby. Apply 2437 Burt St. (7)-854 WANTED Girl for- general housework; itvH far Ave. lei. liarney vm. (; 14x GIRT, for general housework; have help wun laiinuresb. Apply 101 N. mn t. (7) m 14 HELP. WANTED MALE Agents, solicitors aad Salesaaea. IN EVERT city and town to sell the Acme adjustable window shade holder. Omaha Shade Holder Co., 214 S. 12th St. () 21 WANTED Canvasser, ' on good proposi tion; good opportunity. Call 9 to 10 a. m., 2MS Douglas. M876 10 VVA NTED A n experienced whisky sales man. acquainted In and around Omaha. State last employment and reference. Ad dress, Star Creek. Distillery Col, Kanaaa -iiy, jvio. w Si a OUR popular Strength Testing Machines are making operators an average of 26 per cent per month on the Investment. Nebraska presents unequalled territory lor Dig , profits. For particulars and prices address, Manufacturer. 3X8 Wa basha St., St. Paul, Minn. () M912 14x Clerical aad SALESMAN, T8. Ifotei clerk, night. 126 and expenses. Retail clerk, shoe, must be A No. 1, lio. Shipping clerk, 176. Clerk, general mdse. store, small town. 160. Call or write for free particulars relative to securing positions. j - WESTERN REE. & BOND ABS'N, INC., t.Z-.L N. X. Tale Bldg. (9)-0O4 8 WHEN writing to advertisers, remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tha fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. Factory aad Trade. WANTED Registered pharmacist; married man preferred. Enquire at 808 N. 24th St., South Omaha,- Neb. ( M681 TAILORS wanted; steady -work and good pay. Carl P. Lindecrantg, Holdrege, Neb. (9-M908 12x DEVELOSB TROPICAL LANDS. Wanted, young man experienced in use of modern farm implements to join ad- , vertiser in taking hold of exceptional opportunity In the tropics; good climate and free irom aiseases common in many parts of tropics; young man 21 to 82 preferred. Cost very little. Develop ment, Box 72, Shoshonl, Wyo. (9) 4494 12x WANTED 20 first-class tinners and cornlcemakers; wages, $4.60 for S hours. Apply to F. J. Love, Sec'y Master dneet Metal Workers' association, b. 171 Mon roe St., Spokane, Wash. (9) M805 12 WANTED A practical prsnter with small capital to take care of a good job and newspaper office in good town in Iowa, publishing two papers. Write for par ticulars. Address L 90S, care Bee (9)-808 WANTED Good blacksmith to assist In shop. J. P. Olander, Colon, Neb. (9-M543 10 TAILOR WANTED An all around man, must be sober and steady; good wages. 'Phone or write. The Fashion Tailor, Avoca, la. (9J M56S 10 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; a few weeks completes; sixty chairs con stantly busy; licensed Instructors; tools given; diplomas granted; wages Satur days; positions waiting; wonderful de mand for graduates. Catalogue free Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. (9)-M646 9x PLUMBER'S helper or Junior, late from Chicago; threo years' experience. Ad dress S 216, care Bee. (9) 814 8x WANTED Good coatmaker at once; steady work. William Hanisch, Clear Lake, la ()-M833 9x WANTED All around first-class machinist for contract shop. Must be able to think for himself. Reference, salary wanted and experience first letter. Shenandoah Iron Works, Shenandoah, la. (9 M830 9 WANTED Experienced man to set up and repair furniture. Home Furniture Co Bo. Omaha. (9)-M889 '' Mlseellaaoeas. WANTED Experienced tree cutter Call at 607 N. 19th St., at 8 a. m. or 6 p. m. , (9)-M2 WANTED Janitor for an apartment house" Address H 215, Bee. (9 M811 BECOME a fireman or brakeman ; rapidly growing field, big wages, excellent chance for advancement, no experience neces sary. Write or call at once. National Railway Training Aaa'n. an !. n... V Omaha, Neb. (9)-2H0 Alfi"' FREE Employment Bureau, supported by - Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. 828 N. Y. L. Bldg. f9) 809 WANTED Competent man. capable tak ing charge of shipping di-parfnenc, wholeaale grocery on Missouri river as foreman thirty men. Replies strictly confidential. Address Y 316. taie Bee . () M 914 10 HELP WANTED MALnl A14U I'CUALB, WANTED Men and women of good qual ity and strong personality to represent Dodd, Mead &. Co., to sell the new In ternational Encyclopedia In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa. Pre vious experience unnecessary. 71H N. Y. U. Omaha. Neb. (101 M468 A WANTED Canvasser, on good proposi tion; good opportunity. Call 9 to 10 a. m., 2ai Douglas. (10) M876 10 COOK wanted at once at Hotel Meredith, Odebolt, la.; man and wife or man or woman alone; must be good conk. . 10 MS70 14x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Morses aad Vehicles. TO SUPPLY the protein larking in earn and oats use Alfal-Fal to balance the ra tion and your homes will improve In looks snd work. Price 31.25 for 100 lbs., delivered. If your dealer doea not carry Alfal-Fal, 'phone Douglaa 3u9. M. C. Peters Mill Co. UU-807 A30 E. W. ACSPACII will hold his regular weekly borae awt ion Thursday, April 9. at the Union stork yards. Ho. Omaha; will have one of the largest rum of the aeaann and some of the best horses that money can buy; buy new and get (he kind you desire. (11 860 8 FiR BALE Rest and safest family team In town, with closed carriage. VvV). TJ4 KorUi llih 8U 'UJ-M1 U LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lloraea aad Veblrl t'onllnaed. FOR BALE Superb family horse. 3fln2 Lin coln Blvd. Tel. Harney 40. (11) S5 x Poaltrr Eggs aad Sejaaba. ROSE COMB R. I. RED EGGS for hatch Ing. Pens headed by prise Winning cockerels from North Btar Poultry Show, Minnesota; 81.50 to 82 per IS. Mrs. James 11. rlalplne, muz Center St., omana. Tel. liarney X8. (U Mil ABx WHY send east for Blngle Comb White J,egnorns7 My birds are good ss the riest. r-gss, 11.60 per in. A. Lrtincistrom, 2tlf and Caldwell, Omaha. (11) Mm llx "RINGLET" Barred Plymouth Rocks. The naicning season Is here and eggs from my beat matlngs are 82 per fifteen. Let me noon your order. jirormation ginaiy given. F. C. Ahlqulst, 27f2 Meredith Ave., uinana, neD. j none Webster liiJi (1D-M7B2 11 FOR SALF Fine fox terrier male four months old. Houre broke. Dodge St. (11) M920 RED FEATHER CHICK FEED contains pure grain, seeds and beef scraps, a prop erly Daianced ration for little chicks. Ask your dealer or telephone Douglaa 209. M. C Peters Mill Co. (U 008 AS0 ROSE COMB White Leghorn (Kulp) and Hummel Buff Wyandotte Eggs, 81.60 per Ifi. The best to be had. Shady Lawn j-ouiiry ana rTult Farm, Florence, Neb, Telephone Florence 8623. (U) M614 11 FOR SALE Black Mlnorcas egrs fof hatching; 1 for fifteen; very fino lay ers; also cockerel for sale. Mrs. O. Carl son, iv a. toth Bt. Tel. Harney 8322 (1D-M8U9 M5x CHAMBERLAIN'8 Perfect Chirk Feed Is the only original dry chick feed. Use this only and save all young chickens. Once JlT'jJr ",way" Stewart's Seed Store. ' m oi., soie sgents ror tne city. (ID Mno M4 LOST AND fOUND 8100 REWARD FOR INFORMATION OR RECOVERY OF DIAMOND BXUD, IX) ST BETWEEN UNION DEPOT AND POSTOFF1CE, SUNDAY. CACKLEY BROS.. 16TH AND CAPITOL AVE. (12)-M807 LgST BIac "id white cat; strayed from "ui. iti, joarney jjnti; reward. (12) Mll 9 STRAYED Dark bay driving team; finder ,"u, Braamg camp 4th and Dodge icwcivo leovaru. (14) JVLyZ 10X LOST Gold chain and locket, near Flor r"V" renervoir. Keward. Tel. Harnev 1W1. (12) M88 8x MEDICAL jn-. poor si" in neea oi a rnend call or A VT-W t . wrue to tne matron oi the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th oi.i unnim, ieo. (13) M108 FREE medical and surgical treatment at .roiaiiion jueaicai college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas uvi, -oii anawerea aay or nignt. (13)-129 BEST nerve brace for men, "Gray's Nerve oa fins," 81 a box, postpaid. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (I3)-3 M0NE,T,T0 LOAN SALARY AN CHATTELS. THE POPULAR PLACS FOR MONEY I "WHERE? THE RELIABLE CREDIT rrv 8d Floor. 807-308 Paxton Blk. 8d Floor. If YOU are In need of a little readv rash for your Easter shopping, we will accom modate you Our terms are the cheaneat? our service the best, and all business strictly confidential. (14) M81B Money to Loan At the lowest ratea obtainable In the city, ii you are in need of money to jay your rem or 10 ao tnai mucn-needed repairing on your- home or nelp you over the rough places, call and us. we are as reliable as any bank andJ your dealings with us Is known only tJ ua. ii oeais going to mends and rela tives who might "turn vou rlown" WE ARE EVERYBODY'S FRIEND In neea or money. OMAHA MORTGAGE 1X5 AN CO.. 119 Board of Trade, 16th St. Entrance. (14) M600 FOR A ROT TABS' T1V1 I GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO Flr Chattel nr Hularv lionm 833 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. (14)-16 P. O. NIELSEN a. CO., LOANS. 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2204. (140-817 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom- muuuiingi an ousiness coniiaential. 13-jl Douglas. (14) 818 CHATTEI salary and storage receipt loans. coiey luid to., 1001 r arntm St. (14) 81H MONEY WANED SALARIED PEOPLE" ana otners without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 3 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (141-821 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. I (15) 822 ONE large, also one small room, both very roniionaoie, wun excellent board. 2618 Farnam. (15) 823 WE DO expert piano moving at loweat prlcea. 'lei. Douglas loa. .Schmoller 4 Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. ' (15i-24 ROOM and board. 2411 Capitol Ave. (16) M416 A30 NICELY furnished room " snd board: strictly home cooking, labia board a specialty. 2215 Dodge St. 'Phone I mug las 2Xi6. (16) 7!i9 12 BOAD and room in finest down town location; large front room with alcove; suitable for two or three persons; fur nished or unfurnished. Referencea re quired. 114 S. lHlh St. (15) 817 12 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. I U5 85 ROOMS and board. 1413 N. 25th St. South Omaha. 'Phone 2060. (15) MM6 M5x LARGE airy front room, strictly modern;' breakfast If desired; one-half block from car. 2210 Spencer St.. (15) M612 llx VERY desirable front room, with board, 123 South 2bth Ave. (16)-8&2 13x rd Roams. FURNISHED rooms for rent. t33 60. S2d St.. steam heat, hot and cold water and bath. (16)-M;i8 Aldx NICELY furnished or unfurnished rooms; modern liouae; cloae In; for light house keeping. 2tvi5 Davenport St. (16) IbJ kx 1 NICELY furnished rooms, modern house cloae In for light . housekeeping. 2vw Davenport Bt. ' (16) 183 S FINE furnished front room. new. modern, hrhk; absolutely flrat-rlaaa; electrio light, ate; walking dlstonce; 31 a tuonto. No. 2M Dvuge. 'Plione H 1M il M8 OFFERED FOR RENT Fnralahed Rooms Coatlaaed. WELL furnished southeast front room wit alcove; modern; large lawn; prlvatn fam ny. 1VJ o. aim Bt. (lb) M812 ui PLEASANT rooms 2213 Dodge. (l&l 404 Apl3x FRONT room, modern, parlor floor, new iiirmnuru.i gennemen; ;.&o. Hmaii room, Kirao iioor, ii. (&. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15) M623 I1x FOR RENT-3 nloelv furnished rooms, mod em. One 816, one 810 snd the other 88 per uuiiiii. naming a.stance. 216 No. Kid. (1& M838 9 FOR RENT-Furnlshed rooms for gentle men day, week or month. The Chatham vpposiie milliard, 110 So. 13th St. ' (15) W2 NCILJ ,urn'hed large south room on mi ntmr ot new flat, thoroughly mod , naming aistance. 2406 Hsrney. (15) M 14x TVl'O furnished rooms, steam heat, 1505 farnam SU, 3d floor. (161 86 Uafuralshed Rooms. housekeeping rooms; modern. 2223 (16)-636 9x Uonsekeeplng Rooms. THUR,EB or tour rooms, upstairs; without viiiiuren, mi ririslol Bt. (15) M4S6 9x TWO newlv fumlsheH light a b0OUBflt',,Plng; bath, gas and telephone. 260 Farnam. (15) 813 13 Apartmeats aad Flats. APARTMENTS 7 rooms In QUIVET, 1811 Farnam St.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. APARTMENTS 8 to rooms In SCARQO, South Omaha; steam heat water. HALL, 817 First Nat Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A-4408. (U) 886 FOUR-ROOM new hrlrk flat. Y!A Nich olas, modern, 821; references. Key at 1111 " i anerson, usa jrarnam. (15) 778 NEW 4-room brick flat, modern, 22d and d ' relprences. Key at ills N, i neiiun, jwu carnam. (u) 72 FOR RENT 4-room modern flat; private .2, "rBU "10 io. aim tru Tel. Webster (15) H4 THE SHERMAN Elegant 6-room apart- uioih, van dcui, xaarney dboo. (15)-M-747-12x. Hoaaes aad Cottages. FOR R ENT 6-roorn flat, 16th and Vinton OI., 110. 6-roora flat, 113. C. M. BACH MANN. (15)-439 Maggard Van Storage Co. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos, H. 11. gooda (15) 835 6 ROOMS, modern, 326; 2d floor, 16th and iojub. bis. iiansen, grocery store (15 911 1-room cottage, 424 Martha. (15) MD28 15x SIX rooms on second floor 26! h and Parker dib., j wuuam Bt., in rear, 313. 2907 Seward St., 16; city water in kitchen uria coyer, ana turning. (16) M978 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. ioib i. xi. aovun. oiorenouse, 1120-24 19th; office 16u Farnam. Tel. Doug. 156a. (16) 833 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; inienp iruigni rates, moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. TeL Doug. 3H. (15)-83l HOUSES Frelgh, Bon" Co- Be Bld- K--BdaV in all rtai-tat vt 4. .. w w- ayaaa wep V til V . (15) 830 FOR RENT 7-room attached house, mod ern except neai; otj rx. i6th Bt.; excellent neighborhood; 830 per month. Conrad xouug, agent, ioib uouge Bt. (15)-rMo&4 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. , (15)-83i HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (16)-82S 4112 Farnam; nearly new 7-room dwelling awn; excellent repair; 835. 110 S. 24th: new modern brlclr' five rooms, first floor; very choice; 840. 2964 Harney; 9-room modern dwelling; will repair; 327.50. 623 S. 29th St.: 10-room modern hrl..k- 836. 62t 8. 29th; four rooms In brick; $14. 3004 8. 17th; five cooms, second floor: 816 1310 N. 24th; 6-room flat; bath; 15. Garvin Bros.', 1604 Farnam. (15) M913 11 FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, barn, 2154 So S4th. W. S. Stillman, 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. (15J-6.7 297 PACIFIC ST. 9 rooms; thoroughly modern, oak finish; 840. A. G. Elilck, 502 Beo Bldg. (15) 829 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (U))-63J LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company, 914 N. Y. Life Bid. (16)-M223 7-ROOM modern house, walking distance. Apply 2223 Burt Bt. (16) M59811 CENTRAL 3-room cottage, Tlzard, 220 N. 23d. (15)-MS81 8-r. all mod., close In, includes barn; rent, . Vacant May 1. 83a. Vacant May 8-r. all mod., brick, near Crelghton college,' -r. all mod., on 806 No 89th. I0. O'KKKKK REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 1001 N. Y. Life. Phone Doug. 215. or A2152 (15) M847 9 FOR RENT Nice 7-room house, all mod ern. Inquire Will Brown, 725 So. 37th St. Tel. Harney 3164. (16) M761 11 H. If. and piano moving. J. Schwartz t (15) M5S7 M3 FOR RENT 7-room house, all modern, in cluding gas range, gas water heater and window shades. 16u4 Spruce SU II. 1. Plumb, HO So. 13th St. (15)-863 I2f 8. 27. 6 r.. modern except heat 818. 210 N. 27th, 8 r.. modern except heat 120. 2ii6 Maple St.. 7 r.. modern 46. 8. :ih, 9 r., modern, oak finish-8M. 2569 Prutt St., 6 .. modern, furnished houso J40. FLATS FOR RENT. 601 Tark Ave., 7 r., modern 147.50. 2219 S. 29th, 5 r., modern 127.50. 18IH Maple 7 r., modern, heat and janitor service furnished. 116 8. 24th. i r.. modern, heat and Janitor service furnished. HASTINGS HKVDEN, 1T01 Farnam St. Ask for Rental Dept. (16) 8b8 8 FOR RENT 45-room, modern house except furnace, 716 Hickory St. Inquire 307 H. I7lh St. ( 161-900 Balldlngs. FOR RENT Space In building located In heart of the busineas district. Trackage facilities and electric elevator. Suitable for warehouse or light manufacturing purposes. Address W -225. care Foe. (25)-M555 . Offices. OFFICES One Urge and one small offlca for rent en suite or single. These rooms are on the third floor of The Bee Bldg.. and he laifer one has a north light and vault. For further particulars see K, W. Baker, Supt. 105 Bee Building (16) M863 OFFIFS OR PA Rjy")R8 8 and 6-room. In Cl'lVKT. 1609-IKU Farnam St ; suitable for artists, physicians, den" lata, dreas makera. etc.; ateam heat, hot water and telephone. Alao OFFICES or PARLORS. and 6 rooms. In 8CARGO Bldg., 3outh Omaha, suitable for lawyera, doctors, etc. ; steam heat and hot water. IIALI 117 rust Nat I Bans; Bldf. ft ad 74o6. A-4e OFFERED FOR RENT Offices tea tinned. OFFICFH FOn RENT In Conservative ninidtng; modern, osk finish, gas and electric light; hest nnd Janitor service furnished; IIS per office HASTINGS ft 11EYDK.N. 1704 Fsrnsm St. (15) M921 S Stores. - -. i v, v v.i u.ri m., ,ii X. L. Bldg. (15) M971 STORE ROOM In Bcsrgo block, at 620 win rit., Bouth Omaha: siea-n hest. modern show winHnws Pdllnnr I fW' at t Ir-in II.. I I ' . ...! i i w nasement rooms in same ouild- ing, cemented floors, stesm heated, suit sble for billiards, barbers, baths, restau rant, etc. HALL. 317 First Natl Bank liiag. Red 74P6. A 4406. (16-M:'HS OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR snd Iron fencing; wire fencing 80 per foot. 208 N. 17th StV Tel. Red 8.4 ()- Fnrnltnre. V"1". "rnisne soumeast front room wun alcove, modern, la rue awn. nrlviia family. 702 So. 29th St. (16)-M792 11 ONE buffet, china closet, pedestal dining iitoio Hjnn oiner rurniture; very cheap, van ouiiuaya ai ai t urning St. (1)-M908 11 Pianos, Organs, Maslcal lastramoats. FOR SAT.E Fine upright piano, cheap; 1781 uavenpon bi. (16) 839 Typewriters aad Sewing Machines. J FOR SALE High grade secondhand trne. ""'. aoon conumon; a oar gain at xfiu. Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (161-S71 . - Miscellaneous. orders; catalogue free. Sherman A Mo. Lonneu urug to., umana. Neb. (16) 540 OAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date mtnrV in. prices in the city; select now. delivered wneii iieeueu. AiiBoeciion invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO.. 813 8. 16th Bt. Tel. Doua-. 1 (16)-8U ICEI ICE! MINNESOTA ICE In car lots. A 41 llllknel i M..nll . aras ue Viiuv VUUIIVll XJ1UUS, JB. (16)-M374 FOR SALE Several show cases, new n... u iuuw, an vouee mill, two large wuiv.iiaiiu un laujis ana siore xixtures, too numerous to mention. Globe Land " ininiuieiii to,, omuit. Neb. (16)-844 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard ana pool taDies. we lead tho world in cneap rar nxiures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balk-Colleodar, 402. S. 10th SU (16)-845 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16)-49 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed yamu ouernian tc jucconnell Drug Co. (lb)-42 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re- IT TD"'frrn!n Aictonneii urug Co.. 16th im uuuiio dib., uranu, inob. (16 848 FOR BARE Tailor made suits. tn I u i.uur, am iNevuie Bllt. (16) 484 Ml " I PITDD A VT T -I.-,- T, ... .1 iim. a. Bmun, auw corby I (ini 1124MZ1 i . I i-o your man oraers ror drugs; I iiciKui paia on iu jois. Myers-union wruf v.o., umana. (16) 847 SCHOLARSHIP for sale. Boyles college. rive inuiimi, AQQress 11-233, care Bee. (16 M566 FOR SALE A good Krimmcr coat, 818. Apureas ui, care Bee. (16) 819 12x PARROT FOR 8ALE-Slngs "Little Brown -liiar" m ni ... A . . , ...... -" ""J - u-rr 1 1 1 1 j woras. Will sell cheap on account of going to board ing. Call 2584 Harney. (16) 822 8x FOX TYPEWRITER. No. 127430: onlv ... short time and In Al condition; for sale ai very reasonable price. Call for Wright at Bee office, 17th and Farnam. (16)-893 2-3 Rl'CKER and Weston news casea and eianas ror sale cneap. call at Bee of- flee, Omaha. (16)-82 PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT 3 books for inventors mauea on receipt of 6o Dostage I R. B. A A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 Paririn Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1869. (17) 650 . , LARSON & CO. Book free. Neville Bldg (17) 851 D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7117 H. A. Sturgls, 019 N. V. L. Tel. Doug. 3469. (17) M155 A14x PERSONAL M A nOT,TTf!,rc",mfl,t lnl th. Mme. ... u.m vnmim. llfc N. lnlh -A (In., (18) 627 WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing mscnines. ieo. cycle Co., cor. I win ana liarney. (l) toi THE SALVATION ARMY anllflt. . cioinmg; in raci. anyining you do not need, we collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor, can pnone xoug. 4135 and wagon will call. U&j-7!i6 A HOME for women during confinement- we una riomes ior uaDies wnere mothers cannot care ror mem. Mother Lee, 408 Bancroft St. 'Phone Douglas 1921. t (1S)-M36S AfASSAGE f.nd bat,1!'- Room 2, 1204 J1AOOAU1J Farnam St.. 2d Floor. (18) Mfc42 M6 MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, b loin, rial a., x-none nougius 6M6. (181344 A18x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra vt. iving, it rx. zun. Tel. Weh. 3659. (18)-S51 TO TONE down, refine, beautify the face. use eaiin SKin powaer; 4 tints. Only 25c. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as sirsngers are Invited to visit the Young Women s ( liristian association rooms, 1614 Farnam Bt. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwlae assisted. (181-818 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices, oena ror Tree catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 864 OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers' Institute, Ramge 16)-656 YOUNG lady wishes place In respectable family to work for board and room; ref erences, exchanged. Address B 244. care ce. (18) Ho3 ftx REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. T. Llfs, Douglas 1781. (19) 6a! GEORGE st CO.. I 1601 Farnam. Tel. DoiV'aa 751 U9)-853 CITY PROPERTY FOB tiALE. ABSTRACTS OK TITLE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO., 1714 FARNAM ST, BEE BUILDING. (19)-859 4 ROOMS, BRAND NEW Four rooms and bath, city water, modern excent heat. 31.600: small pat incut down: halance practically same aa rent. L'IM al 852 N. 26th Ave. U. G. UAKLBKKU, an n. i. iue ning. (!) M912 t RV..",,?1,!''" XRk8T CO C'tLLS, y. WII.I.UM.iON. Prav- VV REAL ESTATE CTTT PROrF.llTY FOR 8 ALB (Continued.! Terms Arrnnped to Suit Your Fockctbook. Two tola, northwest corner 26th and. Laks 8is.onlv 8W- , oik. only One lot, southwest corner 27th and Corby Ich t only n". Two more lots, corner and Vinton. big enao ll.fiX). ''" l"t, 2th and Dewey Ave., only . . ' I lits on Charles St.. south fronts SM Rt. a r. .. . i; DON'T OVERLOOK THESE Ttouse and two lota. San.1 Corhv Rt.. n and modern 82. OK). N House and one lot. 8121 Msplo St., 8 i n ' 1 1 n, pun J I , r" -f'orn house. 3124 Maple St., see It flulck Teniplelon Ave., home, 2523, S rooms. Ci ". 'L cant now-14,300. , 28 Bo. S5th Ave., ra- Owner Will sell the lhov nn mnnlhl. payments and small payment rinmn nr. opporiunny ror you. Seward Bt.. nearlv i-. i.i .i.. mi " R. II. L.VNDERYOU, Tel. Doug. 215L 443 Board of Trade, (W-M33R How About These? rSnm houne alt n.odm, rnnnn- -in. waikh, nice nwn, nir sui. nd I lc V "y ""r 81.450 i -room house, modern except fur- 1 nilllTTUJII. i tio.a r nrn ,n. i, . I. cm to handle this, rents for 31T.M per month, talk about an investment, this in one. permanent walk and a l,r. in. covered with fruit. S;il8 Sprag-un St. We also have soma snaps In good vacant property. Give us a call, we might surprise you. BIRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. Thones Doug. 4754. Ind. A1784. (19i-i3 8 LIST your property wlti Cbrls Boyer. 83d ana turning his. (u) 868 AGAIN WE SAY, BUY LOTS IN KEYSTONE PARK. WHY? Because Its not 'only the most beautiful acreage property adjacent to Omaha it a .Ian . .,uAanAa, KEYSTONE PARK is an addition of 653 acres, 463 acres of wtilcli are sold. There are 6 pullea of boule shade trees. Nearlv the nnilr inrt ( ,.nv. vards on our land, lined by thousands ot erea wun wiia praine grass and nas never been plowed. Tifa Ar 1 in 10 ar.a mmU a. , Sire a " per acre. i i avwi roan rrom urninn to narar entrance Kevatnne ParkA. nf a mil,. mrf son. rATNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. First Floor N. y. Life Bldg. Tela. Doug. 1781; A1188. D. V. BHOLES COM PA NT, 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Tels. Doug. 49; A2049. (1)84 8 $10 CASH THAT'S ALL It takes to make you the owner of one ot' the finest residence lots In or invah.r. r"ar the c"y at these- prices-8250 to 1550. rnese lots are run sue, &0X128, on high ground, beautifully situated, with excellent view over entire surrounding country, two blocks from car, stores, paved street, etc. If you see these lots you'll buy at once no better home and Investment lots in the market. The easy terms. 810 cssh, 86 per monin. puc tnem wtiuin renrn or everyone. Call or 'phone, and will take you to see the lots at any time. We are also offering for this week onlv five easy term bargains In Imnroved nrnn- 'riles 4 to 12-room houses. The terms snd Prices will surely Interest you. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 432 Kamge Biag. , ibtl nnd Harney. (19) 909 8 RENT $1,620 ANNUALLY. PRICE, 813,000. Any Reasonable Terms. Six-apartment brick flat, modern except heat, only 13 blocks from oostofflce and ! oiocas irom rsmam car, vacant lot, wx ... , , , jw, iiiLiuupu ii aoove price, inis invest- per ceni, ana Decauss ox , . ..... ,U ,octlon w'" steadily Increase In value TAYUTB INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tels. Doug. 1781; A118. (19)-M8S2 NEW HOUSE For Sale or Rent ' $750 CASH k r. A , V. halann. , . - n. . a- will buy this BRAND NEW MODERN DWEL LING; has good furnace, gas, I'lectriiit V, porcelain bath, sewer and city A-atei : three bedrooms and hath room on second I ...... ' V. r... , ... . . . . .1 a .. , in,. Kull first 'floor: ni. elv canered: large aitlc and cemented cellar. A nice east front lot, wltb shade and cement walks. Look at it. 2218 North ISth St. Price, $3,600. If it Is not sold within a f'W days W will offer It for rent at 35 per monin. GARVIN BROS, . 1604 Farnam St. (191 M1IT II DUNDEE Has an 8 minute car service. Id minutes ride from Omsha's busineas snd amusement cen ter, and ia aproached through the beat realdence district. II also haa the conveniences nf the clly, and the choicest of nclKlitxil hoods, with Iteautiful views, and fine golf club. An ideal location for a home. Buy and build now at present low pi k es. GEORGE & CO., I'M Farnam Bt. (I-8STI HOUSE AND BARN Five-room house snd new 8600 bsrn. twr. Mocks from car. near 40th snd Ames Ave. k, iaa . hi,.b.n ... hum. shed. Fruit tree The lot ia jjill'i. Price "'"Vm,. .avton iu k. 1'hones. Doua. 685: Ind. 16X illl-Mitl THB EED ABSTRACT CO, as. J8M. iTompt servlos, et su wlce. 1 rut V r 7 j i i i f V i I i y -1 M-vra I saruaau wj its .,