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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1908)
4 GRAIN AND PRODUtE MARKET Eaini in Wheat Belt Caused big Sales and Lower Pricei. nnnovEMEirr in corn and oats R4lt Were Lighter Tha a oa Bam Day Laat Year la Both Wheat 4 Cora, bat "hlpanrats Were Heavy. OMAHA. April 8. 1WI. With rains throughout the wheat belt and weak foreign market and the bearish ntlmcnt In the government report started a rush of selling at the opening and wheat suffered a considerable loss, but was re gained later on a rally or buying: on the break. Corn and oats held steady to higher with good support backed by a better de mand. Wheat sold off quickly at the start this morning on general better weather condi tions and lower Liverpool cables. Values recovered later on some good support And shorts coming In. May wheat opened at MTc and cloxvd at 8Vc Corn was steady with none for sale or the start. Irlcea fell off some with wheat, hut May option was bid up shsrply and markets acted congested. May Corn opened at tiOHc and closed at 60c. Oats started weak on early selling, but recovered quickly with other grain acting very responsive. May oats opened at 60c and cloned at &c. Primary wheat receipts were 842,000 bu. and shipments wss bu. against re ceipts Isst year of 1,239,000 bu. and ship ments of 428,0W bu. Coin receipts were 751.000 bu. and ehlp menta were 7'kVV0 bu. against receipts last year of 1,176,000 bu. and shipments of 1.915,000 bu. Clearances were 347,000 bushels of corn, 2.000 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 474,000 bushels. Liverpool closed 1 to l'd lower on wheat and d lower on corn. Local range of options: Articles. Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close Yes y. Wheat May... W' 87 t WT, July... M MV 4 M"i 84 Kept... , 80',J mi 80V4 S0l 8 Corn May... -h i oh eni July... 59 M 5siZ 68 ij Kft Pept... 68 (84 &84 B8'4 Mli 602, 6014 8W Oaiii Cask Prtee. WHKAT-No. i hard. !v92c: No. t hsrd, S(rHc; No. 4 hard, 8S6c; No. t spring, j84e. CORN-Kn. t. Hie; No. 4. WiS'V-: No. S yellow. f4)4c; No. 8 white, 0(&,4c. OATS No. t mixed, 4!'4(8-4Sp; No. t white. 4R,(49c; No. 4 white, 4S'ti48H RYB No. 2. 7l'Ji72Hc; N(. 3. ej71c. Carlo Receipts. " Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago ....4';-.....,.,., .J... 86 K 211 Minneapolis ,...,.....IT4 Omaha ....,:.,..,. 6 . 27 15 Duluth . vh:.. 19 ... . V.. CHICAGO GUAI.V ;ASD- PROVISIONS Features ofYta Trading and Closing Price oa Beard of Trade. CHICAGO,.. April- 8Desplte the bearish showing of -tin government report, (he wheat msrket toils y closed strong, because of the active demand by shorts and eleva tor Interests. Final quotations on the May delivery were ! higher. Corn was T4lc nigner. tsts were lip 40. Provisions were 7Vo to lHc higher. Th llie government report on the fall sown1 crop of wheat In the United States was given out thirty minutes sfter the open ing of the local exchange. The report which gave the condition of the new crop as being 97.3 compared with a ten year aver age of 88.2 had little- effect on the market, It having apparently been discounted In advance. The market opened weak, be cause of general rains throughout the southwest and a Id decline at Liverpool. Sentiment continued bearish until abiut the middle of the day. when the market became strong on a brisk demand for May by elevator houses and shorts. Prices ad vanced steadily throughout the remainder of the session,, the msrket closing strong near the high point. May opened ij7c to IVttJlHo. lower at 89o, to 89c, advanced to (l4o and closed at 91c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 473.W0 bushels. Primary' receipts were 642,00 bushels, sgalnst 59.000 bushels th same dsr a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chlcsgo reported receipts of 08 cars against 263 cars last week, and 34 cars a year ago. The corn market was strong all day, chiefly because of weather conditions which were unfavorable for the movement of to crop. The May delivery was in good demand and the more dlstsnt months were less strong. The prices weakened slightly during the day In sympathy with wheat, but later rallied and held well under 'th close which was strong". May corn opened VHo lower to 4uHo higher at G6V40 to .S. sold between 6Ko and Tc, and closed at 67fce. Local receipts were 29 cars, with 84 cara of contract grade. The tone of the oats market was weak, although the rally In wheat and the strength of corn caused a good recovery. The caah demand was poor. Rains In the southwest were a depressing factor. May oats opened 14Hc higher at 6) and 62io, sold between 52o and 6244c and closed at 62No. Ixcal receipts were git cara. Th provisions market was dull, and prices were aidled by th strength of corn and by non-professional speculators. Pit traders sold early and bought on the later bulges. At the close. May pork was 17H! higher, at $18.50, Lard was up 10c, at IS.37V4 Ribs were Tc higher at $7.22. Estimated receipts-for tomorrow are Wheat, 1 cars: corn, 210 cars: oats 238 cars: hogs, 24,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh, Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat I I May July Sept Corn May July it-pt. Oats- Miv bMay ajuly hjuly I'ork May July Bept. July Sept. Ribs -May-Sept. lHl 89 4i S Bit urtueu I86af'l 8515 76i4fi44 63 J 2S3T4V4I toT, I '62S 6JU ! 6IH 61? 46 46 45 ,4J 44 J 86 18 M 13 S24 I C(lhi 14 17H 14 00 8 26 8 87 827H , 6 8 62Vil 8 67V4 I 8 66 8 80 8 67V4 , T 1V4 in 7 44 I 70 I 7 75 7 674 614 44 I8 60 IS 15 JCH&43. I 11 SS I IS TO I 14 at I IS I 8 50 rv, 1 tr,u I 1 IS,! I 80 T E2W I 1 00 T 76 . 'No. I aOld. bVew. Cash quotations were as follows FLOl'R Steady: winter patents Itsrra 4 86: straights. 84.004 ; spring pat I6.nvflrj.jt.; straights, 4.Rfl4.40; bakeVs. 83 a ji 1. 1". WHEAT No. spring, $1.2; No L 9r 1101: Na. 1 red, 8filV. 0 " Wc9 S-n74c'N" " Sto1tl'c: Ko yellow, 'oAT8l.N0. t Tt.w6Jc; No. t whits, 6iVe; No. 8 white. 6(H4trMc. ' RYE 7tii78- . BARLEY-Kalr to choice malting, 7SS5c 8EBIMS Northwestern, 81.17; prime tlm tun v. 841: clover, contract gradee, 8JJ60 PROViSrONSfihort riba, aides (looe V WtinM. Mesa pork, per hbl.. $Ha6ii 117H. Ird.- per ..) lbs . 8S.3U. Short Uear sides (boxed). 7.S7Sor24. Articles . RecelDts. Shipments. Flour. blls sjj,,,) Wheat bu......j,.., ll t Corn. Lu. , S7.00 Oats,u...... 4. 7u.0"0 640.900 Rye. Vu (.0l 1 1 Barley, bu lU.Ouo K OuO On th Produce exrhang today th but ter market waa firm; creameries, ti4F-THo; dlriea, MSSt-. rrga. steady; at mark. cea Included, 14c; firsts, 144c;' prim firsts, Uc. Chtese. steady; lsignc. y Mlaaeaittlla Cralat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 8. WH EAT May i.0Vrc: July. !,c; No. 1 northern 8M: No. 9 northern, tti.tj4Mr: No. 1 r.'A'thern, 9uff96 -. No. t hard,'-. hRAN-In bulk, 121 IS1j?t.M. f'UOi:Rt9"tt n unchanged; first pat ents. 96 U : ;"nd patents. 8i l6j an: f'rst clears, 84 06 IK 16; sacond clears, 8II03 8 ' . MUwaaUe Grata Market. WILWACKEB, Annl Wheat-Lower-No. 1 nortliera, ll.(i.'Jll.(; JJo. 8 northern' tl.niti-l.M: May. .W ssked . rl"n. tARI.KY-tull.- N t hoc; samp!, u to. J : , . CORN-Flrm: No. 8 ah. CJ'ic: May fi'te aid. Phlladelsihl. Prwdae Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 8 BUTTER N. g'Md demand; txtra rreamery. Jjc- extm wpHtrrn crramrrjr. nirhy prints, 3t4r. .yu-mrnu,, I all r U PTTIfl T1U . I P(l nPy I I'm a anJ . . lo at murk; current rriptt In rpiurnnble f f tl at . . m. . . in rn i wrnirrn iirtim, i rf ca-iri, iHo at mark; current rcript, free ; " i maris. -.s.i- riPHiiy, iair nemnna; rsew Tork full rreama, choice, T5H1il&-c; fair to MCtV 1 OR K r.R.ii:RAt. MARKET Maotatlons of the pay on Varloas Comsaedltles. N EW YORK. April 8. FLOm Receipts, n.stiu phis.; exports, 4,600 bbls.; market, (inlet snd about steady; Minnesota pntents, .'o.; Minnesota nsKers, f 4 t a 1? b winter stralahts. 84 80114.46: winter ex trss, 88.60ti 4.10; winter low grades, $3 50 4.05; winter patents, 84.604J4.9O. Itye iiour, quiet: rair to good, ib.Wffb.lo, choice to fsncy. IS. 00 5.25. CORNMKAL Firm; yellow, $1.40411.(0; coarse,; kiln dried. 83.5Ntfa.7S. RYK Steady; No. 'I western, 'ie, nom inal, f. o. b. afloat New York. WHEAT Receipts, 13.000 bu.; exports, 8.000 bu. Spot market, firm; No. 2 red, 9x4c elevator, and 98 '4c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 8110 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hsrd winter, 81. 08 f. o. b. New York. Except right around the open ing, when bearish crop news caused weak ness, wheat was strong and hlghr all day, with May leading on commission nouse support and a scare of shorts, clos ing IHttlHc net higher. May, 99Hc; July. 93944c: close. 94Ac. CORN Receipts. 8.200 bu. Bpot market, firm; No. 2.-76c elevator and 69 Ho f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white, 69Mc; No. 2 yellow, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Option market was atrong and active near the close, showing H4c net rise in May. May. T64 t77c; closed. 76c; July closed at 73V4c. imis Keccipts. o,ooo bu. ; exports, 1.000 bu. Spot market, unlet: mixed oats, 26 to 82 lbs. R6c; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs., B6t4B8V4c; clipped white. 32 to HAY Dull: good to clfolce. 90W5c. HOPS Qulot; common to choice,. 9?n2c. lliriKS SteHdv: Centra: America, 17c. LKATHER uulet: .acid. 17M0c. VKOV1HIONH Heef. firm; family. $15.50 SM6.i; mess, 112.6(113 00; beef hams, -'7.oo Itrai.OO; packet, II4.tm4il4.50: cltv extra India mess. $J3. 60 24.00. Cut moats, firm; pickled bellies, $8.509 50; plc kl.vl liams, $9.50. Lard, firm; western, $8.808.65; re fined, steady; continent. $9.00; Month American. $7.i6: compound. 37.J5j7oO I'ork. firm; family. 616.00?? 17.00; short clears, iik.O0TtI7.50; mess, $1 b.25 H 16.7. TAL LOW Firm; city, 6c; country. 5 'I. v 5 '4 . R 1CB toulet; domestic fair to extra, S4c. BUTTER Hteady; ' western factory, firsts, 'Jlc. CHEKSE5 Irregular; winter made. lO JZc: winter made, common to Tair, tttiuc. EGGS Kasy; state, Pennsylvania nn3 nearby fsncy selected, white, lValK4o: gnod to choice, 17il7V4e; brown snd mixed, extra, i'V4j'17c! firsts to extra firsts. 15Hfi'l64o; western rlrsts. l,vn54c; seconds, 14nn4Vic. POULTRY Alive, steady; fowls. 15cr tur key , Inc. Dressed, steady; turkeys, 12 17c; fowls, izjri4Hc WEATHER IH TIK f.RAIX .BELT Fair and Rising Tempera tare for Thsrudsi, Says AVelch. " OSTAITA. Neb.. April 8. 1908. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day or the past llireo years: 1908. 1907. 1900. 1905. Minimum temperature m s 4.-. 4K Freelpitatlon T .00 .33 .00 Normal temperature for todsy -7 Ongrees. Dlfioency In precipitation since March 1, 1.24 of an Inch. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 1 46 nf an Inch. Excess corresponding period In 1906, .29 of an inch. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Cora aad Wheat Region Balletla. For the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, Wednesday, April 8. 1908: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain Stations. Max. Min. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.... 61 32 Auburn, Neb 66 35 .02 Clear .22 Cloudy Columbus, Neb.. 47 Fairbury, Neb.... 75 Fairmont, Neb... 67 Or. Island, Neb.. 68 Hartlngton. Neb. 41 Hastings, Neb... 67 Oakdalo, Neb.... 89 Omaha, Neh 68 Tekamah,' Neb... 60 Alia, la S Carroll. Ia 44 Claflnda. Ia 60 Blbley, la 37 Sioux City, Ia.. 43 83 .on Cloudy 84 T Cloudy SI .00 Cloudy 32 .03 Cloudy 80 .68 Cloudy 31 .00 Cloudy 30 .16 Cloudv 83 .05 Cloudy 32 .23 Cloudy ?8 , .37 Pt. cloudv 28 .20 , Pt. Cloudy 83 .14 Cloudy 27 .84 ) Cloudy 30 .60 Clody Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. f DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Station. Stations. Max. Min. Inches. Chicago. Ill 23 Columbus, 0 17 Des Moines, Ia.... 14 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 Kansas City. Mo; 21 Ioulsvllle. Ky.... 18 Minneapolis, Minn. 24 Omaha, Neh 18 St. Louis, I Mo It 64 4 .60 70 48 .62 60 33 . 32 68 64 M 72 40 .18 76 66 .24 8S 24 , .22 62 32 .22 66 63 .86 The weather la much cooler In th cen tral and western portions of the corn and wheat belt, and freexlpg temperatures pre vail In the uppper lake region and upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys. Oood rains occurred In all portions within th last twenty-four hours and continue In th astern portion this morning. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. St. Laala General Market. ST. LOP18, Mo., April t-WHKAT-Hlgher; track, No. 2 red cash. 974j97Ho; No. 2 hard. B&flWVic; May, fcic; July, 83c. CORN Higher; track. No. 1 cash, 65c; No. 2 white. l3Sc; May, 63T4c; July, 62Va. OATS Firm: track, No. 8 caah, We; No. I white. 63Uc: May. 41c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.50 4.76; extra tancy ana straignt, $4.10444.40; Clears. $3.6003.75. SEED Timothy, dull; $3.004.00. CORNMKAL-teady; $3.00. BRAN Unchanged; sacked, east track, $1.141.16. HA Y Firm; timothy, $10.00"lt.00; prlri. $io.oiKiri2.oo. IRON COTTON TIE8-$1.0o. t B AGOING Tc. HEMP TWlNbJ-o. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; lobbing. $13.76. Ierd, higher; prime steam, $8.12$ 8.22H. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 17.75; clear ribs, S7.2Vx; short clears, $8.00. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, $8,60; clear ribs, $S.S7H; ahort clears, $9.124. POULTRY Steady ; chickens. UHc; springs. 14c; turkeys, lag-Uc; ducks, llftc; geese, 7'4e. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 24W?30c. UUGS-lllgher; 13&c. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.O0O Wheat, bu 23.000 S2.0H0 Corn, bu 72.000 lns.f0 Oats, bu 66,000 66,10) Kansas City Grata atnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mo., April 1 WHEAT V4ilo lower. May. 87o; July, 804e; Sep tember, 7sTc; rash, No. 1 hard, 91ij6c; No. 8 hard. 89Ha4c; No. t red. 9696c; No. 8 red. iMwiCc. - CORN M&Hc higher; May. 81c; July, B9Se; September, 6M4c: cash. No. 8 mixed, CKMimo; No. t mixed, 61tanVkC; No. i white, 61yn-.1V; No. i white. U'O'U'hC. OAT8 Unchanged; No. 3 white, 604151c; No. 2 mixed. 47c. RYE7478c. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $11.504112.00: choice prairie. $9.6010.00. BUTTER Firm; crvamery, extra, 29c; packing stock. 18c. EGOS Firm; fresh extras, 15c; current receipts,- 13'ic, Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu . j. Si.nno Corn, bu 26,i10 38.000 Oats, bu ... 8,000 7,000 Liverpool Grata and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. April 8 -WHEAT-Spot, dull: No. 8 red Western winter. 7s; futures barely steady; May. (s li4d; July, s UVd: 8enlemlr. 6a 10d. CORN Spot, prime mixed American, new quiet. 6s 4d; prime mixed American, old firm, 6s 7d; futures, dull; May, 6a 5Sd. Peoria Grata Market. PEORIA. April 8. CORN-Hlgher; No $ yellow, r,fcfi&',c; N. t, 5c; No. 4, 63Vanio; no grade. lUc. OATS Steady ; No. I white, 60A.ff6lc; No $ white. 5oc. WH16KY-$1 85. Dalatk Grata f Market. DULUTH. April 8-WHEAT-No! 1 northern, 97c; May, 7V: July, 9'c. OATS 47Hc. . CoaTe Market. NEW YORK. April $.-COFFEB-Fli-ture closed steady net Unchanged. A good deal of the business consisted of snitching from iuar to late months. To tal saiea stera reMrted of 61 bags, lu iludlng May at 75uc; July, 5.7i-; Sptrm br. 6 10c; teeirber. S.suu; January, $ Hue, and March, 5 iic. Spot cofte. ouiit; No. 7 Ru. i ; No. 4 Famo, t'.tfs'jc: mild, dull; Coidoa,.8Ua TIIE OMAHA NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market More Active, but rrice More' nient Etmaini Slnggnsh. CE0P REPORT WITnOUT EFFECT Krle Finances Arc Again Coaaldered aad Raaaor of "access of Plaa Caaaes Rise Net Ckaage Ar t'slmfortaat, NEW YORK. April -Transactions at th Stock exchange today wer a few thousand shares more than yesterdsy. but th price ...uYcinrni was even mor sluggish and undecided. The rnvernmnt n..r nn h. April condition of winter wheat and ry was inn vsnicie ior an attempted revival of activity. Th publication of th gov ernment figures nillrltlv rvalH hnvar that, no new Interest was stirred In the maraet by this Influence. Trsders who had bought In anticipation of a eood rron re port sold to take profits and prices of ran 011, aitnnugh the percentage of the condition of wheat was fully as high as had been exoected. The Indifference of thn stock market to inis ractor proved a disappointment to the trading element and It fell back upon the Erie financial problem as the repressive Influence on the mstket. There was no prospect of any definite Information during the Stock exchange session to show whether in pian was to become operative or not. but many varying rumors were used 'n the attempt to move prices. The confusion of mind over the Erie conditions was enhanced by the Intimation that the period would be extended for the assent of maturing notes to the plan. This removed the likelihood that the project would be declared abandoned Immediately on the expiration, at 3 o'clock today, f the period set by the bankers for receiving all of the outstanding notes in aaseni. un me other hand, the question arose Of the DOSltInn thA rnmnanv wnuM be In with the passing of the maturity of the notes without redemption. These notes sold off on the curb again to below 80. Reports of rains In Kansas offered newer conditions for the wheat crop than were reported by th Agricultural Departmcn and had more effect In sustaining prices. For eign Influences were In favor of higher prices, though In moderate degree. Borne distinct Improvement In the Investment tone was discernible both In London and on the continent. The announcement of the mer ger plan for Mexican railroads and the determination of the Interborough Metro politan to attempt a bond Issue rather than to resort to short term notes gave Impres sion of some growth of confidence In our own Investment situation. Dealings In the bond division of the stock market show some 1n cresslng variety In the number of Issues dealt In. but the aggregate transactions hold at a low ebb and the price movement continues Irregular. In spite of the exces sive dullness of the drallngs In stocks, floor traders ' find few offerings for sale and argue from this that no liquidation is being attempted. Comparatively light buying serves to ad vance prices and a strong technical posi tion ia argued from this. Rumors that the Erie plan would become operative grew more positive late in the day and rallied prices. The numerous shifts In the price movement so far offset each other that the day's net changes are not Important. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,506,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Following were the salea and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Bale. High. Low. Clot. Adami Expreea Amalgamated Coppr ... Am. C. y- Am. C. r. ptd Am. Cotton OH , Am. Cotton Oil pfd American Eipraei Am. H. A L. pfd , American . Ire Am. L.lnaeet Oil , Am. LlnMd Oil pn) Am. Locomotive Am. Lor-omotire pfd Am. 8. R Am. 8. R. pfd Am. Snsmr Refining- Am. Tnhacro pfd rtfa Anaconda Mining Co Atchiaon AirhlKon pfd , Atlantic Coaat Line.. Baltimore a Ohio .., Bel. 4c Ohio pfd 177 S3.iQ 6!H MH M4 l.CUU 13 2V S3-, MVi ... m. M It" ) 600 11 SO 21 H HO T'i 7 18 , 1714 700 44V4 tr. 44 I'M Dili l', 11 21, e Mlj (Tti f8 ioi w 124'" pn M4 M M 1 I'O H 7Uj 3D 1,504 1(H 11 n , ga l'M ii Vi 71 I0 tl MH 63 s .(WO 4'-j 4, l.7nft 1S7 lh 1SA 200 173 171 U, 17 J CO 3li 311, am 4TU 5H 6h 51, 3 18 1M 12.KOO 1184 111 11 16 30 BOO fiSUj U14 Mlt, I.ono 24 13 3-1 S 4,cn 7 tt at', 410 hii 0M4, 1 4r. 44' 444 l.ono 1174 117 117 2") 13 13's 13 S3' fl lit 16 1M 4W 101) 10' 20 I'll 63 53 e3 iit, tlu t.VXt 1H 1 D"0 rs 30 jiC ai wt j) 2: o 131 12 121 lift 4 1"0 M M it 24 Zl S4 Brook Ira Hepld T ,,...,, Canadian PacIRo Central ot New Jersey.... Cheeapeeli 6r Ohio Chicago Ot. W fhli-aio N. W ('., M. St. P , Chicago T. A T Chicago T. a T. ptd P.. C., C. St. L Colorado r. A I Coloredo a Bo .., Colo. eV go. lit pfd Colo. Bo.' M pfd Consolidated (laa Corn Products Corn Products pfd Delaware a Hudson Del.. U eV W Denver a Rio Grande.... I), a R. O. pfd nietlllers' Securities Brla Erie let pfd Erie M pfd General Electrlo Illinois Central International Paper ...... Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd.... 70 It 85 i!'i fi U 114 136 44 :7 51 M il in M 6J BS 52 lows Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City 80. K. U. Bo. pfd Loaiaville Ac N Mexican Central Minn. St. L. 100 tl H IK 2 114 'in, 34 M M.. St. P. a 8. a. M.... l.tOO 114 "i.ioi '44 700 U mo 1.3O0 Mt U . St. p. a 8. 8. M Missouri Facile ptd., M., K. A T M., K. a T. Pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd New York Central N. T.. O. W Norfolk W n. a w. pfd North Americas Pacific Mall Hennarlvanla People's Oaa P.. C. c. a 8t. L l."0 no a tl T"0 70S 62 51 ti !t'l l 4,f ll n UK M M4 Bl 70 33 15J 131.400 1054, .I0J4, mtt. lesed Steel Car Praeaed 8. C. pfd Pullmaa Palace Car Reading Reading let pfd Reading 2d !d Hepubllo Steel Republic Bteel pfd Rock Inland Co Rook lelend Co. pfd ... ft. u a e. r. id pfd... St. Louis B. W 8t. L. 8. W. pfd 4 100 l,xt 3,sio LOO 80 30 la 1 l K lTi r n lH 9 IK n 35 T41 300 14 i'.ixi '74 Southern Pad no 'T3H so. PaciAe pld Bo. Rallwar too 111 inv iim t.1'10 It 14 14 80. Railway pfd Tesaa a Peel no T.. 8t. L. A W t , it. u a w. pfd.... t'nloa Pacific t'nloo Pad So pfd l. 8. Eipreaa....r V. 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber. I'. 8. Rubber pfd V.. 8. Steel lT. 8. Bteel pfd Vs. -Carolina Chemical . Va-tero, I'bem. pfd.... Wabaah IK) It 17 ID 3 17 1 41V 100 11 42 t,m 127 12i 1-J7 7B ) 40 10 II , il 31 34 8 M ID 1IH, l 10 10 174 II 100 tt is 9 xa ) J. 3 M "' tt 19, K3 34 n 1 'ie 11 Wabaah pfd Kelle-rarxo Eipreea ... Weatlngtrauee Kleetns .. Weetern Vnioa Wheeling A L. Wteconein Central M0 KM Wis. Central pfd , Northern Paolfle 11.S0 127 1 v; Central Leather ' r' pt ,m Central Lnlktr pfd..,. Bloee-bhefflvld Bteel tlreet Northers pfd .... Interborough Met I"0 17', J 'i 44 !," 1?4 12a 2t' fc i 1.00 Jl 17 44 lit 21 Int. MM. DM t'tah Coiper k'K SO 3 Total aaiea for tha Say, 4e.2iM sharea. Loaaoa t'laslaa; Stocks. LONDON, April V. American scnrltle wre qulot and firm et the craning today. 1 1. iuii raciiic anu iiucagu. OIllwauKfe St 8t. Paul advanced U and the real of th- list showed gains of WuS over yesterday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: Conaole. moaey .. . I? 1-11 Ma., Kan. a Tn.. 21 do account .. ns.Vew York tentrel lul .. 1 Norfolk a Weal era., aau Anaconda Atchieon ......... .. a m ee pia .. M, Ontario a Wcwern .. M peimaylvaLLa' .1M Rand Minra . 1 so pfd 33 -45 54 14 40 7 l.i 51 34 Baltimore A Ohio I'eaedlen Pacific t'beaapeake a Ohio.. ll'Peadiag Chi. Ureal Weetern.. 4 southern Railway . Chi., Mil. Bl. P...U0 uo pfd D Beera 11 Southern Pacllls . Leaver 4 Rio C laioa Pacirlo ... do ' 54 do pfd rte lCnltd lum Steel ee ii pie , e pfd ...101 de 34 pfd ... 13 Wahaaa ... 15 So pfd ..... . . :M la 11 it Crane Trunk .. Illinois Central Louiefllle a Kaab...lui a mat CoDoer oiLtr tt-mr, quiet, at s&,d per ounce. Mtj.Ei per cent. The rate of diai-mint in the nnAn for short bills Is SSfeaH per cent; for three months' bills, , pr cent. Tnaisry ItaieaseBt. W A 8 H I NQ TON. Aortl lTr..i-. .. ... nieut of thd tn-aaury balattcce In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the ll5o,XVGi gold DAILY DEE: THURSDAY. rrve shows: Available cssh hslsnc, e.'m fSM.l4: gnld coin and bullion, 127.41,322; gold ccrtiricatfa, t-. 641.2 40. t IMeee Verk Mewry Market. NKW YORK, April g PRIME MF.R CANTlt.R PAPFR-tWH rr cnt. 8TER1.INO EXCH A NO K Firmer, with cttisl business In bankers' bills st $4 a:. 4 for demand and at M MlnfH.MSo for lsttydny bills; commercial bills. 14.11. PII,VER Psr. B4'4jc; Mrxlcan dollars, 47c. HOND8 Government, stesdy; railroad, Irregular. MONBT On call, easv, IVfyfflH per cent; ruling rate, 1 rn-r c-nt; closing bid. IV, ti rm, I'litirn at. n, per cent, xime losns, stesdy: sixty dsys. 20214 per cent; 7. y "" 'B,4i Vr cent; six months, v- irtii. The following are the closing quotations on bonds: l. 8. ret. 3s. rg....lHHL. N. unl. 4s 4 coupon i.ll 'Mil. t. g. 4e S3 V. B. 3a. reg KMei. Central 4a IJ do coupes lot do 1st inc 1S V. 8. 4a. reg , do coupon ...i"H"Mina. a St. u 4a. ro ...!JaM , K. a T. 4e M Am. Tobacco 4a do 4 Atchieon gen. 4a..... da adj. 4 Atlantic C. L. 4a.... Bal. a Ohio 4a do la Brk. R. T. c. 4a Central of Ga. 5a... do lt Inc do Id Inc do 3d Inc Cn-e. a Ohio 4o... ... 7 da 3a "- ...ll N. R. R. 01 M. . 4a 74 ... 44N. T. c. g. a ... an j. c. g. 6a. . ..123 ... 14 No. Pacific 4s ... 17 do la ... 1N. A W. e. 4a .. .. 71 '0. B. L. rtdg. 4a...., KWHPenn. or. Is 9 M 47 Reading gen. 4 .', St. L. a I. M. a 5a . mi "HBt. U a 8. r. tg. 4a. 7 St L I. S. t. k.. tl Chicago a A. I'M.. SO Kn.rrt 1 I. A't C n. a . n. 4a.... . Bo. Pacldo 4s S4 v.. n. a. ei r. ee e as Ut 4e rtf " . do col. 4b 44 Ba. Rallwar he SOU CCC. St. L. g. 4a. M Tmaa A P. la 104 vu.v. in,,, on, err. n. BJ-ST., St. 1. a W. 4a.. Tl ioio. sua. n r.ll!nlon PaclBc 4l... Colo. A Bo. 4s...- 7 do CT. 4a """ha 5a .l'lt!. g. Bteel 2d la. , sr. . ii . K u. a k. . 4a. ri Wabaah 1 .ire . 14 . 52 Manners' Sec. 5a. Erie p. 1. 4a .. aawtern Md. 4a... .. S3 w. a L. It. 4a.... do ln. 4a, . io- Hock. Val. 4a....,l3 Atchltoa ev. 4a... Japan 4a 741 do he do 4a rtra la inU 4e dn 2d eerlee 15 Bid. offered. . 7'5 . 51 Beaton Stack aad Boats. KOSTON. April 8. Money, call losns. 2', IrZ y r"ii time loans. 4m per cent. on xoiivwing were, in closing prices on " 1 " nn aim uunaa; Atchieon adj. 4a. .. A"' Atlantic .. 4Blnghanl .. lf al. A Mecla.... .. 74tntennlal .. S5f'opppp Rtnga fIi ..114 Daly West ..131 Franklin ..124 O ran by .. 17lie RnTale ..m Maaa. Mining ... ..LS7 Michigan .. UHMnhawk .. 10 Mont. C. A C... .. 5 Old Domlhloa ... ..i;4oasnia ..123 Parrot ..110Qulncy .. lPShannnn .. 52 Tamarack .. 15 Trinity . .S07 I'nlred Copper .. ...i:7i'. 8. Mining..., .. 10 IT. 8. Oil .. 45 rtah ... 51 Victoria ,..124 Winona .. 4(1 Wolrorina .. 37 North Bulla .. 34 Butle Coalition . .. KSHNerada do 4a Mm. Central 4e.... Atchlaon , , do pfd Morton A Maine... Boat on Elevated .. l-'ltrhburg pfd , Menlcan Central .. N. T.. N. H. A H I'nlon Pacific , Am. Arga. che-ra..., do pfd Am. l'neu. Tube..., Amer. tusar , do pfd Am. T. T Am. Woolea do pfd Dominion t. A 8.., Kdlaon Klec. Illu.., Ocueral Electrlo .. Maaa. Rlectrle do pfd Mass. Oaa I'nlted Fruit United 8. M. do pfd V. 8. Bteel do pfd Adventure Allouei Amalgamated . . an .so . 31 . 4 : . o . .i . 4 . tr. . 14 . Kl . 17 :S . so . 11 . 7 . M . . 18 . I . 5 ,1M . 53 . to 11 ... !Cal. A Arlinne Inn .. 4Ariaona Com II .. 51 Greene Cananea 8 New York Mialnar Btoeks. NEW YORK. April S. Closing quotations on mining stocss were Adams Con. 5 Little Chief ... . I .115 .5 . I . 81 . 30 . II .146 Alice Brecce Brunttwlck C4n. .. t3nmetork Tunnel Iroa Bllrer Con. Cal. A Va.. Leadrllla Con. .. ...176 Ontario ,.. 10 Onhlr ... I Potoal ...23 Savage ...120 R!rra Nevada, ... 44 Small Mope ,, ... 5 Standard Foreign Financial. LONDON. April 8. The better tone pre vailing at yesterday's close was fully msln talned on the Stock exchange today. The reinvesting of dividend money resulted In an Improvement In home rails and other first class securities, while more cheerful advices from Paris, assisted foreign snd Kaffirs. Tho settleiiHHit Is nroa-resslna- easily. American sharea were carried over ai irom to 3 per cent. The dealings In American railroads were narrow but the tone was firm In anticipation of a fa vorable report. PARIS, April 8 A better tone prevailed on the Bourne here today. RERUN, April ,8.i'rlces on the Bourse today, were very ,firni,,on the passing of the Reichstag yesterday, on the Bourse law. . Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Arjrll 8. Bank clearlne-a for In. day were 1.iSR.!9.25 and for the corres ponding aate laat year l.7fjrj,475.9o. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 8-METAIA-The Iiondon tin market was h'aher today, with spot 143 and futures il42. The local market was firm and higher In svmnathv with quotations rang nfe from 13 1'. 4 $31. 1 5. The tendon copper msrket showed little change, with spot quoted at &8 17s 6d and futures, 59 7s 6d. Locally the msrket waa weak and a shade lower, with I.ak tlS.874 fft-IS.UO; electrolytic. el2.7Bfll2.87tt, and cast ing. 12.5tiil2.62tt. Iad was lower In the Indon market, closing 13 17s nd. Locally leady was quiet at M.BO9.4.OO. Spelter was lower, declining to 21 7s 6d in London, but unchanged at ,4.8rK?H.70 locally. Iron was unchnnged to a shade higher on the Lon don market, with standard foundry quoted at 5fls d and Cloveland warrants 8Js. The local market was nominally easier on the southern grades, with demand verv slack No. 1 foundry northern. 1 "61R 75- No 2 foundry nirthirn. fl7.7r,ifi Ml- ten 1 .-n. rg nd I No 1. J southern eoft, tl7.25t18.00. w. i" Apnl METALS Lead, higher; 3.87tt. Selter. nominal, $4.55. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aorll 8 roT-mvTriit,,. opened steady; May, 8.26o; July, J.Slc Au gust. .25c: October, .a6c; tscember. .38o January. .2c. ' Ktitures closed steady ; Inrll a oo. .... Wc JUily, 9 43c; August .S8c; October .3oc; November, 9Sftc; December, .8bc January, .3Sc; Marc h, 9 3c. ' oi cotton Closed quiet: middling up lands, lO.iio: - ntlddliiia- arulf Inuw. a.i. . 6ti bales. ',.'. " ST. LOV1S. .Aorll Rk-rYVr-rnMa..-. nilddling. MMci salea, ahipments, none Re ceipts. A3 hales: stock, bales NEW ORLKANR, Anrll 8 -POT TOV Futures closed: Anrll.-Hlkin. .'. ., 78 June. 9.70c; Julv. f.e- e.uiet,' 9 55c: October, 9.36c: December, I Joe. Siot eaey: aalos. I17.U0. Low ordinary, 1-nie, noml nal; ordinary, S'ic: good ordinary. 8 8-lbc-1"Jmk,d"!,5' 7-,,ici middling, io,o; good middling, lOTc; middling. ll.c; -fair lc nominal. Evaporated Apples an Dried Frnlta. Ft.K8Markct Is tiuket. with pricea practic- , nnaence or buslne pin j air UU'llCi TOP. With OtlOtatlone nn.ln. - " 4'44U,. for.Callforala and from Vo to in? for- Oregons. Soma- reborts from the coast jstlmate a reduction of at least 10 per c?" in the new crop of apricots, but such era for the time being. Choice. 18rtc. tr choice 19f. '1c; fsnny. S0?4c. VaVhJi are ouoted . and unr-hsnged with choice at merioc: extra orielceV HWllUc fancv. and extra' fancy 1314?,' R"r'l' """' W',b loose tlil'e"te ouoted St 5tfilH4 - ralalns ku.a London layera7l fi6fil.7S. ra,'"D Wec; Wool Market. BOSTON." April -WOOL-TraiiBartlo.,. In the local won( market l.avT l"re..Pd ?" some estent and pries, reflectln the ftsr.l ening tendency In Undon, falrlv firm The market." however. 1. still !"',' wM.nir' upon th ood "'k"t. ST. LOl-IS. Anrl H.-WOOUWmIc medium grades rnrnKIng and clothing 1tUa roc: llgtit fine 1tl7c; hegvy fine, l-"Sl3c-tub washed, 23iTi9oe. ' Olls and Rasln. OIL CITY, Pa.. Aorll 8 -OIL Credit bal. snce, 81.78: runs. l&S .8; av7T, 5 3Li Shipments. 19S,ti7: average, 181.663. Btoek In 8lght. r t . m 11.. . . .. ..ipis nr nve stot g at the six principal western markets yeslt-rdav Cattle Hogs. , Sheep. 8.0" O 7,000 eouin timihi... Sioux City Kansaa City.... 0l ) t.ol ..... 1.54 t...U.0it 11, ma) 7A 143 Ml. IXIUIS St. Joseph. Chlcsgo ... Totals . ...Si5 M.245 :,&:z Stoag Cllr Llv Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la . April 8. -(Special Ttlr gram. ATTLERet;elp1s fSno head; inar ket lOt lilgher: beeves. 6.2&g1.00; coars snd hi-ifeis Uuaue 0. stot-kers snd fredrr HO'itTS; cslves and yearlings. 83 c4 2i HK.t4-Ho.,,ii 2 5tO head; market (k- to 10c lower; rauge, 8oiav, bulk, 85.7046.50. as a n,'uuc; choice. SWnStu.-. ,i,. VJRl L1 "Whanged. nnt: Wlthelandlng bullish ' reports roncprnlne- tne next c APRIL 9, 1908. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steert Slow and Lower, with Cow Stuff Steady. H003 MOSTLY TEN CENTS LOWES keep and l.ambs of All Kinds Very "law and Dall, wltk Prlrea Tea to Fifteen Cents Lower Tkaa Yesterday SOUTH OMAHA, April 8. ISnfc Recelpte were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Oftlclal Monday 1.8U jo.lsi OfncUl tj'uestlay 8.344 H..V9 i.(X'9 Estimate Wednesday ... 6.0U0 8.50 7,1X10 Three days this week. .11.113 17.437 19,114 Same days last week. ...lS,JrJ 17.282 tl.Wl Same days 2 weeks ago.ll.7K2 18.978 29.74t Same days I weeks ago.13.W4 84,141 29.769 Same days 4 weeks ago.l2,4:t 41.040 13.147 Same days last year... .16,239 23.948 22.777 The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omahs for th year to date, compared with last year: 1908 W7. Inc. Dec. Cattle 26,O60 JOo.iXW 0,H8 Hoti 84H.342 648. W3 197,409 Bheep 404.848 648.877 141.629 Tha following table snows the average Price of hog at South Omaha tor th last several days, with comparisons: Data I 1908. 1SOT.180$.1905.1?04.T908.1S02. March 27 5 22 C 111 27 5 131 ' 112 6 Hi ( M 6 06 ( 97 8 63 a 88 March 28. 6 6OV5 6 23 8 H I 10 6 17 5 08 5 14 8 09 $ 07 5 141 4 98 t 181 k 04 6 09 7 30 March 29. Marnh 80. March SI. April 1.... April i... April 8... April 4... April 5... April .... April 7... April 8... 81 Mi 8 30 8 26 e I 8 30 8 28, h t 57 8 78 a, m 8 43 8 46 7 21 T 28 7 7 3U 7 24 o sv Tl 5 80S1 6 4 6 15 ' 7 2) 64 0 73H 8 48 6 21 6 14 48 8 21 8 21 8 22 6 29 6 07 e 42 5 79 6 i2 8 74 6j 6 30 6 001 7 Ml 6 281 4 93 6 2i, 4 9H 7 24 1 21 88 8 84 36! Sunday. Th official number of cara of stock brought In today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. tj. ai. b. r 1 Wabash R, R. 1 Mo. Pac. Ry 2 I'nlon Pacific R. R... 78 C. . N. W. Ry east. 6 C. & N. W. Ry west, 71 C. St. P. M. tie O. .. 24 C. II. A g east,.. 8 V. B. & g., west,.. 2 C. R. I. & P., cast, .. 8 C. K. 1. P., west... 1 llllonis Central 4 C. Q. W J Totals ..233 8 4 &i 9 8 4 1 31 8 10 34 12 2 .. 1 8 .. .. 3 .. l'ii 29 6 The disposition of the day' recelpta waa aa follows, each buyer purchasing the nuiiioer 01 neaa indicated , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. uniana t'SCKing CO -. 4!J 1,037 Swift & Company , 644 1.3i9 5'J Cudahy Packing Co 7W 2,3iil 87S Armour & Co -1,270 1.3J9 81J Bnclan Packing Co i;6 W. D. B. Packing Co.... 118 St. Louis Co 18 4fi7 Kingman Packing Co 4S Bchwartschild & S.... Vansant &. Co Carey & Benton Lobman Rothchlld.. W. I. Stephen .. 1V .. 64 .. 10.1 .. 62 .. 1 .. 1M .. 8 .. 46 65 .. 115 .. 64 .. 77 Hill & Son F. P. lwls J. B. Root A Co.... Cudnhy Bros. Co. .. U Wolf McCreary & Carey Sam Werthmer .... H. P. Hamilton .... M. Hogerty Co.. 400 71 13 Sullivan Bros Iehmer Bros .. Nelson Morrles Other Buyers Total ..' 2 .. 611 462 . .8,026 7.S39 ,868 CATTLE RecelDts of rattle this morn lng numbered 238 cars and there was 1 very good sprinkling of pretty well finished and desirable beeves among the offerings. The market as a whole was against the sellers and the better the rattle were the poorer showing they made on the market The best of the cattle on sale. were corn- fiKl steers. Buyers were out In pretty fair season, but It was very evident that their oruers were more or less limited and that they were not feling very atrong as re gards values. Handy, light and medium weight steers were the best sellers. Csttle of that description sold anywhere from sieany 10 10c lower. Heavy cattle, even those of very good quality were very much neglected ana were extremely hard to move, tilds on that kind were anywhere from 10c to 20c lower than yesterday, with buyers not appearing at all anxious to secure them even at the decline. The fall ing off In the shipping and export trade at' eastern points Is apparently responsible for the condition of the market on heavy steers. Cows and heifers were In light suriDlv anil tne goon Kinds generally stesdy re gardless of the weakness prevailing In the beef steer trade. Some of the verv best feeders were per haps steady, but the general tendency of the feeder market was lower, with the trade alow, while stockers were extremely hard to move, even at the very low prices that have prevailed of late. Quotations on Cattle Good to choice cornfed steers, $A.26'rt4.90; fair to good cornfed steers, $S.76.25; common to fair cornfed steers, 8G.O0ifia.75; good to choice cows and heifers, 84.86 66. 86: fair to good cowa and heif ers, 83.7544.85: common to fair cowa and heifers. 82.003.76: good to choice stockers and feeders, I4.76&6.26; fair to good stock ers and feeders, 84.0U&4 76; common to fair stockers and feeders. 53.OTM7-4.00, BEEF STEERS, No 14...:... At. Pr. No. at. Pr. ... 47 4 25 ... 577 4 55 ... IT 5 50 ...554 5 D ...1141 5 65 ...flOl 5 75 ...1044 8 15 ... M 6 5) ...WO. 8 55 ...10': ( 00 ...1141 i On ...1134 4 0) ...rz"7 ton 405 II.... 40.... 41.... 11X6 4 14 ....11 4 ?0 ....1154 4 25 ,...1111 15 ..,.1124 4 50 ....110 8 55 ....1vt, 5 15 ....1S $ 50 ....5457 50 ....115 ( 55 ,...14W 4 55 ....lf 4 55 ....i:i 4 (0 ,...1HT 4 50 ....1437 4 0 4 t rl.... H ... 84.... 11.... 11.... 18.... 14.... 0.... !4... M.... 17.... 15... COWS. 7 14 K 94 53 11 14 :i 15 45 It ...1141 4 15 4.. ft.. I.. 5.. r. .... m 111 1 ....1008 4 75 ....1144 4 50 ....IW 5 00 ....11i4 5 00 .... th I AO ....1172 t 15 .... 5M 5 15 ....mi t 50 .... ;.J 1 in 4 .... 155 I 35 15 ....1141 8 50 4 .... 554 i 7a 17 .... Roi 4 l!t 5) ... .HI7 4 80 .... :t 4 so 1 ....1075 4 75 HEIFERS, 750 I 10 u la.. 17.. 11.. ., 44 5 II ..10711 4 75 ..1040 4 00 BOA ..1530 5 III .5110 4 10 .... 715 4 55 15 10S5 4 00 I BULLS. ....lion 1 is 1.... ....134 111 1.... ....1470 4 44 1.... ....1430 4 45 CALVES 414 4 0 I.... tt 1'W 4 5 1.... 141 5 54 140 4 (4 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS t 753 1 25 T 7S4 4 4A 1 675 4 on It 1WJ4 4 55 4 i 4 40 WESTERNS Love! ft Untitle. Montana. 71 steers.. ..lln (75 118 cows 858 4 50 4 cows..,. .I'M) i 50 Fred Jensen Wvo. 45 fu ders.. 841 5 10 8 feeders. . Ml 4 00 HOtJS Hogs sold mostly Inc lower this morning. In tome cases possibly the best hogs, such as shippers could une, did not show quite 10c decline, but there wcra plenty of them that did sell fully that much lower. The tradu, though alow at the opening, was reasonably active when once underway and the offerings were picked up In very good scstnn. The bulk of the hugs sold at ". 7'.' Va. 76, as afalnat to mii &o yesterdsy. Today's dec-line wipes out most of the advance made Mondsy and Tuesday, leaving the market not far from where It waa at the close of last week. Hrpresentatlva salea: So. .. 75.. 44.. 57.. I.1. . 4 . 5o.. 14 ... .. 50.. .. it... ... 44. . 15... 7(1 .. U... ., M . 44.., 51.., 44... 14... tl... 4 ., '... 1 ... !i4 . AT. ill. Pr. No. .151 40 8 74 . At. 6h. Pr. ...M 50 5 Tl't ..111 ... 11! . 144 Hi, .147 135 5 75 .-'i'l 40 5 75 . .241 IK, 5 V, ..2.. ... 5 75 10 5 15 'tM ... 8 75 . H5 ) 5 75 let 5 75 l ... 5 75 . 547 lid 5 75 .ttl ... 5 15 .ISO ... 5 75 . .215 100 5 75 . :7 so 5 75 wi a rw .545 ... 5 70 .;4 ... 5 70 . Il . . 5 70 IH SO 5 70 !i 1411 5 To 40 5 1" .1-1 50 5 7 .'.tl 140 5 10 .155 ... 5 70 .11 ... 5 74 71.... 57.... IS... 77.... 55 ... ej ... 71... 41.... 41.... 5: . ,. . . . 58.... .... .... W 7!.... 47.... 45..,. S ... II.... 51 ... 71... 14 III ... II ... n ... 57 5).... H ItJ ... 5 I'l ,.. 5 714 80 5 7';', ... 5 Vi ... 5 72 ,.. 5 7!, . I Tr", 50 5 7 .. 5 72 . 5 12si 5 5 7.S .. 5 12e 5 71, 40 4 7U', ... !, ft 5 7'e 5V 4 1i ...IM .,.& ...2:4 . . H-3 ...134 .. !1T ...1M .. itt ...I5e ...114 ...IV ...Nl ...B.I ...544 ...174 ...Ut ! ... 5 75 .. J71 ...S4J ...11 ...121 . ...154 ..11. ...1H4 . 5 75 5 5 75 4ft 8 75 8 75 .. 5 15 .. 8 74 .. 5 75 V) 5 77 u. 5.(7 1 ( 17 1 I 4 8 77 1 II 120 5 77:4, 1W ... ITil, TEIE FOUHDATIOn of evcrj successful business enlerprise is laid by the estab lishment of Banking Connections that are Sound, afc and Secure. i Start such a foundation now by opening au account with this strong Bank. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA THIRTEENTH AND FARIIAM STREETS Wn Interns, Paid nn Rprlificates nf ncimit S ww- . w a m ie UfstAlaiUrVikU ...m 4( 8 7J4 .. iso 8 n ....T ... 8(714 ... 8 774 ....till 150 5 T714, ...7 ... 4 7ll, ....Kit lo 5 7"Uj Ufl 5 771 ... 8 M ....:. 50 I 50 ,.tlk 7!V4 ..Hi ..11 ..tut .-.lis ..;s7 ... 4 ... I TJwi ... UIl, ... 8 7:n ... I TJV5 6K .' 4f 5 7?'4 19 5 71 H .SJO ... 5 Siu .i7 ... 8 Kl4 SHEET Receipts of sheep and lambs were quite liberal this morning snd there was a very fair sprinkling of sll kinds, both shorn and wool-d. Conditions gov erning the trsde could hardly have been worse so far ss the seller's Interrsts were concerned. The collapse of the mutton market In the east, followed by the heavy bresk In the Chicago market for sheep and lambs, was as a mstter of fact at the omiorn or tne trouble. This morning early advices from Chicago not only reported the market there as very slow and lower, hut aa the next thing to dead. Buvers at this point, accordingly atarted out not only with Instructions to buy their supplies lower, but with the evident Intention to act very cautiously. Hence ' It was the morning wore away with very llttlo busi ness being transscted. and It wss well along toward midday before a sufficient number of sheep and lambs had changed hands to really fix the msrket. Prices generally were fully 1016c low.-r all around. Quotations on lambs: Good to choice woolcd, 87.25tT7.80; fair to good woolod, 8.i6eii.25; good shearing lambs carrying 88-'68J7.85; good shearing lambs thin, is.00wi.60; shorn lambs. 600 under wooled atock. 1 Quotations on sheep: Good to choice light shorn yearlings, 88 2o-gi.55; fair to good shorn yearlings, W.OW8.2B: good to choice shorn wethers, 8800jj8.25; fair to good shorn wethers, 85.7T.ft6.O0; good to choice shorn JJMlIi.?1-8-00! 'alr 10 Rood shorn ewe 85.onrff8.60: shorn culls and bucks.; wooled sheep 25W40c above shorn stock. Representative sales: jno. 244 Colorado Mexican lamba .... i6 4t western feeder lambs 81 248 Mexican lambs 83 203 western yearlings and weth Tr. 7 85 7 Tf 7 35 ers, shorn 300 - 8 40 "2 Colorado-Mexican lambs .... 67 7 23 ,27 South Dakota lamba, feeders 1 6 80 631 South Dakota lambs, feeders 82 8 0 1H4 South Dskota lambs, feeders 61 80 5J7 South Dakota lambs, feeders 61 8 85 'ft. gu,h Dakota lambs, feeders 83 6 30 60 South Dakota lambs, feeders 83 6 75 CHICAGO LIVH STUCK MARKET Cattle Steady -Hoaa, Bheep aad Lamba Lower. CHICAGO. April 8.-CATTLE Receipts, 15.0fio head; msrket stesdy; steers. "..50'n7 40 cows. 83.604i6.76; heifers, $'J.40ifi.25; bulls' 83.WVrj5.i0; calves. 85.00fc6.76; stockers and feeders. l.1.25fr.lS. HOGS Receipts, 27,000 hesd: market KtplOe lower; choice shipping, 86.1f?f.15; butchers, 8.10S6.15; light mixed. $5.!5.Ofi; choice light, 85.60f,10; packing, 85.00; pigs. 84.6OtfS.50: bulk of sales, 83.9e00. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Keoelpts, 14.000 neaa; marxct weak to 10c lower; aheep, 84506.65; lambs, 86.60tj7.76; yearlings. 16.76 4i7.00. St. Loafs Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. April 8.-CATTLE Receipts. 8.500 head. Including 1.000 Texans; market for natives strong; Texans 60 lower; native shipping and export steers, $6 llv17.llo; dressed, beef and butcher steers. 8.30ift2f' steers under 1,000 pounds, 4.70ri(5.20; stock ers and feeders, 3.00iiM.a; cows and heif ers, 83.76g.00; canners, $2.(n3.00; bulls 8J.256.25; calves, 83.50(87.00; Texas and In dian steers, 83.50au.25; cows and heifers, 81765-4.25. HOGS Recelpta, 7.600 ' head; market Be lower; pigs and lights, 84.00fd6.00; packers. $5.603.00; butchers and best heavy, IS.tXhB' 8.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.500 head; market steady; native muttons, 84.85 876.75; lambs, 84.0GU80; culls and bucks. 84.1(HS6.60. Kaasaa City Lira Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY, April 8 CATTLE Re celpts, 6,000 head. Including 100 southerns. Market for steers steady to 15c lower, cows steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.506.90; fair to good, 8.156.46: western steers, 5.00.60; stockers and feeders, 8S.80CS.SO; southern steers, 84 50fjl 6 60; southern cows, 82.76414.. 76; native cows. 83.50fiS.70; native heifers. 84.0061.46: bulls $3 KOCdS .60; calves. 83.rfMS.OO. HOGS-Recelpts. 11.6M) head. Market wss BftlOc lower; top. 86.96; bulk of sales, 86 75 6.90; heavy. 85 8&-5.95; packers and butch ers. 85.76fc6.90; lights, 85.65i.80; pigs, U-2o 5.50, ' -SHEEP AND LAMFtS Receipts, 8 T0 head. Market 10(fj,30c lower; iBmhs. 87 00-9 7.80;, ewes and yearlings. 85.26(6 60; west ern yesrllngs. 825(f7.10; western sheen. 85 00 86.50; stockers and feeders, 83.50(5.00. St. Joaepb. Lie gtoek Market." ST. JOBEPH, April 8.-CATTLE-Recelpla I.816 heed; market slow; natives. 14. 654r; Th rows and heifers, 82.25,6.66; stockers and feeders. 83.7.V&4.76. HOGS Receipts. 6,145 hesd: market 10015c lower; bulk of sales. 85.77Wc5.95. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 273 head; market ateady; lambs, 87.4' 15 7.80; yearlings, 86 7647.26: wethers. .4(i-&7.(i.i- ewea e 6.65. ' " OtlAHA WlfULBPALB MARKET. Coaditloa at Trad and tjaotatlaaa aa tal aaas 8Taaer Fredaee. EGGS Fresh selling eggs, candied, 14c. BUTTER Common. lc; fancy tub and rolls, littfiau; creamery, tOo. CHEESE New full cream. Wlaeonelg twins. 17Hc new full cream brick, 17c; do. iieeiiu new DffiH, 10V1 lie w liniDurgcr. itJ 16c; young Atueiicans. 17c. LIVE t-OUL'lKY-Sprlnge. Uc; hena. lOci runaiTS. 4c; ducks. Si aeese. 7Ui. HAY Choice) No. 1 uplund. 87.6U: nallun 8860; No. 1 Dottom. Jo.Ou; off grades. 84.004 6.00. Ilys strsw. 87.00. No. 1 alfalfa. 8U.&X inuritAii gitL'lTS. BANANAS-Port Limoii, owing to alsa per bunch. 81.8" 88.00. ORANGES Extra funey. 80 ta 8S el.-. per box, 82 76; sxtra fancy. 112 alse, per box. 82.06; extra fancy, 126 and 160 site, per box. 83; extra fancy, 17ii, ao. 216, 20 sue per box. 83. 6; extra fancy. W'aablni..n navelu, 80 to isi sue, per bog, 82.5o; extra fancy, Washington navels, 112 slse, per box l-'.ii. extra fancy, Wsshlngton navels, 1 ' j mid IjO sue. iwr box. 82.7i; extra fancy Washington navels, 176, 2u0, Jia, J50 six prr box, 83. ' LEMONS Extra fancy, extra long keep ing, sw to 81 aise. per box. 84; extra chutes exlia long keeping, 8u0 and 8uo alie ie box, 83.76; extra fancy, 8u0 alxe, per box 83.50; extra thole Greyhound. 8V0 sis, utr tox. H . . , 8 RUITS. APPLES Wsshlngtoi.. Ron.s Baautlea Red Chea Pippins. Kings. Sors. auani per box. ll.W; California red winter pear mans, per box, 41 50. BTKAWBEKRIES Texas berries arrfv.4 Monday and aold for 80. Another lot cam. Tuesday and sold for 85. Probabilities ar they will mut as low as 84. UKAPs-s Msia.'a. clioii-e, per kef, l 00 Malaga, extra fancy, 84.6t'i extra choke. Per keg. 84.25; itut fancy, txira heavy. 5. iKA.-nur.Miit.a-ii.iiri ramy Bell snd Butle. per bbl.. 8i0.; extra fancr Jtn.v per bbU, 88.00; rH fancy Jersey per 8i u0. ' ' - PEA FR Extra fanoy wluter 11 Is, per box. 8-' 7. CAT LlfLOWER-Per I-doien cr.i. mm to H 8r ..... - LElTH B-riorldA head, par hamper U: py uw, 81-iwgi ao. - - . . anu NKW VEGETABLES. TOJiATOia-i'Wnda la-baakst cratssj. 2: A 51. mi i wwa aa iiwuiww W I S V 4 V V I BANK DEPOSITS GUARANTEED CITIZENS IiANK TRUST CO. . UBTLI8TnLl, OKXa. tats Depository. Larg-sat State Bank la Xaatera Oklahoma. Deposits guaranteed by State of Okla homa Uuaranty Kund. New fctate Law, affective l-'eb. 15th, 1908, provides Abto. lute Safety to Depositors In this bank. Under entire, control and supervision of State.which guarantees the return of your flepoalt In full under any clrcumetancea, ' pay I per cent on Savings and Tims Deposits. Make remittance In any form, or write for Information. per crate, 84.00; Cuban tomatoes, owing to Quality. 11.60 ta 88.00. TOMATOES Extra . fancy Florida 6 basket cistes) per ' Crate, '83.60; cholc Florida t6-basket crates), per crate, S3. PEPPERS-Klorlda t8-basket -vrates), per crate, 5J-Ai. CL CUMBERS Extra fancy hot house, Illinois (8 doa ), per box, 84 choice hot house, Illinois - (3 dos.), per boa, 88. Hot house radishes, head lettuce, onions, parsley, per dos., 40c. Southern radlshea, fiarsley, new beets, hew carrots, new ahai ots, owing to slse, pep doa., 40fc0e. old carrots, parsnips, turnips,; beets, per bbl., 82.26. RUTABAGAS Canadian, r)er lb., lot CABBAGE Extra fancy Holland seed, per lb., Hc. ONIONS Extra fancy Red Globe, ner lh.. 2Vo; Wisconsin yellow, per lb., 2c; Va lencia Spanish, per erate, 81.60; Valencia SpanlHh, lcXi-lb. crates, 84. 28 ONION BKfTS Vellow bottom. 82 lbs. la bu.. rer bu., $2. 75: red, S3; white, 83.26. SEED POTATOE8-Ksnsas sweet, per bbl.. 81.86; 6-bu. lots, 81. 76. ' KUTS, CIDER, HONEY, DATES, CELERY Coacoanuts, each 6c; per sack, 84. No. 1 selected California English Walnuts, per lb., 17Vc. Filberts, Brsslls, Jumbo pecans, butternuts, per sack, 12Vo. No. 1 hand picked peanuts, roasted. 8c; raw, 60. HONEY-Callfornla, strlcUy fancy, 24-' frsnies, per esse, 83 76. CELERY Florida, per crate, J3:W.' DATES Sugar walnut, per box. 8100. BEEF CUTS.. Ribs: No. 1, 15c; No, I, 12c; No. 8, W4c : Ix)lns: No. 1, 19c; No. 3. 15cj No. 8, KVc. Chuck: No. L 8c; No. 8, 7Vc;, No. J, To. Round: No. 1, 10c; No. 8, 8vc: -No. S, 8 Vie. Plate: No. 1, 8c; No." 8. 6Hc; No. 8, 6c. MISCELLANEOUS. . CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west era. 76c. Tomatoes, fen-iy, 3-pound cans, 81.46; atapdard, 8-pound cans, 11.30. Pine apples, grated,- Z-poutMt.. 52.2D4ji.2v; sliced, 81.8ii5.86. Gaiu.n apjiies 84.60, California: apricots, 82.5610 3.80. Pears, 8.lo2.16. Peaches. $l.lna3J6. I C. Peachca, 82.10.4 (.16. Alaska salmon, red, 81.40; fancy 1 .iiiuui.a., imi, ee.Au, uvjr sui'sejrej, list, 82.15. Sardines, quarter oil, 83.60; three.: quarters mustard, 38.35. Sweet potatoes, : 81.26'1.36. Sauerkraut. 860. Pumpkins, io tfjl.00. Lima beans, ' 2-poi:nd, Ticti 11.26. ! Soaked beans, 2-pound, 66c.; fancy, 31.rniil.4S. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes ' are somewii&i uuseiuea Dy ireer orrerlngs from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies ot Immediate grades. Quo tations rang from 60 to o for California fruit and from 6 Via to 80 for Oregon. Peaches are very firm, with fancy yellowa quoted at 15V. SUGAR- Granulated, can, per aack, 16 40; beet, 86.00. cut loaf, 6c; cubes, 6ta; pow. dered, 6.1fc COFFEE Roasfed. No. 86, 26o; No. 80, 21c; No. V lc; No. 20, 140, ' FISH Halibut, llo; trout, lie; pickerel, 10c; plk, 80; plk, fresh, frosen, 12o; whit fish, 18c; buffalo, )c.; bullheads, skinned And dressed, 13c; catfish, dressed, 16c; whit sunflsh, 6&9c; crapplea, 16c; large erapple. 16c; herring, frtrh. frosen, 4V5o; whit fish, fsrch, 7c; whit bass, 14c: black bass, 2; roren. ISfilfc-i olckerel. fraah. frosen. in HIDES AND TALLOW Green Baited. No. 1 L 6c; No. 8, 4c; bull hidea, 80; green un- ! salted. No. 1, 4c; grean uiwaltil, No. S, 8c: CLABAUGH CONTRADICTS HOYE ' Deelares lie Nevef Offered e Pall ' Toner nani5a n.i eam ' fS Raea. The defense In the gas opntrsct case : started Ita Inning Wednesday rooming with . a number .of denials of the evidence Intro- j duced by the plaintiff. ' r .. I O. W. Clabaugn. vie president and sec retary of the gaa eompany, denied th testl- mony of former Councilman ; Hoy that ! Clabaugh and told him, Hoye, that if he would support tho ga contract ordinance -he, Clabaugh, would use his Influence to pull Tony Donahoe out of the contest for sheriff against Hoye. Mr- Clabaugh Said he had had no such conversation with 1 Hoye. ' ,1 Coimcllmen Huntington and Djrbgll both, denied they had had th conversation testl- , fled to by Dav O'Brien. O'Brien said thy had told him to so to see Clabaugh about th o-dlnance. Superintendent Waring of the gas company waa again on th stand. He testified It required five, cubic feet of gaa per hour to lllumlnat th entire mantel In a Welsbach burner. Thla la th amount called for in th con.tra.rt. Waring said th burner waa adjusted to hum flva fset of gaa per hour at th mlnlroum presaur and when tha pressure mas high, .he said, th lamp, would burn mor gaa than th contract amount. Deputy City Attorney Dunn on cross examination aought to show the gas pressure -eould be - manipulated from the gaa plant, but Mr, Waring said thla could be done pnly by causing con siderable trouble to other customers. PAROLED BOY SAYS HE STOLE Yoath . Whom Dee a ' Peei-aer Teek from Javeatt tear Coa fesaea (a ttealla;. Ed SJorrlion, it .scar of sue, waa ar rested about 10 oclikk ' Tuesday Mght at his home, lia North Nineteenth atreet, charged with stealing quantlty of har nesa from th EMprussnleii' pellvery eom pany. He confessed Wfjdofxlay morning In police court. . ' ... J " Tha arrest of Morrison was ' mad by Officer Mitchell and Sullivan,' with th two apfctal'rallwgy officers.' Alofrison con fessed to having stolen a ten-pound bog of candy from a freight- car , on .March t5. This confession lj-d .to g lescch. of tli premises and tha stolen baraess was found, lonlson alao cnnfeskng to that theft, Toung Morriaon wss nc-ently befor th juvenile uiurt for suiua misdemeanor and had bees paroled to Key. Q. A, . Beecher, dean of Trinity 4-ajkerlral. Dean' Beecher waa at the city Jail .Wednesday morning to look afUs tl case. "The young 4jlprit will be held fir furtW htsrliig.